#i'm literally in love with this scene i don't know why but
wonton4rang · 1 day
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Baby, I'm so toxic ¡!
pairing: bnd x reader.
warnings: toxic behaviour, mentions of violence (verbally and physically, nothing explicit, just mentions of it), jealousy, mentions of smut, mentions of cheating. and lmk if i missed anything.
summary: bnd as toxic traits i think they'll have during a relationship.
note: can someone tell me what "hcs" are and an example? i got like three requests using the same term and i'm very very lost 😔 would really appreciate some definition :')
control freak. he is the type to be so involved in your life that it's kinda cute at the beginning, how he would call you at all times, wants to know where you at, who are you with, what you ate, why are you late, why you didn't pick up his call within the first seconds... it got old really fast. he would want to choose what you wear, go everywhere with you, check your phone even if there was nothing there just because "there should be trust" ??? he would also start to pick and choose your friends, telling you which ones he liked and which ones you BOTH should meet.
insecurities. don't get me wrong, insecurities can happen, they are the most natural thing. but when he starts portraying his insecurities on you, projecting them and trying to manipulate you with it, that's when it gets ugly. he would say things like "you shouldn't do that because it makes me feel insecure" and suddenly you wouldn't do it because you loved him so much. plus, i know it sounds more like 'manipulation' than actual insecurities but he does feel insecure and uses it at his own favor to stop you from talking to or meeting people that made him feel smaller.
too 'friendly'. wbk that myungjae is an extroverted puppy like typa boy, he would have really close female friends and it's not like you mind but when you get to y'alls table and find some girl sitting in your boyfriend's lap, it's not your favourite scene to watch. so you would have serious arguments with him, explaining how you didn't feel comfortable to see some chick sitting on his lap with her arms around his neck and their faces so close they could share breath and kiss at any moment. he just laughed and said you were being too insecure and that you should quit it, that he met those girls way before he knew you so it was just natural ???? be so fucking for real rn.
nonchalant. ah *sigh* he would literally ghost you for weeks. meeting you at your place and listening to you talk about how worried you get and how you couldn't even count on him after y'all got separated and went home because he wouldn't even see your messages or pick up your calls. he wouldn't say a thing and you would just stand there, staring into this bored eyes and clicking your tongue but it was fucking useless. "is there something you wanna tell me?" but he just shrugged, laying back in your bed and just letting a sigh out, that 'done' look in his face letting you know he didn't give a single fuck about the things you were saying.
obsessive. similar to sungho's tbh but more into the jealousy obsession kinda thing. he would check your phone on a regular basis, he would hold your waist and do very inappropriate stuff in front of your friends, side eyeing them if they ever complimented you. he would basically yell at you and forbid you from going out without him because why would you wanna go to a party or a club or a bar without your boyfriend?? were you cheating or something?? you bet that your neck was bruised due to his lips sucking on your skin and leaving hickies that he would make you show to everyone just to assert that you were his.
anger issues. yeah, woonhak is such a sweet boy, so cute and lovely, being so happy and energetic around you, kissing your cheeks and holding your frame with adoration, talking to you for hours through the phone and even playing some songs for you to fall asleep with. but when he gets angry, that's when you get uneasy, your hands are shaking when you see his tall figure cover you and press you against the wall, and tbh you weren't even listening anymore to his yelling because you became so scared of him that your senses would go numb and all that you could percive were his hands shaking your shoulders and his reddened face while he looks at you like he hates you. why was he so angry anyways? you didn't even know but he would just get mad over anything and everything, you were growing tired of it, but when he stopped being that angry and started to apologize? you just gave in. you just liked him that much :(
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i-heart-hxh · 1 day
i want to thank you for talking about the doomery takes about Gon and Killua's separation with the level of patience & respect you do. i think people sometimes believe they parted on worse terms than they really did and it leads to people asking questions like "why would Killua say that to him?" or "why didn't Gon give a 'proper' apology?" with a preconception that the situation is irreparable. theyre intelligent kids who love each other a lot, so these things can feel really mean or insensitive to us because we see it as such a high stakes situation when in actuality, the characters kind of know what's happening already and can intuit each others feelings or intentions to a reasonable degree.
like, ex: Killua calls Gon stuff like an embarrassing moron frequently and Gon sees its because he's emotionally constipated and not because Killua actually thinks he's stupid. conversely, Killua knows that what Gon said to him in the palace came from an irrational place of lashing out at the only safe person in the room, and the reason why he can make fun of Gon later for it is because its clear he regrets it. they understand each other quite a bit and though the separation makes them really sad, i'm sure they both get, on some level, why it has to be like this for a bit
Thank you very much for the sweet message!
I honestly get exhausted by how many doom and gloom takes exist about HxH in general, and especially around Gon and Killua's relationship. I hope that by talking about my own perceptions of the series after spending all these years thinking about it and pulling it apart, more people can come to the side of having hope about it and being excited about what's ahead for them.
What they went through was immensely painful, and it certainly hurt those of us who love their relationship, too, but there are far more reasons to believe they have a path of healing and reconciliation ahead of them than all the angsty alternatives. They may have more to go through first before they reach that point, but in my opinion it would contradict the themes of the series for them not to have a second chance to rebuild their relationship even better.
That's a good bit of insight about them and how their interactions are much more than just what they're literally saying! I totally agree that they're quite perceptive about each other and aware of at least some of each others' feelings below the surface. There are actually several scenes where they explain things about the other with a surprising amount of insight--for instance, when Killua is talking to Wing about Gon's tendencies after the Gido match, or Gon knowing Killua will reluctantly fold to him if he insists on something when talking to Meleoron. Their relationship is complex and they both have areas where they need to improve with regards to communicating and understanding each other (especially how they see themselves and the way that warps how they see each others' feelings), but they deeply love each other and I'm sure they're going to want to make the changes needed to fix things between them and not have something like Chimera Ant Arc happen again.
The separation has a lot of layers, but it portrays them both as sad to split up even though it's what's needed for now, still hurting about what they went through but grateful for each other nonetheless, comfortable enough with each other still for Killua to tease Gon and Gon to openly mope about it, and they make it clear this isn't forever. Even with the various subtextual things going on (like Gon's use of "nakama" after Killua had a crisis about that very word and Killua saying Gon is now number 2, for instance) don't erase the overall tone of the separation. It's bittersweet and hard for them both, but not on bad terms!
HxH is a story about human connection and second chances and how love transforms people. The two characters at the center of the story epitomize these themes, so having a cynical view of their bond and future feels like having a cynical view of what the series as a whole is saying. There's nothing wrong with exploring or thinking about angsty themes, of course, and I truly love how much darkness, sadness, and trauma HxH explores throughout, but I don't believe the ultimate trajectory of the series is one of hopelessness or cynicism.
I hope those who are concerned about their future can zoom out and look at the series as a whole and see how many reasons there are to be hopeful for them.
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mamuzzy · 1 day
What is considered child mistreatment in Mandalorian culture (legends)?
I was inspired by this post but I didn't want to ruin a mood with my AcKcHuYaLlY vibes so I made a separate post about it.
While I agree with a sentiment of Cuy'val Dar should have rioted seeing children being mistreated, given they are a very heavily family and child centered culture, I've just recently read a few quotes from Republic Commando which made me wonder...
what is considered child mistreatment in their culture?
Because training children to be soldiers are not one. It is a perfectly normal thing to do for them.
What you will read here about: -- Potential reasons why the Cuy'val Dar didn't refuse the job -- Relationship of a Mando parent and their child: How Munin Skirata adopted Kal and with it giving him a predetermined path of life -- Little detour to the topic of how modernday parents don't include children in the household chores -- Pav-Ti and Ahsoka -- Walon Vau and Dred Priest's approach -- Kal Skirata's approach of training -- Little about Mandos and Jedi -- Sorry (not really), people. I still love Kal. -- I won't tag this as anti/pro/critical fandom fuckery. Only a Sith deaIs in absolutes.
Rest is under the cut.
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Why would Cuy'val Dar accept such assignment in the first place?
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So why didn't they say no? 1. Loyalty and Respect for Jango Fett 2. In need of money 3. Needed a place to hide 4. It could be HONOUR: If a mando bounty hunter accepts a job, they won't back down from it. That's why they are the best. A mandalorian either completes the job or they die in the process (see: Hard Contact). 5. Child soldiers are nothing out of place.
But the latter is debatable, depending on which bounty hunter you ask. Kal was horrified when he was presented with the facts. Scene from Triple Zero, where Kal realizes what Jango is expecting of him:
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Jango Fett indeed didn't tell them the whole truth. I'm pretty sure there would have been people who would have accept it anyway. But I'm also sure most of them were conned this way.
We even know Kal's reason of accepting the job.
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He didn't have any outside ties anymore that required his physical presence, so at this point he could just accept a decade long assignment.
And when he met the Nulls, he gave himself a purpose out of this nightmare. Raising these children as Mandalorians.
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But where this is come from? From Kal's own buir.
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Another quote about how Munin adopted Kal.
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Awfully practical people. But also, compassionate. Kal is guided by the same compassion as his buir.
Overprotected children of our modern age
Family centric and child centric views are really distorted today which is about overprotecting kids from literally everything. Even from basic household chores: a parent who is too tired and impatient for their child constantly making mistakes during learning a task, so they simply take it out from the child's hand and doing it instead, because teaching them comes with much more mess to clean up, therefor more work for the parent. Children won't learn that helping out around the house can be a quality time with the parent, because most parents don't consider being together with their children a quality time. This later leads to those awful fights between a teenager who never helps around the house on their own only when asked/ordered. Children are glorified exotic pets, one task from a bucket list or worst, investments. But part of the family? Less likely. Not unconditionally.
If you think about Ahsoka's backstory in the Tales of the Jedi, her mother also brought her on the hunt and made her look when she skinned the animal. Teaching her that death is a part of life and even when they take resources from the nature, they should do it with respect. Pav-Ti was already teaching her to be a part of their small community.
I think Mando culture is the same: they involve their children in their profession from early age. Probably teaching your children how to kill for money is not exactly ethical by our earthling standards. Regardless, they do it together. Little mando'ade won't go to school, they spend their time with the family and learning skills they will need if they choose the same profession and lifestyle as their parents.
So that's why I think that even if the members of the Cuy'Val Dar had seconds thoughts, training child soldiers are nothing out of ordinary. I can't speak for the remaining non-mando trainers what was in their mind.
But when Dred Priest and Isabeth Beau started their own little figthing rings in the guise of "preserving the old ways", it was really considered fucky even among the other mando trainers Death Watch couple-goals: torture children together <3. Dred Priest despised the clone cadets and they actually died under his care and this is one of the reason why Mij Gilamar killed Priest later in the books.
Walon Vau wasn't introduced to mando values until he ran away from home as an adult, but his abusive upbringing shaped his worldview on how he trained the cadets. Strict codes and harsh punishments. He had his regrets of it later.
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From O66, Walon Vau to Kal Skirata
Love has many shapes. Vau wanted them to survive because he loved them. But loving them and treating them good/bad is not the same.
We know about Kal that he taught by experience. He never gave an assignment to his cadets before he first showed them how to do it.
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And then we have these notorious parts of him regarding the clones which can be interpreted so many ways but often used as the evidence as child abuse:
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And this one also:
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(sometimes I throw my brain outtaaa windoooOOooOooOow what people call abusive these days...)
What is my stance about this particular passage? I think he didn't abuse the clones. He wanted them to survive too. He wanted to make it easier for them which was really hard considering the circumstances. He wanted to be a father to the clones like Munin was to him.
We saw the differences between Omega Squad and Delta Squad. The Delta first left Walon Vau behind because they were ordered to do so. Delta left Sev behind because they were ordered to do so. As far as we know, no one deserted from the Empire from Vau's commandos. They remained loyal to the Republic/Empire. Darman could have been with his son and with Clan Skirata but he choose to remain with Niner in the Empire. He remained loyal not the empire, not even Kal Skirata but his brother. Just like Kal thaught them.
What makes them different from the jedi and at the same time so similiar?
The Jedi seek out force sensitive children to teach them how to control this power within them and make sure, they won't use it for personal gain. And later, when they grow up, they will do the same.
Mandos take pity over war orphans (usually that's the case), take them into their clan of soldiers and they teach them a profession and one day, they can do the same.
Both faction are doing it, guided by the same principle: COMPASSION.
Jedi are practicing compassion toward every living, while Mando compassion is just much more personal on the individual level.
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Dialogue from Imperial Commando between Arligan Zey and Kal Skirata. I think this baby stealing prejudice comes from that force sensitive children are separated from their parents and all this goes against the family centric view of the mandalorians where family is above all and the children are only safe with their families.
In conclusion...
My personal take after this little research that Mando trainers didn't abuse children, not in their own mandalorian standards. I say this because of Dred Priest who was condemned for actually hurting his cadets, forcing them to fight against each other, and lots of them actually died.
After the failed experiences with the Nulls, the kaminoans and trainers didn't expose the clones to live rounds and bombs until so much later, that's why the commandos and Alpha-class ARCs feel much more balanced in their phyche.
I think Walon Vau abused his cadets but he justified it with love.
Kal made them to do horrible exercises and said a lot of shitty things to the clones (though I think it's kind of like when you call your cat a whore out of affection) but overall he tried to make their suffering bearable.
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jeons-catalyst · 2 days
Oh from the hyung card i just remembered a tweet by tkkr putting jkk pic where jk was cooking in jm's home with jk cooking when tae asked him to in ITS2 with captions company content and harassment for jikook and something loving for taekook ohhh the irony lol. When jm called jk and jk came to his Home cooked food even tho they had an option to order(jm already had food from his father plus he was asking jk which chicken to order) yet jk cooked there, said had he not came to jimin's he was going to sleep just like that. While as tae literally dragged jk from his chair to cook for him and jungkook even said "you can't even cook for yourself how are you going to live" but jm literally asking jk "can i eat this?" And then going "my baby is so nice, why is my baby so nice" when jk said they can, they'll all eat together is somehow a harassment and playing hyung card but tae dragging jk out of his chair and saying all that is romantic and domestic 😭😭 do tkkrs have some different standards than the world we all live in? Cause how are things exactly opposite in your universe blud??
There's another scene where tae goes to ask jk to come to eat or something like that and tae teases jk saying "you're going to cook for me" k don't remember the exact words since i have watched it only once but he says something about jk cooking for him and jk's face literally says "not again" and even tae knows that then he starts laughing saying he's joking. Tells u that it wasn't one time thing and really wasn't something jk was excited about. I'm not saying jk won't cook for tae tho cause i know he would and he has done it plus he has said to tae he's again cook food for everyone when tae said he loved what jk cooked (that specific dish name idr). But there's things you can only do Sometimes and jm never pester jk for things. Jm doens't play hyung card when he can. He only asks for help sometimes. Jk has been called jm's cook by jin and jk simply makes food for jm so he doesn't necessarily need to ask. Jm is still elder than both tae and jk if he wants he can play hyung card but he never asks these two to respect him but he asks them to pay that respect to other members that are elders than them. He never asked jk to do that to him. And jungkook feels comfortable enough around jm that he knows he can drop honorifics with jm easily and jm won't scold him.
"jm makes jk cry" i know you're not talking about the same man who's always the first one to go wipe off jk's tears when he's crying, you're not talking about the same man who literally was the one who went to comfort jk in a bar when he didn't even knew why and where jk went. You're not talking about the man who jk has named "hyung who gives the most comfort, fav hyung, my catalyst, my 'you are me, I'm you', hyung who's charm is being considerate of others, hyung with whom i connect on n off stage, someone who's presence is like honey to me, hyung who is charm to me" etc etc like there's tooo much i can add. Like be freakin serious for once in your life.
Anon woke up on this fine Saturday morning and chose to spit FACTS!!
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randomthefox · 18 hours
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I want you to PLEASE do me a favor and put Yakuza 0 out of your mind. Also please disregard Yakuza Kiwami. Pretend that this and the scene with Majima at the beginning of the game is the ONLY content with Majima that exists in the entire world. Ten years ago Majima beat the shit out of his own underling because he disrespected Kiryu, gave him some psudo advice on how to run his family which everyone expected was going to happen soon, then walked off. Next thing that happens is Kiryu goes to prison for 10 years for killing his boss. Majima has no reason to think Kiryu didn't do it. Suddenly Kiryu is back in town and running around with some little girl, so Majima kidnaps Haruka and lures Kiryu to the batting cages EVERY SINGLE OTHER ENCOUNTER that Kiryu has had with EVERYONE ELSE in the Tojo Clan so far has been them going "FUCK YOU KIRYU YOU KILLED YOUR BOSS YOU'RE A TRAITOR WE'RE GONNA FUCK YOUR SHIT UP >=o " OR has been saying "hand over Haruka because she's vaguely important." So obviously the assumption would be that Majima is doing the same kind of thing. But what happens?
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Majima just tells him where Haruka is and says he's free to take her.
Because Majima DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK about the main story.
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ALL Majima wants is to fight Kiryu. He doesn't care about ANYTHING ELSE. He kidnapped Haruka as a means to an end, and if anything his motivation for wanting to fight Kiryu is BECAUSE HE LIKES HIM. Fighting to the death is Majima's love language.
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Majima calling him "Kiryu-chan" also cannot be overstated. I literally don't even have time to unpack the layers of meaning in him applying that particular suffix to him.
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Majima literally throws himself in the way to stop one of his own underlings from stabbing Kiryu. In the original english dub he says "Kiryu is my friend." In the Kiwami sub they actually chose to translate this as "he belongs to me." The subs I'm using naturally went with "Kiryu is mine." Everyone was on the same page here. Majima wants to fight Kiryu because he LIKES him.
Is it any wonder Majima became so insanely popular as a character? And believe it or not, the developers didn't originally envision Majima as a very important character. The character evolved and developed over time. As originally written, he only has three scenes in the entire game and the character designer and voice actor kind of ran away with the concept and brought Majima to life in a way that did not exist in the script or design document.
This is why the Majima everywhere system in Kiwami actually kind of annoys me. It's a great and funny system IF YOU ALREADY KNOW WHO MAJIMA IS AND HAS BEEN PLAYING THESE GAMES FOR TEN YEARS. But if you *started* with Yakuza 0 or Kiwami as your FIRST GAMES? It turns Majima into this fucking meme and totally knees caps your perspective of his character.
Majima is so special and unique. A real wild card of a character that only EVENTUALLY had depth added to him starting with Yakuza 4 when his backstory started getting delved into. In the first game, he's actually kind of a yandere type character that has some tantalizing implied nuance to him.
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claudia-kishi · 1 year
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You know what? I'm just gonna summarize.
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starbirdkitsune · 2 months
Go watch Ramshackle now or I steal your kneecaps (nsrs)
I wanna be friends with these guys so BAD--
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I was starved for content from my other fandoms, so I was browsing other animations (shoutout to Lackadaisy as well) and I found Ramshackle. It's such a cute little animation, that's also hilarious and I'm in fucking love. These four are so amazing and ILLEGALLY AWESOME NO STOP YOU GUYS ARE MAKING ME WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH YOU YOU'RE ILLEGALLY AWESOME STOPPIT---
:D i need to draw them now
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shannonallaround · 2 months
After pondering on it for several days, I have officially decided I did not like the direction of KFP4 and have banished it from my brain. It is no longer canon. KFP4? What's that? Don't know what you're talking about.
#spoilers ahead#it wasn't all bad#I really truly loved the scenes with Li and Mr Ping they were wonderfully hilarious#and the music was great#BUT#I just did not like the direction they took Po's story at all.#and I'm kinda furious they subtly undermined Shifu's character#by making him “fine”/“not fine” with Oogway picking Po as his successor instead of him.#it was only a thing for 2 seconds for the sake of humor but it completely undermines his inner peace character development#first off why can there only be one successor#and second off why can't Po take primarily the fighting side and Shifu take the spiritual side#It FITS HIM#don't know if most people would notice that shifu's character was undermined but because he's one of my favorites I sure did and it HURT#also um the furious five WHY didn't we have them be the main characters with Po instead of the fox chick no one cares about#literally their interactions with Po that's WHY WE'RE HERE DREAMWORKS#also it's become really obvious to me that the fox girl was literally written just so they could cast a specific voice actress in a big rol#nothing against that actress I love her in other stuff but that was a bad move Dreamworks#and another thing#the movie's message about change not always being bad is perfectly fine and good in theory#but such character change is only satisfying from a storytelling perspective if the audience actually WANTS the character to change!!!#I don't WANT Po to stop being the dragon warrior! I don't WANT him to pick a successor! That wasn't satisfying!! like whyyyyyyyyy#Plus he's like way too young?? to be worrying about this??? Oogway didn't worry about it until he was literally 900 years old#Shifu is what in his 60s? 80s? and he hasn't picked one#why would they make shifu worry about po doing that any time soon literally at all#so there dreamworks#I banish this movie#I banish it for one thousand years#kfp4#kung fu panda 4#po kung fu panda
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stewyhosseini-bf · 2 years
sorry to randomly bring this up but. I think the thing that makes Kenstewy stand out to me so much is how their scenes feel so earnest ? to the point that they BOTH feel like almost different characters when they interact with each other. Like the way Kendall has a hard time looking everyone, even his own FAMILY in the eyes, but with Stewy he doesn't flinch and he holds steady eye contact almost all the time (and when he doesn't, stewy searches out his gaze but let's not get into it) .. the way Stewy never shies away from telling people what's on his mind in a totally blunt way but with Kendall he still tries to be nice about whatever he says.. like okay, Argestes:
first of all, they're like actively fighting and this is how they interact, FIRST time seeing each other since the big betrayal btw
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then also the fact that Kendall genuinely wants to warn Stewy about the acquistion.. like he's NOT lying, at that point they ARE about to acquire Pierce and it WOULD kill their approach and he wants to warn him, which is fair enough considering everything that happened.
but then also:
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even when Stewy's telling him he doesn't trust him he's nice about it but you can STILL tell kendall is really hurt by it.... like ... and re: Kendall being visibly hurt by Stewy saying 'I don't trust you' .. this is the same guy whose been told 'everyone here fucking hates you' 'x fucking hates you' millions of times and has essentially reacted with 'yeah okay, whatever, I can handle it' each time. but THAT'S his reaction to this ?! in a show where there is SO little space for genuine affection/consideration even between characters who are related or married .. the fact that these two seem to so genuinely care abt each other is kind of shocking.....
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maddy-ferguson · 9 months
Swifties can be so annoying sometimes like why would you make a guy who canonically likes rock a swiftie 😭 and it is not just about will this time it is about jonathan
lmaooo the swiftie will agenda is already questionable but saying that jonathan would be a swiftie is insane
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reinedeslys-central · 2 months
more for this nico-dealing-after-blood-of-olympus fic:
it's just like his brain is somehow - offline. Not willing to help him string up the words to this sentence that's sitting on his tongue. The disrespect.
He's still got to power through, though, and now he's just been standing here at the table for a good ten seconds without saying anything, gods, Will must feel so awkward trying to politely ignore Nico standing behind him. What to say, what to say, need to provide a functional human first(-ish) impression on the conversation -
Will bends his head further over the book he's reading, which seems to have a diagram on it. He shifts his neck to look at it from another angle, just enough for Nico to see the page's title: "Cross-sections of the Circulatory System".
Oh, so - a biology textbook. Cool, cool, that makes sense, since Will's the head camp medic, so maybe -
Before he can stop himself, he blurts out - "The, uh, the medulla oblongata controls parasympathetic ventilation, like, coughing and sneezing and stuff." Or - is that even correct? Damn, what if Will's going to make fun of him for getting it wrong, maybe he should try another one -
"..The pancreas secretes sodium bicarbonate, lipase, protease, and amylase into the small intestine to help with digestion." There, that works for a conversation starter. Will should definitely know about that since he lectured Nico about his starch intake last week in the infirmary.
("I don't care if they're all carbs, di Angelo, at this point you just need to eat, I don't give a pegasus' ass whether it's all carbs and fats -" - which, whatever. )
It takes him a moment to realise Will hasn't said anything back. In fact, he's barely even moved, only enough to squint at his textbook from a new angle. Clearly the most self-aware guy in the room, this guy.
He tries again. Can't have people calling him un-persistent, or whatever.
"So, the, lumen of the vein is larger than the artery, right? Since they have thinner walls?" Oh, curse me. His own insults to that zoom around his brain like a sledgehammer on nectar. And for all his embarrassment, what does he get? Nothing. Solace is still sitting, thumbing through the pages like he hasn't heard anything.
So much for Reyna making his promise to try having friends, and so much for Solace dumping out on him for pushing people away. If he's going to ignore him, and not even tell him why like - like someone who'd promised to be honest with him, then he can just catch up with his textbook in private and not have to deal with Nico's awkward conversation starters or help in the infirmary again.
Fuck it. He stomps away, shaking out his fringe and angrily pressing his thumb into the indent of his initials in his sword's hilt.
No need to let anyone think the Fates are playing favourites, because clearly Nico's in a league of his own with them. Even better, they must love him so much, because right at that moment, when he's suddenly, too irrationally angry to think about where he's going, he trips over a side table and goes careening headfirst into the shelf by the window.
Ah, merde.
"Hey, are you al- wait, Nico? What are you doing here, man? You okay?"
...And of course that's what finally makes Solace wake up from his biology-induced lotus casino haze.
As Solace bounds over, ostensibly to do his whole why-aren't-you-taking-care-of-yourself-better-nico-listen-to-me-I'm-a-doctor-so-I-know-best-and-you-don't routine, Nico resists the urge to melt into the wall, literally. Why did he tell Reyna he'd try making friends? Look where it gets him. Why, of all people, did he have to say he'd try hanging out with Solace of all people when Reyna demanded he give her some actual names to back up his promises?
- ..stupidi ragazzi carini con i loro stupidi sorrisi e le loro stupide lamentele e la loro mancanza di consapevolezza spaziale perché los tre Moirai sono così per me, mamma? perché, dei, perché....
Solace hauls him up halfway into his arms and starts asking him random questions, like:
"What's your name?" Rude, didn't he just call Nico from across the room?
"Okay, okay, cool, I deserved that one, can you tell me what day it is?" How is Nico supposed to answer that. He barely knows what day it is on a good day, he just follows camp schedule through osmosis most of the time, asking random campers what the strategies for the next capture the flag game are to get a gauge on how far away it is -
"Shit, c'mon man, help me out here, what were you looking for in the library anyway? I didn't know you were the reading type - " Which, again, rude? Does Nico not look like the reading type? Is it the black and silver? Does he not look smart enough or something? Hazel's a literal whiz, and Solace knows that, so it can't be a Hades thing.
"Come on, Nico, talk to me. You know why you came to the library, right? Can you at least tell me that?"
To talk to you, dumbass! Because you're ignoring me! Like I'm only worth your time when I'm a patient!
But it's not like he can just say that, because that would be weird. Joy of joys, Solace is getting even closer now, what the hell is going on?
"Uh - listen, don't freak out, maybe I'm freaking out, it's okay, stay calm, I'm calm, I literally do this every day, uh, can you just look straight at me, di Angelo? Need to get a good look at your eyes, figure out how bad we're dealin' here -" and he starts leaning in even closer what the literal fuck -
Is this Nico's punishment for insulting the Fates? Because, damn.
Also, because Nico's brain loves him, it abandons him once more in his time of need, forcing him to let out the weirdest squeak he's absolutely going to deny he ever made. He feels his cheeks warm, and jerks an inch away in a weird full-body shake like Frank sometimes does after returning to his human form.
Gods, what a nightmare. He lifts his hands up to cover his burning face and discreetly look for the nearest shadow when he notices Solace's ashen face, freezing.
Before he can get a real, human word out, Solace is suddenly stepping forward and cradling the back of Nico's head in a ridiculously warm hand while the other cards through his hair.
What the fuck. What the absolute fuck. He would say it feels like his soul is leaving his body if he didn't already know exactly how that felt. His eyes go wide as he wheezes, trying to stammer out a demand for Solace to fucking explain himself, taking liberties with his person -
Solace steps back, clearly confused. "No huge bumps, alright.. maybe shock?" His eyes widen again, as if he's just now noticing the state he's left Nico in.
"Shit, shit, it looks like shock, dilated pupils, difficulty breathing, hold on, di Angelo, let's get you to the infirmary - " Uh, absolutely not? 'Di Angelo' has had enough of the infirmary for a lifetime, grazie mille, Dr. Solace. There isn't even anything wrong with him this time! He's not the one asking weird questions and doing weird things this time.
Without any further thought, he turns around and starts fighting his way out of Solace's grip. If his favourite doctor's shocked cursing is anything to go by, it's the first time a patient's actively tried to escape his tender mercies.
Scratch that. Solace's arms tighten around his waist and the ensuing scuffle makes it clear this is not his first time. Shit, Nico might actually lose this one.
"Sunoffa- Nico! I'm trying to help, calm down!" Like hell you are, Solace. Let me the fuck go (so I can run away and wallow with the nymphs) and maybe then we'll talk.
He redoubles his efforts while pivoting to avoid the lamp on the table next to them.
"You fucking menace," Solace hisses, and if that hidden loss of cool makes Nico grin, well, what's a skull scarf for. Not every day you get to make Sir Doctor Extraordinaire stop being all sunshiney for a day.
Solace finally growls and stops fighting him. "Alright, you win! Hey, can't you stop aggravating your injuries for once?" Which. Wait, what injury? Nico's in perfect health!
"- and like, wartime's one thing, normal camp is another. Do you seriously not respect your body at all? Come on, you haven't even argued it! D'you seriously hate the infirmary that much? Are we a joke to you? You haven't even said anything since you hit your head and - " Nico lets the rest of Will's rant fly over him as he stills, and his mind goes, oh. Oh, this is hilarious. Okay, well, all he's gotta do to correct Will's little misconception is to say something then, right?
He opens up his mouth to cut Will off when he lands on his burning blue eyes and realises, belatedly, that Will's warm arms are still ever-so-gently and firmly cradling his waist, curling around the coarse fabric of his Camp Half-Blood tee.
As his brain goes offline for the the third and hopefully final time, Nico bemoans his existence and prepares himself to blurt out:
"The kidneys are where erythrocytes go to die."
Oh, Dei miei. That's not even right. "Well, no, I mean, the kidneys are where erythropoietin is produced, when the medulla oblongata detects a lack of oxygen in the body, which stimulates the growth of more red blood cells in the bone marrow..."
At least Will's shut up now, which is great. Nico can already feel the headache brewing from his ranting. Instead of backing off, however, Will absentmindedly adjusts his grip on Nico's waist and cocks his head to the side.
"...Did you come to the library to ask me to help you with your biology homework? Because, and I really mean no offense, buddy, but I kinda thought you were a year-round camper. Where'd you find the time to study AP Bio?"
Nico gives up and melts to the floor, ignoring Will's cries to groan and repeatedly thunk his head into the thankfully carpeted floor. This is how Nico dies. He prays for his father to open up the ground and bring him down to the palace for a visit. Will's still struggling to pull him up off the floor (if he's going to chase after him, he can deal with having to catch him, damnit), but only one thought is playing through Nico's mind.
Oh, I'm never going to live this one down, am I?
same fic different scene 0 - prologue-ish
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oh-meow-swirls · 11 months
the anime's unhingedness is even funnier when you remember that the dub aired on disney xd. this shit was airing on disney-
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widowshill · 5 months
bigger spoiler warning than usual on this for character death and also major plot points. but occasionally ds will show me a death scene and i ... feel a little bit like i'm watching something else. you know?
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
#3 am and talking with a friend about the last con I attended and thinking about all the girls cosplaying Chuuya and Dazai I saw...#How as re they doing. Do they know I would die for them#random rambles#Looking at that photo were I'm in the middle of them all awkward and happy and like.#I caught them with beer cups in their hands AND YET THEY WERE SO FABULOUS ABOUT IT. THERE'S THIS DARK ERA DAZAI STANDING SO MAJESTICALLY#WITH A FREAKING PLASTIC CUP IN ONE HAND AND A BRIGHT YELLOW PLASTIC BAG IN THE OTHER AND THEY'RE SO IMPOSSIBLY COOL ABOUT IT.#And Chuuya has this little crouched down pose that is so in character akdvdbakdvjebsks I don't know what those two people are doing now–#but I hope they're sleeping well and no worries will ever hit them#That other skk couple I caught with cotton candy in their hands!!!! I now feel so stupid for offering to old it for them off camera while–#my sister took the photo because it was literally the most adorable skk date scene ever.#But it's okay cause I'll keep it ingrained in my memory forever <3#Anyways if you're a cosplayer of any kind I love you#also shout-out to skk cosplayers for making me ship skk on instant without hesitation or second thoughts#Literally my only regret from that comicon is catching a glimpse of Servant Of Evil Rin#(like. Victorian costume and everything)#from the bus and not urging the driver to stop the bust and go to them#Ghost Evil Kingdom Rin a saw for half second from my bus sit you'll always be in my heart#*Daughter of Evil I don't know why I said servant (actually I know why it's because it's 3am... )#** Also the style of the dress is clearly Baroque-inspired not Victorian that's a whole different thing. Girl go to sleep
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saltyfilmmajor · 2 years
Tumblr media
Ethan is close to panic, as the man puts his pistol back into his coat and loosens his grip on Ethan’s jacket collar. He couldn’t lose his only link to The Syndicate again. Ethan grabs the lapels of his overcoat pulling the taller man in close. The other man’s eyebrows furrow together in confusion.
“What are you-” the other man sputters out until Ethan plants a rather forceful kiss on him. He forces his eyes shut. It has to look real, or at least real enough.
Sometimes you gotta make fanart of your own fics, and that’s ok.
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had one of them "quarterly work meetings" just now and what i have learned is that i am severely lacking in the genre of social script that dictates how to behave when first joining a group of people you will be working with regularly from that point on
#i think mostly my coworkers are all people who are fairly neurotypical and so they like. Know how to do this stuff i guess#n so i'm kinda just standing there. like a vampire. needing to be invited in for lack of practice w/these scripts#n like i briefly mentioned this in the tags of a post on my other blog yesterday but like i notice smth similar in my chem lab#it's like i'm missing the first scene of a script to a play but have the rest of it memorized blocked n ready to go#as Soon as i know that my entrance isn't like a disruption of the expected flow i'm fine!!! i can do that shit!!!!#and more recently i've been learning n mastering the opening scenes to the play of 'making online friends'#which is different from real life bc online friendship is asynchronous. realizing now that's why online/irl friendships differ sometimes#n this is also why i tend to be more actively inviting at the start of smth new like a class or semester#bc those are the periods when the ~flow~ is setting itself n if i can manage to integrate into *that* i'm good i can do this#but i don't know how to *slip in* to an existing current as an active participant. i just know how to observe n absorb#bc it's ~personal sharing time~ (lol) but like obviously being Neurodivergent(tm) i misread a lot of cues growing up#n so now the goal feels like 'transition seamlessly into thing so that you're not a despised disruption'#which is why i've become so grateful to the kinds of people who make active efforts to include new people#like. thank you communications majors. i love you communications majors. i owe you my life communications majors.#bc it's so!! 'i promise i'm not snubbing you it's just that my direct instructions were to work Here so even though you are three feet away#'literally on the other side of this wall i'm not gonna come out n initiate conversation w/you bc those are Implicit Instructions'#'/Individual Expectations that i'm too afraid of reading incorrectly but if you come talk to me i will be normal abt it i promise'#the worm speaks#like pretty frequently these days i find myself thinking abt that one post that's like#'yeah back in the olden days being a good host was a learned skill n it involved these sorts of specific things'#'like matching up n introducing guests to each other by saying 'this is x this is y you both like turtles :)'#like i feel like that's the Spirit of icebreakers these days but even if you have interests in common w/someone across the circle#it can be kind of awkward to cross the room afterwards to talk to them so you just end up talking w/whoever's nearest or no one at all
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