#im also not white and im a woman so i know all ablut being upset that ppl have privelege but do i exploit no
mayatheamazon · 5 years
“She” is actually a male hacker posing as a 19 year old girl’s private Snapchat under the name Lizette. Avoid VALERIE HOLLIDAY as well.
Sincerely, a victim.
so yesterday morning this girl on snap (super pretty, was going to meet up with her in a couple days) wanted to confirm we were meeting.
I said that yes I believe I can convince my parents to go out that day and then she goes off on me, acting as if I was blowing her off when it was the opposite?
she goes on to slut shame me for having 10 partners throughout my life, get pissed that my upper-middle-class self is “so rich and priveleged,” and discredits my talking about working my ass off as a host in a busy restaurant to pay off my student loans as “an easy job, taking the jobs from those who need it, and being so rich” that I “deserve to be targeted.” And the vacation pics I put on my snapchat story because my friends like to see my life was “flexing my wealth.” Bitch tf. I wear cheap clothes and don’t even rly shop ever. I love to give back and I mind my own fucking business. If anything I use my privelege for good and give my friends clothes when they really need it. I never ask people for anything in return. Even if I’m the friend who drives around all the time paying her own gas and car expenses.
I agreed that my family was more fortunate but only because they started from the bottom, survived the 2008 housing crisis BARELY but only because they saved up wisely and had rainy day funds, and still give back. My dad is a small business owner who gives jobs, not takes them. And I’ve always been raised to not be a spoiled brat, to always give back, and to check my privelege.
I’m literally 18 and just graduated and everyone in Orange County has some wealth but obviously when I move out it’s going to be with my own money. I will Be budgeting and eating ramen and having to work multiple jobs but I will do it and not give up on my passions. I’ll be the burnt out gen z-Er that I already am. I don’t lay around.
My days are always filled with me being extremely productive.
Always on my feet. Being anything but lazy.
So for her to call me a spoiled brat when she didn’t even know me....
Idek. I know of my privelege as an American teen who has a car, has a job. I feel rich because I have a good supportive family, a roof over my head, and an open heart. That’s what matters to me most. Of course I’m tucking rich compared to countries with hella inflation and poverty and severe class separation.
The girl starts screenshotting and saving all the private pics and videos I naïvely sent her. Then, while still slut-shaming me, verbally abusing me, and all that shit, she DEMANDS $150 from my own minimum wage paycheck or else she sends my nudes to my parents and managers at work.
She tells me the street I live on too. Calls me stupid. Says that she is actually a man in India who hacks and targets “rich girls” (meaning the girl I was seeing was his previous victim!!!!) to “redistribute wealth”
like some edgelord guy who’s read V for Vendetta or Fight Club and relates to the problematic characters without knowing that OH, Robin Hood’s equivalent in the modern day would be actually targeting rich big business owners who use their privelege to overwork and underpay their employees, or maybe the Hollywood men who use their wealthy white male privelege that we hear about in the #MeToo movement.
Instead of being chaotic good, he’s acted pretty sexist and chaotic evil if you ask me.
Fuck off, buddy. So I sent the money. Was friendly the whole time besides saying the hacker better leave me alone after this, and calling him a dipshit. Asked what food he was buying with it. Said hummus. I joked with the hacker that “I fucking love hummus”. Tried to be a good sport about all of this. Even on the Venmo I said “have a good day XX” (ok that might be sarcasm but DUDE my nude was his profile pic so I can afford to be salty). He’s probably going to use “Valerie Holliday” to catfish as me because that was the Venmo name.
Maybe you can say I’m a “priveleged girl who’s only for wealth redistribution/caste separation reduction if it doesn’t affect her” but the fact that in comparison to the people in my area that is NOT Beverley Hills, I’m not rly that rich??? and the victims of this guys actions should never just be victim blamed?
So guys. I love Bella Thorne. I love the women and men who’ve had to engage with hackers like this who steal their private info and make them feel powerless. Now I’m one of the victims but I don’t just want to be a victim.
I laughed at this and didn’t cry. You can say I took a little breather from my stizz to just clear my overthinking mind and take this as a lesson from the universe. I am pretty trusting of people—too much sometimes—and I’m just grateful I didn’t get hurt and that it wasn’t more $ from my bank account so I can still repay my dad for graciously helping me financially now and again.
I’m glad I didn’t budge on my own opinion of myself and know that I’m not just a spoiled brat. What separates those from me, is that idgaf if I have to do real work like cleaning my dog’s shit, and I am extremely aware of tons of problems in society. Fast fashion is something that I really wish to help stop in the future. So that factories can stop child labor in countries like India, where the hacker was from.
It’s sad because I asked the hacker why he does this besides “redistributing wealth” like the chad he is and he said “what moral compass?” Obviously I’ll never know what this guy has went through but I know that I’m getting money by working.
I mean. Maybe he’s the spoiled brat, typing some hacker codes to bamboozle money from teenage girls he thinks are so “rich” and “evil.”
I’m calling Snapchat soon but I’ve been busy at work and got severe pinkeye this morning but enough is enough.
We gotta stick up for those who’ve been through this shit. It’s SUPER LAME.
Here are the pics of the chat btw (1-5) and Valerie Holliday’s Venmo with my pic on it on 6 of 6. I mean...cool hacker flex. I said he did good at being a hacker but damn he’s an awful human.
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