#in reality i like spiders but yknow spiders eat ants-
puffpastrycrimewatch · 2 months
You ant'd joofie earlier
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lonelyghosts-stuff · 3 years
Marvel’s What If Episode 5 Reaction
Oh boy I heard this is the zombie one. Cmon Gianna you can do this. You’ve seen every single episode of The Simpsons including the Treehouse of Horror episodes which are pretty gory for an animated show. Man I’m pathetic
Man I just wanna Loki episode 😭
I know it seems pathetic how nervous I am, but ever since I was a kid I’ve had a bad fear of zombies affecting even my sleep paralysis
Whenever the Watcher says “Time.” at the beginning of the intro, I keep thinking it’s Morgan Freeman lol
I wonder how the zombie apocalypse starts
Ah crap it’s Infinity War related
I wonder if Bruce would be immune to the zombie infection cuz of the Hulk
Honestly? Mark Ruffalo is one of the best voice actors from the original cast I’ve seen
We haven’t seen Tony’s face yet or any of their faces yet… uhhhh
Ah damn
Oh poor wong
Damn they still have their powers as zombies
Well they were defeated quickly
Oh hey spider man and hope! Wait where’s Scott????
No mourning or crying your friends died?
“From a place of hope.” Uh oh. What’s the Pyms do this episode?
Dangit Hank
Uh oh Zombie fam
Well that was fast
Thanks a lot avengers
Well that was fast. A shrinking, almost impossible to see, zombie. At least we’ve got an army of flesh eating ants?
Thanks for the homemade video Peter
Weird that Tom Holland isn’t voicing Peter. I know he can voice act and he’s clearly sticking with the mcu for at least a little longer…
Poor Happy lol
“I’m not single, I’m saving myself for Thor.” Lmao me but with Loki
Hey at least Kurt is still alive!
Oh so is Sharon
Okoye is alive too!
Odd Peter isn’t like depressed considering not only did Tony die, but I’m assuming Aunt May and his best friends did too…
Oh that’s a cool place for a hideout! High above the streets held up by webbing! Just hope Hank Pym zombie is dead though because he can fly and shrink…
Spider-Man is oddly optimistic. Like yes he’s a bubbly teen in highschool but cmon. Be a little more pessimistic lmao. Even if you find a cure, too many people have been killed killed for it to be an easy fix. You’ll never see Tony again.
Poor Happy lmao
Oh that’s one way to kill a zombie
Split up? Okoye I thought you’d be smarter than this…
Oh happy has an Iron Man glove
Man I hope Bucky is okay
Uh oh
Hawkeye Dangit
Oh poor Peter
Peter look out!
Dang I’m kinda surprised Sam got zombified considering he can fly
Really Sharon? Blam?
Dangit Bucky 😂
Hey since Scott is dead, maybe
Spider man supreme
Yea you should’ve stayed together
Uh oh
Run… tell the others
Uh oh
Poor Bucky… you gotta kill him. He cant be saved like he saved you
Winter soldier all over again
End of line lmao. Still pulling one liners when killing ya best friend.
Oh poor Sharon
Finally the shield had realistic physics with killing people like that
Oh wow that was gory. Poor Sharon. Uh oh Hope.
Dangit Peter 😂
Yea how do you stay upbeat?
Well that got depressing fast
Now he does sound kinda like tom Holland, but not really. I’m confused.
Out of gas? Welp. Check that off the list of zombie cliches lol. That’s a lot of zombies.
Hope gonna sacrifice herself.
Giant hope. Gonna smoosh and get bitten as well I bet.
Yep Peter really losing everyone
Hope just shrink and fly you can still—okay never mind
Banner, maybe you would have been better with Thanos?
Babayaga? Watch her exist in this dimension.
Oh vision! Since he’s a robot is he immune?
Oh cool the stone is the key.
Oh he’s just a head
Yo it’s futurama lmao
Uhhhh hey Scott your girlfriend just died outside. Sorry
Of course Wakanda is still okay
Bucky you know splitting up is a bad idea!!! Get back here?
And Wanda!!!
Oh no
Vision is evil
A swap of Wanda Vision
Love does suck
Dammit Vision
Uh oh
Maybe run?
The scarlet zombie
What was your prom like Scott?
Wingardium leviosa!
Dammit vision!!!!
How is she so powerful as a zombie but Stephen strange who has had more experience died so easily
I’m honestly shocked Vision would do something like this. It seems so out of character. I mean, the keeping her alive is probably realistic, but sacrificing innocent people to feed her sounds really out of character. Yknow, with his whole android super intelligence thing… and seeing his reactions in WandaVision really makes this feel out of character… eh whatever… it’s an alternative reality…
Man it’s infinity war all over again
Oh yay hulk saved Bruce
Well, Bucky has survived longer falls in the past so…
Poor Peter. You’re an avenger now, kid!
If he still stays in Hulk form couldn’t he possibly be immune?
Or are we gonna get a zombie hulk? Because if so, lol we’re all doomed. An unkillable zombie
Giant hope zombie
Poor Scott…
Soooo Bruce? Is he good? We just leaving him behind
Poor Peter jeez
“In my culture, death is not the end.” Oh man I’m gonna cry… I miss Chadwick so much. I didn’t know he was going to be in this episode. Wakanda forever, King.
“The world could use a little heart.” Well Scott doesn’t exactly have a body or a heart soooo…
Oh crap zombie Thanos. How did he get all the stones?
Wait what???? That’s it???? We don’t get any closure???? What about Banner? What about the cure? What??? Oh come on! Not even a part two? Are you kidding???
Well that is a disappointing ending… gotta say I had higher hopes… even if it had a bad ending, I was hoping for like, well, AN ENDING.
Need part two. Not enough questions answered. How did Thanos get zombified? You’d think he’d be pretty invulnerable with all the stones. He also only just came to earth. What about Bucky? Sure he was yeeted but he’s survived longer falls. And Banner? What about Thor and the guardians? Would an asgardian even be affected by zombieism? I mean we saw other aliens get affected so probably, but still.
Too many unanswered questions. Felt like they wanted to tell more but the editor sneezed and cut the episode in half on accident.
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