#in case he does delete it
karihighman · 2 years
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preserving this for the inevitable ☹️ so you can say remember when
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martyrbat · 1 year
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[ID: an uncoloured drawing for a panel next to the publicized version. They're both from the comic Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #194. In them, Batman is shown from the waist up. He's looking at Jim Gordon, who's off panel, with a penitent expression after being accused of something he secretly did do. He has his palm pressed against his chest and is blocking the bat emblem as his other hand is clasped ontop of it. In the initial drawing, there's a halo floating above his head as well as several tiny hearts mixed in with the lights that surround him. In the publicized panel, the hearts and halo has been removed and two speech bubbles have been added. He's in front of a terra rose background and is starting to say, “Jim, I don't even know what you're...” But Jim cuts him off, saying, “Stop it. I'm tired of this.”
The third photo is a description of the drawing from the artist's (Seth Fisher) website. It reads: This is another page that the DC editors changed: no halos or hearts around Batman, no matter how (disingenuously) contrite he is. In the final edition, the halo and heart in the center bottom frame have been excised.]
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johnbly · 1 year
can't stop thinking about how in dmc jack treated james like a dog (whistling when he wanted him to start digging for the chest, the deleted scenes with giving him the other shovel to carry + having him clean his boot) and james takes it first because of wanting to stay by elizabeth but then because he was waiting for his moment to take the letters of marque + either the compass or chest and get his life back
and of course he gets the letters and the heart and gives them to beckett --
only for beckett to treat him like a dog as well ("you summoned me," the sending off/shooing gesture on the dutchman when it was time to drop off the chest, "he'll obey it's what he does") but this time james has to take it because he sees no other path
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stardust-vi · 1 month
Dumb ramble but I hate that you can't critique The Thing you love within a fandom space without some dude breathing down your neck like "Well actually that means you hate The Author and The Thing! And what about all the times The Author did this Good Thing? Checkmate, liberal." as if you can't be critical of something because you love it and want it to be better.
#just. i'm in a rush rn so i'm probably not articulating myself well and i could go more in-depth with my thoughts#at the risk of someone spinning my words into “cringe blue hair pronoun wants to cancel araki!” which... will happen inevitably#even though i don't know how many times i can repeat “i do not hate araki#this is specifcally about jjba btw because like.#look i love it and araki has done some good things (or at least had good intentions in most cases)#but i'm so over the fact he constantly has to reach for some form of traumatizing women in his writing#and I already hear “well it shows they're a villain!”#but does he HAVE to use assault? why does he have to use that instead of demonstrating their villainy in other ways#that don't need to use it as a crutch#i'm not even saying you can't ever write about assault#that's not my argument either.#I'm not even accusing him of being a bad writer or person but just. Can we please retire the overusage of assault for shock value?#i obviously don't hate people who enjoy the series regardless#i'd be a massive fucking hypocrite#i mean i've literally been in this damn fandom for 6 years and just now decided to post my art.#but i'm tired of any time someone brings up legit criticisms of the misogyny in his writing#it's met with “but araki did this-” like it changes anything.#i'm glad he did somewhat improve writing women over time compared to the earlier parts#that said. that doesn't cancel out the blunders he did make or will make in the future#even if he has good intent.#or really any criticism of the writing being hit with “but its not supposed to make sense#anyways rant over. probably going to delete later bc im tired.#tw assault#assault tw
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marcsnuffy · 6 days
I need to come clean I'm actually kind of addicted to snatching URLs with canon names for some reason
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constantineshots · 10 months
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yes he is being slurred. yes it’s because he didn’t want the woman. yes i crossed it out; i can’t say it ( i don’t think anyway so i’d rather not i don’t know the rules on it ) and i just thought it would be more respectful to cross it out for those triggered by it or whatever the case might be
anyways it’s his 35th birthday this issue i think? and he’s having a shit day. but it’s okay! he’ll be fine! ( very stressed out )
regardless, this is one of the scenes that i know some people will connect to his initial bisexuality, being the first instance it’s shown or something, but in this case, i think the slur was tossed at him because he’s not sleeping with her.
however, i do want to note that he does have the “gay earring” as people put it for a good few more issues after this one, so it isn’t a lie to say that he’s likely wearing it here. assuming that most people outside of the community knew what the earring meant at the time, then it’s an argument that could be made, especially since that was the side of his head facing her.
it could be either or! i know that the first confirmed bisexuality statement for john constantine was under the writer john smith, but there is some part of me that CANNOT think nor believe they went and drew john and designed his character and went “yeah. this guy? straight.” ABSOLUTELY NOT I REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT if you tell me otherwise i assume you’re a liar even if you bring evidence to the table im a believer
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exausta-verytired · 10 days
this is far from the worse one it's the example I give for not being explicit but like I fully internalized the word "nymphet" when I was young I thought that was a real thing and a normal way of refering to myself because I could tell there was something different between me and the normal happy kids but I didn't know how to say "adultification, religious racism and anticomunism made men objectify me and the fact I was already 'broken' made them comfortable enough with just being another rapist instead of the first one" so I just used that instead
#which was the LEAST offensive narrative about me the sex demon brought as divine punishment for my family was hmmm a choice from neighbours#just... can we think a little about what the word grooming implies#I had it good it wasn't incest#'had it good' might be dramatic I just mean breaking narratives that justify abuse it's even harder when it comes from the household#I've worked with many girls who explained me what they thought of as 'father-daughter caress'#but don't worry I don't rank trauma me and my ex has that weird competitions of 'you had the more fucked up childhood' it did wonders for m#so whenever I say 'at least it wasn't incest' i can hear his delulu voice right next to me saying 'oh yeah? having only one rapist is#objectively better than multiple. I'm a man you're a woman. checkmate!' okay babyboy that works so well about your bio father you live with#weird insane teenage rage would never allow anyone else to talk about me like he does but it was good for us#because the real joke is you can invalidate any victim about how it was 'not that bad' if you talk long enough which people do#but I'm going on too many tangents today#but if there's too things I've learnt is that you can be traumatised by sex you technically 'consented' to#but also every rape victim feels guilty about 'participating' too much especially when it's a repeated abuser#and we blame ourselves for stuff we recognise as manipulation/threats/coercion easily when it's someone else#my will to delete this one versus the fact every time I mention our worse fight me going 'oh yeah cuz an 8 year old would win an argument#against his only parent that is threatening the other kids' versus him 'oh but you should win at 10 against the man who threatened to arrest#your father' and me screaming 'DIFFERENT' but having my brain rewritten... has had people telling me 'thats helpful' more than once ugh#also i fucking hate the way rapists talk to children I cant count on a single hand how many cases of 'entertain me or I cant promise I wont#do anything to the younger ones' I have PERSONALLY witnessed.#.txt
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smol-blue-bird · 11 days
boy do I love unannounced socializing with strangers for my sister's benefit!
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kirishwima · 3 months
day shift: exhausting, tiring, stressful, got sassed by senior doc and was pissed all day over it
night shift: exhausting, tiring, stressful, but senior doc said they were grateful i was the on call resident and that it makes him feel at ease knowing im the one working.
guess which one im more content with being tired and overworked for :)
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space-coupe · 2 years
#okAy so i'm not going to finish writing it i lack the skill n talent but i Must get this out there it's haunting me#i know rpf freaks some ppl out in which case why are u following me i literally made this blog bc i wrote so much goddamn rpf#but anyways. fair warning in advance. n i will delete this once i stop being insane blah blah blah#but god. just obsessed with piarlesteban ideas rn. with charles watching all the alpine stuff we're seeing trickling out now and like#the bittersweet feeling that comes with watching someone you love succeed at the cost of them potentially moving on without you#at least when pierre and esteban weren't talking it wasn't a constant reminder that Technically he's not pierre's oldest friend on the grid#that while he Technically thinks he knows pierre best. he wasnt one of those kids from normandy#is it jealousy? is it fear? is it something else?#after all if he called pierre 'pierrot' on main and started posting tiktoks with how important their friendship is#it would be smth f1 reposts and takes everywhere and makes a situation out of. but esteban can do it naturally.#him not wanting pierre and esteban to fall out again because truly he Does love them both albeit in very different ways because they *did*#all grow up together. but then if they do. he doesn't have to worry about if pierre starts to hesitate more when he's asked who he's#closest to. who his best friend is. doesn't have to worry#plus. plus plus. add in the context of it mirroring /pierre/ feeling like he got left behind while charles#blazed trails in his top team and pierre went back to his junior team who try as they might could never give him that wdc#sorry ive just been listening to smile like you mean it on repeat. and like#and someone is playing a game in the house i grew up in. and someone will drive her around on the same streets that i did#i CAN and i WILL make this about them#esp because im already deep in copium#YO the fact i can edit tags now. fucking SEXY!
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SORRY im a bitch but masumi mever actually apologizes to Ichi. i went through the trouble of finding the raw jp sub just to confirm a suspicion LMAO but it's more like "i troubled you with masato" and ichi immediately goes on defensive saying it's no trouble
NONETHELESS he does not apologize and yet i think your post is still valid........... Anyway sorry i just dislike some of the adaptations made from jp-eng it mischaracterizes some of the characters in a couple of scenes
i cant be mad about a correction LMAO THANK YOU (mfers who should be apologizing are the hooligans outside of my window rn shut up it's 10PM ☠️☠️)
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figofswords · 1 year
I’m going fucking insane. do any of you watch to your eternity please there are like over 5k of you someone must watch it. todays episode I am losing my fucking mind someone talk to me about this
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hopemerged · 2 years
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nexttothelamp · 4 days
#the legal battle will take so long#this is going to be the hardest thing ive ever done and maybe will ever do#life has and will change forever. for the better? i hope but i dont know#is this the right thing to do? yes#does that make it easier? ....only slightly. and itll have to be enough. and i realize now that it is#but oh god does it hurt. im a victim too maybe the oldest one? oldest one alive anyway. that i know of#i cant. believe it#hindsight is 40/20 in this case but fuck#a part of me wants to tell him#to pull him aside and say#i know what you did. i know what you did and its going to come out.#and if it was only in the past i might choose to let the dead rest#but i cant let you near those kids. i can only pray to a god i dont believe in that its not already too late#but baby axel still has a chance#i know with this shit system i wont be able to take the kids from derek#but i can put you away and maybe thatll be enough#i wanna tell him that im going to the police and they WILL be coming to his mothers house#and i wanna tell him that because i loved him. So MUCH once#that im giving him the chance to kill himself and take the cowards way out before its too late#i... mean that a little too and that hurts the most#i cant kill him even though id like to choke the life out of him myself#i cant ruin my life for the man that tried to already#but it would save us all so much trouble if he did us all a favor and shot himself in the fucking skull#theres always going to be more kids and hes gotten to 4 over 2 decades at least. and those are only the ones i know for certain#hes just a pedophile. it makes so much sense now#fuck. fuck.#maybe in a few days ill be able to think about something else#can barely focus on trump getting convicted lol#id say delete later but i wont
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spidersunday · 24 days
hot take but as much as i like david as a character, i really don't think he's that complex. 😭 i understand why other people love him but he's just kinda c+ tier to me at best
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one-half-guy · 2 months
Honestly, quite a wasted opportunity that Tangle was not like The Ultimate Fangirl in IDW, judging by her debut + the way she reacts to the Sol Emeralds + her story in the annual 2018, this role definitively matched her...
Like, imagine if she got some issues in which she adventured with someone from the games and got to know them better and then got to learn their obscure abilities and powers...
Imagine she getting an issue alongside Knuckles where he very boastly showcases his ✨ Elemental Powers ✨ the girl would be in awe for sure
Imagine her getting an issue with Tails where she could glimpse how many vehicles the fox boy owns, she would be like a kid in a candy store constatly bombing "YOU HAVE A _____ TOO??"
And one adventure with Sonic, in which she would start realizing with Sonic around she didn't feel that tiredness she would expect, actually she even feels faster and quicker just by be standing next to him
Imagine she getting her own Piko Hammer from Amy, I wonder what pattern it would have also let the girl break some walls and cause some arson
And when she got to Shadow? The hedgehog with a cold demeanor that even looks rude when orders to stand out of the way, but after a good dozen of pages she notices he means just good... At his own way past cool way, with a bike (not that impressive when she knows everything Tails owns)
Or then when she gets to adventure with Silver, getting to learn the bro flies, moves mountains with his mind, projects energy blades and even teleports, good thing he's on their side, no?
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