#if a fan WANTING Damian on Defiance counts as theft
scandalsavagefanfic · 5 years
Goodness gracious me, would you look at all that ‘stolen’ content...
Oh my god, you guys. I’m so tired of DC stealing everyone else’s stories/traits/friends/love interests and giving them to Dick.
I can’t believe DC stole Bruce’s whole background and gave it to Dick. The murdered parents inspiring a life of fighting crime was Bruce’s thing first.
Dick even gets his love interests sometimes. Like Vicki and Selina. And the whole dating villains in general was done by Bruce first. Just one more thing they’ve stolen from him.
The Batman mantle wasn’t Dick’s to take. Bruce explicitly told Dick he didn’t want him to be Batman. I can’t believe Dick would just steal Bruce’s legacy like that.
And going all the way back to Jason’s pre-crisis origins to have Dick’s circus parents be shot in current canon is just unnecessary and totally disrespectful.
Speaking of disrespecting Jason, I can’t believe DC stole dying from Jason and gave it to Dick. That’s like Jason’s one big story. So rude. 
I can’t believe DC stole Conner from Tim and gave him to Dick in YJ.
Can’t believe Dick stole Bruce’s villains, like Hush and the Court of Owls.
Can’t believe Dick stole the whole ‘meant to be an elite assassin’ thing from Cassandra and Damian.
Can’t believe Dick stole the whole ‘faking his death’ story from Steph.
Can’t believe Dick stole the whole ‘team of superheroes’ idea from the Justice League. Total rip off.
Can’t believe Dick stole the creation of Robin from Bruce.
Can’t believe Dick stole.................
I could keep going but I think I’ve made my point. In case it isn’t clear, I’m being extremely facetious. This is a fucking stupid ass argument across the board. None of this is theft. Roy and Kori on the Outlaws isn’t theft. Jason didn’t fucking steal Robin. Tim hasn’t stolen shit. Neither has Damian. Damian would have had to have been on Defiance in the first place for you to even have the opening to call it theft, even though it still wouldn’t be.
My god 😂😂😂😂
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