#if you can't talk about being treated badly as a result of misogyny without being fucking racist........
theghostofashton · 2 years
#white feminists exhaust me#like i genuinely do not know what is disconnected for them#if you can't talk about being treated badly as a result of misogyny without being fucking racist........#the amount of them who make jokes about castrating men or wishing they could oppress men like hello ????#men of color would like a word lmfao#they continue to speak over woc while acting like woc are taken soooo seriously#like: we're not. if you think you're not being heard woc are doubly not lmfao#the world has not suddenly switched to listening to woc over white women#and it IS important to discuss intersectionality and how misogyny intersects w racism#to oppress woc in a different way than white women#a white woman's experience is not the same as mine and i am just so tired of hearing them act like it is#my race will always factor into how i'm treated that's not something i get to turn off#and i think this is what makes them worse than white men to me ??#bc w white men who are racist and misogynistic they're not quiet about it they will tell you that upfront#but these white feminists pretend they're fighting for all women make you think they care about all women act like you're supported#and then yank the rug out from under you bc woc are not we never have been and we never will be :)#and that just makes me feel so fucking shitty lmfao#like to be made to feel like you're part of a movement that your rights are being fought for#and then to realize that you don't actually matter bc of your skin color and no one cares what would actually help you#is just.......it's devastating in a way i don't know how to express lol#anyway ignore me i am just angry#white women say the stupidest fucking shit on here and it genuinely makes me see red sometimes lol
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newsfromstolenland · 2 years
I don't think I can fully put into words the irreparable harm that the psychiatric system in canada has done to me and many others
I want to talk about this, so for the purpose of organizing my thoughts I'm going to sort this into three parts: psych wards, substances, and the concept of functioning
Psych wards: I've known people who have had positive experiences in psych wards. but for the most part, I have heard of many negative experiences. in the interest of privacy for others, I will be basing this off of my own negative experience.
psych wards remove a significant amount of people's autonomy. most people can't leave without clearance from a doctor. there are cameras everywhere. rooms and bathrooms are often strictly gendered. phones, computers, and tablets are usually not allowed. personal items are limited and highly scrutinized, as is personal clothing. transphobia, racism, ableism, homophobia, and misogyny are rampant.
I was in a psych ward when I was 15. at the time I was a trans boy. because I refused to stay in a "girls" room, and they refused to put me in a "boys" room, they instead put me in the psychiatric intensive care unit with the adults because the rooms weren't gendered there.
In the psychiatric intensive care unit, there are cameras in the common area, bedrooms, and bathroom. every time you change or use the bathroom, you are monitored and recorded.
the staff regularly misgendered me, and refused to let me keep even an mp3 player.
the result is being imprisoned, having your privacy invaded, being misgendered and disrespected, losing your autonomy, being isolated from the world, and being stripped of any comfort items.
Substances: there's a lot to be said about the way substances are viewed in psychiatry. first of all, the use of non prescribed substances is vilified. even smoking weed is stigmatized, let alone using other substances. self-medication is treated as reckless behaviour, rather than an impact of a failed medical system. recreational substance use is treated as a moral failing. I once had a psychiatrist threaten to take me off of my medications unless I stopped smoking weed (and no, it was not because my meds interacted badly with weed). of course, all this meant was that I never told her the truth about my substance use again.
second, prescriptions are not given in an adequate way. there is a combination of over prescribing and under prescribing, neither of which are safe. for example, people are denied necessary prescriptions if doctors identify so-called "drug seeking behaviour". people are denied medical marijuana due to stigma. medical marijuana is also denied by places like CAMH, and instead significantly more dangerous drugs are prescribed. not so coincidentally, CAMH receives lots of funding from pharma companies, and not from medical marijuana companies. when I was in a psych ward, I had a prescription for a medication taken as needed when I had panic attacks. rather than giving it to me accordingly, I was given double the dose regularly three times a day. unsurprisingly, I became addicted to it and only recently (7 years later) managed to stop using it beyond when it was needed. on the other hand, when my ex was in a psych ward, they were denied their medical marijuana.
The concept of functioning: I've been a patient/client of quite a few psychiatrists and therapists over the years, and something that has come up a lot has been the concept of functioning. Being considered a functioning member of society is extremely arbitrary, but under a colonial capitalist system it typically comes down to working full time and building/maintaining a nuclear family. Obviously this is inherently harmful as a goal to set for mentally ill people, and creates feelings of self-loathing when we are unable to achieve it.
the mental health field's focus on neurodivergent people becoming "functioning" is not done for our benefit, the goal is not for us the function how we want to. the goal is for us to be able to work all our lives and contribute to capitalism.
I'm not trying to say that the mental health system never does any good. I now have the necessary medications to not struggle for every second of my life. my point is that many parts of our psychiatric system are harmful, exploitative, and dehumanizing.
something needs to change, and fast, or more people are going to be hurt by this
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