#if he has kids is he eligible to be a dilf guys
elizais · 3 months
"elizai who are your favourites in bsd?" and i always add hirotsu into my list. just to get a reaction and because i love him, "why hirotsu?" why NOT hirotsu? what is special about him that dazai still speaks to him? even in his last moments of being sane he helped tachihara
i am a hirotsu fan through and through. if hirotsu has no fans that is impossible because even in the afterlife i will be a fan of hirotsu. tell us hirotsu's backstory, why is the black lizard called the black lizard, why is he in the pm? he is so loyal to the pm?
i LOVE that man but if he ends up being weird like mori i will be deleting this post asap!!
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ozimagines · 7 days
Do you have any thoughts on Chico finding out that he has kid on the outside? From an ex maybe? And I just want to say that I very much enjoy this blog, so thank you for making it!! I hope that your day was better than yesterday!
Eeeeep! Love this! Think it’d be a lot like Quagmire finding his kid in Family Guy. Like himbo turned dilf in an hour. (Since you said on the outside I’m gonna assume Chico’s still in prison. Love the challenge!)
And thank you! I’m very glad! Just made this page for myself but now I’ve got a few lovely people who keep checking it out. Love you all❤️
Chico Guerra in:
My Girl Part 1/?
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He’s miserable. It’s years till he’s eligible for parole. And he probably wouldn’t make it. His girlfriend left him when she went to Hawaii.
He’s been mopey lately. Everyone realized. Even torturing Alvarez didn’t have the kick it used to.
It’s just that she was his last thing on the outside. Brother gone. Mother gone. Most of his family didn’t associate anymore. Now his girlfriend that he loved decided she was in love with some Hawaiian guy.
“Hermano.” Morales caked after him after a meeting. “Come, join me.”
Chico knew better than to fuck with Morales, so he said yes.
“What’s with you, pendejo?”
Chico shrugs. Morales goes on to talk about keeping one’s head. All that garbage, Chico thinks bitterly.
It’s visiting day. He hasn’t had a visiting day in four years now. Hasn’t had a conjugal visit in that time too.
He remembered taking his girl that last time. Holding her like he never would again, teeth tearing at her flesh. It was magical.
He played cards with the other Latinos until visiting time came up. Carlo got up to go see his sister. She visited every month from her new job. Murphy came over to Chico.
“Guerra, get up, you got a visitor.”
Guerra’s head popped up. He quirked a brow and questioned. Murphy looked at the sheet.
“Consuela Gutierrez?”
Chico’s eyes went wide. After almost four years.
He checked his hair in the reflection of a pod window. Checked his shave for imperfections. Tried to get his fuck me eyes going.
He wanted to step through that waiting room and be 100% the man she lost when he went in. Remind her what she was missing.
He stepped into the waiting room. Consuela was there, looking just as good as the day he’d seen her last.
He strode over to her, eyes wild, hoping to get a few intimate touches before the hacks saw.
“Mi jaina.” He said under his breath. His girl. After so long.
“Consuela, mi amor,” he growled lustfully as he sat down. He smirked at her, and pulled her hands close. She pulled them away immediately.
“Don’t touch me, please. I’m only here because of Kalani.”
“Who the fuck is Kalani?”
She explained it was her new husband in Hawaii. They moved back to the city for half a year to be closer to her family. Chico was still confused as to why he was here.
“So that’s it, huh? Just came by to run your new life in my face?” Chico spat, love turning to hatred in seconds.
“I’d have been happy if I never saw you again. But Kalani said it’s not fair to keep a father from his kid.”
She reached for the stroller next to her, which Chico had assumed belonged to Carlo’s family. Didn’t his sister just have that baby a year ago?
She pulled the kid out who had been gurgling the whole time. The kid just looked up at him, large brown eyes searching him over. Chico did the same.
Kid had black hair, caramel skin, and a little button nose that broke Chico’s heart.
“But we haven’t fucked in-“
“About four years? Yeah. Wendy’s three.”
“Her real name is Viridiana but no one could pronounce it. My mother just wanted the kid named after her. You know how she is.”
Chico’s head was spinning. This isn’t how he thought his day was going.
“You didn’t call??” Chico chastised, still staring at the bouncing baby girl in front of him.
“Chico, I knew if I did you may not come to see her. But look at her, Chico. She’s just like you.”
She held the baby in front of her as a pride might hold a baby cub. The little girl giggled at Chico and reached for his hand. She leaned to her mother and whispers something loud in her ear.
“Not yet, sweetie. I have to ask… Chico something first.”
Chico was just about entering his midlife crisis when they came in today and now it was hitting full force. He had a three year old kid at almost forty.
“She wants to know who you are.”
Chico barely heard the words come out of her mouth. His eyes were glued to the kid. Still bouncing and forming words here and there.
“I’m… I gotta go.” He stood up to leave. He felt Consuela’s hands on his, only a little too late. He ripped them away and with one look back at the kid, went up to Murphy.
“I’m done here.”
Murphy nodded and took him away. He cast one more look back at that baby girl, still gurgling and now waving at him. His heart ached.
His head was spinning by the time he got back to Em City. Morales regarded him but he didn’t stop for anyone. Just went straight to the showers and smacked the cold water on, standing fully clothed under its stream.
Chico turned his head to see Beecher standing there with a worried expression on his face. Chico rolled his eyes and turned back around, letting a jet of freezing water splash him in the face.
“Is… I mean… you okay?”
“Fine.” He growled. He wasn’t ready to tell strangers that he’d had a kid with his ex girlfriend just yet.
The bell for lunch rang, and he took his sopping wet ass out of the showers to dress for it.
He’s silent through most of lunch. Just staring at his peas.
“Oje, Chico, ¿què pasa? You’re so damn quiet toda, man.” Carlos chided, shoveling food into his mouth. Chico just nodded, mindlessly peeling an orange.
“Wanna see pictures of Isabella’s baby?” Carlo jumped in. And at the mention of Baby, Chico flinched. “Oh, yeah, Chico who was that kid with you in the waiting room? Consuela make you meet her kid?”
Chico almost choked.
“Nah… she… the kid’s mine.”
The other Latinos were confused. Chico never mentioned a kid. He got tired of the eyes on him and explained.
“What’re you gonna do?” -Carlos
“What’s her name?” -Carlo
“She gonna put you on child support?” -Morales
“Dunno, Wendy, and dunno.” -Chico
Chico spent the rest of the day thinking about Wendy. Her big, oceanic brown eyes, that little lip quiver she did when he got up, and that little starburst hand that waved bye at him. She was his alright. No doubt.
When they were locked in their pod, Morales wouldn’t shut up about the situation. How it was to be handled. He wasn’t really listening until Morales said;
“I ever tell you I had a kid?”
Chico’s head popped up. He shook his head.
“Daughter. Allita. Think she goes by Lee. Haven’t seen her since she was a baby. She’s gotta be twenty something now.” He mused.
“Why didn’t you ever see her?”
“You can’t have the life we have and a family. Carlo will learn that soon enough. Eventually, you lose both.”
Chico pondered on those words for a while.
All night he was plagued with dreams. A little brown eyed girl kept following him. Those little hands reaching outward. She just kept gurgling for him to do something and every time he reached, she got further away.
All night. Restless. Breathless. Chasing after his own kid. His.
It had to be his right? That’s why he was feeling this way. The primitive urge to protect her from everything. He loved her immediately, that’s what scared him. He loved Consuela once. Loved his brother Bobby, too.
But Morales’ words were there as well. Taunting him, playing like some sort of funeral drum as he chased the kid down.
He awoke with a start in a puddle of sweat. He lay in bed for an hour and a half before lights on, just breathing and trying to get those eyes out of his head.
First thing he did was get a code for the phones.
“I’m sorry, the person you tried to call is unavailable at this time-“
“FUCK” Guerra slammed the phone against the receiver. He picked it back up to his ear just in time to hear the beep.
“Lala- I mean, Consuela. Look… I don’t know… you didn’t answer for a reason. I know it was shitty to leave but… but… you gotta understand… I ain’t seen you in… and now… Maybe this was a bad idea. I just… next Thursday’s visiting day. Be there… please. And… I need you to… just bring the kid too…” he paused for a long time, before breathing out. “…Wendy.”
He had six agonizing days before the next visiting day. He asked every day if someone was coming. Everyday they said no.
Chico was haunted by those big brown eyes he thought he’d never see again.
When Thursday came and Murphy tapped his shoulder, he nearly pissed himself. He rushed off to the visiting room, trying not to let others know what had him so bent out of shape.
He couldn’t stop himself from looking in the visiting room window, scanning. When he locked eyes with her, his heart melted. She was looking around too, and when she saw him in the window, her little face split into a smile and she waved. 🫶😭
He walked over and greeted Consuela.
“What changed your mind?”
“It’s not important. It changed.”
They sat in silence for a second before Wendy blurted out:
Her mom sighed and took out two little dog action fingers. One was dressed like a police officer, the other was in pink and in a mini helicopter. “Paw patrol” was written on the sides.
Wendy considered it for a second, then handed Chase (no I don’t know all the paw patrol characters by name even the ones who are barely in any episodes… looking at you Zooma.👀) to Chico. He took the toy with some hesitation. Consuela looked between the two of them.
“Well, go on, play.” She looked at her phone. “I gotta call about an appointment anyway. I’ll just be standing right there.” She pointed to the vending machines. She got up and walked away, leaving Wendy standing on the seat. She made her dog walk up to Chico’s.
“No! Like Chase!”
Guerra floundered. He didn’t know what Chase sounded like so he just made his voice deeper. She giggled.
“Chase is on da case!” She cheered happily, the words barely formed in her mouth.
Chico wasn’t sure how to play, but he enjoyed watching Wendy have fun. She got the prettiest little smile on her face; she’d scrunch up her eyes and nose and bare all her teeth. Chico couldn’t help but smile back.
“What’s your name?” She chirped.
The little girl giggled and giggled as if it were the funniest thing in the world.
“What’s your name?” She asked again. Again, Chico responded, and again, it sent the girl into hysterics. Chico got the game.
She kept asking, and every time, Chico would have a different reaction.
“What’s your name?”
“It’s… Chico!”
She squealed and giggled again.
“What’s your name.”
“Hmmm… I don’t know.”
The little girl smiled, stood on her tip toes on the seat, and Chico instinctively put his arms on her sides to stabilize her. She leaned forward and whispered;
“Say Chico.”
“Okay. Chico.”
And she burst into little fits of giggles again.
Chico’s heart felt to full watching his little girl be so enthralled with him. He saw Consuela watching the display with a small smile.
Wendy was now on Chico’s crawling over him, and looking too close into his eyes.
“Eyes!” She shouted in his face, and put her little finger gently on his eye lids when he closed them. He opened them, and she smiled.
She ran her tiny hand on his face, and on his goatee. She looked like she was in complete adoration of his beard.
“Soft!” She declared, and Chico chuckled at her innocence. He was a convicted murderer and she was climbing over him like it was nothing. Like a little kitten might crawl on a lion, unaware of the danger.
She was so small and fragile. Chico held her for a second, licking her up and staring into her eyes. His eyes. There was no doubt in his mind that she was his. She looked just like he did as a baby. And the instincts that came with that. The absolute raw energy she gave him. Primal. He wanted to take her back to his cell just so she’d never be out of his sight again.
He found himself shedding a tear. He’d never get to go home with his little girl. Hear how her day was. Color with her at the kitchen table.
Chico loved her already. More than anything he’d ever loved before, or since.
The little girl touched his face, palming at the tear.”
“Sad?” She asked, but it sounded almost like she was stating it. Chico nodded. And she then said; “hug?”
Chico nodded. And she opened up her little arms as wide as she could and gave him a hug that irreparably broke his heart.
He found himself squeezing her back, and hand on her little head, holding her close and full crying now.
Consuela got concerned and walked over.
“Chico? Are you okay?”
Chico didn’t respond. He just held his child and tried to hide his face.
“‘M fine.” He mumbled, finally, still hugging Wendy.
“I’m sorry you’re only meeting her now.”
“Kalani made the arrangements to come back to the mainland so you could meet her. You’d like him too. He’s a good guy. I’m sorry, but Wendy calls him daddy. He’s raised her. But we want you to be in her life.”
“What am I then? If I’m not daddy?”
“Up to you and Wendy.”
Chico pulled her away from him and touched his chest, using a hand to gently guide her face to look at him.
“I’m papi, mi corazón. Papi.”
“Papi.” She repeated, even though she wasn’t sure why.
Chico swallowed thickly and pulled her into another hug.
He leaned into her ear, so his lips were millimeters away.
“Te quiero, mi vida. Nunca más te dejaré. ¿Escuchame? Nunca. Te quiero, mija.”
“I love you, my life. I’ll never leave you again. Hear me? Never. I love you, my girl.”
Consuela gave him a picture to take with him. It was Wendy, hugging a giantic stuffed giraffe. He put it in his pocket immediately.
When it was time for him to leave, he tried to get his face in order to go back to em city. Wendy rubbed his face, unsure what they were doing but she thought she was helping.
When it came time to say goodbye, Chico found he couldn’t.
“Move it, Guerra.”
He held Wendy in his arms, squeezing her against him and rocking her gently. Kept kissing her head and muttering mija to himself.
“C’mon, Guerra.” Murphy called without yelling. He didn’t want to spook the kid. Chico realized if he didn’t go now, the CO’s would either yell or pull them apart, and both would make Wendy cry. He painfully put her down, and handed her back her toy.
He turned to leave, another netting already being set up.
As he reached the door, he heard a soft and squeaky.
“Bye bye, papi.”
As soon as Chico left the room, and was out of view of the other prisoners and hacks, he dropped to his knees and cried harder than he ever had.
For the first time the consequences of his own actions never felt so real.
Kill someone. Go to prison. A simple equation that he made a calculated decision on years ago.
If you’d have told him it was kill someone, go to jail, and never see your bouncing baby girl again, he’d have made some different decisions. But it’s impossible to know how much you love a child until they’re in the room with you. Until they’re no longer hypothetical, and you’re staring at the thing you created, it was impossible to understand how much it would affect you.
Chico made a decision then and there. He wouldn’t be Morales. He’d never stop trying to see his girl. He’d never choose this life over her.
His whole life was dedicated to her now. He yanked the photo out of his pocket and used a pen to scribble something on the back.
All for her.
Whatever was left of him belonged to Wendy now. ❤️
He went to lunch with the picture in his pocket. Showed the other Latinos when he got to the table.
Martinez feigned interest while Carlo genuinely engaged with him.
“She’s so cute, hermano, congratulations.”
Chico nodded and kept talking about her. How she played and talked. How she was already forming sentences. That she could stand on her tippy toes. Everything.
Carlos looked at Morales, who made a gesture that said just to leave it.
“And she’s not an illegal!”
All the Latinos’ heads whipped around to see Robson at the other table, smiling meanly.
“Imagine that. Two wetbacks creating an American. That’s how they get into our country you know. They come here and spit out seventeen kids a piece so that there’s more of them here than over there.”
Chico was SEETHING. He gritted his teeth and snarled.
“Watch it, Robson.”
“Oh? Am I hitting a nerve?” Robson feigned concern. “Because really that’s the last thing I’m trying to do. Just giving friendly advice. Watch out.”
“For what?” Chico was standing now, and so was Robson. The CO’s grabbed their nightsticks.
“Knowing you spics, she’ll be knocked up by the time she’s fifteen.”
Robson, who prides himself on his street fighting abilities, and the CO’s who prides themselves on their quick response times, couldn’t react fast enough for Chico.
He launched himself at Robson with his plastic fork and punched him in the nose, grabbing at his body and slamming it into the table, palming at the bald head and trying to crack the skull on the table.
The other Latinos and aryans started going at it too, but Chico couldn’t care less.
He just kept trying to kill Robson, his sweet girl’s face in his mind the whole time. How dare he say anything about his perfect little girl?
Robson was bigger and stronger, but Chico was operating with dad strength now.
He felt like he could lift a car in that moment.
The CO’s broke them up and threw Chico into the hole.
He’d never been so honored to sit naked next to a bucket of his own shit.
For the first time, he had no regrets on fighting.
All he could picture was Wendy, sitting there with her big eyes, saying ‘bye bye papi’.
He missed visiting day that week. He’d never cried so hard in his goddamn life. 😭
To be continued…
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s son (Part 1)
Tony Stark x son!reader
a/n: me and noah are abt to blow ur minds lmfaooo -> takes place around the same timeline as the daughter!reader ones aka y/n was born in 2000
prompt: i had to
part 2
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the world was raving over this billionaire playboy’s newest title: father
and boy, did the headlines get interesting
among your favorite magazine covers, your all-time favorite was
Tony Stark: World’s Most Eligible DILF
^accompanied with a picture of your dad holding you
(tony stark’s superpower is being a dilf, it’s just a fact ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
“look at us, kid. that’s me and you! wow! you make me look magnificent”
you were so...boring to him
like tony watching you was wonderful, he absolutely adored having a kid to take care of...but babies don’t do much of anything
rhodey came to see you every chance he got
“rhodey! what’s going on?”
“i’m not here for you, i’m here for the baby”
rhodey was a fuckin awesome uncle
one of the only level-headed people you could call family
back to dad:
“hey, little guy, what’s up? any baby-things you wanna do today? anything on your mind?”
he really wanted you to speak to him
your first word was “duck”
he’s pretty sure you meant “fuck”
“love this kid!”
who wouldn’t?
“let’s play ‘superman’” he runs flies you around the house
he talks abt single dad things to get women to swoon over him
tony always has baby food stains and spit up all over himself
he has a separate garage for those tiny drivable cars that kids can vroom in, you know what im talking about
“god, you’re gonna be so cool when you grow up”
tony stark is a rough-and-tough dad
loves to get wild when it’s playtime
“y/n, catch!” *ball hits you in the face* “alright, not an athlete, that’s okay”
“i’m good!”
tinkering in the workshop with dear ol’ dad
“alright, sport, what’s your million-dollar idea?”
“a car that’s powered by water”
“i knew i shouldnt have let you watch that 70s show”
you actually did become a handful growing up
if tony didn’t want to Dad(tm) for a few hours, he’d make happy take you to chuck e. cheese
“buy the kid as many tokens as he wants, it doesn’t matter”
tony would either take a long, much needed nap or work until he crashed
one time he heard you blasting black sabbath in your room and opened the door to see you playing air guitar and he shut the door and cried
so proud
you wanted to go to school but you were a budding genius so he wanted to teach you himself
this would be around the time that tony went missing
which was traumatic for you and it didn’t seem like anybody cared
pepper was your godmother so she had to take care of you while he was away, but she was super busy and emotional about the whole thing
happy and pepper honestly acted like divorced parents shuttling their child back and forth
“it’s your day, happy! pick him up, i have to go to work!”
but eventually, tony found his way back to you and you cried really hard and there were snot bubbles and he tried to lighten the mood with jokes and he was like
“hey, i brought you some sand from my vacation!”
sir,,,, please
this mf started making a suit of armor and you didn’t think a thing of it
“can i help? can i help? can i help?”
lab assistant y/n reporting for duty
“sure, junior. grab me that screwdriver”
“flat or philips?”
“lets try flat, i gotta wedge this thing apart the old fashioned way”
you were learning so much
and he was really supportive of any idea you pitched
“we can give that a try, no problem!”
you hacked into the avengers initiative files bc you were curious about what agent coulson had to say
“dad, you would be such a cool superhero!”
“are you saying i’m not a superhero already? hellooo, single dad?”
“you’re not single! you have pepper!”
“dammit, you’re right i cant use that line anymore”
you started to DREAM of becoming an avenger
you thought you’d be able to get an in if your dad committed to it
“my dad’s an avenger” -you to everyone when youre trying to threaten them
“so, mr. fury, when can i become an avenger?”
“how old are you?”
“i’ll be 13 real soon”
“ask your dad”
honestly tony liked the idea of a father/son superhero team
but in practice?
“hey, y/n, sorry if i don’t tell you this enough, but i love you”
“love you too, dad”
the avengers seemed to enjoy your company
you still radiated stark energy, so that really hurt your likable-ness
“c-can i get your autograph?” -you to captain america
“not you too!” -tony
“shhh, dad, i’m talking to a celebrity”
tony is majorly offended
soon the avengers were your family, which was odd to get used to
lots happens in your life, that was for sure
every time you turned on the news it was something about an avenger
“dad...cnn says steve is a fugitive”
“sucks to be him” *eats toast*
tony makes u breakfast special :)
“want a pop tart?”
“sure...yeah, nat’s a fugitive too, it seems”
“she’ll be fine”
avengers tower was pretty cool, you and thor played ping pong together when you were there
“thor, if you use mjölnir as a paddle again you’re gonna kill me with a ping pong ball!”
you hung out at the malibu house a whole lot
theres a framed picture of the “Tony Stark: DILF” magazine cover on your wall
your friends were other rich kids
“y/n, you know all your friends are douchebags, right?”
“i am well aware”
you threw parties at said malibu house when tony and pepper were gone
“sir, there’s a disturbance at your home”
“which one, JARVIS?”
“shit, y/n’s there! what’s wrong?”
“see for yourself” *pulls up cameras*
“are you kidding me, JARVIS? you think i care if y/n’s trashing the house? you had me thinking he was being attacked or held hostage or something, jesus”
you programmed “the panic protocol” into JARVIS’s system without tony knowing, which can sense when tony has anxiety/panic attacks and figure out how to calm him
JARVIS sends you a notification if you aren’t in immediately vicinity, then he troubleshoots to find the best solution for tony until you can help
either music, counting, breathing reminders, water reminders, etc
“dad, everything alright?”
“im good, son! real good!”
eventually you found a good excuse for getting a suit
“dad, i think terrorist attacks warrant a need for armor...for my protection!”
“fine, we’ll develop a suit for you”
“no need! i already engineered one while you were busy, it’s downstairs”
“impressive. you’re grounded”
“nooo! unground me please!”
“fine, ungrounded”
youre one foot in the door becoming an avenger
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiant // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm //
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brw · 3 years
Reed Richards or Luke Cage.
alright so my. knowledge on mr cage is Kinda Vague™ but i'll say this! he should go back to wearing the shirt w/ the v-neck he CANNOT just be wandering around in a yellow t-shirt HE DESERVES BETTER. deserves to dress sexier he just literally looks like some guy. he seems pretty cool tho i mean like ANYONE who beats up dr doom especially just because he didn't pay him his money is A+. a king tbh. should be called a dilf more often. way more of a dilf then pietro or whoever you guys are just blind 💕
and now. for dr reed <3
first impression - obviously i had heard of him he seemed vaguely interesting but it wasn't until i heard more abt him being autistic-coded when i was like "OH????" because autistic rep is few and far between and while i had vague plans to read some ff stuff it always felt intimidating but that was what rlly inspired me to do it and i do not regret it.
impression now - he's. brilliant tbh. he IS autistic i will die on this hill. he's one of the most powerful marvel characters not because of his actual powers but because anyone and everyone is eligible to be part of his polycule <3 is married to susan fucking storm so points immediately for that. bi ace energy. he really is a good character n is really sweet and loving w/ his kids and i. love him dearly. hope he's having a good day. he deserves it. he's one of those characters who i block all the Haters™ for. i just. do not have the energy <3 he's a good boy.
favourite moment - HHHHHHH there are loads but i think. my favourite may be the marvel knights 4 #5 & #28 (i think those are the ones but i can't quite remember jjejjerjr) where he. talks someone down from suicide and then sits with them when they're dying. it's just such a kind clear show of compassion and care and he obviously cares about people so much and it just. fucking gets me every time 🥺🥺
idea for a story - tbh i would really like a story where he gets diagnosed w/ asd. because it is super hard and difficult and it's a unique situation to get diagnosed at an older age. and it's not rlly talked about? and i think it's important to see an older man get diagnosed, one who's married and has children n now has this whole other aspect that he didn't know existed. and then for someone with as many friends/family as reed he would have to like. "come out" about it and i personally think it would be super interesting and important to see. tbh i'd much prefer that then a retcon like "he was diagnosed at age 8" or whatever. i just feel like seeing a journey of self-discovery n the difficulties that come with being older and getting diagnosed deserve to be seen n reed is a good candidate for it.
unpopular opinion - he's not any worse or any more "abusive" then magneto or scott summers and this isn't to say you have to like him but when you call one out but not the other... weird 🤨 and tbh while some criticisms are valid enough a lot of it is straight up just regurgitated ableism like "oh he's emotionless tho and doesn't love his wife and sees his kids as an experiment and is robotic" like oh ok you have no issue dehumanising ppl for autistic traits and low empathy cool cool.
favourite relationship - HMMMM it's difficult to say because there's. so many. but tbh... i think atm my favourite relationship that he has is the one with his son. its just... he tries so hard to be a good father to his son, he reads him stories at night and let's him help and he loves his son so much and is so scared of him getting hurt and. it's just. ow 🥺 he's such a good caring father who wants to be better then his dad and its BREAKING an abusive cycle and trying his best to be the father he didn't have... n w/ valeria too, because she's extraordinary and smarter then her dad like he was but he's actually a good dad, when nathaniel never was. so it's. 🥺 he's so good w/ his kids man.
favourite headcanon - uh no prizes for guessing but that he's autistic (which is barely a headcanon nwjwjrjt). BUT ALSO! that he's asexual. and i know its "bad rep" for an autistic person to be asexual but as an autistic on the ace spectrum... it fits him alright. leave me alone <3
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