#ibis x oc
k1nky-fool · 1 year
In Alis Fulminum
Part 1: Canere Cum Fulmine
Ibis x OC! Sparrow
Rating: Teen
Warnings: mentions of losing a sibling in an accident many years ago. Pretty fluffy otherwise.
Taglist: happy birthday to @sevikasstressball
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Of all the things Ibis expected from the young, human, mage, being such a fast learner wasn't one of them. Admittedly, he could likely attribute Callum's eagerness to learn with the inevitable time limit they would be faced with, but did not know the details of just yet.
"There's still no word from Ezran, is there?" Callum asked while the two of them took a brief break from practicing.
"I can assure you that you will be the first to know when there are any messages at all from Katolis." Ibis said, "If we're lucky, we'll know when it enters the atmosphere."
"Lucky how?" Callum asked.
"In your first trip to Xadia, did you not stumble upon any of the Nuntii?"
"The Nuntii? Can't say we did." He said, "Why? What's a Nuntii?"
"The Ventus Foedrium Nuntii are a league of Skywing messengers." Ibis explained. "Most of which were born with wings, and if they weren't, they have some other magical means to travel through the wind. Though, you might have imagined, adding Human kingdoms to their routes will be a difficult process."
"They're the Xadian version of Carrier Crows." Callum connected.
"Ah- something like that, I imagine." Ibis offered weakly, but really, he didn't want to admit he had no idea what Callum meant by a "carrier crow."
"So, it might be a while before we hear anything at all?"
"Well, I know at least one Nuntii that will most definitely try it, no matter the risks." Ibis stared off into the sunset, knowing he probably sounded quite exasperated about her. "If anyone is carrying your message, it will be her."
"She'd go to Katolis?"
"Eagerly." Ibis laughed, knowing with how fast she worked, she'd likely be there now. "There hasn't been a single city in Xadia she can't find a friend. I'm sure she'll take making friends in Katolis as a challenge."
Callum looked a little uneasy about the idea. "I know things are changing between human kingdoms and Xadia, but I know not everyone is as excited as Ezran to open the border."
The boy did have a good point. "Admittedly, she can be a little… much, but if humans are looking for a heartwarming introduction to Xadia, I can’t think of anyone better.”
Callum paused for a moment, but kept his thoughts to himself.
“How about we take this next spell from the Draconic.” Ibis suggested. “The rune is known to be troublesome.”
“What does the spell do?”
Ibis considered telling him, but he also knew magic got easier the more Draconic someone could actually speak and understand. “How about this, if you can figure out what the spell does based on the Draconic, I’ll take you to Shiverglades to show you how Skywing caravans use magic in daily life.”
“Yes. Skywings are typically nomadic.” Ibis explained. “Most Skywings travel in caravans throughout Xadia. I know my home caravan will be by the Shiverglades tomorrow.”
“Alright, hit me with the Draconic!”
“Ventum Circulo.”
“Ventum is for wind, the same as Ventis-” Callum deduced. “And the word circle comes from the Draconic word Circulo, so I guess it’s probably supposed to create a circle of wind like a tornado or something?”
“Draconic is correct, but your guess for the spell’s purpose is wrong.” Ibis noted. “However, I will admit that your guess aligns better, so I will accept it.”
“Yes-” A crack of thunder split across the sky, making Callum jump. “What was that!?”
Ibis scanned the skyline to find exactly what he was looking for. Or rather who. “I believe your message has entered the atmosphere, young mage.”
Callum followed as Ibis darted toward the pinnacle of the spire. “Where are you going?”
“I have to catch her.” Ibis answered simply, much to Callum’s confusion.
Ibis waited as he saw her begin to slow down with a wind spell, but she spotted him, and let herself freefall. Ibis held out his hand which she caught and swung around and landed gracefully in his arms. “Welcome back, Sparrow.”
“Good to be back.” She grinned as he set her down. “Flawless landing at the Storm Spire, as always.” Sparrow straightened her shirt from the flight, and turned to Callum with a surprised look. “You must be King Ezran’s brother!”
Callum was about to answer, but she was pulling her bag off her back and shuffling through scrolls, only to pick one out and hand it to him. “From Katolis, marked with importance, but not urgence. King Ezran was pretty insistent that you not worry too much about being absent from the court. Queen Anya of Duren was visiting when I arrived, and she wanted me to add Duren’s capital to my route. Oh! And the Crown Guard, Soren, recommended that I add the Moon Nexus to my route. I was surprised they were so receptive, Madam Calia was almost certain I’d be shot out of the sky.” Sparrow was as long winded as ever, definitely spurred on by the excitement of new kingdoms and new friends. “I also have some messages for your aunt Amaya at the Lux Aurea camp if you want to add anything to my inventory.”
The boy looked at her with intrigue, likely only ever seeing one or two Skywings in his life. “Ibis said your name was-”
“Sparrow.” She nodded, “Like the bird. Same as Ibis, like the bird. A lot of Skywings are named after birds.” she realized in real time, her mind running a mile a minute. “By the way, The Silvergrove is also on my route before here, and I believe there’s a message for a Moonshadow by the name of Rayla? Ethari said she’d be here too.”
“Oh! Yeah, she is. She’s just, umm… This way.” Callum gestured for her to follow him and she did, as Ibis followed after her. “So, Ibis said you’re a Nuntii?”
“Aye. I’m a member of the Ventus Foedrium Nuntii."
"The… Wind Alliance of Messengers?" Callum figured out.
"So Ibis is a good teacher!" Sparrow laughed with a playful jab to him. "We work the mail system across Xadia. And now I get to go to human kingdoms too!"
It seems Ibis was right about her excitement to travel to human kingdoms.
"You didn't deal with any trouble there?" Callum asked.
"King Ezran was sure to introduce me to the court with friendship. And I already met General Amaya and Commander Gren on my last pass through Lux Aurea." Sparrow explained. "My introduction to Queen Anya might have been strange, but it was productive. Your brother is very kind, Prince Callum."
"You don't have to call me Prince. I'm just regular Callum."
"Sure thing, regular Callum." Sparrow joked. Callum was about to speak up again, but she spotted Rayla and jumped ahead to meet her.
"Oh boy, a Nuntii. What curse have you brought me today?" Rayla groaned, sitting up while Zym continued to wrestle with an unfortunate plant.
"I always hope it's good news, but I never know with items from the Silvergrove." Sparrow handed her a scroll with only one parchment in it. Rayla didn't take it right away, eying Sparrow suspiciously. To her credit, Sparrow wasn't phased by it.
Ibis didn't even blame Rayla for her skepticism. Sparrow was definitely quite extreme, despite what her appearance indicates. She's nearly the same size as Rayla despite being only a few years younger than Ibis himself, and round, gray, eyes with a bright smile could only communicate a docile nature to so many people.
She eventually took the scroll from Sparrow, but walked away with it. Callum followed her, leaving Ibis and Sparrow with Zym.
"I also have a gift from your friend, Barius, for Prince Azymondias." Sparrow reached into her bag and pulled out an item that was wrapped in brown wax paper. Of course it was a raspberry jelly tart, but it did seem to be vaguely bigger than the last one that the baker had the chance to give him in person to account for the prince's growth in the last two months.
Sparrow was always a picture of softness that was a rare find in Xadia. Three, loose braids of white hair spilled over her shoulders and back and fell just above her waist. Her wings had a wide span with billowy white feathers that gently brushed the ground on occasion when they were folded up. The trim Nuntii uniform looked good on her and complimented her soft sky blue skin.
Ibis could never place a reason, but the spire always felt more peaceful when she was here. Like she was the last piece of the puzzle of what Ibis loved about being here.
"I'll find Pyrrah and Queen Zubeia later." She turned to face Ibis now with a warm smile.
Ibis relaxed now that she was here. "How was your trip? Anything interesting since your last visit here?"
"Well, I got to meet humans in Lux Aurea while they begin setting up the temporary camp. The human general is deaf, and Kazi gave me a book so I could learn Katolis Sign Language. Nyx caught me above the Midnight Desert, but I think she learned her lesson from last time that getting electrocuted out of the sky isn't very fun." Sparrow explained, "I actually got to talk to someone at the Silvergrove instead of just stumbling through trees until I found the hidden checkpoint. He wasn't even very awkward about it, he just had some instructions and tipped me with some food. Drakewood still hates me, but I didn't get caught. Madam Calia found me in the Black Tundra and asked if I was crazy enough to go to Katolis, of course I am, so that's how I now have the most circular route in the whole continent!"
Her excitement was contagious, and Ibis couldn't help but smile along with her. The two of them gravitated towards their usual routine when she got here. He'd sit down with Sparrow and help her with taking down her hair, brushing it out and rebraiding it. While he was behind her, he usually checked up on her injured wing, even though they both knew nothing could be done to fix it, he still liked to make sure it wasn't hurt any more by a mishap on her route.
"What's been going on here at the spire since I've been gone?" Sparrow asks.
"It's never been more lively. Queen Zubeia is overjoyed that her son has returned. Even in the decade or so I've been a liaison between elves and dragons, she's never been this happy. It's nice to see her with so much hope for the future." Ibis said, brushing through her hair.
"And the human mage?" She asked, "How's he doing?"
"I worry I might fall short in my efforts to teach him. Callum couldn't be a better student if he tried." He expressed honestly, "The boy has a perfect memory for visuals. I don't think I've ever seen him make a mistake on a rune. He understands the Draconic like he expects Katolis to be speaking it fluently when he returns. It's taking him half the time it took me to learn the baseline for his studies."
Sparrow leans back against him as he holds an unfinished braid in his hand. "Well, if anyone can teach him, it's the Master of the Four Winds." She teases.
"Why is it that when you say it, my title sounds like it's a criminal charge?"
"Why? Planning on getting into trouble?" She asks playfully, making him laugh.
"Only as much as is necessary, Sparrow." He says, "Though, I don't know how much trouble the Tempestum will be able to handle when I introduce Callum to them."
"You're taking Callum to meet your home caravan?"
"I want to show him how magic is used in everyday life, and if I'm going to take a human with me into a Skywing caravan, I want it to be a group I trust." Ibis explained.
Sparrow nodded as he finished braiding her hair. "What if I came with you?"
Ibis couldn't help but freeze as she fell back against him without a care in the world. Bringing a fellow Skywing with him back to his home to meet his caravan had… certain implications. Not that he thought she was trying to imply anything, it's just that his home would definitely see it that way.
It's not like she didn't know what it would look like to them. Ibis has met the Tripudius caravan, though Sparrow wasn't with him, it would have the same implications if she were the one bringing him to meet her home. He knows she's met the Tempestum already, but it was different for him to bring her with him.
"Why do you want to come with me?" He asked.
"It's been a while since I've come across them." She said, "But I know they're traveling up the Caligo Riverbank and will be at the edge of the Shiverglades tomorrow. We could stop by Lux Aurea, let him see his aunt before meeting the Tempestium. And if I don't meet up with them now, my route won't collide with their path for another month and a half, so the few items I have for members won't be delivered for a while."
Sparrow made a fair point. Despite her whimsical nature, no matter how much she denies it, her penchant for efficiency is undeniable. Callum has also been cooped up around the spire for nearly a month already, and visiting his aunt might be a good break for him. Rayla was also unofficially taking up the mantle of a Dragonguard, so it's not like the spire would be defenseless without him even if Zubeia and Pyrrah were out of commission or even just busy.
"You know how it'll look to them if you were to accompany me." Ibis says, honestly.
"I'm sure they're not unreasonable. There's always gossip, but the Tempestum has always been better about not making assumptions." She shrugs off, "Besides, I have business there. I have a couple things to deliver, and I have to speak to the elders anyway to get an update on their pathway."
To be fair, it's not like Ibis didn't want to bring her with him. In fact, making a day out of flying to his home caravan with his apprentice and close friend sounded quite wholesome in a way. "I think you should come with us. At the very least, it'll be efficient."
Sparrow's smile was always heartwarming. "Can I rest here tonight?"
"Always. Though, Callum has the guest quarters right now. There are available beds with the Dragonguard quarters."
"Works for me!" Sparrow hopped up, giving Zym an affectionate scratch on the head. "Young Prince, can you help me find your mother and Pyrrah?" Zym yipped and guided her toward where he last saw his mother.
Callum and Rayla found him only a few minutes later. Rayla stood farther away against the wall while Callum came to notify him that King Ezran and the court of Katolis could give him another month to train with Ibis before he had to return. While that would normally be an outrageous request, with how fast Callum was learning, that would be more than enough time. Besides, once the foundation of how to find spells was laid, Sky magic was best learned by personal discovery.
“Say, I got a question about Sparrow.” Callum prefaced, looking for approval from Ibis first.
“Of course.”
“Are you two- Like are you and her… together?”
That was definitely not the question he was expecting from Callum. “We- No, we’re friends… If I might inquire, what makes you ask?”
“Oh! Well, it’s not that important, I guess you just remind me of someone.” Callum shrugged off, but couldn't shake Ibis' questioning stare. “It’s just that-... you talk about her the same way my dad talked about my mom. And then she just dropped out of the sky like she trusts you with her life, and you caught her no problem. I guess if you’re not together, it just means you’ve been friends for a long time.”
“Ah, I see. Sparrow has been a friend of mine for nearly a decade now, but our relationship is purely platonic.” He explained simply, and while Rayla seemed satisfied with the answer, Callum only seemed to accept it because it was the answer that was given. Callum’s expressions were always easy to read, but Ibis couldn’t help but wonder why he made the connection that he did.
Ibis had built up this friendship with Sparrow for a few years before they got anywhere near as in sync as they were today. That catch at the pinnacle took nearly a whole year to get down. There had been years of her visiting the spire on her route and spending the night here, and both her and Ibis spending all their time together before she took off on her way. At some point between their meeting and now, there had to have been a shift that made it clear to observers that they were something other than friends.
Even after knowing Sparrow for nearly ten years now, Ibis had to admit that she was possibly the closest friend of his. He’d known Pyrrah for nearly the same amount of time, but she always kept him at wing’s length. He’d spoken to the Dragonguard before the Dark Mage’s attack. Lain and Tiadrin were always kind and happy to see him, but even back then, Ibis made a habit of arriving at the Storm Spire a day or so before he knew Sparrow would be arriving so he could catch her at the pinnacle. Perhaps they simply related to each other and spoke to each other more than they gravitated towards anybody else.
Still, Ibis knew at the end of the day that he trusted Sparrow.
She really wishes it were easier to hug Queen Zubeia. Like Ibis said, it's been years since she was this happy, and it's a treasure to see her so hopeful for the future. The official business was quick, but she expected to see more as the alliance with Katolis proceeded.
"Have you and Ibis caught up yet, Sparrow?" Zubeia asked politely as Sparrow wrapped up her papers.
"Well, he caught me out of the sky, so naturally we spoke. Messages for Callum, Rayla, and even a gift for Prince Azymondias were already handled. I just have a gift for Pyrrah from the young Crown Guard left."
"Nothing for Ibis? Not even personally?" Zubeia teased.
"Wow, nearly a decade since Ibis and I met, and you're still on about setting us up." Sparrow teased back.
"Please, Sparrow. He looks at you like you're made of gold and jewels." She points out.
"Respectfully, I don't believe you, but regardless, Ibis and I are good friends and we're happy that way." Sparrow began making her way to the Pyrrah's room.
"You know when he was a traveling liaison, he would always come here a day before your arrival just to be sure he could catch you at the pinnacle." Zubeia said, making Sparrow stop.
"He did?"
"I remember the Moonshadows, Lain and Tiadrin, making a game of it. How long would it take from Ibis' arrival until you would land. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was watching the sky for your fulminum."
The thought did give her pause, but she couldn't deny that she'd do the same if she could find him that easily. Her fulmine spell made it very easy to find her, and since he knew her route, no matter where Ibis was, he could tell what part of her route she was on no matter where he was when he saw the lightning bolt.
They often ran into each other by accident as well. Ibis and her had often stumbled upon each other at various dragon dwellings, but no matter what, they always met up at the Storm Spire.
"I find the idea flattering, your majesty, but Ibis is simply a good friend of mine." She bowed and bid her farewell, heading to Pyrrah’s den.
It seems that the Crown Guard knows enough about Pyrrah’s tastes in shiny objects to give her a cluster of crystals he found on his trip back to Katolis. At the very least she was happy to have the gift.
With the completion of her deliveries, she was free until the morning. Sparrow made her way up to the pinnacle and took out her journal to kill time, writing down the deliveries, and who she had met since she didn’t have the time to write much in Katolis.The sun was setting now, and setting the sky ablaze with orange and pink streaks. The wind that she’d relied on to slow herself down had softened to a slight breeze, and the atmosphere was laying in wait for something interesting to happen just as she was.
“I thought you might have headed here.” She expected Ibis to be the first to approach her, but the young human mage was a welcome voice.
“It’s a nice spot.” She answered. “You just up here skygazing, or can I do something for you?”
“Can I have both?” Callum asked, to which Sparrow couldn’t help but laugh.
“Of course. Take a seat.” Sparrow offered. “What can I do for you?"
"Ibis said you had a spell that you created. I didn't know you could do that."
"Oh!" Sparrow pointed to the Draconic Rune that decorated her left shoulder. "Technically I found it, not created it."
Callum inspected the rune carefully. "How do you find a spell?"
"I take it Ibis tells you the spell, and you learn what it does, aye?" Sparrow asked.
"Pretty much. Usually it's the rune, then the words, and then I find out what it does." He confirmed.
"Well, you find a spell by working backwards without much of a guide." She flipped to the very first page in her journal and handed it over to Callum.
The pages were littered with words in Common Xadian and Draconic translations. And notes on what each of the spells did when paired with various Draconic runes.
Canere Cum Fulmine - To Sing With Lightning
My voice sounded like thunder, but there weren’t any other effects.
Canere Canticum Tempestatis - To Sing the Song of the Storm
Voice became loud and nearly struck myself with lightning. Though the storm seemed to move with my voice.
Avem Cantis Cum Fulminum - The Bird Sings With Lightning
Stretching my current knowledge of Ancient Draconic, and not getting very far. Mixed the effects of the first two attempts. Still not close to my goal.
Sparrow remembered those first few attempts well. That was really all the Draconic she knew, and her only means of vetting the rune drawing process was by seeing what worked and what didn’t. It was a miracle she only knew words relating to voices, since that’s all she really knew from her time singing and dancing with her caravan.
Equitare Cum Fulmine - To Ride With Lightning
I received a book to help with the Draconic translations. I am much closer than any previous attempts! I can appear where lightning is currently striking, but no way of aiming or choosing the bolt.
Receiving that book was definitely the last thing she needed. It was the first book that her dear Sunfire friend, Kazi, had ever given her. They helped her come up with a few more suggestions on runes and how to find the correct one for what she needed.
Corpus Fulminum - Body of Lightning
Unfortunately, Knowledge wasn’t the only thing Sparrow needed. The page was completely blank, and Callum’s clever observation didn’t spare his curiosity.
“What happened here?” He asked, and although she was expecting the question, Sparrow knew it wasn’t fun to lose the innocence of curiosity.
Still, better that he learned this lesson the easy way. “You know that magic can be dangerous?”
“I’ve seen Dark Magic do terrible things, but you practice Primal Magic, right?”
“Aye, that I do.” She couldn’t help but laugh sadly. “What you must understand about magic, Primal included, is that any power in the wrong hands can do irreparable damage.”
“Xadia has evil mages?”
“Well, some. But not all damage is intentional.” She explained. “Sometimes, even the most studious, selfless, and eager hands can cause harm just by the unfortunate curse of inexperience.”
“Your wing.” Callum realized. “You hurt it while creating this spell, didn’t you?”
“I wish it was just my wing.” Sparrow pulled her bookmark from somewhere in the back of the book and placed it on the blank page. It was a sketch her mother made several decades ago. Sparrow had fallen asleep with her newly adopted little brother tucked under her wing like a blanket, which gave their mother a good amount of time to finish the sketch. “It’s taken a long time for me to heal, Callum. I know now that it wasn’t my fault, and that nothing could have prepared me for the accident, but I don’t think hurting like that just goes away over time.”
Callum wiped his eyes on his sleeve. “What was their name?”
“His name was Nebulum.” Sparrow answered as she remembered him vividly, as though they were still playing by the boulders. “Callum, I’m not telling you this to scare you off of taking challenges. I think that Ibis can tell you what sort of spells you're not ready for until he’s taught you everything he knows.”
“Then why are you telling me?” He asked. “It can’t be easy to talk about him.”
“Easy? No. I’m telling you because when Ibis is done teaching you, you’ll have to assess the risks on your own.” She said, “And, that even when you mess up-” Sparrow turned the page to the next two attempts.
Alis Fulmine - Wings With Lightning
I can now aim where I appear, but this is still not right. The Lightning only covers my wings instead of carrying me.
In Alis Fulminum - On the Wings of Lightning
“You won’t abandon The Arcanum.”
“And you’re still flying. Even after all this and your injured wing.”
“I love to fly, and so did he.” Sparrow hummed. “When I ride the Fulminum, it’s like he’s right there with me.”
“What does it do? In Alis Fulminum?”
“Why tell you when I can show you on our way to the Shiverglades tomorrow?”
“Sure! Can’t wait to see it.” Callum darted up. “Oh, and thank you, Sparrow.”
“Of course.” She bid him goodnight as he made his way back down the spire.
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wolf-forests · 1 month
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oh Genderfluid Burlesque wolf save me
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toasted-melow · 7 months
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So rn I can say ..
This au was something I have been wanting to make with multiple fandoms but digital circus was the best decision to use!
Kinda have a silly lore about this au is where the whole gang has a ner adventure BUT this adventure went wrong and Caine couldn't control how everything went this time so he has to continue this whole adventure/travel till they find the final code in the last kingdom in this fantasy world so they can get back to them old digital world
I kinda like the idea of kinger didn't met queenie yet! So his memory got deleted about that part so rn he gonna met queenie which it's like funny and kinda get the others feels like they have seen her before and Caine gonna be like " 👀 "
AHHHHH I have a lot ideas for this insane au and I can't wait to do a lot with!!
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beatriz-lioness · 1 month
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Fanart for the great @e-vay of my favorite character of hers, CC! When I first meet the Sonic fandom, she was one of my main inspirations and influences back in the day. Gee, I started dying my hair because of E-vay! I created my first fanchilds. I looked at her posts and art, over and over again. I was obsessed. You can imagine the total joy I felt when she came back to Tumblr months ago.
I'm afraid I'll sound like a crazy, weird fangirl. But this is really how I feel. If I'm here today, she was her part in it.
01010100 01101000 01100001 01101110 01101011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 01111001 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110001 01110101 01100101 01100101 01101110 00100000 01100101 00101101 01110110 01100001 01111001
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rainbowwyrm · 1 month
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Oh and one more thing: here's a blank version of the template I made! Now you can use it however you like (with credit ofc)!
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Saw a skirt on Pinterest and I had to draw him in it
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ririanimations · 3 months
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betinh3 · 4 months
Hoppy and kickin family!!!💚💛
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Hoppy's parents, as you can see, are athletes and champions. Mom is the strongest rabbit boxer of all and her dad is a runner, the fastest hare Hoppy knows.
Kickin has a very well-endowed singer father and his mother is just a poor, insecure hen who does everything she can to make sure her chicks are well. He also has younger siblings but we'll see about that later uwu.
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ccnam-artz · 1 month
Vastness of Space
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An iterator based off of space, specifically a black hole. Considered considerate and patient, despite appearing cold and distant. Is also mostly isolated from other iterators.
More info will be provided in the future
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annbragin · 5 months
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Happy New Year everyone!!💎🧡
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k1nky-fool · 1 year
OC: Sparrow (from In Alis Fulminum)
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wolf-forests · 1 month
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toasted-melow · 2 months
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🌤🦋 looking for butterflies 🦋 🌤
I love how this turned out so far specially the background was my favorite part honestly!
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redara · 1 month
Double Date.
Commission for @/starrybrujita on IG.
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Tomas x Esmeralda (her OC) and Bi-Han x Jun (my OC).
Teehee thank you so much for commissioning me! 💕
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jeycehappyxd · 2 months
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I try 😔🥺
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