#i was laughing so hard at riders commentary i was crying
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We cut to Cory in one of the ride's logs. He's slowly getting up, complaining my back. Every disc outta whack. Shawn appears in the log right behind him. Exclaiming best night's sleep I've ever had. So great. -Danielle 
Very funny. -Will
This is a great scene. See, this is like..I feel like this should have been more of what this episode is about. It's like hijinks on rides in Disney World. Stuff going on. Good conversations. We're actually just talking about our character based stuff. I don't know. This felt great. This and then running around and getting help from the characters felt like, ah, we're taking advantage of what this episode should be. -Rider
Did you shoot this before the ride opened for the day? -Danielle
Yeah. It was like super early like we had to wake up at like three or four in the morning to get there. And then, yeah, and then we shot and they, they 'cause we, they wanted to open the ride up. -Rider
So was it cold? -Danielle 
Freezing. Exhausted. -Rider
And you had to go seven times? -Will
Yeah. At least I, yeah. For some reason I have the number seven in my head. But Ben and I got so sick of the song. -Rider
Couldn't they shut the music off? -Danielle
♪How do you do, how do you do, do do, how do you do?♪ And there's one part where they go ♪How do you do pretty good show us your bones♪ Sure as you're born is what they're saying but Ben and I were convinced they were saying, show us your balls. So it went ♪How do you do pretty good show us your balls♪ Over and over again. That's all we, so for years that's what we would sing to one another. ♪How do you do pretty good show us your balls♪ -Rider
I love it. -Danielle
I want that shirt. -Will
I know. Me too. -Danielle
♪How do you do pretty good show us your balls♪ I can't believe I forgot that until this I like i literally started to tell the story. I was like, because we were, I mean it was like being on acid, having to ride that ride. No one else in it. No one in other logs just us over and over again. And then they'd have to dry us off and then we wouldn't get wet enough. So then they'd have to like wet us down. -Rider 
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the-nysh · 4 years
AHHHH! Just got back from finally seeing Heroes Rising! 8D Oh man, that was definitely a big-screened flashy action movie to experience, with great class cohesion and teamwork, and especially with Deku and Kacchan as the stars. Going in, I already knew what was going to happen (couldn’t resist spoiling myself silly), but it still had me chuckling along to all the fun nods/refs to things and grinning like a huge idiot by the end of it. :D More details and extended impressions as follows:
It really gets me that nowadays we can just…waltz into a theater and watch subbed anime movie screenings (which was the version I saw) alongside other current films. :O That’s just amazing to me. Cause gosh, back in the day, that was either completely unheard of, or you had to drive 100miles to a fancy arthouse theater just to see dubbed releases of -only- Miyazaki movies (with month-long reserved/ordered tickets). This is so much preferable now (it’s a very good thing!), and I certainly hope this trend for more accessible anime content continues!
Anyway, saw the movie with family: sister (only watches the anime) and mom (never seen any bnha, but wanted to be included anyway~) At first we had the entire theater to ourselves at a 9:45pm showing, until like 5 min before, then several other groups came in. (So hhhh ;o; had to refrain from making any loud reactions/commentary otherwise.)  
Some of the best comments from my mom were how she kept leaning over to me and asking where the ‘guy with the wings’ (Hawks) was. X’D This is great and hilarious to me. He only showed up a few times to investigate the villains, figure out what’s wrong, and fly over with pending professional help to the island. So to my mom, it was a matter of ‘when will he come to save the kids!?’ Aha nice. His Japanese voice was deeper than expected, but I could still hear the Mumen Rider (opm) inflections from his voice actor. :D Definitely excited to see more of him formally animated in the series. Later, my mom also commented how the villain (Nine) was good-looking, buaha! (I mean hey, Shiggy was there too! 8D) I’d given her a crash-course on bnha lore before the movie, so it’s amusing to me how these were some of her unique takeaways. She also felt how after Deku told the kids ‘you can be a hero,’ that they already were cause they demonstrated that same bravery. :’)
For my sister, by the end she was like, ‘they should have just done fusion!’ Noting how Deku and Kacchan already went with the dbz looks, so heh why not. :P She noted how odd it was that Kacchan could use OfA immediately (when it took Deku several hours to…digest the hair before it could set in), so I had to clarify it was transferred by blood this time. She also wondered how Deku could gain even greater power with OfA after transferring it, and welp it’s mostly movie magic so whatever, but I could not resist flat-out saying, ‘BECAUSE THEY SOUL-BONDED~’ (And that’s as far as I was openly willing to push it with the bkdk agenda, guahaha.) Lingering convos included stuff about OfA mechanics (more odd inconsistencies with the vestiges somehow willing it back) and me mentioning Hori’s original idea to end the series with, all that good stuff. But most of all, to even have the movie tie back into the main (manga) storyline cleanly somehow, these types of explanations/solutions to things had to be done anyway, so it’s honestly another whatever/no big; it works as a self-contained flashy movie. (And honestly not as bad as some impressions made it seem; instead, how certain things wrapped up here felt negligible to me.)
As for ME, woohoo oh I definitely liked it and had a fun time! :D I didn’t know if I’d get the chance to see it in theaters (schedule conflicts) but ayyy I felt it was worth it! Immediately from the intro car-chase with Endeavor (yooo), it was all high-budget, quality action movie stuff. The two kids were endearing with active roles which I appreciated. I was also greatly impressed by how cohesive and responsible all the classmates were. You could just tell how closely they knew each other (and their quirks) and could work efficiently as a well-oiled unit when disaster strikes. Evacuating and providing for the islanders and coming up with elaborate battle plans, and all without any adult heroes present. :O Each had their moment to shine, with some very cool class combo moves too. Favs were Uraraka and Sero’s boulder throwing spam, and Kiri bodily shielding Todo from a hugeass high-beam laser like in Evangelion (YOOOOO?!?! that was cool!) Dark Shadow with wolverine claws was pretty sweet too.  
Of course, personal favs were the Kacchan (+Deku) moments. Deku was a good babey throughout but…but KACCHAN. ;A; Featuring the shades of Kacchan I love to see. :’D (Also Denki said a line like, ‘Kacchan of the Bakugous’ buahaha wtf!) When he’s silently observant (listening to Deku talk to the kid about their hero dreams, to the point his popsicle melts off ;o;), intensely serious (making it very clear to the kids he’s for real about efficiently working as a hero after they mess around/cry wolf with him), gruffly supportive (encouraging Deku in his own way to ‘make it his own’ asap :’3) and…he’s still got his signature short fuse temper of course (that explodes in comical ways, heh even my mom laughed at him) plus the awesome moments when he frees himself from a villain then promptly beats his ass. 8D But…I personally loved the smaller, but very telling, protective moments. Like when the girl signaled Deku was in trouble, Kacchan was immediately RIGHT THERE to blast Nine in the face (omgg), how he caught/saved the girl when she went flying (while Deku was on the attack instead), AND my fav: how when they were both fighting Nine, Deku got distracted worrying about the other classmates fighting elsewhere, but Kacchan kicked him out of the way from getting hurt by lasers (so ahhh!! he’s actively looking out for Deku and staying on top of things so they both keep their heads in the game. :’D) Just MANY good Kacchan moments to appreciate. <3
AND then the big bkdk handhold, OfA transfer, epic + emotional team up. (Ever since the first previews/impressions, I’m still stunned they actually did all that on the big screen!) At this point I was internally squealing and had the dumbest grin on my face but didn’t even care. 8’D I WAS READY! Nakamura’s animation was like…byuuujjgghh *brain turns off* Honestly it was hard to even SEE what was happening on screen besides huge swathes of molten heat and green electricity flying everywhere, totally and awesomely over the top. Ahaha definitely worth seeing again just for that! I got feels for the ‘it’s fine if it’s you’ line :’))), and in the aftermath, loved it when Deku’s first thought upon regaining consciousness was to ask All Might if Kacchan’s ok. (omggg heh, Deku pls! :’D)
Overall, the movie had a simple, straightforward storyline to follow, fantastic action and teamwork to enjoy, and plenty of tidbits and character moments for current fans to heartily eat up. No question about the Kacchan and bkdk service as well. Left me feeling very giddy as a fan and glad I was able to catch it in theaters. Now I can’t wait to see when gifsets of all those fun moments get made!
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Yuuichi Nakamura Role Compilation
This is PART ONE a series of posts for Nakamura’s birthday!
Part One: Top Five Roles Part Two: Song Compilation + Subbed Events and Excursions (THIS WILL BE ON MY SECOND ACCOUNT: @natsspammityspamspamham)
I was going to make a top five list, but I decided not to because he’s one of the most prolific voice actors out there where he gets a ton of roles every season. Plus, I haven’t watched a lot of the following roles. I don’t think I’m qualified to make his list until I watch Clannad. I did tend to keep my favourites towards the end though. 
Heck, I’m not tagging all these anime. I didn’t even touch on video games/visual novels obviously, but some of these roles are both anime and visual novels. And yes, I’m including roles with shady “relationships” (ex. Oreimo has incest if you didn’t know... it’s not like that was in the description or anything). I’ll be providing commentary anyway.
Luca - Arcana Famiglia
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Yoshiki Kishinuma - Corpse Party
This is as PG as we’re getting. This is Corpse Party. I think the name says it all. Apparently, Sugita watched/played this because Nakamura said to, and Sugita was like, “WAIT... WHAT DID YOU JUST RECOMMEND ME?”
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Tenka Kumou - Donten ni Warau
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Shinsaku Takasugi - Bakumatsu
I watched one episode and sensed heavy fangirl baiting
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Kyousuke Kousaka - Oreimo
Oreimo has incest. I think that’s in the description since the full title is “Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai” which translates to “My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute”. Ew.
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Daisuke Higashida - WWW Working!!
I liked this comparing to the main series. This cast was a lot more fun.
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Ringo Tsukimiya - Uta no Prince-Sama
Apparently, this role nearly killed him.
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Renji Yomo - Tokyo Ghoul
The white-haired one.
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Mitsuyoshi Tada - Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai
I watched this anime because the OP was so catchy. It wasn’t a very good anime.
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Popuko - Pop Team Epic (Ep 5B)
He was paired with Sugita. It was a really fun episode.
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Takaya Abe - Ookiku Furikabutte
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Mumen Rider - One Punch Man
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Tatsuya Shiba - Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
This one has an overpowered protagonist and incest.
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Gai Tsutsugami - Guilty Crown
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Makoto Takiya - Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon
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Ryuu Sanada - Kimi ni Todoke
Best guy in the series I guess?
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Soushi Miketsukami - Inu x Boku
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Memory Cell - Hataraku Saibou
My anxiety in a nutshell. My allergies in a nutshell.
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Toyohisa Shimazu - Drifters
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Kintoki Sakata - Gintama
We all knew that Nakamura was going to appear eventually.
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Tetsurou Kuroo - Haikyuu
Okay, but his laugh.
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Greed - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
This role was amazing. One of my top picks.
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Karamatsu - Osomatsu-san
He has many outbursts. He also speaks random English.
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Io Fleming - Mobile Suit Gundam
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Bruno Bucciarati - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind (Part Six)
What’s with Jojo and random licking?
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Tomoki Kuroki - Watamote
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Ikuto Tsukiyomi - Shugo Chara
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Kojirou Shinomiya - Food Wars
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Guren Ichinose - Owari no Seraph
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Ryousuke Hazuki - Natsuyuki Rendezvous
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Ren Kouen - Magi: The Kingdom of Magic
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Alto Saotome - Macross
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Tomoya Okazaki - Clannad
Who bets that I will cry when I watch Clannad?
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Ross - Senyuu
This is one of my top roles for him. Within each four-minute episode, he makes me laugh really hard.
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Shi Fen - Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai!
Same thing as above. With every four-minute episode, we have so many laughs in two different settings with two different character relationships.
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Gray Fullbuster - Fairy Tail
This is probably his most iconic role. Whether he likes it or not, Mashima and Nakahara already like Gruvia. 
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Houtarou Oreki - Hyouka
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Nozaki - Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun
This scene (actually, this anime) made me laugh so hard. It’s one of my top picks for “anime that need a season two”
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Kouhei Inuzuka - Sweetness and Lightning
This is his most wholesome role. He even said himself that this role was so clean compared to the others.
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junker-town · 7 years
I can't stop laughing at this portrait of me by my 28-year-old coworker
The greatest artist of all time works at SB Nation.
“Drawing is the honesty of the art. There is no possibility of cheating. It is either good or bad.” — Salvador Dali
When I saw the portrait, I realized I was bearing witness to a kind of greatness that only comes along once every 400 years. That I was probably going through something close to what the first beholder of the Mona Lisa experienced upon viewing Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece. Because this picture was evidence of an artistic ability so pure, so otherworldly, that it transcended this plane of humanity and soared toward the divine.
Here it is, the greatest drawing ever drawn, a portrait of me by SB Nation’s own 28-year-old Alex Rubenstein:
You could make the accusation that I’m inclined to love this picture because it’s of me. But trust me, this drawing is bigger than I — it’s bigger than all of us. Especially when you consider that Rubenstein’s day job is to make videos for this very website. He’s been able to become the greatest living artist in the entire world in his spare time.
I was on a train from New York City to Washington D.C. on Valentine’s Day when this image came through in the form of a Slack message from Ryan Nanni, another one of my colleagues here at SB Nation. I’d seen a few of Rubenstein’s other drawings before and admired his work (though I didn’t yet realize the extent of his brilliance). Earlier in the day I’d told Nanni that if he could get Rubenstein to draw a picture of me — so that I could hang on by my desk in place of a name plate — I’d never ask him for anything else as long as I lived.
The trade-off was worth it. I had to get up from the café car and stand in the weird metal space between two of the train cars, because I was laughing so hard I’d started to cry, and other passengers were looking at me as though I’d become a physical manifestation of this image. Given the daggers they were shooting my way, you’d have thought I’d turned into a human being without elbows, with gaps between each of her teeth, whose fingers were baby carrots. Whose head had been shaved, save for two ponytails poking out from the side. I might as well have been wearing a see-through sweatsuit over a t-shirt that Rubenstein depicted me in above.
But I don’t blame my fellow train riders; there’s now way they could know that I was looking at work by the next great American master. As Henry Ward Beecher, a clergyman, social reformer, and speaker (if Wikipedia is to be believed) once said, “Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.”
That’s exactly what Rubenstein does. Here, as proof, are a few of his most staggering works of breathtaking genius, with commentary from the artist himself. And yes, this is a sports website, but a) art is sports, and b) a lot of Rubenstein’s work is about sports, so it belongs here.
1. Alex Rubenstein, Apple and 3D Apple, 2017, ballpoint pen on sticky note, Collection of Seth Rosenthal, SB Nation
The backstory here is that Alex was told to draw an apple, so he did. Then he was told to draw a 3D apple, so he did.
2. Alex Rubenstein, Bike, 2017, ballpoint pen on sticky note, Collection of Alex Hawley, SB Nation
When I asked Rubenstein about the inspiration for the drawing above, he said that he “merely envisioned” this bike...
...and then “brought it to life. Notice the attention to detail I did, with the spokes and everything like that.”
3. Alex Rubenstein, Football, baseball, bat, and hockey rink, 2017, ballpoint pen on sticky note, Collection of Adam Porter, SB Nation
“Well, see, the football's just magnificent, because I pay very close attention to detail,” Rubenstein said. “It has the proper amount of laces. The baseball and baseball bat speak for themselves for their realism. The hockey rink doesn’t have quite the detail I was looking for, but thats because Porter snagged it out of my hand in middle [of drawing it].”
4. Alex Rubenstein, Niners Fan Laying Nude On A Jersey*, 2017, ballpoint pen on sticky note, Collection of Ryan Nanni, SB Nation
“Phil [another SB Nation colleague] is a closet Niners fan, so I've been leaving him those sweet nothings for years,” Rubenstein said. “So that he can embrace this secret life of his. And so I leave those gems at his station for comfort.”
*Please note that Nanni is the one who named this drawing.
5. Alex Rubenstein, Baseball ERAs on re-lined line paper, 2017, ballpoint pen on lined paper, Collection of Jessica Smetana, SB Nation
Here is a previously published review of Baseball ERA, from the esteemed, high-end art publication, SB Nation Slack:
How does Rubenstein’s family feel about this? They’re as blown away as any of us are, frankly. His brother Dan Rubenstein, who also works at SB Nation, said this about his brother’s abilities:
“For whatever Alex lacks in visual art ability, he makes up for in confidence, which is to say he has way too much confidence, given his complete lack of an artistic eye. Part of me is frightened that he’s actually a terrific artist and replicates a horrific reality that only he can see.”
As for the portrait of me, his pièce de résistance, Rubenstein said, “Well, my work yesterday was geared at drumming up something abstract as a sort of combination of Picasso with some elements of Monet sprinkled in there, in an effort to provide you with your greatest V-Day in the history of your life. I don’t provide my art for just any occasion, only for the moments that truly call for it.”
Let’s look at it one more time, as it’s exhibited New York City right now:
It has also given rise to my very own emoji in Slack. This appears when you type in :charlotte:.
Rubenstein began drawing around age 7, but, instead of paraphrasing, I’m just going to provide the transcript of our interview. I think he says it better than I possibly could:
Like any true artistic genius, Rubenstein is a bit of a recluse. He shies away from social media, refusing to use Twitter (besides keeping a few tabs open on his browser so that he can lurk). He is very careful about what commissions he accepts, for fear over-saturating the market. As a result, the average going price for a Rubenstein original has risen from one lukewarm beer to at least three in one year.
Direct all inquiries for commissions to: [email protected].
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