#if anything it will probably point out how twisted this situation is and use it to its advantage
bro i literally binged read the entire oshi no ko manga today from ch 15 onwards...
a-and im not okay 😭😭
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tofixtheshadows · 24 days
Id love to hear ur interpretation and analysis on falin! She’s one of my favorite characters and and I was wondering what ur thoughts on her are
Man, I struggle to think of anything I could say about Falin that others have not already said. But she's one of my favorite things about Dungeon Meshi too.
So much of the story revolves around Falin, and she's not even there. Tumblr loves to talk about haunting the narrative, but Falin might be one of the best examples of it ever put to page. She's dead. She's alive. She's dead. She's alive. She's alive but she's missing, she's alive but she isn't herself. She's dead but she might wake. She's dead but she's frozen in ice. She's alive but she's sleepwalking. They chase her ghost and they chase her body all through the story.
I think what Kui does with her is fascinating. Not just as character with a personality we can analyze, but as an object in a narrative- that's why I say she's one of my favorite things about the story, because I also mean it in a mechanical sense. As a writer, Kui's really good at misdirection- that is, setting you up to believe or expect something about a character or a plot, and then turning that on its head. It's most apparent with Kabru, but it works really well with Falin too.
Because the precious little sister is a very well known character archetype, right? So is the gentle healer. The heart of the party. The white mage girl. The damsel in distress. The martyr.
And this isn't a Laura Palmer situation, where we find out that beneath her wholesome surface there's something dark and troubled. No, Falin truly is a kind and gentle person. That isn't where the misdirection leads (and that, too, I think, is another misdirection- it's not "Plot twist, she isn't as nice as you thought!", which would almost be too easy).
The misdirection here is more about structure than about character (but also, yeah- a little about character).
What I mean is, with these archetypes firmly in mind, along with a whole other host of fantasy genre expectations, I think anyone who goes into Dungeon Meshi un-spoiled probably expects Falin's rescue to be an endgame event; at least on a subconscious level, where you're not really thinking about it but in the back of your head you're already stretching out the story to place Falin firmly in the distance. Fire breathing dragon at the bottom of the dungeon is perfect final boss material, right? Slay the dragon. Rescue the princess.
And Falin is the perfect prize in the traditional old school fantasy that the concept of the titular dungeon is a send-up to. Blonde (white), soft-spoken, sweet-natured, beloved by everyone. An angelic figure.
Maybe that's why Ryoko Kui gave her white wings.
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It is sort of jarring when chapter 23 rolls around and it's already time to fight the red dragon. And it takes a few chapters, but they succeed. And then Falin's impossible resurrection succeeds. But by then you guess that this is not going to be the story you expected it to be.
I want to point out that Falin spends a lot of time getting, well, babied, post-resurrection. Marcille washes her in the bath, despite Falin stating that she's capable of washing herself. Marcille schools her about her mana use despite Falin demonstrating that she is not hurting for mana, and brushes aside Falin's explanations. Both Marcille and Laios refuse to actually tell her what happened. Laios scruffs up her hair like she's a little kid and scolds her for something she can't remember doing. Marcille explicitly calls her a little kid when Falin tries to talk about how much she's grown.
Of course I'm not saying that Laios was wrong to act like a big brother, or that Marcille shouldn't be worried about taking care of her shell-shocked friend in the bath. But the framing of it clearly shows a Falin who is struggling to be heard.
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If you'd like to address the big gay elephant in the room while we're here, I want to state for the record that- whether you read her as gay or not -I think Marcille is completely oblivious during this. Because Falin is her little friend from school. Her best friend, yes, but also the young tallman student she, in her infinite elven wisdom, had to mentor and look after. Marcille has not yet accepted that Falin is an adult now, nor has she accepted that she, herself, is only barely past teenagerhood developmentally and is not nearly as mature as she believes. Of course she'd scrub Falin in the bath and fuss over her.
Falin, meanwhile, seems more than aware of her own adult body and the inappropriate way Marcille is treating it.
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The mana-sharing scene is, I think, Falin trying to get a little of her own back. How do you like it, Marcille?
And she tries again in bed.
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Maybe she's wondering if their relationship will change now that they're grown ups. If Marcille prefers her as a little girl, or at least as a woman who lets herself be guided like one; if Marcille will react badly if Falin keeps trying to assert herself. She also might be subtly trying to signal to Marcille that bed sharing, like bathing, carries a different weight to it when you do it as adults rather than as children.
With all this in mind, the decision to turn Falin from the precious prize they rescued into to the vicious dragon they have to slay, hits a lot harder.
Falin with a powerful, monstrous, destructive body. Falin, who couldn't even stand to cause people pain from using healing spells, slaughtering half a dozen people in brutal ways. And that's not her, she's being mind-controlled, but as an object in the story she has completely flipped. From damsel to threat.
And I love that she carries a little bit of that with her when she's resurrected again.
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Because she's no longer the girl who's going to let herself be stifled by her brother's and her best friend's co-dependency, no matter how much she loves them. She's different now: stronger, eyes open, forging her own path instead of following in their wake. Falin is still going to come back to them again, but this time it won't be because they chased her. It'll be because they let her go.
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 6 months
No Way Out
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Pairing: Dark Tangerine x (female) Reader
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
More at Masterlist
SUMMARY: Escaping Tangerine was never an option.
WARNING: Implied Kidnapping.
AN: Please, reblog and give me feedback.
I dug this out of nowhere to feed to Tangerine fandom. Probably one of my lasts drafts about him :(
“Love…don’t you fuckin’ dare.” 
You swallow hard, fear building in your throat as Tangerine appears in the room, stiffly standing near the door. 
The gun threatens to slip from your sweaty grip and you increase the pressure, struggling to keep your hand steady despite the very obvious tremor.
It's not like you know how to use the revolver that you somehow managed to find in one of Tangerine's office drawers, but you thought you could use it to get out of this unwanted situation.
“Give me the keys and I won’t shoot.” your attempt to have an authoritative voice fails miserably, both you and Tangerine realizing your terrified state.
“Y/N, darlin’…” He takes a cautious step forward, approaching you and you sniff, terror flooding you.
“Please! Please, give me the keys…” you beg, taking a few steps behind until you bump into the kitchen aisle, trapped between the furniture and Tangerine.
You panic as he keeps moving forward in your direction. 
“Stop! Just stop moving or…. or I swear I’ll shoot.”  
“Listen, love, how about we talk this through’, yeah?” he raises his hands in the air, assuring that he wasn't going to try anything but you still keep the gun pointed at him.
“That’s a fully loaded gun, love, you can seriously hurt yourself with it and we don’t want that, do we?”
Tangerine takes another small step towards you as you shake your head, tears blurring your vision and your hand slightly lowers. 
“I just wanna go home.” you sob, shoulders shaking.
Your blurry eyes makes you miss the small step he takes towards you, his cheek twitching with anticipation. 
“I know, love, but this is your home now.” his voice is smooth and calm, placating you and you look at him, eyes begging him. 
“You’re not leavin’ this house, love, you know that.” his confidence scares you and he extends his hand, nodding towards the gun. “So why don’t you gimme' me that gun and I promise I won’t get mad, how ‘bout that?”
You don’t reply and Tangerine sighs. 
“Cause did ya know that the door also needs a finger print scan to open up, right?”
Your eyes dart towards the robust front door, already protected with several locks whose keys you still don't have.
Big mistake. 
By the time you realize that there is no scanner, it’s too late. Tangerine lunges forwards and next thing you know, you're pinned down between the counter and his body. 
You cry out as he expertly twists your wrist, taking the gun away from you, carelessly throwing it to the floor.
His anger is visible as he roughly turns you around, slamming you face down on the counter, pressing his lips to your ear. 
“Looks like you’re in a big fuckin’ trouble, love.” 
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tayytayy12 · 29 days
But Daddy I love him! | LH44 x Horner!Reader
Summary - You, a twenty four year old with an overprotective father. Lewis Hamilton, your much older (secret) boyfriend who works for the no.1 competition of said protective father. So when he finds out about you and Lewis, things aren’t too pretty.
Warnings - (legal) age gap, swearing, arguments, secret relationship, innuendos to intimacy
Type - SMAU
Requested - No
Wrote this at 4am, not been proof read and probably makes no sense
“Lew, you can’t keep cornering me in the paddock, anyone could see us.” You whispered out with a laugh as your boyfriend dragged you into a corner where you was hidden away from anyone’s prying eyes.
You and Lewis has been together secretly for almost a year, and no one knew about the relationship except the pair of you. It was a combined decision the two of you had, to keep your relationship a secret; you both knew full well that nothing but drama would come from the news of your relationship.
The media would have a field day with it, for many reason, the large age gap that the two of you shared, even if you both had gotten together when you was both of legal age and you was old enough to make smart decisions for yourself, you both new that the press has a habit for twisting things.
The other main reason that you also decided this, was your father. Everyone knows that red bull and Mercedes has one of the biggest rivalry’s in the history of formula one, and with Lewis being the Mercedes golden boy, and you being the daughter of the redbull team principal if your father and Toto were to find out, you both know that it wouldn’t matter if the pair of you were happy, they would make an uproar of the situation.
So that left the pair of you here, sneaking conversation around the paddock, sending each other longing stairs at FIA parties, trying your best to be together without people knowing.
“I haven’t seen you in two weeks, Love,” he whispered into your neck as he pulled you into a hug, which you of course instantly returned, “let them see us, I’m having withdrawals.”
You laughed and pulled away from the hug as he smiled down at you a kissed you gently. He was right, you hadn’t seen each other in almost two and a half weeks because of some work related things he had to do, and he’d been waiting to get you alone since he saw you walk into the paddock with your father.
“I hate that I can’t be with you all the time,” you whispered as Lewis smoothed your hair down, he sighed and kissed the crown of your head and hummed in agreement, “Me too, sweetheart. More than anything. But you know why we’re hiding it. It won’t be forever, I promise. I want nothing more than for all those wag accounts pairing you with a different drivers, or random football players every week,” you laughed at the annoyance in his voice. He always sent you the posts by these accounts as made a point of how stupid it was that everyone was convinced that you had a boyfriend who was a footballer, this week the main speculation was Mason Mount. A friend of yours for the past couple years, who was very much nit your type, and very much in a relationship with someone else behind closed doors.
“I want them to stop as well,” you shivered before kissing him one more time, “now go get a podium for me, hmm?”
He smirked down at you, “Anything for you my love.” He said before walking back into the loud paddock, you leaving a few minutes later to avoid anyone seeing the pair of you leaving together as you made your way back to the red bull garage.
You were beyond happy, Lewis had managed to score a P2 in the race, his best result in a few weeks and seeing him up on the podium again brought a giddy smile to your face.
You went to the podium celebration with your father, using the excuse that you wanted to be there for your Max for his P1, believable considering the two of you were very close friends, but the whole celebration your eyes didn’t drift away from the Brit standing on the second place position. Lewis not being able to keep his focus off of you much either.
You didn’t manage to see Lewis until late that nights when the pair of you had arrived back at your hired (you somehow always managed to convince your father to book the same one as Lewis, of course he didn’t know it was the same but still).
After your father had gone of his room to turn in for the night, you sent Lewis a message, giving him the okay to come over to your room, it must’ve been a record time that he showed up at your door at.
“Why hey there my winner,” You said with a whisper as you opened your hotel room door, Lewis with a beaming smile on his face and he pulled you into a bien crushing hug, kicking the door closed behind him as he didn’t let you go from his hold, “not quite a winner for you yet, baby. It will happen though, just you wait.” He whispered into your shoulder before placing a gentle kiss there.
You picked up his face in your hands and looked into his eyes and said, “Lew, you have seven world titles. You are one of the greatest in formula one history. You don’t need to prove yourself to anyone, especially me,” you whispered as you placed a kiss on his lips, “and plus, with Max in that redbull, second is practically first. It’s how I judge the races anyway.”
He smiled down at you. God he loved you. He loved you more and more everyday, “I love you, sweetheart,” he whispered as he pulled you in for a deep kiss, only pulling away when you both were gasping for air, “god I love you so fucking much.”
You groaned as you woke up in the morning, the sun light glaring in from the gaps in the curtains making you turn around and burrow your head into Lewis’ bare chest, him having lost it in a rush in the events you two took part in last night.
He must’ve already been awake, you hearing him let out a gruff laugh at your sounds of annoyance of being woken up prematurely, “Morning baby.” Lewis whispered, smoothing a hand up and down your back as you closed your eyes again.
“No,” you mumbled, “it’s not morning till I say so. Now, let me sleep.”
He laughed once more, pulling you flush against his chest as you felt sleeping pulling you back in, you felt at peace.
But all aspects of that peace were shattered far too soon as you both jumped up at the sound if the doer of you hotel room being opened, followed by the voice of you father travelling through the suite. Shit.
You scrambled out of beds both trying to find something to wear in the piles of discarded clothes on the floor as your father walked closer to the bedroom, “Y/n! Are you awake? We have a plane to catch.”
“Fuck.” You whispered as you cleared your throat, “Yeah I’m just um, finishing up packing, took me longer than I’d expected.” You said, it was the first thought that came to your head as you a Lewis sent each other alarmed looks, neither did you knowing what to do.
“Oh well I can help you with that.” Your father said, and before you could yell out your protests he had twisted the handle and opened your bedroom door, his normally cheery face when it comes to you immediately vanishing when his eyes landed on a certain shirtless seven time world champion in your room.
“What on earth?” He said angrily, eyes darting between you and Lewis, “y/n. Explain.” He said and when you didn’t say a word he rolled his eyes, “Now!”
“Don’t yell at her.” Lewis said as he came to stand behind you, not using your panicked stance. Christian looked livid as he turned to Lewis, “maybe I should get answers from you instead, what was you doing with my daughter? Hmm?”
“Now, Horner. I think we both know you wouldn’t like the honest answer to that question.” Leave it to Lewis to be making jokes in a time like this, you thought, semi-affectionately.
Your dad looked that angriest you had even seen him in your life as his fury filled he’d flickered between you two, “Y/n,” he said looking towards you, “I’m taking this as a stupid, drunken mistake you have made. I don’t care if that’s not the case,” he said seeing that you was about to interrupt him, “I’m going to wait at the airport until our plane leaves. If you meet me their it means you have ended this with him,” he said it like Lewis was disgusting, something that needed to be locked away, “if you don’t meet me there, and you continue this, don’t come to see me unless you’ve realised how stupid this is.” He said and without another word, he left.
You broke it into tears as Lewis pulled you into his chest, leaving you to make one if the hardest decision of your life, the love of your life, or your family.
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luviwon · 4 months
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warning: public nudity and head, careless fuck boy heeseung, y/n in embarrassment situations, degradation
"Can you not keep your promise anymore, pretty girl?"
The tall, brunette guy wouldn't let you leave anymore. As much as you tried to get away from his arms, he was holding you way too tight. His worked out arms around your waist were making you feel small and powerless. He was strong, and he was taking advantage out of that.
"I thought we established something" he whispered into your ear, barely able to hear him through the loud music in the house.
You sighed to yourself, turning around in his arms and not breaking for even a second the eye contact between the two of you. As drunk as he must have been, he was still so beautiful. Not to your surprise, but it's been a while now since you had a thing for this guy. Even though he had no idea, but isn't that better?
You were not his type anyway.
"Alright, but not here. I don't want to have my breasts touched in the middle of a party"
The guy agreed with a smile on his face, more like a devil one. He let you guide him outside, to the garage you were hoping. From all the parties you've been to before, you didn't remember once there being people in the garage. So it was the perfect place to show your zesty chest to Heeseung.
"Here now" you whispered to yourself, starting to feel self-conscious. Was this right?
The brunette got closer, measuring your waist in his hands. His palms travelled their way up, making sure to pull up your shirt at the same time with them and have your perfect, round tits pop out in his face, yet still while wearing your black bra. It was actually one of your favourites, and that cause it was the most comfortable one you were owning. The design was hot too. It was kind of a see-throught piece, with floral texture, showing bits of your skin every here and there. However, they really did not miss revealing what's most important.
Your hardened nipples, unaware if because of the cold or because of his presence, were making a scene themselves. Heeseung didn't hesitate to use his pointing fingers to rub them through the piece of material, pressing hard against your chest. They were so pretty to him. He barely pulled down your bra a little bit, just to have them show on top of it.
Heeseung licked two of his fingers and started twisting one of your nipples, making you try not to start moaning. That was one of the sensitive spots, you could say. Crossing your legs, you did not oppose what he was doing. It was once in a lifetime experience. The boy kept playing with your nipples, not getting bored of them for even a second. It was like heaven for him.
He moved behind your back, holding your tits in his hands while pushing his lower body against yours. He was just dying to make you aware of what he was feeling like.
"Your pretty tits made me think of other things I want to do with you, princess"
Heeseung pressed his lips against your neck, sucking on the clear skin and leaving nasty marks all around. He walked the two of you outside, you feeling a shiver around your naked chest. You were wondering why you were now in the middle of the yard, but you doubted he'd even tell you. He didn't care enough to reassure you of anything.
"I want to push your pretty breast against my car window. I want to flex with that so much, baby"
Heeseung left another mark, but this time on the other side of your neck. He wanted to show you off? For a second, you felt like you could actually be his type and he'd actually be interested in you. But that's just an infantile quick reaction. How could he, right? Even though you were daydreaming about him so much, you would do anything to be his.
"You could" you whispered yet he heard.
He turned you around, making you face him. His face was all dark, probably because of the night, but you couldn't mistake that smirk for nothing. He was definitely thinking about it.
"I know you have a thing for me. No need to hide anymore."
You gulped as hearing that, your eyes pupils becoming bigger. You did not expect him to know. To his mind, no girl is important. He just uses them all. That's just how he was. So there was no hope in that.
"You see darling, we don't really match, but for this pair of tits..." he started, coming closer again and grabbing your boobs in his hands, squeezing them hard enough to make you whine inside your mouth "...I wouldn't mind taking you up here"
Heeseung let go of your breast, pushing you on the grass and have you falling on your back. He wished you would have fallen all the way, then those pretty legs will reveal something just as hot under that tight skirt.
"If you want me, try and win me, nerdy" he giggled, palming himself for a couple of seconds "It's all ready for you"
Were you actually going to give him head in front of the house where all of your friends were? Definitely. You would have never had another opportunity but this one. And as scared as you were that you'd be caught, it didn't even matter. At least you took Hee's dick inside your hungry mouth.
Heeseung is known to fuck around and change the dorms every weekends, and the rumour were spreading fast. Just like the rumours about his size, which were no joke. As you got on your knees and pulled down his trousers, his hard dick stood up in front of you, almost getting in your mouth itself. You felt scared as to how to do it. It was your first time, so you were not quite sure.
But fuck it, you needed to taste him already.
"Take it, already, bitch" he yelled, annoyed at your constant hesitation, even though it was only for a short time.
Your breasts still exposed in the cold were making you shiver, and the wet grass under your knees didn't help much either. But you had to do it now, otherwise it won't happen again. Heeseung will not give you his dick for free next time.
Anxiously you wrapped your lips around his dick, moving up and down, though barely making it half the way. You could already feel yourself gagging, making Heeseung smirk to himself. He was damn big. You used your hands to touch around his cock, holding his balls in your hands. Hee pushed your head down harder, you barely resisting.
He was so hard and difficult to control. If he knows there's something he wants to do, there is no little time for explaination. He will just do it.
"Force yourself to take me all"
Heeseung pushed his length all inside your mouth, reaching the middle of your throat, thrusting in and out while making you gag constantly. As much of a whore as you were for him, you couldn't do it. It was too much.
"On your knees to be popular...You suck, pretty, but you suck really badly"
Heeseung sighed at the view of you trying and failing, and left you alone in the grass, with your bra almost falling, on his way to find another girl dying to be his new whore.
[ Hi loves! I found myself in a really shit financial situation and I need to save to be able to cover my apartment deposit, which is a lot. If you could and would want to, it would mean the world to me if you'd help me out with that, every penny counts honestly. Doesn't matter if it's £1, £10, more or less, it's the thought. Thank you for reading this message! For payment information, please just text me. Also, as a gift, I will write special content for you.]
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Attention (M)
Part six to the Pathetic series
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Everyone keeps acting like you aren't over Jeonghan, and you are determined to convince everyone that you are.
Tags: 16k words (I lied omg), dub con for safety reasons, Porn with Plot, frat boy!Jeonghan, college student!y/n, best friend!Jeongyeon, soft!dom to hard!dom Jeonghan, mean!Jeonghan (and y/n loves it), submissive!y/n, female!y/n (sorry gender-neutral friends), impact play, masochist!y/n, sadist!Jeonghan, Jeonghan aftercare king, y/n crys in this but it's not what you think, Jeonghan is a huge tease also
Part Six:
“You’re being stupid.”
You were vividly aware of that. After all, how could you not be being stupid when you were sitting on your floor, a hand mirror propped up in front of you and a whisk on your neck.
Arguing with Jeonghan was one thing but this couldn’t really be considered arguing, could it? After all, you hadn’t even let Jeonghan explain himself. You had practically thrown a fit somewhere where he couldn’t do anything about it and then left.
You hadn’t ever thought that you would end up using one of your safe words with Jeonghan, and honestly, the safety phrase that you two had come up with left your lips before you could really think over it carefully.
You remembered what Jeonghan had said. How he got reassurance in the trust you gave him. You wondered how he felt considering in that moment it probably seemed like that trust was gone.
Jeonghan deserved to feel that hurt from lying to you.
… Probably.
You didn’t know why he was lying to you, so you couldn’t really say with full confidence whether he deserved to feel hurt.
You also couldn’t ignore the knot in your stomach. You didn’t want to hurt Jeonghan. You still trusted Jeonghan. You knew he wouldn’t do anything to physically hurt you. You just… Also didn’t trust him in some ways. Maybe he would do something to mentally hurt you.
Your mind started to bring up instances in which Jeonghan had showed undeniably that he didn’t want to mentally scar you and you shook the thoughts out as quickly as you could.
You didn’t want to think about this right now.
Your eyes narrowed at your reflection in the mirror.
“Y/n,” Yeongtae said, trying to garner a reaction from you. You ignored him in favor of twisting the whisk over one of your hickeys. Yeongtae sighed.
“Why is she so stubborn?”
Jeongyeon shrugged.
“She’s always been like that. Just let her be dumb. She figures it out eventually.”
You shot a glare at Jeongyeon.
“I’m being dumb?” You demanded. “I’m not the one lying to a fuck buddy about fucking other people.”
Jeongyeon gave you an annoyed expression.
“But you are the one on the floor using a whisk to get rid of hickeys that you know you love,” Jeongyeon pointed out. “And you’re also going to be the one crying in bed later when you realize that the one thing you still have left of Jeonghan has been literally whisked out of your neck.”
You pressed your lips together and focused back on your whisk and neck. You didn’t want to say that Jeongyeon was right because she couldn’t be… Right? This situation was not a situation that warranted crying. You weren’t that emotionally attached to him.
Sure, you had spent a lot of time together, and yes you were abnormally angry at him for just another fling but that didn’t warrant crying.
He hadn’t necessarily hurt you either. He just lied.
It was shitty that he lied to you, but you were mad because he was stupid. Mad because it didn’t make sense. But he hadn’t hurt you, so there was no reason to cry.
Still, Jeongyeon’s words worried you. You looked at yourself in the mirror, your eyes flickering down to the hickeys on your neck. You knew that they would fade with time regardless of you whisking them away, which sort of asked the question that you didn’t really want to address.
Was this it? Were you done with Jeonghan?
He had lied to you, you were mad, those were two things that you were acutely aware of, but did this situation warrant cutting him off completely?
You felt sort of like you were acting out for no reason. If you were a psychology professor evaluating this situation you might say that it seemed like you wanted extra attention from Jeonghan and that was why you were making such a big deal over something that was realistically a conversation.
But with the knowledge that you actually had of the situation that just didn’t align.
“I’m not going to cry over Jeonghan,” you said finally. “I’m over him.”
It didn’t take a genius to know that no one in the room believed you.
“Really,” you insisted. “Jeongyeon knows how I am. He’s just another boy to get over. I’ve been in this situation a million times.”
Jeongyeon shrugged.
“Well, she’s right there. If y/n is good at anything it’s at dropping flings that aren’t treating her right,” she agreed.
“But Jeonghan-”
“He lied,” you interrupted, shooting Jun a glare. “If he didn’t want me to leave, he shouldn’t have lied.”
You thought over your words, that residual doubt still lingering in your mind. You pressed your lips together. “Besides. He’ll be sleeping with other people in no time. I’m not the sort of person that Yoon Jeonghan would get attached to.”
The first thing that Jun was greeted with upon getting back to the Alpha Mu house was none other than a pacing Yoon Jeonghan.
Jeonghan hadn’t slept well at all since you had left him at the party, and everyone in the house knew. He wanted to check on you. He wanted to see you. He just wanted one conversation.
“Well?” Jeonghan asked, his eyes flicking nervously to Jun as he toed off his shoes at the door. “Does she miss me? What did she say? Should I call her?”
Jun gave Jeonghan an apologetic look.
“She says she doesn’t care,” he said.
Jeonghan cursed, his gaze dropping to the floor, but the conversation only made Seungcheol laugh humorlessly.
“I told you. I told you that if you treated her badly, she would leave,” he said with a shake of his head. “But what did you do? Used her, abused her-”
“That’s dramatic,” Jeonghan interrupted.
“You lied to her!” Seungcheol argued back.
Frustration filled Jeonghan to the point where he felt like he was going to boil over. The others didn’t get it. Seungcheol didn’t get it. They didn’t see the way he treated you.
“I can explain that to her I just need to talk to her,” Jeonghan insisted. “I’m just going to call her.”
Jeonghan pulled out his phone but just as he did Seungcheol grabbed it.
“No. You don’t get that chance,” he said. Jeonghan’s face was starting to turn red, and Seokmin and Minghao shared looks of resignation to the fact that they wouldn’t be finishing their assignments any time soon.
“Give me my phone back,” Jeonghan said, his voice dropping to a dangerous octave.
“No,” Seungcheol repeated, squaring his shoulders. “You can’t force y/n to talk to you. If she wants to, if she decides to you will get the chance to get her back.”
“You have been against me and her from day one,” Jeonghan snapped. “You don’t get our relationship. I don’t treat her like an object. This is the last time I will ask. Give me the phone.”
“If you call y/n now, you are risking your entire relationship with her,” Seungcheol said. “You lied to her. She is confused. She doesn’t know where she stands with you. You will only further confuse her if you talk to her now.”
“The solution to this is a conversation,” Jeonghan insisted. He realized quickly that Seungcheol wasn’t about to just give him the phone, so he darted forward, trying to grab it. Seungcheol easily pulled it out of Jeonghan’s grasp.
He hated how sloppy he got when he was emotional. If this wasn’t about you he would have grabbed the phone easily.
Of course, if it wasn’t about you, he wouldn’t be arguing with Seungcheol at all.
“Let her think first. If you don’t listen to me about anything else listen to me about this.”
Jeonghan turned again to face Seungcheol, now even angrier but the anger dissipated when Seungcheol slammed his phone into his chest, forcing them to look at one another.
“Y/n let’s you do whatever the hell you want to her and puts up no fights. She trusts you to respect her when she says no, but she never says no.”
Jeonghan’s eyes narrowed at Seungcheol.
“So, she said no. She used one of her safety phrases.” Jeonghan reached up to pull his phone out of Seungcheol’s grasp and once he had it Seungcheol dropped his hands to his sides. “Go ahead. Call her. But if you do, I guarantee she will never trust you again.”
Jeonghan stared at Seungcheol, trying to will him down with just a stare but Seungcheol wasn’t just anyone. He’d been with Jeonghan long enough to know when Jeonghan was just throwing a fit. And Jeonghan had been Seungcheol long enough to know when he was right.
“Fuck off, Seungcheol.”
But he was still going to be mad about it.
“Moved on already?”
You looked up at Yeongtae who you hadn’t even noticed had been staring at you for the last few minutes. Your eyebrows furrowed and your head fell to the side.
“Moved on…?” You murmured. He hummed and gestured to your phone.
“You’re checking your phone every ten seconds trying to see if anyone’s messaged you. You must have a hot new boyfriend.” You stared at Yeongtae for a few seconds trying to figure out what would have made him think that but then a smirk started to cross his lips and you realized what this was about.
“Yeongtae, I swear to god-”
“Seriously? Still?” He pressed, a laugh leaving his mouth. “How dumb are you?”
“I’m not dumb, I’m not even checking my phone that often,” you protested.
“Okay, not every ten seconds,” Yeongtae relented. “But more often than usual.”
He closed the book in front of him.
“Has Jeonghan not reached out to you yet?” He asked.
“Of course, he hasn’t,” you replied. “He’s Yoon Jeonghan. Remember? Massive University fuck boy? He’s probably fucking someone else as we speak.”
Yeongtae rolled his eyes.
“I know you’re in denial but be so fucking for real.” You made a face at his choice of words. “Jeonghan was utterly obsessed with you. He certainly hasn’t moved on that quickly.”
You looked away from him, letting an unamused noise of disagreance leave your lips.
“He really hasn’t called you?” Yeongtae asked again, but this time he seemed to be talking to himself. “I would have thought that he would have reached out immediately. Especially considering the way he talks about you.”
You perked up at that, your eyes darting back to Yeongtae.
“The way he talks about me?” You asked. Yeongtae hummed.
“Yeah, some of my study groups overlap with his so I see him every now and then. People are always asking about you, practically everyone has heard about your relationship.”
He shook his head clicking his tongue.
“People are such pigs sometimes. They’re always asking Jeonghan how to score with you, and he gets downright scary. If you didn’t like me I would probably be dead. I’ve never seen someone as relaxed as Jeonghan get angry so fast. He punched this guy Seonghun over you.”
It was a bit hard for you to imagine Jeonghan getting physical with someone else over you. Sure he had gotten a bit rough with Hyeon but you had sort of assumed that was mostly for show because you were there.
“No, he didn’t,” you said with a shake of your head.
“Seonghun has the black eye to prove it,” Yeongtae insisted. “Regardless, Jeonghan didn’t show his face at the last study group. I was sure he would call you.”
“Well, he hasn’t,” you said finally. You let silence fall between you two for a few moments. “… And, he wouldn’t no matter what because I told him not to call me.”
You could feel Yeongtae staring at you.
“You’re a different kind of stupid.”
“You told him not to call you?” He reemphasized. “And you’re checking your phone waiting for him to call you?”
“I’m not-”
“Yes, you are,” Yeongtae interrupted. “How long are you going to be in denial over the fact that you still want to be with him?”
“Yeongtae he’s just…” You trailed off, feeling a bit frustrated. “He’s just a guy.”
Yeongtae rolled his eyes.
“You know who is just a guy?” He asked. “Yunjun, Seonghun, Jun, Me.”
“You’re not just a guy,” you protested. “And neither is Jun. We’re friends.”
“Oh,” Yeongtae said, seeming to be actually surprised by what you had said. “So then, because we have a relationship, despite it being non-romantic, you consider us as not just guys.”
You were a little disheartened that he would think otherwise.
“Well of course,” you agreed. “I can’t deny that Yunjun is just a guy, and can’t speak on Seonghun but we spend so much time together, how could I ever think of you as just a guy.”
A small smile crossed his lips.
“So then, all that time you spent with Jeonghan? Him taking you home after you got drunk, him taking you shopping, him building lego sets with you. All of that still reduces him down to ‘just a guy’?”
And just like that you realized that Yeongtae had just been putting on an act to make a point.
“Yeongtae,” you blurted, leaning over the table so that you could hit him lightly. He raised his hands in defense against you, laughing.
“I’m just saying,” he said. “Stop being a hypocrite and I’ll stop getting on your nerves.”
You sighed, returning to your seat.
“Look, I get you mean the best, but I really am not hung up on Jeonghan,” you said. “It’s just the end of…” You hated to say it. “A relationship albeit a non-romantic one. It makes sense that I would feel a little hung up on it.”
Yeongtae rolled his eyes.
“And here comes the psych major.”
You sighed.
“I’m just saying, what ever emotional attachment I have to him-”
“So, you admit there is one!” Yeongtae interrupted.
“Will pass,” you emphasized. “And it will pass fast because Jeonghan and I were barely emotionally attached in the first place. We just got comfortable with each other. That’s all.”
Yeongtae clearly wanted to press the subject but after searching your eyes for a moment he simply shrugged.
“Okay, I relent,” he said. “I’ll let you be stupid as long as you pay for dinner tonight.”
You let out a soft laugh.
“Yeah, of course, you will.”
You could feel everyone’s concern in the air as you promptly began to bury yourself in your coursework and it only made your situation more frustrating.
You knew they meant well. You knew that they just thought that you were focusing on work because you were trying not to think about Jeonghan but that simply wasn’t true. He was just a fling; you didn’t get hung up over flings.
You probably just missed the reassurance that Jeonghan gave you. That was it.
There was a soft knock at your door, and you frowned. You glanced at Jeongyeon who looked up at you from the floor.
“Are you expecting anyone?”
She shrugged.
You sighed and got to your feet, walking over and cracking the door open. You didn’t think you could have been more surprised by who was at your door.
The man gave you a tired smile.
“Hey.” A frown riddled across his face. “Did you check to see who was at the door before opening it? You know you should be more careful when opening the door like that.”
You were getting a bit of dejavu.
“What are you doing here?” And on second thought- “How did you know where I live?”
“That’s where I come in-” Seungcheol was suddenly pushed aside by Jun who smiled at you before pushing past you too.
“Jeongyeon,” he whined loudly as he walked into your apartment, falling face-forward into the couch. “I’m really fucking bored, and I need help with chem.”
“You didn’t even bring your bag stupid-”
As Jeongyeon and Jun started bickering you turned your attention back to Seungcheol, leaning on the door frame.
“I don’t suppose you came here for Chem help?”
Seungcheol gave you half a grimace.
“Can we walk?”
It was cold out. You hated April. One day it was in the 70s, the next it was in the 40s all over again. Class being cancelled today had meant staying indoors and you had barely bothered to put jeans and a tshirt on. You wished you had thought to throw on a jacket.
Seungcheol had been quiet so far but upon you wrapping your arms over your chest he sighed and shrugged his own jacket off draping it over your shoulders before you could argue.
“Look, it’s about Jeonghan,” Seungcheol started off. You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah. Duh,” you mumbled. You tugged Seungcheol’s jacket tighter around your body.
“I don’t want to intervene in you two’s business,” Seungcheol started. “It’s just that we’re all sick and tired of Jeonghan’s attitude.”
He looked away from you.
“Usually, he’s really easy going but he’s just been a grumpy asshole all week.”
You snorted, finding it hard to believe that he would be so upset over what happened between the two of you, but Seungcheol’s expression stayed scary serious.
“I’m not saying you need to forgive him for being an idiot or anything,” Seungcheol said. “It was stupid of him to pretend like he was fucking other girls. I don’t really know what was going through his head.”
Seungcheol’s eyebrows furrowed as if he was trying to make sense of it, but after a few seconds passed he shook his head.
“Look, I don’t know. Don’t you miss him at all?”
You sighed; a bit heavier than you really meant to.
“Why should I miss him? We were just fuck buddies,” you stated. Seungcheol pressed his lips together, a strangled noise leaving his mouth.
“I just thought you had some emotional attachment to him I guess,” he stated. “After all, you got really jealous over that Chaedom situation.”
“Hey, Chaedom is just a bitch!” You protested, your voice growing a bit higher and louder. You cleared your throat. “I don’t care if he sleeps or slept with other people. Just Chaedom-”
“Right,” Seungcheol agreed. “Funny, that’s what Jeonghan always says about Yeongtae.”
You scoffed, stepping in front of Seungcheol so that he had to abruptly stop.
“Why do you care, Seungcheol?” You demanded. “We aren’t close. Jeonghan will move on and go back to his old ways- If he hasn’t already, and you’re better off without me there all the time anyways. Should I remind you what I sound like?”
Seungcheol raised his hands in the air.
“I’m not trying to pry,” he insisted. “I’m not trying to make you mad, I just…”
He sighed.
“I’ve known Jeonghan for years and never has he ever settled for anyone. He has sex practically once a week.”
“Yeah, I’m sure it was rough for him to go back to his old ways,” you scoffed.
“He hasn’t,” Seungcheol said. You rolled your eyes and you weren’t looking at him, so Seungcheol grabbed your wrist. “He really hasn’t.”
“Give him until the next party,” you said.
“Y/n, he is obsessed with you. He’s changed,” Seungcheol insisted. “You made him want something that he’s never wanted before and that scared him. He wants to reach out for you but he’s respecting your wish for space. Can’t you just… Whatever- Hate him forever, but you have to believe that he-”
“What? Loves me?”
You laughed.
“He doesn’t love me. He’ll move on. This next party for sure.”
“Then come,” Seungcheol said. His face was serious. You just frowned at him.
“I don’t want him to see me and think I want him back or something,” you mumbled. That wasn’t completely true. You didn’t want him to see you at the party because you knew that if he saw you and wanted to… You would let him take you all over again.
“Then come in a disguise. We’ll get Mingyu in on it. A wig, and different makeup than you usually wear-”
“Do you think he’s stupid?” You blurted. “He’ll see right through it.”
“Not if we’re good enough,” Seungcheol insisted. “Just come. Please.”
You took Seungcheol’s jacket off your shoulders, shoving it into his hands.
“you said you didn’t want to get in Jeonghan and I’s business? Well, then actually stay out of it.”
You briskly turned away from him, heading back in the direction towards your apartment. You heard Seungcheol make a defeated sound.
“Just… Think about it, okay?” He called after you.
“Fuck off,” you called back.
Unfortunately, what your mind had told you to say wasn’t what your heart was willing to enforce.
You couldn’t sleep that night because of your conversation with Seungcheol.
You had been pretty sure at a time that the boys of Alpha Mu liked you. Enough so that you didn’t think they would like to see you hurt. So, Seungcheol’s words caught you off guard.
If he thought Jeonghan had bad intentions, he certainly wouldn’t come to try and get you to take him back. That being said, it was odd that Seungcheol didn’t seem to care if you actually took back Jeonghan or not. He just seemed to want you to believe that Jeonghan genuinely liked you.
“Are you thinking about Jeonghan again?”
You would think that Yeongtae would have been tired of you glaring at him at this point, but he didn’t seem to care.
“You are so annoying when you aren’t getting laid. How do you make friends when you are in between fuck buddies?”
“Yeongtae I-” You wanted to scream at him as if he was wrong about the fact that you had been overly frustrated but… He was right. You really needed to blow off some steam but no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t touch yourself without thinking about how much better Jeonghan could touch you.
Whenever you closed your eyes, you heard him telling you what to do.
Whenever you took your clothes off you could hear him chiding you and telling you that you didn’t deserve him, but he would fuck you anyway, just because he pitied you-
“Oh my god, I don’t have to hear your thoughts to know that you are fantasizing about Jeonghan.”
“I’m not,” you protested. “God, why’s everyone acting like I miss him so much? He was just a fuck buddy.”
“Yeah, but he’s a fuck buddy you are still hung up on. Apparently, he’s more than just a fuck buddy,” Yeongtae argued. You couldn’t figure out how to respond to him, so you just threw an eraser at him. He didn’t even flinch.
“Look, you won’t convince anyone that you are over him until you prove it,” he insisted. “So…” He leaned forward, propping his elbows up on the table and resting his chin on his hands. “Let me set you up on a date.”
“What?” You asked. “Yeongtae, I’m not interested in dating anyone right now.”
“Right. Because you are still hooked up on Jeonghan.”
“No,” you disagreed. “Not because I’m still hooked up on Jeonghan. I just don’t want to go on a date.”
“What’s the worst that could happen?” Yeongtae prodded. “Maybe you hit it off with the person. Maybe you just relieve some of the built-up horniness in your body. Either way he pays for your meal.”
“How would you even set me up?” You asked, unamused by his prodding. “You don’t have any friends.”
Yeongtae cocky expression dropped into a genuinely hurt one.
“Ouch,” he said. You shrugged. “I told you the guys in my study group are all dying for a chance with you. And despite the fact that any guy with eyes on you makes Jeonghan mad, Minhyuk makes him the least mad of everyone.”
You ignored the comment about Jeonghan.
“Minhyuk?” You repeated. “I actually think I met him at a party once with Jeonghan.”
“Perfect,” Yeongtae insisted. “You even know him!”
“It was like a two-minute interaction.”
“Well, did you like him?”
You thought back on your conversation, and from what you remembered you couldn’t really say that you hadn’t liked him. Yeongtae seemed to notice your hesitance.
“It’s just one date. You guys can go somewhere public, and you’ll see how it goes,” he said, waving his hand in the air. As he spoke, he pulled out his phone. He typed for a little bit on his screen and then looked up at you. “Well?”
You stared at him.
“If I go on this date, you promise you’ll get off my back about this Jeonghan thing?”
Yeongtae very seriously drew an x over his chest with his fingers.
“Cross my heart.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Set up the date.”
Despite the fact you were up early quite often trying to sneak out of the Alpha Mu house, you hated getting up early. So, meeting Minhyuk at a coffee shop at 9 in the morning made you want to melt into the ground.
Still, if it would get Yeongtae off your back then it was worth getting up so early. 
When you got to the coffee shop, Minhyuk was already there looking at the menu and you were surprised to find that he looked really well-kept when he wasn’t getting drunk at a party.
His hair was slicked back, and he was wearing a button-up and a pair of jeans. You felt a little under dressed in your tee shirt but you pushed aside the feeling. This date wasn’t that serious anyways.
“Hi Minhyuk,” you greeted, shooting the boy a smile. He turned over his shoulder, giving you a smile back. You noticed that two of his teeth looked like fangs.
“Hey! I can’t believe you’re actually here,” he said, his voice light. “I assumed Yeongtae was playing a prank on me.” He thought over his words for a second. “Yeongtae is a weird guy.”
You laughed.
“Considering you two aren’t friends, you know him really well,” you commented. You fell in step next to Minhyuk, looking up at the menu in front of you. Your eyes scoured the options but even as you did that your mind wasn’t entirely on the menu.
Minhyuk was taller than you, but not taller than Jeonghan was. Your eyebrows furrowed a bit as you made note of the distance that Minhyuk was putting between you two. Unlike other people in the past, Minhyuk was keeping a respectful distance from you.
Of course, you couldn’t help but think that it was nice when Jeonghan was holding you as close to him as you could get. When he had mentioned that he wanted you as eye candy, he really had meant it.
“So, what are you thinking about getting?” Minhyuk asked. Your attention snapped back to the menu, and you dragged out an exaggerated hum.
“A latte,” you said.
“Of course,” Minhyuk agreed. “But what flavor?”
“Now that’s the question,” you said. You crossed your arms over your chest, letting your head fall to the side. “What flavor?”
Once you had settled on a latte flavor, Minhyuk had insisted you go and sit down so that he could pay for the food. Even though Yeongtae had named one of the perks of going on this date as getting free food, you still persistently argued with Minhyuk over getting your drink paid for.
In the end however, you settled for him paying as long as long as you could repay him in the future.
“So, y/n, why the sudden change in attitude?” Minhyuk asked. “I thought Jeonghan was going to have my head the day that I proposed us trading numbers.”
You snorted.
“You have a good memory,” you commented.
“And then when Chaedom got back, I was starting to realize why he was so possessive.”
You rolled your eyes.
“I didn’t come here to talk about Jeonghan,” you said.
“You should have seen the way that Chaedom came back down the stairs,” Minhyuk added with a laugh. “It was not her day.”
You couldn’t help the smile that flickered across your lips at the statement.
“So, what about you? If you thought, I was so taken then why did you tell Yeongtae to hook us up?” You asked.
“Jeonghan has been testy recently,” Minhyuk replied. “Word on the street was that you two were taking some space.”
Your eyebrows furrowed slightly.
“Why are people so obsessed over Jeonghan and I?” You asked. Minhyuk hummed.
“Because Jeonghan is the guy who never settles and you are the one he settled for,” he replied. “Everyone who didn’t see you before is seeing you in a whole new light now,” he explained. “And I was just the lucky one who got to go on a date with you first.”
That was a weird thing to think about. The thought that people were interested in you now, partly just because you had messed around with Jeonghan for a little bit didn’t sit quite right in your head. Of all the things to come from all of this… That was the most unexpected.
“Well, some of your information is a bit inaccurate,” you said. “Jeonghan didn’t really settle for me. I was a phase just like everyone else.”
“True or not,” Minhyuk said with a wave of his hand. “I’m honored that you came out with me. I’m surprised that you’re over him so quickly.”
You rolled your eyes.
“I’m just another person Minhyuk,” you said lightly. “Besides, there wasn’t much to get over. We were just a passing fling.”
“I’m surprised to hear anyone say that so casually,” Minhyuk laughed. “But then again, you’re a psych major huh? It must be easy for you to sort through your feelings.”
“That’s not entirely true,” you said. “It’s just easier to name my feelings. Not to sort through them.”
Minhyuk hummed and nodded.
“And what feelings are you feeling right now?” He asked, his lips flickering into a smile. You took a drink of your coffee.
“I’m feeling happy,” you replied. “Relaxed.”
“And me? What am I feeling right now?” He pressed.
“Cocky,” you stated. “And flirtatious.”
Minhyuk broke out into a loud laugh, that quickly led to him covering his mouth. You laughed too, surprised by how funny he took your words.
“You’re right,” he said once his laughs had died down a little. “I have to lay it on thick though. If only to see you smile.”
You didn’t normally like people who flirted with you so brazenly, but Minhyuk was a lot more easy going than other guys like him. Plus, it helped that he was really attractive.
Conversation between you and Minhyuk turned quickly to other topics, and you were starting to think that it was going really well. Did you see you and Minhyuk dating in the future? No, probably not. But was it a relief to talk to someone who wasn’t walking on glass around you? Yeah, it definitely was.
You watched as Minhyuk’s eyes flickered over your shoulder, seeming to catch the attention of someone in the middle of your two’s conversation. Your eyebrows furrowed slightly at the action.
“Oh, Jeonghan-”
It was comical, really. Not only how fast that you turned around but at the fact Jeonghan’s full name didn’t even leave Minhyuk’s mouth before you were turning.
It only took you seconds to realize that no one was standing behind you, only seconds more to register the fact that Minhyuk was laughing. You pressed your eyes shut.
“God, not you too,” you groaned.
“Yeongtae told me that everyone thinks you’re still hung up on Jeonghan,” Minhyuk said lightly. “I had to see for myself outside of your vocal reassurance that you are.”
You turned back to face him, your shoulders slacking a little bit.
Okay, you missed him. 
You couldn’t really deny it anymore. You were dying to see Jeonghan. Every day that you checked your phone you hoped to see a message from him, every time you went to the library you hoped to find him studying, every day someone talked about the Alpha Mu party this weekend you wanted to go.
And of course, you missed him.
You had grown accustomed to being around Jeonghan. You liked how he treated you. It was fun to be with him.
You knew that no one had said it was shameful to miss him, but you couldn’t help but feel like it was. 
Because he had lied to you. Even if it was a small lie, it was a lie. You two had to have complete trust in your relationship.
But as much as you were homing in on that detail. The fact that he lied, you couldn’t quite put your heart into it.
“But really y/n. Why are you pretending not to be hung up on Jeonghan?”
You sighed and waved your hands through the air.
“I’m not pretending,” you replied. “I’m trying really hard to make it true.”
You looked down at the empty coffee cup in your hands, your eyebrows furrowing a bit.
“Okay, here me out,” Minhyuk said. “Let’s talk this out. Like… A school project.”
You looked up at him.
“Listening,” you said slowly.
“So, in this scenario there is a guy who everyone goes crazy for,” Minhyuk started. “And a girl who ends up catching his eye. Everyone can tell he is obsessed with her.”
“This is just a random scenario!” Minhyuk interrupted, raising his pointer finger to his lips. You gave him a glare but let him go on. “So, if he is obsessed with her and everyone knows it. Psychologically speaking, why might she think otherwise?”
“It’s just a little on the spot presentation,” Minhyuk teased lightly. “Surely that’s easy for you to answer.”
Another sigh left your mouth.
“Maybe she thinks otherwise because he really isn’t obsessed with her.”
“What would other people gain by thinking that he is obsessed with her if it weren’t true?” Minhyuk asked. “After all, if he wasn’t then everyone who wanted to get with her instead would have no fear of repercussions.”
You fought the urge to argue with him.
“Okay, fine. There’s a couple of different reasons for it,” you said after a few moments. “Psychologically speaking she could be experiencing Imposter Syndrome.”
You thought over symptoms of Imposter Syndrome for a few moments.
“If not a specific syndrome, maybe she just has blocks to receiving affection, or maybe she’s clinging to negative core beliefs. She could even just be nervous to get into a serious relationship.”
“Okay, now that we’ve acknowledged what could be causing those thoughts, what caused the separation between the two?”
“I thought this was just a random scenario?” You asked skeptically. Minhyuk gave you an annoyed look. “He lied about sleeping with other people. Not saying that he wasn’t. He said he was, but it turned out he was only sleeping with me.”
Minhyuk’s eyebrows rose in surprise.
“Uh-” You saw him physically shake off his surprise. “Okay, so you find out. You’re mad?”
“Hypothetically,” you mumbled.
“So hypothetically, what is the logical next step to take?”
Of all the stupid things you had done recently, this might have to be the stupidest and it wasn’t even your idea.
Sure, looking at yourself in the mirror you looked a little different, but anyone with two eyes would be able to tell it was you.
“Keep in mind, it will be dark,” Seungcheol reminded you as if he could read your thoughts. “And you won’t be close enough to him for him to notice you.”
“And you never wear this kind of makeup,” Mingyu agreed. “And that wig looks nothing like what your hair usually looks like.”
“And most importantly, he isn’t expecting you,” Seungcheol added on.
You sighed. You supposed all that was true.
“I think he’ll still see through it.”
“He won’t,” Seungcheol assured. “This plan is foolproof. All you have to do is hang around my friend Yeonjun at the party, watching Jeonghan from afar. You’ll see that he hasn’t moved on and then you can decide if you want to have that conversation with him or not.”
It was still stupid. Hallmark rom com behavior. And yet, even so-
“Y/n, Yeonjun. Yeonjun, y/n.”
You eyed up the boy in front of you, give him a small smile despite your indifference towards him. He smiled a bit wider than you, his head falling to the side and his eyebrows scrunching together slightly.
“You’re y/n?” He asked, holding out his hand for you to shake. You ignored his hand. “You really do look different. That’s a good disguise.”
Mingyu personally seemed to take pride in that.
“Thank you,” he said with a smile. Seungcheol rolled his eyes and started to push Mingyu away.
“Okay, we’re going to go now so that Jeonghan doesn’t get suspicious of anything,” he said. He gave you a weird look, hesitating for just a moment. You raised your eyebrow at him. “Stick to the plan.”
Stick to the plan.
The plan wasn’t really a plan, and no matter how you thought about it you felt like you were in high school all over again. At your age, putting on a disguise to see if a guy really liked you was a bit childish. But, despite that, the plan was for you to spend the night at the party with Yeonjun, and watch Jeonghan from a far.
Why, Yeonjun? Because the salt and pepper haired boy was someone that you had never associated with before. So, if Jeonghan did think he recognized you, he would be thrown off by the fact you were with Yeonjun.
Maybe it was just the alcohol but as far as you could tell the disguise that Mingyu and Seungcheol had put you in was convincing. Nobody that had bumped into you thus far had recognized you. Even the Alpha Mu boys seemed to be none the wiser.
And Yeonjun, despite his excessive drinking, was proving to be quite the amusing partner in crime. As the night started out, the two of you had been located near the snack table. You had used this time to spot Jeonghan, while Yeonjun used this time to start drinking. At first he was quiet, just focusing on the alcohol, and then he seemed to go practically comatose. He stood next to you, completely silent, completely unmoving. It made him easy to ignore.
Jeonghan had started the night talking to Soonyoung and Seokmin, but as the night progressed, he started to move around the party. You hadn’t really pinned Jeonghan down as a particularly social person, despite the fact that he slept around.
You noticed that other than hanging out with the other frat boys he didn’t really associate with people. You were a bit surprised to find out that he was in a study group with Yeongtae.
Jeonghan didn’t stay with one group of people for very long. Instead, he floated from group to group, sometimes barely even partaking in conversation.
“It’s almost pathetic the way that you are staring at Jeonghan. You’re looking at him like most of the girls desperate for him look at him.”
You fixed Yeonjun under an unamused gaze to which he just shrugged unapologetically.
“Just thought I would tell it as I see it. You’re obsessed with him.”
It was the first time that you had heard anyone flip the tables on you. You were so used to people telling you that Jeonghan was obsessed with you that this felt weird.
“You’re drunk,” you said pointedly.
“Drunk but not blind,” Yeonjun argued back. He leaned towards you, his finger flicking across your nose. As he did, he tipped his cup of alcohol, spilling a few drops on the ground. His eyes widened in despair and he ducked his head to try and catch the spilled drink.
You laughed at him, shaking your head and allowing your eyes to turn back to Jeonghan.
“You really like him,” Yeonjun pressed.
“I’m just trying to see something,” you argued back.
Yeonjun hummed and suddenly his head fell against your chest.
“Hasn’t everyone been telling you? He’s been turning down people left and right for the last few weeks,” Yeonjun said. “Rumors on the street is that he is into someone.”
You rolled your eyes, but honestly found his behavior amusing. You raised a hand to his head, patting him like he was a dog.
“You always drink so much?” You asked him. He looked up at you with a pout on his lips.
“I don’t drink anymore than the next person,” Yeonjun replied. You fixed him with a skeptical look. “Okay a little more than the next person.”
He paused.
“We should get more alcohol,” he stated. Then another thought occurred to him. “You should drink some.”
“I think that if you are so drunk you’re spilling your alcohol than you are too drunk for more.”
Yeonjun whined his protests, but you ignored them. You kept your hand placed on the drunk boys’ head, staring at Jeonghan. A girl had joined him a few moments before. Her hand raised to his arm but he shook it off, looking like he was annoyed by her advances.
“Why are you so obsessed over Jeonghan?” Yeonjun asked. He paused. “Wait. Right. The plan. You don’t think Jeonghan is obsessed with you.”
You grunted, watching as Jeonghan walked away from the girl he had just shook off of him.
“I don’t believe this,” you murmured. Yeonjun peered up at you, his eyes wide and pupils dilated.
“What? That Jeonghan hasn’t fucked with anyone else yet?” He questioned. His eyes wandered over to the man in question who was practically social distancing from the girl in front of him. A completely different girl from the one he just turned down. “Isn’t this irrefutable proof that he actually does like you?”
“He’s got to be…” You trailed off in frustration. “Maybe he’s just being overly picky. He can’t just not be sleeping with other people because of me.”
Yeonjun looked back up at you. There was a moment of silence.
“Well, why don’t you try to seduce him then?”
Listening to a boy as drunk off his ass as Yeonjun was at this point was stupid.
“Yeonjun the plan-”
“The plan is stupid,” Yeonjun blurted out. “You put on a disguise this good just to stare at him from afar? You need to get into the action. Figure out for yourself if he really will sleep with someone else. You know him, what makes him tick.”
He gestured in the direction that Jeonghan was in, stumbling a little bit.
“Go make him tick.”
“He’ll recognize me,” you protested. Yeonjun rolled his eyes and gestured to the people around you two.
“No one recognizes you,” he replied. “Get it together and go figure out if that man is really your man.”
You really did no better than to listen to someone drunk, but something about Jeonghan really did make you stupid.
And yet, you still ended up finding yourself leaving Yeonjun with a girl whose name he had known, making your way towards Jeonghan in the crowd.
Your mind was screaming at you, begging you to not be stupid. Begging you to stay away from him. But even as you thought that, your shoulder was bumping against Jeonghan’s.
Time to see if you were really as good at acting as you sometimes pretended you were.
An innocent smile flickered across your face.
“Oh I’m-” You sucked in a breath that you wished you could say was rehearsed but really you had just really forgotten how nice it was to be in Jeonghan’s presence again. “I’m so sorry.”
You stumbled a little from the inertia of your bump and Jeonghan caught you by the wrist. A confused expression was riddled across his face. His eyes flickered across your body, his gaze pausing at your neck and then flicking back to your eyes.
Your heart stopped. You were sure you had been caught.
“And who might you be?” Jeonghan asked softly, a smile curling across his lips.
Game and point.
Pride surged through your body at the fact you had been able to trick him. Even more excitement buzzed through your body when you saw that undeniable glint his eyes. Lust, interest. His fingers tightened their grasp on you, causing your body to burn with desire.
“Is it important?” You asked. “All that matters is who you are.” Your eyes glinted in excitement. “Yoon Jeonghan.”
Jeonghan’s head fell to the side ever-so-slightly.
“So, my reputation proceeds me as it always does,” he said. His eyebrows furrowed. “I can’t help but wonder what you’ve heard.”
“Just that you always bring people to the finish line,” you replied your voice light.
You worried that your current conversation was too reminiscent of your first one with Jeonghan, but your worry over being caught was clouded by the knot that was growing in your stomach. Why did you feel like this? Wasn’t this what you wanted? To be right?
“Do you want to come upstairs with me?”
Jeonghan’s invitation was tempting, despite your disguise. Mostly because it reminded you just how much you craved him. Being mad at him was exhausting but this also showed that you were right and Seungcheol was wrong. He was the same Jeonghan that he had been when you met him.
Picky. But still willing to sleep with any person he thought fit his standards. You had simply been a glitch in the system. A break in a chain that was now put back together. You were forever just going to be a notch in his belt.
But you couldn’t help it…
You were reconsidering everything as you traveled back up those stairs. Now they were so familiar to you. Each little scratch and notch reminding you of a different time that you had traveled up them.
So Jeonghan hadn’t recognized your face. Did that mean he wouldn’t recognize your body?
Surely not, right? How distinct could your body be from others?
You shouldn’t let it get that far. No, you needed to make an excuse- Any excuse to get back downstairs to the party.
Maybe that would knock down Jeonghan’s ego a little bit. If suddenly, a conquest turned him down.
Yeah, that felt like good revenge and totally made up for the lack of self control you had when it came to Jeonghan. You would really have to unpack at some point why you really didn’t care if you were just a notch in Jeonghan’s belt.
Jeonghan opened the door of his bedroom, gesturing you in. He was being a little bit more detached than he usually was when he was about to fuck you, but maybe that was just a difference between you and the other people he slept with.
It didn’t necessarily mean that he liked you more than them.
You opened your mouth to make some excuse to go back downstairs but before you could Jeonghan was slamming the door shut with his foot. Your eyes widened as he suddenly closed the distance between you two. You backed yourself up against the wall and he trapped you there between his arms, his face mere itches from you.
“Did you think I wouldn’t recognize you?”
His entire demeanor was different than it had been just a second ago. You could practically feel a hundred feelings radiating off of Jeonghan’s body. Lust, desperation, frustration.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Jeonghan’s hand shot up and ripped your wig off of your head. He held it in front of your face, his lips pressed in frustration.
“Do you think I’m stupid? That I wouldn’t recognize you just because you had a little bit of makeup on and a wig?”
“I understand my reputation,” Jeonghan said. He threw the wig to the floor and pulled away from you. You took a large breath of relief for the space.
Generally, when it came to situations like this, where you were stuck around an angry man. You were, reasonably scared.
But this was Jeonghan. Yoon Jeonghan. He only hurt you when you wanted to be hurt. And he never hurt you over actual anger. You knew you were safe.
“I’m Yoon Jeonghan, and I fuck around. But… Fuck that shit, I only want to fuck you. I thought that we were past this. I thought you understood that.”
You were ripped from your thoughts at that, your eyes wide.
“That’s surprisingly intimate,” you joked. Jeonghan looked at you.
“Y/n, I’m sorry I lied to you about sleeping with other people,” Jeonghan said. He walked back over to you, placing his hands on your shoulders so that you had to look at him. “I didn’t sleep with anyone. Not since we established you couldn’t sleep with other people. I haven’t wanted to sleep with anyone else.”
Again, the scariest thing about Jeonghan was just how serious he was acting. You laughed.
“You sound like you’re about to confess your love to me,” you joked.
Jeonghan’s eyes didn’t leave yours, but they saddened a little bit. His lips pursed together into a thin line. The smile dropped from your face.
He looked away from you, his hands leaving his shoulders.
“Yes, at first it was just sex. I mean, really. What are the odds that we would find each other?” He asked. “How many people like to get spit on and have their face smacked? You like it when I rough you up. That’s crazy.”
You just stared at him, unsure of what to say. He didn’t look like he wanted you to say anything yet anyways.
“Yes, I’m jealous of the people that you get to spend time with,” Jeonghan said. “Stupid, fucking Seungcheol… I’m not jealous of Yeongtae because I’m scared that you are going to fuck him. I’m jealous because you two have an emotional attachment that we don’t have, and I was scared we would never have it.”
“Why would you want an emotional relationship with a fuck buddy?”
There was silence from Jeonghan, and he turned around to look at you. He had a sad look on his face.
“Y/n, Jeongyeon told me once… In passing, that you weren’t looking for a real relationship.” The air in the room was suddenly so heavy you felt like you needed to sit down. “Why not?”
Your heart skipped a beat, the implications seeming unreal.
“I just...” You tried to figure out the right words to say. Tried to figure out what you were thinking. “I haven’t needed that in my life. No one has proved to me that we would really work out.”
Jeonghan stared at you, and you stared back at him. There was something in his eyes. You were scared that Jeonghan was going to say something that you didn’t think you wanted to hear right now. You needed a distraction.
“I really… I really need you.”
“Fuck,” Jeonghan said, turning his body slightly away from you. “I’m trying to apologize to you, y/n.”
“Apology accepted,” you agreed. You lowered your hands to the hem of your shirt, dragging it off your body. Jeonghan groaned, covering his hand with his face.
“Y/n, I am not that strong. This is the longest I’ve gone without sex since high school,” he said. “Just let me…”
You walked over to him, unbuckling your bra as you walked. You let it drop to ground, knowing that he heard the sound. You grabbed Jeonghan by the collar of his sweater.
“Come on, Jeonghan. I know you need it just as bad as I do. You want me… I want you… The door is closed…”
You took Jeonghan’s hands, pressing them to your bare sides. His fingers obediently wrapped around your body. You dragged his hands up your body by his wrists.
“Come on,” you whined. “Didn’t you miss me? Don’t you want to use me?”
A groan left his mouth.
“You’re not being very good y/n.”
Jeonghan looked reasonably torn. You could tell he was trying to be mature and take this the right way and that scared you even more. Coming to this party you had expected to see Jeonghan flirting with other people, but here he was doing everything that he could to actually amend things with you and you couldn’t wrap your head around why.
“And what are you going to do about it?”
“Fuck it. But we’re talking after this.”
Jeonghan’s hand tightened around your body, and his other hand came to your hair. Braided to keep it hidden beneath your wig. A growl left Jeonghan’s mouth.
“Never braid your hair before seeing me. Ever again.”
He placed his hands square on your shoulders and pushed you back onto his bed.
“Unbraid your hair right now.”
You scrambled to pull the rubber bands out of your hair, your fingers running through the strands of your hair as you struggled to get them out of your braids. Jeonghan meanwhile was watching you, a dark look in his eyes as he practically ripped his shirt off of himself.
“If I don’t have something to pull-”
Just as you got the last bit of your hair untangled from the braid, Jeonghan was climbing on the bed, fingers hooked in your pants as he pulled them off your body. You didn’t have to be told what to do from there and immediately shimmied out of your panties, tossing them to the side and propping yourself up on your elbows, simply anticipating what Jeonghan was going to do next.
You couldn’t help how your body was buzzing just at being in this position again. Being in Jeonghan’s room, being naked in front of him. Normally, you would feel embarrassed, but you really seemed to have no shame when it came to Jeonghan.
“Fuck, look at you,” Jeonghan mumbled, his hands lowering down to his pants. His fingers hooked on his belt and he began to unbuckle it and you had to literally wipe drool from your lips. Fuck. “You are so fucking gorgeous.”
He tossed his belt to the side with a soft clang.
“And even though you are being so bad in distracting me with sex,” he said, unbuttoning his pants with a single flick of his thumb. “You are literally on bed waiting for me to do whatever the hell I want to you, aren’t you?”
You nodded, and you were burning so badly that your core hurt. You needed to be touched by Jeonghan. You couldn’t just lay there under his gaze and watch him get undressed. God, you needed to do something. Anything.
“I know how badly you want to touch yourself,” Jeonghan cooed, dropping his pants to ground. You swallowed hard, trying to keep your eyes on Jeonghan. “But I also know just how badly you need to be good for me. Isn’t that, right?”
Your face was blazing and you could feel your pussy beginning to drip wetness despite the fact that Jeonghan hadn’t even touched you yet.
“Go on y/n. I wouldn’t blame you if you had to play with your cunt while you waited for me to finally touch you,” he said. Your eyes widened slightly but he shot you down quickly. “No that’s not permission. You will get punished if you touch yourself. But I know that you really need to touch yourself. I’m just saying I won’t blame you for succumbing to your own desires.”
A smile flickered across his face.
“What will it be huh? Are you going to relieve yourself? Ease that feeling of desperation that’s just building up in your body?”
Jeonghan laughed at you and dropped his boxers down to the ground. You didn’t speak to him. Too afraid of what you were going to say. You were excited now, thinking that since his clothes were off you wouldn’t have to choose between being good or bad.
You were wrong.
As soon as Jeonghan had stepped out of his boxers he walked up to the edge of the bed, but instead of joining you on it, instead of throwing foreplay out the window and taking you right there, he stopped where his knees brushed the comforter.
He wrapped his fingers around his rock hard cock, groaning at his own touch.
“I love that you let me do anything to you,” he said. “What would you do if I told you that I wasn’t going to touch you at all? What if I told you that I was just going to look at you and get myself off and cum all over you and then just leave you? Make you sit there covered in my semen until I decided that I should touch you.”
He thought over that for a second.
“If I even decided to touch you.”
“Jeonghan-” You blurted, your eyes wide as panic seized your body. “You wouldn’t do that.”
Jeonghan gave his cock a pump.
“Are you sure about that?”
There was something sadistic in his eyes, and it made you second guess everything you knew about him.
“You wouldn’t even-” Your voice cracked. “You wouldn’t even touch me?”
You swallowed hard, unable to help yourself from spreading your legs out a little further.
“Didn’t you miss me at all?”
“I missed you so fucking much, y/n,” And as he spoke his voice grew deeper, shaky even. “That’s why I can’t touch you. I need you to need me as much as I need you.”
You felt yourself whimper at his words.
“I do. I do need you Jeonghan, d-don’t do this to me,” you blurted out desperately. Jeonghan mostly ignored you, his eyes threatening to flutter shut from the pleasure of even just slowly pumping his cock. You thought that him touching himself made it that much more cruel.
“I don’t know why you are complaining,” he commented. “All you have to do is misbehave. Are you really that scared of misbehaving in front of me?”
You nodded, squirming in place.
“Yes. Jeonghan, please,” you begged. “I don’t want to be bad, I want to be good, I want to be of good use to you.”
“You’re good use to me right now,” Jeonghan replied, the corners of his lips quirking up. “You’re so pretty to look at and so good at begging for me.”
A loud whine escaped your lips.
“Jeonghan,” your voice was tiny now, your fingers balled in Jeonghan’s comforter as you fought the urge to do what Jeonghan wanted you to do. You honestly thought that this was crueler than any kind of punishment he could and had ever given you. You couldn’t help the fact that tears were beginning to sprout out of the corners of your eyes.
You scrambled to your hands and knees, crawling to the edge of the bed. Jeonghan narrowed his eyes at you, but you stopped before you really hit bad territory.
“Jeonghan please, I’m not this strong,” you pleaded. You let your eyes grow wider, and tilted your head to the side, puffing out your chest. Jeonghan’s eyes darkened.
“Yeah?” He asked. You nodded, scooting forward more on your knees.
“I need you Jeonghan,” you agreed.
Jeonghan’s eyes fluttered shut and you thought for a second that you were screwed and not in the way that you wanted to be but just as your gaze dropped to the ground, you felt a hand gripping tightly in your hair.
Your head was jerked up and you came face to face with Jeonghan, his nose millimeters from yours. He smiled at you, his tongue briefly flicking across his teeth.
“You promise?” He asked you. Your eyes briefly furrowed and your gaze darted down to his lips. A beat passed and then suddenly you remembered that he had spoken to you. You tried to nod, but found you couldn’t move. You swallowed thickly.
“I promise,” you breathed. Jeonghan snorted.
You opened your mouth to argue with Jeonghan but you suddenly got pushed back into the bed. Just as your head fell into the comforter Jeonghan was grabbing you by your thighs, pulling you to the edge of the bed. You propped yourself up on your elbows again, but just as you did that Jeonghan was pushing two of his fingers deep into you.
You felt your elbows collapse as soon as he curled his fingers inside of you. A loud desperate moan left your lips.
“You don’t need me,” Jeonghan admonished. He pulled his fingers from you, humming as he slipped his fingers into his mouth. “No, you just think you need me because you do whatever that pretty cunt tells you to.”
His hand came down on your clit, causing your body to jolt and your head to press harder into the bed.
“And your pretty little cunt will get wet for any man who promises to put his dick in you.”
You felt the tips of Jeonghan’s fingers brush your skin, and he slowly dragged his fingertips down your body.
“J-Jeonghan please,” you managed to get out as Jeonghan teasingly ran his fingers down your body. “Th-That’s not true. I-”
Jeonghan’s fingertips slid between your folds, and when he raised them up in front of you they were literally dripping. His head fell to the side.
“That’s not true? Because I’ve barely touched you and you’re soaked,” he pointed out. “You’re either a slut, or you need me so badly you just can’t help yourself, and we know that can’t be true.”
He didn’t leave room for that aspect of the conversation to continue because then he was pushing his wet fingers into your mouth. You desperately sucked at them, hoping maybe Jeonghan would be tempted to do more to you, but he pulled his fingers disappointingly fast from your lips.
His hands returned to your sides, dragging up to your breasts. He cupped your breasts in his hands, giving them a small squeeze. You arched your back into Jeonghan’s touch.
“Jeonghan, please,” you whimpered.
“What?” He asked innocently. “This isn’t good enough for you?”
Frustration bubbled in your chest at Jeonghan’s words.
“You know it isn’t,” you replied, unable to keep the bite off your tongue. Jeonghan hummed and pushed two fingers back into you without warning.
“What about this?” He asked. “Is this enough?”
You opened your mouth to respond- To tell him that no it wasn’t enough- but before you could Jeonghan was sharply pushing his fingers back into you forcing you to raise a hand to your mouth, biting down on it to keep more noise from leaving your lips.
“You know, I almost didn’t recognize you,” Jeonghan mumbled as he pressed his fingers deep inside of you. “You being there in that makeup, with that wig, in those clothes with Yeonjun? None of it made sense. Not after what happened.” 
He shook his head. 
“But I saw through it. Even though it didn’t make sense I knew it was you, I just got really thrown off by one thing.”
His free hand raised to your neck, his fingers splaying across it. You knew immediately what he was talking about. 
“I’m sorry,” you blurted out. Your frustration gone now that Jeonghan was fucking you with his fingers “I don’t know why I got rid of-” 
Before you could finish talking Jeonghan was pressing his hand to your mouth. He raised an eyebrow towards you in warning.
“I don’t care why you did it,” Jeonghan replied. You pressed your lips together and Jeonghan pulled his hand away from your face. “The question is can I replace them?”
You felt another wave of heat run through your body.
“Y-Yes,” you managed to get out. Jeonghan smiled.
“Are you sure?” He asked, his voice dropping a few octaves. “Because if I leave more marks on you I expect you to leave them this time.”
You nodded, craning your neck.
“Yes, I’ll leave them, I promise,” he bit out. “I fucking missed them, I regretted getting rid of them so much.”
It was true. Ever since you had successfully gotten rid of the marks, you had hated looking at yourself in the mirror. You missed the marks on your neck even if you had been upset about the whole Jeonghan situation.
Jeonghan didn’t argue with you over it. He leaned forward, the tips of his fingers pinching at your nipples as his lips attached to your neck. At first he just peppered soft little kisses to your neck as his hands kneaded your breasts. The further he leaned down however, the closer his hard cock got to you. You felt the tip of his cock brush your swollen clit and you bucked your lips up, chasing the friction.
“Y/n, I’ve never seen you so desperate,” Jeonghan said teasingly, his hot breath making your head press back against the bed harder. “You’re acting like you haven’t been touched in days.”
“I haven’t,” you breathed. Jeonghan’s teeth bit down on your neck, and then his warm tongue flicked across the spot, as if to soothe your neck after the bite. “I-I- haven’t even touched myself since I got with you.”
Jeonghan’s body shifted further and once again Jeonghan’s tip pressed against your clit. You wiggled your hips so that Jeonghan’s tip slipped between your folds. Both you and Jeonghan let out matching groans.
“Even when you’re mad at me you’re still mine, huh?” Jeonghan said his voice low. “You still need my cock to get yourself off. Can’t come without my permission to.”
You nodded your agreement but as you moved Jeonghan was biting down on your neck again.
“Beg me to fuck you,” Jeonghan breathed against you.
“Jeonghan,” you pleaded. “I really do n-need you. Your cock is the only one that I can be satisfied with. I just, fucking, need you. So badly I need you.”
“It’s s-so hard to resist you,” Jeonghan mumbled and you literally heard his voice crack. You knew normally you would get in trouble for grabbing Jeonghan but you couldn’t help it. You raised your hands to Jeonghan’s forearms, wrapping your fingers tightly around them. You could feel how tight his muscles were, presumably from the strain of not pushing his cock into you.
“Then don’t,” you breathed. Jeonghan laughed humorlessly, picking up at you from your neck.
“I’ve got to take my time with it today, baby,” he said softly and your whole body shivered at the word. He pulled away from you, ignoring the way your hands tightened around his arms as he did. “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I never know when you are going to come around for me to fuck. I have to make the most of it.”
Jeonghan’s pulled back his cock, slipping from your folds and dragging a string of wetness from it. You felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes all over again. The frustration of not being fucked really building up in you.
He began to slide down your body, his mouth trailing kisses to your skin. Your toes curled as his lips trailed over your breasts, his teeth briefly nipping at you before continuing down your body.
“Jeonghan,” you cried out. You tried to move but Jeonghan pressed a hand to your pelvis, pinning you to the bed.
“You’re making it so much harder, to stop from fucking you,” Jeonghan groaned. His mouth came to a stop just above your clit and he started to press wet kisses to your thighs. So close to your pussy that his tongue was darting out to capture some of the wetness that had soaked your thighs. “I want to take you so fucking badly. Give you exactly what you are begging for.”
The tears slid down your cheeks.
He finally wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking on it harder. You still tried your best to move under him, but it was pointless. You reached forward, your fingers burying in Jeonghan’s hair. As good as it felt to have him sucking on your clit, you were still desperate for any thing to be in your pussy. You fucking missed his fingers. You needed his cock.
Jeonghan’s mouth lowered and his tongue ran teasingly between your folds. You let out a wrecked sob, mixed in with a desperate moan and Jeonghan cooed lightly, his breath teasing your clit.
“Poor baby, you’re so desperate for me aren’t you?” He asked. You nodded.
“I’ve been so good Jeonghan,” you begged softly, your breath coming in hics. Jeonghan’s tongue dipped into your pussy and your fingers tightened in Jeonghan’s hair. Not pulling to get him to pull off of you. Just pulling because you couldn’t do anything else.
“You taste so good,” Jeonghan commented. “I could stay down here all day.”
Another cry left your lips and Jeonghan pulled his mouth off of you, sticking two of his fingers into your pussy. His head fell to this side.
“Look at me, y/n,” he said. You looked up at him, your eyes blurry from tears. He clicked his tongue. “Oh look at you. Do you really need cock that badly?”
You nodded and another hic left your lips. Jeonghan cooed at you and raised his body, pulling his fingers from you. He sucked his fingers into his mouth, and then, once they were clean, cupped your face in his hands.
“Don’t cry baby, I’ve got you.”
He slid his dick into you, making a relieved moan leave your lips. Your eyes fluttered shut as Jeonghan pushed himself fully into your pussy. You mewled loudly.
“Fuck, I can’t stand to be apart from you,” Jeonghan groaned. His hands lowered to the sides of your head and he pulled out before pushing hard back into you, your whole body shaking. You raised your hands to wrap around Jeonghan’s body.
“Th-Thank you, Jeonghan,” you breathed out. “But, pl-please, h-harder.”
“Harder?” Jeonghan’s voice was light, muddled with pleasure. “I’m trying to take my time. Really trying to savour this.”
“I know you want to use me,” you pleaded. “Like a slut right? Like your perfect little slut.”
Your fingers dug into Jeonghan’s back.
“I can take it, I can always take it. Stop holding back.”
Jeonghan’s hips stuttered and after recovering, his hips snapped, forcing his cock hard into you.
“Baby, I don’t think you can take it,” he said. “Look at you? Your mascara running, your face red. You can barely take my teasing. You think that you can take it if I fuck you the way I usually do?”
You nodded desperately.
“I can, I really can,” you insisted. “Please, I need it hard. I need to feel you take me. Own me.”
“Fuck,” Jeonghan groaned. “You little-”
He reached forward, his fingers capturing your chin between them.
“You don’t know what you are asking for,” he warned. You forced yourself to look at Jeonghan, your eyes wide.
“Jeonghan, I need you.”
Jeonghan lowered his hands to your neck, his fingers wrapping around them. His eyebrows raised as he stilled himself inside of you.
“What’s your safe word?”
You blurted it out, making Jeonghan laugh at your desperation.
“Good, fucking, girl.”
His fingers tightened around your neck and he began to fuck you fast, deep, and hard. It was a pace that you were familiar with but somehow it rocked your core even harder than it normally did. You felt it growning a little harder to breath as Jeonghan’s fingers tightened around your neck and a whine at the light-headed sensation was ripped from your body.
His fingers loosened at the whine, allowing you to gasp for a breath of air, but as soon as you did Jeonghan was tightening his grip on you all over again. You felt yourself clamp hard around Jeonghan’s dick as a wave of pleasure shot through your body. Your fingers clutched at Jeonghan’s back but just as they did Jeonghan raised his hand to your face, hitting you across it lightly.
“I’ve been letting you misbehave all day,” Jeonghan growled. “But if you want me to own you, you’re going to have to be good.”
His thumb swiped across your face.
“No touching.”
Your hands dropped to the bed, raising above your head. You arched your back, hoping for Jeonghan’s hands to return to your throat but he was much too focused now. You loved it when he became borderline animalistic. His hips were snapping into you, his lips curving up with every desperate cry of his name.
“You gonna tell me exactly how much you missed me?” Jeonghan asked. “Tell me about how I plagued your thoughts every day. How you can’t do anything but think about me and need me?”
You tried to find the words to talk back to Jeonghan, but you couldn’t find your voice no matter how hard you tried. Your silence earned you another slap which went right down to your core.
“God, you’re so pathetic,” he cooed. “So fucked out you can’t even find the words to respond to me. You always get like this eventually don’t you?”
“Only with you,” you managed to get out. Jeonghan lowered a hand to your clit and he began to messily rub it in circles.
“I know baby,” he said softly. “And you’re going to come just for me aren’t you? After all the teasing and the touching, you were able to hold back until just now. What do you think that makes you?”
“Good,” you blurted back. “I’ve been so good.”
Jeonghan’s lips flickered into a smile that you could just barely make out.
“You have been,” Jeonghan agreed. “So, fucking good for me.”
He shook his head.
“Even though you’re loud.” He gave you a particularly hard thrust. “Messy.” Another thrust. “Fucking shameless.”
He reached forward, pressing his forehead to yours.
“You are so fucking good. I fucking love-” His voice faltered before he quickly added: “Fucking you.”
Without warning you felt Jeonghan begin to unload himself into you, you screamed out in pleasure but Jeonghan cut you off by pressing his lips to yours.
“Come on baby, you have my permission,” Jeonghan mumbled against your lips. “Come for me, okay?”
You didn’t have to be prompted further. You didn’t care about being good. You raised your hands to Jeonghan’s neck, pressing him down further on you. Instead of screaming you focused on kissing Jeonghan, you whole body shaking as you came around his cock. As you were coming down from your orgasm, you felt Jeonghan pushing his cum deeper into your pussy.
Unfortunately for you, Jeonghan’s thrusts stopped, as soon as your grip on his neck loosened.
Jeonghan slipped his cock out of you, and a small whine left your lips. You covered your face with your hands finding both comfort and disappointment in the feeling of Jeonghan’s cum beginning to leak out of your pussy. Instead of immediately getting up to start a shower however Jeonghan wrapped his arms around your body, pulling your back flush to his chest and then proceeded to bury his face in your neck.
You let him hold you for a few minutes, focusing on his breath on your neck and the beating of his heart that you could feel against your back before finally speaking.
“Are you not going to start a shower?”
Jeonghan let out a humorless chuckle.
“I never thought there would be a day where you wanted a shower immediately after,” Jeonghan commented.
“It’s just uncharacteristic of you not to try,” you replied softly. Jeonghan was silent for a few seconds.
“It’s just I have to leave you to go start the shower,” Jeonghan said. You frowned at his words.
“And what if when I get back, you’re gone?”
Even as he spoke his arms were tightening their grip on you.
“Jeonghan I’m not going to leave,” you said softly. Jeonghan didn’t seem convinced. “Jeonghan-”
Jeonghan sighed.
“You’re right. I’m being selfish,” he said with a sigh.
He stayed still for a few more seconds, making you think for a moment that he hadn’t meant his words, but then he was pulling away from you.
Your first thought was that you shouldn’t have complained about him holding you. Now it was cold. And before when he was just holding you there was no need to address the situation you two were in at all.
“I’ll be right back,” he said softly. “Don’t go anywhere.”
He walked to the door and paused, looking at you before he left the room.
As soon as Jeonghan was gone you sat up in his bed, using your elbows to prop yourself up.
Just leaving while Jeonghan was gone hadn’t really been something on your mind until Jeonghan mentioned it, but thinking about it know you didn’t think it was a bad idea. After all, you still had a lot to think about.
Had Jeonghan really been unwilling to sleep with anyone who wasn’t you? Or had he known you were there to watch the whole time?
You swung your legs over the side of Jeonghan’s bed, and shakily got to your feet. You looked around the room trying to find your clothes but then you remembered your shopping trip with Jeonghan. You wandered around Jeonghan’s room, trying to see if maybe he had just thrown the bag somewhere.
You were about to give up hope when the brief thought to look in his closet. You pulled open the door, a small frown flickering across your face. At first the closet looked the same as it usually did, but then you noticed something odd about the clothes hanging to the right.
They were the ones that he had bought for you. Your frown deepened as you moved the hangers trying to see if you were right and you were. He had taken the time to hang up every piece of clothing he had bought for you.
Why would he hang up the clothes? Take up space in his own personal closet, just for some person he was sleeping with.
Your thoughts briefly flickered back to what Jeonghan had been trying to tell you before you had distracted him with sex but before you could think about it too much, Jeonghan’s door was creaking open again.
You saw him peak at the bed, a disappointed look crossing his face before you cleared your throat. His eyes flickered to yours and his head fell to the side. Without a word he walked over to the closet and grabbed one of his own shirts. He looked at you.
“Hands up,” he said softly. You did as you were told and Jeonghan slid his shirt onto you. He gave you a small smile and then quirked his head.
“Come on.”
Jeonghan led you to the bathroom, even though it really wasn’t necessary. You thought maybe it was because he genuinely was worried that you would leave. The shower was already running, and you expected Jeonghan to leave once you were inside, but instead he closed the door behind you two. You gave him a questioning look, but he just shrugged, raising a hand to his neck and glancing away from you.
“I thought maybe you would like some help.”
“Jeonghan, I don’t need help to take a shower,” you said. Jeonghan closed the distance between you two, his fingers coming to the hem of his shirt. His fingers briefly brushed your skin before he lifted the shirt back over your head. Once he had dropped the shirt on the floor he raised his hands to your hair, briefly brushing his fingers through it.
“I’ve always wanted to brush your hair,” he said softly. Your face burned hot under the attention. You rolled your eyes and cleared your throat.
“You’re really not going to take no for an answer,” you said with a sigh. Jeonghan’s eyes widened softly, and he pulled his hand away from you.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured. You pressed your lips together.
“Don’t be,” you mumbled. “I know my safe word.”
You stepped away from Jeonghan to step into the shower. You didn’t know how Jeonghan did it, but he always managed to have the shower at the right temperature.
“You can join me,” you said.
Jeonghan smiled.
“Well only if, you’re sure.”
He waited for your nod and vocal confirmation:
“I’m sure.”
Jeonghan climbed into the shower with you, but his focus was surprisingly on getting you clean. He had grabbed a clean washcloth from under the sink before getting in and he immediately put some soap on it to start running over you. You narrowed your gaze at the fruit scented soap you had never noticed before.
“One of your sluts leave that?” You asked. Jeonghan’s hand stilled from where it was rubbing soap suds onto your body. He looked up at you, raising an eyebrow.
“Well, it’s not Chaedom’s.”
You frowned at him, making him sigh.
“I bought it for you,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “As much as I liked you smelling like my body wash, you also smelled like every other boy in Alpha Mu.”
He focused back on cleaning you off, not elaborating on why he saw that as a problem. Not that you really needed him to elaborate. In all of your relationships, you had never taken a shower with anyone. Building on that, you had never had anyone touch you so gently.
Jeonghan was so focused too. Even though his hands were all over you it was clear he wasn’t trying to turn you on at all. Even though, him being so gentle was turning you on.
Jeonghan crouched down, rubbing your ankles with soap. You watched him for a second and then crouched down as well. Jeonghan looked up at you in surprise, his wet strands of hair falling in his face. You smiled at him and brushed the strands out of his face.
“You’re so weird Jeonghan,” you said softly. His eyes widened at your words. “Why are you being so gentle?”
“It’s after care,” Jeonghan responded as if it was obvious. You gave him a half-annoyed look.
“Even washing me is more after care than you normally give me.”
“Before I was scared of my feelings,” Jeonghan said. He thought about that for a second. “And yours.”
He cleared his throat and looked away from you.
“Besides, this might be the last time I see you. I want to make the most of it.”
Your heart hurt a little to hear Jeonghan say that, but you tried to push down the feeling.
“You worried about not having a pussy to creampie?” You asked, trying to keep the mood light. You laughed. “You gonna miss having someone who loves to be degraded by you so much?”
“I do love how you always do what I say,” Jeonghan replied, a smile flickering across his lips. “But you’re also the same girl who knows what she wants. Turned down Chan and threw a drink in Yeongtae’s face. All for me.”
You rolled your eyes.
“I turned down Chan to turn down Chan, not for you.”
“But you did turn down Yeongtae for me.”
You turned your eyes away from him, making Jeonghan sigh. He raised his hands to your face, turning you towards him. He stared at you for a few moments, his eyes flickering down to your lips before he reached over, putting some face wash in his hands. You groaned as Jeonghan start to lather the soap into your face. You let yourself fall back onto the floor of the shower, light-heartedly swatting away Jeonghan’s hands.
“Why’re you being so thorough?” You whined. Jeonghan just smiled, waiting for you to stop talking so that he could dip your head back under the flow of the water. He rubbed his fingers a little over your face until he was satisfied that all the soap was off of your face. He pulled your head back and grabbed a brush.
You groaned, but he ignored you starting to work the brush through your hair.
“Jeonghan you don’t need to be so thorough,” you insisted. Jeonghan just scoffed.
“Maybe I should have been helping you all this time. It seems that you were cutting corners,” Jeonghan mumbled.
“You know what’s nicer than a shower?” You asked Jeonghan. “Your bed. You have such a nice bed.”
Jeonghan rolled his eyes.
“You’re aging me,” he commented. He reached around to grab what you assumed was shampoo, He set the brush down and began to massage it into your scalp. You figured arguing with Jeonghan further was pointless, so you finally fell silent, resting your head on your hand while he cleaned your hair.
You watched Jeonghan’s eyes as he worked the soap into your hair, making sure to coat your whole scalp and get it even in the ends of your hair. His lips were quirked slightly up as he watched his own hands work through your hair. He was giving off such a strange aura.
“Y/n, you’re so beautiful,” Jeonghan mumbled. “More beautiful than anyone I’ve ever slept with.”
You didn’t want to humor him, so you didn’t respond to Jeonghan’s words. He didn’t mind.
“Do you remember the first time we met?” Jeonghan asked. You frowned slightly.
“Yeah, at the-”
“Not the party,” Jeonghan said with a shake of his head. “Freshmen orientation. I slept with your roommate.”
Your eyebrows furrowed, and you tried to catch Jeonghan’s eyes. It was pointless, he was too focused on your hair.
“We didn’t meet freshman orientation,” you denied. As you spoke, Jeonghan tilted your head back under the stream of water.
“Well, not entirely. I met your roommate immediately. The first few hours of freshman orientation and as soon as we got there, we skipped the first meeting to fuck in your dorm. You came in just after we had finished. You didn’t bat an eye. You were so nonchalant. You turned your back while your roommate got dressed and you two practically got to know each other while I just sat there and watched.”
Jeonghan laughed.
“And then you two just left me. You didn’t say a word to me.”
Jeonghan pulled your head forward again and then started to put conditioner in your hair.
“You never gave me the attention I wanted from you. Not then, and it drove me crazy. That whole weekend I was trying to get your attention without getting your attention.”
Jeonghan shrugged.
“Nothing. And then freshman orientation ended, and I thought I would never see you again.”
His fingers got caught in a knot in your hair and his eyebrows furrowed. He focused in on it.
“But we’ve had a few lectures together here and there. You make friends so easily. I just watched from afar.”
Jeonghan pushed your head back again under the stream of the water.
“Only at parties when you were forced to them by Jeongyeon. Never drinking when you did go. Nothing ever seems to phase you.”
Finally, Jeonghan’s eyes flickered to yours. You pressed your lips together, just taking in what Jeonghan had to say. You weren’t really sure what to think of all of this, but you forced yourself to stay in the moment. Just focus.
“When I say that I crave you, I mean it in a way you will never fully understand. I have wanted you since day one, but I have waited for you, and I never thought that I would have the chance to be with you.”
Jeonghan’s hands left your hair to cup your face with his hands. His eyes flickered to his thumbs that brushed over your cheek bones to your lips, your nose, and then back up to your eyes.
“And then I found you in my room and you were more amazing than I had ever imagined you would be.”
A sad look flickered over his face.
“I’m sorry I lied.”
“It’s okay,” you said softly. Jeonghan’s hands fell from your face, and he looked away from you.
“It’s not okay,” he replied. He cleared his throat and stood up. He leaned out of the shower and grabbed a towel, holding it out for you to walk into. You got back to your feet and did what you knew he wanted you to. He wrapped the towel around your body, and you turned around to look at him still standing in the shower. He pressed his lips together into a thin smile.
“I’m going to wash myself off. If you’re in my room when I get back, we’ll talk just a little bit more before we sleep okay?”
You opened your mouth, wanting to say something but no words left your lips. You didn’t know what today. You just nodded and did as he said.
Once you were in Jeonghan’s room your mind was racing and you were faced with your least favorite conflict of the mind. The choice between fight or flight.
You could leave now. Jeonghan was giving you the chance to leave, having already said what you assumed were the things he believed were most important to get out. If you left now you had a lot to think about.
Well, you had a lot to think about either way.
If you stayed, you could really talk through your feelings with Jeonghan. If you trusted him, you could really get some answers that you needed.
You thought for a while, drying your hair as you thought about what clothes to put on. You liked that Jeonghan had bought you all these clothes to wear while you were over but… Nothing hit quite like wearing one of his freshly washed shirts.
You put aside the thought and put on the pajamas he had gotten for you.
As you wrapped your hair in the towel that you had been left with you thought over the most important question in your mind.
Did you trust Jeonghan?
Could you trust Jeonghan?
It was a bit ironic that you weren’t really sure if you could considering you had done nothing but trust Jeonghan up until this moment. You trusted him not to hurt you. You trusted him to not tell others too much about what you two did. You even trusted that he wasn’t lying to you about the people that he was sleeping with.
Maybe that’s why it was a bit hard to trust him now.
You looked to where you had dropped your phone on Jeonghan’s floor when you first got in the room and you picked it up. There was a good way to test the validity of what Jeonghan had said.
You searched your contacts for the name of your freshman orientation roommate and let out a breath of relief when you found you still had it.
The phone rang only twice before Geumseong answered the phone.
“Hello? Y/n? Is everything alright?”
You pressed your lips together.
“Hi, yeah, no I’m fine I just… I had a weird question,” you replied. You gave it a seconds pause and then said: “Do you remember sleeping with anyone at freshman orientation?”
“Oh god, of course I do,” Geumseong replied. “That was the best sex that I’ve ever had in my life.”
“Do you remember…?”
“Yoon Jeonghan,” Geumseong said without much of a thought at all. “Fucking shame, he doesn’t sleep with anyone twice.”
You felt your heart pounding in your throat.
“Are you sure?” You asked, your voice kind of airy. Geumseong hummed a confirmation.
“How could I forget?” She asked. You sat there trying to figure out what exactly you were going to say back, but just then the door to Jeonghan’s room opened and Jeonghan appeared. To his credit, he look surprised.
“Okay, well, that was all I needed to ask. Thanks,” you said into your phone. “We should get together sometime.”
“We should!” Geumseong agreed. “I’ll call you later this week.”
The line between you and Geumseong disconnected and you dropped your phone to your lap. Jeonghan raised an eyebrow at you.
“So, you want to talk?”
“Let’s say I believe that you’ve liked me since freshmen year.” You did. Geumseong was practically undeniable proof. "Why did you never approach me?"
"Y/n, you’re too good for me.”
You blinked.
Jeonghan turned away from you to get changed into pajama pants.
“I’ve never settled for anyone in my life,” Jeonghan replied. He turned around when he was dressed. “I just knew I was going to end up breaking your heart.”
Your eyebrows furrowed even further.
“So then why did you…?”
“Ever fuck with you?” Jeonghan finished. He closed the distance between you two and for a second you thought he was going to kiss you. Instead, he brushed past you, sitting on his side of the bed. “I’m selfish. You were right in front of me, and you wanted me. I honestly thought that maybe fucking with you would get you out of my system.”
Jeonghan laughed.
“I’m stupid,” he concluded. “You just became that much more irresistible to me.” He seemed to think for a few moments. “Did you ever wonder why I decided to retire to my room that night at the party?”
You thought about it for a moment.
“No,” you replied, but now that he brought it up, it was a bit odd.
“I was so angry that Jun introduced you to Chan. Would he have been good to you? Undoubtedly. But I wanted you. I couldn’t stop thinking about you two and looking over at you talking. Then you disappeared and I thought you were in Chan’s room…”
Jeonghan didn’t have to go on.
“Okay, so then why lie to me about being with other girls?” You pressed. Jeonghan sighed.
“I don’t know what it is about you, but you drive me crazy. I think about you all the time. Seeing you with other men when I want you is absolutely infuriating but you?” Jeonghan laughed airily. “It drove me crazy that you kept saying you didn’t care if I slept with other people. I needed you to be obsessed with me the way I was obsessed with you. So I lied.”
You glanced over at Jeonghan to find that this whole time he had been talking he had been staring at you. When your eyes met he looked away from you.
“And I kept lying because I thought that maybe the longer it went on, the further it got, then you would start to feel the same way I do,” Jeonghan stated. “But I think that I just ended up emotionally detaching you more.”
You didn’t respond because again you were at a loss for words. You didn’t think anyone had ever liked you as much as Jeonghan was making it seem like he did. Building off of that you had never thought anyone would ever like you as much as Jeonghan was claiming to.
And yet, here you were.
Jeonghan seemed to sense your internal struggle.
“You should sleep,” Jeonghan said softly. “Do you want me to sleep on the floor?”
It seemed Jeonghan just couldn’t stop surprising you.
“What? No. It’s your room, your bed-”
Jeonghan raised his hands in the air.
“Just want to give you space if you want it. Go to sleep then, okay?”
You didn’t think that you could fall asleep after this conversation with Jeonghan, but regardless you nodded.
“Right.” You laid down in his bed, taking note of the fact that he was pressed as far on his side of the bed as he could get. “Good night.”
“Good night,” he echoed.
But you couldn’t sleep. Minutes turned into hours and Jeonghan’s breath evened to the point where you knew that he was asleep. You propped yourself up on your elbows and looked over at his sleeping body. You thought carefully over his confession, running his words on repeat through your head.
Fuck, why was this so confusing?
He was in love with you. Well, he hadn’t said it in those exact words but you could feel it anyways. Looking back he had been fairly obvious about it. Every time he was with you, every time he held you, every time he kissed you he did it all as if it would be the last time he ever got to.
You knew how you should feel in this situation. You should feel relieved, and excited but your brain just refused to accept what Jeonghan was telling you as the truth.
It wasn’t because he had lied to you about sleeping with other people, even though you had made a big deal about it. You made a big deal about it because it didn’t make sense. Now you knew why he did it. Now it made sense. Even if it felt unreal.
Your lips pressed together as you watched Jeonghan. You kept having this feeling like everything was super complicated when in reality it wasn’t.
Jeonghan loved you.
Did you love him?
Part Seven: One Call Away
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ghostchems · 5 months
bad idea right? - raphael x f!tav (part two)
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raphael lays some ground rules for your deal and extends an invitation.
author's note: read part one here. 2.3k words. 18+, mdni please. some bickering, some groping. thigh riding. ya know, the usual. ao3 link.
“What are you writing?” 
Raphael’s quill runs off the page, a thick line of black ink staining his desk. His nostrils flare and he quickly claps his journal shut, eyeing the incubus with sheer annoyance. He clenched his jaw before giving a soft sigh, his shoulders relaxing as he tries to let the frustration roll off of him. The last thing he wants to do is give Haarlep any ammunition. 
“My recent business dealings.” Raphael answers curtly and in one fluid motion slips his journal off his desk into a drawer. His eyes flit up Haarlep’s body before settling at his eyes and scrunches his nose. “And where have you been?” He sets down his quill and leans back in his desk chair. 
“You know I like to get some air every so often.” Haarlep yawns as he slinks onto the nearby bed, laying down on his stomach with his head propped up in his hands. “Writing smut again, are we? I can smell a certain aroma from you.” His mouth curls into a sly smile, his pointed teeth poking out from his upper lip. Raphael’s gaze falls to the incubus, eyes narrowing as his lips purse. It’s difficult for him to get frustrated with Haarlep at this point — he’s grown used to his teasing after having him in his “employment” for so long but still this situation is delicate.
“Are you jealous, dear Haarlep?” Raphael’s voice drops to a low purr. He gets up from his padded armchair and saunters over to the bed only to sit beside the other. Haarlep rolls over so that he can face him, claws immediately starting to drift up along his doublet sleeve. 
“Not jealous.” The incubus huffs, his touch drawing closer to Raphael’s stomach. “It has been quite some time since a mortal got your loins in a twist, though. Seems more receptive than your other pet.” He flashes a brilliant smile while Raphael digs his nails into the palms of his own hands, giving a vicious growl — a warning. Haarlep merely scoffs in response but he does lower his head, gaze beginning to drift around the room. “If you’re going to have her over you should probably have one of your debtors clean up the place.”
“Bringing her here is not a part of my plan currently. Are you requesting something of me?” Raphael peers down at the other as he cocks a brow. Haarlep shrugs and stays quiet for a moment before giving a huff.
“I want to see what all this fuss is about.” 
Raphael considers him, his mind quickly running through a few scenarios. Why should he share? But there it is, an opportunity underneath all the show: a deal to be made.
“Perhaps I could make some changes, but what would be in it for me?”
You feel a violent hand over your mouth and your eyes shoot open as a gasp rips from your throat. Once your vision settles, you’re met with those caramel eyes leering over you, Raphael’s teeth-bared and gaze sharp.
“Outside. Now.” There is venom in his voice unlike that you’ve heard from him before. He disappears in a spark of ash before you’re able to say anything — and then you realize he’s cast silence on you anyway. You feel an angry growl rumble through your chest but it’s swallowed up by the time it reaches your lips, in some ways a blessing since you don’t want to wake your companions. As you get out of bed, Astarion stirs in the one in front of you, making soft snores and every so often small whimpers? Do vampires have dreams? Your mind wanders as you put on your evening robe to fight the chill of the air. One last scan over your companions and you’re out the door, heading downstairs of the tavern and out to the alleyway.
Raphael is waiting for you, his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed. You hate that the first thing you think of is how radiant he looks in the pale moonlight. The dim light makes his brown eyes sparkle and the gold details on his doublet shine. Memories of the deal you made and what happened after flood your mind, replacing your annoyance with a familiar warmth in the pit of your stomach. You open your mouth but only air tumbles out, making you clench your fists in frustration.
“No, no. You don’t get to speak yet, little mouse.” He stalks closer to you, his movements slow and deliberate. “Rumors have made their way back to me that a certain hero has been fraternizing with an infernal being.” Raphael grits his teeth as he leans in, his eyes boring into yours. “You couldn’t wait to tell your little companions, could you?” There is anger in his voice but underneath it you swear there is a hint of teasing. He awaits your response but then gives a dramatic ah! before snapping his fingers. 
“I didn’t tell them about our deal.” You’re finally able to snap back but your voice is hoarse from the silence. “Astarion noticed! He could smell you on me. Called me a freak — but not in a disgusted way, more like… he was impressed.” Too much information but the words spill out of you. Raphael’s face remains unchanged, his lips pressed into a straight line and his brows furrowed. “He’s bad at keeping secrets… but I wasn’t sure if you would care since you left me alone at Sharess’ Caress.” 
He exhales slowly through his nose and his face seems to relax, his jaw shifting back into place and his eyes softening. One of his hands reaches for yours, which is balled into a fist at your side. His fingers graze your fist, lightly trying to loosen it before he takes your hand. Raphael’s eyes stay fixed on you, his lips starting to quirk into a barely there smile. You try to keep a straight face but his warm fingers laced with your own makes an infuriating blush rise to your cheeks.
“Did I hurt your feelings, pet?” His voice drops dangerously low as he brings the back of your hand to his lips. You roll your eyes, amazed by his nerve. Did he think he could bat his lashes and you’d be wrapped around his finger? “Mmm… forgive me, for that. Please. It’s been an eternity since someone has affected me this way.” He murmurs, averting your gaze as you swear you see a flash of embarrassment cross his face. Your breath catches in your throat at the sudden candor, having only seen it once before in him. 
“You shouldn’t have left.” You remain firm but your voice is a hum, your eyes tracing over his features. “After everything we’ve been through, I thought I would have gotten special treatment.” You wriggle your hand free from his grasp as you give him a sly grin, not about to let him off the hook that easily. Raphael’shead tilts as he regards you silently for a moment, as if your playfulness caught him off guard. His lips tug into a smile and you catch his gaze fall to your mouth, then back up to meet your eyes.
“I promise I’ll make it up to you. As you know, I tend to keep my word.” He all but purrs, drifting in even closer to you. 
“Well, I’d like to get it in writing.” 
“You what?” Raphael’s charming facade immediately drops, scrunching his nose. You are delighted with the way he glared at you. “Let us discuss this later — we have more pressing matters. Your companions, I am certain they aren’t very supportive of you mingling with a devil such as myself.” He presses his hand to his chest, those caramel eyes sucking you in like they always do. 
“I wouldn’t say that they are thrilled about it.” You sigh and break your eye contact. “But it doesn’t seem like a reason for them to leave, at least for now… if this is something that will continue.” He uses one of his long fingers to gently turn your head back to his gaze. 
“I would rather that they didn’t know about us, sweetling.” Raphael sounds almost sweet as he seemingly takes in every detail of your face, his hand now cupping your cheek. “Them and the entirety of the Sword Coast, at least until the Elder Brain is defeated. We don’t want the general public to think our savior is taking orders from a devil, do we?” It’s something you haven’t thought about until now. You were never one to care for optics but he isn’t wrong. “I have an idea that will put your companion’s minds at ease and take some of the heat off of us.” 
You’re hardly paying attention to what he’s saying because of how close he is. You could easily kiss him right now. What would he do? You decide to find out. The gravel crunches beneath your feet as you quickly push yourself onto your tippy toes to kiss him, nearly cutting him off. Raphael’s body freezes in surprise before his hand moves from your cheek to tangle with your hair, his tongue desperately pushing into your mouth. It’s like a switch went off in his brain. He’s grabbing you, tugging at your waist so your bodies are flush against each other.
You nearly fall into him as he takes a few steps back, your hands slipping to hold onto his shoulders. Tasting him again was almost just as overwhelming as the first time, the heat of his mouth making me crave him more and more, deepening the kiss. Raphael moves quickly, both his hands suddenly gripping your thighs to pull you down with him into a chair you’re sure didn’t exist a moment ago. He has you straddling his waist, strong hands making sure you stay in place. You finally manage to break away from the kiss to catch your breath, hazy eyes meeting his gaze.
“Go to the Devil’s Fee when you’re ready — my contact will grant you entrance to my House of Hope.” Raphael’s nose traces along your jaw, his lips brushing along your neck as he speaks. He teases at your neck with his teeth, inching lower and lower, while drifting his hands along your robe to grope your breast through the light fabric. Your arms wrap around his shoulders and you eliminate the remaining space between you, melting into his touch. Raphael sucks on your collarbone as he opens your robe even further, fingers toying with your nipples through your shirt before pulling it down and exposing your breasts. You’re dizzy from it all, lost in him and his expert touches and that velvet voice, lips parting to give a soft whine. 
“The hammer will be in a safe in my boudoir — an easy heist for you and your companions.” His voice is ragged, breath heavy as his mouth moves down your chest to run his tongue along your sensitive flesh. Raphael dips his hands to cup your ass and guides you along his thigh. Even through the layers of fabric the friction is delicious, making your legs tremble more and more with each drag over his thigh. You forget that you’re outside where anyone could stumble by, moaning recklessly as his lips close around one of your nipples. He flicks his tongue against it, teeth nipping it only just enough to hurt before giving it a few rough sucks. 
Your fingers move to dig into the hair at the base of his neck, tilting your head back while his mouth works over your breasts with feverish need. A growl rumbles up from his chest, feeling it against yours as you start to grind against him without his help. It all feels so reckless. Raphael’s composure is completely gone, groaning against your chest as his tongue teasing your other nipple. Your eyes fall shut and you snap your hips harshly into his thigh, chasing your release. 
And as easily as he gave into you, he takes it all away.
Raphael grabs you by the chin and wrenches you down to look at him in the eyes. You’re shuddering in his grasp as his caramel gaze sharpens, fire in his eyes. The sudden shift in mood has your mind turned upside down and your body aching to be touched by him again. 
“This part is extremely important, pet, so listen closely.” He snarls, digging his nails into your cheeks. “Do not assist Hope while you are a guest. Is that understood?” Raphael yanks you so that his lips are hovering directly over yours. You quiver at his closeness and you nod before even trying to understand what he is asking of you. All you know is that you want him now. There’s a spark in his eyes once you agree and he lets go of you gently, his hands dropping to cover you up before, leaning back in the chair with a smug look on his face. “Go on — take what you need.” 
You snap your hips immediately, flinging your hands to grab for his shoulders again. Raphael can’t stop watching your face, the way your expression twists in pleasure with each thrust, the soft groans spilling from swollen lips, basking in how much you crave him. You stare into his eyes as you do as he says, taking what you need from him until it’s all too much. You give a choked sob, hip stuttering and fingers digging into his doublet as your orgasm rips through you. His arms swallow you in his embrace, pulling you tight against his chest to help guide you back down to Earth. 
“I’ll amend your contract to reflect the changes discussed this evening.” Raphael purrs into your hair, lightly brushing his fingertips along your back. “I also have something for you – perfume that should mask my scent even from those with heightened senses of smell.” You lift your head up. A present? For you? Strangely sweet for a devil, even if it was to help with sneaking around. 
“You’ll also add your promise to the amendment, right?” You ask sweetly, the picture of innocence. He dramatically rolls his eyes.
“If you insist.”
part three
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broadwayfangirl222 · 4 months
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Ok so this photo implies that they used to be friends, but what was their dynamic like before this falling out? So I think they started out as friends. Obviously, probably initially bonding over both being creatives/performers/entertainers. They got even closer over time. To the point one of their store-fronts were pretty much connected:
In Stayed Gone you see one of Vox's stores literally next to what you can assume is Alastor's because of the mic and radio but also the boarded up sign labeled "Old Crap" over the original name (Vox probably had that done after their falling out or in the 7 years Alastor was gone)
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As time went on, Vox started to change. He became more and more obsessed with remaining in the spotlight no matter what and profits over any kind of actual integrity when it comes to running a business/deals made.
Say what you want about Alastor, but he's been relatively honest whenever we've seen him try to make deals. He doesn't promise or offer anything he can't deliver on. At most he'll probably use technicalities and loopholes the other person accidentally put in the deal with him. Like a messed up genie or a monkey's paw kind of situation where your own words get twisted and used against you.
Meanwhile, Vox literally advertised a product he didn't even know he could actually make. He waited until AFTER the announcement to even begin R&D on the idea:
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You can argue he kinda had a basic proof of concept since the Vees knew about the dead angel already but I personally wouldn't. And that's not even going into the hypnosis he does to people. Imagine how he is with making deals over souls? So between these shady practices and him always "Flitting between this fad and that" this is probably where the rift between them began. Professionally/as overlords, Alastor began seeing Vox as a sellout who takes the easy route with no finesse to it.
Then Vox's business proposal happened. On Vox's end, well, he caught feelings™ plus working with Alastor would be good for his whole business too. Like back then he just pictured having what he has now with Valentino, just with Alastor: Being business partners and partners™
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And Alastor who already has major issues with how Vox conducts himself as a business man/overlord, and now dealing with this personal angle his aroace ass definitely can not handle, basically responded with his iconic "Ha!...No!" (and kinda mixed with Charlie's panicked "fuck NOOO!")
And that's how their strained dynamic fully fell apart, Vox got angry and bitter he was rejected, then it turned to full blown rivalry
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
Read recently your post about yandere Jichang (why did he have to die 😭) so can you also do yandere Jihan Kwak ?
Sure :) And I know, I get down in the dumps every time I think about Jichang's death, WHY is the world so cruel? 😭
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I simp for him too lol and god DAMN...I'll die from a nosebleed at some point because of how good looking so many of the Lookism characters look and cue my unholy screeching and psychotic giggling
You were visiting your grandparents for the summer vacation as you got down the bus and you sighed as you shouldered your backpack. You were too used to city life, you weren't sure how you'd fare in a quiet countryside but you did have to admit it looked peaceful. You pulled out your phone from your pocket to contact your grandparents when you realized the universe was playing a colossal joke on you since your phone battery was dead you grumbled under your breath. It's been a while since you'd visited your grandparents so you couldn't remember how their house looked like so you decided to ask someone along the way, hoping they'd know the location to their house. You were unaware of a certain pair of calculating eyes watching your every movement, surveying your features till you were approached by a guy who looked almost similar to your age and had a friendly polite smile on his face. "You seem to be lost there sweetheart...anything I can help you with?" he asked you politely as you smiled and explained your situation to him. The guy introduced himself as Jihan Kwak as the two of you headed to your grandparents house
As he kept talking to you, he couldn't help but feel more...attracted and drawn to you. You were a city dweller and yet you weren't so obnoxious and loud or had an ego complex, you had a genuine and nice personality. He kept looking at you from the corner of his eye, his cheeks heating slightly every time he saw you smile and talk about something you liked like your favorite book or your favorite movie and such, mentally noting down whatever you were telling him for future purposes when he'd meet you next time. Of course he'd be meeting you next time, and plenty more times after your first encounter, you've managed to make him intrigued and charmed him with your personality, you remind him of a fragile little doll to be honest, his savior and protector complex would get activated whenever he sees you, you're just too adorable for him, he can't take you seriously sometimes. He wonders how you've managed to survive this long but not to worry, he's here for you now
He'll pop by your grandparent's house every day and he'll have a good impression on them to get more closer to you. He usually wasn't someone who really gave love that much of a thought before he met you, he loved how soft your hands were, how kind and caring you were to those around you, how adorable you looked whenever you had that gleam of passion in your eyes when you spoke about things, how mesmerizing your eyes are and how he feels like he's getting lost in the beauty of your eyes... he loves everything about you. He isn't delusional, he knows his feelings for you are going out of control and he tries to suppress them only for something more darker, sinister and twisted to emerge as a form of love for you
He's aware his feelings for you are unnatural but he just can't help it. He just can't seem to get enough of you. He won't spill his heart out to yet since he doesn't want you to think he's weird but at the same time he doesn't have any qualms of being clingy to you and stalking you wherever you go. You're new to the countryside, you probably wouldn't be aware of the dangers but you don't need to worry, he's there for you to protect you and keep you safe. Of course, it kind of goes without saying, since he's also the brother of Jichang who's an officer, the people around would gladly keep an eye out for you to make sure you don't get yourself into any kind of trouble
His brothers would eventually find out about his immense feelings of love for you after Jichang catches his brother stalking you in the night as he simply glared at his brother which made it a bit awkward for a few seconds till they went back home and Jichang, Jibeom and Jihan sat down for a family discussion where he'll eventually be forced to spill his guts and heart regarding his feelings for you. Of course, they'd be happy for him and they don't really see anything wrong with how twisted his concept of love had become for you and Jichang would do whatever research necessary to find out more information regarding you by pulling a few strings here and there and would get rid of someone posing a threat to yours and Jihan's relationship. He wants his little brother to be happy after all, law be damned, plus they're eager to welcome you into their fold
Jihan likes being affectionate with you, deep down he's slightly insecure you might find someone else better than him which makes him even more clingier to you than usual till he starts developing the fear and paranoia of you leaving him. One day when you told him you'd be going back to your parents house since the summer vacation was over, he just looked at you in complete shock. For a moment he forgot you were on summer vacation and you were just visiting, he'll swallow the bitter lump forming in his throat as he wishes you all the very best and would invite you over for his house for dinner to which you'd agree. Then he'll formulate a plan to ensure you'd stay with him since he just can't afford to lose you, you mean so much to him. He'd feel empty without you and there needs to be someone by your side to take care of you, he's more than willing to be that man for you
Jichang would assist him in procuring some sedative to make you fall asleep after you've finished consuming the food which would make you black out in less than five seconds. Deep down Jihan feels slightly guilty he's slipping sedatives in your food but his fear of losing you overrides his sense of rationality which would compel him to slip the sedatives in your dish while telling himself that it's for your own good and he can't lose you. You're all smiles as you greet his brothers and they're really impressed with your courteous behavior and politeness. Jibeom would nudge Jihan in the chest and smirk at him and whisper what a good choice his brother made as Jihan grows slightly flustered and drinks some water. After you've finished eating your food, before you're about to bade them farewell, you lost your consciousness and you ended up blacking out in Jihan's arms as he carried you to a room and placed a blanket over you and caressed your head lovingly. You woke up after a few hours when the sedatives finally wore off as you looked around, confused as to what was going on when you were supposed to be at your grandparents house, packing for going back to your parent's house in 2 days
Jihan will enter the room and hand you a glass of water as he explains what he did and you'd stare at him in shock. He'd be hurt if you scream or insult him but he understands, he understands how you feel. It's a new concept for you and you can have all the time in the world to adjust, he doesn't mind. If you cry, he'll feel really bad and he feels an ache in his heart from seeing you cry as tears are streaming down your face. He wanted to ensure your happiness all the time, he didn't like seeing you sad so he'd just hold you in a comforting embrace and pat your head gently, telling you how much you mean to him. He isn't unreasonable, he knows you might be mad at him but deep down he'll be hurt and have the expression of a kicked puppy if you ignore him. Nonetheless he'll never raise his voice or hands at you, he can't bring himself to hurt you. That thought wouldn't occur to him even in his worst nightmare. With the kindness and love he's treating you with, you'll end up getting Stockholm Syndrome faster than Zack always screaming for Mira
You actually might have a shot at escaping from him since he does tend to take you out on dates outside to make sure you don't die from boredom from being at home all the time but if you do end up escaping, it'll be Jichang who'll find you and just bring you back to Jihan. Jihan would be worried about you and check you for injuries and then he'd tell you in a very serious tone how he'd never let you attempt something like this again since he loves you too much so now you'll have to earn his trust back before you're allowed to go out. If it's someone trying to take you from him then it's a completely different story. He might be kind and loving to you but his personality is like a snake, cunning and crafty as he analyzes how to get rid of the pest to meddle in between the both of you. Don't forget about his fighting skills, he's learnt from the very best himself and will not hesitate to snap the person's bones like a twig if he has to for your sake and the person would disappear off the face of the planet the next day who may or may not be buried 6 feet under the ground or probably fed to the wild dogs they have, but you don't need to stress your pretty head about that. Just leave all the violence and brutal things to him all right?
His love for you has no bounds which is mixed with possessiveness. Don't even try resisting his affection for you, he'll just hold you tighter to him and cuddle with you. He loves seeing you cooking, having a cute little apron on your frame as he envelopes you into a hug from the back and he kisses the nape of your neck and nuzzles your cheek with his. He truly does love you, just make him happy by being with him please, he'd be crushed if he loses you. Overall, a great yandere to have and he'd seriously be a blessing to have compared to the other messed up characters...
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zvezdacito · 3 months
A Different Perspective on the Levan -> Crowley theories, who to trust and a way of tying it to the themes of the story
Preface: This isn't really gonna be a super serious compilation of solid proof, symbolism or anything, more like just me yapping abt something I happened to randomly think of yesterday and thought "it would actually be kinda interesting from a writing standpoint if this is the thing they go for instead of what everyone was expecting". Kind of long but I promise it will be at least interesting AU material if anything so just bear with me lmao
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Ok so basically so far the general trajectory of theories is something bad happened to Levan while he was missing that made him into Crowley who is doing some kind of evil scheming that will disregard the safety of his family and students sooner or later. Generally Levan is the good self while Crowley is the fucked up self, and it would probably be better if Levan was here instead of him
But what if it's actually more like the other way around. That Levan is the one we should be looking out for, and Crowley is the trustworthy version of him this entire time?
What if everything Levan went through made it inevitable for him to snap and be vengeful and do evil shit so Crowley is basically his sane self's last ditch effort to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone and ruin people's lives, basically using the goofy Crowley personality to suppress and forget the vengeful Levan personality
Like the "Levan's soul got fractured and split into pieces and the pieces that remember his past are sealed away" theories, but instead of usual reasons it's him who sealed them away ironically to remain as true to his original self as possible, than if it remained and he turned into someone violent and hateful against his own principles.
I feel like it would be even more of a twist since they keep emphasizing how kind and peaceful Levan is so I don't think neither Meleanor, Lilia nor the audience would expect the OG Levan described that way to actually turn out cruel and untrustworthy who the seemingly suspicious and cowardly Crowley was actually trying to manage the whole time
Also it would kind of be more straightforward as to why he would choose to forget Lilia and Malleus than if Crowley was fucked up Levan and forgot them even though his goal would be to revive Meleanor and his old life with them anyway
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It's hard to tell right now but Crowley despite his goofiness doesn't really seem to harbor any malice against anyone, nor would he be the type to seriously blood sacrifice any of his students, even if he does abandon them sometimes. In this new context maybe it would even make sense if he abandons them so the subconcious Levan doesn't try to find opportunity to break out/cause trouble through blot and magic related situations?
So yeah it would be cool if it turned out Crowley was the "good" version of Levan all along, and Levan overtly and subtextually is just trying to gaslight the audience into distrusting Crowley so they can set a chain reaction of events going to unseal him so he can do whatever he wants to
Also Crowley probably knows he has to keep Levan locked away no matter what but also doesn't dare try to remember what Levan remembers because that would go against the whole point of keeping Levan locked away in the first place. His memory of his past is just puzzle pieces w/o the bigger picture. He has to be atleast partially aware that he has to not give in to the voice in the back of his mind for the sake of others
Like he knows he had to leave behind a family behind and forget them so he would not hurt them, but he doesn't exactly remember who anymore which is why he isn't really flinching or anything when around Malleus and Lilia at NRC
Though I feel like him suppressing Levan lowkey also took a toll on his mental state. So they actual conclusion would for him to basically symbolically stop suppressing his trauma in an attempt to be a perfect victim because it's not working either way and the only way for Levan to rest in peace is if he finds closure. Whatever that may be.
Maybe if Yuu and co. find out they encourage him to do this to his surprise basically saying "Don't worry headmage we'll beat the shit out of evil Levan for you if he goes out of control (you are so annoying so we've always wanted to do this)"
The reveal and Crowley needing to stop supressing Levan in his subconcious to let him process what he should have would make sense, since it would also tie in to the overarching theme around the overblots:
That even though they're ugly and hurtful manifestations of trauma they need to play out so the OBer can finally grow as a person instead of bottling it all up and being in denial
And also so they can finally come to terms with something that happened to them even if they can't change it
^ Accidentally sort of also combined this with the "Crowley's mask is hiding the fact that he's in a paused state of overblot that he just managed to sorta control" theory. Maybe overblot is what he had to stop Levan from devolving into in the first place
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↑ This ties back to my HC for Levan's personality being a natural coward and not as battle-oriented but tries to be strong as he sees Meleanor and Lilia to be as well as making the most out of the skills the does have (using cowardice and sensitivity to be a master diplomat and educator instead) so he can feel like he has the right to continue to stand by their side. Maybe he didn't even care much for being considered kind until that's what Mel and Lilia saw his actions as instead of weak or foolish, that being what made him want to work on that newly defining trait of his now
Lilia at one point mentions that even tho Levan tries to perform honor student he could be as picky of an eater as Meleanor was and Lilia would have to eat his spare food too
Adding to the possibility Levan was always the type to make twice an effort to be 'kind' and strong to compensate for his nature that he sees as inherently lacking. This is also probably why he'd be super harsh on himself as Crowley
Oomf also suggested that this may add a layer to why his catchphrase ended up being "For I'm so gracious". As if to remind himself to keep up the effort to be such because he fears his natural state is one that isn't, as well as him encouraging himself to always be forgiving so Levan doesn't gain the upper hand from his subconcious
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↑ Ok so I don't have the brainpower to paraphrase this too so I'll just copy paste what I talked to another oomf about here because it's also interesting
That's pretty much it, hope the general idea and effect was conveyed properly🔥🔥🔥 I don't think the exact details need to be followed since it probably has a bunch of holes itself, but the general gist of Crowley being the more positive side of Levan instead of the expected inverse all along + it making more sense as to why Levan would be motivated to forget + tying into the themes of overblotting and trauma would be interesting I think. Kind of a clever misdirection. All of this is not super substantiated though since even now we barely know anything about either Levan or Crowley, so really only time will tell. Personally kinda got attached to this direction for Crowley's character so I hope they go with something adjacent to the heart fo it at least
The other option is he's not Levan at all and we're racking our brains over this for no reason lmao
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littlemsshoney · 24 days
Do you take requests? Ifnot,sorry to bother you.
But if you do, would you mind writing Yandere Hannibal with Will‘s sister.Will is overly protective of her, but can‘t ‚save‘ her from Hannibal
A/n I really really love this idea, thanks for the request!!
pairing; Yandere!Will Graham× sister!readerxYandere!Hannibal Lecter x reader (romantically)
Life had been particularly harsh with Will. Any little thing that could potentially bring him some sort of happiness was forcefully taken from him in some way or other. He was a grown man deprived from any type of pleasure, happiness, comfort or love.
So when it came to you, you were the beam of sunlight in the stormy mess it was his life.The only good thing about his childhood he wanted to keep, he held you close and tightly to his heart so that nothing and no one could take ever you away from him.
He had always been overprotective whether you were older or younger than him it didn't matter. He took with pride the role of your protector and carried it out with all the necessary actions (to the point of sometimes crossing boundaries). He had been through a lot and he promised to himself he would never let you go through that.
So when it came to his current life he didn't want you to be involved. He talked to you frequently on the phone, putting on a happy voice, trying to hide his exhaustion or the gore details of his job, the nightmares, the hellutinations. He had painted you a very vague picture of his life giving you however the impression your brother was finally happy.
He didn't want you to worry or be in danger. Imagine your surprise when Jack called you as a last resort informing you about your brothers latest mental breakdown
When you visited him not believing your brother could lie to you found out that not only he had started being active in the FBI, but he was living alone in the middle of nowhere with an actual pack of stray dogs and no friend let alone girlfriend in sight.
It wasn't worrying, it was disturbing.
He was isolated, in an emotionally traumatic job, on the verge of insanity rejecting any kind of help.
And then he came into the picture.
You met Dr Lecter when he came by one morning to visit your brother. Both completely unaware of each other's existence he couldn't help but fixate on you.
He studied the way you behaved with your brother, how sweet and willing you were to soak all of his pain and make it yours. You looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Your pretty face, full of panic and worry about your brother's situation. He found it adorable.
Perhaps it was the secrecy of how Will tried to hide you from him, the sweetness of a forbidden fruit or Probably it was his sick and twisted mind making some relation between you and Mischa but he found you fascinating.
He found you witty and kind, sharing your brother's sarcasm, so different from Will but still having that sense of familiarity.
Of course you were so uninterested in anything but Will, so it was obviously this would be an obstacle. But he knew your weak spot and he never was too shy to rub some salt in one's open wound if it meant he would get his way.
In every session with Will he asked questions related to you, about your bond, your childhood and with a bit of research of his own aka stalking he knew everything about you.
So when the kind, helpful, charming doctor wanted to help you with your family problems how could you say no?
Will's world shattered when he saw how slowly Hannibal started becoming part of your daily life, how he turned you away from him and into his arms. He caught you texting all the time, leaving at random times going out for a walk, coffee or any other stupid excuse you could think of.
Did you really think he was that stupid?
Having been used to your brother's very open control of your life, with his rules and overprotectiveness Hannibal subtle manipulation was a breath of fresh air. Unable to detect anything he felt to you safe and familiar and the way he got out of his way to help you and your family made it hard not to fall in love with him.
He showed you what Will had always been afraid for you to see, your brother is a crazy, mentally unstable and potentially dangerous person who could ever hurt you. But Hannibal, he could help- no he promised you he would.
He hates it however when your time spent together was interrupted with something Will related. He hated the energy, time and emotions you gave away to Will. Your affections, your time and love, it should all be his. He hadn’t shared a thing in his life and he would never share you not even with your own brother.
It wasn't long till he managed to turn you against your own brother. It wasn't hard given how he had been lying to you for the past months about his life, or how exhausting he made it for you. It was an emotionally draining situation, he knew was holding back your relationship so he had to put an end to it. He also couldn't stand the codependent relationship between you and your brother; there couldn't be anyone else in your life to trust and adore more than him.
After that there was a pull and push dynamic with both your brother and boyfriend trying to control you in their own way. Will of course unable to do anything he cooperated afraid he would lose you and all the control Will used to have over you had now Hannibal.
But it was for the best, don't worry. He knows you're a beautiful thjng ready to flourish under his care and protection so don’t be surprised if sometime Will crosses him and Hannibal suggests a mental hospital for him, that’s for your best interest too!
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guilty-pleasures21 · 5 months
Something like coming home
Whilst currently writing out part 2 of Injured, I have decided to post part 1 of this Jason Todd fic first. Hope you enjoy!
Part 1 - the turning point
Part 2 - keeping secrets
Part 3 - exposed!
Part 4 - dating
Warnings: explicit descriptions of sex including fingering (f receiving), blow jobs (f & m receiving) and penetration (p in v).
He felt a sharp sting on his wrist and looked down to find an angry red scratch that definitely hadn’t been there before.
“What the hell?” Jason demanded. “What was that?” Ivy’s lips twisted into a wicked grin and he felt his stomach begin to drop in anticipation of her answer.
“My signature creation, of course.” She leaned back, one of her plants unfurling into a throne for her to collapse into. She crossed one leg over the other, relaxing into her seat with the confidence of someone who knew they’d already won. “In a minute, you’ll find yourself mad with desire for me, ready to do anything I ask.” Jason clenched his fists. He’d just have to make sure he took her down before the poison kicked in. He rushed forward, but was immediately pulled back by thick, twisting vines clamping around his arms and legs. He struggled against them, but they just tightened their grip, forcing him to his knees before their queen. She flicked her hair back, the auburn waves cascading over her shoulders. Not a single strand was out of place, no wild, unruly curls that would frizz up at the first touch of a brush or the first hint of rain. What? Jason shook his head, confused by the sudden appearance of the thought. He pulled on one of the vines, snarling at Ivy. But she just gazed down at him with her upturned, heavily-lidded eyes. Light brown, with flecks of green dotting the irises. Not dark. Not large and almond-shaped and studying the world with a constant curiosity. They probably didn’t glow gold in the light of the setting sun either. Jason slowed his breathing, trying to calm the slowly increasing pace of his heart. What the hell was happening to him?
“There’s no use trying to fight it, darling,” Ivy told him. She crossed one leg over the other, treating him to a comprehensive view of her curves. Curves that he’d never wrapped his arms around when she was having a bad day. Curves that would never fit against him like she’d been made especially for him. Curves that he’d never wondered what it would feel like to run his hands, no, his lips, all over-. He froze, realisation dawning upon him.
“F*ck.” Ivy laughed, a delicate laugh that was not full or warm or forced the corners of his lips to turn up at the end against his own will. Misunderstanding his response, she released him from his binds and sauntered over to him.
Etc., Jason defeats her. Sorry! I don't like writing fight scenes. 😭
“What?!” she screeched. “How did it not work?! It always works! You were supposed to fall madly in love with me!” Jason closed his eyes and hung his head.
“It did work, Ivy,” he sighed. “It just turns out that I’m already 'madly in love' with someone else.”
“You know, Jace, maybe you shouldn’t be putting yourself in life-threatening situations every night,” she suggested, her lips pulled tight in a sarcastic smile. He sighed as he slid off his jacket and hung it on the back of a chair, then turned back to her. His jaw was clenched and his eyes seemed a little glazed over as he wordlessly held his arm out to her. He looked tired and defeated, but also restless and frustrated? She grasped his hand and turned it over, finding the jagged red line on his forearm. It looked rather shallow, already on its way to scabbing over and healing. Not something that required medical attention. Was that all? She looked up at him, raising an eyebrow to convey the question. He met her gaze, but then his eyes began travelling down, lingering on her lips, her neck, her- She squeezed his hand, bringing his attention back up, and staunchly ignored the heat that began to simmer in her chest at his look.
“It was Ivy,” he informed her, prompting her mind to begin racing through all the possibilities. Was it poison? How long had it been since she’d scratched him? Was he already experiencing side effects? Oh god, oh god.
“Do you know what it was?” Her heart thudded in her chest, her eyes wide with panic. For some reason though, he remained calm, retracting his hand from her grasp and waving off her concerns.
“It was nothing. Just something about falling madly in love with her?” He shrugged his shoulders. “You know, the usual.” Oh no. Was that why he looked so distracted? Was he thinking about her? Or, no, had he done something with her? She shuddered at the thought, her stomach churning in horror.
“What happened?” she asked him reluctantly, regretting the question as soon as it fell out of her mouth. She covered her face with her hands, barely taking a breath between sentences. “No, wait. I don’t want to know. Just … just tell me nothing happened. Nothing happened, right? Oh god, please tell me nothing happened.” She peeked up at him from between her fingers, her eyes wide with fear at his anticipated response. Jason stayed silent, the corner of his lips curling into an amused smirk as he gazed down at her. Then, he took a step forward, forcing her to take one back.
“Well, the weirdest thing happened.” His voice was low, throaty, and he continued walking forward slowly, like a predator cornering his prey, knowing it had absolutely no chance of escape. “While her poison was running through my veins, all I could f*cking think about, was you.” He raised his arm, placing his hand on the wall her back was now pressed against, trapping her beneath him. His face was so close to hers that she could feel every breath he took, could see his pupils expanding as they fixed on her mouth, the blacks swallowing his irises whole. He lifted a hand to her cheek.
“I kept thinking,” he began, brushing his thumb over the full curve of her lips, “of all the sounds I could get this pretty little mouth to make.” She closed said mouth quickly, swallowing hard as he moved lower, his fingers leisurely tracing a path down her chest for his eyes to follow.
“Of all the parts of you I have yet to touch.” He tugged on the waistband of her pyjamas, his fingers brushing against her skin as he moved his lips to her ear. “Of what you would taste like, dripping wet in my mouth.”
She gasped as he pressed his lips against her neck and began making his way up to her ear, the warm, masculine scent of him washing over her entirely. She opened her mouth to protest, to tell him that this was a really, really bad idea, but then, then his hand was on her, stroking her, teasing her, his long, slender fingers taking their time exploring every inch of her.
“Jason,” she sighed breathlessly, prompting a low moan from him. The sound vibrated against her neck, sinking into her skin and curling around her very core. She bit her lip as her toes curled, and tilted her head involuntarily, giving his mouth even more access to- Wait a minute. Jason?! Her eyes flew open in horror as she came back to her senses. Oh god, oh god, oh god. She ducked out from under him and quickly slipped away, putting some distance between the two of them. Holy shit! Holy shit! And that was the only thing she could think as she looked everywhere but at him. “Okay, um … I think … Maybe you should just … Argh! Shit, Jason! I hate you so much!”
She crossed her arms over her chest, suddenly feeling so very exposed. But he didn’t seem to mind. He just smiled that infuriating smirk again, the one that heated up all her insides until she felt like she was on fire. He moved forward.
“That's not what your body's telling me." He lifted his fingers, showing her how they glistened under the light. Then, not breaking her gaze, he lifted them to his mouth, and wrapped his tongue around them, licking off the sticky liquid. Her mouth went dry.
"N-No, I …" She tried to object, tried to tell him that it was a perfectly natural response for someone to have in such a situation, but then he'd backed her into the table, his hands on either side of hers as he leaned over her, his eyes drinking her in hungrily.
"Tell me," he murmured softly, his lips travelling along her jaw now, "do you think of me, when you touch yourself?"
She sucked in a breath, bracing herself against the table as her knees went weak.
"I hate to think that I'd kept you waiting for so long." He pressed a kiss to the base of her ear, then pulled back to look at her, his heavily-lidded eyes fixed on her lips. He leaned forward and brushed them with his own. And finally, he was kissing her, long and deep, his tongue tangling with her own. He slipped a muscular arm around her waist, pulling her hips flush against his, and her hands slid up the hard planes of his chest in response, wrapping tightly around his neck. She reached into his hair, burying her fingers in the soft strands as she moved her mouth in tandem with his. She was so entirely caught up in the feeling of him wrapped around her, in the delicious taste of him, that she didn't even notice him undo the string of her pyjamas until they'd fallen to the floor.
"Jason!" she exclaimed, squeezing her legs together to maintain some semblance of privacy. But he just smiled at her as he slid his hands down her back and squeezed, forcing a whimper out of her. Then he lifted her up, as if she weighed nothing at all, and sat her on the table, spreading her legs apart and wrapping them around his waist.
“Say my name again,” he told her, in between the kisses he pressed to her neck, "like you did the first time." His hands made their way up her bare thighs and slid under her shirt, his fingernails brushing along her back in just the way he knew she liked. She clenched her jaw and cursed him in her head, pressing her lips together tightly to keep his name from falling from them. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction, she wouldn’t reward him for being so … so brazen with her! So bold and shameless and, oh god, so very, very good. He pulled back, his eyes travelling over the tension in her face, reading perfectly every single thought going through her mind right now. His jaw tightened as he gripped her chin in his hand gently, bringing their mouths closer together. Her eyelids lowered in anticipation, her lips parting for him of their own volition. But then, just when she thought he was about to kiss her again, just as she felt his warm breath graze her mouth, he grinded his hips into her, drawing a deep moan from her. Her toes curled as he did it again, his grasp on her face keeping her head from falling back in ecstasy, holding her in place so he could keep his gaze fixed on hers. He was going to drive her mad, this man.
“Say my name, X,” he repeated, his voice lazy, like he knew she was going to do it anyway; it was just a matter of when. She remained silent, firm in her resolution. But then, again, the bulk of him, driving into her, sliding against her so perfectly she didn't think she'd be able to resist anymore.
“J-Jason,” she breathed, the desperation in her own voice causing her stomach to flip. Oh god, she was going to kill him. She was going to kill Ivy and then she was going to kill him and bring him back to life and kill him again. He smiled and kissed her again, parting her lips with his tongue before brushing against her own and, oh god, it really was so extremely better than anything she’d ever imagined. He broke their kiss and brought his mouth to her ear, his warm breath blowing the strands of her hair back.
“For that,” he told her softly, “I’m going to lick your p*ssy until you come in my mouth.” She bit her lip, too flustered to respond to the wicked declaration. He took her silence as an invitation to continue, lowering himself to his knees before her. Then, oh god, then, he began licking her, his tongue tracing slow circles along the length of her clit. She closed her eyes and twisted her fingers in his hair, amazed at how intimately he knew her; when to speed up and when to slow down, when to suck and when to lick. She sucked in a breath, the pressure building inside her, washing over all her other senses until finally, it exploded in waves of pleasure that turned her brain numb. He stayed there for a second when it was over, gently cleaning up the mess he’d made of her before rising to stand before her. Her insides tingled as he met her gaze, but she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that his pupils weren’t so excessively dilated anymore; the drug must have worn off. She reached up to place a hand on his shoulder, steadying him.
“Jason?” she asked him softly. “Are you okay? Has it worn off? Are we … done?” She didn’t breathe as she awaited his response, her heart beating so loudly she swore he’d be able to hear it in the thick silence that surrounded them. His eyes travelled up and down her body, taking her in like he was seeing her for the first time. Then he looked at her and smiled, a wicked smirk that flipped her stomach over.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he began, wrapping her legs around his waist and lifting her into his arms, “we’re just getting started.”
He'd carried her to her bedroom and laid her gently on the bed before taking his shirt off, his smooth, tan skin stretched firmly over his thick muscles, each line of his torso so perfectly defined as he leaned over her. She bit her lip at the sight and he grinned as he lowered himself to kiss her, his hand sliding along her waist and below her shirt as he did so. He squeezed her breast, causing her to pull on his bottom lip with her teeth and arch her back against him in response. He moved his hand to her lower back and pulled her tighter against him, groaning into her mouth as she ran her fingers along his spine, tracing the outlines of the muscles around his shoulder blades. He was so warm and so large and so … home. He was home. Her home. Jason pulled back, flashing her an exhilarated smile before he glided his hands up her torso and slipped off her shirt. And then she was bare before him, every inch of her exposed to his awestruck gaze. He sucked in a breath, speechless, and appraised her slowly, like he was trying to decide where to start. So she reached her hands up to him, gesturing for him to pull her up so she was on his lap, face to face with him. She smiled as she kissed him, a warm feeling filling her chest at the pure delight in his expression. How easy it was, to make him so happy. How wonderful it felt, to be the one to cause it. She kissed him harder, moving her waist against his, teasing him until he couldn't take it anymore and pushed her back onto the bed. He reached down to undo his belt, but she stopped him, a little bit nervous, a little bit excited. Sensing what she was thinking, he rolled over onto his back, giving himself over to her. She crawled on top of him, then took the belt off before removing his pants. She swallowed and paused. He was … wow … She’d never seen anyone before but … she had to assume he was big. The rest of him was, after all. But what should she do? How should she start? She peeked up at him from beneath her lashes, messy strands of her hair falling into her eyes as she bit her lip against the blush rising rapidly in her cheeks.
“God,” he sighed as he looked at her. “You’re so f*cking beautiful.” And then she realised: she didn’t need to be sexy or confident or perfect. She just needed to be her. That was all he wanted. She leaned over him, letting the ends of her hair tickle his thighs as she twirled her finger around him. He gasped. Besides, he already knew everything about her; knew that she didn’t really have any experience when it came to this kind of thing. She lowered her face so she could brush her tongue against the tip of him and he let out a moan, low and tormented. But he’d be patient with her. Would let her take her time exploring and learning and make sure she knew that he’d always be right there, ready to spring into action if she ever needed any help. She closed her lips around him, wrapping her tongue around his tip and gliding it down before sucking on him and pulling back.
“X,” he groaned, his breaths coming out short and shallow. She didn’t seem to need help though. No. Because she knew him just as well as he knew her, and she knew exactly how to drive him crazy. She continued licking and sucking, taking her time to familiarise herself with every inch of his anatomy. And even when he began hardening, even when he was begging her, pleading with her, she maintained her pace, slow and steady, delighting in just how much it tortured him. Then she let him go, pushing herself up and away from him before he could go over the edge.
“Do you have a condom?” she asked him. The words came out casual, relaxed, and it pleased him to know that she felt so comfortable with him - especially since it was her first time. But oh god, how could she be so calm when he was literally losing his mind right now?! He’d thought his senses would have diminished slightly once the poison left his system, but holy shit, she was amazing. Every stroke of her tongue, every brush of her fingers, every single thing she did just took his breath away entirely. He inhaled deeply, drawing enough air into his lungs to speak.
“My belt,” he told her as he pushed himself up to gesture at it, his heart finally beginning to calm down. “Third pocket to the right.” She bent over the side of the bed to pick it up and, oh god, she really was so beautiful. Her long lashes, her curly hair, her soft curves. She reached into the pocket, but raised an eyebrow as she pulled out multiple packets.
“Do you just carry these around?” He shook his head immediately, quickly discerning the drop in her mood as she narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously.
“No no no no no no,” he reassured her, waving his hand emphatically. “I got them on the way here. Just for you. I just … grabbed whatever I could.” He really had. After he’d called Gordon to pick up Ivy, he’d raced to her flat, stopping only when he saw the neon lights of a pharmacy. Luckily, he’d still had enough sense in him to head in and grab a few condoms for protection. Thank god, or they would have had to stop right here. Her shoulders dropped at his admission and his muscles unclenched in response, relieved that she was at ease once again. But she kept her head lowered as she tore open the packet, preventing him from reading her expression.
“So, you just walked into a pharmacy, in full Red Hood regalia, and just bought a bunch of condoms?” She lifted her head, revealing to him the way her lips were curling at the corners in amusement. She slid the material onto him, her touch featherlight, tantalising in its tenderness. “Did anyone say anything?”
It was a hilarious image, Jason in his featureless red mask, bulky guns in his utility belt, striding into a little pharmacy with mums and teenage girls in his large combat boots, and then just throwing a bunch of condoms at the cashier. She snickered at the thought, unable to decide whether it was more adorable or more hot. But then he pushed himself onto his elbows, the muscles of his arms and torso flexing as he raised an eyebrow and fixed her with a lazy smirk. Her stomach flipped. Definitely more hot.
“Do you think anyone said anything?” Oh god. He was right. He was so, so right. No idiot would dare approach him when he was so confident and so terrifying and so … large. She moved to lie on top of him, kissing the smirk off his face like she’d imagined doing too many times before. Only now, she could actually do it. He slipped his hands around her as she wound her tongue around his and pushed him back down, his fingernails tracing idle circles along her lower back. He continued the gesture even after she pulled away and moved to rest her elbow beside his head, leaning on her hand to look at him.
“I would have,” she told him, stroking his cheek with her thumb. “I’d have been so jealous. I’d just be like ‘what? You have a girlfriend? Sigh. There go all my fantasies’.” He smiled again, a mischievous glint in his eyes, and ran his hand down her spine.
“So you do fantasise about me.” His voice was husky as he spoke and she regretted the words almost immediately after they’d left her mouth.
“No! I just …” She pushed herself up into a seat, her cheeks setting aflame as she tried to backtrack on her statement. “Just, like, kissing and stuff. Not like, not anything like this, you know?” But it was too late. He was already looking at her with the most self-satisfied expression she’d ever seen on him. It was even worse than all the times he’d beat her in Battlefront. He flipped them over so he was on top of her again, his eyes roving over her hungrily.
“Like what?” he asked her teasingly, sliding his hands up her forearms and into hers, pinning her against the bed beneath him. “Like … this?” He rolled his hips against hers, drawing a gasp from her as he did so. Then he lowered his head, his lips a hair's breadth from hers.
"Or maybe like this?" He bent down to lick her breast, his tongue winding languidly around her nipple before he sucked on it. She tried to reach up, to run her fingers through his hair and down his back, to feel every inch of him pressed against her, but his hands were still on hers, holding her down so she was at his complete mercy. "Or what about this?"
He slid her hands together, trapping both her wrists beneath his palm so his other hand was free to roam down, to between her thighs, where his fingers began stroking her with agonising slowness. She whimpered and curled her legs tighter around him, silently pleading with him to go faster, harder. But he'd get his revenge now and, oh god, it would be sweet.
“J-J-Jason,” she breathed, her back arching off the mattress as he drove her closer and closer to her edge. It felt so good, his long, calloused fingers dragging up and down her length, occasionally stopping to circle her clit and press on the sensitive nub. But he was holding back, she could feel - just so he could torture her and regain the upper hand. He was such an idiot. But he was her idiot and no one in the entire world knew him as well as she did. She bit her lip and widened her eyes, fluttering her lashes pleadingly as she looked up at him.
“F*ck,” he groaned, feeling his resolve crumble at the look on her face. “Don’t look at me like that, sweetheart.” He sped up, increasing the intensity of his movements, his fingers chasing every desperate whine and gasp that fell from her lips as he stroked and pinched and played with her. Finally, with another last raise of her hips, she came, shaking against his hand as he held it firmly against her p*ssy, helping her ride out her orgasm. She looked up at him when she’d finished, her chest heaving with shallow breaths, her face flushed and glowing with pleasure. And he didn’t think he’d ever seen her look more beautiful. He grinned and bent over to start kissing her again, releasing his grip on her so she could wrap her arms around him and pull him close. God, she felt so soft. He could have fallen asleep right then, cuddling her lush little body in his arms, but only if he wasn’t still so hard for her. He rolled his hips, rubbing his cock up and down her slick folds, lubricating himself with her c*m in preparation.
“J-Jason. Y-You know you’re … n-not going to fit, r-right?” she warned him, forcing the words out through the pleasure clouding her mind at the feeling of his large bulk pressing against her. God, she wanted to ride him, wanted to feel his deliciously thick cock pumping in and out of her as she sat on top of him, her fingers digging into his brawny shoulders as she grinded her hips into his. He chuckled, the sound rumbling through her bones and causing a shiver to run down her spine.
“I don’t have to go in all the way, princess,” he mumbled against the side of her neck, his voice low and husky. “But, don’t you think I deserve a reward too? For working so hard tonight?” He tugged on her earlobe, sucking on it gently as he let his hands wander all over her body. He groaned as he flicked her nipple, then pinched it lightly between his fingers, rolling it before cupping her entire breast in his hand. Another loud moan fell from his lips as he squeezed her appreciatively, the movements of his hips getting faster and harder as his dick begged him for relief.
She sighed, flopping over on the bed as she gave up on trying to tease him. ‘You think you deserve a reward?,’ she’d imagined herself saying as she’d flipped them over once again. ‘What you deserve, Jason Peter Todd, is a punishment.’ But he just felt too effing good, rubbing up against her so needily.
“Just … Please?” She lifted her hips slightly, silently asking him to try, to give her the relief she so painfully needed as well. He ground his teeth together and dug his fingers into her sides, thrilled by the way her body pleaded for his. He sat back and took hold of himself, tracing her entrance with his tip. Then he began easing himself inside of her, slow and careful, even though it physically ached to have to hold himself back, especially when he’d gotten in far enough to feel how f*cking tight and soft she was.
“S-So … You’re so f*cking tight, X,” he breathed, his mind going fuzzy at the delectable feeling of her engulfing him. She squirmed and writhed as he tried to push in more, yelping in pain at the unfamiliar sensation of having him inside of her p*ssy. So he stopped, swearing under his breath when he looked down and saw half of his dick nestled so comfortably inside of her. He braced his arms on either side of her, steadying himself as he pulled out then thrust himself back inside of her, only going as far as she could take him. She yelped every time he pushed in, her breasts bouncing up and down as he worked his way inside of her. F*ck, she was so, so perfect. How the f*ck had he waited so long to f*ck her? Why the f*ck had he waited so long to f*ck her?
“Gonna … Gonna f*ck you … every night, sweetheart,” he told her, her bed creaking with the force of his movements. “Until you can … take my dick into this … this f*cking tight little … p*ssy of yours.” She probably didn’t even hear him given how loudly she kept moaning and whining at the feeling of him brushing against her walls. F*ck, she was cute. But then she shuddered, her p*ssy squeezing him as she came, her walls throbbing and clenching around him desperately. He clenched his teeth, his entire body tensing up at the sensation, and then he came too, his fingers tangling in the bed sheets as the warm liquid gushed out of him. He panted heavily, trying to catch his breath once he’d finished, delighting in the way she’d flopped over beneath him, thoroughly exhausted by his actions. He bent over and pressed a kiss to her cheek, then pulled himself out of her and sank onto the mattress beside her. She sighed and turned to face him, the both of them studying each other with elated grins on their faces as they lay side by side.
“I love you too, X.”
“I love you, Jason.” Normally, the words would flow out of her mouth casually, a consistent reminder that there was at least one person who cared about him, at least one person who kept him in their heart. But now she curled into herself as she said, her lips curling into a shy smile as her eyes flickered to and from his. He grinned even harder, reaching up to cup her cheek in his hand.
Ugh! What time was it? She blinked the sleep out of her eyes, wincing at the bright sunlight filtering in between the curtains. She felt a weight on her side and rolled herself onto her stomach to look at Jason. Where he’d normally have awakened at the smallest of movements, his eyes stayed closed and his breathing remained steady. He looked so peaceful and untroubled and irritatingly cute with the white strands of hair falling over his smooth forehead and the relaxed set of his lips that she now knew the feel of all over her body. She sucked in a breath, her stomach flipping over wildly as the memory of last night - as all the memories of last night - came flooding back to her. She swallowed hard the thought, then turned back around slowly, careful to not disrupt the arm draped lazily over her waist. Maybe, if she could just get up before he did, she could convince him that it had all been one crazy dream. She assessed the open space before her, considering her two options. She could either a) try to wiggle out beneath the grasp of a trained assassin, or b) make a run for it as quickly as possible. She leapt forward without a second thought, throwing herself off the bed and crashing straight into the brick wall that was his arm, immediately pulling her back into his chest. She closed her eyes and scrunched her nose, clenching her teeth as she waited for his response.
“Did you just try to one-night stand me? In your own bedroom?” His incredulous tone was dampened by the sleep still clouding his voice as he mumbled in her ear. She clenched her teeth around the way his warm breath glided over her spine and curled around her stomach. Betrayed by her own body. Again. She huffed and turned over to face him.
“No,” she replied firmly. “I was going to try to convince you that everything that happened last night was just a hallucination because of the poison that Ivy injected you with.” She glared at him and he grinned, only causing her frown to deepen in response. He brushed her hair out of her eyes, admiring how soft and pretty she looked in the morning light.
“In that case, I guess I’d just have to kidnap her and get her to poison me everyday for the rest of my life.” She wrinkled her nose at his declaration, horrified by the very thought. Did he really like her that much? Had he always liked her that much?
“Every day?!” X smacked his arm. “You’re such a creep.” But she snuggled into his chest anyway as he wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her hair, inhaling the familiar scent of her. And for once in his life, Jason finally understood what it felt like to come home.
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bigfatbimbo · 4 months
AH‼️ It's 🫶 anon, good to hear that you did, indeed, receive at least one of my ramblings! You're truly one of my favourite hazbin writers :)) the way you write fluff is immaculate! Your fluff smells of coconut dish soap and freshly cleaned clothes, but without fabric softener because you're efficient and know that fabric softener is a scam. I am so glad to hear that you enjoyed my long talk about Velvette! I doubted it would have turned out well considering I am ace/aro (shoutout to alastor🗣🗣📢) and well, as I predicted, it could have went better ahaha x-)).
Well! I always deliver on my promises! So, i will give more romantic headcannons for Velvette (because as you may have noticed, I am more of a pining kind of person and forgot to write the romance part of the romantic relationship with her, so, use this ask as a.. apology of sorts?) And, one of my next asks will be those awaited nsfw headcannons haha^^
So‼️ now that your relationship has really started, there are a couple paths this could go in (all equally adorable if you ask me)
Our reader is a weak demon!
In this case, this entire situation is a little more hillarious than it would be if the reader were stronger ahaha:)) anyway! Velvette would probably have your safety on her mind 25/8. She is only eased in her anxiety because, well, she doesn't exactly allow you out of her sight. She's working? You're sitting next to her watching as her new collection comes to life.
Nobody gets to be close to you! Nuh uh! She isn't as bad as Vox to the point where she doesn't even let you see your friends with how nightmarishly bratty he'd get if you did go see them, but she is quite assertive when she thinks it is "too much".
Sometimes she sees you as too valuable for the low-lives you interact with among the weaker demons, and, if you cannot tell the signs of that thought creeping into her head, she might just start whining about how awful all your friends are. Insessantly.
She isn't aware that it is a manipulation tactic, pointing out their flaws all the time, that is. If you do inform her that it is wrong to do such things, I regret to inform her that you're out of luck. Her "friends" are more business partners than anything, and slandering them to you is one of her favourite activities; "fuck, you deserve to be an overlord WAYY more than any of the losers in that meeting. UGH. They're so annoying, it's crazy. Oh also did I tell you? That old fuck was at the meeting! Oh, which one? I don't fucking know his stupid name, but I think it's the one Vox has his panties in a twist about.. oh oh! Hear this-" it is her favourite part of the day, really. The only people she found tolerable in her work were those who agreed with her all the time, and the didn't pay much mind to them honestly. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer", it seems. So, it is hard for her to grasp why you didn't want her to slander the people you held close.
She will make an effort to complain about them less, though, but only after you managed to put her in the right track to having a mature discussion about it. You two agreed that you'd see them a little less, and, she'd stop complaining about them as much. Her point wasn't irrational, she says that these demons were horrible influences for you. This is hell, after all, you couldn't argue with that. But it was also the best you could be getting in terms of friends in hell, so, the compromise was thus reached.
The reader is a strong demon!
Her worries are eased by the knowledge of your power, she'd be lying if she said she didn't find it the least bit attractive. Seeing you stand up to vox or any other overlord, while both you, her and the overlord knew you could probably beat them in a fight, was so... entertaining, to the both of you. Your social footing also didn't allow you to be attached at the hip with her, which upset her. At least she knew you were safe!
You two were an absolute power duo, with you being openly in a relationship to the public or not, all of social media couldn't shut up about the two of you. She loved watching edits of you both online, but she'd never tell you that. If you were to peek into her phone, various tabs and apps are opened on discussion boards where hundreds of demons exclaimed their want to be in either her's or your position. It made her feel powerful to see how much people wanted you, however weird that may seem. It didn't make her the least bit jealous, no; knowing that she is the one that caught your undivided attention and love while hundreds others would kill to be in her position felt good. Though, she already knew she was desired, so, the ego boost from posts that said "I wish I was velvette right here(´ 3`)" attached to a picture of you holding her waist as you held out a flower for her with a smile brought her far more satisfaction than the ones where people wanted to be you.
Being able to use the "do you know who we are??" Argument whenever something didnt go the way you two pleased was basically an automatic response from her. She is very powerful on her own, but loves the scary dog privileges you bring along.
Never the matter of which category the reader is, please do compliment her on her designs! Approval and praise have always been a driving force in her life, but, she didn't really care for people's opinions as much, because she doesnt care about who those people are! She's a devout follower of the "I won't take criticism from someone who isn't contributing for my life" mindset. What are those people doing for her? Giving her money? Organizing her bedroom? Didn't think so.
But you? Gosh you were the summer in the coldest of winters! Being with you brought Velvette so much joy, it was no wonder your opinion mattered.
The fashion in hell took a noticeable turn for whatever you enjoy after you started dating her ahaha:)) being it a different color scheme or you for whatever reason really liking 80's exercise sets with those ridiculously large leg warmers, within the mountains of red beautiful elegant dresses she made, a pop of other colors could be spotted. If you were out to the public, she would proudly announce that you were her muse for the piece, praises of how innovative the style was amidst the current fashion of the Pride ring. Needless to say, with all of her praise about it, the clothes you inspired sold out much quicker than others.
Giving her little gifts and such made her quite happy. She loved expensive, beautiful rings and jewelry and all things shiny, but, what really got to her were the things you made or that reminded you of her. You baked cupcakes based off of her looks? AGH! That is SO adorable! Expect it to be posted all over her social media profiles that very same day. You drew her in a dress you came up with yourself because her work inspired you so much? She might just actually die again. Even if you're a horrible designer, she will still be so flattered.
Oh well! What are your thoughts? Also, I'm thinking about starting to use my actual account to send asks, mainly because I am an artist and made more than one piece inspired by your wonderful works, and I'd love to share them with you. Do you think I should?
I might also send things about sir pentious, vox, lucifer, husk, basically everyone haha! I actually have some things about mimzy in mind. But, most scary of all, I am madly in love with the absolute scumbag we call Adam. Hopefully you don't mind hearing the most deranged thoughts I have regarding him ahaha x-)) maybe I'll even convince you to write for that loser! Who knows.
I await your insight :)))
- a very excited 🫶 anon
OH MY GOD? 🫶 ANON YOU’VE STRUCK GOLD ONCE AGAIN! There’s so much to unpack here oh my gosh where do I start?
I love how protective Velvette is over a weak reader. Her possessiveness is written in a very in-character way. Because I do think she would be incredibly possessive but I don’t think she would fully understand how possessive she was being, like she would just think this is the correct way to react simply because it’s how she thought to react. Of course she’d lighten up as much as she could after a serious talk, just as you said.
I also think that Velvette with a strong reader is soooo interesting oh my god. Like the power couple you two would be, OH AND WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT THE EDITS? Absolutely. She would eat that shit up, and definitely feed the public with cute photos and videos of you two. Oh and when you said she finds the readers power attractive, oh yea she does. Shes incredibly turned on, to say the least. All of her models and workers kiss her ass so much, that the fact you don’t kneel down to Velvette like everyone else literally does something to her.
Also I absolutely adore the words of affirmations and gift giving love language as the ones she likes to receive. Gift giving is 100% for her like she eats that shit up. To be honest, still think she appreciates an acts of service reader BUT words of affirmation is an interesting one for sure. It takes a long time, and I mean a long time, for someone to earn her respect. But when this happens, there opinion of her starts to actually matter, which is obviously a kind of rare thing. So she so loves compliments and praise and lots of things to feed her ego.
Anyways, those are my thoughts on the Velvette headcanons! I eat your writing up every time!
So let me start off by saying, I am SO INCREDIBLY, STUPENDOUSLY, TOTALLY interested in your thoughts on the other characters, Lucifer, Sir Pentious, Husk, Vox, Adam, etc. I’m specifically interested in your thoughts on Mimzy because even though she’s on my characters list, I don’t have many thoughts on her myself. So I am very curious as to what you’re thinking.
Also very close to writing for Adam, but I’d love for you to try to convince me.
ALSO about you using and actual account to send asks, GO FOR IT!!??? WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT BEING AN ARTIST… oh boy i’m intrigued. AND YOU’VE MADE THINGS INSPIRED BY MY WORKS? Don’t make me blush, babes, oh my god??!!
“Your fluff smells of coconut dish soap and freshly cleaned clothes, but without fabric softener because you're efficient and know that fabric softener is a scam.”
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If you're currently taking requests, can you please do yandere dorm leaders + Jamil with a demigod reader like from Percy Jackson the readers godly parent can be your choice. If you're not currently taking requests feel free to ignore this
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Percy Jackson Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
Child of one of the big three, water bends to your will. And in the oddest moments, your father gives his two senses. Nonetheless, your power earns you a lot of respect and a lot of scorn from the average student. Of course, those interested don’t mind all that much until your powers seem to be an obstacle to your love for them: 
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Malleus Draconia
“I see. Your mastery of the sea is impressive. I wonder if we spar who would fare best?”
He wants to engage with your power because it gets him an excuse to take your time 
This also helps him gauge your power against his own
He doesn’t cease his repeated sniping of people that hang around you 
Even if you actually challenge him seriously
He thinks you’re just the cutest
“Fine, my love. If you wish to challenge me let's have a wager. If you win I’ll stop my…warnings. But if I win you will forfeit all rights to speak to others. This is more than fair.”
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Idia Shroud
“I feel we’re connected in some odd way…”
“Do you want to play COD?”
There’s a weird synergy that has you both respecting one another
He thinks its cool how you can heal up with magic
But his excuse for prying creepily into your privacy+ is justified by his constant experimentation to measure your powers
“W-what this camera? Ha, it’s only to track what you’d do in such a harrowing situation! I-it w-wasn’t b-because your wearing j-just a white shirt.”
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Jamil Viper
“You’re a lot like Kalim, I’m sure your just as susceptible.”
“...I uh…get the feeling you’re capable of something…manipulative.”
“Wow, how insightful.”
Your dear old dad is probably the only help your getting with him
He’s often finding himself befriending you 
Despite being caught trying to hypnotize you
He makes a point to use his usual tactic to leave you alone
With plenty of time to come and hang out with him
“Scarabia’s the perfect setting, not a whole lot of water for their father to stay anything.”
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Kalim Al Asim
“Yay! Twinsies!”
He’s so happy that you have an affinity for water just like him
He can’t make weapons like you do or heal yourself with it
But he thinks it's pretty cool
It's even cooler that you get really cuddly weak if you stay in Scarabia long enough
“Awww why don’t you stay! I promise I’ll bring the water as soon as we finish our carpet ride!”
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Vil Schoenheit
“I doubt that. If you really were the child of Poseidon I doubt he’d let you walk around with skin as dehydrated as yours.”
“Gee thanks, Vil.”
“Yup that’s what I’m here for.”
He knows he’d never be able to overpower you
But he’s not all that hurt
Where you can pride yourself on your strength it doesn’t do anything against his finesse and intellect
Which he prefers
because what power couple doesn’t complement one another with their flaws and strengths
And while you may be willing to entertain these invasive welps bold suitors
He’s not so lenient
“Where you wish to merely scare them off, I wish to punish them. It’s only a given that we mirror one another, in the method.” 
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Leona Kingscholar
“Join Savvannaclaw, you herbivore. You still have some evolving you can do.”
Strong mates are always fought for in life
And to make his mark he has to sand fight off the competition
The next part will be winning your heart or successfully taming you
Just give him time, he’ll make it happen
One way or another
“Ha let’s exercise I want to see how far you’re willing to go.”
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Azul Ashengrotto
“With your kind of power…you could overthrow the entire empire within the coral sea!”
“Uh, I guess.”
“You guess? (Y/n), we could bring all of those who laughed at me to their knees. Metaphorically speaking.”
“They…bullied you?”
“Aww Azul…”
“S-shut up! Let’s just put them all in their place beneath you”
He loves you immensely 
And while he may seem that he’s always aiming to slip you into a contract for ‘sea conquering’ 
He’s after something more
He’s after you
His pearl, his angelfish, he wants to be your plus one as you right the world
“Ho ho what a predicament. Why don’t we negotiate the subject of payment, after the broken china incident with Grim, we wouldn’t want you to fall into debt.”
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Riddle Rosehearts
“I hardly believe your dyslexia is attributed to such a trait.”
“Bet. Write something in Greek I can do it.”
“...I stand corrected.”
“Ha see?!”
“Nonetheless you’re in desperate need of my studying prowess. Come to Heartslabyul.”
He is enamored by you 
The powers and heritage just add another layer
But he finds you are lacking for someone so kind
Or rather that you don’t have conviction
In your studies or in your boundaries
You don’t need to worry he’ll do that for you
Collaring anyone who gives threatening looks  and any look in general
“Off with your head! I decree that you will be punished for the breaking of the Queen’s law: that no one touches the Ramshackle prefect but you’re queen!”
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codenamesazanka · 5 months
for the longest time i just assumed that Spinner did not care/was dismissive about Shigaraki until after the 'destroy everything' speech; and vice versa. We had no reason to think otherwise: Spinner disregarded Shigaraki's kill list; he was skeptical of the Overhaul highway ambush in Chapter 160; and everyone was waiting for a clash because Spinner wouldn't shut up about Stain while Shigaraki held a kid hostage just so he had someone to complain to about how he hated Stain. There was no indication of anything beyond probable mutual annoyance between them. the most likely prediction was not without reason: 'wonder when Shigaraki will dust Spinner'.
chapter 220 was the start of the turning point, and 222 being it. And even 220 start off with Spinner straight up grabbing Shigaraki by the collar and yelling at him for basically not being a good leader. only after that, after the speech, did it seemed like Spinner pay attention. after that, Spinner revised his consideration. He came to empathize with Shigaraki. Shigaraki was proving himself, and Spinner was watching. Shigaraki was called an angry loser and Spinner felt for him. Only then, I thought, did Spinner lower his walls to discuss games. Only then, did they bonded.
And all this was nearly solely on Spinner's side. What did Shigaraki think? No idea. the same regard he held for all other team members. Perhaps mild obligation to respond to Spinner's loyalty, perhaps not.
But Chapter 371 gave us League of Legends, and Chapter 373 gave us the flashback of them chatting, and Chapter 393 showed us Spinner peeking over Shigaraki's shoulder as he played a game, and these were all clearly situated in a time before the events of 220-222. They were already getting along okay. "We bonded over games and stuff" was already happening.
It reframed things: the CRC slaughter, perhaps having affected Spinner more than he let on in the narration. Before, he was fine chilling with Shigaraki, joining the League in conversations about Villain names, being part of the relaxed atmosphere. Morning after CRC, he's withdrawn into himself - arms crossed, staring Shigaraki down, watching the relaxed atmosphere with displeasure, frustration obvious.
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Spinner was triggered. He was reminded of why he sought out the League in the first place. And him yelling at Shigaraki can be seen as less dismissal and challenge of an unworthy boss, and more disappointment and hurt of a friend.
If they were already friends - or getting there - by then, then Shigaraki's speech takes on slightly new framing as well. It's not just a boss proving himself; it's a friend trying to repair a strain. It's not him trying to convince a skeptical follower to continue following him, it's him having listened to what Spinner was saying and taking time to reflect on it, address it. It's Shigaraki sharing his own pain, right after Spinner shared his.
It wasn't just, I have no sense of self and I need a leader to follow and Here's a purpose, then, if you want it.
It was: The world emptied me out. It suffocated me. We killed the worst offenders of my suffering but it's not enough. I've been hurt by more than that. I remember now, just how bad it was. i've been hurt my whole life.
And Shigaraki decided, Then let's destroy everything, and that is his kindness, twisted as it is, it is absolutely genuine.
for all that Spinner was enthralled by Shigaraki promise of destruction, captivated by the horizon, it's Shigaraki who brought it up first. Spinner wanted the world to change; so Shigaraki offered destruction. Shigaraki dreamed up the beautiful horizon; and Spinner decided he would shoulder that burden. Shigaraki's dream became Spinner's dream, becoming Shigaraki's promise of their dream.
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 19
There’s a couple things about FF that might be good to know at this point.
1. There are few things in the world he hates doing more than asking for clarification or admitting he doesn’t understand / know something. The thought of going up to someone and admitting that he hasn’t perfectly comprehended the situation upon the first explanation is something makes his stomach twist like he’d just eaten Mango-Habanero ice cream.
He has figured out his own math theorems in the pursuit of not having to ask the math teacher to explain he doesn’t understand. He got lost in an Ikea once for over 6 grueling hours where he considered making a home there and living among the display rooms until his grandma grabbed him by the ear and dragged him to safety (the food court) and let him regain his strength (eat Swedish meatballs). He, to this day, is not sure about one of his foreign language friend’s names (how embarrassing he just keeps waiting for someone else to say it but they go by some insane nickname).
So he has become a master of piecing shit together on his own. He sometimes gets it wrong (Andrew, god how embarrassing) but for the most part 8 times out of 10 he can get to the right answer if he just has a couple pieces to work with. No one had ever actually explained to him how Exy works and he was too embarrassed to ask after the third week of practice in middle school so he just pieced together what he was and was not allowed to do through the art of trial and error. He’s even mostly pieced out the rules for the other positions.
So with the information he has gotten through people being bound and determined to talk in foreign languages in front of him he has an idea about the tenuous situation some of the older Foxes find themselves in.
He’s heard Kevin Day and Jean Moreau talk in French.
He’s heard that the anxiety in both of their voices as they talked about their futures and owing 80% of their salaries to the ‘Moriyamas’ and how nervous they were about getting on professional teams or else they’d be killed.
Captain Neil and Andrew are not always using Russian to talk dirty.
He’s heard Andrew soothe Captain Neil’s worries about playing for a professional team. He’s heard Captain Neil mention that at least ‘Ichirou’ would likely just kill him and not make a game out of it like his father did.
Organized Crime might have more to do with Exy than FF had originally thought.
(He had thought it. Plenty of times he had thought it but his Gran had warned him that he was overthinking things. That he wasn’t playing a sport invented by the Mafia. That he had caffeinated coffee instead of decaf. “It’s going to be okay sweetie. Just take a deep breath.”)
This leads into the second thing you should know at this point.
2.  Before he had signed with Wymack he had known the broad strokes of Captain Neil’s life. There had been a lot of news articles about it and Gran (bless her) loved trashy gossip magazines.
After he had signed with the Foxes he had done a bit of a deep dive on as many of their controversies as he could find. There’d been things from brawls on the court (worrying), player overdoses (concerning), a straight up MURDER (Oh god), and the very public breaking of the King of Exy’s arm resulting in his suicide (Warranted, that wacko was going to take off Captain Neil’s HEAD.)
But the thing that had made him actually a little bit, dare he admit, excited to go to Palmetto was the fact that Captain Neil was there.
For someone who froze for almost a decade, who just took it and didn’t have the balls to even react? Neil Josten is an inspiration.
This is someone who got away, who lived a life completely unlike FF’s, someone who knew how to run and more impressively someone who learned how to FIGHT. Captain Neil was being hunted but he still ripped people to shreds in interviews. Captain Neil was probably more scared of the Butcher than FF had been of anything in his entire life but Captain Neil was way braver than FF could ever hope to be.
Captain Neil was taken and tortured but he still fought. FF had seen the scars and Captain Neil is right to wear them proudly (though based on some conversations he has unfortunately overheard he is sure Andrew may have a role in Neil’s positive feelings about them).
FF had thought that he was being lead to his death down in a basement of a club (Don’t cringe. Don’t cringe. Don’t cringe. Don’t-) and he just trailed right behind the two of them without even an illusion of a fight.
Neil Abram Josten was a bit of a personal hero.
He’s proud to call him Captain Neil. He wishes Andrew hadn’t been there when Greg had mentioned wanting autographs because FF wants an autograph from Captain Neil but now Andrew has probably mentioned it to Neil.
Long story short, FF had looked into a lot of details on Captain Neil’s case.
Including two of the Butcher’s top men who were still on the loose.
Romero Malcolm and Jackson Plank.
He keeps his presence low but no matter how many times he blinks the man grumbling in Italian next to him continues to be Romero Malcolm.
Moreover Romero Malcolm continues to grumble about the fact that he is having a hard time finding ‘Nathaniel’ and that he’ll have to grab one of ‘The Wesninski brat’s friends’ to draw him out.
FF is a recently confirmed friend of Captain Neil.
FF who is standing next to this man, with his dick out, and trying to remain as invisible as possible.
After two shakes (Yes he was watching but only because he had to! He wonders briefly if he goes to the FBI if they would accept a description of Romero Malcolm’s penis for the wanted poster? Probably not but it is BURNED into his retinas.)
He watches as Romero tucks, zips, and then bypasses the sink entirely.
FF shivers at how unhygienic that is. Who RAISED him?
The door shuts and FF needs to get out of here ASAP but his hands are shaking with the sudden adrenaline of ’One of the FBI’s Most Wanted just took a piss next to me and is looking for me friend’. He pulls his phone from his pocket and ducks into one of the stalls. Even if there’s no door it’ll at least FEEL a little safer, a little more private. He needs to warn Neil, Warn Andrew, and warn-
The door to the bathroom SLAMS open and music blares in (palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy-) and his phone slips out of his hands and into the toilet. There are footsteps coming towards him and FF digs deep.
He’s in ultra stealth mode. He is the wall behind the wallpaper. Mantis shrimp can only dream of the color he becomes, the United States military have the CIA on the look out for him because he’s fallen off all conventional forms of radar and tracking.
He is a bargain fruit platter on a dessert table at a kid’s birthday party.
He is ULTRA stealth.
Romero’s gaze glides over him.
Then the man leaves (STILL DID NOT WASH HIS HANDS).
His heart is hammering in his chest but he manages to reach down and grab his phone. Well, Coach Wymack had gotten the extended warranty at least. (“Do you know what these fuckers do to phones? Josten crushed his last year in a fight with the Baseball team captain.”)
His phone’s extended dip into the toilet water had not done it any favors in working properly.
Well fuck.
He wipes his phone down the best he can. He wipes his phone down with some toilet paper before cramming it into his pocket (Sorry Nicky, he’ll wash the toilet water pants if they survive).
He sees a flyer on the wall of the bathroom and starts to think of a plan.
He rushes out of the bathroom (he still washes his hands because he will not have something in common with a man on the FBI’s most wanted list and he just dipped his hand into a CLUB TOILET) and clocks Nicky’s wild arm movements and WORSE clocks Romero just 10 clubbers away.
He sees Romero’s eyes lock onto Nicky and a smile that terrifies him.
He’s out of Ultra Stealth Mode even if every atom in his body wants to run.
He is so stressed and panicked that he has gone beyond his body’s ability to process that so all that is left is determination. He’s got a head full of a half-baked plan, a hand going to his pocket, a second hand on the only ‘weapon’ he has on him, and a stomach full of acid.
He’s pulling his phone out of his pocket before he can really let himself think about it and walking up next to where Romero is standing. He holds his toilet water phone up to his ear and does the one weird social anxiety thing that he had never done before.
He pretends to be on a phone call.
“Hey Captain Neil,” he says and in the corner of his eye he can see Romero’s gaze shift from Nicky (surrounded by an adoring public, covered in sweat and therefore difficult to grab - a difficult target) to himself (alone, shorter, and probably looking like he’s about to pass out). “Yeah I think I’m going to take a break outside after I grab quick drink and then a water at the bar.” He says because he has to be the easier target and he has to go to the bar. “Yeah, yeah, okay I’ll mention it to that bartender guy.” He says and pretends to hang up.
He turns and he walks towards the bar and feels his pulse in his throat go to the beat of the music (success is my only motherfucking option, failure’s not).
He only knows about the alley because in the car ride to Sweetie’s Nicky had mentioned that he wouldn’t let FF’s first time be out there. He had been embarrassed but it was the only way he knew to get Romero out of the club and away from where he could hurt Captain Neil or anyone else in the pursuit of that.
He spots the bartender who had gotten the drinks for their table and his mind completely blanks on the name but the bartender sees him and smiles. “Oh you’re Neil and Andrew’s new friend! What can I help you with? I thought you were-“
“Hi, yes I am Captain Neil and Andrew’s friend.” He says a little loudly because he can feel Romero behind him and he does NOT want the man to know anything about where Captain Neil was.
“Captain Neil? Oh wow that’s adorable.” The man gushes. “What can I help you with? I won’t ask for ID for one of their friends.” He winks.
“I’d like to order the uh…” he tries to remember the exact drink name from the flyer, “…the deluxe chocolate martini?” He asks and knows he got it right when the bartender’s expression shifts ever so slightly.
“Oh yeah, how do Andrew and Neil feel about that?” He asks and oh great a coded conversation. It’s nice to actually be having a real one of these for once instead of just perceiving normal conversations to have hidden meanings.
“They don’t know. They probably prefer that I order it instead of Nicky or Aaron.” He lets his eyes dart to the wide where he believes Romero is watching him.
“I don’t know if that’s true.” The bartender says, “Nicky knows how to handle a drink and Aaron’s not a lightweight either.” He adds.
FF struggles to find a coded way to say ‘It’s not that someone’s hitting on me too hard like the flyer mentioned. It’s that there’s a mafia hitman in your club.’
Finally after a moment, “It’s not the usual kind of drink they get.” He tries and the bartender looks confused by the statement, dammit. He struggles to find a different way to say it before the bartender smiles.
“Y’know you’re really cute.” He reaches under the bar top and grabs a piece of paper and a pen. “How about you write down your number for me cutie? We can meet up sometime.” He says. “I’ll get started on that chocolate martini for you.” He says.
“I’d like that.” He says.
He writes out a quick message on the small note paper.
‘Armed. After Neil. Looked at Nicky. I’m going to the back alley. Phone is dead.’
The bartender comes back and looks at his note. “We’re out of chocolate martini mix, can I get you something-“ He hopes the club lighting obscures how pale the man got, “something else?” He asks and FF can SEE his pulse.
“Can I just get some water then?” He asks.
The bartender nods and pulls up his phone and hopefully is dialing the police and hands FF a water. His hand grabs hold of FF’s “You don’t need to go out into the alley. You could hang in the backroom with me?” He offers.
There really are some kind people in the world.
“I think it’s better if I’m not in here for a bit.” He says back and honestly he needs this kindness and he has a spare bit of courage, “What’s your name by the way? Sorry I missed it.” He says.
The bartender swallows, “It’s Roland.” He says.
“Thanks Roland.” He twists the cap off of the water bottle and takes a sip.
He turns and pretends not to notice how Romero is trying to be inconspicuous pretending to be on his phone.
He makes his way over to the alley door and notices that Romero is tracking his movements but is not following him like he did to the bar.
His heart is pounding and he can’t BELIEVE he’s doing this. He wants to run, wants to hide somewhere, wants to become imperceptible but…but…
He opens the door to the alley as the bass of the remixed song finishes.
(You can do anything you set your mind to, man)
He lets the door slam behind him and he is alone in the alley.
He was not expecting a van to come to a screeching halt in front of the entrance and for a different face to appear climbing out of the car.
Jackson Plank.
FF looks at the ugly smile on the man as he walks towards him with a knife in hand.
Okay now what genius?
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5/26/23: EDITED. Can’t believe I forgot to put the Captain in front of Neil’s name on the meme. I’m blaming the accidental early awakening.
Per your requests:
@i-have-three-feelings​ @blep-23​ @dreamerking27​ @andreilsmyreligion​ @belodensetdust​ @rainbowpineapplebottle @yarn-ace​ @iwouldlikesometea @lily-s-world​ @obscureshipsandchips​ @booklover242​ @whataboutmyfries​ @sahturnos​ @pluto-pepsi​ @dreamerthinker​ @passinhosdetartaruga​ @leftunknownheart​ @aro-manita-muscaria @hologramsaredead​ @Chaoticgremlinswishtheycouldbeme @tntwme​ @tayspots @nick-scar​ @crazy-fangirl2524​ @blue-jos10​ @stabbyfoxandrew​ @splishsplashyouropinionistrash​ @sammichly​ @the-broken-pen​ @bitchesdoweknowu​ @very-small-flower​ @ghostlyboiii​ @its-a-paxycab​ @bisexual-genderfluid-fan​ @cheesecookie​ @theoneandonlylostsock​ @foxsoulcourt​ @blueleys @adverbialstarlight​ @elia-nna​ @can-i-just-stay-in-the-corner​ @nikodiangel​ @foxandcrow-inatrenchcoat​ @hallucinatedjosten​ @satanic-foxhole-court​ @vexingcosmos​ @chalilodimun​ @insectsgetcooked​ @angry-kid-with-no-money​ @queer-crows​ @lillyndra​ @themugglemudperson​ @readertodeath​ @apileofpillows​ @mortalsbowbeforeme​ @hellomynameismoo​ @next-level-mess @youreonlylow​ @interstellarfig​ @notprocrastinatingatalltoday​ @percyjacksonfan3​ @queenofcrazy27​ @bsmr261 @ghostlyscares​ @spencellio​ @adinthedarkroom​ @harpymoth​ @sufferingjustalilbit​ @anxietymoss​ @oddgreyhound​ @ohno-myhyperfixation-itsbroken​ @ken22789​ @atiredvampire​ @isoldescorner​ @not--a--pipedream​ @azure-wing​ @bushbees​  @roonilwazlib-main​ @crumplelush​ @foldedaces-paperbirds​ @thesenseinnonsense​ @let-tyrants-fear​ @ketchupfriesandallthingsnice​ @legowerewolf​ @deadlydodos​ @but-we-respect-his-craft​ @cariniqe​ @zanypersonapricotbiscuit​
The requests to be added to the tag list keep being spread out across a few different areas. If I missed you please just ask again in the replies I promise I just missed you.
As stated before if you’re up here and I spelled it  right but you didn’t  get a notification there might be something  switched around in  your settings that won’t let me tag you properly?
Lillyndra it worked this time!!!
#Fluent Freshman AU#Is it a songfic chapter if it's only 3 lines? Experts aren't sure#Did I listen to lose yourself a lot while writing this chapter? Perhaps#If Nora mentioned something about Jackson or Romero in her extras I did not read it#Also gonna be honest here and state that I forgot the likely year that AFTG happened in and this is happening in 2010#So I guess this AU also involves a slight time shift#Andrew and Neil may have gotten lost in one another's eyes a bit down in the speakeasy#Really they're just being polite to get all of their PDA out of the way while FF is taking what might be the piss of a lifetime.#(They have no idea how accurate that might be)#Andrew is all set to kiss one of his favorite of Neil's freckles (yes he has ordered them from favorite to lesser favorite)#Then his phone goes off#He looks and it's Roland#Andrew: WTF is Roland trying to call me?#Nicky is busy being the Dancing Queen. If someone plays ABBA he will absolutely scream rn#I had considered a whole sequence of FF trying to get Nicky and Aaron to the safety of the backroom in Eden's#And Nicky just keeps reappearing on the dancefloor while FF is looking for Aaron#I was gonna use that simpsons meme where Moe throws out Barney and then Barney is just right back in the bar#But it got a little too crazy#But just know in this AU Nicky is canonically an excellent escape artist#Maybe Erik went through a bit of a magician phase and Nicky was DELIGHTED to be asked to be his assistant#Maybe that's how they got together#The inherent ROMANCE of magician and assistant#I don't remember if they ever really said in the books or nora's content#If I'm rambling because I forgot to shut off my alarm (Memorial Day 4-day weekend baby)#The fate of FF's phone may have been caused by some slight anger towards my own#RIP FF's Wymack phone (July 2010 - November 2010)#AFTG#AFTG AU#Andreil#FF - Pt.19
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