#i'm trying to not hoard so many wips
yenpondering · 1 year
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tfw your heart skips a beat after being saved from drowning by a mermaid but you’re not entirely sure why she’s moving your face around like a rag doll
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strangefable · 1 year
procrastinating writing with a deep dive through my 800 post deep drafts? who me?
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voxofthevoid · 23 days
I don't know if the wip open season is still open but I'm praying it is because I'm trying to reveal alllllll🙏
11, 12, 16, 66, 68, 69, 72
if these are already done, please ignore🙏
(I def went a little crazy with the list but you went crazy with the insanely good ideas first so it's only fair🤭)
I approve of your reveal-all mission! Seriously though, it's great to hear you like the ideas so much 💙
Of these, only 72 has been answered...and it turns out you asked that! A+ for consistency.
Of the rest, since I actually am sticking to one idea per ask this time around, I've gone with 66; it's a bit different from my usual.
66. what does the poem of a killer say when it's written in the blood of the prey
Fantasy AU where Gojou and Sukuna are gods and Yuuji’s a human-dragon hybrid who trips into both of their (metaphorical and literal) beds, separately, and then settles said gods’ catfights in creative ways.
Species and appearance:
Half-dragon Yuuji capable of full shift
Scales on face, shoulders, arms, calves, thighs, hips and a scaled tail
Treating two(2) gods as his hoard
God Sukuna
OG form
Long hip-length hair
God Gojou
Many-eyed, many-winged
Infinite void where his heart would be
How Yuuji first meets his gods:
Gojou's bathing in a river with his whole dick (and many eyes) out, when Yuuji stumbles into him. A cute half-dragon sees him and doesn't immediately go insane; what's Gojou supposed to do? Not fuck him?
Sukuna sheltering in a not-so-abandoned cave during a storm, figuring he'd eat his host before leaving, and post-Gojou Yuuji just assuming the god sneaking into his bed is trying to get laid. Sukuna very confused by his little evening snack getting handsy with him. Yuuji can shove his tail into the belly mouth while Sukuna's too busy being fucked out.
Yuuji pecks Sukuna on the mouth or cheek as goodbye and Sukuna going ??????? all the way back to... wherever he is: Yuuji drops to his knees and Sukuna's preparing for a goodbye blowjob, except his baby-eating belly mouth gets a lil kiss. Meanwhile, Gojou would splay himself out and let Yuuji kiss every one of his eyes.
This goes on to detail how Yuuji "fucks the belly mouth and the infinite void." And then we get even freakier with full-shift Yuuji and macro/micro porn, plus mating of the oviposition variety. Yes, this whole thing is a freaky fuckfest.
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themissakat · 2 years
Hi! First off I jut wanted to say I'm a huge fan of your work. Your art inspires me so much and I love all of the fanfics you've written. Especially pieces of you. Anyways, I was wondering if you have any tips for beginners. Anatomy wise I mean. I'm not very good at Anatomy and was wondering if you had any tips? That's all. Keep up the great work!
thanks so much!!
man i love talking about learning How To Art, lets get to it *breaks my knuckles*
I did a quick tik tok a hot minute ago rambling on my process with figures:
I am trying to narrow down my thoughts and i think that overall, human anatomy is easiest to grasp by starting simple, then narrowing your focus.
as i mentioned in the above tik tok, simplification of shapes can really help, as well as memorizing general proportions of the body. even if you cannot draw the specific detail of, say, the musculature of a neck, or every single finger joint, if the structure is there and is generally in the right place, it will be far more helpful.
my favorite phrase in regards to developing skills and then style is, "you need to learn the rules before you can break them."
Observation and reference is super important, especially with something as complex as the human form. Frequently refer back to real people, pictures, references.
(If you are able to, I recommend trying to attend sessions with live models. If you can't there's lots of websites that give a similar structure to those sessions, but with photos instead (most sites give an option to exclude nude pictures as well which can be nice). (here's one i found by googling "figure drawing")
To practice simplified anatomy, i would probably recommend gesture drawing, just very quick and loose doodles from reference (with the above type of website, 60 seconds a pose or less!) to help get an idea of your basic shapes and proportions. (Some examples below!!)
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Reference is very much your friend. if you do have a specific pose in mind, ask a friend to pose for a picture, or take one of you! (or be like me and use a webcam, because you've already got a tripod for it, why not)
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(tracing from photos can also be a good way to learn! though it is important to remember that it should be used as a LEARNING TOOL, not as a means to produce a final piece of artwork.)
my final note for this long ass ramble is that, often times people will pass along tutorials from other artists. HOARD THESE. so many people have really good tips for shortcuts, or how they think about things! (for example, this artist, Meg Syv, is someone whose work i really admire, PLUS she retweets a lot of tutorials as well as posts lots of WIP work, which gives some insight into her process!) (i think she's been coming back to Tumblr as well, @/bludragongal ) okay i think that's all i can word vomit for the moment. TLDR: Observe and Reference from Life, Simplified > Complex, Create a dragon hoard of tips and tutorials that other kind people post online. HOPE THIS HELPS!! All the well wishes for your art journey!
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steddiecameraroll · 1 month
WIP Weekend
Here's some more of that hoarding fic that was sitting in my WIP folder for 8 months. Yes I've got multiple WIPs happening. What's it to you? Sorry, I'm getting defensive because it feels like they're haunting me.
Surrounded Myself with your Ghost
“Ohhh my god,” Robin’s hand covers her mouth as she looks around Steve’s house.
Steve sees Sam nudge the woman, who tries to pull it together quickly.
“I know,” Steve sighs. He hasn’t felt this much shame in decades.
“What happened?”
“I just- I don’t know,” and it’s true he doesn’t know.
It was never like this until Eddie got sick. When Eddie was moved into their bedroom, Steve felt like he needed to collect every piece of Corroded Coffin memorabilia that existed. He wanted to make sure Eddie got to see how much he’d changed the world and how important his music had been to his fans. He wanted his last remaining time on this earth to be surrounded by as much love as possible.
But it didn’t stop once Eddie was gone.
Eventually, Steve started buying things he knew Eddie would’ve loved, such as paintings by artists Eddie had mentioned over the years or guitars he’d always wanted to own. Then Steve started to find things that reminded him of their relationship from the early years. He’d bought a couch that looked exactly like the one they owned at their first apartment and pushed into his already overflowing office.
He could’ve put it in their bedroom but hadn’t stepped foot in there since Eddie passed. It looked exactly the same as it had on the day Eddie took his last breath, on the day that the nurse who had been taking care of him came out to tell Steve that he was gone. Steve had only left to refill Eddie’s water pitcher, but in those few minutes, he missed his husband’s last breath.
The nurse tried to reassure him that many patients ‘wait’ until their family members are gone to let go. They don’t want to hurt their loved ones, so they hold on just long enough until they feel like it’s ok to finally say goodbye. However, the explanation didn’t help to absolve Steve of his overwhelming guilt.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Robin’s voice sounds more accusatory than Steve is sure she means.
“It’s embarrassing,” he shrugs.
“Shit,” she moves, and suddenly Steve feels her arms wrap around him. “I’m sorry. I miss him too, you know? We’ll go through it all. I’m here to help.”
“There’s-“ Steve clears his throat, trying to stop the tears building. “There’s something I need to tell you both.”
“What?” Sam rubs her hand across her dad’s shoulder while he keeps Robin close.
“I-I can’t find him.” His stomach churns after he admits what he’s feared to say out loud for years.
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thecoziestbean · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @iamstartraveller776 !
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 11
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 127,389
3. What fandoms do you write for? LOTR: The Rings of Power, Baldur's Gate 3, and The Night Circus
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
run through the forest (settle before the sun): you get more than you bargained for when you stumble upon a little cottage after getting lost in the Wood [BG3, Halsin/Reader, dark fairy tale au]
The Venus of Valinor: Galadriel has her work cut out for her covering up that her family's art collection is fake. When too much interest threatens to expose her secret, she enlists rakish thief Halbrand's help. [LOTR: TROP, Haladriel, modern-ish art heist au]
meet me at the edge: Nobody talks much about the Noldor family anymore. Like saying any of their names aloud will bring their misfortune down upon the speaker: a lesson to be learned, a warning to be issued, a curse to be conjured. [LOTR: TROP, Haladriel, prairie gothic horror au]
sharp as a razor, sweet as honeysuckle: The fic where Galadriel's a professional barrel racer on the rodeo circuit, Hal's a washed up bull rider running a honky tonk, and they're both idiots in love. [LOTR: TROP, Haladriel, modern rodeo au]
My Way or the Highway: Workplace rivals Galadriel and Halbrand are sent on a business trip to meet with a reclusive client. The trip does not go according to plan. [LOTR: TROP, Haladriel, modern roadtrip au]
5. Do you respond to comments? I try to! I'm not always prompt, and sometimes I don't have the bandwidth. But I really really really appreciate every one I get, and I hoard them like a weird little dragon.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't really do angsty endings, but I guess Missed Connections? There's a good chance I'm going to expand on that one this year, but where it stands now I'd say it's angsty.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I guess run through the forest? That's the one that probably comes closest to a HEA ending. But I'm also partial to the ending of sharp as a razor.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Once, on a 100 word drabble. It was a bizarre experience.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yessss. I tend to write the E variety, and it often has an... energetic quality to it, we'll say. But I like smut that reveals something about the characters, either to themselves or to each other or just to the reader.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Nope. Not really something I'm super interested in doing, either.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but that would be very cool.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not yet...
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I feel like I shouldn't say Haladriel because it's too obvious, but I'm also astounded that I'm still here and the brainrot has somehow only gotten worse.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Oof, I really hope I finish all my WIPs. I do have a Haladriel Western AU that I've been working on for a year (?) now, though, that feels like it'll never be done. (Different from meet me and sharp as a razor if anyone's wondering, and yes, I realize that means I had/have 3 western/western adjacent au's. Stop looking at me like that.)
16. What are your writing strengths? I think I'm pretty good at scene setting and atmosphere. And creating a clear sense of space through description and action/movement.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I struggle with articulating the emotional pay off in big scenes. And endings! Endings are rough! Let me just stew in the atmosphere for 40k with no end in sight.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've used a little Quenya and Sindarin here and there, but I'm not comfortable enough with any other languages to use them extensively in fic.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Rings of Power is the first fandom I've ever really finished or shared anything in. I dabbled a bit in some other fandoms years ago, but nothing ever saw the light of day. I'll forever be grateful to this fandom for getting me writing for fun again.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Ooo, that's hard. They've all been my favorite at one point or another. Right now, I'd have to say A Lust for Light, the fic I wrote for the most recent Haladriel Exchange is top of the list. I'm so so so proud of how that one turned out.
No pressure tagging: @nocaptainonthisship @lisenberry @liminal-zone @conundrumoftime @wyrd-syster @myrsinemezzo @the-sweet-hibiscus @klynnvakarian @jhalya @stitchingatthecircuitboard @hazelmaines and anyone else you wants to play!
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kinnbig · 10 months
My current WIPs, in the order I last looked at them and for which I have actually written something
thank you for tagging me @kimchaybrainrot I love u (also I am 👀 at all of those but especially the KenBig HI I'M LISTENING INTENTLY.)
Chart Topper chapter 7 (Arm) - I've been working on this today! I love the concept for this chapter and it's finally getting there 🥰
Burnout aka "phoenix fic" - ah yes. the KenBig wip that was supposed to be a lil 2-3k fic that only took a week or so to write... that is now sitting at 20k four months later and still isn't done. rip. I love it so much though, I'm so excited to be able to share this one
assorted kiss prompt ask game ficlets - whoops. TWO MONTHS AGO I did an ask game for fic prompts to try and get me out of my writer's block.. and it worked! I posted 6 kiss prompt ficlets! but uh. there are 11 more in various states of completion 💀 personal faves include some ArmTankhun, some fucked up KenBig, and some RamKing ft Ram wearing a skirt 👀
ArmKhun fake dating fic - one of my favourite fic concepts EVER that has sadly taken a backseat in my brain because of Chart Topper and Burnout. but SOON I will return to my beloved
f/f KimChay - uhhhh. this is just shameless femslash pwp because. I think they should have been lesbians.
Let Me Live in Your Mind chapters 3 & 4- this fic is not abandoned I promise I'm still working on it! I'm just. slow 🫣
Footnotes aka "the Big and Ken centric pain and sadness compilation" lmao - this was suuuuch a huge project for me that I started basically immediately after KinnPorsche ended that just. idk. it's so long. it's not abandoned but it's very much on the back-burner rn
there are also many many half-written oneshots in there that I didn't put in the list because they'll probably never get finished (RamKing fake dating au, ArmKhun fic where Khun kills Korn, a KimChay exes with benefits thing, etc etc...) I just hoard WIPs like a dragon in a cave I can't help it!
I think lots of people have already been tagged so sorry if this is a double tag! but I'm tagging @sidras-tak @giraffeter @tumsa @prismatic-witch @days-of-storm @cytharat @snickerdoodlles - but no pressure of course! 💖
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yuusaris · 6 months
@rochelle-echidna showed up in the thief king bakura tag cuz I follow it, doing a "post a couple paragraphs of your WIP" share-a-thon thing and said anyone who sees it could do it and I saw it and I wanna do it, I wanna I wanna I wannaaaaa!!!!!
tagging @millenniumringg, @justapalspal @nightingalejune and @ladymdc and anyone else who just wanna wanna wanna like meeeeeee
I'm obvs gunna do a few of these, obviously. I have too many WIP's not to share. I'm gunna do my lmk ones first, then the ygo's and I'll end on a very delayed WIP for rvb, mmkay? mmkay.
(Context: My last dump was to make way for this - a whole new plot and direction for a fic whose name doesn't suit it right now and is thus unrtitled - the idea is... well, honestly, this is almost all of the first chapter, so, it'll speak for itself.)
“Like a…bri-- a- a wife?” Macaque’s brow furrows. “You want to get married? You.”
“What’s that tone? I could get married if I want!” Wukong spits. “If I even want a queen - I mean, it’s not like we even need one.”
“Then why are you thinking about it?”
Wukong groans, “Well, everyone else’s got one!” and deflates at his status - the odd-king-out. “Bull’s totally gunna marry Jade Face, Peng and Tusk are saddled up, King of Confusion’s just got that new thing on his arm, even White Snake snagged herself some human to mack on-- Not that it matters!” Wukong defends - no, declares, because it is a fact. “Cuz I don’t need one just cuz everyone else is doing it, just - why’s everyone dipping on party time because of some spouse, what’s so important about them? Am I missing something here?”
“If you have to ask, you’re probably not ready for that kind of relationship--”
“Relationship, shmelationship, what’s that gotta do with anything?!” Wukong, just as he finishes, decides he doesn’t like the look on Macaque’s face either. “Y’know, for my right hand man, you’re not bein’ too helpful right now.”
--[Almost And Enough]---
(Context: My S4 Wukong In The Broken Scroll fic I've been working on sinceeeeee fffffuck, whenever it was S4 came out. I've been working on this all year and Chapter 1 IS done, but I want to finish the fic before I post. Either way, we've got a Wukong - currently not Wukong and therefore Monkey -deciding to share his Secret, that being, he's going to leave to find immortality. And he picks a very particular person to share it with first...) The Macaque looks to the sky, the trees, the fruits - as long as it’s not as his King. “The others should know.” Is his only, halting, response.
Monkey shrugs, shoulders hiking then rolling back in a way he hopes is cool. “I wanted to tell you first.”
“Why?” The Macaque asks with a dismissal that’s purely performative. “We’re not close just because we’re part of the same troop - We’re almost strangers, we’ve never even talked.”
Lies are sort of like secrets--
“You should tell the other mountain troops to merge with ours.” Monkey had suggested. “It makes no sense for us to hoard the cave when there’s others who need the shelter too!”
“I can do that,” replied the monkey, a macaque with three round ears to each side of his head. His face was a wild splatter of red with exciting flares, more extravagant than the smooth curves of Monkey’s peach-pink patch. “You’re King now, so...”
--but much less fun.
“Well, ‘almost’ isn't a stranger, is it?” Monkey grins when he finds a stick in the ground - almost a branch but just shy of earning the title. Absently, he answers as he slings it over one shoulder, “Besiiiides, us not talking is as much on me as it is you so, this is me breaking the ice and you being forgiven for not trying.”
--[My Poltergeist Is Dead And Everything Is Worse Now]--
(Context: a trauma-release fic I've been writing while mourning my cat. Weirdly took on life with sections named after bits of Bojack's eulogy for his mother. It's a funeral, taking place within the Milleniaum...Cube? Cube. Plana Cube, after Ryou got ousted from the movie by the Cube. If Joey went to a place no one remembers him, Ryou went to a surrealist funeral, where he'll be around all the people he lost, with a big focus on the Spirit of the Ring. His family is written in past tense because they have passed away and this cannot be undone or forgotten)
He sits at the pew, next to his mother, with his sister crawling into his lap. The Spirit sits behind him, and toys with Ryou’s hair, drawn back as respectably as a boy with long hair can manage. Ryou shakes his head to shake the hand off, but only succeeds in garnering Amane’s infant hands instead. 
“It doesn’t make sense, him being gone.”
Ryou listens to her speak, his eyes on the casket.
“It doesn’t feel real.”
Ryou looks to his side. His mother’s head was bowed, not looking at the coffin. Her stiff body and closed eyes unnerve him from her seat. In a rhythm, she took one long breath, exhaling, and each after became smaller and smaller. In a moment, she didn’t seem to breathe at all - Ryou checks for her chest to rise wide again, and ends up staring instead.
“Did you love him?” Ryou asks her, a thing that’s haunted him just beneath his foundations.
A glassy eye was open, pointed in Ryou’s direction. The answer took longer than Ryou was comfortable with, and the answer itself had been no sweeter.
“Do you?”
--[Love, The Me That's Killing You]--
(Context: Ryou has discovered Bakura's got Hanahaki disease and it's killing them both as they share a body. So he's trying to figure out who is it Bakura could possibly be in love with. Despite efforts to dissuade him, Bakura eventually concedes to the search, rushing Ryou past pictures of the Battle City finals until--)
“That one!” Bakura points. To a young girl with cinnamon brown hair.
“Jounouchi-kun’s sister?” Ryou asks, dreadingly, as Bakura nods, furiously. “...She’s… thirteen.”
There’s a choking sound. “Not… not that one, then.” Bakura rasps. “The other one, there was another one, still had the hair and the - there! Yes, her!” He points, it’s Isis. Ryou’s confused.
“But you just said-”
“I made a mistake, am I allowed to make mistakes?”
“About someone you love,” Ryou gestures to the petal pile, “this much?”
“It was - dark,” Bakura stutters. He stuttered. “And windy, and there was - we were in a lot of pain, Landlord…” Bakura’s brushing it all off.
“You’re dying over someone you just mistook for someone else?”
“Well, it’s not like I spent a lot of time with her, is it?!” Bakura barks. 
“Then what could you possibly love about her?!”
“That… is…!” Bakura stops, sputtering, “That is exactly it! She doesn’t speak to me unnecessarily, just how I like it! She knows her place, unlike a certain someone!” 
“Seen and not heard, is she?” Ryou gags, of his own reflexes, in disgust at the slime-coated sentiment. With a choke, Bakura balks, mumbling about Ryou understanding when he’s older.
--[3 Reasons Why (I Never Told You I Was Playmaker)]--
(Context: I love VRAINS. I love Chatshipping. I will write the Chatshipping somehow.)
“You don’t gotta tell me all that,” Shima says - as if it’s so simple to say even this! “Just say you don’t wanna talk about it.”
“You would have complained that I was keeping something from you,” Yusaku replies, without looking. “You would have felt hurt, gotten upset and run off.”
“I’m never upset with you!” Shima’s shocked, somehow. Yusaku only glances at him, brows stitched in dulled disbelief. “Well.. not for more than an hour, at least!”
‘Not for more than an hour’. Typical Shima.
“And," he continues, pointedly, "I wasn’t upset you ‘got secrets’,” Shima looks out, as if looking for where Yusaku’s eyes had just been. “You act like I’m too stupid to understand stuff.”
“I don’t think you’re stupid,” Yusaku’s quick to deny. Something about what Shima said twists a knot in his chest. “I think you’re overexcitable and you don’t always think things through, and-”
“Sounds like a stupid guy to me,” Shima interrupts with a frown. 
Yusaku’s mouth is stuck open from that, having no course correction for that comment.
Shima, not Typical Shima, stands up. He’s not looking at Yusaku. His fists go into his pockets.
“Whatever,” He shrugs. “See you at school.”
With too straight a gait, Shima walks with a tremble. It quickly gives way into a bursting sprint once he can’t hold it back. And Yusaku is the coward who doesn’t stop him.
--[Wedding Soup (Chapter 2)]--
(Context: after a sleepless night and wrestless workday, Ryou's sunset afternoon ends with many... many tsuchinoko in the backyard. They are notorious liars, known for their penchant for drinking and a deadly bite.)
“And I didn’t even get a chance to answer, the cashier just went,” Ryou pauses, as another dizzy spell hits him. “ ‘Cash or Card’.” With an offended sniff, he takes another long drink of tea - black and intense and brewed with double the teaspoons to make sure it keeps him awake. Ryou sets the mug down with a huff. “As if I’m doing something burdensome by personally restoring a cultural landmark.” 
“This is a nice trap,” One of the tsuchinoko says from the writhing ball. 
“It was certainly the nicest there,” Ryou says. “Not too painful, is it?”
“Oh good, you wouldn’t believe how awful the others looked.” At the corner of his eye, Ryou spies another one slithering towards a covered trap. If the others are aware, they’re just as keen to warn it as Ryou is. “I even looked some up before I went out -  for every humane trap I found in that place, there were ten more glue traps.”
“Sounds fun!”
“I know. I swear, the heartlessness of some people--”
A snap, a yelp, then the frantic rattling of metal as the tsuchinoko flings itself across the trap cage. Ryou dons his thick gloves again, getting up from his spot on the back porch. “Here, here,” he says softly. One hand holds the snake firmly by the back of its tiny head, the other taking the flat bottom of the small cage. He lifts it from the ground, quickly shifts it to the larger tank, and tilts it before opening the flap. 
“In you go.”
--[Gore Couture]--
“Just last week, residents of rural Blood Gulch reported screaming around 2 AM. Police responded within minutes of the third report, but were only able to narrow down the location an hour after arriving on the scene. When officers arrived, they found no body, but confirmed the presence of human blood and organ tissue.”
“Can this schmuck emphasize any more words?” Isaac leaned against the break room counter, watching up at the screen.
“This isn’t a gossip channel,” Mason Wu’s stressed tone signaled agreement. “Someone’s missing at least a liter of blood.”
The television at the station at least showed part of his work on the news, a brief interior look into the storage cubicle. Without the corpse in the arranged outline, there were only blood splatters, disarrayed furniture and a signature - Gore Couture by Felíx.
Maybe the accent on the ‘i’ was a bit much.
“A liter?” Isaac gaped. “Ho-o-oly shit.”
“You’re a damn sociopath,” Wu whipped back to glare. “You do know you’re on thin ice for being a no-show that night--”
“I told you already,” Isaac shrugged. His coffee sloshed dangerously close to the rim of his mug. “I was with somebody.” It wasn’t a lie - Isaac was with abody.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 6 months
20 Questions for fic writers
Tagged by @holdmecloser-gandydancer (thank u reese!!)
tagging @pendragon-writing-hoard @ceilingfan5 @raineydaywrites and anyone else who wants to play :O
1. How many works do you have on A03?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
514,081! most of which is Journal Pages, I think sdsdfd.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now just TAZ!! But I used to also do Sanders Sides :O
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
We're just gonna do the TAZ fics bc this is a TAZ blog sldksdf. but 1) Keep Your Friends Close (And the Lich Who Gives You Cryptic Advice Closer) 2) 100% Okay! 3) Journal Pages 4) Buzzcuts and Braids 5) Sunny-Side Up
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Because I appreciate them! I do feel bad getting repetitive in my replies but I try!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Aaaah, see the thing is that I dislike anything except happy endings sldkfsd. Probably Red Fireworks?? But that's just more foreboding than angsty sdflksdf.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending
Either the Seven Times thing with Magnus or Memories, Just a Bit To the Left
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really, I don't think?? And hopefully it will stay that way sldkfsdf.
9. Do you write smut?
Yes! I just don't post it on my main ao3 sldfsdf.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nah 😔 The vibe just aren't good for me.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Again, not that I know of and hopefully it will stay that way. I am Very Afraid of this happening sdfsdf
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! And I don't know if I will sdlfsdf. I like the Idea but also I think I'd be too anxious about it sdfksdf
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Blups :3
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
God, time travel AU. My beloved. Maybe someday you'll get finished. Also zombie apocalypse AU, which I have left out to dry for over a year now sdfsdf.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at describing things!! Both emotions and scenery.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Having an actual Plot outside of just character studies sdflksd. Plot is so hard sometimes. Also, dialogue is so hard sometimes. I struggle with Taako and Kravitz especially. I just. Cannot get their voices down the way I want!!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done it! I will probably do it again the future. I've changed the way I prefer to write it since I started writing TAZ fics. Mainly that I used to italicize any non-english words, but I've found that I don't like doing that anymore. I think it disrupts the flow, esp if the character is bilingual and not like, Just Learning the words in the fic.
19. fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter 😔 And no one will ever see those fics bc I was too scared to post them when I was like, ten sldfksdf
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Very hard decision!! The first two that came to mind were Buzzcuts and Braids and Tedious Familiarity, so I think those ones!!
Thank u for reading :3c
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nemainofthewater · 7 months
Thanks for tagging me @thebansacredbanned!
1) How many works do you have on AO3? 288
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
3) What fandoms do you write for?
So many. Too many. At the moment, mainly cdrama related ones, with Nirvana in Fire being my most prolific fandom.
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I was moderately popular in the Witcher fandom, so a lot of these aren't very representative of what I'm writing atm
Shining, (The Witcher) in which Jaskier is, unbeknownst to him, a dragon. Simmering, Mourning, and Vibing (from the same series) are respectively second, third, and fifth on the list, so I'm discounting them (and other works in the series in the top-kudos-ed) on the ground it would be boring if it was just this series.
Haunted and Haunting (The Umbrella Academy), in which Klaus died age 13 and spends his afterlife looking after his siblings.
Shang Qinghua’s testimonial to why you should NEVER TRY TO CHANGE THE PLOT [System, help!!], (SVSSS), in which Shang Qinghua tries to a slight plot change and ends up with a husband
Barmecide, (The Umbrella Academy), in which all of the Hargreeve siblings die except Klaus, and it's only after death they start to bond
On Reflection (SVSSS), in which the author shoves the characters into a small, enclosed space and makes them talk about their feelings
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! Mainly because it's so lovely that people leave me comments that I want to also interact with them and thank them? The only exceptions are if I don't really know how to reply to them, if they're a bit mean, or if they've left a thank you on every chapter of a fic (beloved!!!) in which case I'll reply to the last comment
6) What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
erm... I have no idea. Probably one of the NiF ones. Lin Chen tends to suffer a lot at my hands.
7) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I also have no idea. Like I've definitely written fluffy ones! but how to quantify what's the happiest??
8) Do you get hate on fics?
a couple of times, but I either ignore or block. Thankfully not habitually
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don't, I tend to be a 'fades to black' kind of author
10) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
So many crossovers. I think the craziest might be 'Percival from Merlin switches bodies with Luther Hargreeves from the Umbrella Academy'
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
A Russian translation of Plausible Deniability (the Magicians), a Chinese translation of Shining (The Witcher), a Russian translation of tho' it were ten thousand miles (SVSSS), and a Russian translation of you could cut ties with all the lies (that you've been living in) (NiF)
That's so many words of translation and I am amazed that people have done it!
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
So many co-written fics. Mainly with @thebansacredbanned and a couple with @luzzeagain
14) What's your all-time favorite ship?
This 100% changes all the time, but probably my favourite it Mei Changsu/Lin Chen/Jingyan, where Jingyan sometimes represents justice.
15) What's a wip that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Hoarding or Barmecide, both of which have wonderful readers but are different from what I've been writing in the past few years. I will get back to them! One day...
16) What are your writing strenghts?
hmm depends. Maybe characterisation? especially in Nif? Dialogue perhaps
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
I don't know how 'pretty' my writing is tbh... and also I have a propensity to plan these huge epic AUs that I then don't have enough time to finish writing (since they tend to be for exchanges)
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done it! I think you need to either be fluent in the language of know someone who is and is happy to beta. not against it, but I think it needs to be done respectfully and not using google translate
19) First fandom you wrote for?
...it was possible the Bible. I wrote a poem about god... Discounting that, I think supernatural or Dr Who. It was possible a SPN/DW crossover.
If we're counting unposted ones, then I handwrote a Star Wars fic when I was like 8. Make it into a little book and drew the cover myself! ...it's never going to see the light of day
tagging @tavina-writes @abluescarfonwaston @shadaras
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
*rolls up sleeves* buckle in peeps, this is gonna be long. as promised, pics of all the yarn at and related things to it! Also Ray, fellow void, if you want anything in particular, just holler at me. 👍First the wips!
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From left to right: pillow cover in checkerboard stitch using bulky super wash merino wool (cause I wanted to try something new) blanket for stepdad in bamboo stitch with acrylic yarn blanket for mom in broken rib stitch ( I wanna have this done by mother's day but I dunno yet), also in acrylic,and place mat for a friend in basic garter stitch, again in acrylic.
Next is completed stuff!
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From left to right: scarf in stockinette stitch for my sis, who likes it despite me being a picky bitch about how it got out of control and definitely not what I intended, argh. Also it's hard to see, but there's beads in there as well. 2nd pic is headband (need to seam the ends together actually), and 2 dishcloths (the holes are intentional on the blue one, since I knitted that diagonally). Then dishtowel in woven stitch, potholders in.. I think I did moss stitch on those. And a facecloth in sand stitch. Then dishtowel in 2x2 rib stitch. I don't remember what I did for the dishcloths, but I DO remember kicking myself cause if I'd thought of it earlier I could've put beads in the pink part to make them watermelon-themed! All of the kitchen-type items were made from cotton/cotton blends. I also have another stack of completed kitchen-type stuff for relatives and friends, but I don't have pics of them at the moment.
Last but not least, the yarn hoard! The stack of 5 cakes was the recent order that was on sale and will eventually become a blanket for my sis. The small tubs are super wash merino wool skeins, they will become various things once I figure out exactly what I wanna make. 🤷‍♀️ so many ideas and patterns, and I'm so indecisive, augh. The tub beneath it is acrylic/acrylic blends, then there's the cotton/cotton blends with a needle case full of spare needles. Last tub is regular wool that was a gift from my mom, a sick kit, and yarn that's was a gift from a nurse I work with (she crochets!) who received it from someone and didn't know what to do with it, asked if I wanted it, and said if i couldn't/didn't want to use it, I could always pass it along as well. And then there's the little roller shelf cart that I keep by my chair so I can organize things while I work on them, and a hat kit! Which I will attempt at some point once I finally get the hang of knitting in the round! Which is supposed to be easy but my fingers don't like to cooperate sometimes! 😒 there are some people who may say that all that yarn isn't necessary, that I may have a problem. To which I say lies and slander and I DON'T have a problem I can stop anytime I want, really. <.<; I was always an arts and crafts kid anyway, this is just...a bigger version of that and I get to make useful things! 😀
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Babe!!! Babe!!! you've got so many gorgeous projects going on and so much gorgeous yarn in stock!!
Seriously the color choices you're throwing down are superb!! Everything looks so fucking good!!
And the completed stuff!?! Seriously fantastic too. And I agree with the watermelon thing. They turned out great as is but they would have been beyond cute with the beads in !! Hey that's always something you can go for next time.
I love seeing your art like this because you're doing so good!!
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gallifreyburning · 5 months
@siderumincaelo tagged me for this one (thank you, my friend!). And I've decided one of my new year's resolutions is to do these tag games more often (even if it takes me a hot minute to get to them). So, under the cut I blather on about my writing ...
1. how many works do you have on Ao3?
99! I should write a drabble just to make it a round number lol
2. what's your total Ao3 word count?
1,114,038 (jeebus, a MILLION?! That surprises me. Although to be fair, two of my longest listed works were cowritten, so I did not do half of the writing for those.)
3. what fandoms do you write for?
I've written the most for Doctor Who, The Old Guard, Gallifrey, and Jupiter Ascending.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
If Never Again, If Every Day (cowritten with takiki16, TOG)
Kiss With a Fist (cowritten with takiki16, TOG)
The Journey of a Thousand Miles (JA)
Follow Every Highway (JA)
The Queen Mother and Her Bee (JA)
I'm genuinely surprised none of my DW fics cracked the top 5, although maybe there's a recency bias because I haven't been actively writing mainstream DW fic in, like, years?
5. do you respond to comments?
I genuinely try to, although I feel like I fail more often than I succeed. Really depends on my spoon levels day to day. But I love and hoard and treasure comments like a dragon, if you have ever left a comment on one of my fics, know that I would die for you and/or bake you a casserole out of gratitude.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably the Gallifrey fic A Quiet Heart, but in my defense, this was a very canon-compliant fic that ended during a very very angsty moment in the Gallifrey timeline! So, blame Nick Briggs. Coordinator In Extremis was also super angsty with a bleak ending. What can I say, I just love to see Narvin suffer in particular.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them have happy endings, actually! Not sure what qualifies as "happiest," though. All of the Nickies and Joes are back in their proper timelines in INAIED, so that's a very happy ending. Also my recent TOG Practical Magic AU had a very maple-sweet autumnal ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I can't remember ever getting straight-up hate, although I have gotten a few rude comments here and there. Or weirdly entitled comments that are aggressively phrased, where the person demands changes to the story.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, but fairly mild smut. I wouldn't mind writing more explicit, I just honestly don't feel like I'm good at it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do! I have a Doctor Who/Buffy crossover drabble, and I think there's probably at least one more, but I can't remember what. (I'm also percolating on a potential Murderbot/TOG crossover, if my creative spark ever returns from war.)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Never had a fic stolen by an individual, but I have had a few fics swept up in those periodic fic-scraping debacles that have gone on over the last decade or so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! At one point, someone translated Chimera into Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
This is, like, my hallmark. My most beloved fics are my cowritten ones. Lately I've been cowriting TOG fic with @takiki16, and for years before that, I cowrote DW with @allrightfine.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
This is ... this is a difficult and somewhat rude question hjsdfjk help. But I'd probably have to say Doctor/Rose, just when it comes to longevity.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Maybe the Gallifrey Leela/Narvin fic Inverse Corollary? idk, though, I know how it ends I've just got to find the creative impulse to write Gallifrey again.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Characterization, probably? Also I'm a daft hand at creating random old movie AUs of newer franchises (like my Practical Magic TOG AU). And definitely grammar lmao, it is my jam.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually completing a work before I post part of it lol, I am so impatient to post and sometimes have no idea how a story's going to end before I start posting the beginning. I am a pantser. Also smut ... I should probably practice writing it more so I'm better at it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Fine, if it's just a phrase peppered in here and there with a light touch and not put in italics.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Star Trek TOS when I was a wee creachur. Also some Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, for a wild childhood throwback.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Listen, it's gotta be my cowritten fics -- INAIED and Gallifrey Records, specifically. I am so proud of those and the work my cowriters did.
idk who has been tagged for this meme yet, but @werebearbearbar @takiki16 @bewires @raedear @ouidamforeman and anybody else who wants to do this one, please consider yourself tagged!
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hashtagdrivebywrites · 4 months
The WIPpening, 2024 (WIP tag game)
"Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs."
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GIF by slightlyrebelliouswriter23
Howdy! I was tagged by @faeriekit! (This was fun, thank you!) Likewise, I also have a Dragon's Hoard worth of WIP's that I've been collecting since the early 2000's, but I'll list the ones I've worked on lately (read: being consistently worked on over the past year or so). I'll condense them to the most active and you're welcome to send me an ask about them.
Holy War is on the Phone (Danny Phantom x My Hero Academia)
The Wolf in Paradise (Batman)
Rockin' Robin (Batman x Batman Beyond x My Hero Academia)
Still you Stand, Sturdy and Smelling of Smoke (Spider-man (Tom Holland) x Batman)
Shield and Hearth (title may change?) (TMNT x Demon Slayer)
Are you there, God? It's me, Kuwabara Kazuma (Yu Yu Hakusho x Demon Slayer)
Then Again to Ash (My Hero Academia)
Essays on T-Posing to Assert Dominance Over [other] Pagan Deities (Batman x MCU)
Threads (title may change?) (Dragon Ball Z/Super)
Better, Not More (Demon Slayer)
[To Me] You Will Be Unique In All The World (Digimon Tamers)
Red Devil Rowdy (title may change?) (DCU x Danny Phantom x Scooby-Doo x Supernatural)
And Longer if I Can (TMNT; Sequel to As Long As Stars Are Above You)
Carnation Burn (title may change?) (Demon Slayer)
A Wine Dark Sea (title may change?) (DCU x My Hero Academia)
(I am just now realizing that I have more crossovers than anything else lmao. Imprint was a gateway fic.) I'm also going through a mild My Hero binge because I was gifted some of the manga and I'm trying to watch as I read (also the cast is just fun??).
-Throws out tags- If you've already done this challenge or don't have an interest in participating, please ignore me and go about your day lmao. (also, sorry in advance if I'm tagging the wrong blog, I'm still figuring out how this damn site works): @halfagone @nerdpoe @zylev-blog @gilbirda
Also, consider this "@" an invitation to do your own if you're a writer yourself and I missed tagging you (Hopefully this is...legal? I don't know. I don't think I've done something like this yet lmao)
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In case you don’t want to add to your ever growing list of prompts, I am here to support a few Elucien ideas you have mentioned in the past that stuck in my head:
1. A longer soccer!lucien fic. I need more of those thick thighs in my life please.
2. The golden rewrite. This may be more of a bigger project but I love what you’ve shared about it so far.
3. I forget what we’re calling the series but whatever the Elucien version of Montana!cassian was. I think maybe Alaskan lumberjack Lucien? Obsessed.
I’m sure there are many many more but this is what I can think of for non monster related Elucien you have teased that I am very very down for 💕
Some thoughts:
I do have a WIP in the horror show that is my drive around a longer Soccer! Lucien. It has two chapters, and is Elain x Arina who own a bookstore and Eris trying to impress Arina by introducing to his athlete brother because he knows how much she likes the sport. Lucien is obviously fascinated by Elain, who has no interest in soccer at all
I hesitate to make the Golden!rewrite my offering, since it was last years offering. I feel like I can be a little more creative than that (and also all I have is my prequel)
@writtenonreceipts sent me a prompt for this that fits really well in the universe that I intend to fill, which is why I'm hoarding it like a little dragon in my askbox. He won't be the Alaskan lumberjack, but he will be a nice country boy and if you knew the premise you'd lose your mind (it's both funny AND romantic)
I am currently interested in witchhunter! Lucien vs witch! Elain, figureskating!elucien and gladiator/prince!lucien vs roman emperors daughter Elain
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just-a-dumb-gay · 1 year
Ava comeback ideas! I have two. Both having her resemble a fallen angel cos I'm a sucker for wings and would love her to have some upon returning from Reyas realm.
Both my ideas have the same aspect with Ava coming crashing back to earth like a meteor. Ball of flames, full works. Of course ball of flames in a more warrior nun way, perhaps a bluish tint like divinium. The first could have many possibilities of setting, the second is slightly more limited.
All the ideas, fanart and fanfics with Ava getting yeeted back to earth in a hilarious fashion after annoying the shit out of Reya are AMAZING and I love them all. But imagine:
- 1 - The smoke from the impact slowly begins to clear. An odd shaped silhouette can be seen on the ground in the middle of it all. A character (preferably Beatrice because duh) caught in the midst of the smoke from the impact makes their way to the mystery silhouette. The smoke clears as they cautiously approach, and they find a ball/egg shape of wings. Very large wings, easily big enough to fully cover someone tall. The wings twitch and >character< takes a step back, startled and understandably wary of the seemingly foreign creature. But then the wings move further revealing Ava, just from her shoulders up, it was a hard landing she needs a moment to get her energy back before uncovering fully. But it's her, dirty and disheveled from the descent and landing!! - And then imagine what you want from here because theres so many possibilities for what could follow! (Funny bonus if she's buttass nakey and Bea is malfunctioning their entire reunion)
- 2 - Wraiths are a bitch when theres only one, but against an entire hoard of possessed they truly fucking suck. And the sister warriors are outnumbered greatly, especially without the Warrior Nun to lead them. Middle of the battlefield, the group together back to back. They're either gonna escape this mess or they're gonna die trying, but at least they'll die together. WELL HELL NO, THEY ARE NOT DYING IF AVA HAS A SAY IN IT! A light flashes in the sky, drawing everyone's attention upwards including those of the possessed. A mysterious meteor like object lands not far from the hoard and the shot cuts from the sister warriors to in the smoke and dust of the landing. Slowly zooming an egg shape comes into focus, a shape quickly revealed to be wings folded over. They open dramatically, clearing the dust and smoke revealing Ava in the classic superhero landing pose with her head down. The music that's been building comes to a loud ending as she looks up, staring dead into the camera. Cut back to the sister warriors who take advantage of the brief distraction and start fighting their way through the hoard, which are quick to react but don't last long as Ava comes barging in to save her sisters. - And then imagine whatever you wish following because POSSIBILITIES! SO MANY!
If anyone with creative skills wants to do something with either of these be my guest, I definitely can't draw and am focusing on other wips atm so wouldn't do anything with these. Just tag me or something so I can see!!
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thecoziestbean · 7 months
Thanks for the tags, @justatinycollector and @bad-surprise ! I wanted to wait until the end of Hellghoul Week because I knew I'd be adding a few new things to the mix.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
6, I'm still pretty new to this.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
So far only for Galadriel x Sauron/Halbrand within The Rings of Power/LOTR, but I've got something in the works for another fandom through an exchange, so it's still secret.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
#1: The Venus of Valinor (Haladriel | E | 9/13)
#2: My Way or the Highway (Haladriel | E | one-shot)
#3: meet me at the edge (Haladriel | E | 2/? | dead dove)
#4: Hellbrand & Ghouladriel Week Drabbles (Haladriel | T | 8/8)
#5: Missed Connections (Haladriel | G | 2/2)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I am an absolute chaos gremlin about responding to comments. I'll go on a total spree responding to every one, and then just... not. And I'm kind of random about which fics I'll respond on, too. Just know I love and value each and every one, and I hoard them like a greedy dragon and reread them when I'm feeling gloomy about my writing. So thank you thank you thank you if you've ever written a comment on something I've written!
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I guess my newest fic, Looking Glass? It has what I would consider the most upsetting ending. I don't know if it's exactly angst though. Otherwise, my ficlet duo Missed Connections is what I would consider more traditionally angsty, but doesn't really have an ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
"My Way or the Highway" by default because a) it's one of only two things I've written with something even remotely akin to a traditional ending, and b) it's a happy ending *wink wink, nudge nudge*.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I got my first anonymous hate comment just the other day. On a 100 word drabble about half-Maia Celebrían. These people are super rational, let me tell you what.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! I'm not sure how I'd classify it. I don't think I write particularly soft smut. I'm often interested in characters who are teetering on the edge of something or being restrained by something, and the inevitable toppling over the edge or breaking of those restraints, so I think that's reflected in the kind of smut I write. It's a little unhinged. I worry sometimes it's a little much.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No. I'll be honest, I'm not a huge fan of crossovers (to each their own, though!) so I'm unlikely to, as well.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. That would be so cool, though!
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No, would definitely be open to it, though.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Not counting Haladriel, because it's too easy... I think I have to go with Zutara.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
As of now, I only have two WIPs, "The Venus of Valinor," and "meet me at the edge". Venus is on a little bit of a break while I focus on some one-shots, fic exchanges, and actually finishing "meet me." I'm trying to hold off starting any new big multi-chapter projects until I finish one of the current ones.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at writing dialogue, especially if it's banter. And establishing the space in a scene and movement through it. The blocking of scenes is really important to me, because I like to keep characters in motion, but I want that motion to make sense. I don't want a character to walk through where a wall should be, or have it seem like someone's grown a third arm in the middle of sex based on the number and placement of the hands that have been referenced.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I struggle to convey emotions or the emotional weight of a scene. And I wish I was better at putting together more artful sentences. My writing style is pretty direct (which I think is a byproduct of the kind of writing I do for my job). I'm working on strengthening my prose.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm not fluent enough in any other languages to attempt it any of my fic, save maybe a smattering of Quenya or Sindarin. But I'm all for it in other's work.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Self insert Mighty Ducks fic when I was like 9 years old. I know I said I wasn't into crossover fic, but there may or may not have been some LOTR references in it. I will not be elaborating.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Oof, it's really hard to pick because they're all meaningful for different reasons. I think I have to go with "meet me at the edge" though. I'm just really proud of the concept for that one, and my writing for it so far. I've stretched myself a lot with it.
tagging @lisenberry @softlighter @nocaptainonthisship and anyone else who wants to! I absolutely love the little peek behind the curtain these things give, but no pressure.
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