#im in the middle of love between fairy and devil
girlypear · 1 year
Cdrama osts are so unfairly good
Like, I'm watching two people be as oblivious as possible romantically and just generally, but in the background is the most heartstring-tugging song I've ever heard which I will never be able to forget
Or, you look and the meaning behind the song is so poetic that every time you listen you're caught off guard
Not at all fair
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be-bi-do-crime · 2 years
Now I have to wonder what was going through the heads of the general shinyuitian population during that final battle w/ tai sui. Was anyone confused as hell about why the God of War's supposed wife was making out with Dongfang Qingcang?
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mirahuyooo · 2 years
Beloved Butterfly | kth
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— From the moment he laid his eyes on you, he thought you were so beautiful—a butterfly he was so hesitant to touch in fear of it flying far away, but you stayed. As he became yours, you became his—his beloved butterfly.   
Word Count: 3,989 Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Reader Content/s: suggestive themes, mature content (violence, guns, blood, all that mafia shit), fluff, romance, established relationship, dual pov, cold mafioso!Tae is a simp for you, you & tae being a dangerous couple (rawr?), there was an attempt with the action sequence lol, ANGST, Mafia AU
[masterlist] | check out the [moodboard] !
A/N: I really liked this one butterfly dress I saw on Pinterest and this was supposed to be a sweet CEO AU but I had just love the angst that the Mafia AU promised IM SO SORRY (っ °Д °;)っ ANYWAYS, i hope y’all enjoyed!! Let me know what y’all think (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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The black fabric falls gracefully over your figure before fluttering down against your calves. It was fairly simple at the front with a decent plunge that showed just enough of your décolletage to be the blank canvas that will display the layers of jewels you had planned on putting around your neck. The real party was at the back of the dress, which had the lace flowing out from the center into the shape of a butterfly—an imitation of fairy wings almost. 
Grabbing the pair of pearl earrings on your vanity table, you take a look at the woman in front of you. With most of her make up done so simply, she would've gotten away with a natural look—had it not been for the red that painted her lips. Her hair was held up in a simple bun with delicate wisps of hair framing her face—a style which allows her to appear effortlessly elegant and showcase the beautiful lace detailing on her back.
She looks beautiful. 
You look beautiful. 
You had no doubt about it—nor would you have had the chance to in the first place. With footsteps coming close, you knew instinctively he was coming.
Kim Taehyung.
"You look absolutely ethereal, darling," he instantly says this, the moment his eyes landed on you, engraving every detail in his head of the way you looked in the mirror. It would be sin to ruin such a beautifully put together masterpiece, but who was he if not a devoted devil? 
The red on your lips stretches to a smile at his words. “Thank you,” you say, eying him through the mirror with a gaze firm but fond. “I spent a great deal of time planning it through.”
Taehyung huffs like a child at the subtle warning you sent him. There was a dinner, you see, that Namjoon invited the both of you to, and with such high regards to pair with your will to fit into his world, your boyfriend knew there was no way convincing you out of this one—but, he’ll definitely try.
Stepping forward, his arms wrap around your waist in an almost territorial manner, a contrast to how his words soon come out. With a pout on his lip, your boyfriend puts forth his puppy dog eyes. "How can I possibly let you leave?" he then coyly whines, "can't we stay, hm?"
The lips grazing on your shoulders was tempting, but you manage to simply give him a sweet smile through the mirror as you put your last earring into place. You knew well a wolf hid behind that puppy façade.  "We can't, Tae," you tell him, wordlessly handing him the necklace. "We promised we'd attend on time."
In spite of the pout on his lips, Taehyung abides by your silent request and drapes the pearls around your neck, the diamond heart resting just right in between your collarbones as the gold chain that accompanies it hangs idly by. The proud grin on his face couldn't be helped—he had given this to you after all. 
This moment of triumph however was thwarted. It was hard not to when you caught the sneaky hands that were trying to slyly make their way down your hips. You thread your fingers together, locking them in front of your middle to keep them from wandering off. "Behave," you softly chastise, turning your head to shoot him a warning look. 
Alas, he only wolfishly grins, not at all threatened by your scolding, but he nonetheless indulges. "If I do, will you reward me?" He muses, nose skimming along your cheek as his breath fans your skin. 
You hum, turning back to press your lips in a short but sensual kiss. "Maybe," you say, pulling away from his embrace with a teasing smile. "Come along now," you sweetly call, "they’re already on their way there. We should be, too."
Taehyung almost growls at how easily you could walk away from the moment, but he composes himself. If he couldn't tempt your lust, then he knew it was best not to tempt your wrath and obey—for as long as he can, at the very least. 
After all, good boys get rewards, and Kim Taehyung loves such luxuries. 
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Well into the night, the dinner party was in full swing—and yet, he would really rather be home right now.  
Taehyung watched as you talked with Jimin and his girlfriend, perhaps something about her job and the latest project she was working on. The amiable smile and sweet gestures that encompasses you makes the atmosphere light, easily easing the newest addition to Bangtan’s world—something that Jimin has once pulled you both aside and immensely thanked you for.
For Taehyung, it was expected, of course. After all, it had been your own curious courage for a conversation that sparked a bond between you both—you, with your kind gaze making him fall in love with you—and when it did, it burst into a never ending flame. 
A ghost of a smile lingers on Taehyung’s lips, but the icing on the cake is the fiery heart eyes he was making. One would argue that this softer look on the mafioso’s face was a sign of weakness—his heart bared on his sleeve in all of it’s vulnerability. After all, your constant presence has gotten rid of that terrifying glare he unconsciously does.
Such softness, however, mustn’t be taken advantage of. You, after all, had been taken in under Bangtan’s wing—trained by him, Jimin, and Jungkook themselves. You will never be caught so easily, and even if you would’ve been, there’s no way he’ll just stand there and do nothing.
As Jimin's girlfriend takes him aside to the buffet table, Taehyung seizes his chance to fill in your company. “Care to dance with me now, sweetheart?” he murmurs against your ear, as you idly sipped on a cocktail. 
You hum against your glass as you lean into his hold. "One second," you chuckle as you down the rest of your glass, setting it down on a passing waiter's tray. Fully facing him with a smile that nearly compels him to do the same, you link your arms with his. "Shall we?"
Taehyung straightens his posture as his eyes dance in playful joy. "We shall," he muses back, leading the both of you to the dancefloor where other couples have gathered to the music performed by the quartet. 
The sway that the two of you easily fall into made more time for Taehyung to engrave you into his mind—your eyes shining in awe at the chandeliers overhead, the constant beginnings of a smile that settles on your lips, and, of course, the love your soul bears as you finally turn your attention back to him. 
"What is it?" you lightly snort upon noticing the dreamy haze his eyes cast onto you. "Something on my face?"
Shame doesn't make it to his face, a proud, flirtatious smirk tugging at his lips. "Have I ever told you how absolutely breathtaking you look tonight, my dear?" Taehyung purrs, head playfully tilting as you did. 
From the moment he laid his eyes on you, he thought you were so beautiful—a butterfly he was so hesitant to touch in fear of it flying far away, but you stayed. As he became yours, you became his—his beloved butterfly.
Again, you laugh—such music to his ears. "Only about a dozen times on the way here," you muse, jokingly leaning in as if your words were a secret no one else should hear. "As you should, of course."
Taehyung chuckles. "Mhm," he agrees, "feel free to smack me if I ever lack in that department."
You endearingly roll your eyes at his teasing, knowing full well he never holds back with his compliments. "Just dance with me, will you, Kim?"
Your boyfriend pulls you closer without any further complaints. "With pleasure," he croons, standing tall with the pride of being with a beauty such as yourself. Oh, how he loves you. 
Alas, there are things in his life that put his beloved butterfly at risk. 
The sound of gunfire pierces the paradise he's crafted for the both of you, the noise ripping a startled scream from all around him—including you. Immediately, the gentle, warm hold he had on your waist protectively tightening around your waist like a boa constrictor. 
Who the fuck decided to ruin such a good night?!
Scouring the ballroom, he spots multiple gunmen surrounding the room as people begin taking out their hidden guns too. He turns to you, seeing you sneak your own pistol out. "Jagi—"
You interrupt him with a chaste, shaking kiss as you put up a brave front. "I'll be fine," you tell him, already readying to join the others. "Let's get out of this hellhole, hm?"
Taehyung could barely nod at your words, instinctively shooting at a bastard he saw point a gun towards you both. The two of you move almost in sync towards an exit, the panicked crowd nearly separating you two once or twice, but Taehyung never lets his eyes lose sight of you. 
"Taehyung over there!"
His head whips towards where you nodded your heads towards—a set of revolving doors where Hoseok and Jimin held their stance as Namjoon guides Jimin's girlfriend out with him to safety. His hyung, too, sees you two. "Taehyung! (Y/N)!" Hoseok calls, "come on!"
That was all you could think of. 
You ran so much, your calves were aching to no end. It's most definitely a bad day to wear heels. Taehyung's half tempted to carry you over his shoulders, but neither of you could afford to stop, not when there were bullets chasing after the four of you. 
At some point, an intersection presents itself, with enemies in the hallway in the way of the two of you crossing over to where Hoseok and Jimin had managed to cross. The two of them cover for you both as you hurried over to them on the other side of the hall, Taehyung’s large frame hovering over as if to shield you. 
“What’s the plan?”
There was a note of urgency in his voice, his grip tightening around your hip as he gently moved you away from the corner. With Taehyung on your left and Jimin on your right, you check your bullets as the men think about the next course of action. 
Before you, Hoseok grunts as a bullet nearly pierces him when he turns to peak around the corner. “The parking,” he then tells your boyfriend, “get the cars, and the others if they haven’t made it there yet.” 
As soon as the four of you gathered your bearings, you all immediately fell into a system of pairs—Jimin and Hoseok, and, obviously, you and Taehyung. Taehyung covers for you from behind whilst you manned in front. You manage to shoot two men down on your way to the venue’s parking lot.
As Hoseok and Jimin crouch towards Jimin's car, you and your boyfriend head to a different part of the parking lot for his. “Fuck,” you hear Taehyung lowly cursing under his breath, making you follow his line of sight, where you soon see that near his car were the some armed men looming around. 
 Fuck, indeed. 
The two of you hid behind a pillar as you thought of the next move, which, fortunately, came to you. "I think there's about four of them," you note, "if we take down two each, then we’ll have about a few minutes until their backup arrives, right?"
Taehyung nods, though the rough layout of the plan doesn’t do well to assure him. Fishing out the keys from his pocket, another problem presents itself—there in the faint reflection of the car the two of you were hiding behind, he sees another man sneaking behind you.
Without another thought, Taehyung shoots him in the head. A bold and great move, had it not been for the fact that it attracted the attention of the other men in the area and unleashed a whole fight.  
The two of you curse under your breath, as both sides tried to stick bullets into one another. One would say this is no fair fight—two against how many is a sure sign of being outnumbered—but this was Kim Taehyung, one of Bangtan’s best sharpshooters, and you trained under him. 
Still, they kept on coming as the two of you tried to crouch closer towards his car—which hopefully doesn’t have too many holes in it to not work, otherwise this’d all be for naught. The rising tension is surely getting to you both, especially with the worry gnawing on you both about each other.
Yet, in the midst of the adrenaline rush, pain shoots through your body, an unexpected casualty considering that there's something sticking out of your shoulder —a throwing knife and not a bullethole. 
Ahead of you, Taehyung calls out for you, frantic to realize the two of you have been split from the other—perhaps because right now you were ducked behind a different car, trying to process the fact that a knife was thrown at you. You debate your options, pulling it out would make you bleed out, but you need it out to move more and shoot these bastards down. 
It was then, another knife lands a nasty dent on the car behind you, missing your head by a couple of inches. You barely have the time to be shocked, forced to aim your gun at the bastard and shoot the last of your bullets on him, putting a bullet to his hand and neck. 
Looking at the empty gun in your hand, you curse and tuck it back beneath your dress. You don’t have much time, this you know as you peeked over and saw your boyfriend occupied in between shooting, taking guns from the dead men around him, looking around for you, and getting close to his car. That’s it. 
Taking a deep breath as you hold on to the knife embedded in your shoulder, you nearly make your lip bleed from biting back a scream. The grip you have on the handle is tight even as it shakes, and you use your other hand to apply pressure on your bleeding shoulder. 
You waste no time catching up with Taehyung, sneaking past the bullets as best as you could under the disadvantage of only having a knife to your defense. Easily, your boyfriend frowns in fury at the sight of you clutching your injury, shooting the assailants around you to clear a path for you to make your way to him. 
Too busy, ensuring your safety, he forgets his own, leaving you to notice the weakened bastard a few feet away, dying but not dead yet, aiming a gun his way. In that instance, your feet pick up their pace, sending you practically crashing into your boyfriend and Taehyung welcomes it, not knowing what was going on.
Two bullets lodge themselves into your back, while another grazes his arm. Only then did Kim Taehyung realize what occurred, the world around him turning deathly silent in spite of the fight still ongoing. Almost automatically, his eyes lock on the man, firing a bullet right between his eyes.
Sliding behind a car, Kim Taehyung tries to breathe, but even with his wrangled breathing, all he could say was your name. “(Y/N)?” he whimpered, his breath staggering just as much as his steps were from the impact. Looking down at your frame in his arms, he watched in horror as the blood bloomed across your back, the red butterfly ever so cruelly taunting him.  
He pulls back to look at you, praying the blood was someone else’s from somewhere in the commotion. Still, he couldn't will himself to move in any bigger motions, hands shaking at the thought of making things worse. 
All the while, however, you seemed to be grappling with reality, processing what had just happened. A soundless hiss leaves you at the pain lighting your body on fire. You can’t breathe—could hardly breathe—but you have to leave. You have to—
Your thoughts come to a halt upon realizing that Taehyung’s car is right before you. You made it.
Barely hearing him call your name, you lightly push him and yourself up. “Drive,” you urged him before he could utter any protest. This, your boyfriend obeys immediately, fishing for his keys and opening the car for you both, the bulletproof windows providing some coverage as you finally made it inside.
As soon as Taehyung reaches the driver's seat, he instantly revs the engine back to life, and plows through the gunmen trying to stand in your way. In that moment, a call from the others comes in from the burner phone hidden in the dashboard. It must be one of the boys. 
Did they all make it out?
You could barely make cohesive sense of the conversation they were having, barely even register the twist and turns that Taehyung was making to lose track of any bastards that could be tailing you. By the minute, your consciousness slips from you, no matter how hard you wrangle it back into your hold. There’s a bitter taste of blood in your mouth, and it dribbles down your chin. You’re bleeding all over the place and everything hurts like a bitch.
Next to you, your boyfriend’s heavy stare catches your attention. Your eyes meet, your dazed gaze with his teary, furious ones. “Why did you do that?” he weakly hisses, before glaring at the road before him. It's almost terrifying just how fast he was driving. 
Leaning your head against the window, your eyes flutter close as you try and gather your bearings. “Because I would die for you,” you tell him, laughing a little at the memory of him saying those very words to you too. Funnily enough, he, too, had caught a bullet for you then, and you had spent the whole week both scolding and pampering him. 
If it was the same this time around, Taehyung would gladly take it—pray for it to be the case instead of the worst. He would take the heart attack over the heartbreak any time—would rather spend weeks, even months fussing over your bullet wounds than have you go now.
Mustering some strength, you reach to weakly squeeze his shoulder. “I’m sorry,” you mumble, as you wipe away at the blood tainting your lips. “I did it without thinking.”
Either of you barely hesitate with one another, that much he knows. His eyes fall shut for a moment, just as a frustrated sigh falls from his lips. His heart hammers as he takes the car en route to the nearest trusted hospital. "Stop talking," Taehyung sternly commands, taking your hand in his. "Save your strength."
You know well how hard he’s trying, and while you put all of your faith in him, he’s hardly stable at the moment. It hurts to breathe, but you put on a mask of calm collectedness. "Keep your eyes on the road, Tae," you then tell him, "Focus."
Taehyung’s breath shakes as tears run down his cheeks. "I can't," he admits, stealing a glance at you. The color on your face fades, but he hangs onto the traces of your bright spirit. 
“I love you, Kim Taehyung,” you tenderly tell him—just in case.
The frown on his face is immediate. “Don’t,” he curtly tells you, almost pleading, “Don’t say it like that.”
You softly smile at him, your poor darling, knowing that beneath this jaded front was a man who gave you his heart, the world, and more. 
Taehyung skidded between the lines of hating the damn smile and indulging the very warmth it radiated. Perhaps, it was fortunate then, that his eyes blurred with even more tears. 
No. Taehyung soon retaliates with himself, turning his focus on the road just as you said. I want to see her. Keep an eye on her. I have to get her to a doctor.
All the way there, his hand doesn’t leave yours—the faint warmth and pulse giving him a sense of hope as he drives. He doesn’t let go—not until the nurses held him back from entering the emergency room, not until he was forced to wait outside, not until another doctor forced him to get his own bullet wound dealt with. 
Now, he’s left alone with his terrible, terrible thoughts. 
Kim Taehyung shakes—with rage, with fear, and with hurt—even as Jimin and Yoongi came to sit with him, and assured him that the doctors will be doing the best they can, he couldn’t pay them any mind. His head bubbles with the ugly thoughts of blame, resentment, and vengeance.
“Mr. Kim…?”
Hours of what like forever later, a doctor finally came to him, approaching nervously. Kim Taehyung, being the intimidating force of nature he is, looms over the man with an eyebrow cocked, daring him to deliver bad news. 
“We’ve done the surgery to the best of our ability,” the doctor stammers, “but…”
Taehyung’s blood ran cold. “But what?”
“She… she already lost a lot of blood, sir…”
Then and there, his world crashed.
Next to him, Jimin holds a tight grip on his arm, both to comfort his old friend and to hold him back in the case of an outburst. “Taehyung…” he calls for his name, but the man doesn’t give him any response. Taehyung was clenching his fists so tightly that his fingernails dug into the palms of his skin, drawing blood.
Without another word, Taehyung pushes Jimin away, storming out of the hallway, but his two hyungs catch him in time. The two of them hold him by the arm, wrangling the young man as best as they could. “Taehyung, that’s enough,” Yoongi scolds him, the older man struggling against holding him back. “Don’t do anything stupid.”
But the man in their arms could barely think anyway. “Let go of me!” he bellowed, chest heaving from the sobs that escaped him. “I’m gonna kill them! I’m gonna fucking kill them!”
Bystanders look at the commotion, shocked by the profanities being screamed—unaware that the grieving man was an actual criminal. “Calm down first!” Jimin yells as the two of them drag Taehyung away from prying eyes. “You need a plan to think things through. You’re going to get yourself kil—”
“I don’t care if I get killed!” Taehyung bites back, “I don’t—”
A slap renders Taehyung speechless, the sting on his cheek waking him up for a second before he glares back at Yoongi who now holds him firmly by the shoulders. “(Y/N) wouldn’t want you dead, Taehyung,” he tells the young man, “think and focus.” 
At the mention of your name, he stops fighting back, head hanging low as sobs wrack through his very being. He plays the last of your words in his head.
I love you, Kim Taehyung.
This dawns yet another revelation to puncture another crack in his heart. “I didn’t…” he whimpers, letting Jimin pull him into a hug, “I didn’t tell her I loved her back.”
His best friend rubs circles on his back, heart breaking for the loss of a friend and the heartache of another. “She knows you do, Tae,” he assures him, “She always does.”
And Taehyung knows this well too. That smile you gave him was everything he could ever need to remind him how much you love him and how much you know he loved you too. The thought alone soothes yet burns him all the same. 
Anger fades from his eyes, but so does every other emotion. His beloved butterfly, crushed under the cruel boot of fate while the bastards that started all of this are out there. “I’m gonna kill them,” Taehyung swears on his life, carving all of this in stone, “all of them.”
And like the butterfly of fate itself, your death unleashes a storm. 
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𝓽𝓪𝓰𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 : @mwitsmejk​ @dreamamubarak
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vergilsangel · 5 years
The Heart of the Statue
A/N: So this is actually based on a dream I had about an Alternate Universe Vergil. I’m going to only make it a one-shot because I suck at making a series. I changed the look of the statue from my dream. In my dream it was more of a totem. I hope you all like it!
Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: Some mentions of blood
Tagging: @sakkajagga @catsorfries @final-fantasy-xv-nut @drusoona @blindedstarlight @minteyeddemon
If you wish to be tagged just send me an ask with your username or send me an IM! ^.^
Requests are open! If you want a head canon for FFXV or Devil May Cry (not the reboot) send me an ask!!
Also please check out my Patreon account and my Ko-Fi account!
Eons ago, a great and terrible demon ravaged village after village. He slaughtered countless people and his name sent terror through the hearts of any that heard it. Many tried to stand up against the demon, but they all perished in the face of his great power. Finally, a mage of great power sealed the demon within a stone statue. Word spread of this mage’s heroic deed spread through the land and the people rejoiced as they relished in their newfound peace.
As time passed, the demon’s statue was forgotten to time. His name and vicious deeds faded as those who lost family and friends to his blade passed away. No one dared speak of him out of fear he would break free and return. The area around the statue became a forest. Nature tried hard to reclaim the statue into the Earth, but the mage’s spell on it prevented anything from breaking it. Three thousand years passed and the only ones who came across the statue were animals and insects.
At least, until you stumbled upon it by accident. You had been a part of a scavenger hunt, but somehow had lost the path. You weren’t even sure where in the forest you were. When you found the statue, you thought it was part of the hunt. But as you approached it, the many vines wrapping around it told a different story.
The statue was tall and you could easily hide behind it if you wished to. It had a square base and on top was a serpent. Its jaws open as though it were striking prey. As you studied it, you felt as though the statue was watching you.
“This has to be someone’s idea of a joke. What the hell would a statue be doing all the way in the middle of nowhere?” You muttered to yourself. Trying to find some sort of plaque or description carved into the monument, you circled it. As you brushed off moss and dirt, you noticed that the statue felt warm.
“That’s so weird.” You muttered, reaching the front of it again.
“A human?” Came a disembodied voice. You froze, trying to figure out where the voice had come from. Slowly, you looked around, trying to see if someone had followed you.
“Nero? Is that you? If you’re trying to freak me out, I swear I will kick your ass.” You asked, turning your back to the statue. Nero was the one who had arranged the scavenger hunt and was also the biggest ass you knew.
“Who are you, human? What are you doing here? How did you find this place?” Came the voice once more. It was with a terrible realization that the voice was coming from the statue. You turned to look at it. Were you going insane? Statues couldn’t talk!
“Nero?” You asked, wanting the ruse to be over with, but you knew deep in your gut that this wasn’t Nero’s work.
“My name is Vergil. Not Nero. I will ask again, what are you doing here and how did you find this place?” The voice asked. You had to be dreaming. Statues didn’t talk unless there was some sort of sound system wired into it. When you had circled it, you didn’t see any wires or anything indicating a sound system. If this was a prank, it was a very good one.
“I got lost during a scavenger hunt. I just happened to find this place. How are you talking inside a statue?” You asked. Your mind ran through several possibilities, all of them were more outrageous than the last. Several you dismissed with simple logic, the rest were anything to do with magic. But magic wasn’t real. It only existed in fairy tales.
“I was imprisoned many years ago by a mage. Tell me, what is the year?” Vergil answered. Okay, this HAD to be a prank. So, you decided to play along. Maybe you could beat Nero at his own game.
“It’s 2019. So tell me, Vergil, how did you get locked away in a statue? You said a mage did it? Why did they do it?” You asked. If he could ask several questions at once, so could you. Vergil was quiet for several moments making you wonder if the game was over with already. You even began looking around for Nero or someone, but then Vergil spoke again.
“Yes, a mage imprisoned me. I was dangerous to humans so I was imprisoned in this statue. I’ve been alone here for over 3,000 years.” Vergil answered. His answer made your heart ache for him. If he was real, he had been alone with no one to talk to.
“Did you get lonely?” You asked before you could stop yourself.
“I wasn’t lonely when I was killing your kind, I am not lonely now.” Came his cold reply.
“Fine then. I’ll just leave you in peace.” You turned to leave. After five paces, Vergil spoke again.
“Wait.” At his request, you turned to look at the statue again.
“Tell me about the world. What is it like now?” He asked. You knew this was a ploy to make you stay and you realized he truly was lonely. Deciding to indulge him, you went back and sat down. You told him about technology and everything the world had to offer now. He asked about magic, but you told him it didn’t exist. The two of you talked for what felt like hours.
Finally, you knew you were losing daylight and if you couldn’t find your way in the daytime, it would be impossible during the night. You said goodbye to Vergil with a promise to return if you found your way. Turning around, you walked back the way you came. It didn’t take you long to find the path again. As soon as you did, you dug out your pocketknife and carved a heart into the bark of a tree. That way you could easily find Vergil once again.
You continued to see him over the course of the next two weeks. Going out and spending time with him then returning home when it started to get dark out. As much as you tried to deny it, you were falling in love with him. And if this did turn out to be some elaborate prank by Nero, you weren’t sure you would recover from it.
One snowy day, you were heading out to see him. You were about to turn down the path, when someone grabbed you from behind. Instantly, your adrenaline kicked in and you began fighting your captor. Your foot managed to kick his knee and he dropped you. As you scrambled to get away, your hands and feet slipped on the wet snow. A glint caught your eye and the next second pain burned its way from your side as the snow slowly began turning red. You kicked behind you, connecting with your attacker’s face. It was the moment you needed and you took it. Dashing through the trees towards the statue.
In your frenzied state, you weren’t sure what Vergil could do to protect you, but your instincts drove you on towards him. Your left hand covered your right side, feeling warm blood trickle between your fingers from the cut.
“I’M GONNA GET YOU!!” Your attacker shouted from behind you. Finally, the statue was within sight.
“Vergil!” You cried.
“(Y/N)? What’s going on?”
“WHERE ARE YOU?! I’M GONNA GUT YOU LIKE A FISH!!!” Your attacker shouted as you reached the statue. Vergil, for the first time in his life, felt fear. He knew he was going to watch you die and there would be nothing he could do to stop it. You were feeling tired and dizzy from blood loss. Gently, your bloodied hand touched the statue as you used it to support yourself. Your attacker smirked as he saw you, his knife gripped tightly in your hand.
“Nowhere to run to now.” He growled. You collapsed against the statue, shaking with fear, too weak to escape. Just as he raised the knife, there was a blue light from the statue and the next moment, your attacker was lying dead in the snow as a blue demon stood before you. His tail resting gently in the snow and his wings folding. The demon turned to you and you saw two horns on his head with flames coming out of them as well as a row of sharp teeth. His eyes, chest, and arms glowed blue with power. Then, the form scattered away like petals in the wind and a man in a blue trench coat stood there, carrying a samurai sword. He had white hair and silver eyes.
Before you could say anything to him, you lost consciousness. When you awoke, you were in a warm bed and could hear a fire crackling from nearby. Slowly, you opened your eyes and saw an unfamiliar ceiling. You tried to sit up, but pain shot up from your side, making you let out a soft cry and rest back on the pillows.
“You’re awake? Don’t try to move just yet, your wound hasn’t had time to close.” Came a familiar voice. You turned your head and saw the white-haired man from before.
“Vergil?” You asked and he nodded.
“This is my human form. The demon you saw, that is my real form. You freed me.” Vergil explained and your eyes widened.
“So…you really were inside the statue.” You breathed and Vergil nodded again.
“I was. You didn’t believe it?”
“Do you blame me? I’ve never seen magic in my life that wasn’t just sleight of hand.” You answered. Vergil chuckled and shut his book. Wait. That wasn’t his book, that was yours!
“You went through my things?” You asked and Vergil sighed.
“I wanted to find an address for you, but couldn’t find one. I found the book instead. You have been asleep for two days.” Vergil explained. It made you feel a little better, but you still felt weird about him going through your things. Both of you fell silent for a time before you spoke again.
“Where are we?”
“A cabin in the mountains. It used to be mine when I was free. I put a spell on it so it would last forever, apparently despite my imprisonment, the spell did not wear off.” You nodded and it brought up another question. One you were hesitant to ask.
“Why did you rescue me? You told me that you used to hate humans. What changed your mind?” Vergil’s fingers gently traced the title of the book, his silver eyes glazed over in thought.
“For 3,000 years I was alone. For a time, that didn’t bother me. I preferred the solitude. But I began missing things. The feel of wind on my face. The warmth of the sun. Most of all, I missed any form of contact. It never dawned on me when I was free what would happen if I killed all the humans. There would be no one left to talk to except myself. I only realized that loneliness while I was imprisoned. Then you came and saved me from that loneliness. And you are the reason I’m free again.” Vergil explained. He set the book on the floor beside him, uncrossed his legs, and sat forward, gently taking your hand in his own.
“You gave me a reason to live a better life. I promise you, I will not hurt anymore humans unless they try to harm you, but let me stay at your side. Let me learn from you and…and let me love you.” Vergil finished and your eyes widened. He loved you? Had you heard him right? Before he said another word, you sat up and kissed him, ignoring the pain from your side. His lips were soft and warm, even as he returned the kiss and stroked your cheek gently.
“Will you let me love you in return?” You asked and Vergil nodded, kissing you tenderly once again. After you both broke the kiss, you lay back on the couch, squeezing his hand, breathing through the pain.
“So, that is a ‘yes’?” Vergil asked and you nodded. He took your hand between both of his own and they glowed blue.
“So it is promised between myself and you.” Vergil said as the light faded. Around your wrist was now a light blue tattoo in the shape of his tail.
“What does this mean?” You asked and looked up at him.
“It means that I am bound to you and you to me. If I break my promise, I will die.”
“And what happens if I break my promise?” Vergil studied the new tattoo on your wrist, his fingers gently tracing over the mark.
“The bond will be broken and I will be free to do as I wish. I will not ever harm you. Even if you break your promise, I will never harm you.” Vergil looked up into your eyes and you knew he was sincere. He wanted to change and you wanted to help him in any way you could. You squeezed his hand and smiled, silently letting him know that you were happy he was there. As you thought about it, another question came to mind.
“How was I able to free you?”
“I was just as surprised as you. When the mage put me in that statue, he told me only he or anyone of his bloodline could free me. Apparently you are his descendant.” Vergil answered and your eyes widened.
“Shut up.” You replied in shock making Vergil chuckle. Seeing his smile warmed your heart. You had heard him laugh when the two of you talked, but seeing how his eyes sparkled with joy filled you with more joy than you could ever dream of.
“So, I’m the descendant of a powerful mage? Does that mean I can do magic?” You asked.
“Possibly. I know of some I could teach you, but first you must heal.” Vergil gently kissed your forehead.
“Get some rest. The sooner you recover, the sooner I can teach you magic.” He promised. After a few days, you healed and you took Vergil to your home. It took some doing, but Vergil was true to his word.
And you were true to yours.
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smileyseungmin · 4 years
Works in Progress...
Wow so I swear I’m not just lazy im a bit lazy but I’m just busy and don’t have that much time to write a lot... however I do have some stories I am in the middle of writing that I am excited to post, soon hopefully, but I figured i would give a preview of each of them.
The Flower of Our Friendship
Throughout your life, there has always been two constants you could turn to, sunflowers and Jeongin. Jeongin being your best friend since childhood and sunflowers symbolizing that wonderful friendship you have with Jeongin. Yet, just like all flowers, sunflowers also have to die, withering away until there is nothing left. Being friends with an idol isn’t an easy task, yet you still try to manage. However, as Jeongin and his group grows in popularity and you start to face challenges of your own, this beloved friendship will truly become a sunflower, up until the fall of the last petal.
"I never realized sunflowers were this tall!" Jeongin exclaimed loudly, eyes wide as he looked up at the beautiful yellow flowers that seemed to tower over everything. Sunflowers. They were vibrant with color, the yellow shining so brightly, it seemed to challenge the sun itself. Sunflowers. They stood tall with pride, looming over everything and showing everyone that nothing can get in its way. Sunflowers. They were truly a special flower. 
"You know, sunflowers actually represent friendship and the special bond between friends." Jeongin looked at you with wonder in his eyes, surprised that you knew such a thing.
"Wow! Really?" You nodded your head confidently.
"Yup! My mom told me so."
"Wow… that's cool." There was a small period of silence between you two. "So that means that this is our flower." 
You watched in confusion as Jeongin walked over to a patch of tiny sunflowers and picked two. He walked back over to and handed you one of the flowers with a big smile. You took it into your hands carefully, cradling it delicately as if it was made of precious porcelain. You looked back up at Jeongin with a smile wide enough to rival his.
"Yes, the sunflower is now our flower."
That moment was years ago, thirteen years ago to be exact and between that day and now, the sunflower was always a constant in your friendship with Jeongin. Every single time he saw a wild sunflower growing, he would pick a handful for you and give it to you the next time he saw you. You, on the other hand would constantly draw him sunflowers and he'd keep every single one in a special place in his room. Jeongin even bought matching necklaces for the both of you, a small locket that had a sunflower engraved onto it and a picture of the both of you securely placed in it.
Throughout those years, you saw your friendship with Jeongin grow and blossom into something beautiful and amazing. The two of you became inseparable. Two peas in a pod, each other's partners in crime. Despite all the friends that came and left, all the meaningless relationships you endured, and all the small crushes you ever had, the two of you stuck together, standing tall and strong like a sunflower.
However, sunflowers don't last forever. They sprout, they grow, they bloom. Their colors become so vibrant and absolutely stunning, people can't help and stare in awe. They peak in their absolute beauty, but then they fall. They start to droop, petals slowly fall away, touching the ground with a saddened silence. They lose their color, becoming dull and meaningless, catching the eye of no one. They slowly shrivel up, wither away, becoming smaller and smaller until there's nothing left, and they are left to decay.
Loose in the City
A string of mysterious murders have come up in Seoul that leaves the people and the police on edge. Long rivals y/n, one of the best detectives from the Violent Crimes department, and Lee Minho, the infamous detective from the Homicide department are forced to team up to solve this mystery of who is behind all of these seemingly unrelated deaths. However, as they dive deeper into this case, they start to dig up old cases that were left cold or hidden away for the public to forget. Secrets start to be revealed and questions can only be answered with more questions as y/n and Minho try to solve this never ending case.
Terror ran wildly through his veins as he tried his absolute hardest to stay the quietest he has ever been. His breathing was so shallow he wasn’t even sure he was even breathing. He silently prayed to all the gods he ever knew that whoever was downstairs,whatever monster that entered his house would leave. That he wouldn’t even look toward the stairs that lead right to where he hid. 
He didn't know how it even happened. He was simply lying on his bed, scrolling through Twitter when he heard it. The shattering of glass. The confused shouts. The ear piercing scream. He jumped from his bed and ran to the top of the stairs, but stopped short. He listened, but heard nothing. Not a single sound, aside from his short breaths. He took a step, ready to investigate the absence of sound, when he heard it. 
The sound of something heavy hitting the ground. The sound of a body hitting the ground. He froze. He stopped breathing. That was the sound of one of his parents body's hitting the floor. His parents were dead, murdered by the hands of whoever was downstairs. He felt sick. Like he was going to throw up.
He slowly backed up from the stairs and locked himself in his room. He surveyed his room, trying to find the one thing that could grant him freedom. His phone. It was lying on his bed, screen gone black from the lack of usage in the past few minutes. Before he could even reach his phone however, he heard the unmistakable sound of footprints slowly making his way up the stairs. 
Grabbing his phone, he stealthy ran over to his door, making sure it was locked and turned off the lights. The footsteps became louder and louder with each passing second and he knew that he was running out of time.
He hid in his closet. He knew that it wasn't that effective but it was the best he could think of. He wasn't listening to the footsteps anymore, too busy typing out a letter, meant to go to his best friend. No matter what happened to him, he was the one person who deserved to know what had happened to him. He didn't even bother to read it over, sending it as soon as it was finished. 
He stared at the screen, the only thing that he actually cared about, not the fact that there was a murderer who was just outside his bedroom door, picking the lock or that his parents were dead in the living room. The only thing he cared about was if he had seen the message. 
Someone called him, just as the closet doors swung open, but he couldn't see who it was. Instead he just screamed.
Happily Never After
The devil disguised as an angel. That’s the only way you could describe her. Your step sister, Yeji. The one that “had it terrible” and the one that you had “mistreated” It was all a lie, some story she made up to win the heart of the stunning prince, Hwang Hyunjin. Yet you knew that behind those striking eyes and beautiful smile, she was evil at heart, yet it was too late, because while you and your family was forced to stay in the town, she was able to ride away with her “true love” and get married and live her happily ever after. All was peaceful in the kingdom, that was until the King suddenly died in his sleep, and you knew, this was the work of your step sister, and so did someone else in the castle.You and this mystery person have to devise a plan to stop prince Hyunjin’s coronation from happening before Yeji becomes Queen and kills Hyunjin, becoming the sole ruler of the kingdom. 
Everyone knows the story of Cinderella. How the unfortunate girl who lost her mother, then later her father, was forced to live under the rule of her cruel stepmother and awful step sisters. Then she met the dashing prince and it was love at first sight. They dance, gracing the ballroom with their beauty. That was until the clock struck twelve and she was forced to leave the prince behind, but not without leaving something for the prince. He scours the entire kingdom, looking for the one and he does, but not after dealing with her terrible family. They rejoice and ride together back to the castle, leaving the family behind in the hands of karma. A touching story really, except for it really isn’t. It’s quite the opposite actually. The infamous fairy tale has it all wrong. That unfortunate girl didn't live an awful life. She wasn't mistreated and she surely did not deserve the life that she got. Her step family wasn't cruel to her. They never forced her to become a servant of her own house, they never ridiculed her and tore her pretty dresses up. They never prevented her from going to that ball. But she was manipulative, twisting her words to make them seem like the bad guy, to win over the heart of the prince, to make her seem like the innocent dove in a horrendous tragedy. She knew of the power that she held and she took advantage of that, earning her the life that an evil person did not deserve.
"Everyone gather around! This is a message from the royal family!" A voice cried out, drawing out the villagers from their homes, confusion adorning their features. You heard the sound of hooves thundering against the ground and the silhouette of a nobleman from the castle came into view. The nobleman came to a halt in the middle of the market, making sure that he had the attention of everyone before speaking. 
"I am Minho, a nobleman from the royal family and the King's adviser. It is with great sadness that I announce that the King peacefully passed away in his sleep." Shocked gasps and concerned murmurs filled the streets, everyone looking at each other for confirmation. “A private funeral was requested by the royal family, and the coronation for the prince will be due within these upcoming weeks. More details will be announced when the invitations are handed out.”
The sound of the horses faded away as you stared in disbelief. The King… dead? There was no way, the King was perfectly fine and healthy last week when he visited the village. You had a sinking feeling that this perhaps wasn't an unfortunate tragedy. You knew that your step sister had to be behind this, there was no way she wasn't.
I have some others but these are the main three I am focusing on as of right now.
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chokememrstark · 7 years
A Dangerous Game // Samifer
Chapter: 7/15
Words: 1837
Summary: Sam comes across a very interesting book that describes a ritual in which one can play a game with the Devil. His curiosity is sparked and even if he doesn’t think he will ever actually do it, Sam soon finds himself face to face with this very entity. Things take a very unpleasant turn, but despite that, Sam is going back, as if something pulls him towards Lucifer.
abuse, violence, bullying, black magic, no hunter!au, a lot of angst, a lot of hurt/little comfort
Note: Because I feel I need to add this: Dean is pretty much a complete asshole in this story, so if you’re uncomfortable with that you might want to reconsider reading it (or tell yourself he is completely ooc, fine with me too xD)
Thanks to @sassysupernaturalsweetheart & @brieflymaximumprincess for their wonderful beta reading and keeping me company while writing this story ♥
Tagging: @spnyoucantkeepmedown @samlicker83  @wait-what5 (if you want to be tagged, just drop me an ask or contact me via IM)
Sam didn’t wake up until the early morning hours, the room had no windows and the candles had burned down already by the time he opened his eyes in the darkness. At first, he simply laid there, unmoving and trying to figure out if he was still asleep or in hell, but eventually he moved and pushed himself off the cold ground. It took a while for him to find the light switch in the unfamiliar room and when he finally did and turned the lights back on, a cold shiver ran through his body. He remembered what had happened the night before - the things the devil had told him - and the pain in his chest came back, almost as bad as before.
It took him a few minutes to collect himself enough to gather the stumps of the candles and wipe the salt away, as well as unwinding the yarn from the mirror and cover it with the cloth again. At last, he turned the crucifix back how it should be and closed his backpack. All of this was kind of automatic, he didn’t really think about what he was doing. He just knew it had to be done and thus, he did it. When he unlocked the door and peeked out, finding the empty chapel, he sighed in relief. He quickly put the key back where he got it after locking the door again and made his way out of the church through the verger’s quarters.
The day had just begun, the twilight not even completely gone, so he knew he was not in too much trouble at least. Not that it mattered, really. After remembering the night before, Sam had no desire to do anything other than lay down and cry for years. The ache was not as intense and numbing as it was the night before, but it still remained painful and horrible. He had been so mad at his dad for treating him the way he did all the time, even started the same with Dean, but in the end they had been right.  Or not? They had a reason to hate him and the more he thought about it, the more unlikely it was that he had never accepted the truth sooner. Of course it was nothing he did on purpose and despite what the Devil had said to console him, it was his fault, there was no way around it.
Sam arrived at home around seven, coming into an empty apartment. The Impala was still gone and the door to Dean’s room was open, with no sign of his brother whatsoever. Unwillingly, Sam was a little relieved. He really didn’t want to face any of them at the moment, no matter how short or why. Without losing any time, Sam hopped under the shower, leaving the hair washing out this time and just focusing on cleaning his face mainly, then got dressed in clean clothes and redid his makeup. His old clothes were dirty from the dust in the storage room and he wasn’t going to step outside with them again like this. When he was done with his makeup, however, he found something weird on the back of his left hand.
Curiously, Sam inspected his hand closer and noticed there was a huge bruise, covering almost his whole hand. He must have fallen on it the night before, when he touched the bruise it stung a little, but not enough to cause disturbing pain. He shrugged it off, put away his stuff and gathered his school supplies to head off again. Not that he actually wanted to go to school, but he wasn’t really looking for trouble with his dad when he found out he ditched it either.
There wasn’t much Sam remembered from his classes this day - his thoughts were occupied with the events of the night before and with the consequences they had on his life. He spent the breaks under the weeping willow trees once more, barely registering when the bell rang to go back inside. He would have loved to sit there forever, hidden between the hanging branches of the trees, almost as if he was in a different world where his problems and pain didn’t exist - but those things were for fairy tales, not real life.
When he finally made it through the last period and headed home, he remembered his promise to the devil. Well, not exactly a promise and he didn’t know if he would actually keep it or not, but he wanted to be prepared just in case. So, instead of going home directly, he changed directions and payed the occult store another visit.
Today, the store was open and when Sam entered, he was greeted with a familiar face. The woman who had served him the last time smiled happily at him, almost excited.
“You are back, how nice! Were you able to use your gifts?” she asked, with curious interest.
“This is why I am here, I wanted to buy a few new candles.”
“So, you did it? You used them?”
“I… yeah, I did,” Sam wanted to lie, but why should he? This woman wouldn’t go to the police or anything to tell anyone, so he screwed his cautiousness. “And I need more for another try.”
“Did it work?” the woman asked, now visibly excited. “Did he appear?”
“You read the book, too, then? What do you think?”
She sighed and bowed her head so her face was covered, then slowly shook her head.
“I read it, yes. And I tried it. But nothing happened.”
“Huh,” Sam huffed and internally smirked to himself, without even wanting it. He didn’t know why Lucifer had shown himself to him and not her, but he wasn’t too interested in finding out why.
Instead of asking her further, Sam turned around to the candle shelf and took his time to select candles he could use. He settled on seven red and seven white ones, thicker than the last ones he used so he could relight them multiple times. He also took a black candle in form of a little dragon and brought them all to the counter.
“What was he like?” the woman asked as soon as he stood before her, eyes wide and eager with anticipation.
“I don’t think I want to talk about this, I’m sorry,” Sam shook his head slowly and put his hands on the counter. “It was a weird experience and I’m not sure if it was a good thing to do.”
“Why not? You are alive! You’ve talked to him and are still alive! What could not be good about this?”
“I’m alive, yeah,” Sam laughed sarcastically. “But it’s not a good life, trust me. I’d like to pay now.”
She understood, thankfully. Without asking any more questions, the woman scanned Sam’s candles. He payed, thanked her for the conversation and then left the store.
At home, still a completely empty place for some reason, Sam retreated to his room and laid down on his bed. He felt weak, much worse than in the morning after waking up from sleeping on the hard church ground. He needed some distraction, anything really, and turned on the radio next to his bed before laying back down with his eyes closed. For a while, an instrumental song he didn’t recognize played and helped him relax a little, but his thoughts still wouldn’t slow down.
He kind of wanted to believe what Lucifer - he liked the name more than “Devil” to be honest - said was true. That it wasn’t his fault what had happened and that it would have happened with or without him anyway. But, why would he, the literal devil, try to comfort him when he was breaking down? Shouldn’t he be the one enjoying to see him suffer? Wasn’t this what the Devil strived for in his very existence?
And the invitation, the request to come back to talk to him. It was creepy, but at the same time very appealing. Sam thought he was going crazy, but even after the horrible experience he had the last night, he was not completely against the idea of repeating it. The worst things had been said already, hadn’t they? So how much worse could another visit go?
“Well, I could be arrested for performing satanic rituals in a church, of course…” Sam mumbled and then, much to his surprise, actually laughed.
It was a crazy and surreal thought, but it was possible, right? If anyone watched him while sneaking into the church in the middle of the night, they would definitely call the police and that could turn into a very awkward situation. Not to talk about the beating he would get from his dad if something like this would happen.
Sam sighed and listened to the silence the radio provided for a while before another song came on, one that was not really helping with his confusion: Every Breath You Take. Sure, he liked the song in general, but right now it had a very creepy tone to it.
“I wish I could talk to him now,” Sam sighed and pushed himself into a sitting position. He was kind of confused by his own wish to talk to Lucifer, but apart from dropping a pretty big bomb, he had been not too bad in his eyes. Yes, he was the Devil and the game was a dangerous one, but he even warned him about the time limit, so he wouldn’t end up with his soul being trapped.
Sam wanted to know what this was about, he wanted to know why the Devil wanted him to be safe and even come back. Was it part of his trap to lure Sam into something or was it genuine interest or something completely different? Was it his way of corrupting Sam’s soul and make him agree to do tasks in his name to ruin other human’s lives? He really didn’t know, but Sam was much less conflicted about doing the ritual again.
After contemplating about what to do for half an hour more, Sam decided he would think about it later and first focus on his homework. Not his personal top priority, but not everyone in his family would see it the same way. So, he spent the next two hours sitting over math problems and an essay he had to write about morales - a perfectly fitting topic, given his inner turmoil at the moment.
He heard the door of the apartment open and close, but didn’t bother checking who it was. He would find out soon enough anyways, staying quiet to avoid trouble had become a thing he had mastered through the last years and that’s exactly what he did. When the door next to his own wasn’t shut and he heard nothing more than shuffling in the living room and some mumbling, he knew it wasn’t Dean who had arrived. He just hoped there wouldn’t be more arguing soon.
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