#i was shitting bricks the whole time jfc
heroswine · 2 years
i just watched tango’s latest episode of double life and oh my god he’s gone completely off the rails hasn’t he
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 years
i’m literally reading through this with my heart beating like crazy bc i know The Maze™️ is about to jump at me any time now. this is so funny like i’m a paragraph in sksks. anyways, back to reading–
THE WAY I YELLED AAAAAAAH HUGH AND KENNETH OH MY FUCKING GOD !!!!!!! GO AND GET SUMN !!! i feel like a love spell is just floating around this place goddamn why is everyone just in desperate need of a Lovin™️ sksksksk but pls Cherie immediately distracting Penelope like, she ain’t a snitch that’s for sure. now now, Who™️ is Anthony covering for?? it’s Elias & Cece isn’t it??? right when they disappeared to do the deed?? LMAO first thing in the job description as the best man: be on the lookout. but i feel like Elias won’t return the favour if ever Anthony and Cherie will one day sneak around before their marriage ksksksk
WHY. WAS. KENNETH. SHIRTLESS. THOUGH. Cherie out here asking the important questions LMAO. Hugh is also onto her with the kissing thing as well ksks i feel like he has an idea already but is just keeping it hush bc his dear friend is hurting. and pls, this moment is so sweet. Hugh feels so safe around Cherie like am so so sure he probably was Shitting Bricks™️ going up to her and expecting hard hitting questions but here she is asking if he was in love when Hugh and Kenneth just met. we love an open minded and non-judgmental queen <3 also, Cecily being the only one who knows...ugh my heart. he’s going to cry when he will walk her down the aisle. i am sure of it. “We’ll see.” HUGH X KENNETH ITS HAPPENING <3
“Elias was showing me around.” mm-hmm, indeed he was. he was NOT showing you around the house tho *wink* *wink* ksksks and now Lucie and Iona are missing. genuinely what are they putting in the water in this place???? is love always in the air at Stormview?
god she’s slowly starting to make up her mind about this adequate life partner thing. i mean, Lady Danbury being frank about Anthony’s feelings and my gooood it’s painful to watch Cherie deny it bc again, she’s made up her mind. and as we all know, she never listens to anyone. but OMG THANK YOU LADY DANBURY. her words about marrying another when you’re in love with someone else is just Chef’s Kiss™️ like, the whole marrying Pierre thing is genuinely a torture for her too and it’s quite sad that she’s either not seeing it or is simply accepting it.
oh my god here it comes and jfc i’m not there yet but i’m about to have a heart attack. .....omg that Cassandra of Troy parallel, about Cassandra not being believed by everyone....Cherie calling the statue mom...did Percival tell the sculpture to use Cassie as inspo?? my heart is aching. OMG HERE COMES ANTHONY AND NOW IT’S RAINING?!?!?!
.....okay, wait, after much consideration and yelling at the wind, i get where he’s coming from. he’s still an Idiot Premium™️ don’t get me wrong, but that moment with Lady Danbury where she saw someone over Cherie’s shoulder, that was Anthony wasn’t it? meaning, he heard everything Cherie said that, “It was a childish dream to hope that I would have a love marriage. Now I know I must have other expectations and I’m glad to say that I have a suitor in mind that fits those expectations.”
so what he said to her in The Maze™️ is basically a response to what she was saying. this is him saying he meets those expectations she’s “looking” for.
Cherie: “An adequate life partner. Someone I can build a life with and raise children with.”
Anthony: “I can provide better financial security for you than he can, and as a Viscountess you will have a permanent and influential standing in the ton.” // “...our children would have uncontested places in the ton and they would want for nothing.”
he is proving to her what he thought she wanted, something logical. that he can provide for her, that he can give her a stable life, children, fortune, etc. i feel like when he heard Cherie said “An adequate life partner.” Anthony is now trying to tell her that he is an adequate life partner and that he is a better adequate life partner than Pierre. when Cherie stated all those things, Anthony basically resulted to: now she wants a logical marriage? i can do logical too. because he’s getting so fucking desperate here. 
a few chapters back he thought Cherie was still marrying for love so when she said she loved him, that sparked Anthony’s hope that okay, i can fix this, i will court her properly, i will prove myself to her, i still have the chance. because she loves me and she said she wants to marry for love. BUT THEN when he HEARD (i really want to empathize that and i will explain it further in the next paragraph) Cherie said she is marrying Pierre bc he’s an adequate life partner a.k.a. a logical marriage, Anthony is scrambling because he doesn’t know what to do anymore. first she wanted love, now she wanted a business matrimony? i can do business. BUT the way he went about it is just....wrong bc he’s just failing to see what Cherie actually wants. bc she is being in denial to quote Penelope. so she’s now saying she’s marrying Pierre not for love but bc she basically thinks he’s a logical match. she saying that’s what she wants even tho she’s lying to everyone and herself. BUT Anthony is taking her words at face value even though she’s actually hiding what she truly feels.
this is why i’m not blaming everything on Anthony, bc let’s be real here, he can’t read minds. so he is only going about what he’s hearing from her. like these are words coming from Cherie herself. he’s going to believe her and take her words into account BUT how was he supposed to know that what her mouth is speaking is actually different to what’s going through her head? WE are seeing Cherie’s thought process, Anthony is not. his last braincell is already struggling as is, are we really going to expect him to dissect every little thing from Cherie’s facial expression and body language and figure it all out and find the truth all while she’s actively trying her best to hide her true feelings? this is why Communication Is Key™️ folks bc you can only assume what someone’s words mean and assumption is never 100% and these two haven’t had a Real & Honest Conversation™️ not even ONCE. their moments together, they aren’t exactly communicating, they’re just saying words and all are flying over each other’s heads. i mean, Cherie isn’t letting Anthony finish his sentences, Anthony is having a hard time understanding her because she’s saying one thing and then something else the next day but also wanting something else entirely. Cherie hasn’t even seen Anthony's side either, like she has yet to hear why he didn’t want love in the first place and why he came to that logic. and she has yet to hear about what Anthony said to Elias as to why Anthony didn’t go public with them at the start. and he was about to tell her that he doesn’t see her as a “shameful secret” but again, she didn’t let him speak.
BIG SIGH™️ i’m about to pull my hair out at this point. i’m just.....Frustrated™️ LMAO. bc they are BOTH sending mix signals to each other. Anthony is hearing what Cherie is saying but he isn’t seeing the truth (not that he can bc again, he can’t read minds) Cherie is hearing all this claims from everyone that Anthony loves her but she’s refusing to see the truth i.e. Lady Danbury saying she’s being blind.
i know everyone is going come at Anthony for this, and rightfully so, but Cherie isn’t exactly faultless here either. we have to take into account that Anthony isn’t a mind reader, that he is only taking in what he’s given which is Cherie’s own words. and my god the Communication™️ is as bad as it’s going to get. bc neither of them are giving the other the chance to lay it all the fuck out. neither of them are being honest with each other too!! i mean, hell, they’re not being honest with themselves. if Anthony had just been honest and told her he wants to marry her bc he loves her, it would’ve definitely made a difference. but if Cherie had just been honest with herself that she actually does NOT want an adequate partner only then maybe Anthony would not have tried to convince her that he is an adequate partner.
i feel like he was about to say he loves her, like, he was about to say it when she asked why, but then he panicked bc let’s not forget this is a man who swore off love, who was so convinced he would never have love for years. OF COURSE he’s going to be terrified to just say it especially when this is going to be his first time saying it to the person he loves out loud. idk about you guys but confessing powerful feelings to someone is fucking scary, and when that person is angry at you?? mortifying. but also, i feel like he remembered Cherie’s words about not wanting a love marriage anymore hence why she’s marrying Pierre. so Anthony thought, if that’s what she wants i can give her that too and decided last minute to take the business route instead which.....obviously was the wrong choice. Anthony sees Pierre as a competition, so he’s trying to one up him in every way. Anthony knew he was already in the lead when it comes to Cherie marrying for love bc Cherie loves him, not Pierre. BUT THEN when he heard Cherie is marrying Pierre purely out of business, Anthony tried to one up Pierre in that regard. he just failed to realised that him and Pierre weren’t even in a competition in the first place bc Cherie isn’t marrying Pierre for either love or business, she wants to marry Pierre bc she thinks it will not break her heart as much compared to being married to Anthony. honestly, THIS IS ALL JUST A DOMINO EFFECT OF ONE MISCOMMUNICATION TO ANOTHER.
okay, side note: what was Cece doing out awake at night?? someone is sneaking around aren’t they?????? anyways, now i am desperately hoping for Cecily to come through with this like please help this Idiot Premium™️ make sense of things. and help Cherie see the truth too. bc we all see it, everyone in Stormview sees it, the hedge maze sees it, the tstatue sees it, the fucking raindrops sees Anthony’s feelings for her. Lady Danbury has spelled those words about but she’s still refusing to see it. i am hoping we will know what Cece and Anthony is going to talk about in the extra scene, and i feel like once he tells Cece that he loves Cherie then she will definitely change her stance on this. also if she finds out Cherie’s plans of marrying Pierre??? and then Cece tells Elias??? oof. drama.
god this got a bit long sksksk but then again, my thesis has never been short. Dee, amazing as always, you have me yelling at my phone like a mad woman bc goddamn. that maze scene was definitely NOT what i expected to happen but it for sure was an amazing scene like my heart. is aching. i loved it and i’m also so frustrated bc ugh COMMUNICATE™️ i really want them to just sit and talk and have Cece moderate everything or like let them drink all the truth serum in the world so we can finally know peace sksksks
– TM Anon™️
Omg omg TM Anon hi love! ❤❤❤ Aaaaaa I’m so excited for this! 😍
Hugh and Kenneth yessss! ❤ Well it’s a wedding, the place is very romantic….😏
Oh it’s definitely Elias and Cece😂 Elias made him stand guard by the hallway so that no one would go in, and pulled the best man card and also he knows Anthony is trying to make amends and he’s using that to his advantage a lot 😂
 but i feel like Elias won’t return the favour if ever Anthony and Cherie will one day sneak around before their marriage Lolll nopeee😂 I actually think Elias would legit sabotage their “alone time” before AND after their wedding 😂
I think for Cherie, the most important question of all times is “Are you in love” and she doesn’t even care if they’ve just met 😂
is love always in the air at Stormview? It’s such a romantic place! ❤
She is! Like, she’s sure she’s going to marry Pierre and refuses to listen to anyone 💔 And Lady Danbury knows just how bad of an idea it is, and yet…💔
Cassandra of Troy parallel yes! 😍 I love including parallels in stories😍😏
This right here, this was exactly the reaction I was hoping to evoke during Anthony’s speech😂
that moment with Lady Danbury where she saw someone over Cherie’s shoulder, that was Anthony wasn’t it? OH YEAH😏
he is proving to her what he thought she wanted, something logical. that he can provide for her, that he can give her a stable life, children, fortune, etc. i feel like when he heard Cherie said “An adequate life partner.” Anthony is now trying to tell her that he is an adequate life partner and that he is a better adequate life partner than Pierre. when Cherie stated all those things, Anthony basically resulted to: now she wants a logical marriage? i can do logical too. because he’s getting so fucking desperate here.  THIS- THIS-
This analysis omg I’m screaming, this is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING?! 😍😍😍 Darliiiiing! 😱😍
Anthony is scrambling because he doesn’t know what to do anymore. first she wanted love, now she wanted a business matrimony? i can do business.  Exactly! ❤ Oh I have so many ideas about this❤
In my mind, Anthony is actually very used to getting what he wants❤ So far, it went like that for him, he never really had to talk about his feelings or do anything that got him out of his comfort zone, things just work for him ❤
Until Cherie showed up 😂
So his mind is actual chaos rn😂 He wanted her to marry him, and he was going to tell her he loved her, but then everything came crashing down, (not to mention Cherie was really angry at him like you said) so his mind directly went to like, “As an alternative, I can prove why I’d make a better husband logically, like she says she wants” ❤
Deep down he knew she wanted love, but when it came to talking about it, Anthony thought there was an alternative where he could just avoid talking about his feelings, and that thought was also encouraged by “she wants an adequate love partner” and then…
It all went down 😂
how was he supposed to know that what her mouth is speaking is actually different to what’s going through her head? WE are seeing Cherie’s thought process, Anthony is not. Yessss and it’s actively working against him!
these two haven’t had a Real & Honest Conversation™️ not even ONCE. their moments together, they aren’t exactly communicating, they’re just saying words and all are flying over each other’s heads. i mean, Cherie isn’t letting Anthony finish his sentences, Anthony is having a hard time understanding her because she’s saying one thing and then something else the next day but also wanting something else entirely. Oh this is such a good point!
They really need to have a real and honest conversation, exactly! ❤ Like, before they were both in a bubble, they were both “enamored” so they didn’t even think about it, they were so lost in the feeling❤ And now, it’s even more complicated, they’re both very hurt and clueless about what to do, so it’s even more difficult than before❤
Anthony is hearing what Cherie is saying but he isn’t seeing the truth (not that he can bc again, he can’t read minds) Cherie is hearing all this claims from everyone that Anthony loves her but she’s refusing to see the truth OH MY GOD-
This parallel, I haven’t even thought about it before! I’m like freaking out, you’re a genius darling! ❤❤❤
OF COURSE he’s going to be terrified to just say it especially when this is going to be his first time saying it to the person he loves out loud. idk about you guys but confessing powerful feelings to someone is fucking scary, and when that person is angry at you?? mortifying. but also, i feel like he remembered Cherie’s words about not wanting a love marriage anymore hence why she’s marrying Pierre. so Anthony thought, if that’s what she wants i can give her that too and decided last minute to take the business route instead which.....obviously was the wrong choice. DEFINITELY!
Like, he was trying to find a way without him having to open up his heart, and since she claims to want a business marriage…
He didn’t even see how bad it would backfire until Cherie started her own monologue💔
okay, side note: what was Cece doing out awake at night?? someone is sneaking around aren’t they??????
Oh Cece was coming back from Elias’s room😏😂 She was trying to sneak into her own room before she saw Cherie and Anthony ❤
You have no idea how much I love this darling, YOU’RE A GENIUS AND YOU’RE AMAZING AND ILYSM! ❤❤❤ THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUU! 😍😱❤❤❤
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firehousewithaview · 1 year
6x11 Reactions as I Watch
A collection of the disjointed thoughts I had about the episode as I watched it because I had to watch it over the course of a few hours instead of in one go
(under the cut because it got long)
The huddle omg
Buck making Daniel vaguely bitter is insane, I’m sure that means nothing
The Big Bear picture in Maddie’s living room ahhhhhhh
Jee into G
credit where it’s due, the Buckley parents came to the hospital this time.
Buck’s face the whole time Doug is talking is priceless
Why arent you married
buck has now been struck by 2 random acts of nature
Albert I am begging you to leave Chim alone
The rewritten history lesson thing makes sense but I hate it (post to follow)
had to pause to cry jfc that scene hurt, thanks Gavin. honorable mentions to Ryan and Aisha who were also great
on a lighter note, I will now picture all of buck’s problem solving process as if he has a mental Chim and Hen talking him
Mom brought 2  you brought 1 brb crying again
Peter Krauss has murdered me and I am thanking him
Buckleys still wont enter the room ugh
Because there was never a doubt in Buck’s mind that Hen and Chim would help him if he asked them. cool cool, I’m gonna be so normal about this
Oh man that hallway chase scene was not great for my brain but man did it do its job
Oh peter, turns out you will be killing me multiple times tonight, I’m so ready
Athena really said I will mom you back into consciousness and if Buck were any further in his process, it would have worked
The montage of memories ahhhhhhh
COLDPLAY Fix You how dare you
Chim <3
Oh. I have too many bitter feelings about the Buckley parents to be satisfied with that. I’m going to pretend he was speaking solely to the parents that could have been. Moving on.
I have a family... not the same one I have here, YES SIR YOU DO
Oh the buckleys entered the room finally. Just for what might have been the end. I’ll be back to look at symbolism later
Daniel being a manifestation of his self hatred who
OHHH we’re getting some Dr Jekyll Mr Hyde action, love that
Oliver, please play more villains, I’m begging you. for science
The way maddie doesn’t look surprised while his parents do, I am going to chew on a brick
2 pizzas lmao
hahaha yeah, lets talk about his traumas please. it will only take like a full season of just him
The doctor looks. so fucking done. like, seems very done with him already.
Once again I point out that the Buckleys? Not in the room. Even when random other guy was (who I want to know, please) Oh wait there’s 2 of them? tell me who you are please
Awwww they’re playing cards when he didn’t with his dream family (there’s a whole cant count in dreams thing that was big in Sterek that I’m co-opting here for personal reasons)
Bobby was different because his usual method of giving Buck advice and letting him decide was going to be too slow, this is my personal headcanon now
‘It’s better here’ where he actually gets to have the dad he chose and who chose him back
Mmmmmmm if Chim wants to fix things with his dad, fine. I will not be satisfied until they duke it out in some way shape or form. And I mean them, not Albert or Myung or anyone else. Them.
I have to give Kenneth Choi props, the realization look he gave us there makes me think there’s some interaction we didn’t get to see that was... important
awwwww, Jee calls him Pop Pop
‘she called me funny’ alright I can see them being related lol
I’ll take that. It wasn’t forgiveness, it was an open hand.
‘I’m getting you a couch’ no, you’ve been here like less than three minutes, please at least pretend you have respect for his boundaries
oh god they’re staying
awwwwwwwwwwww the birthmark kiss!!!1
But I’m putting my money on ‘it’s kinda nice’ turns into ‘please fucking leave’ really fast.
Personal issues with the directions the Buckleys seem to be going in, this episode was really good!!!!!!!!!!!
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phlipshea · 5 years
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some people dont even have bios and here i am doing a goddamn research paper what the fuck
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jerepars · 3 years
My QOTS 5x09 live reactions:
Oscar is in the “previously on”. Oscar x Jeresa team up?
SO MUCH Kote in the “previously on”. Whyyyyyy? We already had to sit through their episodes once, isn’t that enough?
James taking off that ski mask was somehow really hot
Is it bad if I want to skip through this suburbia Kote stuff and just get to the Jeresa team up lol
“Like the devil himself he lives in the shadows” uhhhhh that was a little…YA fiction-esque. Lol who wrote that line and are they serious.
If there were two very attractive people sitting across from me, dressed like yin and yang, promising me protection like that…I think I’d be very confused LOL
Konstantin Federov? Is Kostya like, a Russian hockey player? Did he play in Detroit with the Russian Five? I am howling.
again Devon leaves the room without being a blatantly obvious Jeresa shipper. Boooooooo.
suburbia suburbia why can’t we do away with ya?
what happened to don’t come out until I tell you to?! Do you understand the consequences of death or not?
oh good job just show the neighbors you guys have a fucking arsenal in your kitchen that’s not gonna be suspicious at all
“I am a soldado, I will never put my guard down” really REALLY we all know that’s not true this is how you guys got banished to Little Rock in the first place
“it was a big raccoon” Raccoons are adorable they look like little bandits leave them alone
Jeresa are sitting ~very close~!!!!
“in the DR” As in, in the Dominican Republic? Do people really say that? Sounds like I’m watching Big Brother and they’re talking about the Diary Room LOL
Wait what Teresa is doing coke right as James leaves the room? What if he forgot something and comes back??? Does he know? Has this just been accepted by him? This is never going to be addressed, is it?
Ooh, theory time. Is the coke...not coke? Is it something else and Teresa has been building up a tolerance to it so she can appear dead?
“I know you want things to go back to normal” BACK to normal? When were things normal? Why does half the episode have to be spent on these two?
“I don’t want to live like this anymore” You…you...WHAT? Why did you join a drug cartel? You BEGGED back in with them. Proved yourself. Worked too hard, isn’t that what you said? What did you think it was going to be like?
Do we, the audience, have to suffer through the garage sale, too?
Yeah snoop through your neighbor’s mail when the whole neighborhood is around THAT’S NOT SUSPICIOUS AT ALL
oh it’s his little girl’s team now we have to suffer through Pote’s redemption for his misogynist sexist comments from earlier in the season
Yo, why are we only meeting Domingo now? I like this guy. He’s fun. Plus he’s got cool piercings.
aaaaand he’s dead.
Oh, okay, not dead. But injured.
omg is KA going to tell Pote to go back to Teresa where he’s happy because she doesn’t want his spirit to die? If so, I think I might want to die.
I don’t need another tender Kote moment JFC MAKE IT STOP
“You wouldn’t let me do it, so why should I let you?” Dead. Dead. DEAAAADDDDD. 😭😭😭
I love you. SAME. (I still wish T had said it first)
So no conversation. Just straight to the sex? Okay. I guess we’ll roll with it.
The way he pauses to tuck her hair away from her face and looks at her all starry-eyed when she’s on top of him. Dead. Dead. Dead dead dead.
And then they SMILE. Can you be more dead than dead? I think that’s where I’m at. 👻
Sidenote: I don’t think we’ve ever seen this much of J’s tattoos up close. This is glorious. Lol yeah because there’s sex happening and I’m looking at the details of the tattoos hahaha
The hand on the thigh to end it before the camera pans and then fade to black. That’s great. I will accept it.
She’s touching his arm in the morning after scene. There is SUNLIGHT. This is the best lit Jeresa scene of this show’s existence, lol. Holy shit.
When does she tell him she loves him? This is obviously setting us up for a goodbye.
LOLOLOLOL James is talking about weapons and making sure she’s well equipped and she’s giving him heart eyes instead sooo is she about to say it?
SHE SAID IT!!!!!!!!!
Jeresa making out. Jeresa getting it on. Jeresa kissing after a love confession. In one episode. ❤️ 🥰 🎊 💞 💓 😘 🎇 🔥 Bask in the glory. Savor it. Let’s all enjoy this and rewatch and reblog gifs etc etc etc because it’s all we’re ever going to get. 🎁
“She’s not going in without us.” “I’ll go.” OoOoOoOo this is all part of the plan isn’t it?
But when did you have time to plan this when you spent all night making out and having sex. You must have been spent. Did you multitask in bed? 😂
Scared Puppy James :( :( :(
Wait. WAIT. This is very plot holey. Kostya didn’t know anything about Teresa’s business? He’s apparently the biggest bad-ass there is and he didn’t even vet her? He just let Oksana handle it? WHATTTTTTT
The tequila isn’t poisoned. She put something on the shot glass, probably? That’s why they had Chicho talk about how Oksana was killed at the beginning. Right?
So Kostya has been elusive all season. Fucked everything up. And he dies as soon as he meets her? WHAT. Just like that. This is so deflating.
Uhhhh, listen, I get it, Teresa is obviously gonna make it out of here. But why have Kostya’s guys not shot her in the head yet? This is very unrealistic. They wouldn’t hesitate. She would be on the ground in a second.
I wish Pote had died. A final sacrifice for his family. That would have been his redemption. And I’m not apologizing for anything I just said. Full offense. Not sorry.
“You had enough on your plate.” Are you KIDDING ME? Yo WHO THE FUCK DOES CHICHO THINK HE IS? Making decisions for the boss? That’s not…that wouldn’t happen, helpful or not. Teresa would kill HIM. Know your place. Wow how nice of the writers to screw Chicho up.
“I’m only legit until Devon decides I’m not” So…okay. Jeresa have definitely talked about Devon and made the sniper plan now, right? If she’s saying this?
“Can you shut down operations in New Orleans and meet us when you’re done?” “Of course.” That’s the goodbye, isn’t it? We’re still on track for the sniper plan?
“When everything’s settled I’ll send for you.” Uh. Maybe KA is safer in Little Rock. But you’re gonna leave her out in the wind for an indefinite amount of time? OKAY.
“He may not be as nice” LOL
Omg this is like the most continuous dialogue James has had all season and it’s wasted on DEVON
Personally not a fan of this very predictable James-was-still-under-Devon’s-wing-the-whole-time because I think it’s lazy writing. Very lazy. BUT I bet in James’ mind, he’s for sure been pretending and this whole time whenever he’s been sitting boo-boo faced in the corner moping, he’s been planning out how to tell Teresa and going over the plan of how she’s going to “die” and they’re going to disappear. So he could tell her and they could execute it perfectly when the right time presented itself. Right? And that’s all going to be shoved into like the last few minutes of the finale, isn’t it?
Ah okay so sniper James is going to shoot Teresa through the window to make Devon think he followed orders. They WERE multitasking in bed. 😂😂
I knew it. I fucking knew it. It’s exactly the ending to this episode we all expected.
Finale preview: soooooooo Teresa is barely in it because she’s “dead” and we have to watch Pote carry out her “wishes” for most of it until it’s safe for her to come alive again? COME ON.
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Toilet-bound Hanako-kun Chapter 21: The Tea Party (Part 1)
Previously: we went on a very stressful and very emotional trip. We finally learned Hanako’s brother’s name: Tsukasa and he continued to unsettled me like he does every single time he appears. Mitsuba actually passed away, this time for good, it seemed and it made me tear up a bit ngl. After that, the chapter decided I hadn’t suffered enough so it punched me while I was down and showed us how Hanako feels about the existence of the dead as ghosts in general and how that reflects in his own sense of self. We also got another glimpse of the mermaid and she said some real ominous shit :)))) if anything happens to Nene istg :)))))) Sigh And last but not least, Natsuhiko went to see Nene at her classroom and I’m,,,,concerned,,,,
Now onto the next chapter!
Personal update for the 50 (holy shit?) of you that still follow this blog: Well…..hi there, it’s been a while ^^;; Looking back on it, quarantine really hit me like a bag of bricks and burned me out. It’s not the first time that has happened, and what it means to me is that I just can’t bring myself to consume new content; I might have loved it so far but my brain is like “nope, we’re not doing that today” and well, this time it happened for almost two months. Also, one of my cats went missing for a little over a week (he’s home now, thankfully) and that just added to the general distress I was feeling. But over the last week I actually wrote small fics for another fandom and it finally pushed me back into a creative state, so I went back to re-read the last couple of recaps I did for JSHK and it made me realise that I miss my babies and I really want to know where the story goes, so here I am c:
Ohhhh that’s right, we’re starting a new volume with this chapter! Our main trio is front and center and judging by the colorful pastries and the tea, it is a reference to the tea party that was alluded to in the preview of the last chapter. Also, I see the ropes are back again, but this time Kou also has some around him! Nene and Hanako seem to be tied together with pink, blue and yellow ropes, Nene and Kou seem to be tied together with an orange rope and both Hanako and Kou seem to have another rope each that it’s not connected to neither Nene nor each other. Hanako’s is red and considering the way in which we’ve seen him tied up before, I would guess this represents his connection to Tsukasa. Kou’s is pink and considering everything that just happened, could his rope represent his connection with Mitsuba? Like, I know he’s dead dead now and their actual friendship was short-lived but I would also like to think that even though he’s gone, his memory will live forever with Kou, hence the rope. But I’m speculating and I already went on a long enough tangent for the cover page so let’s move on.
The next color page has the main trio again as the central focus in what seems to be the inside of a place that has a clockwork-like mechanism. On the corners of the page we have who I assume will be important character during the following arc(s): Aoi, Akane, Yamabuki and Teru (the latter one worries me slightly ngl). 
Ohhhh okay, the content page says that one of the arcs is called “the three clock keepers” so the art on that page now makes more sense.
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……….I really don’t trust him hhhhh please be careful, Nene, please don’t let your weakness for pretty boys cloud your judgement.
Ohhh it could be because of Nene’s dress and the bunny ears (and the twins) but the title page gives me strong Alice in Wonderland vibes. It’s a cute picture but Tsukasa is there and Nene is tearing up so I’m,,,concerned 
Okay so Nene followed Natsuhiko outside and 
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Are you reciting her your dating profile or something? also “call me Natsuhiko-senpai ♡” omfg he’s one of those, huh? Like, it could all be an act but he’s looking less and less threatening by the minute lol
Nene, bless her, has the common sense of asking him why he wanted to talk to her all of the sudden and he says it’s because “someone wants to meet her”. Gee, I wonder who that could be :)))))
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…………….oh, oh no. Nene, sweetie, I need you to run and to run fast because this boy is up to no good and you’re not gonna  like what’s gonna happen. (Edit note: also this brings up a question: how did the chaotic trio know that Nene turns into a fish when she touches water? Like, I know they had been keeping tracks on her and Hanako for some time, so maybe they found out that way? Oh, maybe they use the Mokke? Because the Mokke were there in Yako’s boundary when Hanako pushed Nene down the waterfall)
Hhhhhhh and to the surprise of no one, there’s Tsukasa here to make Nene’s day more difficult.
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asdasgdjash please do not make my daughter share the same fate as the puffer fish, she doesn’t deserve it (゚д゚;) (゚д゚;)
Nene fainted (can’t say I blame her jfc) and now she’s waking up in what seems to be the tea party and the floor is wet! so she thinks she could be on another boundary. Interesting, I wonder which number would this one be? Because the boundaries are assigned to the seven mysteries, right? So one of them should be in control of this place. Could Tsukasa be in control of this one? But that wouldn’t make much sense because he managed to get his “physical” form only recently, right? However, Hanako also spoke of a traitor that was changing rumors and we know that these three are responsible, so if they’re not the owners of the boundary maybe they somehow managed to manipulate the mystery that does control it? Oooor it could also be that there’s another boundary that managed to go under the radar and in turn the other mysteries don’t know about it.
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sjdgjjasd she’s so done with them lol I know I call them the chaotic trio but it’s really the chaotic duo + Sakura. I’m so curious about how this whole *gestures wildly towards them* arrangement came to be.
Ohhhh this great! So Sakura got everything under control and from her introduction to Nene we now know that she’s a third year and we have confirmation that she became Tsukasa’s assistant in the same way that Nene did, in exchange for a wish. B U T, again, that brings up even more questions because Tsukasa said that while Amane granted the wishes of the living, he granted the wishes of the dead. So like (⚆.⚆) what’s up with that?? Is she an exception? Is she dead? Another supernatural? Or, maybe, even though it should be impossible considering what we know so far, could her wish have something to do with her being ‘alive’ in the school right now? Mhmmmm…...suspicious.
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Okay but like, I actually really want to know how he fits in all of this because okay, Sakura and Tsukasa are linked together by the wish she made, but why is Natsuhiko here? Who is he? How did he end up working with these two?  He seems silly and completely whipped for Sakura, so maybe they knew each other before she made her “contract” with Tsukasa?  Hhhhh idk let’s keep reading.
Sakura says that she wanted to meet Nene because they’re in similar positions and she thought they could be good friends. And like, that’s a fair point…...but I don’t trust like that, no sir. Even if she didn’t want the boys to be so rough when they brought Nene here, the fact remains that they still kidnapped her so if this was just a friendly meeting, why would they need to do it in such a convoluted way?
Okay good, Nene is suspicious because of their methods and the amount of knowledge they have about her.
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………………...sigh, I shouldn’t be surprised but bby no please don’t trust them so easily. She’s venting to Sakura about Hanako’s unpredictable behaviour and Sakura says that she can empathize with most of her struggles while Tsukasa is sitting on top of her shoulders and wrapping his arms and legs around here…...I can definitely see why she said he was cat-like because my cats do things like that when I’m sit down to write at my desk. But again, I know he’s technically a kid but I really need him to stop acting so cute because it unsettles me a lot.
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Even he can see the romantic chemistry between those two. Well, thinking about it, that’s probably why they dragged her here, because she’s important to Hanako.
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(;;⚆.⚆) NOPE, no, no thank you, I need you to back tf up please jfc
Nene snaps out of it and realizes that she let herself be drawn in by girl talk. She thankfully knows it was a stupid thing to do but she was just relieved and happy to have found someone who seems to understand what she’s going through, so I’ll cut her some slack. And she mentions that they don’t look like bad people but like I did, if they had innocent intentions, they wouldn’t have had to bring her by force.
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………………...I feel like I’ve mentioned this before but I really hate it when either of them does this fucking face, it’s so creepy >n< also, Nene, sweetie, once again I’m asking you to run, run far and don’t look back because that look doesn’t spell anything good, especially paired with Sakura’s scared/resinged look (which makes me think that maybe her own intentions had been more innocent that I had originally given her credit for)
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Hmmm. This is concerning; like, yes, Nene has to help Hanako with whatever he needs as his assistant as part of their deal and he does threaten to turn her into a fish when she pouts but I never got the feeling that it was malicious. On the other hand, Sakura’s wording (especially calling Tsukasa “Master” and saying she “can’t” disobey) and the look Tsukasa gave her make it seem like her punishment for not following his orders would be much more severe. hhhhh I really don’t like where this is going
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“We’re gonna have you disappear now” okay so, yeah, he’s doing this specifically to upset his brother. the room is fucking sinking though and omfg what even is this room?? is it really a boundary? Since this happened at this very moment, it looks like they do control it so my questions from before remain, the biggest one being “how”. Also I’ve just noticed that the eyes all over the place are very similar to the ones in the broadcasting room and now this tells me that those weren’t an artistic choice and that is terrifying.
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…………………..excuse me, w h a t??? why? hello??? “she’s like this sometimes” ????? Sakura what???? I have….so many questions, the main one being why do you let her treat you like this??
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……………………………………...oh…..y’know, I hate the term simp with a passion because I feel like it’s been memed to death but wow.
Hhhhhhhh it looks like she can’t stop sinking and that (and the fucking eyes) tell me that this is not normal water (since she would have turned into a fish already). She’s yelling out for Hanako and that’s how the chapter ends. I’m still :)))))) concerned :))))))))
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merinnan · 4 years
We start episode 5 with the Xiaoge Rescue Count at 6 for Wu Xie, and 7 total.
- Pangzi just sitting there eating while they go to dig an evil bug out of A-Ning 
- A-Ning is luckier than Pan Zi, though, having it in her leg rather than in her gut 
- Should I consider this part of the Xiaoge Rescue Count? Technically he is saving A-Ning here, but does she count?
- Fuck it. There's now 3 Xiaoge Rescue Count categories: Wu Xie, the protagonists as a whole, and everyone 
- So the count is now 6 for Wu Xie, 7 for the protagonists, and 8 for everyone 
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- That was a relatively painless bug removal. Probably helped that A-Ning was unconscious 
  - That's a large hole left in her thigh. Speaking from experience, standing & walking are not going to be fun for her for a LONG time. 
- But this is a cdrama, so she'll be fine within an ep or two 
- lol, I've never seen an unconscious person with this level of muscle control
- Wu Xie, you don't just wrap a bandage around a wound like that! Dress it first! 
- But, again, it's a TV show, so a bandage will be fine 
- LOL, yes, shhhh, Pangzi. Shhhh. 
 - Pan Zi's looking a lot better this ep 
- ...what's wrong, Wu Xie?
- Aaaand he just passed out. 
- Xiaoge actually looks mildly disturbed. I think this is the second most amount of emotion we've seen from him so far 
- That looks like a nasty bite 
- Oh, we're just gonna...feed him blood. That's what we're going. 
- And it woke him up
- Okay, so Xiaoge Rescue Count is now 7 for Wu Xie, 8 for the protagonists, and 9 for everyone 
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- Fortunately, Xiaoge hasn't lost as much blood as he did last time he used it for magic rescue purposes. Last thing they'd want is a comatose Xiaoge down here
- Everyone is just so chill whenever Xiaoge does weird stuff, it's great 
- Aaah, I was wondering how he'd been bitten, since I didn't remember a bug biting him. I forgot that A-Ning did 
- That's some odd poison if it got into her saliva just because she had a bug in her leg
- GDI Pangzi 
 - Of course the cure is in the tomb, and of course Xiaoge knows about it 
- LOL, there's a vaccine against the poison gas 
- Oooh, I was wondering when the dudes in the trees were gonna make their move. Poor Wu Xie's friend. He really would have been safer in the tomb, huh
- Hahah, why are the bad guys treating Wu Xie like the leader when he's just a uni student? 
- Ooh, who did that? 
 - Oh, Wu Xie's friend. Good boy. I mean, it was dumb, but brave. Now they can't use you against your friends. 
- Poor Wu Xie is so woozy he's not sure what happened
- Yeah, figured it was some more of A-Ning's friends 
- Get out before nightfall. Isn't that what Xiaoge said, too? 
- Yeah, abandoned in a forest at night doesn't sound like fun
- She should NOT be walking that well, although at least it is showing her limping and in pain instead of just okay 
- God, Pangzi, that was a dick move 
- And that was even more of one 
- Wow. I...don't really like this Pangzi. Those things he just did were actively cruel, even if she is an antagonist
- It's blocked? Yeah, ya think? 
- Oh, STFU Pangzi 
- Pan Zi looking at him like "I really regret not shooting you properly when I had the chance" 
- Xiaoge doing this "stab fingers STRAIGHT INTO MORTAR and remove the brick" trick again 
- The look on Pangzi's face is pure gold
- Had to pause watching for a sec to think about why I'm so mad at this Pangzi and more forgiving of Liu Sang in Chongqi. I think it's because Liu Sang intended to pull a prank. A mean prank, but he lacked the experience to understand that it was actively harmful and dangerous. It went wrong, and then he freaked because of that lack of experience and didn't know what to do/say until Xiaoge pushed him. And then he tried to help make up for it. Whereas this Pangzi did things that he knew would cause real physical pain to A-Ning and potentially worsen her injury just because he doesn't like her, and he doesn't seem to care or even give that a second thought, let alone look like he's going to apologise or try to make up for it. 
- OK, mini-rant over, back to the episode.
- Gratuitous Xiaoge side-profile pic just because
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- And now Pangzi is gonna embarrass himself by trying & failing to be Xiaoge 
- Okay, I gotta stop to look up his name. I can't keep calling him Wu Xie's friend all the time
- High Shao. There we go
- High Shao is a good kid 
- A-Ning's eyeroll at Pangzi is my entire mood with his antics right now 
- Eyeroll from Wu Xie 
- Can't see Pan Zi's face, but his whole posture is basically an eye roll 
- Oh. Well. Huh. I did not expect Pangzi to actually manage to break the wall
- Judging by everyone's expressions, no-one else did, either 
- Oooh, something bad must be coming, Xiaoge is going on guard 
- Yep. Zombie dude is on his way 
- Yes, send the woman with the serious leg injury to go crawling through a tiny cave tunnel first. Brilliant idea, Wu Xie
- OK, I should stop being so hard on bb!Wu Xie, this is his first time in a tomb after all 
- Y'know, guys, I really think it would have been a better idea to let Pan Zi go before Pangzi, given that he's also injured and all. Get your most injured people to safety first.
- How the fuck is that zombie deflecting Xiaoge's sword with his HAND?! 
- Oh, NICE, Xiaoge! 
- I am very disappointed that I could not get a good screencap of that awesome, smooth, and effortless slide he did through the tunnel
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- Things I discovered when I went to YouTube to see if I could get a good screencap of it by slowing down the playback (which I can't do on Viki) 
- the eps on YT and the eps on Viki are edited differently. I'm gonna have to watch this again on YT once I'm done with the Viki one
- At a guess, the YT ones have a bunch of stuff cut, because where I'm up to in ep 5 on Viki is in ep 4 on YT 
- Wow, I'm going on a lot of tangents tonight. OK, back to the ep.
- Xiaoge holding the zombie at swordpoint until it gives up and backs away 
- So these zombies have some intelligence 
- ngl, though, if I was on my hands and knees in front of a hot guy holding a sword on me, backing away would be like the last thing I would be doing
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- Why the fuck is there a giant, chained up tree deep in the middle of an underground tomb? 
- And ivy all over the cave walls? 
- I'm glad you're just as confused as I am, Pan Zi
- OK, some sunlight is getting in, since there are two bodies laying in a conveniently positioned sunbeam 
- Sure, what the fuck are you gonna do to him, Pangzi? He's dead. He doesn't care. 
- Unless he's another zombie who's gonna rise from the grave, but still don't think he cares
- Yes, Pangzi, tomb robbers don't end well 
- Love Wu Xie's cute suspicious face 
- Lucky grab there 
- Oh, there you are, Sanshu 
- Do all the tunnels in this place empty out at this tree? 
- LOL, I love that Sanshu immediately doesn't take any of Pangzi's shit
- That was a bad place to faint 
- Good thing Xiaoge is right there! 
- Xiaoge Rescue Count: 8 for Wu Xie, 9 for the protagonists, 10 for everyone 
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- I love how often Wu Xie is the damsel in distress
- Don't worry, Sanshu, Xiaoge will definitely look after his future bf
- Looks like Pangzi is about to fall. Again 
- Pangzi, if you had HELD ON to that vine, it wouldn't have been as bad 
- Wait for him to realise he's laying between two corpses in 3, 2, 1... 
- Uh...I hope they're just stuck to him and not actually sitting up under their own power
- These are remarkably well-preserved corpses 
- THERE'S that realisation 
- And there's the freakout 
 - They did get just get caught 
- They're not gonna have kids, Pangzi, they're dead 
- Pangzi, what are you doing? Leave the corpses alone now
- Wake them? I don't like the sound of that, Sanshu 
- Also, how do you know that? 
- Cute pingxie shots just because 
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- In her mouth? 
- Oh, a key, thank goodness. I thought it was gonna be an evil bug 
- Pangzi, stop appraising her necklace, didn't you say you're not a tomb robber? 
- There's fucking what now? 
- HOW?! 
- Hahah, well that certainly stopped Pangzi from checking out the valuables on her 
- JFC 
- That got Xiaoge's attention 
- Oooh, he's noticed something in the tree 
- Sorry not sorry for more gratuitous Xiaoge shots
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- That's a pretty looking key 
- ...and now her corpse is undergoing rapid decay? How the fuck was the key preventing the corpse from decaying? 
- That explanation makes no logical sense, Sanshu 
- Maybe that box the other corpse is holding, Wu Xie? 
- Pangzi thought of that, too
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- What were those flashes? Were those just for the viewer, or was one of the characters getting them? 
- That seemed to be the unnaturally bright green-eyed man from the opening credits 
- Leave the sword alone, Pangzi 
- Although I do understand the desire to pick it up
- Uh...what 
- No shadow is NEVER a good thing 
- WTF? 
- Sanshu, I never wanna play poker with you 
- This doppelganger has done a damn good job of acting like Pangzi this whole time 
- When did it replace him? 
- Maybe it was the doppelganger who was so cruel to A-Ning? We'll see.
- That's a very solid ghost 
- And that's kinda creepy 
- Uh...isn't she already dead? 
- Sanshu just going straight for the tackle 
- Clever boy, Wu Xie 
- Though, Xiaoge, where were you? Were you just gonna let Pangzi strangle Sanshu, or did you figure Sanshu had it handled?
- (he did not have it handled) 
- (pretty sure if that had been Wu Xie you'd've jumped in the moment Pangzi's hands went around his throat, if not before) 
- *sigh* Pangzi, pls 
- The Green Eyed Fox? 
- Was that the dude in the fox mask? 
- Probably (also?) the opening credits guy
- How the fuck has it taken me 3 hours to get through half an ep? 
- Oh yeah, I keep going off on tangents and pausing to take pretty screenshots of Xiaoge 
- So we're doing fox demons, are we? 
- Don't touch anything. Yeah, like that sword you had casually slung over your shoulder.
- Storytime! 
- Suuure, Pangzi 
- Xiaoge really seems to know everything 
- Don't rattle it, Wu Xie 
- Oh, that interested A-Ning 
- I wonder if this is the thing that's supposed to cure Wu Xie 
- Sanshu thinks it's a bad idea, but doesn't want anyone other than Wu Xie to know
- Or, more to the point, doesn't want Pangzi and A-Ning to know 
- Good excuse, Wu Xie 
- I wonder if Pangzi is still supposed to be a doppelganger, or if that was part of the hallucination 
- Yeah, suuure you're not going to steal relics, Liu Tai
- Have they set up a new camp at the digsite, or did they take Chengcheng and High Shao back to their original camp? 
- I think he does legit want A-Ning to be ok, though 
- Looks like I was right, all the tunnels lead to the tree 
- Which means I expect zombie guy to show up any minute
- Don't think A-Ning will be happy they kept what happened to her friend from her when that happens 
- Xiaoge back into 'something is coming' mode 
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- Oh, how was that for timing? Less than a minute after I said it, zombie dude is on his way 
  - And it goes straight for Pangzi 
- Maybe he knew Pangzi was a dick to his friend 
- GDI A-Ning 
- That's a strong zombie 
- Xiaoge Rescue Count: 8 for Wu Xie, 10 for the protagonists, 11 for everyone
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- Yes, Pangzi, Xiaoge IS amazing
- lol, Pangzi making so much noise cheering for Xiaoge that he got the zombie's attention back 
- Xiaoge Rescue Count: 8 for Wu Xie, 11 for the protagonists, 12 for everyone
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- This is apparently the Xiaoge Rescues EVERYONE ep 
- I'm not surprised you fell, A-Ning, with that wound
- That was a heavy fall. Ouch 
- Come on, A-Ning, you seemed more level headed than this so far 
- And the zombie knocks away the easier/closer target, Wu Xie, to target A-Ning 
- Wonder if there's a reason for it, or just dramatics
- And then he stops trying to bite her to kick her away & go back to fighting Xiaoge? 
- Those are some very nice moves from Xiaoge 
- And now the zombie is...launching himself at Wu Xie and the others? 
- Wu Xie being the hero and pushing everyone else out the way
- Pangzi to the rescue? 
- No - A-Ning!
- Poor A-Ning 
- Oh yeah, better pull Pangzi out the tree 
- Zombie spitting up blood as he's dying 
- No, Pangzi, he's not gonna be fine. A-Ning shot him like 4 or 5 times in the chest 
- Aaah, zombie is lucid now
- Wu Xie ain't doing too good right now 
- Those are some nasty bruises. Caused by the poison gas/blood, I'm guessing 
- WTF made you think drinking the water in a tomb chamber was a good idea? 
- Xiaoge's shown emotion a total of 3 times in 5 eps, and 2 of those have been worry for Wu Xie
- Whatcha looking for, Xiaoge? 
- Huh, no-one even thought to look under there, just assumed the box was all that was interesting 
- Kirin blood?!  
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- And how did A-Ning know what it was, esp from that distance? 
- Pan Zi, you are like the second most badass person here next to Xiaoge
- Also, I am no longer feeling sorry for A-Ning 
- You owe these people your life, A-Ning, and this is how you repay them? 
- Xiaoge isn't too impressed. After all Pan Zi ain't Wu Xie 
- Oh, that seems like a fair deal. 
- I am pleased with the amount of Xiaoge in this ep
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- Xiaoge Rescue Count: 9 for Wu Xie, 12 for the protagonists, 13 for everyone
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- Not gonna count his offer to A-Ning as a rescue, since he didn't bother waiting to see if she'd accept before he went ahead and saved his future bf 
- This is the softest I've seen him look all show
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- Pan Zi is much nicer than I would have been. I would have probably punched her 
- Then again, they've made a fuss a few times about treating her differently because she's a woman, ugh
- Hahah, Xiaoge just getting up and walking off without any explanation for poor Wu Xie
- Wu Xie seemed so concerned, like he thought he'd done something wrong 
- Then all worried, aww 
- Hahah, Xiaoge not even gonna wait for A-Ning, just gonna go find her guys all by himself 
- Several *thousand*? No wonder Wu Xie's gagging
- Oh, eating super old kirin blood is what made Xiaoge's blood magical? Does that mean Wu Xie's blood is also magic now? 
- Just Chengcheng in danger, Sanshu? What about High Shao? 
- What about climbing the tree? 
 - Sanshu saying exactly what I just did
- There's sunlight already coming through, will you even need to dig a hole? That sunbeam on the corpses was pretty big 
- Pan Zi like "of course I can climb all the way up there with a hole in my gut and several other injuries"
- Of course Wu Xie is gonna worry about A-Ning getting out as well. He wouldn't be Wu Xie if he didn't 
- Wu Xie is such a nice boy 
- Pan Zi is also pretty forgiving 
- Pangzi, you just can't take people being sincere with you yet, can you? 
- That's some depressed fatalism there
- Sanshu now doing his part to convince A-Ning by appealing to her sense of responsibility for her men 
 And there we go for ep 5! It only took me...5 hours for a 40 minute ep 
We end with Xiaoge Rescue Count at 9 for Wu Xie, 12 for the protagonists, 13 for everyone
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incarnateirony · 4 years
hiatus on certain types of meta
Man. That unfortunate feeling when there’s a meta you otherwise like from someone that you *really* like that decided to include the whole “it’s subtext because I don’t see anybody talking about it” rather than “it’s not subtext because almost this entire discussion point is verbalized text”, and that’s SAD because JFC otherwise the post was so good. 
I’m going to have to do some notification clearing.
It saddens me to see people that are usually extremely critical redefining things just because they didn’t find an article being like SURPRISE HE BI instead of assuming the GA *aren’t* primarily slackjawed neanderthals five to ten years behind your presumable galaxy brain, or waiting on signals explicitly for fandom. Fandom outlets will remain as cowardly and two faced and clickbait as ever, and big outlets... like... unless they’re told to market that shit by PR (which would be like EW level shit--presuming of course this was a corporate level decision and not a “we can slip it through” choice, in which case, it’d never hit PR), has it occurred to y’all that the rest of the world been knew? Aren’t out there waiting for an argument point? Arguing woke shit at large? Have antis in their ear to parade it around in front of for personal validation?
If waiting to see a reporter talk about it WAS the goalpost... are we going with the soap opera reporter’s dark moment in the romance acknowledgement and it being a standard fare breakup with us not knowing if they’d get back together, but that “dEaN wAsnT cAnONicAlLy bI”? ...what about TVG? There were some others -- was it Variety? Or Ew? I don’t remember, there were several acknowledgements so close together by big outlets I can’t even remember if it was a Variety mention or EW, because one did a highkey and one did a lowkey acknowledgment at the same time. Those don’t count? Didn’t count then. For ... reasons. Okie dokie. But this one. This one we’ll run disqualifiers on if *this* one we find an article about. The world addresses it as Been Knew and then we’re surprised nobody throws Dean a blowout headliner party without corporate asking them to exploitatively market it, possibly because they weren’t alerted.
But people aren’t looking for qualifiers. They’re looking for disqualifiers, as if to PROVE THEMSELVES WRONG!!111ONE! And they’re not even finding disqualifiers, they’re just assuming the empty space is a disqualifier, even if that space wasn’t empty only a few episodes ago, about the same thing. This is what we call drilling down LGBT content instead of raising it up. And it’s EXTREMELY fucking sad that people that know better about what “text” is, realistically, have been bloodied into such submission that they’ll just complicitly do it.
Neverminding that... it doesn’t change that text is text even if people aren’t announcing that text. That’s what we call low-visibility text. Low-visibility text is still text. Something not being overt or widely understood does not turn it into another thing. If the show aired Cas saying “I like potato pie” and everyone went deaf to that specific line, it doesn’t change the fact that Cas in the text said he likes fucking potato pie. It’s not subtext if somebody had earplugs in. That isn’t how that works.
Either way I’m not gonna be party to circulating that sort of nonsense, which is going to make the next several weeks of fandom extremely not good for me, but cest la vie, I’ll deal with it. Even if it means essentially boycotting blogs I regularly browse until the topic passes.Though depending on how long it persists I may have to make some hard choices and just drop some follows and engagements. There’s a few blogs I would hate to have to block for being party to this kind of LGBT cinema history damaging deletion so I can only hope it passes and drops dead.
God, fuck, that’s so FUCKING disappointing to see. Like OOH who made this post oh FOUND it it’s one of my favorite bloggers and--
...*closes blog* So anyway.
I’ll probably be avoiding even my usual meta for reasons. Unless something so loudly hermetic blitzes off in 15.8, and I mean LOUDLY hermetic, I don’t think I’ll be writing my normal subject matter or engaging in my normal circuit until this conversation is dead and buried. If I start again at all. 
General meta will still continue, but there’s traffic that comes with the topic I’d rather not be party to right now.
But yes. Yes, it is that important to me. Yes, media history is that important to me. Yes, LGBT issues are that important to me. And no, I won’t surrender all of that history just to meekly cow to the local pressure or just accept it in the air around me.
I hope others do the same self care. And, frankly, LGBT-battle-care, if there is such a thing. To me, at least, decades of battles are not worth throwing to the side to get pretty gifs or lit assessments any more than it is for winning fights with trolls on the internet. I’m willing to set aside talking about my literal religion in one of my few opportunities to do so because realistically, far greater people have bled and even died for this fight, and teaching Jung in mass can wait. I guess if anybody REALLY wants to hear said hermetic shit, they can DM me or I might move it over to pillowfort to avoid the associated traffic.
Inserting apologetics is far less flattering than people think.
But most of all, people, stand for something. If people can deal with being pelted with bricks and set on fire and whatever other horrible shit has happened to the LGBT community, you can deal with a few grumpy challengers that want to throw those bricks and flames right now. And if you don’t?
Well, I probably don’t want to be around that kind of “LGBT content discussion” anyway.
But I promise all of you that not a single fight has ever been won by the LGBT community simply rolling over and accepting that there's a different rulebook or dictionary for the gays. We owned our camp, and our pride, and we won by not accepting differential treatment in our disfavor. We fucking stood. And I'm waiting for the 2019 community to remember that.
If you think anyone that struggled or died in the peak of this fight would be honored at modern lgbt people being first hand and even voluntarily complicit in shoving the community back behind special rules that hurt them and only them that came out of thin air, in that imposed deficit, i really do not fucking know what to tell you.
And if that sentiment struck a cord with a single soul, then think about it.
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SG-1] 7.11: Evolution (1/2)
Tumblr media
Gif by E-Ripley
Good? Not Good? What happened here?
Shot in the back? Jeez, that’s really shitty.
One warrior? One? Oh... great... one warrior with lasers and a suit that absorbs staff blasts. Just great. Zat blasts too.
Okay, did Teal’c kill it, or did he just get lucky and it died by itself?
Oh ew, is that goo? That’s goo. Thank god I decided not to eat snacks with this episode. This thing looks like the creepy little Spheres from the end of Ten’s second DW season. Oh, so it did pretty much keel over dead.
Telchak... hmm. Wait... Daniel’s off on an adventure... with just a Civillian Dr as backup? What the hell?? Jack, why is your smol child being left unsupervised? Some guy staring at them... This cannot be good.
When are Maps ever right? Lol. Thier guide is frustrated.
Bossy Daniel is sexy Daniel.
Lol. Bill!! *shifts his weight and falls down the hole* “Found it”
“Why would they make their passages so narrow?” “Maybe they were skinny people”
*sighs* I dont think i can cope with Daniel being in trouble... again.
jfc. @stargate-stargate‘s husband is right. somebody needs to sit his ass in a chair. a safe one. and then tie him to it. Dana darling, tell your husband I’m, agreeing with him again.
what the actual fuck. how did that drone get through the force-field. the whole point of a force-field is that shit does not come through it. what even is happening here? This thing just won’t die... How rude.
Bill is really hung up on the writing thing. 
;w; having to explain the cinnamon roll meme to mom.
Am I the only one concerned here that even though it’s an Alien artifact, Daniel and Bill are technically looting a previously undiscovered archeological find...
Um... did y’all not thing of pressure plates? C’mon, this thing belonged to a Snake... “I think running would be a good idea right about now”
Daniel... sweetie, please don’t drown over a stupid old brick.
Where’s Bill? Oh, there he is. Erm... behind you Rogelio. Dude’s with guns. Didn’t I say that guy was bad news?!
Oh, we’re adopting another Jaffa? Okay.
Really Rogelio, you’re just ditching them?? and... apparently getting shot.
*sighs* Daniel, why you always gotta be getting into trouble?
Daniel looks really bored of this... like, he’s so tired of being threated and dying it’s just such a waste of time and energy.
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keptin-indy · 5 years
KH3 liveblogging!
@sphinxfeather​ picked up KH3, which means I get to watch her play it and provide occasional Otakon help!  That means it’s time for stream-of-consciousness blogging (all of which will be behind a cut, so no worries for spoilers).
Background info: I used to cosplay Roxas and I have very strong feelings about him.  Magneto used to cosplay Maleficent, which it why I consistently refer to a video game villain as “mom”.  I make a lot of Exalted references when talking Kingdom Hearts.  They just go really well together in my head.  Ask me about the ridiculous AU my friends thought up in college.
Yes it is 3am.
These are some extremely metaphorical flashback cutscenes.  Unless you already know what happened, they’re not actually going to fill you in on anything.
Gosh that stained glass texture is pretty though.
How many times are we going to have this same boss fight?
Good way to get around having all the old char progression wiped out.
jfc did Sora get dumber?
Olympus Colosseum 
In the present behaviours for your companions, what does "Finish the Job" mean??  Does Donald stone cold murder people you leave behind??
We do get to play AC:Odyssey in KH!  Climb all over ancient Greece!
On destroying amphorae for munny: "Making pot shards for future archaeologists." "We don't need your help!"
Can't climb in Zeus' lap, inferior to AC:O
Throwing an enormous statue of yourself is such an Exalted solution to getting three people onto a ledge
Hiiiii Xigbar
Throw a whole-ass pirate ship at this thing
Rage form?  What is it and why?
Protip; do not Mad Teacup off a waterfall.  You will have no idea where you are at the end.
Wait, the main characters can hear the soundtrack music?  They comment when the fight music starts once.
Oh shit, the "Realm of the Gods" has the Yu-Chan fast travel mercury canals!
But what's with all the hershey's kisses on the floor?
When Donald sucks at healing you, Sora's sarcastic at him, I love it.
Our cutscene with Xigbar cut off so I have no idea if he said something important.
I know that beach!
Demon Tower is a warstrider in Arms of the Chosen, isn't it?
Huh, keyblades shouldn't break.
Nice to see Kairi doesn’t hold any minor incidents of kidnapping against Lea
Gummiphone is not a good word…
Ienzo dresses just like Even, which seems unhealthy.  He seems well-adjusted for someone with so much trauma, though.
"I have to find Roxas and save him" \o/ MY TIME HAS COME.  I’ve only been yelling this at KH games for 12 years now!
Random title card?  In the middle of the game?
Gummi ships, my true love in these games!  I hear they're way more involved in this one!  I can't wait to rebuild Frankengummi, the ugliest giant block of firepower ever to hang in the air exactly like bricks don't.
"Step 3: Profit" Thank you, game.
Treasure spheres look like the Apple of Eden from AC.
Twilight Town!
Hah, it sure *has* been a long time.
Hayner!  Pence!  Olette!  Except plaid!
Moogle fur looks weird
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wanda-porter · 6 years
WITH : Sam Evans ( @gfn-sam-evans)
DATE & TIME: September 3rd - 4th.
WP: So i know anime date night is on tuesday, but would you like to be my +1 to game night on wednesday? WP: Please, please, please, please? SE: What game night?? WP: Finn is making his annual game night and he told us that we could bring partners! WP: And I clearly thought you wanted to win so I thought you could be mine.
SE: I do like to win. What type of games? Cards? Board? Sports? WP: Cards and board games and karaoke. I also gotta sing so do you wanna miss that? SE: A karaoke competition? Hmm. That as a duet or solo? SE: I used to be in choir and we compete tons. SE: I’ll cheer you on if it’s solo WP: I kinda told Finn I was gonna sing duets with him.   WP: But you are my special one so totally singing one with you.  WP: You just gotta know I suck, a lot WP: You do like board games, right? SE: What makes me special? SE: Heck yeah I do! I play tons of them. WP: Well, you are gonna be my date, if you say yes. WP: We just have one mission and it's not lose against my brother, cause he is being talking shit SE: You’ve gotta talk smack. That’s part of the fun of competing.  SE: You’ve got a song in mind.  SE: I’ve got a better idea...  SE: Will you be my date, Wanda? WP: YEAH BUT HE TALKING TOO MUCH  WP: Not really. We can always do a fun song. WP: agdasjfkddhdkjghdkgjWP: SAM WP: YOU ALMOST OWNED ME A NEW PHONE [...] WP:  I would be honored, Sam. SE: You need to let it roll off your shoulders, beautiful. It’s part of the game.  SE: Why?!??  SE: Awesome. Since this is a date then let’s do it right. What time is this game thing starting. I want to take you to dinner WP: Nonono, he is gonna go down. He is gonna be ended but I'm gonna do it silently like a snake.  WP: CAUSE MY HEART WAS FRAGILE.  WP: Omg oieufgoigjr I don't know but we can be a little bit. I go out at six from work, is that good? SE: then you have to tell him that. Not me. But if I catch him before then I’ll let him know he won’t know what hit him.  SE: I can meet you in front of your job.  SE: You’re cute. WP: Just throw a paper ball and hide. He then really wouldn't know what hit him  WP: I'll make sure to go super pretty to work so you can see.  WP:  That's you. I'm so glad you said yes, I was really excited already to do this with you. And now it's just ten times better. SE: That’s not the type of hit I was thinking but I have to say I like the way you think.  SE: I did, technically but I went ahead and decided to make this a full blown date. WP: He is gonna get scared really easily so it's gonna be hilarious. Did you know he was complaining all day today cause I let him have a hungover? The nerve.  WP: It was really hot let me tell you, but also really sweet what is a great combination. A+ 10/10 would recommend SE: How did to let him have one? Did you get him drinking?  SE: you’d recommend people to date me? I think that’s the nicest thing a girl I asked out has offered to do for me. WP: Of course not. We went home last night and my mom made us daiquiris and i drank with her till i passed out. THEN mom needed a drinking buddy and she got William. See? Not my fault.  WP: I'll write you a review: 'Adorable smile, arms that you actually want to be killed in and hotness to change your date proposal into his date proposal' SE: You’re right. He’s gotta go after your mom for pushing those daquirues. I’ve never had a drink with my mom before. I bet drunk William was hilarious.  SE: You want to be killed in my arms?  SE: That’s different.  SE: Think people will want to date me after reading that? Or you gonna keep it to yourself? WP: Right??? He could had played like he was asleep too, so it's all on him. WP: Well, they are nice arms! If I had to leave this world, I would like it to be in a nice situation.  WP: Totally gonna keep it for myself. I'm gonna recommend you to myself and that's it. SE: Exactly! Can I give him crap about this? SE: looks like the review worked then. SE: Thought to give you a pic of me that shows my arms. And other things WP: Of course you can, do what you gotta do  WP: Jfc WP: I can totally die in your abs too  WP: It's gonna be so hard to not want to rip your clothes off now that I have that mental picture why u this rude
SE: I have faith you can wait until the end of the date before that happens. SE: Do you live alone? SE: That sounded creepy didn’t it? WP: But we have game night after and that is sooo long  WP: A little bit but I know why you ask so its chill WP: A rommate but she is never there SE: Oh! We’ll still go and do the game thing. This is after. Like when I drop you off at your place.  SE: if they’re not there then maybe I’ll pull you into my arms and kiss you. WP: It's gonna really taste my patience let me tell you.  WP: Oh really? Kiss me like the end of a romantic movie or Kiss me like the start of 50 shadea? I gotta know... For science SE: Isn't 50 Shades that kink movie with the whips and blindfolds? I don't know what that kiss looks like. WP: You never seen it? Its so bad its hilarous, we totally have to now.  WP: WHAT A I MEANT was that like a sexy kiss or a romantic kiss SE: My mom was happy about the movies and dragged my dad to see them in the theater. Not a cool image to have when it comes to your folks. SE: I think I'll go ahead and leave how the ends as a mystery. Keep you on your toes. WP: ... I feel like, for your safety, we are not gonna watch them. Ever.   WP: Why u gotta be so rude, dont u know i'm human too. SE: For my safety? What happens in them??  SE:I don’t think it’s being rude. It’s more of a surprise. WP: I'd never betray your mom by telling you.   WP: Now I feel like I have to have a surprise on my own HMMMM SE: This you getting back at me?? That’s not cool, Wanda! WP: Okay, picture this. Imagine you had seen a very... Sexual movie. WP: And your kid wants to see it. SE: That’s the surprise? WP: I thought you were talking about the 50 shades!  WP: The surprise it's a surprise and I gotta keep it that way SE: No! I moved far away from the mom porn! SE: We’re just going to tack on more and more surprises until everything is one giant one WP: It's not mom porn! Jamies's butt is everyone's porn. WP: Omg imagine that in a turn of events we end up with very extra surprises? Like, trying to top each other we completely lose our minds? lol SE: I don’t know what his butt looks like. I’m glad it makes a lot of people happy? SE: Ours and every else’s. WP: Googleee iittttt.  WP: 'Wanda why do you have a million papers?' 'I HAVE TO GIVE SAM  A MILLION ORIGAMI ' SE: I read that as orgasms! WP: I can give you that too WP: But boy you gonna have to give me some time cause a million is like, a lot. SE: I’m so red right now. One of the guys asked if I’m okay.  SE: I’m surprised you want to give me that many. That’s...flattering? WP: I want a pictureeeee  WP: 1. Why I wouldn't want to? You are awesome.   WP: 2.  Not like I don't get off but getting people off, so SE: No! It’s better you think of me as that cute guy you know and not the one who gets embarrassed when a pretty girl wants to get you off. WP: Those two are not mutually exclusive at all. I think you are cute for that SE: Thanks. SE: I can get awkward sometimes. SE: But let’s see how this date goes and then we’ll see about the whole million thing WP: You know you can tell me whenever I step out of line, right?  WP: I'm not gonna get weird or anything. SE: No! It’s not out of line. I’m not used to girls telling me what they want to do. I think it’s sexy you know what you want and how to get it. It just takes me some time to wrap my head around it is all. But don’t think I’m not interested. I am. WP: I know you are,  but still. I just want you to know that you can always tell me. Above all, we are friends okay? SE: Of course.  SE: I do want to kiss you.  SE: Just so you know WP: I do too, just so you know.   WP: Since the day of the headphones SE: The first time or second time? WP: First time. SE: I had no idea! SE: Im so clueless sometimes WP: Well, I was a bit more forward the second time.  WP: And contrary to public belief I'M SUBTLE SE: Then that’s probably why I didn’t get it!!  SE: You have to hit me with a brick to realize I’m being flirted with WP: That's a little bit dangerous???? SE: It gets the point across???? WP: You  won't notice if someone is flirting if you are passed out??? SE: But I will when I come to! WP: When you end up in the hospital, I'm gonna make you a cake saying I told you so
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yonkimint · 2 years
Okay i finished always (speedruns ✊) and i have sO MANY FEELINGS
First of all youre amazing i am sooo addicted to your storytelling damn
But okay like. im still mad like. Okay im glad we got a happy ending and everybodys in a good place now or whatever but i dont think chim and tae got enough. i think y/n deserved to sabotage more wedding things and for them to not all be fixable. Buuut i am an extremely vicious and vindictive petty person so maybe thats just me so its fine.
If it wasnt a hobi story i had a few moments where i thought that it might end with them as a messy af thrupple tbh
And can i just say 🤩😍🥰 for simp hobi like damn im already down bad for that boy but jfc 🥵
Also i really love how you looped things so that y/n was actually in love with hobi the whole time and just didnt notice cos shes thick as a brick. Hashtag relatable
Also again i think koo shouldve got to put the beats on taetae a bit too
Not everything gets fully resolved the way we want it to in life tho and we have to kinda just take what we can get when the good things are on offer so i really do appreciate the way you showed that in this story. Like yea no its always gonna suck that y/n was betrayed like that by ppl she shouldve always been able to count on BUT shit happens and thats how life goes and its great when we can salvage the good bits and move on with them to keep building on.
Thanks for writing and sharing 💜
Wow! Thank you for this very thoughtful commentary! I'm really glad you enjoyed it by the end.
To be honest, I was a nervous wreck the whole time I was posting this AU because I knew it was going to make Tae and Jimin look bad and I knew things weren't going to get resolved totally and I knew that had the potential to upset a lot of people.
Anyway, all that to say, I'm glad you enjoyed the little splash of "not everything works out perfectly" reality! Thank you so much for reading my stuff!! 💕
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f0reverchanging · 2 years
Maybe I forgot about Tumblr
Maybe I just didn't want to post.
In non-trans related news, my best friend came home from the other side of the planet! I missed her so freaking much, and we've definitely reconnected since she's been back. We're all so happy, and relieved, that she is here and not living in a warzone anymore.
In other non-trans news, I caught COVID, and maybe something else at the same time, on New Years Eve, and was stuck in bed for 3 days, then mostly stuck in bed for the next 6. I'm freaking vaccinated! I mean sure, I put off getting a booster because I was lazy as hell, but still! 10 days!!! And on day 1 I legitimately thought I was going to need to call myself an ambulance because of how difficult it was to breathe, and my lungs felt like they were on fire. Ugh.
Other, other non-trans news, I also got a christmas bonus from work, which went toward bills, and then combined with christmas money, I bought a new film camera because... I dropped my other one.
In trans news, I developed pretty severe anxiety about the whole trans thing. I'm fucking terrified of coming out, even just to the people who, more likely than not, already know but haven't said anything (my ex-best friend has a big mouth I think). It was worse before Christmas because my mom's side was going to do a full meetup, and ugh. I was shitty bricks for a week. Dad's side... idk. Not really a problem for some reason?
But yeah, I was sleeping terribly, having mini panic attacks on the daily, and desperately wanted a cigarette or alcohol or literally anything to relieve stress, even if it was only momentary. It was so bad that I thought about killing myself for very, very, VERY brief moments in time, which made me feel even more anxious because "holy shit, am I suicidal? the fuck!" And then I'd feel guilty for having those thoughts because I'm genuinely not, and they just popped into my brain, you know? For a split second, immediately followed by shame, guilt, and damn near a panic attack.
I'm not going to hurt myself, I sincerely promise.
With that said, time for doctor stuff. My E is still too low, despite being on 2mg/2x daily (sublingual), and my T actually rose (100mg/2x daily spironolactone). My doctor, who is quitting [FUCK], was stumped. The only thing he could really do is increase my Estradiol dosage to 3mg/2x, so I've been doing that, and now paying $40+ a month just for pills. Ugh. Money stress is a real thing right now, I'm barely keeping above water most weeks.
(I've been seriously contemplating talking to my doctor about an orchiectomy)
I think I've noticed a difference? My nipples are definitely more sore than they were, depending on the day, and I do have really tiny boobs (!) so that's nice.
Laser on my chest has done WONDERS. After 6 (I think?) sessions, I only really have a few tiny hairs on my chest, and half of each nipple is hairless?? LOL.
As for my face... Less luck there. I've done 3 or so sessions and I'm starting to think it'll never work. I know it will, and is, but god, there's so much hair that I can barely see a difference in certain areas (neck/chin/lip), while my cheeks and sideburns area has noticeable bald spots.
Mm. The more stuff I do, the more people are going to notice, and the more anxious I become.
I've actually been seriously contemplating just coming out, but jfc I'll be the caricature of a woman we're all scared to be - a man in a dress - and I feel like I won't be taken seriously at all.
Fucking hell, and how am I ever going to pay for FFS? I will at least need a trachea shave, and even that will be like $3000.
Okay, that's enough poking the giant anxiety bear.
I'm doing okay, and I'm just anxious about the future.
Thank you,
0 notes
OK, I watched Roman’s promo from last night’s RAW and it reminded me how fucking pissed I am at WWE and Brick Lobster. Warning, I’m going to go off on a huge angry rant here against a lot of things, really. Mostly Borg Laser, Vince McMahon and a certain segment of WWE fans.
Brock retaining the title and then not even showing up at RAW the day after is the biggest bullshit I’ve ever seen in WWE. IDEK how to put into words how angry I am. 
The buildup to this match was amazing, and people liked it. Even the hardcore Roman haters started to cheer him, because he was saying a lot of things that were god’s honest truth: Brock Lesnar is a joke, and he’s the worst champion ever. Guy only shows up and actually wrestles what, three or four times a year? He ain’t even there for most of his promos, it’s all Paul Heyman. He doesn’t give a shit about pro wrestling, about WWE or about the fans. And what’s worse, he doesn’t give a shit about all the guys who are working their asses off day in, day out, travelling the world, not seeing their families as often as they want to, and putting their bodies on the line just to entertain us, the fans. 
And you can see that not just in how he doesn’t show up for work. Nope. You can see it in how he goes off script and purposely injures people. And I can hear people saying “lol wrestling is fake that injury Roman got in the match was scripted”. To which I’m going to reply: nope. For one, Vince Fucking McMahon, who usually kisses Lesnar’s ass just to keep the cash cow in the company, went off at Lesnar backstage after the match. Lesnar crashing Roman face first into the German announce table was NOT SCRIPTED. And Lesnar is known for doing this. He’s fucking legendary for not caring for his opponents’ health and safety. Also, WWE is PG, they try to avoid their wrestlers sustaining bloody injuries wherever possible. Oh, and know what Lesnar is also famous for? Botching his moves. He’s sloppy, because he doesn’t give a fuck. 
As for the Roman haters, they can eat my whole ass. You dare to boo him because he was “pushed on you by Vince” and then turn around and applaud Brock Lesnar? You’re a bunch of hypocrites. You also aren’t real fans. I hate to invoke the “real fan” thing, but if you were fans of pro wrestling, you would have a bit more respect for the athletes who go out and do their best to entertain you, instead of cheering on a fucking hack like Lesnar. 
One of the most popular arguments among haters is that Roman is shit on the mic. Know what, yes, he used to be. Talking wasn’t his biggest talent. But jfc, how about you pull your heads outta your asses and recognize that he’s really worked on that flaw, and his last few promos have been really good? He talked straight from the heart, he put real emotion into it (and tbh I think that’s because he stands behind what he said). 
Actually, I’m not 100% sure that Roman has exactly followed script a couple of times in his recent promos. Including the one on RAW. Going off script, if not fully then with one foot, isn’t as rare any more as it was a few years back. There are a number of wrestlers who have done it, including Triple H. 
I’m honestly not looking forward to that cage match in the Saudi Arabia event. Mostly because I’m pretty sure they’ll do Roman dirty one way or the other, but also because I’m worried about his health because, well, see the part about Brock going off script. 
And for those people who are dismissing all of this bc I’m a proud Roman fan: I was just as pissed when Braun Strowman lost against Lesnar, because Braun shouldn’t have lost. He just shouldn’t have. He’s the better man by far. But one of the things Braun and Roman have in common, besides being super sweet guys IRL, is that the company does them dirty again and again and again. Both of them deserve so much better. 
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Sports Festival Arc
Okay so I’ve just decided to talk about each episode individually since so much happens in them and I have a lot of things to say that nobody cares about ANYWAY MOVING ON here you go!
Episode 14: That’s The Idea, Ochaco
•Can we talk about how Todoroki had the prettiest animation in the intro please???
•Aizawa shows up like I LIVED BITCH we love one grumpy crippled old man (reminds me of this English teacher I had who showed up to class after breaking 3 ribs and couldn’t laugh or move and was in visible pain while teaching, Professor Saunders if you ever see this please just take a day off my dude)
•Mido: “Mineta don’t you know how important the Sports Festival is?”
Mineta: “yes but I just don’t want to get MURDERED”
...you know what he has a point
•Jirou to Kami: “most people miss their chance and end up just staying sidekicks. You know what that’s probably what’ll happen to you. You’re kinda dumb” BRUH SHE DIDNT HAVE TO MURDER DENKI LIKE THAT
•Kirishima being so excited for the Sports Festival is so cute I’m gonna cry
•Ojirou and Hagakure are so fucking ADORABLE
•Uraraka getting all pumped up/ ragey and Mineta being ✖️Mineta✖️ and Tsuyu just straight up SMACKING HIM IMMEDIATELY I LOVE HER COLD BLOODED ASS
•“YOUNG MIDORIYA!!!...do you want to eat with me?” I LOVE DADMIGHT
•Todoroki eavesdropping on Uraraka and Iida talking about Mido/All Might: Secret Child Theories activated
Episode 15: Roaring Sports Festival
•TESTUTESTU!!! loving the other classes showing up like fuck y’all 1A bitchass nerds right now honestly
•Kiri stop thirsting for Bakugou when he’s being an ass we get it, you’re gay and love an angry Pomeranian also WHY ARE YOU JUST STRAIGHT UP JUMPING OFF A BUILDING BOI WHAT IS YOU DOIIINNNNGGGGG ROCKS CAN STILL B R E A K
•Todoroki you dramatic hoe I love you but just. Take a nap. “We’Re nOt hEre To MakE FriEnDs” bitch you soft, shut up
•I’m genuinely curious what exactly is Midnight’s quirk? She’s the “R rated Pro Hero” but like...what is it? Is she just Super Sexy? Is it the pheromone thing that makes people think she’s sexy/ feeling aroused? Like what is her power exactly?
•”I just wanna say...I’m gonna win” KACCHAN HONEY WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS
•Todoroki freezing EVERYTHING and being unimpressed by the giant robots sweetie you’re so extra
•Birth of Icy Hot Bastard nickname
•Mineta got fuckin MURKED MAN lmao at least he tried
•Mama Midoriya is Best Mom she worries so much
Episode 16: In Their Own Quirky Ways
•KIRI BREAKING THROUGH THE FUCKING ROBOT SCREAMING IM ALIVE HOLY FUCK (Also Testu bursting through too. Intro to the Hard Boi Twins)
•Lets go Sero and Tokoyami!!
•All Might’s little YES watching Mido using the robot part as a launcher for the explosion warms my heart he’s so proud of his boy
•”THIS JUST IN ERASURE HEAD IS A TERRIBLE TEACHER” “wait wHAT” I love 2 chaotic teachers
•Shiggy you’re gross please invest in some cortisone skin cream it majorly helps my eczema it can help you too sweetie
•”the 1st place winner is worth...10 MILLION” Everybody around Mido: Activate Instant Kill
Midoriya my boy rUN
Episode 17: Strategy, Strategy, Strategy
•”Wait, remind me of your quirks again. And your names��� Bakugou I’m gonna kick your entitled ass square up babe
•Kiri we get it you want Bakugou to top you. Also I love how Bakugou’s just like let’s fucKIN GOOO SHITTY HAIR
•Iida I love your dramatic over-energetic ass so much
“YOURE SO CLOSE TO ME WHO ARE YOU???” Hatsume please. Take a dozen chill pills
•Ah. There he is. Monoma. Rat Boi 3000. Let’s go babey
•Ah. Cue the Daddy Drama
•This game is just Kill Midoriya, huh
•Monoma is a pro monologuer and honestly? I respect that. But then again it doesn’t take much to get Bakugou riled up
Episode 18: Cavalry Battle Finale
•Shouji is a SCARY BADASS and deserves more acknowledgement
•no matter your opinion on him, Monoma is an interesting character and has a REALLY COOL QUIRK
•Endeavor? Just. Shut up
•Bakugou- I am powered by rage and nothing else
•”Has anyone seen Deku?”
Todoroki: tragic backstory time
Episode 19: The Boy Born With Everything
•Yo FUCK Endeavor lives, man
•Mido ”so why did you bring me here”
Todo ”...soooo THIS IS THE STORY ALL ABOUT WHY I’m depressed/ also are you All Might’s secret love child or something?”
•Okay but All Might asking Endeavor on how to raise a powerful child I’m cackling. But the more Enji talks, the more All Might’s just like “what the fuck are you doing to your kid??”
•Todoroki’s whole monologue is literally just him over sharing and rambling about his trauma I love it
•Bakugou why you being such a creep boo
•Midoriya telling his friends/rivals “I’m gonna beat you” is basically just his equivalent of “I have a crush on you” change my mind
•Kaminari. I’m disappointed in you. I expected the uniforms from Mineta but come on dude
•Ojirou is so PURE long live Tail Boi he is also too under appreciated and he is just. So good
•Kendo is best girl Class 1B
•”Uraraka? Who the hells that?” Bakugou don’t be fuKING RUDE
•Midoriya what did Ojirou fucking TELL YOU
EPISODE 20: Victory or Defeat
•Dadzawa activated, time to adopt a Sleepy Boy into the Hero Course
•Complete BAMF Midoriya has been UNLOCKED PEOPLE
•Poor Shinsou when he goes “im used to people thinking I’m a bad guy” I just couldn’t NOT think of Billie Eilish IM SORRY now I have Bad Guy stuck in my head YOU DID SO GOOD BABY IM PROUD OF YOU
•”Spooky IM A GHOST???” God I love All Might
•”Stop rebelling Shouto”
“It’s NoT a PhaSe DaD”
•Todoroki did you have to go so HARD BRUH WHAT THE FUCK YOU DEPRESSED SHOW OFF
Episode 21: Battle On, Challengers!
•Lmao get wrecked Denki
•Mama Kendo to the rescue come get yo kids
•Everyone at Mido, Please. Shut the fuck up and stop being CREEPY
•Midnight. Please stop lusting over your students it’s gross
•Hatsume played Iida like a fiddle and I’m crying baby boy tried so hard
•Poor Momo
•Bakubabe you’re so UGLY I can’t why is your face like that
Episode 22: Bakugou VS. Uraraka
•”Pink Cheeks” Bakugou just learn your classmates names it’s not that hard
•Ochaco is so fucking STRONG
•”like I always suspected. Bakugou’s a total sadist” sometimes Mineta is just. Accurate.
•Can we please talk about how Aizawa was just like “The FUCK are y’all talking about Bakugou is doing what he’s supposed to do in these games it doesn’t matter if his opponents a girl or not y’all are DUMB” like THANK YOU AIZAWA
•Mic has no chill I miss him real talk we don’t get enough Present Mic
•”You’re wrong Kacchan” YOU TELL HIM MIDO
•Bakubitch may be a little much sometimes and I get why a lot of people don’t like him but he does understand his classmates ARE also strong and powerful and you know he respects them in his own weird way even though he’ll never admit it
•We love supportive parents (Ochaco’s parents. Fuck Endeavor. Just leave these kids aloonnneeeee you asshat)
•”I’m not worried about a couple of kids” you’re clearly not worried about your crusty skin either Shiggy learn some priorities
Episode 23: Shoto Todoroki: Origin
•All that power in one little fucking finger what the FUCK Mido also PLEASE STOP BREAKING YOUR BONES “I’ve only got 6 more chances” well there go your fucking hands my dude
•Aaaaand there goes your arm
•”You haven’t been able to put a single scratch on me yet, Todoroki” you’re doing a pretty good job of that by yourself Midoriya
•Baby Shouto kills me every time IM GONNA FIGHT ENDEAVOR
•Shouji grabbing Mineta by the leg so that he doesn’t fly away oh my god
•Endeavor and All Might come get y’all kids
•Midoriya’s fuckin dead rest in fucking pieces you masochist
Episode 24: Fight On, Iida
•Okay but why is Endeavor such a fucking Brick House holy fuck absolute unit of pure shit
•”In his first match he looked so sad. I was trying to figure out why...” it’s because you have a crush Mido
•And the first of many scars appears
•Recovery Girl is right and she should say it
•All Might said Quirkless Rights send tweet
•Highkey completely forgot about Stain OH WAIT THAT MEANS THE INTERNSHIPS ARE NEXT I really forgot the whole timeline wow
•Explosion Boy vs. Shitty Hair I love competitive boyfriends but Jesus Bakugou
•Testu cheering for his new friend tho? That’s the content I love to see
•Legacy Children Battle (Iida vs. Todoroki)
•”I didn’t know he couldn’t kick like that” he is ALL LEGS that’s literally his quirk Denki what do you mean
•Anybody fighting Todoroki: time to drag a Sad Bitch
•Bruh why did Iida tense up like that was your phone up your ass dude???
•Yo Stain is ugly as fuck
Episode 25: Todoroki VS. Bakugou
•Lmao Midoriya literally triggered Todoroki into using his Left Side
•And Todoroki triggered Bakugou by asking about his past friendship with Midoriya these boys are a MESS
•oh look it’s a Fucking Fire Gremlin
•oh my GOD Endeavor shut UUPPPP
•Everyone listening to Bakugou go off at Todoroki: ...please seek some therapy
•The first time I saw this I highkey thought Bakugou actually killed Todoroki.
•Bakugou going feral for winning I can’t he literally looks like a trapped wolf
•We respect Tokoyami in this house
•About Bakugou ”Look at that face” I’d really rather not
•I’m sorry but Mineta sitting on Shouji’s shoulders is actually adorable
•Iida running through the hospital to his brother: It’s Loss
•I love the Iida Brothers so. Fucking. MUCH
•Shouto I’m so proud of you sweetheart
•Honestly I need more family stuff they’re all so interesting in their own ways and it’s a nice reminder that yes these are just kids and they have lives outside of hero school
SO that wraps up the Sports Festival Arc! I’m going to do the second half of Season 2/ The Internship Arc/ Final Exams all in one post so get ready for another long one ✌🏽
0 notes
ramblingshit · 5 years
The Woman in Black - 1989 - 3/10
looks like the 1980s but with somewhat older-style outfits; exposition mutherfuckerrrrrr;
very slow, fluffy script; oh got the cut is just forward and back as they speak, now we’re close flipping forward and back when its their turn to speak i’m dying. exposition, telling other characters what the audience has already heard; each of these scenes are far too long with so much fluff, Jesus Christ the cuts just throw us into a completely different place with no transition its so abrupt and the jump cuts are infinitely worse fuck half of these are like .5 seconds long, they’re so basic its crazy. some j cuts all of the sudden and some decent direction all of the sudden on this indoors scene wtf lol. then back to awful cuts, apparently just outside and between scenes.
i can’t even focus on the story because there’s so much nonsense filming, writing and acting and jfc.
the 2012 version is only 5 minutes less but this one reaaaaally feels like its length while the 2012 one does not.
the house is just a grey house in a simple marsh, unassuming, boring to look at, the birds chirp, there’s a half-sunken cemetery nearby, the woman in blacks just standing there in broad daylight with a lil hat on her head, her skin like yellow tinted with red around her eyes kinda lookin like the wicked witch of the west, just staring casually at him they giving her a mid-shot and a close-shot and all, got some crooked shaped eyebrows, i think she’s angry? I’d be angry too with that ugly ass velvet donut on my head; she slowly sorta makes her way a few steps toward him, he sprints off and locks the door then turns on all the electrical lights in the house and seems alright; the rooms are tiny and clean cause she only just died (woman in black’s sister) - it’s really not scary - all white and beige with floral designs, boring frames with dark protraits; reminds me of the rooms at the thornton’s house and other old bedrooms i stayed in as a kid; fuck he’s really turning every single light on. he’s drinking again. we’re half an hour in and he’s messing around with some sort of recorder whistling into it and shit - omfg i thought that was leading up to a scare but no. telling the clues of the mystery in these weird cylinder recordings instead of the 2012 letters? he’s drinking again. WHOA hey we got an establishing shot and its a red-bricked house three stories tall with a big ass entrance way and pointed roofs and lots of windows am i missing something wait what happened to the grey house. there’s no scary music, its all light, there’s no suspense its like well here we are, now we’re here, now the marsh is water, there’s fog and horses and he’s nervous and there’s horses and women and children screaming yikesss ol mate looks mildly nervous, they must have hired him for his scared running and dramatic turns, NOW THE HOUSE HAS GREEN VINES ALL OVER IT. i mean he seems passionate about his role he’s tryin his hardest thats for sure. half of its filmed like a stage show - where’d the dog go. continuity needs to like actually be a thing. why do these candles have hats they’re on beautiful candelabras and now there’s more alcohol. for epople who have a butler and a maid on stand-by their tablecloth looks like a crumpled sheet and the lampshades look like they were picked up from the tip and they’re fkn crooked for godssake. we’re 46 minutes in and theres been maybe 25 minutes of actual story. he ran because he was afraid and that sits wrong with him so he wants to go back - now he’s ‘brave but not brave enough’. stubborn muthafucker. his rational friend is like lol you’re a moron, take my dog as companion he’s called spider for some reason. jesus fuck the cuts they get me everytime they’re scarier than anything else i’ve seen. unsurprised i could see the shadow of the camera. oh okay the grey house is the generator room out back that makes more sense. locked doors, ring of many keys but no key will turn. completely wasted mirror angles that were making me actually kinda anxious waiting to see something in them like damn son wasted opportunity. thrilling to watch this guy go through wads of paper not really looking at anything just pushing them around the great lawyer he is conveniently only finding and looking at plot-relevant things. kid crying mummy mummy while the lady just screams horribly - OMG NOW HES telling the recording exactly what we just heard and saw fuck sakee i love this movie its so dumb spoon feeding everyone - naw spider in his beeeeddd 10/10 best actor. nothing scary has actually happened other than weird lady staring constipatedly at him. he out here gon break his shoulder - sprint sprint sprint PACE PACE PACE – THE DOOR IS OPENNNNN ooohhwuuuhohhh and now he has an axe. he’s a fuck load more of a scardey cat than my main man harry potter and its the nursery - A BALLLLLLLL fell from the SKYYYYY and he doesn’t seem too fazed lmao. spiders just chillin on a chair like yep you’re in trouble. creepy old dolls. a kid just said 'hello’ and laughed, like friendly. 'hello?’  and put a toy in his hand. this is actually interesting. whoops the lights have gone out - PROBS CAUSE HE TURNS THEM ALL ON. nothing even scary happened, the kid said hi and clearly wanted to play then he sprinted away and now is panicking trying to find a torch where is he going its not even that dark back at the generator. cause god forbid- - OMG HE:S LITERALLY GO TTHE WHOLE HOUSE LIT UP mate why do you think it all went out omg im crying he’s freaking out about spider running off oh nah nevermind he’s fine lololol he was freakingggg outttt and then just chills immediately and goes back inside. i love this guy he’s trying so hard. the 70s lampshades are swinging from the roof. would be more eerie if it were actually dark and nah gonna just move over that back to him telling the recording exactly what we just saw. every fucking light. every FUCKING LIGHT. he’s lucky he doesn’t have to pay for electricity. this is the third time we’ve heard this crash and the kid and the lady screaming and he’s going angry about it cause its very noisy and he’s lost his mate’s dog whoops. lol whoops his mate found his own dog half drowned in the marsh and is just chill with it. wait this has all happened in a day?? this fuckin guy. ol mates got him rugged up and getting him outta there cause he collapsed in fright from finding the nursery trashed. that’s it. like yeah its spooky but come on man. is this the climax of the movie??? we an 1hr12min in. think they’re only breifly and vaguely mentioning that to see her means a kid will die and has died - how the fuck are you supposed to make her fearsome if you declaw her and take away that which threatens people: the fact she’s out there causing kids to die. floral bed covers. are they seriously not even going to show the dead kid. they’re just chatting. and again wa– holy fuck these people shes like neeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrhhh with a hogwarts cloak on and short curly hair with that yellow face and crooked brows, and he’s got his arms over his face, eyes shut just lying on his bed screaming - fuckin close ass shots i can see up their noses. now he’s taken ill poor mate. also he’s in a different bed?? and now he’s awake and talking some whack shit. has anyone called his wife yet lol. an awesome shot of just him sleeping. and another one. who’s this lady? oh its his wife. what’s she doing here i guess they did call her ahahaha. everything is so bright and blue and white where is the deeeeeath how is any of this scary its just so much chilling out and chatting and lol bye hope you get better have fun talking men. what. the house burned down? what. ol mate seems suss. HE’S SUSS. ol mate definitely burned that shit to the ground. who knows why he didn’t really seem sold on the whole thing but ya know. now they’re wearing like any old clothes they can find. and there’s a soldier too. and they’re training off into the sunset. that woman is not old enough to be this guy’s mother. what. we have cake time. pointless pointless scenes. ooooooooooooooooooooooo he got the ptsd from the horse clackity clack. no woman with hair that perfect sleeps without it in rolls or covered, not back then lol. where’s the deatttttthhh. oooohweeerrroooooo. whats in the box in the box whats in the box todayyy. acting is always 10/10 with this guy, especially the angst and strong emotions. he really doesn’t care for actually investigating these many papers he’s got in these boxes. um. he was in his office. and then the next scene was him entering his office and hanging up his jacket in his office????? wot. THE PAPERS AREN’T IN THE FIREPLACE MATE THEY’RE OUTSIDE OF IT. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OH MY GOD HES MAD HES SETTING THE OFFICE ON FIRE HOLY FUCKKKKKKKKK MATE. dude you are so fired. fireman is like yeah i found this jerry can of parrafin you wouldn’t happen to know anything about that would you. omg omg he’s attacking his boss this is so exciting. i think he’s fired lol. can’t believe he’s not been arrested. what do you tell your wife lmao. how do you get references for another job in this career. her hair is so perfect. she wants to talk, he silences her with a kiss, conversation moves on, he silences her with another kiss - typical. now they’re boating. there’s 3 minutes left. are they gonna drown. omg the jumpcuts. SHES STANDING ON WATER. SHES JESUS. ahahhahahahahAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA DEATH BY TREEEEEEEEEE and i think they did drown omg ahahah my guy, wife kid and baby. that’s fuckin dark. last literally 1 minute of the movie just kill everyone off. what a shit fest i love it.
0 notes