#i love you elise.
elvisabutler · 1 year
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ME. AT YOU. these are all under a cut because you're mad, i swear.
housewife kink related to austin COMPLETELY SLEEPING THROUGH HIS OSCAR NOM.
"I asked for a breakfast burrito, not a show and one." Austin whistles from the doorway of your shared bedroom. "That's not supposed to be till later, babe." "And here I thought it was last night. Or did the sleep make you forget?
asshole austin part 3? ( where's part two, ally? i don't know probably at the bottom of this. this was not the original plan for this!! )
In hindsight, Austin should have known better. In hindsight Austin should know lately he's been getting a little too into his roles. In hindsight Austin's pretty sure he's an idiot but you've both known this from the second he turned those blue eyes- those stupid sapphire eyes your way. In hindsight it could have gone much worse.
merman austin ( this is part of the ending but i don't have the bits above it written. )
"We'll be on the run if we do this. All three of us. No more somewhat easy escapades. They're going to hunt us down for you, Austin." You say glancing at Olivia who looks so sure of what she wants to do, how she wants to save him same as you even with how much it's going to change things and potentially harm the crew. "If I had to run with someone, I'm thankful it's the two of you. There's no one else I'd rather do it with." He answers with a soft kiss to both you and Olivia, allowing himself to nuzzle against both of your hands when you both try to touch his face.
i'm not explaining this one. 😈
If she had looked up as she tried to hide the laughter escaping her she would have seen Elvis’s gaze on her and the slight smile that had formed on his face as he saw how her nose scrunched up and how the corners of her eyes crinkled just a little bit. If she had looked up and paid more attention she would have heard him whisper something so soft that no one but her could have heard it.  “God she’s pretty.” That’s the funny thing though, isn’t it? That when you need to pay attention to something or look at someone you never are.
these next few are short but they're all catherine and elvis tbh.
"Princess isn't the word you need to be calling your director. Do I look like one of your little starlets?"
i had to literally check what i had already posted for the. i forgot i gave daisy a whole ass chunk that's in this word doc.
She huffs out a breath of air before rolling her eyes. "Hardly. I just am worried you're going to make all those shots unusable. Those eyes are dangerous. Might have me a bit hot under the collar."
i told you. so much catherine and elvis. i haven't gotten to my notebook, elise.
"Aw hell Princess, would it kill ya to go all out? I gotta real good feelin' 'bout how people are gonna like it. Figure you could look like a real princess in your dress." "Does that make you my prince charming?" "If that's what ya want me t'be."
i'm stopping with them after this. i really truly kept jumping around in their timeline.
He knows he shouldn’t be strutting around like a proud peacock around her- he knows it won’t work because she’s always been able to see through him, strip him bare in ways no other woman has. He shouldn’t have been strutting around because now his punishment is having to hoist Catherine up onto Spirit and watching- feeling her hips as she tries to get comfortable.
when i actually post this. and get to the part before it. hehehe.
Her eyes don't leave the wet- God, could he even call it a patch still- spot on his jumpsuit even as it starts to cool and starts to make his entire front stick to it. He has to get up and out of this suit and ignore the fact that for some godforsaken- for God truly is forsaking him- reason she is looking at his damn crotch and licking her lips and biting her lip softly.
again. with my giggles. anyone who has heard screams about this probably can guess where this comes from.
She doesn’t need to see an old fat man like him with his hillbilly uncut cock. She deserves- God she deserves so much more than a man who got himself off without touching himself at her pleasuring herself. 
mysteries where this comes from i don't have the doc titled.
A brief thought of him wondering about a wet spot- a stain- crosses his mind before he tamp down on it, his eyes zeroing in on her fingers starting to work at her little clit- her nub- that little button he wants to feel against his calloused fingers. Would she sing like she is now? Would her moans sound deeper or higher from the different texture? Would she whisper his name like a prayer- like that prayer she sent to God that night he gave into his baser desires? Please, please, please.
is this ever going to be posted beyond this who knows.
Your mama didn't send you to me any more than my dad sent you to me. It's- Austin, it's not fair. You didn't even- I wish you could hear voicemails after you've sent them, you didn't even say my name once. Just your nickname for me. Do you even remember my name, Satnin? Do you remember I'm not 'Cilla, Elvis. Remember that I'm the girl you called a brat, the girl- You were supposed to be different, you know? Supposed to make me feel safe and loved and Pere loves you- no, god I'll tell you who it is- Vincent adores you. Thinks you're perfect for me. Thinks you're exactly what I needed. I thought you were too. You take care of me, you've been taking such good care of me but I- it wasn't you taking care of me lately was it? It hasn't been since we started acting like them. It's Elvis taking care of 'Cilla. Fixing what he broke back then? I don't know. If- I want a baby with you, god, I want a baby with you but I think you don’t know who I am any more, I don't know who you are any more.
one day i'll post this. finish it even. my little babies dealing with the effects of covid making things go weird.
The morning starts like any other with you blearily waking up and grabbing your phone off the nightstand. You are up a bit later than you want to be but sometimes you need your rest and you have learned to never begrudge your body for it. What is different about this morning is how when you look at your phone you see about ten missed calls from Austin within the span of about 30 minutes as well as multiple voicemails. It’s been your experience that when people call you that many times, when people seem that insistent on getting ahold of you something drastic has happened. A large part of you wants to avoid listening to the messages fearful of just what you're going to hear. Yet, you know you shouldn’t. You know if you don’t he’s just going to keep calling because that’s what people do. It takes you a moment to dial Austin’s number but you barely hear the first ring before Austin is picking up almost breathless.
this has been the start of multiple fics before it became the start of its own that i haven't finished.
“And if I was cheating on you with your daddy? Would you be mad at your little bunny? Because it’d only be because you’re not paying enough attention to me, Mr. Presley.”
this was a weird jealousy fic it's my wip list always.
You don’t- you’re used to Austin as Elvis. It’s not a bad thing, and you consider yourself lucky that the role and life had finally made him and Vanessa break things off before you met him. However, it’s- the press tour is what got to you. You had been so used to having him around that when you didn’t it broke something in you. You break up but you two still have the same friend group because your friends loved him and they treat him like a normal person, but damn if it doesn’t make hanging out to be the most awkward mess you’ve been in since every High School.
another jealousy fic. this might just get reused for something else.
Austin prides himself on being a calm individual. He is shy and he is mostly collected. Nervous, yes, but collected, almost one hundred percent. It’s something he knows you love about him because bless your soul you are not necessarily that person. Austin prides himself on being calm but sometimes he knows he fails at it. Usually when he’s drunk as he is right at the present moment. Honestly, there isn’t a person in your general vicinity that isn’t some degree of drunk or tipsy and it shows in how everyone feels the need to be on top of one another and how Austin wishes he was near you but there’s all your friends and his friends between the two of you.
i'm never going to post this. it's from the 10 years later au for dove and austin. that will never get done.
They say it's hard to get over your first love and well, you know that so much much better than anyone but they what they don't tell you is that the one you think you're going to marry the one who is perfect for you in what feels like every way? That's the one that's almost impossible to get over. That's the one you can pretend you recover from but you don't- not really.
selkie au sequel where i have toyed with this multiple times since jan for. the obvious reasons. finally think i came to terms with the fact that i want to do it this way.
"Gonna hafta teach her more often now that I can. Mama'd kill me if she knew her grandbaby had such a problem goin' between human and seal. You wanna come with us for a swim?" "You forget I'm human?"
olivia x reader that i've been debating if anyone still wants.
"I'm not going to ask you to break up with him. But you should." "And what? Date you?"
take a guess at who this might be.
"If you're still hungry you can sleep with someone else, Elvis." You say as you watch him force himself to move to the other side of the room. "No. Made a promise t'ya didn't I?"
"Call that handyman- the one from the church. I have to get to work." Her husband, Nathan calls out as he leaves without a kiss exchanged between the two of them.
frat boy austin is a menace except not really. i am though for making the summary sound like sk8er boi.
"It means you should have led with free if you wanted me to go do it. You know I avoid frat and sorority things like the plague."
i think this is the last of it? maybe. i think i've combed through everything that has more than a word in it?
Elvis knows that it can't be good with that reaction- knows it's gotta be a total he doesn't have. BB's words come to mind about business doing you and those words in this moment ring so painfully true Elvis feels his head starting to throb.
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tekatonic · 6 months
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huh, Princess Elise is looking a lil different today
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koimurocho · 3 months
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I 🩷 WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
doodle request for @darydark !
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promqueendyke · 2 years
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would it be a sin? angela deane + elise (the greeting committee) // falling in love (cigarettes after sex) // until i found you (stephen sanchez) // can’t help falling in love (elvis presley) // love again (dua lipa) // begin again (taylor swift) 
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magnolia-sunrise · 3 months
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(both Wolfgang and Élise use they/them pronouns only)
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sweetvictorie · 8 months
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dan has very strong opinions about television
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sonelise · 6 months
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Sonic Dramatics (tm) and Elise giving in aksbjnfjf related to my hc that Sonic likes taking Elise to various new places, showing her the breautiful views he's seen and the fun experiences he's had. i had a more finished panel for that last one, but i don't quite like how it came out, so instead of not getting it, have a thumbnail lol
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someone remind me, is it canon that the terrorist sadists turned whores for good gossip about their little gremlins' war crimes while taking the munchkins for their nature walk???
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little-devil-art · 14 days
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Found Family
‼️My Fatesona/ Fates OC Alice‼️
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hybrix-hijinx · 4 months
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Day 6 - Nostalgia
I think this counts. An alternative title for this entry could probably be "Leo and Takumi are two very different types of older brothers".
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suitmana · 2 months
so right in the grape jewel ending, freya and elise move to primeldorf shortly after the festival and live together while saving up money for their shop. that's going to be way different from when they were just dating around in kieferberg since they'll have to share even more of their lives with each other, so i wonder how their relationship would adjust to a cohabiting setup especially in the early stages of their relationship. like finding out each other's little quirks when it comes to a more homey setting (for example making their respective morning rituals work together, or maybe one of them prefers to do their laundry a certain way that might confuse the other at first but they work around it)
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azaracyy · 3 months
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love is hell
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hakuryuu · 2 months
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self portrait, done with love
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teecupangel · 1 year
AU where (I've never played Valhalla, bear with me) Aletheia had been lying out her ass about the whole "heir of memories must save the world from the- *spins wheel* ...magnetic field" and the whole thing was a ruse to deliver the staff (and thus, Aletheia) to someone more susceptible to Isu brain manipulation who would do as told and die to revive Basim
Imagine Layla and Desmond in the Grey finding this out and losing their shit, then starting a revenge plot through time to kick Aletheia's ass and free Kassandra (Layla), seduce save some of their ancestors/fellow Assassins along the way (Desmond), and try to keep these two near gods from destroying reality (Clay, whose brain is still a bit fried and doesn't know how he's here but he knows these two idiots are somehow his problem)
It would be fun if it was Clay who told them about Aletheia’s true nature. Hell, if you want to fully kick Aletheia to the villain category, maybe the whole ‘Yggdrassil problem becoming the next catastrophe’ had been her doing in some way, to force Layla to give up her life and Desmond, as the Reader, didn’t see it in the Calculations because he was, after all, not exactly Desmond Miles anymore. To be more accurate, he wasn’t entirely human anymore so he had ignored the ‘emotional element’ of the Calculations.
Clay could have woken up because he felt Layla and she was an anomaly in the sense that she wasn’t meant to die and become part of the Gray in the first place.
It would be Clay and Layla who makes the plan to screw up the timelines to kick Aletheia’s ass and set up the Grand Temple to automatically turn on without the need of anyone operating it on December 21, 2012.
The Reader says that the possibility of success is too low to even try and Layla suggests they find a way for the Reader to regain his humanity and be Desmond Miles once more.
Clay’s grin is full of mischief as he goes “Oh, I have an idea how we can get this idiot back to his old self.”
Cue in Layla and Clay’s “Let’s Fuck Up The Timeline To Save The World!” plan begins.
Layla insists that the best way to fuck up Aletheia’s plans is to destroy the damn polestick (“Isn’t it a-” “Shhhh, we’re calling it a polestick now.” “Yeah, okay.”) before it could get in the hands of Kassandra.
Clay suggests they just punch an old man and take the polestick. Layla is a bit hesitant about that since there was this whole thing about Pythagoras and Kassandra getting into some kind of resolution before he gives the polestick to Kassandra and Kassandra deserves that.
Clay then suggests they hijack the Atlantis memory thing that Kassandra goes thru and take the polestick from Kassandra. Layla says no to that one too since Kassandra would kick their asses.
Clay snorts and points at the Reader with his thumb as he says, “Not this guy.”
“There is a-”
“Fuck the probabilities. We’ll tag team her while Layla runs away with the polestick, okay? All we have to do is keep her busy until the polestick is destroyed.”
“Can you two even handle Kassandra?”
“I’ll have you know we are certified Bleeding Effect graduates… in the sense that the Bleeding Effect has effectively fucked us over.” (sees Layla’s expression) “Which just means Kassandra would have two Ezio Auditores to deal with. It’ll be fun.”
Cue the trio trying to get Kassandra to lower her guard enough for Layla to take the polestick by pretending to be citizens of Elysium.
Their chance finally comes when…
It became clear Kassandra was flirting with Layla.
“I think you should sleep with her for the betterment of mankind.”
“Please, you’ll like it. We’ll steal the polestick while she’s busy with you.”
“Oh my god. What are you talking about? I am not having sex with Kassandra!”
“You want to though. This would be the two birds one stone kind of deal.”
“Clay, shut up.”
“Hey, Reader, what’s the success possibility of us getting the polestick if Layla has sex wth Kassandra?”
“Eighty-nine percent.”
“See? That’s the highest success rate we’ve ever got! You gotta take one for the team, Layla.”
“Oh my god.”
Of course, Layla does agree because, let’s face it, she wanted to get some with Kassandra anyway. Then Aletheia starts screaming bloody murder and Kassandra realized something is up.
Cue a chase scene where Clay and the Reader are both running for their lives while Kassandra runs after them and Layla runs after Kassandra.
Some clothes might be missing during the chase.
This is when Clay gets a bright wonderful idea to start Phase 2 of the plan and opens a new portal for another time period.
Kassandra enters the portal as well.
And Layla has no idea where they were. Considering the building architecture she just saw, she was betting somewhere where there were a lot of Muslims?
Oh, god…
They were being chased by knights with-
Oh shit.
They were knights!
She barely heard Clay say, “Your turn, Reader!”
And Clay gives the polestick to the Reader before bodyslamming him straight to a trio of monk-
Oh shit.
Layla remembered those robes.
They were the Assassin robes worn by the Levantine Brotherhood.
The Reader falls on top of one of the Assassins and Clay hides behind the other two as he points at Kassandra, “Brothers! That woman is trying to get an artifact that the Brotherhood has been protecting!”
Oh god.
Oh my god.
Clay was insane.
The knights have also caught up to them.
And they were now surrounded and…
Layla focused his attention to the Reader and the Assassin he had toppled and they were still in the ground, staring at each other.
Unorganized Notes:
Clay specifically opened a portal that brought them to Jerusalem just before Altaïr, Malik and Kadar infiltrated Solomon’s Temple.
Clay’s mighty plan to bring Desmond back can be summarized as “get the Reader to remember how much Desmond Miles loved his ancestors……… and maybe get him laid… that might help… we’ll play it by ear.”
Altaïr would be adamant that it wasn’t love at first sight but there was… this strange connection that he couldn’t shook off the moment their eyes met.
The Reader will admit that he did feel something… ‘foreign’ when he saw Altaïr and he agrees that Clay might be on the right track.
Layla is just confused because Clay’s usual plan seems to be to get her and the Reader laid.
Clay doesn’t deny it.
Kassandra becomes a reluctant ally of theirs because she is stranded in this timeline while they charge up their ‘portal juice’. Layla was sure that portal juice was not an actual thing.
The way their time hopping mechanics work is that they need a POE to charge it up and it will completely drain the POE afterwards. For their first portal jump, it was a freebie because they were in the Gray and it had the same ‘power source’ the POEs have. Clay even explains that the Gray is where the main power source of the POEs come from and the Isus just found a way to harness and store it in the POEs.
So they need a new POE to use to get Kassandra back to her time. Layla suggests they use the Apple in Jerusalem but the Reader goes “No.”. This is the first time the Reader had been adamant in his opinion about how the Apple belongs to Altaïr and no one else. Layla stares at Clay with an expression of “holy shit, Clay may be up to something with this whole getting someone to fuck the Reader to bring back Desmond Miles” and Clay just grins at her as if to say “I’m a genius right?”. It should be noted that, at this point, the Reader have not yet been fucked… yet.
That is how far I got because, okay, so my problem is if we continue with the idea that they’re trying to save (and seduce) Desmond’s ancestors (and fellow Assassins), this will be bittersweet since it’s like Desmond would have a relationship with some of them and then break up with them given a long-distance relationship was not viable.
Of course, considering how I write Altaïr, I wouldn’t be surprised if this ends up with the trio going their merry way screwing up the timeline by timehopping and then they later find out that Altaïr had been following them, looking for Desmond, and had been getting stubborn tagalongs along the way who were also looking for Desmond because he’s always a few steps behind the trio. (In other words, Desmond’s harem has been growing and chasing after him the entire time)
This… would be the kind of idea that Clay would definitely be on board with.
Although… considering the Reader is meant to have a connection to the possibilities, this meant that he should have seen this possibility… and did nothing to stop it. Which means… he wanted Altaïr to find the others and chase after him. XD
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sonelise · 4 months
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I thought SonElise was a cute pair but it was never a ship I was crazy about, however, your head canons and fan art of them are SO sweet you made me think about them a little more… so have this messy sketch inspired by your blog <3 maybe Sonic takes Elise out a lot so she can take a break from royal duties… and royal heels. Because walking everywhere in those must be tiring!
OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH THANK YOU 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 THIS IS THE SWEETEST THING EVER!!!!!!! that my art and ideas managed to inspire you is literally so touching!!!!! I could never properly express how thankful I am to you, thank you!!!!
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and OMG YOUR ART IS SO CUTE!!!! I'm such a big fan of him taking her to various places, too!!!! I love this so so much oh my god!!!! they look so happy, they are so adorable omg I love the idea that Sonic helps Elise take a break from all of her responsibilities, this is so perfect!!! 🥺😭 and YEAH!!! her heels cannot be comfortable all the time, I'm glad to see her taking a break from them as well!!! akshkdfjo
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mari-lair · 1 year
Shout out to @iamhereinthebg​ for telling me that since Akane is in his supernatural form, his cloak isn’t ‘material’ and it would not keep Aoi warm, as he intended.
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