#i just love this panel so much they’re all so adorable…
616phyla · 1 year
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Warlock and the Infinity Watch (1992) #35
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starlooove · 7 months
TIFF she’s like tam in a way except when it came to Tam as much as she claims she reached for excitement; it was truly circumstancial. It was Lucius who sent her after Tim, it was Tim who fueled her fire later on, and it’s her being bored of existence that causes her to do whatever she feels like next. Jace has his head so far up his own ass he can’t see anything beyond one mistake and Luke is so worried about what Jace might be doing that he doesn’t see what’s really going on in front of him. All they do is fight and argue and lie and Tiff might be a hypocrite because that’s all she does too but at least she has a motive. She knows what it’s like to be in danger, what it’s like to be terrified and she knows what it’s like to see others in that state and she refuses to stand by and do nothing. She refuses to be immobile to have no say in her destiny and the very least she can do is give a little of her strength to other. And it’s not just her strength either, tiff has this bluntness around her that’s unbecoming of any good Fox. She’s as sly as the best of them but she has little patience for mind games and toeing the line when it comes to something she knows and she’ll make it clear when she has the one up on you, some may call her reckless but honestly she’s just real. That’s more than anyone around her can say, fox or bat.
#AAHAHA#ok idk if this is clear but like this is how I think they’re seeing the issue#like It’s like. unreliable narrator-esque#BUT TIFFS IS SOOOO#her internal dialogue may sound harsh but she truly adores her family#like her anger is based off those panels where Luke and Jace fight so much Tam passes out#which brings me to an issue….#the tam I like does NAWT exist in the same universe as this tiff#like this tiff is from that comic where she and tam got kidnapped and tan got paralyzed#and in that one tam was very chill#which is not how I like her#so I just. mashed it together and hoped for the best 😍#maybe tiff doesn’t see tams adrenaline junkie behavior as genuine bc she doesn’t understand it not primarilycoming from an altruistic place#so she’s kind and all but very judgemental#To me she rings as someone who’s smoothed the relationships over between the people she love so much that she resents it#and she automatically assumed how she sees them is correct because she HAS seen them at their worst#but also she’s projecting in a way she doesn’t realize#she doesn’t conceptualize that they may be coming from different places than her#so It’s not just that he’s her brother and she was young when it happened#It’s that she can see where Jace is coming from now whereas she couldn’t before#and since she understands this Jace he’s obviously the real and superior him which Jace appreciates#but luke sees it as him finding validation in the one person too young to conceptualize what he did#tiff resents being called childish bc she KNOWS what he did but she also knows it was a lapse in judgement that hes redeeming himself for#luke thinks that duh the 12 year old would think lukes entire life up to that crash was a lapse in judegement.#anyways everyones kinda right and everyones kinda wrong#i will create an environment that is so toxic <3#also tiff isnt evil shes just 12 and stressed#also love batgirls tiff but…characterization wise she’s not here sorry
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puppy love
Chuuya Nakahara x Reader
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fandom: bungo stray dogs
My latest fixation, Chuuya with puppies! My precious boy deserves to be happy with a doggy of his own, so I decided to play into this little fantasy of mine (and his, probably). I'm planning on writing more parts to this lil series, I think it's helping me get out of my writing slump. Also parts of this fic are inspired by Shiloh, one of my all-time favorite books (so much nostalgia...) and a bit of a reference to that one puppy episode from Wan. And the panel I used for the banner is from the BSD manga (I think it's ch. 24) I hope you enjoy!
warnings: mentions of stray animals, Reader cries but it's in relief, mostly fluff, pet names (mostly "doll" but used only once in this part), the start of a slow burn perhaps? || words: 2k
Part I | Part II | Part III
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He’s halfway through his usual trek home, muscles burning and head pounding from another successful night’s mission, when he realizes he has a shadow.
Chuuya doesn’t let up his pace; stay calm, don’t give anything away—but he has to wonder, who could be this stupid to try to follow a mafia executive? And they’re not being subtle about it either. Making no effort to conceal their breaths or their footsteps—
Wait a minute…that sounds too light to be footsteps…
He sucks in a breath and turns around to face the culprit. Hands clenched into fists at his sides, preparing for a fight—
Staring up at him is perhaps one of the cutest fucking dogs he’s ever laid eyes on. (Not that he’s seen many dogs, but the point still stands.) Pointy ears, fuzzy orange fur, white paws and a belly that definitely looks too plump for a street dog.
He stares at it. The dog stares back, pink tongue lolling out the side of its mouth.
It takes every ounce of strength he can muster not to melt right then and there on the sidewalk. A thousand squeals on the tip of his tongue, gloved hands itching to scratch under that fuzzy little chin of his.
Never mind any dog hair, fuck that. Who’s gonna try to turn their nose up at this little cutie?
Chuuya briefly scans the area—not a soul in sight, just him and his companion beneath the lamplights—before dropping to his knees. The dog paws at the ground, his curly tail swishing madly in the air.
“C’mere boy,” he keeps his voice soft, holding out a hand. But the dog doesn’t budge. He just stares at him with that big dumb smile of his.
That really adorable dumb smile.
He tries again. The dog tilts his head and refuses to move. So Chuuya tries another tactic: “C’mere, girl?”
Still doesn’t move a muscle. Although now the dog looks amused as he paces from side to side, just out of Chuuya’s reach.
Yeah, gotta be a boy with that kind of attitude.
Chuuya sighs before pushing himself off the ground. Ah well, guess he’s too nervous to approach humans. Can’t really blame him for that; this city’s got its fair share of unpleasant people. He deals with them all the time, so he can kinda relate.
He shoves his hands back into his pockets (try not to think about how soft the dog’s fur must be) and turns on his heel to head home. It’s getting late anyway, and he’s got to get an early start tomorrow morning. He can’t be spending all night moping around some stray puppy following him around.
Even if he is the cutest thing he’s ever laid eyes on.
But he only gets a few steps in before hearing the unmistakable click-click of the dog’s nails against the pavement. He stops, the dog stops too. He glances over his shoulder, biting back a smile at the dog’s happy face.
“What do you want, huh? I don’t have any food, so if that’s what you’re looking for…”
Not that he looks like he needs any treats to begin with. He’s seen a few of the dogs roaming around Yokohama, all skin and bones as they pick through tipped-over trash cans. And the stray cats are no better, ears flat against their skulls as they hiss and claw at everything in sight.
So why does this dog look so fucking proud of himself?
Chuuya sighs and whistles to himself—and suddenly the dog comes running.
Two dirty paws plant themselves on his dress pants, that’ll surely be hard to get out, but how can he get angry when the dog’s trying so hard to reach his face? He chuckles under his breath as he kneels down to his level, as the dog plants kiss after kiss on his face with his slobbery tongue.
“Who knew all it took was a whistle?” he says more to himself than to the pup. The dog’s tail is wagging so hard he thinks it’ll fall off, the tiny little thing that it is.
He slides one of his gloves off, letting the dog sniff his hand before scratching him behind the ears. He was right, his fur is so soft… And his smile only gets bigger when the dog licks him again, not even minding all the drool.
But then he stiffens, slipping his fingers through the dog’s fur, noticing a red band of leather fastened around his neck. A collar? No way he’s someone’s pet. Then again, he does look a little too spoiled to be wandering the streets for food.
He curls his finger around the golden tag dangling from the buckle. No name, only an address he thinks he recognizes. Right on the edge of Yokohama, where the scent of sea salt is the strongest. Is it someone’s house? Apartment? Maybe a  shelter of some kind?
Chuuya steals another look at the dog, at those sweet brown eyes and twitching wet nose, trying his best to ignore the icy clench of his stomach. Maybe it’s for the best, just to bring him back. What’s he gonna do with a dog, anyway? Not like his job allows for much time raising a puppy, anyway.
Even one so cute as this little guy.
“Alright,” he sighs, scooping the pup in his arms, “let’s get you home.” He tries not to dwell on how warm the puppy is, or how softly he nestles his face in the crook of his shoulder.
And definitely not the way he can feel the pup drifting off to sleep as he starts down the sidewalk in the opposite direction. Gentle puffs against his skin, his curly tail twitching against his wrist.
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“Kotaro! There you are!”
The engraving on the pup’s collar has led him to a tiny little shop a few minutes from the port. A bit shabby with a torn sign on the top and windows that have definitely seen better days, and he’s about to turn tail (no pun intended) until he sees someone nearly fly out through the set of double doors.
“Kotaro!” Your voice is strained, tears streaming down your cheeks as you sweep the puppy into your arms. Clutching him as tight as you can, smoothing down the fur on his head as he stirs awake from his little nap. “I was worried sick… How did you escape again?! I could’ve sworn I locked the doors… You’re just lucky I came back downstairs when I did—or else you would’ve been out there all night long!”
The puppy only wags his tail, staring up at you with those silly eyes and sweet little “smile.” He knows it’s your weakness, how could you be angry at a face like that?
Oh, well. As long as he’s safe, you can’t really hold a grudge against him. Not when he’s back in your arms, safe and sound, and it’s just the two of you, just as it always should be.
It’s only when you hear someone clear their throat that you realize you’re actually not alone. You hastily wipe your eyes with the back of your hand—it’s a little difficult with a nearly-twenty-pound dog in your arms—and stare up at the man before you. Kotaro’s savior, your savior. And suddenly you feel a fresh wave of tears surge forth.
“Thank you for bringing him back! I’m so sorry if he’s caused you any trouble, I know he has a habit of bothering people when he sneaks out—I thought I’d kept him inside this time! He just has a thing for running away like the little troublemaker he is. He’s still young, hopefully he’ll grow out of it when he’s older, maybe he’ll mellow out and settle down, and then…”
You bite your tongue and avert your eyes. No need to scare off the stranger with your incessant rambling, especially after he was so nice to bring Kotaro back to you. But he only shakes his head, a soft smile on his lips as he tips his hat over his eyes.
“Don’t worry about it, he didn’t cause too much trouble.” He lifts a hand, allowing Kotaro to sniff him before scratching the fur beneath his chin. “Keep an eye on him, though. You don’t want him getting lost out there, especially this time of night.”
“I know… I swear, he’s gonna give me gray hairs before the end of the year. The other dogs aren’t even this mischievous, I don’t know where he got it from!”
Wait, other dogs?
He glances over your shoulder, towards the dingy windows of the shop. Pet supplies and part-time shelter, the sign plastered on the glass says. And sure enough, the closer he looks at your outfit, he can see little bits of dog fur clinging to the fabric—some gray, some brown, some white, and then a hint of orange thanks to Kotaro.
Just how many dogs do you have in there?
“Anyway, I just wanna say I really appreciate you bringing him back here. You didn’t have to, I know you’re probably busy. Let me just run inside and get my wallet, I think I have some left over if you want—”
But he’s quick to shut you down with a shake of his head, even a wave of his hands for emphasis. No money, he’s already got plenty of that to spare. And besides, it doesn’t sit right with him, paying him for something that should come naturally to any decent person.
And he doesn’t want to sound mean, but judging from the shape of that little shop of yours, you look like you can use every last cent you have.
“Oh, if you say so… But still, why don’t I make it up to you sometime?”
An uneasy silence settles in the air between you; Chuuya blinks as he watches you shift your weight, partially hiding your face in Kotaro’s fur.
“…I mean, you don’t have to—I just wanna pay you back some way! Maybe I can treat you to lunch one of these days? I don’t have many days off, but I can make it work! Or maybe…do you have a dog of your own? I can give you a discount on anything in the shop!” You throw an arm out to the double doors behind you, still holding Kotaro to your chest. “Name it and it’s yours! I really don’t mind, it’s just me here anyway. Well, me and the dogs, all nine of us.”
Wait, nine, including yourself…
“You have eight of them?!”
A laugh bubbles up in your throat at the look on Chuuya’s face. He reminds you of a child on Christmas morning, staring at the presents strewn around the glowing tree. He doesn’t seem one to enjoy the company of dogs, given his fancy attire and confident aura.
And yet, he still brought Kotaro back home, when he could’ve easily turned and walked the other way. You’ve learned not to judge a book by its cover, after all.
“Eight dogs, and hopefully more by the end of the year.” Your cheeks grow warm beneath his startling blue gaze. (His eyes are really pretty up close, aren’t they?) “…I can tell you all about them on our lunch date, if you’re interested.”
He blinks, eyes flitting back and forth between you and the dog in your arms. You’ve got guts, he’ll give you that; he can see it in the way you talk to him, the way you hold the puppy in your arms. Gentle as ever, but a fire brimming in your eyes. You love this dog, no doubt about it.
And you’ve got seven more inside? Do you love them all the same amount?
What breeds are they? How did you come to adopt so many dogs at once? Or did you adopt them at once, or sporadically over the years?
So many questions, and yet the night is crawling by. He shakes his head again, giving Kotaro one last scratch behind the ears, before meeting your gaze once more.
“Lunch sounds perfect, doll.”
Your lips pull up in a smile, and he can’t help but notice how it nearly matches the one on Kotaro’s face. Bright and eager, melting under the attention of the ones around you.
And yet your smile is infinitely prettier, and he finds himself thinking about it as he starts the familiar journey back home, as the night hours slowly tick by.
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Ima start with the first panel because there’s already so much in that one single panel and it is gonna drive me nuts!
So first up, we have “Secret” Chaotix meeting room. Yes, this place is apparently being kept a secret from the public eye. This could be due to the Chaotix having to handle a bunch of super deep and disturbing cases that, if allowed to spill out into the public, would be catastrophic! Not in the sense that it would destroy the world or anything like that, but it’d certainly ruin their reputation as detectives! Don’t detectives irl have these kinds of cases too…? Or maybe I’m thinking too hard on this and it’s just the place they meet with their friends whenever Eggman does something stupid? Who knows.
I do know though that it looks beautiful and it looks like they’re actually in a room which, as an amateur artist myself, can only dream of achieving!! It looks so cool! I just… I adore your backgrounds and I can tell you put a lot of love and effort into making them, so please give yourself a pat on the back!
And maybe I’m reading too much into a single panel.
But that’s not all that we get to see!!! (No I’m not talking about the Chaotix even though I REALLY wanna talk about the Chaotix cuz they deserve more love and I’m so glad they’re here THANK YOUUUUUUUU) YEAH THAT’S RIGHT, SONIC IS FULLY CONVERTED TO DARK GAIA SONIC LET’S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Well not fully converted, but we can clearly see that it’s taking a huge toll on his body! Not only are the markings now visible on him during the day, but it also seems to be siphoning his energy…? Kind of…? I mean, Sonic has been out cold since “Killing” Omega, and usually he wouldn’t be so out of it otherwise. And I can see a little tiny X over his Gaia eye, so… I’m not too sure, but what I am sure of is that this is BAD for Sonic. The poor guy is gonna have to deal with not only being corrupted during the day, but also at night, and that cannot be good for his psyche. It was bad enough when he had to be in a completely new body for just the nighttime, but now it’s for both day and night in its own way, and… Gosh, this is gonna be torture for Sonic once he wakes up.
Okay back to the lore-
So, im still gonna call Light Gaia as Chip because I still see a cute adorable fluffy fairy in those big brown eyes and I think he deserves a real name. Anyhow, Chip now is aware of him being a literal god. He says he regulates the day and Dark Gaia regulates the night. This kind of makes sense. Chip handles the sun and DG handles the moon. Think Luna and Celestia from MLP. And similar to those two as well, Dark Gaia got out of control like Luna did and created an eternal night. But this doesn’t really explain the planet splitting into a million giant pieces. (Not literally a million) Nor does it explain Chip losing his memory. Chip claims that whenever one of them falls out of line, the other will be there to pull them back together. Does this mean Chip or Dark Gaia have lost their memory before? Have the events of Unleashed happened before? How do they reign the other in?
These questions are probably gonna get answered in the next page lmao what am I doing-
Everything else is kinda sorta spelled out to us which I think is a good thing, since Chip is, in the story, explaining all of this to a group of people who had no idea about any of this for their entire lives. The poor Chaotix just got roped into this, they just want their pay. So with that in mind I don’t know what else to really cover…? Maybe I’ll notice something later on and just start spamming you with questions, who knows. For now I’m SUPER DUPER EXCITED FOR THE NEXT PAGE LET’S GO THIS IS GONNA BE SO FUN CANNOT WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK
hell yeah do look out for the new page on monday :3 i love ur little big analysis its always the highlight of my week to see one
btw this goes out to evecryone but the whole scene has a lot of moments for everyone else than sonic and shadow so we are winning
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hollowwrites · 5 months
Ominis x MC
Part 15
Summary - Ominis has become sick of Sebastian’s possession of the dorm room and has temporarily moved into the Undercroft. Finally…some privacy…
Again feel free to swap Evelyn with MC or Y/N
Warnings - 🌶️ Fingering, Female masturbation, Mild Choking, Biting, Praise Kink (If you squint) the word gusset (I know some people hate it) all characters aged up 18+
Sorry if this seems really awkward. I personally hate smut that is written just a bit too smoothly. If I’m writing two people’s first time…it’s going to be awkward and slow. Sorry if that’s not what you’re into. Fair play to people who wrote smut I am deffo a fluff gal. Sorry if this is bad. No one look at me!!!
Word Count - 6173
“Thought I’d find you here”
Ominis raised his head as though it weighed a tonne when he heard Evelyn walk into the Undercroft.
As normal when Ominis occupied the space, a faint piano could be heard from somewhere within the cluttered room. The smell of tea filled the cavernous space and the singular large chair he favoured had been pulled into a more central position, as though he were looking over the Triptych like a window.
Obviously he wasn’t.
But none of that really registered with Evelyn.
What concerned her currently was the way he flinched when she entered. Like she’d startled him.
“Hmmm, were you looking for me?” He asked lazily pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Oh…only all my life” she whispered scared to shatter the peaceful ambiance he had created.
He exhaled a laugh as she approached him her hands finding his shoulders and kneading softly into the harsh panels of his shoulder blades.
It had been a few weeks since the last trial and Sebastians attempts to try and solve the Mystery of the spider egg had been fruitless. It had gotten to be a bit too much, the boys dorm now covered in silk and arachnids from his initial attempts to solve its puzzle…Arachnids or Acromantulas, they’re weren’t entirely sure.
But all Sebastian was left with was an empty room full of spiders and an exasperated friend sick of pulling webbing from his hair.
Each night he attempted to resolve it but so far to no avail. And finally, after weeks of arachnid related torture, Sebastian finally asked everyone for help.
Ominis agreed, of course, on the condition that he would not be returning to the dorms until the trail was done. And only after every last eight legged demon had been purged from the halls.
So for now he resided in the Undercroft, a makeshift bed tucked under the Triptych, all blankets and pillows and no mattress.
Not that it was unusual for Ominis to sleep soundly in uncomfortable locations.
“Did I startle you? That’s very unlike you” Evelyn mused, softly digging into his shoulders. A long exhausted moan left his lips and his eyes closed slowly as she did.
“Sorry I wasn’t paying attention…I haven’t been sleeping” Evelyn opened her mouth to fuss, to ask the inevitable string of questions she usually did upon hearing that. He waved her off dismissively “Don’t worry not nightmares…been trying to figure out the next trial for Sebastian”
“I see…” her hands reached a standstill at the apex of his shoulders and as she did, he reached up, soothingly, brushing across her knuckles until a familiar dull poking, pricked his fingertips.
He smiled wistfully.
”You’re wearing my ring” he said mutedly
“Of course I am…It’s beautiful”
“You don’t have to…” he adds, though in a much quieter voice; not quite a whisper, but close.
“I know I don’t have to…but you gave it to me. It means something” she replied in kind, her tone matching his. Filled with love and adoration.
He smiles softly, taking her wrist between his fingers and pulling her around to his front. He rested his forehead against her stomach and sighed.
It was as though he was pulling her in for strength, using her warmth and affection to fuel him. And for what it was worth, it worked. He pulled away moments later, a charming albeit lopsided smile on his face. He rose from his chair, taking her hand effortlessly and looped his arm around her waist.
“Dance with me…” he demanded in a soft tone
“Is that how you ask?” He had already spun her around slowly, bringing her back to his chest as she said this. The smile on her face oozed into her words making her argument…completely moot.
“Oh…I apologise profusely” he said sounding not the least bit sorry. He took one long step backwards, heels clicking together as he bowed deeply. Somehow, his eyes never left hers…
“Please…” the word was lithe as it slithered from his lips and into her ears, sending a shiver down her spine. He chuckled before continuing; “May I have this dance?”
“Hmm…” she took a step forward as he rose back to his towering height. “Do I have a choice?”
“I’m afraid not, dear”
Despite his words, and despite the distinct almost predatory look in his eyes…he extended a hand to her.
The slight twitch of his fingers commanded her attention, and though she would never deny him, there was a pull towards him. Like destiny…or fate.
If one believes in such things.
She took his hand, though her fingers glided along his palm, wrist and forearm up to his shoulder as she tucked herself into him. She wanted to tell him to wipe the smirk of his face, but something about the curl of his lip…the smallest display of teeth as his smirk grew wider…
He looked…
The eagerness at which he grabbed her waist was queue enough for Evelyn. She took his other hand gently in hers whilst his arm pulled impossibly closer. It had hooked itself just below her ribs and with his domineering height, pulled her almost off the floor entirely. She giggled softly, her toes the only thing keeping her grounded as their chests met.
Slowly, and with a more intimate nature than he showed her in the Common Room, he lead her across the desolate chamber.
Every now and then, he would stop to kiss her hand. Each time he paused, the kiss became less and less chivalrous.
First it was her hand, then her cheek, then his head stooped low so they could dance cheek to cheek.
And suddenly, he was nuzzling her neck, his nose drawing long arduous lines across her jaw.
Ominis took in a deep breath; her scent fuelling him further and made his eyes go glassy.
He strode forward, dipping her low causing her head to tilt back as he held her horizontal to the floor.
His hand splayed supportively across the small of her back, thumb stroking across her waist. His warm breath ghosted across her neck.
The sharp inhale from her lips snapped him out of his reverie. He gently shook his head and pulled her back to her feet, his hands sturdy as they held onto her waist just a touch too tightly.
His eyes remained fixed on her and unlike the usual calm pools she’d gaze lovingly into…
Two darkening wells stared back at her.
”How is it you never seem to fumble for my hands? You always seem to know exactly where I am….no matter what” she shifted uncomfortably under his direct eye contact.
She did want to know…it was a question she had on her mind for the longest time. But right now she just needed to move his gaze.
It wasn’t like he made her uncomfortable. It was the way he looked at her.
As she swayed, so did he.
As she leaned in closer, so did he.
It was one of an embarrassingly long list of things he did that caused her stomach to twist and turn.
And it was like he knew that too.
The look of calm and content happiness faded with the blink of an eye, replaced with this twinkle she rarely saw in Ominis.
She saw it almost daily in Garreth and Sebastian…but Ominis?
His devious nature wound the knot forming, tighter.
What is he concocting?
“Honestly?…” He started “…I’m not sure. Best I can come up with is my magic advances my sense of Proprioception, past what a normal person has”
“Pre…prop…what?” Evelyn tilted her head and he mimicked her, almost like he was proving a point.
“Proprioception…” he chuckled and the twinkle in his eye flared once more. “…let me show you”
He stepped away from her, his long fingers reaching up to undo the knot of his tie.
The last thing she saw before he wrapped the soft, silken material around her eyes was his wide, devilish smirk.
“Can you see?” He asked, amusement heavy in his voice.
“Not a great deal…” she muttered and lifted the tie slightly to peer at him. He paced back and forth in front of her before he disappeared just off to her right and behind her.
“No cheating…” Ominis scolded softly, plucking her wrist away from her body and keeping it there, letting the silken blindfold fall back to place.
“Do you see how you know where your arm is despite not seeing it?” He twirled her around as he had in the dance before and she gasped.
This is what he experienced on a daily basis and she can’t handle it for less than a minute.
It drove her insane.
She trusted him implicitly but the idea of him being in completely control of her in that moment…
…her stomach suddenly felt hollow and her lungs empty.
“That’s Proprioception, the sense of knowing where your body is in relation to itself” he let her arm fall back down to her side but not before kissing this inside of her wrist. She gasped again listening intently to the click of his heel against the stone as he started to circle her.
”Mine is just a little stronger. It extends beyond myself…things around me. So I can see you in front of me and so long as you don’t move…” he was silent for a beat, her breath catching when his voice was suddenly right next to her ear “…too quickly…I know where you are. What you’re doing…”
His words felt heavy as though they carried more meaning than a simple explanation of his abilities.
“I can focus it too like duelling. It’s much stronger if I have my wand” he continued casually, like the breathe upon her neck and his words weren’t setting her stomach ablaze.
He had to know.
He knew everything else
“I…see” she muttered shakily, her hands twitching to remove the blindfold. Once again, he caught her fingers, entwining them with his own, his chest flush with her back. He held their combined hands against her stomach whilst he pulled her hair from her shoulder. His finger danced across her skin as he did so.
She took in a sharp intake of air through her mouth, her lips seemed constantly parted as though she anticipated him kissing her.
Maybe it was wishful thinking.
He remained stationed behind her, his hand falling to her waist, feeling the steadily increasing rise and fall of her breathing against her ribs. His breath was warm against her neck and she could feel his lips against her ear as he breathed.
But…Ominis was a gentleman. And so released her, rather abruptly, and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“You know…” she whispered, a devious plan forming as she pulled the tie from her eyes.
He was showing marvellous levels of restraint.
Restraint she no longer had
Because of him…
“…‘Mystery Man’ still hasn’t asked me to the ball”
“Oh I know…” he grumbled, his voice low and strained.
“It’s starting to feel a little like no one wants to go with me” she sighed overly dramatically and took a step closer to him. His eyes went wide when he felt her getting nearer and nearer…until he could feel the heat of her chest against his.
He chuckled heavily.
“I don’t know. There was that Durmstrang…” he brushed some hair behind her ear, resisting every urge to pull at the strands and pull the noises he’d heard too few times. “…I think he learnt his lesson though. And there’s Prewett, but I think he knows better. It seems at least there’s some semblance of a brain between those ears”
Ominis laughed…darkly. It caused vibrations to emanate through both of their chests and he pulled away to ‘gaze’ down at her.
“I wonder why no one has asked me?” She pondered putting on the most saccharin, overly innocent tone.
“Probably because…” he growled out pushing forward slightly so their noses almost touched. He took in a calm breath “…they know you’re mine…”
“Have you staked your claim on me?” She whispered back, lips dangerously close to his to the point they brushed delicately against the full flesh of his bottom lip. “Because I don’t remember you asking…”
“I don’t need to ask…no one will take what is mine” his voice like music dancing it’s way across her skin but it sounded almost painful. The restraint he currently showed was…waning. “…I may no longer be a part of that family but…Gaunts are known for being quite possessive” His fingers brushed up her arms to cup her face, his fingers trembling against her cheek.
“Yes…of artifacts and trinkets…not really people”
“I’ve just found a different kind of treasure I wish to hoard away for myself”
“Stop…” she said sternly but playfully “Flattery will get you no where”
“Won’t it? Then why is that hummingbird of a heart of yours rattling agaisnt its cage” he whispered against the shell of her ear.
“Kiss me…”
“I…I can’t…” he groaned his hands dropping to her waist, fingernails digging into flesh there as though he was physically keeping himself back
“You need to get off me before I do something…” his voice trailed off, low and husky. And filled with an emotion she’d not heard from him much before. He sounded…embarrassed
“What if I want you to do something?” She urged trying to sound level headed and calm, though she sounded whiney and needy as the words came from her lips.
His head dropped to her shoulder, as it often did when he sought comfort. His lips remained a breath away from her neck, trembling at the temptation to just sink his teeth in.
But that was selfish.
And that’s what he wanted.
He wanted to make her happy. Make her feel loved. Make her feel…
“I don’t know what I’m doing…” he confessed against her skin.
“Nor do I…” she whispered back, her hand reaching up to trace tiny intricate patterns across his back. She hoped they were talking about the same thing, she hoped he wanted this to.
She hoped she wasn’t making a fool of herself…
“It’s not that simple” he sighed and rested his full weight against her shoulder. “You can see. You’ll know when you’re…doing something I like. And there’s only so much books can teach someone with my…disadvantage” his face buried further into to her neck and hair. Like he was trying to hide away.
“Do you have any idea how frustrating, how much it pains me, to have you within inches of me and all I can do…is this?”
This was strange.
Normally he was quite confident with his abilities. Not moments ago he showed off how he saw the world around him with almost arrogant levels of confidence. Most of the time she forgot he was even blind, with how capable and independent he was.
But maybe this all felt a bit much. A bit too real.
Then suddenly she felt guilty for trying to coax him further.
“We don’t have to go any further than y-“ she started before his head snapped back up to look down at her, shaking his head over and over.
“No no no no no that’s not what I’m…I definitely do. If you do that is. I’m just…apprehensive” he tripped and stumbled over his words, trying to get her to understand his unique predicament.
Then her mind spiralled to how she had helped him in the past, how she’d taught him Herbology and Potions techniques, shown him the texture of materials, guided his hand when he needed it.
And her heart sank as an idea formed in her mind.
“Ominis, Do you want to try…being intimate…with me?” She asked shakily, her hands snaking up his arm to cup his cheeks, imploring that he listen to her. Thank Merlin he was blind, or perhaps her cheeks may have blinded him with how hot they were glowing.
“Desperately…” A dry, humourless laugh left him “…it’s practically all I have thought about since the First Trail…but”
“But…” she interrupted “…I have an idea”
She took a step away from him, his head quirked curiously to the right as he sought her out. It wouldn’t take him long, her fingers gently took his and she pulled him towards the armchair he normally resided in.
“Do you remember that Divination assignment? The palm reading?” She asked gently taking his hand and absentmindedly tracing over the lines on his hand. As she did he muttered softly to himself…
“Heart Line…Life Line…Fate line…”
He recited with perfect accuracy, though that lesson was weeks ago.
Then everything clicked and his cheeks burned hotter than he’d ever felt. Or that she’d ever seen.
“Are you…suggesting you can…show me how to…” Ominis’ words were careful and calculated. He’d come this far, he wasn’t ruining everything on a simple misunderstanding.
“It’s what other couples do…” She reasoned, suddenly feeling dirty or sordid for even thinking such a thing “…Only their method is trail and error and ours would just be a little more-”
“…Hands on” he smirked.
Bastard…how is he always so…so…
“Ugh…” Evelyn groans pulling her hand away from his palm and covering her face. “…It’s all just so unromantic now I think about it” she muffled from the sanctuary behind her hands.
“Oh don’t worry…” his long fingers looped around her wrists pulling them away and to her side. He took a step closer to her, his head bowed low to meet her gaze if she wished “…I have romance covered. That’s not what I’m worried about. I just need to know you’re okay with this”
As he spoke, his thumb drew tiny circles across her palm. It was almost as though they were dancing again.
“I am…” she breathed.
The smile he then wore was unlike any she had seen before. It had a softness to it initially. Like he was pleased she trusted him and she couldn’t help but mirror it. But then the longer they stood there, swaying slightly, the harder it grew. An edge to lips she hadn’t even seen when he’d pushed her against his bed.
And whereas last time there was a nervous, sickly feeling in her gut, now there was just…need.
He spun her again as he had earlier though instead of pulling her back to the exact same position, this time he pulled her so her back pressed against his chest.
“I’m so glad you suggested this, Evelyn.” He murmured over the shell of her ear, his fingers combing the hair from one side of her neck to the other.
“I am a fast learner. I’ve already learned what you like and what you don’t like…” she could feel his breath against her neck as he whispered down to her, his cheek nuzzling against the side of her face.
“For example…”
The smug smirk that tugged at his lips was so blatant in his voice.
And before Evelyn could question him, or combat him or flirt back gently as she usually would…
His teeth dug into the flesh of her neck, just below her ear.
She bit into her lip to stop the gasp from ripping from her. But he must have known. Must’ve heard the restraint in the hitch of her breath, or the way her shoulder squared in his arms. Because his teeth pulled back and he lapped against the divots he left behind. He licked broadly up her neck to her earlobe, making her shiver. And once again his teeth were against her as he grinned.
“Don’t silence yourself…please” he purred “I need to hear you. I need to know…”
“I understa-aaah!” She choked out. His lips closed around her earlobe, suckling softly before letting it go.
“Good…” he praised and even that sent a shiver down her spine. “…you must tell me if you don’t like something…”
It felt a little like he was trying to demonstrate what he meant. Like the next thing he did, he almost expected her to say no.
But she didn’t…
And she wanted more.
His fingers came up from her waist to undo the bow around her collar. When it fell away, he tossed it to the side like it offended him. Like he had some sort of vendetta against anything that kept him from her.
Then his hands were everywhere again. One tugged at the collar he had freed whilst the other moved towards the buttons of her blouse, again freeing more of her soft flesh for him to devour.
The moment her shoulder was available his lips found it, mapping across her skin.
And she was fine for the moment.
Her breathing fast and shallow as she enjoyed his attentions but she was fine.
Then his lips brushed over the sensitive area between her neck and shoulder and she gasped under her breath. A tiny soft sigh of pleasure that not even she was certain she made.
But he heard…
And in response his teeth dug harshly into the muscle. And she crumpled and fell against him with a loud and needy whimper.
She felt him grin, though his teeth still sunk in. Then his cheeks hollowed and the pressure against her neck felt divine.
“Ominis…” she whimpered and pressed against him.
“Too much?” he murmured as his lips left her neck with a sinful pop.
“Not enough…” Evelyn murmured, barely able to get the words out before his teeth were on her again.
Everything ramped up.
The pressure at her neck, the speed of his fingers on her blouse. Not even he could keep up with himself as he ripped a button from the fabric, pulling it from her shoulder.
The button pinging off and cascading to the floor broke something in Ominis and he groaned.
Deep and guttural from his chest.
She felt it vibrate through her back, arching against him to feel more.
That’s when her leg stumbled back and she felt a hardened bulge press against her rear.
The tiniest amount of friction that must have put against him caused him to growl, his fingernails digging into the flesh of her stomach as his hands started to explore under her shirt.
She inhaled sharply.
And her hand flew to her wand, tucked haphazardly in her waistband, directing it towards the Undercrofts entrance.
“Colloportus” she whimpered and the light at the tip of her wand fizzled out.
Ominis’ tore himself from her neck with a groan.
“What are you doing?” He asked but his voice was heavy, husky, heady.
“I’m not having a repeat of last time…” she murmured, staring at her wand in confusion. She shook her wrist and tried again…
…as Ominis’ hand drifted lower, his fingertips delving just under her waistband.
“Collo-portus” she gasped once again the spell failing as she muttered the incantation incorrectly.
Ominis just laughed besides her ear.
“Am I rendering you speechless? Powerless?” He purred, his other hand wrapping around her.
That hand hadn’t yet touched her skin. It had remained somewhat reserved, tugging at her clothes. So when it graced the skin of her chest it was significantly cooler than his other, forcing a gasp from her lips and her skin to pucker and tingle with goosebumps.
“You’re…” she started with a flash of venom in her voice, wanting to be frustrated at him. “…just stop a second. Let me lock the gates…” she breathed.
He chuckled darkly and removed his hands from her holding them up in surrender.
“Apologies, my love.”
“You’re not sorry…” she muttered and shrugged her blouse back over her shoulder, approaching the gate with a death glare.
She tried several times to lock the gates to no avail. Her hands kept shaking, her voice breaking. And just as she was about to give up and do it the ‘old fashioned muggle way’, the mechanisms in the gate forced themselves closed with a heavy ‘clunk’.
When she turned, Ominis was sat casually in his armchair, wand extended to the gate with a smarmy grin on his lips.
She approached once again muttering under her breath.
“Shut up…”
“Oh don’t be like that…” he crooned smoothly “…I like that I’ve affected you in such a way.”
His wand twirled between his fingers as she approached and she stood before him, pouting rather obviously. He simply chuckled and tapped his lap.
His commanding tone sent a shiver up her spine and her knees buckled, bending to perch upon his thigh, despite her bratty and frustrated disposition.
His arm snaked around her waist and he pulled her back again, flush to his chest. His other hand lifted her knee to rest upon his, repeating the process for her other leg as he slipped it over his own.
Then as he spread his own legs, pulling and parting her along too, a startled little mewl left her.
“Tell me to stop…” he whispered against her ear, his hand stilling against her waist
“I don’t want you to…” she breathed shakily, arching into him and once again feeling that pulsing heat pressing into her.
“You’re shaking…” he stated as though it were a reason for him to cease his tormenting.
“That’s not necessarily a bad thing”
“Oh I know…” he smirked against her neck. “…I just wanted to hear you admit it”
He knew he was probably being overconfident. But that’s what Ominis did best. He was blessed with a silver tongue and so he would use it.
So far it was working.
Each gruff grumble from his lips sent a wave of goosebumps over her skin, and his fingers followed.
She shivered and this time they prickled along her stomach where his fingers lay dormant. It shot a pulse through him, his fingers twitching back to life to explore her.
Feel her.
He was learning so much.
He already knew about the scar across her waist, he thought perhaps she would flinch when his digits brushed across them but…she was moaning again.
Her marred skin was…sensitive.
So very…very sensitive.
Then he recalled she had another. Another Sebastian had given her deep in that Scriptorium across her heart.
What a perfect excuse to test his hypothesis.
He bought his hand up and over her clothed breasts, that simple act itself causing her to shudder and whine.
So what would happen if I did this?
His middle finger traced over the swirling pattern at her chest and once again a wave of goosebumps puckered beneath him.
For a second, he almost regretted asking her to be more vocal.
Her constant shallow breath filled his ears. Her soft sighs, and whimpers were more distracting than he assumed they would be
But, oh, how those noises were heavenly.
And thankfully, he found his body acting on instinct, no matter how distracting she had become.
His hands roamed, explored, squeezed, touched…delving to places he had never dreamed of finding on her.
Mapping curves and valleys of hers he’d only ever fantasised about.
When his fingers breached the soft lacey material of her bralette, she stayed silent.
She bit into her bottom lip to try and ease her need for him. Because this was too much. How had he not even touched her and yet she was a pooled and sodden mess.
Ominis mistook her silence for displeasure, and moved further in.
The books certainly hadn’t covered this. The few points of research detailed many erogenous zones across a woman. And though he wasn’t idiotic enough to think all women were the same, most books, most erotic novels he had read said the same.
So, purely for academic purposes, he gripped her just a little bit harder.
And was rewarded with the most beautiful and sinful whimper he had heard. With that very moan came another wave of goosebumps that he greedily followed. Like her very skin was speaking to him.
Ominis squeezed again, the soft flesh of her breast spilling out between his fingers as her manhandled her in the very best of ways.
He kneaded her, much for his own pleasure as for hers, and when he felt the tiny puckered nub between his fingers, he squeezed again.
Another sharp whine pulled from Evelyn’s chest. He felt it vibrate along her chest and for a second he was enthralled.
He copied that same action, kneading and squeezing and stroking, pinching her hardening peak near his knuckle.
Only his other hand reached up to her chest. Where he’d felt that vibration.
And with every gasp and murmur and coo he felt it.
So he chased it, rumbling up her chest to her neck where it was strongest before it left her lips.
“Ominis…” she muttered as her head rolled back onto his shoulder.
“I can move my hand if you want…” he spoke, somewhat strained after he realised his fingers wrapped around her throat.
“I…like it” she whispered, somewhat shamefully.
But Ominis was well past the point of caring. He’d built such a strong image in his head of her splayed across him, keening and mewling for more. For him.
And he had the luxury of hearing, truly hearing, everything he was doing to her. Perhaps he was better off…
His fingers tightened only slightly against her throat, feeling for each rumble of a moan his other hand was causing her.
Then his mouth followed in his hands stead.
Nipping, sucking, tasting every inch of her neck that he could access, the soft and gentle tugging of her flesh turned her to putty in his arms.
It was almost like he’d caught a nerve and her whole body squirmed with a moan. And she pressed deliciously against the painful throbbing in his groin.
He hissed at the sensation, both foreign and familiar to him.
And in that moment he realised she was learning just as much about him as he was her.
Because she did it again.
On purpose.
And as he gasped, he relinquished the hold his teeth had on her shoulder, panting against the wet skin of her neck.
So she did it again, rubbing herself across the length that was forced down his trouser leg, thanking every god there was that multiple layers of clothing were between them. Lest she be confronted with the slick she most definitely would leave upon his leg.
He gasped again, croakier and huskier than before.
And she laughed. A low seductive little laugh that triggered something in Ominis.
“Show me…” he demanded with a growl, snatching her wrist up and dragging it to her opened legs.
Perhaps she was a little too eager. He’d spent the past…Merlin knows how long, teasing her and her body ached. Her stomach had twisted and tightened with a desire she’d never felt before. Even when she was alone.
So she fumbled with his hand in hers, his other still tweaking and kneading at her soft mounds.
He ghosted over hers, softly, delicately copying her movements as she pulled her underwear to the side.
Then his hand left, straying to the fabric of her skirt, bunched around her hips.
“This is long enough, isn’t it?” He inquired flatly.
“Er…it’s comes to my knee why do you-“
Then he tore into her underwear, ripping along the gusset and exposing her completely. Whether he knew it or not, his knuckle dragged over her centre as he did and she twitched at the new feeling of someone else touching her so intimately.
“This will be hard enough without things getting in the way” his voice resonated from behind her, his chest vibrating against her back.
That was…understandable. And she would be lying to herself if the act of Ominis ripping her underwear from her didn’t turn her into a living puddle.
And it was getting ridiculous how long this had gone on for. So she snatched his hand from the hem of her skirt and positioned him over her again.
His hand mirrored hers the whole way. Like there was a second delay to everything she was doing.
Though when her finger dipped between her folds, and his shortly followed, he snatched his hand away in an instant, bolting straight upright. His finger and thumb rubbed together feeling her slick desire on his finger and his breath caught in his throat.
“You’re…” he held a note on his throat like he couldn’t think of the correct word. The appropriate word.
“…so…” he gulped and swallowed thickly, the bob of his throat brushing against her shoulder
And whilst he was struggling to think of words, Evelyn was struggling to not run her finger along herself like she knew she liked.
“For you…” she murmured on an exhale.
Ominis could feel himself twitching against her rear and again something snapped within him.
His arm scooped her up around her waist, pulling her closer and tighter to his chest.
“Show me…” he growled once more in her ear before his teeth attacked her neck once again.
His finger ghosted over hers again, shaking as they dipped into that pooling well of want.
Her fingers twitched back into action, immediately finding that bundle of nerves at the top that made her toes curl.
And made Ominis’ head spin.
Whether it was his hearing, how well they knew each other, or how quickly he picked things up when explained properly, he didn’t know. But soon he got the idea of what she wanted. And she was going too quickly for his liking.
He could feel her winding and coiling like a spring in his lap, her panting little breaths filling the air and his name tumbling from her lips. She writhed and whimpered on top of him.
Then suddenly his mind filled with fabrications of himself being deep inside of her, those same noises tumbling from her. That’s same warmth he could feel radiating on his finger, surrounding him. And his brain went foggy and instinct kicked in again.
Just as she reached and clambered for that peak.
And her thighs clamped closed for that little friction she knew would push her over the edge.
He ruined it.
All at once it was torn from her as long boney fingers dug into the softness of her thighs, pinning her eager hand to the side and spreading her legs once again.
She could’ve killed him.
“Keep. Them. Open.” he spat through his teeth, moving his leg to pin her ankles behind his calves. She gave a few tester pulls, desperate for any form of friction as she felt that heat slowly dying between her legs.
She couldn’t move.
And her breath stuttered and whimpered needily. She was about to cuss him, turning and demanding he continue before that knot tied itself back up again.
But Ominis had other ideas. Ideas that perhaps right now she wouldn’t appreciate but future her would.
His fingers trailed over her core mapping every fold and divot. Easily. He slid in between over and over, delighting in every time his finger circled that nub that sent her shivering.
Then his finger slipped down, deep, entering her slowly. Carefully.
He almost felt bad for a second. The noise that left her. It sounded pained. But he pulled from her and that same needy mewling spilled from her until he did it again, her back arching into him. And this time it wasn’t so pained, more of an anguished sigh of relief.
It was…delicious.
Every sinful sound from her lips and each soaked ripple between her legs. He was simply exploring yet to her it was everything.
Him feeling her
Him pleasuring her
Him filling her.
With each pump of his finger she felt that knot loosening once more and when his other hand joined his first, rolling tiny circles over her most sensitive spot…she halted.
She became undone.
That release so close to being hers.
And he knew it.
“Let me see…” he begged, his hand pulling from her and hovering just in front of her face, his thumb replacing his own absence with dexterous accuracy.
She pushed into his hand, not trusting her vocal cords to maintain a readable level. Imagine the Undercroft being discovered after centuries because she had moaned too loudly.
His fingers drifted over her features, taking in the small knot of exquisite ecstasy on her brow. The heat from her cheeks. Her swollen, plump lips from her own teeth.
And as his finger ghosted her lips she took it into her mouth, tasting her own desire faintly on his finger. Not that, that’s why. She just needed something to mute her…
Practically crying into his ear, her head lulled back as she mumbled his name through her own teeth clamped around his fingers.
A comfortable warm silence fell over them as she slowly recovered, the white spots of her vision fading. Only then was she aware of the gentle kisses he placed along her neck.
“Why…” she panted “…are you so good at everything you choose to do?”
He chuckled, deep and low.
“I had an excellent albeit impatient teacher”
genuinely if any of you have any tips or anything please tell me this genuine pained me to write but im proud my first smut
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purplehairedwonder · 1 year
Chapter 1081: Heartbroken
Me, reading this chapter:
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Okay, let’s start with the stuff on Hachinosu:
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Garp and his ship land in the wake of the giant explosion at the end of last chapter. He’s worried he’s losing his touch while everyone else looks on in horror at the thought that this is what losing a step looks like. (Just saying, Akainu should be sending Sengoku flowers and chocolates for saving his life at Marineford when he stopped Garp from attacking.)
Moreover, thankfully we don’t have to wait for Garp and Coby to reunite.
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But there is a complication: turns out Kuzan is actually on Hachinosu after all (which leaves Lafitte and Catarina Devon to potentially be on the ship heading to Egghead). I am genuinely surprised by this; I felt fairly certain Kuzan would be at Egghead with all the Ohara references. But now I’m wondering if Kuzan will cross paths with the Straw Hats at Elbaf... which is also where Saul is. That would be something.
(Also, I still want to know where Smoker is.)
Kuzan announces his presence by freezing Hibari. 
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So, this could be a coincidence, but there’s also a potential for something more dramatic here. There are theories floating around that Hibari is Akainu’s daughter, so Kuzan freezing her here could be a sort of revenge against the man who cost him the position of Fleet Admiral and his leg.
We also get a flashback to Kuzan joining the Blackbeard Pirates:
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NGL, it’s pretty sus that Kuzan and Blackbeard just happened to end up at the same place. I don’t feel like this stops the speculation that Kuzan is undercover, especially considering some of the things he says:
Back at Ohara, he says
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Later, when he saves Smoker from Doflamingo on Punk Hazard, he tells Smoker
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(Side note, this is very much like what Law tells Smoker about why he became a Warlord--seeing things at a different angle.)
Kuzan, despite being with Blackbeard at this point, is calling himself independent. And he says,
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Which brings us to what he says on Hachinosu:
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He’s acting according to his own wishes, not the World Government’s and not Blackbeard’s. After all, consider what Blackbeard says when he recruits Kuzan:
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Kuzan clearly has his own agenda here--one he’s had in mind and has been inspired by for a long time, only now he feels free to act on it--and if he has to fight Garp to keep up his place in their midst until his goals are achieved, he will do so. 
(I just want to take a moment to note that we have yet another contrast between Blackbeard and Luffy; Luffy’s crew is full of his friends who fight for one another and want to help each other achieve their dreams. Blackbeard’s crew is entirely transactional.)
The way he phrases the need to make sure Coby isn’t rescued is also telling:
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The optics would be bad for his mission if Coby got out in his watch, and that’s the only concern. He’s not a true believer here; he’s doing what is necessary for whatever his mission is.
So, Kuzan is an immovable object and Garp is an unstoppable force. They collide.
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Oh no.
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This panel... hit me like a physical blow. Law’s been on the Tang since he was 16. I’m emotional about it.
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Law whumps so pretty, sorry not sorry. (Add this to the file with him on the Heart Throne in Dressrosa and being tortured in Wano.) Bepo is... really adorable? And I love that the two of them are together here? Bepo’s with his captain, and I cry. This was also a brutal fight since it was Blackbeard and three Titanic commanders vs. the Hearts.
And another Rocky Port mention:
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So, this confirms that Law got his hundred hearts at Rocky Port, and they’re all still on Hachinosu.
Meanwhile, Bepo (in another adorable panel) eats a new rumble ball from Chopper. (Can we talk about Chopper making this for Bepo? Chopper, bb, I love you so much.)
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Law, stop being so pretty while you’re bloodied up.
Blackbeard knows about the Perennial Youth Operation, which is not surprising since he’s been hunting down Devil Fruits and Law’s is known as the Ultimate Devil Fruit. It’s interesting, too, that when Blackbeard ambushes Law, he says it’s for Law’s poneglyphs, but when Law is defeated, he talks about his Devil Fruit instead.
(Speaking of Law’s poneglyphs, did Blackbeard get them? With the Tang sinking and the captain and navigator escaping... wouldn’t it be ironic if he ambushed Law for his poneglyphs only to forget to take them in his victory.)
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This bear, who is constantly apologizing for silly things, TAKES ON BLACKBEARD AND HIS TITANIC CAPTAINS to protect Law. I love their friendship so much.
Bepo takes Law and escapes in the sea. (Fun fact, polar bears can swim about 6 mph/10 kmh, and the longest known distance a polar bear has swum is 220 miles/354 km. So, Bepo is capable of getting Law to safety.)
Also, Law is leaving his hat and Kikoku behind -- two of his most visible signifiers. This... this hurts.
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I am genuinely heartbroken by this moment. We know how much Law cares for his crew; he sent them to Zou to protect them from Doflamingo, and he gave himself up to be tortured in Wano to rescue Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin. He takes his role protecting his people very seriously, so he begs Bepo to turn around even though he’s in no shape to do anything. He just won’t abandon them (reminds me of him refusing to abandon Luffy if he were to die in Dressrosa).
But Bepo tells Law to trust in the Hearts. They’re tough and they’re survivors. This makes me think the Hearts will survive and regroup offscreen while Law and Bepo get away. (I can’t help but think, though, about the Hearts scattered on Winner Island and in the water and how Blackbeard is involved in the slave trade. Could you imagine the rage if Blackbeard sold the Hearts into slavery and Law had to rescue them? Or, if Blackbeard brings the survivors back as prisoners and lets the pirates with missing hearts at them... Yikes.)
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Despite being conscious, Law must be in really bad shape for Bepo to be worried about him dying here. (I get that going underwater is safer against threats like Van Augur here, but Law is a badly-wounded Devil Fruit eater... he’s not going to be able to stay under very long, Bepo, heh.)
I want to examine, for a second, the way the defeat of the Hearts is framed versus the defeat of the Kid Pirates (versus the defeat of the Straw Hats in Sabaody).
“Winner Island, New World. On this day, the Heart Pirates, led by Trafalgar Law, were soundly defeated.”
“On this day, in the New World by Elbaf, the Kid Pirate crew, led by Eustass ‘Captain’ Kid, a man worth 3 billion, was completely eradicated.”
“Grove 12, Sabaody Archipelago, the Grand Line. That day, the Straw Hat Pirates, led by Captain Monkey D. Luffy, were eradicated.”
It’s quite noticeable how much more dramatically both the Kid Pirates’ and the Straw Hats’ defeats were described. For one thing, the descriptions of the Kid Pirates’ and Straw Hats’ defeats are more flowery. 
Plus, the use of the word “eradicated,” which sounds permanent. Obviously, the Straw Hats weren’t permanently broken up, but they are separated for two years. It’s a dramatic defeat. We don’t know what happened to the Kid Pirates, but it didn’t look good, as both Kid and Killer, who can’t swim, were thrown into the water. On the other hand, the Hearts are described as being “defeated” while Law and Bepo escape.
So, what comes next? On the one hand, it would make a lot of sense for Bepo to get Law to safety and then call the Straw Hats. This could be a great excuse to get Law back onto the Sunny for the duration, especially since his goal to learn about the Will of D. is aligned with Luffy’s without competing with his. Plus, you know Luffy wouldn’t hesitate to help Law.
On the other hand, if we think about where Law is in conjunction to the other two captains...
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He’s closer to Elbaf than Egghead. It would not shock me if we start to see all these plotlines (Straw Hats, Kuzan, Law) converge on Elbaf.
Ugh, this chapter has completely wrecked me.
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jeldacat · 1 month
A few days late for my new LU update commentary, but here we go - Moving Foward!
Hi Warriors I love you btw
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The little lad being being little. The baby bean.
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The brotherly side shoulder hug thing. They’re so precious 🥹
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His brain cells are working overtime for this. He’s trying so hard.
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Legend being dramatic. He’s transformed into so many things during his ventures this doesn’t faze him much 😆
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This whole page, I can’t just pick out a few panels. Wild proposing Epona turning into just “some lady”, Time’s reaction to that being a perfect reaction/ meme image, Wild calling Twi “just some guy”, and Wars teasing Twi about said being “just some guy”. This is perfect.
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Also I love how proud Twilight is about being a hero. A lot of people (not just Lu but the Zelda fandom in general) hc the Links being angry at Hylia about it and such but I honestly prefer the thought that at least some of them are proud of their accomplishments instead of just being sad and full of angst.
Four is concerned about the dark magic stuff. I hope we see a conversation between him and a Twi about it.
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WARS MENTIONING HIS ZELDA!! He doesn’t refer to her by name but yeeeee I really want to see more of him talking about her 😭
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Also it seems like Time was about to ask him about it but got cut off. What was he gonna ask?? I wanna know.
The little guy being happy and excited 🥰 (Twi you better let him pet you this time now that he knows don’t you dare bite him again)
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Wolfie so adorable! Look at him gooo!
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And that’s the “Moving Forward” update! (There were a few more things I wanted to comment on but maxed out on pictures 😞). I loved this update with all its cute brother interactions and the “just some guy” conversation, while still throwing in some hints at serious things to come.
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rhoorl · 11 months
Working Title - Chapter 3
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Pairing: Dieter Bravo x OFC Belle
Rating: Mature, 18+
Word Count: 3.5k
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Chapter 3 on AO3
Chapter summary: We get another perspective of the encounter in the reception area. Plus, some production logistics talk (I don’t know how movie/TV sets work, but this is my best guess). Our two agents have a moment. You and Indy prepare to head off to Hawaii.
Warnings: This chapter has some swearing, allusions to cheating and toxic relationships, and drug/alcohol references.
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“Mr. Bravo! So nice to see you! Let me check to see if they’re ready for you in the back, just make yourself at home. 
I forgot how small this lobby was. They’ve redecorated the place, looks good. Dieter thinks to himself as he leans up against the reception desk checking his phone. Liz is nearby answering a bunch of emails that came in all at once.
“Mr. Bravo, I apologize, but they’re on a call that is just now wrapping up. It shouldn’t be too much longer, but if you’d feel more comfortable sitting down, please go ahead,” she said, motioning to the seating area.
“Oh ok, sure. Thanks. And you can call me Dieter,” he chuckles as he grabs his water bottle and heads toward the seating area.
Oh, there’s someone else here. She’s pretty. I wonder if she’s here to audition. Don’t stare Dee, act cool. He says to himself as the woman on the couch looks up at him. Holy shit her eyes are beautiful. He feels an almost magnetic pull toward her. He needs to be closer to her, so he decides to sit on the far side of the couch from her. He can sense that she’s nervous.
“Hello,” he says softly. Oh no, does know who I am? Is that why she’s nervous?
Dieter had grown accustomed to people being nervous around him. Early in his career, he hit the convention circuit hard, sitting on panels and answering questions from fans or signing autographs and taking photos for hours. He loved interacting with his fans. He never understood why people got so nervous to meet him, he was just Dieter. So he always tried to make people feel as comfortable as possible so they would have a memorable interaction with him. Giving them eye contact, a hug if they asked for it, and always asking for their name. The support of his fans always meant so much to him, especially through all of the trials and tribulations of his past.
“H-Hi,” she squeaked out.
“D-do you mind if I sit here?” Shit, get it together. She’s clearly nervous, don’t make it more awkward or weird.
“Uh. Um, yea, be my guest.”
“Thanks,” he smiles and sits on the far left side. 
Despite appearing as if she’s fully involved in her phone, Liz has been keeping close tabs on what has been transpiring. If the lobby were larger she would have sat further away, but alas, she takes a seat in the chair next to where Dieter is sitting on the couch. 
She has a beautiful smile too. What do I say? This isn’t like me, to be at a loss for words. This is weird. But I kind of like it. Stop staring at her. 
Dieter moves his head back to face forward, although he’s still keeping an eye on the stunning stranger to his right.
Ok, think of something witty. Something witty. 
“Mr. Bravo?” Dammit. “ They’re ready for you now.” 
“Alright, Dee, let’s do this,” Liz says, patting him on the knee. 
He lets out a breath and stands up. Should I ask her for her number or something? No, that would be creepy right? We’ve said like four words to each other. She’s probably going to think I’m some asshole actor who thinks he can bag any pretty girl. But she is beautiful.
Dieter doesn’t even realize he’s smiling at her until he sees her looking up at him again.
“Have a nice day,” he says. Ugh, that was lame. At least smile at her.
“Uh, th-thanks. Break luck. I mean, good leg. I mean, break a leg,” she says flustered before looking back down to her book. Ok, that was adorable.
“Thanks, I’ll break luck” he winks. She gives him another smile. She seems sweet. Ugh, I don’t want to leave, but I have to go before Liz gives me shit, or worse, embarrasses me. Dieter wills his legs to move, heading towards the receptionist who is motioning to the open doors. I wish I had more time.
He and Liz barely make it through the doors before he can feel her eyes on him.
“Say it and stop staring at me. 
“You thought she was pretty, right?”
Rolling your eyes. “What, jealous Lizzie?” he teases.
“Why were you being so awkward? That’s not the Dee I know. Is that why you aren’t going on dates anymore, out of practice?”
“Jesus, Liz, want to get a hammer to bust my balls even more?”
“I’m just saying, she was pretty, you’re you, you barely said five words to her.”
Ugh, she’s right. I screwed it up.
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You, Indy, and Rhys settle into a booth at a nearby restaurant, opting for sushi to celebrate the occasion. On the way to the restaurant, Indy had been busy calling her mom and dad, and brother, so you hadn’t had a chance to debrief about her meeting … or your encounter in the lobby.
The server comes to take your drink orders and Rhys selects a few appetizers to share.  
“Ok, so tell me everything and start at the beginning.”
“So when we got there, I went into a room and met Sam.”
“Ooo, how was that?” you tease, wagging your eyebrows up and down as Rhys scoffs. If someone were to design Indy’s type from scratch, it would be Samuel Garrett. Even though he was a few years younger than you both, he was everything she looked for. Tall, blonde, with a deep voice, and a Southern accent. By all accounts, he was a nice guy too.
“Cover your ears, Rhys,” Indy laughs, hitting Rhys on the shoulder as he rolls his eyes. “He was gor-geous. Holy shit, Belle, I’d climb that guy like a goddamn tree.” You both giggled.
“So I take it the chemistry was mutual then, right?”
“I think so,” she sighed. She has that look in her eyes you know well. When Indy falls for someone, she falls fast and hard.
“You definitely did,” Rhys chimed in. He was looking at his phone, trying to act like he wasn’t listening but he lived for these types of chats. He had heard many a conversation over the years and at this point, nothing really fazed him anymore.  
“Ooo I forgot! I met Dieter in the hallway as I was coming back out. He was so nice! Did you see him?”
“Um…” looking down and playing with the chopstick wrapper, you were trying to decide how to get around this conversation.
“Belle…” giving you that tone a mom gives when she knows her kid is keeping something from her.
“I. Uh. Yea, I saw him.”
At this point, even Rhys was looking up waiting for your response. 
“Yea, B, what happened?”
“Jeez, you two. Nothing happened, really.” They both look at each other and then look back at you. “Ugh, ok I made an absolute goddamn fool out of myself,” you said, bringing your hands to cover your face.
“Oh, no!” Indy sat up straighter and reached her hand out to yours.
“He sat on the other side of the couch from me, but I couldn’t bring myself to say anything to him. I was literally in shock.”
“So, how did you make a fool out of yourself?” Indy asked, furrowing your brows. 
“I couldn’t fucking think straight,” you were almost reliving the nervousness you felt. “ And when he got up to leave I couldn’t decide if I wanted to say ‘good luck’ or ‘break a leg’ so I ended up combining them both.”
Rhys starts to laugh.
“It’s not funny Rhys,” you scold him. Indy sarcastically punching him in the bicep on your behalf. 
“And what did he say?” Indy asked, redirecting you back to the story. 
“Honestly I can’t remember, I feel like I blacked out. I think he tried to make a joke or something, I don’t know. I wanted to crawl into a hole…but I do remember he winked at me.”
“Oh em gee!!” Indy shrieks, clapping her hands. “He’s basically in love with you. 
You give Indy a deadpan stare. “Stop. That’s not funny. This was so embarrassing and you know I’m going to think about it and replay it like every day forever.”
“Oh stop it. That story sounds endearing as fuck. I’m sure he thought you being flustered was cute.”
“I was a totally starstruck fan. The poor guy probably just wants people to treat him like a normal person and here I was fumbling over my words like I forgot how to speak.”
“Stop spiraling. I’m sure it wasn’t as bad as you think it was.”
“Wait, do you like think he’s hot or something?” Rhys asks. You can tell he’s genuinely asking and not trying to make fun of the situation.
Indy rolls her eyes and dramatically twists her head to look over to Rhys, “Where have you been? She’s been in love with him since we were like, what Belle, in high school?”
You nod, looking down at the wrapper you have folded and unfolded like a hundred times by now.
“Well, shit, sorry!” he laughs. “I just didn’t realize it I guess. You both know I’m friends with his agent, right?”
“What?!” you both practically shouted at him.
“Rhys, what the fuck? You are like the worst wingman ever.”
He was a great professional wingman, always knowing the right things to say to get Indy an audition or find roles that she would be perfect for. Heck, he had even helped you out over the years, finding you jobs from magazine shoots to TV shows to help style. When it came to personal matters, he wasn’t as astute. The poor guy was a bit dense in that arena, so it’s really not surprising that he hadn’t made the connection. 
“Can we change the subject please?” you plead.
Your server showed up at the perfect time, spreading out your appetizers between the three of you.
“Ok, let’s talk about logistics,” Rhys said as he scooped a few edamame up from the bowl.
“Yes, please. Where do we need to be and when?” you ask.
“So, we have about six or seven weeks give or take before you both need to be in Hawaii. That way you can travel, get settled, and adjust to the time zone, heck maybe even explore a little bit. I think one of the producers is going to want to get the whole cast and crew together for a kickoff party or something. He’s really into making the set feel like a family atmosphere. Could be a good opportunity for you to meet with the rest of the hair and makeup department in person before shooting officially starts,” he says motioning to you with the carcass of his eaten edamame. 
“I’ll have to put you in touch with the head of hair and makeup for the shoot,” he continued. “Her name is Meredith … shit what was her last name….” he said as he reached for his phone to check his notes.
“Meredith Barton?!” you corrected him.
“Yea, that’s her!”
“Holy shit, she’s like a legend!” You couldn’t believe that you were not only going to be on a set with your best friend but working for a multi-award-winning hairstylist. 
“I hope you don’t mind, but I already shared your portfolio with her. She was really impressed with you B.”
“Of course she was!” Indy beamed. 
“I’ll get you and her connected. She mentioned that in these next few weeks, she wants to get you and some of the other stylists together to talk about a plan for the overlook of the shoot and the individual characters,” he stops to take a gulp of his drink. “Which reminds me, Ind you’ll be needed for some pre-production meetings, I’m still waiting on the schedule. And we’ll do some test shoots just to make sure the looks the stylists come up with are going to translate on camera.”
“Ah, this is all so exciting!” 
“Thanks so much for setting all of this up Rhys,” you added. 
“I’m excited for you both,” he smiled.
“Wait, where are we going to stay?” Indy asked.
“So, it sounds like the producer is setting up the whole cast and crew up at a nearby resort. He’s a part owner of it I guess so he’s buying out like half of it for the production. I think they’ll even shoot some exteriors at the property, it’s beautiful,” he said as he pulled up some photos on his phone to show you.
You and Indy lock eyes immediately, both coming to the same conclusion almost telepathically.
“Let me get this straight,” Indy starts. “We are going to be living at a beautiful resort in a paradise, for months, with the whole cast and crew…”
“The entire cast and crew?” you gulped.
“Uh, yea. I think so. Why are you two being weird?”
“Jesus, Rhys. Do we need to spell it out for you?”
“Umm…” he gives you both a confused look.
“There is going to be a love connection, I can just feel it!” 
“I’ll be back, I have to go to the restroom,” you butted in. You needed to go collect your thoughts. 
Once you were gone, Indy leaned over to Rhys, “So, how well do you know Dieter’s agent?”
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Later as he’s driving back to his apartment, Rhys hears his phone ring. Seeing who it is, he smiles and answers.
“Oh hey, Liz! How’s it going?”
“I think congratulations are in order kid!”
“Hey, thanks! Yea, I’m really happy for Indy, she’s been working toward something like this for years. I really think this will be a breakout role for her, I can feel it. We even got her best friend to work on set for hair and makeup too. Great to hear that Dieter is signed on too.”
“Yea, he seems excited about this one. I honestly can’t tell if it’s the script or the prospect of being in Hawaii for a few months.”
“How’s he doing these days?”
“Oh he’s amazing, I’m so proud of him.”
“That’s awesome,” Rhys replied. He knew how much Dieter’s previous ways had taken a toll on Liz. She cared for him like a son and it tore her up to see him hurt himself and descend into a dark place. She always kept the faith that he would turn it around.
“Wait, did you say one of Indy’s friends is going to be doing hair and makeup?” Liz asked.
“Yea! She’s in town right now, Indy kind of thinks she’s her good luck charm,” he chuckled.
“Was she there today at the offices?”
“Yea, she rode over there with us and waited in the lobby. Why?”
“We kind of ran into her.”
“Wait. Oh shit, yea I heard that she met Dieter.”
“She did. Wait? How do you- never mind. Yea, the guy got all flustered,” she laughed. “She’s a pretty girl.”
“Ha, yea she is. From what I heard, she got flustered too.”
“Shit, I’ve got another call coming in. But I just wanted to tell you how proud of you I am and of Indy too. You’ve done great work for her and I know she’s going to be amazing in the role.”
“Gee, thanks, Liz. I learned from the best.”
“We’ll chat soon, gotta go!”
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Six weeks later
You’ve spent the last six weeks getting everything in order to be gone for four months. You ended up running into your landlord when you got back from LA and he asked about Ryan, saying that he hadn’t seen him much. You recounted what happened and that he had moved out. Your landlord was never a big fan of Ryan, always preferring to deal with you on things related to the apartment. Once he heard about what happened, he let you break the lease without penalty.
“Get yourself a fresh start kiddo,” he said. 
 So you started selling pieces of furniture and other small things here and there online as you started to pack. You were truly starting to feel like you were closing one chapter and about to embark on another.
You had frequent Zoom and FaceTime calls with Meredith and the rest of the hair and makeup department, along with the wardrobe department. It was so exciting to be on this side of things; preparing for what the talent would look like on screen. You could already tell Meredith was going to be a great boss. She valued your opinion and listened, but also commanded the attention of everyone; she was a true force.
On a recent call, she told everyone that she decided that instead of assigning one person to a member of the cast, you all would be trained to float. 
“I want you all to be able to work on anyone who sits in the chair. That way we can be nimble if production switches things around on us, which inevitably they’re going to do. I believe in all of you as artists and this is going to be a great opportunity to challenge yourselves each and every day.” 
“Doesn’t Dieter have his own hair person?” Indy asked during your latest FaceTime call. You were set to board a plane the next day bound for Hawaii and decided to treat yourself to a night in a hotel room ordering room service with a Real Housewives marathon going on in the background.
“He does. Apparently, she had a baby recently so she’s on maternity leave. From what Meredith said, Dieter is still paying his hair stylist, as if she was still working. That way she and her partner don’t have to worry..,.” you recounted.
“Well isn’t that nice,” Indy grinned. 
“Yea.” You desperately wanted to switch the subject away from Dieter. You had been thinking about him nonstop since your interaction. In reality, it probably lasted all of two minutes, but you replayed those two minutes over and over again. You were going to see him again and did not want to have another awkward moment.  
Sensing that you wanted to move on to something else, Indy asked about Ryan, although frankly you would have rather awkwardly try and talk about Dieter than rehash the Ryan situation. 
“Ugh, well, we kind of had a bit of a blow-up the other day. Our landlord sent him back his half of the security deposit, so he showed up.”
“What the fuck? He showed up?”
“Yea, he was asking when I was planning on telling him I was moving out.”
“And I told him that he made that decision for me. I reminded him that he was the one who left.”
“Hell yea you did!” she snapped her fingers.
“I have been talking with Carla again, so it’s been helpful. Honestly, without her, I’m not sure how the hell I would have dealt with him showing up. 
Carla has been your therapist for the better part of 10 years; you first met her when you lived in New York. Luckily because of technology, you had been able to stay connected despite the distance. In recent years you had not been the best about keeping in touch. Deep down, you knew it was because of the situation with Ryan. You weren’t prepared to talk about him to her. But when you were in the airport coming back from LA you shot her a text and you both chatted the next day. It was nice to have her back, she always managed to make you see things more clearly. 
“Well, I’m proud of you. I know seeing him in person wasn’t easy.”
“Yea, it sucked. But honestly, it was a bit cathartic.. It also helped that I threw the rest of his shit out the window,” you smirked.
“You did not?!”
“I did. I may have left that part out when I told Carla the story,” you laughed.
“Bahaha. Well, it’s our secret them,” Indy says motioning like she’s zipped up her lips.
“This trip could not come soon enough. I’m so excited to see you!”
“Me too! I’m like nervous, excited, and scared all at the same time.”
“How have the pre-production meetings been going?”
“Oh, they’ve been great. It is starting to feel so real, that I’m actually going to be a lead for a show. It’s crazy.”
“How has Sam been,” you had tried to pry details of their interactions, but she had been unusually tight-lipped. 
“G-good. Yea, he’s so freaking nice. And he smells so good too,” she giggles.
“Well, I can’t wait to meet him.”
“Yea, you’re going to like him I think.”
“Oh shit, Rhys is calling. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow!”
 “Sounds good, I’ll text you when I get to the airport.”
After you hang up, you settle in your bed, sinking into the plush mattress. When you board the plane tomorrow, you are embarking on a new chapter. You didn’t know what the future would hold for you; you had no apartment to come back to in Orlando. You had not made any plans for after the shoot, you were just going to take things as they came.
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
A/N: We are finally getting to Hawaii in the next chapter!
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Tag list: @musings-of-a-rose / @legendary-pink-dot / @bitchwitch1981 / @mysterious-moonstruck-musings / @gracie7209 / @amneris21
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kotos-and-smiles · 1 year
Ch.124 Analysis and Rambling
As I often do, I’ll be referencing tessenpai’s rough tl which you can find here
Felt so good to have a new chapter after last month’s break! And we have the very interesting return of Uzuki with characters I was not expecting to see him interacting with.
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Firstly, damn, Tetsuki really does try to ditch Isaki immediately after he’s able. Unfortunately for him, Isaki is the type to be forcefully ‘courteous’. Isaki was so amazing in this chapter, specifically with regards to Uzuki. Firstly her anger is very justified and relatable (I still wouldn’t completely mind punching him in the face, but I get we’re past that now). I enjoy the humor of the situation as well, and Isaki could indeed take down Uzuki if she wanted to. She’s both rightfully mad and also polite, as expected both Isaki and Tetsuki respecting Chika’s decision to invite him. I cannot handle at all the little panels of 103 flashbacks though of Chika in pain. And then Isaki just invites Uzuki out to lunch with a threatening smile on her face, and like how great is that? Also adore how afraid Tetsuki is of the women in Chika’s life. He knows what’s up.
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I love that Momoya is able to honestly express that he’s tired when Takezou asks, instead of brushing it off with an ‘I’m fine.’ I don’t know, this chapter just really conveyed how much more comfortable Momoya seems with the club and allowing himself to just be himself. I also forgot about Yoshinaga’s “Chikaism” though and it is beautiful as always. Takinami’s appearances lately being purely to convey how annoyed he is are still wonderful. What Keishi said about how some competitors don’t listen to their competition’s performances because they don’t want it to affect their own was interesting because it made me just think about how Tokise is definitely the type of school that benefits a lot from hearing many different people’s sound. And there’s enough value in hearing those performances to them that it’s basically the only thing that’ll keep them from practicing, I think. That and they’re such dedicated koto nerds that want to hear everything they can.
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Loved seeing Momoya talk about Chibana and be a bit savage towards them. And also accepting the club’s affectionate shenanigans even if he’s not used to them yet.
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Ooof, Tomoe. How does she even perform if she’s like this every time? That’s some dedication to performing, I guess. Seeing Hiro and Satowa be so encouraging though is great to see.
I am never getting over that Satowa carries around the same strawberry candies as Chika once gave her because they help calm her down. Like, she carries a whole tin of them and is sharing them when she sees someone else obviously in distress because she wants to help even if Tomoe hasn’t been the nicest to Tokise. All of it’s so sweet, and yeah, I’m gonna be thinking about those strawberry candies for a long while now. And Hiro calling Satowa out on it, my god, I just love all of that.
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We see a bit of a look into Tomoe’s mindset around Tokise, but I really like what her friend said about finding out what Tokise is really like when they hear them perform. Because that’s what it’ll really come down to, the music, the performance, and how it’ll carry the heart and voice of the people playing. But for now, Chibana will just have to focus on their own performance, and considering we know nothing about their sounds, and I don’t think we’ve heard much of their strengths and weaknesses either, though I could be forgetting, I’m really interested to see how their performance goes.
Honestly poor Tetsuki, now having to deal with both Isaki and Uzuki also getting roped into everything. Isaki went into full on Aunt Mode with Uzuki, like I may not like this kid but he’s gonna eat on my watch, and I really love that type of interaction. Isaki in general and how she understands Chika’s situation with some of the people around him but is also gonna protect Chika first and foremost is beautiful to see. She’s able to see through just her anger or resentment and relate how Chika has acted to how Uzuki’s acting, and again, she doesn’t want to let that happen on her watch. That little detail of Chika not eating when he first moved into with her even kind of surprising Tetsuki was really good and also so sad. In general, just hearing about how Uzuki feels about food does remind you of just how bad of a place Uzuki is in mentally. How she pushes the food issue with Uzuki by not making it an obligation for him to eat it all, but asking him simply to order something even if he only has a bite was a really great way of doing it and shows Isaki’s compassion, again even if she doesn’t like this boy, hasn’t forgiven him, much like Chika, she’s also not gonna let him just destroy himself either. 
“It takes a hell of a lot of strength to face what you’ve done and live with it. If you don’t have that kind of resolution, you don’t deserve to hear Chika and the rest’s performance.” These lines are really impactful. She’s telling Uzuki he has to face what he’s done, but it also takes a lot of strength to do that, so he better step up or he won’t be deserving of the chance Chika is giving him. While Chika still has some remaining self-worth issues when it comes to protecting himself, Isaki and those around him value him so much that they’re going to both respect his wishes and be angry and expect something of the people who have wronged him. They’re not gonna hesitate to make it clear how much protecting him is their first priority. Isaki just bridges the understanding and the knowledge Uzuki did something very wrong so well. She expects for him to step up and face it, and she knows that’s hard, but damn if he doesn’t deserve the hard process. But as Chika said in ch.111, hopefully Uzuki will come to learn with the performance what people can be to each other, what caring about someone really means, and while that may be hard in the face of his previous actions, facing it will allow him to better himself and move on, if he so chooses, if he’s strong enough to.
This also reminded me of what honestly might be one of my favorite quotes from this manga, though I have many, that Isaki said in ch.115. I don’t think I ever wrote anything about it, but this quote hit me so hard the first time I read it and still gets me with how true I feel it is
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“But people change. Even when they don’t want to. They can’t stay as they were. And yet, when they do want to change, they’re unable to do so. We’re awkward creatures like that.”
Humans really are awkward like that. Much like in ch.115 with Isaki calling Chika’s dad, she has handled both him and Uzuki so, so beautifully. She is fully respecting Chika’s wishes while also letting these people in his life who have wronged him know where he’s at and that really they should be concerned with what they’ll do with the chance of listening to Chika, because Chika is living his own life. It’s up to Uzuki and Chika’s dad alike if they want to be any part of that or listen to what his music has to say, but they’re also sure as hell not gonna ruin that for Chika ever again. I don’t really know how much this specific quote even relates to ch.124, I just wanted to talk about it because I think it’s such a well-stated point. Sometimes we change when we don’t want that, and other times we can’t seem to change no matter how much we might want to, but it’s just a truth all of us sometimes have to face. The attitude both Chika and Isaki are taking on the subject, and that it seems Uzuki is trying to pick up as well, is that all that anyone can do now is move forward though the past will never change and never disappear, but there is still growth and peace to be found if people are open to working on it. Here’s hoping that Uzuki both does want to change and will be able to do so.
Anyway, going back to ch.124, it was hilariously predictable how everyone ended up staying to hear the rest of the performances despite their exhaustion. Takinami expecting it was amazing, and while he’s exasperated with it I love how happy Akira is about it. Also Yoshinaga just staring intently, sparkles included, at Momoya until he wordlessly gives in to staying was so damn cute.
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Also, there were just so many cute little panels from this chapter
Anyway, I loved this chapter so much, pretty much as always, but I never get any less appreciative of how great every chapter that comes out is. I am very much in need of a reread of this entire manga, so hopefully what I was saying still made sense. As always, feel free to share your thoughts on the chapter as well!
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hiding-in-the-vault · 8 months
Hi there! It’s been a few days but I’m back. Twitchcon has been fun, huh? In the spirit of the Dream and Friends panel, my question today is less of a question and more of a request. Shout out another blog, whether they’re a beloved mutual or someone you’ve never spoken to but just think is cool, and say something nice about them!
Hello!!! :) !
mmhmh I am incapable of picking a single person oops. I am also incapable of picking multiple people without setting some sort of outside qualifier to narrow it down. THEREFORE, these are probably going to appear a little random but there's a running theme in my brain #trust
@elmhat :) no I'll never get tired of singing the praises of tumblr user elmhat. But that aside, to me, you were the first of the fresh blood to appear after dsmp came to a close. With the end of anything, people worry that the excitement around it will fade. And it has to some degree, but you and several others were proof that theres still content to be made and shared, and that's what its all about! So it goes without saying that I adore everything you put out and the eagerness in which you do it; always excited to see some elm on the dash~
@grayyskies You showed up outta nowhere with some BANGER c!dream art that still makes me feel insane when I think about it. Especially with not being a new account, having to fend off people being weird with a broom, gotta respect the hustle ;') And the way you rant in the tags absolutely makes my day every time heheh (this is not me prodding for more art no what are you eventalkingaboutshhshshhh)
@calamari-mcyt-corner I learned about your existence somewhat recently and very quickly saw that you're just having a good time with your blorbos and I really really love that for you. I think playing around with the characters and just doing whatever you want is very representative of the spirit of fandom. I haven't interacted with you much myself, but I enjoy seeing your contributions to dreblr! Both here on tumblr, and your activity in the discord server ;D
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popquizhot-shot · 1 year
I’m in love with you so I’m sending in a request
Could be spicy could not be
Joel with a reader who loves using her camcorder, recording Joel making his guitars, building, christmases, parties, dinners, you name it, she loves capturing their moments together
They’re driving together in the country, on a run outside of Jackson, and she has her camera and he looks to her and just “you ever thought about using that for somethin’ a little more… intimate, peach?”
Smut. Smut in the backseat of his truck. He’s just recording how you take him, and it’s so intimate and sweet.
so i actually don't write smut much so i decided to make this extra fluffy to compensate<33 i hope you like the ending :DD please tell me how you like it!
Three times Joel is in front of the camera and two times he's behind.
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The first time he sees the camcorder recording him, he playfully shoves it out of his face and raises an exasperated eyebrow at his girl, who just smiles sweetly at him.
The second time, he finishing up with a guitar and he groans as he sees the blasted thing in his peripheral vision.
" Come on, Joel! Smile for me!" she says, laughing a little at his expression and much to his horror, he finds himself smiling widely at the camera before looking away. The sounds of delight that come from her make his lips twist again as he looks at her features that are bathed in golden sunlight.
"What?" she asks, the camera still in her hand.
He says nothing, only walks over and kisses her softly, rendering her speechless. He takes the opportunity and quickly snatched the camcorder and bolts out the door.
Later, they both laugh at the recording of his cheeky high pitched chuckle as her banshee screams echo in the background.
The third time, he's trying to make something for Ellie. And surprise, he's spectacularly failing at baking a cake.
His adorable huffs of annoyance make you giggle to yourself as you set the camcorder down on the counter, still recording, as you slowly approach him, caressing his shoulder first so you don't startle him, and hug him from behind as he whisks three eggs and adds them to the flour before anything else.
It's only when the camera starts beeping when she realizes she forgot is was there. By then, the two of them have made the cake and made out against the counter as well.
He's never been much of a dancer, before the outbreak, Tommy was the charmer, the one who loved taking girls dancing and bringing them back to his place.
Joel preferred watching. He'd always been the silent, observant older brother. Looking at every detail and aspect of everything around him. It was part of his job description as a construction worker.
That observant part of him slipped in as he shamlessly watched her dance with everyone during christmas celebrations. It's snowing, and cold, and he would be feeling miserable if it weren't for her. His darling, who found it fun to catch him off guard and record him, or who'd kiss him silly whenever she felt like it, his girl who was dancing with the girl who had become his daughter and lip syncing to whatever song was playing.
"I'm finally crazy" he thinks to himself as he goes inside the house and gets out the camcorder. But he can't help himself, he wants this moment to be preserved, so he can look at it again and remind himself why he bothered to go on.
He switches it on and begins to record.
This man has faced clickers, he's seen the worst humanity can offer. He's commited atrocious crimes and done much worse.
So he absolutely should not feel like getting out of the moving car and running back all the way to Jackson.
"Hon, you okay?" she asks him as he stops the vehicle near a field.
He only nods, kissing her forehead and breathing deeply as he fished into his bag to fish out her camcorder. When he finally find it, he switches it to records and sets it on the front panel so the both of them are in view.
"Joel?" she looks between him and the camera, eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed.
He breathes out.
"What, Joel?" she asks him again, holding his left hand.
"You know I love you right? I'v found you when I thought i might never find it again. Meeting you was how I met Ellie and now we're all a family. An unofficial family." he clears his throat, " I love you so much, darling. And I have to ask you-" he pulls someting out of his pocket. A velvet box.
"Baby, will you make our family official and marry me?"
The last thing the camcorder sees is the loud exclaim of "Yes!" and laughter before it is unceremoniously knocked from it's spot as she lunges for him and kisses him hard.
But it recorded all the sound as well. It's safe to say Ellie won't be getting that camcorder anytime soon.
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fumifooms · 2 months
do you have any character analysis posts you're working on? i'm currently mulling Daya/Dia over in my head right now. In general, I'm thinking a lot about Kabru's team because they don't show up much in the manga and won't be in the show much longer as noticeable players, but have quite a bit of outside-the-manga content to comb through. Personally, I like the idea of Rin and Dia becoming friends with Marcille post-canon, but I want to know them better first. I know Rin pretty well already. 1/2
(for example, Rin/Dia/Marcille seem to like clothes, and i want to draw them clothes shopping.) And I ask this not to put all the work on you! I want to discuss these characters with somebody, and you're one of the only ones I can think of who enjoys doing in-depth dives into the side characters of Dungeon Meshi. You, summerboletes, shisurus, and ambrosiagourmet are some other blogs i can think of that made great meta posts. You can reply to this privately if you want! 2/2 (think about it. daya has a boyfriend and marries him post-canon. marcille loves romance and loves clothes. it'd be adorable if she helped daya find a wedding dress. like kabru introduces them and dia (god i'm so used to writing 'daya') mentions her wedding and marcille immediately pounces on her with eyes sparkling in excitement. i plan to write this fic one day)
This idea is so cute! I’ll also check out those other blogs you mentioned when I have the time to hehe~ I do latch onto minor characters easily but it doesn’t mean I have much to say about everyone. Dia (agreed btw, the situation with Daya vs Dia is confusing)… I do like her, but I feel like her Adventurer’s Bible profile sums it all up quite nicely and straightforwardly honestly. You’re right though her reaction to the treasure bugs was so cute and honestly surprising considering her appearance and demeanor, she does like pretty things and jewelry I could def see her going shopping. More content of her would definitely be fun, I’d read your fic!! I do love imagining how everyone’s relationships are like in Kabru’s party, the intricacies of it… I haven’t mulled it over enough though. I’ve been thinking of Mickbell more because of recent posts though, also Rin… If you’d like, the dunmeshi discord I’m in would be a good place to brainstorm about it I think! Hmu for an invite if you want
Summing up the posts I’m working on was long so here’s a cut out of mercy
I have 78 drafts on tumblr currently oh boy… The thing about my process is that I ramble easily but then I need to compile panels to illustrate the points and that’s real tedious… Character analysis wise - I’m most hyped about a Falin one on the topic of if she’s a people pleaser, how much does she care, what’s her way of thinking etc etc, also her differences with Laios because I hate seeing people seriously say they’re the same person. - Also a Cithis one that I just need to streamline at this point. I want to analyze her demeanor, poke at her psychology and analyze her relationships, she’s fascinating. - Oh I’m so stupid I almost forgot to mention the one I’ve been working on currently about Thistle, the age shenanigans but in an in-world way where yes it’s wonky and it means something. He hauntssss me I have so many thoughts on Thistle & Falin lately. Like, offtopic for the analysis but… Falin loves nature and Thistle is named after a flower… Imagine her post-canon coming across wild thistles and feeling a rush of fondness and she doesn’t know why… Thistles have thorns but they taste sweet… Peel of his thorns and eat him pls.
I have more Chilchuck & family thoughts coming, and more Toshiro & family, but these will have more of a casual brainstorm & speculating tone to them, I also just need to streamline these… Like I am obsessed about Toshiyuki and Chilchuck’s alcoholism I’m sorry
Beyond those the topics of the character analysis become more specific, like - How much social awareness does Laios have? Not none, not a lot, but the specifics can be blurry in ways I think are interesting, he was sensitive to people’s judgements in his hometown after all, and he does worry about others’ perception of him… He does know that buzzcut guy was taking advantage of him, etc etc. - There’s an extensive one I want to make on how the winged lion reflects abusive relationships, like how he targets all his ‘meals’'s specific weaknesses and draws out the worst in each of them. A lot of Dunmeshi is about unity and overcoming prejudices & differences & flaws and forming deep and long-lasting bonds despite it all, and amongst all of it it’s like… How flawed relationships with flawed people can still be made into somehing good and healthy that make the world brighter… Except the winged lion there to represent abusive relationships which you need to fucking DITCH, lol. - And on the topic of Dunmeshi & relationships I want to talk about it and queerness, especially in the queerplatonic sense of blurring lines, and Izutsumi + Laios’ relationship to touch should feature in those.
And my crown jewel but I’m soooo hyped about the Marcille & Chilchuck’s arcs one I’m working on it’s gonna go over so much stuff I’m obsessed about, like the importance of books in Marcille’s life, what the succubi reveal about the characters in what ways, the theme that’s so prevalent in Dunmeshi of idealization, Marcille’s imagery as a dungeon lord, a shepherd a general a princess a monster a damsel a woman in mourning…
But that’s enough for heavy ones, side characters wise: doing quick posts like for the gold-stripper characters has been great, but those usually come to me on the same day that I post them. I might make some analysis posts on say Mickbell or Holm or Otta, but I don’t have the thread I want to follow yet. Flamela’s been on my brain so much too…
Mostly though there’s just a lot that I wouldn’t write analysis for, but that I’d love to explore in fanfics! For example, the hienbeni I want to write the most rn is about the surges of anger that Benichidori gets, impulsive and stressed out. I haven’t made a post on my Izutsumi & Benichidori brotp and all the interesting parallels I think I have, but I’ve written a fic on it! Same about Chilchuck’s daughters and their relationship with his alcoholism, etc. I explored the guilt and confliction he may feel about his wife in my fic Enough as well, etc etc. You can see my fics here! For Kabru’s party lately mickrin has been having a chokehold on my brain, I’d love love love to explore Rin’s and Mickbell’s characters and issues through fics for them. As I think you might have figured, I love to explore characters through the lenses of relationships they have with others (Cithis & Mithrun and Pattadol, Thistle and Falin, etc), and that’s why for example I love to make posts that pitch ship ideas, I think specific dynamics can really have a lot to say about either characters. Oh another one’s toshimari, I want to make a fic about them and their feelings of being foreigners and not being able to integrate well to The Island, through the plot of them going to a restaurant as coworkers and the food they eat there~
These are only the ones I have at the top of my head though………. Someone help me Hopefully this post wasn’t boring lol, but yeah those are my wips rn. Need to make posts on toshimari, kabushuro, cithaios, cittadela and ships like that I think have interesting potential too. Many of these I’ve mentioned here I’ve had in my drafts for like 6 months btw gdvd 😭
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kukuandkookie · 9 months
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Where Character A sort of experiences seeing Character B get injured (whether due to being inside someone’s memory or here because they look alike) so when Character B shows up, Character A feels the need to hug them and confirm they’re actually okay and safe in front of them.
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Zhang Li: Let me hold you for a moment. Just for a moment…
He saw Sute’s puppet brother being torn to shreds by the trap’s thread and immediately thought of Lunkhead falling apart, so he wanted to hug Mimi.
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He’s taking note of how Mimi’s body is trembling and how his heartbeat is strong, meaning he’s still alive and it’s okay. 🥹
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This body is trembling… His heartbeat is strong… He’s still alive… Perfectly alive…
He needs the reassurance,,, that he’s okay,,,, 😭😭😭😭
Also speaking of Sute…
He’s pretty terrifying LDGJKSHDSJ. I love insane green tea bitches like him, and it’s really cool to see who he is now that his mask is off. 👀
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Zhang Li asked him if his neck still hurt (from when he was grazed by Zhang Li’s arrow), and Sute tackles and strangled him, demanding, “Little guard, does your neck hurt?”
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He’s definitely holding a grudge against Zhang Li and has now completely adopted his ragtag corpse puppet as his true beloved, protective brother, with him telling him he’ll get him new hands—and a proper heart—in the future.
Ever since Erha and other similar stories, I do find these kinds of characters—especially with their twisted interpretations of love—really fascinating. He came close to killing Zhang Li today but couldn’t, so I’m excited to see what else Sute gets up to to get back at them.
In comparison to his brother though…
Even Zhang Li now is realizing how much like Lunkhead Mimi is, and he’s wondering when it started or if it’s always been like this… But he also thought about how Mimi is acting like this now because he’s pretending to be his guard.
Something something about their classes and ranks being different and Mimi having to play the part of a tyrant king/pharaoh and all the sad connotations that come with that…
But God, before we get into any of the potential sadder things the author would intend to explore with this couple, I just appreciate them for being them. They’re so adorable. Mimi especially!
In the panel below, he’s asking Zhang Li not to recklessly put himself at risk with no regard for his own life again. Excuse me as I go sob. 🤧
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ALSO MIMI YOU’RE SO BAD AT YOUR JOB (those bandages are atrocious) AND I LOVE YOU FOR IT 🥹
He held back his temper at Zhang Li since he’s injured (and because he loves him *cough cough*) but he yelled at Xiao Wei for it. Poor Xiao Wei ahahaha. He had to save Zhang Li and then he gets fed dog food by the PDA of these two and then he gets yelled at by his boss even though he’s injured too lol.
But okay final note because I’ve hit the Tumblr post image limit:
Holy fuck Zhang Li you’re such a boss. You’re one of the most capable protagonists I have ever read about…
Not only did he manage to get back the hands on Sute’s puppet brother for Kaba, he even poisoned Sute. 👁️👁️
So they’re at an advantage now!! I can’t wait to see what happens next!
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zahri-melitor · 9 months
Follow on to the “out of context panels” thing - sometimes the issue is that those panels still ARE special, if you’ve read the whole story and know the entire context. But you can’t post all that context, and equally you can’t expect anyone else to import all the same meaning when they look at it.
So to the original poster of the moment encapsulates everything they feel about the run/storyline. To someone who hasn’t read all the same things, they can only interpret based on what is presented. And especially when you’re posting the hard-won emotional moment after a long story, people without the context just start riffing off that and reposting it, without the background of how it was achieved.
Let’s take my favourite panels of Red Robin #12.
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Now I love these panels, but I know perfectly well the reasons why I personally love them are not the reasons they tend to get shared around fandom. (For one, Ra’s’ kick is rarely/never posted) The focus tends to be on the “I saved the people he loved” text boxes.
That’s not why I love them, however.
To me, it’s the replay of the epilogue of Resurrection of Ra’s al Ghul from, where Yost and To explicitly go ‘you got that we reran this exact story, right? Right?’ to their audience, as they’re explicitly referencing THIS page from ‘Tec 840:
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Ra’s kicked Tim out a window the exact same way that Bruce kicked Ra’s. Both Ra’s and Tim are fighting with BRUCE - they’re just fighting him by proxy with each other.
If you are unaware this happened, you miss SO MUCH of what’s happening in those two pages of RR 12. They’re even framed similarly.
Also using the context of this, there’s a fascinating parallel that wasn’t anticipated by the creators, but is extremely useful for arguing against fanon.
In ‘Tec 840, the next time we see Ra’s, he’s unconscious in Arkham Asylum.
In RR 12, we get the Dick catch and the “you’re my brother” scene in the Cave.
Given the mirroring, do I really have to spell out the implication that Dick doesn’t think Tim should be in Arkham? No?
But if I just posted the catch with the caption “Dick doesn’t think Tim should be in Arkham” nobody would understand what I meant.
Or here’s another example of “import your own context” - this panel from Streets of Gotham #21 is hysterically funny to me, someone who has read all of Dini’s ‘Tec and Streets of Gotham run. It’s the payoff of a whole HOST of Hush stories and several others.
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I adore how STUPID it is.
To someone without that context, there’s a good chance they don’t even accurately identify who is Tommy Elliot here.
The panels you see circulating will always be slightly out of context because you can never predict that you’ve read the exact same set of relevant comics as another person. The best you can do is point people to what implication you’re taking from the scene (and hope all the sweet hugs don’t get reposted completely stripped of context as they inevitably will be)
(Also everyone who reads RR should read Resurrection INCLUDING the epilogue, the entire missing conversation of what Dick thinks through all this is right there in Resurrection for you, you don’t have to make stuff up)
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ordinaryschmuck · 1 year
Why do I love Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse?
Aside from the fact that it's about my favorite superhero of all time? Let me count the ways...
The animation. I already know I'm not blowing any minds here, but good word, the animation is SPECTACULAR! By blending CGI models with hand-drawn elements, this is the only experience in a superhero movie that made me feel like a comic book has been brought to life. You might say that "it's not live-action," but that's beside the point. 90% of most MCU movies are practically animated, aside from the 10% that have actual humans on screen. So you should have no qualms when this beautiful masterpiece of a film manages to make you feel like you're watching a comic in motion, to the point where you could pause any frame of animation and turn it into a comic panel. Sidenote, if they make this movie into a graphic novel, I would absolutely buy it. I don't care if it's pointless when I could just watch the movie. Give me that graphic novel version of this gorgeous film.
The opening logos are unironically jaw-dropping. They flash through the many variations each insignia could have/has gone through, giving you a taste of the insanity of what this movie will bring. It also plays into what happens to the characters, meaning that while the story hasn't started yet, we're still given a heavy dose of foreshadowing.
The CCA stamp doesn't get enough credit. For those who don't know, back in the day, comics had to adhere to the Comics Code Authority's regulations, sticking their CCA stamp onto every cover to ensure parents that what was inside was kid friendly. It got to the point where no one took it seriously anymore, and the stamp became an irrelevant system that almost always failed to point out the age demographic for comics. The fact that Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is rated PG makes the callback even funnier.
The opening narration. It introduces us to this universe's version of Peter Parker, who's basically the every-man in the Spider-Man universe (The every-Spider-Man?). He features the highest highs and lowest lows of Spider-Man, showcasing his history and origins in a way that fans will adore while making something entertaining for the 1% of people who somehow never heard of Spider-Man.
Miles' introduction is close to perfection. Making him an artist already earns some relatability points from yours truly but having him jam out to music while doing it turns him into one of my favorite characters that I see myself in. I can't count the number of times I'm drawing something, and I get lost in the music playing in my headphones. I've known this character for less than a minute, and I already see a lot of myself in him. The fact that he procrastinated getting ready and did it all in a rush is just the cherry on top. And given how I look whiter than the snow on a Christmas day and Miles looks...very much not that, I already feel like the writers are doing something right if I see myself in someone like him. Most writers go the route of making a character's race or ethnicity their only character trait. There are some good intentions in that somewhere, but writers forget that without things like personalities, interests, and desires, the character's race does not matter. They're still going to be boring. Give me more Miles Morales, less of the hollowed shells called human beings that you find on the CW.
The one-take of Miles walking through his neighborhood mirroring/contrasting with his walk through school does well to visually explain the disconnect he feels about being in a new school and an unfamiliar environment.
I love Miles' dad. I'll get more to the emotional stuff later, but Jefferson Davis starts out great as someone strict but still trying hard to connect with Miles. It's genuinely heartwarming to see. Plus, that "I love you, Dad" scene…I mean, come on!
The montage of Miles' first day does well in showcasing the pressure the character is feeling. Maybe I'm still relating so much to Miles, but I felt how hard his day was for him.
The video of Olivia Octavius is some solid foreshadowing of the multiversal madness ahead and even better foreshadowing of who Olivia is, considering that Miles JUST blocks her last name. This scene also introduces us to Gwen while subtly hinting at who she is by Miles briefly saying, "I've never seen you around here before.”
Community is playing on Uncle Aaron's TV...That's it. I watched all of Community last year and grew to appreciate seeing a reference or two about it showing up.
Miles' moment with Uncle Aaron is sweet. It shows how things are easy between them, and Miles can rant about anything to the laid-back person his uncle is, in contrast to the eggshells Miles seems to dance around when dealing with his dad. Plus, Aaron showing off the shoulder touch pays off for two great scenes in the future. Not to mention his "hey" sends this bisexual a little...haywire.
Miles spray painting the wall is touching for two reasons. For one, it proves how much sweeter this universe's Aaron is. In other iterations, he manipulates Miles, searching for ulterior motives, primarily for Aaron's selfish gain. Here, it's clear he genuinely cares about his nephew, wanting to share this moment with Miles and have fun in a way the two should. It's also touching to see Miles express himself. We got a taste of his phenomenal talent near the beginning, but to see him make that masterpiece that he made proves how much of an artist he really is. It really is the best way to make this Miles not only unique but also engaging. 
The spray paint getting sprayed on the corner of the screen is also a nice touch. They didn’t have to do it, but they did, and I love it.
The Spider bite. The thing that fundamentally changes Miles' life, and the lives of other Spider-People before him, for now, and forever...and he swats it like it was nothing. That's...incredible.
Miles reacting to his spider bite, however, leads to a collection of great moments that are awkward as they are hilarious. 
By the way, have I mentioned that this movie is funny? And not in your face with it like other Marvel movies. I mean that Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is naturally funny, having great jokes that work well within the situation while never stealing away from the moment. I won't go over all the humorous moments, but I'll definitely talk about my favorites.
Like Miles' interaction with Gwen post-spider bite. It's awkward in all the right ways, and his facial expression as he stiffly places his hand on her shoulder cracks me up every time.
The "Who's Morales?" bit is iconic. I told you, this movie is just naturally funny!
Using the Amazing Fantasy comic cover as a reference is great. It's the comic that gave us the best superhero ever made, so it's nice of the animators to throw that in as a callback, honoring the contribution it made to humanity.
By the way, it used to bother me how Peter Parker allowed a comic to detail his backstory, but it just now occurred to me that the Peter Parker in the comic looks vastly different from the one in that universe. That, coupled with the knowledge that he has licensed merch, proves that he allowed this comic as long as the artists made sure his identity remained secret. Just another little detail that makes this movie amazing.
Speaking of small details, I love that Miles has a lot of contacts on his phone. Both his contacts and that one-take in the beginning show that he's a social kid instead of an outcast like Peter, which is nice. It’s for the best that this movie shows that Miles is his own person than a mixed-race Spider-Man 
Another fact is that his comic creators are in there too. That's a cute thing to include.
The visual explanation for Miles' spider sense is remarkable. I always get chills with the words "LOOK OUT," illustrating that it's silently screaming in his brain. Gah, such a good scene! Can you marry a scene? Because I want to marry this scene. It's easily my favorite in anything Spider-Man-related.
Peter's fight with Green Goblin is INSANE! Admittingly, when I first watched this movie, it was a little hard to tell what was going on due to so much happening all at once. But, after seeing it for the fiftieth time, I can certainly say that I appreciate how off-the-wall Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse gets with its action, especially with this first fight scene. It's only a taste of what's to come, and I'm glad the film slowly eases you into the more insane scenes by prepping you with a moment like this.
Peter Parker’s introduction to Miles is perfect. The writers do everything right, starting with Peter breaking the ice with a joke, attempting to cool Miles off from his first near-death experience, only to get serious once Peter realizes what Miles is exactly. And I adore how Peter calmly approaches the situation, reassuring Miles that while things will change whether he likes it or not, Peter will be there to help him. Peter doesn't even hesitate when he volunteers to mentor Miles. You get the sense that Peter's excited about it, and, gosh dang it, these writers really did a great job in making him the Every-Spider-Man.
Miles recording Peter's fight with Prowler...Because of f**king course, he does. Wouldn't you?
Kingpin's the villain! This is cool because, while he's mostly remembered as a Daredevil villain nowadays, it's great that this movie recognizes that he started off as a member of Spider-Man's rouge's gallery. And, sure, he lacks the depth that Vincent D'Onofrio had in Daredevil. But he's still pretty threatening and even terrifying, being the character that allows this movie to earn its PG rating. 
Plus, his motivation is...good enough. It's not the best thing in the world, but it works just enough to be believable for this character, all while explaining why he's working hard to, you know, break the universe. So, yeah, a solid villain for one of the best superhero movies of all time.
The fact that it's Peter Parker that technically caused the other Spider-People to show up is amazing to me. It proves that without meaning to, he still manages to find a way to save the day. Even if that means pulling other Spider-People from their dimensions...which is ultimately killing them. Yeah, isn't that just classic Peter Parker bad luck for ya?
Also, heh, you can see Peter B. Parker and the others fly away from the explosion. That's funny.
Peter's last words to Miles...Wow. It's one of those moments you know that he knows that he's not going to make it out this time. So, in his last moments, Peter offers as much advice as he can to Miles, telling him what needs to be done and how to do it. What I love most is the fact that he still cracks jokes and still gives Miles the false hope that he'll "catch up," showing that, above all else, Peter cares about making people feel safe and secure. Again, he really is the Every-Spider-Man...Or was, at least.
Peter's eye-roll at Prowler. Even at death, he's still making us laugh.
Miles is a coward...It feels weird to say that's something I love about this film, but it's true. Miles starting off as someone who runs and hides instead of trying to help Peter Parker does the job to make it even more satisfying when Miles eventually does find courage and confidence in being a Spider-Man. 
Also, his guilt seems more reasonable here than it does in the comics. Miles' guilt in the comics stems from not being there to help Ultimate Peter Parker, even though there's not really anything Miles could have done to help, and Peter was already as good as dead before Miles knew he could help. Here, while it's a lot more likely Miles could die, I do understand his guilt as he's right there and able to do something rather than nothing. So not only does Miles' cowardice set up a great character arc, but it also does its job in making him feel better guilt than his comic counterpart. So, nice job all around.
This version of The Prowler is amazing. His motif, his outfit, his silent badassery. It’s just so perfect.
Miles runs home to his family and not to the school...because his family is where he feels the safest. That just hit me--GAH, THIS MOVIE'S GREAT!
Miles' mom is so sweet. She's mostly remembered for one line, reassuring Miles that their family doesn't run away from things, but that one line proves to you all what you need to know: She's there to tell Miles what he needs to hear, even though she doesn't entirely know how much he needed to hear it. Such a great mom.
New York's reaction to Spider-Man's death. You feel it in everybody, literally everybody. Just the number of people showing up to his funeral proves how much he earned the title of "Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man."
Best. Stan Lee cameo. Ever. This movie came out a month after Stan Lee passed away, and I feel like Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse did the best job of honoring him. Spider-Man really is Stan's greatest co-creation (with help from Steve Ditko, of course), and the best Spider-Man movie being one of the last he made an appearance in really hits hard. RIP, Stan. Thank you and Steve Ditko for the hero that is loved by all.
It's also neat that Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse has a better reason why Miles is wearing a Halloween costume when dressing up as Spider-Man. It was done in the comics to make him easily hide his identity, but it's also in poor taste, to the point where even the characters in the comics point out how it's poor taste. Here, Miles buys the costume in tribute to Spider-Man when going to Peter Parker's funeral, like a lot of people have done. And, well, he already has it, so he might as well continue to use it. Man, this movie really is trying to make Miles' origin story better than it was in the comics, huh?
This movie manages to do the "Jump/Pussy" scene from Venom, and not only is it funnier, but it's also done better. At first, you're laughing at Miles giving up despite the music epically building up about how he's about to jump. But then, after he gives up the first time, he tries again, using a smaller building because he thinks it'll be easier. This movie took a funny scene, then twisted it to visually tell us how determined Miles is to do the right thing! You see, Venom? This is how you actually make a good movie!
Peter B. Parker's narration does a great job of underlining the contrast between him and Peter Parker (also, for consistency, I'll be calling him Peter B. for the rest of the review. It's simpler). While Peter's narration reveals to us his success and zeal for the life he has, Peter B.'s is all about his failures and how much he's given up on life. Already, it's a quick and easy way of proving how different both Peters are, and I don't mind it. Primarily because each narration works well for the film's main running joke and because Peter B.'s is the funniest because what he says clashing with what is shown. I still laugh at that hard cut of him crying in the shower, as mean as that sounds.
The seahorse bit. I mean, come on. The fact that he gets choked up about seahorses mating for life always gets to me.
While Peter B. is getting sucked into the portal, knowing there's no stopping it, his first priority is to get his mask. That tells me that despite how far life beat him with the bad luck stick, he still knows the number one rule of being Spider-Man: Always bring your mask. 
Also, he tries to save the pizza...which makes me chuckle. I won't lie.
Peter B. and Miles getting pulled/dragged through the city is the best type of chaos. It's great knowing that while the animation is perfect for some epic fight scenes, it also has some impeccable slapstick.
Peter B. is the Spider-Man that rejects the code: With great power comes great responsibility. That part of Peter B. always intrigues me, and it makes sense. He was beaten down because of great responsibility, so even though it was the last words of his Uncle Ben, he'd rather live without them. Yet that doesn't mean he's done with being a good person. He's tired and burnt out, sure. But he still helps Miles once realizing that he can't just walk away from someone that needs him. It presents an interesting dynamic, for while Peter B. has to teach Miles how to be Spider-Man, Miles is there to help Peter B. remember how to be Spider-Man. Not a lot of people bring that up, and it's what I admire about their relationship.
I don't know about you all, but the diner scene always makes me want burgers and fries, without fail. It just makes the food look so good! Too bad it comes from a restaurant with a C-grade health code...Oh, so that's why it closed down six years ago in Peter B.'s universe.
Aside from their narrations, Peter B.'s advice also clashes with Peter's. Peter B. always offers more practical stuff, telling Miles what to do so he won't lose his mind while being Spider-Man. It works with Peter B.'s character and, once again, proves how he couldn't be further different from Peter Parker. With that said, Peter B. still offers great advice from time to time. Granted, it's when things are actually serious and during danger, but, hey, at least he tries.
Peter B. and Miles thinking is perfect and earned being a meme.
Peter B. coming up with the plan. It proves that he's both intuitive for coming up with it so quickly and simple-minded in thinking it would be that easy. Plus, Miles' interjections offer great humor.
Peter B. saying teenagers are the worst always gets a chuckle out of me because of the fact that Spider-Man is the superhero widely remembered for being a teenager.
Olivia Octavius. GOOD! GOLLY! MISS MOLLY, what a twist! Now, there are a few minuscule hints making it more obvious in hindsight, like the octagon decorating surrounding her and what looks like an arm prototype behind Peter B. With that said, however, I WAS SHOCKED IN THEATERS! This kooky lady who, at first, seems ecstatic to see Peter B. turns out to be an alternate version of one of his worst enemies and was actually fascinated by how he got there and how to kill him. Such a good scene that never fails to give me chills!
And the fight that comes after it is equally intense, fun, and epic.
The funniest moment in the movie is the monitor gag. That is all.
BAGEL! By the way, someone actually cosplayed as that scientist who got BAGELED! Not really a fun fact about the movie, but it is a fun fact about life.
Gwen's narration is probably the most beneficial. Nearly everybody knows about Peter Parker, and I think enough people know about Miles, but I'm not sure how well-known Spider-Gwen was before the movie (and, yes, I know she's called Spider-Woman or Ghost Spider. It's just that Spider-Gwen's more fun to say. Leave me alone). People might know of her but not so much about her whole deal and origins. So, it helps that the movie flies by her origins, telling newcomers what they need to know and leaving them to learn the rest from her comics.
Also, Gwen, come on. Miles is the reason you got that dope haircut in the first place. Let him compliment it.
ALSO also, Gwen's a pretty fun character. I have some problems with how she's in the story, but I do love her punk-rock personality and how she's basically the only Spider-Person with a functioning brain cell...Except for that Gwanda bit, but we don't talk about that. Despite some flaws, Gwen's a character with a lot of humor and solid character interactions, especially with Miles.
Gwen and Miles are adorable together. Have I mentioned that? Because it's true. They don't have much time to develop their relationship (that's for future movies to do), but the time they do have is still pretty darn cute.
Kingpin's flashback is beautifully animated while also paying homage to the art style of the comic his design is based on. It's pretty cool that this already brilliantly animated movie still manages to find different ways to look gorgeous.
This movie has the best Aunt May. Don't argue, Raimi nerds! You know it's true! She kicks ass, accepting of Peter's secret, looks old, and has some pretty snappy one-liners. You see this woman and understand how Peter Parker came to be the man he is--Er, was. If you have a problem with this Aunt May, you can take it up with the baseball bat she used to beat Tombstone. Tombstone! How can you hate an old woman who can do that?!
As for May's interaction with Peter B., it's--Say it with me now--perfect. They're both basically meeting ghosts of people they loved, and May and Peter B. interact the same as if it was the version of each other they've always known. There is genuine heartbreak and love in each of their voices, and you feel every bit of it. Even the jokes about Peter B. being fat and wearing sweatpants doesn't spoil the moment but add to it, showing May's distaste over a version of her nephew letting himself go. It's snark, but snark from the love of a woman who's basically his mother. What did you expect?
The Spider-Cave is awesome! Little weird that Peter Parker, a character known for being as poor as dirt in the comics, has this, but then you remember something: The merchandise. This was a Peter who whored himself out with cereal, Christmas albums, and so-so popsicles. Heck, even the Spider-Buggy, also from the comics, was promotional material. This means that Peter Parker made BANK on the stuff he made, so much so that he was able to afford a cave that would make Batman jealous. It might not be one-for-one the exact explanation for how he has it, but the movie offers enough information to make it a reasonable conclusion anyway.
I want a Spider-Noir movie. I don't care if it's animated or not. I want a gosh dang Spider-Noir movie. And it has to be played by Nicholas Cage. It wouldn't be right if it wasn't because he’s the reason that Spider-Noir is the funniest character in the movie.
I love that every single Spider-Person is totally on board with staying behind and leaving their homes forever if it's the only way to get the others back to where they belong. They're definitely Spider-People, alright. Nobel sacrifices like that are all a part of the DNA.
The scene where the others put a lot of pressure on Miles results in complicated feelings. On the one hand, it's not cool for them to do this. On the other, you understand why. This isn't the typical stopping a mugger or fighting a c-lister. This is a fight to save the multiverse with dozens of people who will make the mission all the more dangerous. The pressure they're making Miles feel is close to what they'll be dealing with in the fight with Kingpin, so what they're doing is somewhat validated through the current circumstances. I may not like it, but I do understand it.
And I've got to give Peter B. credit for being both Miles' hype man and telling the other Spider-People to cool it with the pressure. Out of all of them, he understands Miles a little better and wants to keep the poor boy sane. It's pretty sweet.
Jefferson reaching out to Aaron is also pretty dang heartwarming. You can tell there's some definite tension between the two, but they're still brothers. Family loves family, no matter the mistakes (unless your family is reasonably toxic, in which case, you cut them out yesterday). Jefferson reaching out is a testament to that...Even if Aaron might not have deserved it--Yeah, let's get into that.
The reveal of Aaron being the Prowler...Where do I even begin? Fellow comic nerds already knew this was coming, but that doesn't stop this reveal from hurting. The part that gets me is the score. It expertly portrays the amount of fear and betrayal Miles is feeling at this moment, to the point where you don't even need to see what's happening to understand something tragic is going down.
The chase scene that follows is also pretty intense, added with the red sky and the several moments where Miles barely gets away. It's...You know what it is. It's f**king perfect.
Scorpion looks cool. A little weird, sure, but still pretty badass and intimidating.
My favorite fight in the movie might just be the Spider-People battling the...Fearsome Fivesome? Alright, whatever they're called, they're part of a fun and chaotic fight scene, with playing keep away with the Goober being what adds much-needed tension.
Uncle Aaron's death. I love that they let Aaron die a good man, willing to back down so Miles could go free. It's definitive proof that he actually cared for his nephew, to the point where the first thing Aaron felt upon realizing it was Miles was pure fear. Like, "Oh, crap! Not only did I almost kill my brother's son, but this boy is now in some deep s**t! I gotta help him!" And I appreciate that the writers made Aaron a decent human being rather than a diabolical scumbag who wanted to take advantage of Miles or a coward who tried to kill him because he was too scared to fail Kingpin. Even when Aaron's dying, the first thing he does is apologize for letting Miles down, a sentiment that's as sweet as it is tragic. Aaron may not have been a perfect man, but he died wanting to protect Miles, the love for his nephew overshadowing his greed. And I think that redemption is worth everything.
And, MAN, is his death a gut punch! The writers certainly succeeded in giving Miles his Uncle Ben Moment, with Aaron's last words being motivational in telling Miles to "keep going" and how he's the best of them. It's a bittersweet moment, and Miles' dad mistaking Miles to be Aaron's killer doesn't make things any better.
What is sweet, though, is how all the Spider-People are there for Miles, sharing the tragedy they all went through and confirming that the hardest part about being Spider-Man is losing the people you love. And the biggest miracle is that THE CARTOON PIG DOESN'T RUIN THIS MOMENT! Seriously, what does it say about this movie where the character who's practically a Looney Tune manages to keep the emotional weight of the scene going?
Peter B. being tough with Miles...Ouch. It was necessary. Peter B. was doing it as one final test, giving Miles one last chance that he could come through when it matters. The others were even right outside his window, ready and hoping to let Miles join them. But it wasn't meant to be, and it stings to see Miles at this low point. Thankfully, he has someone to pull him out of this funk.
Jefferson's talk with Miles...Told you I'd get to the emotional stuff. But joking aside, this scene...left my eyes a little steamy this time around. Jefferson visually meets Miles halfway and pours his heart out, sharing the feelings Jefferson usually kept guarded except for a moment when it mattered. Sure, Jefferson doesn't know all the facts about the current tragedy he and Miles are going through, but the words he provides give Miles the spark he needs. The spark that Jefferson has always seen in Miles. And the spark that Miles uses to free himself to take that one last step to being Spider-Man. Or, rather, one last leap.
The "What's Up Danger" scene. Do I really need to explain what makes this scene incredible? I know I keep saying the word perfect a lot with this review, but that's really the best way to describe so much of this movie, especially with this moment. The visuals of Miles rising instead of falling and swinging through the city in succession are awe-inspiring. The score mixing in Miles' hero motif with "What's Up Danger," resulting in a moment that's as pleasant on the ears as it is on the eyes. All of it culminates together for a scene that delivers all of the hype, creating a moment where Miles is no longer Miles Morales. He's f**king Spider-Man. And he earned that title.
Also, a small thing, I love that Miles' suit is one of Peter Parker's, but spray-painted black with Miles' interpretation of the Spider-Man logo. It shows Miles stepping into Peter Parker's shoes but doing it in his own style. It's just a great little detail that not a lot of people mention.
Did Kingpin seriously throw a memorial service for the guy he killed? What a filthy, disgusting man...I love him!
The bread scene is hilarious. It involves a pointless character, but I can't help but crack up at how Peter B.'s attempt to find closure with MJ is through him apologizing about not getting her table bread. Peter B. saying, "I want to fill this room up with bread," is just the cherry on top this hilarious sundae.
I really dig Olivia saying, "Goodbye, Peter Parker." You can tell by the way she said it that she wanted to be the one to kill Spider-Man.
Miles coming in to deliver that punch at Doc Ock is a laptop background in the making.
I love how in a situation where the universe is crumbling apart around them, and bad guys are shooting at them all, THAT is the moment when Peter B. realizes that he wants kids. I'm telling you, most of the time, this movie is just naturally funny.
As for the situation they're in, the collider fight is, without a doubt, the most insane final battle in a Spider-Man movie. All the universes merging and tearing the place apart forces the characters to fight as the environment morphs and forms around them, making it a battle where anything could go down. It results in a pretty fun climax, and I love how the colors match the light tone this fight is going for...remember that. It's gonna come back later.
Spider-Ham DESTROYING Scorpion after he dissed cartoons is an exact representation of what the animation community wants to do when someone calls animation kids' stuff or silly. Let it be known that we'd wreck your shop too if we could.
I love how Miles swinging up to the top of the collider incorporates lessons from both Peter Parkers. Obviously, there's the way Miles copied his universe's Peter moves to get up there, but stealing away the Goober by throwing back Peter B.'s "don't watch the mouth, watch the hands" motto adds a little extra that I appreciate.
Miles' goodbye to Peter B. is a culmination of their arcs, where Miles, the student, finally becomes the master, being the one to trip up Peter B. (with the same move he used on Miles, no less) and tells him to get his s**t together and go home. Peter B. taught Miles a lot, letting him see the importance of Spider-Man, the pressure he has to go through, and the faith he must have. And here comes Miles spitting all that back at Peter B., adding more to how they teach each other how to be their better selves. And I relish that!
Remember how I said the colors were bright in the collider, matching the fun of the climax? Well, the second it's just Miles and Kingpin, the colors become darker and more intense, matching the tone of this final battle between good and evil. It makes things way more cinematic and visually pleasing, so kudos...to whoever I give kudos to in this case. There are SO MANY people responsible for animating a single second--Literally, a single second of animation that it's hard to tell who deserves more credit half the time.
As for the fight itself, IT'S AS INTENSE AS THE COLORS IMPLY IT IS! You feel the beating Kingpin gives Miles, but despite how violent it is, there were always these small glimmers of hope that Miles might get the upper hand. That hope gets beaten down by Kingpin's cartoonishly big fist, but there is still hope nonetheless. And it would grow through the most unexpected places.
Is it a little ludicrous that Jefferson is right there to give the most essential words any Spider-Man needs to learn? Oh, absolutely. Without a doubt. But is it still heartwarming that Jefferson still tells Spider-Man to get up despite thinking he killed Aaron, further proofing how Jefferson's always there to tell Miles what he needs to hear when it's important? You'd better gosh dang believe it.
Miles using the shoulder touch on Kingpin is the best. In a way, that lets Miles and Aaron get revenge.
Seeing into the Spider-verse (ha!) is a gorgeous sight to behold, both for the audience and for Miles.
DID THEY HAND DRAW THAT EXPLOSION?! Gosh DANG IT, this movie is insane!
Dang, Jefferson allowing Miles to throw up his art on the wall warms the heart to the fullest it's ever been when watching this movie. He really wants to do better in reaching out to Miles, even if Jefferson still lays down the ground rules for how Miles should express himself.
And Spider-Man hugging Jefferson is equal parts touching and hilarious.
I'm noticing a pattern. My favorite Spider-Man movies are ones where Spidey webs up the big bad for the police to pick up. Instead of, you know...killing them. I loved it in Spider-Man: Homecoming, and I especially adore it here.
The one-take of Miles walking through the streets as Spider-Man mirrors how he did it at the beginning of the movie and contrasts the one-take at his school. It illustrates that he regained his confidence because how could he not after all the s**t he went through. I'd feel pretty big about myself too.
Miles' final narration does well in tying everything together, recapping events, showing how everyone else is doing, and stating the big lesson of the movie. A lesson that Stan Lee himself believed in, as he always thought that what makes Spider-Man amazing is that anyone, anyone at all, could be under that mask. No matter who they are or what they look like, anybody has the potential to represent the ideals of Spider-Man. And while I'm not a fan of movies spelling out their messages to the audience...It's a Spider-Man movie. Narrating to the audience is as essential for the ending as the final swing is, and this one has both! All around, a good ending...with a tease for more.
Though I will admit, it's not every day when I say that a movie's credits are as visually pleasing as the rest of the film.
And while Stan Lee's cameo is a great final tribute to him, ending the movie with one of his quotes is just as spectacular. Again, rest in peace, Stan.
By the way, I adore "Spider-Bells." Not only does it crack me up that Peter has a mental breakdown halfway through singing it, but it also means this movie is a Christmas movie...Because if people can call Die Hard a Christmas movie, then I can call Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse a Christmas movie too. Leave me alone.
As for final teasers, Spider-Man 2099 looks dope and I cannot wait to see him tear Miles apart in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse...That felt weird to say, but let the record show that I said with love!
And they got the pointing meme in. Yup, I adore this movie!
So, a pretty flawless film, right?
Ok, I want to make it clear that while there are problems to be had, they don't spoil the movie. Most of them are just nitpicks that always bothered me personally, so don't take them too seriously. With that said...
Where did the spider come from? It's the thing that fundamentally changes Miles' life, and we never really got an answer for that.
Why did Gwen double back on revealing her name? Gwen's a pretty common name to have. And, odds are, the one in this universe looks vastly different to her. We already know Peter B. Parker is different from Miles' Peter Parker, so it's not too much of a stretch. Plus, even if Gwen looks the same, the Gwen we know within this movie is already risking a lot by being out as herself, so why change the name? I know it's a small thing, but like I said, it always bothered me.
And while we're on the topic of Gwen, I'm not a fan of her backstory. Not her origin story, that's fine. But the fact that she was in Miles' universe for a whole week and her spider-sense told her to go to his school is...confusing? If being in Miles' universe is literally killing her, how is she not dead already? And how does spider-sense tell her to go to a new school? As far as I can tell, spider-sense is an alarm system that gives a Spider-Person total awareness of everything around them. Not to act as an instruction manual of what to do in life. I take it that this is an excuse to get her and Miles to interact more and form more of a romantic bond, which I'm fine with because they're adorable together. It's just that I wish this was done in a way that made more sense because, as is, it's making my brain hurt.
Kingpin's design...is laughable. Apparently, it's paying homage to a Daredevil comic's artist interpretation of the character, which I guess it's cool...but he looks ridiculous. And don't get me wrong, I love it when superhero animation goes for a more stylistic approach with heroes and villains instead of a realistic one. It's why Spectacular Spider-Man is my favorite Spider-Man show as opposed to others, because every character looks unique from one another, especially the villains. And while Kingpin certainly looks unique...it's a little too much, and it's the one thing I never take seriously with this film.
Green Goblin! One of the most important and influential villains in Spider-Man's line-up...is wasted as canon fodder, dying just as fast as he's introduced. Kind of disappointing.
Spider-Noir, Peni Parker, and Spider-Ham are great characters. They're each animated in great styles that perfectly convey they're from another universe, have some great jokes, and are overall a good time. The problem? They're...not necessary. You can cut these three out of the movie, and nothing will change. I wouldn't mind if they were characters who were there to add fluff and nothing else, but they're there to also add emotional weight to the story. Take Peni's sadness about SP/dr getting destroyed or the characters all saying goodbye to Miles. I can tell that they're all meant to be heart wrenching moments, but we hardly spend time with these characters to feel like it's earned. Miles barely got time to spend with them, so that, right there, takes the punch out of their sad farewells. Again, they're great characters, and I do love that they're a part of this movie. The only problem is that they're in too short of a film to really deserve the emotional beats.
The Spider-People hiding from Miles' roommate might be the ONE joke that fits the more "In your face" style like other Marvel movies. It spoiled the serious momentum before it, and I feel like they kept it in for the sake of a trailer clip.
Hey! Mary Jane Watson is the worst part of a Spider-Man movie! Yeah, go figure. She's an essential part of Peter's life, but there's no personality to either version of the character we see in this movie. Calling her an over-glorified plot device would be generous.  Sorry, MJ, but a Spider-Man movie has, once again, done you dirty. But at least you're pretty good in the MCU...Don't give me that look. You know it's true.
I don't mind Kingpin failing to kill Miles. Villains will stupidly allow the heroes to gain the second wind, and you just need to accept that in superhero media...BUT HOW THE ACTUAL HELL DID MILES, HIS DAD AND ALL THE OTHER NORMAL LIVING PEOPLE SURVIVE THAT EXPLOSION! Look at it! It was massive!
But, seriously, that’s all I have.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is the best Spider-Man movie. Nerds and losers debate about which of the live-action films are better but note how rarely anyone denies Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse being on top. Can you blame them? With game-changing animation, amazing characters, and a story showcasing everything that's to love about Spider-Man, you cannot get better than this. I look forward to the rest of this trilogy, but I have already accepted that Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse will forever remain at the best that there is, and it'll take actual flawless perfection to change my mind.
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dekusleftsock · 11 months
I just saw all of the panels combined with the leaks told and I just.
Idk my heart hurts. It hurts and it’s beautiful and it’s so tooth-achingly adorable. They’re so adorable. They’re so sweet together. It just made my heart flutter and so much love was put into this chapter. So much buildup became this and its everything I could ever want.
I said last chapter I got what I wanted, but that’s a lie now. This chapter is when I got what I wanted.
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