#im gonna call this Schrodinger's AU
nymphacae · 2 years
A LEGEND in the Rymin fic community loves my fics?? I’m gonna cry /lh /gen
Also might I ask what your headcanons for the silly lil guys are? It’s always interesting to hear how other people interpret these lovable music dweebs.
ahhh i have a LOT of headcanons and it feels like a lot of them vary based on which AU/story i'm working with, hc's are a lot like trying on clothes at thrift stores for me — sometimes you just wanna try a new one out for size and think 'hm!' @ the mirror, it's what makes community engagement so much fun imo !
but i will ATTEMPT to narrow down some of the constants i find when working with rymin and ones that aren't, yknow, confined to specific AUs — although i'm sure if you're familiar with paper trails, you know some of these already lmao
HE LOVES REPTILES. You HAVE to know this about me by now but i push ryan lizard propaganda like my life DEPENDS on it!!! He loves bearded dragons in particular – his favorite girl is named Spitfire and she’s a proud lesbian (min in the bg telling ryan to stop pushing a sexuality on her, but he’s ignored). But he loves snakes too, and spiders and lizards…I imagine he names them all after musicians for funsies, spitfire just happened to break that code for me bc i liked the name too much lol
Second thing people probably know about me is how hard i push anti-beatles ryan akagi bc it’s true
He picked up a habit of smoking on the road and he’s since then quit – going cold turkey after getting abducted by a train will tend to break that habit
His sibling’s names, in order, are Alexa, Miya, Ethan, and Eikoh. Both his sisters kinda had to mother him; though he’s closest to Miya (who’s an interior design/textiles major, also engaged) bc Alexa had a severe case of eldest daughter syndrome and it made her pretty snippy – she also fled the nest the second she could and only really calls to yell into the receiver about her job and secret girlfriend
Ryan’s a Schrodinger’s Gender situation for me, so it fluctuates often just based on what story i’m telling. In the AUs/stories where he’s transmasc, ryan names himself after a homeless guy named Ryan who’d sit outside his family’s local supermarket and play a sick riff. One day baby ryan spotted him throw a banana peel at a police officer was chasing him (for dignity’s sake, he always tells friends he was just inspired by ryan roxie, the guitarist)
(also in these AUs, he has insanely intense cycles due to the cursed cocktail of anemia/endometriosis, which leads to minor complications when he’s on the road and can’t afford T/birth control anymore. It’s a whole Thing, he had to be hospitalized for it at age 13 and the doctors basically shrugged, as doctors do. I’ve wanted to explore this caveat before but never found the time, oh well)
also shoutout to prism who engraved 'pt ryan transfem' into my brain you were so real for that
his specific mental diagnosis is also a roulette wheel based on what story im working with, shrug. idk who said that min is adhd in an autistic way and ryan is autistic in an adhd way, but whoever said that changed my life so ty and you're right!! i also lean towards him having/on the watchlist for forming bpd - looking back on pt i believe he showed signs of bipolar disorder
Tulip and Ryan are bffs. I’m not budging on this. They make friendship bracelets and play mario kart and sing karaoke and ryan does her hair bc lake won’t do Femme Things™ with her anymore and they love each other SO Much
Ryan’s acespec; I touch on this whenever I can, but this plays a Big role in his relationship with the music industry. Sex Drugs And Rock N’ Roll is a subculture he could never fit into for a plethora of reasons, and it was another way he felt isolated while going solo due to all the aggressive expectations. He’s sex-POSITIVE, bc it’s important to me to shed the stupid ‘asexuals are all sex-repulsed puritans’ agenda i see being spread sometimes. He thinks it’s fun, and with the right person it is!
He's the one who gets carsick/boatsick and is terrified of flying
He's really into boozy cocktails but he'll pretend he isn’t — he likes tequila and vodka which is funny bc i picture his favorite drink to be like a hurricane or sex on the beach
He's lost a lot of friends by reviewing their mixtapes
He really gets into making pastries and desserts farther down the line! Depending on the timeline this could be a hobby encouraged by a therapist or just an interest he picks up naturally, with min always finding comfort in food and cooking himself
His mom’s name is Soo-yeon and his dad is Tae-hyun. He visits Jeju-si in the summer since his mom has two sisters living there
Min loves helping his mom around the kitchen/folding laundry. His parents have a huge garden out back with flowers and some veggies, and he likes harvesting from there when his mom lets him (she’s very picky about who touches her flowers!)
Plants are min’s comfort item; they’re basically to him what reptiles are to ryan! He’d cover the entire van/flat with them if he could, he loves succulents in particular and he likes to sing to them
He’s a HUGE dog person!! Whenever he’d come visit the Akagi’s he’d make an IMMEDIATE beeline for the family dog; however when his mom bought a Pomeranian to cure her empty nest syndrome, he despises it (for comedic purposes he only addresses his mother's dog as The Dog)
He leans more on the side of whiskey in drinks; he also likes gin. His taste in alcohol is definitely WAY stronger than ryan’s, less diluted with flavors, but both have the same level of tolerance. he enjoys a good sazerac
He’s a dark chocolate kinda guy
He won the spelling bee in grade four
Once he travels with Ryan and becomes more comfortable with his identity, I think he'd experiment with gender and appearance. while i enjoy seeing gender hc's for My Lads, for me and my writing it's nice to work with a min-gi who embarks on a gender journey and comes back deciding he likes being a cis guy just fine. not that this affects him playing with makeup or clothes lol, also if he were to wear skirts at all they'd be long and loose
Wherever I can apply it, Simon and Min are always gonna be roommates who are stuck in a perpetual loop of basically reenacting that always sunny ‘mac and dennis move to the suburbs’ episode
He looks up to Grace a lot; she’s kinda The Mentor Friend who intimidates you just enough for you to get your shit together, and outside of Kez he'd consider Jesse his closest friend
He loves cooking! He likes making hearty meals for his friends, and he especially enjoys teaching them how to cook if they’re curious
Big ol ADHD mess over here, an icon
He’s the one that most comfortable with his identity, which is very funny to me seeing how he’s the one that casually accepts ‘queer’ as his label while Ryan keeps picking terms out of a hat and then furiously stomping on the slip of paper lmao. Mins just chillin, he likes who he is and he’s not about to challenge that 🤷‍♀️
-ryan's got the cold hands and min's got the warm hands
-they’re both qpps with kez bc it’s important
-min's the one who chugs down coffee like it's water, and ryan likes fancy coffees, but he's more of a tea person lmao (lots of sugar though)
-they both have bad tattoos
-in modern era, they’d do the neurodivergent Thing of assigning everyone they know pokemon teams – they’d be HUGE pokemon fans and would trade cards/art all the time (to discuss their pokemon teams with me would initiate an entirely different conversation……..)
-i've gotten into Agree To Disagree disputes with mutuals over this but i stand by 'min's the one with the 13-in-1 wash and ryan has 12 different hair care products' bc Neurodivergence(tm)
-they both smoke weed and will ruthlessly roast your spotify playlists
I’m hosting a friend rn so uhhh hopefully this suffices
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my blog for my fnaf stuff. not much else. mostly gonna be about my fnaf au, which all posts about will be tagged #Silverdunes au. maybe some more canon compliant stuff sometimes. reblogs too, mostly fnaf related but will reblog donation links and resources
other info under cut: name, pronouns, etc
anyway, i'm spork, pronouns it/it's and dae/dem/daer. white, 19. im just like schrodinger's cat but its about being gay and im not a cat at all. (will explain if asked) the fae stole my fuckin gender. cant have shit in alabama. eng only
i check the blogs of those who follow me, so if you get blocked i guess its because you were a terf or a zionist or something equally as fucked up. maybe you were fine but just annoying.
'''proshippers''' or whatever the hell yall call yourselves fuck off i dont have the time of day.
will update with tag links when if 1. figure out how to do that and 2. feel like actually doing it
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AUs are great and all, but there's a lot of potential to screw things up in some of them. In the source material, certain characters often go through experiences/events within the story that shape them into who they are at the end, and without those experiences/events, they'd likely be a completely different person at the end. Unless, of course, you write in new experiences/events of the same caliber (for lack of a better term) that will instill the same changes in their character. The same goes for relationships, platonic, romantic, or otherwise -- relationships are often formed/made possible by defining moments in the lives of the characters, such as experiences/events they go through together, or even ones they go through separately that shape them into the kind of person compatible with the other(s).
One of the first examples that comes to mind: For The Hobbit (the movies; I've not yet had time to procure and read the book), a popular AU is time travel: one of the characters is sent back in time, and they retain their memories of the previous timeline, likely for the purpose of fixing certain events. Of course, in a lot of these, the person sent back tries to stop nearly every bad thing that happened on their journey. The problem with this, though, is that some of those bad events were essential to character and relationship development.
For instance, assuming Bilbo wasn't the person sent back in time, each mishap along the way would be crucial in his character development. They bolstered his courage and self-confidence and overall made him into the hobbit we all love at the end. If none of that had happened, he'd likely go through a fair portion of the journey, if not the entirety of it, sort of stuffy and unsure of his abilities. He was quite different at the end of the journey than he was at the beginning, and that's thanks to the many bumps in the road.
Similarly, without some of those mishaps, Bilbo and the rest of the Company wouldn't have as strong of a bond. They were like family near the end because of the perils they had faced together and because Bilbo proved himself to them with his bravery and cunning. The incident with the trolls, saving Thorin's ass, breaking them out of elf jail, walking straight into the den of a dragon and holding his own against it very well for a fair while, and even more events. If none of this had happened, there would be virtually no relationship development between them. I hate to say it, but at the beginning, not many of the dwarves respected Bilbo all that much. Granted, Thorin was probably the worst of them and the most obvious and outspoken about it, but still. These events were necessary for them to see the true Bilbo and for all of them to grow closer together.
Plus, I know a lot of people ship Bagginshield, right? Well, most of those prime shipping moments wouldn't have been possible without a lot of the mishaps. For one, Thorin would still see Bilbo as a wuss and a weakling if those events never happened. Bilbo wouldn't have been able to slowly but surely prove his worth to Thorin. Not to mention the event that finally forced Thorin to acknowledge the hobbit's mettle: Bilbo saving the obtuse dwarf's ass. A more minor detail/factor in their relationship development depends heavily upon how they arrive at Laketown and their choices once they get there. I'm talking about the moment where Bilbo stands up for Thorin and "vouch[es] for [his] character." Depending on what was changed leading up to this moment, it may not happen. Although it's not a super important moment in their relationship development, it definitely helped solidify and strengthen their bond to a certain degree. The same could probably be said about Bilbo's relationship with the rest of the Company too, as they see him standing up for their leader in a crowd of imposing figures. (He was literally the shortest person there and barely hesitated to defy the Master and his lackey (I always forget his name -- Alfrid?)
Another example would be AUs where certain characters never existed or died early (maybe even before they were introduced in the story) or something similar. Whatever the case, the character isn't there and maybe never was. There are multiple ways this could be written well and others not so much. An example of this that quickly comes to mind is a Sherlock AU -- no Mary. See, Mary was an extremely important character for multiple reasons, and if she disappears from the narrative, a lot is changed and must be accounted for (which isn't as bad for one-shots as it is for longer fics). For simplicity and time, I'll stick primarily to the time around her introduction.
When Sherlock disappeared for two years and John thought he was dead, he was having a really rough time. He was struggling until he met Mary. She was the light in the darkness, so to speak. So what happens when you remove her from the equation? What happens with John if he never meets Mary? Nothing good, that's for damn sure. That gives you three options when you write within this AU: (1.) John meets someone else or finds someone he already knows (Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, etc.) to lean on for support. (2.) John suffers through alone in silence until Sherlock returns. Or, (3.) John is not broken up at all, actually; he is an unfeeling robot.
Take your pick, I guess. Or maybe there's a fourth option I'm not seeing. Point is, Mary was significant in John's healing/recovery after Sherlock's "death," so you would need to write something to fill that void, not to mention the key parts she plays later on (which is probably not much of a problem for one-shots). You can't just ignore her existence and continue on. There must be adequate acknowledgement and adjustment to make it work.
Of course, this isn't to say that these AUs are wrong or bad (I actually love the first AU and am writing a fic of my own for it). These are just examples of my point about how AUs can be messed up. There are many ways to write these AUs very well, and all of the ones I've read so far are great. However, that doesn't mean the potential isn't there. I'm not trying to say AUs in general are bad either, nor am I trying to tell anyone how to write. If you like writing AUs a certain way, don't let me tell you not to. You write what makes you happy. I'd probably read it either way anyway. I'm just a slut for character development and a perfectionist when it comes to my own writing. I expect this out of my writing, not anyone else's, because this is what makes me happy to write.
To conclude, my point here is simply that AUs can seriously mess with character, story, and relationship development, and we, as writers, must be mindful of that. There are sometimes instances where you actually don't even have to worry about it. I think the AUs that generally have this problem the most are the ones set in the canon setting and/or under the canon circumstances. For example, high school AUs are generally free from this and grant a lot of creative liberty. Canon divergence AUs, on the other hand, like one I'm writing for Marble Hornets where a character decides to do something differently, are probably the ones to worry about the most. (I'm pretty sure time travel AUs fall under canon divergence.)
When in doubt, if your AU reminds you of Schrodinger's Cat, be mindful.
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cloverlyanxious · 5 years
Schrodinger’s House: Chapter 1
Summary: All Dee wanted was to move out of his brother's apartment and find a place of his own. Things are rarely that simple. 
Pairing: None
Warnings: Sympathetic Deceit, I think that’s it but im willing to add more if you spot any.
Notes:  Welcome to the first installment of my Monster!AU  (that still needs a series name;;; ), which i’m dedicating to my buddy @sanderstribute. I literally couldn’t do it without em!
Dee was never one to believe that life was easy. Solutions to problems don’t conveniently drop into your lap, and answer don’t just magically pop out of thin air. You had to work hard for what you wanted, and put effort into solving your issues.
Which was easier said than done when you found yourself constantly evicted due to circumstances that were out of your control but, well, what can you do. Such is the curse of the gift of sight, Dee thought to himself as he clutched the iron nail in his pocket out of habit.
In all honesty, he never expected to come across something that would help him move out of his brother’s apartment when, out of nowhere, he was called upon to settle a dispute between some minor fae in the park nearby. He’d been more concerned about coming out of the meeting unscathed, all things considered (while the small fairies that lived in the flower bushes were more than a little enamoured with him, the Lesidhe that lay claim to that particular patch of woods was less than fond of humans as a whole…). That being said, his mind was far from the prospect of apartment hunting when something caught his eye, making him stop in the middle of the sidewalk.
The house exuded a quiet discomfort from its spot on the street, almost as if mocking the surrounding houses with its very existence. While the neighbouring homes were bright in color and encompassed by gardens of varying sizes, this one sat alone in a yard devoid of all life, plants seemingly withered and dead with no animals in sight. The house itself seemed to be saturated in shadows, though there were no trees or buildings around it capable of creating such a dark overcast. It almost looked like the very wood of the house itself was drenched in darkness, though you could faintly make out the muted blue of the original paint. The windows facing the street seemed to be caked with dust as nothing discernable could be seen of the inside, and the porch looked to be in desperate need of repairs. All in all, it was not a very pleasant house to look at, practically begging for people to ignore it and walk away.
Which is exactly what Dee would have done, had he not seen that the front door was wide open.
He eyed the place suspiciously, looking for any signs of trouble. As much as he’d like to believe that the neighbourhood was as peaceful as it seemed to appear, he wasn’t an idiot.
Well. As much of an idiot as his brother would lead you to believe.
Peering at the towering structure before him, he wondered what could possibly have led to it falling into such a state. Areas like this were sure to have a Home-Owners Association attached to them, and he knew from experience what a group of stuck up elitist troublemakers they could be (and that was putting it politely). He found it hard to believe that no one had done anything about the obvious eyesore this house create to its surroundings.
Before he realised he had even taken a step forward, Dee found himself making his way along the short stone path that lead to the front door. Stopping short of the possibly rotten porch step, he took a moment to glare down at his traitorous feet before raising his gaze to the darkness that lingered beyond the open doorway. This was ridiculous. A terrible idea, really. Going inside is exactly what the dim-witted protagonist of a horror movie would do before meeting a drawn out, torturous death. Clearly he was smarter than that.
He stepped up onto the porch.
Clearly not.
Resisting the urge to groan at his own stupidity, he finally gave up any semblance of doing the smart thing and warily entered the house. Silence greeted him like a old blanket; smothering as it wrapped around him and leaving his skin to itch. He immediately noticed that the interior was just as dark as the outside, little to no light coming into the rooms despite the tattered curtains by the windows being open and full of holes. The room he stood in, which he guessed was the living room judging from how large it was, was empty of any furniture or decorations.
Dee stepped onto the wood floors lightly, testing to see if they were sturdy and hopefully not rotten through. When the boards stayed firm and intact, he cautiously continued forward. He could feel the hair on his arms raise up as the weight of unseen eyes settled over him, but a quick look around proved that there was nothing to support his feeling of being watched. Overall it was unsettling, and Dee considered getting the heck out of there until he noticed what looked to be a fallen picture frame resting near the base of the stairs.
Walking over slowly, he leaned down and picked it up. He was surprised to see a photograph within the frame, colors almost leached out giving it a black and white appearance. Before his eyes was the house, back in what he assumed was its glory days, proudly seated in the background. A small man stood in front of it, pointed face looking forward but small eyes darted off to the side, shoulders almost hunched around his ears. Dee found himself comparing the man to a rat, and could easily imagine him scurrying from room to room in his too big shirt and stained pants. Looking over it again, he squinted when he realized that there appeared to be someone else in the photograph, partially visible from one of the upstairs windows. Frowning, he leaned his face closer to the frame. Maybe his eyes were just playing tricks on him…?
Suddenly, the theme song to Steven Universe cut through the silence, startling Dee bad enough that he dropped the frame. He winced at the sound of breaking glass, but chose to side-step the mess he’d made as he pulled his phone from his pocket. “Whatever it is, I didn’t do it,” he answered automatically.
“If you say so,” the voice on the other end laughed out. “Though part of me is gonna be wondering what the heck you’ve been up to to need that response.”
Dee rolled his eyes. “That’s for me to know and you to never find out,” he drawled. “Now, what can I do for you, brother of mine?”
“What, can’t I just want to talk?”
“Yes, though from past experience calls like these usually mean you’ve forgotten to pick up something while you were out.”
Thomas was silent for a moment, and Dee could see him slumping his shoulders in his mind’s eye. “Yeah, okay you got me. I totally forgot to grab the milk and I really really need it if i wanna get this baking done tonight. Could you swing by the store on your way back? If it’s not too much trouble?”
“Well my schedule seems to be pretty filled for the moment, but I guess I can squeeze you in between defacing public property and reclaiming dominance of McKinnley Park,” Dee said leisurely as he made his way back to the front of the house.
“How generous of you,” Thomas replied dryly, before adding quickly, “Please don’t actually deface anything, please, my muffins will burn if i have to break you out of jail.”
“You ruin all my fun,” Dee groaned, stopping at the front door.
“That’s my job, bro.”
“If you insist.” Casting a quick glance to the darkened room behind him, Dee leaned against the door frame, feeling the dry wood press into his back. Without taking his eyes off the shadows, he hummed into the phone. “I’ll be back soon, then. I have to make a quick stop at the library before returning home.”
“Oh yeah, no problem! Just remember to shoot me a text when you start making your way back please!”
“Of course.” Saying a quick goodbye, he slipped his phone back into his pocket before turning to face the interior of the house once more. Gripping the edge of the door tightly with one hand, he gave another glare into the nothing, almost as if willing whatever was hiding inside to show itself. After a moment of nothing changing, Dee sighed to himself before walking backwards, all while pulling the door in front of him until it closed shut with a resounding click.
Shaking his head again, he finally turned his back on the house and made his way to the sidewalk. There was really no reason for him to be this invested in an decrepit abandoned house that probably had as many long forgotten ghosts as it did spiders in it. Especially when the abandoned bit suggested that there were probably a plethora of reasons as to why it would be a bad idea to move in. Even if something that terrible looking would probably not be that expensive to rent. Not to mention the building itself seemed to only need minor repairs and was, surprisingly, in not too bad of a condition as what he expected going in…..
“This entire day has been a bad idea, “ he groaned, rubbing at his temples to alleviate the headache he was giving himself from thinking such stupid, possibly dangerous, idiotic-
“Y’know, Sonny, all talking to yourself’s gonna do is make people think you’re as crazy as you actually are,” a voice rang out from behind a rosebush, almost succeeding in making the young man jump completely out of his skin.
Dee grimaced before peering behind an exceptionally fat rose to see a little old lady kneeling in the fresh dirt of the flower bed, gloved hands hard at work. “Duly noted,” he grumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets before hesitating. “Have you lived here long?”
“Been here as long as my house has been standing, boy-o,” she replied cheerfully, wiping some sweat off of her forehead with one of her arms. “Couldn’t pay me to move away, worked too hard on these plants to give up on em now,”
“Right…” Gesturing to the dark house next to him, he added, “Then I’m sure you’d know all about the property next to you, yes? Could you tell me about the previous owners? Why they left, how long they’ve been gone..?”
The old lady looked up to where he was pointing, face scrunched up in a frown. Her eyes, small as they were, seemed to have trouble locating the building in question. “Oh… huh, y’know I’m not actually sure…?” She said slowly, an almost blank expression overcoming her features. “Kinda always forget that place is there… kinda dreary, y’know? Haven’t seen anyone in years, probably no one ever lived there, wouldn’t surprise me… i think…”
Looking back to the gardening tools in her hands, she blinked, before smiling suddenly up at him. “You looking to live around here, boy-o? Ain’t no houses for sale, but sure wouldn’t mind seeing a handsome fella like you around the block!”
Dumbfounded, Dee shook his head as he backed away slowly. “Not any time soon,” he said in parting, watching as the lady returned happily to her flowers without a second glance to the dark property next to her. Strange, Dee thought to himself. Positively strange.
The boy was certainly peculiar, there was no denying it. To have made it into his domain at all was a feat in and of itself. To do so with little to no power of his own? Practically unheard of. And yet there he had been, like a fish swimming through still water, disturbing the silt and the muck in his wake. Unaware of what lurked beneath the surface. No idea of the predator lusting for the taste of fresh prey…
It was foolish to entertain the thought of life making its way back into the house. Humans were silly, foolish things. Yet, watching the boy walk away, the stale air almost tasted of something long forgotten. A zest of intrigue. Possibly excitement. Would he forget having ever stepped foot so close to danger? Or would he be back, bringing with him that sweet gift of unpredictability so often missed?
As the boy disappeared from view, so did the shadow that lurked in the top floor window, blending back into the darkness within. All there was to do now was wait.
And waiting was something He has long since perfected.
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