#i think it MIGHT be 1.3k on my old twitter account
weenhands · 1 month
yes i am corny and i will reward myself when i reach 2k followers it just has to be soon since my blog has been gaining traction again
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swords-of-a-soilder · 4 months
Remove Problematic CCs
Section 2
"The Qsmp is problematic"
So fun fact twitter hates this fandom and everything it stands for, I'm not kidding when I say the amount of people I saw calling the fandom, toxic, racist, misgontic and ableist is interesting to say the least.
So of course when the SulhasSpace issue happened some people ran with it as proof that the fandom is the problem. Now I've show you guys an racist account before in the last account of interest (burnbook Qsmp) So I'm not here to pretend it's not a problem, it absolutely is.
So yes I get where these are coming from to some degree but Twitter doesn't forgive or forget, and there's of course the fact that not ever "fan" is actually a fan.
That being said they are two sides to Qsmp twitter right now,
1)Chill fun time, drawing your faves.
2)your faves are problematic and if you don't push for them to be kick out your a terrible person.
A common discussion I see on the twitter is often, "oh you're defending your faves, you call out any creator but your faves" completely ingoring the fact that most the stuff their holding said faves accountable for are ages old.
They call us parasocial but then make post after post advocating for members to be removed from the SMP, it's making rounds, so I want to clear any misinformation on Twitter and make it clear when creators apologize.
I bring you back to this tweet (please don't even interact with this person Thank you.)
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You might remember them from the bonus section, this was posted jan 5 2024 with 1.3K likes (Jesus) so allow me to clear the air on some accusations.
In the reply of this they link a thread stating all problematic behaviors of creators, however MAJORITY of the this thread is just attacking the fan base I'm not even kidding.
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Here's the thing, the bad apples aren't the fandom, it was this same behavior that had people attack dsmp fans.
Say what you want about Dream but you can acknowledge the dsmp fandom got so much hate for simply existing because a few of them were bad.
Because as someone who's been in both, and left both oddly who was previously a full on dream Stan and just sorta grew out of him. People hated us just for liking the dsmp.
They attacked minors in cosplay called us fatherless and cringe (and like yeah but still) overall make fun of Nurodiverst kids for having hyperfixations, and their justification was we're all terrible people.
Here's my thing, you don't actually care, you don't care about the alleged victims or the people who's lives are at risk; You want to make the fandom look bad.
You could have easily said "A person on twitter told another they hope the us gets bomb" and yeah I understand it was in the context of the Qsmp but people are not their interset, don't water people down to the things they like, then you're just making stereotypes.
How is it any different than saying, "a kpop stan did this, a furry did that,"
Also while I'm on this compersion of both I've noticed a constant conflict in regards to the Forever situation vs Dream situation with the parties on either side the other cc is guilty but theirs isn't.
I noticed this as soon as the accusations dropped actually a lot of people even here on Tumblr, where saying "this is what we deserved" and at "least dream didn't actually do it"
Tô be honest I noticed the fandom was at odds before that even, they were sudden talk here on Tumblr which means the topic likely came from Twitter of the dsmp compered to the Qsmp.
And I'll be honest dsmp was getting dragged, I read these thinking, 'why are we comparing them, they're clearly different with their own stories.' I still wonder that.
I don't want to fight with dream SMP fans, I use to be one of you , I had a freaking fan fic plan that was just c:! ranboo getting teleported into the Qsmp.
Why don't have to fight, but I guess with dream being unlikable, that makes things very hard.
Anyways I'm getting of track, when this person does have a important Calm it's often.. wrong
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Ok no, to both of these.
1) she was not the only woman on the server, Jaiden joined the server at the very beginning, so unless I miss an noticed that Jaiden actually used macs pronounces that's a fuckin lie.
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You can see Jaiden right there behind Foolish, on the very first day. This isn't hard to confirm, it doesn't even take a second.
I read the tweet and immediately went, nah that's not true I remember Jaiden, And what do you know Jaiden was in fact a member at that time.
(looking at this image gives me so much Nostalgia omg..)
2) she was not the only one being harassed, in fact they literally contradict their own statement with proof bad was receiving hate at the same time
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Political lore, as in election season? I mean it must be I can't think of another political Qsmp event that bad was involved it huh crazy but If thats the case then Baghera wasn't the only one receiving hate thats... that's crazy, you're crazy.
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Non of the tweets that screenshot are misogynistic, it's just people who believe the dream accusations criticing her attendance to his concert.
Also let me be clear real quick, I am AFAB in fact tmi I haven't even gotten on T, it's difficult to here and I'm afraid of getting hate crimed.
So I understand misgony, I live it, this is not what this is; Criticizing a woman isn't inherently misgony.
When you guys said "Qsmp had a misgony problem," is that what you guys meant, a woman gets hate and it's automatically misgony and not a section of the fandom being toxic..? Ok
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lambicpentametre · 2 years
The House on Highland Drive
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37259944
G | 1/1 | 1.3k
There’s a rumor about the brick house on Highland Drive.
Sophie Morozova is determined to sell the most Girl Scout cookies in her troop, even if it means knocking on the door of the scariest house in the neighborhood. 
Author’s Note: This started as a prompt fill for prompt 005 from the Darklina Homes twitter account, and it quickly spiraled out of control. I did not edit this at all before posting, all mistakes are my own. 
The House on Highland Drive
There's a rumor about the brick house on Highland Drive. It's the only house in the whole neighborhood with two chimneys, and none of the windows match. Carson Beckham who lives in the cul-de-sac said that the ivy wasn't there before, and then suddenly, when the old lady who used to live in the house moved in, the ivy grew up the walls practically overnight. Sophie and Papa haven't lived there long enough for her to know if Carson is telling the truth, and Papa says sometimes Carson exaggerates things (he taught her what exaggerate meant when Bella said that Carson said that he once fell fifty feet out of the tree in his backyard and didn't break a bone; Papa says he probably only fell five feet, but she's not allowed to call Carson a dirty rotten liar because that's mean and it's not nice to be mean to people to their faces).
But the other kids in the neighborhood agree: there's something about the brick house on Highland Drive. The old lady died and a new lady moved in, and she's much younger. She doesn't have gray hair like an old lady, but her hair is silver and looks like the shiny pearls Sophie's grandmother wears on Sundays when Papa takes her to the big house outside the city for family dinners. The new lady doesn't have a husband or other kids to play with, but she rides a bike like Sophie does with her friends. It's very pretty, painted red with chrome handlebars. She has a cat, too. He's not very friendly, because one time he was sitting on the sidewalk outside of the lady's house and Carson tried to pet him but he hissed at Carson and ran away. One time Sophie got close enough to see his name was Gregory, which Sophie thinks is a fine name for a cat.
The lady never seems to sleep. She's up early in the morning and late at night. Papa looks out the window by the front door before he tucks her in and tuts that the lady is doing something. It reminds her of the time that she got her bucket and plucked all the leaves off the rose bush in the backyard and Papa clucked his tongue at her.
The lady in the house has dried flowers hanging from her porch. One of the chimneys is always smoking. A few months ago, the ivy split at the top and new windows peeked out. Papa says that the lady probably just cut some of the ivy back, but Carson thinks that the lady used magic to make new windows, and for once, Sophie agrees with Carson over Papa.
The kids are always quiet whenever they ride past the brick house on Highland Drive. If they're too loud, the lady might come out and then they'd really be in trouble. No one knocked on her door on Halloween, even though the porch light was on and the sidewalk was full of pumpkins. No one is brave enough to ask.
But Arianna Caruso bragged the whole month that she would sell the most Girl Scout cookies in the troop, and Sophie hates Arianna Caruso and she needs to sell more cookies than Arianna Caruso, so that means she has to go to every house in the neighborhood, including the brick house on Highland Drive.
Papa said that she had to learn, so he would walk her to each house and wait for her on the sidewalk but she had to knock on the door herself and ask the people if they wanted cookies because she was growing up. So Sophie put on her Brownie cap and sash and her favorite sneakers with the lights in the soles and walked to all the houses on Highland Drive with Papa holding her hand. She saves the brick house for last.
"It will be okay, Princess Sophie," Papa says with a smile. He straightens her cap and kisses her forehead. "I'm sure the new neighbor will want some cookies from the best Girl Scout ever."
"Papa," Sophie says. "But what if she's a wi—"
"Sophie." Papa is stern now. "Don't say that. That's not very nice."
"But Papa," she clings to his hand, but Papa gently untangles their fingers and hands her a pen.
"She won't bite, moya solnyshka," Papa says. "I'm sure she is friendly."
Sophie walks up the sidewalk and only looks back at Papa once. When she rings the doorbell (a loud ding dong ding ding that reminds Sophie of church bells), the lady appears in the big window in the door almost immediately. She smiles big at Sophie as she pulls the door open.
"Hello!" the lady says.
"Good afternoon," Sophie greets. "Would you like to buy some Girl Scout cookies?" Sophie thrusts the order form in her face, trying to hide from the lady.
She takes it from Sophie. "What's your name?" she asks. "I'm new to the neighborhood, and it would be nice to have a friend." She crouches down to be Sophie's height.
"My name is Sophie, and that's my papa," she says, pointing back at Papa on the sidewalk.
The lady waves at Papa, and he waves back. It's jerky, like he's as nervous as Sophie is.
"Your papa is very sweet to walk with you," the lady says. "My name is Alina, and it's very nice to meet you, Miss Sophie. I would like two boxes of Samoas and a box of Trefoils, please."
Sophie smiles at her and marks it down on her order form. She waves at Papa to let him know the lady—Alina—has bought a box, and Papa slowly starts up the drive.
"What is your favorite Girl Scout cookie, Sophie?" Alina asks.
"I like Tagalongs, but Papa likes Samoas like you, Miss Alina."
"Chocolate and caramel are a good pair," Alina nods. Papa takes Sophie's hand, now that he's on the porch.
"Sophie loves peanut butter more than anything," Papa says.
"Well, of course!" Miss Alina says. "Peanut butter is a gift from the goddess. I just finished baking some peanut butter cookies, actually, if you'd like to come in for some." Miss Alina is talking more to Papa than she is to Sophie, but that's okay. Papa is smiling and Sophie likes it when he smiles.
Papa smiles and ruffles Sophie's hair. "What do you think, Princess Sophie?"
She nods. "We'd love to share, if you'll let us."
Miss Alina claps and stands up. "Wonderful! I'm Alina, by the way," she says, holding her hand out for Papa. Papa takes it and shakes.
Miss Alina leads them into her house, cozy and full of color. She tells Papa where the mugs are for coffee, but just before they get into the kitchen, Sophie tugs on Miss Alina's sleeve and motions for her to bend down. Papa goes into the kitchen ahead of them, so it's just Miss Alina and Sophie in the hallway.
She needs to know.
"Miss Alina," Sophie whispers. "Are you a witch?"
Miss Alina laughs. "Children are ever so perceptive," she says warmly. "Can you keep a secret, Sophie?"
Sophie nods. She's very good at keeping secrets. She never told Grandmother what happened with Mama, because Papa told her not to.
"I am a witch," Miss Alina says. "But I'm a good witch."
"Like Glinda?"
She smiles. "Yes, like Glinda. But you can't tell anyone else, otherwise they might think I'm the Wicked Witch and make me leave, okay?"
Sophie mimes zipping her lips closed and throwing away the key, and Miss Alina nods.
"Yes, Sophie?"
"If I keep your secret, do you promise to only buy Girl Scout cookies from me and not from Arianna Caruso?"
Miss Alina laughs again. It reminds Sophie of Tinker Bell. "Of course, Sophie. I'll even buy you a box of Tagalongs just for you. You don't have to share with your papa."
Miss Alina holds out her hand to Sophie, and Sophie gladly takes it.
There's a rumor about the brick house on Highland Street, but Sophie knows it's right and wrong. There is a witch who lives there, but she's not mean at all. She's nicer than anyone else in the neighborhood.
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