#i will never be over chev
solomons-poison · 3 months
Everyone's caught up in the Gilbert simping, but I'm still over here in the clutches of Chev once more, especially as I read his romantic route ch 23 again... (spoilers/summary and rambling)
The worry that he'll revert to a beast once Belle leaves the palace, and then trying to impress his beast-like tendencies to reduce her emotional hurt/regret over her love by saying he will forget her while simultaneously doing things to make sure she remembers him, sharing such a bittersweet first time together that betrays just how much Chev cares for her. Dancing with her in an empty ballroom without even any music simply because she asked. Belle wanting to leave before she cries but he stops her from leaving by holding her. Chev thinking he's doing her a favor by letting her leave so she can move on and find someone else.
And then Clavis, who has clearly sworn Chev to be his enemy, still helping his brother out by trying to reconnect them over a YEAR??? Knowing that she doesn't want to hear about Chev but continuing anyway, even telling her about the engagement party, just trying to get her to make some sort of move. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I have so many feelings about his route
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etheries1015 · 7 months
"Oh?" Sariel said amusingly to the cold blonde prince, "I figured you two would get along nicely, seein as (y/n) is the author of one of your favorite books." Chevalier paused, eyes widening slightly in shock before going reverting back to normal cold stare.
"Oh!" You chirped up, "you've read my books? which one is your favorite?" You chuckled excitingly, not getting much of a reaction out of the brutal beast.
"I was not aware you were an author," Chev said, looking at you, "Be that is it may; You do not seem to conduct yourself the way you write." You scrunched your nose together and pursed your lips.
"Ouch," You chuckled, "What a backhanded compliment, thank you."
"Huh?" Luke chimed in with a tilted head, "But when looking into your background your name wasn't anywhere linked to any sort of author," He pointed out, a smile of admiration playing on his features. You shrugged before teasingly responding, "Haven't you heard of a pen name?" Raising an impressed eyebrow, Noktos lips curled up in a sly smile. "Oh? You'll have to tell me what it is, so I can read it myself, I would love to see what our precious Belle can do. Do you have a copy with you?"
Clavis roared out in laughter, pulling a very familiar book from behind his back, handing it over to Nokto. Where had he gotten that? Nobody knows, and never will, I suppose.
"I had already known of your writing endeavors!" He boasted, "Yours truly even took a read. Although, I fear your story lacks a very distinct amount of fun..."
Silvio, who was also listening in, decided to take the liberty of snatching the book out of Noktos hand, asking what only any businessman would ask.
"So...how much of a profit have ya made off of your books?" He studied it dubiously in hand, feeling the grooves of the spine and quality of the pages, "You must be pretty well off if it's considered the 'brutal beasts' favorites." With a haughty smile, he naturally threw in, "If I like it enough, I might even invest in it, if you'll make a deal with me, I'll be sure all of Benetoite knows your name, lady." Sighing slightly you gave him a side glance before rolling your eyes.
"I make enough to be content. what matters is that others enjoy my writing, not how much I make off of it." You replied bluntly. Silvio only scoffed before keith also gave his two cents, holding out his hand for Silvio to hand him your book. With a startled look, his eyes lit up in excitement.
"I've read this book! you wrote it? I'm a huge fan of all of your works, the way you write is so mesmerizing it's difficult to put it down! Would you mind uh- ah..." He stopped himself with a blush tainting his cheeks, "I'm sorry! You must not like being bombarded with all of my questions. I-" You interrupted Keith with a hearty chuckle.
"Don't worry Keith, let's have tea and sweets sometime and you can ask me all you want." You threw a side glance at Chevalier, "You're welcome to join as well, Prince Chevalier." He glanced up from his paperwork in hand only for a mere second, enough for you to understand he heard what you had suggested.
"Ah-" Keith started as Gilberts hand snaked from behind and snatched the book out of his hand, flipping the book to it's back to read the synopsis. He looked up at you with his piercing red eye, his smile unwavering as he tucked the hardcover under his arm.
"A noblewoman writing a book in an alias," He hummed, "I believe any other would like their name to be well known, to bring up their family name and increase the likelihood of their popularity," You froze in place and glanced around the room for an awkward moment, trying to think of some excuse to tell the Obsidianite prince. After a moment of silence, he let out a low giggle, turning on his heel and heading out the door.
"I'm only teasing, little rabbit. Thank you for the book, I sincerely hope you do not disappoint. After all, if he (chev) likes it, surely it must have its merits. I will find you when I'm done, I want to join in on your little tea party to discuss my thoughts as well." You sucked in your breath as he left the room, your pursed lips coming apart with a 'pop!'.
"Well," You chuckled nervously, grabbing the drink Silvio had graced you with and lifting it in the air before downing the contents, "Here's to hoping he likes the book!"
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scummy-writes · 6 months
Ikepri Suitors and their OnlyFans Account
This is silly, entirely based on messages in my server over the great Silvio Tit Block and jokes about OF following soon after, but I did put some thought into this!!! Just don't be upset if its odd, because while we all know chev would never have an OF in his life, it is fun imagining it 💭
We'll skip over the 'hows' and 'whys' here. We can pretend they're the princes of OF, and just what they specialize in.
Characters: Chev, Silvio, Gilbert, Clavis, Jin Keith
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- There is a room lined with bookshelves, various titles glinting from the low light. In the center is a lavish lounge, and laid out across it is Chevalier. There is a robe draped across the back of it. Nothing on his person save for a book in his hands, which he calmly reads aloud.
- yeah. Chev just reads his romance books while nude on camera. It's a bit of asmr while getting nice eye candy
- a lot of comments in his page is about watching his erection, especially when he gets to a sex scene- people claim to see it twitch at parts, but they're never completely sure.
- rarely cums on camera. Usually reserved for higher tiers where they supply him with rare books that are difficult to find. Those videos focus on him in a different viewpoint, his breath heavy as he tries to control himself. Seeing precum drip down the length of his cock is a sight you'll want etched into your memory.
- It's an adventure every time you view a new upload from him. Most of the time, he's testing out sex toys he's created, alongside any experimental lubes or mild aphrodisiacs. Other times, he's slowly fucking his fist or a fleshlight, whimpering out how much he loves his darling.
- his tendencies for being foolish are not entirely gone from here. They will show in the toy designs or follower requests he abides. He's done things such as drawing on himself with whip cream, trying to edge himself with vibrators, or see how long he can last without touching himself while taking his brand of aphrodisiac.
- there is a persona he has for his OF, a silly gentleman who is prone to trying to please his fans through his creations, but between the curated chaos there are softer videos of his. Ones where he sighs out praises and words of love, playing up a fantasy of being your loving husband, coaxing himself to cum on your command.
- His chest is his money maker. Of course, his whole body could be considered so, but he pays attention to the comments he receives, and he knows what his audience wants. There's many a picture and video of his body slicked with oil, hands squeezing his chest as he winks at the camera
- certainly has started off videos shirtless and in sweatpants, letting his erection strain against the fabric. He's came in his pants just a few times, as a treat to his fans every once in a while.
- lots of focus on him jerking off for the camera. Sometimes he's got the hem of his shirt in his mouth, jerking off while letting you soak in the rest of his body. Other times he's in the shower, soaping his body slowly, paying attention to his chest, laying out his best dirty talk with gentle chuckles and sighs.
- sometimes tests out some of Clavis' special creations, but not often. One dyed his palms and dick, and he's been more careful since.
- Silvio is known for his money, and also his tits. Those days out at sea have caused his body to be toned delightfully, and when accentuated with the fine jewelry he wears, it wasn't a surprise that nudes of himself caused a stir among those who knew of him.
- despite how often he sleeps with women, he rarely has any with him in videos. Most of his content centers around tasteful photos of himself, lounging on furniture with jewelry adorning his figure. This account was how others found out just how many piercings he has litered along his body.
- in the few videos he has, the times he collaborates with someone is few and far inbetween. Those videos are often rough, a means to an end for both parties, and when Silvio cums he'll elect to do so on his partner's face when possible. Something in the way he does so, then takes their chin in his hand to survey his work, makes his fans go a bit wild. But outside of those videos, he's often jerking himself off. Slowly, taking his time chasing his pleasure. He'll hiss curses as he gets close to his orgasm, edging himself more and more until he can't take it anymore.
- there are rumors that if you post photos of his tits outside of his OF account, your account will be struck down immediately with an explicit marker. His chest is just too much for other sites to handle.
- carlos has to delete many comments stating "I can fix him", lest Silvio pop off.
- oddly, when you view his content, there is no comments on anything. It's as if you've found a diamond in the rough, a private profile not meant for others eyes. Yet Gilbert doesn't kick you off of the page, and you're surprised at the amount of content he produces for such little price.
- he focuses on different ways for himself to get off. His hand, various toys, trying to cum without touching his cock. Occasionally, he'll experiment with a kink you happen to enjoy, but never mentioned. All the while he asks if his 'little rabbit' is enjoying the show, panting with his chuckles. Watching him cum is a delight, as you get to see how breathless he becomes, how his hips jut as he works his cock to the point of overstimulation.
- at some point, he allows for you to make requests, and you're surprised at how willing he is to do anything you desire. It's a bit concerning, but it's difficult to worry about as he follows each request, looking at the camera as he teases you for asking such a thing of him.
- there's odd cum tributes that he'll upload, but you never understand exactly who they're for.
- Keith will never show his face on his account, terribly ashamed of what he's doing to begin with. He'll opt to wear a facemask with anything he does on the account, keeping his bangs messy often.
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- his content varies at times, to the point of confusing his fans. Most of the time, there will be sparse uploads: videos where he is palming himself through his pants, getting off on the act of filming himself while apologizing. Its clear that this is a shy man, and those who view his content are confused as to why he's uploading. But most love the way his eyes water, how sometimes he'll pull his girthy cock out for them to see, coaxing himself through a rough orgasm.
- other times, those apologies are nowhere to be heard as Keith- still donned in a mask- shows his body with confidence. He'll look directly at the camera as he teases his thick cock, murmuring about how he wants to make them gag on his length, how he needs someones tight warmth milking him dry. In some videos, he'll treat a fleshlight as if its one of his subscribers- fingering it slowly and stretching it out, talking low and dirty to the camera about how much it's going to take for them to fit all of him inside, how he's going to have to train them to take his cock with ease.
Chev's, ironically, is inspired by someone I knew. They had an OF dedicated for doing the same thing, but no jacking off element. Meanwhile Silvio's funny blurb is due to @xbalayage getting temp marked as explicit due to trying to make her icon Silvio's tits, and thus caused this post to be born. The rest came about just through idle thinking. I'm aware that all of this is ooc, I'm not taking this as a serious piece and neither should you.
These were silly but fun, I hope yall enjoyed, even if it was just a chuckle!
Taglist (please let me know if you'd like to be added/removed!):
@yarnnerdally @katriniac @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @bakaneko-chan @skoetiepoetie @bestbryn @nightghoul381 @xbalayage
Ikepri Masterlist (more serious stuff on that) | Ikevamp Masterlist | Ikevamp/Ikepri Server
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dreamofjoys · 3 months
— Synopsis: When Clavis tries to take Bun!Emma away from Chevalier, something unexpected happened, leading to Chevalier drawing sword at his brother again.
— C/W: Spoilers for bunny event, characters might be a little OOC
— A/N: I just want to see overprotective Chev / My first chev + ikepri fic T-T Why did it took so long for me to write for this man AHHHH
[ This phrasing represents Bun!Emma thoughts]
Note: This is just a what if / alternative scenario! You can feel free to imagine Chev however you like but this is just my version of him. I tried focusing more on Chev's POV
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"Let go, you might injure it." Chevalier says to his brother, who had his hand wrapped around Bun!Emma. Clavis has been trying to pry off Bun!Emma from Chevalier's cape for awhile now. However, Bun!Emma had her little claws sinked into the fur of Chevalier's cape, refusing to move an inch.
Bun!Emma panicked when Clavis refuses to let go of her, and had instead chose to tighten his grip on her small body. That sudden gesture had trigger the prey instinct in Bun!Emma, causing her to shriek in surprise as she starts thrashing under Clavis's hold.
In an instant, the pressure on Bun!Emma disappeared and Clavis was flung meters away and onto the door. Chevalier had took the liberty to shield Bun!Emma with his hand, softly caressing her petite body to calm her down. His heart prickles a little when he felt his lover trembling, but the feeling soon goes away as Bun!Emma stops shivering and nuzzles into the warmth of his hand.
Chevalier already had his sword drawn, pointing it at the fool of his brother who did not expect the sudden blow. "Hey, what are you doing?!" Leon hurries to help Clavis up while frowning at his elder brother. "He scared the little rabbit."
"You could have just told him nicely to stop it. Besides, are you sure the rabbit is scared of Clavis, and not at you?" Leon retorts back at Chevalier, while Clavis could only laugh at his brother's antics.
"Oh my, are you perhaps attached to this wild rabbit?" Clavis smirks, amused at Chevalier's protectiveness. "The last and only time you were this protective over something -someone- , is Emma. Unless this rabbit is-"
"Leave." Chevalier's cold and monotonous voice cut through the room, causing Clavis to laugh even louder. "Alright little brother! You heard your big bro. Let's get out before he kills us for real." Clavis wrap his arm around Leon's shoulder, pulling him out of the foreign office as Leon complains about how he is worried about the rabbit's safety, and also complaining about how much of a bastard Chevalier can be.
Chevalier let out a heavy sigh. He had already stopped petting Bun!Emma, and wants to inspect for injuries on Bun!Emma's body. But..... how does he hold a rabbit, who is only the size of his palm? Thinking back to what he did this morning, Chevalier holds out his hand again, hoping that Bun!Emma would get the hint. Bun!Emma was quick to notice what Chevalier wants her to do and immediately hops onto the palm of his hand. Upon inspecting Bun!Emma at a better angle, it seems like there was no injuries. Chevalier stares at Bun!Emma, watching her stare back at his icy pools.
[ Does he perhaps think that I am scared of him? ] Bun!Emma's thoughts were written all over her face, just like how she is when she was in her human form. Chevalier never tires watching her train of thoughts showing on her face. [ Then I will show him that I am comfortable with him! ] Bun!Emma thought excitedly, and decided to flop her body on Chevalier's palm. [ Rabbits do this when they are very relaxed, right? Surely Chevalier will get what I mean! ]
Chevalier let out an amused laugh. Yes, he understands what Bun!Emma is trying to tell him. His other hand inching closer to Bun!Emma, wanting to pet her again but stops halfway. Bun!Emma immediately sits up and jump up multiples time to touch Chevalier's hand. [ Pet me please, Chevalier! ] Bun!Emma immediately flops down her body on Chevalier's palm again as Chevalier pets the little rabbit in a soft yet awkward manner.
It feels weird to see the brutal beast dotting on a little rabbit instead of eating her up. But the brutal beast silently vows to never let anything, or anyone, scare her like this anymore.
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aquagirl1978 · 1 year
Hello I believe requests are open if not you can throw this ask away! I was wondering if you would be able to do hc of the princes as Dads(mainly Clavis and Chev or anyone else you wan to do) I feel like they would be all so adorable 🥰
Thank you for this request - with Father's Day approaching, it feels appropriate to write some Dad headcanons.
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Jin Grandet
Jin is a caring dad. As the oldest brother, Jin already has experience being the mature one of the group, the one keeping an eagle's eye on everyone else. When he became a father himself, he was overjoyed, his heart overflowing with love for his new child. The pair are often spotted together, walking hand in hand.
Chevalier Michel
Chevalier is a reluctant dad. In the past, he would have said having children is a royal obligation - and not one he was particularly interested in. But seeing you around children has changed his opinion. Having no experience with parental love himself, he had no choice but to look to you to follow your cues in raising this child. He watches how you hold this small human who bears the same hair and eyes as he, and he mimics you best he can. Over time, he becomes quite the capable parent, but if asked, he will always say that you do it best.
Clavis Lelouch
Clavis is a joyful dad. Plagued with insecuties, Clavis never thought he'd find someone who loved him as much as he loved them. But then you came into his life, and not only loved him, but created a family filled with love. Clavis has a large family army of Lelouchians. During the day, he teaches his children the ways of perfecting the Lelouchian trap, and at night, he shares in the bedtime routine of telling nighttime stories. The kids' favorite story? Well, that would be the one about Sariel and the day of a thousand rats.
Leon Dompteur
Leon is a proud dad. Leon still remembers the day you told him the wonderful news that he would be a dad. A family of his very own, of his own blood. It was almost too overwhelming for him. And the day he met his firstborn, well, that was the best day ever. Leon waited maybe a week before bringing his baby to work with him. Leon said it was because he wanted to give you some time to rest, but really, he wanted to show his baby off to his brothers.
Yves Kloss
Yves is a doting dad. Move over, Licht. Yves has a new bundle of joy to shower with love and attention. Don't worry, Yves still adores Licht and Licht is secretly happy to not have so much attention showered upon him. Yves celebrates every milestone with an extravagant tea party. Baby's first steps? Cake and cookies - it doesn't matter that the baby can't eat yet. Yves takes every moment he can to celebrate this precious child of his and let them know just how much he loves them - for who they are.
Licht Klein
Licht is a protective dad. He never wanted to be a father - given his childhood, who could blame him? But after falling in love with you and allowing light to shine in his life, he wasn't quite ready when you told him you were expecting. Thankful it wasn't twins, Licht loves his child as much as he can. And he does what he does best - protect. When his child is afraid of the dark, he first does a sweep of the room to make sure no monsters are lurking and then stays by their side all night. When they fall and scrape their knee, Licht is there to bandage it and kiss it to make them feel better.
Nokto Klein
Nokto is a tentative dad. Like Licht, Nokto didn't want to be a parent. He was too afraid he'd screw things up. When you told him he was to be a dad, boy, was he nervous. And when you delivered twins, Nokto was besides himself. But because of you and your reassurance, reminding him what a good man he is and how much love he has to give, Nokto crept out of his shell and allowed himself to fall in love with these two little babies. Nokto was known around the palace as a master negotiator, and no one could outfox him - except for his children.
Luke Randolph
Luke is a strong dad. Being raised by Gilbert strengthened Luke in many ways, not just physically. As Luke can handle Gilbert and stand up to him, Luke teaches his children this inner strength. No one bullies Luke's kids at school - not just because their dad is the biggest and strongest, but because they know how to stand up for themselves.
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ceruleanwhore · 7 months
People have talked about how a lot of the Ikemen games give all the suitors pets, so I thought I’d make a post of what pets I think the ikepri guys would have. 
WARNING: there’s a spoiler about Gilbert at the end, but the kind where you’d probably have to look something up to know what it is. Take that as you will.
Jin would absolutely have a small monkey that he’d wear on his shoulder into town as another way to pick up women. I could also see him training said monkey to steal little things from particular people he points out both as a way to get stuff from people for like his job but also as another, more contrived way to get women to talk to him. Think about it: Jin having his pet monkey steal a beautiful woman’s scarf so she has to chase it back to him and then he pretends to be surprised and disappointed that his pet did that and returns the object to its owner who now is falling for his charm and starting to think that maybe the monkey isn’t so bad.
Chevalier would have a cat because, as Sebastian from Black Butler once said, they do not say useless things or do them, plus they tend to be independent, clean, and kill vermin. He’d manage to find a cat that’s pretty much silent and never meows and also is fairly independent so, aside from occasionally curling up on Chev’s lap (silently) while he’s reading, it doesn’t require much from him.
Clavis would get a loud, messy dog like a rat terrier or a hound that he would deliberately not train to get rid of those typically undesirable behaviors because he likes the chaos and it annoys Chev and Sariel.
Leon would have a peregrine falcon. In older times, like the sort of time period ikepri is set in, there was a hierarchy of which birds of prey guys could have depending on what their title was as royalty or nobility, and princes got peregrines, so I think that’s appropriate.
Yves would have some kind of bird, I’m thinking a rosy-faced lovebird. I could see it being a gift one of his brothers brought back for him from another country where they’re native, since it seemed that Yves could use a friend.
Licht would have an Irish wolfhound that he’d take for very long walks every morning at some ungodly hour when normal people are asleep.
Nokto would have a ferret. Being as clever as he is, he’d do well with an equally clever pet, plus he’ll be able to properly care for it and train it. I could see him teaching his ferret a bunch of tricks, including sneaking into locked rooms and unlocking doors from the inside.
Luke would have a fucking badger. Idk it just makes sense to me.
Sariel wouldn’t have a pet of his own but, since the king’s death, he would take over the duties of caring for the late king’s gyrfalcon until a new king is chosen and that bird then goes to whoever Emma picks to be the next king. This is also coming from that bird hierarchy I mentioned with Leon.
Rio would have a bunny because it reminds him of Emma. He is a golden retriever, so it wouldn’t make sense for him to then get a dog, but something that reminds him of his beloved Emma makes sense for him. He’d ‘joke’ about how it’s to keep him company while she’s at work and how he pretends it’s her and they have long conversations or whatever.
Silvio would have something really small and cute like a stoat that’s like the dead opposite of Silvio. He would’ve rescued it somehow and from there he’s just really attached to it and protective of it.
Keith would be really fond of the fish in the pond at the Jade palace and that’s as close as he gets to having a pet because he’s a sad boi who doesn’t trust himself not to hurt the things and people he loves.
Gilbert would have a golden eagle (more of that bird stuff) and he would 1000% keep that secret from anyone outside the Obsidian royal palace, because it’s a giveaway of who he really is. Also, I feel like he would actually have a close relationship with his bird, plus I do think rather than using the bird for hunting like actual royalty did, he would use it to intimidate people and also to send messages occasionally.
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riveranova · 2 months
Do you ever think about the fact that in ikemen prince none of the Princes are grieving their FATHER?????
They’re all just like „well, the king is that but I guess that means business as usual! What do you mean my father, the person responsible for most of my trauma and the one who was in charge till LITERALLY yesterday is dead? Nope…. I will not process or think about it….“
Because I do…. And I have no one to talk about it 😭
Like, I get it, their bonds weren't that thick and I can imagine that they weren't heartbroken over his death but like...
They get over it SO fast?? Like "Oh yes, father died. Well anyways-"
I actually can't believe that someone like Yves, for example, would just never talk about it again?? Chev maybe BUT YVES?
Seems like their father must've been the biggest dickhead that has ever existed because damn he doesn't matter like,,, AT ALL.
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ikeromantic · 5 months
For the ikePri events, could I get Chev in the Rose Garden with the Honey cake?? (I just started IkePri and im excited I to read everything!)
Mmmm some sweet Chevalier coming right up ^_^ Approx. 700 words of our second prince showing his true colors in the rose garden! IkePri New Years Event story!
Chevalier loosened the collar of his suit with a sigh. He felt exhausted. People were exhausting. He turned his head to glare coldly at the bright-lit ballroom windows. Even out here he could hear the inane chatter. It would never cease to annoy that people - nobles - needed this sort of event to convince them to do what was needed.
“King Chevalier?” 
He turned his head. “You.” He didn’t ask why she’d followed him. Chevalier already knew why, even if he still had trouble understanding it. 
Emma smiled, a crooked little half smile that Chev knew all too well. “I thought if the King could slip away, I could too.” She shrugged, “Nokto and Sariel have things under control.”
“I already know that.” He looked away from her at the rose garden around them. In the dim light, the crimson blossoms were black, and all the other colors muted. The garden could only be brought to life by light, he thought, his lips twisting in a wry smile. 
Emma slipped in beside him, and his arm settled naturally around her shoulders. Neither said anything as they walked slowly together along the winding white stone path. 
Chevalier felt his annoyance ebb in the gentle presence of his lover. His heart warmed under her gentle gaze and a new energy came to life in him from her touch.
“Do you have a New Year resolution,” she asked as they came to a stop beside one of the garden’s enormous fountains. 
“No,” he snorted. “Such things are -” 
She finished the sentence with him, “foolish.” Emma laughed. “I knew you’d say that. But I have a resolution. Do you want to hear it?”
Chevalier let out a breath, pretending to be irritated. “I suspect you will tell me regardless.”
“True.” Her eyes were merry. “My resolution is to love you even more than I already do.”
Chevalier stroked the nape of her neck, trying for a softer touch. “Impossible.” His voice was low, barely a breath. Her smile was so beautiful, he thought. What madness for a creature like her to love a beast, and more, that the beast had found he could love her back. His heart ached with the fullness of that love.
Emma’s smile widened. “I thought so too, because I love you more than I knew it was possible to love anyone. But then I thought, why not try for even more? Something is only impossible until you find a way to do it.”
“Ridiculous.” He felt his own lips stretch and curve up in a smile he couldn’t have imagined having before Emma came into his life. Chevalier lifted her up, gathering her into his arms just to hold her. To feel her pressed close. 
“If I were to make such a silly resolution,” he began, “I would aim for the plausible.”
She snuggled against his chest, arms wrapping around his neck. “Oh? What would you recommend, then?”
Chevalier combed his fingers through her hair, mussing the careful updo she’d worn for the party. “A measurable goal. Like waking up beside you every morning.”
Emma sighed. “That would be amazing. But how is that plausible?” She kissed the sensitive spot just under his jawline. “You have duties that take you all over Rhodolite.” She nipped his earlobe, tugging it gently. “I think that resolution is just like mine.”
Her teasing affected him more than he was willing to let on. Though his expression remained cool, he felt heat build in his chest. A fire only Emma could stoke. “Think,” he told her. 
“Well . . . you can’t just not go places.” She nibbled at her lower lip, rolling it over in her mind. Then her lips drew into a wide, joyful smile. “Wait! Are you promising to take me with you?” 
Chevalier kissed her. Her lips were warm and firm and lively, kissing him back with a fierce passion. Her mouth tasted of the champagne from the party, sweet, with a heat that flowed through him. He kissed her until he felt light headed, and the stars above them seemed to spin.
“That’s a - a yes then?” Her voice trembled, breathless.
“Don’t ask questions you know the answer to.” He brushed a kiss to her forehead, then her cheek, and the spot just beneath her ear. Chevalier felt an irrational urge to just keep kissing her, every inch of her. These quiet moments they spent together were everything. 
She was the light that gave color to his heart. Like a blossom brought out of the night and into dawn, showing its scarlet petals. Her love revealed the passion in him. 
Emma laughed, her breath tickling his neck. “I love you, you know that?”
“There you go, silly fool. Asking a question you know the answer to.” Chevalier kissed her again.
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bluejay-writes · 7 months
This is fine. (Chevalier / MC)
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You can read/collect this fic on Ao3 if that’s more your speed!
Rating: T Pairing: Chevalier/MC Wordcount: 2646 Summary: Some hurt/comfort with Chevalier. MC is kidnapped and left in a cellar to rot. Chevalier, Nokto, and Clavis make an attempt to save her. Injuries occur. Hearts are bared. Pillows are thrown.
Author's Notes: This fic is a gift for @randonauticrap, Madame L, and was written for the Ikepri gift exchange hosted by @ikemenlibrary and @sunnyikemen.
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I won’t let it end like this.
MC worked to free her hands, which were bound behind her back with rope.  To her kidnappers’ credit, the knots seemed to be well done, and the rope was secure but not so tight as to cut off circulation to her hands.  She had, of course, still fought against her attackers enough to rub her wrists raw against the coarse fibers.
Her best, strongest, hope was that one of the princes would get word of her abduction and come rescue her before this situation got out of hand.  Of course, they couldn’t afford to acknowledge that she was Belle, and so it was entirely possible that she would have to get out of this situation on her own.  That thought made her suddenly wish she’d taken Nokto’s suggestion of pretending that she was in a relationship with one of them as a cover for her presence in the palace.
Being Belle had given her all kinds of experience in situations she never thought she’d be in.  Spending her time trying to understand Chevalier had left her at the whim of Clavis’ traps enough times that she knew her way around most knots and binding techniques.  She’d endured enough of Nokto’s endless flirting that she knew she wasn’t cut out to be a disposable consort. Even still, a lover could be rescued by her prince, of course. Not so a noblewoman who simply had permission to study in the palace.
As she let her mind wander over her time as Belle, her fingers worked nimbly at the rope behind her back.  The odd sound she was hearing was getting louder, and she realized that something was happening to the house whose cellar she was trapped in.  Were those footsteps?  It sounded almost like the patter of heavy rain, with the occasional peal of thunder.  But it wasn’t raining today, and the sound was louder near the interior stairs rather than the cellar doors.
Just like that.
MC grinned in triumph as the rope came undone, and she rolled her shoulders to ease some of the stiffness.  The offending length of rope went in one of her skirt pockets.  Not the sort of thing a normal noble lady would have in her skirts, but MC was far too used to her life as a commoner to be without copious pockets.
Next stop, escape. MC made her way over to the cellar doors, hoping to avoid going through the house to get away from her captors.  Of course, the cellar doors appeared thoroughly secured with chain and a padlock on the inside, let alone whatever might await her on the other side of those doors.  Nearing them, however, she heard a voice she wasn’t expecting.
“She’s here.” It was Chevalier’s voice. Quiet through the heavy cellar doors, but the ice in his tone was unmistakable.
“Are you sure, King Highness?” That was Nokto.
“Chev wouldn’t say it if he wasn’t certain.” …and Clavis.
“I’m in here!” MC tried to call, but her voice came out hoarse from disuse. She cleared her throat and tried again, banging against the door. “Chevalier! I’m in here!”
“Well, well.” Nokto’s voice carried through the door. “Padlocked and reinforced.”
“Your fancy swordwork can’t fix this, but I should be able to get the lock open in a minute.”
“It’s chained and locked on this side too.” MC yelled, her voice cracking.
A moment of dead silence followed her revelation, and then she heard Chevalier’s no-nonsense tone.
“I’m going through to the interior stairs. Get this unlocked, just in case.”
“King Highness, the manor is collapsing, you can’t mean to— Ugh, he’s gone.” Nokto’s bitter words pushed MC into gear, as she turned and rushed towards the other side of the cellar.
The heat from the stairs was immense, and in that moment MC realized she hadn’t been hearing rain, but fire.  Someone had set the manor ablaze and left her locked in the cellar to die. They’d locked her in here so thoroughly that they were probably counting on the princes failing to save her, regardless of how hard they tried.  The fallout from that happening would be bad enough, but now, against all odds, Chevalier was working his way through a burning manor to reach her. He was smart enough not to try something that he wasn’t entirely confident would succeed, but even what little she knew about fires told her that the situation could change in an instant.  Sure, she was Belle, but she was a replaceable commoner.  There was no way her life even came close to balancing the risk to Chevalier’s own.
She climbed the stairs carefully, realizing just how hot the air had gotten. She reached for the handle, but was greeted with three unpleasant truths.  First, that the fire on the other side of the door had heated the handle to an unpleasant degree.  Second, that her abductors had, in fact, locked said door.  Finally, Third, that she was as much a simpleton as Chevalier always insisted she was, having to learn those first two truths the hard way. There was no doubt in her mind that terror waited on the other side of that door. Even so, she absolutely had to get through it. The hinges were on her side of the door, which meant it opened into the fire, so Chevalier wouldn’t be able to break it down from his side. Her only way out, unless he miraculously found a key somewhere, was to break this door.
Gritting her teeth, MC slammed her shoulder into the door. Nothing. It was hot, but not as hot as the metal door handle. She couldn’t tell if it gave a little bit, or if that was just wishful thinking.  She tried again, and this time something snapped.  The heat was overwhelming, and she wasn’t even in the worst of it yet. She knew to be worried about breathing in the smoke, but it was the kind of knowledge that came from reading, not from experience.  So, when the door gave on her third attempt, the first thing she did was take a deep breath… of the acrid smoke that started pouring down the stairs.
Wracked with coughs it was all MC could do to look around for Chevalier as she watched the fire lick up the walls.  It was simultaneously dark and bright with the red and yellow of flames flickering over the burned husks of furniture.  Ah. The butler’s pantry. Of course. What else would connect to the cellar?
MC hunkered down, trying to keep her head out of the smoke as her eyes burned and tears rolled down her face.
“Chev—” she coughed, and tried to get a breath that wasn’t smoke as a figure stepped through the doorway across the room. 
The second prince looked like a bandit, with a cloth over the lower half of his face, tear tracks running into it through the soot that had collected over his fair skin and in his hair. Before she could say another word, a loud crack rang through the room, and something above Chevalier gave way to the all-consuming fire.
“Chevalier!” MC called, her hands reaching out uselessly toward the prince, who lifted his arm to ward off the falling beam, even while sending a concerned glance in her direction. A sickening crack and the momentary flash of pain across Chevalier’s face was all she saw before the beam hit the ground in a flash of sparks and fire.  
Heedless of the fire, or as heedless as one really can be while everything is burning down around them, MC scrambled across the room to where Chevalier was crouched on the ground, his arm clutched to his chest.
“Chev.” she whispered, concerned as he stood again.
“Simpleton.” His voice was low and rough. “Get downstairs. Now.”
MC knew better than to argue with Chevalier on a good day, and by the tone of his voice, going against his command here was a death wish. Still…
“Not without you.”
Chevalier growled, and MC was reminded that once again she was dealing with the Brutal Beast. He reached out with his good arm and grabbed her wrist, his calloused hand against the raw skin making her hiss, but she didn’t dare pull out of his grasp.  He seemed to realize there was a problem, loosening his hold and taking her hand instead. Her heart fluttered.
Now is not the time for this, MC. she admonished herself, before Chevalier admonished her aloud. 
”Get out of this alive, then swoon.”
They made for the stairs, but Chevalier stopped short.
The stairs… were on fire. 
MC looked at the stairway, and then at Chevalier’s face, which had of course not changed from his usual stoic mask, excepting a small crease between his brows.
“These stairs won’t hold.” He said, and then pulled her to him. “Hold on tight.”
To what?!
Sparing not even a moment for a second thought, Chevalier picked her up by the hips and tossed her over his shoulder before descending the stairs in a rush.  True to his appraisal, the staircase collapsed behind them. Now the only way out truly was the padlocked cellar doors.
MC looked at his face as he set her down once they were clear of the collapsing staircase, and caught the tail end of a wince and a clenched jaw before he smoothed his expression once more.
“Show me the cellar doors.” He said, with no preamble.
MC nodded, and led him to the chained-and-padlocked door she’d just been at. She didn’t know how they were going to get that lock unlocked. Chev had blocked that beam with his dominant arm and she wasn’t as good at locks as she was at knots. Maybe something to ask Clavis about after this, assuming they made it out.  For now, getting out was the priority.  And they needed to do it soon.  MC felt like her lungs were on fire like the rest of the manor.
Of course, she needn’t have worried. Chevalier unsheathed his sword and made quick work of the lock, ripping it off of the chains and pulling the chains free from the door, before once again claiming her hand with his good hand. Well then. His arm must not actually be as hurt as she thought it was.  He had used both arms to lift her over his shoulder, after all. The beam was probably just hot.
“Let’s go, Simpleton.”
MC rolled her eyes at his use of that favored nickname, and allowed him to haul her along with him as the cellar doors opened, showing the concerned faces of none other than Nokto and Clavis.
Having reached the relatively cool outdoor air, MC felt like she was gulping down breaths rather than simply breathing them.
“Let’s get clear of this.” Nokto said, as behind them another room of the house collapsed inwards.
“MC. Deep breaths.” Clavis’ voice rang in her ears, and she turned to look at him, but the world kept spinning even though she’d stopped moving, and she felt herself falling.
“MC.” Chevalier’s arms held her, and distantly she worried about him holding her with that injured arm. As everything went dark, she would have sworn she saw him roll his eyes as she heard him mutter. “You weren’t supposed to take me seriously about swooning. Idiot.”  
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Oddly, scent was the first thing to come back to her. Clean cotton, medicine, and paper.
Then, sound. A quiet conversation, the shuffle of feet across a rug, and the sound of a door closing.
MC blinked, opening her eyes.  She was laying on a familiar bed, though it wasn’t her own.  A quick glance about told her everything she needed to know.  She was in Chevalier’s room, and the prince himself was laying next to her on the bed.  Otherwise, the room was entirely vacant. Whoever had been having that conversation must have left. MC took a moment to check on Chevalier, and what she saw made her stifle a gasp. First, he was shirtless, but that was secondary to the fact that his right side was covered in bandages from shoulder to hip, with the arm itself in a splint. So he had broken the arm.
For her part, she’d been changed out of the ruined dress she’d been wearing, into a clean nightgown, her wrists carefully bandaged, as well as a number of other small wounds she hadn’t even noticed in their escape from the burning manor house. Someone had even washed her hair. How long had she been out?  Certainly it couldn’t have been that long…
MC turned to slip out of the bed and find a robe so that she could go report in to Sariel and find out what he knew about what had happened, and see if there was someone who would tell her how hurt Chevalier actually was, since he certainly would never give her a straight answer about it.  She didn’t get very far, as Chevalier grasped her hips and tugged her over into his arms. 
“Where are you going?” He muttered sleepily. “Stay with me.”
MC’s heart thundered in her chest.  Of course he just wanted to sleep more. He’d done this to her before when she was sent to wake him, and she knew better than to read into his desire for touch when sleepy.
“I need to go report what happened to Sariel.” She said. Honesty was always the best policy with Chevalier, he could taste a lie before you even uttered it.  And if she didn’t get out from his hold, he was going to feel her heart racing, and then he’d be asking her to explain that, and… she knew how useless he found the concept of Love. They’d discussed it. At length.
“The Devil can wait.” He muttered, his breath ruffling her hair. “I, on the other hand, cannot.”
“Chevalier.” MC huffed. “You’re literally the epitome of waiting right now, you’re trying to sleep.”
“No. I am trying to keep you from leaving. Sleep is a convenient side effect.”
“You’ll give me ideas if you keep this up, you know.”
“You already have plenty of them, if your heartbeat is to be considered.”
I knew it! MC sighed. He’s too perceptive.
“Well, the man I love his holding me captive in his bed, what am I supposed to think?”
“Perhaps you might think that you’ve won our little bet.”
She froze. He couldn’t mean it, could he? In the back of her mind, MC could hear Sariel reminding her about Clause 99, but right now she did not care, not even a little bit.
“You mean, you…”
“I love you.” He said it plainly, but the words settled in her chest like a warm sweater on a cold day. “The thought that I could have lost you in that fire nearly broke me. And there you were braving the worst of it to aid me rather than saving yourself.” He tapped on her shoulder, and she turned to face him.  There were tears in his eyes as he looked her in the eye.
“I love you, MC. You win.”
“I love you, Chevalier.” she said, her eyes misty. 
Everything was different now. New, and shining.
She blinked to clear the tears that were threatening to fall, and thus was surprised when Chevalier’s lips met hers, but it didn’t stop her from kissing him back.
Their moment, of course, was broken by vibrant applause.
“Oh, well played, Chev.” Clavis’ voice was full of mirth and mocking. “Save the damsel in distress and then profess your undying love.  How many times does that happen in those books in your little library?  Was that all research, then?”
Chevalier grumbled and threw a pillow at Clavis.  
Well. Not everything had changed, after all.
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lorei-writes · 6 months
Hi Lorei!
For the silly character ask game... we're going to cross the streams... Mitsunari and Chev .... #10... 24 hour body swap! :)
Oh my, hahaha, I'm wheezing. YOU MENACE. (I love it, thank you very much, and thanks for dropping by <3 )
Chevalier & Mitsunari
10. They swap bodies for 24 hours! How badly do they mess up (or improve) each other's lives?
I think they'd do just fine. Each would perform the other's duties without a hitch. No major improvements detected on either side.
HOWEVER, everybody around them would lose their mind. Nobunaga would order Mai to have a private therapy session with "Mitsunari", to fix him. Hideyoshi would cry into his futon (HIS CHILD! WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS CHILD). Ieyasu would start drafting an apology letter, and Masamune... Well, he'd start sparring with "Mitsunari", most likely. Keiji? Keiji has received a death glare and is now sitting in the corner, fearing that his mouth will truty get sewn shut. Additionally, Nobunaga pops a vein in his eye, as he'd never expected to argue with Mitsunari -- and this "Mitsunari" is not only willing to entertain a verbal squabble with him, he is BLUNT. (They end up drinking sake and playing Go throughout the night. Whoever wins takes control over the Oda forces.)
Meanwhile, in Rhodolite?
Clavis is torn. On one hand, he dies from laughter whenever "Chevalier" spills something (and oh, is he parched -- Chevalier, could you brew me some tea?~), on the other... he is terrified. Where is his insufferable older brother?! THIS IS NOT HIS BROTHER. Leon & Jin put together an official search party. Nokto blames himself -- it surely is all the fault of that Benitoitian liqueur he's acquired. Chevalier's brain must have been damaged. Luke thinks it's actually sort of nice, and he goes to buy a couple beehives to set around palace gardens while he still can ("Chevalier" wants to assist him in it, no less). However, Sariel lock "Chevalier" up, thinking it may be some infectious disease. Yves cries. Licht comforts him (or tries to).
Ask game
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maries-gallery · 10 months
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Sometimes Chevalier just needs to feel you close.
To remember that softness exists in this world, that humanity paves his heart much like anyone else’s. To remember him that his heart beats in his chest for something other than duty, other than blood and other than building a future for his country. 
That it beats for you. For another being, another person, one he chose to abandon himself with in spite of all reason.
He needs to feel the warmth of your skin under the pad of his fingers as he slides your clothes off your form, to feel your sweet lips on his own and your heart beating against his chest. His own swelling in his chest as he realises you share the same beat, same rhythm. Same pace. 
A sight for sore eyes as he hangs over you and you lie underneath him, bare curves bathed in the pale silver glow of the Moon. For the blink of a second the blade of his sword flashes in his mind, glinting in the night as he strikes. 
He leans down, lips claiming yours with brutal passion to chase away the thought. The taste of your lips an aphrodisiac that makes thinking about anything else but you impossible. 
A distraction he is all too eager to lose himself in. For once leaving any thought of Rhodolite behind. For once he is back to being a man, a man that loves nothing but you.
That wants nothing but you.
Your fingers delve in his blond locks as you pull him closer by the nape, deepening the kiss as he pushes his length inside of you. He swallows your gasp, walls stretching to accommodate him as he fills you with warmth. Pain interlacing with bliss until nothing but pleasure remains and you’re begging for more, wrapping your legs around his waist. 
“Chev-!...” Your name leaves his lips like a prayer to the night, to everything holy that leaves in the stars. His lips leaving a path of burning open mouthed kisses down your jaw and to your nape. Mouth and teeth, that bite and soothe at the skin until fire ravages your core and lights up every nerve in your being.
His hips roll against yours, length kissing the sweetest spot inside of you until nothing but his name crowds your mind, until the stars fall from the sky and into your eyes to blind you with a million lights.  
His brows furrow as you clench around him, inviting him deeper in your heat, careful with every drag of his length over your warm plush walls. Attentive to every sigh, every moan and every cry that falls from your parted lips. 
“Say it again.” He asks, his voice nothing but a whisper against your nape as he buries his face in the warmth of your skin, in the comfort of the only place he calls home. Your arms. “Say it again.” 
And his heart bursts in his chest as you call for him yet again, for his name has never sounded so sweet, so human. Your voice music to his ears as he loses himself in you. 
Your chants of his name taking over his grunts and your shared breaths, features contorting in pleasure as the coil in your stomach snaps, vivid pleasure coursing through your veins. 
His hands immediately search for yours on the sheets, fingers meshing together as your release washes over you in waves. His lips fall on the column of your throat, kissing his way up to your chin, capturing your lips and stealing your breath away. A few more thrusts all it takes for him to join you in the throngs of pleasure.
“Je t’aime.” He whispers, just as he buries his head in the crook of your nape and paints your walls white with his release.
taglist: @aquagirl1978 @randonauticrap @pockcock @drachonia
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dododrawsstuff · 16 days
Pairing: Melinda/ Chevalier
Genre: angst
Word count: 231
A/N: I’m not a writer, so please read it with a grain (or a ton) of salt. It's been a while since I’ve read Chev’s route too, so I apologize if he's too OOC (he is), he's such a hard character to write for, I wanna scream. I didn't revise it so there may be errors, sorry
I was washing the dishes and had this idea, Melinda is rotting my brain, help.
I'm not sure if I should use the OC taglist, I'm honestly a but embarrassed to post this, but let me know it you would like to be tagged in questionable eventual future fics I may write
Defeat. A feeling so foreign to Chevalier as Melinda was to Rhodolite, it was almost poetic, the way she was the very first person who made him finally understand its meaning.
And ironic how she was able to accomplish that with a few mere words. The second prince already knew she was in love with his brother, it was plastered all over her face. But to hear Melinda declare so sincerely the ways she thought Clavis was better than him, how his sense of humor was better, how his looks were better, how creative he was and most important of all, how happy he made her without even trying.
All because the blonde asked her why she liked his brother, after seeing her lovestruck expression aimed at him thorough the window of the castle's library. What hurt the most was how her whole face lit up while talking about him, with her rather exaggerated hand expressions he came to love, as they were a symbol of excitement and her level of comfort with the listener.
Her eyes also had a certain shine talking about him, reserved to him. He never saw the same sparkles when she talked to him. Clavis always tried so hard to beat Chevalier, ever since they were kids, who would've thought the first time his brother would succeed would be the only time he didn't even try?
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olivermorningstar · 24 days
On that same note then: What are IkePri Oliver's opinions about the Rhodolitian Princes? (And... If you wanted to go into the theoretical realm, what would he probably think about other OCs of your choice? From within that universe, from other universes, etc.)
Oh this is gonna be a big one, hope you are all ready for An Essay.
Jin Grandet
It depends if this is a verse where they're together or not as to how deep the relationship goes in a romantic or a platonic sense. Regardless, the two are rather close.
Perhaps it is because Jin sees trouble brewing with Oliver and it's some sort of need in him to intervene before it all boils over and they potentially lose a good scientist, or maybe he just wants to see the man cut loose, but he is often the first alongside Sariel to call out Oliver overworking, though he is often the one to pull Oliver out and actually make him take a break.
Oliver thinks of Jin as a dear friend. They go out together for drinks and they often catch things like performances together. True, they are often ways for Jin to flirt with the girls there, but Oliver doesn't mind. Don't give him too much of a pass here, he does like it when they start to flirt with him, too.
Chevalier Michel
Talk about feeling inadequate. His relationship with Chev isn't entirely positive, but it's not completely negative either. A lot of the negative emotions Oliver feels towards Chevalier are very one sided.
In short, Oliver cannot read Chevalier and is absolutely convinced that the prince hates him. The truth is more he is rather indifferent, but the dismissive tone Chevalier tends of have reads very poorly for Oliver.
Oliver already has plenty of issues with self doubt, but if he truly was awful and any sort of hazard to the crown, Chevalier would have had him removed ages ago. Perhaps in time Oliver will come around and learn that really, Chevalier doesn't mind him, but until then, it's rough.
Clavis Lelouch
Would you believe me if I said Oliver was originally made to be shipped with Clavis?
Both are equally playful and Clavis' shenanigans more or less force Oliver to let go of his work for a little bit and just do something silly. He shouldn't take himself so seriously, so come eat a weird looking cake and cut loose for a moment (He promises that he made it gluten free this time).
Regardless of relationship, the two are sworn rivals in pranks and schemes. Their exchanges tend to be sillier and light hearted majority of the time, but Oliver is aware that Prince Clavis is a schemer through and through. Any news of him doing something the crown doesn't approve of is hardly a surprise, but he would never think Clavis is truly a bad guy. A hellion, sure, but never a bad guy.
Leon Dompteur
Genuinely a nice guy and fantastic to work with. Due to Oliver's work, he is more concerned with domestic affairs, and thus he and Leon actually work pretty close together to track any outbreaks and to work together with the pharmacists and doctors of Rhodolite to get care to where it is needed.
They have a relationship that is built on mutual respect, but it is definitely closer to being a good relationship between coworkers than between friends. Still, if Oliver somehow found himself in Belle's shoes, he'd pick Leon to be king with Chevalier as a military advisor.
Should the two talk more outside of work, I think they'd click rather well and Oliver would probably be in on Leon's escape attempts. Hey! Take him with! He wants to see the festival too! They would also be carnivore friends, he's so right about meat.
Yves Kloss
As a frequent victim in the battle between Clavis and Oliver, Oliver feels... rather bad for Yves. Truly he seems like a nice guy and he loves walking by the kitchen and seeing Yves hard at work! It's just Yves sees Oliver and expects trouble now.
That said, Yves is the first one to really notice that Oliver tends to skip out on things and isolate. When he first arrived, he was the one that pointed this out and ended up getting Clavis and Jin involved. To that, Oliver is grateful.
They are starting to find a common interest in music, so progress is being made!
Licht Klein
Licht is... harder for Oliver to be around. He's a more extreme case of some of the behaviors that Oliver tends to display and it sucks to see someone else falling down a bad rabbit hole and not knowing how to help.
He gives Licht space and he does respect the prince, but he doesn't really know how to speak to him. Of course, Licht has noticed that he is the odd man out here when it comes to Oliver and gives him a more icy, kind of detached approach
It's unclear if they will ever be close.
Nokto Klein
Nokto's flirting tendencies tend to both frustrate and delight Oliver. On the one hand, he likes being flirted with, even if he thinks it is insincere and that it is all just flattery, but on the other - damn you, Nokto, he's trying to have a conversation and you keep twisting his words because it is easy to get Oliver flustered this way.
That said, if it comes to dealing with nobility, especially foreign nobility, Nokto is one of the first folks Oliver turns to. When he's serious, he's got one hell of a silver tongue and has scored a lot of the funds and items Oliver needs for his experiments.
But seriously, if he manages to make another experiment sound dirty, Oliver is going to "accidentally" spill red dye onto his nice, white clothes.
Luke Randolph
Due to the fact that Oliver is close to Sariel and does agree to the fact that Luke could try a little harder to learn how to be a prince, Luke tends to dodge Oliver.
Listen, we know Oliver can be playful and he can be coaxed to leave his work (though it is a bit difficult), he still believes that work NEEDS to be done. True, Chev, Clavis, and Nokto make for one powerful team, but surely Luke has something to bring to the table!
He's more frustrated with Luke more than anything else, but to be fair, Oliver doesn't know much about him or where he comes from. His opinion would certainly change if he learned why Luke was even there.
Ah, a good friend of his! Beatrice is rather pleasant to be around and the fact that they both enjoy music is a sweet little bonus. Sometimes they do perform together.
To be fair, Beatrice is also one of the ones that has been helping Yves come around on Oliver and has helped shown him in a light that isn't a horrid trickster nor some workaholic locked away in a lab. Oliver also enjoys sitting in on their tea parties and just chatting idlely with her.
He is, admittedly, a touch jealous of how close she and Maeve are and hasn't yet broken the ice on how to get closer to the both of them.
Whenever he gets to go to Jade, or whenever Maeve finds a way to get to Rhodolite, visiting her is a must. Maeve has a good head on her shoulders, according to Oliver, so her guidance is pretty helpful.
He thinks her role as a Priestess is rather amazing and likes hearing about it. Some of it goes over his head as he is hardly a theologist and he doesn't pay too much mind to religion as a whole, but she is still impressive!
Much like with Beatrice, he is a touch jealous of her relationship with her best friend. He'll... figure it out.
Esther is honestly refreshing to be around for Oliver. She is serious when it is called for, she gives folks the cutest nicknames that charm him endlessly, and when things are going good, she's like a nice ray of sunshine lighting up the room she is in.
Watching her health improve has been a highlight for him. He does wish there was more he could do to help her, but her condition is chronic, not a disease he can treat with the right combination of medicine.
Still, he hopes to see her stick around. She sands off some of the edges of Chevalier, which Oliver greatly appreciates.
To be honest, Oliver admires Viva. What she did took guts and she did it all to protect her sister and to get revenge for her family. Though he cannot condone her actions, he would be the first to admit that she is very, very brave.
He hasn't spoke with her much since the Belle incident, but he has been meaning to. Since he enjoys being around Esther, he knows he'll be talking with Viva soon enough.
More than anything though, he just wants to pick her brain and see how she managed to get as far as she did!
Goodness, someone has it out for him if she shows up in Rhodolite. She is strong, adventurous, and so bold! He would definitely be fascinated by her and would want to know all about her adventures and her ship!
Of course, he isn't so bold as to flirt with someone that Silvio is looking at. He's not stupid! But if she were to ask, he would honest to god consider running away to her ship for a little bit before remembering he is a weak nerd that would not survive out at sea.
@violettduchess @bicayaya @keithsandwich
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Ikepri, but Gilbert brings his hammock to Rhodolite
Gilbert: (leading Emma through the ballroom during the gala) Ahaha, looks like we're the center of attention. Or perhaps more accurately...
Emma: (watches the crowd part, revealing a hammock set up right on top of the giant rose emblem) Was that always here?
Gilbert: Hehe, do you like it? (plops down) Ahhh. It's true what they say, you know. You can take the man out of the hammock but you can never take the hammock out of the man.
Emma: Who says that?
Gilbert: I do. (begins to swing back and forth) Gilbert, First Prince of Obsidian. Pleased to meet you, little rabbit.
Emma: (doesn't know if she's meant to stay standing or?) Um. I don't... I don't think anyone can dance if you, uh, hang out here.
Gilbert: No way, I left sooo much room for everyone else. Oh, but it's up to them if they have the courage to dance while I'm here. One wrong step and... (smiles sweetly)
Leon: (briskly walks up) Lord Gilbert, what is the meaning of this?
Gilbert: What a silly question. As your guest, I'm meant to make myself at home, aren't I?
Leon: (mentally assessing the hammock because he's in the market for one himself) And that entails harassing one of our noblewomen?
Gilbert: Is that what I'm doing? (gazes meaningfully at Emma as he shifts into a more comfortable position) Harassing you?
Emma: (remembers how Mr. Akatsuki always warned her to never trust a man who brings his hammock everywhere) I was merely showing Prince Gilbert around since he seems to have gotten separated from his escort.
Chevalier: Complete happenstance, I'm sure. (walks up so his shadow eclipses the hammock and the tiny, happy man relaxing inside it)
Gilbert: Hello, Chevalier. Do you like my new hammock?
Chevalier: Hmph. You must be in surplus of time to fashion a map of my kingdom into something so imbecilic.
Gilbert: Ahaha! Oh, but my tush is so very comfortably pressed right against the castle. Almost as though I were sitting on the throne.
Leon: You—
Chevalier: I care little for your inane hobbies. (looks icily at Emma) My business here is with my fool brother's plaything.
Emma: Uhhh. Yep. That's me. Plaything of fool brothers. And noblewoman. Studying to be a plaything, I mean minister.
Gilbert: (struggling to hold back his laughter)
Chevalier: (sighs) He dropped something of his in this general area.
Emma: Something...? (looks around and sees something glinting under the hammock) E...excuse me. (She gets on her hands and knees to retrieve the object, but Chevalier kicks it just as she's about to get it) Hey, wait a— (She suddenly notices the object was kicked all the way to the other side of the hammock, behind Gilbert) Oh...
Chevalier + Gilbert: (continue conversing up-top while Emma covertly makes her escape with what turns out to be a small gold pin with Clavis' leopard insignia)
Gilbert: Emma
Emma: (freezes and looks back)
Gilbert: (hangs his head upside down over the edge of the hammock and smiles at her) See you later.
a/n: ending inspired by that one fic by aquagirl1978 where chev steals you away from gil and gil waves at you while you leave
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aquagirl1978 · 10 months
In Your Eyes - Chevalier Michel x Reader (Ikemen Prince)
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A/N: Part of the One Week Challenge hosted by @cy-inky
Pairing: Chevalier Michel x Reader
Prompt: "Don't smile at me like that." + friends to lovers
Word count: 496
Tags: none
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“Oh, dearie me. Do my eyes deceive me or is that Belle I see?”
“Why are you acting so surprised, Clavis?” 
“Well, I simply can’t recall the last time you joined us for breakfast. You’re always in the library with your book club.”
“It’s not a book club. We’re just friends.”
Clavis rose from his chair and approached you, a sly smile adorning his face; with his thumb, he tilted your chin until your eyes met.
"Friends, you say. Have you not seen the way my brother looks at you? Clearly, you haven't." He paused and chuckled, his tone turning serious. "He looks at you in a way he doesn't look at anyone else. Not even me, his most handsome brother. Chev is a man who can glance at something once and have it memorized, never needing to look at it again. Yet, I so often find him, a man who does nothing not worth his time, staring at you. If you don’t believe me, watch him the next time you're together and let me know if you still think you're just his friend."
He removed his hand from your chin, leaving you wide-eyed in disbelief, your heart racing at the thought that Chevalier might have feelings for you.
Breakfast passed in a blur, and before you knew it, you were standing before a familiar set of doors. With your heart pounding in your chest, you pushed open the door and stepped over the threshold.
There’s nothing to be nervous about, you tried to convince yourself as you entered the room. As usual, Chevalier was seated  in his chair, his ankle crossed over his knee, his face tilted down as he read the book in his hands. 
“Hello,” he greeted you as his gaze lifted to meet yours, his lips curling into a soft smile. You noticed how his gaze lingered as butterflies began to flutter in your stomach.
“I received some new books today.” He tipped his chin towards a nearby shelf, its contents calling to you.
You were walking on clouds as you made your way to the bookshelf. Filled with childlike joy, you beamed as you ran a finger along the leather spines of the books, trying to decide which one to pick first. 
But then a voice inside you told you to turn around. 
Chevalier sat with his chin in his hand, a barely there smile soft on his lips, his pale blue eyes fixed on you. 
Don’t smile at me like that, you told yourself. I’ll have trouble not believing what Clavis said earlier otherwise.
“I don’t know which one to pick.”
He rose from his chair with an elegant grace that comes from being born royal and approached you by the bookshelf. He quickly scanned the shelf and effortlessly selected a book. 
You trembled as he handed you the book, his warm gaze returning to you, his soft smile still visible.
Whether Chevalier knew it or not, Clavis was right.
Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady @queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira @bellerose-arcana @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @lancelotscloak @scorchieart @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @melodiousramblings @wendolrea @aceuuuu @randonauticrap @aria-chikage @nightghoul381
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dotster001 · 1 year
Yandere chevalier and licht with reader who is a distant relatives please?
Light of Life
Summary:Platonic Yan Chevalier and platonic Yan Licht. Gn! Reader. You spent your early days in the Rhodolitian court, a playmate to your cousins, Chev and Licht. Nearly twenty years later, you live in Benitoite with a life of your own.
A/N: I went from having zero ideas for this, to three hundred ideas for this 😂 there is no in between.
CW: yandere, unhealthy relationships, major character death, allusions to death by drinking, kidnapping, blood mentions
Chevalier often wondered if Licht remembered. Remembered that there was a time they had spent together. That they had shared each other's company quite frequently. That they could have almost been considered friends.
Your father was the fallen beast's youngest brother, Chevalier and Licht's uncle. Your mother was one of his many mistresses, a noble merchant woman from Benitoite. Your father never got over his own beastly ways, and often tried to claim that you were not his, despite the clear resemblance. But considering you were his only child, and he had yet to wed, you remained at the court like any other noble child.
You were Licht's age. Chev would often see the two of you playing for hours. He couldn't remember when, but at some point, you had noticed that he would hang around the two of you.
"You should play with us!" You excitedly said, handing him a piece of paper and a couple coloring supplies.
Chevalier had scoffed, but it wasn't long before the three of you were all coloring together, you and Licht chattering endlessly, Chev silently listening. 
It was a peaceful thing. And the three of you seemed happy with the arrangement. From them on, all of yours and Licht's playtimes included Chev. Usually he was just sitting quietly, but he would add something here and there. It was nice. You weren't scared of him, and neither was Licht, with you by his side. He could consider this one of his happiest moments.
Of course he could never have a good thing for long. After two years of this, when you were about 7 or 8, your father went a step too far, and even the fallen beast could no longer ignore his actions. He was disgraced and banned from the court. He took the opportunity to quickly marry your mother, and move the three of you to her estates in Benitoite.
No longer were Licht and Chevalier seen talking, let alone in proximity. He knew Licht was just as devastated as he was, but what was the point of discussing it? Your father was a menace to the throne, and the Rhodolite global position was shaky as it was. No point in them discussing something so pointless or juvenile.
You are cordially invited to the Coronation Ball of his Majesty, King Chevalier,
You had to reread the letter multiple times. You knew your father was a Rhodolitian royal, your mother had told you so, but you were pretty certain he was no longer welcome there. And, even though he had drunk himself to death three years ago, by extension, you were not welcome there.
You thanked your attendant, and stood to find your mother. This had to be some sick joke. Despite a childhood of play with him, you'd heard that Prince, or King now, Chevalier was a heartless bastard, and the only thing that could scare Obsidian. Maybe this was his idea of a joke. Or perhaps it was a reminder of what your father could have had. Not that you cared about what that monster could have had. Your mother had taught you everything she knew, and now you were both very successful, even without a gluttonous beast with delusions of grandeur.
You knocked on the door to your mother's office, knowing full well she was probably in a meeting. But a letter from a king of a nation was something worth interrupting for.
"Come in."
You entered the room, and froze immediately, bowing deeply before Prince Silvio.
"Your highness," you greeted.
"Y/N," he said with a grin, "just the one I wanted to see. I've just finished with your mother, and I was hoping to discuss a beneficial deal with you."
"Mutually beneficial, I hope," you grinned, stifling a giggle as you watched your mother grimace at your familiarity with the Prince.
He held a hand to his chest in mock shock.
"Naturally! I would never seek to cheat the great Y/N!"
"And yet, I can never play cards with you, for that very reason," you smirked.
With a jingle, he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, escorted you out of the office, and into your gardens.
When you were both certain you were alone, Silvio sat on a bench and patted the seat next to him. You sat next to him, and rested your head on his shoulder, not even really thinking about it. He threaded his fingers with yours, the rings cold and metallic, but his hand warm and gentle.
"So this deal I'm offering,"
"Potentially, you could receive a kingdom."
Your cheeks began to warm, but you tried to keep your cool.
"I'm listening."
"Regardless of whether or not you get one, you would still receive countless riches, access to a myriad of wealthy trade connections, and the chance to see the world whenever you wished."
You tilted your head, and looked up at him with a thoughtful expression.
"This sounds like an excellent deal for me. But what could you possibly expect me to give you in exchange for this deal?"
"You," he said confidently, a huge grin on his face.
You pursed your lips, before saying, "I'd need to discuss this with my business partner before I agree to it."
"I understand, but I'm certain I can convince your mother that this is indeed an advantageous deal."
"And, a trade of this magnitude would need to be cosigned by His Royal Highness, Prince Silvio Ricci."
"I've already spoken to him," he snorted. "He has concerns about your cheek, and seemingly endless ability to get yourself into trouble, but aside from that, he'll willingly co sign any papers we draw up on the matter."
You grinned at him. "Then I suppose I accept your deal."
"As if I'd give you a choice," he said with a smirk, before cupping your face, and kissing you tenderly, like you were the most precious jewel he'd ever beheld.
That such a hard man could be so soft…it just made your fall for him all the harder.
When he separated from you, he nuzzled his nose against yours.
"I'm certain you got a letter concerning King Chevalier's coronation ball," he ceased nuzzling noses, and began kissing along your jawline.
"Mhmm," you said, tilting your head to give him more space, "I'm certain it was a mistake or a joke."
"Believe it or not, Y/N, the people of the court quite liked you and your mother, even if they thought your father was a gluttonous beast. My sources say many of them have been trying to bring you both back."
You groaned, and swatted at him when he snickered. He pulled his face away, only to wrap you in his arms.
"Now that we've made our deal, there's no way I'd let 'em take you back. Still," he nibbled your earlobe playfully before continuing, "I propose we use the event to announce our new deal to the public."
"Rhodolite would quite like the honor of being the first to hear," you groaned.
"Correct, and a cousin of the king, albeit a disgraced cousin," you pinched his side, and he pinched yours back, "Well, let's just say that the people of Benitoite would appreciate having a further tie with Rhodolite that would keep the bloody beast at bay."
"And here I thought I was special to you," you pouted.
"So needy," he muttered, but you could hear his grin. "Perhaps this will help." 
He adjusted his position, and pulled out an ornate box. You opened it, revealing a gaudy locket with and S engraved on it, next to it was a matching, gaudy ring, with a huge green diamond on it.
"Did you seek to buy me, Prince Silvio?" You laughed, slipping the ring on your finger.
"You can be unpredictable at times, so if I had to," he trailed off, putting the locket around your neck, and pressing a kiss to the back of it.
He stood up, bowed deeply, before saying, "I will see you at the ball, my love."
You bowed your head in response, and he sauntered off. You laughed happily to yourself, clutching your new locket fondly.
Licht sat still as a statue as Yves brushed some powder into his face.
"There. You look perfect," Yves said happily, buzzing around in excitement. 
As the Obsidianite crown prince would be in attendance, it meant the suspicious looks would be on him, and not Yves for once. And Yves was buzzing with excitement over being able to attend.
Licht was about to compliment his look, as Yves started to mess with his hair for the fifth time, when Nokto strolled into the room like he owned the place.
"My darling brother, have I got some news for you!"
He sat himself on Yves' bed, and crossed his leg with the confidence of one who knew he was winning.
"I don't care," Licht said plainly.
"Oh, you will, because it has to do with your childhood playmate."
Licht stiffened. He only vaguely remembered you, but what he did remember was that you brought happiness with you. He was devastated when you'd left the court, and had cried to both Nokto and Sariel about it for days, hoping they could bring you back.
"Luckily for you, my information is free. I'm not completely heartless," Nokto said with a sigh.
"Our darling cousin Y/N L/N has risen through the Benitoitian ranks, and will be in attendance at the coronation ball this evening," he gave Licht a pointed look. "If I were you, I'd find a way to get them to stay this time. Have a great night!"
Nokto finished with an upbeat laugh, and sauntered out of the room.
Now at the ball, Licht and Yves stood together, making small talk with a countess, as the announcer called various names.
At length, the announcer said, "Prince Silvio Ricci, Prince of Benitoite, and his fiance, Y/N L/N, Firstborn to Ginevra L/N."
The glass in Licht's hand shattered as he looked in the direction of the entrance, and saw you on Silvio's arm.
Chevalier watched coldly as you and Silvio made your way over to give him your congratulations. Even from here, he could see Silvio's stink all over you. The glittering suitcoat with a cinched waist and flared bottom, the gaudy golden locket, the huge ring on your finger, it was as though Silvio hoped to display his ownership over you. Not that he was smart enough to even realize that's what he was doing.
And you. You must be more of a fool than he remembered if you said yes to the merchant prince. But you could learn. It wouldn't be too hard to bring you back to Rhodolite where you belonged.
You and Silvio both bowed deeply before him.
"Thank you for your invitation, your highness. My mother also sends her well wishes, as she fell ill before we could make the trip," you said.
Chevalier simply nodded and turned his piercing gaze to Silvio, who was grinning like the fool he was.
"My congratulations, King Chevalier. May your reign be long, and prosperous for both our nations."
"Hm," Chevalier responded, before turning back to you. "I am greatly pleased that you could make the trip."
"Really?" You seemed startled. Had you truly forgotten? 
He internally sighed. Just because his father had birthed multiple geniuses and prodigies, didn't mean it was all that common. You were, although brilliant and successful, normal. 
"I told you, treasure, they're trying to steal you from me," Silvio snickered as he nibbled playfully on your neck.
Chevalier had to resist the urge to run him through right there. How dare he think he was worthy of you? Worthy of the light that, even now, he could see emanating off of you.
"Silvio," you hissed, but it didn't wipe the silly smile off your face.
Chevalier clicked his tongue in disapproval, and your attention returned to him.
"I hope it's not impertinent, your majesty, but it's quite amusing to hear rumors about how big cousin Chev became a cold hearted bloody beast. I mean," you giggled, "you never looked like a cold hearted bloody beast to me."
Maybe you remembered something after all. His face split into a grin, a rare thing for him, unless you were involved.
"Don't let that grin fool you," Silvio snickered in your ear, leading Chevalier's face to sour again. "He's a vicious predator."
"Well, you definitely have me fooled," you grinned, reaching out to squeeze Chevalier's hand.
Chevalier made eye contact with Licht over your shoulder, and he imperceptibly nodded. Licht returned the nod, and made his way through the crowd.
"I hope to see you tomorrow at the breakfast."
Silvio's jaw dropped at Chev's statement, but you grinned and squeezed his hand again, before moving to return to the ballroom floor. He watched Licht intercept the two of you, and you extricating yourself from Silvio, as you wrapped Licht in a hug.
He felt so warm, so happy. Like your hug was a drug, or a drink. If this is what Jin and Nokto were chasing on their late drunken nights, he couldn't say he blamed them.
"Y/N, I'm so glad you could come," He whispered, closing his eyes so he could imprint the memory forever in his mind.
"I'm so happy too! Honestly, I was worried you and Chev would have forgotten all about me," you laughed as you pulled away.
"You're so special, my diamond. Between the two of them, I've never heard more than ten words out of their mouths, and yet with you, they won't shut up and let me dance with you."
God, you really had to attract Silvio? He grimaced, but it quickly turned to a snicker when you elbowed Silvio in the side.
"Just for that, I'm going to dance with Licht first, while you learn how to play nice," you smirked.
Silvio pouted, but he couldn't say anything while you and Licht were making your way onto the dance floor.
"So tell me what you've been up to," you said, leading him into a twirl.
"I don't do much," he said.
"Oh please, almost twenty years have passed and you haven't done anything? I have a hard time believing that," you laughed.
"Um, well, I like horses," he said, beginning to feel shy.
"That's great!"
"I don't like carrots…"
"Who does?"
"Yves is probably my favorite brother…"
"Huh. That's not what I would have guessed. But that's alright!" You added quickly.
"What about you?"
"Oh, well, I'm engaged to Prince Silvio…"
"I heard."
"And my mother and I have some extensive trade deals going with Jade, as well as two merchants in Obsidian."
"And I'm still the world champion of duck duck goose."
"I'm the world champion of duck duck goose…"
"Impossible. You're remembering wrong," you grinned, and twirled him one more time, before bowing deeply. 
It was only then he realized the song had come to an end. He reached out and grabbed your hand, instinctually. You smiled softly, and gave it a squeeze.
"Save a dance for me later, okay?" You asked, just as Silvio swooped in with a loud jingle, and an arm around your waist, stealing you away just as quickly as when you left the first time.
He looked back at Chevalier again, who tilted his head towards one of the doors. Both of them made a path that way.
"Y/N is my fiance. We can share a damn room," Silvio snarled. Sometimes it was easy to forget, with how lovesick he was for you, that if there was something he didn't like, he could get angry quickly. Though, you couldn't say you disagreed with him in this instance.
A blond attendant had escorted you to a room, and informed you both that this was only Silvio's room. After a tense showdown between the two, he had introduced the both of you to Sariel, who was in charge of everything.
Well, almost everything.
"Your highness, I am just following instructions. If this is a major offense, please take it up with the King," Sariel sighed tiredly.
"Damn right I will," he said, storming off to search for King Chevalier.
You looked over at Sariel, who was cleaning his glasses with a lined expression.
"Your fiance is…"
"A pain in the ass?"
"I was going to say high maintenance, but…"
"It's alright. He's a pain in the ass, but he's my pain in the ass," you smiled, and Sariel seemed a little relieved.
Until he looked  over your shoulder and stiffened again. You looked around and saw Chev. You opened your mouth to greet him, but he cut you off.
"You. Come."
Then he turned around and walked away. You turned back to Sariel, and he sighed.
"You better follow him, or he'll send an escort."
You quickly ran after him. You caught up, and attempted to tell him Silvio was looking for him, but he couldn't hear you. Giving up, and letting the silence linger, you walked through hall after hall, until he reached a room, and walked inside. 
You followed, and sat in the chair in front of his desk when he waved you in that direction.
He pulled out a form and started to fill it out.
"As of this moment, I am reinstating you into the Rhodolitian court. Until we can get you housing, you will be staying with Prince Licht-"
"I'm sorry," You raised your hand, "I'm confused. I didn't ask to be-"
"It will take some time to transfer your belongings over, so perhaps it would be easier to replace them, unless there is something of sentimental value-"
"Wait, but-"
"I'm sure it won't take long for the merchants of Rhodolite to accept you among them, and help you adjust, seeing as they already are well aware of your capabilities-"
"Your majesty!" You cried. "I'm not sure where you got the information, but I'm not interested in moving back to Rhodolite."
"I assure you, the reintegration process will not be difficult, but if you are concerned, I can give you a document with my full endorsement-"
"I don't need your endorsement, because I'm not moving to Rhodolite. No offense, but I don't belong here anymore. Besides. I like it in Benitoite. They don't discriminate by birth. I've earned everything I have there, and people acknowledge that."
You thought back to Prince Silvio, and your cheeks warmed, before you quickly shook him from your head.
"So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm grateful that you think so highly of me, Your majesty, but I think I will be remaining in Benitoite."
King Chevalier said nothing, just stared at you with his cold pointed glare.
"I assure you, Rhodolite is far better for you than anything Benitoite has to offer."
"Your highness, my mother and her family are in Benitoite. I'm engaged to Prince Silvio! I've signed documents of loyalty to him-"
"If the issue is that you are desperate to marry, I can find you someone worthy-"
"It's not that I'm desperate to marry!" You threw your hands up, exasperated. "It's that I love the man I'm engaged to!"
"He is a fool."
"Well, so am I."
The two of you glared at each other, until the door opened behind you, and startled you. You turned to look, and saw a very sweaty, and blood drenched Licht, looking directly at Chev. Chev tossed him a towel, and crossed his arms expectantly.
Licht wiped his sword off on the towel, avoiding eye contact, as he said, "Late this evening, around three in the morning, Prince Silvio Ricci left for Benitoite earlier than anticipated to prepare a surprise gift for his fiance. His carriage was stopped by bandits in Jade, and his body was found in the river three days later."
You stiffened, your skin growing cold. 
"His fiance, overcome with grief, lost all will to continue going, so their royal cousin, Prince Licht Klein, offered to care for them in his estate. And the bloody beast, whether out of strategy, politics, or perhaps a spot of kindness in his frozen heart, agreed to reinstate Y/N L/N back into the Rhodolitian court."
Chevalier pulled out a sheet of paper, and spoke as he began to write.
You sat, still as the dead, jaw agape. Licht resheathed his sword and knelt before you, gently taking your hands in his.
"This is going to be better for you."
You slowly took your hands back, face contorting into a look of pure horror.
"Why?" You whispered. "Why!" You cried loudly before standing up and running out of the room…
…And straight into Sariel.
He grabbed your arm, and looked directly at Chev.
"Your majesty, I think Y/N is a little tired. I'm escorting them to their room." As he "escorted" you out, he whispered in your ear,
"Just go along with whatever he says. It'll be better for the people you love, and, I promise, one day you'll adjust."
You didn't get a chance to respond as you reached your room, were pushed inside, and left alone as you heard the lock click behind you. You dazedly walked over to the bed and sat down, staring at yourself in the mirror on the wall.
Your hand slowly came up to the locket resting on your collarbone. You gently fingered the S, and the events of the last hour finally caught up to you.
You curled up on your side, clutched the locket, and sobbed.
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