#i literally brought it up yesterday but
lovereadandwrite · 1 month
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he cooked ! he served !! HE ATE😮‍💨🥵
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bleue-flora · 5 months
So, if in the finale c!Dream’s helmet, that he takes off for c!Tommy, represents his mask, does that mean that when c!Sapnap puts on c!Dream’s armor, Nightmare, he is putting on and stealing c!Dream’s mask? - Because I’m not gonna lie that really puts a new perspective on that betrayal… Furthermore, when c!Techno brings c!Dream armor in prison, did he make him a mask and bring it to him… and then take away the mask later? - If so, again that’s kinda screwed up. Though you could argue that perhaps he made c!Dream a mask for the jailbreak so he had one to face the server with and then because they were trying to not seem like allies he took it back, knowing that c!Dream would get another one. Which also begs the question, did c!Punz make c!Dream a mask for after prison or is he simply handing over one of c!Dream’s masks?… When c!Tommy in the minecart skirmish stole c!Dream’s armor, was he taunting him with his own mask? - Because oof that’s some serious violation and disrespect…
In other words, if you think that c!Dream’s helmet in the finale represents the mask (which I’d say is implied by c!Tommy) does that same logic apply across the board or is it just for that moment? And if it does apply to rest of the lore, wow does that have some implications…
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rosicheeks · 3 months
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I get to take care of this crazy goofball for the next 13 days 🐶🐾🩷
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demetris-cocksleeve · 2 months
Is it just me or does tumblr have an insane amount of updates that do literally nothing?
I'm not even exaggerating when I say I'm having to update this app every other day, but there's no changes to the app. Atp, I'm just hitting "update" to get rid of the pop-up telling me to do it.
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songtwo · 2 months
most of the time i feel like im just an average person like i know im really lucky to be living my dreams working a job i love in the city i always wanted to live in like i know im a very lucky and privileged person bc most ppl don’t get any of that but most of the time i also forget it’s not just that like most ppl in my hometown never get out and don’t even go to college and like even in my family im still the only one to ever attend university and move to the city which is just crazy like it’s so crazy to me to think im not really average specially not where i come from which is idk so weird
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i am,,,once again,,,,,opening a girlie up hang on is this why i get shadowbanned and my blog deleted? I Am Once Again Opening A IMAGINARY Girlie WHO DOESNT EXIST Up in FAKE FICTION
anyway not even using a knife this time its more of a scurvy scars reopening kind of a situation
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akkivee · 9 months
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i wake up with them and these on my mind and i’m devastated tbh lmao
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steffigraf · 2 months
my mother just brought up massively triggering stuff out of the blue and idk how to feel abt this
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sassy-hedgie · 10 months
when someone who’s had such a rough life and done so much but their one dream is just to settle down in peace and be happy with the people they love just…gets me every time
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Here is what fucks me up about Joel Maisel.
I mean a lot of things fuck me up about Joel Maisel because I truly don’t think he’s a good or kindhearted person.
But here is, specifically, what fucks me up about Joel Maisel.
This man has an affair with his secretary and then decides to leave the wife he’s been cheating on and lying to. 
And literally, in episode three, he shows up in the middle of the night to ask for another chance, and this is what he says to her: 
“Midge...I've been thinking a lot about our situation...where we are. I'm on a couch. And you, I mean, I don't know what happened today. I don't know what you needed the money for, and I don't care. I promised I wouldn't ask. But clearly, things aren't going great for either one of us. Maybe this was a mistake. So...I'm thinking of giving it another go.” 
There is not a hint of remorse here. He’s not sorry he hurt her. He isn’t sorry he blew up her life. This man is sorry that he tried to leave and it wasn’t working out for him.
For him.
He even says in his speech that he doesn’t care what she’s going through. “I don’t know what you needed the money for and I Don’ care.” Any dude who gave a shit would have shown up and been like “Yo, you mysteriously needed a large sum of money and now I’m worried about you. Please talk to me.” 
Or, if he was serious about getting back together with Midge, how about two simple yet very important words: 
“I’m sorry.” 
We are four fucking seasons into this show. Joel still has not apologized for the way he treated her. Never. He gets close at the end of season one. He says: 
“I never said I'm sorry, did I?” 
This is not an apology. No, he never did say he was sorry. And this is not him saying it. It’s him acknowledging he never did. And then he proceeds to skirt around an apology.
He lists off things he SHOULD have done (buy her flowers, crawled on his hands and knees), and THEN proceeds to tell her that she is “a lot,” placing the blame for his leaving on her. Because of the person that she is. 
The bottom line here, for me, is that Joel only wants Midge for what she can do for him. He doesn’t care about her as a whole person, and I don’t know that he ever did. 
And that, friends, is what fucks me up about Joel Maisel. 
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helianskies · 1 year
actually very pissed off. just got to my desk and it seems someone has come in to clean. in the process, they have moved things around on my desk including a monitor, my plant and sticky notes, and binned a bottle i had kept on my desk PURPOSEFULLY so i could reuse it, as it was a big bottle that i actually brought ALL THE WAY BACK FROM ITALY with me last year. for 10 weeks i have worked here and never has anyone touched shit on my desk or cleaned in our office. i'm actually upset. i am seriously upset. GIVE ME BACK MY ACQUA PANNA YOU ASSHOLES.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
when your special interest gets brought up by someone/thing else and you just !!!!!!!!!!!! quietly like I’m so normal I’m so normal I’m so normal about this (I’m not)
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sluttyten · 2 years
I need to put myself on a book buying ban
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qqweebird · 2 years
roommate currently throwing a 24 hour hissy fit bc i told her to shut up and stop being passive aggressive when she has a complaint. literally stomping around and slamming doors cus shes mad. you dont even pay for the lights bitch. anyway i maxed out the tags on this post stay safe down there
#currently our electricity bill is weird so its split 50/50 me and saturn#instead of 3 ways between the 3 of us#i hoped maybe this month it would be fixed but it wasnt#and a few days ago i brought it up to her and said i was tired of paying 50% and we should take care of it that night#and she said ‘ok also it probably wouldnt be so high if we didnt leave unnecessary lights on 24/7’#its literally Not that high its only high for me n saturn cus we have to pay 50%.#lights Arent left on 24/7 im literally a light freak#if i believe its not necessary to be on i turn it the fuck off!!#then yesterday saturn said that he was going to make a schedule for us to stay on track w taking out the garbage#because literally last week she complained that he and i dont take care of it enough#(not true. straight up not true. saturn takes care of it the most. she was just mad that nobody had tied up the full bag)#(​which.. she is also… responsible for if she sees its time for it to be tied up..)#and she said ‘well thats probably something you should have talked to us about first but whatever’#(we literally have discussed creating a chore list. like. five times. and just nobody took the initiative.)#and then continued with ‘lets stop leaving dishes in the sink when the dishwasher is empty :// it looks trashy’#and thats when i snapped cus good god.#she was ONLY upset about that bc she cleaned the kitchen last week. the ONLY time shes done a full kitchen-clean.#thats not me inferring she said ‘its annoying when i do all the dishes and then when i get back from the weekend the sink is full again 🙄’#mother…. FUCKER#it wasnt even FULL there were just like two pizza pans that made it look like more than it was ??#she fr said shes the backbone of this house after she cleaned the kitchen. that was dirty from HER cooking messes#& then had the audacity to say ‘ive asked everyone and theyve all said the apartment looks like shit’#and shes soooo pissy about people ‘talking shit’ about her when none of us have ever done that and then she goes and literally just#for real talks mad fucking shit without coming to me and saturn first to clarify her expectations#like we ALL say ‘ugh yeah the apartment is a mess we really gotta take care of that’ (never takes care of it bc we are busy/tired/adhd)#my guy you cant fault an adhd household for having clutter and backed up chores.#if she started having a problem with anything all she needed to say was ‘hey can you do x please?’#not ‘we should have some day a week that we clean the common areas’ followed by never actually initiating it#like she really said we should do this as a group but then herself never tried to. make that happen when she needed it to happen.#personal
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I’ll walk a mile?
#this dude. ugh I love him#I was so bummed out abt my car yesterday but he knows exactly how 2 cheer me up#if he wasn’t with me when it happened I probably would’ve been crying and screaming and throwing up like I was freaking out#but he made me feel safe and like everything was going to be ok#he handled everything for me and had one of his friends come take a look and got it towed to his shop and paid for it and everything#like I didn’t have to even worry abt it.#which again makes me feel so bad and I’ve expressed it to him several times#this morning when he brought me breakfast I told him he made me feel completely spoiled and he was just like. good#you deserve 2 be spoiled. and I will not stop.#LIKE AGAHDHJDJFKD he’s sooo romantic it drives me insane I’ve literally never been treated like this#the way he looks at me . ughh. makes me feel all warm and tingly just thinking abt him like yes ok I’m definitely in love AAAA#before I left this morning we were lying next to each other in the living room and we had this deep talk#abt like our relationship and what we mean to each other and our feelings n shit#it was really sweet. I cried a lil.#I expressed some of my worries and insecurities and problems etc#and he just held me n told me if I let him then he’d love me forever and make sure I always have everything I need#he said he’d do anything to make sure I’m happy and comfortable#and said all this dumb corny shit abt how he’s so glad he met me and that I make him happy and just started saying things he loves abt me#like it was too much I was just flabbergasted I had tears in my eyes I didn’t even know what to say#like ugh so cute wtf wtf wtf#swooning fr fr on god no cap 💯💯#what a complete nerd. fucking dork. but my dork <33333#hmnnnnnnngbgnkfjshdj I miss him already#at least I have no conventions next month I’ll just get to be with bf the whole time agshjdkshwcahkddbvagejkfbsg he jus make me so happy#tess talks
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youremyonlyhope · 2 months
#lying in bed debating if I have a crush on a guy or not#because like is he cute? yes. do we get along? yes. is he really nice and funny? yes.#do I know if he's currently single? nope.#do we see each other outside of a monthly hangout with the mutual friend who introduced us? nope.#I followed him on instagram after the last time I saw him prior to this week#and he had to approve me as a follower. which he did. then he didn't follow me back.#and I'm like boy what does that MEAN. I know my instagram is nearly blank but still you obviously know it's me since you approved me.#so why not follow me back oh my god.#I'm like 4 seconds away from asking the mutual friend if he knows if he's single#just so I can put at least that question to rest#and if he's not I'll move on. if he is then I don't know. I'll cross that bridge when/if I get to it#like literally yesterday I brought Oreos to the hangout and I brought both regular and golden since I'm allergic to Chocolate#and he was like 'oh the golden ones are better anyway' and the rest of the night we basically kept the box by us#and multiple times he'd grab 2 cookies and tap me to offer me one#and it was really sweet and cute. and 2 months ago when he found out I'm getting into tarot#he was like 'I've been looking for a girl to do my Star chart' which isn't my thing but I was like 'let's do it right now'#and even after moving on from the subject he brought it back up like an hour later#like. are we just like really clicking as friends or is this a thing? I'm too Demi/greyaro/aceflux to make sense of this
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