dogt3eeth · 1 month
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I have so many projects on my plate so enjoy an oldish loceit doodle
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the-duke-of-nuts · 8 months
What Are You Willing To Do?
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lil-toastie-boi · 11 months
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Janus Sanders Kin Stimboard!
x x x / x x x / x x x
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retrostimz · 6 months
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Sanders Sides Stimboards (5/7 - Janus/Deceit)
🍷🍷🍷 | 🍷🐍🍷 | 🍷🍷🍷
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ronithesnail · 5 months
“Aw man i was really feeling the christmas spirit with all the juicy party drama and now youve all killed the vibe!”
Yeah yeah remus is chaos and enjoys chaos but listen. Remus is the side of uncomfortable truth. Yes he is intrusive thought but that’s cuz he wants thomas to see everything, no matter how unpleasant or unproductive for thomas. That’s why he so pushy with logan and wanting him to go apeshit. He doesn’t like things being bottled up he wants everything to come out.
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stardustsides · 10 months
okay okay OKAY but hear me out …. a wicked au (in which i will be explaining the characters for those unfamiliar)
logan is elphaba. nerdy, socially awkward, and destined to become the misunderstood wicked witch of the west, logan was always top of his class, despite being shunned for being green. he’s a skilled magician, and has learned to be a little prickly and standoffish towards his peers.
patton is glinda—bubbly and ditzy, but ultimately good hearted, patton starts the story as logan’s roommate, and the two form an unlikely friendship. over the course of the show, he grows from an airheaded college student to the good witch we know from “the wizard of oz”. (also. her blue bubble dress SCREAMS patton.)
roman is fiyero—the laid back, handsome prince who cares more for having fun and partying rather than dealing with any political unrest. he and patton initially start dating, believing that they’re perfect together, but he eventually falls for logan (and may or may not get turned into a scarecrow)
other characters:
virgil is nessarose, elphaba’s younger sister who becomes the wicked witch of the east
remus is boq, which doesn’t really fit but oh well, turns into the tin man
and janus is the wizard of oz
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onelonelymono · 1 year
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a bunch of sanders sides art that i didn't want to put in its own post
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soysaucevictim · 1 year
Gdi, during dishes - I had the mental image of the Dork Sides doing some headbanging.
No matter the iteration.
(And I have the mental image of Virgil doing the Angry Metalcore Crabwalk and I'm cracking tf up.)
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idrawgaystffs · 2 years
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I think I see a pattern with what I like
[Click for quality, Reblogs Appreciated!]
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lily-janus · 2 years
We See Each Other Only In Hamilton Sing-Alongs
Summary: Janus and Roman are left alone in the mindscape... this might turn out better than you think..
Pairing: Roceit
Warnings: pretty sure none but be sure to let me know if I missed anything.
Disclaimer: this work features original lyrics by Lin-Manual Miranda from his musical Hamilton.
Word count: 1,056
Janus woke up in a start to an all too familiar sound of what is, undoubtedly, the famous musical Hamilton. 
The others were helping Thomas today which he figured means he'll finally have the mindscape to himself, even Remus was absent. But he should have guessed he wouldn't be so lucky, guess he's not the only one not needed today…
With a groan he got up and snapped his regular outfit on before walking to the common area and stopping suddenly at the bottom of the stairs.
Roman wasn't just putting on the musical for background music, no, the prince was full on singing along and performing the songs, clearly thinking he's alone.
He hadn't noticed Janus yet and, after he got over his shock, he was content to watch him smugly from the sidelines. It was very entertaining.
Then, Janus' favorite song for… reasons we will not discuss, started playing, The Room Where It Happens.
He wasn't sure what drove him, maybe he just wanted to relish Roman's look on his face when Janus seemingly joined him out of nowhere, maybe he just loved the song too much not to sing along with it. 
But for whatever reason, Janus began singing with Arron Burr as he stepped into the middle of the room and right next to the fanciful side. The shock was present on his face, yes, but he was still an actor absorbed in a performance, and he quickly continued with Hamilton's lines and before either of them realized, they were performing together.
"Did you hear the news about good old general mercer?" Janus asked Roman smoothly.
"No" Roman answered simply, adoring a curious look.
"You know Clermont street?" Janus started explaining with a smirk. "They renamed it after him. The Mercer legacy is secured."
"Sure." Roman shrugged lightly.
"And all he had to do was die." Janus mused.
"Now that's a lot less work." Roman chuckled.
"We oughta give it a try." Janus smirked and Roman let out a little laugh.
They were getting more and more into character, resentment and painful history forgotten for the sake of performing their roles in the song.
All too soon, the song came to an end and with a snap of Roman's fingers, the music died down, leaving the two sides in awkward silence.
"Deceit… I… didn't realize you were here." Roman said quietly, not meeting his eyes.
Janus shrugged. "My services weren't needed today." Then he smirked. "Looks like you were having fun."
Roman blushed and scowled at him. "Haven't you mocked me enough, snake?"
Janus raised his hands in surrender. "I was just teasing, here I thought we were getting along."
"Yeah? Well think again, I don't associate with deceitful evil doers." Roman folded his arms over his chest in defiance.
"Oh come now, is that a way to speak to a fellow Hamilton fan?" Janus smirked challengingly at Roman.
"Your taste in music has nothing to do with this! And knowing one song doesn't make you a true fan such as myself anyway." Roman scoffed.
Janus raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And what if I told you I know the entire musical by heart? Will that per-chance put me on the same pedestal you put yourself at?" Janus asked smoothly.
Roman burst into a boastful laugh for a few moments before seeing Janus' expression hadn't changed. "Oh, you're serious. You kidding me? You? Quite with the lying, we both know that can't possibly be true."
Janus smirked with satisfaction, that was exactly the reaction he was aiming for. "Is that a challenge I hear?"
"With you? I'd rather fight venomous snakes than do anything with you." Roman spat.
Janus sighed dramatically. "I see, I get it, you're intimidated, understandably so. I'll leave you be then." He turned to go up the stairs.
"Don't think I don't see what you're doing!" Roman called after him. "Your tricks won't work on me anymore!"
"I'm terribly sorry but I don't speak cowardly." Janus smirked, snickering to himself.
"You think you're better than me, snake? Bring it on." Roman at last relented, like Janus knew he would.
He turned back to face the prince. "If you insist." He snapped his fingers and the first song of the musical started playing. "The first who forgets the lyrics loses."
"You're on."
"Careful how you proceed, good man
Intemperate indeed, good man
Answer for the accusations I lay at your feet or
Prepare to bleed, good man" Janus sang to Roman warringly, so far neither of them forgot the lyrics and they were nearing the end of the play.
"Burr, your grievance is legitimate
I stand by what I said, every bit of it
You stand only for yourself
It’s what you do
I can’t apologize because it’s true." Roman proceeded without faltering.
"Um… I'm not the only one seeing this, right?" Virgil whispered to the other three sides beside him, staring at the two enemies perform and sing alongside each other.
"Oh ho, you know I see it! Go off Janny!" Remus whooped excitedly before either of the sides had time to try and shoosh him.
The music stopped abruptly and both sides turned sharply towards the group. 
"H-hey guys! How long have you been standing there?" Roman smiled shyly.
Logan rolled his eyes. "Long enough, believe me. If you need me, I'll be in my room." He said and quickly sank out.
"That was some great performing kiddos!" Patton smiled cheerfully.
"Oh… thanks Pat."
"Oh don't sound so surprised." Janus and Roman said together.
Patton giggled. "Glad you two are getting along." He winked and sank out as well.
"Well, you two seem to be having fun." Remus shimmied his shoulders.
"Okay! I'm going to pretend like I never saw and heard that." Virgil shuddered and disappeared.
"Virge, wait! It's not what it looks like-" Roman called after as he sank out as well. 
"So…" Remus grinned at Janus. "You and my brother…"
Janus' cheeks flared. "Shut up, Remus." He said and disappeared as well. This was nothing but having fun toying with the prince to stop his boredom, he just… lost track of time.
That didn't stop them, however, from secretly commencing a rematch since their previous one was interrupted before a winner was declared… and a rematch after that since the second ended at a tie…
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Me: Dammit. Brain. Come ON. WRITE.
Mel (That Goth Chick; Dark/Main Creativity), after looking at more Remus fan art: How bout you draw iZ!Remus murderizing some Dead Enders?
Me: Yes, I'd love to but- *angrily gestures at giant pile of art/writing ideas that just keeps getting bigger.*
Mel, giggling: Oh, what's one more to the pile.
Prudence (The Nurse; basically an Analoceit fusion of fxns): Wow. Okay. This is a ticket to choice paralysis town.
Me: Aaand water is WET.
Liam, prancing into frame (The Hippie; Light Creativity): Don't forget to work on that Gymrat!Dukexiety drawing! Don't they make the cutest couple?
Mel, having a moment of realization and starts to whine some more: O-oh yeah... we had that Promethean!Patton thing to do. Religiosity is haaard...
Prudence: And you will be covering a very sensitive subject matter. You need to tread carefully on that one.
Prudence: Whatever do you mean? I'm just doing my job ensuring you've done your research. Psychology fascinates you on good day, anyways.
Me: Don't you dare use my special interests against me, man.
Prudence: I'm only trying to help.
Mel, eyeing Prudence: Yeah well, I'm just waiting on sOMEONE to digest the material so I can finish that thing.
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mimmixerenard · 10 months
Another day, another collab with my beloved best friend @janus-cadet ! And what better subject to work on than the ineffable spouses, a few weeks in the wake of Good Omens season 2?
Don't worry, however, because if you haven't watched it already (do it), you can enjoy the drawing nonetheless ! It's a spoiler-free, self-indulgent collaboration fanart — both Janus and I wanted to get our kick out of drawing Aziraphale and Crowley as female presenting (because Janus saw a pic of Micheal Sheen slaying in a dress...). And frankly... they rock it! So! without further ado, here comes the drawing:
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Btw, Janus is the one who did the background — I simply added my own touches here and there in it. So big shout out to them for this amazing aesthetic bar background! Really ties it all together.
Click for better quality!
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As always, it was a pleasure to collab with you, my friend - I hope we'll find the time to do it again someday, even though we both will be quite busy in the upcoming years <3
(More close-ups under the cut!)
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And some bottles ;)
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ask-mirage-mews · 8 months
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Janus: “I do enjoy indulging in more youthful activities. The Tree of Beginnings is where I feel at my safest so allowing myself to be playful is a treat I suppose.”
@puzzled-zebra | @umberarin
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pencilpat · 9 months
The Janus and Remus interactions we do have are so fun, I love how Janus is so chill with Remus's weirdness like he doesn't stop him from eating spaghetti with a straw even though he finds it weird, and he's concerned about Remus being in the hospital and not taking it seriously yet when Remus wants to play sleepover games he immediately gets super into it all smirking and grinning, and his little "Ohhh Remus" when he steps in his own beartrap in that promotional vid implying things like this happen often enough for him to be lightheartedly exasperated when it does, and fully just letting him wreak havoc in the The Sides Need a Nice day video, giving him so many chances to express and indulge himself and his imagination, no matter how weird he finds it. "Freaks deserve nice days, too." He fully acknowledges that Remus is a little weird, but dammit that weirdness deserves to be expressed and shown love too.
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maysrinn · 1 month
In the Capitol AU, is Ma Plinth the honorary grandmother of the Snow children? The one that Lucy Gray likes to visit and leave the kids with?
She is 💫
Grandma’am despised Lucy Gray to the core and besides Janus, none of the other children got to meet Grandma'am, as she passed away just a year after he was born, coinciding with Coriolanus being 25 years old in the timeline. She possibly only accepted her great grandson for primarily resembling Coriolanus. Not surprisingly, Grandma'am never referred to Janus as Sejanus, a fact that didn't bother Coriolanus at all but was quite unlike Lucy Gray's reaction.
On the other hand, Mrs. Plinth always sprung into action whenever a new baby was born, eagerly offering her assistance to Lucy Gray. Lucy Gray gladly accepted her help because it felt genuine, unlike the maids and Avoxes of the household who were either paid or coerced into their duties. Additionally, Ma treated Lucy Gray with genuine love, viewing her as a beloved daughter-in-law. This warmth and affection from Ma made Lucy Gray feel comfortable leaving her kids with the Plinths, whom she genuinely enjoyed visiting.
However, Lucy Gray isn't quite sure about Strabo. This uncertainty stems mainly from his distant demeanor and his overly strict nature, which makes him a bit difficult to connect with.
I adore the image of Ma doting on each grandchild, eagerly showering them with every treat imaginable. Rosie, in particular, is a little sugar-addicted gremlin, constantly in need of an energy boost, and Ma is more than happy to oblige. Rosie points excitedly at pictures of decadent cakes, pastries, or cookies, exclaiming, "THIS, THIS, THIS!!" and eagerly awaits her Grandmama to work her magic in the kitchen.
Although Lucy Gray does try to intervene and caution Ma about giving the children too much sugar, her efforts often fall short against Ma's loving indulgence. After all, who can resist the allure of those sweet, delightful treats made with Grandmama’s tender care?
No Xanthos is not forgotten! He’s actually just like Rosie just not as vocal and hyperactive about treats and snacks XD he craves them, oh yes, and Ma always notices even if he doesn’t right out say it.
Mrs. Plinth is among the rare few who refer to Janus by his full name, Sejanus, which doesn't sit well with Coriolanus.
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jojosjunk · 9 months
Imagine this-
The sides aren't separated over the years due to "positive" and "negative" influence like Thomas has presented to us, but by left brain and right brain.
Patton, Roman, and Remus are the right brain.
Logan, Janus, and Virgil are the left.
Imagine a Patton who knew one creativity and then knew two, and accepted them both because he didn't have anyone else and he loves both his weird sons.
Imagine a Logan who developed beside Virgil and Janus and can understands social situations a little better.
Imagine a Roman who doesn't feel like he has to be the good twin and indulges his darker thoughts a little more than ours.
Imagine a Remus who's a little more reserved because he's not carrying the entire burden of being the bad twin.
Imagine a Virgil who's more practical and actually gets a long with Janus. A Virgil who does go overboard sometimes, but that's okay because he did it with good reason.
Imagine a Janus who's rarely ever sarcastic because he doesn't need to be, he doesn't need to hide the pain of being the bad guy.
I just love the idea of the power placements flipping in the mind palace, because depending on how you separate three to three, depends on how they might interact.
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