#i would die for graham
cosmicghoul99 · 2 months
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I think I saw this comment somewhere, but imagine being a third wheel to your own death 💀 poor guy
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honeygrahambitch · 10 months
Why aren't we talking enough about one of the most precious moments in the whole series?? When Bedelia says "What Will Graham makes you feel is not dissimilar." And Hannibal says "Love." and smiles shyly and plays the piano and it's such an energetic song and he is so smitten and cute
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chocostrwberry · 11 days
Felix fighting for his life for Kagami’s attention, meanwhile Adrien doesn’t even know there’s a competition-
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I also made chocoau! Felix more like, middle class compared to Adrien, like he’s not crazy rich but I imagine his parents are maybe real-estate agents in the more rich side of London so he’s pretty well-funded. He also has a cockney accent 😼
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alicenpai · 1 year
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Baccano rewired my 14 year old brain fr (true story) 🍾🗽🚂💰🔫
i made a sticker sheet for one of my favourite animes ever, for anime north 2023 this month! One of the drawings I did for my first ever con was Baccano, so I wanted to pay tribute. It makes me overjoyed the fandom is alive and kicking in 2023. if you can’t get to AN and you want the sticker sheet, keep an eye out this summer for my online shop!!
A lot of the media I first experienced when I was a teen was so formative for me as an artist, Baccano was one of them - and I love inputting vintage aesthetics in my art whenever possible (unfortunately not possible half of the time). I've watched the anime many times, and I'm almost done the 1st book, unfortunately I learned theres 22 other books (DW voice: I can't read!!! 💔) Planning this sheet took a LOT of work - each individual sticker composition, trashing and reworking sketches, research and visual reference, drawing inspiration from the art nouveau and art deco periods, as well as film noir era posters. 
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There were countless times where I regretted my choices and thought, "Oh man, why did I do this to myself?! I think I should have drawn chibis of the characters instead!!". Planning and drawing this took so long that I couldn’t envision it being complete for my deadline. But with the power of god and anime I pulled through. I'm quite happy I went with this more graphic design approach! I definitely want to try more graphic design stuff in the future, it’s a lot of fun 🤔🤔
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I ended up with a completely NEW pinterest board of 125 art deco related pins over the course of drawing this... help
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the flames in the “The Grand Panacea” poster were inspired by these two posters
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lanadelreis · 1 month
drake: haha i’m gonna diss kendrick
kendrick lamar’s honest to god reaction:
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There's just something about how when Will woke up in the hospital in season 3, he asked the doctor for water, and then when he gets shot in Florence, Hannibal immediately gets him a drink without him even having to ask.
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garnelenn · 2 months
my favorite characters before: righteous knights that have strict principles and desire to protect their loved ones or little balls of sunshine
my favorite characters now: middle aged man. sad. pathetic. has a beard. I want him
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ssaseaprince · 10 months
Hannibal would truly love to die by Will's hand. He'd see it as a spiritual experience enacted by some kind of vengeful God of old. He'd cherish every ounce of pain like a form of worship. Being hurt, being killed by Will's hand, would be divine ecstacy. It would be like when God appeared to those in the Bible and his presence burned their eyes. He would compare it to the pain of those who died in the flood, murdered by God in his righteous anger. Divine intervention. It would be sacrificial, except instead of slitting the throats of livestock, he would be offering up his heart to a hungry, starving deity. He would give up the things he cherishes most, his life and his freedom, to fuel Will Grahams glorious, painful, all-consuming radiance. And it would be beautiful.
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suchawrathfullamb · 6 months
whats up lamb <3 would love to know your petnames headcanons!
oh my, I thought about these so much, cause we do have almost a consensus on the fandom that Will never uses them and Hannibal has an arsenal of pet names in all languages. I personally love my own primary language, Portuguese, in terms of both pet names and dirty talk, I think we have a huge variety. And because Hannibal speaks all languages in fanon lol, to me he also knows Portuguese for some obscure reason like, idk, he visited Portugal some time, maybe he went to Brazil to escape Il Mostro investigations? Idk, either way he somehow knows the language lol.
I love it cause we have things like "gostoso", that means delicious or tasty, things you'd say for food, but we also use it for people :3. That's what I always say to myself (and yell to my screen) whenever I see Hugh Dancy, so I headcanon hard that Hannibal would have hotness overload with Will and just be like "seu gostoso" (kinda like "you hot thing" but a lot more sensual and yummy lol). I also love "lindo", that is also Spanish, which is almost canon they both know it cause they ran off to Cuba in S4 haha. Lindo means pretty, handsome, etc. We use it to call people like "oi, lindo" (that could be something like hi, pretty/beautiful).
But I just love it cause we have words that we just blurt out to our loved ones, and I don't think we have a lot of that in English, if at all. Like, we just go "GOSTOSO" at our person lol, or "COISA LINDA" (beautiful thing) *kisses kisses kisses*. I think we are very praise-oriented people and I feel like Hannibal also is, so yeah. I headcanon him using Portuguese pet names and some Spanish or Italian ones as well. I don't headcanon the mylimasis one because I believe H separated himself from his home, it's hard for him to associate anything with it, so I don't think he uses lithuanian, specially with Will. I also headcanon very hard on H using very intense and romantic ones like "corazon", "vita mia", "amore mio". Idk, he just showers Will in these, to me hehe.
And I can *only* see Will using one pet name, for whatever reason, I think it's because it's a very basic one, and everyone uses it, even when you're mad, it's common but still it's sweet, but it's also extremely natural, it basically becomes a second name, which is "amor" also Spanish or Portuguese, means "love". You can toss it around anytime like "Amor, come here", "Pass me the salt, amor", all the way to "I love you so much, amor". But for some reason I cannot picture him using "love" (I can picture Hugh using it because he's brit lol, but not Will), never in my mind he'd use anything like mon cherie, sweetheart, honey, etc. Too posh, too delicate. That's why I like amor, it's very second-nature for latinos, and if they're in Cuba he'd probably get used to it being thrown around so much. I also think he might feel a bit more comfortable using another language, because he is so avoidant and reluctant to affection, perhaps by using a different language he can find a comfortable emotional distance.
But, I have to be honest and go against the consensus of "never babe", I actually can picture Will, as a very american type of guy, using babe occasionally, or perhaps after a long time. Even if just accidentally, like it just comes out. He's drunk or sleepy. It's just automatic, you know? It's what he learned people do, I think it's almost impossible for him not to even consider that, cause just Hannibal, Hannibal, Hannibal starts to feel too serious to use for every single thing. In the beginning it feels intimate of course, as he only used his name a few times during the whole show, but after being together for years? I don't know, I feel like everything becomes normal after awhile, and also maybe just to see Hannibal's reaction he'd try some things out, you know?
Ultimately, the one I think Hannibal uses the most is love/my love, also I love "my Will" so much hehe, and Will veeeery slowly begins trying some out.
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dot and bubble wouldn't work in 13s era bc 13 wouldn't notice anything but ryan and yaz would pick it immediately
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honeygrahambitch · 24 days
I started writing three different multi-chapter fics, someone hand me the clown makeup
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
was in the middle of putting on makeup and getting ready for work when i started thinking about how ashley probably went through a legitimate mourning period after leon cut her out of his life, cycling through the different stages of grief over and over and sometimes out of order
because, while he might still be alive, he’s basically dead as far as she’s concerned. he’s gone, and she can’t see him or talk to him and has no access to any information about his life. if she calls him, his phone just rings as though no one owns it anymore.
and how it’s probably real grief in every sense of the word due to the fact that it never truly goes away. it fades over time, and some days she doesn’t even think of him at all -- and when she does think of him, it’s as a distant memory like “oh, that happened.” but then every once in a while, she sees something, or hears something, or the wind blows just the right way, and she feels his absence hit her all over again. she just gets this feeling that this -- what she’s doing, where she is -- is wrong. this isn’t how her life is supposed to be, and there’s something missing.
and by the likely time of RE9, she’ll be 40, and will probably have never been married or really had any sort of successful relationship at all -- not just because anyone she meets isn’t him, but because no one she meets lives up to the unreachable standards that he set. no one else has ever made her feel as safe as he did. no one else has the perfect balance of kindness and strength and patience and confidence and tenderness and courage that he had. tough guys are always too aggressive and insecure, and sweet guys lack the hard edge. and even guys who do break through into having some kind of relationship with her eventually leave anyway, because none of them understand why she sometimes screams another man’s name in her sleep, because the only answer she ever gives to the question “who’s leon?” is “oh he worked for my dad when he was in office. he helped me out that one year that i got really, really sick and needed surgery.” because boy is that an obvious lie, but they can’t tell why and she won’t explain.
and all she wants to know is why. why he disappeared on her, what she did wrong. why did things turn out the way they did when it didn’t need to be like this -- what is he keeping from her, what doesn’t she know?
and the saddest part is that what she doesn’t know is that he’s really, truly 100% convinced that staying away from her is him doing right by her. that he’s doing her a favor by not being a part of her life. he assumes that she’s likely thriving due to his absence -- or, at least, is much better off now than she would have been if he’d stuck around.
and if he’d just answer her fucking calls or give in to his urge to call her himself, he’d know that that was bullshit and that she needs a support system just as badly as he does and doesn’t understand why they didn’t build one for each other after all they went through together -- because literally no one else could ever possibly understand what happened but them.
he doesn’t realize that just because she’s stronger than him doesn’t mean that she’s not invincible or doesn’t still need support. and his opinion of himself is too low to even consider the notion that he could be that for her. so they just live separate lives, cut off from one another, with both of them missing what was lost at the time of their split.
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Various bots’ reactions to being hugged
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lifesizecorpsekit · 10 days
sometimes i forget that one can write essays for fun and then i remember and then i don't because i already wrote a four pages long essay that day on the topic that doesn't interest me in the slightest
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vinnianlovesdinosaurs · 6 months
Meet Will Graham JR. The build-a-bear I made for my birthday in September
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With and without his glasses in true Will fashion. He also has little converses but I keep forgetting to put them back on.
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wonhoissofine · 2 months
Can’t stop thinking of Will’s little belly and Hannibal’s snatched waist, I’m going insane.
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