#idc and i think you're wrong bc every person is different
bunnihearted · 1 month
i thinkk that a huge part of why im so deeply unhappy is bc im a girl who is supposed to and needs to have a girl bestie - my other half. ever since i was a kid i've always had a girl friend who was my other half and who i talked to and hung out with every single day. now when i dont have that, and when it's also been 6 years since my last friendship like that, i feel profoundly lost and alone. i need another woman close to me who i love and can anchor myself in. who is my compass, my stars, my solid ground. lacking the love, support, comfort, loyalty and security of a strong and forceful love and friendship with another woman, i feel incomplete and lonely and unhappy. like something fundamentally important to the essence of my being is missing. and it completely messes with me on every level of my life.
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bugsbenefit · 9 months
It’s because some of us can’t stand fanon mike he’s not will or el at the end of the day it’s not our fault the duffers already messed up his character arc long ago. some of us aren’t really interested in mike like that and to be frank I hate how much trauma people are putting on him as if he isn’t a privileged middle class *maybe cis maybe not* kid with insecurities cause he can’t play hero anymore like he used to. Fanon mike is retaliation to whatever we got the last two season from the character and I get it, but why are we keep acting like he’s important to vecna or the plot like that he’s just els boyfriend and wills crush at this point.
You don’t agree with this most likely but idc I’m just here to let this out for those who sympathize with mike. He’s genuinely not a interesting character and if Will wasn’t in love with him I wouldn’t look his way.
Hello? Will solo stan that doesn't get the show in My asks? more likely than you think
i'm sorry but you clearly sent this knowing i wouldn't agree with you and you don't sound like you want a conversation so... why did you send this? was it just to tell me there's people that don't care about Mike? because shockingly, i know that already, the influx in open Mike hate was why everyone doubled down on his character being important and purposeful last week in the first place
i'm genuinely confused on how you're watching the show, though. i mean, at least you're admitting you're only in it for Will so i guess you're aware of your bias and shortcomings?
also lmao sorry but *maybe cis maybe not*?? are you trying to say being queer in the midwest 80s in a small town with a conservative environment wasn't that bad or damaging or worth elaborating on because he's "probably cis" and the family is middle class? hello? newsflash just in, the queers need to stop complaining about how scared they are of coming out and potential consequences of it, if you're cis you're basically getting cishet privileges anyway. i'm really not sure what you meant to say here, you okay? also, aren't All the characters cis??
the vendetta you have against "fanon Mike" is fascinating tbh. what exactly is "fanon Mike" to you, bc the ask suggests it's just Mike with any motivations and 3dimensional writing orrrr? also thank you for telling me that Mike El and Will are separate characters! i almost forgot! i really needed the reminder that these extremely different characters aren't actually the same person or re-skins. thanks for your service, you really showed the evil Mike-sympathizers today o7
but you know what, sure, i'll indulge this a bit, i like talking about the show after all, you don't have to read this ofc, i feel like we're both aware we won't find common ground here
saying that Mike isn't important to the plot is batshit crazy sorry not sorry. not even talking about s5, it's just plain wrong in general and i'm assuming you haven't seen the show in ages
even right from the beginning Mike is established as the first MC and then proceeds to be the main pov for the entirety of s1. in universe Mike is the parties dm unofficial leader and according to Will "heart of the party", out of universe Mike is the only character that has established relationships and evolving conflicts with every single party member and even most adults like Hopper and Joyce. i don't know how you're watching the show to take away that Mike is unimportant and a support character
ST is an ensemble show and Mike is one of the characters, alongside El, Joyce and Will that consistently fills an MC role. (while also being one of the only ones to outright get referred to as one of the mains by actors and writers) where you got the idea from that Mike is a useless character people are stupid to care about is beyond me
if you're genuinely going into s5 hoping for Mike to be as unimportant and off-your-screen as possible i feel like you're setting yourself up for the disappointment of the century. i feel stupid just listing the reasons for why Mike is clearly going to be an important player in s5 because of how obvious they are but oh well
Mike is the first protagonist ever introduced and the final season that wants to go "full circle" Has to finish his arc satisfyingly for it to work
Mike is Will's love interest, a character that's already confirmed to be more of a main on screen again, so focusing on both parties of the ship is necessary to get them together
also Mike is still in a relationship? if he's supposed to go from dating El to suddenly dating a guy that's also his childhood bff you need to elaborate on his feelings. otherwise Will's romance is also going to fall flat and i'm sure you don't want that anon
Mike is part of the people that only came back to town after everything in s4 went down already and part of the group that seems to be the main focus in s5 (see the hill shot)
also just regarding the hill shot, Mike is center stage here (and also between his two "love interests"), totally accidental i'm sure
also the only character Will told about Vecna being alive in s4 and already swore to kill him with Will, also totally not a s5 set up don't worry
and before i go on here, aside from the writers themselves mentioning Mike as a main in multiple interviews David talked about the s5 mains a few days ago and Obviously Mike is up there along with El, Will and Joyce, exactly the people you'd expect
i don't understand how people are trying so hard to claim that there's nothing interesting about Mike to get into, as if even just s4 itself doesn't go out of it's way to set up an excess of potential conflict for s5
obvious relationship drama with El left hanging after an "i love you" monologue which we didn't see a response to yet
feelings for his best friend while he's still dating his gf
the unresolved painting lie
also the sexuality issue that comes with being queer/gay, that's been going back to s1. also made more severe by the show going out of it's way to repeatedly hammer home that the Wheelers are conservative and don't have close relationships with their kids
"you're the heart", speech about leading the party and bringing everyone together. he can't just face into the bg after Will gave him that talk, there needs to be payoff
the whole hellfire thing that's set up with the members names and faces being broadcast as "satanists" and the potential reason for everything that's been going on ON TV, sure that won't have any consequences am i right?
the Vecna plot itself, s4 makes it a point to have Will tell Mike and only Mike about Vecna being alive and the two of them agree to kill him right before the season ends
and that's just the obvious set ups s4 leaves us with, not even touching on the fact that Mike's pov has been withheld for essentially 2 seasons. which is something you can do and ignore, but only if the characters don't have anything going on during that time. Mike meanwhile changes drastically in these two seasons and we never get to learn what actually happened, why he's suddenly so set on growing up and getting gfs in s3, why he's suddenly such an uninterested bf in s4, why he suddenly feels weird about kissing El in the s3 finale after already having made out with her. there's a lot happening and we only see the fall out of it, we don't get Mike's pov. you call it "bad writing" but that's a picture book writing 101 set up, if you don't see that i don't know what to tell you
but i feel like you said everything already, i'm just rambling because i like talking. we probably won't find any common ground here. you only tolerate Mike because you like Will and that's that. not everyone has to care about every aspect of a show, however, i don't get why you're going to other blogs to tell them about your personal preference and about how you don't like one of the MCs. this is an ensemble show, it's not the El-show, and it's not the Will-show either, both of these takes are equally wrong
i don't know what the ideal s5 would look like to you, but if it turned out Will was the only important thing and the only character we focused on it would be absolute ass and horrible writing
Lucas just lost Max and left him with a shit ton of trauma, also Erica's gone through so much too. Max is still lost in a coma. El is distraught over not being able to save Max and now not find her anymore. Dustin just lost Eddie right in front of him too. there's a military presence in Hawkins now, the hellfire club fallout still hasn't happened, and so on and on. (also things like the "Nancy love triangle" still need time to be resolved too)
there's a lot s5 has to focus on to be a good wrap up for all these arcs. and yes, handling Mike's arc well is also part of that, shockingly
also ending this with a: you know people are allowed to like and care about character even if you don't give a shit about that character, right? claiming a central character with a ton of conflict set up isn't interesting is well withing your right and i won't change your mind on that, i'm aware, but going after people for actually caring about the conflicts the show is setting up isn't the move either. not everyone is obligated to share your views, especially when they're this far out there. and i feel like you knew that going in here
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devilscastle69 · 14 days
hey, thank you so much for engaging with sickromancer’s totally weird responses to the “drama”/“discourse” about… uh… vulnerable chronically ill people daring to discuss traumatic experiences during a pandemic! I really liked their writing, but a while back they posted this, so… not shocking that they don’t actually know the difference between Hot Fantasy Contagion and Hot IRL Indifference
listen im not into cancel culture or whatever. i think i'd like to clarify my thoughts one more time tho.
if i disagree with something strongly enough ill say it. i think taking care to keep others and yourself safe is important and ik how serious it is now. covid can disable healthy people and with each reinfection that risk increases. thats not me fear mongering, thats ive read this and have had it 3 times and each time has been worse. it's a real gamble bc you dont know how your body will react to it. theres one client i have who is immunocompromised and every time i enter the home i wear a mask and they wear a mask and there are air filters on and genuinely it's the only place ive felt consistently safe in the past year outside of my own home.
we're all shaped by our own experiences and i sympathize w her situation like my family friends grew up with a parent with extreme untreated ocd and theyd be hours late to everything if like the toilet paper touched the wall wrong and theyd have their own special gym equipment and all of the kids turned out different. one of them became like an anti vax incel alt right guy. i had issues w my parents growing up that im working thru and like i def am more prone to anger than the average person. taking your trauma out on other ppl isn’t okay either though
if youre sharing food or drink w friends, both of u have consented and great. partner to partner = consent. not being worried about germs is a privilege though and not being able to understand that is whats like confusing to me esp after 2020. it's not that disabled people have an irrational fear of germs it's like...survival, genuinely. and even if people do have a legit phobia why are we shaming them
also to clarify, i am not disabled unless u count asthma/probable copd (but literally i can do all my tasks so i do not) and have had so much carelessness at work including a horrible absence policy and have loved ones who are disabled. live your best lives, i think if you're sick you should try not to get random people sick on purpose and thats really my main piece idc about consensual situations or any type of fantasy.
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rontra · 1 year
Pls tell us more about ur summer/salem rare pair cuz I'm so interested
ok ok stupid ass post incoming its also at least a couple thousand words long so be warned
like i CAN yes, but it'll be rambling and inconveniently longwinded!
this is because my thoughts on this and the context for the pictures i drew actually hinges on a bunch of rwby analysis that has to be established First for any of my conclusions to make sense. i actually thought about making a comic about them to lay this stuff out in a more convenient format…maybe i will do it, but until then, umm. i'm sorry about this level 9000 nerd wizard post. it's the autism and passion for women kissing (the 2 reasons behind everything i do)
as an aside before i lose my lucidity, i'm not claiming the stuff i'm about to set up is 100% absolutely indisputably true and if you disagree you're wrong. it's just sort of my interpretation of a bunch of different stuff. it's fine if you disagree or have your own reading! but for the purposes of this specific content we're discussing, in the context of the women kissing AU if you will, these are presupposed "truths" . idc if you think i'm wrong as hell in real life! but in the world of the pictures i drew/my feelings on this ship, this is the list of Things That Must Be True.
(the salem/summer torment nexus is built on a bunch of overthinking rwby and then a little bit of lesbian high romance, so we do reach a point where we finally veer off from "analyzing rwby" and into "and that is why women kissing women", but that is, all i can do . because just putting down the "here's why they should kiss" conclusion makes me sound insane. so before we go into why they should kiss in the way i've depicted, here are some points that must first be true)
Summer is alive and well, and
Summer is Salem's unseen lieutenant at Beacon, and is working for her by her own free will, because
Salem is right (caveats about being evil rn notwithstanding) and
Remnant treats them in similar ways, for opposite purposes (thus in the women kissing women world, they are not only women who should kiss, but foils who should kiss: a far more powerful gameplay unit that inflicts a Brainrot DoT on its target (me))
i'm not going to be completely thorough here: i'm omitting anything that doesn't feel immediately important to understanding me, so if it feels like i skipped something, i definitely did. please bear with me bc this post's existence is already hilarious. the omissions probably aren't me missing things (depending on what it is) i'm just genuinely trying not to get derailed by factoring in every nuance and perspective (which rwby has, A Lot, of,). do not tweet at me
1 and 2 are almost self-explanatory, so they're quick: scenes about summer are nigh-universally conspicuous in how they talk about her, and there are too many questions raised about her/her fate that only she (and salem) could answer. her just being dead is too straightforward for all this effort, so something else is surely going on. in v8, the "Hound Summer" idea is raised, but i don't think they would let a character onscreen spill the beans ahead of time if it was actually the truth. (additionally, salem herself describes the hound as "an experiment", indicating there isn't like a bunch of them running around or anything...)
HOWEVER, letting ruby draw the "hound summer" conclusion on screen leads me to believe the actual truth is not FAR away: it'll be a knife-twist on what ruby said. the More Harrowing version of "my mom is alive but a tool for salem against her will" feels like it's naturally "my mom is alive and working for salem on purpose".
for 2, salem has an additional lieutenant that we have not been shown; being at beacon working on the Beacon Relic Puzzle ever since the Fall. we see salem contacting this agent to give them verbal instructions over the grimmphone, which is…not typically how she directs grimm, suggesting it is a person. we aren't privy to any further information about this person except their station being Beacon, which…i hate to say it but that's a "dramatically seeing summer rose alive" ass place….
the REASON for summer being salem's lieutenant as opposed to A) dead, B) a tool, C) a double agent, D) literally anything else, is because of 3 and 4.
this is where things are gonna get really cringe and potentially deranged but i need you to stay with me. let's go in order and focus on 3 first: salem is right.
saying this will cause some immediate pushback from some people, but to those people, please set that gut reaction aside for now and play in the space with me; i'm not saying that her current plan of action is like, nice, or Good, but i'm saying she is ideologically the one in the right. like Thematically. it took a lot of work for the world to make her be evil (across quite literally millions of years, potentially hundreds of millions) and now she's like "fine i'm about to be hilarious", but in the fundamental conflict rwby is about, she hasn't stopped being RIGHT.
just before this, someone on twitter asked me what i think salem's goal is, because a lot of people jump to assuming it's planet-destroying stuff; i had to make it a twitlonger just to answer them because (in case it wasnt obvious already) im head FULL thoughts SALEM mouth RAMBLING. instead of spending time and wordcount rehashing all of that i'll just relink it here because all of it is important to THIS discussion too: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1ss7lck
You Have To Read That Post Because I Won't Re-Type It. But It Is Important For This Post. TM.
ok. you're back? hi. sorry about that. let's continue
okay so we have the "disquietingly genocidal if carried out to its natural conclusion, which is that we should surrender ourselves to the complete custody of the World Destroyer" guy, and the "humanity inherently has a right to exist and doesn't need babysitting from someone who believes otherwise" guy. One of these sides is currently in control of remnant. and it's not the one you'd hope! and it's not the one the show agrees with.
(sidenote before it's too late I should clarify i have a Lot of thoughts about ozma's side of all this and like i said rwby is incredibly rich when you begin to mine for nuance and in-universe perspectives; i love that guy to bits and pieces. there are a lot of angles to this dangle. it's just that neither the twitlonger nor this post is About Him, so if it sounds like im dismissing his own nightmare situation i'm NOT im just not posting About Him Right Now. love you oz sorry you're also in the bullshit swamp etc amen)
i mention this very briefly in the twitlonger, but ozma has a vested interest in A) wiping salem from history/humanity's knowledge, and B) making sure the people who DO know about her see her as completely incapable of being reasoned with, the source of all evil, and so on. he's been pretty aggressive in these efforts, successfully paring salem's perpetual existence in remnant down to a spectrum ranging from "i have never heard of this woman in my life" to "exaggerated fairytale image that can be safely ignored" and maybe like "scary witch story to keep kids from wandering into the woods (FAKE, NOT REAL)". and to his circle, she's evil incarnate, and nothing more—still the fairytale witch, just an actual threat this time.
there seems to be a belief among some of the characters in the show that if you stop salem, you win; you've Fixed The Problem. in this way of thinking, salem is the one thing holding remnant back from being Normal And Good. she is the single cog not turning in time with the rest of remnant, and she is Fucking Up The Machine For Everybody. obviously this is a very simple and easy way of looking at her, and it is also desperately encouraged by ozma's version of the story. for his story to work, salem MUST be the source of all evil, the well it all springs from, the clear villain who's behind every bit of suffering and wants to destroy humanity; if she is NOT, his own comprehension of his trauma falls apart, his life's work and mission loses meaning, and the world he's built on them falls apart too.
(unfortunately, you cannot fix a dysfunctional world by destroying a single woman (no matter how much some certain gods try to tell you otherwise) if the dysfunction is systemic and foundational the way remnant's is)
with that in mind, summer rose (aw hey girl i forgot you were in this post) seems like a pretty stark opposite to her. but i would like to argue the…opposite. opposite double reacharound combo: They Are The Same edition. aka 4
okay, so, another facet of ozma's ideology that goes pretty visibly hand in hand with his own baggage (rip) is the fixation on this, idea of, a Hero. a Guardian. a "simple soul". specifically, he tends to nominate a Lone Hero, who must shoulder an unfathomable burden—usually a secret one—with little to no support (because they cannot share the burden). and this is, demonstrably and in no uncertain terms, a practice that breaks heroes.
(without getting too distracted: this is pretty obviously what was also done to HIM, and ozma continuing this pattern is not surprising with that fact in mind; i do sympathize. but girl…<3 you are crafting the crux of an insane post on rontra.tumblr.com and you dont even know it)
the Lone Hero is perfect. they fight alone, carrying humanity's light, and when they die they do so heroically, righteously, bravely. they are a symbol, praised and exalted even into their own deaths. their torch doesn't burn for long, but it's beloved whilst it does! the superhero dies young, but dies well.
this idea is a motif that recurs in rwby; all four Maidens are historically isolated, working alone, their very existence a secret except for when they swoop in to save the day. Huntsmen can become Lone Heroes if they're exemplary or unlucky enough. it was done to Pyrrha on-screen, by backing her into a corner and nominating her for an unfathomable burden she could not possibly refuse—and it lead to her death, alone, in a fight she knew she could not win.
of course, it also intersects with the Silver-eyed Warriors, who are (like Maidens) secret and largely isolated, but (especially when combined with being Huntsmen) make extremely powerful Lone Heroes. THERE'S our girl we've been waiting for! summer came out of the extremely notable team STRQ, and she's got silver eyes; with her pedigree we've got another legendary Grimm Reaper on our hands!
ha ha…
the weight must be crushing.
i can't say for sure why summer left; maybe she really thought going in guns blazing could finish this. maybe she had encountered a piece of information that alarmed her, or even seemed to corroborate something Raven tried to tell her team years prior. maybe it was something else that drove her to take the fight to salem on a solo mission. maybe being a Hero from a broken team just does that to your brain. we don't know yet! but she went out alone and she met up with salem.
this was never going to work, and not ONLY because salem can't be killed: it's doomed because rwby, the show, does not give praise to self-sacrifice. it is opposed to the very idea of the Lone Hero. when characters break the buddy system and face the bullshit alone, they usually don't get out unscathed, and usually don't succeed in accomplishing much of note. if anything at all, they usually attain something temporary or minor that isn't at all worth the sacrifice they made. because how can anything be worth that? rwby so far is pretty against the idea of both a lone hero and of "good death"; you can't die heroically, because you only ever die tragically.
but the Hero, Lone or otherwise, is needed. it's a twisted hope, but it is hope: there are people, real heroes, who will do anything to save us; including die, over and over and over and over and over again. remnant runs on hero blood. the academies are major arteries that pump out more of it, and even while you're at an academy you're not in the clear, because the students are included as a layer of protection around the relic. if something comes for the school, you are intended to die for it.
Like it or not, the people that hired me are going to change the world! You can't stop 'em, I can't stop 'em! You wanna be a hero? Then play the part and die like every other Huntsman in history!
and the selected Lone Heroes, even more so, are intended to die fighting an unwinnable fight, bearing unfathomable burdens. proverbially speaking, it keeps the lights on: keeps the fight going. keeps humanity from losing its grip on faith. and it completely robs each Hero of their humanity.
this kind of hero is not human: it's romantic like a fairytale and reduces a human being to a symbol. one of hope, sure, but a symbol nonetheless. the perfect hero isn't permitted to doubt or fear or hesitate. they're something distant, something else, something beyond humanity, something conceptual. and THIS, (points at it) is BAD
but it is the other side of the coin. the Lone Hero who represents all of humanity's hope has a natural obverse: the Sole Evil responsible for all of the world's darkness. the Single Enemy who springs forth all the things the Single Light stands against. these two concepts together pull an astonishing amount of the weight to make ozma's ideology function. without them, the wheels do not turn.
it's important how successfully ozma has eradicated salem's humanity and cast her as a force of blind evil. you can't reason with her, it's futile to try… but we know that salem may be very fucked up indeed to people, but she's also plenty willing to talk; essentially the only reason no one even thinks to try it is because her carefully designed reputation precedes her. the ruling world ideology prominently features the bastions of humanity, the bulwark against evil, the Lone Hero figure; the Guardian…and it hinges almost entirely upon the Sole Evil of salem, who can't be reasoned with but must be destroyed, even though the war against her is eternal, impossible, unsustainable.
by design, neither one is permitted any humanity at all.
Summer Rose and Salem are both ideological work-horses. in the world of remnant, neither of them can retain their humanity: they are conceptual existences that pull ozma's world through the motions, step by agonizing step. they are both yoked to the same plough.
if those two TALKED—and salem is very much willing to talk—i think a lone hero with a passion for humanity and way too much skin in the game would be repulsed by the system she lives in. she would recognize that she (and huntsmen as a broader institution) would be in the Wrong to support ozma—and by extension the gods, who look at humanity as a thing to be corralled and punished, something that must actively justify its own right to exist—
—that she's got two kids in this world, and she suddenly hopes to high heaven that they never get pulled into the same cannon fodder machine that created the Guardian summer rose, who bleeds and bleeds so that all humanity can cling to a hope that is bound to be false because the arbiters of their worth do not find them inherently worthy of life—
But, baby, please don't do what I did; I don't want you to waste your life in vain.
the reason women should kiss is that there is a mutual understanding that they are both beasts of burden to this world: two less-than-human icons, unpersoned on purpose, merely representing a concept. they perform roles in a narrative written by somebody else. they are not human! they are bearing unimaginable weight in service of an idea!
and they don't want to see humanity's fate be shackled to that idea for a moment longer.
i think when i say summer/salem most people think im trying to conjure like a dark spicy image full of like, power and control, and tension, and stuff. and there's nothing wrong with those, i do make a lot of those. but in reality im picturing the most tender secret in all of remnant. could you imagine?
...they are both yoked to ozma's ideology in these weird twisted ways so theres a lot of understanding and sympathy there, even if their Functions are different. opposite even. perhaps like foils one could say...
it's a ship built on that kind of understanding. the theme tying it together is that grueling dehumanization and the tenderness of seeing that you're both human to the core regardless. remnant yearns to grind them both up, one in service of the other, for a horrifically cruel ideal they can't just lie down and surrender to. humanity deserves better. so do they.
salem is right. summer rose knows it.
in the pictures i made, there's a protective angle to their poses and interactions: sort of a knightly, HER Warrior, type thing. "NOT YOUR SACRIFICE". etc. i guess salem is a lady with a tendency to attract the heroic knightly type (rimshot)
and that's why summer and salem should kiss. i dont know. i know im the one that locked you in this room but we should get out of here before i transform like a werewolf. wanna listen to Until The End in the car?
to live free or die, it’s all the same the enemy was right, there’s no reclaiming in waves of shame, we’re desperate to make amends but through a simple soul we lie complacent.
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vacantgodling · 6 months
I wanted to ask about someone from demon slayer but I couldn't figure out who to ask about so. please go off about someone from demon slayer if you have opinions otherwise please blast me with overwatch thoughts for:
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
~ @void-botanist
LMAOOO thank you for the ask :’) technically i got some stuff im not normal about when it comes to demon slayer even tho i am much more chill about it than other things that i’m into LOL.
ummm i feel like it’d be easier if i just did it for the cast overall? cuz when else am i gonna talk about this pff
15. What is your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn’t matter if it’s canon or not)
my main demon slayer ships are:
Rengoku x Uzui (like a Lot this is probably my otp of this show. however uzui’s wives are included. its like a separate spoke poly to me? uzui x his wives are one half and the wives are all into each other then uzui x rengoku is the other half and rengoku and uzui’s wives all care about each other in a more platonic way lol. basically a healthy poly thing in my mind)
Tanjiro & Zenitsu & Inosuke (in a platonic way!!! those are my sons don’t separate them or i’ll sob!!!!!!)
Giyuu x Shinobu (i like how she teases him and even if she is disdained by his awkwardness sometimes i think she can really understand where he’s coming from and understand him even when he’s just kinda like :| yknow)
16. What is your least favorite ship for this character?
ig i can go down the list for stuff ive seen with any of the above that i’m not a huge fan of?
Rengoku x Akaza -> i hate akaza so fucking much i am strangling every post i see with him and this ship with my bare hands. I Do Not Care about akaza’s boohoo sad backstory i am killing him and not in the teehee way i mean every time i see him i become Enraged <3. muzan may be the antagonist of demon slayer but i want to see akaza’s death animated in Great Detail.
haven’t seen anything about uzui that’s made me squick cuz most people ship him with either his wives or with rengoku lmao
Tanjiro x Kanao -> even though they are canon i’m just not super into her character ig? like she and tanjiro don’t seem like couple material to me. he doesn’t really treat her any differently than any other person he interacts with (imo) and i would argue he shows more care and interest and love towards zenitsu and inosuke than kanao specifically. aside from the standard anime “girl pretty” energy which like. all anime does that so it’s not even a measure of attraction to me anymore (being a long time anime fan). don’t get me wrong i don’t hate her as a character but as a couple they just seem so… boring. esp of the main three canon couples. like inosuke and aoi i can see and i don’t mind, zenitsu and nezuko are a given but… kanao just isn’t a good match for my boy ig (to me) 💀💀
Zenitsu and Inosuke only really get shipped with Nezuko/Tanjiro (solo) respectively and i don’t dislike those. i just like the three of them together at all costs so ig i don’t like the idea of tanjiro and inosuke dating and zenitsu kinda being on the side if i HAD to be nitpicky about it. like the three of them are a unit. do not separate.
Giyuu x Sanemi -> sorry i just don’t like sanemi 💀💀💀
Shinobu x Mitsuri -> i LOVE mitsuri to death. but i hate when fandoms ship two femme characters just because they could be a lesbian couple and for no other reason aside from that. like i get Why because lesbian candidates in anime is fleeting esp in shonen bc of a lack of femme characters in general so like. i understand that but maybe just cuz im not a lesbian idc that much. it’s similar to how i feel about tanjiro/kanao i just don’t think mitsuri has put any special emphasis on her relationship with shinobu. like she looks up to her definitely. but like mitsuri loves everyone. and i feel like shinobu would do better with someone she wouldn’t feel pressured to be Only the happy side of herself with and i feel like once she broke down that barrier she would be able to be more herself around giyuu than around mitsuri.
also this isn’t mentioned in my main ships but i don’t like Mitsuri and Obanai as a couple. idc if they’re canon i don’t like him he’s annoying asf he is not good enough for my girl.
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
Rengoku x Giyuu i’ve seen around and i’m okay with it. i love both of these two to death (#tanjiro’solderbrothers) and so them together makes me very soft. i think it would be super rough for giyuu just because i don’t think he’d think he was Good Enough for rengoku which is why i don’t ship it too heavily but like i love them both so i’m never mad when i see it.
Giyuu x Sabito i don’t really ship but like obviously i get why people do and it makes my heart hurt despite not shipping it like that </3
Tanjiro x Genya or Tanjiro x Muichiro are two things i don’t mind seeing. i don’t really ship them bc like. tanjiro is my son and it’s kinda weird for me to think about him romantically l m a o? and muichiro is even younger than him lol. in the case of genya i totally get it but again it’s more just “hmm yes that’s his best friend” like i immediately in my mind view it platonically vs romantically.
annnnd i think that’s it from off the top of my head? thank you again this was fun to actually talk about instead of just rotating it in my brain PFF
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sunshinexlollipops · 1 month
honestly read this or don't IDC but I'm ranting about my job bc I'm over it...
so I found out yesterday that instead of leaving in another week, I have 3 days left and my final day at work is Friday. they surprised me when I asked what day was my final one, and dropped the news. altogether, grateful I am leaving that place ATP. I felt regret at first and like I "ruined" my opportunity there— I liked the insurance, the wage, the hour lunch— but the attitude to disabled employees there? wow. I have one coworker who is already aligning his exit plan to quit, and the other I had to tell the store manager about when giving my 2 week. and that's bc the department was saying this person doesn't know how to properly do their job, and they were saying he was fucking over the department. instead of being productive and saying something to this person or management, they sat on it and complained about things going wrong/mistakes being made, and only built up their frustrations. they did all this, with some even knowing this worker has an intellectual disability, btw. I myself experienced a microaggression. which is an odd word until you go through it and realize wow, okay. THAT is what they mean, bc I was helping a coworker w items they brought into my aisle that I was working to try and get done before truck came in. I go to help after finishing w my stuff, and I help get every item but the last one for the aisle. why? bc I try to lift it and realize I can't. it's too heavy and it's put me in pain. I tell my worker that I cannot get that one box of product, but I'm willing to take MULTIPLE they have in their cart to their respective aisles. instead of agreeing or being amicable, my coworker proceeds to walk up to me, place their forearm adjacent to mine and say "hm, I don't think I see a difference, do you?" essentially trying to say there shouldn't be a reason I can't lift this. I haven't spoken much on here about my health troubles but I've had to wear braces at work on top of having various medical issues, like potentially having a brain tumor (a prolactinoma specifically, iykyk). this was really mortifying on top of frustrating, and I found that management either holds my hand like a babe who is incapable of independence and trust, or they would doubt me and I'd have to explain/defend myself.
in this world, there's no such thing as just getting to say, "I'm disabled." people will demand to know why/how you are, and even if you're not comfortable sharing your medical history, you quickly discover that if you don't expose details or a brace on your ankle, that people will be hostile and take what you said like a personal offense. and to make matters worse, you have to do this...with every...single...employee.
management? oh God, good fucking luck! when calling to set myself up after my store transfer, I asked my dept manager about accommodations for disability. they immediately told me "idk you'll have to talk to the store manager about that." clearly an oversight given he looks after 2 disabled employees (and these ranges from intellectual, mental health, and physical limitations). that's before I even get in the mix! but also, bc I had a lead give me critiques...on things my disabilities affect or outright cause. like only when you're disabled will you be told your spatial awareness is a problem they want you to work on.. or even when you clearly walk w a limp, you have talked to the assistant store manager about how you have braces and struggled at your last store bc your break room was upstairs, that one of his team will complain about your speed. even when they also admit you're new and 1 week into being there, and are just learning where things are to boot. I wasn't even given a chance to adjust or settle in before I was told I needed to amp it up.
I've felt like despite trying my hardest, going in on 2-3hrs of sleep for the last month and several weeks of my life, offering up overt kindness to everyone, and going out of my way to make up for my disabilities...it wasn't good enough. and when I started having panic attacks at work and home, several times a week or even waking up into them, I was doing more physical work during my shift than some managers, and was still told it wasn't enough. after this and being treated in the way I was? AND seeing it happen to my disabled coworkers? I def wanted to leave and knew I had to.
but the company's reddit online? garbage. went to complain on there and it was an epic failure. esp my first post. I attempted w my second to give that context + give updates, and people then complained about the length and acted like it was the biggest offense, as if I hadn't been told vile things when they weren't offered all of that before. and I wasn't allowed to be frustrated w their responses as people still treated me poorly when I explained the energy I received on my last one.
while in the 1st post, people shat on me for not giving every detail (once again see: you must appease everyone and validate yourself for them when disabled) about things/myself, many came after me for saying I am continuing to pursue SSDI, as I thought I needed to put in my 2 week that morning and that it was my exit plan.
I got comments saying I was a miserable person, clearly lazy and skirting responsibilities, and that the reason I was being treated this way is that I deserved it and my coworkers hated me. it carried into my job, but also just made me feel so much shame about trying my hand at work again, and being disabled overall.
after this, I've had major knocks to my confidence. both as what I can amount to as an employee, but because right now, SSDI is what I have to pursue, and I feel guilty about it. many on my post said I tried to do a bad job to survive off unemployment (be fucking fr), or I just gave up so I could be a leech w disability.
(that being said, there were some on both posts who were supportive and got it, and shout-out to those people bc omfg, it would've been all hate otherwise.)
it's clear that so many people who hate on SSDI users don't even understand that system and how BULLSHIT it is. in this day and age, for many manage to get disability, you've had to prove yourself like you've said the earth is fucking flat to do so.
I'm lucky that I've gotten in contact w a specified lawyer for SSDI, and I've been told that I have a good chance at winning. I've been stuck in appeals since Sept w nothing from SS. altogether, going to docs for years/having records of my panic attacks seems to be the leg we are standing on, amongst other supports. I'm just waiting to hear back and to file the official paperwork.
this lawyer informed me they have a tally at the beginning of the year, one for cases they don't take, and one for the cases they do. rejections were totaled at over 80 cases. for me? I'm his 18th case. I cried over the phone bc for the first time in years, someone who actually works w this system, aside from some of my providers, has told me "yes, you need this." and I felt so validated.
but I could also only cry for how my time at this job has gone. the treatment and judgement I've faced, the hostility, discrimination, etc... I thought of those reddit comments, and knew this was the direction I needed to be in, bc that behavior was coming from people who also originate from this company. there was so much shame for their own emotions and lack of understanding, and I was tired of having to deal w my problems on top of how they felt about them.
I'm just tired. literally and in other ways, too. I'm very happy to be gone in a few days, and as I said too, I've lost the regret and guilt I had about quitting as I have. even w the perks of this job, being confronted as I was and forced to endure the situations I was put in was not it.
wildly enough, my coworkers, even the one who compared our arms, are sad/bummed I'm leaving. I've been told I've done good work, that I'm a great addition, or people are genuinely not wanting me to leave. it's just wild bc you can tell they haven't even registered how they make that place for people like me, or even acknowledging the way they personally acted toward me.
I'm ready to be done and move on w my life. but honestly, this is gonna stick w me a while. just needed to get this out here in an attempt to lessen how I feel about it and get some progress in moving on.
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psych commentary 2x02
SF KK JRr DH, but I swear I'm hearing another voice that is too high for SF, not a big enough chest, & it doesn't have the same timbre/fry as JRr, & not even close to the tight yet smooth quality of DH, & the speech patterns/habits/accents are different. This person is not mentioned on the DVD. I don't think it's Andy Berman. The other likely one would be Chris Henze I think.
finally did a dinosaur
Every year we should do a feature film movie. This is jurassic park on our budget
1/1000th more scruff, he's at his wit's end
You can see why he's head detective.
Obscure lines from obscure movies. I love them
they upped the special effects for This One Episode
"how hard can it be to solve these things if the clues are lit up"
the shooting is in vancouver, the writer's room is in LA
"the pen is drawing for me, what's even going on"
there are minimum four things happening here
*getting caught watching* *laughing at their own show, good*
[gus] is so disappointed in his man...
they did like fifty different sketches of the dinosaur
Gus has a regular full-time job
"we are going to do a mini version of every one of my favourite 80s movies"
My man did so much research for this, & he knew the bite marks bc he'd taken a picture of himself in the jaws
"Hows the cast?" 'James will literally make up lines to entertain YOU'
hear them laughing when they see shawn "looking for the room"
City of talent
Doug DeVette, named after [his] friend, Dough DouVet
DH: I wasn't enjoying that cupcake
The wet bar is from the next episode bc psy vs psy was aired out of order
Smartest person ever, but has hoels in his knowledge
A wacked wombat
idc abt the controversy! I want Gus! He is smart!
four minute Dule scene they sadly sadly had to cut it down
Supposed to be almost pitch black & then the light in his eyes JRr: I played it for you man! Post: We'll colour correct this for you man!
SF: Steal his whole thing & you're expecting to give it to you just right there
SF: Any time you have to open something, it's always the most impossible thing to open. You have the bone density of a 90 year old grandmother
This was supposed to be the opposite of the university, all high tech, but it looks like someone's garden shed with spider webs, bones, & armadillos. (& ojai peaches)
KK: The giant lettering on the side that we had to light up just in case you missed it Me: How stupid do you think we are? (I'm very stupid, actually)
Great transition
THE NETWORK WANTED TO SUBTITLE THIS GUY!? I mean, as a hard of hearing person who also has adhd (audio processing issues), I do struggle to understand ppl with accents I'm unfamiliar with sometimes, (makes me feel so racist,) but I just have the captions on for everything.
This man gave them handmade greeting cards & SF a beaded bracelet? That is so nice!
Wrecked the car this episode : (
Once again, heaviest gate in the history of gates Network: Why so heavy?
*can't think of the movie* Dule Hill was in that one!
DH legit fell down that hill *everyone laughing* DH That hurt when I got up
Stunt driver, sound stage, stunt driver, hitting a tree, spin around (Gus doesn't do that later seasons, he does a nine point turn.)
Ernest Jackson
Arguing physics while being shot at
"this is what happens when you have a one year old while you're writing your script"
I like all the cops watching him on his streak
JRr: There was one take where Tim came in & got both Ethan AND Robinson wrong. He created a completely new nam, first & last. SF: Efirmsimolinus Junior was the name, oddly enough. I hate being hoh without captions
Exposition. "We're fooling you right here!"
SF: Who decided that if Corbin was going to sit in the purple chair & have the purple curtains, that he should be wearing the purple shirt, next to the purple painting? He's having a purple moment right there. He should be reading a Prince magazine.
HS: I know feelings Commenters: *cracking up*
Visual Effects! JRr's fave. Great job Tim.
*metal hitting metal sound effect* KK: What is it hitting? JRr: Watch & belt buckle? SF: Bone
The trex skull was paper maché, they had to NOT break it with the shovels & brushes
obviously fake smoke
SF: I guarantee if you watch csi, law & order, you're never going to see "I just discovered a dinosaur" *cut to the floor with clothing & tools scattered on it, panning up the bodies of Shawn & Gus* KK: This was another... controversy, a little bit, the Of Mice & Men run JRr: Well so was the post-coital positioning
Shawn has been carrying his Lenny forever. Finally! The opportunity to get it out!
Almonds too. SF: You actually learn something on this show every once in a while
SF: James, when I sent you the script, I remember this very clearly, you sent me an email back that simply said "Stop analyzing my threat" & I'm like "Thank you" [sweet voice]. & the thing that I do truly, truly love about you is you always pick out my favourite line from a script that I'm most proud of
keeps opening it like something different is going to be out there
SF: The rule is, Henry always has to call at the most inopportune moment CH: He's just down for a pleasant walk on the docks (thinking about an unsolved murder) SF: He thought he'd take the purple shirt out &... KK: give it a spin "He always calls to get something back or have Shawn pick something up" "We should have given him a fishing pole"
They just had so much rain that they wanted to film outside apparently SF: They called me like "Hey we want to film this on the pier" & I'm like "I don't care I'm fine"
KK: I think the girls are excited about going on this adventure
where WERE they hiding when Sullivan walked them out here!? "Clearly comes from the woods. Henry found it too"
First time someone interrupts the breakdown
One was Taupe & one was Grey
Roger Deacon btw is not the guy from queen buried here
JRr: After seventy four takes of this, I did one where I was a velociraptor, & that's the only thing that got printed SF: Matheson put it in his cut KK: I'm still trying to wrap my head around that JRr: & I touch Dulé & [Gus] becomes a velociraptor SF: It was six minutes of *velociraptor noises: Grauughgh, eaign, eaign!* & then he touched Dule & it's like *velociraptor noises: wroAGHghhhhh* *everyone laughing* JRr: & that was when we learned that we need to be more careful about what was being printed
DH: Between the locks, & the fence, & the raptors "this was our most controversial episode of the season"
*aren't sure if it's forcing the other to dig or etting credit*
Zippy the dinosaur Gus: His name would be Jerome
SF: There SHOULD be a reason for each episode to happen, somebody learns something, something changes in their life, & this is the moment where Lassiter can accept a hug from Juliet.
Lassiter: Oh what do I look like! (one of the commenters): ... Mr Bean
Undercut it with the walk away quickly
JRr, in a funny "sexy" voice: Oah! I must have ridden my ~motorcycle~ to the house
you didn't do a very good job of it because I didn't know for AGES that shawn had a motorcycle! Then again, I was only watching the occasional episode with my mom if I had time when she had it on.
JRr: & they never have a jacket filming, so it's always this mad dash & in this particular case I believe I ended up with something,,, suede
"You could take the motorcycle lessons we've been offering for years now" JRr: Oh yeah "I feel like the authenticity could be..."
Another controversy on the Shawn intervention
The freak out dance at the end!
SF: gjiblin KK: *gkiblin SF: No he likes when I call him dgiblin
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I saw Katie on okcupid... I have strange feelings about it.
1) I don't have feelings for her and I want her to be happy but it was awkward and hurt for a different reason.
2) i reached out so many times asking for friendship and she ignores me 99% of the time. When I really need a friend. She's a good person and one of the only people who treated me kindly that I dated.
I'm hurt that she won't respond to me regularly and talk to me. I don't expect a relationship...
1) she hates my family
2) she doesn't want to come over my house
3) she barely even looked or talked to my mother... I don't expect my partner to be best friends with her but- I mean I do expect them to talk to her and treat her like she's a person.
My feelings are sadness... sadness that she won't talk to me much. Sadness that she won't be my friend. Sadness that I lose everyone I care about.
I messaged her explaining I just wanted to be her friend. I explained I saw her on okcupid and idc that she's trying to find someone and I just want her to be happy.
I just said I wanted to know her and be close and she means a lot to me.
We'll see if she responds to that..
Either way the dating world is disappointing. I don't want Katie back cause she will never be comfortable in my house or around my family. I just want to stop being so isolated.
The last 2 days I've been surrounded by people and I hallucinated 10% of the time.. but when I'm in my room once I go to be alone it's constant.... so I'm trying hard to put myself out there but it's hard.
I joined a voice hearers support group that I'm going to keep attending on zoom twice a week.. the non binary leader 100% gave me a look at the end of the session.. I was the last one there before we disconnected.. and the look was like, "I think you're hot af". I mean I'm open minded but I still love elise
I truly don't want anyone but her and when I eventually do they are going to be special... I mean I got to put myself out there dating wise . I got to put myself out there friendwise
I'd join a IOP but it scarfices my individualized attention I get with therapy. I'm desperate to be around people.
I'm so isolated. I may join a bunch of support groups but idk bc most meet once a week.... I'm hoping I can get a friend to talk to on the phone everyday.... and maybe play Xbox live with John and Fire...
Dialogue helps so much. Being social makes such a huge difference..
I feel undatable though... and I mean that. I get why elise didn't want me, I mean for one she's married.. but look at me. I'm a mess...
I don't think I can find a friend who will talk to me everyday.
My dad was trying to tell me to get hospitalized. Cause my environment isn't safe and one that will help me heal... he isn't wrong but losing the ability to chose my meds. Chose my food/calorie count which I've been a stickler about minus the last 2 days which I've been beating myself up over ... and losing the ability to chose what I do everyday will be depressing and will actually make me less healthy.
Although I somehow have to find people to talk to. I need to be social. Idk how.
I wish I could talk to elise.
I don't want anyone else but unfortunately when it comes to people no one spends a lot of time with their friends. I still won't smoke pot cause I don't want to worsen my symptoms... I'm not going to until at least 2 months after it stops...
I'm really lonely. I need someone to talk to everyday. I wish it was Elise. I wish Katie would hang out with me once every 2 weeks. I wish I had things to do surrounded by people.
I got to find queer groups. I got to do something. I hallucinate so infrequently around people it's almost normal and it's depressing that I'm stuck here.
Hospitalization will worsen my mental health ... I need the right to chose what I do... but staying here isn't the healthiest. I need to enrich my environment. I need people.
Where do you find them?? Most groups only meet once a month thankfully the voice hearers groups meets multiple times a week 5 out of 7 days. . But the times varies and only 2 days a week work with my schedule....
Idk what to do. I want to win this battle. I want to try to see if Elise will show up for me in 2 years.... I want to believe I mean something to her..
But in this environment.. idk how to survive much longer. I'm trying but I'm feeling hopeless cause idk how to fill my time with social activities.
I also can't shake the feeling that Elise is my soulmate. I mean I'm probably 99% wrong. It makes dating hard cause I truly don't want anyone but her. Yet I have to look anyways cause I need companionship.
0 notes
good morning (or day), lovie!! hope you read it in the morning bc well... the 3 hours difference. truly, you shouldnt be worried about receiving my messages earlier but rather about receiving them later.. i usually answer you before going to sleep. actually, you shouldnt be worried at all yk. 'just say yes even tho you dont know him' i know him!! i learnt whos he bc of your fics!! actually, it reminds me of my cat. her name was busya which is a short name of the word means 'the bead'. but yeah, this kitty looks like that guy hdjfsk 'i felt like i was the main character' lol its amusing how THAT labour made you feel. but valid. anything you feel is ok. when i do this kind of work, i just feel irritated. (there was a big story about men being disappointment) hope you got some rest after that! and hope you still like the way you performed. i know you did your best. 'ITS SO FUNNY YOU CALL CATS WITH KISKIS' we just want some kisses from these cute monsters are we wrong for this? 'you can be my muning mingming kitty kitty cat cat' my honour, catmom!! my star hour! meow meow!! thank u!! in russian we say 'kwa or kwak' for the frogs' sounds. it's more like your variant and i think the truth is somewhere in between? for me frogs sound more like 'kwoa' or even 'qua'. but ribbit?? wtf guys?? 'WE CAN CALL IT WFAL' it sounds so ridiculous TT no really but i cant send too long messages and its title is pretty long yk. 'i love how passionate you are to vocabulary and language' no but really!! i actually curse a lot in real life. i've always been that 'smart kid' whos now burnt out and an a-marks-only student (idk how they call it). so people expect me to speak like a noble lady? its such a great number of such expressive words. why hate them for just being bad (i'm not trying to convince you cursing isn't ugly. you can think of it whatever you do. i just got carried away again TT). in general, words are only instruments to communicate with, so their meaning only depends on how a speaking person sees them. anyway, do you want me to stop cursing in the messages? 'I HOPE YOURE NOT SENDING ME MESSAGES IN EARLY-LATE HOURS' it's 5:01 in where i live. and now yk you're +3 h for me so... 'when he dies im like, u deserved it tho' god bless your nerves and god bless him. happy for you, though. and hes sexy. 'this is him he likes literature i think you’d like him' nah i dont like literature that much (sometimes i hate it) and he's not my type. but i'm happy for your luckiness! 'I WILL KEEP LEVELING HIM UP BECAUSE I LOVE HIM' omg puppy boys TT puppy boys are cute. good luck for you both!! alhaitham poor boy... hope he'll improve and will be good for you. oh i love diluc too!! i dont know him but 1) his face doesnt annoy me (im judgemental if you remember) 2) i love how people headcanon him. so hope he behaves good for you. good luck to bad luck (HAH am i funy mom) bennet. it's good you like hanging out with him, i believe your words. waiting for the girls!! 'you wanna talk about it?' not really, just wanted to share my feelings. 'i dont care about what people think about what i read' nah i'm not judging. as long as it doesnt concern me idc what you write or read. just said what i feel abt it all. i watched helluva boss in 2 days and i'm satisfied. it's good. got my approval. hell theme is still somewhat fresh and it also gives so many ways to interpret it. 'youre talking about that fic i reblogged right?' YEAH dhdjdj big brains get the hints. WOULD YOU BE SURPRISED if i said i also sent that author an ask about sugar daddy daemon after reading the other hcs about sugar daddy aegon, aemond and jace... yeah im better with my fever but still exhausted and my nose is stuffy TT every time i dont feel well the first thing to happen is my nose being stuffed *lots of angry emojis but also crying bc it hurts*. hope you do better!! how are the classes? how do you feel? whats the weather like? do you plan anything for today/sunday? love you! take care <з
hello my muning <3 T_T. i had your message on my browser but i kept doing different things LOL
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hope you read it in the morning bc well... the 3 hours difference. truly, you shouldnt be worried about receiving my messages earlier but rather about receiving them later..
T_T i did not read this in the morning. I saw it in the morning but again i kept getting distracted. I DID MAKE A COVER THOUGH AND IM SO PROUD OF MYSELF I SOUND SO GOOD BUT IDK I WANT TO SHARE IT WITH YOU BUT JUST WITH YOU
ok i found a solution im going to answer your ask privately for this one (: nvm theres not an option to answer privately because ur on anon T_T anyway its fine
i usually answer you before going to sleep. actually, you shouldnt be worried at all yk.
ok i wont be worried then i trust u
'just say yes even tho you dont know him' i know him!! i learnt whos he bc of your fics!! actually, it reminds me of my cat. her name was busya which is a short name of the word means 'the bead'. but yeah, this kitty looks like that guy hdjfsk
i figured you knew him cos of my fics but not really since that's all u know HAHHAH i mean unless you read a bunch of them then sequentially got an idea of what his character is, at least how i perceive him. BUSYA T_T so cute kitty a pretty black cat <3 im luv
'i felt like i was the main character' lol its amusing how THAT labour made you feel. but valid. anything you feel is ok. when i do this kind of work, i just feel irritated. (there was a big story about men being disappointment) hope you got some rest after that! and hope you still like the way you performed. i know you did your best.
i didnt perform at all lolol i hope i can next time we set up. some of my classmates got to perform. the labor made me feel like the main character because we were setting up the stage! and it was in the middle (ok not middle but you feel me) of the cafeteria and the performace was peak lunch time so we were setting up and everyone was looking (well i mean not AT me but at what we were doing collectively as a class) but still i felt like the main character cos im always hot when i go to school <3 🤩😌💅
lol everyones different if you feel irritated doing manual labor then that means manual labor is just not for you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk i think i get it from my dad i feel kind of like a sense of purpose when i build things kinda. i mean it was tiring but fun HAHAHHAH OH OMG I FORGOT TO TELL YOU THE BEST PART WE GOT 2 FREE MEALS HAHAHHAHHAHAH SLLLAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY i ate so much and then bought myself a donut
'ITS SO FUNNY YOU CALL CATS WITH KISKIS' we just want some kisses from these cute monsters are we wrong for this?
not at all. i now think russian is the superior language because of this 😔✊ english could never (although its ironic i think its superior because kiskis sound like kiss kiss which is english AHAHHAHAH)
'you can be my muning mingming kitty kitty cat cat' my honour, catmom!! my star hour! meow meow!! thank u!!
omg look at this cat i found on pinterest
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in russian we say 'kwa or kwak' for the frogs' sounds. it's more like your variant and i think the truth is somewhere in between? for me frogs sound more like 'kwoa' or even 'qua'. but ribbit?? wtf guys??
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yeah ribbit is like ?????????? but nah russian fr superior for this too. since russian frog sounds and filipino frogs sounds are similar, maybe that means russians are secretly filipino and filipinos are secretly russian
'WE CAN CALL IT WFAL' it sounds so ridiculous TT no really but i cant send too long messages and its title is pretty long yk.
'i love how passionate you are to vocabulary and language' no but really!! i actually curse a lot in real life. i've always been that 'smart kid' whos now burnt out and an a-marks-only student (idk how they call it). so people expect me to speak like a noble lady? its such a great number of such expressive words. why hate them for just being bad (i'm not trying to convince you cursing isn't ugly. you can think of it whatever you do. i just got carried away again TT). in general, words are only instruments to communicate with, so their meaning only depends on how a speaking person sees them. anyway, do you want me to stop cursing in the messages?
honestly i dont think youve ever cursed in any of our messages yet so the fact ur telling me you curse a lot irl is pretty wow to me AHAHH. its funny how youre advocating for curse words HAHAHH i mean its pretty obvious to me that youre a smart person, but as a fellow smart person, i know that that doesnt mean youre like this soft spoken noble person LOL in fact it would make more sense if its opposite.
anyway i believe in the power of words and we manifest what we speak so i think its only natural to assume that if you speak a lot of curses you are manifesting that and i dont want that. also The words of a man's mouth are deep waters. i dont want my waters to be murky and gross ew. 👎 L
'I HOPE YOURE NOT SENDING ME MESSAGES IN EARLY-LATE HOURS' it's 5:01 in where i live. and now yk you're +3 h for me so...
T_T sleep better T_T
'when he dies im like, u deserved it tho' god bless your nerves and god bless him. happy for you, though. and hes sexy.
HAHAHH T_T justice for zhongli T_T
'this is him he likes literature i think you’d like him' nah i dont like literature that much (sometimes i hate it) and he's not my type. but i'm happy for your luckiness!
i audibly gasped when you said he wasnt your type. T_T also you hate literature? ?????? SCAMMER DOES THAT MEAN YOU JUST LOVE ME???? in that case T_T im luv u
'I WILL KEEP LEVELING HIM UP BECAUSE I LOVE HIM' omg puppy boys TT puppy boys are cute. good luck for you both!!
so true im luv him T_T
alhaitham poor boy... hope he'll improve and will be good for you.
me too. his dialogue is giving know it all so if he keeps dying on me im going to put him on my hitlist HAHAHH
oh i love diluc too!! i dont know him but 1) his face doesnt annoy me (im judgemental if you remember) 2) i love how people headcanon him. so hope he behaves good for you.
i cry for diluc im luv him i havent played his plotline yet so T_T but he's so emo if i got it right and HAHAAHAH HIS FACE DOESNT ANNOY YOU DANG AHHAHAHAHH SLAY DILUC THE PRETTIES BOY EVAH HAHAAHHA
good luck to bad luck (HAH am i funy mom) bennet. it's good you like hanging out with him, i believe your words.
i love bennet T_T i dont play him as much as i used to know because i have diluc now but i still love him <3 you are .000001 funny HAHAHHA ok ok like 1/2 funny HAHAH
waiting for the girls!!
ok i literally oppened genshin for this AHAAH
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ok this is lisa. she used to be my fave i kinda grew out of her but im starting to fall in love with her again she op <3 also her general character is such a vibe AHHAAH
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this is xiangling. i remember using her for the first and her level was pretty low compared to my other characters but she sLAYED regardless and i have no idea to play this game anyway so my characters are all weak (according to my brothers who play 'optimally') so yeah theres that but i love her cos she shooq me with her debut in my account
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this is jean she is the general of the mondstat ting thing i havent played in so long i forgot NVM KNIGHTS OF FAVONIUS and she a boss shes one of my strongest characters /: cos everytime i wish on the banner thing to get characters i keep getting her (so i secretly hate her) but i love her she heals me and carries me and im so sorry i dont hate you my love im just T_T i dont value you because i have you T_T im so sorry jean m love
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I KEEP FORGETTING TO TALK ABOUT THE CAT I STOOD THER TO SHOW YOU THE CAT IN GAME LOOK AT THE KITTY HAHAH i focused more on the cat then showing the character HAHAAHH i have to keep adjusting the camera because the dialogue option keeps appearing and ///: its annoying.
anyway this is yelan she's also op because like xiangling i played her though she was low level and she still ate more so now that ive been able to level her up a bit
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anyway since i told you about the dialogue thing whatever its there now but its not even for that cat you cant talk to this cat T_T this is sayu she sleepy 24/7 and i love her for that she is my child idk i just like her cos shes such a mood and a child lol AHHAHAHAHAH she is my child i love her shes also a REALLY strong child and so adorable when she runs. i wanted another character thats a child, her name is klee, but i didnt get her so when i got sayu i was so happy
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this is amber. i used to hate her T_T idk cos she was weak but then she got annoying ???? but now i love her cos i realized she was weak cos i was weak im so sorry baby hAHAAHAHHAH
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this is xinyan, my bro says people hate her cos shes like a useless character in all senses but i love her cos shes a musician <3 like me HAHAHAH shes pretty weak tho so i dont use her much HAHAHAHHAHAH
lastly noelle my first beloved
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i love how it took me so long to do this its morning in the game again HAHHHAHAAHh anyway i dont use noelle anymore because i have zhongli and his shield is way better than hers but she was the first person that protected me (tbh i didnt even know it AHHHAHHA i was just using her cos she was pretty man fr i have no idea how to play this game im just going with vibes and aesthetics AHAHHA) and yeah and shes a real mvp for that.
'you wanna talk about it?' not really, just wanted to share my feelings.
ok then <3
'i dont care about what people think about what i read' nah i'm not judging. as long as it doesnt concern me idc what you write or read. just said what i feel abt it all.
i watched helluva boss in 2 days and i'm satisfied. it's good. got my approval. hell theme is still somewhat fresh and it also gives so many ways to interpret it.
hell theme is fresh AHAHHAH babes maybe its fresh to you but works like dante's inferno exists AHHHAHAHHA (im not tryna be a know it all it's genuinely just funny to me HAHHHA)
'youre talking about that fic i reblogged right?' YEAH dhdjdj big brains get the hints. WOULD YOU BE SURPRISED if i said i also sent that author an ask about sugar daddy daemon after reading the other hcs about sugar daddy aegon, aemond and jace...
THEY HAVE OTHER SUGAR DADDIES AHSF:ASHFFH:ASFHAHF OMWWWWW HAHHHAAH. im not surprised at all. you seem to be the type to send asks. idk theres something about the idea of sending an ask that makes me anxious so yeah i rarely send asks but i have been sending more as of late because of my beautiful lovelies
yeah im better with my fever but still exhausted and my nose is stuffy TT every time i dont feel well the first thing to happen is my nose being stuffed *lots of angry emojis but also crying bc it hurts*.
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 i hope you feel better completely baby T_T i know how annoying it is to have a stuffy nose cos when that happens to me it takes so long to go away and im allergic to dust so T_T RIP
hope you do better!! how are the classes? how do you feel? whats the weather like? do you plan anything for today/sunday? love you! take care <з
i feel kinda sleep rn HASHFAS ITS 10 pm now Hhlashfdlasfh ahfalsfsa the weather is cold but ur russian so you probably would slap me and say YOU THINK THAT COLD HAHHAHHHA but yeah. i have assignments i will do tomorrow i have to watch a movie /: and im too lazy to do it but ill do it tomorrow rip. thats my plans on sunday so yeah
i love you <3
i was planning to write for wafl today but im too lazy. cant it just aslha/sf write itself T_T SO LAME FOR THAT
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velvetvent · 1 year
bitches b unbearable sometimes i stg. like.......gf...be so fuckin for real...you do not have any of the extreme physical health conditions you think you do, it's literally just bc you only eat mcdonalds and Mac and cheese and pizza and you've been that way all your life, and you're lucky if you get in one glass of water out of all the Dr pepper you drink in a day. and the personality disorders you claim to have??? your sibs doing the same thing now!!!! it's so dangerous!!!!!!! and wearing pants that show off your ass every fucking time you come over??? bro my husband already fucked u and I have 2 and we probably never will again bc you don't put out and we can pull way better🤓and im into different shit,,,, but like,,,, bro. stop trying to be cute. that fuckin blues clues shirt with my old ass pants ????? frrl????? wouldn't have given then to u if I knew you were gonna disrespect them like that. and you're literally a fuckin disney adult stop trying to be edgy and cool you're obviously trying too hard. I try to dye my hair green and get stuck with blue bc it went wrong and you tell me you want me to dye your hair green next??????? seriously?? and you literally invite yourself to MY tattoo appointment out of nowhere and then proceed to book a touch up and another tattoo same day? you're joking right. now that I'm doing a sleeve you're starting yours? but yours is disney like all of your tattoos are...cringe....and don't even get me started on your relationship. you need to reassess your sex drive and dynamic bc..that's not normal there's no way. and your 4chan ass bf is gross, I don't see how you fuck him🤢only met him once and yall didn't talk the ENTIRE time. you think yall gonna live together???? good luck with that one. you're getting so hard to deal w and I swear to god if you come up with hearing voices in your head next im beating your ass. idc. I've called you out once already for being a shitty friend in general, but straight up turning yourself into the cringier version of me? for what, sis? I'm a fuckin faggot be your damn self. be your cringey dinsey adult discord kitten self, im good.
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igarbagecannoteven · 2 years
megs!! hi!! how are u? ok for the questions, randomly chosen, 14, 23, 39, 46, 55, 70 <3 good luck with the novel opening and I hope you're having a good day <3
myle!!! hello!!! i'm doing well how about you??? thanks for the luck <3
14. what is your favorite location and position to write in? i write at my dorm desk a lot, but when the weather's nice i love to write outside! also my bedroom floor back home has wonderful vibes :)) i like sitting crisscross or sitting on top of legs (idk what that's called,,, kneeling? but not really)
23. is writing the beginning, middle, or end the easiest? hardest? first off, writing anything is hard, so jot that down ksjdfksdjfljsd no but i guess the "easiest" would maybe be the beginning? altho i regularly realize i started at the wrong time and have to cut/reshape it so maybe not lol. middles and endings are both hard, but i think finding that final note to end on is really really difficult and i'm not sure i've ever pulled it off at the level i'd like so. yeah. endings suck
39. what's your most self-indulgent wip? oof there are so many XD most of my wips are self-indulgent really, but if i had to pick one,,, idk if this counts as "self-indulgent" but i have a cashton arrival au (like the 2016 sci-fi movie) that's. um. really really tragic and a little philosophical and not at all what people are looking for in rpf and i'm absolutely in love with it. it's been temporarily shelved for,,, reasons lol but when i'm able to pull it off the shelf and shine it up it's going to be killer and i know that i'm mostly likely going to be the only person who loves it but idc :)) it's going to be so fucking good :)))
46. if you could only write one type of au for the rest of your life, what would it be? ohhh gosh that's a hard one. gut reaction is superhero au but also idk if i have that many plots in me for it lol. i wish friends to lovers was an au instead of a trope so i could say that lol bc that's basically all write anyways slkdjfkdsjjf okay final answer is superhero aus but i would not be happy about it after a couple years lol
55. have you noticed any patterns in your fics? words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc? i use the phrase "flashed a(n) [adjective] smile" in basically every single thing i write and i am not ashamed to admit it! it's a bangin' phrase that can be used in a bunch of different ways and also it has a sort of snappiness to it that i like :))
70. are you subscribed to any writers on ao3? yep! i'm subscribed to 21 authors, mostly 5sos fic writers, but not all! most of them aren't very active tho lol and those that are generally post lots of fic that's nsfm (not safe for megs) but that's how it be sometimes
writer’s ask time!
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cuddliestbear · 5 years
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Kay....sooooo, whiney entitlement? Okay, what about the people, who DON'T let themselves foolishly buy luxuries they can't afford?
I agree, some of the younger generation, and a lot of my own are not great with money. Not sure still if I'm a millenial or Gen Z cuz I'm 20 and websites differ on the matter. But, I digress.
Most of us, myself included get low bank account notifications because I just barely managed to afford my everyday bills.
Bc idc, I'mma give you MY math.
Job: Makes 12.50 an hour, avg about 40 hrs a week, then I have to have my taxes taken and my health insurance taken because I have a policy with my work.
Avg around 600 to 800 depending on if I am allowed to work the full eighty hours per payperiod. In the summer, we barely are able to work five hours a day because we don't get any work, if at all. So, that sucks, because central air costs go even higher in the summer, considering I live on florida. Electricity, water bill, mortgage, car insurance. (Managed to buy my car used for 1000, so I avoided a car payment.)
Okay, water is 100 a month, electricity is a little less or more depending on usage.
Add that to 700 dollar mortgage payment per month(only cheap because our house is under my father in law's name and he is a veteran. His own condo get a discounted mortgage payment and the overall cost is less too) Plus food, which is a good four hundred a month. Plus clothes, and other necessities.
Which tbh are the cheapest things on the list to take care of.
Me and my boo get by because we don't buy stupid shit and don't treat ourselves often. Maybe its weird of me to think, but I would hazard a guess that wanting to treat yourself if you can afford it isn't a crime or something shameful. You worked hard for that damn money.
I am so FUCKING sick of the older generation saying how EVERY single person under a certain age is ungrateful or doesn't know how to function in society and be the same type of adult they were. Teach us your wisdomly ways, then and try to get and keep a job with your sour attitudes and rude demeanors in this day's climate, I beg of you.
Another issue with this is that Some people SIMPLY don't make enough. Some people have to get upwards of three roommates to help pay bills and make end's meet, and even then it can be a gamble.
I am in no means well off, but I make enough combined with my Jonathan to live. Every once in a while we can afford to have a nice dinner, we can afford to buy a dvd, we can afford to go to fun things. But that's only because we plan ahead for it. Only because we use our brains.
Whiney Entitlement....
The only fucking humans I meet who are entitled are ones raised by entitled people, and those are raised by the boomers who think that they(the boomers) are a gift from the gods, can do no wrong and deserve everyone's respect and admiration and compliance even when undeserved. Not all boomers are like this, but enough are for me to make the comparison.
Younger generations are tired of being treated like garbage by the older ones. The good younger gen people, not the entitled ones, they will think you're wronging them no matter what you do. But the good ones? They just wanna do their best, they want to have good lives with a house and a family and pets and friends and a steady job.
The problem isn't whiney millenials, it's the assholes who raised them and the assholes who fucked the economy so badly that people have to work three jobs to afford basic human needs.
So, please, come at me for my "entitlement".
Wanting a good life is a human ideal. And not a crime, for boomers once called that ideal the American Dream. Those same people decimated that dream and still expect us to reach it the same way they did.
Sorry for the sudden midnight outburst, but I have very strong feelings on this matter, and hate people who accuse an entire group of people of something based on a few outliers. I only accuse when I see an overabundance, like with the boomer gen. Again, not all of them are like that, but, more are than there should be.
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