#i love aesop carl too much
That is a very pretty tail though
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im not drawing the bones again (at least this time) sorry HAHAHAHA
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Aesop's Birthday Gift Is You
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I love you grey little mouse!
Rated: Mature | Warnings: none is horny and sweet
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Embalmer's room fits his job description and personality, or preference is a better word for it. Everything here is for his craft with a basic small bed by a dark corner to the side wall. Aesop is content, so long as he can work and keep to himself in peace, he is content.
“Happy Valentine's Day, (Name).” He gifted the flowers to you after your impactful words, words he did not expect any living person to care about his work. Your outlook and input are something he did not find many from his time who cares about his profession…
Then you came along like the sunrise upon a grave, another morning shining on all even those who passed. Aesop found you are the sun, blinding and inescapable, warm, and something he did not realize how much he wanted. The Embalmer knows he is… Not the typical partner, the ones he has read in books or seen like Ada and Emil— He is grateful you love him so much, adjusting for his comfort.
You are the sun and he is the earth.
Aesop is limited in how intimate he can be with you (you refuse to say he is limited, you tell him this often and happily take what he gives). He wants to give more, give those things lovers give each other. Aesop appreciates it, appreciates you, it however does not stop him from wanting you to experience his touch without crossing his limits.
Then he found a way! Something you can appreciate and something that satisfies his desire for you.
“Aesop Carl.” You say out loud, “Aesop Carl.” You sound adored right now to him. He puts back the syringe that he used to inject the anesthesia, a slow-acting one to give him time with you.
With glossy eyes currently looking up at the ceiling, “Aesop,” This time saying his first name quickly. “Carl.” Now slowly saying his last name.
Affectionately he adjusts his position to fix the blanket over your body, “Is something the matter?” Checking on you as he stands above the coffin you are lying in.
It is going to be very hard to explain why you are in an open coffin and not dead.
First, this coffin is not the usual coffins Aesop uses for those to be buried, this coffin glows!— Well, it supposedly does more than that from what Hippocampus told you.
Two, part of what one was getting into is that you were asked by Aesop— Hippocampus, an alternate reality version of Aesop (the logistics of that statement is not something you are going to try to understand or explain. Just accept it with this wacky manor)— To sleep in the dream coffin.
“I want your last name.” You saw as waves sooth you, “So pretty.” Blunt, you are very blunt about love, “Aesop…”
“Shh,” You are talking nonsense, “Don't fight it,” The Embalmer's gloved hand touching your cheek, “Go on, I will watch over you.” He means that too.
Anytime he used drugs or toys on you, he made sure to always be mindful of what you could or could not take.
You see him then the world fades away to darkness.
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When you wake up— No, you still are dreaming! You know you are because everything is different! There you stand in the coffin, the coffin disappearing into the water you are standing on. The realm, like some dungeons and dragons scene with the warlock's patron, is dreamlike! The crescent moon high in the sky is surrounded by nebulae and stars! The water ripples making a soothing sound like in those ASMR sleeping meditation videos.
Beautiful and peaceful.
Then you see him.
He looks like the costume you have seen Aesop wear a few times, Hippocampus is what it is called. The figure is—
“Aesop, you're huge!” Shouting in this dream void getting his attention from his drowsy state. He is lying down as eyes lock on you.
“My dreamer,” He yawns, “I am glad to see you.” A sleepy smile on his handsome face, “So he dreams about you in this way.”
“Huh?” You did not look at yourself and when you did look down at your reflection in the water, “AH!” Pulling down his shirt as you are only in your underlings and the Embalmer top he always wears.
Hippocampus chuckles, “Cute.” Though he wears a mask, you know he is smiling gently at you. “No need to be ashamed, I am him and this dream is created for you.”
“For me?”
“Yes, his gift is to express his love for you.” His hand moved towards you and a finger used to rub your cheek, “Our joy, like a shooting star.”
You are bashful, smiling wide and looking away, “Aesop…”
“There are many ways he wishes to give you our gift. You need only to accept.”
“Just accept… But it's his birthday!”
“We are aware. You are the greatest gift in our lives, my dreamer. To give you this, will give us joy.”
It is sweet to know Aesop loves you, he does not always say it but he tries. You are happy with him, in love with him, and glad to know his other selves like you too.
“Dreamer, we offer you a piece of us each.” Speaking once more, “For the love you show Aesop, we only ask this of you to share it with us.”
“Can you tell me who us is?”
“You shall see.” The world becomes hazy and you stumble backward into a coffin before falling asleep again.
This one is called Trickster, he is from a world being taken over by something called the Abyss. Apparently, in that world, you were corrupted by the Abyss. Isolating yourself as you created creatures made from the Abyss. You, the one who is only trapped in a manor, is the closest he has seen to the one he loves.
Trickster is a bit emotional, needing to touch your hand or kiss you— A lot of kissing as you are you but not you from this world, not that matters as you give back the affection he needs badly. You hold him, keeping him in your arms as his mouth wanders from your lips to your neck.
Aesop, this Aesop is not like yours, lives up to his codename. Loving you as he does for the other you while also teasing you too. Keeping you breathless from giggling as he tickles you.
He wants your smile, your laugh, your gasps, and your moans fresh in his mind. He will keep this memory of you, the Abyss will not take that away from him.
The naked lover in his arms who says his name in the sweetest way he recalls before that thing took you, this is you, the one he needs to separate from the horror he saw.
“I love you.” Saying to you as if he has to let you go, “I'm sure he does too.” He does have to let you go, the other you is not the same as you… They are tainted, the one he loved died a long time ago.
“It is nice to know in another world you and I still find one another.”
His smile is sad as you fall asleep.
When you wake up to this Aesop, you are pretty sure of two things: there are people around the covered bed (one of those fancy beds with curtains around it types) and you are naked. Naked with markings on you. You should ask what the hell is going on, you should not just be letting him worship you, again you are very weak for Aesop.
One with dragon scales is really hot to you.
You moan, and your body feels like more hands are touching you as he whispers strange words on your skin. This is like some Dungeons and Dragons sex tape thing that is doing wonders for you as the moment his mouth is on your intimate part, you are gone! Not to say you are certainly going to be confused about this experience, but you will say the cult dragon thing vibes are having you cum faster than you expected too. Also, you realize the marks and seed left on and in you are gone! It is like Trickster never touched you which hurts but you know why.
All of this is a dream, each Aesop is dreaming of their time with you or a version of you.
You are glad when you feel him inside of you, glad when speaks to you though you understand nothing he is saying. He is not much of a kisser, he kisses like he going to eat you but stops as if realizing he cannot do that. Rough until you show him how to move, his nails are sharp like claws and threaten to cut skin, you biting the scales on his neck gets him going. Oh, and you bite and scratch his back as he moves inside of you, on his lap riding him as he speaks more to you but then you recognize the few words he says.
“I love you.” It is by chance that you cum with him as he tells you those words, you are grateful to cum at those words and with him. His cock buried deep within you marking you as much as he has marked your body.
“Aesop,” You feel tired, “Aesop.”
He shushed you and you realize he is purring and he is warm, you hate how comforting as he rubs your sore thigh while kissing your shoulder apologetically for his bites break skin several times.
The damn you pass out again and with no way to ask what the hell happened outside of semi-dragon sex.
“Welcome, (Name).”
You rub your eyes, blink a few times, then yawn, “Huh? Oh.” Waking up a bit to the smell of warm tea and the sound of wind passing through trees and grass, “This isn’t a bed.” Surprised to see yourself sitting at the tea table at… Night? The crescent moon is high in the sky and the garden is illuminated by lanterns.
“No, my apologies if you were expecting another Aesop to take you.” He is currently pouring himself a cup of tea, “I have not had the pleasure of meeting you yet in my world.”
“Then how do you know me?” Examining the teacup he must have made you while you were phasing in? You are not going to think of the logic of that question/statement.
“I have met you but not in the others have,” Looking at you, studying you, “We have crossed paths in the form of combat.”
Right, because Exorcist is a vampire meaning… “Am I a vampire hunter!?” Excited.
“You are. One working with the church currently trying to find the Embrace.”
“Embrace… That must be like your vampire god, right?”
“In a form yes. Very observant.”
“I guess, I used to play a game where the Embrace was how vampires described their turning and their ‘father’ was Cain or something.” Shrugging, “I don’t understand why you would want to meet someone you do not know uh intimately.”
“Because you, the hunter, have plagued my thoughts night and day.”
You drink your tea has you make a ‘hm’ sound with a bit of a giggle coming from your throat. Those red eyes, his grey eyes with a red tint to them in the center, are studying you. Following how you swallow your tea carefully, then your hands.
“Aesop, please, either kiss me or wake me up this activating a lot of feelings.”
He places his elbows on the table as his hands make a bridge for him to rest his chin on, “Oh?” As if he fucking knows! “Does my other self often stare?”
“Yes, mostly at my face though.” He is an Emblamer so it makes sense he wants to memorize your face within his mind.
“Understandably, you are a sight to see.”
Oh, you definitely giggled which made him laugh at the sweetness of it. You both talked more, mostly him listening to you talking about random things.
When you started to yawn, he took your hand, your left hand, rubbing the place where a ring would be on your ring finger. “Such a lovely creature you are, (Name). Like the sun.”
You close your eyes with a smile on your face.
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You open your eyes to Aesop, your grey mouse, checking your vital then falling forward when you snatch him into your arms pulling him into the coffin as you kiss his face a million times.
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scenesniper · 5 days
You are my hero 😭 as a nonbinary afab person, I feel like almost all fanfics are meant for cis women. If it’s alright, could I request sfw &/or nsfw headcanons for Aesop please? It’s totally okay if not, thank you for your posts regardless 💜
☆ aesop carl ; general sfw & nsfw headcanons
pairing / aesop carl x afab gn! reader
disclaimer / possession, jealous themes, dacryphilia, overstimulation, mutual & guided masturbation, clothed fingering, mentions of being sex obsessed
word count / 1,346 words
author's note / thank you anon, i'm honored to know that you seen with my works! i went a bit far while writing this and i'm honestly shocked as i thought i didn't write as much.
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☆ aesop carl is a quiet, reserved man. he keeps to himself, something that everyone knows all too well. he’s neat and tidy, nothing is ever misplaced as long as it’s aesop carl’s belongings. visitors would visit the mortuary and the sight of aesop being in charge was considered to be a blessing in that little town, a good sign as yours or your loved one’s will would be properly passed on by his respectable hands.
☆ meeting you and getting to know you, he’s unsure on what to think of you as. you’re just an inexplicable mystery to him. in fact, there’ll probably be times where he would believe what he feels for you is loathing.
☆ if you’re quiet, he’ll still think of you as annoying albeit he’s fond to those silent. if you’re loud and chatty, he’ll want to just shut up and imagine you still and dead but then felt uncomfortable with the idea of you dead, a thought he’s unfamiliar with.
☆ he will find your presence more bearable over time but would keep to himself, only truly looking at you in the distance. he wouldn’t pursue you per se, it would start off slow, aesop believing he’s involving himself in your life with the occasional nod and a greeting regarding the time of day (which only happens little often as aesop doesn’t want to admit, he yearns for an emotional connection with you).
☆ if by a miracle, he shows a bit of himself to you, take that opportunity as fast as you can as he’s fast to hide back in his shell. aesop is a listener. if you have a lot to say, he’ll listen despite not being very interested in what people tend to say, he’ll hyperfocus on you. if you’re not much of a talker, he enjoys your silent company. he’s not very fond of small talk, he prefers long and detailed conversations with depth.
☆ aesop randomly thinking about you during his day, whether it’s when he’s doing his job or he’s out late at night with little to no energy but a mere little lunch, that’s when he knows that there is something about you that his subconscious just desires. aesop is a possessive and easily jealous man but even he, himself does not acknowledge that. he feels entitled over you.
☆ getting to date aesop carl, you will have to be very patient as he prefers having it at his pace. it’ll start off with his shoulders brushing against yours, a quick glance at your direction, discreetly holding your wrist. you seriously questioned if he even liked you.
☆ aesop is a private man and is not a big fan of intimacy or public displays of affection. he hasn’t touched many people in his life, minus the dead bodies that he has to attend to. so for that very reason, he’s highly sensitive to the touch of another.
☆ once he does get a bit more comfortable (which will still take quite some more time), he’s prone to being easily flustered by you and your actions. if you got too impatient by his advances and started to lead the relationship, he gets very flustered by avoiding your gaze and covering his mouth, inadvertently unaware that he’s wearing a face covering.
☆ kissing with aesop is like a quick dream. not that it’s heavenly, but it goes by so far you can barely register anything of it and question what it even was. at first, he’ll give you quick pecks on the lips and call it a day. as you grow closer with him, those quick pecks would turn into needy kisses for you.
☆ he needs to feel you, skin to skin. your warmth and your little quiver, memorize the shape of your lips and mold his mouth with yours. he’s an absolute messy kisser (and not that very good with it). he’ll try to reciprocate your actions if you try your best to amend his awkward kissing but it’s all for naught. aesop is a fast learner and will learn but when he wants you, no, needs you, and you’re looking at him with that beautiful look that he so loves. he’s just going to go in with no thoughts attached behind it.
☆ aesop isn’t the kind to touch himself, really, he’s never paid attention to his physical needs. never having anything to really think about while touching himself, he found it completely dull and tiring. until you, his muse. he’ll pleasurably touch himself to thought of you inside the confines of his bedroom with only a singular candle, its’ light dying away deep in the night. the guilt questionable as he got off more to how disrespectful he felt.
☆ having sex with aesop, he sees sex as something so intimate that it should only be kept in the bedroom and the bedroom only. he will be viewing your body more of like an examination as he does with corpses, his gaze not timid. he’ll touch the areas he’s expecting reactions from you and drag his gloved finger on your body, just for you to squirm over his cold touch.
☆ he’s average in size, it’s skinny but he does know how to use it. he loves doing all sorts of positions with you, each night a new position. he wants to feel all sorts of intimacy with you in every way possible. he loves to pin your hands above your head, your wrists would over time begin to strain from the pressure he’s giving your wrists.
☆ if you wear lipstick, he loves it plastered all over his collar. he finds it so appealing. he absolutely loves tears in the bedroom and god does he have an orgasm fixation. cry for him, whine for him, beg for him. gasp his name and hold him tight by his shoulders or grip his thighs. he loves to wipe your tears. “shh darling.. you’re so good so far.”
☆ mutual and guided masturbation. he loves being enchanted by the sight of you, staring at him in such a vulnerable state. he can’t contain himself, he has to touch himself as well. he loves guided masturbation for both ways, especially you directing him where he can and where he can’t touch to those areas that needs the most attention. he loves to be in control of your autonomy in this way, hearing you beg him. it’s serene.
☆ he doesn’t like the being all sweaty and your heated bodies touching one another so most of the overstimulating is from him fingering you. he does it with his gloves, in a trance every time he sees your essence staining his clothed fingers by the end of it every night. he loves to admire your cum seeping out but quickly tries to clean it up with his fingers as he’s not a big fan of the mess.
☆ once aesop has felt and got sex on his mind, he’s going to be completely sex obsessed. he’s always thinking about you with little to no clothing, in a cute little lace lingerie. those are the thoughts that’s been keeping him going after a tiring day at work. all he can think about is him being inside you, his fingers on your body and inside that perfect spot that he knows will have your back arching every time.
☆ aftercare with aesop is him always cleaning up. there will always be a bath followed immediately after he finishes changing the sheets and wiping your body off, preferably bathing together as he feels after a physically charged act with one another, this simple act of familiarity makes it feel more like he’s living.
☆ after the bath, he will rest in bed with you either being up for a few more minutes thinking about the littlest of things and salvage the importance of this memory. he’ll lean in with a forehead kiss, for the first few moments in his life, he’s finally content with his life. “rest well, doll.”
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rockstvrdotcom · 1 year
can you write idv aesop x reader please nsfw please
☦︎☬☤// "pretty lil' doll"
tw/cw: bondage, overstimulation, pet names, praise, hickeys, oral sex
guys rhis is gonna be a lil sweet a lil cute ykwim
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"fuck.. you taste so good, doll" aesop mumbled before resuming to eating you out. he's been sucking and licking at your soaked pussy for hours now, your legs hoisted up on his shoulders.
tears of overstimulation prickled at the corner of your eyes, mouth open and dry. your gaze shifted to aesop who was happily enjoying his meal and palming himself through his pants.
you wanted to grip the sheets— but your hands were tied to the headboard above you. you panted as you watched him finally pull away from your sopping cunt.
you sighed in relief, thinking it was over until he began to leave butterfly kisses all over your inner thighs; kisses turned into nibbles— nibbles turned into hickeys.
aesop then got up, pulling his pants and boxers down just enough so that his cock can spring out. "aesop- please, it's too much-" before you could finish he shushed you.
"it's ok, my love. surely you can take more right? be a good girl for me." he cooed, smiling a sickly sweet smile. you nodded, his sweet words going straight down to your pussy.
he lined up his tip with your entrance, sliding it up and down your slit. after a while, he finally pushed his dick in you. a moan escaped your throat, your back arching. you were still sensitive from before. "fuck, (y/n)... you're so warm.." he whispered. he began to thrust in and out, his thumb drawing circles with your clit that was still soaked in his saliva.
sounds of skin against skin and the bed creaking filled the room. you whimpered with each time his tip made contact with your cervix.
you clenched and tightened around him. you moaned, able to feel the veins etched into his dick. he leaned down, slowing down his pace a little and kissing you all over your neck.
you tugged at the leather belt that held your hands together, wanting to tug at aesops hair. he undid the belt then flipped you over— quickly thrusting back inside of you; this time more rougher and faster than before. you cried out in pleasure, gripping the sheets.
you could feel him throbbing inside you; a sign he was close, and so were you— but you were closer. and he could tell. he picked up his pace, going deeper and deeper inside of you with each thrust even when you thought it wasn't possible anymore.
your vision went blank, a loud moan came out of you. aesop groaned when he felt you spasm around him, bringing him closer to his own release. you buried your face in the pillows, your hips thrusting back into aesops; riding out your high.
shortly after, you felt him cum inside of you. you whimpered, bathing in the feeling of being full. he laid down next to you, cock still inside of you.
he stroked your hair and played with it, leaving gentle kisses on your shoulders and up, whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
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feedback is appreciated!
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aceymazy · 11 months
can you write idv aesop x reader nsfw please
ofc! no problem!
~Aesop Carl x Reader NSFT HC's~
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First, Consent. You both need to have a talk about consent and what you both feel comfortable doing with him, he is traumatized and has a lot of things he wouldn't allow anyone to touch, including you, his S/O.
When you two have your first time, i think he would give every single bodypart of your's attention, the same amount aswell knowing how on-spot he likes to be.
Following this ^ headcanon, he would keep a close eye on your reactions whenever he does a certain thing. For example, hitting a spot inside you and trying to see if you like it or you dont like it.
He would treat you like a porcelain doll, touching you with such care he didn't know he could touch something(/one) than the corpses he puts makeup on.
He won't go harsh/hard/fast even if scream for him to do, he thinks that sex is a very intimate thing in a relationship, a very serious thing that conveys how passionate you both are about eachother, you two are showing how much you both love eachother during sex.
He won't be too experimental in my opinion. He would (with hard explaining and talking to actually get him to) try bondage, like tying your hands back while sex. But i think, he wouldn't be comfortable and wouldn't like to have sex in public/semi-public areas. The intimate times are only for the bedroom and the bedroom only.
Threesome's and sex where there's another participant is off the table. He does not want to share you. You are for his and his eyes only.
He's possesive, even if he denies it, he is. Jealousy sex is on the table. He maybe even pick up his normal pace at times like those.
He very rarely jerks off. He never did and he only does when he's in a very close situation, for example you aren't there and he randomly gets hit with the hormones.
Aftercare is absolute HEAVEN. He is a clean freak so he will clean you, and even your bed if it get's messy (He prefers cumming inside you if you allow it, he despises if something get's stained but he wouldn't blame anyone for it.)
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kohabielnin · 5 months
Headcanons Once Companions
I must admit that after COA and Truth & Inference, Once is my favorite au, so I thought, why not do an hdc of my favorite trio?
Blindspot/Aesop Carl
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• Was the way he acted towards you when you met like he was scared?
• It took him a long time to trust you, but who can blame him? After all he thought you would hurt him too,
• The first time you went to his house, his mother insisted on making a feast for you,
• He's a little shy, but he loves reading to you or with you,
• When your parents let you sleep at his house, he always asks you to take care of a stray kitten that you two found and his mother always reads to you and when he puts them to bed,
• He feels like a very grateful and happy person to have such a good and dear friend like you, so he always tries to make you feel happy around him, let's face it, he's very cute
Good Child/Jack
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• You two met because you are his master's son/daughter,
• At first he didn't want to get close to you for fear of hurting you, but after you proved that you're not afraid of his Bad Child side,
• It didn't take long for you to become his inspiration,
• As you both have a mutual love for paintings, there is no shortage of subjects for you, always helping each other with new paintings,
• If you are a woman, he will avoid you when he realizes that you are fighting hard for control of your body with Bad Child, after all, for your safety it is better for you to stay away from him, but if you are a man, he will still avoid you, but not much,
• Despite his recurring fear of hurting you, he can still be a little clingy and full of surprises, you can't blame him, he loves your company
Hangover/Joseph Desaulnier
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• How did you meet? It's easy, at a ball thrown by the Queen at a time when France had not yet gone through the Revolution,
• To tell the truth, Claude approached you first, not Joseph, but it didn't take long for the three of you to become great friends,
• He is still a little shy around you today, always getting red in the face when he sees your smile or listens to your lectures about him drinking a lot, don't judge him, in his eyes you are as adorable as a cat,
• After Claude's death, the only person who made him stop drinking at least a little was you, after all you are the only person he has left,
• We can say that he might be a little jealous if he sees you with someone else, but this is all just part of his insecurity of losing you like he lost his parents and brother,
• If you forbid him from drinking wine while you are at his house, you can be sure that he will follow you up and down like an abandoned dog and beg you to get his beloved bottle of wine again
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oletus-writer · 1 year
ahh would you please please consider a nsfw alphabet for aesop carl? no worries if not! i really like your work, the luchino one was so good!
Ah, thank you for the compliment. I really didn’t think anyone would like the evil reptilian one. Sorry for taking a while, nsfw alphabets seem to be a pretty popular request, and they take a while.
Aesop NSFW Alphabet
Warnings: nsfw
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A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
He’s pretty tired, so aftercare is usually a few words of praise and toweling you down, before snuggling with you under the covers. If you want anything, such as a snack, he’ll begrudgingly get up and get you what you want.
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
If he had to choose, it would be your lips - how you wet them with your tongue, how they curve up when you smile, how soft they are. Your mouth is what he always look at when you speak, since meeting your eyes is harder. On him? Exactly the opposite of you - there aren’t that many things he likes about himself he likes, but perhaps he doesn’t mind his legs. You like to kiss them so much, so perhaps they’re not so bad.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He’s a pretty inexperienced guy, so you’ll have to be the one taking the reins. If you don’t want him to cum somewhere, he won’t, although, it does look good dripping down your thighs or splattered over your back.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He'd kind of want to fuck you in your sleep. Of course, the two of you have to discuss this beforehand, set boundaries, etc., but the allure of using you as a cumhole while risking you waking up is like sex with a corpse and semi-public sex without the illegalities.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
He has absolutely no experience and doesn’t know what he’s doing. He has no time and no social skills to get any bitches. Although, he does know the basic anatomy, as he couldn’t function as an embalmer elsewise.
F = Favourite position (this goes without saying)
Classic missionary. It’s intimate, and feels like he’s in control of his life, for once. Although the initial embarrassment of being a virgin makes him want to hide his face, seeing yours is worth it.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Aesop is nervous, when it comes to sex, so he’s not the one to be making jokes in the moment. If you do, he might think it’s ruining the mood a bit, or be thankful that you’re trying to calm him down. Either way, he’d crack a small smile and move on.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes?)
He didn’t think that pubic hair would matter that much to people, so he doesn’t groom it at all. And about the carpet matching the drapes - his eyebrows are grey, so it would make sense for his pubes to be too.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? are they romantic?)
He’ll whisper sweet things into your ear and constantly praise you, if he’s not too nervous to speak. He’s not romantic per se, since there won’t be candles or anything of the sort, but his heart will be swelling with love.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcannon)
He’s done it a few times, but it’s never felt as good as your hands touching his penis. After meeting you, he’s masturbated more often, when he’s uncomfortable in asking you to do him the favour.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He’d like to be topped and praised by you, to leave him hickey only the two of you would see. Being an insecure man, he’s unsure of whether or not he’s doing a good job in the moment. On a less vanilla note, he wouldn’t mind manhandling you (or being manhandled) on some of his rougher days. To use you as nothing but a toy to please him would calm him down if he’s ever angry.
L = Location (favourite places to have sex)
The bedroom’s always a safe place to have sex, and Aesop isn’t willing to risk his already suffering social life to fuck you in public. The couch is too uncomfortable, so the two of you would be sticking to the bed.
M = Motivation (what turns them on?)
Wear revealing clothes, touch him in all the right places, the works. Sometimes, when he’s feeling particularly horny, the right angle might even get his mind racing.
N = No (what turns them off?)
He’s quite a devoted man and would do almost anything for you, and that sometimes shows itself in sex. He’s not going to voice his turn offs, in fear of you leaving him, so you’ll have to encourage the communication. He doesn’t particularly like anything unsanitary or anything that would cause pain - he doesn’t get why, in these situations, the pain would become pleasurable.
O = Oral (do they prefer giving or receiving? how skilled are they?)
With Aesop on the receiving end of oral sex, he’d be a whimpering, shaking mess, which is quite embarrassing to him. Once he gets used to the shame he feels, he’d prefer receiving the oral. While he’s got no experience, he’s a fast learner and would remember every act that makes you feel good.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
Aesop is slow and sensual in fear of hurting you - he can’t go that fast, either, since the autism man is quite weak. Although, bottoming, he wouldn’t really mind, and would let you set the pace.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies)
To be in a situation for a quickie, one would have to be somewhere where having proper sex is not viable. That would mean being in a semi-public situation or close to some sort of commitment. Taking these risks would not be something Aesop is willing to do.
R = Risk (are they experimental? do they take risks?)
As long as it’s in private and the consequences aren’t too big, he’s fine with trying things out, even if it’s something he wouldn’t normally do. He won’t suggest anything, though, and isn’t very experimental at heart.
S = Stamina (how long do they last?)
One round, two if you’re going to stretch it. He hasn’t got a lot of exercise aside from matches. All that running doesn’t improve how exhausted he’d feel after cumming, though. Perhaps overstimulate him to see how he likes it.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them?)
He doesn’t own any toys, and most likely didn’t realise sex toys existed. He’s a busy man, and never had he thought being so intimate with another human would feel this good.
U = Unfair (how much do they like to tease?)
Don’t tease him, or he’d think he’s being punished. He doesn’t like to tease either - why do all this when the two of you could just have sex? To him, it wasted time.
V = Volume (how loud are they?)
Audible, but not too loud. You’d hear grunts, heavy breathing, and a few moans from him, but unless you’ve done something game changing, you won’t hear him scream. That doesn’t mean your name is exempt from his tongue, though; he’d be chanting it like a prayer.
W = Wild card (a random headcannon for the character)
Aesop has nice thighs, for no reason at all. They’re genetically curved and lean, and can squeeze your head with more strength than expected.
X = X-ray (let's see what's going on under those clothes)
He’s a grower, with a 5.5 inch (13.9cm) dick when flaccid, becoming 5.7 (14.5cm) when erect. It’s got a vein on the side and the tip flushes beautifully when hard. It’s on the slender side, but is an overall pretty dick.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His libido is a bit lower than average, and he usually shuns the thoughts that do come. Even now, he feels a bit disrespectful in thinking those thoughts about you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He falls asleep pretty quickly, faster than he’d fall asleep normally. He’d wrap his arms around you and either spoon you, bring your head to his chest, or bury his face in you. Any hesitation he might’ve shown in touching you is gone in his sleep. Finally, his features have smoothed out to something peaceful, and he can rest.
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turbulentscrawl · 6 months
Some spicy relationship hc for embalmer pls~?
Why yes I can! I had to throw in the usual SFW too <3
Aesop Carl
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-I’ve seen this HC before and 100% agree: Aesop loves kissing through his facemask. He actually doesn’t mind regular kissing when he’s in the mood for some affection, but kissing through his mask is special because it reminds him how much you care about accommodating his sensory struggles. Like, it muffles the physical feeling, but strengthens the emotional feeling tenfold.
-Aesop often comes to you for advice. If he’s with you, he trusts you to understand his boundaries well, so you can more often offer solutions to his problems that don’t involve crossing those. He also trusts you to maintain a balance between truthfulness and gentleness with him.
-He thinks about how much he loves you more often than he lets on. He just forgets to say or do anything about it most of the time. Direct communication works very well for this; Aesop takes your needs seriously, and will make small changes to work towards meeting them better. If you ever ask him for affirmation, he has long, blushy, stuttery rambles about all your positive traits prepared.
-People catch him staring at you from a distance a lot. These are those times when he’s just thinking about how lucky he is—or he’s working up the nerve to approach you for physical affection. Even something as simple as wanting to hold hands takes a little bravery on his part. He never gets less shy about it.
-Despite his persistent touch-related sensory limits, he adjusts pretty well to bedtime cuddles in a long-term relationship. He doesn’t do much during them…in fact he lays in bed like a corpse in a coffin, completely straight, hands folded over his stomach. He barely moves at all through the night. But once he’s settled in, he’s alright with you snuggling up to his side. The pressure of your head over his heart is therapeutic, in a way.
-Aesop knows he’s the one who requires more support and consideration in your relationship. He feels a little guilty about it sometimes, so if anything ever seriously upsets you, even if it’s got nothing to do with him, he’s desperate to return the favor. He likes to cup your face in his hands, diligently wiping away any tears that fall, and rest your foreheads together. He could stay like that for hours, whispering all the comfort and sweet nothings he can possibly think of.
-You’re in for a long wait with this one. Aesop’s a virgin, and in no rush to change that. Even if love is involved, Aesop doesn’t have much desire to tackle the intimidating hurdle that is intimacy. He struggles enough with regular physical contact, and there’s a big difference between hugging and fucking.
-So when you two first breach the topic of sex, the focus is on you alone. Aesop starts with taking the role of a service dom (and always favors it, even years later) since it doesn’t have to involve much of his own body. And actually, he discovers that it’s really exciting for you to be all bare and vulnerable while he’s still prim and collected. It gives him a taste of a new power dynamic, one that intoxicates quickly.
- He’s always willing to try new things that don’t involve him stripping down. Aesop likes to use toys on you, and amasses quite the collection over time. Don’t ask who he gets them from. He also enjoys using restraints, gags, orgasm denial, and overstimulation on you, as well as doing “medical” themed roleplays that allow him to touch you with latex/nitrile gloves. While he likes these partially because they work in favor of his touch aversion, he does genuinely get a thrill from having so much power over you—and you can clearly tell it from the tented, wet patch on his pants.
-Adding his own body and pleasure into the equation is something he thinks on for a long time. More than likely he just snaps in the middle of a session one day. There’s a pause in his treatments, the sound of a zipper, and then his strained, whispered “…can I?” After that he starts to join in more, but he always prefers to keep most of his clothes on.
-He’s really good with his hands. He’s got a deft hand from years handling needles and brushes, and long, slender fingers. It’s unlikely he’ll ever give oral; for some reason he can’t break the idea that it’s “contaminating.” But really the curiosity might get the better of him one day and he takes a lick off his fingers. He doesn’t love it, sorry.
-The exception to stripping down is bath time afterword. He will not let the two of you go to bed all sweaty and sticky. He doesn’t care so much if you see him naked for hygienic purposes, but still don’t expect him to get all close and cuddly in the tub.
-And you know I think he’s got some potential for freakier stuff too, but I’ll save that for another post.
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idvlovers · 1 year
Little Things of Love - Melly, Aesop, Luca, Antonio, and Andrew
Hi! I’m just doing this do indulge in my love of idv so, if anything is OOC, you can tell me but please don’t be rude haha. :)
Melly loves someone who loves her for who she is, not her beauty. Someone who loves her interest in entomology, even if they don’t understand.
Outside in the manor’s garden laid two lovers on a picnic blanket. A checkered blanket laying beneath them with small finger-sized sandwiches laying on small plates. A picnic basket laid beside the girl, whom was gushing about bees. The girl hadn’t been looking at her spouse during her ramble, just aimlessly looking ahead.
After a moment, the woman paused and focused on her spouse. Her spouse had already been staring at her, smiling, with a look of pure adoration and focus on their face. Melly herself knew that they didn’t know all that much about entomology yet they still listened to her ramble. Although you could not see her eyes, you could see Melly’s mouth curl into a small, warm, smile. Melly lightly grabbed your hand and kissed your cheek, “Thank you,” Melly whispered.
Confused, your eyebrows crinkled, “hm?”
“For listening.” Melly smiled while covering you in kisses. Her red lipstick left imprints all along your face while you sat there, stunned.
Someone who’s a talker, who can carry the conversation. Someone who is fine with his aloof attitude and accepts him for who he is (and, his weird obsession with death).
Aesop’s room who in the past was quiet. You could hear a pen drop and could here the footsteps of whomever walking the corridor. Yet, that silence is now rare. Usually, a voice could be heard from the door. It’s be gushing and rambling about whatever came to mind.
You’d think that the owner, Aesop Carl, would be annoying at the newfound loudness in his room. Yet, that was not the case. He’d listen adamantly about whatever topic was on your mind. His eyes would soften, looking at your happy face. Aesop wouldn’t just stare out in space while talking to you, how could he! Aesop, to show you how much he’s listening, sometimes makes an occasional comment or question on whatever topic being discussed.
“So,” the grey haired man said looking at you, “it started all because some guy found.. a notebook that could kill whomever he wanted?”
“Well, yeah.” When he said it like that, it makes your 20 min explanation utterly useless. But, whatever. He listens and, truly, that’s all that matters. You smile at the man, lightly grasping his hand, “I love you, Aesop.”
Your mere presence means a lot to Luca. Whether you’re drawing, writing, sleeping, or watching something, as long as your with him, he’s satisfied.
As an inventor at heart, Luca spent many days working on numerous inventions. Unfortunately, due to his fixation on them, he’ll spend hours just working. Which causes his health to deteriorate over time. Of course, there’s someone who always makes sure he’s healthy. Though, Luca would never let you stay up with him while working on his inventions. No matter how much you persist, he’ll never approve of your health deteriorating over time because of him. After all, he can’t loose you too.
Luca leaned back in his chair, it was late at night, he finally finished his latest invention. It was a gadget for, his beloved, you. Something that’d help you throughout the hellish matches survivors were forced to endure. A smile was fastened on Luca’s face and was ready to present the gadget to you. But, when he got up and turned around, you were asleep. A small chuckle escaped Luca’s mouth. Silently, Luca put the gadget on the beside table closer to you and layed beside you. He wrapped his arms around you, smiling, and pulled you closer to him. His arms tightened around you, as if he were afraid that you’d disappear in the night. Yet, he knew you would never go. Luca kissed the top of your forehead, before drifting off to sleep himself.
A free spirit is what he thinks of you. Untainted of the world of aristocrats and untainted of their obsession. A joy to be around, whether you see our or not, is what he thinks whenever with you.
Perhaps, he did not deserve you. He watched you with other survivors, during his friendly match with Michiko (As, it was much easier to convince her to be friendly compared to the other hunters). You laugh while joking alongside Emma and Norton, Norton had likely said something funny. He watched as Michiko joyously danced with all the survivors. A silent tint of jealousy was evident. To be looked upon fondly without obsession and to be liked for who you are. It’s something that Antonio knew you thought of him as, but not the vast majority.
Yet, as he watched you run over to him and clasp his hand, he’s filled with everlasting joy. Antonio silently played the piano, with you beside him, but occasionally you could the man chuckle over his violin. If he knew you all those years ago, before he made the contract with that demon, Antonio one and only desire would be that you both would never part. Yet, he knew it would happen eventually. He’d watch as you’d age and he’d watch you die. Nevertheless, it didn’t matter in the moment. In the moment, he was happy. And, truly, that’s all that mattered to him.
A place of solace and happiness is how he feels, whenever with you.
Used to the solace of being alone, it was a surprise that he now found solace in you. At first, he was worried. After the death of his mother, he wasn’t used to human interaction. However, over time, it became better.
It was silent in your room. Andrew was laying on your bed, waiting for you to come back from your match. Little trinkets were sprinkled around your room some sat their intended places, some of the floor, and some scattered all around your room. Andrew picked up one of them, holding it in his fingers. A smile reached the man’s face as he remembered you. It was a trinket you use a lot but, for some reason, you didn’t wear it today.
Andrew’s story is lowkey ass but sorry haha. Thanks for reading :)
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dentiststoothfairy · 8 months
Violinon back again!!! I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend, and that you’ve had something yummy to eat!! 🥹
I’m back with a request, but a different kind this time!!! I wanted to request something for you, like a free card to write something for yourself that’ll make you happy today, tomorrow, or any time when you feel up to it!! ✨🎻
[ 🎀🦷 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐! 𝙸 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝚊 𝚋𝚒𝚝 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚍𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚘 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚏𝚒𝚌 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚢 𝙾𝙲 ;𝚠; 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚎? 𝙸 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚝, 𝚖𝚢 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚘𝚗. 𝙸 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎.. 𝙷𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚒𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚜𝚘 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚏𝚞𝚗! 𝙾𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝙸 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚍, 𝙸 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍 𝚒𝚝 𝚍𝚒𝚏𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚞𝚕𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚙. 𝙸𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚎𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚘𝚛 𝙿𝚒𝚌𝚘 𝚡 𝙽𝚎𝚗𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘 (◍•ᴗ•◍) 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚖𝚊𝚓𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚢 𝚊𝚞𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝙸𝙳𝚅, 𝙸 𝚍𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚘𝚏𝚏. 𝙴𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢!)
KEVIN AYUSO and AESOP CARL with an S/O that gets turned into a hunter as a punishment for learning too much.
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He is a decently adventurous person. So when you ran up to him with a spark in your eyes, telling him your plan to turn the manor upside down to discover the secrets, he smiled and encouraged it.
He, nor you, ever had an idea what was about to happen to you.
It was normal for you to disappear for a few days when you were searching for information. Something lucky about you is that you were incredibly educated, so your thirst of knowledge never concerned him.
He was all for you doing what you wanted. And when your task turned up successfully... Now, he isn't the type of man for gossip. But holy shit? Fredrick could be related to Mary???? Now that you mention it, yeah they do look alike... Do you think they know too? Do you thi-
He knows the thrill of adventure can be addicting, but please keep yourself from learning.. Too much. With your passion blinding you from the thrill of the search and discovering secret, he was starting to get a little fidgety as you tell him your plan to discover who Baron DeRoss was.
This is when he starts to step in with a stern, yet concerned expression. Sometimes, there's something like learning way too much. Did you forget the situation everyone is in..? This is still a dangerous situation.. An even more dangerous place.
But your careless response of "who's gonna know" struck a nerve in him. So you just.. Didn't care? He didn't want to lose you, and you're acting so recklessly?? That's his job.
I feel like Kevin wasn't going to be okay, with how you're approaching the situation. He even tried to physically stop you, but you always managed to get past him, or charm him. Curse you and your good looks..!
It wasn't until one day, you seemed extremely pale that he realised you must've discovered something BAD.
Now, no matter what he did. No matter what he said. You wouldn't tell him and brushed him off.
It wasn't until there was an announcement that there was a new hunter arriving to the manor that he looked over at you.
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Honestly, he really doesn't mind letting you run around and do what you want. Sometimes, being in a relationship can be tiring. So, when you set off on a new task with that familiar burning in your eyes... Yeah go crazy. It gives him a small break.
When you disappear for a day or two. He actually appreciated the quiet time. Unlike Kevin who is more relaxed. Aesop is always internally thankful for moments like these. Yeah, he loves you but. Sometimes having moments to himself helps.
So when you come RACING back with the most scalding tea in the manor, he doesn't really know how to respond. Wasn't this a little.. Personal? He didn't really care about anyone else in the manor, but he was a little paranoid (knowing you), you might wanna discover more about him.
He did not want that.
When you gossip about the survivors after discovering mild information. He doesn't really react or respond. Aesop doesn't exactly contribute anything back. But this is kind of your dynamic. You just.. Blabber and blabber and he silently listens.
But, as your thirst for knowledge begins to run wild. You tell him that you're off to go learn about the chummy Baron. He is at first, apathetic.
Okay, go have fun.
.. Wait. That's probably not a good idea.
He is the type of person to really think things through. He's very, very internal. So he actually sort of thinks what you're doing through and he's like..
Hm... Isn't that.. Wait. No no no no come back
Ah.. But you're already off.
He knows he can't stop you when you're started with something, but it's still... You know..?
He stays on guard in case anything strange occurs in the manor and keeps a special eye out for you.
Once you eventually come back. You're pale. Practically paler than he is-.
He knows something is wrong and he knows you came across information you shouldn't have. He's not the type of person for an I told you so but... Let's face it.
He told you so.
Soon, the announcement of a new hunter comes out.
He doesn't react. He doesn't cry. He doesn't get mad.
He was just silent. He knew. He knew that you knew too
He just didn't think you'd be taken from him so soon...
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loredumps · 2 years
Fluff headcanons PT 1
Summary: Just headcanons for different characters
Note: Might be ooc and I apologize for that. Also reader is gender neutral (I tried my best) and established relationship. This came out more as small fics lol
Genre: Fluff
Includes Aesop, Andrew, Victor, Luca, Edgar (I’ll make one with the girls next)
Aesop Carl:
While he doesn’t like talking to others, he listens. He always pays attention, maintaining eye contact with you. He secretly admires you while you talk, smiling under the mask.
Once he felt comfortable enough being near you and touching you, he likes sitting next to you, shoulder to shoulder while soft holding your hand.
Andrew Kriess:
He stares at you, respectfully, taking in all of you features, wondering how he was able to be with someone like you. If he could, he would stare at you all day.
Whenever he wants a kiss, his eyes will linger around your lips, but he quickly looks back at you as to not make you uncomfortable. After dating for a while, you catch onto this and slowly move close to him, and give him a small peck near his lips, making him a bit flustered.
Victor Grantz:
He leaves little notes and letters, detailing how much he loves you and other nice things. They’re scattered all around your room, to remind you of tasks and love from him.
Wick likes to sit on your lap and takes all of your attention off of Victor, which makes him a bit jealous, but he doesn’t really mind. He likes knowing that wick likes you too.
Luca Balsa:
He goes show you his latest invention, hoping you’ll praise him. He gets more motivated knowing you like his ideas, the thought always makes him have a sweet smile.
Sometimes he steals a quick kiss when decoding together. He likes seeing you get flustered and caught off guard. He also likes kissing your knuckles and waltzing with you, it reminds him of his past as an aristocrat.
Edgar Valden:
Just like Luca, he likes showing his paintings and receiving praise from you. Especially when he makes a painting based on you, spending a long time to get every single piece of your form perfect. It makes him feel nice and loved.
Because this is Edgar we’re talking about, you’re his muse, his inspiration. He has pages dedicated to you in different poses, either he told you to pose or naturally. He also writes some compliments next to these sketches or a little cute doodle of him and you. It’s mostly you though.
Ok I’m done now, I hope whoever reads this likes it. And have a good day :)
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zevexsii · 2 years
I crawled from the depths of hell to request first time with Aesop headcanons 💃
anon im so sorry this has rotted in my inbox for way too long
aesop x g/n s/o nsfw hcs (first time)
massive virgin. i am so sorry but there is no way in any hell that aesop carl has had a sexual experience before this.
it takes an incredibly long time for aesop to even approach the idea of sex with a ten foot pole. sure, fantasies and dreams are nice, but the idea of flesh-to-flesh is very overwhelming (no offense).
aesop has a stash of very cheesy and very explicit romance novels hidden far out of your scope. they hope that one day he'll be able to use a select few tactics on you<3!
the most opportune time to engage in fuckery with aesop is while they're busy... taking care of themselves. he'll try and cover up his obviously leaking cock and flushed cheeks, but reassure him that these feelings are normal, and you're only here to help.
eye contact is not something aesop can maintain when you spit in your hand and wrap your fingers around their dick and begin to rub him. gentleness is key <3
rushing into things too quickly will make aesop feel trapped and out of control/unable to express their discomfort. these feelings are hard to communicate and will most often result in a shut down/nonverbal period.
you have to encourage the soft sounds that leak from his mouth and praise the bucking of their hips whenever the pad of your thumb grazes the prominent vein on his cock.
praise is the surest way to aesop's heart, and his orgasm.
aesop doesn't have the most stamina, so 2 rounds is about his max. after you've jerked him to completion and aesop is back down to earth, they can finally meet your gaze.
"...thank you."
it's phrased almost like a question, but his voice is low and steady. regardless of your response, aesop makes it known that it's your turn.
if you're afab, aesop definitely knows where the clit is.
my man literally takes care of bodies for a living, it would be a tragedy if they didn't know basic anatomy. he fumbles a little bit finding yours just because every body is different, but they make up for it.
if you're amab, aesop wastes no time in finding the most sensitive parts of you. there's an almost scientific way about how he examines you, but it's not meant to be demeaning. everything about you is fascinating, and aesop intends to find just the way to make you squirm.
aesop is very methodical when it comes to sex. their focus is on you and finding exactly the right combination of buttons to push. in the least demeaning way possible, you're like an experiment that gets their dick hard.
incredibly experimental, ghosting their fingers around the edges of your hole or letting their grasp slide down just close enough to your balls to tell you they thought about fondling them.
very much counting on vocal/facial cues. you've gotta tell aesop if they're doing something right or make a pretty face when his fingers make you feel lovely. autism moment.
when you inevitably cum, aesop sticks his fingers in his mouth out of curiosity. this begins an unstoppable fixation.
no way in hell is aesop indulging in kinks the first time, sorry lads (gender neutral) :{.
probably has paper notes about how to make you cum fast vs. how to tease and overstimulate you.
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Hello I'm back again 😭😭 I cannot get enough of your writing, its always gorgeous. Can I be 🪶 anon btw?
Can I request ❛ your body was made for mine. ❜ with Joseph necromancer please? (Or d.m., I've never seen anyone write for necromancer before)
Thank you and have a nice day/night!!
OMG, HI \(≧▽≦)/ ! For starters -- your writing is AMAZING, and I wanted to ask if I could request Necromancer Joseph with ❛ you're mine, and i take care of what belongs to me. ❜ Thank you sm, hope u have a great night/day !!
Joseph has no idea how many ppl want to rail/be railed by him lol
Rated Mature | Warnings: putting the romance in necromancer lol
heres a song i thought of him to
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“You are mine,” Are the first words you hear, your heart beating slowly as it remembers what it is supposed to do, “And I take care of what belongs to me.” The promise he kept from the moment he saw you at the funeral. It was a for someone cannot or could not put a face to but they were important enough you were there standing beside grieving family members and friends. Someone important enough for him to be there off in the distance standing beside a tree that lost its leaves. You turned around ready to be the first one to leave when you saw him, his eyes not on you as they likely were on the coffin being lowered to the ground by the grave keeper. Then they shifted to you, you had only looked away thinking you were rude for staring. The gathering was when you spoke to him. It was a small conversation that led to many more, then led to him courting you.
Then you died.
You remember something happened, there was pain, then nothing. It was like someone cut out that piece from you, was it save you the pain?
“The embalmer did well to preserve your beauty.” His hand caresses your slowly warming up skin, “My heart.” Joseph, you remember his name because it means ‘He shall add’, and being a romantic you told him you wanted to add to his life. It is silly but his smile meant so much along with the small laugh, he hoped the same for you. “You have been asleep for too long.” You stare at him as your body is far too stiff to move, but you are able to look around. From what you can see around your beloved, you are in his castle? It is the part where all of his family members are buried. The candles are blue, a special candle he burns in this area.
“Can you speak for me?”
You try to open your mouth but it hurts, you close your eyes for a second then open them.
“Do not worry, it will take time.” His hand moves to your neck where he presses two fingers to check your pulse, “Good, I told him not to remove anything from you.” He must be that man you met the Embalmer. It must seem strange to others for a Lord like Joseph to be friends with someone like Aesop Carl, but you only saw it as he likes his friends to be from all walks of life! Well, the ones who assist in sending those off to the path of death in a respectful manner.
When his head goes back to lovingly touching your face, you tilt your hand as much as you can toward his hand. The small gasp and the way he drives in the coffin to grab you in a desperate hug make you wish you could move to hug him back. You smile at him.
“For years we have been trying to bring you back,” His confession against your chest, “I fear the worse… I feared you crossed over but I had to remain faithful.” He lays you back down before climbing into the coffin full of roses of white. Most would freak out, fearful of the love he gives, but you are not most. “Your body was made for mine.” Hovering over you with the kindest gentlest of smiles, “Your soul mine to claim.” He leans slowly down, “And the proof is you are here.”
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mania-sama · 3 months
Random ask, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in any media, like anime/manga, tv series, books, etc (can be canon or non-canon)? Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them....
Thank you so much for sending in an ask! I would love to answer this question! I didn't go through every fandom I've been in, though I went through quite a few!!! Usually, there is only one ship I really love in a fandom that ends up being my favorite, but I like/love plenty of ships and don't limit myself to just one ship. I will say that when it comes to engaging with fandom and fanfiction, I tend to actually prefer platonic relationships, centered on found family and blood-related family than anything else.
Bungou Stray Dogs -> Shin Soukoku (Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi). I think most of this comes from the way they are quite literally yin and yang (my favorite symbol of all time) in almost every aspect. I firmly believe Asagiri is beating us over the head with a mallet saying "Look! Look what I did! Please look!" I'm under no impression that they will be canon, but BEAST gives me the hope that they can at least become friends, and that's testament enough to the development they go through. There is just so much there. I'm not an enemies to lovers person, but for them, I make the exception. There are so many parallels to draw between them, so much to look at and really dig into. I'm not delusional enough to say they wouldn't be toxic (all of the BSD ships except for, like, RanPoe, are toxic let's be real), but I am lenient enough to say that they can be good to each other in fanfics and decent friends in canon. Also, this applies to their BEAST counterparts, too. BEAST makes them better.
Jujutsu Kaisen -> ItaFushi (Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji). There is a sort of trend I have with shipping, I think. I tend to like the second most popular ship, usually the younger generation of the most popular ship, which is arguably a form of torture in and of itself. JJK is not as bad as the BSD fandom is about the popularity difference, but it's still painful. Anyway, I think my love for this ship stems from the fact that Megumi has a big fat crush on Itadori and I will accept, under no circumstances, any other interpretations of his relationship with Itadori. Everything from the SatoSugu parallels (who are one handhold away from being canon let's be real), to their whole shtick being to save each other (physically and mentally), to Megumi literally describing Itadori as his type of person. Gender neutral. Even though it is so incredibly easy to use gendered terms in Japanese as it is in English. I feel like Gege is doing this on purpose because there is just no way he sees this as normal friend stuff. Recent chapters got me in a chokehold. I am SCARED. Besides all this, I think they just work very well together. They are also horribly tragic. Perfect combination.
Genshin Impact -> Xiaother (Aether/Xiao). I debated pretty heavily with myself here on what my true favorite is. I came to this conclusion mainly for one reason: Xiao. I love Aether, but I love Xiao. He is my favorite character, right next to Razor, so obviously he carries this ship. I also think that, of all of the implied relationships Genshin has supplied in plenty, Xiaother has had the most development. Every scene with them is better than the last, and the way that they make each other better is something I adore. And as for the ship being specifically Aether and not Lumine or nonspecific, it's because I chose Aether, so I'm more accustomed to using him as the traveler vessel rather than Lumine, but I'm honestly fine with either.
Identity V -> Elisop (Aesop Carl | Embalmer/Eli Clark | Seer). I haven't played this game in a hot minute for storage and laptop reasons, and I'm also not updated with the lore (nor was I entirely familiar with it from the beginning, outside of the MAIN main lore). But this ship and game were a huge part of my personal development, I think, and I do want to return to playing it in an honest effort eventually (I WANT MY ROBBIE RANK BACK). I think I perceive it differently than other people do, mainly because people oscillate between two sides of the Aesop Carl characterization spectrum. But there is something really fun in the idea that Eli, with his ability to see the future, thinks that he can somehow "fix" Aesop, under the impression that his and Getrude's relationship will never mend. And Aesop, who sees Eli and feels real love for the first time, finds that he doesn't know if he wants to kill and embalm Eli, or if he wants to indulge in this feeling called love. Toxic, probably. Their color schemes also match very well together (which is actually what led me to ship them in the first place, before fandom influence), and they are extremely compatible gameplay-wise.
Haikyuu -> IwaOi (Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru). If you told me two or so years ago that this was my favorite Haikyuu ship, I would have LAUGHED IN YOUR FACE. I hated Oikawa and didn't care much about Seijou. But then. But then. I went through a like. Month-long Haikyuu revival not too long ago and only read IwaOi fics because I came to this revelation. Oikawa is really goddamn relatable. I think we are all, in a sense, Oikawa, at one point or another. He is THE teenager. He is someone you can project every single one of your problems onto because his struggles with being untalented and unworthy are interchangeable with pretty much any self-worth conflict: internalized homophobia, eating disorders, socializing, etc. Iwaizumi can also provide these internal debates, but in a context with Oikawa makes it even better. Does Oikawa carry this ship for me? Yes. I don't care what you think I'm not here to defend myself.
Voltron: Legendary Defenders -> Klance (Keith Kogane/Lance McClain). Do NOT talk to me. They have ruined my life in pretty much every aspect. Also an exception to the not shipping thing because they are kinda the whole reason I even watched this show past season... three probably. I don't even wanna talk about them anymore because it'll just upset me. Just know that as far as the Sheith vs Klance debate goes, Sheithers are wrong for that after Keith called Shiro his brother. There. I added my fuel to the ever-burning garbage fire that is Voltron shipping. I may talk about Klance again in the future but for now I wanna leave my thoughts off here.
Merlin BBC -> Merthur (Arthur Pendragon/Merlin). Thank you Merthur fandom for teaching me what a good fic is supposed to taste like. They are kind of the epitome of the ships I tend to gravitate to: TRAGIC. The ending of Merlin is traumatizing and the fact that all of the cast pretty shipped it (as well as you can see the faint mouthing of the words "I love you" in the final death scene) is like. The first true healthy immersion into a ship I've ever had. I never obsessed over them too hard, I think, but Merlin is still my favorite live-action show, and Merthur is always well and true to my heart. They also got me introduced to the master/servant trope in terms of medieval times, and I had a very long affinity for it in fanfiction. I don't like it as much anymore, but I look upon that time with happiness rather than the usual slight embarrassment.
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power -> Catradora (Adora/Catra). I also make an exception for enemies to lovers for them because they even added that extra-friendly step of friends to enemies to lovers. Genuinely, no show surprised me as much as She-Ra did. Shout out She-Ra for giving me the worst envy I've ever felt in my life. I want to rock a suit as well as Catra did in that one scene. Anyway, I loved their development. I know some people criticize it for being rushed towards the end, but I like the way they were able to forgive Catra so easily. They understood what it meant to be used and manipulated, what it meant to be unable to fight against oppressive forces. People are mad at compassion, even though that's the literal whole point of She-Ra. Whatever. They could never make me hate you Catradora.
Percy Jackson (all book series) -> Percabeth (Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson). The blueprint. That's it. That's all you gotta know. I don't read fics about them because there is nothing to improve upon. One of the best written series and best written romances of all time. It was basically everything Avatar: The Last Airbender failed to do with Kataang (sorry for ragging on them for a second but that's the only thing I didn't like about ATLA; the romances) failed to accomplish, with all the same in-depth and wonderful characters. Like, they are everything I aspire to have in a relationship. The way they are simply meant for each other and aren't rushed, but are always implied to have that cutesy young crushes until they finally got together. I love them. Ugh. Uncle Rick you win again.
Anyway, these were some of my favorite ships of all time!! Sorry, I blabbered a lot. Probably listed more ships than you meant to but I take whatever opportunity I can to talk about things I enjoy IN DEPTH. There were also a lot of M/M romances, which, I swear to God, just happened out that way. I love plenty of F/F and F/M relationships, they just rarely end up as my top favorite. DO NOT accuse me of anything because I WILL NOT hear it.
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ithaquasbbg · 1 year
Hi! I hope you're doing well! Can I request Aesop X GN! Reader where he knew the reader from before? But the reader doesn't remember him well? (It can be one shot or scenario, what you like ^^)
Hiya! Sorry this took a long time to get out. Funny enough, this has been written three times now and refuses to save. Otherwise it would have been so much sooner :,). Thank you so much for the request.
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Aesop Carl x amnesiac! Reader
Genre: sort of angsty undertones, but it doesn’t last too long.
Pairing: Aesop Carl (Embalmer) x Gender neutral reader
You’re alone in the manor, the sound of your footsteps echoing through the hallways. You had supposed you were alone, at least, as it was abnormal for the other residents to be awake at this time. Perhaps you should have been tired as well, but you had been unable to sleep all night, every time you had gotten close, strange thoughts entered your mind. Thoughts that didn’t feel like your own.
So, against your own better judgement you found yourself where you were now, searching the manor for any kind of identification of what you could be seeing. Eventually, you find yourself looking through an empty office of sorts, finding diaries upon diaries. Hunters, survivors, people you have never even heard of had diaries of their own. Eventually, perhaps by a stroke of luck, you find your own diary. “Finally..” you mutter, rushing towards the nearest light you can find, you open the book and begin flipping through the pages.
Then, just when you’re at the end of your diary, you stumble across a name you had heard before you began having all of these visions, Aesop Carl. You had been in a match together, but when you got close to one another, the man had rushed up to you, almost like he was greeting an old friend. He was quick to find out that you didn’t know him, asking if it was a joke. After assurance that you were not in fact joking, the young embalmer walked off, since then, you have not seen or heard of him. Deciding that you could perhaps get better answers by looking in the other man’s diary than in your own vague one, you begin searching for it, eventually opening the pages and flipping through.
It likely would have been easier if you had never taken a look at the diary, as almost all of the pages were about his dear lover, you.
“In this manor, I wonder how life is for them. If there was one thing I could say to them now, I’d say sorry for leaving the love of my life alone the way I have.”
Your mind still didn’t remember much of anything, but your body, strangely enough did. The strange longing feeling that you had for the male since that encounter before resurfacing. Once you feel the all too familiar feeling of hot tears running down your face, you decide to get up and attempt to speak with the man. Packing both yours and his diaries in a small bag you had and leaving the room.
The search for his room feels like it takes forever, almost making you doubt coming to speak with him in the first place. Eventually, you find the door and knock before you get the chance to stop yourself. The wait feels like forever, but before you can force yourself to walk off, the embalmer opens the door. He stands in front of you with a look that clearly reads exhaustion, but in that same sense, it looks all too familiar.
“Aesop, I-“ you begin to speak, only for the other man to put a finger to your lips, motioning you inside. You oblige and enter the room, the man shutting the door behind the both of you. “How do you remember my name?” He asks, albeit quite bluntly, the exhaustion evident in his voice. Unable to voice what you’re thinking, you reach into your bag and hand him the diaries. Aesops eyes widen and he takes them from you “…so, you know about us, before the manor?”
It takes a moment to get the confidence to speak, but you eventually force it out. “I don’t know anymore.. everything that I’ve remembered since I’ve gotten here is all wrong, and with you..” He seems like he isn’t too used to this kind of situation, but after a moment rests a hand on your shoulder. He motions for you to sit down next to him, to which you oblige.
“…This is, not how I wanted to meet you again.” He scratches the back of his neck, looking around the room, “but, even now, it makes me so happy that you’re still here.” You nod in understanding, watching him speak as he continues. “..If you don’t remember me, do you still feel the way I feel for you?”
His voice is shaking, almost as if he’s trying to keep himself together. Aesop is surprised, however, when you wrap your arms around him. “I may not remember you the way you remember me, Aesop.” You start, backing a way and keeping a hand on the man’s shoulder. “But, that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to love you. Nor does that mean that I don’t want to make new memories with you.” Now it’s your turn to feel arms wrap around you. Almost instinctively, your hands go to stroke his hair. You stay like this for what feels like hours, that strange hopeless feeling that you had ever since you entered the manor leaving. You’re able to relax, eventually, you fall asleep with the embalmer in your arms.
“Someday, no matter how long it takes. I’ll find a way to remember you. If what I’m feeling is real, then the love I still have for you is as well. Please don’t give up on me, I’ll remember you some day.”
Oh my god I finally finished… hopefully this draft doesn’t delete as well 🥲. Hope this was to your liking, and once again thank you so much for your request.
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takuyakistall · 2 years
body language
Consulting the local embalmer wasn't the brightest idea after cutting your hand, but love can make you endure the stabbing pain in your hand as he treats you like a corpse.
— trade with @beth-bethar00 / @ask-idv-baker
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Love; it wasn't something Aesop would usually concern himself with. He was far too busy perfecting every stroke of his brush on surrogates to use during times a dead person enters his workplace – it was an artist's trait. He was much too focused on his masterpieces to think about anything else, but perhaps that was his biggest strength and weakness. Despite knowing so much, there are also a lot of things he doesn't know. He might know how to keep a dead body look like it didn't deteriorate for a week or how to insert needles into the skin to make it seem like their corpse was smiling even in death, but he does not know the exhilarating thrill of a passionate romance between two lovers.
He intended to keep it that way. He didn't need love to go on with his life, and it wouldn't certainly help him with his line of work or any of his goals – if anything, it'd serve as nothing but a distraction for him. That was what he intended but the world does wonders trying to prove people wrong, he could only sigh as he brought out his makeup box and took out a sharp needle and a thin piece of silver thread. He was no medical expert, but he learned enough under a certain person about how to stitch up wounds so it would seem as if the cut wasn't there in the first place.
He took your hand in his; you felt his cold touch over his gloves and you couldn't help but wonder if you should strike up a conversation regarding it. But your bleeding hand was already keeping you busy with excruciating pain taking over your head in a haze. Aesop stuck the needle into your skin as he smoothly started sewing the wound shut seamlessly as tears started forming in the corner of your eyes – if there was an option to have a licensed professional stitch it up for you, you would've chosen that instead of having an embalmer stitch you up with little to no regard about your well-being since he was so used to handling dead people who couldn't feel anything.
But you knew better than to complain, he was already helping you out in the middle of the night and it was hardly polite to be thinking of such things. Aesop finished up the stitch, cutting the threat with shears before cleaning up the blood with a wet towel. He couldn't help but notice how different dead people were compared to those who live – he had to be more careful, more considerate to living people rather than being in full control over a corpse. Perhaps that was one of the reasons why he liked the dead more than the living.
You sighed, clutching your newly stitched hand with your other hand, "thank you… I don't know what I would've done without you, Sir Carl." You winced as you felt a sharp pain from your hand, but you tried to ignore it as you shot a smile at the embalmer. His gaze was indifferent and his stance was unchanging, it was as if talking to a statue without any remorse or feelings known to him. His silver locks framed his face perfectly, bits of soot staining his skin and over his white mask – he looked as mysterious as an abandoned statue in the middle of nowhere. You could see why people made a big deal out of him going out whenever he does, he reeked of a mysterious aura.
"There's no need to thank me," he replied, adjusting his gloves as he put his materials back into his makeup box. "If there's anything else you need from me, please let me know immediately. I advise consulting an actual medical expert for that wound of yours, I only did what I could."
Love; you couldn't help but grow interested in someone like him. It was laughable – he was in a position most of the villagers held in contempt. They thought he was vile or dirty for dealing with dead people and corpses that no one would want to touch in their lifetime, ignorant of the fact that Aesop did everything in his power to send them off in the best way possible. To him, death was just as beautiful as life. Perhaps even more beautiful than life itself. And you found that part of him admirable despite being shrouded in mystery. You knew nothing about him except for the fact that he had cold hands, and that his actions spoke louder than his words.
The lingering touch he left on your skin as he pressed the needle into your skin, his soft breathing as he concentrated on closing your wound, and the way he trailed his fingers against your hand gently as if to memorize each and every single line on your hand. Even his body language as he tidied up told you things he wouldn't even think of saying – you already knew well that Aesop was someone who wasn't aware of his own interest in you, yet each and every action he left on you was enough to tell you that he was fond of you.
As a living person? Or perhaps he was fond of you because of your body? Did he think about how delightful it would be for him to put you out of your misery as he stabbed the needle into your hand? Did he think that you would be more beautiful in death? Perhaps the answer to those questions could define what love truly is to the embalmer. But despite all the questions you had, despite all the blurry hints and all of the mixed messages – your heart was something that refused to sit still, you'd rather show him directly your interest in him. And you silently prayed that he would take the hint and finally mess with love a little. You stood up, calling out his name, "Sir Carl."
"Is there a problem?" His voice was small as he wiped his little knives inside his makeup bag, cleaning it from any residues. He allowed himself to be distracted by you. Yet you only drew closer to him, dragging your feet against the stone tiles before cupping his cheek with your uninjured hand and leaning in to give him a light kiss over his mask.
And that was when Aesop felt something foreign bloom inside his chest, something hot and made his chest contract – his cheeks grew hotter by the second as you pulled away sweetly after making such a brazen act. He almost dropped his knife and stabbed his foot, but he kept his composure and pretended to be unfazed by your actions as he ignored the warm feeling blooming inside of him. Amore. How strange it is for him to feel such things. "... Please refrain from doing such things from now on, it's hardly proper between acquaintances."
He denied liking such an act. He refused to acknowledge the fact that he was starting to concern himself with sappy things such as love. All he wanted was to show off his artistry and send people off in a manner befitting of an embalmer such as himself, and yet here he was blushing over a living human – he might be able to comfort himself with the fact that all humans die eventually; you included. Maybe all he needed was to wait, perhaps you'd turn into something he can love with his whole heart. But, for now, he'll savour the ghost of your lips hovering over his own for now.
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