#idk how to draw metal guys 😔
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My sister didn't agree that Cole would be a bear, so... what do you think he would be?
(If anyone disagrees i will consider the argument and maybe redraw him as that animal instead <3)
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justlarkin · 4 months
Bless you vndb user. I'm going to cry.
"Brave, Perverted" "Not a virgin" 😭
Let's be real. More can be added to that sex tag, they're a freak.
"Seduction" 💀 My guy has that sexual harizzment.
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"Body: Old" What is this insano style dragging?? 💀 Y'all ate him up. Airing out his kinks and calling him mentally ill is wild.
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"Dog" Y'all did that shit on purpose bro.
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I'm sorry, but Shiro didn't have that whole arc and monolouge about how he's obsessed with MC and how he wants to be in a insane, co-dependent relationship where MC relies on him for everything because he wants them to be as obsessed with him as he is with them and the thought of being useful to them makes him nut just for y'all not to add the yandere tag.
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Not even bothering spoilering the yandere and siscon tags. So real for that.
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Realtalk: Where did the "the spikes are Shiva's hair poking through his helmet" thing come from? I just remember one JP artist drawing it then we all jumped on board.
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"Savior Complex" GET HIM. GET THAT FRAUD.
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Tetsuox's entry reads so metal. Or just mentally ill idk. "This guy FUCKS AND WANTS TO DIE." On god. Yessir 😔 He's so real for that.
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andro-dino · 27 days
Genuine curiosity: what got you here? What decisions in your life lead you ended up having brainworms for this funky spinning top commercial series? /aff /lh
it all started when I was but a wee lad in the second grade and saw Beyblade Metal Fusion on Netflix. The first time I watched it, I actually watched the third episode first because it had wolf in the title and I was a wolf girl growing up. After that I became enamored with the show. Created the first version of Essi on ms paint with a mouse (may god rest her soul (she died with the rest of my old art on my family computer one day 😔)), rewatched it a couple times, at least one of which I imagined essi in like every scene in the show, and was effectively obsessed with it. I didn’t have the abilities to draw ship art at the time but I did become very kyomado pilled during this as well. I actually didn’t know there was more after Fusion because Netflix didn’t have any of it (or I just never bothered to look for it idk).
After that, a couple years went by, and I think around 5th grade I decided to revisit it, had a blast, redrew Essi, and I was happy to leave it at that but then I was talking about it with a guy on my bus and he was like “oh yeah I really liked it have you watched fury?” and I was like “THERES MORE??????” and so I went out in search of More. I watched like half of masters on YouTube, but I didn’t retain like any of it. genuinely the only reason I know I got as far in as I did is because the only parts of it I remember at all were yu being more prominent and hikaru’s ptsd breakdown, but besides that, literally NOTHING stuck with me. I also discovered the existence of shogun steel during this time period from seeing adult gingka on google but knew nothing more about it.
That was the last of beyblade endeavors until summer of 2021. after splatoon 3 had been announced that year it had me very nostalgic for things I was into when I was younger, which started with me ranting about splatoon 1 stages I missed on twitter, which then led to me thinking about sonic underground and trying to find where to watch it bc it wasn’t on Netflix anymore. in doing this, I downloaded Tubi and saw fusion on there and I was like “omg I forgot I was obsessed with that!” I then similarly ranted my fond memories about it on Twitter and i ended up dropping my sonic underground rewatch and watching that instead. That is when the snowball began to form. I looked up the watch order and was telling my friend about it and how I was trying to find something that had all the seasons (bc at the time Tubi had fusion and fury but not masters) and then he sent me a pirating website I could use and I was like HOLY SHIT. And then from there, I watched the whole series, got obsessed with it, starting drawing fanart on my own time and looking up fandom stuff online, and then upon realizing most of the active fandom was on tumblr, dusted off my tumblr account and made my first post, and from there it’s only gotten worse.
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sohaoying · 2 years
ZENO ENJOYERS!!!! i love seeing them in the wild AHAHAH how’d you come across the game? (and what were your favorite parts? and thoughts on the characters? i’d ask which ending made you feel the most emotions but i have a feeling it’s ending f LOL)
woahhh zeno enjoyers in my computer!!
i played it bc i kept seeing fanart until i caved (what can i say, kirvia art never misses) lol. i love being predictable. doctor and murderer get handcuffed together and have to collaborate to escape? it's camp. i'm listening 😔✌️
i love how every character gets a turn at being a liability to the others, i love how it’s about rehabilitation + repression + obsession/unhealthy pedestals, i love how the character backstories are interconnected and interesting to unravel, it’s one of my fav games ever
semi vague spoilers ahead:
some parts i liked:
on the path to ending H i was clapping cheering when [redacted] got to let out the inner weirdgirl and become a threat to everyone else instead of the other way around for a change. boom!! call that equality
actually that’s why i liked ending F, bc it was the only part where they went zeno at the same time. metal af. also the afterlife part got to me. the bittersweetness, and then the despair of the post-credits scene… wah
however i’m a softie too so i liked the true endings a lot!! the reveals were fun and it was v satisfying how everything came together after they all went through so much. and i like that [redacted 2] didn’t get magically 100% fixed™ and is out there trying to do okay anyway. i wish i understood the timeline more though; idk exactly when route H starts (it needs the picnic photo but i think maeno’s room is locked during it? am i forgetting something/mixing up timelines? i wish there were a summary, it’s been a while)
fuyu’s vending machine dialog
that one bathroom stall
maeno: one of my fav characters ever! him associating his own atonement with trying to fix one person was nuts. the lengths he went to to achieve that + the cost it came at + the irony of it all? sign me up. also it’s fun that he can go little a crazy. as a treat
tsugino: no one calls him haru besides that one time natsu did, which is a fun fact i remember for no reason. his journey of denying himself + finding acceptance + figuring out what’s left for him was pretty interesting. i like him a normal amount (real)
fuyu: i just think he’s neat!! i’m glad he beats the one-dimensional allegations in the true endings. i like his dynamic with aki, they’re so funny (and sad. they have the range)
natsu: i wish she were given the chance to be a complex character instead of a plot device + i wish she had a different reason for zeno... if i could change anything about the game it would be that. i like her design though!
i actually had plans to draw these 4 in a set, and finished the tsugino one months ago but dropped it halfway through drawing fuyu :(( i want to finish it someday, but i’ve got a bunch of other things to draw first. ONE DAY THOUGH… maybe… - guy charged with multiple counts of saying “i want to draw that” and then not doing that
oh this got long i am so sorry if you’re normal about zeno LOL. i may not be actively into it but it sleeps rent free in my head as one of my all time faves. thanks for the excuse to talk about it ahaha
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firebuug · 2 years
have not done an oc au ramble in a long time here is my madoka oc au cringe. gotta write my ideas down and share them or they will sit inside my blood stream and rot. it got pretty long so its just buggy ideas for now
i dont know any of the intricacies of madoka magica im just doing shit and like this show. i watched it like a few weeks ago dont come at me
he's the only bitchh ive got rotating in my mind rn. his entire magical girl theme is ocean and sailor. his little magicalgirl outfit is a sailor suit with a big ribbon and a matching ribbon in his hair because he fuckin loves dumbass outfits!!!!!! they r all like freshmen in high school so buggy has braces. his weapon is a big navy blue metal anchor attached by really long chains and he swings it around to hit, but the chains are also barbed so he can wrap people up in them to do damage! i think his wish would be something along the lines of "i wish this person/thing would never do harm on someone again" or smtng like that, so now his weapon's chains are barbed so whenever he wants to do harm on someone he will also harm himself as kind of a. equal justice kinda thing. double edged blade. he wraps bandages around his hands to try and make it hurt less but when it comes 2 protecting a person he will just grit thru it . he is a lot like sayaka in the sense that he feels like its his responsibility to protect everyone and stop witches before they happen, but seeing how no matter how much energy and will he dedicates to fighting for others the world will continue to throw punches it will. um. itll be a lot for just a little guy 😔
also witchsona bc im a slut for the witch designs, im still drawing both his magical girl form and witch form ough... idk what his witch name would be but when he turns into one his labyrinth is like a big cardboard ocean kinda like this:
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n the sky is a bunch of stock images of overly cheery sunny days and vacation magazine cutouts just flashing all over the place fuck it. it looks like a big stageplay and there r always cardboard cutout islands in the horizon that r unreachable
and when you enter the labyrinth you’re on the shore of a beach with a shipwreck. and u see this huge looming shape in the distance. and its like this big bunched up sea siren mermaid thing with tentacle hair obscuring her face tangled up in a tangle of barbed chains and fishnet and its kind of like a cocoon bc the chains extend up up up into the sky and to the sides endlessly. there r pieces of sea debris and barrels and shipwreck parts in the sea floating that u have to jump across to reach the actual witch (the siren) and she is singing so so sadly to u . but the chains surrounding her act like kraken tentacles and try to pierce or at least topple anyone into the water who tries to come near her. if someone falls into the water or one of the chains draws blood the siren will start wailing and her hair tentacles will shoot out from the cage to try and grab them and pull them closer to safety, however unfortunately that usually spells instant doom for them because once she pulls you into her cage you are going to be just as fucked over by the barbed chains as she is😔so basically anyone trying to defeat her has to dodge both the chains And her attempts to save u but the more u dodge her attempts to save u the more distraught she gets which means her song hets more frantic which means the chains go wild. if u cut thru a chain it has the consistency of an octopus tentacle and will bleed strangely enough, but it will hurt the siren and count towards u fuckin Killing This Thing
also her familiars are little seagulls in sailor suits. they swoop at you to try to get you to fall over and drown 😳 in buggys magical girl transformation i think itd be cute if some seagulls fly around him tying the little ribbons together for him lol. foreshadowing! anyways he’d probably become a witch after realizing even when hes trying to help someone and use his wish for good it will always end up hurting someone else and himself even worse than he intended. which results in a witch that hurts everyone it tries to help and cannot control the harm it causes😦 anyways um madoka magica causes me so much emotional destruction
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