#i used to draw Papyrus with real eyes but i forgot about that so this time they're just matching /shrugs
10yrsyart · 2 months
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SO i storyboarded this comic and drew the first page back in 2015, and then totally and completely forgot about it 😂 i remember around that time i was struggling to accept that chronic illness was my life and couldn't be ignored.
it was really cathartic to come back to finish this, both with improved skills, and improved mental health. i feel like God allowed me to forget about it, just so that He could gift it back to me now, as a reminder of our growth together.
"(The Lord) lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along." (Psalm 40:2)
Papyrus: SANS!! Sans: hey bro, how's the library job goin?
Sans: not... anymore than usual?
Sans: what-
Sans: bro-
Sans: - ..nah, i'm sure it's just.. me being lazy. like I always am, right? don't worry-
Sans: pap, no-
Sans: papyrus-
Sans: thanks, pap.. i.. i love you.
Sans: just bill my insurance.
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lover-of-skellies · 3 years
So uhh, this isn’t off the prompt list thing and literally no one asked for it, but I decided to go back and edit a super old thing I wrote. It’s supposed to be part of something a lot bigger, but for now, the whole thing’s been discontinued
Essentially, this is an OC insert kinda thing with my girl Adrienne. She’s been trapped in Horrortale for a little while, and since Sans decided to be merciful, she’s been allowed to live in a spare room in his and Pap’s house. She has free roam of the house and can do pretty much whatever the hell she wants (as long as it doesn’t involve getting into the pantry and digging into their reserves), and in exchange for all of that and being allowed to live, he and Papyrus have some super basic rules they expect her to follow
Rule number 1 is that she is to be helpful, and try to maintain the house while they’re away. Rule number two is that she’s not to leave the house without covering her face and hands. Rule number three is that she’s never to leave the house alone, without one or both of them nearby
Out of boredom and hunger, she leaves the house one day, following the smell of food. This doesn’t seem like it’d be anything huge, but it’s a major no-no, and it doesn’t go unpunished
Papyrus is also surprisingly good at giving advice, too. He might not have much experience with dating, but he knows exactly what he's talking about
If you make it to the end, I have to give you kudos because this is a complete cringe-fest ^^"
((Gonna add some potential trigger warnings for: angst, slight violence, and public humiliation))
Searing pain.
The once blue-nette had been exploring the town, much to her guardians’ displeasure. She’d known it wasn’t a good idea, and for what reasons, she was well aware, but she had to do something. Staying holed away in the house every moment of every day was a completely new level of boring, one that she hadn’t even known existed. Her guardian had made it very clear that she was to never leave the house unless he or his brother were to accompany her, but today… well. His brother was away, probably at the capital getting physically and verbally abused by their queen, and he himself? She wasn’t sure what he did while he was away, but she’d learned not to ask too many questions. The first few times she tried asking, he’d been quick to change the subject or dodge her questions entirely, or he’d simply laugh and make a joke which he deemed hilarious when in reality, it wasn’t. Once he got tired of her asking, his humor quickly dissipated and was replaced by anger. He didn’t even have to look at her for her to know he was upset; all it took was a few short, clipped responses, and how she could practically hear him frown when he spoke. That’s beside the point though.
At the moment, she was suspended in mid air by her throat, her legs flailing as she began clawing at her assailant’s arm, her teeth bared as she struggled to free herself. The slightly withered fire monster shrugged off her attempts to attack him as if they were nothing at all; even though his strength had been diminished and was now only half of what it used to be, he was still far tougher than she could ever hope to be. Having smelled food, she made the mistake of slipping into the bar he owned, her hood tugged as far over her face as possible. She had glanced around the establishment, taken note of the other monsters nearby, and made another mental note of where all the exits were, should she need to run. After very cautiously crossing the bar and taking a seat at the old, worn counter, the flamesman had wordlessly poured a glass of water. He nudged it in her direction, and she’d eagerly accepted it, being mindful of how much of her face was concealed as she sipped the cold beverage.
For a moment, she was relaxed, and she nearly forgot the very real danger she was in. She was snapped out of her brief feeling of serenity as the Grillby fully shifted his attention to her. He made a soft, questioning sound, and she kept her head low, speaking just barely loud enough for him to hear, “What’re ya serving, Grillby?” He grunted, well prepared to offer her a short, yet simple answer, but was cut off by another monster who seated himself beside the girl, “I don’t think I’ve seen you around these parts before, friend… where are you from?” The teen lowered her gaze to the countertop, catching a glimpse of what looked to be faded blue fur. She didn’t know what monster could possibly want to talk to her, but she remained as calm and casual as possible in hope of not drawing any more attention to herself, “The ruins.”
With their interest now fully piqued, the monster beside her hummed incredulously, “The ruins, huh?... I take it you’ve met our former queen then. Toriel.” Upon hearing the familiar goat monster’s name, the teen saw images flicker in her mind; memories of her time in the ruins before she managed to escape. How Toriel had guided her through all the traps and puzzles that laid in waiting. How she held her close and allowed her to sob into her shoulder. How she’d convinced Adrienne to go back to her house, where there’d be a warm bed, food, and all the love and care she could ever want. Toriel had baked a cinnamon and butterscotch pie, very excited to share it with her, but not long after the teen had eaten a small slice, she’d felt her stomach turn. Her world went black, and when she awoke, she was tucked into a bed in a dimly lit room, which looked as though it had once belonged to a child. She felt incredibly ill and had almost no strength, and she could barely stand without feeling light headed. To her surprise, however, her willing ally, Flowey, had made a surprise return. Adrienne had seen Toriel had burn him alive, so she didn’t understand how he was even still alive.
Flowey had been through this exact same situation too many times to count, as it turned out, and he’d revealed Toriel’s true intentions: make the teen weak enough to require constant care and attention, and make her stay in the ruins forever. Or at the very least, until she died. Taking advantage of a distraction provided by Flowey, she’d waited for the goat monster to disappear to another part of the house. She’d then made her way to the kitchen and began to search around the floorboards. According to Flowey, there was a panel that could be removed, and underneath it, she’d find the remedy she needed to regain her health. She’d found the vial and downed it without question, only to look up and see the crazed goat monster staring at her from the doorway. The look on her face was one that still occasionally haunted Adrienne's dreams, and she’d been trying to go as long as possible without thinking about it. It appeared as though she’d be getting no such luck today, though.
Clearing her throat and trying to force down her growing anxiety, she nodded, keeping her head down, “Yeah, I have. I’ve met her.” The blue furred stranger watched her with an unnerving amount of intensity and she fought the urge to squirm and lean away from them. As they spoke again, their voice held a curious edge, “Huh. I can only imagine how that went.” Nodding silently, the teen returned to her glass of water, more than ready for the stranger to go away. She knew what would happen if she was discovered, and she wanted no part of that whatsoever.
The monster leaned closer to her and sniffed the air, letting out a pleased sigh before mumbling, “Friend… you don’t exactly smell like one of us. Monsters have their own natural and unique scents... But you, however,” A fuzzy paw-like hand seized her arm with a vice-like grip, and the stranger's voice shifted from a mumble to what was more like a hiss, “you smell like you belong on the grill.” Adrienne began attempting to yank her arm back out of the monster’s grasp and they laughed, simply using their free hand to tug her hood down, revealing her identity to Grillby and the other bar patrons that surrounded them. Her faded grey eyes widened in fear as the monsters began to shout at the flamesman, excitedly demanding that he cook her for them. Despite how the teen shook her head in protest, the mass of living fire moved closer to her, rapidly snatching her up by the throat. She was lifted off of the ground, and he ignored her pained screams as the heat from his hand began to scorch the skin of her neck.
With adrenaline now coursing through her veins, she let out a string of expletives and pulled both of her legs up until her knees touched her chest. The flamesman took a single step toward his kitchen, and then froze as both of her deceptively weak legs shot toward him, delivering a sharp kick to the space just below his chest. She didn’t expect her little stunt to actually work, but to her pleasant surprise, he’d released his grip on her out of shock, gingerly touching the now injured part of himself. Adrienne dropped to the floor and quickly regained her balance, paying no attention to the few monsters who rushed to Grillby’s side. She proceeded to climb over the counter and sprint toward the door, the footsteps behind her a clear indicator that she was being pursued now. Not that she could blame them for any though; food was insanely hard to come by, so if you had a chance to eat but the food got up and ran, wouldn’t you go after it too?
Reaching out with a clawed hand, some unseen monster snagged a fistful of her hair and harshly pulled, causing her to yelp and almost tumble to the floor. She glanced around, surveying her surroundings and checking the exits again. Part of what looked to be a dog’s muzzle could be seen in her peripheral vision and she winced, struggling to free herself from the creature's grip. She only received an amused cackle from the monster in question, followed by him instructing some of the others to grab her and haul her back to the kitchen for Grillby. Looking around again and seeing them approaching her, she stuffed her hand into one of her pockets and fished around, searching through the various items inside for a moment before revealing a pocket knife. Unsure of what she might do, some of the monsters around her stepped back, but the one still pulling her hair only growled. Though she felt the hair on the back of her neck raise at the sound, she lifted an arm and made one single, fluid slicing motion with her hand, the blade of the pocket knife slicing through her hair. While she hated having to cut her hair and knew it’d take forever to grow back, she bared her teeth at the large dog monster, her lips curling into a smug grin as she noticed the look of surprise on his face.
Taking advantage of the moment, she darted to the nearest door, fully prepared to run out into the freezing streets and make a mad dash back to her protector’s house. Freedom and safety were so close and within her reach now, but as she whipped the door open and scrambled to get outside, she slammed face first into yet another monster. Letting out a frustrated and startled screech, she began trying to squeeze past them. They simply chuckled, wrapping an arm around her nearly size-zero waist and pulling her flush against themselves. Hearing the chuckle, realization dawned on her; this was her protector. She would be safe now.
She stole a glance up at his face and his scarlet iris flickered briefly down to her, his amused grin shifting into a taut line. Oh, she knew that expression all too well by now.
From that look alone, she knew someone would be hurt today.
Though his arm was almost uncomfortably tight around her, she said nothing, only turning her body slightly and burying her face in the front of his heavily blood stained shirt. The teen whimpered, wordlessly admitting just how scared she really was at the moment. He shifted his focus entirely to the other monsters that were now staring at both of them, and sensing their gaze, the teen whined faintly, her guardian lightly squeezing her in an effort to reassure her.
Thoroughly confused as to why she wasn’t dead yet, someone called out to her protector, “Perfect timing, Sans. Now how about you kill her so we can all eat already?” The skeleton’s normally rough voice held a bitter edge and he practically growled, “She ain’t free game, pal. I’m sorry ta say it, but I won’t be hackin’ this one ta bits for ya.” A crowd was beginning to form now and Adrienne tried to press as close to her friend as she could, wishing everyone would hurry up and leave. She already hated crowds on their own, and knowing that this particular crowd all wanted to see her get roasted alive didn’t exactly make her feel any better. Clearly taken aback, the same monster that’d addressed Sans spoke up again, “Oh really? And why’s that? You never helped the humans that fell before her, so what makes her so special?”
Curiosity piqued, she glanced up at the skeleton again, though he didn’t return the gaze. He just continued staring the other monster down, his iris nearly glowing now from the extent of his agitation, “Because she’s mine. Ya hear me? This little slab a’ meat belongs ta me.” A tiny burst of heat rushed to her face upon hearing his response; was he really claiming her right now? Claiming that she was his, and using his power over the others to coerce them into sparing her? Unbelievable.
Another monster decided to interject, countering Sans’ statement with, “Then how come you haven’t marked her yet?”
Oh boy. Of course someone would ask. Why wouldn’t they? She had no idea what she was expecting, but it clearly wasn’t that. With an annoyed huff, the skeleton spun her around, making sure everyone could see her face as he fired back with another sharp retort, “Heh, funny you should ask. I was on my way home with the intention of doin’ just that, but I guess we won’t have the privacy now. Oh well. All you fuckwits better be watchin’, because I’m only gonna do this once.”
Wait, he was going to mark her? Here? In front of everyone?
Face burning with embarrassment, she dropped her gaze to the floor, letting out a soft squeak as he grabbed the collar of her shirt and jacket and pulled them aside to reveal her shoulder. Not bothering to give any indication of what he was about to do, a faintly glowing blue tongue snaked out of his maw and traced over a very specific patch of her skin. The feeling of his tongue - which consisted solely of highly concentrated magic - on her skin was like nothing she’d experienced before. There was some warmth to it that was followed by a tingle, which was likely caused by the magic itself, and another involuntary whimper slipped past her lips. Her face grew hotter at hearing herself make that sound again, which to her horror, Sans had also heard. It earned a soft chuckle from him and his mandible shifted into a pleased grin.
And then he sunk his teeth into her shoulder.
It happened so fast that she didn’t even have time to register what happened, but at the lack of the expected pain, she unconsciously fidgeted. Wasn’t this supposed to hurt?... What was preventing her from being in pain right now? She felt his tongue trace over her skin again, accompanied by more tingling and… numbness? Had he intentionally numbed her shoulder before biting her?
Seeing that he had been true to his word and had in fact marked her, the other monsters quickly grew bored, the vast majority of them also visibly disappointed as they returned to their prior activities. A sense of relief washed over her and she sighed, stealing a quick glance at her friend as he slowly released her. His tongue lingered behind momentarily and lapped up the blood that seeped from the injury, and his voice took a husky tone as he purred, “Ya taste good, kiddo. I think I could get used ta this.” Her already flushed face became a much brighter shade of red than before and she scoffed, refusing to look at him, “Don’t count on it, mister.” “Awe, c’mon Addy. Help me out here… it’s not my fault that ya taste as good as ya look.” Growling softly, Adrienne scrunched her face up into a look of annoyance in hopes of masking her embarrassment as she rolled her eyes, “Pervert.” “No idea what you’re talkin’ about.” “Uh huh, right. I definitely believe that.” He lightly jabbed her side with the tip of a phalange and she squirmed, yelping in surprise. She tried to twist her small frame away from him and he laughed softly, “Whatever. How about we ditch this place and head home now? This bar is no place for a little lady like ya.” Looking back at him over her shoulder, she flicked her tongue at him.
They’d left the bar and began to walk home in uncomfortable silence. The moment they made it back to his house and he’d set her down, she found herself being roughly shoved against the closed front door with one of his large hands catching her wrists and pinning them above her head. Her eyes widened in shock and she squirmed, “H-Hey, what the hell are you-” Meeting her gaze, the look he wore was enough to silence her, his completely dilated red iris both captivating and terrifying her all at once.
Then he spoke, his gruff voice low, “You disobeyed me, Adrienne.”
Forcing her voice out and reaching nothing louder than a whisper, she frowned, “I… I know I did. I’m really sorry, Sans. I won’t do it again, I swear.” “Do you have any idea what would’ve happened if I didn’t get ta you in time?” “Yes, I do! Really!” “If you knew the risks, then why’d you do it?” Feeling much smaller than before as he continued staring her down, Adrienne sheepishly looked away from him, “There’s just.... Not a lot to do here when you and Paps are gone, and I was bored. I did a bunch of cleaning and reorganizing, and I even tried to fix the TV. I dug through the hallway closet and looked through the games, but do you have any idea how hard it is to actually play a game by yourself and have fun at the same time?”
With his free hand, the skeleton cupped his face, letting a deep sigh, “You risked your life… you risked dying, because you were bored? Am I hearin’ that right?” Feeling guilty, she slowly nodded, choosing to keep her mouth shut this time. Catching her completely by surprise, what sounded like a giggle could be heard, and though it took a moment to fully register, she had a realization that made her blood run cold; the giggle came from Sans.
Nervously lifting her gaze again to look up at him, the only thing that began to pulse within her was regret. Regret that she’d disobeyed him, regret that she went against his wishes, regret that she’d upset him so badly, regret that she even opened her mouth at all to speak to him, and most of all, regret that she’d decided to look at him.
He leaned back the smallest bit, one hand still firmly pinning her wrists above her head. Her eyes widened in complete terror as his giggling began to escalate, growing louder and louder until he was roaring with laughter as blue tinted tears pricked at the rims of his sockets. Not bothering to wipe away the tears, he placed his free hand on his face. His open palm rested on his cheek as he curled his fingers, the first two settling inside his empty socket; judging by the slight movement his arm made, he’d begun lightly tugging on the rim of it. That was never a good sign. Yes, she loved it when he relaxed enough to laugh with her from time to time, but this display right now? This was the stuff of nightmares.
Then almost as quickly as it’d started, his laughter came to an abrupt halt and his wide grin vanished, leaving only a resentful scowl behind in its place. As his focus shifted back to the teen, her heart began to race. She honestly had no idea what he planned to do now. He then began to slowly tighten his grip on her wrists, a soft growl rumbling from within his chest. Paying no attention to the grimace of pain she wore as his phalanges began digging into her skin, he leaned down, the space between them reduced to almost nothing as he hissed, “You’re an idiot. Get out of my goddamn sight, human.” Adrienne opened her mouth to force an apology out but was quickly cut off, crying out in surprise and pain as the skeleton dug his phalanges even further into her wrists and began to break skin. Rolling his single eye light, he scoffed, stepping back and suddenly yanking her to the side, releasing his grip on her wrists in time to make her small body become airborne. With the sound of something cracking and collapsing beneath her, she knew she’d landed at least partially on the coffee table.
Despite the pain that shot through her with even the smallest movement, the cold stare she was receiving from the skeleton was enough to make get back up, her head hung low as her eyes began to water up. Not wanting to show him this weaker, more vulnerable side of herself, she darted up the stairs, her feet padding across the slightly creaky wooden floor for only a brief moment. She then took refuge in the upstairs bathroom, slamming the door shut behind herself and flipping the latch, locking out the world. Trying to force down the very minute amount of guilt that began to bubble up within him, Sans let out an annoyed huff and glanced at the now completely busted coffee table. He was going to have a hell of a time explaining that to Papyrus later.
What seemed like a century had passed before the youngest of the two skeletons finally returned home, the sight of the smashed coffee table still lying on the floor enough to induce a sense of dread within him. Normally when he came home, his elder brother would greet him, or at the very least, be lazing about on the couch and offer him a half hearted wave that was usually followed by some sort of pun or terrible joke.
But no. Nothing. Sans was nowhere in sight, and neither was Adrienne. This only made Papyrus’ concern grow; he hoped beyond all hope that his brother hadn’t done anything to her.
The tall skeleton let out a soft sigh and crossed the living room. The exhaustion from the long day began to set in as he ascended the stairs, eager to take a shower and change into something more comfortable. He loved his battle body immensely, but sometimes his sore, tired bones made the item feel as though it weighed a thousand pounds. He wished he could simply change his clothes and climb into bed so he could go to sleep, but life wasn’t that simple for him; before he was allowed to relax, he needed to shower and make dinner for his brother and Adrienne, then the teen was to help him clean up the dishes once the three of them had finished eating. After all that, he was to take Adrienne to the backyard to test prototypes for new puzzles and traps. She was kind enough to help him make sure they worked correctly, so he was always vigilant, always watching to make sure she was never injured on any of them. Aside from being a puzzle and trap tester, his rather small human friend also delighted in helping him think of new puzzles, and she even designed some of her own. She seemed to enjoy partaking in games of pretend when they messed around with the action figures he’d collected over the years, and when Sans wasn’t around or flat out refused to do it, she didn’t mind reading to him before he fell asleep each night, either. They’d grown very close, and he cared for her almost as much as he cared for Sans. It was for all those reasons why he promised to protect her; he had to protect her. He’d become used to her presence and had grown to appreciate their friendship very much, and having her as his friend helped fill the void in his soul that was once occupied by the queen herself. He still considered Undyne a close friend, but the way she spoke and treated him now was… Execrable.
As he twisted the knob and nudged his bedroom door open, the scent of blood hit his nasal cavity and he felt his body tense. Gently pushing the door shut behind his massive frame once he’d crossed the threshold, he made his way to his desk and flicked on the small lamp that resided on its far left corner, the light illuminating his multitude of action figures and an old map.
The faint sound of movement caught Papyrus’ attention and he looked down toward the source, almost unable to believe what he was seeing; the human was in his bed, lying on her side and wrapped in his old blankets. An open first aid kit sat on the floor next to the bed, and cloth bandages were wrapped loosely around her slender neck. Her hair, which was once nearly long enough to reach her lower back, was now much shorter; it looked as though it was cut hastily by some sort of blade. While her arms were mostly concealed by the blankets, he could see that her wrists had also been wrapped in bandages, a familiar crimson threatening to seep through the material. As she shifted again in her slumber, her shirt began to slip down her shoulder and revealed another large bandage, more crimson staining the fabric. His brow bones furrowed as he took note of how the crimson staining it formed a half circle… as if the injury was because of a bite.
In his consternation, Papyrus reached out, a single gloved hand settling on her uninjured shoulder. He leaned down, his spine already aching from the awkward angle as he lowered his voice and did his best not to startle her, “Human?... Adrienne? Please, I Need You To Wake Up. Come On Human, Please.” As she slowly began to stir, he fought the urge to scoop her up into his arms and shelter her from whatever had left her in her current condition.
As her eyes fluttered open and she took notice of the skeleton towering over her, all traces of exhaustion vanished and her eyes widened, a sound of surprise slipping past her lips. In her momentary panic, she’d sat up and tried to move away from him, her chest heaving as she drew in one deep breath after another. Papyrus gently shushed her, offering her a weak, apologetic smile, “Hey, Hey, It’s Alright. It’s Just Me, Adrienne. I Didn’t Mean To Startle You, I Swear. I’m So Sorry For Scaring You.”
Registering who was with her, the teen released a deep sigh of relief. She gave Papyrus no time to prepare himself before she practically threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around whatever she could reach before clinging to his battle body. Though he was visibly caught off guard, he delicately encircled her with his arms, one hand finding her uninjured shoulder again before he lightly squeezed, his voice laced with concern, “Adrienne?... What’s Wrong? What Happened To You?”
The only response he received from the girl in his arms was a muffled sob and he frowned, moving his hand from her shoulder to her face. He used his index finger to tilt her head back, allowing him to see her tear stained face, and as her bottom lip twitched and another tear rolled down her cheek, he frowned; normally she was such a strong, upbeat person. To see her this way was heartbreaking.
The skeleton lowered his voice even further, reducing it to a whisper, “Adrienne, Please… Tell Me What Happened. I Want To Help You.” Her lip twitched again and she sniffled, reaching up to wipe her tears away with her sleeve, “I just… Papy… I just wanted to go outside... I just wanted some fresh air… I didn’t mean for this to happen.” Still frowning, Papyrus gently ran his fingers through her hair and tilted his head, his voice remaining low, “What Do You Mean?... Did Sans Do This To You?” Upon hearing the name of the older skeleton brother, Adrienne tightened her grip on Papyrus, her voice beginning to waver as more tears rolled down her face, gathering at her jaw and dripping down onto her shirt, “Papy… I was so stupid. I made him mad at me. I upset Sans.”
Papyrus’ frown deepened; he knew how his brother could be whenever he had one of his episodes, and never in a million years would he wish for anyone to become the recipient of Sans' delirium. The skeleton sighed as he gently stroked the teen’s hair, “It’ll Be Ok, I Promise. You May Stay Here Tonight If You’d Like, And I’ll Be Sure To Speak With Him About This. Do You Think You Could Tell Me Everything, Though? I Can’t Be Of Any Help To You If I Don’t Know All The Details.” With a heavy heart, she slowly nodded and looked up, meeting his gaze, “I… I went outside today... by myself. I went into town, and I went to Grillby’s. It smelled like food in there, and I was so hungry… I thought I’d find something to eat. I kept myself as covered as possible, but I was caught and got grabbed by Grillby,” she paused, visibly ashamed as she gestured to her neck, “…I got burned.”
The skeleton made a soft sound in understanding and nodded, silently asking her to continue, which she did, “Someone else grabbed my hair and I had to cut it to get away from them. Then when I opened the door and went to run outside, I ran face first into Sans. He told everyone there not to mess with me, that I wasn’t free game because I belonged to him. Then he marked me. Right there, with everyone watching. He was a little flirty afterward and he seemed happy enough, so I thought everything was ok, but when we got here, he… he had an episode.”
Papyrus didn’t know what to make of everything he’d just been told; on one hand, she suffered numerous injuries and nearly died, and on the other hand, she was marked by Sans.
Normally whenever a monster marked someone, it meant that they saw that person as their mate and that they wanted to claim them as their own. That they loved that person with every fiber of their body and soul. Being marked also served as a way to protect someone from other monsters, but there had been cases of a mark not being enough to guarantee the safety of a monster's mate.
Being marked was not only a big deal, but it was also something that every self respecting monster knew should be done in private. The fact that Sans marked her in the first place was absolutely astounding, but the fact that he had the absolute nerve to take something that was meant to be special, shared between mates and no one else, and turned it into some obscene gesture that he performed in front of a crowd, undoubtedly humiliating Adrienne in the process… It was unacceptable.
He needed to speak to Sans, and he needed to do it now.
Releasing a deep sigh, Papyrus lifted a hand to idly rub the back of his neck, “I See… I Cannot Apologize Enough On My Brother’s Behalf. I’ll See If I Can Get Anything Out Of Him That Would Explain Why He’d Behave This Way. Hopefully… Hopefully He Doesn’t Clam Up, Like He Seems To Always End Up Doing. Will You Be Alright Here While I’m Away? I Don’t Want To Leave You Alone If You’re Still Feeling A Little Too Overwhelmed And Freaked Out By Everything.” The teen sniffled, absentmindedly wiping her face with her sleeve again as she nodded, “Uh huh… I think so.” Catching the slight uncertainty in her voice, he offered her a reassuring smile, “I’ll Try To Be Back As Soon As Possible, Alright? How About You Pick Out Some Puzzles For Us To Work On When I Return? A Few Good Puzzles Always Help Me Feel Better Whenever I’m A Bit Rattled, So I’m Confident They’ll Do The Same For You, Too!” Adrienne couldn’t help the small smile that curled her lips upward at how eager he was to help her, and she nodded again, “Ok, Pap… that sounds good to me. When you get back, do you think maybe you could help me fix my bandages a little? Some of them are still too loose and I dunno if I missed any little spots anywhere.” Perking up at the request, Papyrus beamed, gently unwrapping his arms from around her and ruffling her hair, “Yes, Of Course! The Great Papyrus Would Be Happy To Assist You, Adrienne!” Letting go of the skeleton, Adrienne smiled up at him; he was such a sweet guy, and despite their circumstances, he was always so optimistic. He still maintained a sense of morality as well, unlike the other monsters. She honestly wasn’t sure what she’d do without him at times.
Reluctantly parting from his small human friend, Papyrus slipped out of the room, carefully closing the door behind himself. Once he was gone, Adrienne sighed, climbing out of his bed and making her way over to a shelf. As she looked over the various boxes and puzzle books, she came to the conclusion that it probably didn’t matter which one she chose; as long as it’d keep her and that goofball busy for a while, it was good enough for her. As she reached out to grab a thick puzzle book, she winced. Her free hand moved to gingerly touch the bandage on her shoulder; at the twinge of pain, her mind drifted to Sans. After earlier, she should’ve learned her lesson and given up on disobeying the very specific rules that her friends had established. She was a curious being by nature though, and she’d be damned if she had to go on without receiving any answers.
Her curiosity and desire to know why Sans would mark her grew even stronger. She grabbed the puzzle book and dropped it on Papyrus’ bed, before peeking out of the room and glancing around the hall. Against her better judgement, she began to search for the pair of brothers. The most logical place Sans would be at this time of night would be in his room, or downstairs on the living room sofa. If those two places weren’t it, then she’d have to check the basement. No biggie. As she tiptoed down the empty hallway, she briefly paused to look over the railing and down into the living room, and found that Sans was nowhere in sight. On her way toward the stairs, she caught the sound of a mumbled conversation through Sans’ closed bedroom door and froze; she knew better than to go into his room without knocking, so she opted to stay in the hall and eavesdrop, rather than barge in on whatever he and Papyrus were talking about at the moment.
Inside the closed off room, Sans rolled his eye light, trying his best to brush off the lecture he was receiving from his younger brother. It’s not like he did anything to Papyrus personally, so he didn’t understand why Pap thought he needed to get involved. Not in the slightest. Completely exasperated with Sans’ stubbornness, Papyrus pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a deep sigh, “Sans, Honestly. You Didn’t Have To Take It That Far. The Poor Girl’s Probably Traumatized And Too Ashamed To Ever Want To Leave The House Again.” Sans grunted, flopping down onto his back on his old, worn mattress, “Remind me how that’s a bad thing again, Pap. So far, I’m not seein’ any problems with it.” The taller of the two inhaled deeply, briefly closing his sockets as he tried to gather his thoughts, “Sans… Brother. I Love You, But What You Did Today Wasn’t Ok. I Don’t Understand Why You’re So Calm And Casual About It.” Gaining a very clearly agitated edge, Sans practically growled, “It’s really fuckin’ simple. If she’s too ashamed ta leave the house, then good! At least she’ll stay put then and save me a lot a’ trouble in the future.”
From her spot in the hallway, Adrienne flinched, her eyes widening. Not once had she ever seen Papyrus so upset that he shouted like this. This was a whole new experience, and she could already say that it was both surprising and terrifying all at once.
The shorter of the two let out an exaggerated groan, beginning to absentmindedly tap the tips of his phalanges on the bed as he stared up at the ceiling, “As far as the table goes, I’ll replace the damn thing if it really means that much ta you. What am I supposed ta do about the kid though? If I really scared her as much as you’re sayin’ I did, then she won’t want anythin’ ta do with me. It’s not like I can just walk up to her and go, ‘hey, you know that day when I got mad at you? I’m sorry and I won’t do it again.’” Papyrus hummed, crossing his arms over his chest, “Well… A Sincere Apology Is Only Half Of What I Think You Owe Her.” “Yeah? And what’s the other half?” “To Be Completely Blunt About It, She Knows What It Means To Be Marked.”
The older skeleton brother nearly choked on air, his cheekbones dusting a soft shade of blue, “What the hell?… Ok, then… What about it? Everyone probably knows what it means.” “What I’m Saying Is That She Knows Monsters Wouldn’t Mark Anyone Unless That Person Was Tremendously Important To Them, And Unless They Saw Them As Their Mate. Not Only Is There That, But She Told Me That You Were Somewhat Flirtatious Toward Her After The Incident Today At Grillby’s. You’re Sending Some Incredibly Mixed Signals, Sans. She More Than Likely Was Under The Impression That You Have Some Very Strong Feelings For Her, But Then You Came Home And Basically Told Her To Get Lost Before Throwing Her At The Coffee Table. She Has No Idea Where She Stands Right Now. The Other Half Of What You Need To Do Is Be Honest With Her. Tell Her If You Feel Something For Her, Or Tell Her If You Don’t. Just Make It Clear To Her So She Knows What She Is To You.”
Bolting upright into a sitting position, Sans stared up at his younger brother in disbelief, “So you’re suggestin’ that I go confess my love ta her or somethin’? Is that what you’re tryna tell me right now, Papyrus?” “If You Love Her, Then Yes, That Is Exactly What I’m Trying To Tell You.” Pressing his index and middle finger to one of his temples, the older of the two narrowed his sockets, grumbling under his breath, “Ya gotta be fuckin’ kiddin’ me… this is so stupid…” Taking a seat on the edge of the bed beside Sans, Papyrus arched a brow bone and tilted his head, “Language, Brother… All Of This Might Seem Stupid To You, Maybe, But It’s A Big Deal And It Needs To Be Addressed. If You Really See Her As Your Mate, She Needs To Know. And Hey, It’s Alright To Feel Embarrassed About This Sort Of Thing. It’s Completely Natural. For Starters, Maybe You Could Try To Help Me Better Understand Your Reasons For Marking Her? I’m All Ears! In A... Manner Of Speaking.”
Sans snuck an uncertain glance up at him and let out a deep sigh, leaning forward to cover both eyes with his hands, “...Don’t make me talk about this right now, Pap. Please. I can’t do it. I just can’t, what if I-” Papyrus was quick to wrap his arms around his older brother, lightly squeezing his shoulder, “Sans, No. Stop. You’re Overthinking Again. Take A Deep Breath And Try To Relax. It’s Just Me Here, And If You Preferred That I Don’t Tell Her What You Say, Then I Won’t. You Have My Word. Just Trust Me… That’s All I’m Asking Of You Right Now. Please, Just Trust Me.”
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sp00ks-odyssey · 4 years
*deep breaths* okay i got this
I’m gonna post the first one here It’s a self ship of me In real life and Ink Sans....umm...I might draw something for one of the days but I can’t really draw well right now so I’m just writing it into a little story....I might just make the whole thing into a book but I don’t use AO3 I use Quotev and Wattpad so I don’t know how that will work....I also don’t do NSFW stuff cause that’s gross to me I am sorry if it turns out bad....
Also umm trigger warning for the depressed, insecure people this will have insecure thoughts, artists hating their work and will be kinda depressing
....*sigh* okay here we go......
I threw the pencil down in frustration sighing as I leaned back on my bed, 
“I can't make this right!!”
I looked down at the drawing I was trying to make and cringed at how uneven it looked: A drawing of Blueberry/Underswap Sans and his brother in front of their house in Snowdin town but I couldn't get it right, at this point I forgot how many attempts I’ve done. 
“Look at this! The skull is uneven! Blue is too tilted and I can't get Papyrus' shorts right!”
I glared at the drawing a few more times before crumpling the paper and throwing it on the floor where a growing pile of failed drawings lay, I stood up stretching my legs popping from the lack of use.
“I think I should take a break from this” I left my small messy room that I was sharing with my little sister tripping on the mess of toys a little and went down the hallway, I opened the fridge to get my water bottle for a drink of water. 
My parents left to go see my grandparents who lived far away from us and took my little sister and little brother with them saying they wouldn’t be back until much much later, I stayed home: My excuse was that I was sick and I had a headache so now I was able to be alone for a while and calm down after a fight I had with my Mom that morning. 
I glared at the ceiling remembering my terrible drawings and the fight I had with my Mom while chugging my water bottle at the same time before putting the water bottle back in the fridge, I wiped my mouth and walked back down the hallway to my room where my laptop was sitting on a stool with the picture I was trying to draw on the screen, I glared at the screen still standing in my doorway.
“I still can't get this picture right, *sigh* maybe I should just give up and try a different drawing” I sat down on my bed and clicked out of the picture and started looking for Ink Sans drawings while blushing a little:
[I have a crush on this character and I really need to snap out of it and accept that he ain’t real and wouldn’t choose me if he was]
“Hmmmm, maybe I could try drawing Ink in his new design! I love his new design it's handsome and adorable on him! I just need to learn how to draw skeleton feet and-” I started muttering to myself not even understanding the words I was saying and scrolling through pictures.  
A loud crash on my roof startled me and I shrieked making my usual inhuman noise similar to a dog whimper and a puppy whine jumping up and knocking over my charger plug that my laptop was plugged to, doing that caused my laptop to power off and I groaned. 
“Awwwww man! That's the only way I can use this computer! Keep it plugged in and I just unplugged i- AARRGGGHHH!! Now I gotta replug it in and start it back up and it's gonna be slow and annoying and I just got a good picture to try and draw!!”
I groaned forgetting the loud thump I heard and sat back down plugging in my laptop and turning it on watching it slowly start to turn on glaring at it and muttering, a knock on the back door startled me and I jumped up unplugging my laptop, I groaned loudly glaring at my laptop that now had a black screen again. 
“You know what!? I'm just gonna quit, COMING!!” I picked up my laptop and closed it putting it away and put the stool away as well before tripping over the cord and toys all over the floor to reach the backdoor, I opened it putting my hand over my eyes to prevent the sunlight from blinding me and looked up to see.......wait...... how- 
“I'm so sorry human! I was fighting with some bad skeletons with my friends Blue and Dream and I suddenly fell into a portal and landed here and ummmm..... I wanted to know who owned the house I fell on and say-” 
He stopped and looked at his scarf and blinked his eye sockets changing colors and shapes each time he blinked before he looked back up and shook his white skull. 
“Hi! I'm Ink Sans but just call me Ink, I wanted to know, uhhhh.....” He looked down at his scarf sticking out his rainbow tongue and squinting trying to read the small black words in the blinding sunlight before looking up,  
“What AU is this?” He asked tilting his head,
I stared at him my jaw opened as I blinked in complete shock my mind racing: 
Oh my Stars it's Ink! How is he here? I thought he wasn't real? How did he come here of all places? This is really cliché to be honest, holy crow he is actually taller than me! He is literally taller than me! I'm right up to maybe his knee or hip or pelvis bone what is that called again? How tall does that make the other Sanses'? Does that mean Blue is taller than humans too? This is awesome!!...I forgot what I was talking about but holy stars he's tall and here on my doorstep, I don't want to seem like a fangirl and start squealing but EEEE! he is literally in front of me and- Oh no! This world-well...the town I’m in isn't gonna be very kind and welcoming to him what do I do? what do I- 
“Ummmmm Human??” Ink said snapping me out of my thoughts and waved one of his gloved hands in front of me. I blinked shaking my head and looked around the backyard before pulling him in quickly and shutting the back door rushing him to my room and shutting the door and locking it. 
“Ummm Human? Why are we in here? What is here?? Is this a bedroom?” 
I peeked out each of the windows closing all the blankets that were used for my window's curtains while he stood in the middle of my room watching me, after I checked all of the windows and closed them all I looked at him fearfully.
“No one saw you falling onto the roof and knocking on my door did they?” 
He blinked looking at me confused, “Uhhh not that I know of, why?”
I carefully walked around the mess in my room before sitting on my bed and picking up my phone and reading my parent's messages again re-reading the time they were gonna be home:
Ok my parents come home at 6:45 pm it's only 1:00pm. 
I put down my phone and looked at him, he was still standing and staring at me with his confused look. 
“This isn't an AU Ink-” I started waiting for him to process that small part of information before I told him the rest, he tilted his head looking around confused but observing his surroundings and I kept quiet letting him get used to what he was seeing: He looks so adorable! 
I looked down and noticed he was actually barefoot like the new design showed and I took a minute to notice what it looked like so I could try to draw it later. Both of his feet was covered in brown stocking-like clothing and went up his legs, only his heel and toes showed through them, looking farther up his baggy white shirt was tucked underneath his brown overalls which went down his legs like big baggy pants and the bluish greenish overall sleeves were hooked and showing a little behind him as he looked around, his oversized brush I knew he called Broomie was attached to his back by a grey-ish looking sash that held colorful heart shaped veils of every color of the rainbow in the front of it in their own little cubbies and two pencils were attached in the front as well, his small brown top with yellow sides that went over his white shirt lifted up a little when he lifted up one of his arms to scratch the back of his skull confused still observing his surroundings, his sleeves were brown and then white and then showed his grey patterned bones and brown gloved hands with all of his bony fingers showing except his pinkie finger which was the color of a greenish blue all the way down making his glove look half brown half greenish blue, his long and large brown scarf trailed behind him not even touching the ground: I hid my head in my oversized black hoodie blushing before he looked back at me again. 
“Then where am I?” he finally asked, I got up hoping he didn’t see me hiding and blushing and pointed to one of the windows to the outside world.
“You are in the real world, the world where Undertale is just a game created by a creator named Toby Fox. In this world all the Aus are created in someone’s mind, made and drawn by them and told by others and then it gets bigger with all of the fandom’s ideas and theories and art”
His eye sockets widened at this, he suddenly made a small noise and barfed black ink, I backed up a little as he wiped his mouth and grabbed my shoulders both of his eye sockets different colored stars as he literally shook me to death. 
I nodded turning a little red at his closeness, he was practically in my face yes he was shouting but this is Ink we are talking about I cleared my throat trying to not look obvious.  
“Uhhh....y-y-y-yeah...your in the world of creators......but that means-” I didn't get to finish cause he let go of my shoulders and backed up making the noise again and barfing more black ink on the floor, I watched in defeat as my floor and my pile of failed drawings got coated in black ink. 
“OH NO!!!!” I shouted suddenly remembering something, my shouting caused him to blink at me confused as he wiped his mouth again looking embarrassed  and guilty blushing rainbow. 
“No what?” he asked quietly,
“How am I gonna clean this up? My parents are gonna kill me when they get home!” I started pacing in my spot away from the ink vomit and started muttering, 
“They are gonna be so angry and I can't lie about it what do I even say? My mom isn’t really happy with me either so she will use this as an excuse to get me yelled at by my step-dad. There is no way to clean that up! What do I-" I stopped my pacing looking over to see the spot gone and Ink grinning.
“All clean! You are welcome!” He said proudly putting Broomie back where it was before and crossing his arms grinning as I looked at the floor with a confused look.
“Never seen magic before human?” He asked as I looked up at him with a shocked face. 
“Ummmm.....No? Well only i-i-in movies and....” I started stuttering and speaking nonsense as he chuckled before sitting on my bed and looked up at me suddenly with a serious face and a blank look which cut me off and I flinched at his stare feeling like I did something wrong. 
“So what else is here besides creators?” He asked in a serious tone still staring at me, I noticed his eyes were grey.
I stuttered and sat down on my little sister's bed trying to focus, "Ummm....I d-d-d-don't know?? Didn’t I already answer th-th-that?? I-I-I-I think I did??” I took a deep breath and tried again.
“Ummm....h-h-here in this world....umm there is no magic, no such thing as Aus and-” 
“-Monsters aren't real” Ink finished for me sounding empty,
“........yeah” I said looking down scared and trying to think of something else I can tell him about this world, I heard the sounds of gulping and I knew he was drinking paints to feel again. 
“Hey! Don't look so down, it must be cool to be living in a world of creators and creations being made everyday-” he said suddenly cheerful,
I nodded forcing a smile still not looking at him instead looking at the spot where the ink vomit used to be, he stopped talking mid-sentence:
 he probably forgot what we were talking about. I thought chuckling,
“I gotta say human you do really good drawings of animals” he said chuckling.
I snapped my head up to see Ink and the reason he stopped talking: HE WAS LOOKING IN MY SKETCHBOOK! I yelpt getting up quickly, my goal was to grab it from him but before I even took a step I tripped on a few toys and instead fell on my bed, face first, next to him, as he still flipped through my drawings, not even paying attention. 
I cursed my stupid clumsiness silently and got up grabbing my sketchbook from him and he blinked looking at me as I held my sketchbook to my chest and sat cross-legged on my bed hiding under my hood my insecurities making my mind race:
He saw my art! I'm terrible at art, why would he want to see my art of all things!? I yanked it from him though, that was rude of me, Why did he fall here of all places? I bet this is just a joke and I'm just sleeping or something, I bet he hated my art, I'm bad at art anyways, why would he think it looks cool? Why did he even come to my town? But still he is here and I know a lot about him and his fandom, he has other fangirls, this is just one of those things were he will just go hang out with other artists now that he knows he's in the creation world and forget all about me. He probably doesn’t even like me I’m annoying. He will probably leave then come across a fan of him and they will like each other and live happily ever after, but that fan won't be me, it won't, I'm not worth- 
“Hey.....human?” I flinched by the sudden jolt out of my thoughts by someone touching me making me alert......I peeked a little out of my hood to see Ink's gloved hands on both of my shoulders rubbing them a little and he was eye level with me looking at me concerned and curiosity in his eye sockets, I probably was red in the face by now but I ignored it. 
“Y-y-yeah?” I asked cursing my croaked voice that indicated I almost cried.
“Are you okay? Your arms were crossed and you were scratching your skin rather roughly and rocking back and fourth, is that normal?” I nodded looking down, 
“That happens when I get insecure about stuff and have an anxiety attack.....I kinda just you know, dig myself and well kinda comfort myself, no one else comforts me at those times so I kinda just do it myself that’s why I was rocking, haha” I looked at him and he nodded still rubbing my shoulders and staring at me.
I will NOT admit that I like feeling him rubbing my shoulders!
“You know you never told me your name human what is it?” Ink said smiling.
“OH SHOOT I AM SO SORRY!!!” I pulled away from his hands standing up and he flinched backing up a little his hands still in the air from where I once was as I started rambling. 
“How could I be so forgetful?! I'm such a stupid head, bring someone in the house don't even tell them my name-” I continued rambling putting my sketchbook back and turned to face Ink who still had his hands in the air.
“My name is....well, I don't really like telling people my real name until I get to know them so uhh...call me Stitches” I smiled rubbing the back of my neck nervously as he slowly put his hands down and sitting on my bed finally looking up at me. 
“What were we talking about? Where am I? Who are you?” he asked in a confused and wary tone. 
I giggled a little at his forgetfulness and sat down next to him as he looked at me with confusion. 
“I'm Stitches, you are in a world that's not an AU but the real world where creations are made and monsters aren't real and we were talking about how I didn't tell you my name and-” I stopped watching his eyes widened and he smiled,
“Ohh I remember now! Hi Stitches!” He brought his hand out towards me and I flinched looking at his hand and tilting my head before looking up at him confused. 
“Ummm. What is the hand for?” I asked confused 
“It's how you greet someone new! We both know each other's name so we shake hands as an introduction...do the humans not do that here?" he asked as I looked at him feeling stupid.
“Yeah they do I just- I never actually met someone who does that, the humans here well in my town aren't really nice I don’t know about other towns.....I'm not really social so I don't meet new people and I'm kinda shy at first, I'm sorry I really didn't know what you were doing I've never had that happen before I really don't like being touched either to be honest with you and-”
“Oh! I'm sorry! I was rubbing your shoulders earlier that must of triggered something now! Do you have Haphephobia? That would explain it” Ink put his hand down and looked at me waiting for an answer. 
I shook my head, "No no! It's fine you don't have to be sorry, and no I don't it's more of a trauma from past......things" He nodded. 
A yellow portal appeared in the middle of the room and two skeletons I knew very well appeared in the room. 
“INK!! HERE YOU ARE!" Blue's very loud voice said as he jumped up and down clapping his hands repeatedly, 
“I thought we would be going in and out of portals forever" Dream's soothing tenor voice said as he appeared behind Blue into the now crowded room. 
“Oh hi guys! Meet my new friend Stitches" Ink said standing up and gesturing over to me as I backed up a little intimidated: I was right! Blue is taller than me as well! holy stars and Dream is taller than all of us!! 
“HELLO NEW INK'S FRIEND!” Blue said starting to rush over but Dream put a hand out to stop him mid sprint. 
“I don't think she is a hugger Blue, I feel a sorta sadness and deep negative despair in her and probably you going to hug her is going to scare her or worse make her traumatized” Blue looked up at Dream and nodded looking at me and waving. 
“HI!!” He said loudly 
I shyly waved back muttering 'hi’ feeling a little called out by Dream’s emotion reading.
“Hello as well, I am sorry to cut it short but I sense my brother Nightmare and his group, they are attacking Story-shift right now, Ink, we need to get going” Dream said his arm still out and holding back Blue. 
Ink nodded at Dream's words and looked over at me smiling. "It was nice to meet you Stitches, I hope I see you again someday” 
I nodded at him smiling my mind telling me all the negative things of us not seeing each other and yeah right's he is happy to go went on in my head, Blue waved at me and I waved back as Dream flinched probably sensing my negativity before opening another portal and all three of them went through, Ink looking back once more to wave at me before it closed and I was left standing in my room. I sighed and looked at the time yelling at how fast time flies and ran out of my room, the sounds of my parent's car door shutting in my ears.
Ink's pov:
That was something new! I thought as I went through the portal. 
Dream and Blue rambled to each other about where in Story-shift Nightmare and his group were, I was thinking to myself my mind racing, I felt a weird pinch where my soul would of been but ignored it though I felt sadness and longing to see Stitches again, Stitches.........
She was really nice to meet and her drawings were amazing! She was a bit insecure about herself and her art I noticed, I bet I can help her not be so hard on herself, no one's art should be hated and her's were very well made! She is very talented! Man she was something, her greyish blue eyes were very pretty to look into, I couldn't stop staring into them and seeing the swirls of grey and blue, her hair was soft, dirty blonde but in the light it looked light and golden and it went down her back stopping midway, that giant oversized black hoodie made her even more adorable, I loved to watch her hide in it and practically vanish into it, she had such a pretty smile her eyes crinkled a little when she smiled, that voice of hers.....that was beautiful to hear I really hope- 
“Ink!? Did you hear me!?!” I snapped out of it looking up at Dream, 
“Huh?” I asked hearing Blue chuckle next to me,
“I said my brother and his group are right over there with a few monsters held hostage......I've been saying that to you three times why didn't you answer?” he looked at me concerned.
“I was.......thinking......” I said confused as to why I wasn’t paying attention. 
“Uh-huh~” Dream smirked looking at me, 
I forgot he can sense other's emotions. 
I quickly shook my skull and looked behind the snowbank me, Dream and Blue were behind and nodded to myself: I will meet Stitches again and I'm not gonna forget.
I wrote something down on my scarf and nodded to Blue and Dream and we got ready to battle Stitches still in my mind. 
Done I hope this is okay @selfshipperapproved
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 31-32: Marik Takes a Shower
Ah, what time is it? It’s time for Yugi to finally duel Seto Kaiba, who has been waiting very impatiently to duel him for last 50 episodes. Basically since the beginning-middle of Season 2.
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So, a side note, in my quest to try and make sure this blog remains legible and accessible for everyone (despite how often Tumblr tries to flag me for adult content), you’ll notice some changes--first off, certain characters have been given a texture to their text so it’s easier to tell apart if you are colorblind. From here on out, Kaiba is this chrome-y gradient color pattern, to match how cool he thinks he is.
Second off, I went and made all the photos a bit larger, which was completely pointless as tumblr hates text posts, and so although I told the blog to do high res photo’s only, that only applies to photo posts. Apparently all text post images are rounded down to a smooth 500 no matter what in this theme and I could change my theme but then I’d have to change a lot of things. I went in to the HTML/CSS editor and as far as I can tell there’s just nothing I can do.
Anyway, Kaiba immediately picks up on the fact that none of Yugi’s friends are here so he tries to play into Yugi’s insecurities. This is pointless, as Yugi is already insecure about basically everything anyway.
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And so about the rest of this episode is just Kaiba and Yugi disagreeing with what the purpose of dueling cards is. Surprisingly, no one said “getting soooo much money from children” which is what the people who funded this show were thinking.
(read more under the cut)
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Really, truly, honestly, Kaiba’s past self beat Pharaoh once, straight up killed the original King of Games who had complete control of his vague magic at the time. But Pharaoh isn’t even going to fathom Kaiba beating Marik. Like...Kaiba could do it.
One of the weird parts of this show is that everyone but Yugi is bad at cards but they keep showing us proof that, no really, they’re great at cards, just not when Yugi is looking (especially Duke, omg).
But the tension of this duel hinges on this assumption that if Yugi loses, then Kaiba has to duel Marik and he’ll just flat out lose. But...would he? Kaiba actually did proper research on these cards while Yugi is just kind of winging it and is also two people.
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And then Tea had the audacity to say this, within hearing range of everyone else.
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(and also, Duke has faint horizontal line patterns now. He speaks with a slight plaid.)
But Tea, for reals?
When has it NOT?
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It was only for a brief second but you bet your ass I stopped the footage there and smh.
And then Kaiba decided to use the holograms for actual hologram things. But in the most embarrassing socially awkward Kaiba way possible.
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I kind of love how this show draws generic white people. With just the weirdest eyes ever. It’s like somewhere between Ghibli and the original Sealab2020.
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Since Roland decided to go and help Kaiba destroy the world, Tristan took over being the useless person in the room to shout orders at this genius child who absolutely does not need Tristan’s help.
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Tristan isn’t exactly a tech guy so I guess he was just there to give Mokuba anxiety.
And then, a very cool thing happened.
Yes, that’s right. It’s a Marik Shower Scene.
Turn on that slow anime lo-fi music and glory at this sexy...sink faucet???
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I feel like I just learned a lot about Marik. He’s surrounded by the forefront of technology, surrounded by So Many Purple Shampoo Bottles, but like...I don’t think he ever really caught on to the whole running water thing. This kind of infers that like...he’s been doing this sink routine in whatever bathroom is around for like all the years he’s been on the surface.
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And like maybe.....maaaaybe he just needed to cool off. But there’s a big difference between spritzing your face and just shoving your entire head and all it’s anime hair into the sink. One is a spritz, and the other is a camp shower. 
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Y’all, I’m still thinking about that Spinoff I wish existed. I’m still thinking about “Marik’s Boat Time”, just about the every day life of Marik stumbling through basic chores. I just want to see Bandit Keith going into the communal restroom they had on that boat, attempting to shave in the mirror while Marik comes in and just dunks his entire face into the nearest sink.
Oh, and PS, Marik’s font is embossed now. He’s an embossed Comic Sans Papyrus font. The most offensive font choice I could think of. Seems like something a villain could really get into.
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I don’t really go over the card games here but this sequence was a whole lot of Kaiba forgetting how Yugi’s deck works.
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And PS, in this flashback, Seto Kaiba was watching them do this duel from just offscreen. He watched Joey have to exchange cards with Yugi and then I guess Seto just...forgot that Yugi has this card? Although Seto Kaiba made sure to use the duel disk system so he could spy and know what everyone’s deck is? 
Anyway, from that flashback, Yugi remembers that Joey is a Big Boy and that he is Resilient and Not A Baby, and figures, he won’t die for reals. He’ll be good.
Whatever works for him.
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should’ve could’ve...
But anyways, short on content today, so it was a short post. Ah, just like I always intended for these posts to be.
And if you just got here, congrats on reading this entire post despite coming in at the middle of S3. This is a link to these recaps in chrono order so you can start at Episode 1.
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Chapter 11: And I had an anxiety attack... again.
In which the title describes the whole chapter
*Your POV*
I slammed the door behind me, fell to my knees, and closed my eyes. Today was such a shitty day I actually don't want to go back. But I have to. Unless I want to get fired, which actually doesn't sound THAT bad.
Wait... yeah, that sounds reasonable.
My apartment was just like my mind: a complete fucking mess that made no sense and looked like Narnia. But despite that, my personal laptop was hanging out on the small table I have in front of the TV. I sighed and went to the kitchen, trying not to worry.
It's been a while ever since I met the group of monsters and, honestly, I'm loving it! They are super nice and a part of me has changed a bit... so I'm becoming more dedicated to making them as happy as I can.
And that also refers to some of their complaints, like "you should seek a better job" or "this is dangerous for you, you should have something that makes you happy". And that's what I was about to do.
After taking my cup of coffee and I sat on the couch, I opened my laptop and started to search for different jobs and opportunities. I'm a scientist and a... politician? We could say that. I'm experienced in both terms and I'm really trying to look for a scientist post today. I want to do what I love and, well, I'm a science nerd. Fite me.
I just don't want to work in the Congress anymore. It's boring, it's lame, and I'm not going to stay in an office for the rest of my days- not when I'm starting to care about things. Alphys and Sans have said that they want to become part of the science world, but they have to study hard to get it. While I'm waiting for them, though, I'll make them proud and work in science!
While browsing around, I ended up on a Facebook page and noticed I had a shitton of notifications. Interested, I checked the groups and started to read the messages... bad idea...
Paula: Hey, monster lover! You should just go with them to the Underground, hah!
Anna: Jesus, when did we let this happen?
Anna: I thought you were smarter than this!
John: You are gonna put us in trouble
John: And it'll be all YOUR FAULT!
And so it went. I frowned slightly and decided to check Discord, trying to get distracted for a bit. My mind was starting to make bad moves, and I just couldn't make them real. What if it was better to leave the topic? Did I make a mistake? Should I start protesting AGAINST them?! Are they a threat to humans? Oh my God, what have I done? Should I-
Do you wanna get... Frisky?: Hey (Y/N)!
Do you wanna get... Frisky?: you wanna play UNO?
CoolSkeleton95: YES, HUMAN!
I shook my head with a smile, knowing I could never do that to them. Not after the little and funny history we have together, and how much comprehensible they looked with my problems socializing. They've made laugh like there is no tomorrow and to learn a lot of things. I just can't wipe them away from their dreams. I just can't wipe them away from my life.
Smartass: Sure, right now?
puns are love, puns are life: we're startin' right now, kiddo.
puns are love, puns are life: join this round before undyne comes with her shitty strategies again
I giggled softly, remembering the stupid nicknames we all had in that Discord group. I immediately went for my headphones, then joined the chat.
"Hi!" I exclaimed, praying that everyone could hear me. Fortunately, they could.
"hello kid, ready to lose?" A deep voice said, which I immediately recognized it was Sans. Everyone seems to have a high-pitched voice comparing them with him. Heck, even my father would sound like a three-year-old girl if we compare their voices!
After a bit of playing stupid rounds of UNO and hearing Sans's awful puns, I lost track of time. Eventually, Sans and I ended up playing Dead by Daylight together, the skeleton by some coincidence having the game installed. And so talked privately from then, and... got used to the game, I suppose.
"DUDE WHAT THE-" I stopped myself before I could use a bad word, not knowing how he would react. I still don't feel comfortable enough to be my usual, swearing, and boring self around them. I'm trying to be as less boring as possible... but I know that I'm still boring, even if I, indeed, try hard.
"i hate this game soooooooo much... what if we play somethin' else?" he asked, making me sigh in relief. This game's no good for someone with anxiety, keep that in mind. Bad thing I'm kind of a masochist in that aspect.
"You hate a lot of games, don't you? And sure, any suggestions?"
"do you have... mortal kombat?"
This is going to be interesting!
"Which one?"
"x, i'm too poor to buy the new one"
"Sure, I have it! I'll love to play it, it's been a while"
"cool cool, i'll invite you then"
And we played like for, what, hours? Mortal Kombat is sincerely one of my favorite sagas of videogames since I was a little child. Dolls? Nah, videogames were my thing since the beginning of times.
I forgot my problems, I forgot everything. It was just me, my character, and an angry Sans rattling his bones all over the mic. I was enjoying it, even if he tried to deconcentrate me with his jokes, that at the end were all just corny comments trying to make me flush but made me laugh instead.
I joked now and then as well, and hearing his laugh was such a gratifying feeling I couldn't do anything but to laugh with him. Besides, his laugh is quite contagious, and I'm easily influenced when other people laugh, so this got the best of me.
When I looked at the clock though, fear ran all over my body, and I stood quiet for some good minutes. I tried to contain my anxiety, to calm down. I took deep breaths and closed my eyes, telling myself I'll be just fine.
"(y/n), are you-"
Nice job, sweetie.
My mind was being a huge and stupid mess whenever those awful screams were out of my mouth. Sans wasn't answering, so I felt worse. I started panicking and creating ways to make him hate me less, and before I could say anything, I heard laughter.
His laughter.
"oh my god (y/n) you panic a lot" he said between breaths, while I just remained silent. What the- "i'm sorry, it's just... you should not worry about anything, k? remember you said tomorrow you don't have to work, k? just relax. nothing's wrong with staying late once in a while, right?"
"Wait, so you don't think I'm pathetic or anything like that?!"
"wha- of course not! everyone has their moments (y/n), and you have anxiety, for god's sake! it's totally normal for someone to freak out now and then. you shouldn't feel guilty of that"
I felt tears trying to escape from my eyes and I hold them back, keeping my cool... temporarily. I draw a weak smile in my face, even if Sans couldn't see it.
"Thank you. I needed that" Aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnd my voice broke down in the process. Shit.
"don't worry (y/n)" he said kindly, and I bet he was still wearing that permanent shit-eating grin. I chuckled to myself, slowly making tears disappear "hey, do you wanna meet up tomorrow? maybe you want some time to yourself, i know, but maybe you should try to interact more with people... since i'm assuming you don't"
I never thought I would get lectured by a skeleton. Guess life is unexpected, huh?
But I realized he was right. My social anxiety can only be solved by interacting with others. There is no escape, and I'm conscious of that. Besides, what can go wrong? Sans has been nothing but a nice guy, and I'm starting to enjoy his company a lot. Maybe I'll be able to consider him as a friend?
"I'd love that, thank you so much. I don't get to hang out often, so that means a lot"
"don't sweat it. everyone deserves a chance to express themselves"
We hung up the call with a quick "see you tomorrow" and I went straight to bed, never erasing that last sentence he said from my mind.
"Everyone deserves a chance to express themselves", huh? Maybe...
Maybe this is my chance
*Sans's POV*
We hung up the call and I let out a sigh. I never realized I was playing until late, mostly because Papyrus didn't come for his bedtime story, and so I lose track of time. I was having a good time though, but I can't be stubborn and keep her up any longer. Not after she almost had a heart attack.
She's nice, and she seems pretty genuine. Doesn't look like the type of girl that should hide anything, not with that anxiety of hers. She's a goddess in Mortal Kombat, though. She knew how to use almost every fighter perfectly, and I felt like a punching bag with jokes in its interior. The more she won, the more I joked. At least she laughed... a lot, actually. She's a good audience, just like Tori.
Then I remembered she cursed when she was starting to freak out, and I started to wonder if she uses "strong" language daily. Or well, at least in her head.
I looked over that beautiful website called Youtube and watched some memes, that are truly gold if you ask me. A sick and dark sense of humor combined with random things and retards living their lives- in one word, perfection. I would also watch Tumblr, but that site gave me a good uncomfortable feeling that I don't want to relive any sooner. I also wanted to check Wattpad, but ever since I knew that it was mostly FanFiction, I thought more about it. Then I remember that Alphys told me she had an account and I immediately never went to that place...
Alphys is scary sometimes, no one can judge me. Her weird FanFictions are pretty much apart from anything I like to read or write...
And yes, I'm a writer.
That's why I thought Wattpad would be a good idea...
Thank God I changed my mind.
I'm mostly a science fiction lover, but drama and suspense are not that bad. I also like a lot of horror novels, but I'm no good at writing one my self. Believe me, I tried. It's hard to make it as noncliché as possible, considering that paranormalities are a huge cliché themselves.
I always include romance in my stories though. I realized it's quite essential in defining people's personalities and actions. Besides, romantic scenes leave a nice drama feeling when they are not exaggerated, so I try to put them once in a while.
I'm currently writing a novel instead of a short story, but it's hella difficult if you are bone dry of ideas. It takes a skele-ton of effort to come up with something good, and it's harder to put it in words. I also need to do some more research, since it includes scientific things...
Ah, sci-fi. What would I do without it?
I'm also a classic novel lover. Macbeth it's just wonderful and Journey to the Center of the Earth are old masterpieces that have a special place in my soul. I read them when I was a kid, and I would do it over and over. But I also want to see what new books the surface has to offer- one of my wildest dreams is to visit the biggest libraries around the world, like the ones in Paris or in Tokyo. But that has to wait.
I'm tired, but I never get myself to sleep. I suffer insomnia since... quite a few time, actually. It all started with the first reset of that goddamn flower; it started whenever I realized that the timeline theory was real and that, whoever got the power- the DETERMINATION- had the entire world at their hands.
Flowey was first, then Frisk came and had the power. Now I don't know if she has it anymore, considering we are at the surface and anyone could be more determined than her. But there's still a chance she has time and space at the tip of her fingers, and with a snap, she can make everything and everyone I love disappear.
That kid... she probably wants to see me suffer. After everything I've done to stop her, she hates me even more. She's selfish. She's a prick. And I'll never forgive her.
She knew I would remember when she did that. She killed everyone I loved, she destroyed the little hope I had on my home... and laughed at my face about it. That fight, that crazy look in her eyes... I have nightmares about it. Whenever I see the kid, a part of me replaces it with the painful memories of past timelines.
And I can't make them stop. I can't erase that devilish and empty smile Frisk had. I can't erase the vision of that flower becoming a God before my eyes.
I can't erase Papyrus's smile still with hope before turning to dust.
I shook my head and sighed. Out of all the times, I can't bring myself now into thinking like that... not anymore. We're on the Surface now, for God's sake! I should be happy because now I can fulfill my happiest dreams!
I lack the motivation, though.
There's no hope for me, or that's what I think.
I want the best for everyone (except Frisk and Flowey; screw them), but me? Heh, this old sack of bones won't be his usual self any sooner. It's just... it's just stupid to think I'll ever be the casual and relaxed skeleton ever again. I'm paranoid. I'm scared. I'm a fucking coward trying to protect his brother, but being too useless to do anything about it.
I can't go back to Snowdin. I can't go back to that goddamn house. I can't.
I glanced over my desk and noticed the folder with the things for my education. I let a sigh, knowing that I would never be able to keep up with that kind of stress. Not if my mind it's worried about something else.
I turned off the lights and went to my bed, trying to clear my mind. I let a new human enter my life, one older than Frisk...
That doesn't mean it's less dangerous.
That doesn't mean she's not a murderer...
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nom-the-skel · 6 years
[vore] Squirrels, chapter 6
After the short chapter, a long chapter. It’s mostly flashback though.
3.2k words! aftermath of soft safe willing vore, threats of presumably fatal vore, keeping squirrels as pets, crossdressing...?
[chapter 1][chapter 5][read on AO3][chapter 7]
Stretch followed Sans home. Sans kept seeing him jump from branch to branch out of the corner of his eye. It was just as well, since he wanted to ask all Papyrus’s squirrel friends what they knew about Razz. That didn’t mean he couldn’t give Stretch a hard time.
“What are you followin’ me for?” he said as they neared the edge of the forest. “Gonna come all the way into town? I can’t guarantee your safety.”
“You know why I’m following you. You still have my brother.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot.” Sans smirked at the outraged chitter this drew from Stretch. “Relax, he’s fine. But if you wanna make it to our house in one piece, maybe you should come ride in my pocket.”
“I’d rather—”
“Die? Because if you trot along behind me like that, you’re likely to get pounced on.”
“Blueberry made it.”
“Yeah, he got lucky. You shouldn’t really let him do that.”
“I’m just sayin’, it’d be a shame if I got home and coughed him up and had to tell him you got yourself eaten by some random fox. He’ll prob’ly blame himself, since you were here in town tryin’ to make sure he was okay.” Sans looked away casually at the sky, hiding his amusement. Stretch probably had no way of knowing how dangerous the town really was, and with his ability to teleport, there was little real risk so long as he stayed alert and out in the open.
Stretch grumbled. “Ugh, fine! You know, you could just let him out here in the forest instead!”
“Yeah, but I want to talk to him in the comfort of my own home.”
Stretch continued grumbling, but he climbed down a tree trunk, head first, and then scrambled up Sans’s leg.
“Not that one,” said Sans, putting a paw over the opening to his pocket. “Slim’s in there. You get the other side.”
Stretch glared at him and climbed across his stomach to dive into his other pocket. A squirrel on each side. Plus Blueberry in the middle. Nice and balanced. He grinned with satisfaction as he made his way into the house.
Papyrus was already home. “Where have you been? Dinner will be ready soon.”
“I already ate.”
“What did I tell you about sneaking off to Grillby’s and spoiling your appetite for—”
“Not Grillby’s. I still want dinner.”
“It’s a squirrel, isn’t it?” Papyrus asked flatly. “Which one? And give him back, please.”
“Okay, just a sec.”
Papyrus got a small towel ready while Sans regurgitated Blueberry into his paws.
“Here you go.” Sans handed him over and Papyrus dried him off. Papyrus clearly disapproved, but Blueberry grinned up at them, as if he’d just been having a refreshing nap. “I’ve got one more,” said Sans, digging into his pocket for Stretch. The orange squirrel looked distinctly nervous while dangling from Sans’s paw.
“Is there a particular reason you brought home all the squirrels?” Papyrus asked, as Stretch pulled himself up onto Sans’s arm and then made a leap for the safety of Papyrus’s towel.
“Yeah, I wanna ask them about something Alphys said.”
“Oh!” Blueberry perked up, tail twitching. “The squirrel she was looking for! I didn’t hear how that ended because you ate me. I see you got my brother back from her, though. Thank you, Sans, I knew you wouldn’t let us down!”
“What did Alphys say?” Papyrus seemed at a loss to think of anything Alphys would want with squirrels.
“She’s looking for a particular squirrel,” Sans said, a little apprehensive. He felt like the whole thing was kind of silly, but he’d said he would help.
“Yes? Which squirrel is she looking for? Maybe Blueberry and Stretch know him.”
“Or Slim,” said Stretch.
“Yes, or Slim. Where is he?”
Sans rested his paw over his pocket, lightly. “He’s sleepin’.”
“Well, you’d better wake him up. He sleeps too much anyway.”
Sans sighed and pulled the squirrel out of his pocket. Slim didn’t wake up, only cuddling into Sans’s paw pads.
Blueberry jumped over to Sans’s arm. “Slim, wake up! We want to ask you something!”
“Let him rest,” said Sans, covering the curled-up squirrel with his other hand.
“But for all you know, he could be the squirrel that wolf was lookin’ for,” Stretch pointed out. “Orange fur and tall, right? You mistook him for me once, so maybe she mistook me for him.” Sans bared a single fang at him.
“Did she say the name of the squirrel she was looking for?” Blue asked, leaning against Sans’s protective paw.
“She didn’t know.”
“But she told you his brother’s name,” Stretch reminded him, climbing up to sit on Papyrus’s shoulder. “What was it again? Sounded kinda familiar.”
Sans sighed. “It was Razz.”
Slim stirred.
“Where have I heard that name before?” Stretch pondered. Sans was sure he was doing this on purpose.
“That’s what Slim said when he first saw me, after Sans caught him!” Blueberry squeaked, loud and triumphant at having solved the mystery.
“Oh, right,” said Stretch. “And she said he was small and cute—like you, Blue—but with purple fur.”
“That sounds like the squirrel I saw Slim hanging out with before!” Blueberry hopped on Sans’s arm with delight.
Slim pulled himself out from between Sans’s paws, groggy and confused. “What did you say about Razz?”
“He’s alive! Your brother!” Blueberry just kept getting more excited.
“What?” Slim scrambled up Sans’s arm. “Where is he?”
“The wolves have him,” Stretch said. “They didn’t eat him. They kept him for a pet.”
“Wow, Slim, just like you!” Blueberry found every aspect of this increasingly delightful.
Slim looked up hesitantly at Sans, who was showing much less enthusiasm. “Can I—can we go see him?”
Sans hesitated for a moment, then answered breezily. “Of course. You think I’d keep you from your brother?”
Razz found himself waking up in darkness. Had he fainted? It couldn’t be. He was too tough to react like that, no matter what danger he faced. The last thing he remembered was teasing a big blue-green wolf that thought it could catch him. There was no way—he was too fast—so why was he someplace dark that reeked of wolf scent? And why couldn’t he move? Was this—had he been eaten, and was this dark, tight place the inside of the wolf’s stomach? He shivered at the thought, but dismissed it. It wasn’t wet and close like he’d imagine a stomach to be; the surface under him was hard and flat and smooth, and the reason he couldn’t move much was that his wrists and ankles were bound together behind his back.
“Where am I? How dare you!” His voice echoed back at him in the small enclosed space.
Nobody answered. He wriggled sideways until he found the wall, a smooth metallic surface curved like the inside of a half sphere, not much bigger than required to hold him, bisected by the floor. It was likely uniform all the way around, but he didn’t have anything better to do than explore it. But just as he started pushing himself along the edge, he heard voices. At first they were too quiet to make out, but they quickly grew closer.
“Bon appetit!” said one, and the wall lifted away. Razz blinked in the sudden light, making out the forms of two wolves. The blue one must be the same one he remembered. What had she done to him? She must have cheated somehow to catch him and leave him here like this.
“You cheater! Untie me and I’ll teach you a lesson!” he snarled at the blue wolf. If only his wrists had been bound in front he could have chewed through the ropes.
“Wow, he’s feisty.” The yellow wolf peered at him uncertainly.
“The feisty ones taste the best!” The blue one was proud of her catch.
The yellow one licked her lips, encouraged, and reached out for Razz. He snapped at her, and her hand hovered over him, as she tried to figure out how to pick him up without getting bitten.
“Here,” said the blue one, expertly snatching him up and dangling him by the tail. He writhed and twisted, trying to reach her paw, but he couldn’t touch her. “Say ‘aaah’!”
The yellow wolf giggled, and when Razz looked in her direction he got a face full of her tongue, bordered by sharp white teeth, leading back toward—well, he’d rather not think about that. The momentary paralysis brought on by surprise—certainly not fear—was enough that he missed his chance to resist further before finding himself lying face-down on her tongue, her jaws closing around him, wolf saliva and definitely not tears wetting his cheek bones, and if he failed to hold back a terrified-sounding squeak, well, it wasn’t as if Slim or anyone else he actually knew would find out about it. He squeezed his eyes shut. Slim was a grown squirrel and could take care of himself. He would be fine without his brother to look after him. He had to be…
“What’s wrong? Is it not good? I knew I shoulda tasted—”
The blue wolf’s voice penetrated his despair as the yellow wolf’s tongue and jaws fell away.
“Oh, no, no, it’s really good! I just—would it be bad if I—wanted to keep it?”
Razz found himself lying in the yellow wolf’s paws. It would have been pretty comfortable if he hadn’t been tied up. Blinking the liquid from his eyes, he looked up at the wolf.
“You know what they say about having your cake and eating it too,” the blue wolf was saying.
“Y-yeah, I mean, maybe I’d rather—have it, than eat it.”
The wolves looked at each other, the yellow one blushing awkwardly, the blue one taken aback. Razz couldn’t pass up this chance to attempt escape and tried to roll out of the yellow wolf’s paws, but she just caged him in with her other paw as he rolled toward the edge of the one he was on.
“Well, I guess—” said the blue wolf.
Razz bit one of the enclosing fingers. The yellow wolf yelped and pulled her paw away.
“—but not if it’s gonna bite you.” The blue wolf frowned at him. Her fangs were long, visible even with her mouth closed. Razz involuntarily shrank back, pressing against the yellow wolf’s paw pads.
“No, no, it’s okay. It’s just scared. Look, it didn’t even draw blood.” The yellow wolf cradled him to her chest, the wolf scent even more overpowering with her fur in his face. “It’s just a squirrel; what harm can it do?”
“I’ll show you what harm a squirrel can do!” Razz growled, but if the wolves heard him they didn’t show any sign.
“I know! Stick it in that old bird cage.” The blue wolf grinned, warming up to the idea of keeping him. “Then it can’t cause trouble. And if you get hungry sometime and don’t wanna go out and hunt, you can always eat it after all.”
“Here you go, Kiyo-chan.” The yellow wolf—her name was Alphys, or at least that’s what the other one had called her—shoved some peanuts through the bars of the cage, without opening the door.
“Don’t call me that.” Razz reached through the bars to swipe at her hand, but it was far out of reach. At least she’d untied him when she’d put him in here. He definitely wasn’t intimidated by the way the much-larger wolf could easily snap the ropes that had held him helpless.
“That’s your name, though! You’re named after one of the side characters from Mew Mew K—”
“No it’s not! How dare you? You can’t just go around handing out new names, without even asking, and especially not horrible nerdy names like that!”
“It’s a good name! It’s really cute. And Kiyosada is a great character! He starts off seeming like just comic relief, but as the show goes on—”
Razz covered his ears. “I don’t care! There’s no way some cartoon character is cool enough to share a name with me.” Especially if Razz was named after him and not the other way around. “It’s insulting!”
The wolf huffed, crossing her arms. “Well what kind of name do you want then?”
“I already have a name!”
“Oh, really?” Alphys’s ears perked up in surprise. “I suppose I never thought about squirrels having names before.”
“Of course I do! And it’s Razz. So you’d better call me by it, or else.”
“Oh, like a raspberry! That’s adorable!”
“No! I’m not adorable, I’m fierce!”
“Okay, I’ll call you Razz, if you promise not to bite me anymore.”
Razz growled, tail flicking in irritation. “Fine, I won’t bite you. Unless you manhandle me.”
“See, we’re gonna have a great time. Can you see the screen from there? I’ll show you the episodes with Kiyosada. Maybe you’ll change your mind about the name!”
“No I won’t,” said Razz, but he sat down and nibbled on the peanuts as she started up the video.
“Wow, he’s really tame,” said Undyne, the blue wolf, the first time she saw Razz sitting docilely on Alphys’s shoulder.
“He’s a good boy. Mostly,” said Alphys, with a nervous laugh. “He just has to stay on the leash.”
Of course, the first time Alphys had fallen asleep with him out of the cage, he��d explored her room for escape routes, and then hidden, hoping to get out when she eventually opened the door, or perhaps gnaw a hole in it if that proved impossible. But she’d been so worried and upset, he hadn’t run fast enough when she’d found him under a pile of clothes and plush anime characters. Since then she’d made sure to put a leash on him whenever he was out of the cage, and whatever it was made of, it was too tough for him to chew through.
“Well, he looks really cute.”
“I don’t look cute,” Razz protested. “I look handsome! Or dapper! But not cute!” He couldn’t reach the bow in the light blue ribbon around his neck, but he straightened the one on his tail. If it was crooked that might make it look more ‘cute’ and less sharp.
“Okay, okay. You don’t look cute. You look adorable!” The blue wolf laughed at him, and he glared at her until Alphys distracted him with a peanut.
“I don’t know why you’re so attached to that bandanna,” Alphys complained. “Sure, it matches your fur, but that just makes it blend in too much. These ribbons are much c—cooler. And it’s got all these rips and tears in it.”
Razz glared, suspecting she’d just herself from saying ‘cuter.’ “I had a life before I met you, you know. This is all I have left.”
Alphys paused, as if she hadn’t considered that before. “Well, you’re better off here, though, aren’t you? You’ve got a warm place to sleep, plenty of food and entertainment and clothes—once I finish adding the tail holes—and you’re safe from predators. Except us, ha ha. And we wouldn’t eat you—unless we were really starving. What does the forest have to compare to that?”
Razz looked away. He couldn’t tell her about Slim. What if she went after him? He wouldn’t put his brother’s freedom at risk like that. Besides, he didn’t really want Slim to see him like this, no matter how good he looked in these ribbons.
“Here, try this one on.” She pulled something from the box of doll clothes Undyne had brought, and placed it inside Razz’s cage. The door was open; he couldn’t try on clothes while wearing a leash, but by now she trusted him not to bolt out. “It’s a dress so it will fit over your tail without a hole.” She waited while he pulled it on and pushed his arms out the sleeves. “You look fabulous!” She held up a hand mirror so he could see.
“Of course I do!” He straightened out the skirt. “I still think I could just wear the bandanna over it.”
“No, no, the colors clash.”
“If it doesn’t clash with my fur, it won’t clash with my bandanna!”
“That’s different!” Alphys bared her teeth, but he didn’t back down, glaring at her defiantly through the bars of his cage. She sighed in defeat. “All right, fine. Wear the bandanna. But not when anyone’s gonna see you.”
“Who’s going to see me?”
“Actually, I was thinking of making a window box, so you can see outside, and monsters walking by could see how cu—cool you look.”
“No—no, please, I don’t want anyone to see me like this!” It was unlikely Slim would happen to walk by the wolves’ house. Razz wasn’t even really sure how far it was from the forest; he’d only seen Alphys’s room since the first day when she’d decided not to eat him. But word might get out, and if Slim did somehow find out, he’d either get himself killed trying to get here, or actually make it here and see what Razz had been reduced to.
“Oh, is the dress too frilly? Don’t worry, we’ll make sure you look good and not overly cute.”
“No, the dress is fine. I just—remember, I’m—I’m a pet now.” Razz looked away. “I don’t want anyone to know how—how far I’ve fallen. Especially not…”
“What are you talking about? Any squirrel would be lucky to be our pet.”
He turned back to her, grimacing. “Sometimes I wish you’d just eaten me.”
“What? Why? I thought you were happy here!”
His tail flicked nervously. “I—I am, but—I’m still a prisoner.”
“Well, what would you do if I let you go?”
“I would try to get back to—” No, he wouldn’t just try. He would succeed! He rephrased it: “I would go back to the forest where I lived before you caught me.”
“But why? Why not just stay here? We have a lot of anime to watch still, and you have everything you need!”
“Not everything.”
“What is it? What’s so important that you’d give up a cushy life and trek all the way back to the forest, dodging wolves and foxes and hawks?”
He looked away again. She reached into the cage and pulled him out. The way she stroked his skull told him she didn’t mean it to be intimidating, but being held right in front of a wolf’s muzzle couldn’t help but make him a little nervous. He glimpsed the white of her teeth as she spoke. “Come on, Razz. We’re friends now, aren’t we? You can tell me.”
He twisted around to try and climb off her paw and back into his cage, but she blocked him with her other paw. He climbed up the second paw, only to encounter the first again, and gave up, sitting down on her paw pad. “It’s—it’s my brother,” he finally admitted.
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advocatewrites-blog · 6 years
Into the Unknown Part 1 Chapter 3
Into the Unknown
Fandom: Undertale, Coraline (book), Over the Garden Wall, Paranorman, Gravity Falls (season 2)
Characters: Frisk, Norman B., Dipper P., Mabel P., Coraline J., Wirt, Greg, the Cat, the Frog; Sans, Toriel, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Asgore,; the Other Mother, the Beast, Agatha P., Bill Cipher, Asriel D., Chara D.,
Pairings: Not the focus. Alphys/Undyne, with mentions of Papyrus/Mettaton, sans/Toriel/Asgore, and Wirt/Sara. Due to the nature of Undertale and the dating segments, there is also interpretable Papyrus/Wirt, Undyne/Mabel, Alphys/Dipper, Napstablook/Norman, Mettaton/Norman, Mettaton/Mabel, Sans/Dipper, Sans/Norman, and Sans/Greg.
Rated a high +K for violence, mild language, horrific elements that may be disturbing to younger readers,  mentions of child abuse and bullying, character death that is sometimes permanent, and mentions of suicide that may be triggering. These elements remain relatively unchanged from their source material, which most all are for children, but discretion is advised nonetheless.
Disclaimer: Undertale was created and owned by Toby Fox. Coraline was created by Neil Gaiman and owned by Bloomsbury and Laika. Over the Garden Wall was created by Patrick McHale and owned by Cartoon Network. Paranorman was created by Sam Fell and Chris Butler and owned by Laika. Gravity Falls was created by Alex Hirsch and owned by Disney. Any other work mentioned or homage are property of their respective owners. This is a fan-made, nonprofit work that only seeks to entertain. Please support the original franchises.  
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Chapter 3
Coraline watched the skeleton, unsure of what to do. Papyurs had been a much harder fight than she had anticipated, even with sans’ warning. If she lost, she may have never been able to see home again. Yet she couldn’t help but feel a stir of pity for Papyrus. It was the same kind of pity that stirred in her soul when she thought of Toriel. Toriel deserved a second chance. Maybe Papyrus did too.
“You know,” Coraline said. “When I get back to the Surface, I won’t be going back home.”
Papyrus stopped crying long enough to listen.
“I haven’t been to my real home in a long time,” said Coraline. “My family and I moved to a new home, the Pink Palace.”
“No. It’s like a set of houses,” said Coraline. “My family isn’t the only ones who live there. There’s Miss Forcible and Miss Spink, and Mr. Bobinski and the mice he’s training to sing.”
“I’ve never heard them. But so far, they’re the only ones who’ve gotten my name right.” Coraline said. “I haven’t been able to make a single friend since I moved to the Pink Palace. Maybe…you would like to be my first?”
Papyrus turned back to her.
Something cold moved against Frisk’s cheeks, as gentle as moth’s wings. A voice, barely a whisper, spoke.
“Art thou—art thou alive?”
Frisk nodded.
“You poor child,” said another voice.
Frisk tilted their head in confusion.
“She left us here,” said yet another voice. “She stole our hearts and stole our souls. But she forgot about us in the dark. She has worked so hard to find a place to keep you that she has forgotten a place to keep us.”
“I walked through the scullery door,” said the first voice. “And I found myself in the parlor. But she was waiting for me. She called herself my other mamma, but I never saw my real mamma again.”
Frisk took a shaky breath as they realized what they were saying.
“It is the eyes that go first,” said the third voice. ���She will steal your soul and she will take your life and all you cares’t for, and leave you in the mist and fog.”
“Flee!” said the second voice. “Flee, while there’s still air in your lungs and blood in your veins and warmth in your heart!”
The nothingness stopped. Hard stone began to form under Frisk’s feet, and Echo Flowers sprouted in the cracks. Lights, not quite stars, formed in the ceiling. A wooden bench formed in front of them. It almost looked like a room in Waterfall. Frisk wondered if it was supposed to be a room out of Waterfall that they never found.
“We must stay in the darkness,” said the first voice, their voice growing fainter than ever. “Flee while you can, but peradventure, you can find our souls…”
Frisk was alone again. They took a seat on the park bench that had formed, ignoring the rush of memories that came with it.
The Other Toriel was going to hurt them. There was no reason to doubt it.
So why did Frisk feel like the real monster?
Their foot collided with something. Frisk was shaken out of their reverie long enough to investigate. It was some kind of food, something like a quiche, somewhat burned and wrapped in foil.
“I just couldn’t handle the responsibility,” said the Echo Flower.
Frisk understood.
The shift from Snowdin Town to the Waterfall was abrupt. It was almost like Coraline had stepped into a different room. The snow quickly melted off and faded into cold earth beneath them. The cold air grew damp, and for the first time Coraline really felt like they were in the underground.
There was one thing familiar about the Waterfall, however. There was a wooden sentry station, the same kind sans had manned. It even smelled like sans’, Coraline realized, ketchup and grills.
Her stomach rumbled, and she realized the last thing she had to eat was some of Papyrus’ spaghetti. Maybe sans’ food was halfway edible.
She moved into the sentry station. True to her suspicious, it was filled with bottles of ketchup and boxes of buns. The hot dog itself, however, was…water sausage? Not something edible, at least.
The only other thing inside was a small journal, worn with use. Coraline flipped through it absently. The pages were filled, either in a language she couldn’t read or with formulas that made her head spin. She settled on one page. A drawing of a human child, detailed rather well for someone as lazy as sans. Underneath was scrawled don’t trust them, the don’t cross out heavily and the trust them underlined several times.
“heya kid.”
Coraline nearly jumped at sans’ voice. She hadn’t heard him approach again.
“though you might like your raincoat back. you won’t have much use for that sweater through waterfall.”
Coraline had nearly forgotten about the sweater. “Thanks for letting me use it. I think one of Papyrus’ attacks may have cut it a bit.”
“oh? you fought my bro?”
There was a tenseness in his voice, Coraline noticed. The kind that sounded like he didn’t know what to think.  She looked up at him, and noticed his smile stretch ever so slightly.
“He challenged me so he could capture me,” Coraline said. “I convinced him that we could be friends.”
“ah,” sans said. “yeah. my bro’s pretty cool like that. hope he didn’t give you a bad time.”
Coraline grew silent for a minute as she watched sans. He un-tensed, but only slightly. His eyesockets were still firmly focused on Coraline, in a way that she could not read. She felt her sins crawling on her back.
“Say, sans, am I the first human in the Underground?” Coraline asked.
The lights in sans’ eyes flickered for only a moment.
“nah. not that many that i’ve heard of, though,” said sans. “not sure what happened to the others.”
“Did your brother capture them?” Coraline asked.
“no. paps was a baby bones the last time a human came through here,” said sans. “hey, humans get hungry, right? care to pry me from my work and go to Grillby’s with me?
“I think I ought to get going,” said Coraline.
“alright. just let me know if you change your mind,” said sans. “i’ll be slaving away here at my checkpoint.”
“I thought your checkpoint was in front of the Ruins?” Coraline asked.
“what? you’ve never seen a guy with two jobs before?” sans asked.
Coraline waited until he had sat down at his checkpoint before waving to him and leaving. She did not feel the eye sockets leave her until she was far away.
If sans had never seen another human before, then who had he drawn in the journal? Did Papyrus not being old enough to capture a human make him not old enough to capture a human? Had the other human been captured, and if so, what became of them?
Coraline was so lost in her thoughts that she hardly noticed herself wander into the thick grass until it encompassed her vision. Every blade was at least as tall as she was, and it was impossible to see around it. She took another step forward.
Coraline froze. She could not hear who he was talking to, but it was impossible to mistake his voice.
Papyrus hadn’t helped her at all. She was still going to be captured. That is, unless she did something about it first.
Coraline dared not to move until she heard a set of footsteps fade off into the distance. Then she ran, as fast as she could. She did not slow down even as she heard a set of footsteps behind her.
Frisk jumped. ‘Voice’ was not quite the right word for it. It was a set of sounds, vaguely in a patter that sounded like human speech.
All of a sudden, Frisk was not alone. The new person towered over them, even taller than Toriel was. Its body was covered in a heavy black cloak, the inside in a constant state of motion that made Frisk’s head spin. His face looked more like a worn mask, with two holes pouring into an eye and mouth.
Somehow, the figure managed to convey an expression of mild embarrassment. It raised its hands, nothing but bone and with two holes coming out of its palms.
It moved its hands closer, and Frisk flinched away from it. It took them a minute to realize how the hands moved.
Child? It signed. Are you all right?
Frisk didn’t know what to say. They raised their hands to sign. To wipe away the tears that were threatening to burst from their eyes. To do anything.
How did you come about here, child? The monster asked.
Frisk didn’t know what to say. They settled for making a gesture that looked as if they dropped something.
Lost? The monster asked. How did you end up lost in this world?
Lost me, Frisk said.
The monster looked like they didn’t know what to say to that. Their hands trembled slightly as they signed again.
I am here for much the same reasons, they said.
Their face did not show expression, but somehow Frisk could tell they were stepping in sensitive territory. They decided to change the subject.
What’s your name? Frisk asked.
It has been a long time since I have needed a name. The monster answered.
Everyone needs a name, even if you have to make one up yourself, said Frisk. My name’s F-R-I-S-K, but I haven’t been using that one for very long.
The monster let out a set of noises that almost, almost, sounded like a chuckle.
In life, I was known as W-D G-A-S-T-E-R. You may call me that, if you wish, They signed.
Are you a skeleton monster, WD? They asked.
Gaster nodded.
I’ve met a few skeleton monsters. P-A-P-Y-R-U-S and S-A-N-S, Frisk said. You remind me a lot of S-A-N-S.
Gaster stopped his walking. He signed something, so quick and with so many unfamiliar signs that Frisk couldn’t catch it. He caught on to their confusion, and asked again.
You have met S-A-N-S? He asked, his movements slow and fluid.
Frisk’s hands were shaking too much to sign back, so they nodded.
He is well?
kids like you…should be burning in hell.
I think I hurt him, Frisk said, once they managed to get their hands to stop shaking.
I believe I have too, Gaster let out a noise like a sigh.
Coraline ran through the Waterfall. She ran past the waterfall carrying rocks she had to dodge, ran through the puzzles that were supposed to be solved with bridge flowers, and ran over the boarded piers that connected areas of Waterfall to others. She only stopped running when she caught a ferry ride on a monster’s face. She got three gold in return.
Undyne continued to chase her.
Waterfall grew dark, but Coraline continued to run. More piers awaited her in complex patterns, making makeshift walkways for the citizens of Waterfall to get from house to house. Spears shot from the ground under her.
Undyne was getting closer.
Coraline dodged the spears that blocked her path. She ran until she could not run anymore.
Undyne was right behind her.
Coraline hardly noticed the bridge stop until it broke, already far worn from the effect of dozens of spears. Then she fell.
I understand you are hurt, said Gaster, but this place is not safe. There are many things here that will not hesitate to hurt you.
I know, Frisk admitted. But I don’t know what else I can do anymore.
Gaster did not say anything after that.
WD? What do you do when you hurt someone, but want to fix it? Frisk asked.
Gaster thought for a long time.
You do everything you can to prove you are better than that, I suppose, said Gaster.
Coraline woke up to the sounds of the phone Toriel gave her. She answered, not thinking about who would be trying to contact.
Coraline remembered what happened the last time she saw Papyrus. “How did you get this number?”
“Does it have anything to do with Undyne?” Coraline asked.
“No. But I did hear you talking to her about me,” said Coraline. “I thought you didn’t want to capture me anymore!”
The anger in Coraline’s soul faded away. She couldn’t be mad at someone who was genuinely trying their best.
“It’s a little late for that,” said Coraline. “Undyne’s already spotted me.”
He hung up before Coraline could answer back.
They found themself back in the Judgement Hall. A figure lay before them. The bells chimed.
So you finally made it.
If we were really friends, you wouldn’t come back.
Frisk shook away the bad feelings. They weren’t going to be judged. They were going to make everything better.
“heya kid. wow, you got tossed pretty far, didn’t ya?” the other sans asked. “you won’t tell your mother about this, would ya?”
Frisk shook their head and joined the other sans.
“yeah. let’s get home kiddo,” said the other sans. “say, let ya wear my jacket back for 5 gold.”
Frisk decided to decline. They didn’t say anything until they were firmly out of the New Home area of the Other World.
s-a-n-s, what do you think of other T-o-r-i-a-l? They asked.
The other sans slowed down. Sweat began to form on his skull.
“well, she’s great, y’know?” said the other sans. “she made all  of this, just for you, after all.”
I think I need to go back to the Underground for a bit, and I want to know how to ask her, Frisk said.
“oh, is that all?” said the other sans. He didn’t sound relieved. “well, the best way to get her to do anything is to challenge her to a game. she won’t turn ya down.”
What kind of game? Frisk asked.
“well, you could always have a finding game,” said the other sans. “there are a lot of things here she kept hidden. just make sure you know what to look for. if you ever need a hint, i’ll be willing to give you some advice, on the house. think there are a few other monsters that’ll be willing to give you a hand if you can find them. say…past the Judgement Hall?”
Isn’t that cheating? Frisk asked.
“she ain’t above it,” said the other sans. Phalanges tapped on femur nervously. More sweat dripped from the top of his skull.
He was nervous, Frisk realized.
Thank you sans, they signed.
“no problem kiddo,” the other sans said. “i’m rooting for ya.”
They reached the home. The other sans kept his distance as Frisk entered the house, and didn’t turn to leave until they appeared in the window to sign thank you to him again.
Now came the hard part.
They found the Other Toriel in the kitchen again.
“Hello, my child. You were out for longer than I had anticipated,” said the Beldam. “Would you like to talk about it?”
How do I exit the Ruins?
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funsizedkola · 7 years
Summary: The power to bring great change does not always guarantee the ability to last long. And sometimes, it pays to be prepared.
Charcters: Frisk (Reader), Chara
Warnings: Mentions of death and violence.
This is my entry for @bonelynomore‘s 500 Followers Celebration Contest! It’s an idea I’ve had for a while now. Not really original since I’ve found out about one or two other works that considered this, but I decided to give my own take nonetheless. :D
There’s a difference between death from a monster and death from a human. Both are unpleasant in their own ways, but at least the pain is felt in a different way. When you’re HP goes down to zero, you feel your entire self shatter and disappear from reality itself, to another place that you’re not sure is entirely real or a figment of your imagination before you hear the words of a grieved king begging you to continue.
While you had sought death when you fell down, you did not think that you would go through it multiple times.
Nor did you expect to have been able to get used to the feeling. It’s funny how you’ve become more confident in facing perilous situations when the power to turn back time is in your grasp.You’d be lying if you said you weren’t tempted to take it to the next level, to really go back and see how the story can change.
After all, the real person in control is you, no longer the flower who was humbled into letting you take the reigns of deciding the fate of Monsterkind after finally remembering what it’s like to have a soul of your own.
But no matter what suggestions were whispered in your ear, no matter what actions you found yourself carrying out like a marionette crafted for destruction, knowing what taking a life is like from both perspectives pushed you into retelling the story once again, to face your fears of going back to the Surface and tread on unfamiliar territory once again.
It was difficult to ignore the RESET button with every threat and obstacle that would appear in the way of the happy ending that you worked for. It was a worry that you couldn’t talk to many people about. And the ease you thought you had about the many times your soul shattered eventually came back to haunt you in the form of nightmares, along with the memories of what you were once compelled to do. How could you explain this to your adoptive mother or father who have seen and lived through too much than they would of wished for?
You tried looking for Flowey whenever you felt the need to go back to the mountain and just take comfort in the familiar territory of the hidden kingdom, but the only golden flowers you’ve found were the silent blossoms that adorned the throne room of your father and the grave of the first child him and the previous queen had accepted from outside their race. If he really ever wished to see you again, no doubt he would question whether you had better things to do.
In the end the person you could most confide in was Sans, and even then you knew there were lines you had to carefully avoid crossing. He always smiled, but as you learned from even in your first venture to the king, that didn’t always mean that he was happy. Still, the times you ended up venting your fears and reoccurring memories that frightened you even back when it was from a timeline of assumed peace seemed to help him accept you as what you forgot what you always were and may always be. A kid. And while he hardly revealed much about himself aside from a look at a secret lab harboring pictures and confusing blueprints and a covered up machine, you felt that in his own way he has opened up to you.
But then again sometimes you can’t always been sure when it comes to that enigma of a comedian. But you were fine with that.
Because that’s something you’re learning to live with. The fact that not everything will be okay through and through, and that not everyone is willing to to like who you are or what they perceive you to be.
After all! With friends like these-
“-shooter has been apprehended and taken into custody, but the real worry-”
-who needs-
“-condition is critical despite efforts to save the life of-”
“I-It’s gonna be alright Frisk. W-We’ll take c-c-care of you! N… No matter what. T-Things will turn out okay… hopefully…”
Here’s the thing about experiencing death at the hands of a human. It in no way feels pleasant or surreal. There’s no magic, no real connection to the soul until you’ve bleed enough. It hurts too much and also feels so cold when you’re feeling more of the ground you’ve fallen upon and the bullet that pierced into you’re chest, feeling more strain from your physical heart rather than the soul that will soon shatter and disappear out of sight from the many eyes looking upon you’re body as yours slowly close in slumber, like they once had long ago when you’ve intentionally fallen down the mountain.
It feels worse than any previous death you’ve ever gone through.
What once was pitch black had subtly shifted into shades of grey before soon enough light had surrounded you. It was… different than you expected. You were used to the black void that would engulf you whenever you were on your way to the other side, but perhaps… this is what awaits you when you can no longer prolong your lifespan.
Not really what you’re used to… But it’s not bad.
… Wait.
Mom. Undyne. Papyrus. What happened to-
*They are fine.
You know that voice.
* … Greetings.
You could feel them. Like you had before when you were young, but somehow you were even more aware of their presence. How you felt that they were behind you. Turning around, your shoulders tensed in case you had to be ready. If you had to stand defiant against those red eyes that once has been covered in black matter that would drip down their rosy cheeks.
Those eyes met yours… with a shimmer to them.
* You. Idiot.
* Chara…
* Admittedly, you went pretty far this run. You turned, what, eighteen this year? Ready to go to college and everything, right?
* It’s… really you.
* Maybe you can say I Told You So with how you only needed to rely on SAVES and LOADS, but that doesn’t change the fact that YOU STILL-
* [ACT] Hug
They stiffened in your arms, frozen as tears soon dropped onto your shoulder, a show that they are currently not the demon that had been ready to erase the world. It didn’t take long for them to hug you back. The last time you two were face to face, you both had the appearances of children no older than eight that nonetheless had at least one point held what seemed to be the weight of the world in your hands.
But now their outward age seemed to mirror yours, a reflection on how a decade passed since that fateful day that spanned multiple timelines.
* How come I can see you again…?
A choked attempt to speak was muffled in your shoulder before they took a deep breath before stepping back a few steps. Their eyes had a hard look to them that reminded you of one your mother gave you a few times.
* Because you are now nearly like me.
It took you a couple of seconds… but it soon dawned on you. At your realization they looked away, their bangs now shadowing their expression.
The only reply needed to confirm this was a slow nod.
… It finally happened. You couldn’t reach the LOAD button in time. The chance to escape death was no longer there. And now you’re on the other side of the door that can no longer stay unlocked for you to return to your life. Hands tightened on Chara’s arms as the will to stay upright wavered. Staggering, you stumbled forth until your head rested against their chest, overcome with shock. Their grasp on you adjusted until it felt like they were shielding you, arms around a no longer physical body.
* ……… And everyone else?
* …. They are alive. They apprehended the one who shot you.
Trembling now as reality continued sinking in, you felt yourself being lowered until the both of you were on your knees, what is seemingly the ground beneath you feeling like suspended air that sent more of a chill across your entire being.
* The doctors tried saving you… but your body failed before they could do anything.
Your family is alive. They are not in danger. They’re safe. Over and over again you chanted that to yourself, as if that would be enough to satisfy you. But the memory of your final death had you drawing in haggard breaths as you remembered the last eyes you looked at being the frantic look of that man who just needed to walk up to you with a concealed gun behind their back in a matter of seconds before pulling the trigger.
Tears of your own dampened Chara’s sweater as you began to giggle hysterically. After all you went through, it just took one act, not even a FIGHT, to prevent you from relying on your determination soon enough.
* Going against humans is not like FIGHTing monsters. The connection to your soul is not as strong. Not as aware. And thus all the more deadly. If he decided to target someone else maybe you would of had the time to LOAD. But since he went for you…
As usual they were telling the truth in a matter of fact way of speaking, even if the edge to their voice betrayed their true thoughts. Taking a deep breath to attempt to calm yourself, you sat down as you pulled away a bit. Shoulders slumped, you just stared at your knees that were covered by denim and brightly colored patches of fabric that had been sewn onto them. You remembered when you decided to add them onto your jeans on a whim when tears appeared from the result of rambunctious adventures with your family.
*…. I didn’t know how far I would be able to go… or that if the end would arrive at all…
Silence is all that could follow after that. It was eerie the lack of noise that surround the two humans who at points in time were so crucial to the history and futures of monsters and humans alike. Strangely enough, if you concentrated enough you could hear the sound of… beeping… Brow furrowing, your head tilted as if to crane your ear towards the noise.
* Alphys and Sans made sure to contain your soul before it shattered. That’s why you have not fully crossed over yet.
Eyes widening, you snapped your neck up to look back at your once deemed partner. A cross between frustration and relief showed through their frown and creased brow.
* On one hand I can see why they would not want to give up on you. But on the other hand I don’t see how they can fix you.
As if their words were clearing the fog, you could feel yourself suspended in the air, yet surrounded by something… solid. Something that felt… secure. Is this how those previous children that were killed felt when their souls were contained in those glass containers? You gave a wry smile as you gave a small shake of your head. And you thought you were supposed to be the determined one. It didn’t last though as you took thought to this situation.
The body your soul was in could no longer be used. So as far as you can see, the only option is to either stay in the hands of your well meaning friends or…
* How is it like?
* …?
* Being dead.
At that question they raised an eyebrow before pursing their lips and shrugging.
* Honestly I am not entirely sure yet. I did not… let myself fully pass on. At first I was too tied to my own grave to even go beyond the Barrier until you came around. After that…
* … Were you waiting for me?
* No! I just- You couldn’t- There was-
Pinching the bridge of their nose, they took a moment to collect themselves. You bit back the urge to laugh a bit at how flustered they looked until a wavering look pierced you again.
* I wanted to see if you were right. In continuing what you claimed was the Best Ending for everyone. If you and everyone else would be… better off without me.
* … You and Asriel could of joined us. I wouldn’t of minded.
The sigh they gave showed they believed otherwise.
* You know that even as Flowey he wouldn’t be able to face mother and father again with how you have proven us wrong. And someone had to look after him. He’s hopeless on his own.
So they gave him company… that was a relief. At least they had their best friend. You quietly gave your thanks before receiving a look of ‘Of course, what else would I have done???’ That made you laugh for a short moment before feeling solemn again.
Here sat two fallen humans that had their souls slip from the realm of the living, with neither having yet to pass on to the true end of death. It was comforting that you were not alone. Were you ready to see if the both of you can make that leap to follow those six children that had accepted peace when the Barrier was destroyed?
That… you were not certain of yet.
* How much did you see outside the Underground?
* … Parts of it.
* I guessed as much. You want me to tell you all about it?
For the first time since you were reunited with them, they smiled with more of a glimmer to their eyes.
* Why not. We have all the time we could need for now.
It was hard to tell how much time had passed. What little you could feel on the surroundings of where your soul is being kept didn’t even have the sound of a ticking clock. But you felt like you would be going nowhere for the time being, so you relaxed some more and told Chara as much as you could remember.
How scary it was to finally move forward without knowing what could happen next. How monsters and humans made history together with you in the center. Balancing being an ambassador and a kid that still had to turn in math homework on time and still managed to break records on flirting one friendship at a time. The joy you felt at seeing the dreams of your friends come true one by one (Mom being a teacher with Dad as the school’s gardener, Papyrus finally riding the convertible of his dreams, knowing that Sans was grinning like never before as you both looked at the stars, Alphys making breakthroughs in science with her supportive girlfriend becoming a police officer to be envied, and so much more) and how that made you feel more at peace with your decision.
It felt so good to finally talk about everything to someone, no walls needed to be put up for the sake of keeping secrets. The feeling that a weight had been lifted off your chest when you confessed about the nightmares and inner struggles of what kept haunting you. And Chara listened with hardly any fuss, aside from looks of guilt that they hide by looking away, the two of you having moved to sit side by side.
That isn’t to say that there weren’t tears. Sometimes you could not help but get choked up at how it finally is over. All you’ve done and paved the way for the sake of your friends and family has now reach the end for how much you can influence with your own two hands. It was hard to accept, yet so relieving, yet so guilt inducing at how much relief you felt.
* Normally I would be alright with this… But now you are reminding me too much of how big of a crybaby Asriel was.
You could only respond with a watery laugh as you wiped away the new set of tears you shed. By now the two of you were holding hands to help ground one another. Chara did not talk much about themselves, but you can figure out by now that it was hard for them too. They had their own burdens to bear as well with being the shell of a once alive human that is vulnerable to turn from a wandering ghost to a menacing demon with only the emotions of what is left of their soul to guide them.
* … I still don’t know if I want to go yet. I know I can try seeing what it would be like but…
* … Yeah… I still don’t know if I’m ready yet.
Another episode of silence proceeded as the two of you pondered over everything that had been said and done.
* Flowey still needs someone looking after him.
*Well I suddenly found myself with a lot of free time.
* You are still stuck in containment.
* I’ll find a way out. I’m DETERMINED to.
“N-Now Sans!”
You made a show of puffing out your chest which only made Chara roll their eyes.
* Well at least you are finally more like yourself.
* Give me a break, it takes a while to get used to the fact that I might as well be dead.
That silenced them before they nudged you.
* A bit of advice. Even I have trouble accepting it sometimes.
* Oh, great. Thanks for the heads up.
That sparked more chuckles that grew into full blown laughter. Oh how surreal it feels to know that it will never feel real again. You feel back onto the ground as you embraced this feeling of ironic humor as the laughter just grew louder and louder. Till you were on the verge of hysterics as the buzzing in your center tickled some more, like a physical hand trying to grab hold-
Gasping. You were gasping now. You were feeling death once again, but feeling life as well, the whiteness you’ve been staring that was above, at all angles, darkening back to that black, black setting that reminded you of when you died more times than you could remember as a child-
* Frisk?!
Chara, they’re still here, looking down at you in fear like before, causing you to feel scared as well, whywhywhywhy-
“-mon kid, c’mon, we’re rootin’ for you-”
A change went over their expression, one of utter shock and disbelief as they froze. They whipped their head to the side as if looking at something before turning back, eyes hard and showing hardening will that had you wondering if you ever looked like that before. Hands gripped on your shoulders as their drew in closer.
* Stay. Determined.
You were trembling once again, unsure of how you can do such a thing when like this. As if reading your thoughts, Chara’s expression softened.
* It will be fine. You know why Frisk?
Tear once again threatening to burst forth, you managed to hold onto their wrists in an attempt to calm yourself.
* W-Why?
A smile then overtook their expression, matching their rosy dimples and eyes that also were welling up with tears.
* Because it’s not over for you yet.
You then finally heard it. Voices. Pleads for you to come back. To turn around and return to them. Feeling tears drop onto your cheeks, the pull that tugged you away from this place felt more like a hand guiding you, like how one person would show you around a new world that you would call home.
And with that, you smiled as well.
* You better come back to us.
Because this moment…
* Because someone really cares about you too.
fills you with…
You weren’t sure that you were alive.
It felt a bit more like you were… tied to something. But it can’t be your body. It felt too stiff to be one. Too… cumbersome?
You try turning your head… Still feels weird.
When you finally open your eyes, you see gray. Gray with a shine to it. Lit up by fluorescent lights. Okay. This is certainly not the white void. But… was it normal to suddenly see a close up of the ceiling? Wait… your vision is backing away from it now.
Zoom in.
Zoom out.
Zoom in.
Zoom out.
As if realization sunk in, you jerked into an immediate upright position. Posters. Motivational posters with bad puns on them. (Donut give up? Really?)
You look down. It looked like you wearing a plain shirt and pair of yoga pants over grey… arms… and legs…
It was too much. Swinging your suddenly strong (metallic, robotic, artificial) legs over the cot onto the floor, you froze before pushing yourself to stand before stumbling. Managing to reach what looked like an IV pole, you grabbed onto it before you could fall over. Before hearing a crunch and seeing that your fingers (plated, shiny, overpowered) have ended up bending it in your grasp. You could only look at it in numbed shock before sinking down onto the linoleum floor.
That was a good word. Numb. You felt numb all over.
* I guess Alphys did not have enough time to paint your new body.
A yelp echoed the empty room as you nearly let yourself collapse from all this insanity.
* Calm down. I’m still here. And you are still alive. Technically.
“W-What do you mean technically?”
* The only thing about this body that is you is your soul, which has managed to possess this vessel. Like Mettatton. They found a way for you to be corporeal.
“… They built me a robot body… an actual… robot… body…”
Something on your arm caught your eye. Bringing it up to your optics, you noticed an engraving on it.
Functional Relief Invulnerable Soul Keeper
“… FRISK.”
* Wonder how long it took them to get that acronym.
You noticed that you could hear distant footsteps and the drag of a tail that sounded a lot like a certain ex-Royal Scientist, along with the softened trail of someone wearing soft shoes that you could swear were slippers.
The fact that you could hear them from a farther distance despite the closed door that they were heading towards just added more and more questions that you will be able to ask. An airy laugh that had an electric echo to it escaped and you slumped once again on the floor, this time in acceptance. Because as far as life changing events go…
“… F-Frisk…?”
… this is one you can certainly live with.
Raising your head to meet the eyes of your family again, you gave your best bewildered smile while giving a wave.
“So… should I say thanks for giving me a hand, or for an entire body?”
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It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Gyftmas, Part 11
((Zax continues to be adorable and precious. Orion is Overwhelmed. Slob takes the prize for most hilarious method of giving someone a gift.))
Roan and Orion, from here
Undyne, from @the-hcroine-appears
Zax, @holdusfast
Ace, Spade, and Delta, @acetheskeleton, @spadetheskeleton, and @deltagaster
Lazy, @sans-nyan
CB and Slob, @coolskeletonsdontcry and @slobbyseconds
Scrub and Crummy, @scrublord-papyrus and @crummyredbones))
Zax [Zax nods and goes to the bag he'd put all his presents in. He'd used smaller bags to put his gifts in... He'd discovered fairly quickly that, A.) Drawings don't wrap well and B.) He's not good at wrapping to begin with.
He gives out the bigger bags to Roan, Orion, Undyne, Scrub and Lazy.]
[He wasn't sure how many people were coming to the party, but was happy to see he had enough small bags to give to everyone else. The contents of those were a drawing, mostly cats and messy looking trees, and a baggie full of cereal.]
lazy 😺 [holy shit....... this kid tried and its fucking cute]
Ace/Spade/Delta 🍯 Ace blinked as he was given one of those little bags, looking through the contents. Aw, now that was just sweet.
🍵 Delta smiled as he got one too, chuckling a little.
🍵 "Thank you, little friend."
🍹 Spade blinked in surprise as he got one too, he wasn't really expecting to get anything honestly. It was pretty cute though, he couldn't deny that. Nice kid.
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne 🌹 🐟 ⭐️ [Roan grins as he watches Zax handing out all those little bags to everyone. He's so proud of his little ward! Meanwhile, he, Orion, and Undyne check the contents of their slightly larger bags.]
CB & s 🐽 oh sh- uh. oh my god? this is really nice, kiddo! thank you.
🐝 [He's got a hand over his mouth, but it's clear CB is still grinning pretty damn big.]
lazy 😺 [HAPPY WAVY TAIL...]
SCRUB and crummy 🐠  [ Scrub accepts the bag and looks through the contents. The drawings in particular. Looking at them with squinted eyes. ]
💩 * oh man, that was unexpected , but 'tis is some  real nice stuff you got there.
💩  [ He began eating some of the cereal. Yum](edited)
Zax 👽 [Roan's present contains a piece of scrapbook paper, laminated with flowers pressed against the page. They're labelled, though in the Idavian symbols rather than English. But they are still bright and colorful, with a slight hint of the smell left behind. Sweet and floral.]
[Orion's was a small wooden box. But inside the box was a collection of stones. Nothing that seemed to be terrestrial, however, even having an oddly alien feel when touched. They were all shiny with a few different colors. ]
[Undyne recieved a hat! Shortly crafted and held together by staples.... He wasn't sure how to sew and asking Roan would have revealed the surprise. But... He drew a spear on the hat with a marker as well! He tried, he really did.] 👽 [Huuuge grin. He's so happy everyone likes their gifts]
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne 🌹 OH MY GOD??? THANK YOU, ZAX! THIS IS SO PRETTY!!!
🐟 "I love this?? This is so sweet of you, Zax! Thank you!"
⭐️ [Orion sits down and looks through the rocks, silently picking them up and examining each one. Turning them over and over, running his finger bones over them, just absolutely fascinated by these things. It would appear that this was another successful present.]
Zax 👽 "You es welcome..!"
[His response to everyone is as short and sweet as he is]
[Also purring, bc head pats!!]
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne 🌹 [He gets a big hug, too!] 🐟 "I've still gotta give you my thing, Paps! Hang on."
🐟 [Undyne disappears under the table to retrieve her gift, and another one. She hands both of them to Roan.]
🐟 "Here, this one's mine! And it looks like Santa's been by or something??? Man, how'd we miss that?"
🐟 [She casts a glance towards Orion. The present from "Santa" has handwriting that looks suspiciously similar to Orion's on it.] 🌹 [Roan tears into the packages. The one from Undyne is a pair of MTT-brand fashion basketballs— that earns her an enthusiastic hug. The one from "Santa" is a sexy robot action figure to add to his collection.]
⭐️ *he's santa. it's his job to know this kinda stuff, heh heh.
Zax 👽 [He's starting to get pretty tired. Today was rather eventful, and he's leaned himself up against his bookshelf, eyes half shut.]
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne ⭐️ [It dawns on Orion that he forgot to open his brother's present for him, so he starts unwrapping the cylindrical thing. And discovers that it's a telescope. He sits and stares at this thing for a few moments, before quietly pulling up the collar of his jacket in a vain attempt to hide his face. He's literally so happy he's starting to cry.] 🌹 WOWIE!!! THIS IS ALL SO EXCITING, BUT IT LOOKS LIKE IT'S GETTING A LITTLE LATE FOR SOME OF US. HAS EVERYONE GIVEN OUT ALL THEIR PRESENTS?
Zax 👽 [One eye half open. Mother, why must you talk about me.]
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne 🌹 [He's just trying to be a responsible mom!!!]
Ace/Spade/Delta 🍯 Ace blinked and looked up, smiling.
🍯 "i gave out all my gifts."
🍵 "As did I!"
🍵 It was starting to get late, and Delta pulled out his phone so that he could check the time.
CB & s 🐽 'ey, bro.
🐽 what's that over there?
🐝 ...WHERE??? WHAT????
🐽 🐝 [With CB sufficiently distracted, Slob pulls a pair of mittens out of his pockets and tosses them into Crybaby's lap. They're a little old looking, but are designed to look like dinosaur faces.]
🐽 now your hands are them long neck ones.
lazy 😺 "oh, uh. i haven't, haha."
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne 🌹 OH!!! WELL THEN! YOUR TURN, BROTHER!
lazy 😺 [HE SEEMS A LITTLE NERVOUS. but he pulls out two packages - one a bag, and the other a little box. The bag goes to Roan; the box, Orion.]
Zax 👽 [Shuts his eyes again. He sleepy.]
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne 🌹 ⭐️ [Roan takes a peek into his bag. Orion wipes his eyes before taking a look into the box.]
lazy [Inside Roan's bag is some more MTT merchandise! Some creams and the like. They even look pretty new. Nothing big, just a lot of small MTT trinkets and applicants. Inside Orion's box is what looks like a... dome-shaped projector? The outside is littered with dots that seem to line up to constellations. Looks like it'd display the stars on the walls of a dark room when turned on.]
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne 🌹 OH MY GOD!!! THANK YOU, BROTHER!
⭐️ [Oh look, Orion's gotten all teary-eyed again. He looks up at Lazy with this big grin on his face. He seems to have stopped caring that he's got tears running down his face. He holds an arm out for a hug, if Lazy's cool with that.]
lazy 😺 [OH... WORRIED, CONCERNED LOOK. HE HUGS ORION REAL TIGHT. to roan he gives a little thumbs up; seems like he's not sure what to say.]
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne ⭐️ *thanks, bro. you're the best.
🌹 [Roan gives him a thumbs up back!]
lazy 😺 [lil smile..] "it's no problem, 'rion." [he's just gonna... casually offer a brief nuzzle? he's NOT SURE WHAT TO DO]
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne ⭐️ [He's gonna take him up on that offer. If for no other reason than it gives him an excuse to hide his face for a couple moments. He sniffles, and then lets out a little chuckle.]
⭐️ *wow, suddenly i'm gettin' as sappy as my little bro, h-heh heh... ⭐️ *seriously, though... thanks, bro. i really mean it.
lazy 😺 [bigger smile!!] "...glad i could getcha somethin' cool, heheh."
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne ⭐️ [Big goofy smile.]
⭐️ *yeah, you definitely hit it out of the park on this one, heh. though man, all of these presents are pretty out of this world.
🌹 😬 [Roan and Dread groan at the terrible pun.]
Ace/Spade/Delta 🍯 Ace laughed a bit himself, he may not tell puns a lot himself anymore but he still enjoys them. That and he's just glad to see everyone having a good time, it's. Really nice.
Zax 👽 "Yes! Mine are from home! They really es outta this world!"
[Rip, puns always go right over his head]
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne ⭐️ [Orion bursts out laughing.]
⭐️ *yep, they really are.
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muskycat · 7 years
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UnderLate. Broken Fate. Chapter 9
Frisk came to the meeting point without anyone seeing, only a few monsters that greeted along the way. Going back to using her Howdy reminded her of Flowey. She hadn’t heard from him since Sans' attack, the mysterious voice had told her the flower was all right but hadn’t specified any more. Then, when she had time, she should investigate more. Sans had used a name for the voice? Frisk was unable to remember, she was more aware of how to flee.
Things were accumulating to discover, although she would leave everything to return home with Toriel. Frisk still had the feeling that something was wrong, that something was waiting for her to get away for bad things to happen. Anyway, now she was there, she could spend time with Papyrus and forget that. But Frisk didn’t see him. Maybe she had arrived early?
"Where are you, Papy?" Said Frisk, “I don’t want to be alone.”
“Well, I thought it was what you wanted.” Frisk jumped at that voice. It wasn’t Papyrus voice,  “Alone, without the friends you had. Isn’t that your life now?”
"You deceived me by using Papyrus's phone."
"Besides being determined, you're smart. I was beginning to doubt it," said his companion before reaching out his hand, “Come on, the place I'm taking you'll like.”
“I don’t want go with you” Frisk rolled over, frowning at the deception and finding him again. She had no desire for more threats or to see hatred in his eyes. She took a couple of steps before she heard a snort and a small laugh. On her chest she could see her soul turn blue. Her feet peeled off the floor, drawing her closer to the skeleton.
"It wasn’t a suggestion, Frisk.” Sans pulled her wrist and dragged her along, heading for Waterfall.
Since it wasn’t going to reach anything interesting if she continued to resist, Frisk surrendered, accepted the path next to Sans but she took her hand away from him. These friend's confidences had to be earned, and that Papyrus had done so didn’t mean that she would transfer them to his weird and bipolar brother.
The path resembled the one she had taken with Papyrus to see Napstablook, although this time it was quieter and she could see better the Echo flowers and the waterfall environment of Waterfall. Both were silent, Frisk could see out of the corner of her eye as, sometimes, Sans looked at her with intent to say something but didn’t finish talking. And she, carried by a strange pride, refused to begin the conversation. He was going to learn how bad it was to deceive her.
"Oh, I forgot.” Suddenly, something fired in her memory as they entered the village, “I told Napsti to see us wherever, if I'm not there, he’ll scare.”
"You'll talk to him later. Paps will kill me like we're late”.
"For me as if using your bones for a soup" said Frisk, ignoring Sans and approaching his friend's house, “I'm going to tell him I'm fine. Do what you want.”
"That wasn’t funny. Well, the truth is very funny." Sans paused to laugh, giving Frisk more space to look up at.
"Poor Papy ... and he has to live with him. When I return home, I will offer him a place to stay. Yes, Mom won’t refuse.”
“I’m a bone-sommé. Heh, heh”
“No, she won’t refuse.”
Frisk walked to the door and took a couple of shots, looking to the side. On the farm there was no one besides the snails, he had to be home. She called once more, unanswered, Frisk was beginning to fret.
"Come on, kid, he's not here. Don’t insist.”
“I know Napstablook, he’s going to worry a lot if I don’t appear, is very sensitive. What if I left him a note? But I don’t have paper or pen. Sans ...”
"Do I look like a secretary? Don’t think about me, I'm too lazy to write. You can ask Undyne, if you like ... but I can’t assure you that she open you. And all she'll give you is a spear in your chest.”
“You’re a fool” Frisk turned away from the door and walked a few steps. Her gaze drifted toward the house shaped like fish. Her leg resented recalling her fierce attack, without the intrusion of her protective guardian she wouldn’t have escaped that.
Were more monsters going to attack her for her soul? Was it worth doing? Frisk wasn’t going to deny that she had been afraid of the fish monster. At least enough that she wouldn’t be amused to hear jokes about her death.
Frisk wanted to continue but realized she couldn’t. She didn’t know what destiny was.
"Come on, it was a joke.” Sans walked over, trying to apologize. He admitted that he had been mean to her, but he was annoyed by her close relationship with the ghost, not to mention the flower. It reminded him of Frisk's decisions. One in which, apparently, his former friends weren’t included. Not even him or his brother.
"Tell me where we're going and let's get it over with," said Frisk, not looking at him.
"Do you remember the village Temmie?"
“I see you don’t.” Sans sighed and kept walking. Luckily, Frisk followed him without rebellion, “Be careful, this area is usually dark, it's easy to miss. You should take my hand.”
"I'm fine." said Frisk, coming to his side without contact, “You don’t have to pretend you care about me. I know you hate me even if I don’t know the reason.”
Sans launched a deep sigh and looked at the girl. Frisk didn’t imitate him, she examine the floor of Waterfall as she walked.
"I don’t hate you, Frisk. I thought I did, but when I saw you again, I remembered the friend I had, the one you were. I care about you and I'm going to take care that nothing bad happens to you. But I feel betrayed. You stayed with Toriel, after all we'd been through: you, me, Papyrus, Alphys, Undyne ... everything was erased for nothing. For something even worse.
"I'm sorry," said Frisk, “But I don’t know what you're talking about.”
"Then it's real." She couldn’t have been faking it for so long, Sans stood in front of her, lifted her chin so she could meet his eyes,  “Don’t you remember nothing? Don’t you remember me? If we were very close… Have you forgotten ... everything?”
“ What are you talking…? Oh, God, tell me we weren’t couple!”
“What?” Sans gave a leap before he began to laugh non-stop, “Oh, my God, Frisk, you were eleven! I'm not so perverted. Although I always knew that I was your platonic love. Or should I say ... your sans-pai? Heh, heh.”
"Tell me the way is going to be short, please." Frisk said aloud, “And still dreaming.”
"You can’t deny something you don’t remember, sweetie. Come on, you know you don’t have to fear me when you sleep in my bed. I have a lot of patience.”
“SORRY? I'm not going to get into your bed, piece of ...!” Frisk remembered talking about when he'd offered his room to stay. But Sans was already laughing at her own perversion and her face flushed, “Change the subject, please. This begins to be uncomfortable.”
"Okay, I don’t want to hear how your bones tremble when ..."
"Sans! Stop making jokes that I don’t understand! My bones shake if I'm cold or I'm scared. And they aren’t two little funny things. Do you want to see me cold? Because you're making me burn with your bad jokes.”
"All right, all right." Sans continues the path, followed by Frisk,  he didn’t know she was as innocent as his brother. Well, maybe not so much ... but she approached. Now that the atmosphere wasn’t so tense, he felt more comfortable talking. Maybe the girl he had met then stayed in her, that he had misjudged her these years. But, then, there was something more disturbing and it was that loss of memory, “Temmie village is hidden by this road, not many know it. Follow me, even if I go through dark places, okay?”
"Good," said Frisk.
"If you'd give me your hand, you'd be safer."
"I can manage on my own, thank you."
"I went very fast, from what I see," sighed Sans. He didn’t try again, but he don’t lost detail of her movements, “We were very close, you know?”
“Huh? Of what?”
“Getting out to the surface. But something went wrong. That wasn’t your fault, kid. That's when we decided: We had another chance, this time we would do things right. In return I asked only one thing: that this was your last reset, if everything went well.”
“What’s a reset?”
"It's your power, Frisk. None of the other children who have fallen have been able to do so, but you are more determined. Every time you died, you could go back to the last save point, you could even go back to the beginning. You know, when you fell to the ruins. Remember, seven years ago?” Sans was silent for a few seconds before continuing, “If you wanted, you could ...”
"No," Frisk cut him off, “I don’t understand very well what you say about the reset but I won’t go back then. All my experiences, my life with Toriel would be erased, right? Well, I refuse, so do not bother asking me. Besides ... to do that I must die”
"This isn’t the first time you would. I tried to avoid it, yet I saw you die several times. But then you came back. You should have seen your face when I told you at the hotel that you had never died because of my care ... heh ... if the looks killed, I would have been dust at that moment.”
Frisk looked at Sans curiously, talking about those moments he didn’t seem like the same aggressive skeleton she had known, he was more like the old one, the one they said was good and simple. Those memories, he spoke of them with nostalgia, with affection. Had they really been such good friends, as she was now with Flowey?
"Well, I don’t want to die any more times. I feel ... I feel that this time something will go wrong ... he waits for me.”
"Uh? Who?”
"I don’t want to talk about it, Sans.”
The skeleton didn’t intend to leave this subject for settlement but the girl's clumsiness prevailed. Frisk didn’t see the pothole in front of her and stumbled. Before he could do anything, Frisk fell to the ground, rolling down the slope. As she stood, Frisk saw a strange animal, like a cat watching her.
“Hoi, I’m temmie. Are you a human? Humans are so cute.”
"Hey, Frisk, are you okay?" Sans approached, Frisk didn’t move, sitting on her legs looking at one of the temmies, “Frisk ... have you broken?”
"Ohhhh." Frisk grabbed the Temmie and hugged him tightly, “You too are very cute. Sans, I love this place.”
“Ehm ... Frisk ... somes temmies are allergic to humans.”
"Uh?” She saw that Temmie had a couple of red dots on his face and he was starting to swell. She pushed him away from her, “Oh, I'm sorry.”
"Heh ... calm down, he'll be fine." Sans raised her and, taking her arm, dragged her toward the tent, “Welcome to the Temmie village, where everyone is called Temmie.”
“Fuck you, Sans.”
"Oh, hello, Bob. I forget you. Anyway, let's go see Temmie. This one if you recognize it well, is the leader of the clan and leads the store.”
Both went to the Tem store, in the center of the village, but not that there was much more. Inside, Frisk understood what he meant: this Temmie wore another clothes and another hair color. Also she looked older than the others.
“Hoi, I'm Temmie. Welcome to Tem store. Oh, Sansy! You really are welcome.”
"Hi, Temmie, how's business going? Since I paid her college, she has an inventory that would make other stores jealous. There are even things that only she has. And you owe me one, don’t you, Tem?”
“Yeah, Temmie has kept these years for his friend Sansy.”
“And what is?” Frisk asked.
“Temy Armor, of course” Said Temmie, jumping over her post, a cardboard box, to rise to his height, “ I can do your measurements now. Temmie wants to pay off her debt to his friend Sansy.”
"Thank you, but nope" said Sans, “I'm already full of "Detemmienación", heh heh...”
"Sans, it's horrible ..."
"It's your turn now." He pointed at Frisk, “I want you to pay my debt to her. Can you have it today?”
"I just need your measurements. Come with me.”
"I'll wait here," Sans said, sitting on a corner, “It will give me time for a quick nap.”
Close to the night ...
“Hey, Sans ... Sans wake up!”
“Huh, who has ...? How long have I been asleep? But it's been hours! Why did not you wake me up?”
"But you were very cute, Sansy.”
"Yes, we were sorry. Right, Temmie? We have been talking and her armor is super cool. It is not even noticed under my clothes!”
"In a few hours, have you become friends yet?" Sans gave a smile but no one noticed. He used to wear it, even if he didn’t feel anything that caused it. But this time, it was different, “You haven’t changed, kid.”
“Huh? Anyway, stop calling me kid. Papy called me, after trying with you several times. Don’t you have your phone?”
"Umm ... yeah" Sans pulled his cell phone out of his blue and red jacket, it was off, ”But I always forget to carry it. What did he want, other than killing me for arriviing late?”
"He asked if we'd be here for dinner. Toriel is helping her, she seems more calm. Although she's going to give you a few words when we get there, or so Papy said. I thought you don’t get along with my mom, but why does she want to make you a toast?”
"Don’t worry," Sans said, holding back his laughter. Yes, Frisk was as naive as Papyrus, now he understood why they had matched so well, better than when she was a child, “It's time to go back. Prepare your things, Frisk. Let's go.”
"Don’t order me as if you were my father, Sans." grumbled the girl.
"You don’t have a father, Frisk. Goodbye, Temmie, prepare that master.”
 Both left the Temmie village  and returned to the path of lights, which had intensified due to the loss of light from the crystals of the sky, a sign that it was getting dark.
"Hey, Frisk.” Sans drew her attention before they left Temmie village, “Thank you for not running away. You had the chance but you waited for me, even if you hated me.”
"I live in your house now, you would have found me the same." Frisk shrugged, “I don’t hate you either, Sans, although you haven’t been very kind to me.”
"In the woods, you said that you were willing to be my friend to meet us. You don’t remember me and I don’t know what remains in you of my memories. It may be best, start over. Don’t you think?”
"Yes, it sounds great! I would like to be your friend, Sans. If you don’t hurt me again.”
“I'll try.” Sans held out his hand, “What if you shake my hand to start our friendship?”
Frisk accepted, excited. Although the illusion changed to confusion when she heard a strange sound, it came from the hand of Sans. As she put her hand away, she saw the whoopie cushion, she hadn't noticed Sans's joke until then.
"Come on, it's a classic. It's always funny.”
"Now I hate you, Sans.”
Frisk stepped forward, now that she knew the way. She wanted to go back to her mother and Papy, surely they were both worried. And, above all, that Sans didn’t see her smile for his ridiculous joke. However, she thought it wouldn’t work when she felt the bony hand of his partner clutching her wrist, this time more tense. Frisk was going to complain about his attempts to control her steps but she didn’t have time, she was teleported at the end of the room, at the beginning of the road.
“Warn when you do that. It makes me dizzy.”
"Shut up," Sans said, “Someone is watching us.”
“What?” Said Frisk, remembering the dark man in her nightmares. The skeleton looked everywhere until, suddenly, he stood beside Frisk, protecting her with his body and summoned his Gaster Blaster.
"Stop playing games, Undyne.” Sans said, his eye shining, “You have always been direct, without cheating. Don’t disappoint me. Or are you afraid of me?”
“Fear? Me, scared?” The provocation was the captain's weak spot, and Sans knew it. After a deep cry and a spear that Sans dodged with a bone, Undyne emerged from the shadows, launching against them. Sans touched Frisk and they both moved in time to an area full of flowers, while Undyne dodged the light of the Blaster. She no longer wore her armor, she wore a tank top with the drawing of a green heart. But it was just as threatening to Frisk.
"Stay here, Frisk. I'll take care of it," Sans said, winking to calm her before approaching the fish. Meanwhile, his weapon disappeared, attacked by thousands of spears that completely broke it, “I thought we had made that clear, Undyne.”
"I don’t care that this human has been adopted by the queen. I've thought about it and ... no, not even Toriel is already royalty. The plan is more important and I owe allegiance to Asgore. Even if that means putting you in danger.”
"What have you done, Undyne?" Sans's voice tightened, “Tell me you haven’t warned the king of Frisk's presence. Tell me you haven’t endangered us all! "
"It's my duty, Sans. I don’t said anything about who cares for her. Get away from her before there is retaliation. Please, remove Papyrus from the human before ...”
"Do not tell me how I should treat my brother!" Sans's voice became a guttural sound as his eye shone brightly, he was really angry. Frisk feared for Undyne when out of nowhere four Gaster Blasters appeared, surrounding the captain.
"Stop it, Sans!” Frisk cried, but he ignored her. Undyne jumped out of the circle but had not come out unscathed. Her shoulder was bleeding and she was exhausted.
"Why ... do you do this for her ... before your friends?" Undyne said, kneeling on the floor, panting, “Why do you care so much about that human?”
“You wouldn’t understand ... no one carries the weight I carry on my shoulders. And there is another way to fix it, without any war. I'll fight Asgore if necessary, and Undyne ... you and I cease to be friends when you smashed my brother's dreams. So I can afford not to worry about what I'm going to do.”
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