#i love how every time this scenario is drawn katana's in a dress
bangtan-spells · 7 years
Yoongi Scenario: Tainted Love - Part 8.
Request: Could you make one with Yoongi being some sort of demon/vampire boss that every one is super scared of but then there is Y/N, Yoongi is in love with her and everyone is always super impressed how Yoongi always surrenders and softens when something is about her? He’s super protective and wants to please her in his own way, thank you for doing this i love you
Summary: Demons are merciless, demons are ruthless, demons can’t hold nothing dear to them. Yoongi is the leader, the king of the demon world. He is feared as he is respected, no one expected him to bring a human girl as his lover, you. You fell in love and now you are in the midst of adjusting to the demon world, its custums, and its dangers. But everything is worth it if is for him, the demon king that lives between shadows and that would turn hell apart to protect you.
Demon AU. Featuring all BTS
Genre: Romance / Drama.
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13
It was obvious after that day that something had happened. At least to Yoongi’s inner circle it was, as some of them has already insinuated it and had made comments about it. You were having none of them which kind of confirmed it, and as for Yoongi, he was being himself, but worse.
You only had one week left until your vacations were over, and even thought you could go and just leave things as they were, you didn’t want that. You wanted an apology from Yoongi, you felt that after what he had said and the way he was being you deserved one. So you decided to stay in the manor for the little free time you got, Yoongi didn’t oppose of course, he just went on with his duties as normally as he would any other day, but you knew him, you could notice that he was going out of his way to be colder with you, to spend as much time as he could out doing who knew what since you wouldn’t be asking, why would you? You didn’t want to hear him saying that you should stick to your business, not saying anything since he was angry.
You frowned, well this was your business. If it was for you to stay put inside then it also was for you to know and be informed about what happened. Before Yoongi wouldn’t have a problem in telling whatever, but the last few days he was giving you as much insight as a rock would.
You rolled in bed seeing his bare back in front of you, the bed was big enough for you to sleep without touching, even still you always found yourself waking up closer than you had been before. In other circumstances you’d run the tip of your fingers down his spine, up and down until he woke up, he’d grumble and groan at first but then he’d turn around and put you to his chest, holding you tight enough for to not move away from him. You wanted that, but you didn’t move your hands to touch him. 
After you went to the bathroom you were surprised to find Yoongi still in bed, could demons be exhausted? You supposed they did, if they slept then that meant getting tired, maybe he was too tired lately. You wouldn’t find it odd with how busy he had been.
You crawled to bed once again and your eyes were drawn by the katanas on the wall, getting on your knees you took one, it surprised you how light it was, you had figured it would be heavier since it was after all a blade, but it wasn’t like you had held any other sword before so it was natural for you to be in awe. You looked at it, elegant, curved and slender, much different from Taehyung’s swords that looked sturdy and heavier. The scabbard was made in lacquered wood with flowing lines and spring flowers carved on it, the same lines showed in the handle as well, it was a true work of art and you wondered what the blade would actually look like.
-Put that down, you’re going to cut yourself-
Frowning you looked at Yoongi who was now turned to you, his lean body barely covered by the blankets, his hair was tousled but he still looked pretty hot like that. You huffed and kept looking at the sword.
-Y/N- he pushed.
-I’m just looking, and what is the problem? You are starting to sound like a dad, creep-
-That you can lose a finger- he said ignoring your insult.
-It’s still had its scabbard-
-Yes, but you want to take it off-
You snapped your head to him baffled. -Of course not, how would you know?-
He sighed, sitting down. -I can see it in your eyes, you like that katana-
-So what if I like it? Non of your business, I can handle myself, perhaps I should use this- you snapped childishly, but you were tired of him paying you attention just in times where you were  to be remotely in danger or were you could hurt yourself. You wanted him to just tell you what was bothering him and to talk to you properly like before.
It happened so fast you didn’t have a chance to react, Yoongi jumped your way and with a smooth and quick move he took the sword out of your hands, with a hand he pushed you so you fell on your back on the bed, his legs were straddling you while he leaned forward and placed the guarded blade near your throat.
-You can handle yourself alright-
Your breathing had quickened due to the surprise and the shock of the katana so close to your face, you stared at it and then lifted your gaze to glare at Yoongi. -What? You are going to hurt me?- you asked even though you knew he wouldn’t. He glared at you harsh and hard, lowering his face to yours a bit more before he groaned and got away from you, leaving the sword on the mattress.
-Of course not- he said when he was giving you his back again. -How could I? You just…-
-I what?- you asked when he didn’t say anything else. -Yoongi, love- you almost never called him that, it was him who used that word so he stared at you over his shoulder, it was just two seconds but he groaned something you didn’t catch and went to the bathroom.
You didn’t see Yoongi after that, so you went out, finding not only Jimin but also Jungkook standing in the hallway that conduced to Yoongi’s room, both of them were dressed comfortably, Jimin and Jungkook were very different, both of them were fit but Jungkook was taller and buffer than Jimin whose shoulders were narrower and was almost a head smaller, Jimin’s appearance was soft, the only sharp edge being on his jaw, Jungkook on the other hand was filled with strong features, tall and big nose, strong jaw, full eyebrows, although he had unexpectedly round eyes, childish almost. You knew they were there waiting for you, this was the only part when there was just a long hallway without any other doors aside from the ones of Yoongi’s room.
-Hello boys, what do we have for today, movies? music? tour around the city? crochet?-
-What is crochet?- Jimin asked and Jungkook sighed catching your annoyance first.
-How about breakfast? Yoongi told us that…-
-Oh how considerate of him, he didn’t tell me anything-
-Y/N, it was just what he said, if you don’t want to eat then don’t- Jungkook said a bit gruffly.
You exhaled. -What else did he tell you?- you asked as you started to walk. -Alright then, you two also ignore me-
-He just said we made sure you ate something- Jimin answered after a moment.
You didn’t get Yoongi, how was he so caring but then he went off ignoring you. It wasn’t like him to ignore you and that was what was driving you crazy. You just kept on walking to the main hall and then to the dinning room, you were hungry after all.
-So why are you two here with me? I thought you were all busy with the lizard hunting- you asked, kind of regretting being sarcastic with them, if anything they weren’t at fault and were as much stuck with you and you were with them.
Jungkook nodded. -Today there’s another group out, we stayed here-
You went to the dining room where the servants were already setting up breakfast, croissants, pancetta, fruits and all the things you liked were displayed there for you to choose. First was a cup of coffee.
-I know you can’t really tell me anything, but I’m just worried about him, I’m not asking this to be annoying or to make Yoongi angry, I’m just worried-
Both of them looked uncomfortable, Jungkook was usually quiet although quite bratty sometimes, Jimin on the other hand was shy and obedient, so you didn’t say anything else. The doors opened again startling you, Jimin and Jungkook looked up as Hoseok and Taehyung came into the room.
-Y/N, there you are- Hoseok said going your way.
You raised your brows. -Hello, looking for me?-
-Yes, I didn’t know if you were already with these two, but I see you are good?-
You nodded. -Is it really necessary that Jimin and Jungkook stay with me? I mean, I’m just going to walk around all day, not much, so, no offense guys I’m just trying to do you a favor- you said looking at them, not that it bothered you their company, but you didn’t see the point and you actually wanted to spare them to have to be with you while you were in a  terrible mood.
-What? Tired of us?- Taehyung smirked getting an apple from the table.
You rolled your eyes at him and just waited for Hoseok’s answer.
Hoseok sighed. -I guess you’re right, you can stay just with one of them if you want, Yoongi is just…-
-What had happened between you girl toy? I hadn’t seen him have such bad blood since ages-
You arched a brow in Taehyung’s way. -You sure don’t like your eyes- you smiled in an obvious threat.
Taehyung laughed. -I like them, but you gotta tell us because he’s being...- he whistled. -Lucifer in flesh and bone, and I’m into pretty ugly shit- Everyone stared oddly at him and Taehyung shrugged. -What? Am I the only one thinking that? This shit could affect us, another fault for you missy- he said pointing you with his forefinger.
-So if he’s happy he’s being too soft and if he’s angry he’s being too brutal, what is it that you want of him?-
Hoseok shook his head. -Taehyung, shut up for a change, and the two of you, choose who’s staying with Y/N-
Jungkook and Jimin looked at each other for a second, and then Jimin turned to you.
-Me- he said seeing you asking for your approval and you granted it to him.
-Alright- you thought Hoseok was going to go but to your surprise he sat down beside you and poured himself a cup of coffee. -Things are much complicated than you think Y/N, if he’s going around killing and punishing too much then the other groups will retaliate and it will cause a problem, and we already have problems-
-Even I know that-
-Shut up- Hoseok and you said to Taehyung who shrugged again.
-Yoongi’s usually very well self contained, but he seems off, I know you are worried about him Y/N, that is why I’m telling you, make amends with him- You sighed, Hoseok’s tone of voice told you he was concerned about Yoongi and the consequences of his acts too, although in a different aspect than you were, you had only been seeing things as you as a couple without considering that what happened to him affected others all well.
-Me more than anyone would like to make it all ok again, but Yoongi is angry because he wants to, since we got from Russia he’s been acting like…-
-A demon?- Taehyung completed making you glare at him although yes, he was acting like the true demon you supposed he was.
-How long would it take your tongue to grow back again?- you said grabbing a knife from the table.
-Taehyung stop it- Jungkook said glaring at his friend.
-Wow, Y/N, careful there, I have a blade too, two of them-
-Really? Where do you have them?- Jimin asked making Taehyung frown, and all of you looked from him to Taehyung a bit surprised, indeed, the swords weren’t at his back anymore, Taehyung started to touch his back and look around.
-If you threat Y/N again I won’t give them back- Jimin said and out of nowhere the swords fell to the ground in front of Taehyung who snarled at Jimin making you nervous.
-Taehyung, Jungkook, is time for you to go check how things are going underground, get to it- Hoseok ordered in a deeper tone that cut the tension. You were grateful for Jimin sticking to you, but you didn’t want him fighting Taehyung, you could only imagine the things the latter would do.
Fortunately the other two left after Taehyung threw a sadistic stare to Jimin that honestly made you shudder but Jimin remained glaring back. You had already finished your breakfast so now you should go find something to do but then Hoseok surprised you yet again. -Jimin, I’ll speak with Y/N for a moment, I’ll call you back-
You widened your eyes and saw him go without saying anything else, pouring more coffee for you and then for Hoseok, looking at him interrogantly.
-Y/N, I think, after seeing you and Yoongi interact together, that you don’t know the place you have in here, in more ways than you can understand and perhaps that’s why you are blind to a lot things that are just in front of you-
You frowned lightly. -What…?-
-Just listen for a moment- he interrupted you. -You are impatient and stubborn, you are like him in that aspect, It’s not a compliment by the way- he shook his head and took a sip from the coffee. - I know Yoongi practically since we were born, I was brought to live here in the manor very young and I was close in age with him so naturally we spent time together, training and sparring, learning how to kill… then Namjoon came to live here as well and it was the three of us, I don’t know if he told you, but Yoongi’s family was murdered-
You nodded. -He did, he said something about a vendetta, but he didn’t explain to me how it happened-
-We were still young when Yoongi’s mother was kidnapped, of course there was anger flowing throughout all of us, and at his age Yoongi was already more powerful than his father, the past leader of the domain, he had claimed the tittle of heir and was supposed to become what he is now later on, so naturally he was the one chosen to go to retrieve her. He took Namjoon and me with him, we tracked the demons all the way to Malaysia, they turned out to be a lost group that before belonged to our domain but had disappeared, it happened a lot in the past, so we killed them all for treason but by the time we found Yoongi’s mother they had already killed her and had left her body there-
-Yoongi found her? You found her?-
Hoseok nodded. -We couldn’t do anything, she was long dead by the the time we got there-
-So it wasn’t a kidnap-
-It was a trap- Hoseok confirmed. -A set up, an we realized that when we found her dead, we came back to the manor immediately, but when we appeared at the main hall everything had changed, everyone was there, laying on the floor of the hall, the servants, the guards, my father who worked here before me, everyone was laying on the floor on their own pool of blood, but Yoongi’s family, they were all put into stakes, naked and humiliated in the middle of the room, such was our sight-
You were left speechless, Yoongi hadn’t told you this but you couldn’t blame him, if demons could feel affection like you knew they could then this must had been too painful, and Hoseok, his father had also been killed. -All that for revenge, I’m sorry Hoseok, I didn’t know your father too….-
-They were starting to rot- Hoseok continued with a bitter snort. -It had been almost a week but they already stunk, we rot much worse than you, believe me that- he said with a sigh. -Yoongi didn’t want to call for anyone’s help, we didn't know who was into the plot, so we took care of the bodies and all the mess ourselves, after that we found the other faction of the group who had done it, apparently it was just them, this time we did have aide from Namjoon’s family to capture them all-
-And then what did you do with them?-
-We arranged an assembly in which Yoongi was acknowledged as our new leader, a lot of demons didn’t know what had happened, others suspected it, so it was a clamor since the group of demons who did it, like I told you, hadn’t been seen in decades, we brought the prisoners and Yoongi killed them one by one in front of everyone, twenty of them in total. After that Yoongi made each leader of each group hang them in stakes in places we frequent, known strongholds, markets, and such, I hung mine at the doors and since that day I never went out of this manor…- his lips twitched upwards with nostalgia, like he could remember the exact moment, the exact feeling in which his life had changed - They were naked and mutilated and Yoongi promised the same destiny to who ever opposed him- Hoseok looked down at his cold coffee. -This might seem like just a grim story about your boyfriend’s past, but it  means more than that-
-I wouldn’t think… I don’t think this is meaningless-
-We demons share bonds too, you know, and for us family, if you have any, is valuable, is the source of power for many and how immortality is truly created, not all demons get to have long lives, and not all demons get to have a family, or offspring-
-That is sad, I understand why he doesn’t talk about it now- you whispered, feeling how you still ignored things about Yoongi that made him suffer, you thought you knew all about him, you have been arrogant like that. You can never know absolutely everything about anyone.
-He hadn’t formed a bond with anyone else since then- Hoseok said a bit lower. -he had lived fearlessly because he had lost it all already, and then he met you-
You swallowed, the weight and meaning of Hoseok’s works getting to you, such a fool yo had been. Selfish and arrogant.
-Thank you for letting me know-
He nodded, getting to his feet. -Don’t tell him we had this talk though, he’d hang me- he smiled even if he had just said something horrible, but you smiled in return.
-I’d like to know Hoseok, are you older than Yoongi? You seem older-
-That’s because he’s immature at heart- he answered with a huff. -I’m not older than him, which is an injustice, you’d think life would give me at least that advantage, but no-
You laughed a little. -You are a good friend-
Hoseok cocked his head to the side, like he had never been told that, then he returned the smile and nodded. -I guess I am-
You couldn’t wait for Yoongi to come back, with everything you learned today you couldn’t wait to talk to him from another point of view. Now you could understand him a bit more, the way he felt about you and why. He was so protective, so intense always wanting to keep you at hand distance, always trying to keep you safe. You bit your lip and hugged the pillow with which he slept, it smelled of him, rich and manly, just slightly sweet, you couldn’t imagine how it would be when you could truly smell him.
You wanted him back and make it right again, you could compromise a bit more but you could also make him see that he wouldn’t be losing you any time soon.
You waited, first in his room that you supposed was a bit yours as well, but Yoongi didn’t come back in the afternoon which filled you with anxiety, hadn’t he meetings here? why was he taking so long?
Trying to calm yourself a little you went out with Jimin, taking a walk this time outside, at the gardens of the manor, it was a beautiful place, gardens that wouldn’t envy nothing to those of royals families in the nineteenth century, something told you they had kept that style since then to go with the rest of the manor.
You walked leisurely, so to take as much time as you could, admiring the flowers and the marble statues, humans couldn’t see these gardens and even less the manor, it was protected by some kind of magic that didn’t allow them to recognize what was in front of them, unless they were invited in, even still the manor was located far away from town.
You walked until the sun disappeared completely, but when you came back Yoongi hadn’t still arrived which made you more nervous. Now that you knew how to approach him he wasn’t coming. Could it be that something had happened to him?
When all things were coming together he was nowhere to be found, and everyone else that you asked for his whereabouts claimed to not know anything, even Hoseok who said he had just gone out without saying anything.
You came back to the room, giving yourself a bath to calm down, but still the feeling that something was wrong remained in you, you needed him, you needed Yoongi with you, you breathed deeply and slowly to try and fight back all the thoughts of the possible things that might be happening to him, like him hanging from a stake or laying somewhere in his blood.
You shook your head and went back to the bed to lay on his side of the mattress, you’d wait for him,you had to trust that he was ok even if you feared for him, Yoongi had to come back.
It was almost dawn and you hadn’t slept anything, you had grabbed a book and had tried to make your eyes tired so you’d fall asleep but you hadn’t achieved that, Yoongi hadn’t returned and you couldn’t stop to think about it.
Then you heard a snap, and he was there, in the middle of the room covered in blood.
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operationrainfall · 4 years
Title KUNAI Developer TurtleBlaze Publisher The Arcade Crew Release Date February 6th, 2020 Genre Metroidvania Platform PC, Nintendo Switch Age Rating E for Everyone 10+ – Mild Blood, Fantasy Violence Official Website
I should point out that until I played KUNAI, I was totally unfamiliar with developer TurtleBlaze. Thankfully, I had some experience with The Arcade Crew, thanks to their also publishing the fantastic Blazing Chrome, by JoyMasher. All I knew early on was KUNAI is a game where you control a ninja tablet (no, you didn’t just suffer a stroke, that’s the actual premise) as he hacks and slashes his way through robot hordes with his magical energy stealing katana. That alone was enough to grab my interest, but when I learned that the game was also a Metroidvania, I was hooked. So I greatly appreciated the opportunity to review KUNAI for oprainfall. The question then is, was KUNAI able to live up to my hype for the game?
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The premise of the game is loosely based around some sort of undefined apocalypse that wracked the Earth, killing nearly all the humans. In the interim, apparently a bunch of robots achieved sentience and started spreading out, with some aiming to wrest control and others retaliating as a ragtag group of freedom fighters. You play the heroic ninja Tabby, who is activated by the resistance to set things straight. There’s also an evil A.I. referred to as Lemonkus which is apparently responsible for this scenario, and while you do learn more about them, I never learned enough for my satisfaction. There’s a cool concept here, but there’s too many opaque bits that prevent the story from being fully realized. For example, who built all of the robots? What endowed them with sentience? How exactly did humanity perish? Where did the sword that steals life force come from? Which ancient warrior is Tabby supposedly infused with? There’s a lot of questions, even after beating the game. Which isn’t to say it’s not fun and there’s not plenty to enjoy, there absolutely is, but in a game that is so mechanically fantastic, the overall lack of a coherent plot stands out all the more painfully.
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However, now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s focus on what KUNAI does best – the gameplay. Early on you only have access to your katana, which is not only your primary means of offense, but also your only way of healing other than using save points. Every time you slay a foe, you’ll get a little bit of health back. Soon enough, you also come across a pair of the titular kunai with chains, which allow Tabby to swing from the ceiling and climb walls. They’re a lot of fun to experiment with, and allow you a wide movement range. Just keep in mind not all surfaces can be grabbed, usually ones that are coated with metal plates. You would be forgiven for thinking that’s all the tools at your disposal, but as the game progresses you get a lot of other nifty items. None that ever totally eclipses the effectiveness of the kunai, but many that do open up the experience. For example, you’ll get a shuriken that can trigger switches and stun foes, as well as a few guns that serve multiple functions. Take the dual SMGS, which can obviously be used to unload on foes from a distance, but can also be aimed downwards to essentially hover as you blast a stream of bullets below yourself (which is awesome). You’ll also get a very powerful rocket launcher that can scatter foes to dust or be used to catapult you vertically into the air.
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Point being, everything in KUNAI has a variety of uses, and manages to make the experience more compelling. And that’s before you even take into account the upgrades you can purchase from the Tabos, accessible from old school routers littered throughout the game world. You can not only upgrade Tabby’s weapons, such as giving his katana a powerful charge attack or turning your rocket launcher rounds into homing missiles, but you can get important passive upgrades. Perhaps the most important is the one that lets Tabby slowly heal continuously, which is vital when you’re low on health, since the game never provides any disposable healing items. Generally I would clear out a room and then just take a breather for Tabby to heal back to full health. I really liked being given free reign which abilities I upgraded first, and my only real complaint is that there weren’t even more options, since I had pretty much maxed them out a while before the final boss. Which correlates to my only other major complaint about KUNAI – it’s too short.
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KUNAI is very fun while it lasts, exploring, regularly finding upgrades like double jump and dash, slaying enemies and fighting powerful bosses. Some of my favorite bosses were Furious Ferro, a giant gooey creature that crawled the walls and scattered minions on the floor, and the Guardian, which starts in a giant cocoon and then erupts into a dangerous electric butterfly. It’s also entertaining to talk to random NPCs as you wander, since they often have very funny dialogue that pokes fun at other popular nerd culture, such as Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokémon, various anime and even a well known game store franchise. It’s clear the folks at TurtleBlaze not only love game culture, they love to poke fun at it as well, but never in a way that felt cruel or derogatory. Suffice to say, even though the plot of the game left me underwhelmed, the dialogue and humor were much better than I expected.
Exploring the various areas is a treat, and very rarely was frustrating. They range from deserts to lava filled mineshafts and haunted factories. There’s a fluidity to the combat that just made KUNAI a step above many others in the genre. I loved swinging around, jumping and slashing foes, and even blasting them to smithereens when I got testy. There’s also tons of hidden corners in the game, where you’ll find one of two items. Either you’ll find heart pieces which extend your maximum health (always handy) or you’ll find hats. And surprisingly, you’ll find a lot more hats than anything else. And while it’s fun to dress Tabby up with monocles and horned hoods and even plumber hats, sadly none of these serve any gameplay purpose. Once I discovered that, my desire to find them all withered away. If only the various hats would change up the combat or alter my stats in some significant way, I would have gone out of my way to discover all of them. As it is, I found hats a silly bonus without much function. Oh and apparently there’s also a hidden Time Trial mode in the game, but I couldn’t find it. And given that I hate feeling rushed when I play a game and don’t focus on speedrunning anyhow, that just didn’t provide me much incentive or replay value.
Ultimately, that’s where KUNAI fell short, the length. The whole experience is pretty linear, and though you are given some free reign to explore, there’s nothing really important for you to find. I managed to beat the game in 6 hours, which is 2 less than the developers said the adventure will take most people. If there had been more than one ending or a couple hidden areas or even a boss rush, I would have felt more satisfied. But without them, the game is just over way too soon. It’s a blast to play, and runs silky smooth, but once it’s over, it’s over.
Visually, KUNAI is a treat. It’s colorful without being too flashy, and managed to evoke classic games while still feeling modern. I loved all the silly faces that Tabby wears as you experience the game, and especially enjoyed the hand drawn cutscenes and sub item introductions. The various minor enemies were pretty distinct and varied, and there were none that were clones. Likewise, the bosses are all very different and quite a challenge to best. This is a game that makes great use of visual clues and storytelling, such as how Tabby’s face flashes red with a battery symbol when low on health. Musically, the games is frenetic and fun, and manages to infuse just enough ninja flair to keep things fresh. I also really loved all the mechanical beeps and boops and explosions for sound effects. I really had no complaints about the design of KUNAI whatsoever.
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Now, even though I’ve touched upon the major issues with the game, the following is an assortment of minor quibbles that also kept this from being a perfect experience. While the game is a lot of fun, sometimes things aren’t as well balanced as they could be. An example is how one of the early areas, an airship, has a forced sequence requiring kunai swinging over instant death pits that felt way too challenging that early in the game. I also found how Tabby “climbs” vines incredibly awkward. Instead of climbing up and down, he kind of floats and you have to hold down to force him back to earth. And though I very much enjoyed the katana charge attack technique, which lets Tabby charge up and then rush all nearby foes with a flurry of katana strikes, it was very hard to tell at what range it would react to foes. One time it even glitched and managed to push Tabby into the background in the Mine area, forcing me to restart since I couldn’t get free. Another issue was that there weren’t really enough bosses in the game. There’s a hilarious pirate captain I thought would be a boss which instead is turned into comic relief twice, and there’s a long section where you escape from the police (dubbed Popo), but can’t actually fight back. And though the final boss was epic, it was also frustrating, and made me wish I had some way to heal quickly during fights.
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In summation, I still rather enjoyed KUNAI. I just wish it was a longer experience with a more coherent plot. That said, there’s tons of charm and humor here, and plenty of challenging and satisfying gameplay. Honestly, it’s hard to go wrong for only $16.99. I admire TurtleBlaze for this first Metroidvania, and even though it’s not perfect, I think it could be the starting point to many other tremendous projects. If you’re a fan of the genre, I’d say you owe it to yourself to pick this up.
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[easyreview cat1title=”Overall” cat1detail=”” cat1rating=”3.5″]
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