#im sorry newbies
zombotomie · 9 months
Omg have I been blocking some new users who followed me?? Sorry I thought you were bots😭
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bibyshitsuji24k · 1 year
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Lizzy, why are you looking at me with those scared eyes? It's me! Your fiancé! Don't you want to stay with me for ever?
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popponn · 5 months
if sae, at high school, decided he had enough of soccer and switch into drawing manga he will just become a fucking nozaki
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sexylinoleum · 5 months
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Canon BTW
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muffingnf · 3 months
had a terrible time at work. old man was very rude to me while i was just doing my job. i had only met him yesterday. he moved in with his wife (theyre the type where she only lived to do what he wanted her whole life basically). and he pissed me off so badly that i said to him “i know your wife has done everything for you in your life, but i am not your wife” and walked out brah
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evilautismcrusades · 1 year
The Trials and Tribulations of the Jebble Sculpture
Once upon a six hours ago, I had a dream. It was a dream of creativity, of beauty, and of my beloved insane jester. It was a dream of cherishing him, a wish to hold him in my hands.
I didn't yet have access to getting my grubby mitts on an official Jebble talking plush, but what I did have was clay.
My first attempt begun smoothly. I had forgotten at the time that I owned oven-bake Sculpey polymer clay, and as such I used the more obscure Sculpey air-dry clay for my creation. I worked slowly, tediously carving each and every silly detail into his goofy round face, delicately attaching the pupils to his eyes and the ears to his head.
Working slowly was my mistake.
As I soon realized the fate to befall him, I began to panic, hastily kneading bits and pieces of clay in an attempt to finish forming him before he became too solid to work with. My efforts were for naught; in fact, in my rush to put on his features, he began falling apart, his features now messy and his body covered with divots from my nails. It was too late for him. There was nothing within my abilities that I could do to save him.
Thus, I had to make the difficult choice to abandon him. He sat on my dresser overnight and, in the morning, was as hard as plastic. His strained expression demonstrates his eternal misery, having to live with a half-finished body, wearing a half-finished outfit, covered in dirt and cat hair from the stickiness of the clay, but alas, there was nothing to be done.
This is how Pebble was born.
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I wasn't satisfied with the outcome of my efforts. All this time spent on a dud, and for what? To leave him to sit barely right of my keyboard, forever gazing into my soul?
No. I had to try again.
That moment was when I realized how to do Jebble justice. I dug through my drawers, moving aside long forgotten craft books and papers, and pulled out my old box of Sculpey oven-bake clay.
When I say old, I mean old. I'd had this clay since four, maybe five Christmases ago, and that didn't make working with the already tough material any easier on my hands. It was dense, crumbly, and disheveled.
By some miracle from Toby Fox himself, I managed to make it work. Using the same original formula I had for Pebble, albeit at a slightly larger scale, I began sculpting. Two balls, one on top of the other.
The further I progressed, the more hopeful I became, but I tried to keep my expectations low. I hadn't sculpted anything since I was eleven, and most of my memories of it were the sadness that accompanied my beautiful pieces breaking.
And yet, I couldn't help but think he was turning out splendidly for my first time in so long. Even if his gums looked unnatural, and he had no bottom teeth, and he was currently little more than a slightly detailed head atop a sphere, he was beautiful. Surely nothing could go wrong...
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I worked on him more and more throughout the evening as I binge watched Matt Rose and Jeaney Collects videos, often looking back at his ingame sprite for reference. He wasn't perfectly accurate, quite stylized in fact, but what did it matter? I loved him all the same.
It was here I realized I would have to make some further stylistic changes to his design, both for his own safety and for my own convenience. I knew from my own experiences that Sculpey's oven-bake clay could be fragile, especially without glaze (which I didn't have) or an internal wireframe (I did have crafting wire, but nothing to cut it with, so he unfortunately went without any). If I wanted to keep him for longer than a month in a house with my clumsy self and a cat who loves to knock things over, he would have to be optimized.
So, such changes were made. I decided to skip out on giving him arms, for the amusing rotund aesthetic it provided and to minimize the parts on him that could break. His legs would be simplified and his body would simply be placed directly atop his shoes. Black paint would be used to add the illusion of shorts. His tail would be made short and thick, curled closely to his body so nothing poked out too much. His ears and the bells of his hat were his only particular weak spots, but they looked nice as they were and couldn't be modified too much without rendering them unrecognizable.
He was still fugly, but it was a start.
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I then would hit another roadblock: his collar. At first, it's quite difficult to distinguish just what it is based on looking at his sprite, and his other official depictions don't make it any easier; on the official Jebble plush, he dons the typical scrunchie-like poofy collar, but on the rest of the merchandise, including shirts and posters, it's more flower-shaped, for lack of a better word.
Personally, I am on the side of Jebble fanartists who portray him with the former, but I was quick to choose the latter for my sculpture for the sake of my own sanity; delicately folding all those ruffles would have been painful, and making and attaching a bunch of little triangles was infinitely easier.
Thus, this was his final design. Simple, skrunkly, and round.
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Here's him fresh out of the oven, lightly toasted and ready to eat paint.
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Getting paint to match his colors was quite an experience, helping me to remember just how blue he is canonically, despite how often he is depicted as purple. I, too, am guilty of making his blues warmer than they are, but what can a guy do? It looks good with the yellow and green.
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Regardless, I wanted to stick to the canon colors for him, so I dug up my old bag of paints and mixed them up. Painting him went quite smoothly, and he was almost finished, but then...
One minute, I was holding him with confidence, taking care not to touch any of his still-wet paint as I added slightly darker shades of blue to his face.
The next, he had fallen face-first onto my desk with a loud thud.
My heart was broken, and yet it was still racing in my chest as I internally hoped that nothing had fallen off of him, that none of his paint had been smudged in my panic to pick him up, but even then I knew hoping was worthless. In this horrific accident, he had lost a good chunk of his right ear and one of the bells from his hat. How could I let this happen to him? How could I let my confidence do this to my beloved boy?
I didn't have glue to repair him, and for a moment I sat there on the brink of tears. All of my efforts really were for nothing after all. I'd might as well hit him with a hammer so he wouldn't have to suffer the same fate as Pebble.
Somehow, through the fog of desperation and sorrow, an idea came to my mind. I still had the pieces that had broken off, and maybe, just maybe, I could reattach them with the air-dry clay.
I stuck small blobs of it to the places that had broken and squished them tightly together, then smoothed out the edges to somewhat blend it in with the rest of the clay.
Thank the stars it (mostly) worked. The bell that had fallen off was too small to reattach, and had to be remade entirely from the air-dry clay, but it worked. He was fixed.
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Recovery was a longer journey for him than it was for me, but thankfully he had his beloved hubby and weird brother to comfort him in these trying times.
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He even got to wear Spamton's jacket, which was somehow simultaneously too big and too small for him, and he wound up looking like he was T-posing.
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But after all this, once his repairs were dry, I repainted him and he was finally finished.
Behold him in all of his demented gremlin grace.
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To top it all off, here's a doodle of him happy and recovered. <3
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venomgaia · 3 months
what's good about a pilot falcon?
HI! The Pilot Falcon (older generations were sold in the US as the Namiki Falcon for whatever reason) is a japanese fountain pen manufactured by Pilot!
it's often referred to as the best modern flex pen, or the best gold nib for a beginner! Tldr for people who aren't pen nerds, a flex pen is a pen that...well, flexes! Most pens have some sort of "flex" to them that results in some sort of line variation, but flex pens can handle a relatively higher amount of pressure. Think like a G nib used in a lot of manga. Old pens were the MASTERS at this, and a good bit of that is due to the nibs being made of gold, which naturally has a "bounce" to it that modern steel nibs have a really hard time living up to. Most people wax poetic about Waterman or other vintages like that because of it. Even modern gold nibs can't really keep up with the gold nibs of yore, but the Falcon is considered to be one that can. I do think legally it's considered a "soft" nib, meaning it's not truly a flex pen but has a lot of flex qualities to it, but some terms that get used are used interchangably so. idk. True flex nibs aren't really a thing in fountain pens these days outside of Noodler's Ahab and Konrad (which are their own nightmare and a half tbh).
The Falcon prized amongst artists for it's very fine nib, which Japanese pen manufacturers like Pilot and Platinum are known for. A Japanese Fine is comparable to a Western (Kaweco, Lamy) Extra fine, and a lot of these pens come in an EF, F, and M. It gets alot of nice line variation despite being so small, and is really an all-around great pen, if legend is to be believed :] An alternative to buying the Pilot Falcon would be getting the Pilot 912 FA, which has something called the "Falcon Nib," not to be confused with the actual pen. They actually look pretty different. The FA nib (right) has these weird cuts on their side that help with flexing and allow it to mimic a full-flex nib, but again. According to legend, modern pens don't flex like vintage pens do, but it IS pretty close.
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(sources mentioned in alt text)
I've never used either myself, but I'm pretty picky about my pens and so I don't know if I'd ever pay upwards of $200 unless I got familiar with the nib first tbh....The falcon's nib isn't offputting to me like many feel about it, but I'm particular about aesthetics and the feedback on paper and I can't tell if I like them just from looks alone lol. Right now, I don't have much experience with pilot nibs, but if i were to get a pilot pen, tbh I'm looking at the Pilot Elite/e95s in a fine or medium, or a vintage platinum pocket pen.
Anyways that's that and this is also that. *twirls so elegantly and then collapses onto the ground in slapstick fashion*
#im a dweeb#im picky enough about pens that if the nib isnt particularly pleasing (good examples are Visconti Pelikan or Parker nibs)#or particularly unique (examples are Regalia Crossflex and Trilogy or most Music Nibs)#im not particularly drawn to them. superficial and so on#I really like inlaid/inset nibs like the Platinum Carbon or old Pilot desk pens. or the aforementioned Pilot Elite#The Shaeffer Quasi-imperial is PARTICULARLY sexy in design with the diamond inlay tbh#a good flexy or at least bouncy pen can be EF or F for me (sometimes F is actually too large like with the Platinum Preppy)#i tend to benefit from thin nibs anyways (and gold but bouncy steel is good too) because the inks i use are wet#so im not always picky about nib size. but i AM also rlly picky about pen body shapes and a lot do NOT speak to me#I like desk pens bc of the tapered tail but they really aren't suited for travel. but i dont care much for the classic cigar shape of pens#i like how twsbi pens are shaped. i strongly dislike lamy's shape these days. flat top and torpedo pens are better imo#Benu makes both beautiful and gaudy pens and the dream would be a regalia crossflex in either a benu or something truly atrocious#like a custom fountain pen themed after my lonesome cowboy by takashi murakami. no i wont elaborate no dont look that up#alas fountain pens are an expensive hobby and ppl can be a bit dickish about 'lower quality' pens so its not very newbie friendly#esp on reddit. some ppl are so obnoxious tbh. i like the tumblr fp fans way better theyre a lot more helpful and not married to brands#OK THATS ENOUGH SORRY YOU GOT THE RAMBLINDS OF A LUNATIC ITS MIDNIGHT GOOD NIGHT ANON#not art
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neyxmessi · 1 year
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anon this one is for you!!
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djarin · 6 months
Hi Elio! Do you have any blog recs that post/reblog WWDITS stuff? Multi fandom is ok too. Tysm!
hiiii! off the top of my head, here are some blogs that make/reblog wwdits stuff: @astaerion @cobbbvanth @yellenabelova @fettboba @wwditsdaily @mulderscully @pedrorascal @rose-nobles @paperlignes
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grezzaler · 6 months
do peopel post edits cuz im an editor who actually came from tiktok to go to tumblr for funsies so im wondering if theres actual editors here
most of the art is mine cuz im too lazy to draw zack and player
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silvercat-s · 7 months
The "maths" what the Duffer brothers did does not add up. If 001 was 29 in 1979 he would've been 9 in 1959???
Also how is it proven that he is "George" from the audition tapes?
Thats why I called them unreliable anon
Let's see, first, on the audition tapes, "George" talks to Betty in a confessionary, she is hiding in there and he just shows up, have you seen the new teasers where patty is in the confessionary looking surprised and Henry is just sitting there?
second, "George" talks about hearing people say "terrible awful things, things no one should ever think, things no one should ever say" doesn't it sound like he is unwillingly reading minds to you? If the show didn't made it clear Henry is a mind reader, in the teaser Louis is holding a script and if you zoom in, patty is asking Henry "what am I thinking now Henry? I know you can hear me" so yeah, mind reader
and third, on that same script we see them bonding over feeling different, on the audition tapes "George" and Betty bond over feeling different
So unless we have another new in town (betty mentions that George just "got there") mind reading outcast that's going to have a deep bond with patty , I don't think the writers actually have to spell it out for us
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a tiny simple cat cross stitch that i did last night in about 2 hours 🥰😸
design by me! not bad for my first cross stitch design, and my second ever cross stitch i think!
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valveposts · 1 year
here they are! rescue bots jerking off headcanons as promised
for a long time, mainly used his spike and avoided his valve
likes the face-down ass-up position while masturbating
eventually realized he liked using his valve just as much if not more, and began experimenting with fingering himself as well as using toys. realized he's a bit of a size queen and also enjoys just,, cockwarming his toys sometimes
once put a toy in his valve and then shut his pelvic panel because someone walked in on him… then had to go on a mission like that. worst job he's over worked lmao he was trying so hard not to let kade know
tried self-bondage once but just got himself tangled and annoyed
(dw he'll soon realize its a LOT more fun when someone else ties him up)
VERY horny boy
found several human porn sites
knows all the human porn/sex terms and anatomy
and hes… kinda into it
jerks off thinking of fucking a human even tho he knows its not realistic
watches both cybertronian and human porn
slowly discovering his size difference kink
uses his spike more often but when hes in the mood, he loves using his valve too. sometimes uses both at once
doesnt have toys but uses his fingers very well
likes to lay on his back or sit on something while masturbating
aroace but still has a libido sometimes
kinda just does it to get rid of his charge
uses either his spike or his valve, whatever is most convenient at the time, usually spike is easier
probably has one highly specific kink that is the only thing in the world that can get him going
sry for inaccuracies i am not ace ;-; im just guessing based on what ace friends have told me
usually just sits to masturbate
very vanilla except when it comes to being ordered around
so he sometimes watches (cybertronian) bdsm porn
likes to put his fingers in his valve and then close his legs tight around his hand and jerk off like that
always closes his eyes when he masturbates
likes using both his spike and his valve, but prefers valve for masturbation and spike for actual interfacing
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toastsnaffler · 4 months
we have four (4) new hires this week and they're being let out of the office induction to have lab tours today so we're getting our first good look at them and I'm gonna be real with u guys one of them looks dykey asf.....
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mysterysoup · 10 months
I'm sorry to all my loving mutuals who've witnessed my blog devolve into purely Star Trek content over the past week.
Trek has been the closest thing to therapy I've had my happy place for the past five years and well, I need that ish rn. Please excuse the flood (or like talk to me about it if thats your perogative) please <3
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nourrris · 3 months
Yes. i am bringing this onto tumblr. bc i got so angry i just Couldnt keep it to myself on twt.
So why does flash (tom holland mcu version) get seen as an absolute asshole? like i need a genuine answer if its people who just need some form of bully and decide to use him or they GENUINELY perceive him as bad as they make him up to be. Like ive seen so many bigoted versions of him, him making jabs at peters trauma, over using the internship joke and making him say shit flash would never because of his own pride, also???? he wouldnt be a prick to peter infront of tony stark???? like lets be serious now. Nevertheless, i just really do hate how peoplel see him. He's not the kindest character, and is still classified as a bully, (more annoying in hoco than ffh or nwh) but hes not /cruel/, hes just a fucking teenage nuance, who does and will grow out of his shitty phase probably, and he doesnt really hate peter, more so just clearly jealous of him (from what i can see)
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