#i think i gave myself a santa/christmas kink while writing this
roseboysstuff · 6 months
ok so im currently listening to Santa Baby by Ariana Grande(feat. Liz Gillies) and whenever i hear "santa baby" all i sang is "santa daddy" anyways, i want to request a dilf Carlos Olivera (you could also do leon if you're more comfy with that) wearing a santa costume (without the white hair and beard because i think their natural hair color is hotter) punishing the reader for being on his naughty list. any kink is open, make it nasty like incest (which honestly would make it better) okay now that i thought of the incest shit i want the reader's mom to be the one who ask for Carlos/leon to wear the smegsy santa costume (she like bought it or somethn) and she request to have sex with our daddy but daddy refuse becuase he was ✨TiReD✨ then while sleeping he wore the santa outfit and climb to the reader's bedroom window (daddy is commited to the role) and then that is where the smegsy shit starts to happen🤤🤤 anyways now that i read this again before sending i sound soo desperate and lonely (i am T.T)
ps: have a good day ahead and take care of yrslf ❤️
Imma do Leon since I don't write for carlos but this idea is so fucking tasty I also made it incest because the idea stuck in my mind hehe so it's dad/son incest
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Leon loved your mom, but some of the requests she came up with to spice up their sex life were interesting. They hadn't had sex for a while, and while she assumed it was just them both being busy and tired, you and Leon knew why. He didn't have time to fuck his wife, when he was busy fucking their son. So when he dressed up like Santa, he didn't get hard from her sitting on his lap, and eventually she gave up and went to bed. Leon wasn't going to join her for a while, however, his mind was elsewhere. You woke up to your window sliding open, and were about to scream, until you saw the familiar blue hue in his eyes. "Dad? What are you doing?" He simply shushed you and continued climbing in through your window. The santa outfit was very comical to you, and certainly not something that would normally look attractive, but he managed to make it look good. He sat on your bed, and in a slightly hushed voice, he said "Why don't you sit on Santa's lap?" You realised what he was doing and instantly felt yourself getting wet at his husky tone. And so you walked over and sat on his lap, getting comfy, feeling his cock against you, hardening quickly. He kept whispering in your ear, that same low, quiet tone sending shivers down your spine. "What does my baby boy want for Christmas, hm? Because I've got something big I want to give you." With that, he moves you so you are facing him, wrapping your legs around his waist, and he pulls the bright red pants down ever so slightly. He's rock hard, and all for you. He reaches inside your pants, and chuckles when he feels the wetness, knowing that despite yourself, you are enjoying seeing him dressed up like this. "You've been a good boy all year, but you're still on my naughty list. So Santa is going to fuck you until you melt, okay?" You're gently lowered onto his cock, and you start bouncing away. One of his hands stays on your hip, the other covers your mouth so your mom doesn't hear what's going on. You're too far gone to care about noise, but he doesn't want his wife to walk in on this scene. His cute little son, riding his cock, it's for his eyes only. And the sight of you cumming on his cock, letting out the smallest of whimpers, as he shoves his fingers into your mouth to keep you quiet, it's the best Christmas present he's ever gotten.
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tedddylupin · 4 years
merry christmas you filthy animal
When Alex draws Henry's name for Secret Santa he realizes he knows nothing about him so of course he takes the week to gather information while also giving him an education on Christmas movies that he was never able to watch growing up.
Notes: This goes out to the lovely Chelsea for the Holiday Exchange on the RWRB discord!! I hope you enjoy it as much as I had writing it!
Read on AO3
“Okay so tell me why we’re doing this again? And why is he here?” Alex whispered to June and she looked back at Henry who was standing with Pez and Nora.
“Because we needed and even number and Pez says he’s cool alright? We’ve been out with him a few times and yeah he’s quiet but he’s fun. Plus he’s Bea’s brother so obviously he’s gotta be cool.” June rolled her eyes.
“Well I’ve never been out with him more than like twice.” Alex muttered.
“That’s because you’re a lil bitch who says no if you have to drive somewhere in the dark.”
“Excuse me for not having the extra money to go get my eyes checked June.” Alex pursed his lips.
“Oh my god.” She said mostly to herself before clapping her hands. “Alright, alright gather round. Time to pick Secret Santa.” She held out a Santa hat that held little slips of paper and shook it slightly. “The only rule is you can’t get yourself.”
“I would be the best gift giver for myself.” Alex said and June rolled her eyes again.
She went around and everyone drew a name, leaving Alex with the last slip. He took it and unfolded it.
“Everyone’s work for them?” June asked and everyone nodded before she looked at Alex. “Alex?”
“Um…” He said before June let out an exasperated sound.
“Did you draw yourself?”
“No but-”
“Then good, everyone’s works. Now you have two weeks to get a gift for our next dinner night and make sure not to tell people what you got for them or reveal who your person’s name is.” June smiled brightly.
“Can we eat now?” Nora raised her hand.
“Yes, let’s fucking eat.” Pez slapped his hands together and rubbed them quickly.
Everyone gathered into the kitchen except Alex who hung back after noticing Henry was too.
“You not eating?” He asked, sidling up to the annoyingly taller man.
“I am, I just figured I’d let everyone else get some first. I’m not super hungry.” Henry shrugged and gave him a smile that Alex wanted to narrow his eyes at but in the spirit of Christmas, he did not.
“Big lunch?”
“Yeah,” Henry didn’t offer anything home.
“Uh huh...right well I’m gonna eat.” Alex finally did narrow his eyes for a moment before brightening, and then he pushed forward. He grabbed a few slices of the pizza and sat down on the floor in front of the TV, leaving the couch for the girls. He looked up when Henry sat down next to him against the chair that Pez had occupied.
“Everyone shut the fuck up and watch.” Nora interrupted the chatter and pressed play on the classic Jim Carrey version of the Grinch. The only one that Alex would acknowledge.
During the movie Alex kept looking over at Henry who was enraptured.
“You look like you’ve never seen this before.” He whispered to Henry at the peril of getting slapped upside the head by Nora.
“That’s because I haven’t.” Henry whispered back, leaning toward Alex but not taking his eyes off the TV.
“The fuck? Are you serious?” Alex’s voice rose and then he did get that slap upside the head. “Sorry, but Henry just casually mentioned he’s never seen this movie before.”
Everyone gasped and Henry shrugged self-consciously. “We didn’t watch a lot of Christmas movies growing up.”
Bea nodded in agreement. “It’s true.”
“Fucking hell, alright well you’re going to have an intervention this week after work.” Alex poked Henry hard on the bicep and the man protested only slightly in pain before nodding his agreement.
“Getting in your fingers I see. Pray tell who did you get for Secret Santa Alex?” June caught him after the movie as they were throwing away the trash.
“You know I don’t go easy on Secret Santa June. I gotta get intel and this is the best way to do it.” Alex whispered back. He stuck out his tongue when June annoyingly gave him a knowing look but said nothing.
So Alex texted Henry the next day and of course the man showed up punctual as ever. It was almost suspicious how on time he was. Then again, Alex was known for showing up exactly ten minutes late to have the perfect air of ‘yes I want to be here but I want you to acknowledge me when I walk through the door’.
“Hey man.” Alex opened the door to where Henry was standing, admiring the wreath that Nora had made him.
“Hello.” Henry brightened and stepped inside as Alex moved to let him in. Henry slipped off his knit hat and ran a hand through his hair that had become mussed underneath it. It was annoying how attractive that was but Alex had always had a bit of a kink for knit hats and messy hair so he ignored it.
“I’d thought we’d watch Elf today. You haven’t seen that one right?” Alex began to talk over his shoulder as he walked into the living room, assuming Henry would close the door behind him and follow suit.
“Er, no, I haven’t.” Henry said as he quickly got the hint judging by the way Alex could hear the door shut and quickened footsteps.
“Good, because we only have two weeks to catch you up.” Alex turned quickly in the ball of his foot like a drill sergeant and Henry had to stop himself abruptly so he wouldn’t crash into Alex.
“Sir yes sir.” Henry saluted and Alex snickered.
“Please never do that ever again.”
“Yeah it felt wrong as soon as I did it.”
The two settled down on the couch and began to watch Will Ferrell as the most wholesome elf. Alex wondered if Henry would be a bit like Buddy if he was an elf. He found himself studying the man more than actually watching the movie but he reasoned that this was because he needed to figure out what Henry would actually want as a gift. He could mark knit hat off the list because obviously Henry already owned one.
“So are you a big drinker? I only ask because if we’re going to do all these movies in such a short amount of time it would be nice to have some alcohol to go with it right?” Alex mused, mostly poking at Henry’s interests. A bottle of wine would be a nice gift.
“Nah I’m not really a bit drinker. Usually just special occasions and not during the work week. I honestly think I might be allergic to alcohol but it’s worth it for big events.” Henry said, not looking at Alex, instead watching the movie.
“Oh alright then.” Alex said though inside he was grumbling to himself.
Soon the movie ended and they both stood up.
“This time tomorrow?” Henry asked as he pulled on his jacket followed by his knit hat.
“Yup, I’ll be treating you to a holiday classic set in your home country.” Alex grinned.
“I can’t wait for them to butcher my culture.” Henry grinned back before waving goodbye, leaving Alex alone at the door wondering where this personality came from.
Perhaps he had written Henry off too quickly but the two times he had hung out with him before in the group his voice had gotten talked over. Perhaps the man was just more of a listener unless he was the sole focus. Alex couldn’t comprehend that. He much preferred to be the center of attention. Still, he could respect Henry a bit more now. Even if he could be a bit of a bore in a crowd.
“So the movie is Love Actually and you will actually love it.” Alex said as Henry walked in the next day.
“Ba dum tiss.” Henry responded quickly, hands making the drum motions.
“I know, I know, I’ll be here all week.” Alex grinned over his shoulder.
Henry sat down on the couch on one end with Alex on the other. Yet again Alex found himself watching Henry more than the movie. He had to laugh every time Henry scoff indignantly.
“This is terrible. Poor Emma Thompson. She is a national treasure!” Henry moaned as he put his head in his hands while poor Emma listened to Jodie Mitchell.
Alex snickered. “Earlier I lied. You definitely will not enjoy this movie. The whole poster scene? Terrible.”
“This is evil of you.” Henry frowned.
“Don’t worry, tomorrow’s movie will be much better and will also be set in your country.” Alex grinned as they idled by the door.
“Right, well. Tomorrow’s Friday. Do you want to include some alcohol this time?” Henry asked a little nervously.
“I thought you said you didn’t do alcohol.”
“Well this is a special occasion right? An actually good Christmas movie set in my country unless you’re trying to pull my leg again.” Henry narrowed his eyes in a warning.
Alex held up his hands. “I pinky promise, this one is great. What sort of alcohol do you like?”
“I’ll bring the wine. Nora keeps trying to give me wine and I keep saying yes because I feel bad and don’t know how to tell her to stop.”
“Well shit, bring it all over. Free wine for me.” Alex laughed and Henry grinned and Alex was left with the sneaky thought that Henry didn’t smile that smile just for anyone, otherwise the room would be lit up all the time.
Alex found himself surfing the internet at work the next day trying to figure out a good Secret Santa gift for Henry. He now knew that Henry had a dog named David but David didn’t like treats and it did feel rather wrong to get a human a dog present. He also knew that Henry was a Star Wars fan but hated collectibles because they were too lame and he apparently hated clutter.
He let out an annoyed groan and clicked out of the tab. Whatever. Whatever right? He would get something lame and cheap and call it good.
He gritted his teeth.
No, he was not one to go cheap. He was an excellent gift giver and he was going to make it extra special dammit.
Henry stepped into the apartment that night easily carrying at least five bottles of wine. “I felt like a lush strolling up with all these in my arms.” He said as he carefully set the wine down.
“Nora has good taste.” Alex said appreciatively as he got the wine opener and opened a bottle of pinot noir. “You’ll like this one I think. Not too dry but not too sweet either.”
“The Goldilocks of wine if you will.” Henry said as he took the glass from Alex.
“Exactly my friend.” Alex clinked his glass together and then brought the bottle out to the living room. The Holiday was already cued up as they sat down on the couch together.
“Oh that is definitely not Surrey. Maybe outskirts of Surrey but not Surrey.” Henry scoffed as they watched the movie. Alex giggled, his cheeks warm from the wine. He was already a glass and a half in with Henry keeping time with him.
“So indignant.”
“Whatever, at least Jude Law is very nice to look at.” Henry sighed. “Now he’s a national treasure.”
“What about Kate Winslet?” Alex frowned.
“Nope, can’t do it. She’s pretty yes, but her in real life? Not good.” Henry shook his head. “Jude Law is still just as handsome. I could get lost in his blue eyes.”
“Him and Cameron would have amazing blue eyed children.” Alex nodded. He had somehow sunk down into the couch, Henry much closer this night as they kept getting up to get more wine and moving closer each time.
“Yeah I suppose.” Henry murmured. “Do you think Jude’s attractive?”
Alex was silent for a moment. He didn’t know Henry that well. Not really anyways. Nora and June knew he was bisexual but he had never told Pez and Bea and definitely not Henry. He wondered if this was a prod from Henry to see if he was attracted to men. He supposed if Henry was going to stick around what did it hurt?
“He’s oozing sexiness. If there was any instance I could kiss Jude Law with that tan and that slightly curly hair I would do it in a heartbeat.” Alex said with confidence, looking over at Henry who brightened at his words.
“Ditto on that one.”
Huh. Interesting.
“I don’t think I can move. The room’s spinning.” Henry groaned when the movie was over.
“You wanna crash here for the night?” Alex asked, his own words slurring a bit. They had gone through two bottles of wine and both were feeling it.
“You don’t mind?”
“Nah, better than you getting yourself hurt trying to get home.” Alex waved him off. “I’ll get some blankets, you can take the couch. You aren’t going to throw up are you?”
“A lady never throws up.” Henry frowned, his face scrunched up in the cutest little way and Alex was a bit floored by it.
“I’ll bring you a trashcan. You don’t much look like a lady.”
“Rude. I would never put out on the first date.” Henry closed his eyes.
“Oh is this a date then?” Alex said, amused.
“Obviously you haven’t been paying attention.” Henry murmured and then promptly fell asleep. Alex watched him for a moment and even in his slightly drunken haze he wondered what it would be like to actually go on a date with Henry. He was kind and funny and much more interesting than he had originally given him credit for.
He sucked in a breath and forced himself to move away, only to come back and spread a blanket across Henry’s sleeping body and to set a trashcan by the man’s head. He reached out, fingers itching to brush back the blonde locks but he caught himself in time, pulling back and quickly exiting the room.
It was only when he was back in the safety of his bedroom did he let himself let go of the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding and closed his eyes.
He was drunk. It was fine.
“What’s this? Breakfast in bed?” Henry mumbled as Alex plopped on the couch next to him, holding a mug of coffee in one hand and a mug of tea in the other.
“Don’t think you’re special. I don’t actually own a table so the couch is all I got. Hope you like chai tea because it’s either that or coffee.”
Henry wrinkled his nose at the mention of chai tea and Alex gave him a warning look. “Chai is fine.” He quickly said as he sat up only to groan and grab his head.
Alex pulled out a couple of tylenol out of his pocket and set it on the coffee table. “Got you those too.”
“Bless you.” Henry muttered as he knocked them back with a sip of the tea. “I should probably go.”
“Excuse you, we are having a movie marathon whilst you attempt to recover from...this.” Alex gestured vaguely towards Henry who narrowed his eyes.
“If I couldn’t hear my pulse pounding in my head right now you’d be getting a lecture.” Henry frowned and Alex only laughed.
He hit play on Christmas Vacation and settled back into the couch to watch the Griswolds totally fuck up their Christmas with some slapstick humor that even got Henry laughing even though he winced right after doing said laughing.
He followed that with The Santa Clause, one of his favorites.
“It’s great because Scott Calvin is honestly the worst but he quickly becomes the best.” Alex explained with a knowing look. He and Henry were eating Chinese food, something Henry had actually requested despite Alex’s surprise.
“Isn’t that how all Christmas movies go?” Henry asked, mouth full of lo mein.
“Quite possibly. You might be onto something there.” Alex pointed at Henry with his chopsticks and grinned.
They continued on with The Santa Clause 2 and then ended the night with Home Alone.
“I still can’t believe you haven’t seen any of these very iconic movies. They get referenced even outside the holiday season.” Alex said, his voice muffled from the pillow that his head was resting on. Henry and him were both lying on opposite ends of the couch, their legs meeting in the middle.
“Call me a sheltered child I guess. Christmas was never a big holiday in my house. My family isn’t like yours. I only really like Bea and Pez just kinda happened along the way.” Henry shrugged, his voice muffled as well.
Alex studied Henry for a long moment. “You know, you’re different than what I expected.”
Henry looked back at Alex. “Oh yeah? How so?”
Alex scooted up a bit on the couch so that he was sitting up. “I thought you were this prissy private school Englishman who didn’t give the time of day to people that you didn’t grow up around.”
Henry sat up as well. “Did you really? I’m definitely not that.”
“Well I know that now. You’re much cooler than people give you credit for. I think you’re just shy. In your defense though I’m way too loud for people most of the time. I can be a lot.” Alex shrugged.
Henry pulled his knees to his chest and leaned his head on the top of them. “I will admit I did think that when I first met you. You’re intimidating.”
“And now?”
Henry tilted his head a bit, his blonde hair falling over his forehead. “Now that I know you’re a giant nerd you’re much less intimidating.”
Alex let out a bark of laughter and hit Henry with his pillow who of course had to hit back with his own pillow. The continued the pillow fight until Alex was suddenly pinned under Henry and they were both laughing and breathing hard and Alex was left with a pang in his chest.
He cleared his throat and Henry sat back, letting him go.
“I should probably get going.” Henry said, standing up quickly.
Alex stood as well. “Well this was fun. I’m down for doing another movie marathon soon. It doesn’t even have to be a Christmas one.” He said, somewhat shyly.
Henry shrugged into his coat and pulled on his knit cap. “Yeah it was fun. I don’t think I can come over until Tuesday though. Unless my education in Christmas movies is finished?”
“Oh no, we have two more to go.” Alex shook his head and Henry gave him a soft smile.
“Right, Tuesday then.”
And then he was gone and Alex was left alone with his thoughts and still wracking his brain for a Secret Santa gift.
“Alright so what’s this one then?” Henry asked as he sat down on the couch without being offered.
“A Christmas Story.” Alex said as he handed Henry a mug of actual Earl Grey that he had actually gone out to buy.
“Wow, what a lovely gift, thank you.” Henry grinned as he took a sip. Alex had his own chai and they settled in to watch the movie. Of course Alex fell asleep towards the end, work having kicked his ass this week.
He felt someone lightly tapping his shoulder and he let out a noise of annoyance.
“Hm?” He asked, sleepily opening his eyes.
Henry was standing over him with his coat on. “I’m going to head out. See you tomorrow for our last movie?”
“Oh, yeah okay. Sorry I fell asleep.” He rubbed his eyes and sat up.
“It’s okay, you didn’t snore hardly at all.” Henry gave him a cheeky grin and Alex swatted him.
“Shut up.”
“See ya.”
“Yeah, see you tomorrow Hen.” He murmured. He didn’t even notice Henry freezing at the nickname.
When Henry came the next day Alex gestured him inside.
“Oh wow, you went all out huh?” Henry slipped off his knit cap and looked at the set up. There was tea along with a charcuterie board and a platter of cookies.
“Gotta celebrate you becoming a man!” Alex laughed and Henry rolled his eyes as he sat down on the couch. Alex sat down next to him.
“Okay this last one is an all time classic and it’s a little sad in the middle but it’s got a good ending.” Alex explained as Henry stole a sugar cookie. He hit play on It’s a Wonderful Life and began to pile his paper plate (because he was cheap and didn’t own more than two actual plates which were dirty) with meats and cheeses and sweets.
Henry did the same and then they both sat back and took in the black and white classic.
When the credits started to roll Alex turned towards Henry. “So?”
“It was good. I do love old movies sometimes. They don’t make them like that anymore.” Henry said with a sigh of nostalgia.
“Nope, they sure don’t.” Alex agreed. “I’m a little sad that your education is over though.”
“You know you’ll see me tomorrow for the Secret Santa right?” Henry smirked at him and Alex looked down, picking at a loose thread on the blanket.
“Yeah, I know, but I did like having you over every night.”
Henry gave him a slow smile. “You did?”
“Yeah.” Alex shrugged. “Guess that just means you’ll have to educate me on something.”
“Have you ever seen Lord of the Rings?”
“Nope.” Alex grinned while Henry let out a wounded noise.
“Alright, after the holidays we’re watching that first thing.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Alex nodded.
Henry left shortly after, taking a bag of cookies with him. He knew he would see the man the next day but it still felt sad watching Henry keep going out that door.
The next night he dressed up as per June’s slightly scary voicemail. He walked into June and Nora’s apartment with his platter of cookies and found that he was the last one to arrive.
“Fucking finally mate!” Pez called out and everyone turned to witness his walk of shame.
“I hit every red light okay?” He protested.
“Likely story.” Henry grinned and Alex couldn’t help the way his face brightened when he saw the man walk into the room. “More cookies?”
“Yup, more cookies. Since that’s basically all I can bake.” He shrugged and Henry laughed.
“Better than me, I assure you.”
Alex gave him a soft smile before June, Nora, and Bea interrupted.
“Are those the peanut butter cookies?” June asked as she peered over the tray.
“Oh hell yes.” Nora swiped the tray out of Alex’s hands, ignoring his sounds of protest.
“Before we eat though, we’re going to do Secret Santa so everyone grab your gifts.” June clapped her hands together and Alex was starting to get nervous.
He watched as everyone handed over their gift. Pez got June and gave her a beautiful necklace that was way over the budget. Nora got Bea and gave her a cheese tray with a little knife to go with it. June got Alex who gave him a nice silk tie ‘to match his eyes’ as she explained. Henry got Pez and gave him two tumblers which also looked outside the budget. Bea got Nora and gave her a new headset for her gaming.
“Did everyone get their gift?” June asked.
Alex could feel Henry’s eyes on him.
“Yep.” Henry said and Alex turned towards him quickly. “Later.” He mouthed to Alex who nodded.
They got their food and the entire apartment was alive with laughter and talk and Christmas music in the background.
It was after that Alex brought Henry aside.
“I guess you figured out I got you for Secret Santa.” He said awkwardly, not looking into Henry’s eyes.
“Yes, I can do math.” Henry said with a wry smile. “Is that why you brought me over for movies these last two weeks?”
“Well, that’s how it started out, but after the first two days I found I just wanted to hang out with you but every time I tried to get intel on what you would want for a gift you kept saying things that would make it seem like you wouldn’t like what I was thinking for you and I didn’t want to give you some lame ass gift that would just collect dust and I-” Alex rambled until suddenly he was pulled forward and he felt lips against his own.
He let out a surprised noise and his eyes were open as Henry kissed him and then he melted into the kiss because A. Henry was a good kisser surprisingly and B. He had been wanting to do that himself but he was too chicken shit to do it.
Henry pulled back and Alex opened his eyes, not knowing when he had actually closed them.
“Uh...wow okay.” Alex started, rubbing the back of his neck.
“That’s your gift to me.” Henry said and Alex looked at him, confused. “I’ve been wanting to do that honestly since I first met you. You light up every room you’re in Alex and when you kept inviting me over for movies I felt like...well I had won a prize or something. I don’t care that you didn’t give me a physical gift because spending this time with you the last two weeks has been more than enough for me.”
Alex was left stunned. “Wait, really? You’ve thought that about me?”
Henry shrugged, a blush starting to form across his cheeks and the tips of his ears. “Well, yeah. I just didn’t think you were interested in guys so I didn’t say anything, but then you talked about kissing Jude Law-”
“Oh Jude Law.” Alex said dreamily.
“Hey, pay attention. Pouring my heart out here.” Henry snapped his fingers and Alex stood at attention and nodded. “Anyways, when you said that I thought I had a chance.”
Alex took a step closer and took Henry’s hands. “You definitely have more than a chance because I’ve been wanting to kiss you since you fell asleep on my couch and told me you don’t put out on the first date.” He grinned.
“Wait, shit, did I really say that?”
Alex nodded with a giant grin. “Yup. Now why don’t you ignore that and kiss me again.”
“Yes, let’s do that.”
Henry leaned down again for another kiss and Alex sighed into it, leaning his body into Henry who was so annoyingly tall but so well built to hold him up.
As he kissed Henry he heard the sounds of his friends around him and the faint whispers of music and he knew that this would be the first of many great Christmases to come.
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hiswhiteknight · 5 years
A Little Chocolate on Christmas
Summary:  Reader has been hunting all her life, which leads her to forget that is was holiday season. Her relationship with the Winchester’s, specifically Dean has always been casual and filled with banter. The boys don’t except her lack of plans to invite her to their little holiday celebration. (Bad intro)
This is for @littledarlinhavefaithinme Merry Kismet Writing Challenge. I’m a little late, but @littledarlinhavefaithinme me has been so lovely! The prompt I had was – “I think eating chocolate alone on a holiday is completely normal.” Thanks for this challenge and your help!
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Words: 2000 (so looong)
Warning: Flirting, mention of NSFW, implied smut, cute banter
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Dean was finishing packing up the impala, you passed by as the trunk slam shut. Sam waltzed around the back behind Dean, who was making his way towards the driver’s seat, “So Y/N, what’s the plans for the holiday’s,” Sam yells over the car.
Sam’s shirt was all cut up, you had just finished a hunt with the boys. Seemed you both were hunting the same monster. It’s been a while since you’ve seen the boys. Y’all group up with each other, your family and theirs chasing the family business. You liked working alone though, which is why you haven’t seen them in a while.
You had just reached your jeep, stepping on the step to look over at them, “Oh right,” you looked up, counting with your fingers, “It is about that time of year.”
“Are you kidding,” Dean said, “Y/N, it’s Christmas Eve.”
You nod your head, acting like you’re reviewing something in your head, “Lost track of time, I guess. You know the lifestyle,” you acted so cool and unaffected by the realization that it was Christmas tomorrow.
Sam chuckled under his breath, “We’re far from the spirit of Christmas, but we are least know when it is. Are you really saying you don’t have any plans for the holidays?”
You sent the brothers a grimace face, acting like this was awkward situation, “I’ll probably grab some beer and a pack of that yummy chocolate. Find some soft porn, you know it being the holiday – got to keep it classy. Maybe I’ll even take a few days from hunting.”
“I’m sorry,” Dean shrieked, “Who are you?”
“What,” you laugh, “I think eating Chocolate alone on a holiday is completely normal.”
“No,” Dean shook his head, “No it’s not,” he had a grin on his face. He would never admit it, but he always liked you. You were an unusual person, very relaxed, and optimistic person. He never felt judged or unsupported when you were around. And you were tough as nails, one of the finest hunters, but your social skills were not top notch. Which as you can see, never phased you, “Follow Sam and I back. We’ve got a whole group of hunters at the bunker. We’re doing a thing, trying to be more normal.”
Shaking your head, “Nah, didn’t you just hear. I’ve got a whole plan – sexy chocolate goodness with me, myself, and a dirty Santa storyline.”
“Ew,” Sam gaged, “I know you’re kidding,” you shook your head, looking down the road. You weren’t sure how much you wanted to fight, you were exhausted, “We won’t take no for an answer.”
“Are you only asking me because I know how to cook,” you ask him, a hint of humor behind your voice.
Dean looked at you with curiosity, “You know how to cook,” acting shocked.
Sam shook his head, ready to get started, “Just follow us,” he got into the car, “We’re already running late.”
You could tell Sam was just as exhausted as you, so there wasn’t a point to fighting him on it. Dean made eye contact with you, “Dirty Santa,” he questioned, searching your face for an honest answer, “Is that what does it for you,” he smirked.
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” you got into your jeep without letting him ask more.
By the time you got to the bunker, you were filled with excitement. You couldn’t remember the last time you celebrate the holidays with other people. In fact, you couldn’t remember the last time you were in company of friends besides when you were at the Harvelle’s bar. The bunker was decorated enough to sense some holiday spirit, “You can use my room to freshen up and unpack,” Dean said over your shoulder, as you pulled your bag down the stairs, “Mostly everyone is here. Food shouldn’t be long, thankfully.”
You face him, looking up into his gorgeous eyes, “Like to show me where that is? Your room.”
“With pleasure,” he smirked down at you, gesturing you to follow him. You liked Dean, you liked him a lot. And the funny thing, you typically don’t care about attraction like that. You were a simple person, saving people, hunting, and running a positive life. You didn’t have time or needs of settling down, but Dean he was special.
He opened his door and you stepped in, “How so very Dean,” you laugh, searching around the room for what makes Dean, Dean. You spun around and flopped on his head.
Dean made his way to the end, propping his foot on his bed post, looking down at you, “Get comfortable. Shower is out that way,” he pointed.
“You don’t need anything from in here,” you smirk up at him.
“Only one thing in this room I need,” he continued to flirt with you, “But I guess for now I’ll just grab a change of clothing and get ready in Sam’s room.”
You sat up, pulling one of your knees to your chest, “Dean Winchester I live and breathe, getting ready for a holiday dinner like a proper man. You asked me who I was, now I’m wondering the same thing about you.”
He shrugged, backing up with some clothing in hand from his closet, “I’ve got to impress.”
You pulled yourself up, “And who might that be?”
He gave you a coy smile, “You know, my mom being back and all. Got to be on my best behavior.”
“Make sense,” you leaned on the door, “Hope you don’t mind if I use your bed, I could use a cat nap and such.”
He looked at your lips before glancing at his bed. This was usually how you both worked, casually flirting and no action. This is what worked best for you both, no complications, “What is mine is yours,” he whispered.
You sent him a wink before gently closing the door. And you did in fact take a cat nap before you showered and got ready. Dean’s bed smelled like him, you imagined it felt like him to – if that made sense.
Walking out into the bunker’s main area, hunters were spread around drinking and laughing. It felt right, and you’ve always been far from normal, but this felt right.
Dean caught sight of you first, “Lord have mercy,” he whispered, not realizing he said it out loud. Sam tried to trace his stare and caught sight of you.
“Wow,” Sam grinned, “You ever see that woman in a dress,” he asked acting shocked.  
Mary looked to where both her boys were looking at, “Did one of my son’s bring a date?”
Shaking his head, not looking amused, Dean answered, “No. She acted like it was normal eating chocolate alone for the holidays. So, we invited her to spend time with us.”
“Her name is Y/N,” Castiel popped up out of nowhere, “Dean gets agitated when we mention their interactions. Like how he gets flushed when she flirtatious or how annoyed he gets when someone else,” Dean’s hand and grumble stopped Cas from continuing.
Mary watched Dean before straightening up, “I think I’ll go introduce myself.”
“No mom,” he tried to stop her, but she was already on her way. He rolled his eyes, spinning around to look the other way.
Sam leaned over to his brother, who was watching the interaction between his mother and Y/N. She looked and acted like a different person, “Are we even sure that’s the real Y/N? The lady is wearing heels and I just saw her hug our mother.”
Dean looked over his shoulder. He was cringing wondering what they were talking about, before he popped, “That’s it. I can’t take it,” he chugged his beer before making a beeline to the pair.
“Dean,” you smile, “Your mom was just telling me the time you nearly killed your brother. I tried to tell her that was most of your teenage years.”
He squinted at you, but before he could say anything his mother interrupted, “Dean, I had hoped your father taught you better manners. Get the woman a drink,” she slapped him. You giggled, watching Dean stare for a second before rolling his eyes and stomping off.
When he returned with a beer, you had made your way towards the row of books. Mary sent him a wink, clearly getting her seal of approval. He cleared his throat when he got to you, grabbing your attention, “Beer,” he handed you, “Hope that is alright.”
You nod, grabbing it from him and taking a sip, “I like the Santa hat,” you point up to his head, “It’s very becoming on you.”
His grin grew, “Thought you might like it.” He took the time to check you out, top to bottom. That was alright because you were doing the same, “Where did you get the dress? Steal it,” he joked.
“Honestly,” you smile, leaning against the table, “I’ve had this dress a long time. I just never had the chance to wear it. No one to show off for.”
He walked next to you, spinning to lean on the table as well, “Christmas is a good reason to show off, especially with your Santa kink.”
“Ha. Ha,” Dean chuckled at your sarcastic reply, “You know, I still think eating chocolate alone on the holidays is normal. So it’s not the holidays I’m trying to impress.”
Dean moved forward, placing his beer down on the table, “Speaking of, I got you something,” he moved to grab something. You couldn’t stop him before he was pack with some box wrapped.
“How could you possibly know you’d see me for the holidays,” you look up at him curious, wondering what he was up to.
“Man has got to be prepared,” he shrugged.
You sent him the greatest smile he had ever seen, then you looked down and opened it. Your laugh grabbed everyone’s attention, “Chocolate,” you say amused.
“Sexy chocolate,” he smirked back at you, sipping some more of his whiskey. He was rather impressed with himself, “I drew pictures and everything.”
You bit you lip, trying to hold back more laughter, “I’m speechless Dean, you clearly put some thought into this gift.” You put it down on the table next to you, “I didn’t get you anything.”
He shook his head, “Not necessary, it was just nice having you around again,” he tapped you on the arm, “Come on, I want you to meet some people.”
The rest of the evening trickled away with conversations, drinking, and laughter. It felt completely right to be here with this company. You forgot what it was like to be normal with people and talk about intimate and personal conversations. It was especially nice to be close to Dean again, he was always making small gestures that got your attention. It probably meant nothing, but it was slowly driving you crazy. A throat clearing caught your attention, “It’s officially Christmas, Merry Christmas.”
Everyone cheered, including yourself, “Oh hold on,” Mary said over the group, “Looks like someone is under the mistletoe,” she smirked. Everyone searched around, and you just look up. There was indeed two people under a mistletoe and it was you and one Dean Winchester, “Got to kiss you two.”
Dean just rolled his eyes and acted annoyed. You were rather enjoying the moment, so you just grabbed him by the collar and everyone cheered. Not a second into the kiss, Dean was pulling you closer, and getting a deeper kiss. You heart hammered in your chest and you nearly forgot people were around, especially when Mary gestured for people to leave you both go. Dean pulled away breathing heavy, but still holding you close, “Think that’s the best Christmas present I ever got,” he whispered to you. You started to walk backwards slowly, still holding eye contact with Dean, “Where you going?”
“You want to unwrap another present,” you whisper, sending him a wink, “I think I’m going to go to your room. I’m going to bring my chocolates. Why don’t you bring that hat?”
He got flushed, smiling at you before walking towards you like you were prey. With one last wink, you skipped down the hallway before Dean looked up to the room smiling, “Best Christmas Ever,” before causally walking down to his room.
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