#i think this will maybe get [rightfully] 4 notes and if anyone actually reblogs this youre stronger than god
beatcroc · 4 months
hi. vore on main. no that's it that's the post this is straight up genuinely and unironically voreposting on main. mostly just a lot of cutsey dumb goofy shit, but monsterfucker brain did get ahold of me for a bit there so there's also a handful that are uhhhh Spicy. nothing explicit, but like, It's Vore Dude, so if you look under the cut that is YOUR problem ok? ok.
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ok listen before i move on i have to put it out there look i KNOW i drew the funny rat skeleton comic with this guy but that was ONLY because it was funny. thats not my real belief, he doesn't have any organs at all he is just a sack of gunk. he is harmless. it's basically just the same inside as on the outside but slightly more damp since it's not exposed to air to give him that drier 'skin' layer.
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also i already typed this out in my friendserver so im pasting it here now too. my stance on fp re: horniness is i really can't see him as a 'sexual' being, per se, especially with how non-biological he is, but also he really really really likes physical intimacy so if you are giving him permission to be weird and touchy on you in any context, let alone one both parties would enjoy, i mean. he's not gonna say no. this Could be about sex or w/e if someone wanted to fuck him but more relevantly here yeah it's about vore. i think that's categorically about the Most you can be touchy/in contact on a guy so yeah thats always what he's going to go for. tangentially he just thinks it's fun to make peppino* flustered so since pep does not particularly Enjoy being vored, fp has other options to Get Up In There for something else pep might enjoy *spoken generally for whatever theoretical partner, just peppino is the one that's readily available here and fun to use
also while im here id like to say. no peppino is not a monsterfucker are you kidding me. he is not going to ever go out of his way for weirdness. weirdness really has a way of finding him though, and he's shockingly tolerant of it as long as he doesn't clock it as a threat. anyway what im saying is if you got a big clingy beast around and al up in your business all the time shits just gonna kinda Happen sometimes. he's certainly not going to Encourage it but if hes already in that situation, might as well at that point.
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140 notes · View notes
titan-fodder · 3 years
Did you ever stop and think that maybe if so many people are put off by your response, you are, actually, the one in the wrong? That while perhaps the Anon didn't word their questions in the way you would have preferred, they had absolutely every right to ask?
You're lashing out and acting like a child because it was rightfully pointed out that you responded in unwarranted ill-faith to a genuine question. If this is how you handle matters of discourse then I genuinely feel sorry for whatever establishment hired you; because its quite clear the moment something goes wrong you are not to be relied upon.
Interchangeable characterization is actually a literary skill. The ability to create and to adapt are too. Your inability to do these things is not the fault of an Anon who was trying to offer suggestions for how you could continue.
Authors on here clamor for attention and interaction as if its their right, then they act like you. People like you are the exact reason that readers no longer interact or support on the same levels they used to.
Grow up.
there are so many things wrong about this.
1) i don't know if you've noticed, but for every one person who disagrees with me, there are about five others who have my back, so jot that down.
2) a RIGHT to ask? a RIGHT to demand content the way they want it? absolutely not. nobody on this platform has a right to anything except for their own blog and how they run it.
3) do not pretend to know me. don't pretend to know anything about my life because you don't know shit. ever think that maybe, just maybe, it's possible to handle yourself like a professional in, um, a fucking professional setting and then be yourself on your own personal time?
listen, i did my time in the service industry. i spent day in and day out plastering fake smiles on my face and kissing ass. i refuse to do it here. this is my safe space, and i get to defend it to my liking. i don't have to bend over backwards for anyone here.
4) did you just say that writing bland characters is a literary skill? i mean, if that's the shit you look for, cool, but you're not gonna find it here.
5) has anyone EVER seen me complain about note count or interaction? i've maybe commented on it once or twice on discord. i know no one is entitled to comment or reblog or interact with my fics. it's something i resigned myself to a long time ago when i started posting for minor characters. if you believe i'm at fault for this, you obviously haven't been paying attention. which, whatever, again, you don't owe me anything, but at least research your target before attacking.
and for the record, i get the craving for validation. we're literally wired to want it. so while i don't personally beg for notes n shit, i can see why people do. don't agree, but i see why. and it's because interaction is motivating. the right kind of interaction anyway.
11 notes · View notes
I’m sorry
I’m sorry to my followers, my mutuals, and most of all, to put I call friends. I’m so, so sorry
I know at least one person’s going to want to reblog this, saying that I’m not a shitty person. Well, this post is for you I guess. I hate just being here, trying to convince myself and others that I’m a good person, but really I’m not. I’ve ruined potential friendships and actual friendships over and over again. All because I want people to validate me, because I want people to pay attention to me, because I think that what I think needs to be shared with everyone.
I’ve wasted people’s energy, time, and I think I might have ruined at least one person’s offline life because I thought I could help them when I had no place to do so.
If for whatever reason you don’t think I’m awful after this, well I guess I can’t stop you. But I hope that this might finally get people to recognize that I’m not someone worth supporting. Enjoy my content if you want, but don’t pretend that I am, by myself, an enjoyable person.
1. My “contribution” to the Zoophobia fandom
You know, there’s nothing on my blog that I’m more ashamed of than my Zoophobia critiques? Back when I first started on tumblr, my pretentious ass thought that I was going to be super special and become “a zp critic who didn’t hate Vivziepop and enjoyed her content”.
Yes, I was that up my own ass.
At the time, the only zp critics I knew of were the ones on the bad wiki forums and the late Zoophobia Critiques account. Which, for the record, I still agree that a lot of the criticism gave there was super spiteful and overblown. I gave the excuse that we could learn how to improve our own writing by analyzing works we love when I was criticizing a 4 and a half chapter webcomic the creator wasn’t proud of.
You know, I’m at a loss for how nobody has called my critiques out for being misinformed, disorganized, poorly spelt, and like someone who just heard of writing criticism and was parroting stuff they heard on a YouTube video. My criticism of how Addison’s ptsd was handled was disgusting, and my criticism of Jack was vague and was clearly a reach.
And my non critical Zoophobia content wasn’t even that good. I made a bunch of nothing posts that only discussed a couple or one character ever, and they were so stupid.
Then there’s how I acted during the pre Hazbin Hotel Vivziepop drama. You know, where I acted like a deluded three year old? Voicing “my concerns”, and totally not babbling a bunch of nonsense and pushing it onto others. I remember how one former mutual of mine, Lisaury, rightfully “burst my bubble” (that’s how they put it) by pointing out my flawed information.
I honestly don’t blame Lisaury for never talking to me again. God, I barely spoke to her to begin with. Just sent her worthless post after worthless post.
My “criticisms” of Vivziepop were idiotic at best, and now? Zoophobia and criticism of it may have resurfaced thanks to Bad Luck Jack, but this only made me realize how nothing my posts were.
Other critics would just call me a wishy washy sheep, and fans would rightfully see me as an idiot if I posted now what I posted then. Ever since the short, I’ve been fearful of someone finally pointing out my bullshit, making it clear to everyone how awful my content was. And I feared it because I knew it was true. I just didn’t want other people to realize it.
Fuck, you’d at least expect someone to notice how much of a dickhead I was when critiquing people’s fanfics.
2. Art / characters
In 2020, someone invited me to join an art discord, and I created an account to do so. This discord had actual artists, many who had been to art school. So when my self taught, delusional self posted art into a criticism channel, they rightfully tore it to shreds. Called it out for the lacklustre, mediocre anime garbage it was. Gave me advice, and pointed out exactly what was wrong with it. One person made a very accurate description of it. “It looks like something someone drew on those shitty phone apps without a pencil”. And they were right.
And how did I react?
I had a meltdown, deleted a bunch of my art and posts, ran crying to a bunch of people, desperate for validation, because I, someone who made criticism posts, couldn’t handle actual criticism. And the same group rightfully called me out on it. I lost the log in info for my first account, so I don’t interact with that group anymore, but I should have listened. They rightfully pointed out how all my male characters looked like traps and how my art lacked any artistic skill. And what did I do? I screenshoted what they said and showed it to others, like “omg, pity me!”
I can’t look at my old art without wanting to vomit. I still can’t understand how anyone can enjoy what I make, despite people telling me that they do. Especially when they make better art than I ever could.
And despite how shit it looks, I just shove art and all posts I make in people’s face, because they “have to look at it and pay attention to it”
3. Such a great “friend”
I don’t have conversations with people anymore. The majority of my Tumblr conversations are filled with me sending post after post after post, weeks with just my fucking stupid posts, because they totally matter so much. I barely have any conversations with anyone anymore, and I don’t even return the favour of reblogging their content. Because after all, I need my friends with bigger follow counts to reblog my stuff. That’s the only way my posts get attention and I get validation, after all. Seriously, look at posts reblogged by eclecticcoyote, and compare the notes there to those he doesn’t.
If I didn’t constantly send people like him posts, expecting a reblog, I probably wouldn’t have followers. I know my content wouldn’t get any attention without his help, and I feel disgusting because it just feels like I’m taking advantage of someone’s audience.
Although it’s probably better I don’t talk to people whatsoever. One friend I have... well had, I don’t expect him to contact me ever again. I’ll refer to him as B for now. B was dealing with issues related to his mental health and offline life. I initially reached out to him after he made a post about having no friends
And then I didn’t message him for a while and was surprised when he told coyote that he felt like I didn’t care about him.
I started crying at him like “I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry” (no I’m not kidding). I ended up talking with him through several emotional break downs, because I didn’t want him to kill himself. I had the nerve to talk like I knew what I was talking about during those times. I gave unhelpful advice, like “go for a run”, “punch a pillow”, etc. Hell, one time, I had the audacity to say that it felt impossible to talk to him because it didn’t seem like he wanted to listen to people trying to help him, and that he only heard what he wanted to hear.
And I shoved my personal issues onto him as well. Because, again, my life is so important.
Then, at some point he developed feelings for me. I don’t feel the same way about him. And at this point, he sees me as one of the people who have helped him out the most with his issues (ironic, considering how I likely just made his life worse). So, what did I do when he confessed to me?
Oh, you know, instead of being mature and responsible, I panicked, got another friend involved because “I don’t know how to deal with this 😭😭😭”, made B upset and depressed all over again, and I basically got someone else involved in what was a personal moment for him, betraying his trust and throwing privacy out the window.
I tried to apologize the next morning, but it was too late. I honestly hope he doesn’t try to contact me again, and realize that I have, and can only make his life worse.
I constantly keep freezing out friendships on here by not actually talking to people and just sending them post after post. Recently, one person who reached out to me and tried to be my friend? Looking at past conversations with her, I come off as disinterested in her and dismissive. I might not have intended to, but...
Oh, and then Coyote invited me to his discord server. I recently started deleting all my posts on there, so that nobody would have to waste time scrolling through my bullshit. I shit you not, I would go on essay long tangents about my characters and art, while, comparatively, the attention I gave to others’ content was close to none. And in the first couple months there? I still tried to help people when I clearly couldn’t.
For fucks sake, I even dragged people there into my own personal irl drama when they didn’t need it. The night I self harmed in front of my parents, I should have kept it to myself because I. Knew. That people there would become distressed by it. But nope, because my problems are so important.
I would say dumb shit that ended up upsetting people, I would post over people, and overall just act like a self entitled, annoying bitch.
Just yesterday? Someone I considered my friend shared an image of some characters of hers that were in a polyamourous relationship. And what did my dumbass do?
“You know, I find people in poly relationships admirable bc I have trouble hanging out with more than one person irl bc lol social anxiety and lalala, lemme make this all about meee~!”
And then someone replied saying that they don’t understand poly relationships but support them, then I’m pretty sure the who posted the picture got uncomfortable at that point.
And wouldn’t you know it, recently that person announced that they were taking a break, which hey fine, and they mentioned that some of the stuff said on the discord was upsetting them.
Gee, I wonder who contributed to that?
And then there’s my constant validation seeking, me being silly during situations where the person needs me to be serious, my overall inability to respond in a way someone should whenever people don’t enjoy things I suggest or share...
Look, maybe I’m overreacting and being stupid. Wouldn’t surprise me. I currently have no friends outside of discord and tumblr, and I’m constantly disappointing my family and everyone around me by always failing at everything no matter what.
I just don’t know what to do with myself anymore. I don’t even know if this is just me attempting to get validation or what.
I just... can’t do anything. I can’t trust myself to do anything. If someone requests that I do something, then fine I guess, but
I don’t want to hurt anyone else
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werewolfin · 2 years
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I posted 15,348 times in 2021
7 posts created (0%)
15341 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2191.6 posts.
I added 2,833 tags in 2021
#video - 1374 posts
#long post is long - 951 posts
#fic rec - 115 posts
#fic idea - 114 posts
#quizzy - 97 posts
#reference - 66 posts
#lmao - 55 posts
#music - 25 posts
#background - 23 posts
#audio - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i remember once in middle school that the teacher said a specific lecture aka the 1 she was going to give that day would be on the big test
My Top Posts in 2021
you know what i wanna see? fully articulated mecha pilot barbie. she’s got an exoskeleton that’s at least four times as big as she is but she’s piloting it from behind the chest. think d.va in her mech, that’s the only example i can think of that’s close. or maybe pacific rim it with a room mind reader set up
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she’s in there
0 notes • Posted 2021-06-16 11:00:26 GMT
Did the colors on mobile change, it feels different
0 notes • Posted 2021-05-01 17:47:30 GMT
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0 notes • Posted 2021-04-01 05:57:40 GMT
dreams are something your subconscious tries to tell you
dreamt i was homeless, a whole ass family tries to target me for it, and my head splits open like an imposter and i just start eating. like, i was willing to forgive them killing in my cat in what was clearly a non-accidental way, but obviously brushing off a ‘stay’ at their ‘place’ was their only straw.
so to start things off, i’m at one of those bus stops where the sidewalk was large enough there is an actual parking space for a bus, talking to someone i recognize, ie someone i trust to not rape and murder me. we’re trying to pick a place to get food. i make fun of the fact that there’s TWO mcdonald’s literally across a side street from each other with one facing the main street and the other facing the side street. there is literally only one building between them, and it looks like a warehouse.
another man is on the second bench at the stop, and i give him basic respect in that if i take a nap, one of the two guys there would start yelling if the other tried to start shit. remember that i think i’m friends with the first one.
i decide to take a nap on that poly blue wire bench, but it’s only for a short amount of time, maybe an hour before i wake up and realize ‘friend’ had just,,, left me on the bus stop bench with a stranger who is now stroking my hair and watching me sleep.
it is now getting dark. i’m rightfully creeped the fuck out and leave. he just watches me go.
a short mexican lady, one of the ones where she’s clearly a mature adult but she’s like 4 foot nothing, starts asking if i have a place to stay. i’m still uncomfy being anywhere near that bus stop so i’m brushing off her offer, not willing to trust anyone now besides my cat (who is a fully gray cat btw, which i have never had. the closest irl was romeo who’s been dead a year and was a blue tuxedo anyway). cat is trotting just behind me.
she then asks about my phone. i reach into my pocket, find it gone, and look back to see it lying faceup on the pavement near the lady. i thank her for telling me, pick it up, and continue on my way.
the lady finally stops talking and i fully cross the street towards the fully gray warehouse which has a neon bar sign, no windows, and only one regular-ass door, because that’s where the crosswalk is. i note that, because mexican grandma AND her family apparently took that as a confirmation i was staying because they start pouring out of the building. i’m still verbally brushing it off when one of the lady’s adult children starts following me. i’m continually just trying to ignore these people and keep going until this lady asks, “what about your cat?”
i have the unsettling instinct this is bad as i see cat isn’t following me anymore.
considering this cat was likely also feral and just liked me for feeding it, this shouldn’t be triggering any red flags, but the flags are drawing up higher and higher at this point with these persistent assholes.
thinking my cat might’ve been run over in a hit and run (as the side street is right there), i start running down the street. instead, i find adult daughter’s husband holding my belly-up cat by it’s legs, like when you hold an infant’s ankles one-handed together to wipe them down for a new diaper. family members, including young children, are gathering up around him. i notice my cat is now covered in blood and not really struggling anymore. i’m in disbelief. i take in the fact that despite the ENTIRE FAMILY watching this man slam my cat against the sidewalk until it stops moving, not one has taken the time to put in even a token of censure, or move to physically stop him.
i start screaming at him to stop.
he only does so when cat has stopped breathing too.
no one else does anything except go back to their warehouse-bar-home.
there’s frankly nothing i can do, and even if both mcdonalds’ and this little warehouse place had cameras to prove what this family had done, i just don’t want to be here anymore. giving what must be an absolutely dead-eyed stare at the man who just killed my only companion, i turn around and just leave.
in the interests of losing this completely bonkers family of psychopaths, i go into what seems to be a drop off zone for large trailers, where the ground dips in order for the back end to insert into a building. i follow some bizarrely set up conveyer belts into what looks like an employee cafeteria where a bunch of black dudes are debating who is getting the promotion to (ceo? manager?) a really high rank of the business that owns this building. they look like a boy band on break.
entirely ignoring this conversation because i technically probably broke into the building, i cut through the middle of the group and see through the interior glass wall that the next room has an exit. it is also daytime. i have apparently spent most of the night trying to get out of this place. understandable. i think it might be a giant hotel at this point.
the guy closest to the door asks what i’m doing, under the impression i’m here for an interview for the open position of ceo-manager and unhappy with additional competition. i become cognizant that at some point i just lost my underwear. i tell him i’m trying to leave the building, and explain i’m probably being followed by crazy people. he kindly shuffles away, now disturbed. i’m likely coming off as one of those paranoid people who insist the end of the world is near because the government owns... something or other.
the exit door is heavy, but i manage to move it just enough to slip out, and now i am gone.
there’s a small water park on the other side of this hotel, and there is no line for the short water slide. i think i theoretically snuck in by taking a literal back door, so i want one experience of a ride before i leave.
i set up to go down only to see two babies in floaties at the bottom. i wait a moment to see if their parents will pick them up out of the pool, as the slide isn’t so tall a person wouldn’t see the next rider preparing to go down, but these babies’ parents clearly just don’t give a shit.
i park myself on the trajectory between the toddlers’ positions and go down. it’s a short slide but it was fun enough. i hit splashdown and the water is pretty shallow, but apparently not enough as the babies start floating away. the further from the slide, the much deeper the water. it’s like the experience of being on the shallow side of the pool only to take a wrong stop for a deep drop off to go right over your head.
baby 1 in pink can’t keep above water because these are the shitty wing floaties. i pick her up so she can breathe. i see baby 2 in green is experiencing the same thing, so i pick him up as well. i now have a babe in each arm.
heading towards the slide again, i find a blonde woman reaching for her babies like she’d just notice they were gone. i explain they had started drifting into deeper water and couldn’t stay afloat. she doesn’t say anything for a moment then drops, “you were trying to take my babies weren’t you?”
i stare at her for a moment before recognizing she was one of the adult children and damn do these bitches want me in their warehouse place to steal my organs or something? god damn.
i’m getting fed up with these people and their collective delusion, roll my eyes, and just leave. i honestly do not care that the water is deep enough to submerge me now. let your babies drown or whatever, i’m sick of givng you any attention. i’m a ways away now, so i shift deeper so i can kick off.
another adult daughter, this one with a ponytail, catches me by the ankle and says something about how i don’t even have a phone anymore, i should come with them. internally i’m like “i’m wearing a bathing suit and eyeball deep in water, did i put it in a locker or something or did they just pickpocket me, a homeless person, for my only possession?”
i go with the pickpocketing option because this shit happened with the grandma too.
distinctly fed up, over and done with these complete assholes, i reach out at just start choking a bitch out to ger her to let go, as we are now underwater and, being aware it’s a dream, i don’t need to breathe. or rather, i attempt to. nothing i’m doing is making her let go. in fact, she’s smiling at me.
my head splits open like i’m from canada, south park and i just start eating this bitch’s face. i wake up after that first chomp.
all in all, i wouldn’t rate it as the most disturbing dream of late (i talked about the one dream on twitter where i time traveled in my lifetime and gave myself an existential crisis in dreamland), but it IS up there. the only cathartic thing was eating a face.
1 notes • Posted 2021-11-17 20:32:41 GMT
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This is how my baby girl is sleeping. You can see her brother in the repurposed box in the background. He sleeps in a proper ball.
2 notes • Posted 2021-11-21 18:02:55 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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kaaras-adaar-a · 7 years
1-5 salt meme~~~~
Munday Asks: Salt Edition
1. How salty are you feeling right now?
Not very, lol. I’m just tired as all hell, tbh. So I’ve just kind of got like 0 tolerance for shit right now. 
2. What are your unpopular opinion(s) of the fandom you’re rping in?
I think the biggest one I will cover down below, because it’s something that actually really irritates me that seems to be all the rage. For now, I think I’m going to cover the whole reblog karma thing. Look, we ALL want memes sent in to us, I get it. When you post one and you get absolutely zero notes, it SUCKS, it makes you feel like crap and like nobody cares. But please know that NO ONE is entitled to send you something just because you post it. 
Tbh, when I see people winging about it all the time, it’s actually a really fucking huge turn off for me. It comes off like you’re a super sook and tbh I don’t want to deal with negative manipulative and passive aggressive people on this website. Sometimes I don’t send memes because I’m TIRED, because I don’t like/care about that meme, because I don’t know your character enough. It doesn’t mean I don’t like your muse, or I don’t want to RP with you. Sometimes I don’t send it because I’m at work, and no thanks to time zones, by the time I get home, you’re all in bed and I’m tired as fuck, and I just want to relax, and the moment has gone for the meme. 
I’m getting really sick and tired of seeing people constantly winging about people reblogging memes from them and sending zero back. NO ONE is entitled to send you anything. That is NOT why we are here. Stop trying to guilt trip them and coming off like nothing but a winging baby. It happens to ALL of us. You’re not being left out, maybe the meme just sucks and no one else is as keen as you. After being in this community for 2 years, it still even happens to me, probably more regularly than you think as well. I’m sure as shit not going to complain, because I’m well aware that it just may not suit my followers or I posted it at a more quiet time of the day or something. 
I really just don’t like the whole mentality of reblog karma, it makes me salty to even see people practising it in their rules section. I’ve had far too many negative experiences with it, and seeing it posted in someones rules actually makes me feel like noping the fuck out. Rping is about being chill and having fun, not feeling pressured to send in something because you want to reblog the meme for YOUR muse and not someone else’s. 
It’s not to say I don’t understand the concept of what reblog karma is TRYING to do. I get it. I REALLY do, but no, I will not be FORCED to send something in if I’m not feeling it, and then have someone vague blog about me or some shit because I reblogged and didn’t send them something. This is MINE and KAARAS’ blog, not yours, and we will damn do what we please. And if I don’t feel like sending in a meme, then I won’t. Full stop. 
3. What rp trends are you so over and can’t wait for it to die?
That one fucking theme that like 87% of RPers seem to have in this community. I’m sorry, but I have a HUGE (well not THAT big) monitor, and tbh, it looks like absolute horse shit on my screen. I have no idea what you’re trying to accomplish with all of that negative space, but it basically resets the background and looks hideous as fuck for me. Also, it’s become so goddamn unoriginal, that I now look at it and don’t even want to READ your character. I pretty much look at your theme and go... nope, and backspace. 
It’s come to a point where it’s this theme that is for the cool kids or some shit.  I really don’t know. The first time I saw it, I really liked it, and it was very original, but because someone very famous in the fandom happened to use it, I feel like all the newbies think that it’s some kind if IN with the cool kids now to have this one theme. All it screams to me is “I’m unoriginal” and honestly, I take one look and I’m like no thanks now. Which SUCKS because hey, you might have a really cool muse, and here I am being a shallow cunt because I can’t stand that fucking theme anymore.
I know that sounds harsh as fuck, because look, you may just REALLY LIKE THAT THEME, but for me, I’ve seen it SO damn much that I’m absolutely OVER it, and tbh, I’ve met maybe 2-3 people who were actually really good Rpers out of the fucking 40 I’ve seen with this theme, so... yeah, it doesn’t exactly have a good track record for me. 
Seriously, when I open up to your page, I REALLY wanna see some original content. I want to see and get a fell of YOUR muse, not the 35 others I’ve already looked at with that same fucking theme... Blah, this makes me a shit person but whatever. Keep your theme if you like it, don’t change it because I don’t like it, it’s your damn blog, lol. I just really can’t fucking stand it anymore. XD
4. Have you ever made a call out post or wanted to?
No, I haven’t. And yes, some part of me definitely, absolutely HAS wanted to. In my whole internet life, the only time I’ve ever had to make a call out post was because someone was refusing to pay for commissions that had already been drawn over on dA, so I warned the community about it. That was because they were rightfully stealing an artists time and yadda yadda, you get the drift. 
As for Rping? There’s only been one instance where I’ve wanted to REALLY warn my close friends about a particular Rper, but I’m not going to be that guy. For one, I’m not going to make it public, I’m an adult, and chances are that soon enough their colours will shine and people will get the idea. But some people might really enjoy Rping with them, and although I can’t stand to see that, I’m not going to have a cry about it. We’re all here to have fun, and some people have fun by Rping with these people that we may consider toxic. 
It takes something VERY extreme for me to ever want to do something like this, because I’m fairly chill and don’t really get in any drama, so... 
5. A ship everyone in the fandom you’re in loves, but you can’t stand?
Sorry (not really sorry because I have nothing to apologise for) everyone, but I really can’t stand Doribull (Dorian x Bull). I’m never going to have a go at anyone and be all ew gross, and no, it’s absolutely NOT because I am one of those weirdos who thinks their relationships is abusive in some dumb arse way *eye roll*. No, I simply just don’t like their chemistry.
I think that they are excellent fuck buddies, but I don’t really see them ever truly being deeply in love with one another. I feel like it’s infatuation, all fun and games and flirting and annoying each other, but nothing deeper than that.
So yeah, as a banter couples, absolutely, I can dig that, but not as a deeply in love ship. Tbh, I MUCH prefer Dorian and Bull with the Inquisitor. That’s a really in depth and loving relationship. To see the comparison between them, yeah... I just feel that Inquisitor relationships are far more loving and real chemistry than Dorian and Bull. 
I’m really fucking tired guys, and reading this makes me look like such a shit house of a human being, but honestly... whatever. My tolerance and gives a fuck level is like minus 100 right now because of my lack of sleep for the last month and just everything else going on so whatever. 
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