#i think i've reblogged these once but
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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Why would you—That's not—I just wanted to ask for help, why did you have to go and make it awkward???
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emkini · 5 months
Okay wait hold on do you people actually pay attention to time when you take tests?? As in you calculate exactly how much time you can spend on certain sections instead of just vibing through???
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tvuniverse · 1 month
Listen i just want to preface this by saying I don't even personally hate Tommy, but that's not really the point i want to make so here goes nothing.
The way a lot of people act as if it's impossible to dislike him because the characters have moved on so so should we, right? and that's the thing right here, as poc we're always being told to move on. We can't express our feelings, we can't hold grudges, we can't complain about issues without making it something more than it is, we always have to just... move on.
I know people are going to say it's just a show, it's not that serious, but the issues it touches on and the way fandom speaks on those issues are.
I've seen a lot of comparisons between Tommy and other mains, how each of them are flawed and have screwed up one way or another, and you're right, but it's still unfair to compare him to them. We've seen each of the main characters experience guilt, or be ashamed of their action, we've seen them apologise, put in the work to actually grow, and they have. There's not enough time in an episode for us to see that for side characters. In this case, Tommy didn't do any of the above and that's normal, he was a plot device to show some very real societal issues, and especially what people of colour/women might go through in the workplace, and once he served his purpose he didn't get much more beyond a few scenes where it seemed like everything was fine between him and chim/hen. It would be more appropriate to compare him to the buckley parents, (who appeared in more or less the same amount of episodes) like if people suddendly started saying no one is allowed to hate them because they got their redemption, their kids more or less forgave them, they more or less tried to be better parents. And yet it's still not enough for a lot of people, because how they treated their children, the shit they've said to them, hits a little too close to home for a lot of people and so no matter what the show says or does, they'll still be mostly hated by the audience, and that's more than okay. But if margaret buckley is your favourite character than by all means be my guest. And listen, i love this show, it's all about hope, and it means everyone gets a redemption arc, as short as it is (sometimes even just a sentence lol), but we won't always be satisfied with these arcs, especially if they don't feel proportional to the hurt the characters may have caused to our mains, so we'll all have different reactions to them.
I swear liking a morally ambiguous/grey character says absolutely nothing about you, but making excuses for them, antagonising people who might dislike them (for good reasons) or acting like suddenly triggers don't exist for people, does say something about you. One of my favourite characters is literally the worst person ever, an actual bigot, but i won't ever write essays about why people are not allowed to dislike him actually because he's my babygirl.. i very much understand why people would.
All of this to say, everyone will have different opinions about Tommy. Some might love him, some will be completely neutral or at worst slightly uncomfortable/bothered by him, and some will straight up hate him, and all of these are fine. Live and let live, love whoever you want to love, and hate whoever you want to hate, but please stop trying to dictate how others should feel, i'm begging. And this really does go both ways.
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musicalchaos07 · 14 days
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dustyhyena · 4 months
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gonna be doing a hypnospace outlaw stream on my twitch channel later today! (7:30-8:00 EST) i've already played through it before, but i plan to get around to taking things in slowly and finding all the pages that there are to see! join me as we Murder Gumshoe Gooper
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rendnotmyheart · 8 months
Just some ramblings about the differences I've found interesting so far between the A and B texts of Doctor Faustus:
1) A-text 1.3.14 "Then fear not, Faustus, but be resolute."
vs. B-text 1.3.14 "Then fear not, Faustus, to be resolute."
Not many thoughts on this except that in the first, being resolute is put in contrast to fear, as if by being resolute Faustus can assuage his fear. Whereas, in the second, being resolute is what is to be feared. It's Faustus trying to assuage his fears about being resolute.
2) A-text 1.3.45 "No, I came not hither of mine own accord."
vs. B-text 1.3 "No, I came now hither of mine own accord."
Just completely different meanings here. Did Meph come of his own accord when Faustus called or not? Well, you get a completely different answer to that depending on which text you read. (I like the second one, and I think it makes more sense for it to be "now" instead of "not." These two are close enough though that I feel like one of them is probably just whoever wrote the quarto mishearing the word)
3) A-text 2.1.136-142 "Faus:...cannot live without a wife / Meph: How, a wife? I prithee, Faustus, talk not of / a wife. / Faus: Nay, sweet Mephistopheles, fetch me one, for I will / have one. / Meph: Well, thou wilt have one? Sit there till I come. / I'll fetch thee a wife in the devil's name."
vs. B-text 2.1.136-138 "Faus:...and cannot live / without a wife. / Meph: Well, Faustus, thou shalt have a wife."
I thought it was interesting that the B-text didn't have this little spiel. In my other edition based on the A-text, the footnote for "How a wife? I prithee, Faustus, talk not of wife" says that Meph can't produce a wife for Faustus because marriage is a sacrament. Which I don't think marriage is a sacrament for Protestants? But it is interesting to think about how marriage is something holy, and therefore even when Meph eventually fulfills this request, he specifies that it's a wife in the devil's name, not God's.
I just really like that little bit of nuance about wives and marriage, and was like :// when the B-text didn't have it.
4) And right after that part above the stage directions for each are: A-text "Enter Mephistopheles with a Devil dressed like a woman"
vs. B-text "He fetches in a Woman Devil."
Which is just so so interesting. The distinction between a devil dressed like a woman and a woman devil. One is not a woman, just pretending to be. The other is a woman, but it's also a devil. Idk, it's just so so interesting.
5) A-text 2.3.17-24 "My heart's so hardened I cannot repent. Scare can I name salvation, faith, or heaven, / But fearful echoes thunder in mine ears, / 'Faustus, thou art damned.' Then swords and knives, / Poison, guns, halters, and envenomed steel / Are laid before me to despatch myself; / And long ere this I should have slain myself / Had not sweet pleasure conquered deep despair."
vs B-text 2.3.18-24 "My heart is hardened; I cannot repent. / Scarce can I name salvation, faith, or heaven. / Swords, poison, halters, and envenomed steel / Are laid before me to dispatch myself; / And long ere this I should have done the deed, / Had not sweet pleasure conquered deep despair."
Ok first of all, "My heart's so hardened I cannot repent" vs. "My heart is hardened; I cannot repent." To me, the first puts more emphasis on the degree of hardendness, which makes it feel more nuanced than the second. In the second, his heart just is hardened and that's why he can't repent. In the first, he can't repent because of the degree to which his heart has hardened. Idk, the first give off "how has it gotten this far?" vibes, while the second gives off "this is how it is" vibes to me. Add the extra two lines of the A-text to that, and it really emphasizes the way Faustus's fate is being shaped in contrast to the the B-text simply stating how things are. The hardendness is a degree; it has become hardened rather than it is or it isn't hardened. There is an echo that reminds him he is damned when he thinks on heavenly things, an echo that is followed by the appearance of various weapons. It emphasizes the series of actions that lead to an end instead of just stating the facts that Faustus can scarcely name heavenly things and that weapons appear before him. Idk, the A-text seems to show how Faustus believes he is damned while the second just tells us everything straight up.
6) A-text 2.3.76 "Never too late, if Faustus can repent."
vs. B-text 2.3.80 "Never too late, if Faustus will repent."
Can vs. will. One's ability to do something vs. one's choice whether or not to do something. Again, I really like the A-text, the question of can Faustus repent rather than will he. It's just so much more interesting to me to ponder how much control he really had over his fate than how he came to one choice or another. Like sorry, but that's so boring. Literally who cares what Faustus chooses. I care about whether he ever really had a choice to being with. That's so much more interesting.
7) A-text 2.3.161 "O, this feeds my soul!"
vs. B-text 2.3.63 "O, how this sight doth delight my soul!"
Nothing here except that I adore the A-text's line because of the way Faustus using magic is characterized as gluttony or surfeit throughout the play. I like how the A-text taps into that metaphor again.
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n0heart · 2 months
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ugh-yoongi · 9 months
for context: the podcast can be about anything. doesn't really matter.
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bugsbenefit · 5 months
i don't follow new people often and if i do it's usually only the mutuals mutuals who's scents i slowly get accustomed to via dash osmosis, or someone that interacts with my posts regularly, and that strategy is once again proving to be the only reasonable one to keep your dash normal
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Yeah, you should only create for yourself, but if I'm putting it out there I would like to know that I'm not just endlessly shouting into the void
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elshells · 7 months
Hey there tumblr, I've missed you. How's it going?
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hurglewurm · 11 months
im miserable and im really bad at the ukulele !
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untoterxhund · 10 months
either gonna remake again in the future and hand out the url privately or gonna clean out the followers list again me'thinks. so if you wanna stay mutuals and plan on writing w/ me in the future when I can actually dedicate time to doing so w/out any stressors or anxiety spikes then please, slap that heart real quick for me.
if not, it was a pleasure to write and talk for a bit and wish y'all good luck on your future endeavors 'n stuff.
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lazy-toad · 6 months
I think I might be transgender
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byanyan · 1 month
the urge to reblog a meme in hopes of some new stuff being the burst of enthusiasm I need to get shit going again... but knowing that I'll just end up overwhelming myself further with it
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