#im not too proud of the max one but its whatever yk
lumaxramblings · 1 year
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spider-max (well, spider-woman, but that's what dustin calls her)
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mutant vigilante el (no one knows where she came from - she just showed up one day)
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guy in the chair dustin (max's roommate and best friend, figures out the sciency stuff)
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lucas sinclair (inspiring photographer, musician and basketball player - as well as spider-woman's #1 fan)
(au by @fruitsyrups)
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feifood · 3 years
im honestly not doing the best lol. but its okay, usually i dont tall about my feelings openly with a bunch of people, yk. but i can communicate, and its a big part of my life lol. but yea, im lesbian 🤪. and honestly, since i figured it out, i feel a lot more comfortable with myself. but idk. and yea, he was a little much, in many ways, BUT, i am drinking water abd sleeping enough. are you ? i hope youre doing okay, i hope youre taking care of yourself, and i hope the meeting with your gf was okay, if it happened 😫😫. but, pls remember to eat something, drink water, maybe grab a snack or something. and youre doing great, and everyone is very proud of you, and if it doesnt feel like it in your personal life, everyone on your page is proud of you, ans we all appreciate you because writing is hard, especially with a busy schedule. i love you, angel. remember to get some rest, too <33
awe max :(( yesyes I understand, its a completely different experience sharing your feelings with just one person vs an entire group also im very glad to hear that you’re comfortable w your label !!!!! self acceptance really do be the first step to happiness 😌😌 yeah look at me using big words heuheuheu
just block the dude and move on with ur life love we dont need ppl like him wasting ur time >:( AND YAY FOR SELF CARE my gf is always very big on the whole drinking water + getting enough sleep thing and its starting to rub off on me (dont get me wrong im grateful for it!)
yes i did see her a couple of days ago :)) we went to the park and watched people flying their kites in the field and then we went over to my place to rest a little — before she left we exchanged sweaters so BIG W for me I got her sweater 😎😎
thank you max !! I am remembering to drink water + eat healthy,, I really appreciate you looking out for me ❤️ also you’re literally being so sweet stop it auejdkfk but its great to hear those words of reassurance — im genuinely so happy to hear that you all like my blog and how its become such a safe space for you guys
OKAY ENOUGH OF ME AIWJEIF max if u ever wanna vent about anything u can tell me in the dms if that makes you more comfortable !! But I hope you’re doing good, you’ll be able to get through whatever is happening rn even if idk what it is exactly because I just know u can do it love :)) please take care and take it easy ❤️❤️❤️
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