#i wonder if i should get hd collection i really love how the game looks on ps2 the changes that were lost on the hd port do make me so sad
leafeonb · 1 year
im already playing too many games at once but i want to add more to the list
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lydiaskyeleaf · 3 years
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD First Impressions
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Zelda from Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.
This game has taken over my time, making me temporarily leave Monster Hunter Stories 2.(Though I do intend to come back to it once I'm done with Skyward Sword.)
So far, I'm enjoying it for the most part.
I love the story and characters in it as well as how this Zelda is portrayed. She is Link's childhood friend and introduction to the game shows how close they are and what type of person Zelda is. It also makes the player care for Zelda and makes us want to find her as well. Though, I wish Goose and his gang would come to the surface as well. I can imagine those fools trying to thwart Link and save Zelda first. Only for Link to save them when they get into trouble.
Flying in the sky is really fun but the area right now is a bit barren to me. Sure, you see some strange islands in the distance that make you want to explore but the number of those islands are very small and you only feel the need to go around the area to find colorful chests. Hopefully, once I unlock night mode, I might find more things to do around the area.
Unlike its successor, Breath in the Wind. Skyward Sword is like most other previous installments in the Zelda series. The game is much more focused on a linear gameplay and the equipment you get along the way to solve puzzles. You can backtrack to previous areas since you need a certain item to get through different areas. The puzzles in the game so far are pretty good. Though, at times they do feel really short.
You can also see some of the elements that will be in Breath of the Wind alimented in Skyward Sword. The stamina wheel, collecting bugs or monster parts, and of course, using said parts to upgrade your equipment. I find it very interesting to see these elements work into gameplay as you can tell Nintendo were testing these mechanics and even better they are mostly not hindrance or a frustration to the player.
The one thing I don't enjoy is the controls. I'm playing in the handheld/button mode. However, you can definitely tell the controls were made for motions in mind. Not surprising since this game was made solely for the Wii.
When you fight, half time you'll going to be wondering if you'll doing it right or what are you doing wrong as you tried to kill monsters. The most notorious fight that comes to mind is the first boss fight with the Demon Lord Ghirahim. His first stage had me so frustrated as he kept grabbing my sword as I swing it. I used Fi to analyze him and she said since he using his right hand, swing opposite of it. I did that and he still caught it! Thankfully, his second stage was much easier. So, I eventually defeated him but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people stopped playing the game because of that boss fight.
Also, the bomb mechanic was very terrible explain to the point that I had look up online on how to do it. I don't know if the other items are going to be like this but it is not good gameplay design if your player has look for a better tutorial online on how to throw or roll bombs. I understand this used to be for the Wii game but with the HD version now having button controls, Nintendo should have the instructions reflects the buttons controls for the items and not just fighting.
Overall so far, Skyward Sword HD is a game with a good plotline and interesting characters but the controls so far are a hit and miss. Once I finish the game, I'll give my final thoughts on it. Right now by the time I'm writing this, I'm ten hours in and at Lanayru Desert where if the fortune lady is right, electricity is most likely going to be a main component in this stage.
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pip-n-flinx · 3 years
yup, it all goes below the cut
So I’ve been seeing a resurgence of ME content following the trailers for ME4 and MELE, which makes sense. But I’m a salty m-fer and I honestly am sick and tired of Mass Effect getting shit on for things that other game studies (looking at you fromsoftware) get praised for. So we’re going to unload a little.
The underpinnings of the mass effect universe is this huge extinction cycle, designed and perpetuated by the Reapers. As sufficiently advanced civilizations reach a tipping point, not unlike the great filter theory of space travel, these AI come in and wipe anyone out. This sort of cyclical storytelling, with pieces of the previous cycles being dribbled in throughout the trilogy, seems pretty similar to progression of Dark Souls. At the end of the Mass Effect Trilogy, many fans were upset by the ending choices: Destroy, Control, and Synthesis.
What are your choices in Dark Souls? At the end of the first game, the cycle ends and you, the player, get to choose how the world enters the next era. Does they cycle of undeath continue, or do you shatter the world and hope something new rises from the ashes?
How, pray tell, is that really any different a decision? And why is it when fromsoftware does this its groundbreaking storytelling, but when bioware does it we decide collectively its ‘just a shitty recolor of the same ending?’
I agree, there are some flaws in how they chose to animate the climactic moments of ME3. For one, the fleet assembly and space combat with the reapers above Earth doesn’t change much no matter how many/which allies you bring to the final fight. And of course, the ‘garbage recolor’ ending. And I agree with the premise that more than the color should have changed. We should not have had to wait for the still flawed Extended Cut ending to be released to see how Shepard’s final choice changes the end of the game.
We can also comment on what the crucible actually does. If it is some incredible power-source in need of direction - the citadel - it is a strange choice of weapon to design for your battle against the reapers. We could speculate endlessly on why the writing team chose this, but the real issue here is that there is very little in game context for how this comes about. We get a few lines from Hackett and Liara explaining the Crucible, but that’s about it. Surely there could have been more discoverable codex entries about it, perhaps on Eden Prime with Javik?
To be clear, I don’t actually have a problem with the end of the Trilogy. Sure, it has its plot holes, but I’m not actually too fussed about it. It felt like a fitting end to the series to me. Graphically a little disappointing, to be fair, but otherwise a fine capstone to the story.
I’ve actually read some comments and posts explaining that they ‘won’t buy the legendary edition because they won’t fix the ending’ and I.... Do you even know what a remaster is? I’m not buying the remaster because I think many of the new lighting choices detract from the story, and a reskin won’t ensure the graphics stand the test of time any better than the old ones. I’m perfectly happy replaying the original trilogy without a fancy graphics package that adds nothing to the artistic vision nor sets out any distinctive art style. A few years will see even these HD 4k graphics obsolete/dated, and I’ve spent enough money on Mass Effect as it is.
Moreover, I really hate what speculation and rumor I’ve heard about Mass Effect 4. First, I hate that it will be a ME4 and not an MEA2. This will take some explaining so bear with me.
I’ve seen videos of the original graphics and animations that caught so much flak for Mass Effect Andromea. Unpopular opinion: I don’t think they were bad, and I certainly don’t think they were bad in the context of Mass Effect. None of the games prior had flawless rotoscoping or anchoring. Even watching stock sheploo in the original trilogy is painful if you’re hoping for realism. If y’all want to play this game we can start sharing clips but suffice to say I’m personally convinced we can go tit-for-tat on awkward animations.
Moreover, I think Mass Effect Andromeda is the best Mass Effect game. Best gameplay, by far. It has all the hallmarks of a great sci-fi: new aliens, new planets, new villains. And while I understand some people felt the switch from overcompetent supersoldier Shepard to young-kid-with-daddy-issues-and-more-than-a-few-bad-bosses Ryder was jarring, I absolutely loved playing a plucky hero who lost their mentor before they’d even properly started training. It gave the game an urgency I loved, and to me Ryder felt like a much more relatable protagonist than Shepard.
The story itself is a fucking masterstroke. Hear me out:
So in Mass Effect, the twin plot drivers are infighting with council/alliance/cerberus ‘allies’ while facing down the threat of and advanced AI wiping out all organic life to preserve diversity and make way for the next ascendant race. In Andromeda, we’re met by the same bickering and infighting amongst our own faction, and the Kett. The Kett, for whom nothing is cyclical. Everyone must assimilate. Who shun technology and seek to eliminate biodiversity by ensuring all civilizations end with Kett. And instead of a well trained military commander and a ship of soldiers, mercenaries, and specialists in the sciences who grow to be respected players on the galactic stage, we get Ryder. Ryder and their crew of misfit nostalgia-driven rock-licking rule-breaking cereal-smuggling culture-vulture heart-broken multiple-amputee nervous-doctor neophiles who meet one alien and have to save all their races from genocide by a rogue Kett Archon. And the Jaardan? the long gone artificial life-forms who had the technological capability to be reaper analogs? They’re the life-givers, the gods of the Andromeda galaxy, seeding species and hope into the galaxy for the player to find.
It’s such a perfect inversion of the original trilogy while still preserving the genre and the universe they had already built. It’s fucking brilliant. And I’ll never forgive them for abandoning it, nor will I forgive the fans whose vitriol stopped the project in its tracks, and killed any hope of a second trilogy.
Honestly, I don’t care if you agree about MEA, or the ME3 ending. I know this isn’t a common take among bioware fans. I just... I’m so fucking done with this franchise and this fandom. I’d like to think my mutuals and the other blogs I follow have level headed positions on this stuff (possibly more level headed than my own salty takes these days) but I honestly wonder why I’m even on this platform some days. It doesn’t spark much joy anymore. I hope no one takes this personally, I certainly don’t mean this as an attack or criticism of any of my followers but damn, I’ve got a lot of feelings tonight and almost all of them are negative...
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dearkaelsman · 4 years
I know that a lot of people (both CE and especially non CE and non Gundam passerbys) are probably looking at our ranting and wondering why we hate this redub. And like... I just want to make it clear, especially to potential new watchers that may think we’re nuts for having issue with the dub, we’re not angry with it just to be mean or spiteful. We’re disappointed. Ocean’s dub wasn’t god tier, but it meant a lot to western fans like us, and instead of polishing it, it rolled around in mud.
For me, SEED - in its original English dub glory - is why I was friends with the people I was in high school. It’s why I’m friends with the people I am now. It was the anime that first caused me to look up the voices behind characters, and the show that facilitated my learning about anime conventions, and the realm of RPing.
It (as well as discovering how much I enjoyed shooting hockey) heavily influenced why I went into photojournalism.
So the announcement of the re-dub, and now hearing it, kind of felt like a personal attack on my teenage self, given the show is really close to my heart. It sounds silly, but in a lot of ways it has contributed and been part of a foundation of the person I have become.
I know those of us expressing being upset about the re-dub/reflub aren’t attacking for the sake of being mean to the new cast, or out of spite. The actors involved have done a lot of good work on other projects, especially video games - I really enjoy Max Mittelman (redub Kira) as Ryuji in P5 and he’s probably my favourite character. I like Cassandra Lee Morris (redub Miriallia) as Morgana. Having met some of these voice actors, I can say I really like them personally, and love that we’re in an era where they can communicate with fans and show that they, too, are fans of the shows they work on, and I respect them for that.
I can respect that the original SEED dub may only be available in final mix form, and couldn’t be adjusted for the HD Remaster. I understand there are bidding processes, and the distribution company, Nozomi, that bought the rights to distribute the remaster, made the choice to go about redubbing it the way they did, likely because there is some legislation in place where “American” projects must have “American products” used (this caused some animosity between then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper and then-President Barack Obama on a port project in B.C. that an American company was awarded the contract for. Obama would not allow Canadian materials or workers on the project, despite it taking place in Canada and it was all really messed up because of bureaucratic red tape).
I am, however, deeply disappointed that the product we’re getting for SEED, as you said, isn’t an improvement to the original, or polishing, it’s a complete bastardization of the original, and there’s no excuse for it.
SEED is not a simulcast. They recorded this project in 2017, weeks after they announced the re-dub cast. They’ve had over two years with this, so with them casting “big name” L.A. -based voice actors, it makes it look like they defaulted to the simulcast process, and were lazy with the project and didn’t put a lot of effort into the casting, the research of the show, or the show itself.
I’m hugely disappointed that the director chosen has a penchant for not doing research or understanding what she’s involved with as a voice actor, and was given SEED to work on for her directorial debut. I hoped she  would prove me wrong and that she’d take extra care with the project as director, but from what I’ve seen so far, she hasn’t.
She still has yet to acknowledge the original Ocean dub. The American “main” DBZ cast has NEVER shied away from acknowledging there was a Canadian dub. Kyle Hebert even credited Brad Swaile’s Gohan as being the first Gohan he ever heard, and that he incorporated some of his mannerisms into his performance.
Carrie Keranen (and granted, I haven’t checked since they were recording the project because she is the one Voice Actor I actually have a personal problem with so her Twitter makes me very upset) has flagrantly dismissed what was in that original dub, and why? Given how other redub projects have gone, it makes it look like she either wants to ignore the fact it exists as to not give it publicity, or looks down on it, and thought she could do better without putting the work into it that she should have.
She allowed script changes that ruined the integrity of the characters - allowing someone to portray Miriallia as a 10-year-old boy and say “fricken” like she actually is a 10 year old punk kid, modernizing Cagalli (she’s a princess, she shouldn’t talk entirely like a preteen girl at the mall, even if she had a penchant for running away), and stripping Kira of his attitude to be more...bland? In all honestly, she enabled a lack of effort and emotion in the scenes they’ve posted thus far.
She allowed liberties to be taken on the English language that were not taken in the original with no good explanation. This is seen in the pronunciation of Nicol, Tolle, Dearka’s names, the weird emphasis on Archangel, Gammow.
I’m deeply disappointed that she allowed/changed Dearka’s name to a racial slur, even if it’s one that only “white people” would consider a slur. Rather than being sensitive to how a choice of words can affect those around us, this decision actually perpetuates racism against Middle Eastern people, as if there’s not enough of that already. It also creates a divide between the longtime die-hard fans of Gundam SEED, and the new ones with pronunciation (and this has happened with other redub projects where fans have been lectured the “new” way is the “right” way to say things even when it’s not), ESPECIALLY if a movie comes out now, which will make officially make her cast the “main” English cast, and everything the old cast did will essentially be erased from the collective fandom mind.
As a Canadian, I’m also disappointed at what redubbing one of the larger anime projects to come through Ocean/Vancouver means for the voice industry here.I’m hugely concerned, and I have been for some time for my favourite voice actors, and it’s easier to express this concern with regards to a specific project, than just in general.
It’s hard to know that B.C. is becoming the “Silicon Valley of the North,” and animation studios here are doing exceptional work (Into the SpiderVerse was done in Vancouver, The Dragon Prince is animated in Vancouver/Kelowna, the new Magic the Gathering series will be animated by the same studio, they’ve done a ton of work for Disney, Cartoon Network, DreamWorks etc.), and yet our voice actors are being forced to move, take up side jobs/new careers, when they should be voicing those projects, in favour of L.A. based dubbers who sadly don’t seem to put the effort into their projects that B.C. was able to.
They had an opportunity to make the redub decent, and they squandered it, and they’re really overselling the idea that in a digital age people weren’t already aware of SEED. The only people who will watching it “fresh” now are the type that are obsessive about specific voice actors and would worship the ground they walked on, rather than really enjoy a show for the show’s own merit.
And given what they’re doing to it in this dub, they’re going to actually make more people hate the series than already do.
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deadmandairyland · 4 years
I’m watching reviews of the Resident Evil 3 remake. From what I’ve seen so far, general consensus seems to be that it’s good, but not as good as the RE2 remake, and probably not worth buying at full price. One common criticism was that they left out a bunch of stuff the original had. From what I heard, they pretty much cut out puzzles from the game (and to be fair it’s kinda silly that an entire city would require solving the soup cans to get through), which I think might be the reason why iconic locations like the clock tower were cut. But that’s still a shame because while I haven’t played the game myself yet I cannot imagine this game without the clock tower. But I’ll reserve my judgment for when I play the game myself, which I probably will eventually, if only because I have a big collection of RE games on my PS4 that is distinctively missing a 3 and it’s bugging the hell out of me.
But since I’ve already seen comments about this remake possibly being a step backward compared to the RE2 remake, I feel like now is a good time to make a post that I wanted to make for a while but didn’t really have the motivation to make until now. Because while I wasn’t as hyped about an RE3 remake as everyone else was, I couldn’t deny that I wanted it to happen... because then it would mean that there might even be a Code: Veronica remake, which was an idea I was actually more excited for.
Though I do love RE3, Code: Veronica holds a special place in my heart. It is what first got me interested in the horror genre as a whole. At the time I was--and, let’s face it, I still am--a bit squeamish, so horror didn’t really interest me until I--not even joking--looked up the IMDB page of one of the voice actors from a cartoon I was into at the time and found out he had a role in a Resident Evil game, and I looked up clips from it, and I saw this cutscene and I was like “Wow, I really like this.” ...And no, not because of the naked woman, I promise you.
But enough about all that. This post is already getting long and I haven’t even gotten to what this post is about: I want to share what I would like to see in a Code: Veronica remake.
(I’ll try to keep this brief)
First off, one thing that the RE2 remake was highly praised for was how streamlined everything was. The layout of the police station made a bit more logical sense (adding stairs in the main hall helped) and placement of items was done in such a way that backtracking didn’t feel like as much of a chore. I feel like this last bit is especially important because if there’s one thing Code: Veronica is criticized for, it’s how ridiculous the backtracking is... and I have to agree. Now, granted, I do like some of the ideas CV threw around--the metal detector and the optional stuff like running back to the solitary cell to give Rodrigo medicine come to mind--but there were times where the mandatory backtracking got in the way of the story being told and I think that’s the main reason why I want to see a remake of this game.
Because think about it. In the first RE game, what is everything leading up to? What do all the files and backstory of the game lead you toward? The laboratory under the mansion, right? Same with RE2: everything in the game leads up to the laboratory. Now to be fair these are endgame areas, so backtracking out of them would be kinda silly anyway, but I’m not bringing them up because they’re endgame areas. These locations are built up to through the plot and the files you find throughout the game. Imagine if after you reached the laboratory in RE1, you found a key that you needed to unlock a door all the way back in the guardhouse, and you had to do all sorts of other shit before you could finish the laboratory. Even if it wasn’t the final area of the game, having to backtrack out of it when there’s so much build up for it would ruin the flow of the game, right? So let it be clear that this is not an endgame issue, but rather a story flow issue:
Once you reach the private residence, you should never have to backtrack to another location on Rockfort Island.
Now, granted, the developers had enough foresight to realize that once you reach a certain area in the Ashfords’ mansion and hear this song, you are no longer required to go anywhere else on the island until it’s about to explode, because they knew that going back to bumfuck elsewhere at this point would have really killed the downward spiral Claire has become unfortunate enough to get caught up in. However, I feel like they didn’t go far enough with it. I personally feel that as soon as you walk through the front doors and hear THIS song, you should never have to go back to the prison or unlock anymore rooms in the palace! That should all be over and done with by this point! Because like the laboratories in previous games, every file, every cutscene, every fucked up thing you see in the prison, literally everything up until that point in the game is building up to this fucking house and the secrets within. It should be a point of no return up until the place starts to fucking explode.
Second, either make Chris’s segment of the game shorter or give him someone to interact with. That’s the unfortunate thing about Chris’s portion of Code: Veronica. Say what you will about Steve and Alfred, but at least Claire is interacting with them regularly throughout her portion of the game. Cutscenes can do wonders with breaking up monotony; without them, the game’s basically just all fetch quests. Honestly, while I do think it’s a shame that Chris only got one chapter in Darkside Chronicles, I understand why he was only give the one chapter: the meat of the story happens in Claire’s segment of the game. That being said, I do hope they would consider going with the second option before the first. There are characters Chris interacts with in the game; he just doesn’t interact with them enough. Wesker is more of a behind-the-scenes villain than Alfred, and Alexia sadly doesn’t really do much. Giving both villains more to do would greatly enhance Chris’s part of the story.
Now that the gameplay stuff is out of the way, it’s time to address the elephant in the room: Alfred. Honestly, I have no idea how they would portray Alfred in today’s political climate. I don’t really want them to hold back with him, because he’s basically a walking homage to classic horror villain tropes and he has the potential to be a very serious and dangerous villain, but I get the feeling that no matter what Capcom decides to do with him, either they’ll get a lot of backlash for transphobia or making the mentally ill look like Hitler, or they’ll get a lot of backlash for pandering to SJWs and making light of prison camps by pulling back their punches with the original Korekiyo Shinguji. I don’t know, maybe I’m overthinking things, but I’ve been on Tumblr for a long time and I’ve seen some crazy shit on here (and Twitter... and YouTube... and 4chan... especially 4chan) over the years, so I can see literally any of these scenarios happening. Personally, though, I do hope their portrayal of him (including how the other characters view him) is closer to the Darkside Chronicles version than the Code: Veronica version, if only because I’d rather the protagonists feel bad for him than be like “Man, I know you’ve murdered a ton of people and might have a thing for your sister, but God forbid you crossdress, I mean that shit’s just fucking weird.” Yeah, that was pretty bad, not gonna lie.
Well, so much for keeping it brief. But that’s basically all I can think of off the top of my head for what I would like to see in a Code: Veronica remake. That and being able to see Rockfort Island in all its fucked up glory in fabulous HD and with a free camera, that’s be sweet.
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imanew931 · 3 years
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Age of Empires 4 is the strategy game that mix the wonderful clicks of this War-Craft with the technical modernization of this civilization, combining them in a real-time strategy video game bigger, more intense and smarter than most of its competitors. Age of Empires IV has been developed at the studios of Relic Entertainment.
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Age of Empires IV certainly has some sort situations, landscapes, characters, cultures, creatures and modalities. In more diverse and bigger maps, the visual effects would be certainly enriched by having a range of units. Scenarios, inhabited by buildings and characters of various shapes, have certainly benefited from the graphic enhancement. More elements that act on screen — waves in motion, more energy, furrowed by a wide range of ships plains adorned by areas and chunks, flocks of animals moving, waiting to be slaughtered for supplies.
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When talking about strategy games Age of Empires II has to be one of the most played of all time. It was first released in 1997 and it has been growing ever since. There are over ten different titles, but all of them have something in common: you are in command of a civilization and you are responsible for making it thrive and conquer. The storylines are based on history and cover almost 10,000 years starting from the Stone Age.
The second installment of this game (The Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings) comes with new maps and other added features. You can choose between playing on your own (against the computer) or be joining in a multiplayer experience that will let you test your skills as a leader of any of the civilizations included in the game, 13 in total. This version covers a historic period that goes from the fall of the Roman Empire up to the Middle Ages.
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Years after the release of the original one an HD version was created just for Steam. This means that it includes new features like the possibility of adding content created by you or others from the Steam Workshop.
Of course, this is not a newly released game and as such you might find its graphics and some features a bit dated, but if you can dismiss that you’ll surely spend quite a few hours discovering and enjoying its possibilities. Also, a piece of good news in that respect, Microsoft just announced it will release renewed versions of Age of Empires II and III. This will surely bring back some of the old fans eager to get a firsthand view and find out if they have indeed improved on the classic games.
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Don’t rely solely on combat and confrontation; you can also use diplomacy to help your civilization advance.
Use trade as an economy boosting alternative. Engage in commercial exchanges that work to your advantage.
Each civilization has distinctive architecture and technology. Find out what sets them apart and learn the particulars of each one, like their different forms of combat.
It includes maps of the real world.
Great multiplayer experience.
Advanced Features
Be one with history, choose one of the campaigns that are based on historical characters and walk in the shoes of the likes of Genghis Khan or William Wallace.
There are many ways to play and win the game; there is even a pacifist option. You don’t have to exterminate anyone to win; you just need to complete a wonder before everyone else does.
The HD version of the game includes options that are Steam specific like access to features from the workshop or matchmaking.
System Requirements
For the PC version of the game you’re required to have the following:
Windows XP or later.
At least 1GB of available RAM.
DirectX 9.0
2GB of available hard disk space for the install.
A processor with speed 1.2 GHz or higher.
As with almost everything else in life, the price depends on the vendor. The PC version of Age of Empire II: The Age of Kings sells for USD 24.99. You can also get the gold edition of the game (also for PC) for USD 33.99.
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It’s a great real-time strategy game. You will find yourself learning the particulars of every civilization to use it in your favor.
There isn’t just one way to play or win it, you can find different alternatives depending on the civilization you’re playing with and the style of play that you choose.
With the release of the HD version, which was released for Steam, you can take advantage of some features as matchmaking.
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When you compare it to more recently released games, you’ll find that the graphics look really dated.
As it happens with games that have been around for so long and that have such a massive fan base, this is one of the cult games around. A leader on its category and also among games in general, this might not be the most recent version (Age of Empires III was also released) but you can still find people developing modes for this one. The fact that the mere announcement that a “remastered” version would be released raises so much interest should give you an idea of how popular this game really is.
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Granted, it doesn’t have the best graphics around, especially considering how far we’ve come in that respect in recent years. Also, there have been complaints about bugs in the first releases, but if you can get passed all of that you will find that this is a very enjoyable and entertaining game that will provide hours of fun while wiping out entire civilizations on the way.
An appealing feature that was included in this release was being able to take on the persona of a historic character. Wouldn’t you like to lead your troops as William Wallace? That is just one of the options that you get. Also in this version the more diplomatic pacifist gameplay; you can win by using your engineering abilities and finishing a wonder before everyone else instead of just vanishing them from the face of the Earth. You can even use your trading capabilities to win games, so it’s not only about pure military power; there are different nuances that will make every playing session different from the one before.
As we mentioned above, a new version of this game is on the works. This is the kind of things that happen when you have a product that even years after its original release maintains its following. Now you have a choice, if you have never played before, you can either get started with the original version or wait for the new one and find out what Microsoft will do to give this beloved game a refreshed look. This move will sure make it current again and we will have Age of Empires II for years to come.
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kvhottie · 6 years
Just Right
For: @kuckoonut​
Pairings: KuroKen
Rating: T
Summary: 3.1K of Kuroken Adult AU Christmas fluff! Kuroo runs around trying to get a little surprise for Kenma even though he promised he wouldn’t; Kenma has a plan of his own. 
Thank you for being a wonderful mutual, talented artist, and lovely pinch secret santa. 
Kuroo’s eyes opened slowly, blinking away the morning fog as they traveled down to the mess of duel-toned hair buried in his chest. Kenma was still soundly asleep and his quiet breaths warmed up the bare skin near his mouth. Kuroo was mostly naked, never having the decency to properly dress himself further than boxers when climbing into bed, and Kenma wore a big graphic t-shirt that hit his knees. He had one thin leg sandwiched between Kuroo's, the other hiked by Kuroo's hip, and his folded arms flush with Kuroo's, lower stomach—Kuroo loved every morning that they woke up tangled like this.   Kuroo carefully slid out of bed and ambled to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. Today was Christmas day and he had made a promise with Kenma to ‘keep it casual’, no outlandish dinner plans, or big parties, or crazy expensive presents. Just a cozy evening of home cooked food (plus the classic bucket of KFC fried chicken), snuggling on the couch with a movie, delicious Christmas cake, and some post-dessert "dessert" if Kenma was up for it.   He had promised Kenma that...but Kuroo was a helpless romantic and couldn’t resist the temptation of a sweet Christmas surprise. So he had put a plan into action and all he needed to do was survive the day without Kenma finding out.
After leaving the bathroom Kuroo headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. Kuroo enjoyed cooking so he was usually the one to handle the meals when they are together, but Kenma had enough skills to fend for himself if need be. Once in a while he would surprise Kuroo with dinner or the occasional pancakes in bed. He'd grumble about it taking him ridiculously long to make, watching Kuroo's reaction to the taste while acting completely indifferent. It usually tasted great, but even if it didn't Kuroo would keep a wide smile as he eagerly ate the whole meal, and gently thanked Kenma with a kiss at the end.   But before starting his prep, he opened the cabinet to the farthest right of the kitchen and took out a cat food container, shaking it a few times. He chuckled to himself when their cats, Sora, a sleek white Turkish Angora, and Zelda, a fluffy multicolored Calico, climbed down their cat tree and dashed to their bowls. Kuroo poured food in each bowl, fondly watched them eat for a few minutes, and returned the food container to its place.   Today felt like a day to make a hearty breakfast since he wouldn't be home again until dinner and Kenma had the bad habit of forgetting to eat. Kuroo turned on the stove, set his long square pan on top, and drizzled a bit of olive oil on it. While that heated up, he scrambled four eggs with mirin, a teaspoon of soy sauce, and a pinch of sugar. He set regular frying pan in the next burner, drizzling a bit of oil on that, and quickly cut and shaped up a few sausages to add to this pan at low heat. He then returned his attention to the now hot square pan, pouring a bit of egg mixture to coat the bottom and then pushing it to one side as it cooked. He repeated the processes, rolling from one side to the other with each egg layer until he had thick roll of tamagoyaki. He sliced the roll into thin rounds, and set some on each of their plates, along with the fried sausages that had taken on an octopus shape. He hummed to himself as he moved around the kitchen with ease, popping slices of bread into the toaster, turning on the coffee maker, and grabbing Kenma's favorite apple marmalade from the fridge.   As he was walking their plates over to the low table in their living room, Kenma came out of their bedroom, rubbing his eyes, and letting out a tiny yawn. Haveing now finished their own breakfasts, the cats circled Kenma’s legs, mewing and rubbing themselves against his ankles for attention. Kuroo chuckled to himself but refrained from talking since it took Kenma a few minutes, and usually cold water to the face, to be able to interact in the morning. Kenma silently stepped over the cats to head to the bathroom, and Kuroo continued to move things over to the table. A short while later Kenma stepped out of the bathroom now seeming fully awake and walked over to Kuroo, sliding hands around his waist to hug him from behind.   "Morning," Kenma mumbled.   Kuroo set down the marmalade, petting the curious Zelda who had parked herself by the foot of the table. “I’m surprised you woke up by yourself,” he teased.   “Mm.” Kenma let go of him and sunk to the floor, plopping down on his usual side of the table, next to Zelda. He picked up of his black coffee and took a long sip. “It’s cause it smelled so good.”   Kuroo sat across from him and took a bite of the tamagoyaki. “Are you taking the day off today?”   “Yeah, my deadline for the client I’m working with right now isn’t until a little while from now. Their website won’t be hard to build.” Kenma spread a heap of marmalade onto his toast. “You should also be taking the day off.”   “You're gonna miss me?" Kuroo murmured, lips curling up into his signature sly smile. He reached down to pet Sora who had finally made his way over and settled down next to his leg.   Kenma rolled his eyes and continue munching on his toast. "..."   “I told you already,” Kuroo explained around his mouthful of food, “I need to make sure Tora and Lev have made all the preparations for the Christmas event the bar is having tonight.” That was a lie.   "Hmm." Kenma nibbled on his tamagoyaki, moving the sausage octopus around on his plate as he thought. "How's Lev doing?"   "He's making less mistakes recently. It's pretty good progress for having only started working part-time a month ago."   “That’s good.”   “You know that two days ago he—“ Kuroo’s cellphone ringer went off in the bedroom and he got up. “That’s probably Tora checking to see if I am going to swing by.” By the time he reached his nightstand the ringer had stopped, showing a missed called from Yaku. Kuroo wrote him a quick text as he walked back to the table.   To: Yaku What’s up? Can’t talk, I’m with Kenma.   He sat back down and sipped his coffee with a forced easy smile. Before he could even try to continue what he was saying or make something up, his phone buzzed again.   From: Yaku It’s fucking freezing. You better get here by 9:30 or I’m giving up your spot in line.   “It’s Tora,” Kuroo explained with a light laugh. “He’s freaking out about not being able to find some materials for the event…”   To: Yaku I promise I’ll be there on time. Endure a little longer.   From: Yaku UGH -_-   “I told him to stay calm until I get there.” Kuroo turned his phone on silent and looked up to Kenma staring at him with narrowed eyes. “What’s up? Why’re you staring at me like that?”   Kenma sighed. “Remember your promise?”   ‘’What promise?” Kuroo joked and gave Kenma a wide grin.   “Kuroo,” Kenma said in a low voice, lips pressed into a straight line.   Kuroo finished his coffee and stood up, leaning down to give Kenma a kiss on the forehead. “I know, I know. I’ll keep my promise. I need to go get ready now or I’ll be late.”   “Okay.” Kenma scratched the top of Sora’s ears now that he decided to join Zelda on Kenma’s lap.   Kuroo slipped into jeans, a black t-shirt, and a thick cardigan. He collected his wallet, keys and phone, and headed to the entryway to put on his coat and scarf. Kenma sauntered over, waiting for him to finish putting everything on, and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips.   “I’ll be home around six. Text me if anything.”   “Mm,” Kenma hummed and waved him goodbye. “I’ll be cooking so don’t be late.”   Kuroo chuckled and nodded, closing the door behind him.
When Kuroo arrived at the game store where Yaku was saving him a spot in line, he saw that the line wrapped around two blocks. As expected, special Christmas sales and game releases always garnered a ridiculous amount of customers. He walked down the line in search of Yaku and found him around the middle of the line, nose and ears bright red from the cold.   “Hey, Yaku.” Kuroo brought him into a big bear hug. “Thank you, man.”   “Fuck you,” Yaku grumbled, shivers calming down a bit from Kuroo’s warmth. “You owe me like two months of free drinks at your bar.”   Kuroo let him go with a laugh and nodded. “I really appreciate this.”   “You better.” Yaku moved out of line so Kuroo could take his spot. “Good luck. I’m going to go cuddle up in my empty bed since someone decided to selfishly use my boyfriend to get himself out of his own bar’s Christmas event.”   “Lev volunteered. He said you’d be swinging by the event since you like the band.” Kuroo smirked. “And he’s taking on the extra work hours for a reason.”   Yaku’s eyes widened and his cheeks grew the faintest shade of red. “Oh.”   “Yup.”   Yaku buried himself further into his chunky knitted scarf. “Thanks for the hint. Let’s call it even and say you only owe me only one month of free drinks.”   “Deal,” Kuro said. “Have fun tonight.”   Yaku gave him a short wave. “See ya.”   Kuroo killed time listening to music on his phone and people watching. The small game store opened at ten on the dot and slowly worked through the line. From what he could tell, though half of the people in line were there for the Okami HD release like he was, the other half seemed only interested in the highly discounted games. It still made him nervous to have so many people in front of him. What if they ran out? He tried not to think about that possibility, keeping his mind busy with the change in his pocket and modern enka in his ears.   It took two hours for Kuroo to finally reach the register. He asked for Okami HD, and let out a long sigh of relief when the employee placed a copy on the counter. She wrapped it for him, he paid with his debit card, and left the store with excitement livening his face: the day was off to a great start.   He had a few hours to find a bakery that was still selling Christmas cakes and also to pick up a bucket of KFC fried chicken. Both were Japanese Christmas classics, though Kuroo understood the love for Christmas cake more than he did the obsession people had with eating fried chicken on Christmas. But both he and Kenma were fans of not having to deal with cooking meat today, so KFC it was.   The chicken was going to be easy (since KFC was a multimillion company that knew how to keep stocked up on their food in preparation for the holiday) and Kuroo decided to grab a bucket at the KFC in the train station by their house. The cake on the other hand, was near to impossible. Every bakery near the area of the game store was sold out of Christmas cakes. He could resort to picking up a crappy one from the continence store, but he would save that as a very, very last option. He pulled out his cellphone and searched for every bakery that he could reach within five stops by train, and the hunt began.   By the tenth bakery the feeling of despair within Kuroo was fully formed. It was nearing five in the evening and he still had no Christmas cake. His groaned and ran his hand through his messy bedhead in annoyance. One last try: he’d try one more bakery and then give up on the idea of having his plan perfectly executed. He decided on the small, somewhat hidden bakery on his way home from the station. When he got off the train he went into KFC and bought a Christmas special bucket of fried chicken. Aside from a discount of a few dollars and the Santa pattern on the outside of the cardboard bucket, it was the same as the regular one.   Kuroo took a deep breath as he entered the small bakery, and forced his worry in to a tiny smile. The owner, an older woman with salt and paper hair gave him a cheery welcome.   “What would you like?”   Kuroo’s eyes searched the display as he asked his question, “Is there any chance you still have a Christmas cake?” There was none.   “We do,” the lady grinned. “We have a handful in the fridge in the back for last minute planners like you.”   Kuro chuckled from immense relief and but also from her sass. “Thank you so much. You are a life saver.”   The lady packaged the cake in a box and bag for Kuroo, he paid, and he was on his merry way home. The plan had a bump or two but had been completely successful. And he sped walk so he could make it home in the last few minutes left until six.   “I’m home,” he announced, a bit out of breath.   Kenma rushed to the door. “Welcome back!” And grabbed the KFC bucket and cake from Kuroo so he could take off his shoes and coat. After he set those two in the kitchen, he returned to the entryway, wrapping up Kuroo in his embrace. “You’re freezing.”   The two cats joined in, slinking themselves around Kuroo’s ankles as if to help Kenma in his efforts. Kuroo wrapped his arms around Kenma as well, enjoying the warmth that was melting the cold right off his body. “I’m feeling much better now,” he hummed.   “I just finished setting the food out so we should eat,” Kenma muttered, arms lingering on Kuroo, but slowly pulling away. “I’ll go plate the chicken.”   Kenma walked off to the kitchen and Kuroo sat down on his side of their low table in the living room. Kenma had done a fantastic job with today’s dinner: vegetable fried rice, mappo tofu, omelette, and salad. Each of them had a glass of white wine, which was something Kenma only enjoyed in rare occasions.   “Does it look okay?” Kenma asked as he set down the plate of fried chicken.   “It looks wonderful,” Kuroo assured him, grabbing Kenma’s hand as he sat down and placing a gentle kiss on it. “Beautiful job.”   Kenma lightly blushed and gave a short nod. “I’m hungry so let’s eat.”   They ate mostly in silence, with Kuroo interjecting about how delicious this or that was when tasting it. Kenma briefly asked about how the preparations for the event went, and Kuroo choked on his food, gulped his wine, and proceeded to make up a bullshit answer. If Kenma wasn’t suspicious of how Kuroo was acting before, it was obvious from the look in his eyes that he surely was now.   After they were done washing the dishes, they settled down in the living room couch with their gifts behind their backs. Kenma continued to eye Kuroo with suspicion, his leg bouncing nervously.   “You kept your promise, right? Nothing expensive or excessive?”   Kuroo’s lips slowly curled up into a grin and he presented his gift to Kenma. “Why don't you open it and see?”   Kenma took the gift from Kuroo’s hand and carefully unwrapped it, eyes noticeably widening as he realized what is was. “How…” he muttered, finger gently stroking the cover of the game case. “This came out today…”   Kuroo rubbed the back of his neck, sly smile on his face only getting wider. “I pulled a few strings.”   “Thank you.” Kenma held the case to his chest, eyes shimmering. “I didn’t think I’d be able to play this game for a while.” Kenma was glowing with happiness.   “I’m happy you like it.” Kuroo’s face grew a bit warmer as he filled up with a sense of endearment.   Kenma set the game case on his lap and reached behind him for a box wrapped in bright red wrapping paper. He looked up at Kuroo, lips gathering into a pout. “I wanted to be the one to surprise you with a cool present, but you beat me to it again. You liar.”   “Don’t say that,” Kuroo chuckled, putting out his hands so that Kenma could give him his gift. “You always give the cooler presents.”   Kenma narrowed his eyes, aware of the fact that Kuroo exaggerated his statements when it came to reassuring him. He sighed and placed the present in Kuroo’s hands, eyes glued to Kuroo’s face to see his expression. And what a huge expression it was.   “Whoa,” Kuroo gasped, jaw dropping slightly. In the box was a stylish, black plated, stainless steal Citizen watch with silver detailing. “Its the Citizen Axiom. How did you know? I never told you I wanted this one.”   Kenma’s body was more relaxed now, face lighting up by influence of Kuroo’s excitement. “When we had dinner with your old college roommate you mentioned you liked their watch, and they said it was made by Citizen.”   “But there are hundreds of styles…” Kuroo raised an eyebrow. “Did you snoop around my computer?”   “Just a bit!” Kenma admitted, flustered. “You’ve had this one in the Citizen website cart for months.”   Kuroo placed his present box and Kenma’s game case on the low table in front of them and then lunged himself at Kenma, landing on top of him on the couch.   “You’re heavy,” Kenma muffled, trying to escape Kuroo’s suffocating embrace.   “I love you.” Kuroo pressed a soft kiss onto Kenma’s forehead. “I just love you more every day.”   Kenma’s face burned red up to his ears and he stopped struggling, burying his face into Kuroo’s shoulder. “I love you too. But you’re heavy.”   “Okay, okay.” Kuroo laughed and sat up, pulling Kenma to sit on top of him, his back flush to Kuroo’s chest. “It’s movie night, right? What do you want to watch?”   “A horror movie,” Kenma muttered as he leaned forward for the control.   Kuroo frowned and he wrapped his arms around Kenma’s waist, chin resting on his shoulder. “You know I’m weak to those. Are you sulking because I lied?”   “Yup.” But as hard as Kenma tried to hide his grin, Kuroo could see it from the corner of his eye.   “Fine,” He murmured and turned his face to give Kenma’s neck a quick kiss. “But I’ll get you back later.”
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robin-smith · 4 years
Having but never doing.
Last night I spent a couple of hours looking at the sheer number of books and other media myself and my wife have managed to collect over the years. This collection has ballooned over recent years and I begin to wonder now why it is I’ve never had the time to truly enjoy much of this media. Why do I continue to lose so much time that could be spent enjoying the things I have in front of me? Or maybe it’s too late.
Last night I actually took the time to count each individual book, dvd, game and more sat on the many shelves in our home. After the monumental task of collating together everything I found that we had…
952 individual books across all types, from fiction to non, and practical to entertainment. 838 downstairs, 105 upstairs and a handful more in other places. This doesn’t take into account all digital books on memory cards and download services. Also, much like with other media on here, this doesn’t take into account if any doubles exist.
But 952… that’s quite a lot isn’t it. I don’t share this number as a point of pride, although it does make me quite content to have access to knowledge and stories of quite a wide range. We aren’t rolling in wealth, although the last couple of years has made us, less worried about struggling in the short term than we have felt in the past. Much of this number is primarily due to my wife’s love of the medium. It’s rare that I see her without a book in her hands.
Even she has bought wisely, paying out for 2nd hand, or books on offer. Although she does have a handful of titles that were bought new and with some quality in mind. For the most part they weren’t costly.
It’s much the same with other media, continuing the numbers there’s …
280 DVDs, 13 HD DVDs (yes really), 127 Blu-ray, 25 VHS, 7 Xbox One (plus 326 digital and 214 including game pass arriving at a total of 547), 43 Xbox 360 (I’ve not counted the digital ones here as many of those are on Xbox One… although there’s a few more digital titles that aren’t on there but are owned), 5 Wii, 1 wiiu (several digital there too), 6 switch (plus 44 digital, and you can include access to the 55 nes and 35 SNES titles as part of the Nintendo online).. 2 DS, FOUR 3ds (11 digital), 17 PS4 (plus 427 digital and 191 psplus), 16 PS3 (and again more digital), 29 ps1, 2 HD Blu-ray, 5 dreamcast, 7 PS2, 6 Xbox, 2 gamecube, 9 PSP, 6 megadrive, 2 SNES, 1 vita (several more, again, digital)…
I built up such a collection with the help of 2nd hand stores and pound saver style shops, you can get a good number of Blu-ray and DVD for less than £2. Sometimes as little as 20p.
With games, at least on the physical side it actually should be 7 times more, but years of trading and selling games to get by when times were tougher (games sell easy for OK money) have left me with regrets and empty shelves where there should have been more. We still buy cheap and digital sale are a great friend/addiction. Also, I have a terrible interest in BAD games. So the games I often pay for couldn’t be given away (think bullet witch or wet).
I think you get the idea of the sheer numbers with that. This obviously doesn’t take into account the number of digital titles on consoles I didn’t count, download video content, plus access to Netflix, Disney plus, Amazon video, nebula, curiosity stream… Or the unfathomable volume of items of all kinds bought on steam, itch.io, humble bundle, Gog, and other services.
It’s all just so much. Some of it is doubled, some not, but even cutting down much of this stuff Iv’e managed to engage with so little of it. I’m sure you are the same, lists of shame we love to call them, but it feels not like the content is shameful, all of it can potentially be enjoyed. My wife for example reads a great number of books, plays as many games as myself, and makes time for TV and films. It’s sometimes a challenge for her with some things, but I suspect she’s read over 80% of the books we own.
Why can’t I get to 5%?
You could argue that it’s the pressures of the capitalist society, working us to a death. I work over 37 hours a week. Less than some, more than others. This is before overtime and for less than £7.00 per hour (national minimum wage in the UK is £8.72 for those over 25 for reference). Is the loss of time and chance to actually partake in these things worth it. Or is it that I am just using this as an excuse. I want to read all sorts of books, watch all sorts of films, finish several games that I am enjoying. I just don’t seem able to.
Maybe it’s the sheer amount of choice? I just don’t know where to start, or I can’t stay focused.
Or maybe I just don’t have the will to try, that everything has the potential to be worth my time, but I don’t feel emotionally motivated enough to do it, as do I don’t, and then I get depressed, and that lingers, so I feel even less likely to. So it goes on.
I do want to make a good effort to experience more of these things though. I can easily watch a good film or show when I get going, read a book of reasonable size in a couple of days no problems. Even with the work time, I have the time free otherwise. So I want to make the effort to do so.
I have accounts on Letterboxed : https://letterboxd.com/seiibutsu/  , GG : https://ggapp.io/Seiibutsu , and Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/38668189-robin-smith , I encourage you to follow me there and hold me to account over the coming 12 months. I want to see just how much I can get through with a little focus.
I also encourage you to comment below if you can relate to this feeling and what you really should have taken the time to experience but still haven’t. Let’s get a conversation going.
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mwg-us · 5 years
Free MiniWarGaming Vault Trial - MiniWarGaming
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Sure you can go to you tube and watch, but thats just half the fun, in the vault you get to see all videos MWG have done over the years, and not only that, if you choose silver or gold membership,(Gold member myself since i like what they are doing and we should suport the community as good as we can), you get to download the videos and you get free downloadable dvd, its awesome. MWG Wants YOU to join the vault and be part of the awesomeness that is MWG"Andreas from Boden, Sweden"I had been watching MiniWarGamings 40k battlereports for roughly a year before I decided to join The Vault. I liked the videos and the contents that they made, and I felt that I wanted to contribute. As I was running low on battlereports that I hadn't seen, I decided to take the leap. I was flabbergasted. The amount of contents you get, just for the silver membership, is insane. Countless battlereports, free DVDs, painting tutorials, strategies, post-game videos, the works. I'm pretty sure that I will never get through it all, and I see this as a immensly good thing. If you like what you see on Youtube and you are thinking about joining, but are afraid to not get value for your money, allow me to stop you right there. If you have only seen the free stuff, you have just seen the tip of the iceberg. I can heavily recommend anyone considering in joining The Vault. It's a great value for money, awesome content and more time with the people that we love: The MiniWarGaming team. "Martin Nord from Denmark"Potential Vault Member, Kolonel Kraig here with a dispatch from the Bunker in DC ~ First off let me inform you of the type of individuals that are Miniwar Gaming.  I have had the honor of meeting Matthew, Dave and the rest of the MiniWar Gaming crew on a weekend gaming marathon at their headquarters located in Welland, Canada.  Without a doubt these guys are genuine gamers who truly love the game and the community they support.  They welcomed me and my sons as long lost friends and treated us as if they had known us for life.  Their website is second to none in regards to battle reports, informational videos, and just outstanding entertainment value as a whole.  With that being said, membership in the vault opens up twice the available content as opposed to being a nonmember.  The extra insight into the internal happenings of MWG – such as behind the scenes, outtakes, post battle reports, and the making of videos, opens up a wealth of entertainment/knowledge at such a minimal expense.  I feel they could even triple the cost and the vault would still be a fantastic value!  Combine the entertainment value with the fact that you receive discounts for gaming purchases for the higher memberships and you are able to more than save the cost of membership in a very short time.  In short the higher memberships pay for themselves AND you receive double the content from the website. No brainer here – join today. Happy Awesome Sauce War Gaming Kolonel Kraig                  "Kolonel Kraig from Washington D.C., U.S.A."Awesome battle reports, painting tips and Q&A's. Seriously, these guys awakened the slumbering 40k gamer in me. Each and every one of the miniwargamers have an ability to make their videos fun and exciting to watch. Best regards from Denmark!"Lasse from Copenhagen, Denmark"The Vault contains an awesome of collection of videos for just about any one. For people who are looking for something to watch for recreation, the numerous batreps of all kinds are great for entertainment. For me, the real treasure trove is the countless videos on painting, modelling, and converting. I have learned a lot from these videos which have greatly contributed to my enjoyment of the games. I highly recommend joining the vault, as there is always something to learn from or get a good laugh out of. Worth every penny! "ti9999 from New Jersey, USA"I've only been a vault member for a few days, but it's the best money I've ever spent on an online service. The access to the free DVDs alone is worth far more than the yearly subscription and is absolutely filled to the brim with helpful ideas and tools for gamers to get the most out of their miniatures. Literally hundreds of videos compiled into one place that will save me many hours of aggravation. A+, MiniWarGaming. Keep it up!"Brandon S from Portland, OR" The vault is a place of non stop entertainment; entertainment that rapidly changes to what you desire. There are the videos of every variety, from battle report to WWII background on some piece of tabletop scenery, to drybrushing techniques. But beyond this you can interact with any of the MWG personnel via live shows, make requests, tell them where they screwed up in a battle, throw around ideas or just bury yourself in nonchalant chit chat. The spark you once felt when beginning down the hobby path will be reignited, that flame kept burning strong. It certainly does for me. Thanks MWG!"bigoldfrog from Earth, The Milky Way"Once...the world of gaming was dark,and without warmth. A desolate plain awash with Internet trolls,and cheesie power gamers.Then a light in the distant north appeared and the weary casual gamers of the cosmos were drawn to it.Within this light there spun a glorious Cube of green and white,held aloft by two brothers in arms.BEHOLD MINIWARGAMING.The people rejoiced and declared that it was good. Then the Brothers saw that some amount the people wanted a place apart,a place of joy and contentment,where the Brothers could speak directly to the people and be spoken to in turn.Thus was The Miniwargaming Vault was created to meet the people's need,and it was good.Join us my friend,join the Vault and rejoice with us. Life on the Vault side is very good."Thayvian1 from Oak ridge Tennessee "The vault is a painter's best friend. I can paint very nice looking lenses because of the vault and their battle reports entertain me during the long hours of hobbying. I love the MWG vault and would heartily recommend it to anyone!"Alex from California, United States"Why YOU should join the miniwargaming vault? Well, beside the extra content and the occasional free DvD, the vault is a great place to meet, disscuse and share your part of any tabletop hobby! And don't forget, the more vault members, teh more content on MwG!"Martin B from sweden"A big thanks for MWG, I am most pleased I have found this site and I am enjoying a wonderful silver membership to the vault. If anyone whom reads this and is thinking of joining then DO SO! - don't put if off, it truly is great value for very little money and as a certain mini-war-gamer says "you will be loving your life!!" Being a vault member you are provided with not only 100's of hours of entertainment, but tutorials galore - from tactical play to painting and modelling. Yet the biggest benefit you will get is unadulterated inspiration. Joining the MWG community will inspire you to make it all your own, from painting to terrain tutorials, from banter-play down your local club and even wanting to film bat-reps to share with your mini-war gaming fellows! I look forward to seeing you here soon!"Zetr0 from Norfolk, United Kingdom"I was hesitant at first, I'm not a big battle report fan and that was most of what my exposure to MWG was. Once I signed up I've been hooked on all the terrain videos, the Tactica videos and most of all the painting tips - the quick tip painting series is worth the price alone!"Apocryphal Lore from Ontario, Canada"Its been worth the money for 2 years now. i joined for the tutorials and getting more batreps each week was a welcome bonus. Some weeks there's so much to watch i cant finish everything in the week. The vault is also great for getting to know everyone at MWG. They have posted some awesome behind the scenes videos that are humorous and a nice break from the batreps."Sketh from US"You should join the vault to get to view more painting tutorials and more of the best battle-reports on the internet, as well as to support the amazing people who make them possible."Anthony Zapata from San Antonio, Texas"The reasons I joined the vault was to get more content and learn more about the complicated games we play. I usually listen/watch while im at work, so its kinda like im playing as well. Which is really awesome because I only get to game once every 2 weeks or so. The vault also helps players up there game on painting which is an nice added bonus for me. I believe other members would enjoy the same."Chris Langs from Chicago Illinois"This site is amazing! join and you won't regret it."Daniel Hsu from Taiwan"These guys are great! Great videos and always lots of fun to watch. The 'quick tips' are super helpful. Thanks MWG!"troy95 from United States"Hi all! My name is Anna and I'm currently a Bronze member of the vault and a relative newcomer to the hobby (got into WH40K this July). The two main personalities on the Vault are Dave - a crazy, speed-talking, wild-eyed follower of the Chaos gods, and Kris, the master painter with the velvety smooth voice (seriously he kinda makes it difficult to paint when he's talking :P). Dave's battle reports and discussion on armies as well as earlier terrain projects were definitely handy and I can honestly say my painting skills have gone through the roof since I've been watching Kris's videos here in the Vault. If I had one issue with the vault - which really isn't a complaint - is there is SO much creativity going on here I want to do one of every project and well, I'm a college student with limited time/space/money so that isn't happening. Other than that y'all, you *NEED* to sign up, I mean it. :)"Jedigirl from Atlanta, Georgia"Hello MiniWarGamer staff and potential vault members! I rejoined the war gaming community after a hiatus of 20 years. I lured back by a MWG series of WH 40K tutorials on You Tube and was pleasantly surprised with the quality. I was particularly pleased with the painting tutorials by Kris M, and enjoyed the various Battle Reports. Which, lead me to want to see what was in the vault. I joined as a silver member and was blow away by the shear number of painting tutorials and DVD's that were available as a silver member. In the past I've joined other walled content sites and immediately regretted it. Not this time, now I'm considering upgrading to Gold."SC from Florida"To all of you out there considering joining the Mini Wargaming Vault.... Like a lot of you out there, I have a pretty busy life. Between work and family and the myriad of other distractions that happen day-to-day, it's hard to find time for our hobbies. So, for me, I often find myself staring at the shelves of unpainted grey plastic and metal, wondering how wonderful it would be to get those miniatures finished. Then I see the boxes of unbuilt miniatures and think, "I really should get started on those." All of this contemplation lasts for a whopping two or three minutes and then I'm distracted once more. C'mon you've been there! Since joining the Mini Wargaming Vault however, my procrastinating ways have begun to change. Inspired by the amazing content found here, I have a paint brush in my hand more often. A miniature gets assembled, and all seems right with the world (queue the symphonic music here.) Like a daily dose of nerdy Prozac wrapped in a cheese and bacon sandwich, Mini Wargaming's Vault keeps delivering Wargaming goodness that I look forward to. So to you, Guy or Girl sitting passively on the fence, get over your doubts, your fears, and become a Vault Member now! You'll not regret it!"Mr. Varanus from Indianapolis, USA"My favourite hobby site, the content i get access to for being a vault member is awesome. From painting tips to batreps, i love all the stuff i get here! Totally worth it!"Ken from São Paulo, Brasil"When I discovered MiniWarGaming a few years ago, I had just recently joined the 40K bandwagon. Recently, I joined the Vault because there were so many great videos with tips and tricks that I had never experienced before! I eagerly await the day when I can truly do my miniatures justice by using all these great tutorials techniques!"Angus Jameson from Ramsey, Minnesota
0 notes
kuwaiti-kid · 4 years
The 15 Best Nintendo Switch RPGs
Full of both brand-new vibrant titles and critically acclaimed classics, the Nintendo Switch has become a hot commodity among the gaming world.
The Nintendo Switch video games bring this iconic storytelling on the go.
Switch video games have as wide a range of addicting games as any home-based console. You can find everything from Animal Crossing New Horizons to the beloved creations of Square Enix.
There are so many to cover; we could spend an entire day going over all the fantastic games produced on the Nintendo Switch!
Lucky for you, we have pulled our 15 best Nintendo Switch Roleplaying games for you to try!
The 15 Best Nintendo Switch RPGs
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a massive, sprawling open-world RPG. It is a world full of Titans – enormous living creatures that house entire civilizations on their bodies. Along the way, you’ll meet a wide variety of characters, solve a bunch of quests, and save the world.
Created by Monolift Soft, the same creators of Breath of the Wild, there is no doubting the quality of the creation.  Ambitious, enormous, and enthralling it delivers a memorable experience.
If you are ready to play and save the world of Alrest, you must first demystify its cloudy past.
Love this title and waiting for more? The Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition is coming to Nintendo Switch in May 2020!
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Our next installment Nintendo Switch installment, hardly needs an introduction as it falls amongst one of the most classic and iconic series, Zelda. In Breath of the Wild, we return to the expansively beautiful and colorfully captivating land of Hyrule. Reprising your role as Link, you embark on another brilliant adventure.
But what elevates Breath of Wild above its open-world contemporaries is its sheer freedom. This open-world allows you to run, climb, or jump anywhere you want to go. Part of the intrigue? You must figure out how to get there.
Additionally, Breath of the Wild’s skillful combat is as approachable as it is deep, but you’ll need to study and refine it if you want to survive into later part of the game.
With its open-world design, endless mystery, and a plethora of things being dangled in front of you for you to explore, Breath of the Wild will always leave you wanting more.
Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age Definitive – Edition
You are the Luminary, the hunted hero who will protect the land from destruction in the latest Switch RPG from the iconic Dragon Quest series. With a shaggy group of adventurers, you’ll engage in well-balanced, turn-based battles and embark on quests across the kingdom of Erdrea.
You can even complete the new tale with new character-focused stories, and travel to past Dragon Quest worlds.
With fully voiced dialogues and rich character personalities, this Nintendo Switch RPG truly brings your imagination to life if you haven’t tried Dragon Quest before I highly suggest that you start now.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
The brilliant cover art alone makes you want to give this Switch RPG a second glance! Fire Emblem: Three Houses is the story of three separate houses, territories, and journeys.
War is coming to the continent of Fódlan. Here, the order is maintained by the Church of Seiros, which hosts the prestigious Officer’s Academy within its headquarters. You are invited to teach one of its three mighty houses. As their professor, you must lead your students in their academic lives and, in turn-based, tactical RPG battles wrought with strategic, new twists to overcome.
Which house, and which path, will you choose?
Grab yourself a copy of this Switch RPG and embark on this intriguing story!
Diablo III: Eternal Edition
You’re a surrounded world’s only defense against Heaven and Hell. Diablo III: Eternal Collection is a lovely port of a classic RPG loot-a-thon that keeps its feet firmly in the past.
The execution is excellent, but while gameplay is fantastic for some to others, it may be an acquired taste. The primary gameplay is exactly that, an abundance of loot collection while slashing hordes upon hordes of enemies. Its visuals are also clear and functional if not especially impressive, but performance is top-notch to make up for it.
 If you’re looking for epic grinding, hordes of loot, and a dark continuous storyline, this is definitely the game for you.
Pokemon Sword and Shield
There is no surprise here that we have an epic Pokémon game on the Nintendo Switch list!
 Pokémon Sword and Shield succeed in bringing some new ideas to the table. The vast expanse of land in the Galar region, known as the Wild Area, is both colorful and beautiful. The wonders of exploring the Wild Area feel like the true evolution of the series. They even expanded to having an online competition: Galar Beginnings!
On the whole, Pokémon Sword and Shield are an excellent start to the HD generation of Pokémon games. Now It’s time to begin your adventure as a Pokémon Trainer by choosing one of three new partners!
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is an excellent example of what developers should aspire to do with remastering old games; this is the best-designed and most enjoyable version of this RPG classic currently on the market, and it can all be played on the go.
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age improves upon the 2006 classic FINAL FANTASY® XII, now more beautiful and easier to play than ever. The high-definition remaster introduces several modern advancements, including reconstructed battle design and a revamped job system.
The Gambit-focused combat system still proves to be one of the best we’ve seen in an RPG to date, making it dangerously easy for hours to slip by as you work on min-maxing characters to the best of their abilities.
Players, both returning and new to the game, will experience a grand adventure that spans the world of Ivalice in an entirely fresh and improved way.
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age may not prove to be the most iconic Final Fantasy ever made, but it’s still a really great game in its own right.
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
While Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition doesn’t make any major changes to the original game, it does combine practically every piece of exclusive content into one perfected package.
A power struggle begins in a civilization dependent on an ancient technology, the Blastia, and the Empire that controls it. The fates of two friends traveling separate paths intertwine in an epic adventure that threatens the existence of all.
With the improved graphics in both cutscenes and gameplay, it is impossible to honestly recommend this JRPG classic on anything other than the Nintendo Switch. This RPG game performs exceptionally well in both the docked and the handheld modes.
If you’ve missed out on this classic, there’s never been a better way to rectify that error.
Battle Chasers: Nightwar
Battle Chasers; Nightwar frames a beautiful world with a surprising amount of depth. It is a modernized game version that dabbles in the old school charm of retro RPG design.
It contains an expansive overworld filled with secrets, exploration areas, and dungeons. Dungeons are filled with traps, treasure, and dangerous creatures. It contains enhanced progression through crafting, loot, and enchanting.
The traditional turn-based RPG combat system is used, showing tribute to the original classic battle system styles.
This is a methodically modernized version of the classic RPG games we have come to know and love.
Octopath Traveler
The Square Enix studio developed Octopath Traveler, and it definitely lives up to the expectation in the final product.
From its sensational art style to its impeccable mechanics, it’s the kind of RPG game that keeps an eye on the past while walking bravely into the future. This game has a brilliantly harmonious blend that walks the line between classic history and the bright future.
Octopath Traveler is an excellent game for both fans and newcomers of RPGs; it does a fantastic job of walking that diligent tight rope of accessibility and depth, satisfying both kinds with its bewildering amount of content.
Classic-inspired gameplay, an orchestrated soundtrack, and a unique approach to storytelling make this a game that you won’t want to pass up. An absolute must buy.
Child of Light: Ultimate Edition
Child of Light is a gorgeous RPG developed in the same UbiArt Framework that gifted us Rayman Origins and Legends.
Join Aurora on her journey to save her ailing father and a lost kingdom in the magical world of Lemuria. Along the way, she’ll discover that her destiny may be far greater than she dreamed.
You will battle wicked witches, sea serpents, and oddball creatures. Work together with allies to solve puzzles and mysteries while upgrading your stats, unlocking unique abilities, and using unique gems to improve your skills.
Both pleasantly delightful and carefully crafted, Child of Light: Ultimate Edition is a wonder to play anytime or anywhere.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Skyrim is a critically acclaimed cross-platform masterpiece. The expansive world, endless side quests, and fully immersive experience is only improved by being available on the go via Nintendo switch.
The legendary freedom of choice and adventure of Skyrim is realized like never before. Dragons, long lost to the passages of the Elder Scrolls, have returned, and the future of Skyrim hangs in the balance. As Dragonborn, the prophesized hero born with the power of The Voice, you are the only one who can stand amongst them.
Elder Scrolls Skyrim exudes an unparalleled level of freedom and gameplay finesse. This one will keep you fully immersed both on the go and at home.
Dark Souls Remastered
Beautifully remastered, return to Lordran in stunning detail. This remastered version includes the main game plus the Artorias of the Abyss DLC. This marks the franchise’s debut on a Nintendo platform, and for the first time ever, can be played on-the-go with Nintendo Switch.
Delve into an epic dark fantasy universe stricken by the Curse. Explore its intricate world design, full of hidden passages, dungeons, and secrets. It is rich with possibilities having hundreds of unique weapons, armor, magic, and crafting combinations.
Dark Souls even has a multiplayer option of up to 6 people. Whether you are looking to quest alone or conquer with friends, this Nintendo Switch roleplaying game deserves a go!
The World Ends with You: Final Remix
Over ten years on from the Nintendo DS original, The World Ends With You has lost none of the fun or style that made it such a cult classic.
The chaotic battle system, catchy soundtrack, and engaging storyline all combine to make this an unforgettable RPG that hits all the right points.
We follow through Tokyo as Neko, who awoke in the middle of a busy intersection with no knowledge of how he got there. Now he and his partner must fight to survive a life-or-death game in this twisted tale.
The dark story is now brought to life on the Nintendo Switch system along with an extra chapter, exclusive two-player combat, and some killer, new remixed music.
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
This charming tale has been brought to life on the switch using expertly blended standard RPG
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is an experience unlike any other on the Switch, expertly combining conventional RPG imaging with a heartwarming story, innovative art style, and an immersive soundtrack composed by some of the best in the business.
Join Oliver as he embarks on an adventure through a world inhabited by new friends and ferocious foes alike in the hopes of bringing back his mother after a tragic incident. Carry a copy of the Wizard’s Companion and accompanies by his trusty friend Drippy, he will cross a lavish fantasy world.
Whether you consider yourself an avid fan or are just looking to dip your toe into the vast sea of RPGs, you owe it to yourself to give Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch a shot.
Wrap Up
This list is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg of what the Nintendo Switch has to offer. There are so many different Switch RPG editions that deserve a turn!
Whether you are looking to go on an adventure as Geralt in Witcher Wild Hunt, explore the world of Stardew Valley, or just want to get ridiculous in South Park, you cannot go wrong with the Nintendo Switch.
Grab your Switch, select a game, and begin your adventure into the beautiful unknown.
Are you looking for more RPG Games? Don’t miss our Best RPG lists for the PS1 and PS2!
Where can I buy Nintendo Switch RPG Games?
Nintendo Game Store
Best Buy
The post The 15 Best Nintendo Switch RPGs appeared first on Your Money Geek.
from Your Money Geek https://ift.tt/2WaGPXf via IFTTT
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Guns of Glory Hack Cheat - Guns of Glory Mod Gold
Guns of Glory Hack Cheat - Guns of Glory Mod Gold
Guns of Glory Hack Mod – Cheat Guns of Glory Gold
You can have fun with this new Guns of Glory Hack Cheat and you will see that as you will be using it out, you will manage to become a really good player of the game. We are sure that this one will help you out and in this guide we will tell you an insight over this Guns of Glory Cheat. You will also learn a few things regarding the game and we really hope that you will like that a lot.
About Guns of Glory You will need to fight in order to protect the throne in this game and you will see that this RPG is going to be really great for you. You need to take use of your very own strategy and you will need to prepare your guns and swords as you will be playing this one out. You need to defend the king in this one. You can use your very own strategy and you will need to build a really powerful army in this game while teaming up with your friends from around the globe. You also need to face different scenarios and war will be one of these scenarios. The game is set during the Industrial Revolution and you will that you will have the chance to use some of the first guns which appeared during this period. You can build yourself a safe camp with a lot of buildings and you will need to get better soldiers and beat the beasts in this one. You have to take use of your very own strategy and you will see that your main goal will be to protect the kingdom. You will also see that you can use multiple aircrafts in this one and you will have to succeed in the war as you will be playing this one right away. This MMO World is full of HD graphics and you will like the beautiful and vivid empire in which you will need to have fun with. You can construct yourself a fortified empire and master a range of skills as you will be playing this one out. Using Guns of Glory Hack This new Guns of Glory Hack Cheat will offer the needed Gold and you will see that no one will ever spot that you are cheating. This is due to the fact that our team has added to it a really great Anti-Bann Feature which will hide all of your private and personal data from being discovered and you will see that you will like this feature a lot. We are also sure that you will manage to use this new Guns of Glory Hack also because it will be a tool which will work fine on any device that you own. This means that if you start taking full advantage of it, you will have the possibility to use it on any of your desired iOS and also on your Android device. Another thing that you need to take into consideration is the fact that this new Guns of Glory Cheat will be available for free. This means that if you will start to be using it out, you will never have to pay us any of your money and you will achieve all of your game goals with it. You can be sure that this Guns of Glory Mod will be working online. You don`t have to download anything from us and you will have to focus on the game because this one is going to be working well and you will love it a lot. We also have to tell you that if you decide to use this Guns of Glory Hack out, you will manage to become a really good player of the game while doing so. You will never have to pay for any in-app purchases and you will only have to focus on becoming a great player with it. We are sure that this one will be working fine for you and you will manage to achieve all of your game goals with it. We really hope that you will use this Guns of Glory Hack right away and you will be able to take advantage of all of the features that this one offers. Have you been wondering if you could find a working Guns of Glory cheats online? Over time we have noticed a lot of searches coming through, people looking for Guns of Glory hack for android or iOS, Guns of Glory cheats on windows mobile. It will provide you with unlimited Gold in the game with little to no efforts.I know you are in the right place because you are searching for some working Guns of Glory hack and I can tell you that you just found one and yes – it is working like a charm. Spend less than 5 minutes of your time and get unlimited Gold now! The Guns of Glory generator has been designed by a group of developers who have a very true flair for the game and they understand the struggle for the Gold in order to enjoy the game at the fullest. Hence, they have created this, and they have made it available online for all devices varying from android to iOS devices such as iphone and ipad, windows phone and pc inclusive. How to Hack Guns of Glory? If you just started to play Guns of Glory you won’t really feel the need of having lots of Gold, but it changes when you reach a higher level. From there on the in-game currencies are extremely important. Without them you won’t have much success. You will be confronted with a lot waiting time. For many gamer this is very annoying and unnecessary. Therefore some of us came together and started to develop a Guns of Glory hack apk, which can generate free Gold on every Android and iOS smartphone and tablet. Right now it works perfectly well on every platform. Only a working internet connection is required to run the hack. The whole process only takes around a minute, but the effect is tremendous. It saves you so much money and time. While everyone else is taking a huge effort in order to get Gold, you will get them all for free. We strongly advise against spending your hard-earned money on Gold. Why pay more when there are hacks and cheats to get you all the Gold you want (for free)! Want more Gold on Guns of Glory? But you don’t want to spend your real money on the game all the time? We’ll show you how to get all the in-game currencies for free with our mod.
Who We Are? Our team of software developers has finally reverse engineered the most sought-after Guns of Glory cheats. They have decided to give them out to the public. Many months have been spent trying to debug a way to get free Gold, and it is now complete. Here is basically a glitch that works on current devices running iOS and Android operating systems. As of today, there has been 0 known bans, due to our extraordinary anti-ban technology. You do not need a rooted device or APK to run this, as everything is running through our servers.
Why are the Gold so important in Guns of Glory?
With them you will simply have much more fun in the game. You can get unlock all game items. Unfortunately, this games are like “Pay To Win”. This means your chances of winning are much higher if you are willing to spend money. That’s why we developed a Guns of Glory Hack that you can use anytime, anywhere. The hack gives you the unique opportunity to get all the items and expensive in-game Gold in the game for free. All you have to do is click on the button below and you’re ready to go. Choose for yourself how many free Gold you would like to get. Within a few minutes you will get them. In our tutorial we explained how easy it works.
Features of the Guns of Glory Hack Online Tool:
– Get free unlimited Gold – Works on Android and iOS,Windows Devices. – No Download or Jailbreak necessary – No risk of being banned in the game – Use it anytime and anywhere – We update the hack almost daily
A few words about Guns of Glory Hack and what are the steps you have to make: 1. Click On “Access Hack Here” button below! 2. Write your username or gamestore email and choose platform you are using at the moment iOS or Android,Windows. In some cases you can use even fb if you are connected that way. Also, if you have username (player918310) you can type that username if you didn’t change it before. 3. When you put your game information click Continue and wait a second, you will be connected to Guns of Glory server. It will connect you to the apache server instantly because it works with algorithm of the last generation. 4. After you are connected to Guns of Glory Hack port, you have to choose amount of Gold you want to generate and wait to be generated! 5. Now, you have to confirm that you are human and you are not here to abuse this Guns of Glory Trick, that means you have to complete an offer from the list.That is all, run your game and have fun! The tutorial above however shows you how to get Unlimited Gold by using Guns of Glory Cheat. This Guns of Glory hack is brand new and works extremely well — no crashes and errors. It has never been so easy before, simply follow the instructions and step by step you will finish the generation process. You would be getting your free Resources. Approximately it takes a few minutes, so I can bet that it’s at least 100 times easier than playing this game for a really long time and collecting Gold. Should I use this Guns of Glory Mod? Well, if you want to become the best player in your favorite game and get unlimited Gold? I think your answer will be YES! It would be nice not to spam We recommend to all players to use this cheat Guns of Glory cleverly, that means, two or three times a day maximum. Thank you for understanding! On Cheatsonlinegames.com we also have other Cheats for you where you can also find premium cheats. If you’re looking for normal tips and tricks for the games, you can check out our website. Even more useful tips and tricks!
0 notes
terryblount · 5 years
Gears 5 – Campaign Review
Spring has arrived in my village. Birds are chirping, flowers are everywhere, and cafés are packed with customers sipping beers in complete absorption of the Rugby World Cup. Meanwhile, I am locked away in my apartment from the both the frivolities of sports fans and the beauty of nature while the sounds of gunfire and chainsaws constantly blare from my room.
While an unenlightened passer-by might think the time has finally come to call the orderlies with the padded van, gamers would know right away that I am playing the latest smash hit from The Coalition – Gears 5. Apparently the whole ‘War’ thing has been dragging on for so long that the planet Sera considers conflict to be the norm, so now it’s just Gears.
JD stealing his neighbour’s cable. Seriously though, if I could have one wish, I would wish for a Lancer.
Pointless title alterations aside, Gears 5 proves that even the mass public opinion can be right about some things. After once-again donning that ol’ chunky amour, and fighting the Locust… I mean The Swarm through open deserts, ruined cities and harsh snowscapes, rest assured that the latest in Microsoft’s lovechild franchise is everything you have been hearing about, and perhaps more. rest assured that the latest in Microsoft’s lovechild franchise is everything you have been hearing about, and perhaps more.
Taking things into high gear
The whole saga of Marcus Phoenix and co. may have written the recipe for making an excellent 3rd person shooter, but somehow their storytelling has always fallen by the wayside. Despite the series eventually building up a dense and intricate lore around itself, every Gears game pushed players towards that inevitable cycle of SHOOT SHOOT, exposition, SHOOT SHOOT, cutscene.
In all honesty, Gears 5 does little to break this mold since I once again lost track of why the characters on screen were doing what they where doing. As with other Gears games, this is mainly due to the gap between gameplay and narrative being just a little too wide. Thankfully, The Coalition have made a few interesting additions by evolving the series’s narrative chops to slightly higher standards than previous entries.
First off, this is easily the most expansive entry into this series, so I guess this is where the majority of that colossal install file went. The world building is really stellar here, and as the gameplay shifts effortlessly from one expansive set piece to the next, you get this feeling that the backdrops are telling a story just as much as the characters’ dialogue.
There are some dark moments such as the scene through an abandoned laboratory where Kait learns about atrocities committed in experiments on children, as well as the dark secret behind her migraines and visions. Then there are more whimsical moments where, believe it or not, you actually face off against the swarm on a theatre’s stage while using acting props as cover.
The theatre where JD and the gang are attacked by the swarm
I also liked how The Coalition seemed willing to experiment with a more controlled pacing in a series not exactly know for taking things easy. The cutscenes are far more dramatic, and the abundance of zoomed-in shots creates a profound sense of intimacy with the characters. Gears 5 is also the first in this series to feature semi open-world intermissions, but more on that in a moment.
Gears of bore(dom)
Gears 5 is not quite the Unreal Engine 4’s finest hour, but this game is still a sensory blowout. This particular engine has had some time to become friends with our PC’s, so I don’t fully understand why the graphics settings look like a Boeing 747’s control panel. At least players willing to tinker a little are guaranteed to push really high resolutions and frame rates.
Gorgeous to look at. Makes me wonder why the original trilogy was so brown when all these amazing colours lie underneath
Most unfortunately, Gears 5 felt like an utter technical mess at times in terms of stability. Now I am well aware that my PC is entering its twilight years, and that my internet subscription leaves much to be desired. However, those finding themselves in my position had better be warned: You might have a hard time playing your game.
My review copy came through the Microsoft store – a platform that has given me nothing but grief since the moment I first used it. The usual bag of issues followed as I predicted they would: Sluggish download time, always online that refused to let me play when my shoddy internet decided it no longer loved me, and the entire install process freezing permanently halfway through.
However, the worst was that Gears 5 had this strange habit of crashing my entire PC and blaming it on my GPU. This is an utter mystery to me considering I was running the latest drivers without any complaints from other games, and the crashes seemed totally random. I could always tell it was coming since the game would start stuttering worse than someone with an old prostate trying to pee.
Biggest mystery of the game: Why is it always crashing?
Gears 5 is a weird case of when it works, it works well, but otherwise this game literally ground my entire PC to a halt. Naturally I suspected this to be the cause of the newly-adjusted overclocks I had just set on my CPU and GPU, but some searching on the official Gears of War Forums revealed that I was not alone. Definitely something The Coalition and Nvidia will want to address since Steam is filling up fast with red thumbs pointing down.
Top gear
You have to wonder if Epic Games had realised just how future proof the formula underneath the original Gears of War had been. Here we are, about thirteen years later, and playing Gears 5 feels completely identical and just as enjoyable. Overall, what separates Gears 5 and the first entry in this series amounts to very little when I thought about it.
You can really tell The Coalition have tried to preserve the classic, cover-based shooter mechanics in the way that characters move and engage during firefights, but also in how nearly all of the classic weapons have made a return. Gears 5 therefore adds more things to the formula rather than rebooting or attempting to make fundamental changes to the gameplay.
The best example of this is all the new functions that have been endowed onto the ever present but rarely seen little robot, Jack. This little mechanical marvel is now a much more central tool in how you can turn a combat scenario to your advantage.
Struggling to nail that headshot? Just ask Jack to stun the enemy making them stand up and expose their head from cover. Want that Boomshot lying at the other end of the battlefield? No problem, Jack can warp right over. Oh, your comrade is down you say? After a few upgrades, Jack can scoot right into the midst of the firefight and revive them while the player provides some cover fire.
I will be honest and say that I actually forgot about Jack most of the time since the gunplay in Gears 5 is simply too addictive. I also questioned why the little robot should be able to give your character stealth abilities to sneak up on enemies. Give it some thought: Stealth abilities… in a Gears game. Seeing it here feels like a sex toy making a sudden appearance in the middle of a monastery.
Nevertheless, once players familiarise themselves with what the little tin can can do, it is possible to get really creative with how you will slaughter the swarm. Collecting some of Jack’s special upgrade parts take place in the non-linear acts of the game where Kait is free to have a little kite surf around the world, and just hang out with Del. It is nice little diversion from the furious gunfights without entirely venturing into cut-and-paste pointless side quest territory.
Gears 5 also really goes out of its way to make the environments more engaging than they have ever been. One of my all-time favourite moments was during a snow level scene where the horde storms at the player across a frozen lake. This of course gives you the opportunity to shatter the ice right underneath their feet.
This was an awesome sequence where you get to watch seriously intimidating enemies plunge into the frigid water and flail about helplessly as they freeze solid. Combine this with weapons like the ‘Buzzkill’ (which basically flings around ricocheting circular saw blades) and I couldn’t remember when last I had this much fun in a shooting game.
That little white thing pointing out is the head of locust… I mean swarm
Aworthy sequel
Gears of War may have started its journey on the Xbox 360, but I am truly grateful that the series has come to call the PC its home nowadays. I remember spending my entire summer job earnings on a Radeon HD 2600 XT to play the first game on my Windows Vista PC. Once I saw those gorgeous DirectX 10 textures come alive at smooth frame rates, all that soul-crushing work seemed worth it.
Both Gears of War 4 and Gears 5 take me back to those days where I could play one of the industry’s most beautiful and action-packed 3rd person shooters on my favourite platform. That being said, I feel obliged to warn those thinking of picking up Gears 5 that they might run into some substantial technical difficulties. Let’s hope the Coalition and Nvidia get cracking with those patches, yes?
Solid presentation
Stays true to formula
Pacing is handled well
New and old weapons
Character development
Technical issues
Only certain characters playable
Loading times
          Play time: About 13 hours total. For the single player campaign
Computer Specs: Windows 10 64-bit computer using Nvidia GTX 1070, i5 4690K CPU, 16GB RAM – Played using mouse and keyboard
The post Gears 5 – Campaign Review appeared first on DSOGaming.
Gears 5 – Campaign Review published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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apkrich-blog · 5 years
Angry Birds MOD Apk Download + Unlimited MONEY / Coins / GEMS + Unlocked
New Post has been published on https://www.apkrich.com/angry-birds-mod-apk-download-unlimited-money-coins-gems-unlocked/
Angry Birds MOD Apk Download + Unlimited MONEY / Coins / GEMS + Unlocked
Angry Birds is one of the most popular casual puzzle video games for Android device. This game is developed by Rovio Entertainment Corporation and Inspired primarily by a sketch of stylized wingless birds. This game has many parts such as Rio, classic, Angry Birds 2, Friends, Space HD, Transformers, etc. This MOD Apk version has unlimited money or coins, Gems and unlocked all seasons; which makes this game very much easier and entertainment. Download this version and you can enjoy all of these features. It’s free!
Angry Birds Latest Version Features
Angry Birds has 400+ FUN LEVELS and 72 action-packed bonus levels across 12 addictive episodes!
You’ve to put your bird flinging skills to the ultimate test.
If you need help, Get some demolition help from your Macaw buddies.
If you want to juice up your bird, then Power Potion transforms any bird into a devastating giant
You can UNLOCK BONUS LEVELS where you’ll find objects hidden throughout the game to unlock even more levels.
You can enjoy fun and satisfying slingshot gameplay.
Angry Birds has 15 original episodes – and Play over 680 levels.
Love to challenges? Then compete against other players in the Mighty League.
Now you can Boost your birds’ destructive strength with powerups.
Angry Birds is an offline game.
Download Angry Birds Updated Version
Angry Birds is offering you to join hundreds of millions of players for FREE! Now start your Angry Birds slingshot adventure. You can easily Team up with your friends, gather in clans and take on challenges and events in the all-new game modes. It’s time to show your skills in the most daring Angry Birds game! Here are some user reviews:
Renee Green: Love this game!! I literally spend hours playing this game with all the side events. I have never spent a dime and have done really good in the Arena. I see all these people complaining about it. HINT-Save your spells until you have enough to win!! Same with your gems and pearls. There is a lot of ads which is annoying. I think you should only have to do them when you open a chest. Not on every single card. I’ve deleted games because of that. Luckily I love this game lol.
Nate Kalhan: If you say you don’t like playing Angry Birds, I assume it is because you’ve never played it. The original is one of my most popular couch-casual/friends-trade-controller game out of my 200+ game collection. When looking for games everyone can play, even when they’re drinking, its a close 2nd behind GTA 5 somehow. Yes, I’m talking about the download on my PS4 of Angry Birds 1. If you haven’t tried Angry Birds on the big screen, you’re missing out. People love trading the controls off with it.
Misty Brown: It’s majorly addictive and challenging. I enjoy fighting in the arena and playing the different levels, but my favorite part is the clan battles. I love to compete and it’s great when your team wins. Also, anytime I’ve had any issues with the game, customer service has been awesome. they are super polite and will stick with you till the problem is solved (even if it’s your mistake). I’m all in as long as their standards don’t change.😍
TwinTime Productions: This game really surprised me. It’s still pretty simple like every other Angry Birds game, but this one adds more mechanics to the game, like leveling up your birds. It’s a really fun experience, easily recommend.
SB Pro: the various levels, the different themes and other activities such as the daily challenges l, the arena, and just overall layout of the game and varieties that the game offer. the only downside is how many gems or ex amount of times you can do something because it might go up and the feathers you have to collect to unlock a character once you unlocked most of the characters. but again overall it is nice and I like the different challenges
Alec Vikowski: have had the game for a while now currently on level 1792 in the story mode have never spent any money on it. if a level is a little difficult you can play other parts of the game, clean mode, tournament, eagle training, daily challenges. always adding more levels and features. fairly good easy challenging at times game
Richard Robertson: This app is like the garden of Eden, beautiful in an art style that doesn’t comprise solely of primitive geometry and heavenly in its complete lack of ads. If not the best, definitely one of the best free games on Android.
jhonnie Chen: Very classic play, I like this game. In general, this game is still good, but it takes only a lot of time to play how much it is. But this game has been updating the map, this I very much like. Casual time to play or is very good.
Mayank Sinha: The experience was very good especially that it can be played on every android device with average specs. it also increases its difficulties which makes the game more interesting. So it’s a big Thumb’s Up from me to Rovio games for always providing this type of amazing games and I also hope for Angry Birds 3 Soon.
martin bol: I think it’s a great game, new birds and all of them are really angry, I’m not pretty sure about the pigs I don’t remember if they still the same or they got an upgrade, anyway still fun. personally, I love the angry bird’s characters, I don’t unlock the head square yet I don’t know about his or her abilities if somebody can give a clue would be great. thank you to the creators. I hope I will have wonderful game time.
Rocket Executive Kibble: The game is fun, the graphics are gorgeous, and overall it’s a good game to play when away from your PC or console. However, the lives system and the inclusion of semi-p2w mechanics (hats boost your score in multiplayer, and cost a lot of black pearls. You can earn them by completing challenges or opening free chests, but some cost a lot and I mean a lot of pearls. You can, however, buy them, and win more in multiplayer) sour the experience a bit, so just stick to the world map.
Nick The ultimate skeleton: this game is very fun and addicting I cannot stop playing it and it also reminds me of back when I was little and I played this game a lot but the older version like the first game I have been waiting for a new Angry Birds game to come out since I beat all the other ones(that were beatable unlike angry birds go) and this is a very fun game I recommend it very much.
Shannon Winn: Switched back from 3 stars to 5 stars cause that glitch stopped a couple of weeks ago. What happened was sometimes during a game or after watching an ad, the game automatically shut down and restarted itself. Even during Daily Challenge, it did that and unfortunately refreshed EVERYTHING and I had to start over. Thank you Rovio for fixing that nasty glitch, now the game is fun and amazing again.
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Additional Information
App Download Version 2.28.0 Last Updated April 23, 2019 Apk Size 58 MB Offered By Rovio Entertainment Corporation Category Casual Content Rating Rated for 3+ Support Android Version Android 4.1 and up Installs 100,000,000+ Play Store Available
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mrmichaelchadler · 5 years
Home Entertainment Consumer Guide: February 21, 2019
"The 40-Year-Old Virgin" "Little Women" "We the Animals" "Zodiac"
There's a moment in Takashi Miike's masterful "Audition" that is forever burned in my mind. I remember it so vividly for two reasons. One, what it reveals is so stunningly terrifying that it's a jump scare that honestly earns its jump. Two, it's a beautiful example of Miike's visual ability, framing Asami in the center and what will then steal our focus in the background. "Audition" is one of Miike's best films, a movie that almost seems ahead of its time now in its dissection of the way in which a widower underestimates a young woman that he meets. Arrow, who have two in this week's column, opening and closing it, have restored Miike's great film and included a new commentary by Miike biographer Tom Mes, and a brand-new interview with film's hardest-working director. 
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Special Features Brand new 2K restoration of original vault elements Original 5.1 Dolby Surround Audio Optional English subtitles Audio commentary with director Takashi Miike and screenwriter Daisuke Tengan Brand new commentary by Miike biographer Tom Mes examining the film and its source novel Introduction by Miike Ties that Bind – A brand new interview with Takashi Miike Interviews with stars Ryo Ishibashi, Eihi Shiina, Renji Ishibashi and Ren Osugi Damaged Romance: An appreciation by Japanese cinema historian Tony Rayns Trailers Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Matthew Griffin
"Berlin Alexanderplatz" (Criterion)
Rainer Werner Fassbinder made more films than he had years on this Earth. One can only imagine what he would have produced if he hadn't died so young, especially when one considers the breadth of genres and cinematic styles in the films he did produce. Fassbinder is an interesting filmmaker in that he's still relatively unknown to a lot of young movie lovers, especially in comparison to other German New Wave masters like Werner Herzog and Wim Wenders, but he's absolutely beloved by those who do know his work. His monumental achievement, the 15-hour mini-series based on the world-famous 1929 novel of the same name, has now been given the Criterion Blu-ray treatment. It may not get the same attention as their Ingmar Bergman set, but this is an essential release, the most ambitious work by one of film's most ambitious filmmakers.
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Special Features High-definition digital restoration by the Rainer Werner Fassbinder Foundation and Bavaria Media, supervised and approved by director of photography Xaver Schwarzenberger, with DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack Two documentaries by Rainer Werner Fassbinder Foundation president Juliane Lorenz: one from 2007 featuring interviews with the cast and crew, the other from 2006 on the restoration Hans-Dieter Hartl’s 1980 documentary Notes on the Making of “Berlin Alexanderplatz” Phil Jutzi’s 1931 feature-length film of Alfred Döblin’s novel, from a screenplay cowritten by Döblin himself Interview from 2007 with Peter Jelavich, author of “Berlin Alexanderplatz”: Radio, Film, and the Death of Weimar Culture PLUS: A book featuring an essay by filmmaker Tom Tykwer, reflections on the novel by Fassbinder and author Thomas Steinfeld, and an interview with Schwarzenberger
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
What more is there to say about the massively successful and critically controversial film that was kind of directed by Bryan Singer and will almost certainly win Rami Malek an Oscar on Sunday? The divide between critics and audiences on this one has been fascinating to watch. Most critics agree this is superficial, paint-by-numbers filmmaking. Most fans of Queen don't seem to care. For them, their love of the music transcends any sort of filmmaking flaws. It's fascinating to consider how this movie works that way. It can revise history and superficially consider Freddie Mercury, but it gets at what people like about Queen: The Music. My concern is that the massive success of "Bohemian Rhapsody" will almost certainly lead to more music movies like it: films that know that as long as they present an artist's greatest hits, then viewers won't care if they don't learn a single thing about the actual artist. 
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Special Features The Complete Live Aid Movie Performance Not Seen in Theaters Rami Malek: Becoming Freddie The Look and Sound of Queen Recreating Live Aid
"Death in Venice" (Criterion)
Luchino Visconti's most personal film is the fourth of the Italian filmmaker's inducted into the Criterion collection (after "Senso," "Le notti bianche," and "The Leopard"). When classic films are released by Criterion, it can be interesting to go back and look at a young Roger Ebert's writing about the film being released. In 1971, Ebert, then in his late twenties, was disappointed in "Death in Venice," and I have to say my response to the film now on Criterion is somewhat similar. Ebert's disappointment comes from how he felt Visconti altered the source material, a Thomas Mann novel that Ebert clearly loved. He argued that Visconti lost the "philosophical content" of the film, buried in "heavy-handed flashbacks." Interestingly, he still admires Visconti's work enough to give it 2.5 stars. 
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Special Features New 4K digital restoration, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack on the Blu-ray Luchino Visconti: Life as in a Novel, a 2008 documentary about the director, featur­ing Visconti; actors Burt Lancaster, Silvana Mangano, and Marcello Mastroianni; filmmakers Francesco Rosi and Franco Zeffirelli; and others Alla ricerca di Tadzio, a 1970 short film by Visconti about his efforts to cast the role of Tadzio New program featuring literature and cinema scholar Stefano Albertini Interview from 2006 with costume designer Piero Tosi Excerpt from a 1990 program about the music in Visconti’s films, featuring Bogarde and actor Marisa Berenson Interview with Visconti from 1971 Visconti’s Venice, a short 1970 behind-the-scenes documentary featuring Visconti and Bogarde Trailer PLUS: An essay by critic Dennis Lim
"La Verite" (Criterion)
I absolutely adore Henri-Georges Clouzot's "Diabolique" and "The Wages of Fear," and so I was eager to watch a courtroom thriller from the masterful filmmaker for the first time. And starring Brigitte Bardot? Sign me up. The truth is that "La Verite" is minor for both Clouzot and Bardot, a sometimes-fascinating but often dramatically flat story of a woman named Dominique who has basically been misunderstood by everyone around her. Dominique is gorgeous, and Clouzot certainly knew how to use Bardot's sexuality, but most people in her life refuse to look below the beauty and judge her morally for just being herself. Despite my issues with some of the pacing of the film, it's undeniably well-constructed and an interesting chapter in Bardot's career, especially with the controversy surrounding its release when Bardot attempted suicide. 
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Special Features New 4K digital restoration, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack on the Blu-ray Le scandale Clouzot, a sixty-minute documentary from 2017 on director Henri-Georges Clouzot Interview from 1960 with Clouzot Interview with actor Brigitte Bardot from the 1982 documentary Brigitte Bardot telle qu’elle New English subtitle translation PLUS: An essay by film scholar Ginette Vincendeau
Gritty and gory, "Overlord" may be the most video game-esque movie of 2018, a title that reminded this gamer of the "Resident Evil" and "Wolfenstein" franchises. So why isn't it more fun? I moderately enjoyed "Overlord" enough to include it in this week's column, especially if you need a break from Oscar bait and Criterion titles, but I'd be lying if I didn't wish it was a little more goofy. I wanted more early Peter Jackson or Sam Raimi, filmmakers who leaned into the ridiculousness of their concepts and elevated their films with ingenuity and wit. Those elements are lacking in "Overlord," a film that takes itself too seriously for a movie about Nazi zombies. Having said that, the best thing about "Overlord" may be how much I expect and hope that Wyatt Russell and Jovan Adepo are going to be stars. I also have to say that the sound mix on this Blu-ray is INSANE. All of the effects are turned up to 11, leading to the first movie in recent memory that my wife had to ask me to turn down. Of course, movies about Nazi zombies should be loud. 
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Special Features The Horrors of War - Featurettes Creation Death Above Death on the Ground Death Below Death No More Brothers in Arms
"A Star is Born"
Remember when it looked like "A Star is Born" was going to race through awards season like a wildfire? It didn't quite happen although one has to wonder if that's not a good thing for the movie's legacy. Bradley Cooper's very entertaining directorial debut still has legions of loyal fans who don't care if it ever won any awards. To be as cheesy as this movie can be, it won their hearts. The most disappointing thing is actually that this is such a lackluster Blu-ray in terms of special features, including some extended musical numbers and music videos, but not much else. Maybe there will be a special edition after it wins Best Picture. Yes, it's still possible. 
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Special Features Jam Sessions and Rarities "Baby What You Want Me To Do" "Midnight Special" "Is That Alright" The Road to Stardom: Making A Star is Born Music Videos "Shallow" "Always Remember Us This Way" "Look What I Found" "I'll Never Love Again" Optional English SDH, French, and Spanish subtitles for the main feature
God bless Arrow. God bless any company willing to devote so much time and effort to really provide something special to their customers, which is exactly what Arrow does with special editions like this insane, 3-disc package for a movie that time has generally forgotten. I'm old enough to remember when "Waterworld" was going to be the next big thing, the new franchise to end all franchises. It cost a fortune, starred an Oscar-winning household name, and featured a brave new vision. And then it came out. But this isn't about the actual movie "Waterworld" as much as this phenomenal release, which includes the theatrical cut, a 40-minute longer cut that aired on TV, and then an even-longer "Ulysses" cut which basically blends the first two so you get the longer version without the TV edits. And all of them look incredible, remastered in HD that makes the blue water pop. Not enough? There's also a feature-length documentary about the movie. God bless Arrow.
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Special Features Three cuts of the film newly restored from original film elements by Arrow Films Original 5.1 DTSHD Master Audio and 2.0 stereo audio options Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing Six collector’s postcards Double-sided fold-out poster Limited edition 60-page perfect bound book featuring new writing on the film by David J. Moore and Daniel Griffith, and archival articles Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Paul Shipper Maelstrom: The Odyssey of Waterworld, an all-new, feature-length making-of documentary including extensive cast and crew interviews and behind the scenes footage Dances With Waves, an original archival featurette capturing the film’s production Global Warnings, film critic Glenn Kenny explores the subgenre of ecologically themed end-of-the-world films Production and promotional stills gallery Visual effects stills gallery Original trailers and TV spots
from All Content https://ift.tt/2E0EOnB
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
Orange Is The New Black star Taylor Schilling on female mentors and shunning intense wellness trends
Orange Is The New Black star Taylor Schilling on female mentors and shunning intense wellness trends
Taylor Schilling managed to turn orange into the new black thanks to her turn as Piper Chapman in the Netflix original comedy-drama.
And now, in a new pulsating and tense original film, The Titan, she attempts to save the world alongside the dreamy Sam Worthington.
Starring in a film set in a dystopian future, where the world has become uninhabitable due to global warming, may sound like a Sci-fi lover’s dream, but until filming commenced, Taylor wasn’t a fully-fledged futurist geek.
“I’m not big into it! I love it when I do watch Sci-fi films, but I have never even really followed stars that much, I’m getting into it now,” she said. No time like the present then, hun.
But what was the appeal of playing the wife of a scientist putting themselves through an experiment to discover whether life could be sustained on other planets, then? “I thought it was blast, I’ve never really done anything like that before.” One should always mix up their IMDB after all.
The role sees Schilling – quite literally – break free of her Orange Is The New Black roots by switching her blonde locks in favour of brunette bombshell status.
“I fully dyed my own hair and I really enjoyed it,” she said. “I did really like being brunette.” What is that age-old myth of blondes always having more fun?
Aside from surface shifts, the star is noticing a change in the Hollywood landscaping that surrounds her career, calling “a culture that supports women truly revolutionary” in light of Time’s Up. “Conversations that have been happening privately between myself and actor friends around questions of representation, what it means to be a woman and the games your need to play, becoming public is just extraordinary. It’s incredible, as women, that we are making space for the future girls.”
In light of this seismic change, it’s not surprising the actress urges the new generation of acting talent to quite simply be themselves. “As uncomfortable, unacceptable, as rough around the edges and as messy as that be,” she adds. “It’s so valuable and everyone wants that, and they may not know it yet, but they want your individuality. Be yourself in a world that is trying to evade and turn you into someone else. That is the most revolutionary act that there is.” Is anyone else fist pumping as they read this?
28 killer quotes from the 2017 Glamour Awards speeches
Given that Taylor rose to fame starring in a show with a female ensemble cast, it’s no great surprise to learn she is all about girl power, noting that almost every project she’s worked on has starred a woman that has taken her under her wing. “I have like a collection of jewels, I have a little jewel box full of mentors that I wouldn’t be able to do anything without.” What a metaphor for life, that is.
Amongst the swirl of media attention that comes with being a heavy-hitting Hollywood star, it’s rare to meet an actress who isn’t trying out yet another quick-fix wellness regime, too. “I try to not mess with my body, which often means, at times, not going on any kind of prescribed plan or following any kind of trends – I actively avoid that. I do really firmly believe my body is not an object that should be moulded into a shape or a size.”
Five wellness hacks every millennial should incorporate into their life to feel amazing every day
But how does Schilling unwind if she isn’t doing a downward dog at dawn? “The truth is that I love it when I can be lying down in bed by 6pm with a book. I read for like 4 hours – I’d love to just read forever.” In case you were wondering, she is currently avidly reading Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harari, which “talks about how we came to be and what life for humans could be like in the future.” A light, feel good page turner it seems.
Speaking of the future, filming for another season of Orange Is The New Black has just wrapped and is heading to a computer screen near you very soon. However, ever the professional, Taylor is tight-lipped on plot spoilers, except coyly divulging, “everything has changed because of the way it ended last season with the riot and the girls. The women are in an entirely new place externally and a new place internally because a lot of relationships have changed. It’s exciting.” Our TV future is suddenly looking a little more utopian rather than dystopian!
In the meantime, check out what’s coming to Netflix in 2018.
The Titan is available on Digital HD now
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audreanord98-blog · 6 years
5 Terrific Reads For Millennials.
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The timetable seems to exercise, also: Activity from Thrones" actor Liam Cunningham pointed out at Sunday's Golden Globes that shooting for Time 7 experiences completion from February along with recording for the next season getting in September. This manual was actually a continual showdown in between the innocent MC as well as the bitchy way girl (and her group of mean ladies). Yes, I do have a lifestyle ... but I truly enjoy your weblog plus all of your incredible recipes a great deal. I desire to see their colleges and also schools where the young people of the country are learnt citizenship, manners, activities as well as sporting activities. I am only able to hear particular audio mainly no music in video games when I choose anything on my receiver besides 7 network stereo. . This manual totally SPELLBINDED ME, phoning call to my heart and soul, as The Warm Go EATEN ME coming from beginning to end. I'm reluctant to accomplish that sort of evaluation present moment since the adventure of checking out The Evening Festival was like smelling a magnolia blossom ... excellent, sweet, abundant, satisfying a requirement I really did not know I possessed till this was actually satisfied ... yet to examine it, to handle it, also delicately, threats that in some way the wonderful hassle-free beautifully textured vessel from chastely erotic pleasure that this manual is actually will let this begin, inexorably and also unavoidably, to brownish and die and curl, as well as end up being ... just a splendid manual. This's hard to assess this without looters- thus permit me merely point out, this manual cracked my soul, created me laugh, made me disappointed as well as this is actually a weird target, but the means this is actually performed, IT OPERATES. The tablet computer itself is a simple, smart part from kit, along with most of its own real estate taken up by its 6.2" screen. Comical factor is actually, that pointless little Shitpio won't be performing 4K on many brand-new video games and unless this possesses a far better or even equivalent service those upscaled activities will definitely finish uplooking even worse! Video games and sports produce our bodily progression and also hence pave way for much better notions as well as merits like sincerity, self-help as well as guts. One activity has you tilting the operator to believe how many balls are simulated inside by the specific HD rumble. If you have any kind of concerns pertaining to where and ways to make use of click through the next website page, you could call us at our own web-site. In conclusion The Hot Try (Activity On # 4) by Kristen Callihan was actually a terrific add-on to the Video game On collection, and also Finn Mannus a FANTASTIC character that I won't overlook so effortlessly. Some games possess a type of sharp emphasis, however Lost in Harmony is significantly the various other kind-- a sort-of charming clutter that somehow comes together the even more you play, to the point you will not want to place it down. Pond Myvatn, near the town of Akureyri, is actually where Mance Rayder's wildling army creates camp in season three, while the nearby cave from Grjotagja is actually where Jon Snowfall and also Ygritte make love. This is actually a hard publication to summarize, however basically two old illusionists set their 2 finest pupils from one another in an enchanting contest. The greatest which is actually that Chrome does not sustain Uniformity, a 3D video game motor that works along with Firefox, Opera and also Trip. The results of loving, looking after fathers on their children' lives may be measured in girls from all ages. I have to discuss Smith momentarily due to the fact that although this was certainly not HIS account, he played such a wonderful job in this manual. They possess 2 little ones right now and also have done blog posts on both nurseries/bedrooms ... they could have the ability to deliver some beneficial Do It Yourself tips. Is there an option that the company are going to stop creating ps3 games just because ps4 is right now did that to psp after ps vita showed up. This cloud-based streaming solution allows you to participate in PS3 video games on your PS4 by streaming all of them over the internet, with repayment taken on a rental or even monthly membership manner. I have actually CERTAINLY NEVER participated in a game with this much bugs and glitches, and also I will make certain not to buy yet another headline off these creators. I desired to see this manual in a brand new lighting, coming from a customer's point of view, and also find if this book is actually truly the success I when bore in mind as an adolescent. I have actually been actually a huge fan of the Game On set, so I approached this manual with excitement and also a little hesitance. Teaching with computer game (game-based learning) is actually a developing resource for inspirational as well as engagement understanding in rehabilitation facilities, in universities, daycare, and in remedial education class. Podeswa, that has routed two incidents from Activity of Thrones and is anticipated to controls extra in period six, was speaking at an event in Fox Studios Australia. It's not different, it's only click lure and also someone at @t video games aiming to piggy back Nintendo's good idea.
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