#i used to be a Diego girlie and I get it tho
starryeyedclub · 2 months
Nostalgia hit and so I'm re-watching Rebelde, the 2004 one not the one on netflix, and I have opinions:
One. Everyone is out there calling Mia vain, superficial, fake, doubled faced... and she's actually the only good hearted person on the show along with Lupita.
Like the two main girlies in her group hate each other, one slutshamer and the other fatfobic and she's the only one being like: "can y'all not? shut it! don't be like that" when she could drop them & not deal with the constant bs
Two. If there could be a perfect representation of internalised misogyny it would be Roberta. Girl is out there being the real superficial one, judging every other woman by their looks, being fatfobic and cruel to be cool & different.
Three. All of those couples are weird af considering the amount of hatred they previously had, and those men are walking red flags and no amount of grief or shitty father figures can excuse that.
Four. The actor that plays Miguel was soo good looking, he has/d really beautiful eyes and a pretty nose lol
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confusedspaceotter · 11 months
A little(?) recap/guide thingy Warrior Nun edition:
This is my attempt to make a wn guide and will cover some basic information about the show, the plot and a brief introduction of the characters + my personal options about them.
A long post since I’ve been hypervixated on the show since s2 dropped.
Some basic info
Warrior nun(2020-) is a show created by Simon Barry based on the comic book character Warrior Nun Areala by Ben Dunn.
The first season of the show aired on Netflix( which we will refer to as Netflop) on 2020 July and was renewed for a second season that was released on November 2022.
(I’m so proud of us for real, I know is late but happy pride everyone 🌈)
Now on to the story( and the reason why I fucking love this show other then Avatrice)
The plot
The story begins with a quadriplegic 19-year-old orphan, Ava Silva, when she wakes up in a morgue with religious artifact known as the halo. Soon, Ava discovered that she now have superpowers and she was hunted down by both the owner of the halo, the Order of the Cruciform Sword(OCS for short), a group of secret warrior nuns that works for the Catholic Church that fights demons, and the literal demons from hell, who wants to use the halo to open the gates of hell.
Tl;dr Local 19-year-old girl Ava Silva who was previously quadriplegic and dead, was resurrected by a literal angel halo slap on her back by one of the secret nuns that work for the Catholic Church, Ava now has to fight literal demons.
(Slight s2 spoiler below)
Oh and she got a really cool sword and a gf later and that’s why we call her bisexual Jesus.
The characters
Not going to go too in-depth because if I do this post will go on forever, so I’ll give a brief overview of them + my some own opinions on them.
( I tried to keep it as spoiler free as possible but there might be spoilers of s1 now let us begin!)
1. Ava Silva( portrayed by Alba Baptista)
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- Local quadriplegic orphan was resurrected by a mysterious devine donut so she’s understandably confused
- But that’s also why she’s so passionate about life( because she’s been trap in a bed for like years)
- Also that’s why I would describe her as child-like because she basically didn’t get one( she got a TV buddy in the orphanage tho, props to you Diego🫡)
- Chaotic ™
- At first glance, she might seem selfish but that’s only because girlie just wanted to live okay
- Is trying her best🥹
- Funny?!( personally I love her humour)
- Solid 10/10 character development in s2
- Will forever be my baby💕
- (Now slight s2 spoilers)
- AVATRICE AVATRICE AVATRICE( for those of you who don’t know, it is a wlw ship between Ava Silva and Sister Beatrice)
- Still can’t believe our bisexual Jesus got resurrected twice
- I just fucking love her okay
2. Sister Beatrice( portrayed by Kristina Tonteri-Young)
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- part of the OCS
- Asian repppp( as an asian, any asian rep is a automatic W)
- Is the smart one( Carmila comes very close)
- Knows a shit tone of languages because of that private education( *in Mary’s voice* “yasss private education”)
- Is the one in charge because of how trustworthy she is
- Everyone is so badass but she is The badass( shameless plug to the badass Beatrice compilation I made)
- (Now on to some S1 spoilers)
- she’s a lesbian, gay🌈🌈🌈
- Asian lesbian representation my beloved
- Her coming out scene is literally perfect I’ve never since something this beautiful on TV for a long time
- It’s just so sincere and real and emotional and it’s making me feel stuff which I will allow
- (Now even more spoilers about s2)
- also really really love how she now expresses herself more openly( get that character development Bea✨
- I can’t wait for them to reunite 🥹
3. Shotgun Mary(portrayed by Toya Turner )
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- part of the OCS( as an independent contractor)
- just trying to get revenge for her gf sister warrior Shannon
- gives no fucks
- get shit done
- Miss “Baby girl I’ve got two shotguns” Mary
- Might look scary/ cold but she cares about everyone(yes, even Lilith)
- The older sister of the OCS
- The kind of friend that will whoop your ass if she thinks your making a bad decision to knock some sense into you
4. Sister Lilith(portrayed by Lorena Andrea)
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- Part of the OCS( her family have been serving the church for like ages)
- Was supposed to be the next halo bearer(until it got shoved into Ava by accident)
- So she dislikes ava(understandable, again she’s the one who’s supposed to be the next halo-bearer)
- Ambitious
- Believes in the church/the rules more then the people( part of the reason why she is determined to get the halo back from Ava)
- Will do anything to achieve her goal(even if it meant hurting her friends/family)
- Strive for perfection(because she doesn’t want to disappoint her mother
- (S2 spoilers below)
- Idk what happened to her in s2
- The only way I could justify her actions is she was brainwashed or something
- Personally, I understand/like S1 Lilith more
- Doest stop her from being hot and making me simp for her tho
5. Sister Camila(portrayed by Olivia Delcán)
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- must protect at all cost
- The youngest out of the OCS
- The most inexperienced(again coz she’s the youngest)
- Beatrice is her mentor/ closest big old sister( absolutely love their dynamic)
- Camila 🤝🏻 Ava being the chaotic child™
- Is the tech girl
- Is shy and soft but
- she’s very capable of whooping your ass
- Seeing her slowly growing and believing in herself more is just🥰🥺
6. Mother Mommy Superion(portrayed by Sylvia De Fanti)
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- Mother of five (the OCS kids
- Girl boss✨
- Very protective of her kids
- Caretaker of the sister warriors( she trains them too
- Might seem harsh but is only because she wants what’s best for them
- Now how did mother superion get her title ohhh I wonder👀( it will be answered in S2)
- She means business
- Milf( okay have you seen her??
- Everytime she shows up my monkey brain just goes “mother is mothering.”
- Is serious like 90% of the time ( ohhh but I wonder whyyy did something happen I wonderrr(( also will be answered in S2))
7. Father Vincent(portrayed by Tristán Reuten)
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- Is a man(I know is obvious but he’s literally one of the only few man in the cast I had to give him a shoutout
- The man in charge and give orders to the sister warriors
- One of the only few people Mary trusts( I view them as mentor & mentee but I can also see adoptive father & adoptive daughter too)
- Calculative(you know, from being a strategic leader to the warrior sisters
- The authority figure that kinda gone rogue( by being on Ava’s side
- Respected by the sisters warriors( you know he is a father after all
Other random shit
Reasons why I recommend this show:
- it’s wlw( yes I’m once again talking about avatrice what about it)
- one of the few shows on the market rn that actually have a diverse cast( and not just a cast full of white people and one black/Asian/Latian-American person)
- with a diverse cast, comes with multiple characters speaking in languages other then English( Spanish, French, German etc)
- a almost all female cast
- and they are all strong badass women who will whoop your ass
- a show with Christian/ Catholic themes which fits well into the narrative( ie is not overly anti religion but also not too religious that gives you religious trauma)
- which brings us to the clever parallels and metaphors( one of the most obvious one is Ava, a character that was resurrected by a divine power, is a direct reference to irl Jesus)
- the character development is real( the main character was held accountable for her actions, realised her mistakes, takes responsibility and learns to do better)
-we got action, we got comedy, we got heartfelt scenes, what more do you need?
Now since I know nothing about cinematography I’ll just link this wonderful edit I found on YouTube and let it speak for it self.
Hope this guide thingy helps!
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putonmyfavoriteshow · 2 years
10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 tags ✨
Proceed with caution I get chatty!! Thanks @funkyliloboist
Luna Valente (Soy Luna)
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My ultimate blorbo <3 but for real I relate to her on so many levels but especially with her adoption storyline. I rarely find characters that depict my feelings as well as hers regarding her adoption and it was such a surprise and refreshing take. Her s2 chat with Ámbar is by far one of my fave scenes ever on this topic. And beyond that I just love her optimism and kindness. She’s def more active and athletic than me and has way more of a bubbly personality. So I wouldn’t say she’s me exactly, but I do like to call her my daughter <3
Bia (BIA)
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I love Helena a lot and think about her often, but I have a soft spot for my dcla lead girlies and I just feel that while Bia may be considered the coolest and laidback dcla lead, there’s so much more to her (I GET HER THE MOST!!! The baby sister energy it me it me). She’s also dealing with so so so much. And as I watched the series, I connected a lot with her grief and how she used creativity and friendship to power through difficult times. And I admired her for how she never made everything about herself but always went out of her way for the people around her.
Francesca Caviglia (Violetta)
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Vilu is so close, but I think ultimately I choose Fran as my fave (I mean Vilu would too). There’s this scene in s3 where Diego comments on how much she loves her friends and how loyal she is and ugh that’s exactly why I love her so much too (preach Diego!!) She really just cares so deeply for her friends and it’s so 🥹 also her voice??? Girl can sang!!! Girl can perform!!! When she starts strumming that guitar and sings out her heart I am SEATED!! Plus like everyone on this crack show she can be an absolute looney tune and I love her for it <3
Kara Danvers/Supergirl (Supergirl)
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First of all Melissa Benoist deserves an Emmy for her role. She embodied Supergirl in every damn way and I bow down to her. But ugh I just love everything Kara is and stands for. She’s everything I wish I could be. She’s what I strive to be. She’s everything. I’m very normal about it!!!
Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)
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If Luna is my daughter, Lorelai is my bonus mother. This lady raised me. She was such a role model to me growing up and rewatching the series I still was just as enamored with her as I was as a kid. I just adore her sense of humor. I never take life too serious and she taught me it was ok to be my goofy self all the way into adulthood because you better have some fun when life knocks you around. Not to mention all her pop culture references. I wanted to be as cool as her soooo bad. (And I blame my coffee addiction on her)
Abed Nadir (Community)
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He’s any tv fanatic’s fave for good reason. He perfectly exemplified what it means to love television/film/media and have hyper fixations. And he never stopped being himself no matter what anyone thought of him even tho he was always so fully aware of what people thought of him. He also just had the biggest heart. He loved the study group so much he saw them the same way he saw his favorite shows. And I just ❤️
Zoey Clarke (Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist)
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It’s been a while since I watched this show but it was really nice to have a modern show revolved around someone my age that did such a good job of depicting what that looks like balancing all parts of her life. I also like that she’s more rough around the edges and introverted but still a very caring individual. Even tho unlike her I would LOVE witnessing everyone’s heart songs and music in general I loved experiencing that reluctant journey with her. I feel like she’s someone who I would click with so easily. (Also cool that she worked in STEM!)
Lemon Breeland & Wade Kinsella (Hart of Dixie)
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My rewatch of Hart of Dixie was such a gift and my love for Lemon just grew a second time around. She’s someone I relate to the least but I just was so obsessed with her arc. And even tho she could be vain and cruel, there was also such a softness to her. And the way she grappled with the pain of her mother’s abandonment and proved herself to be nothing like her was beautiful to watch. I love how damn determined she always was to fight for herself as well as those she loved.
I’m cheating but idc because Wade had a similarly amazing arc becoming the man he was always meant to be. I love that that he always did care for his father and the town of Bluebell. He played himself down and acted like he didn’t care but he always stepped up when it mattered and when he finally got the confidence to see himself as something more, he really became a better man and I was so damn proud of him.
(Also their unlikely friendship: iconic)
Winston Bishop (New Girl)
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Every character on this show is lovable and funny af. But I just adore Winston so much. In the beginning they had such a hard time figuring out who he was going to be but once they channeled this puzzling Prank Sinantra bird shirt wearing cat lover it was kismet. And as absolutely bonkers as his character was he was still grounded and deserved his happy ending too. I love how he ended up falling for Aly and how amazing that relationship ended up being next to the more setup stories for Nick/Jess and Schmidt/CeCe through the years. I’m so glad they threw away their initial plans of him being a smug b-ball dude to just being the fun loving Furguson dad we know and love.
Tagging whoever feels like it 🤪
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kung-fu-headcanons · 3 years
What big cities in the us can you see each of the five and po will be from like New York, Los Angeles, Houston, etc.
It's the fact that i thought this was asking me what cities they'd be living in for me💀✋
I can totally see Monkey being from New York, like you know how people always think New York is some great place with all these cool buildings well actually it's crackhead headquarters™ YEAH let's face it guys Monkey is a total goofball and we all love him for that
I can see him more from Florida tho but for one we're talking about cities not states and secondly i Can't really see him in a hot place??? Idk??? But at the same time I can see him meesing with the alligators BDNEHSJS
Mantis is from Detroit. Like he completely fits the "can't have sh*t in Detroit" meme and for WHAT
im so sorry guys i know nothing about big cities in the US even though i live in the US but oh well ahaha...
anyways TIGRESS. IS A BEACH GIRL. Don't test me with that I know she's a tough girly and all but look she is from some big city in California. Haven't really placed any targets on anywhere specific Los Angeles sounds good tho. Maybe San Diego?? Is San Digeo even on the coastline-
Also Cali has some great Chinatown places so that's another reason
Po is Chicago boi. He looooves the snow and probably loves skiing and snowboarding too even though he's not that great at all JDKDKDD but thats okay! He's a quick learner so all is good 😊
Po is also extrovert which means cities are for him. He will talk to anyone and one time got along with the pizza devliery guy in less than 60 seconds (if any of y'all call me out for stealing that part from Gravity Falls /j)
Unrelated but -forgets what to say- *cries in having had a headcanon*
Crane is from Houstonn. Idk he just seems to fit a Texas vibe. And I don't even know what reasoning I have for that. Like it just matches
Viper seems to be able be. Anywhere?? But I feel she'd be in some place in California, too. Cuz of the Chinatowns and stuff. Y'know, cooking. Lol
Shifu comes from Philadelphia. I just associate Philadelphia with books and books = nerd and nerd = Shifu. Listen to me he sits in his room with scrolls pilled up in mountains around him. Maybe not currently but in his younger days yes.
Oogway's probably from some place in the south. Like ummm Atlanta. Idk the only thing I remember about Atlanta is their aquarium BSJSJSJSA plss 😭✋
Tai Lung is def from Boston. For one it's cold as frick up there also he's a snow leapord so why not. Also he may act like he hates academics but he probably enjoys learning about the law and stuff despite his past 👀
on that note can we get Tai Ling a redemption arc maybe
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gurakruor · 7 years
Tagged by @dracandnau​ and @nyxweeps​, thank you a lot to both!
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to know better
Relationship: Single since born and until dead.
Wake Up Time: As this is the first time in my life since 1994 without something to do (I just finished university for reals and have no job) I woke up around 11 to take my niece home as she goes to school.
Cats or Dogs: Most my life I’ve had cats, I have a dog too who died after 11 years of being with us; I fear dogs tho.
Call or Text: Text, I tend to get overconscious of how my voice sounds on the phone; too manly? too girly? is it me or everyone that hears me this way?
Chapstick or Lipstick: I’ve used both, chapstick when being a kid for chapped lips (now I just apply skin cream) and lipstick during events like graduations and the like; out of that, I don’t wear any kind of make up, so.
Last Song Listened To: In the lap of the gods (instrumental) by The Alan Parson’s Project.
Top 3 OTP: Dinopants (JJBA SBR), Merle x Van (Escaflowne), VegeBul (DBZ)
Top 3 TV shows: Escaflowne, a puppet show from the 90s that was set in a graveyard with wandering souls and animals like worms and crows (I hope it’s not my version of Candy Cove...) and Law & Order SVU.
Top 3 characters: Dilandau Albatou (Escaflowne), Diego Brando (JJBA SBR) and Ageha (Basara by Tamura Yumi)
If you see this in your dash you’re tagged! Yeah, I’m being lazy but it’s ‘cause I’m multitasking rn. If you chose to do it you don’t have to tag me, but I’d be happy if you did oxo/
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