#i think i originally posted this with florence + the machine lyrics but now you’ll have to deal w boring captions
beetlebards · 2 years
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beginning the agonizing process of cross-posting my backlog of art from twitter 🥲
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scribble-dee-vee · 5 years
11 Questions Tags
Hi all! I was recently tagged in two 11 Questions Tags, and I like the questions- so I decided to do them.
Up front, I’m going to tag @dreamywritingdragon, @focusdumbass, @writtenbyhal, @blogherosix, @adorhauer, @katiehahnbooks, @quintessenceofwords, @quillwritten, @awolfthatwrites, @toboldlywrite, and @firewritten. It’s been quite a while since I’ve done anything with tag games, so if you no longer do them/don’t want to/don’t have time, no pressure! Hope you’re all doing great :D
And my questions are:
1. Which OC has changed the most since you created them? Tell us about them!
2. In which season do you get the most writing done? Why?
3. Oldest OC? Youngest OC?
4. Do you have any self-indulgent ideas for projects that you want to write someday, even if you don’t have time right now?
5. Do you have more of a problem with underwriting or overwriting?
6. How do you get most of your ideas? Music, travel, art, or other?
7. What themes recur throughout your WIPs?
8. What are your favorite personal writing hallmarks?
9. What genre do you write in the most, and why do you like it?
10. What genre do you not write in frequently, but want to dip your toes into?
11. Tell us one reason you love your WIP!
My answers to the tagged questions got kinda long, so I put them under the cut!
The first few questions come from @bigmoodword​. Your apocalypse WIP sounds rad af??? Please tag me in updates if you have updates/use a tag list- so cool!
Thanks for the tag! To answer your questions:
1. using one sentence summaries, can you tell me about your wips?
Heart of Lead- Luanne will die on her nineteenth birthday because her heart is made of lead, the lowest caste of her society, so she works illegally with an inventor girl from out of town and some other friends to build a new heart before her time is up.
Ivory and Horn- an anthology of short stories with roots in fantasy, horror, and surrealism, set in a variety of speculative settings used as allegory for the various experiences of modern women (mostly queer women- this one’s the newest, and 12+ stories, so please excuse the vague description!)
Belladonnas- Eirene’s girl gang/witch coven, the Belladonnas, find themselves with a mystery on their hands when an enemy comes to them seeking help and hostile demonic entities begin wreaking havoc on their city.
2. what inspired them?
I’ve been working on Heart of Lead for roughly four (!) years, so the inspirations I’ve incorporated into it are many! The original idea came from a different look at the phrase “heart of gold,” and music has also been a huge defining factor. Florence + the Machine, Twenty One Pilots, and Mumford and Sons have given me a lot. The steampunk genre, dystopian novels, and imaginative fantasy books (think Neil Gaiman) contributed. Also, the imagery of Hamlet (because I’m pretentious).
Ivory and Horn is pretty experimental, and it mostly comes from my growing interest in the horror genre. I also want to figure out how to incorporate social and political commentary into my work- how much of a defining factor I want that to be, by what means I want to convey it, and that sort of thing.
Belladonnas is really inspired by 1920s aesthetics, Greek mythology, and electro swing music. A fun mixed bag!
3. which of your ocs do you most identify with?
I think all of my OCs are at least semi-autobiographical, but Luanne is probably the most. I project a lot of issues on her. It helps me work through them.
4. if you’ve ever cried while reading, which book cued the waterworks?
Yes. YES. CONSTANTLY. The one that made me bawl most recently was All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr, which was such an amazing book.
5. how do you conduct research for your wips and what’s the most interesting thing you’ve discovered in said research?
Mostly Google? If I’m really interesting in a particular something, I’ll get a book- which I did for fashion in Heart of Lead, and then immediately discarded like half of what I learned for the ~aesthetic~. Oh, well. Did you know that people thought that eating graham crackers encouraged chastity in Victorian London? Well, now you do! This makes me laugh every time I think about it!
6. thus far, which scene has been the most difficult to write?
Beginnings are always hard for me. I usually plan my climaxes first and work backward, unraveling the threads of the story until the point they’re most disparate. I’ve rewritten the opening scene of Heart of Lead at least ten times, which is quite a few more than the rest of the book.
7. which of your ocs do you like the least?
Agh! AGH! How can I choose??? I suppose, since I have a ton of OCs, there are a lot of characters I don’t obsess over as much as my main babies. A lot of these still need work. I think Lucy, from Belladonnas, needs a lot more development before I’m really interested in her.
8. which pov and tense do you prefer to write in?
First person, past tense. Close POV is fun to work with.
9. do you write poetry?
Occasionally! I did so a lot more when I was younger.
10. who is your writing role model?
Neil Gaiman (omg this is the second time I’ve mentioned him on this post, isn’t it? Yeah, he’s great. Go read everything he’s ever written. It will take you a while).
11. if you could give your younger writer self some advice, what would it be?
HAVE FUN! Chances are, you’re not going to have published or released work in the first few years (or first many years) after you start writing. Have that as a long-term goal, and allow yourself to enjoy and experiment with whatever-the-heck in the meantime. It will make you a better writer, you’ll produce a better/more passionate project, and you’ll have a better time.
The second set of questions comes from @sahados-shadow​! I totally feel you with the titling struggle, haha. It’s hard to make the catchy words.
1.  Which side character is your favorite?
Eep, this is so hard- I love all my kids??? But since I’m writing Blood of Queens right now, Vesper’s pretty awesome. Glamorous faerie prince who’s also a complete dork about humans and also has terrifying eldritch powers. What more do you want?
2.  Do you like any character creation templates?
Not particularly. At the very least, I don’t use them to actually create characters, but to stretch my thinking on characters I already have. Oh, and it is really fun to give characters DnD stats!
3.  Do you prefer writing by hand or typing?
I do both! I save and edit my work on my laptop, but there are a lot of times I only have a notebook on hand or just want to change my perspective. Handwriting is good for killing writer’s block.
4.  What kind of music, if any, do you listen to while creating? Lyrics or no lyrics?
Sooo much music! I make extensive character and WIP playlists (which I’d like to put on Spotify and release for tumblr at some point). Song lyrics are a huge inspiration for characters and storylines.
5.  Any animal companions for your characters?
But of course! Ty is friends with a magical talking tiger. Luanne’s family has a cat named Fleurf in book one. Weirdly enough, this discussion could delve into spoiler territory... so that’s all I’ll say about that :D
6.  What’s the first thing your OCs would buy if they won the lottery?
Oh, geez. Most of my OCs would not make wise financial decisions. To make this answer manageable, Heart of Lead MCs?
Luanne- books. Just. A million of them. Enough to make a book fort and live in it forever.
Wren- probably new tools/metal to work with? Also, cake. And non-canned food in general. She’d probably throw a giant picnic for all her friends.
Charles- he would probably invest most of it?? Honestly idk what he does with his money, and he has a lot of it in the first place.
Dale- CLOTHES. Fancy tea? Maybe he’d use some of it for bribes or whatever, too. Who really knows.
7.  What’s your favorite board game?
Scrabble! I play with my friends all the time.
8.  Any OC ships?
Many, many OC ships. I’m a sucker for a good romantic subplot. My main answer for this is always Luanne/Wren, because I’m writing literally an entire series about them. Good stuff I love my girls and they love each other <3
9.  Do you have a favorite time/place to create?
Ideally, I write from 9:30 to 11:00 on weekday nights. Over summers and weekends, I write in the morning. Best place is totally in bed, + tea, + cat!
10.  How does your OC react to a baby waving at them in the grocery store?
Luanne- bursts into happy tears
Wren- waves back
Charles- re-contemplates his entire existence because a baby actually likes him oh my god?? 
Dale- “ew tiny human why do you exist”
11.  Does your OC have a motto (made up or otherwise) they stick to?
Hmm... that’s something I actually have to think about! Most of my characters have a primary set of morals and a personal outlook on things, but I don’t think any have a motto or catchphrase at the moment.
Thank you for all the questions! This was fun :D
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peach-punch-satan · 6 years
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fatale-distraction · 7 years
Music Shuffle
Tagged by @dexukiart
So, put playlist on shuffle and list 10 songs that come up. I’m using Ellana’s playlist, since it has a good mix of songs that define her, and both of her romantic relationships. I’m gonna steal @dexukiart‘s idea and talk a little about the song.
For those interested, you can find her playlist here! All links open to Spotify.
Awake - Freedom Fry. None of the lyrics are super relevant, but the arrangement of this song is just SO El. Bright and cheery, easy to sing. Something she might be heard singing under her breath or humming while out on the road.
I Dreamed a Dream - From Les Miserables (Anne Hathaway ver). There is a very specific reason I picked the movie version, and it is because of the real agony and torture in Anne’s voice. You don’t sing pretty when you’re in that much pain. I’m not going to post relevant lyrics...BECAUSE THEY ALL ARE. Ellana after Solas leaves.
Voice Like a Bell - Gregory and the Hawk.  And try as I might, I cannot forget And try as I might, I cannot love you less - And I feel you're taking away The most you can from our lazy days Maybe we both Knew it at the time
Goodbye Song - Elizaveta. Maryden’s singing voice! No relevant lyrics because they’re all relevant. You might think it’s for El and Solas, but it actually applies far more Ellana and Krem. :x But those are spoilers~
brave - Stephanie Dosen. The whole song is a really good representation of Ellana, from the lyrics to the arrangement. Here’s a little snippet of the chorus, though: and I'm brave I'm brave Like a feeling I had Once upon a time Like a bird in my mind wings so kind beat inside and I'm inside  Also kind of a funny story how I discovered this artist; I was originally a fan of hers because of her KNITTING patterns! Tiny Owl Knits! Then, I found out she also released a few CDs, so of course I looked her up, and she’s amazing!
Boats and Birds - Gregory and the Hawk. I really like this band. XD A very El-sounding song. The lyrics remind me of the way she feels about her friends and loved ones, and particularly resonate with Mamae!Ellana If you'll be my star I'll be your sky You can hide underneath me and come out at night When I turn jet black And you show off your light I live to let you shine
Like a Dream - Stephanie Dosen. The way Ellana loves.  Move into the light, love See how it pulls you in Like a dream Fall into my arms now Oh, how I pull you in Like a dream And you disappear like a flame against the sun We are two, we are one And it's alright, if you're stuck in yourself Somehow the light finds it's own way out Fall into my arms now Oh, how I pull you in Like a dream
I’m Yours - Alessia Cara. Something with more of a beat! Every single lyric is 100% Ellana and Krem.  I'm mad at you For being so cute  - But the way you hold me makes the old me pass away And I would be lying If I said I wasn't scared to fall again But if you promise me you'll catch me Then it's okay 'Cause I've had my heart Broken before And I promised I would never let me hurt anymore But I tore down my walls And opened my doors And made room for one So, baby, I'm yours
Fuck You - Lily Allen. I meeeeeaaaannnnnnnn..............????? Post-Crestwood Ellana. Very cheery. Very Fuck You. I think this one kinda speaks for itself.
She Moved Through the Fair - Cecile Corbel and Loreena McKennit (yes I have both versions in one playlist).  She stepped away from me And she moved through the Fair And fondly I watched her Move here and move there And she went her way homeward With one star awake As the swans in the evening Move over the lake
I Will Be - Florence and the Machine. Bonus song! Cause this is fun. I heard this song and I just...I was swept away by how beautiful it was and couldn’t help but see Ellana in it.
idk who’s done this yet, but I’ll tag @bearlytolerable, @ma-sulevin, @galadrieljones, @thevikingwoman, @aclassilieutenant  and anyone else who wants to do it.
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