#i might be having art block again 😰😰
jairotriesart · 1 year
So should I start oc posting or
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fatesealer505 · 1 month
I’m back ?
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Honestly, I’m not sure. I did intend on a small break for school but how long has it been since I posted? 😰 I got a 74 on my last test,, that hiatus was not worth it.
Joking aside I would very much like to return and rise again for a short while but my art block as revived with me.. But I can always try if anyone has suggestions. I have to get me some better skills for detail.
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They’re married.. sjdjsndnskdo
I have been able to keep up with Guilty Gear and Skullgirls recently, so I might try drawing more of that if not just Regretevator art (just Bive cough cough). As for Genshin.. uhhhhfhdjfkd I stopped playing a few months ago because it was too hard :( but its okay because I still love the silly characters (yes, the Diluc plush will remain as my mascot). I’ll make a separate and more serious post abt my leave 😰
(blood warning)
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Testament <333 (I will not draw like such grace like this again)
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keenzinemugstudent · 2 years
So I was literally on my phone just listening to music and suddenly I remember a fucked-up situation that had happened when I followed this artist I don't remember their name or the account but I remember that they shipped Rin and Sesshomaru so I was like oh hell no I'm not going to be following this account and it upset me cuz their art was really pretty but you know if they're drawing something you don't really like or condone might as well unfollow🤷‍♀️ and because they didn't post as much I didn't see the point of following their account anymore, and then like two days later they out of the blue sent me a message asking me "why did I unfollow her account?"
So I just told her "oh well I like your art but you're now drawing stuff that I don't like or condone so there's no point of following your account especially if you're drawing stuff I don't want to see every single day sorry🤷‍♀️"
I was respectful about it wasn't rude and she said "oh okay I understand" and with that, the message was gone I kind of felt bad cause as an artist myself I understand not having people like your art but like that's just part of life everybody is not going to like your art especially if you're trying something new. A couple of hours later she texted me again got defensive and started saying how she didn't appreciate that she was losing followers over sessrin it was trying to see like what was wrong with shipping sessrin she was like 23 years old but how she talked was like a child so thought she was like 17.
" is it really necessary to have to tell you why I unfollowed? You'll gain new followers, just because a couple of people don't follow your account anymore doesn't mean you have to make a big deal out of it."
again she started getting mad saying that there's nothing wrong with drawing a ship especially when one of the characters is now an adult and I got annoyed told her "okay cool you ship it but other people don't and they don't have to explain why they don't want to follow your account anymore just move on and keep doing what you want" she starts cussing at me saying that I've been following her account for a long time and that it was disrespectful. Told her "look you're shipping a father and a daughter figure because of a fantasy that you have in your head that they need to be together when in reality it's gross!"
And I just blocked her. Again I've never had one single conversation with this artist so it kind of creeped me out. I've never privately messaged a person to say "you're gross for drawing this! you deserve to die bitch! I demand that you tell me why you stopped following my account!" Cause that's disrespectful you don't want people to say that to you, I just went to the account unfollowed, and went about my business.😐
I've mostly unfollowed artist if I found out that they've sent death threats to other people, start unnecessary drama or is a pedophile/groomer, or because they just don't post anything at all, or draw minor characters in a very disturbing sexual way yaknow the uncomfortable stuff.
I knew people were crazy but I didn't think they were that crazy! I don't know why i just up and remembered that but kind of had me freaked out because I didn't want that person to just up and tell people that I unfollowed her account or make up some lie then I have random people start attacking me over not shipping sessrin😰😬 the fact that she was my age made me even disturbed
Also sorry this is long😭
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chiro-asuta-vulpes · 2 years
Greetings my lil, angels. FIRST of all I would like to thank everyone for all your support, likes and shares of my work also appreciating my baby girl Snowy, and my other characters. THANK YOU THANK YOU EVERYONEEEEE FOR ALL YOUR UNDYING LOVE AND SUPPORT☺️💙💙💙🌼🌼✨✨✨✨
Second, I wanna apologize if I took so long on MAKING AND FINISHING MY THANK YOU ART GIFTS, to you all sweeties,
ONE: There are some times delays because of me attending my college degree classes, also homework, projects, online classes etc.📱🖥💻
SECOND: Whenever I had new ideas popping on my head I immediately draw them📱🎨🖌 and I had a hard time to finish and focus on one art whenever new ideas comes to pierce thru my mind and beg me to draw it I do so📘🖋 hehehehehehe yea, AND YES I admit there are times I have tons of ideas EITHER RELATING TO MY OC OR ANY CHARACTERS, I wish to drew depending on the ideas i come up in my head but struggling to rush and note up before i forgot huhuhu yeaaa, IM SUCHHHH A MESSSSSS! Agghhhhh! 🥺😓😭
Uggghhh this is soooo embarrassing i get distracted sooooo easily😖😞😭
ANYWAYS rn I'm focusing on WORKING ANOTHER SNOWY ART ART, once I Get Snow Snow done I might probably go back to MAKING MORE THANK YOU GIFT ART ART AND ART COLLABS ART, if I say I promise to draw your character IM SERIOUS ON THAT I WILL DRAW IT, I just feel bad on my behavior of being ALWAYS DISTRACTED and I feel bad about it too....😰😢🥺😭
Vent Out....) (Don't worry I'm okay..this is just a thought...also stuffs been happening and bothering my brain a lot)
If you all angry or disappointed onto me for being distractive and not making your OCS in time well you all have the right to do so..and yeaaaa I'm not gonna argue on that if you all are...😓😓😔
Again..IM NOT A ROBOT LIKE SNOWY that helps and up all day, I'm a human..I have stuffs too and I if you all want art don't rush me be patient and maybe instead of darting me or rush me maybe a encouragement and support will do to help me motivated to draw although if not well might as well give up...
I have been having this issues for 2 years and one of the reasons Im scared to share my stuffs bc I fear JUDGY PEOPLE AND TOXIC PEOPLE, I maybe old but i have feelings too....such as Anxiety, Art Block, Trauma, Stress, Depression, Insomnia, Mental Abuse by a few IRL people here in IRL, Guilt trip, Emotional Scars, Etc.
Reason why I made Snowy as a enjoyment for me to do and make to escape this CRUEL FEELINGS and CRUEL REALITY I'm having in life, whenever I drew people's characters and my ocs I feel free....secure and safe...also put a smile on to my face.
I have been all over other medias and ended up being judged by my oc telling me they're waaayyyy off! And IM SICK OF ITTT!
I don't want that to happened, I already had a massive trauma about it
The reason why I was on tumblr because I was so tired being in another media of people judging my work, I was trying to run away from them...
Now things changed now I'm happy to be here in Tumblr... I met many people finally UNDERSTANDS, APPRECIATE, LOVE, AND ADORE my work... Even I'm not yet good enough.
I felt free and I feel I'm home in this site. I wish to stay here AS LONG AS I STILL LIVE,
I have an illness that I carry within my health IRL and I don't wanna tell because I don't wish to worry you all my little angels... 😣😞😢
BUT DONT WORRY I'm okay i have been having checkups and I been taking medications and being careful and still FIGHTING on surviving☺️💙🌼✨✨
If all your life's are stressing u all bc of being busy and school all i can say is no matter how many times u all tumble down, you all should always rise up never give up continue and always remember and strive for that dream and desires you all wish for ur future...youre all directors and maker of your own path and destinies, and no matter how cruel our world is but there is always a new beginning...and start and it's okay to cry feel hurt it's part of the challenges and trials in life...but we're all still here standing and surviving.
IM VERY proud of you all and sooo happy for everyone's achievements and goals u all did irl keep going onward...embrace your future and continue to dream strive and always stay the real you, don't ever give up, embrace your talents and gifts, and keep smiling.
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