#i think all the posts i have queued on my art blog is oc art so ig i will let them be posted anyway lol
malkaviian · 1 year
me: i am cringe, but i am FREE.
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miawstic · 11 months
oh hey!
it's me! I'm back!
lots of folks are flocking over from twitter right now, so now seems like a good time to start again for myself as well—though I've actually been thinking about starting again for a long time now. a lot has changed in my life and in return I've changed a lot about this blog, so I'll be talking about it all for a bit.
there'll be a tl;dr at the bottom if you don't feel like reading it all, but I'd appreciate if you did!
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so, hey. I thought for a long time about what to do with this account. this place spawned and held a lot of memories of people who did me wrong and the mistakes I'd made, and it was bad enough for a while that I just didn't want to look at it at all.
it took a long time to accept what happened to me and that it shouldn't have happened, and that I shouldn't be protecting and supporting the people who were involved anymore. but, yeah, I think I was kinda groomed. that sucks, and I won't go into details about it. I'm thankful to have the clarity I have now as an adult to come to terms with it.
I considered wiping this account entirely and moving to a new account—both to try to erase what happened and to have a more appropriate place to house the new type of content I've moved onto. but, I've had this account since the day I turned 13. I'm 22 now. it's been my home and I'm not letting any assholes' influence taint it and take it away from me. also, I can post what I want, lol.
that all being said, though, I have updated the look of this this place to match my current tastes! I'd like to do even more, but I'll need to draw stuff to do that. so, while this blog has already been hugely overhauled, it'll continue to be a work in progress until I get the time to make some assets for it. I also wiped a large chunk of my old posts because, frankly, nobody needs to see all of that. and, y'know, memories of being groomed and all that, lol. I'd like to totally redo my about as well—maybe make a new one entirely somewhere else?
speaking of Blogs and Posting, I should probably let you all know that I'm not going to be posting anymore megaman content anymore—neither through my own posts nor reblogs. I've grown out of that fanbase, and I think it's time to move on for everyone's sake. if that disappoints you, I'm sorry, but also, I'm not sorry because this is the best thing for me. I don't need it anymore, but I'm grateful for all the growing I did while being into it. you're entirely welcome to leave if cookie run and my ocs aren't your jam—thanks for staying with me all this time! and to those who choose to stay regardless, you have my whole heart. thank you to both!
I can't say how often I'll be posting here, as I've gotten a lot of things in my life now that eat up my time (this is a good thing, in my teenage years I would've never imagined having the responsibilities I have now!). on top of two jobs, I also co-own the cookie run kingdom wiki now! managing and improving that place takes a LOT of my time, seriously. it's made me slow down significantly in making my art, but that's alright—I seriously love it there, and I've met so many amazing people and built a lot of other skills from being there. like coding! I can do that now! I'm responsible for coding and designing a very big portion of the templates and extra styling on there, and I'm very, very proud of it! being a representative of the wiki, you can always feel free to ask me about the site, its policies, etc. here. also, I'll probably be going back to school soon...
but anyways, oh yeah, art. I've got a pretty good backlog of completed drawings that I'll be posting to here. I'll be queuing the posts to come out at probably a rate of one a day until they're up, though. no more posting 7 pieces in one day and posting the next in 3 months (at least for now 🤔). like I said, I don't have a ton of time to draw constantly like I used to, but I'll do what I can in making more in the future. as for what I'll be drawing, I mean, probably cookie run. maybe some ocs though, because I've got a few ideas. maybe things from my other interests? we'll see! I've also been sculpting a lot, actually...
and yeah, don't let the seriousness of this post fool you; I'll certainly still be reblogging dumb, non-serious posts like I always did. fixing up the look of the blog itself is enough professionalism I think 😵‍ also! I'll be letting up on all the trigger warning tags I had used in the past—scopophobia, animals, food, that kind of thing—because I've literally never been asked to tag anything like that. I mean, feel free to let me know if you do need things like those tagged, but, starting now, I'm going to take it a little easier with the tags. very common triggers (blood, abuse, so on) will still be tagged, of course.
I think that's it? yeah. nice to be here again, it's much more relaxed and individualized than twitter! I think I almost felt intimidated by tumblr for a long time since it almost feels like posts need to have more "purpose" than tweeting on twitter. but, like, I'm older and give less of a shit now. my house, I post silly thing.
thanks for reading if you did! here's your tl;dr:
I've deleted the majority of my old posts and revamped the look and theming of my blog to have a fresh start, to cut rotten ties, and to have a place that suits my current self. also so I don't have to be embarrassed every time I post.
no more megaman! in terms of art, it'll be cookie run and maybe some ocs, or whatever else. art won't be frequent, though, because I'm always busy with work and the crk wiki.
I'll be posting my backlog of completed art over the next few days.
I'm no longer tagging the more specific trigger tags like scopophobia (unless you really want me to???).
you should commission dani.
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tekatonic · 1 year
2023 blog update !
Sooo happy new year everyone, and let's get into the thick of it, because I have a lot of words to spew out from my little tired brain ( i swear i started writing this at 4am, how's it past 6 already ? ). Beware long post...
I'm ditching the "sonic fandom" categorizing tag, most of my blog is sonic stuff so it doesn't really matter ( i'll change out the old tag on my old posts later when i remember... )
I wanted to change my url, cause i don't like what it stands for now, but it's what I'm credited as in the SWA zine and i don't wanna inconvenience them this late in the thing, so I'm gonna keep it for the time being. Maybe in a few months I'll change it ?
I kinda hate tagging my posts so i think i'm gonna stop using most of my tags when i'm reblogging, just doing my regular comments instead and content warnings if it needs it ( don't forget you can always ask to tag ! ), and of course, the reblog tag stays.
This doesn't mean I'm ditching the categorizing tags entirely though. I'm gonna try something. At every end of the month I'll go into the mass post editor and just correctly tag everything. ( I might still tag characters and fandoms the regular way for non-sonic stuff ).
I might reblog a little less. Or at least try to. The amount of stuff I usually reblog kind of overwhelms me ( sideblog will not be affected as it's a lot less pressure ).
I have a lot saved up in my likes tab that i still need to get to reblogging... might be time to revive the 'queued' tag ?
I'm still gonna be serial-replying, sorry... It's just less stress for me.
In terms of resolutions... I wanna post more art ! I basically stopped entirely in the later half of 2022 cause of ID anxiety and that's no good, art is what i made this blog for ! I also still haven't introduced you guys to my AU and I was supposed to do that in, like, June 2022... So I'm gonna do that. Lemme know what format you think I should post the 24 ( and more ) images in ? ^^;
Maybe I could post my long rambles and weird ""essays"" ( heavy quotations because those are basically liveblogging of my current thoughts ), if you guys would like to see that. A lot of questioning logic, lore, headcanons and theories. Stuff like that.
I want to interact more with the fandom ! Provide actual content ! Be active, be friends, y'know. Do the club activities and all that jazz. Art challenges, redraws, collabs, whiteboards, dtiys... I wanna be part of the cool/uncool kids and have fun while doing it !
I'm gonna go through sideblog-exclusive stuff below the cut since I'm sure most of y'all don't care about that. I only have 3 or 4 followers on there since I've only ever shared it with friends, so you probably don't even know it exists.
Alright so for ekana-to-hana.
It's basically gonna stay the same
I haven't been drawing my sonas and their universe a lot, so sorry about no new original art... I'm gonna try to draw them more !
All this time I've been just reblogging random stuff, but I think I'm gonna start sharing the things I like. Of course those posts won't get any more than 3 notes unless people actually like what i care about ( plants, fashion, ultra-specific aesthetics, various potential craft hobbies ), but hey whatever.
So in short, more original posts.
I might ( emphasis on 'might' ) start posting personal life updates like, i dunno, plant pics, merch if i get some, ramblings about life and shit.
Unlike my main blog, tagging remains unchanged, since i have way less to organize ( no characters and fandom tags ).
I should sort out my organizing tags for personal clarity tho.
Maybe I'll do some OC+fandom art, to promote the account ? But honestly I wouldn't really count on it.
And that's all folks.
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synoicus · 2 years
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Hi there! I’m Andrew (or Quail), hobbyist digital artist, college grad, and birdliker. I mostly work with character designs. I primarily use this blog to prattle and reblog art I like- I’m a bit of an inconsistent poster when it comes to my own stuff, but I’m doing my best! Here’s my most commonly used tags:
Andraws - Drawings, illustrations, pretty much the bulk of my work I decide to post.
Quailchatter - Talking! Pretty much me talking.
Quailguys - My oc art tag/possibly my oc tag in general. Guys I think about and maybe will post On Line.
Bird Tag - Like I’ve said above, I like birds! Bird tag is my dedicated... Well, bird tag that includes all sorts of bird related things.
Here’s some other links/important info:
Personal site - I’ve got more links here, plus more if that piques your interest; alternatively if you’re on PC you can also see my in-blog about!
Dedicated Artblog - Art only!
I tag things that may need content warnings with cw in front of the subject (eg; cw bright colours).
A solid 45% or so of my reblogs are scheduled posts, I don’t tag anything that’s queued or scheduled. Surprise! Post.
If your entire personality is some variant of ‘I am problematic’ and/or getting into online fights with other people, please leave me alone, I don’t have the time nor energy to entertain that. This includes facists, racists, terfs, etc.
I’ll update this as I go, but yeah! That’s pretty much the bulk of it. Thanks for visiting!
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dynamo-deepblue · 5 months
Hi all. I've been talking about reviving this account several times without much success, but I think I needed to have a plan in place before doing that. I think I have one now.
First, my blog appearance needs to be updated since I haven't done much to make it look nice, and I'm no longer using November (the brown gryphon) as my main character. I have a new character in her place that I'm using who is my new fursona now, who I will be showing and drawing more of.
Second, 99% of my posts here are commissions and ngl I'm not happy with this whatsoever. I've decided I will simply post recent art that I like, and some of it will be commissions but I want to post more current art of OCs, my interests and merch as well. I will be deleting a lot of my posts, or reposting commissions I like, but I don't want them to be my entire Tumblr. I am still open for commissions though, because I always need funds and currently don't have the audience to make the income I need to not struggle financially like I have been for a while now.
Third, I've been primarily known as a Splatoon artist, at least on Twitter, since 2017 and this has skewed my audience heavily in that direction. I do still love Splatoon dgmw, but I'm not really happy with this because it has left me little room to expand my reach with anything else. I feel pigeonholed into drawing for this one fandom and constantly feel like if I'm not drawing Splatoon that it's not worth showing. I want to show off more of my other interests, especially with furry art, which is my favorite thing to draw above anything else. So I want my blog here, like I'm trying to do now with Twitter, to reflect this. So like, 60% furry art and 40% fan art is my goal for right now.
I also have some other plans as far as my social media but I really like Tumblr. Always have, so I'm going to focus on that first.
Thanks for understanding, and hoping to interact and post here more! I'll try to get some posts queued soon and find more fulfillment with my art while I try to stay afloat.
Find me also at:
Twitter: DynamoDeepblue
Bsky: DynamoDeepblue
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butchtoads · 1 year
BYF: adults only on this account please! Dont follow if youre a minor. Thank you!
ART SIDE BLOG: @the-feeling-of-being-watched
humor, memes, and general things that make me smile that don't fit here: @ieatglass69
Angels side blog: @many-eyed-angels
References, useful info: @my-ref-corner
More info below on how this account is organized.
• please only follow if you're an adult.
• Message me if you need something tagged. I currently tag #FNAF ruin spoilers and #suggestive cw
• I like posts to keep put them in my liked posts for sorting, when I reblog your post I'll probably unlike it so I can keep sorting without having to soft through posts I've already reblogged first. This also means I eventually unlike personal posts for the same reason since those aren't for reblogging! Nothing personal, just my sorting system that works with my silly little fussy brain.
• I also put most posts into my queue. I have decided to permanently keep it set at 15 posts a day so this means it might take a while for it to get posted as I have approx 200 posts queued as of writing this. I'm trying to catch up on a backlog of 10,000 liked posts from when I was going through a particularly bad depressive episode that lasted the last few years (still depressed, just better managed). I no longer tag queued posts.
Tagging systems:
All series are tagged as their titles for the most part, and I try to use FULL character names to avoid having different characters with the same name in one tag. Sometimes it can't be helped as I don't want to have tags as character name series title. I just don't like how it looks. I try to tag animals and insects specifically as well in descending order in increasing specificity from animal/insect to type of beast, to subtype, to the specific name of the beast.
Favorite posts go to #fav
Top favorites go to #fav fav fav
Eyes go to #look at the sky. It's looking back
Robots,computers, technology go to #metal skeletons electric veins
Technological horror: #the maze is sharp on my mind
Stories are tagged as #tell me a story.
For bad brain times: #in case of emergency
Misc: #meat #clowns #wizards #stim stuff #items #happy tag #inspiration
I tag self insert and au content as such so it can be filtered. One part of me prefers canon but there's also a part of me that can't bear to part from this type of content so I will let the soft animal of my body do as it wishes.
I also tend to tag things that feel appropriate for each Magnus archives fear as them (except for the Eye as my fixation on eye imagery is far older than my interest in TMA, though in it's honor I named my eye tag after a TMA quote as you might see), as well as tagging things for my OCs. I won't share those tags since I don't talk about them and I don't think anyone would be interested.
My personal posts tag is #grays matters.
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overtrolled · 1 year
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I posted 3,388 times in 2022
That's 943 more posts than 2021!
335 posts created (10%)
3,053 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,015 of my posts in 2022
Only 11% of my posts had no tags
#queued - 826 posts
#lol - 350 posts
#rose lalonde - 279 posts
#art tag - 273 posts
#karkat vantas - 248 posts
#kanaya maryam - 235 posts
#vriska serket - 213 posts
#dave strider - 200 posts
#jade harley - 157 posts
#john egbert - 144 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#my favorite dirkjake is the one where dirk has to get ritually decapitated every year or the world is plunged into winter without end
My Top Posts in 2022:
blushing is a very convenient visual shorthand for embarrassment or attraction, so i understand why it shows up in more cartoony, stylistic art, regardless of whether it makes sense that a character’s blush would be visible (would a snake person with scaly skin blush pink? probably not but whatever!). but i find it mildly annoying when, in a written story, characters with skin more opaque than my own visibly blush when i do not. i’m not even that dark, in the scale of shades that people come in, yet my blush is not really something someone would spot.
In a halfhearted rebellion to this, when I write characters blushing, I tend to avoid mentioning anything about the appearance of the flushed skin unless the character is canonically pale-skinned. This self imposed restriction has led me to think more about the sensation of blushing; how it feels to blush rather than how it looks. It also has its challenges; if the blusher is not the viewpoint character, how do i convey their feelings to the audience? (body language and expression, usually) can the other viewpoint characters tell, if there is no obvious signifier (yes, provided they know can interpret the body language/expressions) all in all i think my writing is stronger for it. i wonder what other restrictions could elevate my writing?
147 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
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a doodle I made in reference to this alchemical drawing of the green lion devouring the sun
195 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
people use the term ‘self-insert’ to suggest that an oc is essentially “[author] except cooler”, and i see some positivity posts these days saying such things are cathartic and harmless fun. but i’ve never really made a character like that, even in high school. instead my novice writer thing was creating a world where all of the characters have my perspectives or interests or values. like in my teenage wish fulfillment writing there wasn’t a mary sue but everyone inexplicably thought linguistics is super interesting and would be easy for me to get along with if they were real, even if this did not really reflect canon characterization very well.
214 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
Vriska being the image of womanhood that cracks June's egg is the sort of ego-stroking thing Vriska would believe, which makes me think that it isn't true.
355 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
when john enters the game he’s a weenie who almost dies fighting an imp wielding a stuffed bunny even though he had a hammer. when rose enters the game she’s like okay it’s time for me to wade through an ocean of corpses i’ve got two knitting needles and i’m going to be unto these monsters a new doom marine
1,748 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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arrthurpendragon · 3 years
OC Community Building Stuff
 I’ve been researching how to make communities work and pondering how to apply practices to the OC Community for a few weeks now..  I’m gonna say some things that not everyone will agree with.  You’re more than welcome to unfollow me, but please don’t send me hate.
What helps make a strong community? Or make a community work? Literally the first thing you Google will tell you:
Team Outings
Fitness / Sports Teams
Purpose-designed spaces
I’ve been in the community for awhile now and I’ll give you my take on things.  It doesn’t mean that it is the only take on the piece, but here’s what I’ve noticed in my nearly 7 years here on Tumblr.
1. Recognition - everyone reblogs those posts that say you should “reblog people’s art/fics” But from what I’ve seen, most people never take that to heart and put the work in themselves. Some expect people to see that post and then to reblog their stuff. But it’s a two-way street. People then will complain that it shouldn’t be tit-for-tat but what world have you been living in? Most things come at a price. For most people (in case you haven’t noticed, life isn’t always fair), you have to put in what you want out of it.
How to fix this issue? Reblog people’s stuff.  I have met people out there who are more willing to reblog my stuff because I reblog their stuff. Like people’s stuff.  Review people’s fics.  Send them asks.  Follow random new blogs that seem OC they will likely follow you back (I know for fact this is true. Not everyone but many) 
You have to help foster the experience you want. If you want recognition, try your hardest to recognize others.
2. Team Outings - I think this is one thing some people are already doing in a sense.  Giveaways. Read & Reviews. Review exchanges. I think our problem is that we are burning out the people who take the time to do this for the communities.
How do we fix this issue? Host a giveaway or exchange.  Spread it around so that we aren’t burning out our OC community friends.  Maybe you can’t make graphics, that’s okay!  You can still host and see all the cool things.  OR host a review exchange. The more events that different people make, the more people that can feel welcome.  Maybe one person isn’t comfortable with person A but they are with person B - it’s not competition - it’s just another opportunity.
MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE PEOPLE HOSTING! it doesn’t hurt you to say thank you.  As someone who hosts quite frequently the number of people who don’t say thank you is astonishing and usually those are the people who tend to ask and ask and ask.  
Make sure people know they are appreciated! I rarely - RARELY felt appreciated when queuing stuff for ocappreciation.  Most people would come to be like “you made a mistake” but not realizing that fingers slip, that people try their best, that people don’t put information on the post and I have to guess.  But I RARELY got a thank you for reblogging the posts.  People just expected it because it was tagged, like they were entitled to ocappreciation - hence why I stepped back several times.  (May try to restart it again, but I digress)
3. Fitness / Sports Teams - This one was a bit harder to qualify in the OC community, I’ll fully admit. BUT what it boils down to is a people you like to spend your time with. These are called friends. Do you work out with every person in your acquaintance? No.  Just because you aren’t in a “friend group” doesn’t mean it’s exclusive. Honestly, for the most part if you approach someone in the community, they’ll reciprocate. But again, everyone expects someone to recognize them struggling.  Imma be honest, I haven’t felt like I’ve had “close friends’ here on Tumblr until maybe the past year or two and I’ve been here for almost 7 years. You don’t always find your niche right away. But I don’t hold any malice or hate toward anyone.  Anyone is welcome to approach me.
How do we fix this issue? Be patient and try to find your people. You might not “fit in” with a certain group and THAT’S OKAY!  They don’t have to be your besties, they can be acquaintances that you are nice to.  That’s how it works in real life too. Don’t expect everyone to be your best friend. But stilll be kind to people and respect other people. If you want to be friends with someone because you think they’re cool - reach out to them. Chances are, they might be looking for a friend too, but a lot of us are introverts are afraid to make the first move.  Someone’s gotta make it - or everyone is gonna be miserable.
4. Volunteering - I feel I covered most of this heavily in #1 & 2. Randomly go review someone’s fic without prompting. Send them an ask (it can even be on anon) Reblog other people’s stuff. Join a discord group. Thanks people. Host a giveaway or exchange. It takes everyone to build a community.
5 Purpose-designed spaces -  There are SO many oc blogs, whether is is ocappreciation, allaboutocs, or other fandom-related blogs...
*side note interact with those blogs too so people know they aren’t wasting their time reblogging and queueing stuff because it can be burdensome*
There are also Discord groups - you just gotta find them. Maybe if you read this and have an OC discord group, just say in the notes that you have one if people are welcome to join.
In conclusion, to improve this community there is something almost everyone in the community can work to strive to do better.  But we can’t let only a few people be the ones to do all the work and then burn out.
If you’re fed up with “the community” then try to help fix it instead of complaining about it.  I bet if we worked on these 5 things, we could make the OC Community a better place.
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haunted-house-heart · 2 years
ok finally making an intro to pin <3
you can call me emery or ghost, or if you know my other names you can use those too! my pronouns are they/it. i’m autistic, queer, nonbinary, demibiro, and ace <3
you can also find me on ao3 (starry_eyed_knight) and tiktok (starry_eyed_ghost)
read more for blog info <3
i do check every blog that follows me. i do rb things that are nsft sometimes so keep that in mind if you follow. (if i follow you and you’re under 18 and don’t want an adult following you please let me know or block me, i won’t be offended)
i won’t put a big dni list bc who the fuck is going to say “oh i’m racist so i’ll be respectful and won’t interact” anyway?? but just know that if you’re any sort of bigot/terf/exclusionist/etc you’ll be blocked.
harry potter fans fuck off
moving on! some important info:
i use tone tags, feel free to ask if you don’t understand one.
you can always ask to tag, though i may not always remember to and i do have the right to say no.
for instance, in the sanders sides fandom, i will tag individual characters (ex: remus sanders) but i won’t use a bunch of tw tags for them (ex: tw remus, dukedontlook,etc) as tagging their name will filter the posts just fine.
i do my best to add image descriptions to my own posts and to undescribed posts as well (though admittedly not as often) but if i forget you can remind me or offer kind constructive criticism for my ids.
i tag all gifs as #gif, and do my best to tag flashing gifs as #tw flashing gif, however if i miss one or you think there’s a more effective way to tag those, please let me know.
tagging info:
personal posts: #emery.exe
favorite posts: #👑
things that i relate to: #me core
writing: #emery.txt
all non-writing art/crafts: #rose's creative corner
current projects' updates (finished pieces will also be posted under the craft tag): #poe's projects
asks: #emery’s asks
posts about my cats: #cat shenanigans
posts about my ocs: #poe's ocs #peregrine odell #jack b nimble
other people’s fanart: #emery’s fanart faves
other people’s fanfic: #emery’s fic recs
queued posts: #emery’s queue
asks/convos w friends: #friend tag!
videos: #video
music: #music
moths <3
punk things (check out my project tag for battle jacket updates!)
fandom list:
welcome to night vale
the raven cycle
the adventure zone
watcher/buzzfeed unsolved supernatural
sanders sides
six of crows
the witcher
death by dying
the strange case of starship iris
station arcadia
hades game
animal crossing new horizons
hollow knight
stardew valley
disco elysium
the penumbra podcast (i don't interact with the fandom due to issues w the creators of the pod but feel free to send me asks or dms to talk about juno steel)
percy jackson (and the related series)
some of those i almost never post about but feel free to send me asks about them^^ this also isn't a complete list it's mainly just the things you may run across on my blog
i absolutely Love getting asks ! i reblog ask games a lot, feel free to send asks from those, or just ask questions or tell me random things! it doesn’t matter i just crave interaction <33
i may edit this later but for now i think this is all! have fun <3
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finweanladiesweek · 2 years
Frequently Asked Questions
(This is the mobile app accessible version of this page. Please do not reblog this post.)
What is Finwëan Ladies Week? This is a week-long event celebrating the ladies of the line of Finwë! There have been events within the Silmarillion fandom focused on the sons of Finwë and their descendants, and to add to the fun this week was established to give his wives, daughters, and other female descendants their own time to shine.
When is Finwëan Ladies Week? Finwëan Ladies Week will run September 19-25, 2022. The first event ran September 15-21, 2019, the second event ran October 5-11, 2020, and the third event ran October 4-10, 2021.
Who counts as a “Finwëan lady”? The obvious answers are any of Finwë’s female relatives, but we welcome out-of-the-box fan theories about how a canon character could be related to Finwë as well as original characters and the incorporation of non-canonical characters. Basically, if you think your character counts as Finwëan, we’re excited to boost your content!
Okay, that answers the “Finwëan” part, but what about “lady”? Good question! As long as the character (or your interpretation of the character) has a connection to womanhood, however you want to interpret that, they’re eligible for inclusion. The creator of this event is trans/nonbinary, and encourages you explore trans headcanons, genderbending, and other ways of exploring gender within fanworks, if that’s something you want to do!
How do I participate? In any way you want! We accept art, fic, meta, graphics, gifs, headcanons—pretty much any fan creation you can think of! There are optional prompts for each day, but feel free to let your imagination run wild. You can submit your work directly to this blog or make an original post on your own blog with #finweanladiesweek in the first 20 tags (minus the hashtag) AND @mentioning this blog. You can also send DM a mod with a link to your submission.
Do I have to participate every day? Nope! You can participate as many times as you want to, whether that means submitting one creation or 20 or just consuming other people’s content. We are happy to have you here no matter how involved you want to be!
What if I don’t like the prompts? Then don’t use them! The prompts are there to inspire you, not to restrict your creativity. We accept all kinds of content, related to the prompts or not.
Can I contribute an in-progress work? Yes! You can contribute whatever kind of fanwork you want, even if it’s not finished. We want to inspire you to create content about the Finwëan ladies, and if that means you continue on with it after the event is over, that’s great! Additionally, if your work is already in-progress and you want to update it or promo it during the week, that is also encouraged, so other people can find and consume your content!
What if I don’t finish my fanwork in time for the event? Feel free to post what you have and tag us anyway—we accept in-progress works! Alternatively, tag the blog whenever you are finished and ready to post it—we will be happy to promote it even outside the event.
Can I focus my fanwork on OCs? Absolutely! We are OC-friendly—especially since we don’t have names for a lot of these ladies! We even have a day dedicated to your original characters, whether they have basis in canon or not.
Why haven’t you reblogged my post? Posts are queued as the mods encounter them! Your post should be reblogged within 24 hours or so. If you see a like on your post from either mod @arofili or @elesianne, your post is probably in the queue! If it’s been 24 hours and you don’t see a like and your post hasn’t been reblogged, we may have missed it—feel free to send it to us or ask us if we’ve seen it! We want to boost your content, but tumblr’s tagging and @ing mechanisms can be faulty.
Is there an AO3 collection for the event? Yes! You can find it here. [Note: this is for last year’s event. For the upcoming 2022 event, we do not yet have an AO3 collection set up.]
Are there any other rules? Only a few!
Do not repost content by other creators without their explicit permission.
Respect other people’s headcanons and interpretations, even if you don’t share them.
Content and creators espousing radical feminism in any form are not allowed to participate.
Other forms of bigotry are also not allowed. Please check our sister event Tolkien Gen Week’s Code of Conduct page for a more expansive list on this topic.
Violation of these rules will result in you being blocked.
I have another question… Contact us via an ask, or reach out to the creator @arofili on their own blog :)
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starwolf-has-moved · 3 years
Please read before you follow!
^^ mainly just read the dni if the posts too long
They/them, please! She/her or he/him if we're friends.
Adults CAN follow!
On that point, nsfw blogs if i think youre a porn bot you'll probably be blocked.... Sorry
You can call me Star or Starwolf :)
Im almost always on mobile so formatting on things might be weird
I love getting interaction! Tag me in stuff, send me asks, whatever! I dont mind like spam!
Mutuals can dm me for my discord info :)
Asexual biromantic, male preference? (Am I using this right)
If you see someone called 'spacewolftc' watching your twitch stream its probably me :)
Likely ADHD
Current fandoms include: Danganronpa, Demon Slayer, RWBY, FMA:B, Haikyuu, Blue Exorcist, Jujutsu Kaisen, Black Clover, Genshin Impact, and more!
My blog content includes: art, world events, donation posts, positivity, pride, life tips, art tips, and more.
If, for whatever reason, you ever want to unfollow, feel free. Dont like my vibes? Dont like what i post? I really dont mind if you unfollow. Dont stay because you feel 'obligated' or anything, its your internet experience and you should curate it how you like.
Transphobes/TERFs/gender-critical, etc.
Pedophilia/incest shipper
Ship adopted siblings (yes that counts as incest, no i dont take criticism)
Anti-BLM/"All lives matter"
Anti stop Asian hate
Trump supporter
Sexist/misogynistic, etc.
Unironically make "all men are trash" jokes, etc.
Anti self diagnosis
Are part of the following fandoms without at least acknowledging their or the creators problems:
Attack on titan
Im aware that DNIs dont really work, mostly I just have one so people know where I stand on things. Please send me an ask or dm if you think i should add something to the info/dni! Also let me know if i ever follow or reblog from someone in my dni.
If you ever need me to tag something, send me an ask or dm and i will gladly do it. Anon is on!
Other info/navigation
I mostly reblog posts, but my oc posts are tagged #not a reblog. Posts where I talk are tagged with #star talks, and posts where I talk in the tags are tagged #tag talks. Asks are tagged #got an ask. Posts that are not queued are tagged #not q. I also tag any art that is reblogged on main with #art. On the rare occasion i post or reblog something about/featuring a ship, its tagged #not to be shippy on main but. All of my posts are fine to reblog unless i tag them with #dont reblog.
Other things i try to tag: anything that tells you ar asks you to reblog a post (even posts that are like "reblog to give the person you reblogged from [x]" as: #reblog bait, #rb bait, #reblog bait tw, #rb bait tw. Long posts: #long post, #long post tw, and occasionally #long post cw, hospital and medical imagery as: #hospital imagery tw, #medical imagery tw, death mentions, animal death mentions, graphic gore or graphic descriptions of violence etc., eyestrain and flashing gifs, graphic or semi-graphic depictuons of abuse, animal harm, severe racism and transphobia etc.
**that list is not extensive and sometimes I forget to tag stuff.
@starwolfreblogsart is my sideblog where I reblog art and stuff
I have other sideblogs but they're not listed cause I'm never active on any of em anymore lmao
This post will be edited as the dni changes/new info is added
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the-scarecrxw · 3 years
well, for anyone interested in my 18+ content that's NOT Gotham, I now have a general nsft blog. it's mostly like... horny posts and rbs for now but I've queued up all my nsft oc content; art to post twice a night day until it runs out and I think I'll start finishing off and posting my writings soon too.
it's @monsters-breed-ftm, heed my pinned please
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Info, tags, side blogs
This blog is a mess, check them out (or not, go wild, who am I to stop you. Would be cool if you did, though! Some stuff here‘s a bit important, so if something here comes back to bite you don’t say I didn’t warn ya!)
General info:
-if I follow positively interact with someone questionable, please tell me why they are questionable and I will block them
-DNI list here (not that the people you’d want to ni would actually care in most cases, but still. These are here for you, not for me, so please don‘t fill the inbox cuz you didn‘t like what you saw here!)
-Posts are sometimes queued, no queue tag tho.
-Don’t really reblog donation posts. Sorry.
-I generally refer to people as pals, no matter if we actually know each other or not. If you’d rather not be called pal/buddy/friend/etc, and instead prefer something else/nothing, please say so.
-the blog description is accurate. There will be lots of posts and they WILL mostly be random thoughts. Yea
-I don’t live in the US ; in fact, I live on the other side of the planet (Hi! :D) so while (I like to think) I‘m pretty fluid in English 95% of the time, there might be some grammatical mistakes (as well as cultural diferences!) in this blog
-time zones are funky but so is my sleep schedule, and they somehow manage to cancel out each other most of the time.
-social skills are not unlocked yet. So if I happen to talk too much in the tags/about myself/too directly, or can’t keep up a conversation, I swear it’s not intentional. Feel free to call me out on it (kindly)!
-if ya need something to be translated from/into German for whatever reason I can provide
-if ya need vaguely Mediterranean to Middle Eastern food recommendations, I can also provide!
-if ya wanna see something under a super old microscope, I can especially provide! (Seriously. Please ask me to look at stuff under a microscope)
Tags on Posts:
-reboggels: reblogs
-another anon ask: anonymous asks. (99% aren’t actually asks but they’re sent via ask button into the ask box so. y‘know).
-toastshark rambles: used to be toastshark lore before I changed to this one cuz it’s more generalized. Random rambles that aren’t specifically irl stuff, I guess…?
-original character do not steal [tm]. My oc tag across all blogs. Yeaaa I‘m one of those people.
-ingame journal entry [number]: little reaction summaries of new/old games I play. A list of all games and their tags is here. its toast plays [game in question] now!
-bhts recommends: stuff I think is way too underrated/unknown/I just think is neat. Seriously check some of these out please
-pixel doodle: Pixelart made by someone whose only experience is loving games of the art style and watching too many YouTube tutorials, using mostly dotpict. (if you see stuff from this blog on an account called [InsertName], that’s mine!)
-​another day in the life of a toadshark: irl-posting
-cheese saga: the adventures of Cheese the moth that woke me up by flying into my face at 3am, and all the other lil moth pals that have since come to visit me
everything else: mostly videogames
and also me just rambling a lot
(Lotsa tags ik but mobile doesn’t have archive)
(toastshark) (toast not toad), drawing aka main side blog. It’s not as chaotic and screamy there as in this main blog, so please go check it out. I do requests too!
tocstshark, super self indulgent sideblog to dump my oc lore. Yeaaa I‘m one of those. Sorry. Might be cringe but at least I‘m free- the tag original character do not steal [tm] is my oc tag across all blogs.
mm-in-mc, a “recreating Clocktown in Minecraft Bedrock” blog. Technically in hiatus because I can’t be bothered to important all those screenshots all the time lmao-
randomgamesIhave, a sideblog where I catalogue a bunch of random games I have on my phone because we all know how easy it is for mobile games to disappear without any warning…or just because I think they’re neat
stuffedpeppershark, zombie apocalypse diary but instead of zombies it’s plants slowly taking over my room and mind
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kiivg · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
.Thank you so much!!. I hope my new style(?) is as good, if not better, than my old one :).
.I’m just going to pretend you were a big fan of my OCs as an excuse to draw them :). Here’s a younger Telithaleira and Goddard, post him being thrown from his horse down a cliff into what is basically a bear den. It’s basically a meet-cute, right?. I’m sure elven healing is a lot better than clothing-turned-bandages, but I’m doing it for the aesthetic.  
.And, hey, KIIVG is officially one years old today, and I think I’m a much better artist than I was a year ago. I currently have 603 followers, so I’m still a little baby blog, but that doesn’t matter :). I’m queued up with art until 27/10, most of it is Chrisker... only one thing is not Chrisker and that’s.... a mystery to you all, because, no spoilers :). Oh, and I finally figured out how to record myself drawing without major crashes and things, yay, if anyone would be interested in seeing me draw(?), who knows.
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tolkiengenweek · 3 years
Frequently Asked Questions
This post is updated for 2023.
What is Tolkien Gen Week? This is a week to appreciate all of the incredible characters and relationships within Tolkien’s legendarium that fall under the broad category of “gen.” Gen content is often less visible because of the shipping-focused nature of fandom, but Tolkien’s works are full of other kinds of stories, and this week is an effort to give them the appreciation they deserve.
What is “gen content”? “Gen” is a broad category of fanwork that means “does not focus on romantic and/or sexual relationships.” Fandom is often primarily concerned with ship-related content, and gen content is almost everything that isn’t ship-focused.
When is Tolkien Gen Week? Tolkien Gen Week will run July 5-11, 2021.
How do I participate? In any way you want! We accept art, fic, meta, graphics, gifs, headcanons - pretty much any fan creation you can think of! There are optional prompts for each day, but feel free to let your imagination run wild. You can submit your work directly to this blog or make an original post on your own blog with #tolkiengenweek in the first 20 tags (minus the hashtag) AND @mentioning this blog. You can also send the mod a DM with a link to your submission.
Do I have to participate every day? Nope! You can participate as many times as you want to, whether that means submitting one creation or 20 or just consuming other people’s content. We are happy to have you here no matter how involved you want to be!
What if I don’t like the prompts? Then don’t use them! The prompts are there to inspire you, not to restrict your creativity. We accept all kinds of gen content, related to the prompts or not.
Can I contribute if my fanwork includes ____? As long as your fanwork is not romantic or sexual in nature, you are welcome to contribute it! Background relationships (including non-canon background relationships) and mentions of sex or romance are fine, as long as they are not the center of the work. If you think your work qualifies as gen, it probably is!
Does my fanwork count as gen even if I ship the characters, if they’re depicted as gen within the work? Yes! If your fanwork is not sexual or romantic in nature, even if you might see the characters involved in that context in other works, it qualifies.
Can I contribute an in-progress work? Yes! You can contribute whatever kind of fanwork you want, even if it’s not finished. We want to inspire you to create gen content, and if that means you continue on with it after the event is over, that’s great! Additionally, if your work is already in-progress and you want to update it or promo it during the week, that is also encouraged, so other people can find and consume your gen content!
What if I don’t finish my fanwork in time for the event? Feel free to post what you have and tag us anyway - we accept in-progress works! Alternatively, tag the blog whenever you are finished and ready to post it - we will be happy to promote it even outside the event.
Can I focus my fanwork on OCs? Absolutely! We are OC-friendly!
Why haven’t you reblogged my post? Posts are queued as the mod encounters them! Your post should be reblogged within 24 hours or so. If you see a like on your post from the mod @arofili, your post is in the blog’s queue! If it’s been 24 hours and you don’t see a like and your post hasn’t been reblogged, we may have missed it - feel free to send it to us or ask us if we’ve seen it! We want to boost your content, but tumblr’s tagging and @ing mechanisms can be faulty.
Is there an AO3 collection for the event? Yes! You can find it here.
I have another question… Contact us via an ask or a DM, or reach out to the mod @arofili on their own blog :)
Are there any other rules? Yes. Please check our Code of Conduct page for the rules of the event.
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recurring-polynya · 3 years
Writing/Art Update 4/16/2021
Good news, I have finished my Wacky AU drabbles. If you missed any, they are archived as Chapters 33-41 of Squad Six is Jerks, my short fiction dumping ground, which you can read on ao3 or ff.net, as you please. I did archive one of them, Dear Wormwood, separately because it was especially close to my heart (ao3 | ff.net). Thank you to everyone who sent in requests! I probably should have accepted 6 instead of 10, but I did finish them all without too much trouble. My definition of what constitutes a drabble keeps getting progressively worse, with the X-Files AU coming in the worst offender at 5500 words.
This was probably a good exercise for me in the sense that it helped me realize that I’m really tired of the cycle of write/post/anxiously wait for feedback/repeat, and that I really need to get back into my older style of writing where I just worked on whatever I felt like and assumed it would eventually condense into something publishable. I did take a few little breaks amid the drabbles and I am extremely excited to report that I have written 1 and a half scenes of the Ginrei fic that’s been giving me heartburn for a year now.
I keep saying that I’m going to rewrite most of I have, because I’m not happy with it, and I have decided I am not gonna. Maybe it’ll just be bad. Maybe I’ll hate it. Maybe I’ll come around on it, we’ll have to see. I hated Call Me Back for most of the time I was working on it, and then it just sort of came together at the end and now I love it. In any case, there are a few things I need to happen in this fic so we can move onto the next one, so it’s just gonna happen, and you’re just going to have to deal with the tennis subplot.
My plan is to bop back and forth between that and a little love and...uh...whatever else I feel like. (Tattoo Artist AU? Maybe??) I’ll probably keep up my general method of posting chapters of a little in love every time I have 2 or 3 queued up, but I think I’m going to go back to my old method of sitting on my fic until it’s all the way done. I am going to try to do these updates ~once per week and let you know what I’ve been working on.
If you follow my art blog, you’ll know that I’ve been doing a guided study of how to draw people. It’s been going well, but honestly, I am getting really tired of it, although I still have a week’s worth of assignments left to go. I’ve gotten a couple of art requests lately that are related to character design, which is something that a) I am not good at and b) it’s not a thing that really interests me. It seems like most artists really enjoy coming up with OCs and I... don’t? It always seems like something people do mostly for themselves, and it holds no interest for me, so I’ve just never bothered, but on the hand, it seems like a good set of skills to have, so I’m gonna Go For It, we’ll see how it goes. Please keep in mind that I am not cool and I have no aesthetic. All my OCs are Terry Pratchett-style uncool weirdos, so keep your expectations low.
Did you see my Advance Team Art? I was very proud of it until one hour after I posted it and realized I forgot to draw Chad’s tattoo and enough people had already reblogged it that I couldn’t fix it. I am sorry, Chad. I promise I will do better next time. I also drew Chad for his birthday. I wasn’t really happy with how it came out, but then it got way more likes than I expected, so there’s no accounting for my taste.
Askbox is open for the moment because I’ve been doing a writing commentary meme that I’m really enjoying. I’ve done a few already, but this one is a lot of fun, so please feel free to send in stuff thru the weekend. Mostly, I’ve been getting bits from Call Me Back, but I would love it if someone sent in something from my weirder writing.
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