#ideas are cheap - implementation is what costs you
fantasyfantasygames · 1 month
Slab, Medical Hospital Games, 2012
Thank you to @chrisg97124 for pointing me toward this game. It's a little-known game, very much off the beaten path, and will either be one of your favorites or annoy the hell out of you.
Slab is a medical/police/political drama RPG. Your characters are specifically medical examiners and their assistants. Your job is determining the cause of death for crime victims (or suspected crime victims), to help solve the crime. That's maybe 25-30% of the game, with the rest being interpersonal drama and B-plots.
This is a game where the resolution mechanics totally pivot the feel of the game. The pitch so far might make the game feel like if someone threw House, ER, Law & Order, Madam Secretary, and General Hospital into a blender. The book treats it that way too. However, the way you resolve your medical investigations makes this game feel more like someone blended Scrubs, Brooklyn 99, and Veep.
It uses the game Operation.
Attempting an exam requires beating a difficulty number from 1 to 3. That's how many times you have to extract a "bone" in a row in order to succeed. You get 5 attempts. Not getting your streak means a failure. Getting 3 or more failures out of 5 means a critical failure, where you learn something incorrect about the case.
There are no rules for the social parts of the game. It's a 40-pager that is mostly player advice, NPC examples, and a sample scenario. There's no art beyond a copyright-violating photo of Operation, and the layout is extremely mediocre.
This game does have the advantage of making Operation slightly more fun, assuming you have people who are into the drama part. There's also a definite tension to reaching in with those tweezers. But look at that board. Look at the light-up nose. There's no way you can run a serious game with that nose staring you in the face. The game really could stand to either lean into its goofiness, or use a different resolution mechanics. Even Pick-Up Sticks would be more dignified. Plus, it would come with a built-in pacing mechanism! There you go. Free ideas.
Slab was self-published in center-stapled, half-page format. Covers are usually green paper, though I've seen an orange one as well that I think was an earlier version.
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justalittlesolarpunk · 3 months
hi! i love your blog :D do you have any advice to implement low waste and solarpunk aspects into everyday life with a tight budget? keep doing what you do!
Thanks for asking - I’ve had this question before and it’s definitely a real problem. Organic, plastic free food is expensive. So is handmade durable clothing, and train fares these days. It can feel like only the rich can be solarpunks, which is pretty counterintuitive given its anticapitalist ideology. But! I’m here to tell you there’s lots you can do to bring solarpunk into your life in a cost-effective way.
To start with, lots of solarpunk spaces are free or cheap. Get a library card and you can borrow as many books and DVDs and other resources as you like. Look up to see if there’s a library of things in your neighbourhood, and join a buy nothing or stuff for free group online. Download TooGoodToGo, which lets you access food from local cafes and restaurants which would otherwise go to waste. See if there’s a repair cafe that operates near you - I managed to get a pair of trousers mended at one of these for free, and I had been thinking I would need to pay a tailor (which is fine if you can afford it! Skilled labour deserves fair wages!). In some places plant-based food is cheaper, so when it is, choose it. But in others it will cost more than animal products so you have to decide on a case by case basis whether saving money or a particular diet is more important to you.
There’s lots else you can do for minimal spending or that actually saves you money. Walking to work or school avoids the expenditure in the petrol for a drive or a bus fare. If you’re within walking distance and able to do so, I’d recommend it. Joining your local chapter of Extinction Rebellion, Friends of The Earth, Greenpeace, The A22 network or any other active climate group in your area is almost always free and just involves a small weekly time commitment. This will introduce you to activists and inform you about protests and public meetings you can attend.
If you have the time in your week and the physical ability, which I acknowledge many people don’t, you can also join some sort of volunteer group looking after a nature reserve or tending a community garden (which might also give you access to free or discounted food). Learning to forage is also a good skill as that really is free food!
Depending on where you are, a green electricity tariff *can* also be less expensive. If this is the case and you have control over your provider, it’s worth switching to it. Buying books and clothes secondhand will also be better for the environment and your bank balance. Teaching yourself about the climate and the natural world with podcasts, YouTube, online free articles and other resources is also free and the knowledge will help you keep solarpunk at the front of your mind. Read good news stories online whenever you can, to remind you that good things are happening already.
If you’re employed, you can also try to influence green policy at your workplace or in your trade union. If you’re at school or university, joining (or setting up!) the environmental society and/or lobbying for change at the SU are both good ideas and shouldn’t necessarily cost you anything. If you can - and I know this is inaccessible for a big swathe of the population - put a very small amount of money aside whenever possible, because the more you save the more you can afford to buy better products, donate to causes, help out the needy in your community, travel in a greener way, and other more expensive choices. It’s all about that dual power.
Hope this helps get you started!
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booksandchainmail · 1 year
Pale 8.1
they’d settled, four to a bed, Avery, Verona, and Snowdrop sleeping while Lucy sat
“I’m doing rounds, checking on every room of students who haven’t woken up already and started breakfast,” he told her.
responsible of him! Already doing better than the previous two (I think they just sent apprentices around)
"I reached out to Alexander this morning and couldn’t find him. I don’t know how concerned you are about him, but you should know that we’re keeping a close eye out and I don’t think you should have any immediate worries.”
right, Ray doesn't know what happened to Alexander... I assume he'll figure out he died eventually, could be awkward if he pieces together who. Though I guess none of the girls actually killed Alexander, even indirectly, that was all John's decision. One of the benefits of asking instead of summoning
She’d thought panic might grip her, or she might say or do something weird, or flinch, her expression giving something away. Her expression didn’t change at all from its default, slightly-pissed-off frown. She inhaled, then exhaled slowly.
Useful, but I'm not thrilled with what it says about Lucy's familiarity with danger and trauma
“So we have that Alexander thing happening, I guess,” Verona said
...oh. Did Lucy not tell them? That... doesn't feel like a good precedent for sharing important information, but I get not wanting to talk about it yet (or being worried they'd give it away). I'm hoping this isn't Lucy wanting to not burden the other two with guilt/trauma, because that would be a hell of a lot to carry herself
She’d tell them after.  It was calculating and awful but them having no idea made selling their non-involvement easier.
ok. Still not happy about it, but I'm glad she's going to tell them and that this is mainly for practical reasons (or at least that is her justification)
It felt like nothing fit.  That everything was at odds.  The sexy music warring with a mental image that was almost fighting to stay in Lucy’s mind’s eye.  The school so tidy when it had so recently been at war.  The playful banter between the others, when students kept giving them sidelong glances.
I am very glad that Lucy is already in therapy
If it weren’t for the music, then Lucy might have snapped at the silence, and that fact surprised her.
side effect of her implement? Making her more sensitive to silence/noises?
I’ll tell you right now, this is between you three, your opossum, and me.
i love this line
“Your reaction tells me I’m not mistaken,” Raymond told them. “There’s a discrepancy in paperwork and funding, with a short note from Alexander saying to contact him if there are any questions.
hmmm. Was the loophole tied to the school as a whole, or specifically Alexander? I went back and looked at 3.2, and it looks like that was something Alexander said specifically about his desmesnes and intentions to become headmaster.
“For the three of you, twenty-one thousand dollars a term.”
... ok. That's a lot of money. But a quick google was showing me that $7,000 per term per student is actually about as cheap as private high schools in Canada get, especially when you consider it's a boarding school. I suppose three terms (counting the summer) instead of two brings the cost up a bit, but honestly still seems like a good deal.
“Wrong answers could be cause for expulsion right here and right now." [...] “But given the severity of an attack of this potential style and scale, I wouldn’t rule out torture either."
wow that escalated fast!
"I’ve looked in, and the man is as good as dead.” “Not what I aimed for,” Verona said. “What did you aim for?” “To ruin his day.” “You have thoroughly done that.  Yesterday, today, and every day for a long time.”
starting to agree with Jessica that Verona is kinda scary
Verona glanced at Avery, then Lucy. Said a lot, that it was in that order. It wasn’t that Lucy was insecure, really. But Avery offered a different sort of backup to what Lucy did and if Verona was looking for that, then Verona wasn’t doing all that hot. It was hard to tell sometimes, but things like this were clues.
1) I love this kind of analysis 2) Lucy is doing my liveblog for me
"I know that what Lawrence would have built here would have overridden the position of the four Judges.”
huh. That ties back into Kennet I guess. Should be a good rationalization to the Kennet Others for why the girls needed to get involved. I wonder... was this someone's goal? To derail Bristow? That seems a bit too much to have planned out. But it's a big coincidence if so.
Mr. Bristow seems to have timed what he did to take advantage of the fact that the four judges are currently three.
... or it could be the other way around. Events in Kennet prompted Bristow's coup. Explains why he pursued it so aggressively: he has to have known that seat couldn't stay empty for long
"I’d love to have an adult we can go to that isn’t, like, Brie or Zed.” “What a thing to think about, imagining that Brie and Zed are adults,” Raymond said, wistful, shaking his head a little. He removed his glasses to rub at his eyes.
I'm with Raymond on this. How old are they anyways? Senior students don't have ages listed and I can't remember if it was mentioned or estimated elsewhere, but we know Nicolette is sixteen and Zed seems to be about the same age
“I believe you,” Raymond said.  “My concerns lie elsewhere.  Students described this Uncle Toad as very canny, and world-wise.  Your patrons seem to be evasive, hiding away from the world.  I don’t know what they’re plotting or doing, and my efforts to find out have been mostly stymied.”
On the one hand, I get why the Kennet Others are evasive, especially to practitioners. On the other, I agree with Raymond that there are wild red flags all over.
“I don’t think it’s that nefarious,” Avery said.  “Except for the murderers but we’re handling that.”
Is it at all possible that, even if you had no such intentions, you were led to come here to cause this kind of mayhem? Could that have been part of a scheme, plot, or plan, on the part of your patrons?”
same question I was asking a bit ago!
“A new headmaster will be installed in one to three weeks,” Raymond told them. “Either Maurice Crowe or Mr. Abraham Musser.
I'm voting for Maurice Crowe, on the basis that Luisa Crowe seemed more ethical than most practitioners in that flashback. Wonder if this is her brother or husband? I think a son would be too young.
“You have a bit of time. Not the whole summer, as you might have hoped, but some time,” Raymond told them.
well. I guess this is the answer for how to keep Verona from getting so wrapped up in the school that she doesn't go home :(
“Mend fences and build bridges."
networking time! Might be worthwhile to try and build on the connections with those they were allied with, but also to reach out to former opponents in a "no hard feelings" sort of way. Maybe start with Estrella, since they dealt with her before?
Also, maybe have Avery take point on this one.
“Yo,” he addressed the room in a deep voice.
vividly reminded of Helio from Dimension 20 Fantasy High
Her skin was the grey of storm clouds, she was bare chested, and her lips and nipples were silver.
wonder how Avery is dealing with this
“It’s easier than it once was.  To hear the older forces talk about it, it used to be lawless out there.  But you know how lawless things were, teacher.”
impressive that Durocher can call on gods for a lesson and casually question them
"If you have less awesome gods, they might give you something you didn’t ask for. Or they might get pissy,”
laid-back bro god is a very funny bit of characterization
Avery reached up, a bit shy, toward Lucy’s face.  Lucy crossed the last inch, pressing lip to fingertip.
... I'm not shipping any combinations within the Kennet Trio, but if I was
Yadira was injured, her wrist wrapped, and she was alone.  Kass was in the middle of the room.  Raquel had left when Musser had.  Nobody had walked over.  Yadira’s stance and expression might have scared off anyone willing.
good on Lucy for walking over. I wonder if this was an intent of the teachers? Have students volunteering to help each other. Though I imagine if Yadira had sat through watching everyone else get healed while she was alone, that would breed resentment
“You have no comprehension, do you?” Yadira asked, looking at Lucy.  She shook her head a bit. “Bristow?  The damage you three did?” Yadira asked.  Her expression changed three times, so fast Lucy could barely follow.  Bewilderment at Lucy’s reaction, then frustration, then anger.  “Get out of my fucking way.”
hmm. I'm starting to wonder if I have comprehension? Was it that their actions were too brutal, or too powerful, or targeted against too familiar a figure? Or I guess, for those who had sided with Bristow, this is a major blow to them and potentially to their families. So trying to push the past conflict aside might seem trivializing
They’d played games before, intimidating a bit, trying to look strong as a just-in-case.  They’d scared off the sorta-friendly types, like Yadira’s group.  Now they looked strong, and they had no friends.
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askcherrypie · 1 year
Gen 5: Course Corrections (and why they won’t happen)
MasterCode here makes a number of great points.
Problem is, Hasbro is having a bigger number of financial problems, which if you noticed elsewhere, resulted in their recent move to monetize the fan side of D&D (which they own through Wizards of the Coast). What that means to MLP is that the current push here is the same there: to make more money.
So they're focusing down on toy sales. Sparky is going to remain a "toyetic" character - cute for cuteness' sake - simply because Hasbro thinks that will sell better to little girls, which remain MLP's target audience. Almost everything else about G5 is following this "toyetic" arc - and the writers for each series openly say they don't actually care about tying any of the lore together. That's a thing ADULTS care about.
Despite G4 immediately resulting in a massive spike of toy sales, the assumption at Hasbro is that these were all (or at least mostly) being bought for little girls. It didn't matter how often they were told that "grown a$$ men" were buying merch, "those are just outliers". So they just don't see any reason to implement any of these ideas - it would just be them spending more money, to NOT get more money, so far as they believe.
So why G4 then, folks may reasonably ask?
Simple: Hasbro thought the IP was functionally dead at the time Lauren came in.
Remember, G3.5 wasn't beloved even in its own time. Plus, doing things in Flash for G4 made the show as cheap or even cheaper than 3.5. Why so cheap? Because G3 had pretty much flopped despite using lots of expensive animation (relatively speaking). Hasbro WANTED to do a new series for toy marketing, but didn't really care what was IN it so long as it didn't cost them a lot of money to DO it. 
Perfect storm. Someone who cared about the IP and had brilliant ideas for rejuvenating it was given the reins - at least until it took off again, at which point the Money Eyes opened up and Hasbro started Hasbroing again. G1 was originally great. G2 was not bad for its era, but everyone agrees it "lost the magic". G3 overcorrected in that department.
What we're seeing is likely a repeat of the cycle - we are effectively back in Gen 2, but with CGI.
EDIT: I should also point out the value to Hasbro of using CGI - it makes a stronger connection for kids between the TV show and the toys. G4 toys were very much “off-model” from the show, but in G5 all the characters LOOK like living toys. They, the things they interact with, and the sets they inhabit, are easy to export and touch up for toy production.
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inventors-fair · 2 years
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Mechanical Winners: Let’s play! ~
Congrats to our champs, @glassbass, @grornt and @misterstingyjack! Let’s see what ya got.
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@glassbass — Astolpan Nurturer / Village counters
This is the mechanic that I want to change the most. I was watching the way that people were talking about this card in the workshop and how to implement it, from a standpoint of action keywords, and type-changing, etc. Even now, I’m not sure if this is precisely how I’d do it—counters, I mean. I’d like to perhaps go with Settle as an action and then have some gameplay marker to show that a land is settled. Maybe at your end step, if you control no creatures, one of your settled lands becomes vacated?
See, that’s the thing! This is a fantastic feeling mechanic. Let’s just look at how it is now, yeah? Village counters and all. If you have this card, and then you have other villages, then you can use the lands as a midrange strategy when your aggression is drying up, or you can get the buffs while holding back your more powerful drops, and your creatures feel like they’re using the land to their advantage. I understand what this mechanic is doing and why it’s doing it. Villages to gain you life, villages to maybe get back creatures, violent villages that incite aggression, cultist villages that drain the inhabitants. It makes land matter in a unique way. Certainly something fun to play around with. The fact that I want to make this happen is what helped me select it.
@grornt — Havoc Hammer / Raise hell
Naturally, winners mean that we have to pick favorites. On that note, it’s hard to select from a host of strong cards; this week (and it feels more than most weeks) I’m having a hard time with runners-up because so many of these cards are strong. Even with winners, they’re usually on equal footing. And then! And then there are cards like this, which I selected in my head as a winner basically from the moment I saw it, because holy crap, this is brilliant and fascinating.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, once this first text resolves, dear opponent, I shall decide whether or not to raise hell.” It’s evocative! It’s mechanically astounding! Discarding, sacrificing, life payment, advantages, yes yes and more yes! Like, I don’t even want to validate it because I don’t feel like I could come up with anything remotely this cool. Creatures that raise hell when they attack, a scrying spell that allows you to raise hell and draw, burn spells that raise hell to copy, a new Rakdos that causes madness and makes your opponents raise hell. I’m floored.
@misterstingyjack — Unravel from Existence / Reclaim
This is one of those places where I love how people are using the way MTG works to combine ideas into neat notions of play. This mechanic might not see an incredible amount of play on the competitive side, but it lets you use resources in a way that matters. Do players want to remove counters? Maybe not, but you can add more counters and have more drawbacks, big cheap spells with blowout effects, big creatures as a trade-off. What can you afford to use? Using, not losing. That’s the name of the game with reclaim. Straightforward and understandable.
I think this is a fantastic example of how to make a good submission, too. This card is simple, with a strong effect that’s getting a color added, and that’s certainly eye-catching. But it has that cost reduction, and so everything that we want to get, we get. It’s not overcomplicated but it’s a card that makes the double-take of “Wait...ooh, how good can/will this be?” come up, quite slyly. And the flavor text tying into the name with an extra bonus of horrific potential imagery is fantastic. Someone in this world, or someTHING, has the power to undo what has been done. Maybe it’s based on Theros, maybe it’s a new reality-bending protagonist. Or antagonist? Remains to be seen, but it WANTS to be seen, and presents itself without being overbearing. In short, this card is supremely elegant.
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Heck yeah. Plenty more to talk about with runners-up and general commentary, so let’s get into it...
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prepperjournal · 2 years
The Ultimate Preppers Guide for Preparing Food Reserves That Last
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The future has become increasingly unstable for many of us in recent times. Therefore, it makes a lot of sense to work on building up an emergency food pantry that will allow you to survive for a very long time using your own food resources and preparing food that will last. There are a number of food storage solutions that are designed to last for many years. You can approach the task of building up a store of emergency foods in a number of different ways. The simplest way would be to accumulate an extra amount of non-perishable foods that you would eat on a regular basis. A more professional approach that is often favored by preppers would be to buy a range of special food that has been specifically designed to last considerably longer than anything you will find on the supermarket shelves. Let’s take a look at both of these methods in greater detail. There are also some pros and cons to consider that you need to be aware of when you are planning how to prepare food reserves that will last you through an emergency scenario. Work on surviving for a minimum of two weeks There are no hard and fast prepping rules when it comes to how much food you store. However, the accepted minimum is to have enough supplies to last you for at least two weeks. You should have a two-week stock of non-perishable food that is easy to prepare. That should be your base point when preparing an emergency supply stock list. It might be that you think you have a fair amount of non-perishable supplies in your cupboard a lot of the time anyway. But the average home tends to have a level of stock that would last them hours rather than weeks. DIY or prepared food kits? It is perfectly understandable that you might prefer to take what you consider the cheaper prepper route and build a DIY supply of essentials rather than pay for an off-the-shelf solution. However, you may not find it as easy and cheap as you think to go down the DIY path. Trying to work out the right balance of dry goods such as rice and beans that are going to see you through a crisis can be difficult to estimate. It becomes particularly challenging when you are also trying to fulfill your daily calorie intake requirement and eat as healthily as possible, given the circumstances. If you buy a readymade survival food kit there are a number of distinct advantages to consider. One of them is the fact that when you buy one of these kits you benefit from having a professional make all the right calculations regarding how to deliver the right calories you need each day. If you buy a typical two-week food survival kit, for instance, you can be sure that two people will enjoy a balanced and nutritional meal that is within the right calorie range. When you look at how convenient, healthy, and tasty a good kit can be, the cost can often be justified considering all the boxes it ticks. Understanding the foundations of successful prepping Once you understand the fundamental point of prepping is to minimize the disruption to your life that can come after a major event it will help you to prepare in the right way. Many inexperienced preppers tend to make the same errors when putting their contingency plans in place. A classic move would be to search out a single checklist that seems to meet your criteria and follow that path without reading in more detail about what prepping is all about. There are a couple of aspects to prepping that should be the cornerstone of plans. Make sure you have sufficient financial resources and you know your health requirements can be met in an emergency situation. Create a checklist of key points to ensure that your home is capable of sustaining you for a period of at least two weeks. Make sure you are in a position to vacate your home and implement emergency measures at a moment's notice. Learn some core prepping skills and make sure you practice what to do. You might also want to connect with some like-minded people who will be able to share their ideas and experiences. This can often make prepping seem far less daunting and give you a good sense of what you need to do without being overwhelmed. Why do official guidelines suggest 72 hours of supplies is enough? If you visit the Ready.Gov website created by the Department of Homeland Security you will see that their definition of being prepared means having enough food, water, and other supplies to last for at least 72 hours. Whilst having enough supplies for 72 hours is considerably better than not being prepared at all this advice is not supported by a number of other respected organizations. The Red Cross, for instance, now suggests that you should have access to three days of supplies in the event of evacuation and two weeks of supplies if you are staying in your home. It is hard to justify doing the bare minimum of having just 72 hours of supplies when you consider that the American military says that it will take them an average of eight days to fully mobilize a response to a major crisis. If you are waiting for help for that length of time it is abundantly clear that following the suggestion of having at least two weeks of supplies would be the better preparation plan. Preparing food that lasts Having established the ground rules for prepping, it's time to take a closer look at what sort of things you should be looking for when compiling your shopping list. There is a basic criterion that is advisable to follow so that your prepper pantry has a good stock of items that meet a variety of different storage and usage requirements. It is a good idea to search out products that offer a long shelf life. You can get free-dried food that lasts up to 30 years but, in general terms, to meet the criteria of a long shelf life a food item needs to be able to last for at least a year. Look for products that are easy to store and offer durability. Items in a can are easy to store and won’t need any special storage requirements. Be mindful that in an emergency you might not have access to cooking utensils or other cooking aids. That’s why it is a good idea to have a stock of foods that can be eaten without any preparation or need minimal preparation such as reheating or rehydrating. You also want foods to be able to meet your nutritional needs. You don’t have to stock your store with everything healthy but try and achieve a reasonable balance. If you are working with limited storage space you should consider stocking food items that are high in calorie density. That way you can get the calories you need without needing a big pantry to achieve that daily aim. There is a storage model that you might see mentioned that is FIFO. This stands for First In First Out. In other words, the idea is all about storing what you use and using what you store, on a rotation and replenishment basis. Take advantage of shelf-stable or non-perishable items You can build up your prepper pantry over a period of time by adding some extra items to your weekly shop. This helps you to budget more easily. You can also take advantage of the FIFO concept by keeping a close eye on your stock expiration dates. In principle, prepping becomes easier when your food lasts as long as possible. That is why you need to focus your attention on so-called shelf-stable and non-perishable items. What is the definition of a food item that is classed as shelf-stable? If a food can be safely stored at an ambient temperature (room temperature) or on a shelf without any need to be refrigerated these are classed as being shelf-stable. Canned goods and foods stored in jars or bottles would meet these criteria. Not all canned goods can be stored in this way and might require refrigeration. The storage instructions will be on the label and you should read these as well as looking for expiration dates so that you can select products that are non-perishable and shelf-stable for the longest possible time. It takes a little bit of extra work to search through cans on a supermarket shelf for the longest expiration date but the effort is worth it, all things considered. It should also be noted that the exact storage life of a product is quite difficult to predict with any degree of accuracy. Use the dates as a guide rather than a definitive use by date. Providing the best food storage environment As well as being diligent when it comes to selecting appropriate prepping products you also need to focus your attention on creating the best possible storage environment. There are a number of key factors that can prove highly detrimental to your efforts to create a usable supply of food that is ready at a moment's notice. You need to minimize the threats that can degrade your items. The principal threats that you need to eliminate or control are heat and light, moisture, poor oxygen levels, and pests. Large Food Organizer - Multiple Can Sizes - Designed for Canned Goods for Cupboard, Pantry and Cabinet Storage - Made in USA - Stores up to 60 Cans - Easy Organization - Our patented FIFO can-rotation is a system you won’t find anywhere else, saving you from expired food and wasted space and money! Designed to store tuna size cans all the way to 30 oz cans. Holds up to 60 cans and 100 pounds. Perfect for your pantry organization needs. - Fully Adjustable - Unlike other FIFO systems, our design allows you to adjust to your can size needs. Perfect for small chili cans, soup cans and large 30 oz tomato cans, you get to decide! - Compact Design - Product dimensions are 11” H X 30” W X 16.5” D (30" at its widest). Easily connect additional Cansolidators to expand horizontally. Units may also be stacked for space optimization. - Easy Installation - With simple instructions and dowels that click together, your new pantry organizer fits on your already existing shelves and are ready to go in a matter of minutes! - Made In USA - Built to last, this product will be a perfect solution to your kitchen organization problem. $74.99 Buy on Amazon The bottom line is that the effectiveness of your ability to reduce these main threats to the longevity and condition of your food storage will often prove critical to how ready you are when the time comes to use your food items. One solution that a number of preppers use to store dry goods efficiently and safely is mylar bags. When paired with oxygen absorbers and using sealed buckets to store your dry goods these bags will often prove to be the best way to keep everything as fresh and safe as possible. Even if you can’t run to this sort of standard it is wise to focus on creating the best storage environment you can. Also, remember that “best before” dates conform to manufacturing guidelines. In reality, there is a good chance these products will last a lot longer, provided the packaging is secure and hasn’t been compromised. A good number of shelf-stable foods can last for years beyond the expiry date printed on canned goods but you need to be vigilant as the can needs to be in perfect condition for those rules to apply safely. Grains should be a priority purchase for your prepper store Grains are almost the perfect prepper food solution. They store easily and as well as being nutritious they are versatile too. The sort of grains that need to be on your list are classic staples such as rice (all types from long grain to Basmati are suitable), rolled oats, dried pasta, dried corn, and instant grits. Beans and legumes should also be high on your list When it comes to getting the protein and fiber you need for your diet you can’t go wrong with a supply of beans and legumes from your store. Again, these are perfect prepper food solutions as beans and legumes store well and they offer a fair degree of versatility so you can choose items you really like. Typical items for your list would be black and pinto beans, kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas, and black-eyed peas. In addition to these staples, you should also look to accumulate some meats and other proteins, in cans. Canned meat is not to everyone's liking, but a country ham out of the tin can last almost indefinitely and will be a welcome addition to your menu when you are actually using your supplies in an emergency situation. If you are savvy with your food selections you should be able to create a store of items that meet all of your daily needs and will be ready to go as and when you need it. Do your research so that you can learn from other like-minded people about what works and what doesn’t when starting your prepping journey. You might also want to consider getting a helping hand with some food storage solutions that have been specifically created to meet all of your dietary needs in an emergency situation. Read the full article
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gossamer-scraps · 2 years
I thought it might be fun to highlight two little out-of-the-way features I've added to the discretize gear optimizer that could in some sense be standalone tools in and of themselves:
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Trading post buy prices in the food/utility/rune/sigil options popups. I think it's really easy to have a vague idea in your head about how one option is super expensive and another is super cheap but not really have an idea how much they actually cost, or have wildly out-of-date data in your head. I, for example, assumed holographic super cheese costed more than a gold; it's actually 3.5 silver now and a great option for power boon builds!
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Agony infusion helper. Figuring out exactly what infusions you'll need to get enough AR is complicated, and it's hard to comprehend how expensive the stronger setups are or how much your fractal prodigy buff is really saving you! This implements my favorite kind of user interface: sliders with continuous real-time feedback, so you can really feel for yourself how much the price of your target setup changes as you adjust and find a balance you're comfortable with... or just make a really expensive setup because it's funny:
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nicholas5401499 · 2 years
Week 10
Course reflections
During the course of Communications 2 I have continued my progression in communicating ideas and designs through visual and three dimensional means. I think I have gained a greater understanding of the different mediums of communication, and when and where to deploy the right one to get your thoughts across. It will be important to progress my understanding and competence in all of them as they are all crucial across the design process.
My background in engineering came through when attempting the technical drawings, and I probably found this the easiest part of the course. I really enjoy the boundaries that angles and measurements give you when putting pen to paper. With this in mind, I found the skills from technical drawing to be really useful when trying to create perspective views and maintain accuracy.
I found transferring perspective views into computer drawing software probably the most fun part of the course. Continually adding detail to my drawings has been a great learning, as this adds more depth, detail and life into your renders. I have found the Procreate software on my iPad a really great tool to do this in, very easily adding layers, gradients and textures to my images which are difficult to get using traditional, paper mediums. Additionally, I found myself entering a flow state seeking greater fidelity in the drawings and time passing by.
The most troublesome part of the course for me was learning the 3dsMax software. This was probably due to a little impatience from me, other time pressures at the time, and software which I thought may not be particularly useful to me at the time. One of my current goals is to remodel my perfume bottle over the term break in Fusion 360 to give me greater confidence in my CAD skills going forward.
I think the greatest learning over the term has been the pursuit of different ideas and approaches to design and development that drive the best outcomes. Reflecting on my own design work and making prior to coming to UNSW, whilst I felt I was learning valuable skills as a craftsman, my work was quite derivative. I wasn’t particularly good at sketching, and didn’t have any model making skills, so didn’t iterate my designs in an interesting or meaningful way before executing them. The idea that I started with was what I ended with. I’m really excited to implement this way of designing and iterating in my own work to push myself to create things that are exciting and interesting aesthetically and functionally.
3D printing
For the exercises this week I was keen to try and 3D print my model and make a realistic reproduction of my bottle with the colour scheme from my final renders. On Friday I prepared and sent my files to be printed, which was estimated to take 5 hours, and would be ready to collect on Monday. It cost $16.50 to get it printed, which wasn’t expensive, but it’s definitely not at cheap as blue foam if you needed to make a few production models.
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I picked up my bottle and cap from the DFL. It’s a lot rougher than I thought it would be and required some sanding. I thought I could sand it on the disc sander and get it done really quickly, but the plastic melted really easily! Not surprising in hindsight but a bit of a learning curve. I hand sanded the rest and got a decent finish. However, I was chatting to a third year who was explaining that I could use bog filler on top and sand that back to easily get a really clean finish.
I primed the plastic and spray painted my bottle. I tried to get a gradient effect to match my render idea and I think I got pretty close!
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The bottle felt good to hold in my hand, and unsurprisingly was the exact proportions of my foam model. Really cool. I’m looking forward to using the 3D print facilities for a small few Knick knacks which could perform a few functions for me, such as a binding feeder for my sewing machine.
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parrottmarshall99 · 4 days
How Will I Benefit From Working With a Personal FITNESS TRAINER?
You hear about personal coaches a whole lot recently. Many celebrities work with them, Fortune 500 companies hire them to improve the work quality of senior managers, mothers hire them for their children to learn how to be organized. They are not cheap to hire; often they ask you for $200-$300 one hour, and corporate coaches charge upward of $1,000 each hour. Are they worth the cost? Well, it depends. If you're not ready, it is just a total waste of money, but if you're ready, you'll get 10 times a lot more than what you paid for. You should consider it before dealing with a coach. A personal fitness coach is really a coach specialized in fitness, areas such as changing an unhealthy life-style into a healthy one, weight control, improving your conditioning, or even running your first marathon. How is a personal fitness coach different than a personal trainer? https://www.millwoodmarketing.co.uk/ teaches you the technical side of working out, such as how exactly to do weight training. An individual fitness coach works together with you so you will have the ability to find a way to achieve your goal yourself. Many personal fitness coaches are a hybrid between a normal personal trainer and an individual coach; they can coach you with a great deal of technical knowledge. So how do you know whether you are ready to work with a personal fitness trainer? Personal coaching is known to be very effective when: * The client is willing to grow and put their mind to it. * Your client knows what she or he really wants, or at least has strong ideas about any of it. * There exists a significant discrepancy between where she is now and exactly where she would prefer to be. When you are clear about these three points, you and your fitness coach can begin designing and implementing a plan of action, solve difficulties, and step to a new stage of life. What are the benefits of working with personal fitness coach? There are several benefits, however the main ones are: 1. You will achieve a lot more, without being consumed by the process. Once you have someone it is possible to trust and may comfortably talk about what you have in mind, you'll achieve much more due to the fact you afford to. 2. You will do something more often and make smarter choices, since you set the goals and processes that you certainly want. People are proactive only when they believe they're doing things their way, and doing what they would like to do. Helping you to define that path may be the very first task of the coach. A fitness coach will work with one to identify what's in your heart in an effort to set up a target that truly resonates with who you happen to be. Once you develop the perfect goal, you're more likely to take natural and consistent actions to realize that target.
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3. You will possess a balanced existence which operates smoothly, simply because you designed it on your own! If you do not have balance in all respects of your life, something will break at the weakest spot. It is crucial to take into account yourself first, not your task, not loved ones, rather than companions. Consider yourself first; not being egotistical, but self-caring. A personal fitness coach will continue to work with you to be able to be self-caring yet dependable. How can you give your very best to others, if your personal needs aren't met? If you are not healthy, how will you give 100% of one's capacity to the the job, or to take care your loved ones? You should be at your best before you can do your best for others. Balance your living initial. 4. You'll increase all areas of your everyday living, simply because they're all interconnected If you are thinking of utilizing a personal fitness coach just to boost your wellness, reconsider. You cannot boost just one section of this existence without it affecting other aspects. For instance, let's assume that you wish to go to a health club regularly to improve your level of fitness. If your have employment and loved ones demand a big chunk of time, you might discover it hard to allocate sufficient time and energy to go to a health and fitness center. So you might have to enhance your time management skills initial. Of course in the event you boost your well being, it will enhance your efficiency at your job, and also the quality of your house life, too. 5. You will make much better decisions for yourself, as your focus is crystal clear People dealing with personal coaches are intelligent; yet, they still use a fitness coach. Why? Because of the fact that they know the worthiness of sharing ideas and talking aloud having an person that understands them without bias, but is honest enough to provide their opinions without reservation. You can't do this with most of your friends, or even with your family members. They're willing to give their opinions without actually listening everything you are saying. Just discussing your alternatives with a person who can listen is normally sufficient to have it all become really clear. This is the fitness coach you truly want to use. And if you get all of this, naturally you will have far more energy, love your daily life, and live every minute fully. Just what a benefit! No wonder successful people want to work with a personal fitness coach, and you ought to, too.
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What Experts Say: Is the China-to-Amazon Pipeline Still Profitable?
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What Experts Say: Is the China-to-Amazon Pipeline Still Profitable? The idea of sourcing cheap products from China and selling them on Amazon for a healthy profit has long been a tempting proposition. However, the landscape of e-commerce and global trade is constantly evolving. Let's delve into the current state of the China-to-Amazon model and explore its potential profitability: The Shifting Landscape: - Increased Competition: The dream of easy profits has attracted many sellers to the Amazon marketplace. This saturation has intensified competition, making it harder to stand out and secure consistent sales. - Rising Costs: Manufacturing costs in China have been steadily increasing due to factors like rising wages and stricter environmental regulations. Additionally, shipping costs have also seen significant increases in recent years. - Amazon's Changing Algorithm: Amazon's search algorithms prioritize factors beyond just price. Positive customer reviews, high product quality, and fast fulfillment times all play a crucial role in achieving good product ranking and visibility. Can it Still Be Profitable? While the China-to-Amazon model faces challenges, it's not entirely out of the picture. Here's what you need to consider for potential success: - Focus on Niche Products: Instead of generic items saturated in the market, identify unique products with a clear target audience and less competition. - Prioritize Quality: Cheaply made products often lead to negative reviews and customer dissatisfaction. Focus on sourcing high-quality products that will stand out and build trust. - Build a Strong Brand: Don't just be another seller. Develop a strong brand identity that resonates with your target audience and fosters customer loyalty. - Effective Marketing Strategies: Organic ranking on Amazon might not be enough. Explore paid advertising strategies and social media marketing to drive traffic to your listings. - Efficient Fulfillment: Fast and reliable fulfillment is crucial for customer satisfaction. Consider Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) or explore efficient third-party fulfillment options. Alternatives to Consider: - Private Label Products: Partner with a manufacturer to create your own branded product, offering greater control over quality and differentiation from competitors. - Wholesale from Within the US: Explore sourcing products from wholesalers within the United States. This can help reduce reliance on overseas shipping and potentially lead to faster fulfillment times. The Bottom Line: The China-to-Amazon model requires a more strategic approach than ever before. Success hinges on finding unique products, prioritizing quality, building a brand, and implementing effective marketing and fulfillment strategies. Consider alternative sourcing options and weigh the risks and rewards before diving in. Remember, building a sustainable and profitable business on Amazon requires dedication, hard work, and a willingness to adapt to the ever-evolving marketplace. Read the full article
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jcmarchi · 22 days
Extracting hydrogen from rocks
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/extracting-hydrogen-from-rocks/
Extracting hydrogen from rocks
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It’s commonly thought that the most abundant element in the universe, hydrogen, exists mainly alongside other elements — with oxygen in water, for example, and with carbon in methane. But naturally occurring underground pockets of pure hydrogen are punching holes in that notion — and generating attention as a potentially unlimited source of carbon-free power.   One interested party is the U.S. Department of Energy, which last month awarded $20 million in research grants to 18 teams from laboratories, universities, and private companies to develop technologies that can lead to cheap, clean fuel from the subsurface.   Geologic hydrogen, as it’s known, is produced when water reacts with iron-rich rocks, causing the iron to oxidize. One of the grant recipients, MIT Assistant Professor Iwnetim Abate’s research group, will use its $1.3 million grant to determine the ideal conditions for producing hydrogen underground — considering factors such as catalysts to initiate the chemical reaction, temperature, pressure, and pH levels. The goal is to improve efficiency for large-scale production, meeting global energy needs at a competitive cost.   The U.S. Geological Survey estimates there are potentially billions of tons of geologic hydrogen buried in the Earth’s crust. Accumulations have been discovered worldwide, and a slew of startups are searching for extractable deposits. Abate is looking to jump-start the natural hydrogen production process, implementing “proactive” approaches that involve stimulating production and harvesting the gas.                                                                                                                           “We aim to optimize the reaction parameters to make the reaction faster and produce hydrogen in an economically feasible manner,” says Abate, the Chipman Development Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE). Abate’s research centers on designing materials and technologies for the renewable energy transition, including next-generation batteries and novel chemical methods for energy storage. 
Sparking innovation
Interest in geologic hydrogen is growing at a time when governments worldwide are seeking carbon-free energy alternatives to oil and gas. In December, French President Emmanuel Macron said his government would provide funding to explore natural hydrogen. And in February, government and private sector witnesses briefed U.S. lawmakers on opportunities to extract hydrogen from the ground.   Today commercial hydrogen is manufactured at $2 a kilogram, mostly for fertilizer and chemical and steel production, but most methods involve burning fossil fuels, which release Earth-heating carbon. “Green hydrogen,” produced with renewable energy, is promising, but at $7 per kilogram, it’s expensive.   “If you get hydrogen at a dollar a kilo, it’s competitive with natural gas on an energy-price basis,” says Douglas Wicks, a program director at Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E), the Department of Energy organization leading the geologic hydrogen grant program.   Recipients of the ARPA-E grants include Colorado School of Mines, Texas Tech University, and Los Alamos National Laboratory, plus private companies including Koloma, a hydrogen production startup that has received funding from Amazon and Bill Gates. The projects themselves are diverse, ranging from applying industrial oil and gas methods for hydrogen production and extraction to developing models to understand hydrogen formation in rocks. The purpose: to address questions in what Wicks calls a “total white space.”   “In geologic hydrogen, we don’t know how we can accelerate the production of it, because it’s a chemical reaction, nor do we really understand how to engineer the subsurface so that we can safely extract it,” Wicks says. “We’re trying to bring in the best skills of each of the different groups to work on this under the idea that the ensemble should be able to give us good answers in a fairly rapid timeframe.”   Geochemist Viacheslav Zgonnik, one of the foremost experts in the natural hydrogen field, agrees that the list of unknowns is long, as is the road to the first commercial projects. But he says efforts to stimulate hydrogen production — to harness the natural reaction between water and rock — present “tremendous potential.”   “The idea is to find ways we can accelerate that reaction and control it so we can produce hydrogen on demand in specific places,” says Zgonnik, CEO and founder of Natural Hydrogen Energy, a Denver-based startup that has mineral leases for exploratory drilling in the United States. “If we can achieve that goal, it means that we can potentially replace fossil fuels with stimulated hydrogen.”
“A full-circle moment”
For Abate, the connection to the project is personal. As a child in his hometown in Ethiopia, power outages were a usual occurrence — the lights would be out three, maybe four days a week. Flickering candles or pollutant-emitting kerosene lamps were often the only source of light for doing homework at night.   “And for the household, we had to use wood and charcoal for chores such as cooking,” says Abate. “That was my story all the way until the end of high school and before I came to the U.S. for college.”   In 1987, well-diggers drilling for water in Mali in Western Africa uncovered a natural hydrogen deposit, causing an explosion. Decades later, Malian entrepreneur Aliou Diallo and his Canadian oil and gas company tapped the well and used an engine to burn hydrogen and power electricity in the nearby village.   Ditching oil and gas, Diallo launched Hydroma, the world’s first hydrogen exploration enterprise. The company is drilling wells near the original site that have yielded high concentrations of the gas.   “So, what used to be known as an energy-poor continent now is generating hope for the future of the world,” Abate says. “Learning about that was a full-circle moment for me. Of course, the problem is global; the solution is global. But then the connection with my personal journey, plus the solution coming from my home continent, makes me personally connected to the problem and to the solution.”
Experiments that scale
Abate and researchers in his lab are formulating a recipe for a fluid that will induce the chemical reaction that triggers hydrogen production in rocks. The main ingredient is water, and the team is testing “simple” materials for catalysts that will speed up the reaction and in turn increase the amount of hydrogen produced, says postdoc Yifan Gao.   “Some catalysts are very costly and hard to produce, requiring complex production or preparation,” Gao says. “A catalyst that’s inexpensive and abundant will allow us to enhance the production rate — that way, we produce it at an economically feasible rate, but also with an economically feasible yield.”   The iron-rich rocks in which the chemical reaction happens can be found across the United States and the world. To optimize the reaction across a diversity of geological compositions and environments, Abate and Gao are developing what they call a high-throughput system, consisting of artificial intelligence software and robotics, to test different catalyst mixtures and simulate what would happen when applied to rocks from various regions, with different external conditions like temperature and pressure.   “And from that we measure how much hydrogen we are producing for each possible combination,” Abate says. “Then the AI will learn from the experiments and suggest to us, ‘Based on what I’ve learned and based on the literature, I suggest you test this composition of catalyst material for this rock.’”   The team is writing a paper on its project and aims to publish its findings in the coming months.   The next milestones for the project, after developing the catalyst recipe, is designing a reactor that will serve two purposes. First, fitted with technologies such as Raman spectroscopy, it will allow researchers to identify and optimize the chemical conditions that lead to improved rates and yield of hydrogen production. The lab-scale device will also inform the design of a real-world reactor that can accelerate hydrogen production in the field.   “That would be a plant-scale reactor that would be implanted into the subsurface,” Abate says.   The cross-disciplinary project is also tapping the expertise of Yang Shao-Horn, of MIT’s Department of Mechanical Engineering and DMSE, for computational analysis of the catalyst, and Esteban Gazel, a Cornell University scientist who will lend his expertise in geology and geochemistry. He’ll focus on understanding the iron-rich ultramafic rock formations across the United States and the globe and how they react with water.   For Wicks at ARPA-E, the questions Abate and the other grant recipients are asking are just the first, critical steps in uncharted energy territory.   “If we can understand how to stimulate these rocks into generating hydrogen, safely getting it up, it really unleashes the potential energy source,” he says. Then the emerging industry will look to oil and gas for the drilling, piping, and gas extraction know-how. “As I like to say, this is enabling technology that we hope to, in a very short term, enable us to say, ‘Is there really something there?’”
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flyopedia · 3 months
Empowering Medical Tourism in India through Healthcare — IT Collaboration
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AdminJanuary 13, 2024cheap flights to Mumbai from USA, last minute flight deals to India from USA,medical tourism 
Due to many factors, including high medical costs, lengthy wait periods, and the accessibility of innovative operations, the idea of medical tourism has expanded to new levels in recent years. Since people used to travel in search of Healthcare, medical tourism has been around for a very long time. Medical tourism is now much more available to everyone who wants it. Many people choose medical tourism because of the benefits that the providers are presenting. Moreover, Flyopedia provides last-minute flight deals to India from USA for medical travelers.
Emerging Medical Tourism in India
The AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy) medical system, which aims to improve healthcare holistically, has seen an increase in adoption since COVID-19. India is a major source of Ayurvedic medicinal products. The medical tourism sector in India has grown due to many factors, including highly competent doctors, new infrastructure, affordable treatment, and a range of choices of medical services. Now, transplantation, plastic surgery, sterilization, and heart surgery are some of the treatments that patients from around the world choose to undergo in India.
Function of IT in Healthcare Service
Collaboration with IT becomes essential as India’s healthcare sector grows to accommodate an increasing number of patients from abroad. Digital Health Records, analytics for data, telemedicine, and patient management are just a few of the areas where healthcare-IT solutions may simplify the delivery of healthcare.
Effective Patient Assistance:
Patient administration, including arranging appointments, keeping track of medical histories, and managing prescriptions, may be done seamlessly with the implementation of healthcare information systems. This guarantees that healthcare organizations can effectively manage the influx of foreign patients while also improving the patient experience.
Digital Health Records:
A crucial aspect of offering thorough patient information is the use of digital health records. This is especially true of medical tourism, as patients may have already been treated in another country. Better judgments and continuation of care are made possible by this integrated system, which guarantees that medical professionals have a source of fresh, accurate data.
Service of Telemedicine:
With advances in science and technology in recent years, telehealth has become one of the most powerful medical tools available. Foreign patients can consult virtually with Indian medical specialists using telemedicine, which eliminates the need for lengthy travel for follow-up consultations or routine check-ups. This improves patient convenience while also enabling worldwide outreach for medical professionals. Furthermore, if you are looking to book cheap flights from Toronto to Chennai India, you can browse our website Flyopedia.ca to grab the best flight deals.
Using Data Analytics to Boost Healthcare Administration:
It can give information about patient trends, treatment results, and resource use. Medical facilities may boost the general standard of medical care, pinpoint areas for development, and optimize their operations by utilizing data analytics.
What are the challenges and opportunities?
There are many benefits to healthcare IT collaboration, but there are also challenges, such as data security, connectivity issues, and a lack of skilled IT talent. Government organizations, IT companies, and healthcare organizations can work together to develop solutions that meet global standards and ensure a secure and efficient healthcare IT environment.
Medical tourism will keep expanding as more people have access to cutting-edge therapies, renowned doctors, and cutting-edge technologies as the world grows more interconnected with the help of Flyopedia because we provide cheap flights to Mumbai from USA.
Emerging medical technology and patient-centered care delivery approaches have resulted in a new era of better health services, which has great potential for medical tourists. The best hospitals are setting the standard for a cutting-edge medical experience for patients all around the world by being at the forefront of these advancements and shaping the future of medical tourism.
Also Read: Indian Cities and Professions they are Famous For
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fragrance2go · 4 months
Discovering the Best Cheap Perfume Online: Tips and Tricks
Designer perfumes are known for being very expensive, often costing over $100 for a small 1-2oz bottle. Discounted online fragrance retailers now make it possible for average shoppers to access coveted scents from brands like Chanel, Marc Jacobs, and YSL.
This guide helps you find real eau de toilette deals and avoid scams or questionable gray market products. You can save up to 80% on perfume by following these tips. To find affordable designer cheap perfume online, you can use these tricks: track price histories to buy at the lowest points and review packaging to guarantee authenticity.
Research and Know Your Preferences
Before one dives headlong into the sea of perfume shopping, one needs to first have a clear idea of the scents that tickle one’s fancy. Do you favor floral like Calvin Klein Obsessed Woman or more masculine like Diesel men’s perfume? This also enables you to know your scent profile which helps you eliminate other options and makes your search more efficient.
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Identify your preferred scent profile (floral, woody, musky, etc.)
Research notes and ingredients that you enjoy
Use this knowledge to filter your online search
Leverage Online Reviews and Ratings
When buying perfume over the internet, online reviews and ratings are priceless. They give information on the permanence, distance, and general pleasure that other buyers get with regard to a particular fragrance. You may also check customer reviews posted on websites like Fragrance2Go to help you choose what’s best for you.
Read customer reviews for insights on performance and satisfaction
Pay attention to comments on longevity and sillage
Use reviews to gauge overall popularity and satisfaction
Look for Authenticity and Avoid Counterfeits
At times, a counterfeit may overrun the market for perfume online. Make sure you buy fragrances from genuine websites like fragrance2Go. Look for indications of authenticity such as brand certification, guaranteed secure payment, and transparent return policy.
Shop from reputable and certified websites
Look for authenticity indicators
Check for secure payment options and clear return policies
Take Advantage of Sales and Discounts
Taking advantage of sales and discounts are one of the easiest ways to get cheap perfume online. Register for newsletters from the perfume stores of your preference to have first-hand information on upcoming discounts, exclusive deals, and other promotions. Such campaigns have been widely implemented on websites with a lot of frequency during the sales seasons, clearance, promotions, etc.
Sign up for newsletters for early access to sales
Look out for seasonal sales, clearance events, and special promotions
Compare prices across different websites for the best deals
Explore Sample and Travel Sizes
For those who still find it difficult to buy a full-sized bottle, the sample sizes or travel sizes would be a good alternative. It is a good practice to trial the fragrance before purchasing a larger bottle. Several online retailers sell sample packs and travel-sized versions of popular scents at a lower cost.
Purchase sample or travel sizes to test fragrances
Explore sample packs for variety and value
A cost-effective way to explore new scents
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Consider Perfume Sets for Additional Value
Perfume sets for women and men give great value for money. Such sets may include full-size perfume with travel size or complementary products, including body lotions and aftershaves. Therefore, they are able to purchase quality fragrance from the perfume sets, which are economical and come with additional goodies.
Look for perfume sets that offer additional products
Sets often provide better value for money
Ideal for gifting or personal use
Savvy shoppers can easily find and buy top-brand perfumes online by using key tactics. These tactics include checking for authenticity, buying when prices are low, and using discounts. Check Fragrance2Go’s unbeatable designer cheap perfume online. You can smell fantastic without spending too much money.
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langhoffdelaney50 · 4 months
You hear about personal coaches a whole lot recently. Many famous people use them, Fortune 500 companies hire them to improve the task quality of senior managers, mothers hire them because of their children to learn how exactly to be organized. They are not cheap to employ; often they ask you for $200-$300 an hour, and corporate coaches charge upward of $1,000 each hour. Are they worth the cost? Well, it depends. If you are not ready, it is a total waste of money, but if you're ready, you'll get 10 times more than what you covered. You should think about it before dealing with a coach. A personal fitness coach is a coach specialized in fitness, areas such as changing an unhealthy life-style right into a healthy one, weight control, improving your conditioning, and even running your first marathon. How is a personal fitness coach unique of a personal trainer? A personal trainer teaches you the technical side of the training, such as how to do weight training. An individual fitness coach works with you so that you will be able to find a way to accomplish your goal yourself. Many personal fitness coaches are a hybrid between a traditional personal trainer and an individual coach; they can coach you with a large amount of technical knowledge. So how do you know whether you are ready to work with a personal fitness coach? Personal coaching is known to be very effective when: * The client is ready to grow and put their mind to it. * The client knows what she or he really wants, or at the very least has strong ideas about any of it. * There exists a significant discrepancy between where she actually is now and wherever she would like to be. If you are clear about these three points, you and your fitness coach can begin designing and implementing an idea of action, solve difficulties, and step to a new stage of life. What are the benefits of working with personal fitness coach? There are several benefits, however the main ones are: 1. You will achieve far more, without having to be consumed by the process. If you have someone it is possible to trust and will comfortably talk about everything you have in mind, you'll achieve much more due to the fact you afford to. 2. You will do something more often and make smarter choices, since you set the goals and processes that you certainly want. People are proactive only once they believe they're doing things their way, and doing what they would like to do. Helping you to define that path is the very first task of this coach. A fitness coach will continue to work with you to identify what's in your heart in an effort to set up an objective that truly resonates with who you happen to be. Once you develop the perfect goal, you're much more likely to take natural and consistent actions to attain that target. 3. You will possess a balanced existence which operates smoothly, due to the fact you designed it on your own! If you don't have balance in all aspects you will ever have, something will break at the weakest spot. It is very important to consider yourself first, not your task, not loved ones, and not companions. Consider yourself first; not being egotistical, but self-caring. Jonathan Bailor will continue to work with you so that you can be self-caring yet dependable. How will you give your very best to others, if your personal needs aren't met? If you are not healthy, how will you give 100% of your capacity to the the job, or to be mindful your loved ones? You should be at your best before you can do your best for others. Balance your living initial. 4. Visit website will increase all aspects of your everyday living, due to the fact they're all interconnected For anyone who is thinking of utilizing a personal fitness coach just to boost your wellness, reconsider. You cannot boost just one single section of this existence without it affecting other aspects. For example, let's assume that you intend to go to a health club regularly to improve your level of fitness. If your have employment and loved ones demand a big chunk of time, you might discover it hard to allocate sufficient time to go to a health club. So you might need to improve your time management skills very first. Of course just in case you boost your well being, it will improve your efficiency at your task, and also the quality of your house life, too.
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5. You will make far better decisions for yourself, since your focus is superior People dealing with personal coaches are intelligent; yet, they still work with a fitness coach. Why? Because of the fact that they know the worthiness of sharing ideas and talking aloud with an individual who understands them without bias, but is honest enough to give their opinions without reservation. You can't do that with most of your friends, or even with your family members. They're willing to give their opinions without actually listening what you are saying. Just talking about your alternatives with somebody who can listen is usually sufficient to have it all become really clear. This is the fitness coach you truly want to work with. And if you get all this, naturally you should have a lot more energy, love your life, and live every minute fully. What a benefit! No wonder successful people love to utilize a personal fitness coach, and you should, too.
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nftech-tales · 7 months
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