#im so gay for the dorky doctor
jakowskis · 2 months
Day 1 - How did you first get into Torchwood?
fdhkf ok ok so basically. i do not remember exactly what happened. this happens to me often like i can never remember what i came across that first got me into the media. with torchwood i at least know it was the fact that everyone was bi, but i dont rmr if i saw a post about it, or if i was fucking around on tvtropes or something - i legit cannot remember. i remember seeing a gifset of gay torchwood kisses p early on, but i dont think that was like the inciting incident? that mighta come about when i was doing research into the alleged fruitiness FHSJDFKDS. i do know i've been aware of jack as a character for at least a decade, like i'd heard of the harkness test + i was aware that he was 'that slutty doctor who guy', and also, coincidentally, in the fandom i was in in 2015, someone wrote a crossover fic where my fav slept with jack and ianto and i read it 😭 had no idea who they were, i hopefully at least googled them but fhsdjkf. but anyway i was like 'ooh a show with an all bisexual cast? color me intrigued.' i'd never touched dw either, i had friends who liked it when i was in middle school but i always saw it as kinda dorky fhsdkj (namely cuz my friends were dorks), but yeah, i was reeled in by the concept of sci-fi bisexuals. but not fully! it was in like 'yeah ill put that on my watchlist and get around to it in 2 yrs' territory
but then, as im looking into it, i realize owen's played by burn gorman, who i only knew from pac rim, which i'd fixated on briefly in 2018, riiiight before pru came out. my pr fixation p much revolved entirely around newt; i liked newmann, but i didn't get super into it. hermann himself was kind of an afterthought, i wasn't big on him at the time. anyway i saw owen and recognized hermann's actor, and my initial reaction was like "WHAT DO U MEAN HERMANN FUCKING GOTTLIEB'S IN THE SLUTTY BISEXUAL SHOW??? THIS I MUST SEE! HERMANN GOTTLIEB KISS MEN REAL NOT CLICKBAIT?!?!?!!??" and that was literally the thing that made me watch it. LAWL and the first few eps were so damn jarring bc i continued to just associate owen with hermann initially. and worse yet, ive now developed a hefty crush on burn himself lmao, i think he's gorg and ive watched a lot of his stuff, but before i got into torchwood i only knew him from PR and i didnt find hermann attractive or even rlly compelling in the slightest (this has changed significantly; im in my hermann era as a pr fan. newt who). so it was also a lot of "WTF WHY IS HE HOT??? HUH???? DUDE NO WAY." it's since lost its novelty, but it was very jarring + amusing to me at first, trying to reconcile owen n hermann. its like if u ran into ur frumpy weird professor at leather night and he was the twink of ur dreams FDSKJFHDSKJFDSK
yeah so then i watched the show and it fucking smacked me over the head with a shovel bc its so fucking bad but its so fucking good. and very quickly my view of owen went from "wait a mf second why is not-hermann kind of 🫦 hiii mean slutty hermann hiii" to "wait. oh hes fucked up. oh hes sad. oh no i love him" to him being my third favorite character of all time. fff. but more on that tomorrow! hehehehe
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pesterloglog · 6 months
Roxy Lalonde, Jane Crocker
Act 6, page 4571
tipsyGnostalgic [TG] began pestering gutsyGumshoe [GG]
TG: hugely important cornespondence
TG: paging doctor crocker
TG: rolal to docrock
GG: :?
TG: heh heh
TG: paging
TG: bet you would like to get PAGED huh jane
TG: *sweet innuendo
GG: I'm not sure that qualifies as innuendo at all.
TG: wonkwonkwonkwonkwonk
GG: I honestly think you misspell things intentionally more often than not, regardless of blood alcohol content.
GG: You just typed wonk five times in a row!
TG: i have only junst begun to wonk
GG: What is this urgent thing about, anyway?
GG: Is it about your boobytrap?
GG: Because you're too late. It already blew up my whole bedroom, thank you very much.
TG: no no
TG: i mean i still feel shitty about that but its not abiout that
TG: i know you already ran it i been talking to the shades
GG: Yes, me too. Right now in fact, and I'm in a bit of a hurry!
GG: What is this about? What are you even doing?
TG: im in the lab doing a thing with my cat
TG: but that doesnt matter i was doing some thingkin and was still feeling guilty about fuckin up ur computer and all of the sudden im in bff~ath mode here
TG: so i gotta tell you something u need to know before its too late
GG: Before what's too late?
TG: you and jake hookin up stupid!
GG: Oh my god.
TG: this is about turnin all your steamydreamz in to STEAMAY REALTITIES
TG: ***realities lolo
GG: This isn't happening now...
TG: whereins jc + je kiss & hug loads and start turnin out big heaps of wrigglers the old fashioned way<3<3,3,3<338O!!!!
TG: i cant decide whether this mental image porcolating here is hot as shit or cute as fuck......
GG: No! Cease your lascivious porcolating at once!
GG: Roxy, I can see you're set on just wasting more of my time.
GG: I understand if you don't wish to play this game, but please try not to interfere with those of us who do!
TG: no no im fine with playing just shut up
TG: this is serious you need to tell him how u feel VERY SOON
TG: or you might miss your chance
GG: My chance?
GG: What are you talking about?
TG: i found out today taht dirks gonna make a move
GG: A move? You mean, a romantic one?
TG: yes
GG: On you?
TG: omfffgggggg
GG: Um.
GG: On me?
TG: no
TG: no my dear sweet janey not on you
GG: Oh.
GG: Ohhh.
GG: I didn't think...
GG: That...
GG: Hrm.
GG: Are you sure?
TG: p sure ask glasses if u want
GG: Well then.
GG: This is quite a development.
GG: Poor Dirk!
TG: what do you mean
GG: Well, surely when he reveals his feelings, Jake will...
TG: ??
GG: I mean...
GG: He couldn't possibly...
TG: wut
TG: repriprocate?
GG: Yes?
TG: why not
GG: Because Jake is not a homosexual!
TG: mm hm
TG: are u suuuuuure???
GG: Are you saying he is?
TG: nope
GG: Then what are you saying?
TG: im saying that
TG: i dont fuckin know
GG: But...
GG: I thought it reasonable to presume he takes a shining to ladies.
GG: He does speak fondly of certain females from his favorite films, does he not?
TG: true that
TG: but
TG: how much does that really mean here jane
TG: can you be totes sure on account a some dorky moive crushes
GG: Well, now I just don't know. You have me completely bamboozled about this.
GG: What do you think?
TG: all im saying is
TG: my gaydar is like the exanct fuckin poposite of urs
TG: which is to say it is better than completety nonexistant
TG: mine is so sensitive it has been used to sweep the ocean floor for mythical sea monsters
TG: turns out
TG: all of those monsters are SO gay
TG: truth B)
GG: Okay. Then what does your acute seabeast scanner make of Jake, then?
TG: thats what im sayin
TG: i really have no idea
TG: kid is a goggamn egnigma
TG: hes as hard 2 read as fine print
TG: and how i do mean FIIINE ;)
GG: Oh brother.
GG: Then, your guess is as good as mine?
GG: I'm not sure what I'm supposed to conclude from this.
TG: youre supposed to concluce
TG: that you SAID you were going to believe anything i said today remember??
GG: Yes.
GG: But you just said you don't know!!!
TG: exactly
TG: therefore you must believe me when i say
TG: if dirk lets on all his feelins there is at least a CHANCE jake will go like DERP OK DUDE LETS MAKE OUT
TG: and that means poor jane is screwed without ever even throwing her filthy old fedora in the ring
TG: it is a ring i lke ot call TEH ENGLISH SPEEPSTAKES
TG: and if u dont youll regret it
TG: and i mean
TG: i cant have a horse in the race
TG: wait bad metaphor ebcause of dirk and his fucking horstes n/m
TG: like you are both my friends and im not out to mess him up or anything
TG: but i kinda owe it to you as my friend to let you know whats up
TG: and also to get you to stop being such a WORLD CHAMPIAN TIGHTASS
TG: and let jake know
GG: Oh, not this tightass baloney again.
TG: jane
GG: What?
TG: jaane..
GG: ...
TG: jc your are the tightassiest tightass who ever tightened up an ass
GG: No way!
GG: We settled this, remember?
GG: My prior resolution made it definitive; I was to be regarded as exceedingly permissive in certain respects!
TG: jane i am afraid
TG: that ur bottom
TG: is a stubborn clam
TG: guarding priceless treasure
TG: and a deadly secret
GG: So ridiculous. >:P
TG: im not saying be an idiot and start gushing at him incoherentry
TG: say how u feel
TG: or flirst a bit or ask him out on a date inside the fuckin game or such
TG: goddamn ANYTHING other that a bunch of bullshitty pining and tightassy NOTHING
TG: you have to do what i say u promised
GG: I promised to BELIEVE what you say, not DO it!
TG: those 2 things are
TG: prespicely the same shit
GG: If I agree to say something, will you stop tormenting me about it??
TG: yes
TG: but only
TG: because that will be impossible for me to do
TG: when u + him r snoggin hard in motherfuckin makeout paradise
GG: Fine.
GG: But let the record show that this resolution has almost nothing whatsoever to do with your use of the phrase "SEX LAND."
GG: Just...
GG: I need to think of what to say, and wait for the right moment. Is that ok???
TG: sure
TG: just dont wait too long
TG: and dont underestimate striders wiles
TG: nor jakes...
TG: lets say
TG: open mindedness???????
GG: Well,
GG: He does often profess his love for adventure, I suppose.
TG: yuuup................
GG: Omg.
GG: I really don't have a moment to spare, do I?
TG: ur finally gettin it
TG: now go
TG: and jane im warning u
TG: if you dont say somethin to him
TG: i am personally entering the game specivically to FUCK UR SHIT UP
tipsyGnostalgic [TG] ceased pestering gutsyGumshoe [GG]
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‘i was imprisoned for being me right at the point when i wasnt sure what being me meant”
bro dont hurt me like this , thats uncalled for 
and its so true because with the seasons of her starting and fleshing out to be her own Doctor from previous incarnations, she was trying to stand out in her own ways and find out who and all that she is to the greatest extent to feel herself, to feel unique and at home/peace with herself
but then all these negative things get thrown at her that leave her with more ptsd, trauma, identity crisis, everything with Gallifrey, horrible events that after leave her then imprisoned after with Gallifrey, things with the Master
baby just deserves all the kisses, the caresses and soft touches, the hand holds and 96798457894759836589365893653+ hugs right now and i stg if this were real, i would have broken her out myself if not with Jack and any of the fam bc damn me too Yaz, i would never give up on her either bc
she is such a blonde bombshell of a beauty with her cute rainbow hinting outfit ; with her hearts of gold and love and warmth, the youth, the reoccuring dorkiness, the rambling, the intelligence, the mischief and fun, just... being HAPPY
SHE looks like she radiates sunshine and when negative hits, she is washed in darkness trying to fight through it to be light again. SHE LOOKS SOFT BUT WITH EDGE ; she looks like she smells of anything involving : vanilla, cream, stardust, the universe, oooh and maybe lavender or honey/ginger 
YOU DESERVED TO FIND YOURSELF OUT FULLY ; YOU DESERVED TO FIND OUT WHAT BEING YOU MEANT and let a musty dusty crusty fugly peasant ass fucker try and imprison you for being you 13
what im basically saying is that aside from my thirsty gay whipped-ness for 13 and how im a massive simp and would die for her and do anything for her
look, i just want to talk with whoever thought this was okay. Just talk with totally no other ulterior motive
that line man, wtf like thats not cool, thats not fair,. thats not okay, thats not right. Thats a no from me chief. This is what were NOT gonna do. Stop it.
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poutyzendaya-blog · 6 years
my thoughts on odaat season 2 !!!
first of all THE HUMOR?!
they lowkey highkey slammed donald trump im 1000% here for this show
this show continues to be progressive and mention important issues
okay but elena this scene, SWOON!!! shes the ideal lesbian gf and im here for it!!! 
her outfits? holy shit. the space buns? the flannels? im soft as hell?
the switch from her wearing a skirt to pants for her school uniform.
elena in doc martens? im SWEATING
her and syd’s relationship? a dorky pure soft lesbian relationship
and they didnt sexualize it in any way and isabella does such a good job potraying a gay character
the fact that syd was a nonbinary lesbian? we love the representation
we were fed so much gay content this season
continued penelope’s mental illness storyline and i was HERE for it
we got cute penelope x schneider moments!! i really hope they finally get together in season 3, ive been rooting for them since the pilot
also schenider is a bi icon who i love
alex this season? he grew up so much. i love my son. i went on a rant about him here
that finale? was everything. i was tearing up so much. 
the acting in this show is everything
they talked about things this season like : pronouns, nonbinary, nonbinary lesbians, tRUMP, gun violence, immigration, IM PROBABLY MISSING SOME
its such a good show i can go on and on about it
one thing i must say is, the way they bring up the important topics with such lightheartedness and its not heavy to watch?? i love
elenas lil dance in ep 2?? my lil pan heart exploded!!
lydia opening about her citzenship
syd and elena’s first date is at comic con? AND THEY DRESSED UP AS THE DOCTOR AND A TARDIS? goals
syd and elena’s first kiss? wow !!! like wowoowowow i had to rewatch it bc i am so soft and single. tHE WAY ELENA CUPPED SYDS FACE? ‘ we will protect each other’ 
i wish we saw more of judy, i love her. maybe like judy x elena meeting / talking about being gay?
ALSO IS IT ME OR IS JUDY TOTALLY CRUSHING ON PENELOPE ? SHE WOULD GET JEALOUS WHEN PENELOPE WAS TALKING? or maybe shes just bitter because she kept talking about being hetero
iconic quotes from this season !!
i thought i was homolinguial 
gay! me gay!
dale blanquita dale
are you gay? i forgot! you haven’t mentioned it in the past five minutes
exterminate! exterminate!
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demiboypercyjackson · 7 years
-slides you a twenty- I see your trans boy Will and I raise you an also trans boy Nico.
TRANS SOLANGELO….. this is my lifeblood and i thank you. sorry this is so late though!! ill try to get better about that haha…
- nico has never met anyone else like him. when he was very young, he told maria and bianca about how he felt, always seemed confused when people called him a girl, and would respectfully correct them, saying “no sir, im the man of the house!” because hades rarely found the time to be with them.
- hades was the one to convince bianca and maria that what nico is is normal. through out all the ages, he’d seen many people like him, and he relayed a few of the words that you could call nico to the three, then just to nico, alone, “you are my son”. it makes nico happy. this is the first time he hears it, but not the last.
- later on in life, nico forgets he isnt alone in being transgender. he forgets he isnt alone in all things. his father presents him with the correct materials to bind once he reaches that age, but nico never takes off the binder even though he knows it isnt safe, and he doesnt care either. he figures he’ll keep passing, and if he dies, very few people will notice, and likely no one would miss him terribly. he has no responsibilities with bianca gone. he has no one to live for, but he lives anyways, not caring if or when death comes.
- things only get worse when he starts realizing he likes men. if he were a REAL man, he tells himself, then he’d like women. wouldnt he? he remembers all the stories of the gods taking male lovers, he turns them over in his head, he knows that men loving men is as old as rhyme, but he cant help it. dysphoria grips him strongly, as it always seems to.
- when he shows up in will’s infirmary, will is shocked at the state of nico’s body. he says so, out loud, “i am shocked at the state of your body” and nico’s entire body tenses and he’s terrified of what comes next, but will says instead “even i remember to take this thing off sometimes! you have to let them BREATHE, di angelo, dont you know what kind of injury you can get? what kind of SICKNESS? how are you not dead yet?”
- nico and will talk during those three days in the infirmary, mostly will yelling at him and trying to convince him that binder safety is important “its just… those things.” “yes and your ribs and lungs and everything else! you can get so sick from this, nico!” “…oh” but they talk about other things like will’s starry-eyed love for star trek. nico offers up some things about mythomagic and will is happy to hear about it. nico isnt used to the attention. it feels… strange.
- will is brave and nice and kind of slow figuring things out but ultimately clever. he has a terrible bedside manner and is a dangerously efficient healer, would probably operate on a man who’s awake and staring him in the eye if he knew it would save his life. nico respects him. nico feels skeletal butterflies in his stomach and chest and tells himself “just respect” but he knows its a lie. will has pretty golden curls and his blue eyes get so wide with his big, charming smile when he talks about doctor mccoy and mr spock and the starship enterprise. nico thinks he could hear about star trek every day of the week. he knows hes got it bad
- when nico is dispatched from the infirmary, he’s almost reluctant to leave. before he leaves, he impulsively asks will if he’d like to hang out again sometime. will smiles at the invite and jokes “like a date?” and without thinking, nico says “yes.” they stare at eachother in silence while will blinks, processing. then he says “oh…. well then yes!” and hes smiling and his cheeks are pink and cute and nico smiles a bit too, triumphantly. they plan to go on a date soon, very soon, and nico leaves the infirmary feeling like he’s just won the lottery. better than the lottery. a chance with will solace (who may or may not be doing a dance in the infirmary while his siblings watch in confusion at the fact that HE is going out with THE handsome, incredible, mysterious, hilarious, dorky nico di angelo. what a guy!!! what an absolute catch! way to go solace!)
- these dorks are extremely gay and im dying.
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dalishpariah · 7 years
Mercy for the headcanon thing?
gdflgsfg this took a few days but thank u for the ask !! 
1. what she smells like: on a regular day, like a hospital. her clothes are really clean and she doesnt wear perfume (bc of potential patients with medical sensitives to scent/allergies, therefore any hand lotion would also have to be unscented). she probably smells like fresh linens and maybe hand sanitizer. if she’s going on a date or maybe picking out a body wash for special occasions she’d pick light calming scents like green tea/lavender
2. how she sleeps: mercy strikes me as a workaholic, both in working as a doctor/medic and as a scientist, so when she does sleep she crashes and sleeps very deeply. ideally her sleep schedule would be 21:30(9:30)-6:30 but its flexible—as in, she gets busy and catches sleep where she can. her sleep is also interrupted by nightmares or anxiety about her responsibilities and work—she’s a worryholic too.
3. what music she likes: angela is such a white mom to me tbh?? definitely bon jovi, the cranberries, men at work, THE NUMA NUMA SONG, but also shakira and britney spears and abba and hoo boy stevie nicks/fleetwood mac are her loves. i feel like i have more i think about this a lot
4. how much time she spends getting ready in the morning: despite her flawless battle eyeliner i feel like she wouldn’t wear it on a rigidly regular basis. if she has time she’ll get it done in 10 minutes but she’s sooo busy & sometimes u gotta catch sleep instead of makeup. she showers at night because it helps her relax so she just gets up, does personal hygiene, eats and goes, ideally in 45-ish minutes?
5. her favourite thing to collect: postcards from all the places she works in & visits! 
6. left or right handed: righty
7. religion: has a deep respect for all peaceful religions & follows the mentality that there’s no “right” way to believe in deities/be spiritual as long as its kind and peaceful. shes comforted by the idea of a vague higher being and doesnt care to look into it more than that, but does love to have people explain their spiritualities to her–shes v curious! 
8. her favourite sport: badminton first! i think she’d be a high school badminton player for sure, with hockey on the side (this is bc im so gay for mercy & so canadian & girls playing hockey is 😍) 
9. favourite touristy thing to do: volunteer because she can never stop working (i.e. participating in infrastructure projects) or going to the museums/historical sites
10. favourite kind of weather: balmy and warm or just a little bit rainy–either way not too hot or cold
11. a weird or obscure fear: claustrophobia or drowning i think, shes so bright and has such big wings and stuff i bet she hates being closed in 
12. the carnival/arcade game she can win without fail: ski ball! shes a dorky mom and gives prizes to everyone
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insarations · 6 years
Here’s this survey thing
1) Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up. dont use itunes anymore so spotify but same thing...santeria by sublime. she likes girls by metro station. different people by no doubt. we can make love by SoMo. when the end comes by andrew belle. my humps by tbep XD
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Gwen Stefani, no doubt ;) :D
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. "yeah" he said. The light turned green. I braced myself.
4) What do you think about most? um well it depends on the day and time and what not but I guess lately just a certain person. and also about traveling and where I wanna go.
5) Ever had a poem or song written about you? yes both
6) Do you have any strange phobias? eh not really strange..theyre all pretty common
7) What's your religion? Christian/non-denom
8) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? walking to the car or inside XD
9) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? No Doubt
10) What was the last lie you told? hmm honestly i'm not sure. I'm not really the lying type
11) Do you believe in karma? ehh... in a sense but idk
12) What does your URL mean? um well its part of my middle name... play on the word daydreams...cause i daydream alot lol
13) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? i hate that question lol
14) Who is your celebrity crush? it changes alot but currently Anna Kendrick
15) How do you vent your anger? depends. lately I workout. but sometimes I draw or paint or listen to music or just sleep really. sometimes i just reblog things on tumblr or write something
16) Do you have a collection of anything? um kinda... vans, i used to have a lot more cause I worked there but i guess i dont really anymore. books and dvds. um hmm...i feel like i used to collect something else but cant think of it
17) Are you happy with the person you've become? for the most part, yes. theres always room for improvement :)
18) What's a sound you hate; sound you love? hate-utensils scratching on a plate. love-my cats purring
19) What's your biggest "what if"? ugh, stop.
20) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? yes to both...but probably in different sorts of ways than most people believe in them.
21) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. right-beanbag chair. left-box of cheezits
22) Smell the air. What do you smell? the macncheese i just ate
23) What's the worst place you have ever been to? hmm good question... idk really. i've enjoyed pretty much all the places ive traveled to
24) Most attractive singer/s of your opposite gender? uh hmm no one comes to mind atm haha. im too gay i suppose XD but i guess ill say zayn
25) To you, what is the meaning of life? please dont get me started. i could write an essay
26) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? well yes i drive but dont have my license... never crashed.
27) What was the last movie you saw? Pitch Perfect 3!!!! so amazing
28) What's the worst injury you've ever had? when I broke both arms at once
29) Do you have any obsessions right now? its something new all the time really im always obsessing haha i guess anna kendrick
30) Ever had a rumor spread about you? ugh yes
31) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? not usually..it depends. a lot of times its not even a grudge..i forgive easy but bitter feelings stay a while in certain instances
32) What is your astrological sign? aquarius
33) What's the last thing you purchased? a movie ticket
34) Love or lust? L.O.V.E.
35) In a relationship? nope
36) How many relationships have you had? 4...and a 1/2 XD long story
37) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? um just be myself..not really a weapon lol
38) Where is your best friend? i dont even know who that is anymore :/
39) What were you doing last night at 12 AM? sleeping
40) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? yes i think so..id probably annoy myself at somepoint. hell i already do lol but im alright XD
41) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? stop, help the dog. animals are just as important as people. if someone cant understand that oh well. i cant always find another job. but animals are life.
42) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? probably those most important to me b) What do you do with your remaining days? quit work. go traveling. spend time with my favorite people and my animals and eat a whole hell of a lot lol c) Would you be afraid? maybe a tad at first but i'm not too afraid of dying, I know i'd be with God and away from the pain of this world. i'd moreso be a little afraid of the pain i might possibly have while still alive
43) What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? hollback girl :D
44) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? so many things but just... two people that love each other that click and mesh and would do anything for each other and just make each other happy and take care of each other... alot of things i suppose though.
45) How can I win your heart? hmm. just be yourself. be respectful. be sweet. be funny..even if in your own dorky awkward way. be kind and thoughtful. put me first just as much as i put you first. just be genuine and real and true and never lie to me. just, be real.
46) Can insanity bring on more creativity? oh yes
47) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? hmm damn what a question. honestly.... I really don't know the answer to that. not that i havent made good decisions. but... idk what was the best. gotta think on that.
48) What would you want to be written on your tombstone? hmm ive never thought about it lol honestly when i'm gone...do whatever the hell you want haha but i guess if i had to choose..something about my kindness or uniqueness ? idk i try to be kind and different lol
49) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "heart." cant say right now
50) Basic question; what's your favorite color/colors? purple, black, silver, blue
51) What is your current desktop picture? its just black no picture not sure why i havent changed it
52) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? thats horrible. honestly i wouldnt do that to anyone..even the people i dislike most. well actually, maybe donald trump XD but no still even then i dont think i could do it even though i'm sure itd make america great again XD
53) What would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on? hmm honestly idk im a very honest person
54) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? those are too many words you couldnt just ask me what superpower i want?? XD so now i'm gonna be a bitch and not answer
55) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? um. its between two. both of which involve time with someone important..cant choose which
56) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? losing people that were important to me
57) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? hmm i guess if i had to choose right this second... anna kendrick.. pretty sure ive mentioned her like a hundred times in this survey
58) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? right now ummm...boston
59) Ever been on a plane? many times
60) Give me your top 5 hottest celebrities. Anna Kendrick. Channing Tatum. Jennifer Lawrence. Nicole da Silva. michelle rodriguez
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