#i love you guys for giving me prompts
moeblob · 1 month
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Happy Birthday to Ferdinand von Aegir!
I actually made 33 emotes, affectionately known as Aegirglyphics to some, for my own personal use on discord. However, I figure why not share some of them! They're free to use for discord servers/icons/pfps or whatever. However, my only request is Do NOT use them as subscriber emotes on Twitch. You can make them free follower emotes but you are not to make them locked behind a paywall.
#fe three houses#ferdinand von aegir#discord emotes#i thought long and hard about this bc idk the actual want for emotes i made ages ago but#i still love my son and its his bday ad so i should be nice and share#since i no longer have nitro and can no longer use them myself#the fact i can technically post 30 at once was tempting but#some of them arent living up to my standards and also just might not be easy to use in most contexts#so those im gonna skip on lol#whoever wants 21 aegirglyphics tho have at em#i think i might have posted some before? but only 10 and i dont recall which ones#if you want a secret the last three and the middle on the second row are my favorites to use#i used concernednand (the upper one) so much#the internet concerns me guys it was a valid use every time#debated sharing heartnand but honestly the world could benefit from it imo because gotta spread that love#fun lil trivia i love making emotes and so when i was in a server and people knew me as the ferdinand fan and artist#someone was like why hasnt salmon made a ferdinand emote yet#and im like bc i dont run the server and i cant just demand they add my art#and then a mod was like i didnt wanna put pressure on salmon but i thought about it so i was like bet#and then drew a server exclusive happy ferdinand emote#and that was the start of me somehow being able to have like.... ten emotes in that server#some of them were just me joking and then mods encouraging me#cause i used to use felix for every single art prompt theyd give and one week someone said the prompt was pog#and i just was so upset because dude why would i wanna draw felix for that hes not pog#so a mod was like hey if you make a pog felix emote we ill add it to the emotes here#so i once again was like bet and then posted it and then they really added it lmao#anyway sorry for so many rambles please feel free to use them on discord in whatever server#i cant really expect everyone to credit me but also im not really concerned since i fear people know my nands a mile away
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
that post that's like "you need to have a varied media diet or you will turn into the kind of guy who runs a su discourse blog" is so right. keeping old mutuals is crucial too, like i might be into silly kids-friendly RPG n°17 at the moment, but the "if you write this it means you condone bad things in real life!!" discourse rings pretty hollow when half my dash is still discussing cannibalism
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red-goat · 2 years
What if Sun's comments chip away at their self confidence so much that one day their sanity just- goes
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An Idea (prompt?) for @madame-mongoose and @sycopomp 's mean Sun AU (in your orbit).
(Would post this on my main blog @kabra-malvada but idk if the shadowban would allow me so I'll just reblog this).
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themisterhip · 2 years
"Reunion Goes Wrong (kinda <3)."
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unluckyprime · 2 years
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Somewhere down there … 🎶🔥
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victorluvsalice · 3 months
Valicer OT3 Week, Day Seven: Free Day!
It's the finale of OT3 Week! Thank you @ot3-week for bringing it to us! And, as is tradition, the final day is a "free day" for anything you may want to write --
And without a prompt to guide me, I naturally went back to my beloved Valicer In The Dark trio! :D Because my favorite AU of the moment definitely needs to be represented during this week as well. So have the trio hanging out in their lair after they've gotten established and fixed the place up some, with Victor bringing up an interesting topic of conversation...
“This is about as far from how I expected my life to go as possible.”
Smiler looked up from their spot on the floor, hand still wedged in the brushes of their Smile Sweeper automaton. “Hmmm?”
“It’s just – whenever I pictured my future, I pictured the plan my parents had made for me,” Victor continued, absently picking out a melody from the piano. “An arranged marriage to whoever was most likely to get them the status and the house in Brightstone my mother so craved. A job working in, then running Father’s cannery once he was ready to give up the reins. Children whenever Mother decided she wanted grandchildren. Things like that. I never – I hoped that I would come to love whoever my parents picked out for me, and that they wouldn’t mind me having a dog, but other than that...I didn’t really have any dreams for myself.” He looked around the living room. “Certainly not any that included me running away from home, becoming a Whisper, and setting up house in Six Towers with two people who actually and truly love me.”
“Don’t forget becoming a semi-famous criminal,” Alice put in, eyes still on her sketchbook.
Victor snorted. “That too. But yes – it’s really not where I thought I’d end up in life.”
“I don’t think any of us expected to end up here,” Smiler pointed out, finishing unwinding the thread that had tangled in the brushes. They flipped the Sweeper back over and switched on its electroplasmic battery, causing it to come back to life with a happy ping! “On my end, I thought I’d be living in Advocate headquarters for the rest of my life. Helping out fellow Advocates, advancing our causes, eventually trading Joy Serum sales on the street for taking over the shop in Nightmarket from Mum and Dad. Maybe get married and have children, maybe not – I wasn’t going to commit until I knew for sure it was going to make me happy. But in my future, I always put the Advocates first.” They grinned. “Then a man fell out of a wall in front of me and Alice, and everything took a big old left turn.”
“It was more to our side,” Alice said, smirking as she looked up. “But they have a point, Victor – do you think I expected any of this to happen? I couldn’t picture a future for myself at all for years – all throughout my time in Rutledge. It was too hard to think of a life without my family. And even when I realized I had to and defeated the Queen of Hearts to get myself out of there, I never thought much beyond the next week or so – simple survival always took precedence. Hell, even when you caught me on the way to Nan’s to talk to her about Bumby and what I should do, Smiler, I didn’t have any plans beyond taking care of him.” She bit her lip, lowering her sketchbook to her lap. “I think, subconsciously, I assumed I’d immediately get caught for his murder and Hollowed out.”
“Alice,” Victor started, getting up from the bench.
“I’m fine,” Alice assured him, holding up a hand. “And that’s the crux of the matter, isn’t it? I’m fine. Not perfect, but – bloody hell, in a better state than I ever thought I might achieve after Rutledge. I still talk to things that aren’t there, sure, but it’s not nearly as bad as it was. Wonderland’s even gone from hindrance to help, in fact – you two know my hallucinations are better at picking up things than I am sometimes. And as for the rest of it – I’ve got a roof over my head, I’ve got time for hobbies, I’m making a difference for those less fortunate than myself – in a very illegal manner, granted, but fuck the Bluecoats and all the corrupt shites they stand for–” She looked from Smiler to Victor, expression softening. “And I’ve got two people who love me, which is two more than I ever imagined.”
Victor smiled, going to join her on the couch. “Me too. I’m – I’m so happy I fell out of that wall in front of you two. Or, to the side, or – near you,” he finally said with a laugh. “Let’s just say near you.”
“I’m happy too,” Smiler said, releasing the Sweeper onto the floor and getting up to join them. “I don’t even want to imagine life without you two now. You’re my best friend, Alice – and you’re the best partner I could have ever dreamed of, Victor. I love you both so much.”
“I couldn’t have put it better myself,” Alice said, taking Victor’s hand and giving it a squeeze. “I know it was a bit of a long, bumpy road to get here, what with all the nonsense surrounding how we met and our chosen profession, but – I am so glad we put in the work.”
Victor squeezed her hand back, then took Smiler’s as they sat down next to him. “Me too. I am truly blessed to have you both in my life. I can’t wait to spend all our remaining years together.”
“Same,” Smiler said, leaning their head against his shoulder.
“Same,” Alice echoed, doing the same. “I just hope we have plenty of them – we have ticked off a lot of powerful and important people.”
“Well, they have to find our heavily-warded and ghost-protected house first,” Smiler said with a cheeky grin. “And good luck to them.”
“Mmm – though, that reminds me,” Victor said, looking between them. “I overheard in the greenhouse the other day a woman talking about how she was looking for someone to steal a brooch back from her estranged husband...”
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fyodior · 1 year
which bsd man would cum the fastest and will you explain your answer
sigma. he’s probably never even masturbated let alone fucked he gets one feel of ur pussy and is immediately cumming like no doubt. he’s just so excited
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da-riya · 3 months
You want the alt-kuja, but does the alt-kuja want you?
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themyscirah · 3 months
Was thinking about how I would write a Suicide Squad book if I got the chance to post (hypothetical) Absolute Power and like... I would totally rock this guys
Won't go totally into it here I don't think because time and also feeling pumped about the idea so may write something for it (which I have an AWFUL track record for finishing, but also if current Waller appearances piss me off enough who knows) but anyways it would have Amanda Waller and Ben Turner (Bronze Tiger) as dueteragonists, (especially for the first few arcs, although moving to a greater Waller focus [at least for a bit] around issue 10? 15? When she really starts to do things). Anyways the main story (at least at the beginning) would follow Ben Turner as he leads the squad both in the field and at home (essentially acting as the "Waller" along with his normal field leader duties) while secretly having Waller herself in residence at Belle Reve pretending to be a prisoner.
Early issues would focus on Ben saving the world (and keeping the squad in check) while also struggling to hide Waller from the government, heroes, and the rest of Belle Reve (save an accomplice or two). This of course works great, until it doesn't
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simply-m-a-d · 1 year
psst psst psst Yullen enjoyers •u• do you guys have any writing prompts for Christmas?? doesn’t have to be Christmas related tho…any prompt you like heh
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i love how flexible the concept of a roleswap can be. if i swap reigen and serizawa, am i changing which one is psychic? which one is a liar? which one is mob's mentor? which one went viral on twitter? which one used to be a shut-in? a terrorist? a water cooler salesman?
what roles do they occupy that i want to study like a bug under my magnifying glass?
but also: what is "role" and what is "character"? if i swap all of these things, what if anything is left of the original characters that makes the swap interesting? is it just aesthetics left at that point (i.e. only visually distinct) or is there still something different about the story you'd tell with them?
what is it that makes reigen essentially reigen, that you couldn't replace without making him unrecognizable? is it the same type of quality that makes serizawa essentially serizawa?
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witchsickness · 2 years
@ the anon who sent me that angst prompt who are you. how did you get in my head. this is so right up my alley it’s unnerving bc i always hc billy as having this, like, urgency in everything he does, once he and steve become a thing, always operating on a day-to-day basis. in his mind, every day could be the one steve wakes up and realizes he’s not willing to waste his time with a fuckup like billy, and this brings a desperation to the table. billy’s treating every moment with steve like it’s the last one, because he’ll never know when it actually is. turning his kisses into bites. claws and scratches instead of holding gently, because. maybe. this way, once it’s over, steve’s skin will stay longer under his fingernails
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dokoni-mo · 2 years
au where vader still has the twins and he's A Very Tired Dad and yes he is the most feared sith in the galaxy. but he's also a good dad that loves his kids more than anything. everyone knows on base that disappointing and failing vader means death. and no one is allow to defy him except...his kids. who are cute and precious, but mischievous and practically has him wrapped around their fingers.
enter you/reader who runs into his kids, meeting them for the first time, and maybe you're new and unfamiliar with vader. having never met him before. and you see the twins by themselves and that just won't do. so you stay with them, spend time with them. and thats how vader finds his kids. sitting with you as you tell them a story or show them your work and letting them help, whatever it is the kids are enraptured by it. and he just watches for awhile, how you interact with his kids. no one really dares talk to them, afraid of his wrath. but apparently not you.
and when they spot their father, they yell "daddy!" and rush over to him, hugging his legs. and thats how you find out that your boss. darth vader. is a dilf.
anyways i have the biggest weakness for kid fics and had to scream about this to someone (-tuskens-mando)
the way reader finds out is like??? so perfect?? he would definitely appreciate someone that does take time for them regardless of who their father is. Even if you didn't know who it was, seeing as you didn't care even after the fact only adds to his piqued interest in you. Its refreshing every once and a while to find someone whos brave in the seemingly endless sea of cowards he has to deal with.
I'd like to think as reader learns that Luke and Leia are in fact his children, it sparks an odd attraction to your sith boss. Seeing the way the two young ones latch onto him and look up at him with such wonder in their eyes really helps you to ground him to reality. And helps you to remember that underneath all that armor and villainy, there is still a man in there.
Perhaps the chance encounter will be the start of something new between the two of you.
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
Alrigh who can write a fic where Louis is on stage in NY with the red jacket with triangles until he removes it to pull off the fittest total black outfit ever known and Harry is in the audience and is drooling literally but also starts feeling so jealous of Louis stripping on stage like that (not really stripping but there is only so much Harry’s jealous heart can take) and he decides to change his outfit for his own show on the same night, picking the bratty babygirl one with pink leather trousers, tight tshirt and…
… no collar (allegedly, but he can’t go up there without it now, can he)?
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foxgloveinspace · 1 year
Listen. If you had told me in August I would be hyperfocused on Assassin's Creed, Daredevil, CoD, and DBH by January, I would have shoved you. And the fact that I am MORE INTO THESE THINGS THEN I EVER HAVE BEEN!! WHen three of these are re-hyperfixations, and I am just. FUlly, FULLY obsessed with them. And DBH was just last night,fuck. TO be fair I had a long af night. I was up til 3. reading dbh fic (but the fic was not the reason I couldn't sleep, I couldn't sleep so I fic, you see).
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So as many of you might have noticed, I don't really do a lot of Dangan//ronpa things anymore and it's not even a preferred fandom in my sources anymore either even though I say I still enjoy it-
And yes I do still enjoy it! I love the characters (mostofthem) and the plots! But I'm gonna be real the fandom is so tiring lmao
Yea yea all fandoms have bad sides trust me I know I'm in the Genshin fandom rn and they can be tiring too- Also I'm almost 24 I've had many much fandom experience before-
But when such a large part of said fandom is filled of "this person has different opinions/headcanons/ships than me so therefore they're *insert some sort of phobic here*" or "I'm gonna just insult this person when they have very valid points and act like I won" it becomes so fucking tiring to just sit back and watch, especially when you're an adult who really doesn't care to argue with kids- (no offense btw to y'all I just don't like the idea of being almost in my mid 20s and arguing with a 13/14 year old shehhw)
So yea might do a kaito sprite edit this weekend but honestly don't expect me to do much for the dr fandom in the future:/
On another note I have been getting back into kingdom hearts so maybe I'll make some phone wallpapers for it or something uwu
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