#im not tagging the other 7 members because it's honestly not really focused on them
destiny-moonforge · 4 months
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some shots from my next pirate101 animatic coming out later this month
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h0neyjaehyun · 3 years
☁︎ 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧 ☁︎
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Summary // Tali gets an unexpected visitor and Chenle decides to tag along.
Characters // Talia Flores + Zhong Chenle +Miguel (ft. Nct Dream)
Era / Year // March 2018
Word Count //
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"Someones here for you."
Tali's head perked up thinking of who it could be. All she know right now its 10am, Jaemin, Jeno, are out biking, Renjun and Jisung went to get groceries and Chenle just came. Then Straykids are too intimidated by the dreamies to come to visit her. She went out and saw someone who she hasnt seen since maybe the beginning of 2017.
"MIGUEL" She jumped up on him for a hug and he hugged her back he grunted for a second. Chenle was surprised at her action while her brother was expecting it. Even though they bicker a lot they miss each other.
"Hey Butterfly." He hugged her back. Chenle was now taken aback who he is, and also why everyone close to her that are not nct or who they know personally call her Butterfly, what does it mean??
He hummed, as now he was focused on Tali.
"Chenle, this is my brother Miguel, and Miguel this is Chenle, he is Chinese and a 01 liner." Miguel made an :0 face and shook Chenle's hand.
"Nice to meet you, Tali has talked a lot about your group."
"Really? Tali doesn't mention you much at all."
"Yeah, I asked her not to, I find it weird thats all, I wanna know you guys personally and see who my sister is around you know?"
"Yeah, here let me show you around."
Chenle was nervous, he didn't show it, but he was. Miguel was a tall man, who was quite intimidating, plus he has his only sister around 18 guys (at the time), he is bound to worry no?
Tali looked at them with a smile, she didn't know her brother would come today, good thing she clean before he came. Now at the moment she is wondering when the boys are gonna come, and if they were what most likely gonna happen is chaos.
Jaemin would yell for Jisung and flop on the couch sweaty from being dragged to bike around. Jeno would probably take off his shirt. Then Jisung would come whining about not getting his favourite snack while Renjun is just done. She thought about all of that in that moment and she said....nah, they need to prepare I can't scar them like that.
"Hey guys, lets go get coffee, I haven't been out for a bit." Miguel raised an eyebrow.
"When was the last time you went out anyway?" He questioned her knowing damn well she probably hasn't left the building in a good week or 2.
"Ha, funny Im gonna go get ready." She ran away not wanting to get questioned. He shook his head and faced Chenle, he seemed nervous which he understood but wanted him to be comfortable so he can get close, and also to make him snitch on Tali for not taking care for herself.
"You don't need to be nervous, yeah I can tell you are." Chenle chuckled and nodded his head.
"Yeah I'm nervous, Im hoping to get a good impression on my friends brother and I can tell you this much, we love her we really do...but she's-
"distant, yeah I know, she knows too, she is just scared thats all." He clairfied.
"She is trying though, thats what counts." He seems to reassure Chenle and also him, that she will be able to get though it.
"Im ready~" She came out, and smiled at them. The two boys turned to her and gave her a smile right back.
"Alright Tali~, where to now? The coffee shop?" Chenle asked, Tali nodded her head, you can see the excitement running though her as she skips down the block. Chenle is a little behind her making sure she doesn't bump into someone or anything. Then Miguel is alittle more behind them, mostly observe Chenle and his relationship with Tali, thats what he mainly came for, to see dream but of course to his luck, they are "busy".
Tali described Chenle as confidence and a sweet boy, who is down to earth and energetic. He can see that, and he can also see the love Chenle has for his sister, he doubted them he wasn't gonna lie, he was scared for her not wanting her to go through more trauma then they already have. But the way Chenle looks at his sister is something else, like he would do anything for her, he can tell not in a crush way more of a older precious sister.
They arrived at the shop, they ordered and Tali was about to pay, then Miguel smacked her hand away about to give the cashier his card but then Tali pushed him, then Tali got holden back by Chenle and payed for the coffee.
Chenle shook his head at them. She got up and grab their coffee and then stuck her tongue out at Miguel and Miguel just glared at her since they are in a public space he decided not to "fight" here. She just looked him are you kidding me face. Honestly thats the first time Chenle has seen Tali somewhat hostile, but yet playful side.
They went to the park and walked around a bit while the two boys talked amongs themselves to get to know each other Tali was abit more ahead of them.
"So you are a singer correct?"
"Yeah Im a singer, I heard you were a model?"
"Yup, so what do you guys usually have days off, I was planning on a surprise visit but obviously no one was really there." Miguel said in a obvious tone.
"Yeah they are all doing their own things right now, let me check when we are available...NOONA!"
Tali turned.
"You off Wednesday?"
"Let me check.....yeah."
Chenle turned back to Miguel.
"Yeah we are available Wednesday. "
Miguel laughed, he started to like Chenle, now all he is wondering if the other guys are good, cause he knows there are like more then 7 guys at that worries him abit how overwhelmed she might feel. They noticed Tali on the phone and decided to sit on the bench while she was on the phone so they won't lose her.
"Yeah I'm out with Chenle...around 2 I guess...yeah see you." Tali walked back to the two.
"Who was it?"
"It was Mark, he was asking for the lyrics but I said I wasn't home so he will get them later."
"Whens later?"
"Ah, good cause I have a photoshoot to go to at 2 which is 30 minutes it takes..15 minutes to get there.....so-"
"You gotta go???"
She sadly smiled at him.
"Bye bye." And she gave him a big hug.
"Bye bye my butterfly." He kissed her head and waved by to Chenle. Then the two started to head back home.
"So that was your brother?"
"He tall."
"I know."
"And intimidating."
"Yeah.....I wonder if the boys are home."
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What they see is what exactly Tali predicted, Jaemin was sweating on the couch but this time shirtless, Jeno was shirtless, Jisung was on the couch playing games and whining about not getting his favorite snack while Renjun was in his room.
Jeno first noticed them home and went to give a hug to Tali but Tali dogged and ran, while Jeno was after her. Chenle just looked at the chaos and shook his head. Jeno finally caught her while Tali was whinning about him being sweaty, and him laughing at her.
"So where did you guys go?"
"Coffee shop."
"Because we had an unexpected visitor~" Tali sang while she escaped Jenos grasp and sat next to Jisung that now was cuddling up to her. Jaemin raised an eyebrow.
"Who is the visitor?" Expecting it to be one of the straykids members.
"Tali.." Jeno warned her, they love Tali but they were still protective over her.
"My brother..." she whispered but they all heard her.
".....WHAT" They all said in disbelief. Then Renjun came out of his room.
"Whats with all the noise?"
"Yeah, he came over unexpectedly." She nodded her head slowly while make a :[ face.
"Yeah I met him." Chenle commented, then the 4 boys looked over at him with wide eyes.
"Did you say anything stupid about us?!" Jisung asked worried.
"Nooo, listen I may make fun of us, but I'm trying to gain trust of Noona's brother okay? He's tall and intimidating." Chenle said while making his eyes big while saying tall and intimidating.
She turned to a curious Jisung.
"How old is he?"
"Ohhh yeah how old is he, like is he older than you or younger??" Renjun continued.
"Uh, he is younger than me-"
"Oh so we are older?"
"No not exactly.."
"So is he adopted?"
"Nope, he is my twin he is just like 12 minutes younger than me..."
There was silence
"By the way."
Everyone looked at Chenle.
"He is coming over Wednesday..."
"Thats tomorrow..."
"I know.."
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comicteaparty · 5 years
December 27th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on December 27th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Inhibit by Eve Greenwood / evegwood.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Inhibit by Eve Greenwood / evegwood~! (http://www.inhibitcomic.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
there are many great scenes, but i am particularly fond of victor in the parking garage. specifically, i enjoy the unfolding of events once masha joins the party. i love the fact that victor freezes up and just flat out doesnt know what to do. not only does this fit with his character, but i actually think its refreshing for a protagonist with powers to still just be a regular person deep down who does not have the required training to deal with that sort of situation. not to mention i love seeing paulina's powers in action
Agreed! The garage is one of my favorites too. I love how Paulina is breaking rules left and right- not just laws (lol) but all the concepts that have been established so far about how powers are supposed to work. I really want to figure out what's going on(edited)
or is she breaking laws? as in the powers. obviously shes breaking the other sorts of laws like dont set ppls property on fire. but i will save theories on the powers for a bit later. i do enjoy that she throws a wrench already into what's established. tho i felt bad for victor that nobody is listening to him.
another scene ive been enjoying is the current flashback where victor is a bouncy child. mostly because i love how excited about everything victor is. like wanting explosions just cause its cool. and i think its just this real contrast that builds tension for the narrative since youre like "victor man what happened O_O"
No one listened to him then and no one listens to him now. I would love it if someone took him seriously for once
I would also love it it someone let him REST
yeah my heart really hurts for him. because ive been in that position of sitting there constantly trying to tell someone something and then being ignored.
although i really think ppl need to learn moderation in regards to their expectations for victor most of all
cause it seems like ppl either 1) expect nothing from victor and think hes a loser or 2) pull a nate and expect victor to auto be this extremely capable person despite not having trained for anything in years
*jumps in
hey super!
Hey Rebel!
Pleased to be here~
And hello to you too, Spire!
another scene that i enjoy was when julia, david, and victor snuck back in to the building to eavesdrop. on a technical level i liked the writing for it because it was a scene that moved the plot along but also served to show off the relationship dynamics that exist between those specific characters. so as a narrative construct everything in that scene felt like it had purpose to one end or the other.
I just want to say, the faces in this comic are incredible.
http://www.inhibitcomic.com/comics/2658763/chapter-5-pg-11/ Especially this one on the bottom right
And then they play bloody Laser Tag
yeah the faces on the kid are really some fantastic exaggerations
Oh yes
but suits them cause theyre kids
There's lots of fun to be had with giving characters over the top faces.
QUESTION 2. Victor has been shown to be a drastically different person than he was in his youth. What is the past incident that several characters bring up that apparently resulted in a trial and inevitably got Victor kicked out of Urquhart? What does it have to do with Masha, and do you think Julia was involved somehow considering she’s also at Earl Estate? Is it the reason Nate and Victor’s relationship soured as well? Do you believe the incident is what changed Victor so much, or is it several aspects of his life? Do you think any of this has something to do with why Victor has failed to improve at Earl Estate? Also, why do you believe Victor’s inhibitors are now failing him so badly? Lastly, do you believe his missions with Nate will have an effect on Victor’s personality? How so?
tfw it's already time to answer question 2
I'll stop posting these to the chat now
well considering adult victor has some issue controlling his powers when hes emotional, im gonna assume something of that nature happened. potentially maybe to that bully who keeps picking on young masha. cause i feel like victor is gonna stand up to them or attempt to and get mad and then accidentally severely injure them or something. idk about julia being involved
tho looking back it looks like she has all her fingers as a child
That seems like a very good interpretation.
Considering he does shoot out electricity at impractical times, at least from what I've seen(edited)
as for nate and victor's relationship souring, i think theres more at work than just this incident. i kind of get the impression that nate just kind of likes taking things out on victor even when everything has nothing to do with victor. but i think basically all this crap combined to shake victor's confidence and that's a large reason hes not improving. cause he just has no reason to be confident anymore.
I think Vic's self worth has been raised into a precarious position thanks to being a gifted (in this case- super powered) child, and with how much his spark-outs are emphasized through the whole comic, something terrible must have happened with a spark and that lack of control was touted against him, which makes it near impossible to repair his self esteem
yes definitely all that. cause i feel by and large that victor has just given up on himself. which tbf i dont blame him cause literally nobody is doing anything to help really. like theres not a truly positive influence. although to nate's credit i guess he's trying? just ya know, in a super bad way
Lol yeah. That's a good way to put it
Nate is helping but in the worst way. Vic needs some genuine, earnest support
As for Julia, I suspect she gave herself frostbite? Noor is very strict about Julia forming ice around her limbs, and she must have been moved to Earl for a similar outburst of her own powers
tbh i think julia has more control of her powers. from the impression i get anyway. i kind of think julia is just reckless and doesnt think her actions through. though i mean might of been an outburst too. i could really go either way. and maybe its both.
though frostbite is way more tame than what i was thinking happened XD
i was picturing more encasing an ice and then shattering said ice
frostbite sounds more reasonable and less horrific
Julia just thought one day that it would be cool to be a snowman
She didn't consider the fact that she can't move. Once she becomes the snow man ️
that sounds like something shed do. even now cause i dont feel shes anymore responsible than she was as a kid
which ya know narratively speaking is kind of a good contrast with victor in a way
cause victor has no control of his powers but has a sort of reserved control of himself. whereas julia has control of her powers but is an explosion of bad decisions waiting to happen
I love that about them. Despite Julia's recklessness I think it's good for Vic to not be sitting alone in his room 24/7
idk i agree and disagree. its good for him to get out and socialize, but im not sure the ppl around him are well-suited to kind of give him teh space he needs.
tho tbf im not sure the estate is the healithiest place in general
it kind of feels like prison
QUESTION 3. Victor’s life changes a lot when he’s forced to join Nate’s team. Why do you think Nate is so vehement about having Victor as a temporary member on his team? Is he honestly just trying to help Victor, or is there is some other hidden reason? What did you think the way the retrievals were handled says about the world and its view on Variants? How might the first mission change Victor’s perspective on Variants and how they’re treated (if at all)? How will it affect how Victor deals with other team missions and/or the course of the story? Lastly, do you believe that Victor will be able to makes amends and bond with the team, or will he continue to be chastised and treated somewhat lesser?
The way that variants are trained at places like Urq and Miller to almost solely police their own community is disturbing. Vic wants no part of it and it's perfectly understandable
Variants are monitored so closely through their whole lives. it's invasive.
yeah. and i mean...theres a degree i want to be understanding. i would not want untrained variants just walking around causing accidents and such. cause theyve shown that their powers can be damaging not just to others but themselves and also all the property around them. so i can understand that variants kind of need a special thing going on for everyone's protection
but man do those places feel like prison
like when you cant even let someone's mom see their kid off
thats a bad sign
In that kind of environment a variant is pressured to do whatever they can to appear trustworthy. Even if Nate is trying to help Vic out I think he's ultimately trying to make himself look better by helping Vic succeed
that could be although i feel theres easier ways then making under the table secret deals. tho tbh i think theres a mix going on here. like i think nate does want to help victor and wants to see him succeed. but i also feel like nate isnt altruistic either. more like he wants to help victor cause he feels like victor is his one failure that he cant leave to continue to be a failure just for the sake of his own pride.
“I think he's ultimately trying to make himself look better by helping Vic succeed”
This thought caught my eyes
although it could also be that nate sees something of himself reflected in victor. cause nate did freak out when masha wasnt just flat out listening to his captain's orders. and i kind of feel that reflects his own feelings of being unsure of himself
but i kind of wonder if theres an issue of dormancy at play in all this? cause if nate feels like he's losing his powers and position soon, that could be a prime motivator in whatever he feels hes got to do
like hes running out of his chance to do that one super awesome thing that immortalizes him in history
Ooooooooo that's a very interesting thought
Reminiscent of thinkin you need to be ultra successful by the time you're 30
I hadn't thought of nates motivation that way before :0
yeah and this is kind of an extreme case of needing to be successful by 30. cause in this case its kind of true in a way. since im sure if youre a variant the powers are kind of part of who you are. but by 30 you lose that and essentially have to redefine who you are as a person. and i think thats more true with the way their system is set up since their glorified prisons are so life encompassing.
Yeah. That's got to be terrifying, knowing your whole identity is going to disappear one day, one day SOON
yes. or so were led to believe. cause tbf i got sinister vibes from that scene with the doctor checking young victor for dormancy. so maybe all we know is a lie and dormancy is not a natural process but something forced upon variants.
Terrifying if tru
Yeah that scene creeped me out a bit
and it just came out of nowhere
cause i agree with young victor. why are you checking a kid for dormancy if you know the typical ages for dormancy
and i feel that line is there for a reason
I wonder if he's still wondering that now, 9 years later?
And I hope he is
maybe hell remember it
Exactly, Rebel. (about the dormacy part)(edited)
cause to tie in the 2nd part of that question, i def think victor is on the path to see the injustice in how variants are treated
those facial expressions in the van were already on the extreme i feel sorry for these people side
QUESTION 4. Inadvertently, Victor becomes involved with a dangerous arsonist named Paulina. What do you think Paulina’s powers are? Is she a pyro as many believe, or is there something funky going on with her powers like Victor believes? Why do you believe Paulina attacked Miller, and why do you think she’s so desperately looking for Chalice? Where do you think Paulina even came from given she isn’t declaring any facility as her origin? Why, of all people, do you think Paulina went to Victor specifically for help? Given Victor gets Julia involved, how might the residents of Earl Estate affect Victor helping Paulina or not? In general, do you believe Victor will help Paulina or not, and how will this choice affect the rest of the story?
I'm going to say maybe she has multiple powers versus most of the other characters that only have one
That's what I was thinking too
I mean she really is mysterious, since her profile is still //||?⁄⁄/⁄\ | on the site
idk. i mean its certainly possible. but im also willing to think that she has one power that doesnt fit any of the predefined powers the world established. so like shes a new variant type. or that she knows how to use her pyro powers in a way that nobody thought possible
but multiple powers is still possible
im just more willing to error on the side of it still fitting in with established laws and we just dont get the full picture yet
maybe like dark/gravity powers, or some power that's otherwise considered taboo?
I think ultimately Vic's going to be looking for some truth and working with Pauli will appear? To get him some answers
Considering het background is nothing like the others
And yeah, maybe that ends up happening
http://inhibit.smackjeeves.com/files/what.png I mean can anyone translate this(edited)
no but its probably just for the purposes of making her mysterious
and wont change to not give new readers spoilers XD
Yes I believe that's simply to keep it mysterious for new readers
i think victor will def help paulina, although im not sure i get the impression paulina is gonna inspire victor to look for truth persay. though if she gets him to chalice, i think chalice will make him question stuff.
Maybe, just maybe.(edited)
i kind of get the impression that paulina didnt come from any facility but instead has been living and training outside the system. cause we dont really know the process by which the facilities collect variants in the first place. like obviously we see victor's mom bring victor. but like...was it the law? was it under threat hed be taken anyway? how did ppl know?(edited)
and without knowing these things i can think of a lot of reasons paulina just skirted by the system
Definitely could be something outside the system, since it's still a mystery
I'm wondering if the only reason Pauli chased Vic down to Earl is because she has blackmail to make him help her find chalice. If she asked anyone else she's obvs get turned in to the police or taken home?? Wherever that is???
Well, I guess it's not really black mail. So I don't really know
maybe paulina just picked him cause hes the only variant she knows now who didnt immediately try to arrest her
and tbf
victor is a good choice cause he would seem easy to intimidate into doing what you want him to do
tho i couldnt fathom why she wants to find chalice. i mean the assumption is she wants their help. but maybe she super hates them and chalice is corrupt and bad. and that there is no good in this world. or something depressing like that.
Plus he's the protagonist
paulina got super meta and said "hey victor you feel like a protagonist. you can probably help"
Protagonist Syndrome in a nutshell
that makes me feel bad for victor. victor seems like the last person whod ever want to be a protagonist
just wants to sleep in his room instead
Hashtag relatable tbh
since we only have 4 mins left, are there any final thoughts to share?
I'd love to do the same lol
I want to say this has been a great read so far, it's got great characters, lots of emotion, and lots of charm.
(And lots of good expressions)
Good luck with the comic, Eve, it's really going strongly so far.
I think inhibit really nails what it feels like to be pinned by the expectations put on you by all levels of society, but still allowing itself to breathe and be funny and so human
i think inhibit is a great story with memorable personalities. but most of all it has a relateable protagonist whose inner demons can speak to most ppl, and watching his journey is definitely probably something that will inspire hope
unless victor dies
then no hope
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Eve Greenwood / evegwood, as well, for making Inhibit. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Eve Greenwood / evegwood’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://www.inhibitcomic.com/
Eve Greenwood / evegwood’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/evegwood
Eve Greenwood / evegwood’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/evegwood
Eve Greenwood / evegwood’s Paypal Donation Link: https://www.paypal.me/evegwood
Eve Greenwood / evegwood’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/evegwood
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about Princess Pups by Lindsay Hornsby. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, January 3rd, from 5PM to 7PM PST for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: https://tapas.io/series/Princess-Pups
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callout post: light vs shadow
hi – im a shadow member who moved over to light. i am personally curious as to light vs shadow in terms of structural differences; for that i turn to the comparison between the two flight’s forum experiences
—– general discussion—— shadow: 6 threads, including 1 obligatory mod-intro thread. stickies:
a note on necro-ing threads.
shadow’s link hub. 
newbie introduction thread
shadow-themed resources (art, banners, etc)
psa about dominance 
light:4 threads, including 1 obligatory mod-intro thread. stickies:
an address to newbies & transfers.
light’s link hub (addressed as services/guides)
light’s registry to ping users with certain roles.
—– sales —— shadow: 6 stickies.
art club thread (gathering for artists)
familiar collectors.
food kitchen
lair expansion initiative.
an adoption center for dragons
rent-a-l25-derg service.
light: 7 stickies.
familiar collectors.
baldwin mats trading
food kitchen
swipp’s user swap item stand; looks like there’s freebies?
rent-a-l25-derg service.
free leveling service
raffles psa thread
—– dominance ——
shadow: 8 stickies.
fodder sales hub
dom mentors
teams assignment thread
battlestone bank
dom101 thread
militia hub
dom101 thread, but for newbies
light: 4 stickies.
dom archives (rly neat guys)
dom101 thread
fodder sales psa
op notes:
sticky count: shadow has more, and imo a few of these stickies are redundant or may be merged together for more cohesion/cleaner forums. light’s stickies are shorter, neater, also their emphasis goes to sales forums (they’re cash oriented, after looking around for a bit. i can see that)
liveliness: shadow feels kinda dead, where light is more active. goes w/o saying that light has more active members, but also even if shadow has a bunch of active members too, they’re definitely not talking much
general discussion: re shadow, i dont think posting in a 750-page intro thread is very homely/friendly, and there’s no official greeting thread/message for new members which makes it feel unlived in/uncontrolled, also the newbies intro thread kinda feels like a link hub as well, which feels kinda strange imho – for light, they’ve got a psa to newbies and transfers, i especially like the social section that explains and links the slack/irc, clean gd also helps emphasize on the discussions happening w/ users
sales: re shadow, i personally dont know why the l25-rentals are there, nor the art club – i especially like the lair expac initiative, though whether its to be stickied in the first place is debatable – sales is more light territory though, baldwin mats trading is new with the intro of baldwins cauldron, and swipps stand feels like a nice easy way for newbies to experience trading and/or having a bit of pocket change in their hoard – really like the raffles psa thread
dominance: no clue why shadow has 8 stickies, good job on dom mentors + battlestone bank, very concerned at the dom101 threads (why are there two of them? the one targeted towards newbies doesn’t really address how the dom system works in shadow (teams vs militia vs lone wolves) while also disjoining newbies from more experienced users, which may feel degrading? also the other’s header is changed to recent dom psa’s, so its not even a dom101 from a glance) – light’s small number of stickies also helps in emphasizing events made during dom, which are always [tagged] (i appreciate that) and the dom101 thread really communicates the flight’s goals and aspirations, absolutely lovely
more notes, but now more personal and not based on forum stickies:
im a big fan of light’s ping registry honestly, because it’s a really easy way of signing yourself up for knowing what the community is doing and it works for nearly everyone and everything in the community because it’s targeted for everyone (and everything) in the community – great job light
while i personally understand the adoption center’s role, idk if i’d put it under sales in shadow’s terms, especially stickied
there’s actually a lot of things in shadow’s forums that don’t give off the feeling of dom-oriented (which is okay! its definitely not the way to go if the flight wants to go in a more-dom-please direction, and its not very efficient either because at this point i cant tell what the flight wants to do – it might as well be plague’s wasteland lorewise)
treasury wise i dont know how much shadow has, but i know what light is doing (kudos!) which makes the system very transparent – i really like how you guys have an investor, the existence of their position + efficiency is personally my favorite part about joining light
s/o to shadow’s mentor system because having a personal mentor is good help – id definitely suggest cobbling together a definite dom101 and a centralized dom strategy plan though
also what is up with teams vs militia hub vs lone wolves? the latter’s images are broke btw
light users asking for how they can help out in the dom community gets a bit of helpful replies, while on the rare occasion that shadow has them there’s only a simple paragraph + direct answer at best – the thread is ignored at worst, i am personally worried about that – re shadow, your mentors can also reply to them to give advice btw
deep respect to two of the dom sticky threads in light that were made by the same person because it shows that you guys either have a committee dedicated to dom or you are all really active – both of which are great
its quite confusing for shadow to know what is happening in their dom weeks, at best team hubs and lone wolves are more active – in light there’s a designated thread (with a tag!!! also a standardized naming convention) for conquests, and it makes everything so much easier to read up on
also shadow keeps remaking team hub threads so uh thats a thing
light actually has chats for buying/selling fodder and im personally very impressed im in love with your organizational skills
light knows what they want (money) and they’re structurally organized for it, which makes their spirit unconquerable and infectious, so kudos to that!
if shadow wants to change from being the one pitied/picked on, they’re definitely going to have to go through structural changes (and stay organized!!! please) the more accessible and transparent information and organizations are the better it feels to be working with them
also focusing on a thing that defines shadow is good to building a flight reputation – light has their money, arcane has their world building, lightning has their spreadsheets – if all shadow has is edge, look to the future and rock that edge hardcore! 
tl;dr: op pokes holes into the organization of light vs shadow’s forums, light is a dope flight because they know what they want and build their flight’s lifestyle around getting what they want, shadow needs to start from scratch, come together and ask themselves what they want, and what it is that shadow can offer that is unique to shadow. and then go for that. after cleaning up their forums.
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