#i think she was only lovegood when she married Xeno right?
bepop-moon · 2 months
Moonwater (remus and regulus’ friendship) did not come from them dating sirius and james.
I think it started from remus and lily being best friends and same with regulus and pandora, so when lily and pandora start dating, the four of them are inevitably drawn together a lot more. They bond over their best friends ditching them for each other and are just like welp i guess it’s just us now.
I also stand by moonwater study sessions in the library. But with lily and panda too, they are a lil friend group ahhh 😭 too cute.
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lovegvvd · 5 years
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❝ She always had that about her, that look of otherness, of eyes that see things much too far, and of thoughts that wander off the edge of the world. ❞ SARAH PAULSON? No, that’s actually LUNA LOVEGOOD-SCAMANDER. Only FORTY-TWO years old, this RAVENCLAW alumni works as a MAGIZOOLOGIST and is sided with THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX. SHE/THEY identifies as AGENDER and is a HALFBLOOD who is known to be ECCENTRIC, BLUNT, and UNSELF-CRITICAL but also NONCONFORMING, INNOVATIVE, and PERCEPTIVE.
LINKS: stats, pinboard, character tag. CHARACTER PARALLELS: orla mccool (derry girls), misty day (ahs), dale cooper (twin peaks), phoebe buffay (friends) HELLO once again a note from me mar, that a lot of this is open to discussion and alteration as i’m going off the little canon that i have and because luna is a character with a few already existing ties. so yep! this is all up for discussion! yeet! also i apologise for the length of the history section akdfhsdkjf. also i always forget that luna is married to rolf so pls remind me x
luna’s parents were traveling when they became pregnant with her and decided that they would settle in whatever place their child would come to earth --- a game of chance, perhaps, but one of fate, too, they thought. they’d always been dreamers, romanticists, adventurers, and why not let their child decided where they’d end up, even before her birth? and so they settled near a small town in south west england, where luna was born under a full moon and thus named luna. for the moon, that had followed her traveling parents everywhere they went, for the moon, the only thing that would be able to match their child’s powerful and mysterious spirit, for the moon, which she was born under.
the house they lived in was built by her parents, and luna loved it. the house twisted and curled and offered plenty of room for her imagination, from day one. life growing up was complete, was free, it was close to perfect ---- and yet, somehow, it shattered.
[ parental death, trauma tw ] at nine years old, luna watched her mother day. it was supposed to be a day of excitement --- every time her brilliant mother invented a new charm, they would have an extravagant dinner and celebrate until way too late and laugh widely and loudly. nothing like that happened. luna watched her mother die in stead and hammered on her chest to try and get her heart to start beating again but nothing, nothing, nothing worked. the world was a mystery and death was, too, but still one thing was clear: her mother was gone, in one way or another.
luna struggled to accept this truth, as she often did with truths. her father grew fragile and obsessive and she grew nervous and quiet and good at being on her own. she started painting and tried to combat flashbacks to that day during the day, only to have nightmares at night. having a wide imagination was a gift, most of the time, but with this, it was a curse.
luna was traumatised. simple as that. her father wasn’t the best support system, but he was there in a way. the roles of father-daughter shifted, slightly, as luna took care of him, too, but he was still there. and so the last two years before hogwarts were hard. terribly, horribly hard. it was trying to learn how to live in a house where something so vital was missing. it was tryign to understand what death was, which is something that simply refuses to be understood. it was fucking hard. period. (not that luna admits that to herself, even now.) [ end of tws ]
luna arrived at hogwarts and was sorted into ravenclaw very quickly and easily. she noticed that she was odd --- or, actually, other people noticed that she was and told it to her, and she shrugged her shoulders and kept moving on. luna had grown reclusive after the death of her mother, and didn’t mind not fitting in. it was lonely, sure, but she didnt see a reason to befriend people who looked down on her beliefs. she didn’t mind being called loony, but when her belongings started to disappear, she grew angry, deep down. she let most comments and acts of cruelty slide off her back, but when a bad word was muttered about her father ( who she already worried so so much about ), she was prone to explosion.
but she was lonely, and then she was not. the details are fuzzy, but at one point she found friends at hogwarts! finally! she did it! luna learned to come out of her shell, learned how to handle compassion ( though clumsily and in her own way, of course ) and the wonderous world of having friends. she painted them on her ceiling and loved and laughed and ---- things were good. she loved. she laughed. she wasn’t alone, and while she had never considered herself alone or lonely, it wasnt until she gained friends that she realised that she had been awfully alone.
upon graduation, luna took to the world. she traveled far and wide and learned from amazing, genius people across the world. she studied magizoology and wrote her first essay on a newly discovered species a year into her travels. she returned home often enough, of course, to see how her father was doing, to see her friends. friendship had once been a scary and new thing to luna, but as she grew older, it became natural and easy and something she couldnt do without.
at some point, she and fellow magizoologist rolf scamander got it going. they married, had a pair twins and a new chapter of luna’s life opened up. once again, the complete details about her and rolf meeting are fuzzy, but i imagine it was LIT. i do think she settled more, then, especially when the twins were born. luna hadn’t really had rooted herself down after graduation ( the cottage she owned in the hills of england was a home she barely called a home, as she wasn’t there much ), but that did change.
luna is still the person she was before, she’s just more. she’s more grounded, but not any less in love with keeping her eyes wide open and her head in the skies. she’s a parent. she’s married. she’s got a successful career and a group of people surrounding her that she loves. she has grown up, but she hasn’t compromised. she’s learned how to use perspective and how to be more subtle, without shedding eccentricity or open mindedness.
the quibbler, by the way, still exists and has grown into even more of an underground, activistic magazine. luna writes for it every month.
[ grief, death tw ] so things were going well, and then everything changed. grief came into her life again.  harry is dead – harry, one of her first friends, harry, who named his daughter after her, harry, who she loved. friendship is something incredibly important to luna — she painted the faces of her first ones on her bedroom wall, once — and when he died, she got scared by how grief took a hold of her. the first time she lost someone that significant to her, she was much younger, you see, and dealing with shock & trauma as well. this time, she was an adult, settled and grown up. she is more aware of her grief, and that is TERRIFYING.
she’s also less passive in her mourning. before, she was a kid. family friends visited and her father was on her side. now, she’s a parent, a friend; she visits the kids of friends in stead and sticks on ginny’s and everyone else’s side, in stead. luna might come across unfazed or disconnected from her pain, as she talks about it like she is, but she is not: she has her own way of mourning (as everyone does) and she can say some really Truthful and Raw shit at times.
she misses him so much. that’s what it boils down to. she misses him so fucking much. [ end of tws ]
of course she helps reinstate the order. there’s no question about it. luna doesn’t feel like a revolutionist or a soldier, but she does know how to fight, and she does know what is right. she’s good at strategy and defense, mostly, and at keeping spirits high and offering new perspectives.
so here we have luna: a parent, a fighter on the frontlines, a friend. she’s determined. she’s horribly saddened. she’s still herself, despite everything.
personality & tidbits
i think i already touched on this but i think it never hurts to repeat yourself so --- luna is a more grounded individual, at this point. she still has her head in the clouds, but her feet are standing solidly on the ground. she’s a dreamer, yes, but more of a realist, too. ( nothing like one of your best friends dying to make you realise how shit the world is, after all. ) luna isn’t very different from the luna we know in canon, but she’s matured. she’s more. she’s gone through a lot of positive development.
luna is constantly and always in awe of the friends and family she has, especially because she was so lonely for the biggest chunk of her youth. she’s extremely loyal and defensive of them.
luna is agender and has been aware of this for ... most of her life, really? she thinks gender is a big old construct and one she doesn’t want to apply to herself. if others do, she of course doesn’t mind or judge --- she’s veyr openminded when it comes to gender and sexuality. she prefers both she/her and they/them pronouns --- sometimes she doesn’t mind which one people use, and sometimes she will prefer one over the other.
is good at trying to keep up morale without it being an escapist ... kind of situation? offers fresh perspectives a lot, likes being a positive force and yes, sometimes it is easier to focus on the positive, and she will, then.
she really loves the stars and moon and astronomy and astrology!!! wow!!!!!!!
wears iconic outfits and we ALL know it
idk what more to write ive already written so MUCH
possible plots
first of all? i would love someone who can be kind of a mentee? because fuck yeah? i love that? any other magizoologists in this building that need some mentoring? hit me up!!!!
same goes for the quibbler, if your character somehow writes for the quibbler, hmu? i think xeno is still the editor but lbr the man is OLD
fellow trio era characters should hit me up so we can talk about the good old school days and CRIE
order members that are ?????????????????? at luna, that are a bit skeptical, etc etc?
fellow art buds
death eaters that want 2 eliminate her ig lets angst this up
idk luna is fairly easy to plot with so just hmu and we can figure something out!!!!
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essayofthoughts · 7 years
I am Not Awake but you should wrote xenophilius/Rita
March 19th 2015, 3:57:00 am · 2 years ago
Damn I am LATE.
Send me fic prompts!
AO3 Mirror.
i.They get married because Rita thinks it’s a good idea. Xeno has the press and enough contacts to make a paper, Rita has the bombast to make it work.
Half of their wedding consists of conjured things; the most they shell out for is food.
When they go to bed, falling asleep back to back, they both wonder if this was the right choice.
ii.They’re married for five years before they have a child. Rita wants to call her Celeste, Xeno wants to call her Luna. The girl herself insists on “Celuna” once she’s old enough to voice an opinion, and her parents settle on Selene.
Xeno does most of the parenting. Rita could, but after he accused her of being a hack addicted to her Quick Quotes Quill she’s been working twice as hard without it.
So Xeno parents Selene and instils in her a deep love of the natural world, magical, mundane, and completely imaginary.
iii.Selene is eight years old when Rita first takes her a long to work. To Selene, Xeno is always “Dad”, bit Rita is always Rita. She doesn’t mind this: at the local wixen primary school in Ottery St. Catchpole she’s Cool - none of the other kids get to call their parents by their names.
Rita takes her along to interview Celestina Warbeck (“She’s why I wanted to call you Celeste.”), to interview Porpentina Scamander (“Her husband wrote your favourite book, she’s quite brilliant in her own right.”), into the Ministry and to Hogwarts, and even, once, to the ICW (“Pomous old fools every one of them, except for Umbridge who’s a-” Selene remembers her father hitting Rita with a silent Silencio).
So, by the time Selene is eleven years old she is very well read and very well travelled and utterly unafraid of anything.
iv.Rita and Xenophilius’ marriage is… complicated. It was for convenience more than anything and while they love their daughter they’re more or less ambivalent about each other. Rita has a slew of lovers, Xeno shows more affection to his letter-writing friends than to his wife, and both of them only try to agree on things if it’s for Selene’s sake.
They don’t argue. If they disagree on something Rita refuses to spellcheck her articles or Xeno starts making some of his very odd hallucinogens.
“I know exactly what they all do,” he confides in Selene. “I experimented a lot at school - me and old Squirrel. Did you know he became a professor?” He stirs the potion he’s making, something glowing in shimmering rainbow colours, and starts spooning it into the long thin moulds he made from a glass stirring rod earlier. “Want to try some?”
v.Largely Selene takes care of herself. She can cook about as reliably as her parents can and knows what herbs to brew to make a simple potions-tea for a headache, and what to brew to make GloStick and a number of other hallucinogens and magical drugs. By the time she’s ten she’s slipping articles into her father’s inbox, both as Selene Skeeter and under a variety of nomme de plumes (Luna Lovegood is a favourite, but sometimes Celeste Scarlette or Bedivere de Pompadour make an appearance. Once she almost slips one through by pretending to be one of Xenophilius’ letter-writing friends).
“She gets it from you,” Xeno accuses Rita one evening, looking over the articles.
Rita peers over his shoulder, looking over the tops of her glasses. “The persistence? Definitely. The ideas? That’s all you, darling.”
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