#ill leave it there to jumpscare me in a few months
da3drat · 3 months
I have a bunch of like. Cryptid footage of morrowind draugr on my phone now from trying to send a video of their movement.
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ughscara · 10 days
alright. this is going to be a lot.
if you thought this was a post where i was announcing that i am quitting just from the beginning alone; i am not. apologies for the jumpscare ^-^ this post is merely me discussing my return and few reasons for my previous unannounced inactivities, and lastly; how i will be posting fics going forward.
— the inactivity and the return.
essentially, i have been physically ill for a while. i won't get into the nitty gritty but for the previous two months in which i was inactive after sharing a post or two; i was out there getting physical therapy which naturally has taken up the majority of my time.
i do also confess to feeling a bit overwhelmed these days. it isn't just limited to my current conditions and situation but also my hobbies as i have begun viewing them like i used to prior to dropping them. i didn't want to feel responsible to write, draw or any of my other hobbies in general, but it is mainly writing and drawing for me as it is what i share publicly. they're my greatest passions and best form of creative expression, and i didn't want to subject myself into viewing them as something i have to do so .. i stopped writing for a while. it's been nearly three months since then, and i am slowly regaining my usual energy to indulge myself in my hobbies.
as for me coming back .. well, my arms have fully healed~ meaning i can write and draw again without having to worry about my arms going numb or become in pain suddenly. besides, apart from me wanting to be the passionate writer i am, i also miss my moots a lot ‹3
— my posting ‘schedule’ going ahead.
starting today; i won't annouce or organize specific dates for my fics to be posted anymore. i realized that publishing deadlines have been taking a toll on me and are one of the reasons i was slowly but surely beginning to view my passion as a responsibility, so i will stop doing exactly that. all of my works will be written, proofread and themed to their respective story behind the scenes and in complete secret. i will potentially share sneak peeks if i am super excited about the concept, but that'll rarely happen if not at all.
series masterposts for ‘sound of spring’ will be privated. i hope to wrap up ‘mundanities with kabukimono’ by mid to late june depending on how much free time i have by then since i am still on physical therapy, but my supposed smau will be on hold for now and it will only be my kabuki series and my 'nushi mini series. future written series for kuronushi, kunikuzushi ( scaramouche ) and wanderer respectively will be published on their own times when i have less stuff on my plate by then.
and this is a more selfish reason but i want to do this for myself. i stated enough times that i was beginning to view my passion for writing as a responsibility, and i don't want that. i started this journey for fun and i don't wish to leave so soon or leave someday feeling like i dragged everything on if that makes sense.
anyways, that is all for me~ i am glad to be back, and it is an absolute delight to make your acquaintances once again for the first time in a decent while. expect your local kuni lover to have more in store but this time; it's all surprises ^-^
thank you so much for reading and for your time. i will see you all again whenever i can ~
— 🤍.
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27dragons · 7 years
@tisfan wasn’t feeling inspired by this prompt, but I had an idea, so I stole the prompt and ran away with it, giggling madly. You can read it here or on AO3.
Prompt: I saw that you avcepted prompts and i had one in mind for winteriron. Person A and a group of friends own a haunted house.Person A works as one of the scarers.Person B comes to visit haunted house for fun. Person B hands up punching Person A when they make them jumpscare too hard. -- from @giftedofthealfheimr​ 
“This year’s haunted house is going to be the best ever,” Tony enthused.
Rhodey finished nailing a support beam into place as if he were entirely oblivious to Tony’s quivering excitement, the bastard. Finally, he turned to Tony with an ill-concealed smirk. “Is it?”
“It is,” Tony said. “Ask me why.”
Rhodey’s eyes narrowed, and Tony tried to project innocent delight. It wasn’t something he was very good at, but Rhodey was a sure thing, anyway, so he didn’t try very hard. Finally, Rhodey sighed. “Why is it going to be the best, Tones?”
“Oh, dear, you shouldn’t have done that,” said a hollow, ghostly voice.
Rhodey jumped and looked up at the speaker over his head. “What the hell--”
“Hell, indeed,” the voice said, and chuckled wickedly.
“Okay, now that’s just creepy,” Rhodey said, taking a not-so-surreptitious step back. “But you know, Tones, we’ve tried having tailored ghost voices in rooms before, but it doesn’t work that well once everything’s dark and the usual spooky soundtrack is playing. It’s hard to discern--”
Tony waved it away. “This isn’t a voice actor,” he explained. “Rhodey, meet Just Another Vanishing Insane Spectre, or JARVIS.”
“Tony. Did you make an AI specifically to scare people? Seriously?”
“Actually,” Tony said, “I made him to keep watch. Remember last year, we had that one kid who fainted and nobody noticed for like fifteen minutes? He could’ve really gotten hurt if he’d fallen wrong! JARVIS will watch for people who get too freaked out and dispatch one of the staff to rescue them. He can monitor breathing and heart rate, core temperature, pupil dilation, all kinds of things!”
Rhodey eyed him suspiciously. “Is that right?”
“It’s an honor to meet you, Mr. Rhodes,” JARVIS put in politely, without any echo or reverb on the voicebox this time.
“...Okay,” Rhodey said. “So what’s with the spooking?”
“Well, haunted houses are supposed to be a little scary,” Tony said. “JARVIS has a range to work with -- if someone gets over a certain threshold, he’ll call for rescue. But if they’re under a certain threshold, he’ll up the ante for them. I’m trying to figure out how he can alert the actors in each scene for performance levels as a group comes in, you know, or who the jumpscare guys should target.”
“You’ve put entirely too much thought into this already,” Rhodey said. “When did you start working on this?”
“September third,” Tony said.
“Of last year,” JARVIS not-so-helpfully supplied.
“Okay,” said Rhodey. “We’ll give it a try for the first few dry-runs, anyway, see how it goes.”
[Mobile readers, mind the break, or skip over to AO3 to finish reading!]
“C’mon, Rogers, what are you, chicken?”
Steve had pulled to a stop as soon as he’d realized their destination. “No,” he said, staring at the house at the end of the block. “I’m just not sure you know what you’re doing. We should start with something a little less--”
“Give it a rest, wouldja, Stevie?” Bucky whined. “I’m sick of letting the damn brain goolies run my life. I can handle a damn haunted house.”
“Buck, this is literally the scariest haunted house on the campus-- no, in the whole state.” There was a sign on the lawn proclaiming exactly that, with a quote attributed to a local paper.
“The engineering department,” Bucky scoffed. “I’m sure it will be technically amazing, but it’s not like they really know what they’re doing. I skipped the theater department’s house.”
“Which took second place,” Steve pointed out, “to, yes, the engineering department. Because the theater people have stagecraft and great actors, but the engineers have Tony Stark.”
Bucky rolled his eyes. “I’m going in the house, Steve. Are you coming with me, or not?”
“Fine,” Steve said, groaning. “Someone has to keep your traumatized ass out of trouble.”
Bucky resumed walking. Six months, he’d been back. Six months with only one arm and nothing to do but skulk around Steve’s place and do fucking PT and go to fucking counseling sessions and fucking occupational therapy. Six months of having to learn how to do shit with only one hand, six months of “working through the anger,” six months of the goddamn nightmares.
He wanted to do this. He wanted to do it because he’d always loved haunted houses as a kid, because he knew the blood and gore would look fake (he knew what real gore looked like now) and because he wanted to be scared and know there wasn’t actually a threat.
The good kind of scared. Not the split-second I’m going to die scared he’d felt when he saw the explosion begin to blossom, or the horrible and unending I’m never going to be normal again scared he’d endured for those weeks in the hospital. Just... startled, and then laugh it off.
The line for the haunted house stretched all the way down the block, though it moved at a decent clip. They saw more than a few groups of students leaving the house, still chattering excitedly about their favorite parts. None of them seemed traumatized.
“Last chance to back out,” Steve said as they approached the ticket booth that had been set up by the front door.
“Fuck you,” Bucky said, and stepped up to the window. A sign on the booth said that proceeds from the haunted house were going to sponsor the students’ trip to Washington for a Battle Bots tournament in November, and everything after that was going to several local charities. The Battle Bots line had been crossed out and someone had written in, Achievement unlocked! Bucky handed over his five bucks and grinned toothily at Steve. “Come on, Steve, do it for the kids.” He tapped the name of the children’s hospital on the list of charities. Steve was a sucker for kids.
Steve rolled his eyes, but turned over his five bucks as well.
They walked into the house, and a pleasant zing of excitement and nerves ran down Bucky’s spine. He could totally do this.
The first couple of rooms were impressively built but basically warm-up rooms -- spooky but static scenes with eerie music and a slightly crackly soundtrack. Bucky leaned over the ropes to look at all the fine details that had been put in, and found himself chortling at the underlying signs that the place was a student house -- graffiti on the walls, suspicious stains that weren’t fake blood, a pizza box that someone had shoved under a couch.
There was a jumpscare from a guy in a vampire costume on the way to the third room that made Bucky’s heart lurch. The way Steve laughed nervously made him think Steve wasn’t unaffected, either.
The third room was the first live scene -- a pretty redhead being menacingly seduced by a guy dressed like a devil. It was creepy, but not especially scary. Especially not when Bucky caught sight of the devil’s perfect bubble butt. “That is not the kind of thrill I was expecting,” he muttered under his breath.
He might have said that a little louder than he meant to -- Steve didn’t seem to have caught it, but the devil suddenly broke the fourth wall to look straight at him. The devil’s eyes caught the mood lighting and seemed to glow in the dim room as he gave Bucky a seductive smirk. It seemed like exactly the wrong thing to do -- but then Bucky realized that the girl had slumped to the floor, eyes staring sightlessly, and suddenly Bucky was trapped between fear and wanting, and his heart was pounding in the best kind of way.
That little spike of adrenaline seemed to carry perfectly through the next several rooms -- a chainsaw murderer standing over dismembered and gory bodies who suddenly turned to swing the saw at them; an impressively-engineered convocation of mostly transparent ghosts; and a howling and slavering werewolf that tipped its head and then lunged at them just when Bucky had started to catch his breath again.
That was the secret, he thought giddily -- not the technical execution, though that was excellent. But someone had done an amazing job of engineering the timing and rhythm of the scariest scenes and jump scares.
There was a long, winding passage in complete darkness, then, only their hands on the painted foam walls to guide them. The weirdling music and spooky noises from the first couple of rooms was playing here, and that faint scratching sound suddenly seemed ominous rather than amateur. Was it Bucky’s imagination, or was the passage getting narrower?
It was.
He and Steve had to go one by one, and then they had to turn sideways, and then squeeze into the foam until it was pressing against them, and there was plenty of air but Bucky was gasping anyway.
“I see a light,” Steve called back to him, and Bucky nearly groaned aloud in relief. He pushed through the foam, following Steve, and they found themselves in a blacklit room, fluorescent shapes darting around wildly. Okay. Okay, this wasn’t so bad--
And that was when the disembodied voice started talking to them.
The hottie was definitely not dating the blond bombshell he’d come in with, Tony surmised, because not once had they reached for each other’s hands, or hugged, or shown any affection aside from the occasional friendly punch in the arm. That was good. Tony wasn’t enough of a dick to hit on a guy who was already dating someone.
Tony made JARVIS keep him updated on the hottie’s progress through the house and willed the clock to move a little faster -- it was only minutes until his break, and if he moved fast, he’d be able to catch up with the hottie and flirt him into a date before he had to go take over random jumpscare duty from Bruce. Finally, Clint and Natasha came into the Seductive Devil Room to relieve Tony and Pepper. (Natasha made an even better Seductive Devil than Tony, though Clint rather oversold his Innocent Victim schtick.)
“I’ll catch up with you later,” he told Pepper.
She kissed his cheek. “Have fun,” she said, and made her way down the hall toward the secret door that led to the kitchen.
Tony dashed through the main house, knowing JARVIS would tell the other performers that it was just him and not to bother. Though Rhodey, in the Werewolf Room, still growled at him. Tony grinned and flashed a thumbs-up before slipping into the Narrowing Hallway and jogging along, one hand trailing on the wall. JARVIS didn’t bother pushing the walls together for him, though as he got closer to the Whispering Room, the voice in his earbud said, “Sir, I might suggest--”
Tony didn’t pay any attention to JARVIS’ suggestion, whatever it was, because there was the Whispering Room, and there was the hottie, still with his friend.
Seductive devil, he reminded himself. He slipped up behind them. “Welcome to my lair...”
The hottie whirled around and Tony’s world exploded in light and pain.
“Oh shit!” Bucky gasped. His heart was still pounding, his breath whistling in his lungs, but he’d--
It was the devil, the cute devil with the great ass, was on the floor, hands clasped over his face where Bucky had punched him, oh shit.
“Oh my god, shit, I’m so sorry,” Bucky said uselessly.
Steve was on his knees, urging the devil to roll over, to let Steve look at it. When had the normal lights come on? The weird noises had stopped, too, and--
The werewolf ran into the room, closely followed by Frankenstein’s monster. “Tony!” the werewolf barked, diving for the devil. Jesus, how had they gotten the word so fast?
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
Frankenstein’s monster eyed Bucky, then took him gently by the arm and pulled him a few steps away. “Hey, look at me,” the monster said. “Are you okay?”
Bucky had a hard time dragging his gaze from the devil -- Tony? -- but when he did, he found that the monster had hazel eyes and a forehead crinkled with worry under the makeup. “I’m... I was...”
“Yeah, you were at the top of an adrenaline spike,” the monster said. “He added to your stress level at exactly the wrong instant, it sounds like. Are you okay now?”
“I... think so,” Bucky managed. He looked past the monster at Tony again. “Is he okay?”
Tony was sitting up now, the werewolf hovering protectively over him. Steve got up and went to the entryway -- which looked like a normal hall now, and not the foam hell Bucky’d had to squeeze through earlier -- to meet a woman dressed like a vampire, who handed over a cold pack.
“I’m sure he’ll be fine,” the monster said. “Come on, let’s get you somewhere a little calmer until you’re ready to head out.” He tugged gently at Bucky’s arm. Bucky didn’t resist -- being kicked out was the least he could expect after attacking a cast member; he’d be lucky if they didn’t sue him for it.
They hadn’t gone three steps when Steve appeared. “Are you kicking us out?” he asked, right on the verge of belligerent.
“Stevie,” Bucky said. “Don’t.”
“Not at all,” said the monster. “I am getting you off the main floor, though, so we can resume operation.” He pushed aside a curtain and opened the door that was behind it. “In here.”
“Here” appeared to be a dorm room, unmade bunked beds against one wall and a pair of desks opposite them, piled high with books and laptops. A drafting table stood in one corner, a half-finished technical schematic taped in place. The monster pulled out a desk chair and swiveled it toward Bucky. “Here, have a seat. Catch your breath. When you’re ready, you can--”
“Bruce!” The door burst open to reveal the devil. Tony. He was still holding the ice pack over his face, but the other eye was wide and frantic. “What did you-- Oh, you’re still here, good!” He traded a few words with the monster, who shrugged and left. Tony turned back to Steve and Bucky. “I wanted to apologize.”
Bucky blinked. “What’re you apologizing for? I’m the one who hauled off and decked you.”
“Sure, but I should’ve known better, JARVIS tried to tell me you weren’t up for any more, and I didn’t listen.”
“No one could’ve known,” Bucky argued. “I didn’t even realize how on-edge I was until it happened.”
“I knew,” Steve put in, and prudently stepped back before Bucky could kick him. “You’ve been on edge for months, Buck. I told you a haunted house was a bad idea.”
Bucky groaned and put his face in his hands. “It was fine until...”
“Until I burst in and dropped that last straw on the camel’s back, huh?” Tony guessed. “Come on, let me make it up to you. Coffee?”
“Nah, I’m not s’posed to drink coffee anymore; the caffeine--” Steve kicked the chair Bucky was sitting in.
Bucky glared at him. “What? That’s what the doc said!” Steve raised an eyebrow and tipped his head toward Tony pointedly.
Tony, who behind the devilish makeup, was really cute. And had a hopeful look on his face.
“I, uh, I mean, they’ve got hot chocolate and tea, too, though, right?” Bucky recovered lamely. Steve rolled his eyes, but forbore kicking the chair again.
Tony beamed. Huh, that fussy little goatee looked real. Bucky wondered if he’d grown it specially for the haunted house or if he always wore facial hair. It looked good on him, or would once the red facepaint had been cleaned off. Tony fished a phone out of his back pocket. “Let me just...”
Bucky fumbled out his own phone and they traded information. Maybe after they had coffee, Tony would let Bucky offer his own apology, in the form of dinner.
One Year Later
Jim Rhodes pulled his lip back in a convincing snarl, and Bucky made an effort to dodge, to run-- but it was too late; the werewolf had leapt on him and was enthusiastically gnawing at his shoulder.
Bucky wailed and thrashed to disguise him unhooking his prosthetic and puncturing the little bag of fake blood hiding at the top of it. One good yank, and a roll, and--
The trio of friends watching the tableaux screamed as Bucky’s arm came free, “ripped” off by the werewolf’s brute strength and razor-like teeth.
Bucky kept thrashing so they wouldn’t get a good look at his stump until the light went out to encourage the group to move along to the next room. As soon as they were gone, Bucky pulled off the top layer of the protective cloth and threw it into the trashcan disguised as a tree stump, and fitted another prepared cap over the end of his arm.
While he did that, Rhodes kicked the fallen leaves over the fake bloodstain to hide it and scrambled back into the shadows from whence he’d pounce.
Steve was in the kitchen; he didn’t like being “on stage”, but he had a real knack for gloriously gruesome makeup that looked distressingly real in the blacklights and strobes in the main part of the house. He was the one who’d come up with the quick-change caps for Bucky’s prosthetic to make it look like a real, bleeding arm when it “fell” off.
“Ten second warning,” JARVIS said into Bucky’s earpiece, and he jammed his hunter’s hat onto his head and snatched up the fake rifle, trying to suppress his grin. Working the haunted house was tough, but so much fun.
Of course, it would be even more fun after the house had closed for the night, when Bucky could hunt down his devilishly handsome boyfriend. After hours of being gnawed on by a werewolf, Bucky was looking forward to getting his mouth on Tony.
The End
Donate a coffee to 27dragons!
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Can I have an MC with really bad anxiety? Like not social but more like she cant even sit in her bed alone in the dark? You're doing really great so far, keep up the good work!
of course! also thank you!!!
i always get motivated for this one in the middle of an anxiety attack lolololol
it was a quiet night 
you had just had the busiest week of a hectic month 
so you got a little clingier with zen
he enjoyed it happy to have some relax time
the phone was ringing in the other room making zen have to leave to grab it
this already made you nervous 
who was calling in the middle of the night
with zen gone you didn’t feel safe
at any gust of wind you jumped 
at any creak in the house you jumped 
any noise sent your anxiety off
you couldn’t stop thinking of what could happen
you were so deep in your thoughts you didn’t notice zen in the kitchen
he suddenly dropped a glass and you couldn’t stop you anxiety
you thought unknown was going to get you again and you started to cry and hyperventilate
you just couldn’t control your thoughts
luckily zen noticed and came over to you and pulled you close
“hey babe I’m here! i just dropped a glass I’m sorry it scared you!”
you just hug him tightly thankful it wasn’t who you thought it was
you just cry for a bit shaking 
he whispers sweet words to you rubbing your back comforting you
he knows about your anxiety as he probably had to help comfort you 
you two were playing a horror game of your own request which was surprising to him
it was mainly to do with the fact you were tired of feeling like a burden
you were doing great albeit your anxiety making you stiff as a board
you were really fighting it
you just cant do getting chased or jump scares
after the first game you are feeling confident even though you are shaking badly 
yoosung was too
he was allowed to pick the game tho
he happens to love the thrill of jumpscares 
its that boost of energy for school lololol 
he pick five nights at freddy’s
you falter
you start playing shaking so much 
with his help you get to the second night 
you try and alternate between him taking over when a jumpscare is near 
and this works till like the 4th night 
when you all get distracted 
theres suddenly a jump scare that makes you scream 
you curl in on yourself shaking and crying mind wandering making it worse
doesn’t help you like to look up the theories and then you get freaked out
you then are thinking about how stupid it is that a game is making you freak out but he doesn’t think so
he grabs his favorite blanket and his hoodie that you love
he rushes to get tea going and he quickly puts on cute animal videos while you are at the compute and has you get up so you can both sit there
you on his lap
this helps distract you and you laugh sniffling at the silly kittens
next thing you know you are asleep on him and he doesnt know what to do 
your school has really been taking a toll on you
you never thought how hard it would be to major in theater 
sweats nervously
you have to practice a monologue but you also have all you academic work to do
as you are working on it you check the time and how much is left 
its now 3 in the morning and barely finished and you still have that monologue to practice that’s due tomorrow
you start thinking of the worst and begin to shake crying silently 
jaehee wouldn’t have noticed if it weren’t for the fact you dropped a glass by accident trying to calm down
that made it worse because now you think thats more work and how it upset jaehee
but she simply cleans up the mess and gives you slippers in case any stray glass got anywhere 
she makes some tea for you to calm down and gets you a blanket and plays some recordings of zen singing because that’s what helps her 
she gives you a hug and a kiss and makes sure you are ok and decides to help you with the work
you were in the penthouse playing with Elizabeth while he was at work
you were having an amazing time till the power went out
you completely freeze up 
you werent aware that you werent breathing till you needed to breathe again
you were just frozen
you shut your eyes tightly like you were taught when you were younger when scared of the dark 
you didnt have a blanket to hide under and you didnt want to move
you were thinking of all the things that could be lurking in the dark and start rocking crying 
elizabeth worries about yoy and brushes against you meowing and you sit crisscross applesauce so she can sit on your lap
you peat her and she purrs comforting you 
suddenly the door is opened making a loud noise and she runs to greet the familiar face but it just made your anxiety worse
you rock again thinking its someone whos going to kill or kidnapp you for being the heirs wife
“sweetheart? its me jumin? your husband?”
he goes over to her with a flash light and he sits down next to you pulling you into his chest whispering to you to calm you down planting kisses to your temples 
you hug him tightly glad to have him right now
the power comes back on and you don’t want to let go
hes fine with this
you were on the computer writing things on tumblr 
when suddenly its hacked 
you cant get all these freaky things of your computer and you are panicking crying
there were quiet a few nsfw things 
some of which hit a few triggers 
you scream for seven 
he had been teaching you computer things but your anxiety wont let you think clearly 
you keep telling yourself that if you were  calmer you can fix it and not need his help
when he comes rushing in you try to explain and he pushes up his glasses telling you hes serious thankfully 
you are still panicking though anxiety running rampant in your head 
you feel bad because he deals with his brothers mental illnesses enough he doesnt have to deal with yours but he honestly doesnt mind 
he shuts down you computer and takes a part out of the computer it self
“well you couldn’t of fixed this it’s well hacked but has been for a while so we need to fix that but that can wait”
he says this knowing you used many unimportant accounts on that computer under his request
hes gets some tea going and wraps you in his jacket taking his headphones off playing relaxing nature sounds he knows helps you from watching your youtube history
and he just hold you close playing with your hair for a while
you are finally calm and he feels like a hero because he got to help you and saeran today 
“im not called god 7 for no reason” 
you smack him and just hug him
you were sitting on the bed with him and bad memories that cause anxiety hit
you normally try to handle it on your own away from him because he needs more help in you mind
but you just cant stop it 
you and shaking badly trying to get the thoughts to go away 
you hold your head desperate to calm down and rock
at this point he notices and knows whats going on and he pulls you close rocking 
“hey you should tell me you go through it too i can help you like you help me…”
you just hug him and he hums slightly playing with your hair
its the most relaxing sound you’ve heard and you quickly calm down
“so what caused it?”
“i remembered what we went through to both be here where we are now”
he just looks sad and understanding now realizing it scarred you too
later he gets you flowers 
you have one dark thought and you jump straight to the thought that you are becoming rika
this of course freaks you out and anxiety comes to say hi and try to spend the night
not today satan
your mind goes through all the ways you could possibly be rika 
you curl up freaking out shaking and crying wanting to stay away from v so he doesnt find out you are “rika v2.o”
its too late 
he rushes to you trying to see if you are ok 
when you tell him you are worried you are gonna become rike he gives you this long talk about how you are nothing like her
hes just sitting next to you and he tells you to talk about your favorite subject to calm down
you choose art and he and you just chat about it for ages till you realize you are calm 
you tell him hes fucking magic 
“no haha i just did research”
you give him a smooch and say no you are fucking magic and he just laughs nodding 
i hope this is ok? its like 4 in the morning and ive been suffering from con depression all day and plus i havent done an imagine in A G E S sorry for that writers block is a bitch
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archived--hell · 7 years
Ey yo fuckers
You remember how i said i’d make a list of good games n shit right? Well here the fuck it is scoob. PLEASE REBLOG THIS IT TOOK HOURS TO PUT TOGETHER OH MY GOD
Cute Demon Crashers! - Cute Demon Crashers! is a silly little short game that gives a lazy virgin college student a fun and safe space to explore her first sexual experience with a partner of her choice, if she so desires. Warnings: 18+
Desolate village - Desolate Village is a Adventure-horror game developed for the 2016 Pixel Horror Jam. The game deals with a the protagonist name Alex, as he wakes up in a village filled with talk animals villagers that all know who he is. But Alex does not remember who they are or how they got in the village.  Warnings: Gore
Lads in Distress - The whole of Lunar Kingdom is abuzz with excitement and curiosity - Princess Charming is throwing a royal ball to celebrate her 18th birthday, much to everyone's surprise. Invitations have been sent to nobles and royals from all neighboring nations, although Charming and her parents only really care about the princes. After all, everyone knows that the true purpose of the ball is for Charming to find a man suitable as her husband so she can form an advantageous political alliance, or even merge their nations together, to save her kingdom from poverty. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately?) for Charming, the princes may need to be rescued just as much as her kingdom does. Warnings: None
Love Is Strange - In Love is Strange, you play as Max Caulfield, an 18-year-old in her second year at the prestigious Blackwell Academy in the sleepy seaside town of Arcadia Bay, Oregon. Max, who aspires to become a famous photographer, finds herself challenged by the prospect of entering a photography contest hosted by her school. To be able to enter the contest, she has to pick a partner to work with. From there on out, what happens is up to you. Warnings: None (that i’m aware of, it didn’t interest me enough to finish it (not saying it’s bad!!! just not my cup of tea))
Out of sight - When Lina decided to go to the park to finish reading a book she couldn't have anticipated that misplacing her glasses could lead to paranormal encounters.  Warnings: Death
Pretty please - A short game about a lady who goes into a beauty clinic to "fix a few things". Warnings: blood, mildly unsettling imagery
Seduce me the otome - "It seemed like the start of something new. Something that would change." You are a senior in high school along with your two best friends, Naomi Patterson and Suzu Cappini. You are also the granddaughter of Harold Anderson, the CEO and founder of Anderson Toys, a toy company sworn to give children amazing products and give a large part of their profit to charity. One day, you get called home to attend your grandfather's funeral. After the funeral, you learn that you have inherited his large estate. Your father suggests you move in immediately, so the next day, you move out of your parents home and into your estate. When you enter your new home, however, you see five injured, yet very handsome men on the lobby floor. They eventually awaken and make it known that they were attacked by a group of dangerous 'misfits' and ran to find shelter, passing out as soon as they entered your home. You find out that they are incubi, 'demons who consume and use sexual energy of humans to survive'. With nowhere to go and a target on their backs, they ponder what what to do. Out of sympathy, you offer your home as refuge for a while in exchange for minor servitude (it is a big house, after all). They happily agree. What will happen as the incubi get comfy? Why exactly did they come the human world? Who are the 'misfits', and will they stop pursuing them so the incubi can leave? ...Will you WANT them to leave? (it has a sequel, among other things!! very good!!!!!)  Warnings: mentions of blood, guns & other weapons, optional sex scenes
The shadows that run along side our car - The road is long. Two strangers sit side by side as night falls over. The car speeds down the open highway. Without a soul around them, everything seems to slip away. On a journey to no one knows where, all they have is words and time. And that time is dwindling fast. The shadows are chasing. Warnings: mentions of suicide, violence, death, and mentions of zombies (im not sure if they actually show up, ill update this if i see any)
Solanaceae Another Time - After bumping into a strange witch, Sal is told he was once the witch's lover in a past life. Though doubtful, Sal takes a leap of faith and gets his fortune read by the witch. What he learns sends him on a month long journey of self discovery and magical encounters... Warnings: sex (but you can avoid this in the start of the game)
This, my soul - When your ship and fellow crew members are destroyed during a routine mission by space debris, you are rescued by the one laborer-class android who happened to be nearby... Now the two of you must spend an entire three-month journey alone with each other aboard the small, maintenance ship that is taking you back to civilization. Along the way, there is little on board to keep you occupied... save the android. He calls himself Silas. As the situation forces you to get to know one another, you quickly figure out that while he may not have emotions the way WE understand them, he IS a construct designed to learn, adapt, and serve... Warnings: suggestive content
Cinderella Phenomenon - Four years after the end of the Great War and the loss of her mother, Crown Princess Lucette of Angielle is still struggling to come to terms with her new life and step-family. Cold-hearted and bitter, Lucette fails to recognize the suffering of those around her as she is consumed by grief and resentment. But Lucette's life is once again turned upside down when she becomes a victim of the Fairytale Curse.Join Lucette as she goes from riches to rags and journeys to regain her life and break her curse. Warnings: none as of yet, but i’m still playing through
Unfinished games:
What's your sign quiz - In this teaser story, the 12 signs of the Zodiac need your help. But not before getting to know you a little first! This game is a personality quiz where they try to guess... What's Your Sign? With the option of a short or long quiz (12 or 24 questions), there's lots of replay ability with the various responses you'll get. Get to know all of your astrological faves before you begin your magical adventure together! Warnings: none
Date or Die - In this demo, you'll see the opening moments of the game, where you'll be introduced to the cast of characters, find your match, and get an overview of the stakes involved. In addition to containing a completely different script from the original demo, this prologue also features new sprites and artwork for all characters, introduces one or two faces you might not have seen before, and gives you a clearer idea of what to expect when you first open the full game! Warnings: mentions of killing, and treats toward a younger unseen party
Dr.Frank - After being kicked out of both his PhD program (plant science) as well as medical school (Pathology), Dr. Frank had pretty much resolved himself to a life of solitude and science. That is, until a handsome stranger knocked on his door and swept him off his feet. Dominik seemed to be the perfect boyfriend- attentive, caring, and interested in Dr. Frank's work. Maybe too interested. Three months into the rainbow-colored relationship, Dominik runs off with Dr. Frank's lifelong research on resurrection to present at the annual prestigious Hindenberg University Conference, under his own name. Livid, Dr. Frank decides the only course of action: Revenge. Not only is Dr. Frank going to one-up Dominik's presentation by presenting the world's first artificial life form, but Dr. Frank is going to make said life form the world's hottest, most beautiful boyfriend. EVER. Warnings: grave robbing, bad jokes
Paws and Effect My Dogs Are Human! - Charlie's got everything a quirky millennial could want: A new job, an upcoming party, and super-cute Pomeranians. Naturally, it all goes wrong. Charlie's birthday is in a few days and she's looking forward to a quiet, at-home party with a few friends. But a small (read: not small) problem arises when, due to inexplicable circumstances, her two Pomeranians transform into humans! Why did this happen? What can be done? Can dogs be trusted with fingers? With more questions than answers, Charlie finds herself embroiled in a nonsensical adventure with her once-canine companions. As her dogs' many personality quirks hound them in their human lives, how will Charlie cope with her new circumstances? Warnings: none as of yet
The Letter - In the outskirts of Luxbourne City stands a 17th-century English mansion, rumored to be haunted by vengeful spirits. After reading a letter discovered inside on the day of its open house, seven people find themselves trapped in a vicious cycle of madness plaguing the Ermengarde Mansion for centuries. Will they be able to free themselves from it, or will they become another casualty? Warnings: death, disturbing imagery, blood, gore, jumpscares, general horror warnings
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