#i will book club this shit i s2g
safyresky · 1 year
Ok, this is gonna sound dumb, but how does one get motivation to write? Like, I have characters, scenes, etc planned out in my head, but I'm always stuck on how to start out. I was wondering if you had any tips on going about that? Do you have endings planned out first in mind, or just go with the flow? Any charts made, etc?
Oh no, not dumb at all! A very good question actually. Starting something is the hardest part, imo :). I think it's the question I see most people ask fellow writers.
Starting is hard! I totally understand. It took me YEARS before I finally posted, and that was because Rise of the Guardians was coming out and after watching the trailer I went "ah shit, people are gonna think I ripped Jacqueline off of Chris Pine Jack Frost. That's no bueno, better get this mofo OUT!" I am a notorious procrastinator and the thought of negative feedback actually renders me useless, so I needed a bit of a kick in the butt there 💀💀💀
I think it depends on the person, really. Everyone has a different thing that works for them! Some plan, some just go FUCK IT, WE BALL, and do just that! Here's my kind of. Idk if I'd CALL IT a system? Or a process? But here's what I do, and maybe it'll help you find what works for you?
So I don't really have the end planned right away. I don't usually have ANYTHING planned lol. Generally, most of the things I write start with a hazy concept or idea. For example:
Crystal Springs: What if Jack went through the same thing Zuko did in Book 3, since he thawed? What if someone had to reteach him how to find what powers his powers? Who would they be? How would that work? (this then proceeded to spiral out of control into CS as we know it today).
Frostmas: If Jack was Santa, who was Jack Frost? How did we get from the usual business to a THEME PARK?!?!
Sometimes they're srs like that, other times they're downright silly:
Frog Warning: Haha, I misspelled fog when telling the hubbers about the weather. That's some Crystal Springs ass shit. Jacqueline and Charlie are just minding their business when a frog comes bouncing down the street, the weather is FROG WARNING--oh. Oh, this could be fun!
Actually starting is the hard part, but here's my lil secret: I usually don't start things in order! If I have an idea, I'll go ahead and write it down--whether it be in hazy notes, or actually writing a rough kind of draft, I just get it down and go from there! It works for me for the most part, and then I usually go with the flow from there. Where does this scene fit? What happens before it?
This usually leads to the mess that is my onenote notebook for Crystal Springs, lol. Each story has a tab, and each page is usually a chapter, and I just launch into notes there and go absolutely crazy. Completely HAM. I don't worry about proper grammar or spelling, I just write what I think happens, and brainstorm from there! That's how I get gems like this:
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Or like this (CS spoilers abound):
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Where on the left is the outline, I suppose, of the work (Chapter 26 of CS I believe this is) and thoughts I have after reading them back go beside the section I thought them about!
Then after that, the actual writing part becomes a LOT easier: I have a sort of outline, and can just refer to it as I make it less messy notes, more actual story chapter. And then, a couple read throughs later, maybe some scene rewrites, and voila! I've got me a story >:)
Starting is hard. SO hard. You're so right, Anon! And before I get too ramble-y, here's my "advice", if you will (aka a tl;dr)
Everyone has something different that works for them, because everyone's writing styles are different. Here's what works for me:
Start wherever. Not at the beginning, not at the end. If a particular scene/part is on my mind, I get it down right away! You don't need to start at the beginning! :)
Get those ideas down! Write out the scene, the character, the idea, the plot point. Doesn't matter how: could be notes, could be writing the entire scene, could be a shitty doodle, just get it written down. Make it real! Put it on a page somewhere!
GET EXCITED ABOUT IT! Be your main cheerleader! give yourself the Fandom treatment and theorize about what happens next, what happens where, etc. And write anything that makes you go OH YO THAT'S GOOD down!
If something else crops up, don't be like "oh man, I gotta finish this scene, though, I can't jump into another thing". Jump into the other thing. Just write it down! Who knows? It may become part of your final story (this has happened to me often enough that I've lost count).
Once I've gotten the burning ideas down, it tends to grow from there. Sometimes going with the flow works very well (and it does for me, for the most part).
After that, I sort the ideas, place them where I picture them (beginning, middle, end), and write notes leading up to the scenes I've already got.
The notes then make it super easy to write the rest of the story, and suddenly I've got a 16k chapter and 20 more ideas to fill the other portions of the story!
So, yeah! Long post, sorry for your dashes, I can stick a readmore somewhere in here if everyone wants, but there's my process. The takeaway?
Once you've got something, it's a lot easier to start. And when you just go with the flow, and write what you have in mind, it becomes fun, and worrying about starting? Not a problem anymore because holy shit am I having fun, and wow! I've got so much to go off of now! (Also I hate deadlines and self imposed goals, they only make me feel pressure and then the writing isn't fun anymore, it feels like a chore, or a project, or an essay, or a work task. I'm going to be a terrible profesh writer one of these days)
ANYWAY I have no idea if this is what you were looking for, or if this helps at ALL. I hope it does a little bit! I'd strongly encourage you to write the concepts you have in your head right now, and don't worry about putting it all together just yet. Go with the flow, have fun with it, and see where it takes you! :)
And, uh, if any of my other writer friends have any tips and tricks, @lmelodie and @kscribbs and @shittyelfwriter (if u take a breather from kingdoming those tears lol), feel free to add! :)
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liebermintz · 2 years
okay, some thoughts
(contains spoilers for the owl house and stranger things s4)
(no i mean there’s spoilers)
(CW: queerbaiting; satanic panic; religion; the AIDS epidemic)
i s2g if somebody tries to pull a “but the owl house was more upfront with its rep than a certain netflix fantasy horror show,” remember that the owl house takes place in presumably 2019 AND also in a fantasy world. it is unabashedly queer because it does so to defy emperor belos, who is a literal witchfinder general. he’d be scared that the human of color who peppers her speech with the occasional spanish phrase is dating a lesbian witch. luz can be open in the owl house’s universe, either on earth or the boiling isles. and even then, luz and amity’s relationship isn’t shown in front of emperor belos - at most the only antagonistic force it’s shown to is odalia and that’s framed more as odalia being so disgusted as luz being “lower-class” that she’ll arrange amity to have another girlfriend (and it’s heavily implied that she’s thinking amity is referring to a close friend that is a girl - why she’s using the same terminology in reference to luz that she did in reference to willow years prior). and even then, belos is so focused on trying to get the hell out of the boiling isles and brag about how he killed a bunch of witches on an alternate earth that he doesn’t pay attention to the queerness of characters. and the collector wouldn’t give a shit because he sees everything as a mere game to play, get bored with, and toss aside. and he apparently doesn’t keep enough tabs on the covens to realize that darius and raine are planning stuff behind his back (only learning of it when hunter!luz arrives at the head and making swift action since everybody’s there), so i highly doubt belos even pays attention to what specific pronouns darius and eberclaw use to refer to raine. the covens are more independent entities that are kept in the dark in regards to the emperor’s full plans - this is why none of them knew what belos was planning on doing. not even plant girl. not even illusions film director man. stranger things s4 takes place in early 1986, right at the ass-end of president ronald reagan not doing jack shit about AIDS and riiiiiiiiight before tony kushner got notice for angels in america, so well before heartland america got to know the reality of the gay experience and thought of them almost exclusively as the kind of shocking shit lou reed would write about in his songs or evil predators according to propaganda shorts shown in schools. remember: they’re still in cold war paranoia mode - dr. brenner was training el to spy on soviets back in season one; there’s the entirety of season 3 and its really weird attempt at doing red dawn but in a mall. and jason got the entire town talking about how D&D is satanic because the police found chrissy’s vecna’d body in eddie’s trailer. this shit is not safe for will to think about coming out, not even in california. and i mean not even in california.
most of the early satanic panic “cases” came from out west. chick publications, the publishers of that really bad “dark dungeons” tract, is based out in california. mike warnke and john todd were going to speaking engagements ALL ACROSS THE COUNTRY (and not just heartland america and the deep south - i mean they’re flying to california and staying in nice hotels because they’re gonna make mad cheddar from book sales and tickets). this shit was for real. it wasn’t just some shit the genre pastiche guys made up to make D&D look edgy and countercultural. you’ve people read dark dungeons? or watched mazes and monsters? they’re blaming a tabletop RPG for the fact that we’re seeing queer people kill themselves and the fact that people are starting to question the validity of religious teachings. the show frames eddie as being pretty foolish to not only create a D&D club at hawkins high, but also for being open about it - because they know exactly what he’s walking into.
and in the grand tradition of the overarching season plots getting more adult with each passing season of stranger things, the stories get darker. season one is kids doing a spielberg/dante-style wonder horror; season two is el on a road trip and running into vigilantes and will doing poltergeist; season three is red dawn in a mall, for crying out loud. each season, and by necessity the ages of the actors, dictates the kind of ‘80s pastiche the duffers go for. season four is slasher film - and as the kids are in high school now, now they can realize how morally complex geopolitics are. now they can see death in the face - eddie’s death is easily one of the most brutal one-on-one deaths in the show because it goes beyond billy sacrificing himself to buy time for the kids or bob newby sacrificing himself to buy time for joyce and hopper to get out of the lab. eddie’s death feels dark because you know the guy legitimately wanted to kill himself. he’s still wanted in hawkins for vecna’s murders. dustin knows this - that’s why he’s sobbing like crazy. he knows that eddie legitimately wants to die and is trying to find some way to talk him out of it.
do you legitimately think that for one moment will is going to say “yeaaaaaah mike i love you on a deeper level” when he knows that he might get his ass handed to him if mike/jonathan/eleven doesn’t react properly. that’s why robin is VERY secretive about her sexual orientation. she doesn’t even come out and say that “yeah i’m in lesbians with you” to her crush from band, not even in the final scene. she doesn’t say it to nance. she only says it to steve - and that was in the context of them thinking they were going to die in a secret russian mall basement while high on truth serum.
i get you’re mad. i get that you just want to see some well-meaning queer rep, especially from a streaming platform that publicized two really transphobic specials as nothing more than “edgy jokes for edgy teens,” that maybe they could take that high of SPOP and apply it to the show that sells frozen waffles, domino’s pizza, and kate bush albums. but this is one of the few times where queerbaiting not only makes more sense, but is the safest and most logical thing these characters can do given the year, the region of america they’re in, and THE ACTUAL SATANIC PANIC AND RISE OF EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANITY AS A VOTER BLOC BECOMING A LEGITIMATE PROBLEM.
will has to have strategy just to survive. where we are right now in terms of being viewers, we are 12 years away from gay rights getting its most tragic signalboost to date.
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wpbaes · 4 years
okay i didnt proofread any of this and this is a brain dump and i s2g i wont dump all these charas at once but i love them all already so deal WITH IT lmfao 
Ari’s Characters:
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Carter Crane - Alex Fitzalan FC - 21 - College Senior/Aspiring Actor 
Still a #richbitch
Still has a booked gig w/ THE Thalia Nasri and is the younger half brother of Georgie Banks. Its a recent development but he’s kind of thriving
His parents just left and got divorced. Basically everything is the same he’s just still in college and younger
He and Eleanor just started dating too but it’s a lot newer and she only recently broke up w/ her Ex who’s a dick and wont leave carter alone 
Realistically only likes about a total of 3 people
Still a partier and that will perhaps lead to plenty of bad choices
will learn his lesson eventually..maybe
he still gonna get that degree tho!
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Ella Cooper - Crystal Reed FC - 31 - Cannabis bakery owner & skate park enthusiast 
still that bitch
gay af + stoner af
still bffs with cass #rideordie (will they end up married? let’s find out! lmao)
grew up in willow park but left for some years to ny and got her bachelors in english and political science/got her mba at NYU. 
she moved back to town a few months before anna killed her husband and has been home since. 
she still has her little doggies zeus & franky 
she opened Dazed & Confused Bakery last year after dreaming it up with Cass one night one their couch and with the help of her sister. They’re a smaller venue at the moment but very popular and always featuring a new special baked good. They’re a big fan of mixing munchie cravings and genuinely good food. 
On weekends they hold an open mic night and do a few more menus items that go along with the munchie theme. lots of grilled cheese, vegan and non. Big hit w/ the hipster and 55+ population. 
She’s been in therapy for two years now and doing a lot better after breaking off her engagement and leaving behind a fiancee in new york. She also ended an affair she was having with a married woman a few months ago
Shes been trying to get herself back on track and make less dumbass choices. 
Still the biggest flirt and making heart eyes at every woman who walks her way
she’s been working on building a skate park near the bakery but has been having issues with the zoning
in the meantime you can find her skating all over town/at the small skatepark that does currently exist. 
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Andy Asal - Alia Shawkat FC - 28 - Baker
Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them & occasionally He/Him
Cake Decorater/Baker @ Sinfully Sweet for the past five years
Originally from portland, moved to Willow Park for a new adventure/has loved the little family they’ve found
Bffs with Sofia Miller and has a lowkey (highkey) crush on her
general cinnamon roll/generally oblivious when someone is flirting w them
big on friendship 
also big on good food and staying in/not a big drinker or partier
still a proud member of grace ko’s book club 
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Grace Ko - Lucy Liu FC - 50 - Author & Professor of English & Women and Gender Studies
has been in willow park for seven years, originally from queens, NY
Has been divorced for a year and a half and has managed to find a civil co-parenting relationship ground w/ Alana
Hasnt told anyone that she and Alana have recently started to hook up but refuses to talk about it
Just finished their book tour for their now fourth NY times best selling book 
has a 8 year old, 14 year old and 17 year old
lives in a bigass house where they host a lot of dinner parties, they’re very involved in local government and their kids PTA board
They teach at the local university and also instructs a few online courses 
Has become someone a lot better with casual hook ups though they have a tough time not consistently offering to make someone a meal. 
still a surrogate parent to rebecca
a very proud aunt to annisa
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Hector Fuentes - Clayton Cardenas FC - 33 - Cartel Member/Mechanic
a willow park lifer
the biggest hypeman 
was born raised and will die in willow park and he has no issues w that
has an older sister and three younger brothers
u know the deal the fuentes fam be on that queen of the south shit
but a lot of their work is way outside of willow park
he still lives in an apartment by himself. 
he has two kids and both of them have different baby mamas. he doesnt have full custody but he he pays child support and gets most weekend with them. he has a son and a daughter. 
his son is name Angel (3) and his daughter is name Maribel (5)
He has a decent relationship with both baby mams but i imagine Maribel’s mom really loves being petty w/ him and Angel’s mother is more likely to try to seduce him every time they’re together
He lowkey thrives on the drama
and he LOVES being lil Theo Cooper’s godfather, he still is the best dad and just tries his damn best
lowkey emotional/hella protective/still checks up on anna every damn day
his day job is as a mechanic at the local auto body shop. he can mostly be seen getting around on his motorcycle.
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Levi McCoy - Jesse Lee Soffer FC - 30 - Willow Park PD Officer 
willow park native,big angel energy
younger brother of Chase McCoy
spends a lot of time at the barcade maintaining his pacman high score
was a volunteer firefighter for a long time and got his associates degree at willow park community college
only became a cop after his brother started to get into legal trouble
has no ambition to be a detective and enjoys cruising around in his patrol car 
he coaches a middle school basketball team of all genders and places on the police departments rec league though sometimes he wishes he was still playing with the firefighters 
lives in a cute lil apartment downtown, a pretty neat and clean guy, v focused on his health and just having a simple life
hes not at all curious about his biological parents and he’s just happy his brother is out and doing better, chase is basically his number one priority 
turns a blind eye to a lot of things, especially when it comes to the fuentes cartel
Ultimately he’s committed to keeping people safe but not to throwing people into prison just for the hell of it
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Kareem Salia - Kofi Siriboe FC - 21 - College Junior/Basketball Player
originally from new jersey
star basketball player at willow park university(which I have decided is division I lmfao) he’s a point guard
such a charmer and he knows it. he’s v flirty and somewhat cocky but he plays it off well
knows what he wants and goes for it
nothing will get in the way of his potential NBA career and he’s aiming to get drafted before graduation though his father has a few words about that
was raised by a single dad back in Newark and has an older brother who’s in the Marines
He’s been in Willow Park since he started school three years ago and is fairly well known around town, especially during basketball season
V committed to his work out routines (workout buddies wassup)
lives in an off campus apartment with a few of his teammates/tries to stay out of trouble but isn’t always successful 
bi bi bi
def has a few baes on campus and off
perhaps w someone slightly older?? 
hes a fun time and a hell of a talent
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Reagan Tucker - Lizzy Caplan FC - 35 - Stylist 
abortion tw
originally from westchester, NY
a mess of a human but boyy do i love her sm
has never gotten along w/ her parents. its as if they had a child just to have one not to actually raise one
so she grew up with a p rebellious crowd, never had great boyfriends or people in her life who actually gave her great love aside from her one best friend since childhood
went to college in NYC to study fashion/has always had an eye for fashion
as a kid she found her solace in large stacks of vogue and cosmo magazines, dreaming and studying, knowing one day she’d get to be a part of that world
it didnt happen as easily as she wanted to but it she eventually found her way into the industry
when she was a junior in college she found out she was pregnant with her then on and off’s boyfriends baby
he was p shitty about it and she ended up getting an abortion that she never talks about/still thinks about often 
shes the most non committal, she hates the idea of relationships mostly because she had no idea how to let herself be loved anymore
has left a lot of people in the dust
which is partly why she left ny and moved to willow park
she wanted a fresh start and already had a couple of high end clients. she still travels for work but shes found herself a nice af apartment in willow park that she feels is her safe haven. even if it mostly serves as a place for her to kick off her shoes and sleep before she gets up and goes out and makes more bad choices
never on time
borderline alcoholic but will never admit that
but i love her v much shes v near and dear to my heart 
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Simon Walker - Ryan Gosling FC - 36 - CEO of Sanders Corp. 
willow park native 
the oldest of two, his family has been in willow park since it’s founding. his father is a fairly prominent politician and currently serves as a US senator. 
Inherited the family company from his grandfather
They started out as a small ad company and grew into one of the biggest advertising conglomerates in the world (think modern day don draper and the plot of succession lmfao) now they’re a huge media company but focus a lot on ad revenue and represent some of the biggest companies around
one of those companies that kind of have their hand in everything
Simon has been a big part of making them more current an inclusive. made a lot of brows raise when he fired half of his board and brought in a ton of women, especially women of color and some of his old new york buddies to help him bring some diversity into the company
his father is a democratic senator but his grandfather is republican so thats where the split kind of forms 
his father is still a bit of an asshole though and wants simon to be in politics but simon refuses
his passion is art and always has been and he sometimes gets a little too involved with the graphic design aspect
he has a room at home where he paints and keeps all of his work, its really just a hobby now
has a 4 year old son that he adopted after an ex lover of his overdosed and left the baby with no family. his own family wasnt happy with his decision but he refused to let the kid go into the system
is generally friendly/likes to keep up a good image
is happiest at a baseball or basketball game or at home painting while his son naps 
loves to hold big ol barbecues in the summer and his family throws a huge 4th of July event every year
his face is on a lot of ads around town and he’s currently involved in helping his father’s re-election campaign 
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Shawn Pearson - Jacob Elordi FC - 20 - College Sophomore
originally from california
grew up in foster care/always caused a lot of trouble
lowkey genius which is how he got into willow park U with a full ride 
he’s definitely the broody/silent type
v rude and v bad at having healthy relationships
only really knows how to use people for what he wants
definitely will crumble to pieces once someone makes him face his feelings enough
definitely has the whole “i have no one” mentality 
excels in mathematics and really just wants to use his skills with numbers to go make big money so he can buy a house where no one will bother him
mostly goes to parties to hook up and find a bed to sleep in for the night 
spends most school breaks working, he’s a delivery boy and does some illegal bookeeping. anything to keep him fed and going. while his tuition is paid he doenst really have much going into his pocket 
hes based off an older chara of mine i just made him a lot younger and slightly more impressionable 
probably only has a couple people he counts as actual friends but generally likes to keep his distance, sure that everyone is out to get him
knows he has a brother he was separated from in the system but has never looked for him/barely remembers him since he was a newborn when their parents dropped them off in front of a firehouse. 
picked willow park because it had a good finance/accounting program and because he wanted to go anywhere that wasn’t california. 
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Viola Lancaster - Aly Michalka FC - 37 - District Attorney
originally from Northampton, MA - twin sister to Micah
(yes im a sucker who loves to make rosa’s dreams come true lmfao)
originally from chicago (go cubs!) but spent a substantial amount of time in NYC
Went to Smith College for undergrad and Harvard for Law School
a boss ass bitch
not one to be messed with and is v protective of her brother
she and micah lost their brother when they were teenagers, he was kidnapped and killed, it was a big national story. neither of them ever talk about it
very gay, shes my og lesbian character. so VERY near and dear to me 
has probably been in willow park for a couple of years and took the job as DA to really beef up her portfolio. doesnt really see herself settling down there but she likes it so far
can often be found at her office or at the bar having a glass of merlot
v active/always goes for morning runs and very big on yoga and meditation 
ugh i just love her ok lmfao 
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Devon Reynolds- Milo Ventimiglia - 40 - Construction Worker 
willow park native 
recently released from prison
unknowingly shawn’s older brother, he always knew he had a younger brother but a lot of the documentation is blacked out and he hasnt had the resources to find him until now
he was adopted when he was 6 by a fairly loving but very strict family 
was framed for murder that he didn’t commit
used to be willow parks start quarterback until he injured himself and got addicted to his pain meds
arrested at 20 and spent the next 20 years of his life in prison 
his adoptive parents basically turned their backs on him and have since moved out of willow park
So he was released and really started from zero. lived in a homeless shelter until he was able to save up enough for a shitty apartment in the shitty part of town
he just tries to make his curfew and not fuck up his parole
recovering addict and alcoholic
spends way too much time w his toxic ex
got a decent job as a construction worker but is always doing odd job/hard to find people who hire formerly incarcerated folks. 
just #doinghisbest 
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dykedteach · 5 years
okay so, a liveblog.
i know i haven’t done one of these in a while but it’s the last opportunity i had so, a pure as-i-watch-it liveblog for my own future enjoyment? horror? who knows
(also - last night i dreamt that jaime was still alive after all, and that he and brienne made up but then he poisoned sansa? anyway)
“I’ll find you later.” bitch........no
greyworm don’t you fucking dare babe
please don’t turn greyworm into a villain right at the end just to spite him i will be so mad
i’m so so nervous about tyrion walking through the rubble of the keep because if the twins are dead i absolutely do not want to see visual representation of the fact
the book of the kingsguards deeds im....asdjaskda
they’re going to make me see the fucking bodies aren’t they
okay that scene was so powerful and genuinely one of the saddest i’ve seen on the show and peter dinklage is incredible but i honestly struggled to watch it and i am crying A Lot
they, separately, have been two of my favourites since i started watching and this fucking hurts, i have honestly spent the last week kinda forgetting that they’re dead? and now it’s like. there they are.
also, jaime lannister clown club, my apologies, i so wanted to believe you
if tyrion does something like gives brienne his gold hand i s2g
i miss when jon used to look like he had life in him
 he’s going to have to kill greyworm isn’t he
maybe davos will, actually, he’s never had a big kill
ooooooooooooooh the cinematography of the dragon rising behind her
imagine a regent that actually had wings how cool would that be
repeating her promises to/from the dothraki from like s1 is...a Move
“the queens master of war” ohhhhhh fuck me
god he really does need to die doesn’t he
literally what is she going to do?? march on every fucking city and kill them all? HOW are they “suffering under the wheel” the monarchy is the wheel and you? killed it??
arya use a face
aRyA uSe A fAcE
despite the fact i’ve seen leaks saying otherwise i’m so worried tyrion is gonna die
“I freed my brother” god the regret in his voice im dying
why is jon just chilling
JON BEING A TENDER BIG BROTHER why wasn’t 80% of his screentime this season doing exactly this
i love this version of arya that’s serious but not cold
“did you bring any wine?” oh babe
oof the whole afterlife discussion
oh for fucks sake what is it with the lannister men and laying out their bad deeds at the worst time
jon and tyrion arguing is just the two different halves of twitter arguing all this week
“why does it matter what i do” because you’re a good boy, jon snow!!!
god the acting in this episode so far is phenomenal
am i going to cry every time my dumbass golden idiot is mentioned from now on? bitch i might!
is he REALLY a member of the nights watch anymore? do the nights watch exist anymore? there’s no fucking WALL
is he really gonna just be like.....byeeeeee!!
also, just his sisters?? there’s a bran also
i know we kinda forget about him (which will be hilarious by the end of this episode, if the spoilers i’ve seen are right) but
ooooh snowy dragon
shit, i forget, ashy dragon
god the score is gorgeous
she’s literally queen of the ashes, fuck
“i imagined a mountain of swords too high to climb” so, like, the book throne then
oh god my upset puppy
this is it oh fuck
oh god
oh i feel so sorry for emilia clarke
oh jon 
oh no drogon!! oh no
god that was quick
oh god when he’s nudging her body i’m so sad
why.....why the throne and not jon....
how does he know the throne is bad i’m?
god the VISUALS
but also....”mom died i’m DESTROYING the CHAIR” feels like a weird jump
god i fucking hate that her story ended like her father’s
we’re halfway through and no brienne, i’m disappointed
how many times now has tyrion had to contemplate his imminent death? bless him
ok so now she’s dead we can please let greyworm go safely to naath or something yeah? he doesn’t have to die or be evil this is fine just user him away
how the fuck did they get down to KL so quick
hold um im pausing and rewinding
sam, ?, edmure, starks, WIFE, davos, LORD GENDRY LOOKING FINE, ?, a nights watch i guess? MY LESBIAN, a dornish prince i guess? 
oh okay so obviously this is a little while later, and jon and tyrion have been imprisoned while they wait right?
god sansa looks stunning
edmure tully gets to do something! yay!
oh my god robin is huge now
“a veteran of two wars” where have you BEEN THOUGH BUDDY
“Uncle, please sit” GOD IMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
robin and royce trying not to laugh, sam trying not to laugh, sansa trying not to laugh, this is too much
oh fuck off the lot of you
“who then?” well, brienne obviously
make her queen
i want it
give her a crown of sapphires
“bran the broken” that seems....reductive?
“who has a better story than-” well, you see, lots of people.
“and he can’t father children” i mean, he absolutely probably can?
where’s pod, i miss him
i love my diplomatic daughter
bran being firm with greyworm i LOVE IT
he will be a good king, i agree with that. some emotion would be nice also.
oh god my poor baby 
“there’s still a nights watch?” MOOD
“no one is very happy.” also a mood
he truly is ned’s boy, isn’t he.
show him saying goodbye to his family you FUCKING COWARDS
he’s sailing for naath after all i’m!! emotional!
where the fuck does arya think she’s going
i hope she has like, a few years travelling and then comes back
oh god arya crying is just
i’m so emotional
oh fuck
oh no i hoped and predicted for this scene weeks ago and wanted it to be in better circumstances but
why isn’t she wearing her blue armour
i can’t count the number of times i’ve paused this scene already to just solidly cry
“Escaped imprisonment and rode south in an attempt to save the capital from destruction. Died protecting his Queen.”
brienne baby i’m so sorry
okay i’m going to distract myself by questioning how the fuck they rebuilt so quickly
fuckin bronn
oh wow i’m so down for bran occasionally warging during meetings and everyone else just being like.......um....excuse us...
“you’re master of grammar now too?” somewhere, in purgatory, a baratheon smiles.
i swear to god, if brienne’s last line is a comment about brothels
(at least she’s not pregnant)
my crack ship came out of this better than my hardcore otp
where’s GHOST
a king, a queen, an explorer, and a pariah.
god but i do love the starks
OH god arya’s ship is gorgeous
sansa’s crown is nice but a little too cersei reminiscent for me
i’m just happy tormund is here
okay so actually. overall. and maybe it’s because i saw the leaks for most stuff weeks ago and had time to process it.
i kind of.....enjoyed that for the most part?
certainly the second half.
anyway. that’s it.
fuck me.
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elizabethschoices · 7 years
The Freshman, Book 4, Chapter Four: My Thoughts
So like, why bring luggage in the place if you were just gonna leave the next day? Seriously, save the arm work and just grab a few clothes to wear to bed and then to get dressed in the next morning. I’m either efficient or lazy.
So we’re going to go to a club, and apparently we gotta get there early because it fills up fast. Chris says we just had lunch, but then James explains that it’s in Manhattan, which is two hours away, more with traffic. Which means we gotta go now.
Someone texted James, and he got all frowny-faced. Who is it? Is it Yasmin? Some other chick? MOFO WE JUST BROKE UP LIKE?!?!
It’s his friend Teddy (Let’s have a game on the Teddy Picker) and apparently ol’ boy is trying to make it big in comedy. He invited James to open mic night. Apparently James has to rain check for poor timing. And I’m sitting here like bruh, fuck the club let’s go have a laugh.
I’m up for some comedy. Aww, Chris mentioned Tyler. I miss him! He’s always been a sweetie and a good friend. I wonder how he and Abbie are? Hopefully the exact opposite of Zack and Brandon.
Yay, we’re gonna go see a show! I’d much rather go to stand-up than some stupid club that’ll be jam-packed with too many people.
By the time we get to Soho, it’s late afternoon and walking through the streets. Judging by how Zig and Zack (lmao alliteration buddies) are talking about how casually everyone is dressed, I sense a premium clothing option coming up. Yaaay.
So we get to the club and apparently it’s some kind of secret shit because James knocked and then a god damn eye slit opens up. They want a password.
Hello, The Freshman, allow me to introduce you to some bullshit trope we used in Rules of Engagement.
Whatever. Now we’re in the club and Teddy is on stage now. He was kinda hot until I lifted my iPad up a bit and actually looked at him.
Also, I don’t care what your joke is. If it ends with the punchline being ‘floundered’ then your joke isn’t fucking funny. Oh god is this guy gonna flop? Are we gonna have to act like we think he’s hilarious?
Apparently Teddy is actually pretty funny. I’ll believe it when I see it.
This game stresses me out sometimes. So we ditched a club for a comedy show and missed his show? Or did he finish it out and we got to see the rest? I’m lost and a detail-oriented person, Pixelberry.
Yeah, I’m not a fan of yours, Theodore.
So if we’re good friends of James, what is Teddy? Absolutely none of these options, that’s what. Whatever, I’m single so I’ll flirt. He’s *shudders* easy on the eyes.
Yeah, no, I take it back. He’s not hot and he’s damn sure not funny. His jokes are old and stale, and I can’t actually hear his delivery so it’s technically not applicable, but in my head that sucks too. He’s a god damned Amy Schumer.
I like him more when he’s not trying to be funny. We shake hands and then he squeezes into the booth. Together we all watch other stand-up artists perform, and then the emcee asks if anyone else wants to perform.
MC volunteers Zack (heh puns sort of whatever Tyler would appreciate it) who says he’s not that funny. I think he’s pretty humorous. Zig is probably funnier though, tbh. But Vasquez gets top marks.
(“Top marks for not tryin’!”)
Chris is such a Mary Sue, omg. Knock everyone’s socks off? Who says that? Ngl, probably me at some point.
God dammit MC I can’t be funny on command. I’m just a salty bitch. Oh fuck I brought the joke book no. This dumbass thinks a fucking joke book will woo the crowd who came for funny shit, not stupid, unoriginal stuff THAT SOMEBODY ELSE CAME UP WITH AND EVERYONE ELSE KNOWS. I hate my MC.
Ohh, roasting. My area.
I. Love. Zig.
The group is okay with it so we head onto the stage. Thank fuck she’s not gonna read out jokes from the book. I’d have deleted the app, s2g.
Yet implies we’ll be roasting ourselves. Well that’s no fun, having self-awareness. Breaks up her narrative without actually developing the character!
They say intelligent people have a hard time finding love. They say the same thing about assholes.
We’re gonna roast Zig because I’m sure there won’t be any ties to my failed relationship with James because that’d just be too hard.
Someone should pull MC off the stage because this is not funny at all. Ever noticed that when you try to do humor, you aren’t funny? But when you’re not, you can be hilarious?
Jfc so what you’re the Deborah of the group also what happens if you’ve named your MC Deborah? #NotAllDeborahs
I wear low-riding jeans, thank you very much.
Not funny, 0/10, thumbs down, DO. NOT. RECOMMEND.
Zack decides he’ll get on stage and I hope he’s actually funny. I don’t have high hopes. It’ll probably turn into a meltdown about Brandon and the single life.
Sad music and talk about being single already. Fucking A, man. Hopefully it perks up.
No audience would say 'tell me about it’ about this shit, you cannot fucking play me Pixelberry.
I gotta lay off Louis C.K.
Zack has probably from the minute we met him been all about Brandon. What does he actually like? Idfk. Outside of Brandon, who is he? His entire story arc seems to revolve around crushing on Brandon, being in a relationship with him, struggling with long-distance with him, and then finally missing him post-breakup. I’m ready for a change, Zack.
Also, I came for comedy, not for Slam Poetry.
I hate this book.
Can it end? Please?
Do I want to go to Club Fuse? No, I want the chapter to end.
Is Teddy seriously trying to give us tips? Or wanting to collaborate? Or an experienced guy wanting to get some tips from two people who don’t know the field? Idk anymore, man. This has turned into some Full House type shit.
MC spots a red pantsuit and lmao Hillary Clinton, 2k16. Kaitlyn is calling us now. Honestly, despite previously not liking her all that much because of Book 3, I’ve cooled off a bit. She’s pretty cool for the most part. And I think this book would be ten times better with her in it full-time. We’ll see what happens when we get to her.
Again, wtf was the point? We got her approval on the outfit that I’m not going to buy, big fucking whoop. No new information was presented. No drama bombs. Absolutely nothing to forward the story in any way. This is all just filler content. This is just a bullshit story for money and not for the sake of telling a god damned story. I’m legit considering not reading this book any longer. But I need diamonds, so I’ll do it anyway. Doesn’t mean I’ll waste my time reviewing it.
We’re sticking to our old clothes.
I’m ready for this chapter to be over. I’m not even trying anymore. Ugh.
We get to the club and flirt with Teddy a bit, he bullshits with Zack. Asks for roasting tips. Hm. I am pretty fucking good at it.
He leaves. Another pointless conversation. MC says he’s into Zack? Good god shoot me. Teddy was screaming 'fuck me MC’ but nooo, we’re gonna turn it on Zack because why the fuck not, not like my MC is single, right?
I hate, hate, hate this book.
It’s great 'cause he’s fucking friendly, idk.
Also, MC, fuck off. He’s heartbroken still about Brandon so stop pushing him to someone else. He needs to fucking heal and he can’t do that by just “moving on” all of a sudden.
Zack says Teddy is into us. Fucking obviously. And of course this moron is gonna say he’s into both. I truly hate my MC. The boys come back with drinks. Fucking give me twenty, I wanna die.
And now we get the 'Zig is bi’ drop which would be fine if we weren’t talking about Teddy who is not fucking hot.
MC wants to go dance. Fall down and get trampled then, bitch. Ugh. I am so salty right now. Sorrynotsorry.
I am not wasting diamonds on Teddy. Let someone else grab him, idgaf. And great, throw Zig at some one-off character instead of me, someone who is single and also the main character.
Zack starts panicking because there are too many people and didn’t he happily go mosh last book? Whatever. I’m happy we’re out because the club wasn’t our scene.
We eat hot dogs for dinner and chill out. We start singing. Someone throw us a dollar or something. Or shoot us. I’m open to all kinds of things.
End chapter. I’ll consider reviewing the next one tomorrow, since I’m a week behind it but also very much hate this book right now.
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