#imagine the fucking reaction to that??
jongseongsnudes · 10 months
fuck buddy
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fwb!jake. 0.6k. 
“no offence mr sim... but you’re really bad at this.”
your comment only makes the man chuckle, obviously not fazed by it at all.
you couldn’t help but glance at the clock, seeing how you were gradually getting later and later for your dinner plans with friends. in fact you’ve been sitting on the bathroom counter with your legs hanging off the side for the past hour, letting jake ‘help’ you fix your make up after ruining it earlier in the bedroom.
but the poor man wasn’t doing a very good job, taking a whole half an hour to do your eyeliner... and he was still not done.
“i’m trying love, trying really hard.”
the little pout on his face has you wanting to kick your feet and squeal like a little girl, the mere sight being one of the many reasons why this man was so popular. jake sim was just so charming, so endearing, so ridiculously good looking that it constantly had you questioning how the man even became your fuck buddy in the first place.
but hey, you weren’t complaining, not when you got to see this face over and over.
“i know jake... that’s why i told you i can do it myself.”
“but i like helping you.”
the man was evidently struggling but you let him be, not having the heart to stop him anymore. you’re already late anyway.
“you’ve done my liner for me before. doesn’t usually take you this long,” you chuckle while watching him so focused on drawing your liner, the little furrow in his brows the cutest thing you've ever seen, “i’m starting to think you’re doing it bad on purpose.”
you were only kidding but the silence that follows, along with the sudden appearance of his cheeky grin tells you perhaps you weren’t all that wrong.
“maybe i am,” he smiles at you and leans in, his body now comfortably settled in between your spread legs. your own hands find a spot on his chest, your fingers softly playing with the material of his oversized shirt. the way his gaze falls to your lips definitely doesn’t go unnoticed by you, something you naturally find yourself mirroring.
“and why would you do that?”
your words had barely left your lips when jake closes the gap between you and him completely, kissing you so gently that your heart immediately bursts into a million butterflies. the sound of your liner pencil hitting the floor echoes through the quiet bathroom but you couldn’t care less, especially not when he was kissing you.
his hands are quick to grab your waist, easily pulling your body flush against his as he deepens the kiss.
“so you don’t go to your dinner plans,” his voice is so soft against your lips, his low tone already doing wonders to your body, “stay with me tonight?”
“you should’ve just asked mr sim, we wasted an hour in here.”
“no such thing as a waste when it’s with you,” he leans in to place a cute kiss on the tip of your nose before carrying you up entirely into his arms, a familiar sweet smile now on his lips.
the very same sweet smile that always has your heart fluttering for your fuck buddy.
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2023 © jongseongsnudes on TUMBLR. PLEASE DO NOT COPY, TRANSLATE OR REPOST.  
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lowpolyshadow · 11 months
forced to once again remember how shadow is laughing when he says "i think i figured out what the ultimate lifeform is! it might be you!"
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heeracha · 1 year
pov: accept it (me), please.
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synopsis: someone would always airdrop you small messages and memes everyday, you would always accept it which made you insanely curious about who it is. unknown to you, it was lee heeseung who you considered as your high school sweetheart. lee heeseung who believes he loved you too late.
pairing: heeseung x f!reader (she/her)
content/genre: college au (ofc), glimpses of high school, second chance (ish), friends to lovers, fluff, angst, crack, slowburn
warning(s): it will be put in every chapter, but as always, swearing.
note: robi back with another hee smau. idk, delaying wob again (im really, really sorry). not as angsty as ymtm, i swear. i will start when i have 20 chaps on the drafts bcs i dont want to fail u guys jsbhsdbdsh. anyway, TAGLIST OPEN. SEND ASKS TO BE IN IT.
tags: r.asks: ai(m)p, ai(m)p updates, ai(m)p thoughts, ai(m)p spoilers.
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profiles. / profiles 2. / profiles 3.
ep 1. — the one with heeseung needing directions.
ep 2. — the one with the awkward reunion.
ep 3. — the one with heeseung's favorite girl.
ep 4. — the one with heeseung being sleepy... and impulsive.
ep 5. — the one with gyu giving the loser an idea.
ep 6. — the one with buzz lightyear.
ep 7. — the one where y/n sends back.
ep 8. — the one with psyche and eros.
ep 9. — the one with the sketch pad.
ep 10. — the one with pepe the frog.
ep 11. — the one with the cute guy.
ep 12. — the one with the "stupid" note.
ep 13. — the one with the what if.
ep 14. — the one where y/n knows hee better.
ep 15. — the one with heeseung being petty.
ep 16. — the one with heeseung still being petty.
ep 17. — the one with heeseung getting drunk.
ep 18. — the one with heeseung blocking y/n.
ep 19. — the one with jeong, gyu and seung cringing.
ep 20. — the one with y/n airdropping hee.
ep 21. —
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foresdxw · 2 years
enhypen; how they’re protective over you
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ot7 x reader | fluff/comfort | how they’re protective over you | tw: implied past sexual harassment, some violence
heeseung is always incredibly aware of your sensitivity and emotional state
so his protectiveness mostly comes in the form of protecting your happiness and joy
if he knows that somebody who’s judgmental of you or gives you anxiety is around, he’ll immediately try to distract you
he’ll make you face him; he’ll put a finger under your chin and make a silly face or crack a stupid joke, and you’ll be so entertained (or confused) by his antics that you won’t even notice the girl who hates you just walked in the room
“what are you doing? there’s people…” you breathed as heeseung held your chin, his face far too close to yours considering the fact that you were sitting with him on the set of a photo shoot where several other people were working
in reality, as soon as heeseung noticed the makeup artist who insulted you to your face, he instantly remembered how she made you cry last week and couldn’t stand the idea of having to see you hurt again
he focused all his anger towards her into love and care for you, which definitely pissed her off; not that either of you noticed anymore.
he focused all his anger towards her into love and care for you, which definitely pissed her off; not that either of you noticed anymore.
“how do you know i’m not a robot too?” you asked.
“hmmm…” heeseung pulled your face even closer to his so that your foreheads were touching.
“heeseung!” you giggled quietly, as if you were reprimanding him for the PDA that made you shy, but the hand you brought up to his neck said otherwise.
the makeup artist who insulted you had left the area by then, hating to see you look so happy and in love, and the director of the photo shoot had just called heeseung over.
“you’re too pretty to be a robot.” he declared, as if that made absolute sense, kissing your cheek before getting up to get back to the photoshoot, “coming!” leaving you blushing in your seat.
sometimes, if he can, he’ll try resolving conflicts so that you don’t have to.
even though he knows you’re better at arguing than him or more persuasive than him.
if he knows the friend who’s not agreeing with you, he’ll offer to talk to them so you don’t have to.
even if you say no he’s probably going to act so different around that friend or vaguely mention that you were trying to do the right thing to where they would know he’s on your side anyway, always.
if you asked jay if he was protective over you, he would probably say something like, “yeah, sure.”
but if you asked anyone else who knew him, it would be an ABSOLUTELY!!!
it’s second nature to jay to physically protect you.
whether that be through standing on the outside of the sidewalk so you’re not too close to the street;
or literally feeding you food from his chopsticks when he feels like you didn’t eat enough;
it’s so natural for him to be close to you and nurture you that he doesn’t even realize what he’s doing when he gets up just to move his chair at the restaurant next to yours.
“yah! she’s not gonna run away from you!” sunghoon teases him from across the table.
you laugh and jay’s just like ? “why would she run away from me?”
“you didn’t need to move your chair so much closer to hers.” sunoo laughs too.
jay just shrugs, “she was too far. right babe?” he turns to look at you, placing his hand on your thigh under the table and caressing it, like he always does.
you smile and resist the urge to kiss him. “right, baby.”
despite the fact that he should be grateful you didn’t kiss jay on the spot, sunoo cringes at how adorable and smiley you two are, right in front of his salad. “eww…”
jake is such a loyal guardian puppy boy that he’s always being protective over you in the way he hovers.
because creeps don’t even want to think about approaching you when jake is always touching or holding you somehow, hanging onto every word you say and laughing a little too hard at your half-assed jokes.
but if you’re feeling upset or sick, and jake can’t necessarily be bright and giggly, you’ll notice the intensity of his love for you and the protectiveness that follows.
even though he knows and loves the fact that you can take care of yourself, you won’t be lifting a finger as long as he can help it.
usually you’d go visit him at the dorm late at night when he’s finally free from his schedule, waiting on the couch with whoever else was there until he appeared
but if you had just been released from surgery, jake expected you to be knocked out at home and was planning on going to visit you instead.
“ahhh!!” jake practically screamed when he saw you chilling on the couch with jungwon, as if there weren’t a 8% chance you wouldn’t have survived the surgery (you tried to tell him it was a tiny number, but that didn’t stop him from freaking out). “what are you doing here?!”
“nice to see you too,” you laughed.
“oh my-“ jake rushed over and grabbed your face, kissing your forehead quickly, “god, baby, you should be lying down.” he kept kissing all over your face, overwhelmed with how incredibly relieved and concerned he felt at the same time.
“i feel fine!” you laughed, long and slow, and jake noticed something was off. “i’m still under some anesthesia sooo…” you tried to reassure him, but it only sent him into overdrive.
in no time, jake carried you off the couch, kicked his roommate out, lay you down on his bed, fed you dinner you both didn’t even realize he was capable of making, and gave you a massage until you fell asleep.
he continued squeezing and kissing your shoulders even after you were asleep, glasses on and phone in hand as he googled the best way to take care of someone who had just gone through your surgery.
because if you weren’t going to be gentle with yourself, at least he was going to be.
and god help anyone who tried to enter the room or be louder than a single decibel…
sunghoon is a free-spirited person, a free-spirited friend, and a free-spirited lover. he has always been independent and loved your independence as well
which is why it was shocking to see the way a switch flipped in him whenever he sensed you were uncomfortable, or in danger
“what is it?” sunghoon asked worriedly, as he saw you frown over your phone for what felt like the 100th time that day
“it’s just… you remember what I told you about that guy from class?”
“is he bothering you?” the stern tone he asked this with alone made you feel protected
he rubbed your back soothingly as he took your phone from your hand, scrolling through hundreds of creepy messages from the classmate who had been harassing you
when his caller id appeared, sunghoon didn’t even think twice before answering, “hello.”
“did you change your voice?” the boy stupidly asked. “i know this is your number. you can’t hide.”
hearing that pissed sunghoon off so much. he couldn’t stand knowing that someone was stalking you to where you felt fear, and like you couldn’t escape them.
sunghoon would do anything to make sure you always felt safe, which was part of why he immediately got up and stepped outside to finish the phone call, not wanting you to hear the aggression in his tone.
you would never find out what sunghoon had said to him. he didn’t want you to know— that’s just how he rolled. all you knew was that whatever he had said was so powerful that you never saw the boy ever again. anywhere. he had even dropped out of school.
“please tell me if anyone ever causes you trouble, okay?” sunghoon made you promise.
jungwon is someone who greatly appreciates things like manners and propriety, which is why it was almost amusing to witness him throw all respect for someone out the window the moment they hurt you.
“you’re not sitting there.” jungwon said to the man who had taken a seat on the opposite side of you in the waiting room of a music show. jungwon knew he was pushing it by saying that to someone older than him, who he worked with, but he didn’t really give a shit if he knew they were scaring you.
“excuse me?” the man asked. “who are you to tell me where to sit?”
jungwon was incredibly rarely the type to do any form of PDA, but he instinctually wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his chest.
“who are you to be a creep towards every girl you work with?” he retorted without hesitation.
the man had no choice but to grumble and leave, knowing it wasn’t a good idea to piss off the leader of the group he was working with, but little did he know it was wayyy too late. jungwon decided right then and there that the man was done.
you were so afraid of the man that you were still shaking after he got up and left, and jungwon was surprised by the intensity of your reaction. it broke his heart and made him tear up a little as he held you. he had a feeling you didn’t feel comfortable telling him the full reason why the man scared you, but he never pushed you to tell him.
jungwon rubbed his hand up and down your arm, pressing a long kiss to your hair and whispering, “you’re okay, i’m here,” until you stopped shaking.
he did not hesitate to get that man fired with his leader card the second he had the chance to speak to the managers, to say the least.
sunoo can and will end a motherfucker for you.
he’s not afraid to speak his mind, but especially when it comes to you.
however, his first priority is to validate you and wipe that frown off your face.
you sat across him at a cafe explaining what your so-called friend had said about you with tears streaming down your face, and sunoo was nothing but gentle as he squeezed both your hands in his, thoroughly listening to every word you said
“i’m so sorry he said that to you. you’re amazing and he’s stupid.” sunoo’s praise of you and insults of your ex-friend made you laugh. “he wouldn’t know how to do your job even if he had five years of experience. he’s an idiot. and he looks like squidward.”
you giggled. “he does kind of look like squidward…”
sunoo reached up to wipe your tears away with his thumb, pausing a bit to stare at you. “ugh. he wishes he had even 2% of your beauty.” he was being sassy, but he meant it.
you laughed again, forgetting all about your ex-friend the more you hung out with sunoo
and if you let him, sunoo would lovee to say all those things to that guy’s face. but only if you let him. (please let him.)
niki can be compulsive when it comes to you
as opposed to sunoo, who wouldn’t say anything unless you let him, niki will be throwing hands as soon as he finds out something happened to you.
okay, maybe he won’t always literally fight someone, but he will not think twice about confronting your manager himself if he notices you’re being overworked, or telling your friends their offensive jokes aren’t fucking funny.
he’ll even tell his own friends that, and he won’t care if they’re older than him if they’re talking shit about you.
“hey, stop talking about her like that.” niki said, the second he heard some trainee friends having the audacity to objectify and complain about you in the same sentence. “that’s my girlfriend.”
“and? your girlfriend’s hot, but she’s a fucking bitch sometimes.”
they should NOT have said that.
if jay hadn’t entered the room moments later, it would have been a lot more difficult for him to lie to you about his knuckles being red from exercising with a punching bag.
you didn’t even know niki wasn’t friends with those guys anymore until you saw them on the street a couple months later.
you pointed at them openly, “hey, isn’t that—“
niki grabbed the hand you were pointing with. “don’t point at people, it’s rude.”
“but aren’t those your friends?”
“no.” as they got closer, niki glared at them and subconsciously squeezed your hand tighter.
for a moment, his jaw had set, he started seeing red again as he remembered what they said about you, and he genuinely thought about hurting them again until—
“ow, hey, you’re gonna crush my fingers!”
niki was so angry that he didn’t realize how hard he was squeezing your hand. he immediately turned to you and brought your hand up to his lips. “i’m sorry.”
you paused a bit, stunned by how unlike himself he was being “it’s… okay…”
niki pat your head, deciding then and there that he not only had to protect you from other people, but from himself, as well
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chrissy-dont-talk · 2 months
My man’s so Silly🤭🤭😂
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callixspod · 6 months
when you're the main target in co-op
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alt ver!
HC: The doktor does have nimble fingers,,, but that doesn't mean that he's anywhere near careful with his own tools;;
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askcometcare · 28 days
OOC: since Scrap is an ESPer does that mean they know about the hospital and all that??
OOC: yes, he knows. He vaguely referenced it at the beginning of the arc when talking about Eve's parents (somebody asked how he felt about Eve's family). He also mentioned that he never discloses anyone's private thoughts no matter the circumstances so it's not like he's going to tell her or anyone else
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mispatchedgreens · 7 months
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get yourself a man that hates everyone but mostly himself, that's powered by shame and spite, that would do anything for you, that would murder you
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unicornpopcorn14 · 20 days
Something that lowkey bothered me when I reread Stormbringer was Lippman's introduction.
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Asagiri was clearly setting up something with this, and I don't know if I've overlooked something or missed it, but as far as we can tell, nothing catastrophic regarding Lippman was ever mentioned after his death.
And it might be that, a few days after that, the whole Guivre fiasco happened that made the media outlets focus on bigger things, but idk.
It would've been interesting to see the uproar Lippman's death actively caused, how the media would have tied him to the mafia, and the public's opinion about it. Or Verlaine being held accountable after being defeated bcs of it. Or how the European division, the one that Verlaine used to work at, would handle being exposed or outed amongst the other messes that occurred.
Or, more interestingly, having Verlaine spare killing Lippman in opposition to the others because he's aware of this very threat. :)
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bonetrousledbones · 11 months
all that being said
toby. i need you to put this back in the game right fucking now immediately
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applejuicehq · 3 months
hello isatheads. they have invaded my notes.. wait whos that other guy
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aomaoe · 2 years
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nothing a bit of concealer can't hide.. :)
more paradise steve bc im obsessed and hes somehow become my muse rn i have so many doodles hes just so sad. pls read the fic
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hazelfoureyes · 3 months
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smut smut smut smut smut
voice in the back of my head:
he’s ace you dumb bitch
Part 3 of ‘The Radio Demon fucks a Human Sacrifice (A Valentino Production)’ is posted! I hope you like it 🥺 our boy is down bad, reader! and you’re looking like a whole ass meal 👉🏼👈🏼
I have to take tomorrow off from writing to do life things but I’ll be back quickly and with an arm full of smut
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puppygirlgirldick · 3 months
okay so i am watching that new old x-men cartoon and
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i don't know why they decided to make gambit look like this right in the first fucking episode but holy shit i want this disaster to piss in my mouth while speaking french to me and stealing my purse
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chrissy-dont-talk · 4 months
Yea… I could take all FOUR of them or wtv
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wikitpowers · 5 months
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