#in his OG setting he's a vampire of sorts
koilarist · 2 years
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Figured I'd post an old Lark piece from last year's Kinktober!
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littlejuicebox · 3 months
Shoutout Sunday
Here I am again with another recommendation list! This one is a bit different from the last, in that these recs are all fics written in third person rather than second person POV. Listed in no particular order. I wanted to include some smaller writers and newer pieces that may have not gained much traction yet!
I know I write a lot of second person POV, and I also enjoy reading this POV. BUT, I do want to encourage people to consider reading both first and third person work as well. 
Some of these pieces are THE most compelling things I’ve ever read. Especially when someone’s OC is involved. Creators put A LOT of love into their OC work. If you like a creator’s second person stuff, I strongly encourage you to read their things written in other POVS… there’s a high chance it’s even better than their second person work, tbh.
All recommendations are below the cut. Happy Reading!
Thrice Before Dawn by @cursedhaglette- This is a smut piece set in Act 1. I promise you all that I thought about this fic for days after I read it. Physically made me blush. Top tier banter and the ending is chef’s kiss. It’s sort of a One Shot but I believe it’s also an ongoing collection/series. 
Starlit Skirts by @wilteddreamsofbaldursgate - This One Shot is the fluffiest fluff to ever fluff. This piece made me tear up. Every piece of Emi’s is divine. Astarion is working on creating Tav’s wedding dress and has been for months. The issue is, it’s requiring constant altering.
Blood in the Mortar by @bardic-inspo (tumblr) / bardic_inspo (AO3) - An AA One Shot that is beautifully written and exceptionally compelling, based on the concept of AA’s love interest being a vampire bride. Her OC Naomi is fantastic! OP hasn’t written smut in over a year and yet she does well, as if it’s her day job. 
Memories of Us by @tallymonster - I maintain this is the only AU longfic I currently read and I adore it. There are a few chapters I am dying to catch up on. This version of Astarion is so interesting, I really like how she works with the concept of a vampire outliving all of his prior friends/contacts. 
Slow Dancing in a Burning Room by @tragedybunny - Bunny is an OG, I’m certain most of you are familiar with her One Shots. She has a huge Masterlist, and surely you can throw a dart and any title it hits will be a win. But this AA series is a new longfic work of hers and I cannot wait to see where she takes it. 
Loose the Arrow by pentuppen (AO3 only, unsure if the tumblr blog is the same person?) - This is the first BG3/Ascended Astarion longfic ever read and I was hooked. It inspired me to start writing myself! This storyline is compelling and the perfect blend of angst/comfort/smut.  I’m not going to give away the plot, but the author’s summary itself is intriguing. Here’s a bit: “One night every year. She is always there waiting and he will always come.”
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rainbowcarousels · 5 months
Nicki for the character asks thing
Sexuality Headcanon: Somewhere on the bisexual spectrum but god only knows where. I think it's harder to label him because he doesn't really ascribe to them, but the way I see it, Nicki finds someone interesting or he doesn't, what's under their clothes is generally not part of that decision making process.
Gender Headcanon: Cis dude.
A ship I have with said character: Lestat/Nicki might be my OG m/m ship. I did ship Buffy/Faith Back In The Day, but this was the ship that lit things up for me because the interplay of them being sort of Sun and Moon really appeals to me. The bitterness of it and the beauty, that it's a tragedy that leaves such a mark on Lestat (and I think to a degree, Armand because of where he was mentally at the time) and that they got to have this brief period of being happy lost boys before they lost each other.
A BROTP I have with said character: I mean, I did literally write Nicki & Bianca's Excellent adventure but I understand why that might be a strange choice. Other than that, definitely Eleni, like she gets him and he doesn't want to set her on fire. That's as close as it gets.
A NOTP I have with said character: I don't know if I have one. Maybe Louis, actually, because I feel like he'd gack at the idea of it.
A random headcanon: That he talks to himself a lot, but it was generally under his breath before he became a vampire or just looked like pacing. Post-death, it comes out in full blown alliterative monologues. I think I showcased it pretty well in the disobedience that holds us together, but I think it's just that switch between being able to show a level of control and losing that control so everything just spills out like a broken faucet. I love looking at what gets amplified by the process of being a vampire and I think a semblence of civility is up there for Nicki, like the control of his mental vs what comes out is definitely compromised.
General Opinion over said character: He's an asshole and I love him. There's just something about the sheer will of it, like discovering the thing that brings you joy a little bit too late and wanting more time but the moment you get more time, you're too broken by a traumatic experience with a cult and the sense of betrayal with Lestat.
It is something I think gets forgotten sometimes, that he got gaslighted over his experience of seeing him pulled away out the window and everything he see's at Renaud's is dismissed so he spirals. Music is the only thing that makes sense and there's all this desolation of the soul wrapped up in that.
Also, he was Armand's first connection to the world after being out of it for so long, and I think some of that bitterness towards the world did infect him too. Nicki has one of the strongest imprints on the series while having so little 'screen'time, his ghost haunts those hallways and leaves its mark everywhere. There's always going to be something of him in Lestat's shadow.
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iapetusneume · 1 year
Wing Tier List - Primarch Version
So, because my partners encouraged me to write this and there seems to be a few mutuals who are interested, I’ve compiled my Wing Tier List for the Primarchs. This is inspired by this post about an exchange between Jaghatai Khan and Mortarion shortly after Mortarion ascended to be a Daemon Primarch. I am in no way an expert in 40k tabletop rules or lore - these rulings were made mostly off of Vibes with a dash of the lore that I know - or of wings on fictional characters. I’m just someone who has spent way too much time thinking about this.
I should also mention that, while it is impossible for me to be Normal about liking Sanguinius, this did not influence the actual rankings.
(I’m going to try to use official art as best I can.)
So, let’s get to it!
Contender: Sanguinius of the Blood Angels
Because to start off with anyone else would be heresy. His wings are so well-known that he carries the nickname “the Angel” among his brothers as well as the other Legions. Jokingly and lovingly called Hawk-Boy by fandom. Commonly-known in canon as one of the two most prettiest primarchs. Wings so significant that when I went to google “which primarchs have wings” to make sure I wasn’t missing someone Obvious, I got this:
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Yeah, I didn’t even say Sanguinius in my search, but Google just Knew. (And also, thank you so much to @plagueplanethq​ for helping me fact-check how many Primarchs actually have wings.)
Anyways. Sanguinius is first to be evaluated because he’s the OG winged-primarch. He’s also happens to be the only Loyalist on this list.
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Analysis: When setting out to do the look for Sanguinius, the original artists leaned in super hard to the “Angel” keyword and not so much the “vampire” part. If you showed me a picture of Sanguinius before I was into 40k and asked me what he is, I would have never guessed “vampire.” I have seen these sorts of wings hundreds of times. Are they nicely done? Oh definitely. Does he make it look good? Absolutely. How unique is it? ...not really? He’s an angel, and has white wings. The artists understood the assignment and did a great job, but this isn’t exactly new:
7 / 10
Contender: Angron of the World Eaters
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Analysis: When a dude has a nickname like “the Red Angel,” well, of course he’ll eventually get wings. I was a little worried at first that this was going to be too much “traditional demon or devil” wings, but I do like some of the detail on the model! Doing skin and/or scales for the wings also feels more practical for someone pledged to Khorne, because it feels like a chance of less maintenance than if feathers get all messy. (IRL birds will go take baths and such when they need it, but is Angron going to bother? That’s up for debate.) The spikes are very nice, and the few holes in the wings add some personality. It’s also a good reminder that they’re flying because magic and because the Warp laughs in the face of science. Consider me pleasantly surprised:
7 / 10
Contender: Magnus the Red of the Thousand Sons
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Analysis: Feathers make sense for the guy pledged to a god who has birb motifs going on. I really appreciate the fact that these feathers are distinct, and have a bit of character. Also, honorable mention to hexygoblin‘s paint job here, which is stunning. He’s definitely got the best feathers on wings. I also feel like Tzeentch would appreciate a bit of style:
8 / 10
Contender: Fulgrim of the Emperor’s Children
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Analysis: It is truly a shame that we don’t have a more current model for Daemon Primarch Fulgrim. I am forced to go off of the vibe of the model and that first image of him screaming to try to make a wing assessment. This looks fairly standard for what one might think of demons or devils, and I gotta say, I’m not impressed? The second drawing suggests feathers, which would make sense for the Phoenix. Mostly, I would expect the primarch who pledged themself to the Lord of Excess to be more... excessive? I’ve seen some cool fanart for different wing interpretations for Fulgrim, but I’m trying to go off of ‘canon’ as much as I can here:
5 / 10
(I will have to reassess one day when he gets a new Daemon Primarch model. Maybe we don'thave one yet because it isn't perfect.)
Contender: Mortarion of the Death Guard
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Analysis: I’m definitely getting moth vibes from the way the wings are done on the model. This model was also designed a bit more naturally to look like he’s flying. Artist took the prompt of “decay, so probably flies” and gave him flies on the model, which means bonus wings. But this isn’t a “how many wings” contest, this is for “coolest wings.” (Mortarion would win for sheer quantity of wings because of all of the flies.) There’s no way he’s flying with those wings without Warp Shenanigans. I feel like these are the most unique out of all of them. The paint job and also how the wings looks like they’re trying to be tatters also suggests the futile fight against entropy, which is the Lord of Decay’s bag:
9 / 10
Honorable mention (since he’s not a primarch) is Vashtorr, because I wanted a 10 / 10 on this list:
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Coolest wings, for sure. Should they be able to fly? Absolutely not. But Chaos Gods don’t care what you think is logical.
10 / 10
*drumroll* WINNER OF THE [PRIMARCH] TIER LIST IS...........
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beevean · 8 months
something something call me racist if you want, but I wish a character in Nocturne, whether Annette or an OC, was a human who escaped from vampire slavery, instead of a black person who escaped from historically real slavery.
Remember that from the original NFCV? How Hector thought turning humans into cattle would have been the most merciful option? How he himself became (allegedly) a slave to a clique of vampires, with his abuser believing that being her pet was the best fate for him? How that was the latter's original plan all along, together with world domination? Why couldn't we keep that?
Actually, didn't Sun Thundercat have a stash of girls in her Siberian home? Wouldn't it have been interesting to see how that would impact a person's psyche? Being treated as a source of food at best, a cute animal in general, a sex slave at worst? (I'd avoid the latter ofc, I don't trust this show to tackle sexual trauma, but the allegory is blatant anyway)
I think it would have fit the setting more. You know, Castlevania? That franchise with vampires? That never tried to be historically accurate, not even in the OG show? I can watch all sorts of movies and documentaries to learn about the slavery of the time - a more fantastical spin on the trope with its unique consequences would have worked better and helped Nocturne keep its identity.
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swordmaid · 4 months
anyway some post bg3 hcs / rando shri’iia hcs that has been swimming around in my head that I haven’t shared yet (I think …)
- shri’iia is now growing out her eyebrows lool. the reason why she kept them shaved is that it’s very easy to change her appearance w makeup when her face is just bare but now that she doesn’t need to pretend to be someone else anymore she just grows them out albeit they’re growing out quite slowly. i think in the epilogue party they’re barely there so she probs draw them for the most part ..
- she gave up all the intel she collected for her matriarch on the menzoberranzan nobles (+ their houses) to the mirror of loss. it is her closing the door on that life so to speak, since she knows she can’t ever go back, and the knowledge that she has collected can either ruin or uplift depending on who gets it and how it is used. but shri’iia refuses to be a participant in that game anymore, and she
- that saying, her matriarch has assassins hunting her down because shri’iia knows too much and she is not meant to be ‘known’ or ‘exist’ anyway. the matriarch is nothing but meticulous, and it’s better to cut off a loose thread than run the risk of it unraveling the whole thing. not to mention that shri’iia is now an apostate of lolth, a heretic who turned away from the spider queen, and now she’s doing lolth a favour by getting rid of her.
like shri’iia’s og oath being how she will punish those who betray lolth (and her matriarch’s house) and now she is that very traitor it is so very olivia wilde nod.gif to me
- THAT saying she is travelling the world with astarion ..!!! considering that they can’t really stay in one place because she has drow assassins on her tail AND she’s very adamant on looking for a cure for his vampirism. not to mention that she is very much new to the world ..!! baby girl hasn’t left the underdark until the whole illithid shit and he spent 200 years in cazador’s kennels so now they’re travelling and exploring, living their best life but they only go out at night lol. they spend their mornings lounging and lazing about bc she can’t really go out due to her sunlight sensitivity, but when the sun sets they go out and become night time tourists with the occasional heroics (and extortion) on the side 🫶
- i also like the idea of them wearing a promise ring. i think marriage or anything of the sort is very far down the line for them, and it’s really not something they have in mind, but to have that prospect of maybe they can have something like that in the future is something that’s appealing to them. it’s also a reminder of the commitment they have for each other which I think it’s quite nice … I think they’re both a bit shy with their genuine feelings which is so 🤭🌝😳😳 kind of cute to me LMFAO.
anyway the promise rings are def stolen but I’m debating whether shri’iia looted it off a corpse or astarion stole it from some jeweller. or maybe both- like they somehow found near identical looking rings from diff people and they just decided to keep it. but the rings are made of platinum with a ruby centre stone. I think astarion’s ring is much more elaborate and intricate than shri’iia’s, with filigrees decorating the band and small clusters of gem around the prongs but the centre ruby is a much deeper red, whereas shri’iia’s band is a simpler design but her ruby is much brighter - def the highlight of the whole ring. it also matches their eyes lol
- shri’iia is also learning how to speak more fluently in the surface language/common tongue. she knew enough to communicate but she is def more comfortable speaking in drowic (both verbal and in sign language). but now that she is living in the surface, she’s def learning how to speak the language so she can communicate better. also wondering if astarion were to understand her if she spoke drowic since the elven language sounds similar - and drowic prob stemmed from it anyway - so maybe they could understand each other??? hmmm … lots of thoughts abt that anyway I also like the idea that he helps her out in that department lol
- also she is def developing a new wardrobe. since they’re always travelling to new places I like the idea of her adopting the fashion styles and trends the different region has + mixing that with her own that’s v much influenced by the fashion in menzoberranzan. anyway am I planning to make a lookbook for her some day maybe so…!
- I also like the idea of eilistraee - or members of eilistraee’s clergy reaching out to her since their beliefs and her newfound oath very much aligns with each other. but I think shri’iia is still very scarred from her worship of Lolth, and she’s very aware of the depths of her own devotion so following another goddess - or anyone else in the matter tbh is out of the question for her. this freedom she’s given is still new to her, and she wants to see what she can make out of it, and she doesn’t want to be held back by anything or anyone anymore so she is not going to be following anything else anytime soon…!! in the future she might chance her mind (or not) but for now … I don’t think she will follow eilistraee.
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jeza-red · 2 years
@omicheese tagged me to list fav characters from 10 things woohoo! Thank you! Let's try:)
1. Geralt Tarrant from Coldfire Trilogy. Magnificent bastard to end them all.
2. Milva from the Witcher Books. I just have feelings about this amazing womanTT So much love for the archer Queen.
3. Gilbert from Bloodborne. He was my first friend in the game and his window was a place of safety. Also, he's like, ten of my favourite character tropes rolled into one xD
4. Thorin Oakenshield from Hobbit Trilogy. The man. The legend. The perfect angsty, brave, tragic figure. Handsome too ;]
5. Predator. Each of them. Just, my boy.
6. Victoria from Blood Ties. Probably my second favourite female character. Just a cool gal, detectiving her way around vampires and the like:)
7. Probably my favourite girl in fiction is Gerda. From Snow Queen by HC Andersen. The OG of a girl protagonist to me, brave and dedicated, and following her set path.
8. Azhrarn the Lord of Darkness. The Demon Lord. The Big Ham. Beautiful. Selfish. Powerful. Move, over Lestat, you're not even close to that league.
9. James from Silent Hill. This one was a toss-up between James and Red Pyramid, but in the end James is helpless and pathetic, and forever confused. I like that in a character.
10. I was going to list Kormac from Diablo 3 as my favourite idiot, but then I remembered how much I absolutely adore the female Witch Doctor XD She's just so easygoing and unproblematic, taking things as they come and sorting them out with no struggle.
I will tag @kyuuley and @the-quiet-carrotcake and @hongvanngh :)
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memes-saved-me · 2 years
Curious, how many of the Vampire Chronicles have you read? I loved Interview with the Vampire, The Vampire Lestat(though I thought it weird he kept checking out his literal mom he turned into a vampire), The Queen Of The Damned(making me hate how inaccurate the movie is but loving that the movie had an amazing soundtrack), and stopped at the Body Swapping one that I believe was the fourth book because at that point the writing quality and the vampire Lestat just got too weird for me.
I've read the exact same as you lol. I was obsessed with the movie growing up. I used to watch it constantly on vhs and then sort of forgot about it until I was 18 and found out it was a book. Keep in mind my mother who saw the movie twice in cinemas has read the og trilogy and just didn't mention it existed so I got a hold of them and read through Interview and Lestat in like 2 weeks (I had uni work as well lol) but got stuck and had to force my way through queen of the damned. Body thief I got so bored of after 2 chapters. Once I found out she fired her editor and pushed Louis aside I dropped it and like to pretend the og trilogy is the only books that count lol.
Interview With The Vampire is my favourite book. It just is THE book for me and it will probably stay at that status forever. I have three copies, one of which I got at a bus station and its literally falling apart so I'm going to use the pages for something one day. But yes that book is just brilliant in so many ways and I love it so much.
The Vampire Lestat I love that book so much but I love Lestat so getting his life story and his chaotic adventures is just so much fun. Nicholas😭 and the Vampires of Paris were so interesting to read about for the first time. The Gabrielle thing is....yeah not good and tbh I blocked that out the first time for the better but I do love her as a character.
Queen of The Damned was just urgh. I don't like Akasha and skipped a lot of her scenes with Lestat because I just don't care?? The concert and all the vampires meeting again was great and really entertaining, Daniel and Armand is just one of my favourite plotlines but Akasha and that whole thing was boring. I don't care about the origin of vampires or Lestat becoming overpowered. It was too ambitious for my liking, I like the domestic love and fighting not Lestat saying he loves Louis then fucking off with Akasha the night day.
I tried Body Thief multiple times but just couldn't be bothered and after reading about what happens I was really put off and probably won't try it again. I'm not interested in reading about Lestat messing around with anyone who looks his way and Louis just waiting around for him. My main love for this series is Loustat and their relationship through bad and good. So yeah I didn't bother after that.
Rice herself said she lost interest in Louis and regretted letting him slip to the sidelines but then again she went way off the rails storywise and Lestat being indestructible is boring. Plus the modern setting isn't as satisfying as the historical ones.
There's a few vine compilations of these 3 books on my YouTube lol from when I got into the books and even shows where I fell off.
Thanks for asking because I will ramble about this series so hour haha
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So, I got caught up on Boom Buffy again.
And, for the first time in ages, I’m now caught up on Boom Angel, now that I know that it continued with Angel & Spike.
At first, I sort of felt like Buffy had kind of lost the plot with this Silas arc--and maybe didn’t really know where it was going, or what it wanted to do--but I don’t know. I really got into it again with the last two volumes. I’m excited to see where it goes.
I do kind of feel like Angel’s lost the plot, though? Part of me wants to say what was the point of all the Bangel set up if we’re not doing it yet. And are doing Angel/Kate instead. But ehh. I guess we’re probably waiting to do Bangel until Buffy’s an adult in this AU. Still a little weird, though, to almost bait and switch.
And about Angel and Kate... I don’t know how to feel about it. Not so much Angel/Kate or anything about Kate herself. But the weird thing they decided to do, where Kate is apparently the reincarnation of Angel’s former vampire lover “Mara.” What?
I get that this an AU, of course. And there have to be changes, and they can’t just tell the same story over.
But I just... I don’t know.
I feel like I kind of get what they were going for with it? Kate was so anti-vampire in the original show. So how about in this AU, she was a vampire in a previous life, and is having vampire-like desires again, as a sense of irony. And maybe to fix some of the problems people had with her before. As her issues with Angel got old pretty fast in AtS. (I also know that Kate was originally supposed to be a love interest for Angel, something that the show dropped, that they’re clearly going for here).
But I just don’t know if it works? I feel like if they go into this too deeply, they’re going to change her character too much. And I know that sometimes you have to make characters do the opposite of what they would usually do to develop them (that’s what happened with Angel all the time in AtS), but I feel like there’s a line.
But back to Mara... I feel like she’s sort of a cross between Darla and OG!Drusilla? So far we’ve yet to see or hear anything about Darla, so I’m assuming for the moment that she doesn’t exist in this universe. Mara’s name is similar to hers--and is a blonde like she was--and was Angelus’ lover. So, points in that column (but instead of Darla or Mara changing him, he changed her. Because, again, this is an AU). And that’s sort of how the Drusilla ties come in. Because in this, while Dru exists and Angelus did change her... he didn’t drive her insane. So he must not have tortured her (as much, anyway?). And she’s not his biggest accomplishment/regret. He sees Mara as that. He thinks he destroyed her, because she was some sort of vampire hunter--and was trying to kill him--before he changed her, and he destroyed all that she was.
And there, I can kind of see some of the connections to Kate, I guess, and why they did this. But I still don’t think it works for me.
I also just... I don’t know if they planned this all along when they came up with the idea of Mara. I just don’t feel like they did, for some reason. But I could be dead wrong, of course.
Another issue I have, though, is I feel like this is getting into some Buffy/Angel(us) territory somewhat. And now I’m afraid that that story might not be as good as it could have been in this universe, if the Angel/Kate relationship hadn’t come first, but we’ll see, I guess.
I do feel like the Angel/Kate relationship is going to be destructive (again; even though Angel is trying to do right by Kate!Mara this time [which sure sounds like his attempted Darla redemption arc, when Darla came back as a human in AtS to me]), sadly--Spike seems to think so, anyway--whereas Buffy will once again be Angel’s guiding light. So maybe that’s how it will be different?
I’m also confused about Oz. I thought the preview made it sound like he was from an alternate universe--where all his friends were destroyed--and he’d come to this universe to warn them of that same danger coming after them, so the same thing wouldn’t happen to them... But so far, that hasn’t come up. Is he just waiting to tell them. Now that we’ve seen a second Angel and Spike from another universe, will Oz finally spill the beans. Or is there going to be another Oz that shows up, who is the Oz from the preview, where that happens?
I also... don’t really like all this weird stuff going on with Fred. With all the different voices and stuff in her head, and all her different powers (also, the part where she was tricked into letting a demon possess her to save her friends, and then became the lead of Wolfram & Hart). I know this is an AU, and they have to make it somewhat different, but I sort of wish they would have just had it be Illyria who possesses her again. -shrugs-
...Man, this is a lot of rambling and ranting about the recent Angel & Spike comics. And it probably sounds like I hate them. I swear I don’t. There’s definitely some good there. I guess I’m just more confused than anything. And curious about where they’re going with it all, and really praying they have a solid direction for it all... hopefully they will.
Edit: And am I the only one who finds it really weird that we don’t see Angel’s reaction to anything that happened after he got possessed by the Hellmother in the Hellmouth crossover and had to fight Buffy at all?
Edit 2: Even though I was the one who said I wanted Oz on Team Angel (but that was more in the OG story), I kind of don’t know why they put him there? But if they can come up with some interesting stories, I’m all for it. That one preview idea, sounds solid. But, like, there are really no guys in the Scoobies right now, so you’d think that maybe he would have gone to Sunnydale. But nope. Oh well...
Speaking of, it was funny when Oz mentioned that he was from Sunnydale and Angel just frowned and said, “That town is Hell.”
See? I swear I’m not totally ragging on the Angel & Spike comics!
I also feel like Spike is kind of the shining beacon in these comics, as of late! He’s just so funny! As always. Haha.
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charmspoint · 3 years
THANK YOU FOR SAYING THAT ABT THE BSD MANGA ILY THANK YOU I FEEL LIKE MY OPINION IS FINALLY VALIDATED WHICH IS: BSD has turned meh. I have become indifferent towards the plot due to the fact there are no real stakes - I feel like the OP characters like Dazai will always have a solution with a deus ex machina feel to it, making it impossible for me to care. With the recent chaos happening in the manga (I too gave up on the manga a year or so ago!), I was baffled to find out I could no longer enjoy it. My memory is poor, and I can't really pinpoint it at the moment, but BSD just... doesn't engage me as it used to. Keep in mind I was an obsessive fan of it and analyzed it to the tiniest details, but all of my great love for the series has long died, sadly. But! I am glad to hear you feel similarly about it because, yes, the potential was there, but it got terribly wasted.
Bruh don't I feel it, me and @autumn-foxfire have like monthly bitch sessions about the state of bsd at this point. I was also super invested in it in initial arcs (Up until the guild arc ended) and then slowly started petering off only to drop it the first time around the hunting dogs introduction. Then after some time i was like okay ill go give it a second shot, came to the vampire arc went 'wow this is really fuckin stupid' and dropped it again. Idk will I pick it up again, maybe I'll just stick to being an anime only, even tho I also have problems with some adaptation things but that's BESIDES THE POINT.
Please click under for The Point
The thing about Kafka is: He's really good at coming up with interesting concepts and ideas and REALLY BAD at executing them in any sort of satisfying way. Like, when I say I only like bsd until the end of the guild arc, I don't mean it was perfect. It could have handled it's female cast better, it would have been fun to see more mafia and agency team ups besides soukoku and shin soukoku, I still don't get why shin soukoku is supposed to be a replacement in training since Dazai and Chuuya still work together perfectly and even if they hate each other they hate each other less than Akutagawa and Atsushi AND have way more experience fighting together but that once again is besides the point. The point being those arcs of bsd were SATISFYING. We got introduced to two organizations, seen them butt heads and then have them forced to work together against a common enemy. It's very simple but it's effective and it's satisfying.
And then the rats struck.
While up until then bsd wasn't perfect it was fun and had lovable characters and an interesting plot and engaging dynamics. Rats arc wasn't horrible per say, the idea of the cannibalization was really fun (Though I think Kafka should have used it to get rid of Mori, nobody fuckin likes Mori) but this is where we slowly get introduced to what I think are two main failings of Kafka's writing: That he's unable to handle characters properly and that he likes writing smart things but doesn't know how to write smart things.
Kafka has a very, very bad habit of INTRODUCING TOO MANY FUCKING CHARCTERS. Every arc is a new massive group with like a bunch of members, one of who may actually end up being fleshed out before they are inventiblely replaced by another large group or maybe two why the fuck not. The mafia and the guild left lasting impressions on me and I can still name all the main members but fuck me if i know a single rat aside from Fyodor (AND ILL GET TO FYODOR). Kafka feels like someone who's idea of rising conflict is 'introduce a bigger enemy each time' and it's just so annoying. Chapters and arcs end up centering around these groups of new characters while old characters, who we loved the manga for, just fall into obscurity. He almost had me in the hunting dogs arc by giving Yosano a backstory. I was so excited! I was like!!! finally development for the agency!!! But that barely went anywhere did it. I've talked about this with Foxy but it really feels like Kafka is just BORED of the og characters and is trying to silently sideline them for his new shiny characters. When's the last time we saw Chuuya again, you know, the ex partner of one of the series protagonists? The next predicted mafia head? Is he important? Foxy tells me Dazai's been sidelined too, fUCKIN DAZAI, for a good while I was sure Kafka liked Dazai a lot better than Atsuhi for protagonist and now he's getting sidelined. I know bsd is still really popular in japan but at this point i think it would have been more merciful for Kafka to just end bsd and start a new manga with new characters instead of doing whatever weird metamorphosis this is turning out to be.
Introducing new characters isn't a bad thing of course, but bsd has become mcdonalds of new characters. They are cheap and disposable. I can't feel anything for them because I know nine times out of ten they'll barely make any impact and they'll disappear as soon as the new group slides in. When adding new characters you should do so while knowing what role those characters will play in your plot, what will they bring. If a character is just there to waffle around until they get shoved away they should probably be cut because they are wasting time and space. AND YOU SHOULDN'T SIDE LINE YOUR CORE CAST FOR UR SHINY NEW CHARACTERS YOU'LL GET BORED OF IN COUPLE OF ARCS ANYWAY, ARE YOU A TODDLER???
I still think that bsd could have been SO much better if instead of focusing on the next big evil group they just focused on shifting tension between the agency and the mafia. I mean they've had to team up for the guild and then they immediately got thrown into the cannibalization. It would have been interesting to see them pull against and pull towards those ties made during the guild arc when they are forcefully pitted against each other again (and decide that killing mori would be in everyone's best interest). Instead we got, idk I already forgot what the rats arc ended up being about, atsushi and aku team up again yadda yadda yadda, Chuuya gets done dirty and never recovers, Fyodor ruins Dazai
SO ABOUT FYODOR. As I said, Kafka strikes me as someone who REALLY likes to write geniuses and who wants people to think he's super smart but also has no idea how to show his work. At first this was okay. We had Dazai and Ranpo who were very good at pushing the plot along and sometimes you'd get explained how they got to that conclusion and sometimes you didn't but it usually wasn't a big deal. But then the writing became more and more and more of 'well he's smart so he figured it out so just trust me' without actually explaining anything and as you said, it ended up feeling boring, unengaging and very deus ex machina. You know what Kafka's writing reminds me off? That video about how Sherlock is so happy to stroke itself to how smart they look while never showing their work, you know the one. Kafka likes writing smart characters but doesn't actually know how to write smart characters so instead of giving us reasons and clues and explanations to how they come to some conclusion, how they predicted or planned or whatever, he just goes 'oh well they are super smart so they figured it out'. I don't think I need to explained why this is bad, annoying and unengaging writing. This is why i say Fyodor ruined Dazai for me, Dazai was fine as a genius but then they had to pit him against Fyodor who's another genius and things just got ridiculous. You know how in that sherlock video the guy points out the one scene that encapsulates every irritating thing about sherlocks writing. This had been it for me and BSD (thank you Foxy for helping me find the panels)
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THATS NOT HOW CODES WORK, THATS NOT HOW ANYTHING WORKS, THEY WOULD JUST BE COMING UP WITH TWO DIFFERENT SETS OF CODES HERE. Even if they were both smart enough to remember every conversation in detail, how on earth are they supposed to 'guess out' what the other means. How are they supposed to confirm or deny that's what a certain word means in a way that can be understood, how can they even guess what the word the other guessed is IF THEY ARE BOTH TALKING IN CODE. KAFKA'S ANSWER: THEY'RE MONSTERS, THEY ARE JUST THAT SMART, NO NEED TO EXPLAIN IT BECAUSE THEY ARE JUST THAT SMART AND THAT'S YOUR SOLUTION AND THAT'S BULLSHIT. This scene broke bsd in half for me and honestly made me dislike Dazai for a long time (I got better), but it honestly shows so well how Kafka wanted to make his characters so smart he actually made his manga really fuckin stupid, ruining very good and interesting concept he had started with.
In the end, Kafka writes how I wrote when I was 15. With no idea where the plot is headed, adding new characters and situations whenever it strikes his fancy whether they work for the story or not, ending up just flopping around plot holes and fizzled out character arcs and boring ass writing. And that's fine for a 15yr old writing fanfiction. It's not fine for a presumably grown ass published author of a relatively popular manga.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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deanmarywinchester · 3 years
3, 4, 20
hi noa, hope your firefighters are winning!!!
ok these answers are gonna be about my wip that I’ve been calling “wife dean fic” but that’s titled “men like me,” which is an alternate s13 in which dean says yes to au michael during the widow arc
4: Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
I just really like this bit from dean and cas’s reunion. “did it look cool like in the movies” ass
But out of the corner of his eye, Dean sees Michael’s true form lunge, and Jack yelps, and the world dissolves into nothingness.
An eyeblink later, the three of them are back in the bunker, and Jack’s saying “Oh, I guess I can fly with passengers now! Cool,” and Dean’s saying, automatic, “I told you, flying sounds stupid. Call it teleporting. Like Star Trek,” and then it all becomes too much for him, the fight and Michael and the inexpert flying and the way he froze all over when Cas appeared, and he’s throwing up on the war room floor.
20: what’s some meta (themes, symbolism, characterization) you want to ramble to people about?
one of the things im trying my best to get right is having jack learn “do as I say, not as I do” from Sam. sam considers jack worth standing up for in ways where he won’t stand up for himself, and protects jack in ways where he’s willing to throw his own life away. and Jack’s learning from Sam’s actions, not his words
3: what is one scene you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be bothered to write all the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it anyway)
THANK you for this question which I will shamelessly use to post a scene that it’s killing me to cut bc I had to cut the context. below the cut, a newly vampired Max Banes talks hunting with dean. it’s from an earlier version where sam’s hunter community is made of OG hunters not au hunters, but I ended up having to use au hunters as a shorthand. SOME version of this scene is going in my next (banes-centric) fic, i hope!
“You’re taking this pretty well.”
Max gives a short laugh, like he’s testing it out to see if he can find the humor in it. Dean isn’t sure if he succeeds. “Yeah, well. Vampires. Kinda hot, honestly, maybe I’ll pull better with a certain type of guy.”
“You sure you want that type of guy? I’ve met the kind of chicks who are into that Twilight crap, and man, they are not worth the effort.”
“Yeah.” Max’s mouth turns down at his reflection in the rearview mirror, and then he bares his fangs consideringly. “Not exactly Edward Cullen, but this is cooler. More useful than his teeth on a hunt until I can get it fixed, I’ll tell you that for nothing.”
“You’re still hunting?”
“Hah. Yeah, I get why that would be surprising. You, I know you have some sort of demon trauma, whatever. Me and Alicia, we weren’t raised to hunt monsters, though. We were raised to hunt witches. And witches are, they’re fuckin’ human, man. I don’t know.”
He pries up his lip to study the way his fangs retract in the mirror, avoiding Dean’s eye. Not that Dean is too interested in interrupting, anyway. He’s no good when people get philosophical about whatever got them this far in the life, so he tends to clam up and let them say what they’re going to say. They usually do.
Max isn’t an exception. “You know I was fifteen,” he says, his voice carefully conversational, “the first time I put Mama’s sawn-off against the back of a man’s neck. By that time, he’d killed eight people. Low-level hex bags, pretty amateur stuff, but the victims had no way of stopping him. I did. So I stopped him.
“I got home and I told Alicia what I did, and she just started crying. Like, instant waterworks, I’ve never seen her like that before or since. And I just knew she was thinking, I’m a witch. What if someone does that to me? What if it’s you?
“So after that, Alicia and me took a long vacation from our mom. She was pretty pissed, but she understood. And we decided, you know, that we would keep doing what we were trained to do, but not if we could help it. If we can bind witches, we bind them. If we can reason with them, we reason with them. If they’re just some poor idiot who needs to be taught or threatened into not getting into more than is good for them, we do that. But if not--” Max cocks an imaginary shotgun, the gesture practiced and ironic. “I’m not stupid. I know we’re probably going to hell for being judge, jury, and executioner. But we do our best to keep people from getting killed, either by witches or, you know. Me.”
Dean lets the silence stretch out. Tries to picture sudden, unstoppable tears on Alicia’s face, where he’s only ever seen determination or a cocky grin. Thinks about Dad telling him he might have to put Sam down like a mean dog that can’t be trusted. Thinks about Jack--
Max shoots a glance at Dean in the rearview mirror and glances down, looking suddenly self-conscious. He flips his sunglasses back on, too studied a gesture to be as nonchalant as he wants it to come off. “Look at me, giving you my whole sob story when I know you’ve seen worse. You old-school hunters, man, you’re the most emotionless, John Wayne bastards I ever met. You still wash your wounds with whiskey or are you not too cool for store-brand antibiotics?”
Dean feels a pang at that. The guy’s got him wrong, not that he knows how to communicate that. “Nah, cool won’t cure an infection, I learned that the hard way. And. You know.” He glances over at Max, catches him fidgeting with the arm of his sunglasses. Wills him to understand the hand he’s reaching out to Max. “Tough thing for a kid to do. Any kid.”
Max lets out a short breath, surprised. “Yeah, well. Guy had it coming. At least if I have to kill a witch, I know they dug their own grave. Creatures, though, they sound like a lot more trouble than they're worth. Don’t know how you can tell which ones are gonna be a problem.”
“You can’t,” Dean says. “Some hunters put down any they can get their hands on. Some let ‘em go if they seem harmless enough. Sam and I’ve done a little of both.” And both have gone bad on us, Dean thinks but doesn't say. Both have left him waking up feeling like a heavy weight was pressing down on him, a weight of something he did, a worry that he let a killer go.
“Well, I promise not to bite anyone that doesn’t deserve it, and you promise to tell me if you’re going through one of your kill-anything-with-fangs phases, deal?”
“I wouldn’t do that to you, man,” Dean says, low. Something in his voice makes Max look to him, then back out the window again.
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kilesplaysthings · 4 years
Happy Halloween! I hope you guys have a fun and safe spooky day! 
Now as a horror fan, I gotta tell you guys, I find the vampire lore in IkeVam a little weak sauce (ok, actually a LOT) lol But I do tend to like vampires as more of the monstrous villains in fiction too. So! in celebration of today kiles is gonna recommend some vampire flicks for you all that love these bloodsucking monsters. Let me know which ones you like and maybe even recommend ones that I don’t have on here! :D
Let the Right One In/Let Me In: both the original Swedish film and its American remake are very good, but I personally find the OG better in both acting and dark tones. The story is about a boy who is bullied by his peers and feels isolated from everyone, meeting what seems to be a little girl and befriends her. But there is more to this girl than meets the eye. I can’t recall there being a lot of warnings in this, but it does have some gore.
The Lost Boys: I love this movie. It’s so 80s lol But the vampire stuff is really fun. That and not only do you have a young Corey Feldman in a duo of kid vampire hunters, but you get a young Kiefer Sutherland running around with a sort of Glam Metal look going on. The story is about two brothers and their mom who move to a California town that wind up getting involved with a group of rebellious teens who turn out to be vampires.
What We Do in the Shadows: This is probably my favorite vampire movie. I love the faux-documentary of this New Zealand dark comedy, and I love the homage to traditional vampire lore. No more sparkling, no more resistance to daylight. The vampires in this movie are done right, in my opinion. I’m more of a traditionalist when in comes to monsters, you see. I almost wish we could get an ikevam version that was more like this, where MC is the person making the documentary filming the boys lol
Nosferatu: The Classic vampire flick from the Silent Era of film. It’s a German retelling of the story Dracula. Count Orlock’s design is perfectly eerie and creepy, iconic throughout media. If you don’t mind silent film and you haven’t seen this one, check it out!
Dracula: And then, of course, there’s the classic film with Bela Lugosi. His Hungarian accent became the go-to for other vampires in later media. It’s pretty close to the book for the most part. At least, it’s as good as most book adaptations that were made back then were (which wasn’t too good lol)
Fright Night: This is another very 80s movie. The main character is a teenager who is addicted to a tv show about a vampire hunter and how he hunts vampires. Because of this, he starts to become suspicious that his new, odd neighbor may in fact be a vampire. There is also a remake starring Anton Yelchin, Colin Farrell and David Tennant that’s.. ok lol
Salem’s Lot: Stephen King’s vampire tale. A man coming back to his childhood town realizes that a vampire is preying on the townsfolk. While this is an older flick that might not be exactly scary there’s some great classic vampire stuff and eerie scenes. Plus it’s Stephen King! 
30 Days of Night: Probably the most horrific vampire movie, where there is nothing redeemable or likable about the vampires whatsoever. The setting of this movie alone makes it terrifying. Set in a northern, remote part of Alaska, an isolated town is beset by ravenous vampires when the town is submerged in complete darkness for one month. Most of the town’s occupants go south for the winter, but those remaining have to fight and use quick thinking to survive. Warning to those who don’t like gore for this one. It’s pretty brutal.
Afflicted: A found footage film about two friends who are backpacking through Europe due to one guy wanting to live life to the fullest before he dies of cancer. Something goes wrong at a party however, and he soon begins to show signs of something... inhuman.
Van Helsing: I know a lot of people don’t think this movie is any good, but I admit I like it as a sort of guilty pleasure. Van Helsing is now a younger vampire hunter that’s sent by the church to help a town in Romania that is beset by Dracula and his brides. It’s got lots of funs stuff like a vampire masquerade ball, a sort of Frankenstein’s monster character, and a fight between a vampire and a werewolf that’s pretty beast :D
Bram Stoker’s Dracula: Though I haven’t seen this yet, the tone, acting, music and cinematography of this movie all look so darkly beautiful. Add a bit of gothic romance, this adaptation of Bram Stoker’s tale is one that I definitely plan to watch soon. 
Thirst: A Korean take on a vampiric story. A priest who wishes to save lives volunteers to be a guinea pig for a vaccine that is being made to cure a virus. But things go awry and he comes back to life as a vampire. Now he has to battle between his thirst and his faith. Haven’t seen this either, but I plan to! Korean films are always a cut above, and if you don’t mind some gore and adult elements, I’m sure you’ll enjoy this.
Others I would recommend: 
Interview with a Vampire, though I don’t really like that movie all that much. You do get a younger Tom Cruise as a vampire though lol plus Kirsten Dunst’s character is surprisingly sympathetic and sad (at least to me!)
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night: This one’s unique, being an Iranian take on vampires. It’s a slower indie film, about a mysterious girl who only comes out at night and skateboards around a town. I wasn’t too crazy about this one, but it was interesting!
Shiki: I’ve seen three-ish vampire anime. This, Diabolik Lovers, and Vampire Knight. I didn’t like DL at ALL, and I could barely get through the first few episodes of VK. Shiki is excellent, though, if you can get past the odd character designs. I probably would have liked VK better if the story was focused solely on Zero’s character though. 
Vampyr.  This is an RPG actually, but the vampire lore is so dark, bloody and complex. The MC is a doctor that specializes in blood transfusions who comes back to London from WW1 right during the Spanish Flu epidemic. When he’s turned into a vampire by a mysterious sire, he has to find a way to survive while still acting as a doctor and decide if he will kill others or starve.
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echidnana · 3 years
hey logan ! i’m thinking of getting into re8, so here i am at the re8 expert’s door for any lore and headcanon’s you have for any of the characters/place settings (i’m fine with ‘spoilers’!) :]
i’m adding a cut because i started rambling so the post ended up being a bit long. i tried to organize all the ideas as best i could and made some smaller sections to make it easier to process
also, i wrote this operating on the assumption that this is your first re game. so i might go too in depth for some stuff that you might already know i just like talking about re
TO PREFACE: i haven’t played 8, and i’m not sure if i’ll ever be able to. i’ve watched a bunch of edited play throughs and am currently about 2/3 of the way thorough snapcube’s full play through!
ok so. in my opinion 8 is VERY different from a lot of the other resident evil games in terms of atmosphere/setting. while most of the games before had been very ‘zombie/virus/mad science’ feeling, this game is closer to a fantasy type vibe (although it is all explained by science).
just to give a brief synopsis- ethan winters is the protagonist. his main motive is to rescue his daughter, who was taken into this village that is overrun by monsters. the village is run by mother miranda, who’s sort of a deity to the people of the village. the rest of the land is divided up amongst the four lords. i’m order to save his daughter, ethan has to fight through each of the lords.
my favorite lords
my favorite lords are donna beneviento and karl heisenberg. i hc them both to be trans and autistic :) to be honest, i hc every single resident evil character to be trans lmao
anyways. donna beneviento. she’s the doll maker and her portion of the game is probably my favorite. she only speaks once in the game, and you only see her face once. she’s very reclusive and typically speaks through her dolls. i also personally think she’s the most compassionate of the lords, despite her section being one of the most horrifying. her abilities rely mostly on causing someone’s own mind to sort of turn on itself and feeds into the person’s fears. but yeah, i love her and hc her as autistic :)
karl heisenberg is the magneto dude lmao. i love his parts in the game because he feels very… genuinely unhinged. like he’s HILARIOUS but not really on purpose, he’s just being really showy and dramatic. i personally wasn’t a fan with how they ended his part on the story bc i want to see more of him lmao
ok also. she isn’t a lord, but i adore daniela dimitrescu. she’s one of the daughters of the Tall Vampire Lady and she’s TOTALLY unhinged. even though i have favorite parts of the game, i love all of it. i wasn’t expecting to care that much about the dimitrescu section of the game but honestly all of it was so enjoyable
ethan winters
ethan winters is probably my favorite playable character of resident evil because he’s so… i don’t wanna say stupid, but he’s a dumbass
he’s like a horror movie protagonist that is in the situation they’re in because they made a dumb decision. but i think that’s so funny, especially for resident evil. his character in 7 vs 8 is pretty much the same- his objective is always to protect his family, and i think that’s really good for resident evil as well. most of the past characters’ motives were taking down huge corporations or stopping the spread of a virus, but ethan’s is just to protect his family and get somewhere safe.
tie ins to other games
i figured i’d add a section about this since i love all of the re games so much!
so the first obvious one- chris redfield is a relatively main character in this. he’s the co-protagonist of the original resident evil, so he’s definitely still involved with plot lmao. he was 25 in the first game, so in re8, he’s nearing 50.
at the end of re7, ethan winters meets chris redfield after escaping the baker’s residence. chris was working with blue umbrella at the time I THINK i’m gonna be honest i don’t keep up with what organization he’s with because he switches around so many times. basically he takes ethan and his wife and move them to europe as a sort of witness protection program. i like to think chris became close with them and would go over for dinner
anyways in re8 he gets tangled up in the plot in pretty significant ways. he’s one of the ogs of re so it was definitely fun to see him fighting monsters well into his 40s
there’s a few references to other games throughout re8. my favorites are
- the duke (who is the shop keep) has a line where he says something along the lines of ‘what’re ya buying? heh, just something a friend of mine says.’ this is a reference to re4’s merchant, who would say that when you opened his inventory. i thought this was a really funny implication- that the duke and the merchant know each other.
- one of heisenberg’s lines refers to chris as a ‘boulder-punching asshole’ which is capcom making a joke about themselves. in resident evil 5, there’s a scene where chris redfield literally punches a boulder into an active volcano. it was memed a lot because it was such a ridiculous scene, so this line is capcom acknowledging it
i think resident evil 8 did a good job being a great game but also keeping the core resident evil elements. like the plot’s connection to the overall re universe is dumb as hell but it feels very resident evil. personally i feel like it’s super similar to re4 in the sense that it takes the typical zombie genre but gives it a completely different setting or tone than you’d usually expect. like, castles in a zombie survival horror game is BRILLIANT and not something i’d ever expect.
i’m also a huge fan of the sort of ‘mutating into something that isn’t human’ trope and resident evil 8 has SO MUCH of that. all of the lords are basically infected by a parasite that affected them all in a different way. so heisenberg can control metal while donna causes hallucinations and shit.
ok i think that’s most of my thoughts on it… re8 is such a good game and even though the plot can be dumb and full of contradictions the campiness and seriousness is balanced near perfectly in re8. one of the issues some of the past re games had is they took themselves too seriously. re8 does a great job at not taking itself too seriously in order to be a fun game.
i hope this wasn’t too long! i love re8 to death and will always jump to talk abt it lol. ethan winters is one of my favorite re characters ever, and this game is full of great ethan moments. i hope you enjoy it!! it’s definitely a great experience regardless of if you care about the lord and connections to other games.
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gayregis · 4 years
hi! why do u think Regis doesn’t not exist as a character without hansa?
i am so glad you asked this question!! it's something important to me when it comes to regis's character that was made apparent to me after i read the hansa parts of baptism of fire, tower of the swallow, and lady of the lake. this argument came to me from flipping back and forth between games!regis as he appears in blood & wine, and books!regis as he appears originally. 
this train of thought stems from the differences between book and game regis, which i think i have already described at length somewhere else (edit, i found some thoughts (still couldnt find the og post i had in mind though, idk where it is, it was very long and i wrote it on a train): (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x))
but to summarize, games!regis isn't as personal with geralt, he doesn't seem committed to humanity at all, and his scenes involve more depressing and violent overtones (forced relapse? unable to control self with tempting of blood, having to be locked in a cage? what in the spiral...). in this analysis of the differences between games and book regis, i attributed some of games!regis's OOC-ness to the lack of the rest of geralt's hansa.
i think that regis cannot really be an accurate representation of his character without the presence or at the very least, the acknowledgement of, the other members of the hansa in a sincere and involved manner.
the conditions that i mean by this: when i refer to the "rest of the hansa," i mean at the very least geralt, dandelion, milva, and cahir (since angouleme was introduced later), but especially milva, for reasons i will desciribe later. when i refer to a "sincere and involved manner," i mean to say that the characters can't just sit there as pretty background or interact once and never again - they actually have to interact multiple times if not constantly, have meaningful conversations which demonstrate things about their characters, play off of each other in humorous exchanges, etc.
okay now onto my two main points
i. positive relationships with other members of the hansa demonstrate commitment to humanity
regis’s primary character goal and purpose in-universe is to be the “epitome of humanity.” i ask, how is this goal ever going to get represented or achieved if he never speaks to or interacts with any humans on a meaningful level other than geralt?
regis’s first and foremost role, that we learn as an audience as he introduces himself in his character debut in fen carn, is that he’s a barber-surgeon. this means that he is a healer, his whole job (which is quite significant in a medieval-esque setting such as this, one’s job pretty much defines their entire life, which you can see with geralt, yennefer, dandelion, milva, cahir, etc) is that he heals people and tries to help as many human lives as possible. 
how is he supposed to be a surgeon if he never actually is shown healing anyone? if he doesn’t have close relationships with the hansa, who else is he supposed to heal? one of the large parts that regis provides the company in baptism of fire is that he actually functions as a healer. he assists the peasant milva gave a concussion to, he sews the head wound dandelion garnered from his and geralt’s escape from the partisan camp, and he helps milva with her options relating to her pregnancy and later immediately goes to provide medical attention when she begins to miscarry. these actions demonstrate not only his role in society and demonstrate how he fits into the world of the witcher, but demonstrate his committment to humanity and to the wellbeing of others.
but of course, he could heal random other humans. why does he need to be around the hansa, specifically?
regis has many valuable interactions with the hansa, part of which i’ll expand on in my second point, but his developed friendships with each of the members and as a group begin to define him as committed to humanity not only in a general ethical sense, but in a personal manner. 
i have mentioned this “arrogant immortal vampire” archetype (think of like, a vampire that thinks they’re so much better, powerful, and knowledgable than humans just because they are a vampire) that regis is completely the opposite of, and we get to see that he is the opposite of this archetype only through his interactions with the rest of the hansa. 
it’s parts like when dandelion notices, “i see you know your fish!” and regis replies modestly, “i know lots of things :)!” or when regis criticizes geralt for not having a goal and that the cardinal directions of the compass mean nothing to him, and milva disagrees and says, “but ciri’s his goal? how can you say she’s nothing?” and regis apologizes and explains he was joking, without much tact... when regis treats angouleme with distance in their first meeting and tries to accuse her of lying, but then gives her his horse and in the next book defends her against fringilla/distracts fringilla’s sharp tongue from her and onto him. regis demonstrates humility and respect for others, as well as genuine friendship to others and propensity for humor during his interactions in the hansa.
without the hansa, specifically in blood and wine, what is regis? he doesn’t interact with anyone else, only geralt, maybe another vampire. how is he supposed to demonstrate and develop such meaningful interaction, good nature, and weighty values towards humanity without ever having the opportunity to be amongst friends? he simply will be a shell of the character he is supposed to be if he is separated from the hansa which defines him. 
ii. contrasts with other characters develop character
regis without the rest of the hansa will be expotentially weaker as a character because his qualities are not effectively made apparent without contrasting him against other characters.
i think milva and regis in baptism of fire have a very good character dynamic in that they are kind of opposites of one another. milva is action, force, to kill. regis is talk, placation, to heal. they address situations in extremely different manners, and have extremely different senses. this is good because they are both members of geralt’s company, and are liable to sway geralt either way, sort of representing a fork in the crossroads, or an angel and devil on his shoulders.
this is apparent in many scenes, but the ones that first come to mind are in baptism of fire, when regis describes the refugee camp in a very elaborate manner and then milva tells him “why use three dozen words, when three will suffice?” and is very blunt about the situation, and later when they are sitting by the fire as regis dispells myths about vampires, milva criticizes his philosophy and points out how generally useless it is. neither character is wrong in this situation, but their exchanges provide an opposite to compare the other to.
if regis spoke about philosophy on his own, and geralt nodded and muttered “hm...” (as you might see in tw3), or argued a little with him about what he was proposing, but ultimately conceded (as you see in baptism of fire), then what you as a reader get from this exchange is that regis philosophizes. that gives you information about his character, but it’s essentially useless - what does that say about him? he philosophizes. great, that’s good for him. but it doesn’t make him stand out as a character, because there’s no dissenting voice or someone to argue with him and point out the faults in his approach. 
by milva addressing regis’s approach as not the only way to approach a situation and to give another perspective, you learn something valuable about both of their characters: regis doesn’t just philosophize, he philosophizes unnecessarily, to the point of annoying and excessiveness. milva doesn’t just come at things from a simple point of view, she is headstrong and unwilling to entertain ideas she deems stupid. this is so much more interesting than just regis talking on his own, and no one responding to it with a genuinely different viewpoint or approach. geralt may argue with him, but in tw3 geralt is more of a vessel for the player to adopt rather than a character so his responses are limited, and also in baptism of fire, geralt is more wanton to argue with regis about the actual topic regis brings up: for example, discussing vampires and the symbolism of blood. geralt disagrees with regis’s analysis of the symbolism of blood and engages with him on this, milva disagrees with addressing the whole subject in a philosophical manner entirely.
and it’s not just contrasts... it’s also the general exchanges they have as a company, like regis getting excited about what dandelion is writing in the tower of the swallow, like angouleme calling him uncle and him trying to address her formally but she gives him more sass, like when they are walking in angren and regis points out the pines, “take a closer look at those trees,” and begins to lecture them, like when regis reappears and gives advice to geralt despite geralt trying to get rid of him. it’s this kind of human interaction which demonstrates to the reader his character traits, what kind of behavior he is prone to, how he is liable to respond in a given situation.
idk how to end this but basically yeah like regis needs his friends :( i also believe that more broadly, as it relates to real life, that we are defined by the people we share our lives with and how we treat them, not by our own conception of ourselves. it is our actions towards others and care which make an impact on this world and show what our inner characters are like
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saiilorstars · 4 years
Let’s play a game: pull out all of your OCs you haven’t written for in a long time and might never see the light of day...
So I’ve been going through my docs and I found *drum roll*....
Cadence Saveel -- An OC/Elijah story that would start in TVD and go through TO. Being an Original herself, but not a Mikaelson, she’s on the run with the Originals from Mikael. She’s described as “too sweet” for an Original Vampire but when Katerina Petrova crosses her, it all starts to change. Cadence’s relationship with Klaus turns terse until she fears for her life, and her relationship with Elijah spiraled the moment Katerina spewed lies. Eventually, Cadence eventually decides to split from the Mikaelsons in New Orleans (after Michael nearly kills them) and eventually finds her way to Mystic Falls after she learns that Katerina, now Katherine, is there too.
Amelia Hartley -- An SVU OC/Sonny short story. (Maybe this one might make it one day). She’s initially the prime suspect of a murder-turned-rape case. When her alibi checks out, she becomes an informant for the squad which unintetionally puts her in the eye of the actual culprit.
Neveah -- A Doctor Who OC. A Time Lady who accidentally falls through the cracks of time during the Time War. She ends up in a parallel world, trapped, until the 10th Doctor accidentally travels to that world. (This one will probably never come to light because I sort of mixed her story with Grier’s).
Shea -- A Brooklyn 99 OC/Jake story. A new detective is assigned to the 99th precinct. Holt thinks she’s a spy for Madeline Wuntch and is on the fence about her. Shea’s work with all the detectives is rocky as she’s under the close eye of Holt and Terry.
Kamilah Sinclair -- A Total Drama Island OC/Duncan story. She’s the primary OC of the story but there’s like 7 other OC contestants. Kamilah begins as an assistant for Chris until he abruptly throws her into the game to compete just like the rest of the teams.
Tessa Sawyer -- Believe it or not, a Code Lyoko OC. (This one might make it honestly) Semi AU-ish. Set in the future where all the OG Lyoko kids are now in college. Tessa was in a coma during the final battle between XANA and the Lyoko warriors. Just as Tessa dies, XANA caused power outage that -- while failing for his original plans against the Lyoko Warriors -- gives him a last chance to save himself. He reaches Tessa just as she dies and uploads her consciousness into Lyoko. Years later, college student Laura Gauthier turns the super computer back on thinking it’s a video game and awakens a remodeled version of Tessa under the control of a newly-awakened XANA. 
Evie Anne Delcroix -- (Okay this one has a higher chance of coming to life; I wrote a new chapter today). Thirteen year old Evie becomes the Winter Miraculous holder and names herself Frostbite. She and her partner, Canari, are presumed dead after one catastrophic battle against Hawkmoth. No one would ever think that Frosbite would become Hawkmoth’s primary akumitized minion. One year later, Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste are chosen by Master Fu to finally put an end to this precise minion who’s been causing havoc for a full year without stop. No one would ever think that they would find Frosbite underneath all the icy evil, much less Evie Anne Delcroix. When Evie gets to come home, without her partner, she decides to hang her mantle as Frostbite and leave Ladybug and Chat Noir as the real fighters of France.
Feel free to discuss/ask questions about these OCs with me!
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hatake-kakashi · 4 years
What are some of your fave animes
- DEATH NOTE (netflix, crunchyroll, funimation, kisscartoon)
it follows a guy named Light Yagami who discovers that a shinigamai(god of death) dropped a notebook into the human realm and that whoever’s name is written in it will die(and you can specify how, if you’d like). it shows how he becomes sort of a vigilante to put criminals in place. he is then under suspect as the killer by L, a smart and elite person who works with the police and has never lost a case. 
seasons: 1 total episodes: 37
RATING: 10/10!!!
warning: violence/murder, major character death but like thats expected, religious themes(i guess), light swearing
fave characters: matsuda and L are high up there...as well as Mello, Mikami, and Gevanni ships: i mean the most common ship is Lawlight(LxLight) but i think my main are lawtsuda(L x matsuda), mikalight (mikami x light), mikanni (mikami x gevanni), and mellodramattic(mello x matt)/nearlymellodramattic(near x mello x matt)!!! remisa is also cute:( notes: i just spent all my money on the manga! i’m so excited to read it!!! 
- SIRIUS THE JAEGER (netflix,  probably kisscartoon but i havent looked)
the main character, Yuliy Jirov, is the last of his tribe (he is a sirus. so like...sorta like a werewolf) and he is set to revenge his family’s death as a jaeger(hunter. but like. a vampire hunter) but it turns out his brother, Mikhail, is alive and was turned. the main goal of the plot is to find and also somehow protect this thing called Ark Of Sirius , which is sort of like sacred power that was given to Yuliy’s tribe, from falling into vampire hands. 
seasons: 1 total episodes: 12
RATING: 10/10!!!
warning: violence, action, major(?) character death
fave characters: Yuliy...i love him so much; Mikhail, Hideomi, Willard ships: so uh i wouldn’t recommend going thru the ao3 tag because its a common thing to ship the brothers(*disgusted emoji*) but i am working on writing something to fill the tag with hideomi/mochizuki, hideomi/willard, and yuliy/phillip
notes: i think the way the creators did the vampires is really interesting. honestly i watched it bc of the pretty vampire man in the cover. i learned that i hate him but he’s still pretty. THIS SHOW IS REALLY SHORT PLEASE WATCH IT I AM BEGGING TO HAVE SOMEONE TO TALK ABOUT IT WITH
- CASTLEVANIA (netflix, ???)
Dracula sends creatures of the night(? literally don’t know another way to describe them. uh. monsters?) to attack the cities of Wallachia because they killed his, albeit human, wife (her name is Lisa)because they thought she practiced witchcraft. It follows Trevor Belmont, the last son of the Belmont family (a family that basically killed these creatures + vampires); Sypha Belnades, a badass speaker magician; and Adrian ‘Alucard’ Tepes, the son of dracula. their goal is to end the war against the human race. It also shows Dracula’s side of things and follows the two humans that are on his court, Hector and Isaac (they both denounced humanity because of their bad upbringings/experiences)
seasons: 3 total episodes: 22
RATING: 10/10!!!
warning: violence/gore, action, death/killing, sex, angst, religous themes, swearing
fave characters: really love the main three of course but like i also love Hector ships: trevor/sypha/alucard, hectorcard, alucard x happiness, hector x happiness
notes: it’s based off the video game. season three fucked me up(it’s AMAZING THOUGH!) i cannot wait for season 4 omg:(((( 
- NARUTO (netflix, cruncyroll, funimation, probs kisscartoon)
naruto uzumaki wants to gain recognition from his peers and also become the leader of his village(hokage)
seasons: 5 (i didn’t watch shippuden. i’m talking the OG naruto) total episodes: 220
RATING: 10/10 but like tbd bc ive only seen the first 3 seasons so far
warning: violence, action
fave characters: kakashi, iruka, gaara, rock lee ships: uhh kakairu(kakashi x iruka) i don’t really ship a lot of things. kobuto x orochimaru is kinda good too but like LKASDFASD
- B: THE BEGINNING (netflix, ???)
Genius investigator Keith Flick rejoins the royal police force, RIS, just as serial killer "B" emerges and commits a double murder. Mysterious youth Koku may be an ally of the group's -- or a target. When the RIS investigates a death that appears to be linked to B, Keith disagrees with the crime being connected to the criminal mastermind. An attack on a member of the RIS leads members of the group to suspect a traitor within their ranks. After being declared a murder suspect, Keith turns himself in. Koku is forced to fight for his survival
i copy and pasted that bc i cannot remember it that well but i do remember liking the show!! i will rewatch and update accordingly w my own summary
RATING: 8/10??? i can’t remember it that well which is why the rating is lower than the others
fave characters: oh dear i cannot remember a lot about this show but it’s good i promise. MINATSUKI was pretty tho ships: idk....
notes: yeah i need to rewatch it but its good i swear
- tokyo ghoul ( i haven’t seen the new season so i don’t want to review it before that)
- free! (i haven’t seen it in a while aa)
- one punch man (i watched it on a bus w this guy i used to like so it has a place in my heart aa)
- yuri on ice (honestly the fandom sucks but if you ignore that it’s actually pretty cute)
- dramatical murder (uh. this was a bl game and the game was very bad but i think the characters are cute.)
- haikyuu (currently watching)
- bleach (currently watching)
- 7SEEDS (currently watching and like it’s good but it’s kinda slow for me so i might give up on her...)
- d.gray man/d.gray man hallow
- psycho pass
- k
- death parade
- darker than black
- devil may cry
- kabaneri of the iron fortress
- hunter x hunter
- kakegurui (?? idk yet but i like the art)
- inuyasha
- god eater
- hero mask
- sailor moon
- fruits basket
- blue exorcist
- no.6
- sword gai: the animation
- wave!! (when it comes out!)
- hellsing (?)
- fullmetal alchemist
- devilman crybaby
- psychic detective yakumo
- 91 days
i have no idea if any of these are problematic and some probably are and if they are and i find out , i will keep that in mind but like sometimes i just like to enjoy things lol
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