#i wanna finish reading jennette mccurdys book
sharkdays · 1 year
knowledge bowl was fun! ppl were rlly nice... and i got free food so thats a bonus!! also got my meds dose increased, im hoping itll help. Ive allready done some stuff so i think it might be working but it could be placebo effect....hmmm
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notjosieyouremy · 2 months
every edsheeran book ive ever read and what i thought
*reblog without tags please
update #1: i just finished reading Letting An@ Go by anonymous. the teenage drama and romance is gross and annoying. the protagonist has a lot of strong opinions about peoples weight, especially her mother’s, which is very triggering. plenty of m3an $pO if that’s your thing. rampant fatphobia. i give it 3 out of 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
5 star tier ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
• hunger: a memoir of (my) body by roxane gay. one of the best edsheeran books ive read. it’s about sa, food addiction, boolimia, feminism, fatphobia, the struggles of just trying to exist black woman in a large body. would recommend
• i’m glad my mom died by jennette mccurdy. it’s so good. i think i finished it in a day. it’s about a lot more than edsheeran. highly recommend. go read it right now
• unbearable lightness: a story of loss and gain by portia de rossi. a gay actor’s struggles with edsheeran. one of the few i’ve read more than once. would recommend
• wasted: a memoir of an0rex!a and boolimia by marya hornbacher. really deserves to be in a class of its own. it’s the best written edsheeran book out there. it’s sad, hilarious, intelligent, perfectly captures the internal voice of mania. highly tr!ggering, so proceed with caution. after wasted was published she relapsed, which she speaks about in madness: a bipolar life. it’s also a very good book but edsheeran is not the focus
4 star tier ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
• insatiable: a young mother’s struggle with an0rexia by erica rivera. if you wanna read about someone who takes fistfuls of bisacodyl and exercises intensely, you might like this book. it’s very good. would recommend
• dying to be th!n by nikki grahame. imagine being so severely malnourished as a child that you never go through puberty. thats how serious her illness was. she basically grew up in treatment facilities, managed to recover against all odds, went on big brother (the reality show), published a book, relapsed, and tragically passed away in 2021. the covid lockdowns were hard on her mental health. would recommend
• the girls at 17 swann street by yara zgheib. semi-autobiographical work of fiction. what sets this one apart is the protagonist isn’t a teenage girl. she’s, like, 28 i think? something like that. would definitely recommend if you get tired of reading about teens and preteens all the time
• elena vanishing by elena dunkle. at a certain point, all these books can be summarized in one sentence: she had to choose between recovery or death. it’s a very good memoir. would recommend
• born round: the secret history of a full-time eater by frank bruni. we love to see male representation in the edsheeran community. he was a chubby kid, turned to unhealthy means to achieve we!ght loss, eventually learns to heal his relationship with food and becomes restaurant critic for the new york times (ever heard of it?). would recommend
• sure, i’ll join your cult: a memoir of mental illness and the quest to belong anywhere by maria bamford. if you don’t know who maria bamford is, she’s one of the best stand up comics, period. that’s not even my opinion, it’s just an agreed upon fact within the stand up community. she’s brilliant. the book is about her mental illnesses and all the different self help groups she joins (so many!). she does go into her struggle with exercise boolimia, though that’s not the primary subject. it gets 5 stars as a book, but 4 stars as an edsheeran book because there just isn’t a lot of dis0rder talk
3 star and below ⭐️⭐️⭐️
• stick figure: a diary of my former self by lori gottlieb. good but i had trouble relating to the protagonist because was quite young and immature
• the art of st4rving by sam j. miller. some much needed male representation in edsheeran literature. and some lgbtq representation. it’s YA (young adult) fiction, not really my taste. would recommend for those who like YA. great cover art!
• wintergirls by laurie halse anderson. a lot of people love this book. i thought it was ok. it’s a work of fiction by an author who isn’t really part of the edsheeran or recovery community. it’s another YA book. i will always prefer memoirs and non-fiction
• fat chance by lesléa newman. this was the first edsheeran book i read. it was assigned reading for my high school health class. it’s a YA novel about a 13 year old girl who wants to lose we!ght. she re$tricts, she b;nges, she poorges, she becomes boolimic. i can trace my edsheeran back to this book. i started d;eting, b;ngeing, and abusing lax4tives as a direct result of reading this material. it did the exact opposite of its purpose, trying to steer young people away from toxic d!et culture. my take away was, i’m overweight, therefore i should be willing to do anything to get th!nner. it’s not very good tbh. maybe if you like YA you’d like it but otherwise, would not recommend
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lexosaurus · 1 year
Ok I never do these tag games but I'm like eh what the heck I wanna ramble!
Previous thread was super long so I'm making this its own post.
Tagged by @going-getting-got-ghost (obsessed with ur username btw)
Currently reading: In between books! Just finished rereading Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir because I needed something lighter and fun (after reading Jennette McCurdy’s autobiography which can I just say GOD DAMN). About to start reading (tonight!) A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Naas because one of my good friends recommended it!
Favorite Color(s): Purple and black
Last Song: According to Spotify it was Îles by Jordan Critz from my “Orchestral S Tier” playlist
Last Movie: John Wick (the first one) with my bf. Called it “the male gaze on screen” and he laughed.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: SWEET
Currently Working On: Finishing up writing Chapter 21 of Everything Was White! Excited to post it!
Tag 9 blogs! @reallydumbdannyphantomaus @kinglazrus @wastefulreverie @qlinq-qhost @underforeversgrace @astatia-ghast @bibliophilea @ectopusses @duchi-nesten
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infinitemacaroni · 1 year
tagged by @skiddlecat HIII whats up thanks for passing the baton
tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
3 ships: ive been putting arguably way too much energy into oc’s too so the ideas that come to mind arent anything. fuck. lets get some range here & say serirei, villaneve, and morticia & gomez addams
first ship: ouhhhh i have no idea but in my gut i wanna say bubbline <3
last song: this is the most humble i will be in my life im listening to gaga’s The Fame on repeat and in all honesty the last song that played was paparazzi please be kind to me. i swear i have taste
last movie: the birdcage! watched it with a friend this past weekend, really fun
currently reading: i havent been reading much lately but my last book was jennette mccurdy’s memoir and it hit hard
currently watching: letterkenny!!!!! please please i recommend it so hard. also schitt’s creek, & recently finished always sunny
currently consuming: raw garlic baby . and rtvs streams (rewatched the entirety of the chulip playthrough would recommend as well)
currently craving: a normal fucking sleep schedule.. maybe wetzels pretzels
tagging... @lightredfox @craictropical @grrlware and any mutuals im just forgetful. hi
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earthenterran · 1 year
Hey Terran! What were some of your favorite books you read this year 👀
Of the books I actually finished all the way through: Fifteen Hundred Miles from the Sun BY Jonny Garza Villa
^This was probably my favorite. It's a story about a long distance realtionships between two guys as they finish up highschool. It's got a good mix of conflict, it's fun, there are painful parts (there is homophobia but also a very good support system), and it's probably one of the fastest books I read through. I know the author has another book (Ander and Santi Were Here) that I definitely want to read as well when it comes out next year! I also enjoyed Parasite BY Darcy Coates. I went in knowing it was horror, and wanting to try that. It was a good dip in the genre I think.
Lastly, that I'm Glad My Mom Died book by Jennette McCurdy, she's a solid writer, and I enjoyed how she told her story. (I also reread Gideon the Ninth and enjoyed that)
OF THE STUFF I STARTED BUT HAVEN'T FINISHED: The Order of Time by Carlo Rovelli Rovelli approaches the concepts of time from both a scientific and philosophical approach, and it made the topic a lot more digestible to me that other science books I've attempted to read in the past. Sabriel by Garth Nix Okay, tbf I'm not super far into it, I've only started this recently, but it was recommeded by one of my best friends as its his favorite series but it gives me nostalgic to the books I read when I was younger, and the imagery is really good so far. I'm so eager to see where this story takes me, I already know I'm going to enjoy the rest of it.
I'm definitely excited to read more with the upcoming year, I have so many books I wanna get through. OH OH! Last thing. I did get to read the last volume of the Life is Strange graphic novel (been getting them by the volume, not the issue, so I had to wait until spring to read it) and... I've said it before but... oh, my heart. I will reread this story to the end of time, it healed my hurt from the game's... stuff. Didn't take it away tbc, but gave me new things to enjoy, new moments to love, and new characters to root for.
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ticklystuff · 1 year
tagged by @chibimochii thanks for the tag hehehe
♥︎Favorite colors: blue (especially teal!) black, white, and grey hehe
♥︎Currently reading: ahhh i haven’t read any actual books for fun in a while. i actually have a long flight next week, so if y’all have any book suggestions let me know! i was thinking of picking up jennette mccurdy’s memoir because icarly was part of my childhood *sobs*
♥︎Last song:  girls like me don’t cry - thuy
♥︎Last series: i’ve been bad and haven’t been keeping up with spy x family, to your eternity, and chainsaw man but i’m planning on catching up on those soon! last series i actually finished was little women
♥︎Last movie: i think moana with my co-workers?
♥︎Sweet/spicy/Savory: SPICY ahhh i love the burning feeling! i used to have a sweet tooth when i was younger but i think i’ve grown out of it because too much sugar hurts me
♥︎Currently working on: the tickly alphabet asks and zhongli’s birthday fic hehehe
♥︎Tagging: hmmm i think i’ve seen a lot of people tagged by now but i’ll tag @xsezzie and @fuwahua! no pressure to do it ofc! also if i didn’t tag you but you wanna participate, feel free to say you were tagged by me ^^
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evies20dollars · 1 year
10, 19, 24 for the book asks ✨
Thanks for sending an ask 💕
10: What was your favorite new release of the year? Probably either Babel by R.F. Kuang or The Golden Enclaves by Naomi Novik-- I think they're really interesting because they're pretty similar in concept and looking at the same question, but with radically different answers. There is a very real chance I'll write a paper comparing the two at some point, but we'll see. The Marvellers by Dhonielle Clayton and I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy are both also up there for favorite releases so shoutout to them as well.
19. Did you use your library? Big time. For the most part I typically will only buy a book after I've already read it and know for a fact I then want to own it, or if I trust the author enough that I believe I will for sure want to own it (though sometimes even authors whose previous work I really like's new stuff will disappoint me, *cough cough* the Nikolai Duology and Ninth House). Basically for most books, I'll get it from the library, the only other exception being if I need it for school and it's not available from the library.
24. Did you DNF anything? Why? Honestly, I'm sure I did, but I can't really remember what off the top of my head. Usually if I DNF something it's very early on into reading it and I can either see it's not gonna be something I'll like or I just don't have the time and then it's due back at the library. Oh, I guess I didn't finish The Lord of the Rings if you're counting that as one book, not three. I read Fellowship though-- we were supposed to read all of them for my course, but we didn't really have to read beyond Fellowship and yeah I didn't, I did not have the time to and I wasn't invested enough
Send me end-of-the-year-book asks!
Edit: Also, if we’re mutuals feel free to DM me if you wanna be friends on Storygraph or Goodreads
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milo-is-rambling · 7 months
It feels weird to be excited about reading again but once I finish the book I’m reading rn I wanna get The last days of Judas Iscariot (the play) and I’m glad my mom died (by Jennette McCurdy) and read those
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slowpoke272 · 1 year
“i’m glad my mom died” by jennette mccurdy
finished: december 7, 2022
this is the one, the book that re-lit my fire for storytelling and made me realize i had a strong desire to hear more stories like these. i had listened to other audiobooks here and there, but this one was special because it was narrated by the author herself and i think she made her words come to life in the audio recordings.
the book itself is a masterpiece, a harrowing collection of moments surrounding the life of a child star. though jennette is only speaking on her own life and story, the reader/listener is left wondering the extent other child actors face these same challenges, as child stars are never really technically able to give their full consent, are they? although i wasn’t too familiar with icarly when it aired (i had to look up sam puckett to see which one she was) i still feel like there’s so much that hits home particularly as a millennial or generation z; when we love our parents, we would do anything to please them.
in a way i don’t wanna say too much about this book because anyone reading about this book ought to stop immediately and just read and/or listen to it. obviously i do prefer the format of jennette telling her own story via audiobook, but if you prefer the written format, by all means. but this is an outstanding book worth reading probably more than once to really “get” everything. it’s dark but it’s honest.
i specifically appreciate the discussions about death and body image. i’m glad that jennette was able to pull us in to those final moments with her mom and share where her headspace was before, during, and after that moment. having lost a parent (my father-in-law) in 2022, i still found solace in her juggling of death even though our relationships were obviously very different and our lives are not at all the same.
i feel similarly about the body image topic. body image includes such a wide spectrum of diagnoses, but jennette is able to share exactly what was going on in her head where she didn’t even see what she was doing was detrimental to her own body. i feel like the story unfolds walking us through the journey of two relationships: jennette’s relationship with her mom, obviously, and jennette’s relationship with her own body. her early days auditioning for roles, it really just seems like jennette is a prop and she doesn’t even have any authority over her body or what she does with it. in a way, watching jennette’s journey with her own self image broke my heart more than her relationship with her mom; even in an estranged relationship, we can infer quite a lot about a mother-daughter relationship, but in our society we are all taught so many ways to constantly ignore the messages from our own body, it’s honestly sickening.
i don’t have many more thoughts on this other than it was an awesome journey to take, despite the subject matter and author’s disposition for the vast majority of the novel. jennette should be really proud of herself and her progress, and i hope she continues to find ways she wants to share her creativity with the world. or if that’s not working out for her, i simply wish her the best. she deserves it.
rating: 10/10 this deeply resonated with me, i will re-read it again numerous times and recommend it to anyone i know, the story and characters will stick with me forever; crave discussing it all the time and bring it up unprovoked
(i’m gonna be very corny and flexible on these haha, i don’t waste my time on things i don’t think i’ll like so there will likely be a lot of 10s here)
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fun tag game? fun tag game. ty @janelevy for the tag <3
what book are you currently reading? 
i just finished i'm glad my mom died by jennette mccurdy, so now i'll probably move onto loveless by alice oseman or iron widow by xiran jay zhao
what’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year? 
i,,, genuinely cannot remember going to a single movie in theaters this year. i'm pretty certain i never went into theaters this year. although, now that i'm thinking my local theater did host a viewing of goncharov-
what do you usually wear? 
um,,, mainly,,, like dresses or shirts tucked into skirts. i don't own many "masculine" clothes and i'm just generally more comfy in "feminine" clothes
how tall are you? 
uh,,, 5'2 or 5'3 i think. i'm pretty short. i'm the shortest of my friend group
what’s your star sign? 
gemini !
do you go by your name or a nickname?
i'll go by anything if you clear it with me first. hannah? sure. 04? sure. jamie? sure. stan? sure. munchkin? ... sure, fine [redacted]
did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? 
uh,,, so i'm in (community) college now w an undecided major (which funnily enough, i did not want to go to college when i was little), but i'm pretty sure i'm going into education. little me wasn't exactly sure what i wanted to grow up to be, i flip-flopped around a bit, but i clung onto actor for a while so,,, no, not really
are you in a relationship? if not, who is your crush if you have one? 
i am very single. i do have a crush on someone (two someones, actually), but i'm scared they'll find my tumblr so they'll remain unnamed. i do also have many crushes on celebrities who have no idea i exist
dogs or cats?
don't make me choose... okay fine, cats
if you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
oooh i am a fanfic writer (ik, i'm really cool /s), and my favorite fic has got to be this zep fic i wrote (pas de deux) kiss me backstage, in part bc it's just really personal. i'd say my favorite line in it is "She stepped away, wanting to see how he’d react before going. He seemed a little shocked, but slowly, a smile played at the edge of his lips. She smiled and then ran for her life towards the wings, because Jesus, she was late." what can i say, i'm a romantic who spent their final show of dance running to and from the wings
what’s something you would like to create content for?
ooooh um... maybe the west wing or wednesday or the punisher. definitely would like to write something for jessica jones. maybe if i'm feeling daring, derry girls?
what’s something you’re currently obsessed with? 
the west wing. did a rewatch a month or so back bc of hln and i remembered how much i love it. derry girls, abbott elementary, and she-hulk attorney at law have all been taking up considerable space in my head, especially derry girls. also, weirdly, the punisher, which i've only seen one episode and clips of
what’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year? 
... first kill. i tried really hard to like it, but idk there was a lot about it that rubbed me the wrong way and i just couldn't get into it the way i wanted to
what’s a hidden talent of yours?
um,,, it's not very hidden, but i have a pretty good singing voice. idk most ppl on here don't know and it isn't something i talk a lot abt with ppl i don't know... or maybe my hidden talent is the ability to ramble on for any given topic i'm somewhat passionate/invested in for hours on end, which i have done before
are you religious?
i'm not,,, religious, but i am somewhat observant of judaism, and i'd like to be more observant
what’s something you wish to have at this moment? 
um... i guess a friend to hug. idk, i'm kinda sad, i had to leave my family early for the holidays bc my dad caught covid and i just really wanna hug somebody... also, bc we live in a capitalist society, money
tagging @wannabe-etymologist, @pesby, @delphiniumblooms ! obviously, no pressure, if you guys don't wanna participate <3
also open to anyone who sees this and thinks it would be fun to have a go at it <3
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