#i love my blog bc nobody cares what i say so i can just post about things that are kind of horrible
needylittlegirl · 3 months
the past few days ive been having a rough time eating just old habits die hard or whatever and one of the most successful ways i get myself to eat without feeling horribly guilty or anything after is just going 😠 if i dont eat i wont have soft hips for someone to grab when they kiss me 😠😠😠 which i think arguably is a funny way to push away old ed habits
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robotwrangler · 2 years
Thinking about how the lovely person on deviantart who emailed me a copy of Undertale in exchange for a sketch of their oc when I was 15 will never know about the profound effect they had on my life..
#it’s a long story but tldr if not for Undertale I would’ve never heard of Yes Man and without Yes Man I literally wouldn’t be alive rn#I’m sure ive told this story on here before but I like it bc it is important to me#the Undertale to Yes Man pipeline is a very specific thing that happened to me involving 2 different joke blogs on here#there was ‘youcantfuckaskeleton’ (blog abt how nobody should want sans Undertale carnally)#and then I found their other blog ‘youcanfuckarobot’ (blog about. well. I’m sure you get the picture) and I went there for Mettaton posts#but they had some posts there with Yes Man and I was like. that is the most nice looking robot I’ve seen in my life. who is this#and then I forgot abt it for like 3 years and forgot to look him up. UNTIL#DELTARUNE CHAPTER 1.. in 2018.. drove me to revisit those joke blogs for nostalgia#and I saw the yes man pics again and this time I got WAY more curious. I was so so intrigued by him he looked so interesting and cute#so I looked him up and looked at lots of art of him and read his wiki page and I was like. I NEED to meet him#so my big brother got me new vegas as a present on new years and on january 3 2019 I met yes man!#and. I have never understood why or how. but when I woke up the next day my depression was fucking gone#I had severe untreated depression and it just dissolved overnight#nothing else notable happened around that time except for meeting yes man and becoming smitten with him so it seems that’s what did it??#also those joke blogs are still around I think. i like to revisit them occasionally for the nostalgia of seeing yes man for the first time#but yea anyway what I’m saying is this nice person on deviantart indirectly saved my life#my depression also never came back btw. obviously I feel sad sometimes like anyone but I have not been depressed since then#would’ve been nice if my anxiety went away too but I can at least live with that tbh!!#um anyway I’m sleepy so ending these tags. if you read all of this I love you thank you for caring
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Cozy Interior Aesthetic Pictures PSA (only if you care about not reblogging ai generated images)
This goes for all images really but I am seeing a sudden influx of mutuals reblogging ai art that I very much know do not want to be reblogging ai art. And it's almost entirely because, "Cute kitchen! Look at this lil cottage! Fits my aesthetic, saving that." Which is an attitude I love.
The problem is 90% of the images are clearly ai. I won't say obvious bc if you're not someone like me who just happens to have seen enough of that very specific ai imagery to recognize the vibe on sight, it isn't obvious until you do a doubletake and some fact-checking.
What do we do? We want to keep sharing cute interiors! For our aesthetic! For our dream homes! But nobody likes being taken in by fakes. Knowing it is ai generated bc it is noted on the image is one thing (this never happens but pretend it does). Bc who hasn't played with a computer program to design a cute house? I have! But it's a different beast all together when the images are passed off as real places and we love those little places bc we haven't noticed what is wrong with them.
What do we do?
Keep reblogging cute interior/exterior/setting images! But before you hit the rebagel button do this one tiny, four second check: click to the original poster. Minimum 80% guarantee you will immediately find a blog filled with ai, unsourced, probably untagged art. What was hidden before now becomes wildly obvious.
And then! If you still like the image, that's fine if you want to reblog it anyways - but you are no longer taken in by it and you can do yourself and your followers after you a favor by making some little note on the post: "this is ai fyi but still cute." A little blogger beware and you're on your way!
TLDR - briefly click to op accounts before reblogging unsourced art: this is an almost foolproof way of detecting ai without having to play mind games with an image. 👏
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yan-lorkai · 1 month
Tips for someone who wants to start their writing blog? 👉👈
Helllllllllllo darling! (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ~
-- First of all:
Sometimes you're going to write a lot and sometimes you won't even want to open your drafts because you'll be tired from it. And that's ok, always know your pace or else you're going overwhelm yourself wanting to write everything. Also don't ever delete your drafts, yes, even the ones you don't want to write anymore. Ideas and concepts can be reused later!
-- Grammar!
I'm not yet fluent in english so sometimes I write with the dictionary open in another tab lol, thing is this is very important. To better your grammar you can practice writing drabble and prompts, you don't even have to post it if you don't like it. I also recommend to read a lot as reading works to inspire you and to analyse how different every writer writes. Like, I love writing dialogues so sometimes I have a hard time writing descriptions bcs I can't focus on them. When this happens I just skip it and put a () for when I'm proofreading to edit it.
Though commiting little errors are common and totally fine, darling! You're allowed to commit them. Don't ever "omg, there's so many typos on my fics people must hate them and me" or smth, is normal to make typos actually :)
-- Rules
It's your blog, darling. You have the final say on every matter. Don't ever feel pressured to write something just because people ask you to. Though be prepared because sometimes people won't read it so you have to be patient. Put the rules on somewhere visible, change their color, PUT THEM ON ALL CAPS!
Be very specific. Like, what fandoms do you write for? How many characters can people send in? What are you comfortable writing and what are you willing to try? Is there something that you won't tolerate being sent in your inbox? Things like that!
-- Ramble, share, talk
Let us hear what you have to say. Your ideas, even if they seem silly to you, are very interesting to the audience. Also let your followers to connect and interact with you <- I say this as if I wasn't so shy and awkard that eveytime I want to share sometimes I'm hit with ah well nobody will care anyway. This is the devil speaking, do not the same I do, darling!
-- Aesthetic and tags
I like this part hehe. As I said, this is your blog darling. It's almost like your second home. And people like their home being pretty and comfy. So try making your blog look like that! Choose an aesthetic, a character or something that speaks to you. And don't be afraid to change.
Also about tags. Everyone has its own. Tag everything: fics, characters, fandoms! They're so important, darling, you can search for them on your blog later and a tagged fic has a higher chance of showing up in the main feed. Besides it'll be easier for people to navigate through your blog (also make a masterlist, yes, even if it's a hassle to maintain it).
-- Don't be afraid
Writing is hard, is true. Motivation can come and go, sometimes time won't allign it with your want to write, y'know just mundane things. If you have writer block then don't force yourself to write, you won't like it what you read when you're done and if you feel afraid to write something new then do it afraid. Do it afraid even if it's bad, do it afraid because otherwise you won't do it. Though if is something you don't know about then please search about it and talk with other people.
-- Have fun
The whole purpose of writing is to have fun. Do not anyone spoil your fun, babe. Have fun, laugh and cry writing, make friends along the way. If a story is loved by its writer then certainly everyone will feel it and love it just as much as love! :)
Hope this all helps. If you still have any questions then ask away and I'II try my best answering it!
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jaskierx · 4 months
people are so stupid my god. i’m on tumblr mostly as a lurker for fandoms i like, but irl i’ve been part of several local protests for gaza and palestine, with a number of displaced palestinians who live here (in a western european country) and only a handful of young people even care about the boycott. which isn’t to say it’s not a good idea but it simply isn’t well known enough. what every serious person i know who has been active in this cause asks us to do is the support the bds movement + + put pressure on your politicians + donate to good aid orgs if you can. me loving and supporting ofmd is so insignificant. it’s a joke. don’t get me wrong taika signing that letter is being a clown and i don’t ‘stan’ him, but that’s a general rule for me. celebrities are not our friends. but you can think he makes good art without thinking he’s perfect. and you can post on social media too. is complaining about tumblr blogs also not breaking the strike 🙃
right like at the end of the day, boycotting starbucks isn't going to end the atrocities, and spending $5 in starbucks isn't going to progress them. yelling at ordinary people living their lives and telling them they're participating in genocide because you've decided their tumblr posts don't show enough evidence that they're sticking to the boycott or bc they didn't follow a poorly coordinated 'global strike' that didn't even originally call for a social media blackout is fucking bonkers behaviour
there is always a humanitarian crisis somewhere in the world. there are multiple genocides taking place. human beings treat each other terribly. it's a fucking tragedy what's happening in palestine, and ukraine, and sudan, and the congo, and armenia, and literally everywhere else where people are suffering and starving and dying. but that doesn't mean that the people who are lucky enough to not be in that situation are never allowed to experience joy ever again, or that we have to give up all hobbies and comforts and sources of entertainment
what people post on their personal blogs has absolutely no fucking bearing on what activism they do or don't do. nobody owes you proof of shit. you can't just decide people are evil bc they haven't posted the exact combination of words you wanted them to write
and we can't just flagellate ourselves until the world is a perfect place. proselytising on tumblr doesn't help anybody except yourself and all you're doing is showing your ass by preaching compassion and humanity in one breath then telling people to kill themselves in the next
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drifloonz · 11 months
s!3v3n headcanons bc i've been thinking of him and nobodys specifically requested s!3v3n yet? just my default version steven ( post incident post Manicness ). also yea dating hcs too This is an x reader blog primarily you should expect this by now
♡ S!3v3n isn't an alternate personality of Steven's. I mean like ok technically but not in the DID way. it's just basically steven when he's manic or incredibly upset. he will most of the time go into this form when he feels these intense emotions that he can't exactly grapple with or handle. especially anger or rage or revenge and things of that sort. aliken it to more of a werewolf transformation but like personalitywise. does this even make sense.
♡ despite this S!3v3n can be passive, but he's always on the defensive in some way or another. he's always protecting something he loves from any danger no matter the cost - usually you or miki.
♡ he can loosen up in this state of course, but usually just when you two are cuddling. physical affection seems to soothe him easiest, as he'll just relax and de-tense a lot, but will still hug you nice and tight. he also might purr but who can say. smiles.
♡ prefers he/it, while steven prefers he/they. state of mind based secondary pronoun changes we love to see it
♡ not missingno possessed per se but missingno fucked with a lot of his body, mentally or physically, which is why he gets like this sometimes. missingno isn't possessing him ( missingno does not have desires it is just a jumbled mess of code that can do whatever it wants because it's not supposed to exist ) but being around it made him go a little bit insane, basically. Frenzy area of effect that permanently damaged him /hj
♡ s!3v3n isn't nonverbal per se but he's a lot less verbal than steven already is, unless he's really mad. see; doors open and strangled ( with image examples this time just cuz i wanted to, i guess. the last one is so funny. once again steven/s!3v3n is not written well in these. this is also s!3v3n / steven around the ages of what i'd assume to be 16-17 so take it with a grain of salt bc my hc steven/s!3v3n i write for these requests by default are like 19-28 or over )
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♡ he still speaks in a lot of noises over words, and if he has to speak usually does it in very short sentences, but unless he wants to talk he'll always opt for just silent communication or little noises.
♡ tends to growl a lot. notably, steven grumbles and groans and sighs, but never growls. s!3v3n growls and hisses and snarls. things like that. he's more animalistic and impulsive.
♡ due to his impulsive nature he doesn't make the best decisions. s!3v3n is mentally unstable ( not like steven isnt but as said, s!3v3n's emotions are much stronger than stevens ) and very clingy. he does things with 15-35% good intentions, at least to him, and the rest of that percentage is impulse. what he wants in the moment. he's more passive than he used to be when steven was actively fucking killing people, but he'll still be like this sometimes. although, most of the impulse is when he's angry and towards people he doesn't know, doesn't care about.
♡ i state this like he's actively really shitty to be around but nowadays tbh this just shows in s!3v3n not asking you about things and just doing them most of the time. if he wants to cuddle he'll grab you and take you to bed and cuddle with you and you Aren't escaping his arms. he's still mindful of your needs to some degree of course, but he's just sorta like that. this can obviously still lead to discomfort and disagreements though.
♡ he'll be more mindful about it if you seem genuinely upset with him for doing these things, though. although since his emotions are heightened he has bad reactions to being rejected in any way so he'll just lock himself in his room and avoid you because he thinks you hate him ( or is scared of getting angry and hurting you, because hey, he's hurt loved ones over accidents and disagreements before. ) it'll usually take half a day and then his 'being loved' battery runs too low so he gets over it and walks back into your arms with your permission and snuggles up like a big cat.
♡ very very prone to moodswings and is easy to upset. this is a lot harder with anybody he's clingy or protective towards but can still happen. but like i said, easy to soothe with physical affection from his loved ones. he's a moody black cat except a black cat that's like, 6'8 feet tall. and is a lion.
♡ s!3v3n's a lot more buried within steven these days since he's less actively manic all the time, but he'll still come out, usually after traumatic experiences or when steven is extremely upset and can't handle himself. often times he'll lock himself in his room if he can figure that he's about to lose control of himself for everybody's safety. the last time he let himself get lost in his intense emotions he let that control him for like 1-5ish years and killed like 3 or more people and also flew to johto for some reason ( escapism, s!3v3n sort of fucking hates kanto due to how everyone there treats him ) and killed one of those 3 people there.
♡ extremely overprotective and clingy. steven himself already is, but s!3v3n basically just makes his emotions 10x worse. he will not let you leave his sight 99% of the time, will cling onto you literally, and hold you extremely tight in bed so you don't leave because he's kind of selfish and likes your warmth and everything else about you. he'll let go with an annoyed grumble if you have to go to eat or go to the bathroom or something, but he'll let you go. he might follow if he cares enough.
♡ s!3v3n specifically is way more obsessive with miki. she's out constantly when s!3v3n is, getting so much attention. sometimes even more than you. miki's his main priority even if she's perfectly fine and alive - at least to him. you are an extremely close second though, sometimes tying depending on how he feels and how close steven is to you normally. if you're dating but like, only recently, s!3v3n will basically still care about you but will barely be around you unless you need something or come to him first. but if you two are very close he is all fucking over you and is as obsessive about you as he is with miki sometimes. have fun! ( also obviously if you don't fuck with miki this pisses s!3v3n off way more than it pisses steven off. So don't be rude!!! )
♡ he does not go outside for any reason unless it's at midnight. the last time he did he flew to johto and beat a kids ass for no reason. he'll go on strolls in his secluded little forest area of pallet and maybe fly with miki to take his mind off or to go somewhere to do something cryptic, but otherwise he stays holed up in his house as usual. he's much more active than steven though, often pacing or sometimes stomping around if he's upset.
♡ speaking of which he doesn't engage in most activities other than ones to keep him alive like eating and whatnot, but. the exception to this is videogames. canonically, probably, since its noted that he loves videogames and has old consoles. which is really fucking funny. imagine him with his scary ass red eyes and messed tangled hair growling and yelling at a multiplayer game or something. ( he is very competitive </3 ) ( canonically, he probably wouldn't even have any newer consoles with online multiplayer. but for the sake of my headcanons he does. )
♡ likes to cuddle up with you sitting on his lap while he plays games or watches tv or something. another easy way to soothe him.
♡ because he's clingy, this also means he'll take you literally everywhere he goes because he's too afraid and paranoid of leaving you alone. the only time he doesn't is when he himself is going out, is sure you're safe and won't try to do anything, and is sure he'll be quick ( for example him getting a midnight snack and then just coming back to bed after )
♡ type of guy who triple-checks everything - if locks are actually locked, if doors are closed, if wires are working and connected properly ( iykyk ), etc. so does steven, but as per usual, less than s!3v3n.
♡ if you like try to go to the store or something he'll be staring at you like an upset dog the second you get close to his homes door for any reason. he will not break eyecontact until you leave or move away from the door. he'll peak outside just to make sure you're safe, but will try to leave it alone despite his mind desperately telling him that something bad will happen to you if he leaves you alone.
♡ extremely easily jealous. if you ever somehow were to rope s!3v3n in an actual factual public setting ( likely via doing so with steven and something happening to make him s!3v3n during that ), he'd curl his form around you protectively, a hand always on you. it grips tighter whenever he's jealous - not intentionally to hurt you, but just out of impulse.
♡ hair is a lot more wild than usual, sometimes floating a bit off the ground, sometimes even longer than normal? it's also usually even darker than normal, too...
♡ although steven has cooking knowledge when s!3v3n's there, he doesn't really mentally care enough to cook so he just eats frozen meals. its why.. most of stevens kitchen is full of frozen and easy to make meals - because he was in a much worse mindset in most of his years of living at his somewhat decrepit home. said mindset being called Whatever the fuck S!3v3n is.
♡ s!3v3n loves physical contact as mentioned previously, but one thing he likes is to hug you from behind or to rub his cheese-grater feelin' ass chin stubble against your shoulder or something like that.
♡ that borderline certainly can personality a disorder! goddamn!!!!!!!!
♡ he's clingy! obsessive! jealous! terribly paranoid! has a lot of emotions he doesn't know why he feels or how to handle! but he still loves you at the end of the day, he's just easily upset and doesn't know what you want sometimes.
♡ he finds anything strange or new a threat most of the time and will either be cautious or defensive around said things. most true of people, least true of items. i feel like if you poisoned him he wouldn't even feel it so he wouldn't care ( although he does check food for poison if hes giving it to you or miki ). due to this if you want to order delivery or something he will be like "we have food at home." but in a less verbal sense ( probably just dragging you to the kitchen and scrounging around for something to eat that doesn't require social interaction )
♡ while pokemon avoid steven and leave him alone, pokemon and people fear s!3v3n. it's like a magnet aura of people leaving him alone out of fear. this is also kind of canon in strangled red after he gets missingno, where every npc turns away from him after he obtains it. it's not like s!3v3n specifically ever willingly goes out into public settings anyways, but if he were to nobody would bother him out of fear.
♡ if you two run out of food he dreads going to the local pokemart but does it begrudingly, being silent the entire time and just throwing food he wants or needs into his cart. he uh. he doesn't have money after the events of strangled red ( unless he stole mike, gold, or That one kid he presumably killed in strangled's wallet. ) so i don't know how he pays, he just does. or he steals at the dead of night via breaking in. either works. if someone catches him he just turns slowly and stares. the glowing red eyes usually convince them to leave him alone.
♡ he really likes putting his hands through your hair. its soothing and calms him down.
♡ s!3v3n isn't only active when stevens going through an episode, it's just 99% of the time when it happens. but when he just comes out through normal(ish) means, he's pretty passive. just quiet, giving single word responses usually and following you around his house with intrigue. he likes observing you passively throughout the day. just looking at you makes him that much calmer.
♡ sorry if you don't like being stared at s!3v3n does that a lot with his big glowey red eyes. the 'tism. he's staring at you lovingly if you can't tell dw
♡ if anything hurts you he will fucking go after whoever did it. you have to hold him back from seriously hurting anything or anybody. he just growls and stares at whatever hurt you in an attempt to hold himself back but make his intentions known. despite steven himself getting better to a degree, s!3v3n isn't one to be messed with still. He will actually beat your ass and possibly kill somebody over things still, just not as easily since he's ever-so-slightly more well adjusted than he was a few years back.
♡ the only difference is the s!3v3n back then relied on miki and various versions of her to take care of annoyances. s!3v3n nowadays will just beat somebody's ass with his bare hands for the hell of it if they piss him off enough and especially if they are trying to hurt you.
♡ if you two don't live together he'll collect various knickknacks you lose at his house and stash them somewhere safe, close to his bed as a good-luck charm of sorts. he's unironically not trying to be weird, he just thinks its cute and is a little too awkward to tell you that something of yours is left with him... he wants something to remember you by as cheesy as it may seem.
♡ s!3v3n is especially careful to not squeeze you too tight due to s!3v3n allegedly being stronger than steven since he's more emotional in this state than steven is, but at the same time he likes squeezing you a little roughly, but not enough to be uncomfortable. just in a playful and affectionate way. obviously he's mindful of it though, this is the version of steven that did snap his brother's neck after all. as much as he wishes to forget about that.
♡ s!3v3n holds grudges like a motherfucker and will not let them die. he's obviously more forgiving towards partners and usually flags relationship issues as his fault, but he will get vindictive and upset sometimes regardless - he just tries to not act on these feelings and have a moment to himself so he can calm down instead of immediately acting on it like he used to.
♡ doesn't eat a lot. s!3v3n usually comes out when stevens manic / having an episode / extremely depressed, which. Symptom of depression number whatever; Not taking care of yourself. which steven already does, but like stated many times before, s!3v3n is always way worse about stevens flaws
♡ if you like mostly solitude and if you don't like when stevens all snarky to you sometimes, s!3v3n tends to be more quiet if he's happy as stated before. he's just happy existing around you.
♡ often times he'll do his own thing while you do your own thing if the two of you don't want to be super touchy. parallel play behavior. it's usually him taking care of miki while you do whatever hobbies you have.
♡ face is usually shaded over way more than stevens and thats the main visual indicator along with his eyes being glowy usually. which should be known but In case it isn't. oh also he's probably taller or bigger sometimes in this state.
♡ he has a lot of issues but he's trying his best! big scary animalistic boyfriend who is always thinking of giving you a little smooch and cuddles all over.
♡ i'm writing too much and a lot of this boils down to the same things so im sending the fucking post and worrying about it later. amen.
♡ tldr the type of dude to wrap his arms around you tight to his chest and growl at any sort of threat. overprotective clingy boyfriend x 10.
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
Hi, first things first... love your blog!
Second thing... what do you think about Taz Skylar and Jacob Gibson Romero as Sanji and Usopp in OPLA?
Besides, maybe I'm reading too much into it because I ship Sanuso, but whenever I see their interactions, I can't stop thinking about the fact that maybe, maybe, there's more than friendship between them.
(See every comment Jacob writes under almost every Taz's IG post, Taz being more physically affectionate with Jacob whenever he is around...)
I don't know, maybe they are really just friends, but stilI I don't understand why nobody in the fandom has noticed these interactions and instead focused on shipping other cast members that don't express the same romantic potential (such as Taz and Emily Rudd) - probably because SanUso is an underrated ship -.
What do you think?
mmmm, i don't usually ship irl people? like it's not my thing? i'm a huge fan of the cast and their interactions are always sweet, but speculating about other people's relationships (even if they're famous) has always been a bit indifferent for me. i just don't really pay attention to their interactions that much to analyze if there's something more than friendship between them. like, i'm not saying this to judge you or anybody who ships them bc you can do whatever you want, but i personally never speculate about people's relationships.
however, i do LOVE their friendship. they're so so cute!!! well, in general, all the cast members are amazing and their friendship is adorable. i love them all and it's obvious that they care for each other a lot, which is always great to see because deep bonds always help whenever you're playing characters with the same types of friendship. jacob and taz are my favorite members of the cast tbh and i'm always excited to see them together or interact, and i do agree that they have a lot of chemistry both on screen and irl. but, you know, like i said, i don't talk about people's relationships like that. but i can certainly say that i love them together <3
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isosgoodgirl · 5 hours
Iso / Li Zhao Yu (P2)
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warnings; NSFW, dirty implications etc
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S/N: tbh I’m doing this over mt own free will since nobody asked for a second one but I still have sm hcs that I didn’t add to my other post so yea, also if ur blog is ageless and u interact w this I will block bc these r nsfw hcs, okay, enjoy now. Also laureene if you’re reading this no ur not 🤗
• He likes to play with your hair, whether he’s ruffling it, braiding it or just running his hands through it. He always needs to have a hand in your hair, it signifies his closeness to you. also because he’s used to having a hand in your hair when he’s forcing your mouth down onto his cock
• Possessive over you and doesn’t appreciate sharing. Jett wants to hangout? Forced to tell her you’re too busy. Killjoy needs help testing a bot? With Iso, sorry. Neon wants to race? Can’t let yourself trip and get hurt. It was always dumb excuses like this he made to keep you in arms length, sure it was annoying you never saw your friends, but you only need him, right?
• Definitely likes to mark you up and not only where the eyes can see; this man bombards you with hickeys. all the way from your inner thighs up to your stomach and chest. He loves seeing you under him, marked up with HIS love bites.
• Definitely has a size kink and enjoys the height difference between you guys, when he’s tearing into your guts he’ll occasionally grip your hips and bring you closer to him with ease, part of the reason he enjoys the huge size difference.
• Probably the type of guy to finish inside of you and pretend like it’s not a big deal, it’s not like he wants to impregnate you yet. He just likes to watch his seed drip from your plush walls out onto the sheets beneath you.
• Like I said on my last post, not a huge fan of PDA. He doesn’t like people knowing about his relationships outside of work but it’s pretty much known you guys are together. I mean, how could it not be when he has your pretty little voice moaning his name as he forces your eyes to roll back?
• One time choked you during sex and didn’t enjoy it that much, he kept doing it for your own pleasure. He has to admit though, your fucked out expression under him as he clasped his hand around your neck turned him on. Maybe he would have to do it more
• Likes to feel dominant in the bedroom but will occasionally let you dominate him, he loves you a lot and as long as it made you happy he didn’t care, plus, the way your tight walls hugged him whilst you were on top of him, eyes staring into his own, had him orgasming in waves of pleasure, coating your walls a nice white.
• Finally got a chance to hang out with your friends but he was there the whole time, occasionally coming up behind you while you were talking to Jett or Neon, whispering stuff about how he’s gonna ‘fuck you dumb later’ in your ear as he wraps his hands around your waist and smiles at the dumbfounded two stood infront of you.
• Eyes the evident marks on your neck like its eye candy, he loves having that dominance over you and loves even more how it’s for everybody to see and think about, trust him when he says he’d never let anybody but him touch you, they can look, but they can’t have.
• Is patient when it comes to foreplay, he enjoys his time with you and doesn’t try to rush straight into things, kissing you passionately on the lips as he drags a trail of soft pecks down your neck. He’s very attentive and caring, will do what he thinks he needs to be able to give you a maximum amount of pleasure.
• Very flexible when it comes to thrusting patterns, he can be rough with you or he can be gentle. When you guys have sex he’s mainly rough but if you’re having a bad day he’ll be gentle on you, your legs will still shake after though.
• Favourite position? He loves missionary. He enjoys when you ride him, Sure. but something about being able to see your face as he fucks you and watching your tits bounce gets him off so much easier, he just wants to devour you whole.
• Would probably tease you in a public space. Hand travelling under your skirt, rubbing your clit expertly through your thin panties as he leans over and whispers into your ear to hush. This man loves you so much but swear to god he teases you like you’ve never been teased before.
• Aftercare aftercare AFTERCARE. This man is so attentive and sweet after sex, will clean you up and run a nice bath, heading to the HQ kitchen to grab both of you a nice big glass of water
• Definitely talks in Mandarin during sex, cussing cursing swearing everything. Calls you stuff like good girl 100%
• Will cuddle with you after you guys are done though, all clean and shining in all of your glory as he nuzzles his head into your neck and tells you he loves you.
• Oh also, I forgot to mention this earlier but he definitely plays music during sex. He’ll fuck you to his favourite artists on speaker.
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stinkrascal · 5 months
I think no one likes my tav :( I love that simblrs began to share other games like bg3! And the small amount that does it sticks together! They reblog each other's bg3 posts, do art for them, put cute tags to support each other, so nice to see!! I really want to be part of that, but no one seems to actually like the bg3 stuff I post🥹 do you have any advice for me?
hi anon, i'm sorry you're feeling this way :( to be honest i don't really know what could be causing ppl to overlook your posts. idk what advice i could give you bc some of my bg3 posts do really really well, and some of them get like maybe 5 notes depending on what time and what day i post 🙈 but please dm me if you like i'd love to follow u if i don't already!! i love rbing bg3 posts on my blog i'd love to rb your posts too! i want everyone to feel included in this community you know ;-; even if you don't feel like your posts get enough attention i promise that isn't an indication of you not being wanted in this community!! it just means you haven't found your audience yet, and that's totally ok. it took me many years of posting consistently on simblr before i found ppl who were interested in my silly video game screenshots and tbh i feel major imposter syndrome for even saying that like jade stfu what do u mean ppl care about your screenshots no they dont😭 so like idk. for me when i get really worked up about feeling like nobody cares about what i post i just try to like......... make a circle of a few mutuals whose opinions i really cherish and every time they interact with my posts in any capacity, liking, commenting, reblogging, etc, i consider that post a win lol. be like "oh well my circle of elite mutuals all liked this post that means this post is pretty cool isnt it!!" lol that sounds silly but it helped a lot for me, bc i was really prone to getting myself in these cycles where i felt like if my posts didnt hit a certain note count that means i suck and nobody likes my stuff and thats a sucky way to feel you know!! and like i don't really know how i can optimze your note count for you, idek how i optimize my own, at this point ive given up on that endeavor bc it just puts too much weird pressure on myself to live up to an arbitrary and unreachable standard. but i think trying 2 reframe the way you think about this situation is just as helpful, it was really helpful for me at least. obv i think tumblr is a place where our posts SHOULD be shared ie reblogging stuff!! and i always always always encourage people to reblog posts bc thats how our community grows and flourishes, thats literally how tumblr has to function to survive so DO IT!! but also with all that being said, it will be better for u in the long run if you don't put a lot of pressure on yourself to hit a certain note count to be a valid participant in this community, instead make it about the love of sharing your creations online, and being content w the fact that your creations are still cool even if it didn't hit a certain level of engagement u desired!! and you know what, when you start loving and passionately posting about your creations, ppl pick up on that excitement. they get excited too!! and then before you know it you do have a community of support! so please dont unduly stress yourself my friend. does this make any sense. idk. YOU GOT THIS ANON I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!
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misalpav · 1 year
the kerala story is copied caliphate netflix series and you dont understand. you support bjp?
did you miss the part where i said that TKS is a MOVIE. and artists and writers take creative liberties??? i couldn't give a flying fuck which netflix series it's similar to bc in the end I see it as a movie and in the larger scheme, media, and every 10 yr old child I know knows not to believe everything they see on a big screen, but apparently you didn't get the memo. the isis fucking exists in India and with it they bring salafi jihadist culture and conversion because that's literally who they are and that's the bottom line. if you're in support of covering up their terrorism then please just stop reading and get the fuck off my blog. again why the fuck are people making such a big deal out of it oh my god. movies such as PK have shown offensive versions of Hindu gods, and in Canada, they made some play about the goddess Kali smoking and shit. I saw absolutely none of you say anything then so why the fuck do you "secular" people care now.
if you denied terrorism in India from middle easterners you'd be an idiot. ranging from pilgrim taxes, iconoclasm, and to forced conversions in Mathura and Kashmir among other places, the native Hindu-Indian population has seen everything over the years. I don't deny that islamophobia is real, but oh my god, the existence of islamophobia and hinduphobia is not mutually exclusive, this is so fucking basic. I can agree that islamophobia exists in many parts of the world and even in India, but this movie has nothing to do with that. again, it's a movie about ISIS and i will see it as such. If you see it as a movie about Islam, then maybe you're the one under the flawed assumption that all Muslims fall under the bracket of ISIS, which says more about you than me in any case.
if we get into politics then, no, i have no strong affiliation with any indian political party and, as someone who can't vote, i have no good reason to go out of my way to pick a side when i like neither anyways. i'm the kind of person that reads everything and figures out what makes sense. from that point of view i can say, IF kerala is a secular state, then they should have no problem with this movie, something backed by the Kerala High Court ruling as well. i also mentioned earlier that this is an issue of ISIS vs anti-ISIS, not hindu v muslim. that being said, if you were a secularist I'd continue to question why you care so much about the government handling religion in media when your entire argument should be separating state and religion entirely. movies and entertainment isn't a branch of the government so you're not allowed to give a fuck what they do as they try and gain viewers.
your bullshit "secularism" only goes to the extent that the agendas of islam and apparently also isis are supported in the public sphere and it fucking shows. secular countries around the world make movies with religion in the center and nobody gives a shit but you guys don't get those memos do you. movies such as priest and the 1972 movie adaptation of the canterbury tales exist show christianity in a skewed negative angle and were screened all over the west. but nope, just ignore that and blame some right wing party for a writer making a story because it inconveniences you and your little anti-hindu agenda.
in terms of this other ask,
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again with the word fanaticism. either you're accepting you're a blatant hinduphobe in which case get the fuck off my blog, I said very specifically that bigots are not welcome, or you just didn't read my last post properly in which case read that and then get the fuck off my blog. God, this whole post is so redundant and such a waste of my time. saying ISIS and the BJP are the same is such a flawed undertaking. I also can't think of a single example of a BJP member specifically targetting "muslims whose loved ones were lured into ISIS" and even a quick google and jstor search renders nothing.
The ISIS hijacked 4 Boeing 747s worth billions of dollars total and sent their members on a suicide mission halfway across the globe killing around 3000 people. They've run similar attacks all over the globe in areas including europe, africa, asia, or in other words anywhere they can fucking get to and their hate doesn't even stop at religion, and extends instead to anyone who rejects sharia law. the bjp has run nothing to the scale of the mass-murder and terrorism of isis and i can't decide if your desperation to prove me wrong with the most exaggerated arguments of the century are funny or if your ignorance is just sad. if conserving islam in the middle east with islamic republics and dictatorships is deemed ok, then maintaining hindu culture in a democracy where such members are elected is also ok.
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faffreux · 11 months
I love your blog, like so much. I literally have to pause every 3 posts cause it's just a cuteness overload. I kid you not, I LITERALLY have to take a break from your blog sometimes because I just can't handle it.
(I come back running 20 minutes later)
I have never, ever, been a fan of oc x canon, like not even remotely. The fact that your blog is doing this to me is just crazy, dare I say witchcraft 😤
Anyways I think what you're doing is awesome, and you should keep doing it :)
HI ANON THIS MESSAGE MADE MY ENTIRE MORNING !!!!!!!! Literally had to post a screenshot in my server bc that's how happy it made me so please know that. I am telling you this so you know how appreciated you are AUGHFJDG Been goofing off (in a very serious way tho, let's be real LOL) for the last 3 years and it means the world to me when others can take joy in the things I share. I used to think "oh, this is too personal. Nobody else is gonna care, right?" well I have never been so happy to be so wrong
Honestly, thank you so much and i hope you have a great week!!!! <3
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Don’t be surprised when you start losing a lot of followers for being an anti
Why do you care so much abt other people’s ships anyways
What a vain and shallow assumption you are under for believing that I care about how many followers I have. I do not care for the quantity of my followers, only the quality💀 but I have well over 1K followers and they keep growing if you are worried or something💀💀
And why do I care about other people's ships? Well, I'd love to support my mutuals's ships because I think they're cute but since the context is me being an "anti" I assume you are talking about people who enjoy incestuous, pedophilic, and/or large age gap ships?
Because they are absolutely insane and dangerous to those who are easy to manipulate who most of the time are minors? What a ridiculous world we live in that someone is confused on why you shouldn't be glorifying incest or pedophilia.
Pro-shipping is absolutely the most chronically online take I've ever seen in my damn life.
Like few years ago, there was this post where the op wrote "William x Mimosa" and "Fuego x Noelle" I remember the Fuego x Noelle thing being a misunderstanding but my god was that blog torn apart. Where is that energy now folks?
"It's only fiction! I want to explore these dynamics in fiction!"
Absolutely! I encourage exploring taboo concepts in fiction! But you are portraying it as something bad, right? Right?
Of course you are not!
Racism, homophobia, pedophilia, incest are all what? Say it with me: Bad.
I am not saying that people who write about them are bad, but the concepts themselves are not stuff you endorse. You don't need me to explain why they're all bad right? But if you live under a rock or in fairyland where nothing ever bad happens, let me explain.
Racism hurts people. Physically and mentally.
Homophobia hurts people. Physically and mentally.
Pedophilia hurts children. Physically and mentally.
Incest hurts children and adults. Physically and mentally.
I write about all of these topics in my fics but never have I once portrayed them in a good light. I don't pretend to ship or endorse any incest or pedophilic relationships I write. I don't portray racist and homophobic characters as good people. I write how much it hurts to be in those positions. I write about the confusion, the betrayal, the pain.
And what do I see proshippers doing on my dash? Fucking glorifying it.
I used to think, that's their thing, let them enjoy it but then I realized: There is a good reason why we shut down racists and homophobes and don't allow them safe spaces, why do we allow the same for people who FANTASIZE about disgusting things and put them on the internet.
Wake up to reality. Your behavior will make parents hide their children from you.
"What is fictious does not apply to reality!"
Are you serious my guy? Joining a fandom changed my life. Stanning Julius made me a better artist, writer, and made me more motivated to study quantum mechanics. My professors and my thesis advisors literally know of Julius because of me💀 I care so much about thinking about the underlying themes of BC and any other fiction I consume and see how it challenges my beliefs and my way of thinking. You may not consume fiction the way I do! But it most definitely affects reality💀
If you want a historical example, Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" converted many people to abolitionism because it brought attention to the horrible conditions of slavery.
And I can give you many, many, many examples about how fiction affects reality. But not in a one to one ratio. Just because I play COD or MW2 does not mean I want to pick up a gun and start shooting my friends.
"It is my coping mechanism for my trauma!"
Then book an appointment to a psychiatrist and tell them about this pro-shipping. See how that conversation would go down. Find a healthy coping mechanism. Nobody in their right mind endorses self-harm through unhealthy coping mechanisms.
To end it off, I'll say what I've said earlier,
What a luxury it must be to fantasize about incest, pedophilia and other BS like that in a positive manner when it is a nightmarish reality to many people.
I come from an ethnic culture where this is all so normal and the cycle of abuse continues. I don't want to talk about how it personally affected me because it is personal but, seek help. If you cannot, find healthy coping mechanisms. Pour all your pain out into art and writing if you must, but don't pretend for a second that it is good.
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wambsgansshoelaces · 4 months
hi! i’m the anon that called u numba one 🏆 just saw ur post about living with pcos and struggling with weight loss. i don’t have pcos, but i have endometriosis and a whole arsenal of ailments that would take forever to list. oh also im a wlw like u 😁i’m not the wisest person, but i will say that you have to be kind to yourself. even when you’re crying seven times in the doctors office. feel the disappointment, and the sadness, and know that it will not go on forever. sometimes being kind to yourself is allowing yourself to be sad without feeling weak for being sad. no one knows what’s going on in your mind but you, so let it flow freely. also you’re a fantastic writer,,, i literally have your notifs on and check your page everyday, and that’s coming from someone who’s been reading fanfiction for like 10 years. not many people can envision a scene so human and translate it into words as you do. your execution is flawless, but not clinical and robotic, it evokes warmth and real emotion. you give that freely to the general public of tumblr, and you should know we love you and your beautiful brain for it. i hope you find comfort in knowing other people like you are provided with a safe escape in your writing, if only for a moment. lord knows we do.
(ps, try intermittent fasting if you haven’t already ;))
(p.p.s. call me 🏆 anon )
anon will you give me a hug
I feel like you’re the older sibling I don’t actually have- tangent but my parents aren’t exactly the best people and I’m the eldest of all my siblings so you leaving this for me in my ask box genuinely made me cry. I’m so grateful that I finally have people who care and are so kind and thoughtful 🩷 I really will try and take your advice. It’s just that I’ve felt so upset and have had so much pent up depression that it’s just so difficult for me to not think I’m a horrible person just because I’m sad all the time if you know what I mean
and yes I’m wlw and still trying to come to terms with that yk? like I wish I could be loud and proud but I just can’t bc of what’s around me
and you have notifs on??? oh my god I’m so honored!!!! I need to stop shitposting… sorry for lol of the garbage you’ve seen 🏆…
what you’ve said about my writing is on god the nicest, most wonderful thing anyone’s ever said to or about me. you don’t understand what it means to me when you say my writing evokes emotion and makes you feel things. genuinely I have no words in response to that, I’m just so honored and just happy that you think so. coming from years of just a depressed state, I’d cling to any sort of media- tv shows, films, especially x reader fanfiction because it made it like I wasn’t actually suffering and that I have someone who loves me. I know nobody wants to read about this lol but genuinely (I’ve said that a million times already), genuinely, I could die tomorrow happy knowing that my work has made people feel better or made people just happy. I’m so, so, glad that my work is an escape for you. you’re always welcome on my blog, in my ask box, in my pms, whatever. I love you so so much 🫶🏽
(I’m really trying with food… my relationship is so unhealthy with it but I’ll let you know how it goes!)
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seriouslysam8 · 1 year
I am sorry that I made you justify for something that was your opinion❤️ (I am the one that asked you ages ago about your hate/dislike)
Normally, I don’t read Hermione bashing because people make her a real bitch that is after Harrys money and that doesn’t care about him, which I think is weirdly non-canon. So reading the MiT was kind of a suprise to me. It didn’t have the tag bashing and you were definitely NOT bashing her, but wrote her pretty boring, distant and cold.
I shouldn’t have asked you… like you said! Its YOUR story and YOU decide who has more „page time“ and who deserves to be written about. But instead of being an asshole and ignoring my ask you were so respectful and said so many reasonable points that I understood and accepted your opinion!
I don’t agree with all, but I understood and tbh I still read through all those one shots and multi chapters 😅 You write too good, to just stop reading your stories 😅
The only thing that I can suggest so people stop asking about Hermione is to write a post or just a disclaimer that this blog is an anti!Hermione blog without bashing
Because you really don’t bash Hermione, you just don’t write about her more.
I am so Sorry that you needed to write this rant, because you felt like justifying your opinion and hate again and again and again! But I am also glad you wrote it and didn’t shut up about it. Because nobody cares if someone hates Drarry, Wolfstar, a feminin Sirius(which is so weird.) a skirt wearing Sirius (I- wtf), those blogs that post about TOMARRY don’t need to justify their ships, people don’t ask about why someone hates Ron or Ginny or the whole Weasley clan (seriously noone). So you should have the right too, to hate a FICTIONAL character that is not REAL
Again I apologize for my noisy self!❤️
And just to annoy you, bc I really do love this blog snd the person behind it:
Why do you dislike percy Weasley?💀😭
(Pls take it as a joke, I rarely care about him😂💀)
I don’t want you to feel bad. Some people are genuinely curious, and those people (like you) bother me a lot less. Because I get it. She’s not normally a disliked character. But there are those of us who just don’t have any interest in her or don’t like her.
It’s just a question I get asked often.
You are so right. Nobody goes to an anti-Ron or Ginny or Weasley tumblr or story and ask why or to shit on the author. Or if Ron is put in the background as a friend and Hermione is portrayed as the bestie, nobody bats an eye. I think that’s what bugs me the most.
I had someone who would rant on my page anytime I said something even remotely negative about Hermione. I blocked their account and their second account so I don’t have to deal with it. Most times, people don’t really argue. But I get a lot of reviews and asks asking questions or people who are upset that I underutilize her. A lot of the time I just delete and ignore, not giving it any attention.
I just got a shitty anon review today that I ended up deleting ranting and raving at me because of Hermione in Brumous and saying my portrayal of Harry and Ron was awful. And I just had enough. And I needed to vent.
But honestly, I remember your ask and you were kind and respectful. I don’t mind questions. It just gets exhausting sometimes. More often than not, they’re not respectful.
I am just trying to establish some good boundaries. Some people in the fandom need to learn how to respect boundaries. That’s very, very important.
So, friends?!?
Don’t get me started on Percy!!
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heeseongism · 2 years
Can you do a mutual appriciation post pls?
Love your works ! Slay bestie 💪🏻💜✨
Ooh okay !! Im rlly bad at writing sappy messages tho so bare with me 😭 also im going thru my following list as im writing so this isnt in any particular order <3 also ty @sluttyenha for re-sending this ily
@foxdaisy MY PRECIOUS DAISYYY 🥺 notice how i said my daisy? Thats bcs shes mine so all of u hoes better back off, daisy should srsly have the Guinness world record for most adorable person in the world bcs my god shes the cutest 🤧 always so so supportive of all her mutuals and never has anything bad to say abt anyone, shes rlly reminds me of this one mutual i used to have on my old acc and it just made me feel so at home on this new blog <33 daisy rlly just deserves the world, she's just that one friend that you can always count on to brighten up your day 💕 i always look forward to the asks that she sends me and ngl i feel my eyes watering sometimes by how adorable she is :( we’re always active at different time but whenever we do interact it makes me rlly appreciate and love her <3
@sunghoonalter raven, oh god where do i start. raven first and foremost is my bae so everyone back off bcs she is MINE MY PROPERTY 🔪 yes i have claimed both raven and daisy deal with it (i may claim some of my other mutuals so beware) shes also my no 1 angst writer even tho i hate reading it bcs it crushes my heart but I'll read it for her ✋😔 honestly raven deserves way more than shes getting on this hellsite BCS WHY TF ARE YALL SLEEPING ON HER DAMN GOD GIVEN WRITING SKILLS?!?!?!? WAKE UP AND APPRECIATE HER FFS shes the cutest girl in the world with her bambi eyes and might i say beautiful lips 😩 also her humor >>>>>>> it makes me love her even more than i alr do. We may disagree on some stuff (her being bambi and sunghoon having tiddies) but i still love her nonetheless ! I hope ive made her tumblr experience just a little bit better just like she did with mines ❤
@hee-pster - jan my fellow girl boss and lifeline is by far THE LOVELIEST person ive met on this site and im not even over exaggerating. She was the first person i properly interacted with and she immediately made me feel so comfortable on her and ilh for that 😭 she rlly deserves all the praise and love that she recieves bcs shes just such a kind, funny, and bubbly mutual who im proud to call my friend :( shes also hilarious and i love how we can both match each others energy, shes such a beautiful person and i just know shes beautiful on the outside too 😔 we wouldnt be able to handle a face reveal 💔 i rlly do love her, so much that words cant explain how much she means to me, I'll always try my best to be her supportive moot 💕 I hope she always remembers to take care of herself bcs life can be an ass sometimes <3
@jaylaxies aria aka the president of coochie clenching smuts AKA MY QUEEN 😩 WHY IS NOBODY ON THEIR KNEES BOWING TO HER FEET RN??? She is just so so hardworking and i rlly admire her for her perseverance despite all the obstacles she faces on her blog. Shes such a gorgeous person inside and out and shes still so humble even after gaining a massive follwoung which makes me love her sm more. Shes just one of the ppl who im extremely proud to call my friend bcs its not every day you meet someone as amazing aria, shes a rare gem fr 💕💕 I want to give her the world and to protect her from all the hate but sadly im merely a 19 yr old with multipe deficiencies and couldnt fight for my life without shattering my bones. However i hope that my love and affection can help her even if its in the tiniest way possible. Shes honestly one of the sweetest ppl ive met on here and i always look forward to her posts and when we interact :(
@end-hyphen MY LITTLE 5'2" GENIE IN THE BOTTLE 🧞‍♀️ ik alot of ppl say this but genie rlly is just like a big bundle of sunshine and she never fails to make my day whenever i see her in my notifications :( literally a free package of positivity like WHAT DID I DO IN MY PAST LIFE TO DESERVE BEING BLESSED BY SUCH A WHOLESOME HUMAN BEING ??? We haven't been mutuals for very long but i rlly hope our friendship can last for a very very long time bcs tumblr would be so lifeless without her, the happiness would literally be drained out of my tumblr experience ngl 😭 im always looking forward to when we interact and just seeing her interactions with other ppl on my dash makes me so happy that theres still sm positivity despite all the hate anons ew,, genies rlly is just a beautiful person both inside and out and i wish her all the happy things in life!
@jaysbiceps amy or should i say my angel in disguise and by disguise i mean KINKY LEATHER CORSET,, i legit never wouldve expected someone as sweet and GORGEOUS as her could be this sexy but im loving it. Amy is probably the person i dm the most on here, and shes just the cutest most adorable mutual i could ever wish for. Shes so supportive and is always checking up on me which i appreciate vv much, whenever i say i love her i rlly do mean it. I love our talks whether its abt being horny or screaming abt random drama she never fails to make me laugh even if im having a rough day :( She deserves all the love and happiness in the world and i hope she doesnt have to deal with nasty anons anymore bcs or else i will personally go to their house and drain the happiness in them and then gift it to amy.
@shu-ramyeonz shu is... chaotic to say the least... BUT SHES MY CHAOTIC BAE (another one added to the list hehe fight me if u object) I love how she always acts so friendly with ppl even if its the first time they've interacted she acts as if they've know eachother forever nd have gone thru 5 divorces together 😔 I admire her sm for her confidence and positivty despite all the haters in her inbox who hve nothing better to do. also she looks exactly like a pinterest girl THE ENVY UGH 🤧 anyways i love her sm she's always hyping me up and complimenting me for no reason whatsoever which never fails to cheer me up 💕
@hwxnghyynjin BILLIE MY HANDSOME BOY, firstly can we just appreciate how god damn sexy he is bcs the fact that there isnt a billie visuals appreciation day where we all cry over how hot he is doesnt sit right with me 🤨 billie is a mutual of mine from my old acc so we go WAYYY BACK and i can't think of any other mutual i would rather have find this acc (well technically i told him but who cares) he is the cutest bean ever and his smile is so so so so precious it just lights me up inside hes so cute sjakhska :(( someone stop me im fangirling anyways billie is just the light of my life rlly and we dont interact much nowadays but i still feel so comfortable with him which is a huge thing for me. I just love him 😭
@lunarxsun luna is the cutest most adorable most precious person to exist istg words cant explain how hard working she is, i rlly hope one day she gains the recognition she deserves bcs her ocs are SO GOOD 😩 shes always so positive no matter what the haters say and i love that abt her. She's always coming into my ask box to give a little hello and i rlly appreciate it so so much, she's always thinking abt those around her and u can tell she genuinely loves her mutuals, shes such a good person and im manifesting with her that she meets her future husband at the COOL club ;)
@clelevanters tala is an angel that was sent down by god for being too horny and i will stand by that statement 😤 she rlly was blessed by god with those stunning visuals and stunning voice too?? Apparently she sings and im crying bcs i haven't heard her heavenly voice yet 😭 shes such a positive bundle of energy and i love when she randomly pops into my ask box simping over enha or the dark moon characters sjsjsksj tala also shares my pegging kink ugh could she get any better. Shes yet another one of my mutuals who i just wanna protect with all my might and also the fact that shes younger than most of us makes her so babie :( enhablrs babygirl me thinks
@polalvsjy MAE IS THE HUMAN PERSONIFICATION OF COTTAGECORE ISTG SHES SO SOFT AND CUTE except she listens to chase atlantic- shes one of the most beautiful person ive seen im not even joking. She gives off HUGE golden retriever vibes and its so adorable 😭 literally jakes soulmate in my opinion. She's also extremely talented LIKE FIRST SHES AN AMAZING WRITER AND THEN I FIND OUT SHE CAN SING LIKE AN ANGEL, DRAW LIKE PICASSO AND DANCE?!?!? God truly does have favorites 🤧 i always look forward to seeing her on my dash and in my inbox <33 i feel like it’d be rlly nice to just have a picnic with her and talk abt anything bcs shes so easy to speak with <3
@forjongseong NANA IS LITERALLY MY SOULMATE ATP HER MUSIC TASTE IS CHEFS KISS SHE ALSO LISTENS TO MAYE TOO SO LIKE 😍 once again a very very very talented mutual of mines,, her carmesi series OH MY GOD SHE MADE ME FALL IN LOVE WITH THE SECRETARY!JAY AGENDA. We actually dont interact as much as it feels like we do bcs i just feel so comfortable with her and i love that abt her, i love how shes such a kind inviting person and also extremely pretty too might i say 👀 shes adorable and her love for jay is even more adorable skjndk i always look forward to seeing nana on my dash and i hope we can become even closer!!
@drunkjaked SAX IS ALSO MY SOULMATE STFU she introduced me to kehlani and i’ll always love her for that 💕 we also havent interacted much but it feels like shes a lifelong friend whenever we talk with eachother! Shes such a talented writer and im proud to be mutuals with such a sweet and funny person such as her. I hope that in the future we can become closer friends and i hope she takes care of herself <33
@donghoonie-3 AVERY MY LOVE istg describing how precious they are is impossible, i always love seeing them interact with other ppl on my dash, and HE ALSO SHARES MY LOVE FOR SUBBY HOON 🥹 the best sub!hoon blog on here imo. I dont have much to write bcs we dont interact much but i truly do love and care for them <33
@hee-pot @vivvys @robyncore @4hsng @thots4hee @softforqiankun @amourhee @svnoohe4rts @muffinminnie @criceofpain @blond4enha @sluttyenha @taekookstiddiemilk @nyanggk @valley-of-lies @2minbin @heetro @pandorasblogbcuzican @tfwheeseung @yunskies @jinfie-lvr ILY GUYS I RLLY DO BUT WE HAVENT INTERACTED ENOUGH FOR ME TO WRITE ANYTHING 😭 but i srsly do love u all equally and i hope we can interact more in the future mwah <33 also if i missed out any moots the same goes for you guys
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salted-caramel-tea · 2 years
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i dont care if you don’t like dream . you are purposefully choosing to ignore the point im making because you don’t like dream which is in fact proving my point .
the mcc community has a huge issue with hate and hypocrisy so let me take a deep dive into what i mean by that and why these guys ^^^ are dumb cunts
example 1- buildmart .
“ what’s your favourite game and why is it not buildmart”
that’s all i said . it’s a joking post about the fact a lot of people complain about buildmart . let’s talk about the response to that, which if needed i will tag blogs who participated in this behaviour .
• i was being whiny and needed to get over it bc buildmart if just a game
• i was clogging the mcc tag with negativity
• buildmart hate wasn’t allowed in the tags
this is the big one right
• i was asked to delete my post because the mcc tag is not a place for any sort of negativity, people don’t want to constantly see discourse in the tag which was from them on to remain discourse free
read that again . and a third time. as many times as you need for it to get through your skull .
let’s look at how the community reacted to that
- sent me death threats
-harassed me for 3 days after the post was made
- eventually made me take about a week away from tumblr bc i was tired of being harassed every time i made a post and there’s only so many times i can hit block anon
and that was justified right ???? that was okay ! because i made a little joke about not liking buildmart .
example 2- dream team hate
imagine the sheer murderous rage i felt watching the event that saturday to
“ugh i fuckinf hate sapnap he doesn’t deserve his 5th win get him out the event”
or this event to
“i hate dream stans”
“dream us dishonouring technoblade and this person is doing it better “
“dream should be permabanned because i hate him and i don’t agree with what he said”
and so many other posts .
you all complained about the dream fans using th tags but i didn’t see anything from dteam fans in the tags . just you lot complaining about how awful they are .
let’s look at how this hate was handled
- nobody cared .
-hate clogged the tag
- the mcc tag was not discourse free
- and i am being harassed again for calling that out
so let’s get into why i’m calling it out .
i don’t care if you hate dream . hate him for whatever reason i do not give a shit. i’m not asking you to suck his dick. the issue is that you are purposefully straying away from the topic of conversation bc i like dream and you think it can all be boiled down to that . it can’t .
so what’s the issue if it’s not the fact that people hate dream? it’s that you’re awful people .
not even joking . this is what it’s come to . this is how i’m gonna be describing the mcc community from now on . which is sad bc i love mcc .
how are you awful people ?
let’s recap
• a joking post about buildmart gif a blog bullied off the platform for spreading negativity and clogging the tag with hate
• the hate that actually clogs the mcc tag does not receive a similar energy and is let slide bc ppl think they’re cool when they hate dream
so what does this say to me ? it says to me that you didn’t ever care about the tag being clogged with hate. it says to me that you are either liars or hypocrites who only care about defending your own interests . it says to me that i never should’ve gotten any of the “helpful criticism” i got from people like (i removed the tags bc it felt cruel but test me again and i’ll tag them) for clogging the tag and spreading negativity. unless you two want to open up and start talking about how the dream neg is ultimately worse for the mcc tag , since that’s genuine negativity and hate and actually clogging the fuckinf tag . and i’m calling the two of you out not because i hate you i don’t have anything against you but because i remember you . you spoke Big enough to me about how i was impacting the mcc community and turned a blind eye to everything else .
i was harassed and threatened for days . “i’m sorry that happened to you but” but nothing . don’t sit and apologise to me for shit. if you want to do anything, uphold the values of the mcc tag that you were so desperate for me to stick to with a little buildmart joke. call out people posting neg in the tags, tell them that this is a discourse free tag . go on .
but you’re going to find every reason not to . bc dream neg is allowed . and every justification i’ve gotten from you lot is completely useless . it all boils down to i hate him and that’s okay i’m not asking you to feel otherwise despite the fact you’re desperate to say i am
i am asking you to uphold your fuckinf values . principles arent principles when you pick and choose when to use them . so either stop lying to me, or get a fuckinf grip and tell people posting dteam neg in the main mcc tag that they are breaking the rules of the tag .
just to clarify for a third time because i know people won’t have understood yet- i don’t care about what you think of the ace race drama . i don’t care what you think about dream . i care about the fact the etiquette of the tag is being abandoned yet again to justify a bias against certain communities. but if i was in there posting anti buildmart memes, what would happen?
either shut the fuck up when ppl say they hate buildmart (ace race is just a game remember) or keep your neg out the main mcc tags
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