#i just got the reminder to write chapter 13 but i dont wanna
avocado-frog · 9 months
Happy WBW! In honor of Idalia and her looming approach on the SouthEast US, what is the most dangerous natural threat to your world?
(man i read that at like seven this morning first thing when I woke up and forgot about the hurricane and thought that there was like. some sort of dragon headed)
Well uhhhhh in new hampshire 2017 there was a severe rain and snowstorm. apparently
I guess there's also flooding over there. I live 41 hours away. I don't know
There was a snowstorm chapter so I'll go with snowstorms
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brelione · 4 years
Party (The Best Boys Blurb)
Im now writing blurbs for The Best Boys!So they wont be part of the actual series (The 13 chapters) but will be under the same circumstances.By that I mean like they all have a thing for her,she’s recovering and Kelce is still the mom friend.
Request:Can I request one of those blurbs now? I was thinking maybe something where she hasn’t eaten in a while and she goes to a party and instantly gets fucked up and the boys are all working over time to take care of her?
So like I dont think this is exactly what you wanted but like its kind of just what my brain made
Topper had asked you at least seven times if you’d be okay going to a party.You had insisted that you would be fine as long as they didnt abandon you, wearing one of Kelce’s shirts and a pair of jeans, the four of you getting into Rafe’s truck.
You sat in the front seat, squeezing Rafe’s hand anxiously.He had frowned, his hand ending up on your thigh, trying to help with your stress.It was a boneyard party so you werent super worried about feeling claustrophobic or being too close to certain people.
Once you guys got there the fear finally settled in, feeling like you wanted to cry.Topper had let you get onto his back, clinging to him tightly as he made his way down the sandy hills, pretty far from the beer and the loud music. “You okay?”He asked, feeling how tight you were holding him.
You nodded, not wanting to let go. “We can just stay over here, you know.We’re not drinking tonight.”He reminded you, setting you down on the sand.You noticed how most of the girls were wearing crop tops and low rise jeans, immediately feeling self conscious.
Those were the type of girls that you had used as thinspo whenever you were hungry.Shit.Kelce seemed to notice how stressed you were becoming, telling you to sit down in the sand, pulling you into his lap.Topper and Rafe sat as well, forming a little circle.
 “Are you hungry?Did you eat today?”Kelce asked, noticing how some groups of kooks that he knew had brought snacks with them, knowing that they’d be willing to share. “No-no, im not hungry.”You answered, feeling ill.You had been feeling ill all day, pressing an icepack to your forehead for most of the morning to help.
Topper pouted, winkles forming on his forehead as his eyebrows furrowed. “What did you eat today?”Topper asked, somehow able to notice something was wrong.You tried to think of things that you had in your house, figuring that they’d go through your pantry or trash to make sure you werent lying. 
“Ummm….uhh…”Seriously?Why was it so hard to lie to him?Topper sighed, getting up to go get some food. “Do you wanna just go home, chip?This party is shit anyways.We could get McDonalds and watch a movie.”Rafe offered, Kelce nodding in agreement, his arms tight around your hips. 
“Yeah, that’ll be more fun.”Kelce rested his chin on your shoulder, relieved when Topper returned with a bag of salt and vinegar chips. “Hey, we’re just gonna go home and watch a movie instead.”Rafe informed Topper, taking you from Kelce as he stood up and carried you liked a baby, heading back to the truck.
 “You know I can walk, right?”You asked, sighing when he shook his head. “No you cant.”He replied, putting you inside the truck, buckling your seatbelt for you. “Hmmm...McDonalds or Wendys?”Rafe asked, driving along the rough roads.
You shrugged, not caring that much.You werent paying attention as he drove, your hand holding Rafe’s tiredly, finally paying attention when he pulled in to your driveway, Kelce holding your hand as you hopped out of the truck, asking what you wanted to watch once you guys got inside, getting comfortable on the couch between Topper and Kelce, head in Toppers lap.
Kelce’s soda was resting between your ankles as Rafe scrolled through the movies, picking The Babysitter. “A scary gore movie at night while we’re about to eat?Really?”You asked, disapproval evident in your voice.
He pouted, telling you that it was a comedy but that didnt help.You screamed at one point, Kelce’s soda falling onto the floor. “(Y/N)!My Dr.Pepper!”he cried, staring at the puddle.They were right.This was much better than a party.
@sweetlittlegingy    @nicolefarley603 @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @newsies-yeet @butgilinsky @jjjmaybank @gracelovesbroadway  @one-stella @outerbongs  @copper-boom  @httpstarkey @teenwaywardasgardian @drewswannabegirl  @simonsbluee   @jiaraendgame  @khiaraaa-in-spacee  @on-socks-off @spn-marvel-nerd @lovelyelinor @chinamolina602  @sexytholland @28cnn  @popcrone818 @fttayla @cherryobx @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @drewstarkeyobx @poguestyleskye @judayyyw @jjtheangel @jj-iz-bae@sunwardsss @meaganjm  @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @natalie-kate-98 @nxsmss @broken-jj @joshy-obx @classygirlything  @annmariek8 @teenagekook 
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grlfriends · 3 years
revolutionary girl utena review
ep 1-5
the plot is actually kinda different from what I thought ?? in my mind the plot was: utena was a girl in a princess school who each and every princess would be "conquered" (for a lack of better words rn) in a ceremonial duel by a prince who fancied them, maybe she didnt wanna wanna marry anyone or she liked Anthy already but anyway in my mind utena showed up in the ceremony with duel clothing and then, in a very brave tm like-scene, she would openly declare she refused to be conquered by anyone and tbh I'm not even sure how Anthy would come into the plot... but back into what actually happened in the episodes everything so far is very introductory and just showing what mechanics will be explored further down the line I think?? the op is really good too
also every boy so far reminds me so much of knights of the zodiac?? maybe it's just the design I guess...) and nanami can get these hands, jealousy is a disease and she's the sickest person on earth for all I know
dont ask me why bit I just feel like room of mirrors - gfriend has a very well fitting vibe for it but I'm not exactly sure why hm.... 🤔🤔
ep 6-12
ok so why does this school just have random animals around 😐 I could understand the horse but a bull and a kangaroo?? what ...
touga just says the most random dramatic things and then just casually says anyone who believes in friendship is a fool ?? the guy wouldnt last a day in the naruto universe tbh, he kinda irks me in some way but I'm not sure why so I'll live with this strange feeling for a while I guess
↳ okay so watching ep 10 made me especially kinda creeped out, I know I've watched only 10 eps so far but like can he fall downstairs and break a neck or something already ...
also haha what if I watched that bet on it fmv and gave myself a bunch of spoilers would that be funny or what 😍 this is why i cant have nice things yall.... hope my memory goes to shit when sleep so I dont remember about it this week while I finish it
I feel like the main thing on the episodes are parallels, one way or another I always feel like they're setting up parallels and giving me clues for a bigger picture and a deeper plot arc that is still to come and the bet on it fmv just made this impression stronger, also I wanna say it's done in a good way, one that is both mysterious (??) and "honey you've got a big storm coming" at the same time 🤔🤔 much to think about honestly
↳ just saw ep 11 and even though I already knew this was coming sooner or later it still felt like crap seeing utena lose to dick head, at the end of the episode when he says anthy was always just reflecting utena's own wishes for himemiya (in another way bc I dont remenber the exact words) it felt like 😐 bc yes I knew that (the way she was working her thoughts was simply a copy and paste of what utena was saying) at all time I kept those essays about anthy in my head, I dont think theyll be truly relatable to what I'm seeing rn but yeah anthy rights (even though I know you betray/cheat on utena down the line bc of the bet on it fmv but I'm sure you had your own motivation)
↳ saw ep 12 bc I just couldnt handle being in a cliffhanger and yeah it happened what I absolutely thought it would lmao not that it was that difficult to foresee but yeah, I kinda liked how utena did it for her instead of being like "oh I wanna save anthy from touga" and treating her like a damsel in distress (I know that's kinda her position as the rose bride for what I've been told so far and that this is a subject spoken about in many many essays on tumblr but yeah) bc so far she's been treated as a trophy and a way to get something else, for the green haired guy it was a way to see something eternal, for miki it was a way to hold on into his "shining thing" and for touga it seems (so far) like a way to manipulate (just like he does with nanami) and just mark his position as above everyone else as he seems to view himself?? man I might be saying random stuff rn but it kinda does makes sense in my mind with the information I've had to this point
ep 13-25
honestly 😐😐 through 9 whole episodes I felt like they were trying to make the side characters deeper and show their hidden face and motivations but it felt so shallow...... not even actually shallow, just not deep enough that it would make me care about these characters and the fact there was no actual build to showing us why we're getting to know these characters backgrounds was just kinda meh too, didnt really help that all episodes had all the same formula and the same timing just for the developers made in those episodes be forgotten at the end and also just that pink haired guy could be like "ah failure again", it felt like watching the same episode over and over again, it was really tiring and like?? girl help I do not care about these characters at all, I feel like it could have been done well (like the keiko ep in comparison to the furuba chapter that deals with the yuki appreciation (??) club president graduating.... the way this ep was done and setup didn't really bring me any emotions) overall not to my taste and tbh I feel like I could have skipped all those episodes except for maybe the miki and juri one so 😑
all nanami focused episodes are the worst so far, she's so boring and I cant stand now annoying she is, the diary episode?? the cow episode?? the episode when tsuwabiki fuels with utena?? honestly I know they're trying to show me a better and different side of her but it just doesnt!! work!! bc i feel no sympathy for her, my biggest wish rn is her and touga just disappearing and no more filler episodes🗣🗣
I thought akio was utena's prince?? but apparently he's just anthy's brother and like.. I'm do done with his little talks with utena and yadda yadda, I just wanna see their duel is that too much to ask I'm dying over here (if this lenga lenga continues until ep 25 i will be so mad bc why were so many episodes wasted on such boring and and not necessary side characters backstories?? idc about them at all man aaaaaaaaaa)
↳ ep 25 was good finally we got what we deserve boys 😭😭😭😭😭 can utena just beat up akio already I'm tired of his ass, he exhales both "I'm a feminist I even take women studies classes #herstory" and "if she breathes she's a thot" energy also he has 0 style that mullet is simply horrible I bet there's a hairstylist community who considers him a criminal bc like 😐 it is simply so bad (q bit less when it's tied up but when it's all lose jesus Christ)
also touga thinks he's suuuuch a genius, sooo smart like king, I do not care about you at all can you shut the fuck up please and can we tall about the pink haired guy episode?? wack. honestly thought it would be more emotional or something, I binge watched 12 episodes with his ugly haircut face and did not even feel a thing he can choke I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ANTHY TAKING A SWORD OUT OF UTENA'S CHEST??? OSCAR WORTHY KINGS❗❗❗and then her lame ass brother being like "oh ho ho idk idk" shut up no one cares no one cares I swear to you no one cares shut uuuuup
ep 25-39
first of all, ep 25 was good but kinda reminded me of the nine episodes (13 until 21) where absolutely nothing interesting happened so I hope I'm wrong also can I just say just seeing the preview of the next episode made me roll my eyes so bad I almsot saw my brain?? bc yeah I'm fucking tired of nanami fosuced episodes she's so annoying oh my god nobody cares about a goddamn egg and much less one coming from her let her die or something pls she's so annoying there's nothing I've learned about her that was not against my own will I'm basically rotting over here 🤒
↳ ep 30 has me thinking Akio has a foot fetish or something 😐 bruh leave utena aloooooone I already know your plans and schemes you're not fooling anyone that's embarrassing for u and also... utena you're not very bright are you.... you start seeing every duelist you face with the same exact car and then when you see akio has the same car you didnt even stop to think about it that 1+1 equals 2 ... girl help yourself 😐
↳ yet again another nanami focused ep 😐😐😐😐😐 even though I do understand her better now I still don't find her particularly enjoyable to watch, call me a woman hater but like. idk she's still a bit annoying to me (but touga is straight up evil and is manipulating her so I feel bad for feeling like that tho.....)
↳ ok last 2 eps to go but listen. I thought the akio duel would have happened much sooner, maybe on ep 33 max but well didn't this age well lmao ngl, it did seem a bit too slow paced for my personal taste but also I feel like there's a certain level of drama that comes with slowing the pace down....
↳ aaaaaa yall I'm kinda 😢😭 over the ending omg........... even though it took the best of me to keep going in some parts I still enjoyed the ending aaaaa I thought i wouldnt really like it bc I just usually dont enjoy this type of ending but stil 😢😢😢😢 wait for me utena 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 girl I cried and then anthy walking in the end god utena and anthy holding hands 😭😭😭😭 akio can suck my dick
there's obviously many things I've missed or that I kinda didnt really pay attendance to so please dont take this serious, I was just writing as I watched the episodes so it's more like a thought compilation than anything, still I can see why there's many essays written about it and why it is held as a masterpiece by so many people
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horansqueen · 5 years
AM Conversations : chapter 34
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.7k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- if you want to be notified when this is updated, please message me or leave a comment!
- you can send me questions and theories and comments. tbh they all make me SO SO SO SOOOO HAPPY! and make me want to write more! you can also tell me if there are things you WANT to happen. you never know, i may add it :P
- note for this chapter: as usual, i realllly hate the ending. so im sorry about it. here are the ‘requests’ i added in this chapter
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i will add more in future chapters so dont worry! i have like, 18 more in my inbox lol! so keep them coming! and i hope you like this chapter? i dont expect much notes or comments but please know i appreciate every single one of them! :)
Chapter 34 : His chapter
I woke up before my alarm and even if it was still dark outside, I could still see the room clearly. She was deeply asleep next to me, her lips parted and lightly snoring, and it made an amused smile curl my lips before it turned into a fond one. I couldn't remember the last time I actually wanted a girlfriend. I know I had dated Maya but it was more a relationship that I felt trapped in. With Olivia, it was different. I wanted this, I loved it, and I was ready to let people know I was taken. That obviously didn't mean I was going to talk about it to everyone and publicly display my love and affection all the time, but I was okay with more things that I normally didn't agree with. I wanted this relationship to be discreet though and I was going to do anything I could to keep it that way. I thought it was the best way to save it and I didn't want to risk it, but I wouldn't deny or hide it.
I stared at my girlfriend for a few minutes and the thought of us being official made my heart thump all over my body. It was crazy yet it felt just right. I glanced at the large green-ish numbers on my clock and licked my lips, moving slightly closer to her and pressing my lips on hers.
"Liv? Wake up..." I whispered without success. "Olivia, our flight is in a few hours, we need to leave soon."
I put my hand gently on her arm and shook her softly but she didn't even budge and I decided to try a bit harder. It was always a pain to wake her up but I thought the alarm was just a bad way to get awaken.
"Petal, please wake up."
Her lips curled slightly this time and she groaned, I felt her legs move a bit and brush against mine and I licked my lips.
"Five more minutes." she mumbled low. "I was dreaming about you."
I let out a short and low laugh, leaning my head again my hand as I was still looking at her.
"No need to dream about me darling, i'm right here with you."
Her eyes fluttered open and I smiled more before she did the same. She brought her hand to my cheek and let her fingertips run on my skin and it reminded me that she had done the same at the lodge, one night. It was ridiculous that I had not noticed the way she looked at me before. How did I miss all of that?
I put my hand over hers, grabbing her fingers gently and bringing her hand to my lips before kissing her palm as I still stared at her. Her eyes were small and tired but the way she smiled at me was adorable and I moved closer to kiss her lips.
"Shower and dress up." I whispered, letting my lips brush on her jaw. "We don't wanna be late."
I pushed the covers off me and got up, searching through my drawers to find something to wear. I knew she would lay in bed for a while before actually getting up and I turned to look at her. She had barely moved. She was just staring at me and I rolled my eyes with a smile.
"What now?" I asked, making her smile more.
"Nothing." she simply answered in a whisper.
I waited a few seconds just staring at her and finally chuckled and walked to the bathroom. I left the door ajar and turned the shower on, checking the temperature of the water before getting in. I stayed under the hot stream for a while but when I heard a noise, I opened my eyes again and held my breath when I noticed Liv walked in. I tried to hold her gaze but I couldn't help and let my eyes roam on her body. She was tensed, that much was obvious, but I sent her a small smile, happy that she had joined me. I didn't say a word, I just got closer to her and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer gently. I felt her shiver in my arms and bent down to kiss her, my wet lips pressing firmly but still softly against hers. It took her a few seconds but she finally brought her hands to my hair, slipping her fingers in it and I let my fingertips brush on her lower back.
"I'm so happy you joined me." I just replied in a whisper before kissing her again. "Thank you."
I took a step back, pulling her with me until we were both in the water stream. I deepened the kiss as she gripped my hair tighter and when she moaned in my mouth, I felt her thigh brush against my dick.
"If we don't stop this now, i'm gonna expect more from you." I half-joked, making her laugh.
"Fine then."  she let go of my hair and her hands slid on my cheeks, neck, shoulders and chest before she dropped them by her sides, staring in my eyes the whole time. It made me want to fuck her more than I could explain.
To avoid getting harder than I was, I grabbed the shampoo and poured some in my hands before rubbing it in her hair. She smiled more but remained motionless as I washed her hair but I felt her hold her breath when my hands slipped on her shoulders and down to her breasts. I couldn't stop myself from touching her and it made me realize that she was the first girl i was dating with whom I hadn't had sex in the first week of being official.
My thumbs brushed on her nipples and my eyes followed my fingers until she sighed, making me look up at her. Her lips were parted and her chin was slightly up, making her head tilt back very lightly. I could understand why such a small touch made her feel like that because she barely had to touch me to bring inside me a feeling of intense lust. My hands slid on her sides and stopped on her waist, and I watched her as she licked her lips.
"We're gonna have to talk about that." she whispered, making the left corner of my lips raise up a bit.
"Why talk about it when we can just do it?"
She laughed again and shook her head. "Because there's so many things I want to know about you first." she explained, grabbing the shampoo too and pouring some in her hands. "And we never really finished that discussion now did we?"
I didn't move but she got on her tiptoe and started rubbing the shampoo in my hair, wiping some foam that threatened to fall in my eyes.
"I'll tell you everything you want to know." I replied, making her smile more. "You can ask me anything."
Before I knew it, we were dressed and ready. I was surprised at how quick she had been but when I came back to my room to grab the rest of the bags, I saw her brush her hair, looking at herself in front of the mirror. It made me grin and I just wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, leaning my chin on her shoulder.
"I thought you were ready." I pointed out, amused by her behavior.
"There will be fans, and paps, and I look like...this." she just replied with a grimace, pointing at her reflection.
My smile fell quickly. "No one knows we're leaving." I let out, trying to reassure her. "It'll most likely be only you and I."
"But you can't promise that, can you?"
I stared in her eyes in the mirror for a few seconds and finally shook my head slowly. She just sent me a sad smile and shrugged and it made me realize how much more complicated her life was because of me. I tried to keep things private exactly for that, whether it was my friendships or my relationships but Olivia was part of both now and even if I could say she was used to it, I couldn't pretend it was something you easily get used to, and I knew it would get even worse now that we were dating.
I moved my body up and put my hands on her shoulders, raising my eyebrows as I was still staring at her.
"You need to let go of that. You need to..." I shrugged a shoulder. "Build a wall and not let them destroy it."
I didn't want anyone to destroy and ruin what we had. I didn't want anyone to destroy or ruin her. I would fight for that, I promised myself. We stayed silent for a few seconds, just staring at each other in the mirror and she finally swallowed.
"That's what I did with you." she started, making me frown. "I built a wall that would hide the feelings I have for you... the love I felt for you. That way, I could pretend it wasn't there, that it wasn't hurting. But in the end, it was a lie, you know?"
Her voice was soft, almost weak, and it made something stir in my stomach. Slowly, I turned her around so she would face me and bent down slightly to look in her eyes. She looked vulnerable and it was not something I was really used to see.
"This is different." I tried to explain with the right words. "These people, they don't matter. You know what matters? This. What we have. You. You matter. Your feelings, your well- being. Them? Fuck them."
Slowly, her lips curled and she breathed out, making me smile too.
"Okay." I repeated. "I love you, and you're beautiful. They're not worth your stress and worries."
She cupped my face and got on her tiptoes again to kiss me. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the way her lips seemed to fit perfectly with mine. If I could take all her pain, fears and stress away, I would without a second thought, no matter what it would cost. She deserved to be happy and thinking that some people who didn't even know her could judge her so wrongly made me angry.
"I love you too."
Her soft voice eased my anger and I smiled against her lips. I just wanted us to enjoy our time together, especially knowing that I was leaving soon.
"Come on, we'll be late."
The flight was short and I couldn't pretend I was surprised when she ended up sleeping pretty much the whole time. I enjoyed her head laying on my shoulder and literally spent the whole time on my phone, listening to music and holding her hand. I stared at our intertwined fingers for a long time, a very very long time, and let my thumb brush on her skin softly. I tried not to think about it but I was scared of this relationship and I knew it. I was scared of what it would do to our friendship and what would change between us. I knew it could go well but I also knew it could ruin everything and it was too late to go back. The thought of not being with her made my heart jump in my chest and I realized I was fucked. I loved her and no, there was no turning back. I would have to adjust with time and do everything for this to work to make sure I would never lose her.
When we landed, I took it back and chuckled before wiping the sweat on my pants and we got out in silence. I was happy we hadn't been papped at all but I didn't mention it not to jinx it and we took a cab. I could see her eyes shine as they roamed on the landscape moving quickly by the window and when I took a glance through it too, it made my heart skip a beat. There was something amazing and unique about going home, something that nothing else could make you feel.
"Home." Liv said in a whisper as if she could read my mind.
I searched for her hand on the seat and grabbed it, squeezing her fingers and realizing it was the very first time we were here together as a couple.
"Home." I repeated.
She turned my way and looked at me with tired eyes, making my heart twist slightly. She looked pretty and I brought my free hand to her cheek, running my thumb on her bottom lip.
"Hey you, I love you."
Her lips curled more and she chuckled low.
"I never thought i'd ever hear you say that." she pointed out. "I mean, not that way. It's hard to believe."
"Well you better believe it, because it's the truth." I argued with a small laugh. "You know I don't say those words lightly."
She nodded slowly and licked her lips.
"I know, I love you too."
I don't know how long we stared at each other but when the cab parked, i looked up only to see my mom's house. i couldn't remember the last time I came here but it was definitely way too long ago. I got out of the car and Liv did too before I could open the door for her. We grabbed our bags after I paid the driver and got up the stairs but when I reached for the bell, she gripped my wrist. I raised my eyebrows, looking at her fingers squeezing my wrist before turning my head to look at her.
"How are you gonna tell them? Are you gonna wait until everyone's there? Why didn't we discuss this before?"
Her voice was low but I could hear stress in her tone and I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, shaking my head.
"It'll be okay petal, I promise."
It took a few seconds but she finally let go of me and I quickly rang the doorbell. We heard movements inside and the door swung open. I barely had time to see my mom before she pulled me into a hug, making me laugh again as I wrapped my arms around her.
"Hey mom, im happy to see you."
I rocked her a bit and she finally pulled away, bringing one of her hands to my cheek, tapping it softly and finally turned to smile at Liv. She pulled her into a hug too and I watched them until they both moved back at the same time. We finally walked in and I could feel Olivia nervous besides me. I was tempted to grab her hand but decided against it, knowing it would raise many questions.
"I'm so glad you could both visit for a few days!" my mom let out happily. "Olivia, how are your parents?"
"Oh." Liv let out, sending her a small but uncomfortable smile. "Last time I talked to them, they were good."
"We're going to see them too if we can." I explained, bringing our bags to my old room as they both followed me. "Hopefully before I leave."
"I prepared the guest room for you, Olivia. Unless you want us to move the mattress in Niall's room, like you two did when you were younger."
I didn't know if it was the memories or the thought of sleeping in the same room in my mom's house but I smiled and finally just chuckled.
"We'll decide that later." I just let out, glancing at my girlfriend who seemed extremely uncomfortable suddenly. "Liv and I are going for a walk if that's okay? We won't be too long."
"Okay, but don't be out too long. You both need to get ready, your father's supposed to be there in a few hours."
Liv smiled happily at me and we dropped everything before rushing out. The weather was not that great but it was not raining and I pushed my hands in my pockets, making sure I wouldn't be tempted to take one of hers.
"I can't wait for her to know and at the same time, It makes me extremely nervous."
I glanced at her and chuckled. "Yea, I noticed."
She turned to me and shook her head slightly. It was cold and her cheeks were a soft shade of red. Her hair was a bit messy under her beanie but she looked cute and I felt happy. It was special to see her in a place I was so used to see her, but in a different way. Now I didn't only see her as my best friend, I also saw her as my girlfriend.
"How can you be so calm about this?" she asked with a chuckle this time. "You're so annoying."
I laughed and shrugged as we arrived at a park. This time, I took one of my hands out of my pocket to grab hers, pulling her closer before making her twirl around again. She laughed and ended up in my arms, looking up in my eyes. She sighed, her lips curled into a fond smile, and I decided not to answer her question.
"You think your mom will let us sleep in the same room after we tell her we're dating?"
I grimaced and shrugged, pulling her closer to me.
"I don't know, it's not like we were 16 anymore, I think she knows how it works." I just said, my eyes suddenly getting smaller. "Why? You don't want our first time to be at my mom's place, do you?"
She grimaced but laughed and I raised my eyebrows, amused by the conversation.
"Such a little minx, I swear."
"Oh shut up Horan!" she  laughed even more. "You know that's not what I meant!"
"That's very, very naughty Liv." I added, ignoring her comments. "But I want you so bad I think I wouldn't be able to resist."
This time, she rolled her eyes and got out of my embrace, shaking her head as she took a few steps back slowly.
"You know it will never happen, Niall." she explained with a smirk. "Not here."
I remained motionless as I watched her move away from me and the sight of her in the park where we used to hang out made me happier than I thought it would.
"But when we get back home, you're all mine."
"Maybe?" I repeated, raising my eyebrows.
Her lips curled into a smirk and she raised her eyebrows, making me laugh. Suddenly, I started running after her as quick as I could and she let out a short scream as she started running too. It only took me a few seconds to catch her and I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her close to me as she was trying to escape.
"Fighting is futile, I won." I let out with a laugh, leaving a kiss on the skin of her neck when she stopped struggling in my arms.
She turned around and finally moved her arms around my neck, reaching for my lips. I let her kiss me softly and grabbed her bottom lip between mine, sucking gently on it and making her groan low.
"I loved you when we were kids and you pushed me on the swing." she whispered., brushing her lips against mine. "I loved you when we were a bit older and we'd play football until it was too dark to see the ball. I loved you when we were teens and we'd get drunk and lay down to watch the stars. I've always loved you, Niall."
All the memories rushed to my brain and I swallowed hard. I didn't see it, I never noticed, and I felt very stupid about it. How could I not realize that my own best friend, the girl I always hung out with, the one I spent all my time with... how did I not see that she was in love with me? How blind could someone be for not seeing something like that?"
"When did you start loving me?" I asked, feeling my heartbeats accelerate.
"That's the thing, Niall. I can't remember ever not loving you." she confessed.
I stared in her eyes and brushed my nose against hers. I had no idea what to say, I didn't know how to react or if I should apologize. All I could think about was how hard it must have been for her. I wouldn't have been able to keep my feelings a secret for that long and i had no idea how she managed it.
"Did you ever tell anyone?"
"Not until recently, and only because people had guessed it and asked about it."
I felt like sharing it would have made it easier for her, like it wouldn't have felt so heavy on her shoulders, but hearing that she kept it in for so long made me nibble on my bottom lip. How did she do that? And why?
My phone suddenly rang and let go of her to take it out of my pocket. I quickly read the text message and sighed. I felt like we had so many things to talk about and it seemed like we can't ever finish a conversation.
"My mom says it,s time we come home."
I looked up and she sent me a small smile before nodding.
"Let's go then."
"Nervous?" I just asked, turning around when I heard her walk back in my room.
My eyebrows raised and a small smirk appeared on my lips. She shook her head and chuckled, walking past me and searching through her purse that she had left on my bed.
"Don't look at me like that, right now's not the time." she pointed out, taking a brush out and trying to do something with her hair. "And yes, i'm very nervous."
I finished buttoning my shirt and took a step closer to her without touching her.
"You look beautiful." I expressed in a low tone. "Don't be scared, it'll go well."
She turned around and our eyes met. She sighed and licked her lips, shaking her head slightly as I sent her a fond smile. She looked adorable and I grabbed her fingers, squeezing them lightly before raising my eyebrows and moving my chin slightly down.
"They've always considered you like their adopted daughter or something." I added just as low. "Relax, everything is okay."
She exhaled and closed her eyes for a few seconds before opening them again. I saw her shoulders fall as her body relaxed and it made me smile more. I bent down to press my lips on her, smelling her perfume, the scent of vanilla not only coming from her hair anymore. Someone knocked at the door and we both took a step back like some kids getting caught doing something they weren't supposed to. We smiled as the expression of surprise vanished from our traits and I pushed my hands in my pockets.
"Come in!" I let out, still staring at her until the door opened completely.
"Greg is here!"
I chuckled and we finally followed my mom downstairs and when Theo ran to me, I bent down to take him in my arms before greeting my brother and his wife. I vaguely heard him compliment Liv and we all ended up in the living room to discuss. Olivia tried to have a conversation with my nephew and I finally put him down only to watch him run to the tree to check all the gifts nicely wrapped in christmas colored papers. I wanted to tell everyone about us but it never felt like the right time and it's only when my dad arrived that we finally moved to the kitchen. We started eating and I kept glancing next to me, a bit worried about how much wine my girlfriend was swallowing.
"Easy." I whispered after getting a bit closer to her and grabbing her thigh gently. "I'll tell them now okay?"
I knew the wait was making her even more nervous and she quickly nodded, still staring at the food in her plate whom she hadn't even touched yet. I cleared my throat and put my fork down, one of my hands still on her thigh and the other on my glass of wine.
"Uhm, so I have something to tell you."
I felt Liv's hand over mine and it made me smile a bit. Everyone had stopped talking and they were now all staring at me except Theo who was playing with his food. I focused on him for a few seconds until Olivia squeezed my fingers, taking me out of my thoughts.
"So, I don't know how else to say it but," I glanced at my girlfriend and finally turned back, my eyes moving from my mom, to my dad and then my brother before finally going back to my mom. "Well, Olivia and I are dating."
My mom's lips curled into a large smile and it made me realize I had been holding my breath. I thought she'd tell me something but she just turned to my dad who sighed. He was not smiling at all and I frowned, wondering what the hell was happening in front of me. I watched as my dad groaned and picked something in his pocket. My lips parted a bit when he took a fifty pounds bill and held it between two of his fingers. My mom got up and snatched it from him, letting out a short laughter.
"I told you they'd spend all their time together on tour and it would happen!" she told my dad, completely ignoring me.
"He always spent all his time with her when they were kids and he never made a move!" he argued, moving closer to her, leaning a bit on the table.
"He grew up!"
"He's 22!"
I glanced at Olivia and noticed she was looking at my parents exactly the same way that I was : surprised and a bit shocked.
"Could you guys stop talking about us like that?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "We're right here."
My mom turned to me with a small smile and was about to say something but I just kept talking.
"I can't believe you guys made a bet."
"I can't believe you guys made a bet without proposing me to join!"
I turned to my brother and frowned at him, making him shrug with an amused smile.
"Son, I'm sorry, it was just a bet." my dad tried to explain in an apologetic tone.
"A bet that I won." my mom added with a chuckle before I turned to her. "Darling, it was so obvious to me that it's how it would end."
I let my eyes move on everyone in the room and I was astonished to realize that I was the only one who had not seen this coming. How have I been so oblivious? Olivia pressed my hand in hers again to catch my attention and I turned to her. The smile she sent me made me smile too and I shrugged a shoulder. I was not mad, just a bit surprised, and I finally chuckled.
"Then I guess it's time to congratulate us?" I proposed, raising my eyebrows, before smiling more.
Everyone got up and hugged us and as they were all discussing together and laughing, I decided that I was happy and that I wanted to remember this time as one of the happiest in my life. I sang for crowds, traveled the world and lived things that many people would never have the chance to live but at this exact moment, spending time with my family and the girl I loved seemed like the most important thing I ever did.
Olivia ended up in my arms and I held her close to me as everyone was sitting back at the table to finish eating. I closed my eyes and brushed my nose on her neck gently, trying to focus on this specific moment.
"I love you." I whispered. "I will always love you."
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paradoxidolatry · 6 years
Brotherly Love
@birdhole , @beatconductor a lil bit
TG: hey TG: sup
TT: Hey. TT: Not much.  Lunch break at work. TT: Sup?
TG: oh thats sweet TG: sucks theres no free pizza in it when you work as a cop huh TG: i guess its overall kind of a step up from the pizza gig tho
TT: Right? Free donuts though. TT: But nah, yeah, not so bad. TT: Didn't get a chance to tell you about it but I figure Dave or whoever's already spilled those beans. TT: Kinda weird, right?
TG: yeah dave told me TG: donuts just like a real cop huh TG: still cant quite wrap my head around this cop thing tbh TG: i can see you working as a LOT of things but a cop? thats wild
TT: Yeah. TT: I mean, I figured.  Got all that military experience, right? TT: But I didn't want to go back to the military. TT: Plus, working as a cop is an equal mix of 'keeps me active' and 'allows me to work around certain roadblocks in regards to the acquisitions business', so it was a good compromise. TT: Better than fast food and skin flicks again, at any rate.
TG: i mean i guess that makes logical sense n all TG: still fucking wild as shit to me TG: guess you can still wear a uniform even its obviously not as sweet as the fast food ones
TT: Yeah, I really miss that old greasy apron. TT: But what can you do?
TG: the grease just made your eyes pop in that special way ykno TG: chicks love it
TT: They fuckin do, don't they? TT: But somethin tells me you didn't message me to talk about the chicks missing my pizza funk.
TG: you sure about that? its a pretty great topic you could write a book on it become rich quick with your pick up tips
TT: Hey, I'm already on chapter 7: the Sausage Party. TT: But really though. TT: What's up, boss?
TG: nothing TG: i was just TG: thinking about you is all
> Heart, squeeze. TT: That right? TT: Cool, cool. TT: Was thinking about you earlier too, actually.
TG: oh? any reason or
[Dave txt @ bro] im watching u [Dave txt @ bro] > that chicken image
TT: Just, y'know. TT: Was outside on a smoke break and I saw a couple of pigeons hanging out, eating some sandwich or some shit on the sidewalk and like. TT: Got me thinking about you, and like. TT: I spent the past 13 years thing you're dead or some shit, and now you're alive and it's. TT: Just fuckin buck wild. TT: Pardon me for sound fucking sappy but it's kind of like a dream come true.
[TT > Dave: I'm behaving, dad.]
TG: ...am i a pigeon now? tho i do admit i would eat that floor sandwich(edited) TG: yeah its...its fucking wild huh? TG: kinda thought id never see you again even after TG:  i got away and shit TG: idk why not like you up and died but? after looking for you and you werent there i dunno i guess TG: i thought you just TG: werent going to come back TG: ...you didnt even see my wings yet you dont get to relate me to birds just yet dude
TT: I mean, I saw them in a picture. TT: One of you and Dave and a bunch of trolls and some old dude in front of a candy cane dildo? TT: But also you post about birds and shit all the time, so I figured that was sort of your Thing now. TT: And ... well.  I dunno. TT: Almost didn't. TT: I was just gonna stay on Earth, maybe pop in to visit every so often. TT: But then all that shit happened and Dave wasn't answering my messages, so I thought he was dead too, and...well. TT: I guess I'm, uh... grateful to the apocalypse for.  I guess bringing you back to me? TT: Well, no. TT: But like, at least letting me know you're alive.
TG: oh...yeah thats TG: thats my sisters actually and uh..shit what even is grig? grandpa i guess TG: already know mr d after all TG: i mean... im not sure how i feel yet TG: i guess im sorta glad because TG: i mean it has been my embarrassing dream to play family with you again for a while TG: i want to be a family again TG: a lot TG: its just TG: hard
TT: Sisters, huh?  Well damn, you got the whole family package with these folks, huh? TT: Nice.  How long you been with them? TT: Yeah, I figured. TT: I didn't, and don't, make it easy. I know. TT: A lot easier when you were a baby, even if our folks were shit, just cuz, y'know. TT: Everything hadn'tt happened yet. TT: Hadn't started to completely fuckin lose my mind and treat you like dogshit. TT: But I mean.  I dunno. TT: I'm not gonna force you or nothin. TT: But if you ever wanted to come backto the apartment and chill for a day, see how you feel about it? TT: That'd be uh. TT: That'd be really nice.
TG: 3 years TG: as long as ive been TG: away from scratch... TG: i..yeah i guess maybe TG: can you even handle seeing me get gay with dave tho
TT: God.  You were with Scratch that whole fuckin time? TT: Fuckin sonnuvabitch refused to tell me what he did with you. TT: Anyway. TT: Handling y'all and your homogay is a small price to pay at the end of the day. TT: Even if it's still. TT: Kinda really weird from my perspective. TT: But I respect y'all and he takes good care of you, so I can't complain too much, right?
TG: ...yeah like ten years TG: kinda fucked up huh TG: ill..ill think about it TG: okay so im gonna be real with you here for a sec okay TG: i TG: messaged you because i was talking to dave and i realized i missed you and TG: that i TG: kindawantahugiguess
TT: ...Yeah? TT: I can do a hug, yeah. TT: Where are you?  I can meet you, if you wanna.
TG: ...workin TG: at [coords] TG: dont arrest me mr officer these drugs are prescription
TT: I'll leave the cuffs in the car. TT: What happens off-duty stays off-duty, though, so. TT: See you in five.
TG: kay > Try not to freak out. Freak out anyways.
> Pull up by the curb a short walk away and park. > Look, you even pay for the parking meter and everything. > Step out of the car in your full uniform and approach Sock, one hand in  your pocket, the other raised in a wave hello.
> Oh god, he really fucking is a god damn cop. That's so damn weird. God. > Not as weird as randomly meeting up with him for a hug though. Damn it that was the dumbest idea. > You wave back, trying hard to look cool and not like you are dying on the inside and failing miserably.
> You stride up alongside him and... ...well, now what, actually. > Neither of you are very good at this kind of planning, are you. > Damnit, Striders. "Hey." > Now just to... > ... > Open your arms up? > Yeah.  That's how hugs happen.
> Oh god, he's going right for it.Oh god. Not even small talk or anything really bro? > Maybe that's better anyways because god know you don't know what to say. "Hey." > You take a deep breath and you...Go for the fucking hug. Squeeze that big bro tight.
> Aww shit here it comes and here he is.  All up and hugging you. > Actually, that's uh. > That's real nice. > You wrap your arms around him and pull him in for a good, tight hug. > It's probably not the most comfortable thing, what with your radio strapped onto your chest and name plates aand shit, but. > At least for you?  This is a fucking good hug. > (Don't you dare tear up in public.)
> You don't really care about the cofort level of this, it's something you've been craving for 13 years now, a little radio isn't going to stop you from enjoying it. > It's nice. It's familiar, like all the good parts of Bro you've been missing wrapped up for you in one big huggable form. Easy to forget all the shit for a moment. > But the moment does end and when you pull away you have to wipe at you eyes like an idiot. "Uh...Th-thanks."
> Aww, shit goddamn.  He's teaaring up too under those glasses. > You swipe one knuckle under your shades, and you take a steaadying breath. "Hey, yeah, no problem." > Breathe easy, Strider.  You glance up for a moment as you see a fatass snowflake come drifting down, then you look to Sock again. "Hey, you wanna maybe grab some lunch with me?  Haven't eaten yet and it's still my break, so."
> Well at least you are both sappy motherfuckers now. > Oh. You didn't expect that. You think about what Dave told you earlier "Stay in control" and promptly decide to fuck that advice because shit. You are already here. You already went for it like an idiot. "Yeah sure. Gonna have Donuts like a proper cop?" > You make such a face at the snow. Ugh, you didn't really prepare for that kinda weather, fuck.
> You snort a laugh and give your flat stomach a pat. "Gotta work on that signature cop gut, don't I? C'mon." > You gesture behind you with a jerk of your thumb. "Hop in up front.  You can pick the place."
"Hell yeah you do. You look like a fake ass striper cop dude." > You get into the car and immediately get the seatbelt. Doesn't feel safe otherwise. You don't really like cars still but you can't pin point why. It's just a weird personality quirk yeah? But you are used to being in one at this point of your life. > Just drive carefully. Please.
> You hop in and buckle up too, both pleased and a litttle saddened that you didn't even need to remind Sock to put on his seatbelt. > Poor kid. > Luckily, you are an impeccably safe driver, and the drive to Wherever is smooth and uneventful.
> Old habits die hard. > You feel kind of awkward in the car with him, it's too silent for our tastes. > You get out of the car at whatever this amazing food place he's taking you is. Fingers crossed for fast food- "Y'know kinda funny. Always figured my first frive in a cop car would be because I'm getting arrested."
> You snort a laugh.  It's Sock's old favorite pizza place. > God you hope he still likes this shit. > Also this wasn't a Pizza Pimp before, was it?  It was Gino's-- > Wait. > Ugh, well, maybe Dave's not at work. "If you're planning on getting arrested, you're doing this pushing thing wrong, kid."(edited)
> Oh the Pizza Pimp. Fucking score. Maybe Dave is there, that would be rad. "I didn't say I was, I said I didn't think I'd ride a cop car otherwise. Your hearing getting bad?" > You immediately freeze after saying that. Oh man, actually sassing Bro though? Please don't hit me.
> Dave is unfortunately not there, but he sure would love to.
> You catch that freeze, and you... > You snort a little, before pointing to your ears. "Too many concerts and phat-ass beats.  Knew I shouldn't have gotten all up and personal with those speakers.  Who knew the grown-ups were right about that?" > You smile, and it's a little awkward cuz you sure as hell have never been the smiling type, before you hold open the door for him. "C'mon, before we freeze our asses off."
> Oh. Okay. It's cool. It's chill. In a quite literal sense even so you get your silly ass inside. > A smile though? You haven't seen your brother smile in...far longer than you haven't seen him for sure. > That little scare knocked the speech right out of you though so you just awkwardly sit down at the next best table, suddenly really not sure how good of an idea this was.
> You take a seat opposite him, and when the server approaches, you order yourself a water instead of a soda. > Who are you, even. > You glance over the menu, humming softly.  Some of these item names... fitting for a place called Pizza Pimp. "You wanna split one, or do individuals, or?"
> Who is he indeed. You order a black coffee instead of apple juice though, so maybe the traditional Strider beverages are just staying outside today. "Uhhh..Not super hungry honestly I don't mind sharing one." > You haven't been able to eat a whole pizza at once in a while but you don't say that.
"Alright.  We'll split a medium and you can take the rest home if you want." > You let him pick the toppings too.  This really is a strange Strider day.
> The strangest. Do they have nuggets as topping because you want that.
> They might have like, baked chicken, which is kinda like nuggets and also? Is Carro-approved.
> Do you think the pizza pimp doesn't have a nugget topping what kinda fool do you take Dave for.
> A big one. >:3
> LISTEN Nuggets have been added like at least two months ago. Cock Special.
> Goddamnit, Dave.
> Sock loves Dave and the Cock Special Pizza. Prepare ya taste buds Bro.(edited)
"One Cock Special with extra cock please" > Yes, this is exactly how you order.
> Oh your face. > You're so fucking proud.  Dave sure is your little brother, and so too is Sock. > Bless these fucking kids.
"Hope you like it, it's my fav." > Both the pizza and you know.
> Yeah.  Yeah, you know. "Sure I will." > Snort a laugh. "This sure isn't Gino's anymore, huh.  You remember that place?"
"Oh yeah. Man..That's been a while. Clover gifted the place to Dave what? 2 years ago?" > Back when you were on a no homo basis. Memories.
> [Clover: nya face]
"Used to be your favorite, but maybe that's because it was free when I worked here. ...Clover?"
"I'm always a slut for free food but I still digged their shit later. Oh uh..Yeah. Little green guy? 4 of the Felt?" > Should..You now have mentioned that?
> [Dave] Oh no.
> There's this shift in your face.  It's not a frown, but a certain tightening of your lips as you're hit with the full brunt of what Sock just said. "...Dave's...doing business with the Felt?"
> WHOOPSIES >Oh. Oh, oh, oh shit. You fucked up. You didn't really think about that when you said it. At all. Shit. Fuck. Damn. "Hahaha whaaaat? Noooo. Of course not! He'd never uh...Clover is just y'know his uh... Sugar daddy yeah. Cash money man, can't say no to that even from a greenie right?" > Well it's not entirely a lie. You are sweating though.
> You paw at your face and you sit back in your seat, eyebrows knit together tightly. > Looks like you're going to have to have a little talk with Dave when you get home. "...No, guess not.  Desperate times and all that, right?"
"Yeah exactly! Haha..." > God this is uncomfortable. You are going to warn Dave but you already feel like shit. Fuck. "Don't...Don't hurt him okay?" > There's fear in your eyes now. Not for you but for your boyfriend, which is so much worse in your eyes.
> That snaps you Right out of your bad thought spiral and you quickly wave your hand. "Hey, no, no.  Not gonna hurt him.  It's chill." > There's that smile again, even if it's uneasy and a bit green around the gills.  Your brother and the Felt... "Really.  Just surprised he hadn't mentioned it before now."
> [Dave] GUESS WHY.
" 'kay..." > He probably hadn't mentioned it for a reason. You couldn't have known Dave wasn't supposed to do business with the Felt but you still feel like shit. It makes sense in hindsight and considering your history of course but...You just plain didn't know. > The Pizza arrives but you suddenly don't feel very hungry at all, sipping on you coffee awkwardly instead.
> You're, similarly, not hungry, but you've got to salvage this.  Not telling when or if Sock will agree to see you again after this. "Sorry, I just... Y'know, getting offered a gift by those guys.  If they had snatched Dave too..." > You shake your head, and sigh it off.  Out with the bad. "But they didn't, and that's that.  So." > You take up a slice of the pizza and you point is casually at Sock, an eyebrow quirked. "What're you out there peddling?"
> Oh. You'd really rather not follow that line of thought, yeah.  Smooth topic change. "Dude, don't think I should be discussing that with a cop in a pizzeria. Mr D would murder me man."
"Hey." > You make a show of taking off your badge and laying it upside down on the table. "Off-duty, not a cop.  So is it the good shit, or is it like, oregano in a dimebag being passed off as weed."
"We're still in public man." > And you don't want to piss off your Dad on top of the shit you just pulled.
"Yeah, yeah.  Weren't you in public anyway?" > You chuckle a little and you point toward the kitchen area. "Your big bro used to sell shitty dimebags out of there, way back.  Dealt to all the line cooks."
" Course you did." > You roll your eyes behind your shades. "What you want an inventory list? Okay I'll just tell you my favorite product aight? Kinder Überraschungseier......The surprise is Cocaine." > Huh, sure did slip into your mother tongue there. Welp..
> Okay.  You actually laugh then. "You're selling Kinder Überraschungseier full of Cocaine.  Shut the fuck up, seriously?" > You're nodding approvingly now. "That's a fucking great idea.  Where the fuck'd you get the chocolates, though? Make them yourself?"
> That makes you feel..really proud? Huh. You can't stop the big dorky grin from spreading on your face. "Best idea I ever had, honestly. I'm importing them from earth, duh. Along with a bunch of other banned sweets and shit. Who the fuck thought peeps are illegal anyways?"
> You balk at that and you laugh again. "Peeps are illegal here-- wait, shit, right." > Smack your forehead. "That's my job to know that now.  Wow, fuckin fire me now."
"Maybe I should show you my stock, just as a reminder. A fucking lot of dumb shit is. Fucking Lattes were banned man. Until the King unbanned them just for Jude which is honestly so fucking stupid. Way to play favorite, just like royalty should am I right? Not that I'm complaining, love me a big fat Latte." > Man it's...Nice to be able to make that kind of shit tier level german dick joke and to know you're gonna be understood just fine.
> You snort your water and you pull a face,but you're clearly goofing around a loving it. "Fucking nasty, dude.  I don't need to hear about your love of big hot fuckin Lattes."
"Aren't you glad the prospitian monarchy digs a steaming hot Latte too? What a life that would be otherwise." > You snort yourself.
"Jesus christ.  Fuckin whities, dude." > You stuff some pizza in your mouth and you talk withyour mouth full like the fat nasty trash you are. "Can you believe I have to work with them?  Like what the fuck."
"The Queen gives me the creeps with her I love everyone bull. And the King seems like a huge fucking idiot so...Congrats man. Jackpot."
"Not had the chance to meet either, but this is the closest I've gotten to infiltrating the corrupt government yet.  Maybe if I keep my shit up, I can finally overthrow them from the inside." > You are entirely dead seriouus.
"What's the masterplan? Shoot them in public?" > You aren't but you also don't mind the topic. Not a fan of these guys.
"Nah, nah, nothing like that.  Too messy.  Besides." > You gesture at the scar that runs oveer your eyes. "Never been a fan of guns."
"I know." > Hell maybe you should be grateful he ain't. Swords fucked you over bad enough. "Seems like a popular approach is all. Like historically or whatever. But I guess you gotta go for something less stale huh?"
"Of course.  Flashy's the only way to be when you're taking out a corrupt system of government."
"Looking forwards to the show Bro." > Except you hope he's fucking joking.
> You totally fucking aren't. > You toss him a wink, which of course he can't see all that well behind your shades. "Hope it's a good one.  You gonna eat any pizza, lil bro?"
"Oh, right." > You finally grab a piece too. "How's the Cock Special?"
> Stuff the rest of your piece into your mouth and brush the crumbs off of your fingers. "It's not big hot Latte, but it's nice and tasty all up in my mouth, so it'll do."
"I mean we can grab a Latte next time-" > Did you just say next time. Did you just imply you want to meet up like this again? Shit. > Stuff your mouth with Pizza real quick.
> Oh. > Oh... That makes yourr heart do the smiley emote. > You grin a liittle bit about that and you say, voice kinda soft, "Yeah... alright.  I'd like that."
"Me too...I think." > If you don't hurt my boyfriend tonight that is, is what you think.
> Don't you worry, Sock.  Not gonna hurt your boyfriend tonight. > You're not gonna be home, so Dave gets to go unhurt for another night.
> Or any other night Bro.(edited) > Or day, or ever:
> Well, at least you'll try to keep your cool when you talk to Dave about it later.
> That's a good start.
> Fuck yeah.  Before you all finish up here, you nod back to the streets now lightly coat with snow. "You going back to your corner, right?  You need a jacket?"
"I mean, I'll live..." > But it's pretty obvious that you don't have any especially warm clothes on you, you know like an idiot.
"Yeah, and you'll get sick, doofus." > You shrug off your jacket--it's a plain black windbreaker, while you wait for your city issue polcie jacket to come in--and you ball it up, handing it over to him. "Here."
> You open your mouth to respond but the Jacket is already in your hands. Oh. That's..Oh. > Is that what it's like to have a caring older brother? "Thanks..." > The Jacket is far too big for you and smells like Bro. It's a weird feeling to put it on. Like a hug you can wear. > Your heart is doing several emotions.
"Hey, no sweat. No good to go out there to work if you're just gonna freeze to death, yeah?" > You have the server bring you all a box for the leftovers, and you give those to him, too. > You stand from the stand and stretch. "Alright, my lunch is about over.  You ready to go?
"Uh, yeah." > You are still trying to sort your feelings over all of this. It's weird. It's nice. > It's what you wanted all along. > Except for the part where you are scared about Dave. > You get up too feeling like a huge fool.
> You, very very carefully, put your hand on his back and lead him out back into the cold. > Look to him, then to your car. "Back to tthe same corner? Or you got anywhere else you need to be?"
> You tense up just a little at the touch but let it happen anyways. "Y-yeah same place." > You just get into the car quickly to cut off the awkward moment. Not without putting on your seatbelt of course.
> Always seatbelt first, kid! > You buckle in and drive him back to the street corner you found him on, putting the car into park but not getting out. "Alright.  Don't get into any trouble, alright?  Oh, and patrol comes past here in about 30 minutes, so be cool when they pass, yeah?"
"Oh uh..Okay. See you, I guess." > You wave an awkward goodbye, overwhelmed by a lot of conflicting emotions.
> You're about to drive off, but then you open the door and, hanging halfway out, you call to him, "Hey! Love you, Sock."
> That just leaves you starring for a moment. Did he just-? Does he? What. Can not compute. "L-Love you too Bro..." > You are not sure if he heard that with the way you mumbled that. You are not sure if you want him to or not. > It's only getting weirder. > But it also warms your birdy little heart.
> You heard it--you've actually got pretty good hearing still, despite all tthatt music and shit. > You smile and wave again before ducking back into your car and driving off.
> The patrol driving by half an hour later doesn't find a drug dealer, just a crying kid in some back alley. > This absolutely kills the bird.
3 notes · View notes
luftballons99 · 6 years
how alone you are
fandom: Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler
relationships: Platonic Sebastian Michaelis & Ciel Phantomhive (s*baciel shippers don’t touch!)
“I have no one,” Ciel whispers, shaking. “I have no one.”
“You have me, my lord, until I bring you victory,” Sebastian assures him softly.
Ciel lets out a short, frost-bitten laugh. “Until you claim my soul,” he corrects.
A Faustian pact is a poor cure for nightmares.
tags: Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Angst, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Torture, platonic fluff, Platonic Relationships, seriously if you ship seba/ciel dont touch this fic please, Trauma, References to Book of Murder and Book of Circus, venting, Nightmares, Panic Attacks, Banter
chapters: 1/1
read it on ao3 here or under the cut
(i dont know why but somehow i found myself catching up all the way on the black butler manga after years of not reading it and was hit with the urge to write a fic that 1) explores sebastian and ciel's dynamic as unlikely friends(???) and 2) allows ciel to reach something of an emotional catharsis with the help of the only person (entity?) who, for better or for worse (probably for worse), actually understands him (kinda). they're both incredibly tough characters to write so i hope i at least somewhat got their personalities right? the idea of ciel venting is in and of itself pretty ooc but i suppose if any fanfiction was perfectly in character, it would all be canon, so. yknow.
anyway i cannot stress this enough i do not want any s*baciel shippers in my notifs ok? don't comment. don't even look at this fic. though i guess if youre reading this you already did, in which case, fuck you for not checking/straight up ignoring the tags. point is i dont wanna hear any shippy shit alright keep it classy. ciel's 13, give him a break. he needs a guardian, not a love interest, especially not one thats thousands of years older than him. yikes.)
There are some things - however few - that Sebastian cannot protect him from.
He is content to leave it that way, at first. It’s not his job to be a shoulder to cry on or to chase away nightmares. That was never part of their deal and he wagers that Ciel would prefer to keep it that way. Whether it is because of self-delusion or pride, he will not confide in Sebastian; not when it comes to the scars that lie beneath his skin, invisible but lethal. And truthfully, it is just as well; Sebastian is unsure what he would even do with the information. Handling someone’s emotions without exploiting them is not really his area.
All he needs to do is keep Ciel alive and healthy. All he needs to do is watch the corpses pile up at the foot of Ciel’s throne. All he needs to do is kill some time before his next meal.
And yet all Ciel needs to do to keep Sebastian at his heel is call his name.
And that, as much as it pains Sebastian sometimes, was very much part of the deal.
It has been a while since Ciel has had a nightmare; at the very least, it’s been a while since he’s had one terrifying enough to rip a grating shriek of his butler’s name from his lungs and through the quiet air of the Phantomhive manor. Sebastian has noticed, however, that Ciel has not been sleeping well, regardless. Just this morning, the young lord nearly fell asleep on his feet as Sebastian slipped his silk eyepatch on for him, and then later did fall asleep in his study, drooling into the pages of a book. Something is weighing on his mind, and while usually Sebastian would argue that it’s none of his business what goes on in his little lord’s head, it seems to be becoming his business right now as he rises from his desk and ascends the stairs to answer his master’s call.
He is at Ciel’s door in a matter of seconds and, because no one is around to see it, conjures a tray of warm milk and honey with an elegant flourish of his wrist. He sighs inwardly. He knows that Ciel is still plagued with trauma; has ruined too many gloves wiping vomit off the corner of Ciel’s mouth and reminded him to breathe too many times to forget. Still, he was hoping that his young master would have grown out of his nocturnal panic attacks by now.
After all, a violent flashback while witnessing a child’s murder makes sense to him. A nightmare after a quiet, peaceful evening at home does not.
Regardless, Sebastian dutifully knocks on Ciel’s door three times, signalling his presence. He waits before entering, watching the warm milk he prepared ripple in the flickering candlelight illuminating the hallway. He hopes the young master has enough sense to swallow his pride and invite him in before it gets cold.
“Sebastian?” he hears Ciel call after a moment, his voice raspy and muffled on the other side of his door.
Slowly, Sebastian pushes it open and steps inside. Warm light from the hall spills into the room, a slant of yellow cutting across the young master’s trembling form, tucked deep under the covers. It disappears as Sebastian shuts the door behind him.
“That’s right, my lord,” he replies softly. He balances the tray in one hand as he walks toward the sconce attached to the wall by Ciel’s bed. Knowing that Ciel will want to be able to see him clearly, he pinches the wick of the candle between his forefinger and thumb, and when he lowers his hand, a small flame has already begun to burn at the tip.
Sheets rustle as the young master stirs, emerging from his linen cocoon with a white-knuckled grip on his thick blanket and a terrified stare aimed at Sebastian. Sebastian smiles down at him pleasantly, unfazed by his master’s horror. He sets the tray down on Ciel’s nightstand and wordlessly spoons honey into his cup of milk.
“Nightmare, master?” he asks idly, stirring. Ciel doesn’t answer, still busy panting from lingering panic. “It has certainly been a while since I’ve had to come feed you milk in the middle of the night like a starving pup- “
“You shut your mouth this instant ,” Ciel barks, voice raw and loud and sudden enough to make Sebastian’s hand still and his eyes go wide, his smile slipping cleanly off his lips and leaving his expression blank. He glances up from the tray he brought, meeting Ciel’s multicolored glare. “You forget your place, butler .”
Sebastian releases the spoon he was holding, letting it clink lightly against the rim of the cup. He places a hand over his heart and bows deeply.
“My apologies, my lord,” he says evenly and, because he is sure Ciel won’t be able to see it from this angle, arches an eyebrow at the floor in incredulity. His young master certainly has a shorter fuse than usual this evening. It is true what they say about children becoming agitated when deprived of their nap-time. “Please forgive me.”
He remains still, awaiting the boy’s response. It comes a moment later in a frightened, colorless whisper.
“Come here,” Ciel says, lacking his usual authoritative tone. It’s like he’s reverted back to how he was on that first night, skinny and quivering and sick with fear. The only difference now is that he’s a few inches taller and that instead of smacking Sebastian away and commanding him to keep his distance, he seems to need human proximity - or the closest thing to it he can get his hands on. Sebastian glances up, taking a step forward and kneeling obediently at his master’s bedside.
Ciel regards him fearfully, as if Sebastian might disappear into thin air like smoke from a snuffed out candle. He reaches out a small hand from underneath the covers and curls his nimble fingers into the collar of Sebastian’s shirt. He squeezes and releases the crisp fabric repeatedly, like he needs to make sure both it and Sebastian are really there.
Sebastian remembers something Doctor Arthur said on his first and final visit to the manor; about how, in sleep, the young master looks a little less like an Earl and a little more like a Ciel. He may posture as much as he wishes, but he will always remain that battered little boy sticking his blood-brown hands out from in between the grimy bars of his cage; the boy who was forced to grow up so fast that he didn’t truly grow up at all. The boy who spit upon God and shook hands with the devil. The boy who chose hell over happiness.
“What is it, my lord?” Sebastian asks, curious and amused as Ciel continues to pat down the front of his jacket with frantic hands. They still suddenly, cupped around Sebastian’s shoulders as the young Earl thinks, his face indecipherable. Sebastian looks up at him, waiting patiently.
Ciel’s face crumples like parchment over an open flame. The ominously glowing magenta mark of the covenant in his right eye flickers as he blinks back his tears.
“I’ve had enough,” he whispers, voice trembling - from rage or sorrow, Sebastian is not sure. Rage at his own sorrow, perhaps. His fingers dig into Sebastian’s shoulders, tight like twin mouse traps. If Sebastian were human, he might flinch. “I’ve had enough of this.”
Sebastian places his hand over one of Ciel’s in what he thinks is a reassuring gesture. “Enough of what, my lord?” he wonders.
“I asked you,” Ciel starts, gritting his teeth, “for power. That was our deal, demon.”
Sebastian cocks his head to the side. “Has my service been unsatisfactory?”
Ciel smacks his palm over Sebastian’s mouth. Sebastian blinks. He does not try to pry his master’s hand away, even though it would be easy. He could snap Ciel’s arm like a twig, if he wanted to, and has mused about doing so before. But they have a deal, and it demands that Sebastian never let any harm come to a single hair on Ciel’s head. And besides, it has been a while since Ciel, difficult as he is, has inspired any violent inclinations in him, and that includes now.
“I asked you for power,” the boy continues, “and yet my mind remains weak.” His voice tapers off into barely a whisper, as if he’s still afraid of admitting it out loud - even to someone who already knew. The true horror for Ciel, Sebastian knows, is not so much the torture he endured three years ago, but the fruitlessness of his efforts to take vengeance.
“The dreams do not cease,” he hisses in disgust with himself, “and I will never leave my cage.”
Sebastian is quiet for a long moment. He could say, This is the lightless path you chose. He could say, There is a difference between power and strength. He could say, You are only human. And he could spend the rest of the night with a red, stinging cheek as a result.
Ciel’s hand slips from Sebastian’s face and grips the silky lapel of his jacket. He seems to want an answer, after all.
“My lord, you are overtired,” Sebastian says gently, deciding to hedge his bets. “Please help yourself to the milk I brought; it may soothe your nerves.”
Ciel scoffs, releasing Sebastian’s jacket and hugging his knees. Sebastian stands and attends to the tray he left on Ciel’s night table, letting his hand hover over the cup of milk and feeling satisfied when it warms his palm. It hasn’t gone cold quite yet.
“I’m not a child,” Ciel spits suddenly. If it weren’t for his small stature, anyone else might believe him. He carries the title of Earl and the weight of the underworld with it on his tiny shoulders and not once has anyone but Sebastian seen him buckle under the weight - and even that is a rare thing. He’s proud, he’s greedy. He’s the worst that humanity has to offer, and he’s the best at being so.
He’s thirteen.
“Of course not, my lord,” Sebastian says graciously, though the amusement in his tone is not lost on his master, who snaps his head up and seems to bristle like a cornered cat. “Shall I take it away, then?”
Ciel’s response is an immediate, “No.” Sebastian grins down at him knowingly. “Stop that.”
“Stop what?”
“That smile. It makes me sick.”
Sebastian picks up the cup with one hand and tucks his smile behind the other. “Please accept my sincerest apologies once again, young master,” he says, voice wavering as he tries not to laugh.
“Your ‘sincerest apologies’ don’t do me any good, Sebastian,” Ciel points out hotly, accepting his cup when it is offered to him. “Just do as you’re told.” When he looks up at Sebastian, his eyes are still glassy with poorly-masked fear. His emotional refractory period is not as short as he would like his butler to believe.
Sebastian watches Ciel peer down into his cup with a shaky sigh before taking a tentative sip of from it. After ascertaining that it isn’t too hot, he closes his eyes and tilts his head back as he continues to drink. Eventually, he lowers the cup so it rests in his lap, held in place by his small hands. His eyes remain closed as he takes a steadying breath.
“Are you sure you’re alright, young master?” Sebastian pries gently.
“My emotional state is none of your affair,” Ciel shoots back, eyes still stubbornly shut.
Sebastian’s eyebrow twitches in irritation. Obstinate brat.
“I see,” he says, tone cold. “That must be why you summoned me to your chambers in the middle of the night. Of course. How foolish of me.” He gives Ciel an icy look, patience wearing thin.
(Yes, he is immortal, and yes, he will have an eternity left at his disposal long after Ciel has died, but hours of managing the boy’s schedule while attending to the daily calamities the other Phantomhive servants cause has made him reluctant to waste time. Every minute he spends in Ciel’s chambers is a minute not spent planning their itineraries for the coming day or preemptively preparing himself mentally for his coworkers’ blunders.)
On that very first night, Ciel ordered him to never lie. Sebastian had figured out quickly that the little lord would not afford him the same luxury.
Ciel gapes up at him, appalled. “ Excuse me,” he starts indignantly, “Since when do I owe you an explanation for my orders?”
“I would never dream of expecting such a thing,” Sebastian assures him, but they both know it’s insincere. “I simply wished to express my concern for…”
He lets the statement taper off into silence when he realizes what he’s trying to say, his jaw going slack before his mouth snaps shut.
Ciel’s eyes shoot wide open before narrowing into skeptical slits, luminous amethyst and candle-lit sapphire shimmering through his lashes. “Your concern for what?” he asks, insistent but wary.
Sebastian considers his master for a moment, thinking. So much for hedging his bets.
“...Your well-being,” he answers finally, and it isn’t until the words slip off his tongue that he tastes their truth. He blinks.
Ciel’s brows pinch together, the eyes underneath searching Sebastian’s face like a bandit looting a vagrant’s corpse. He flounders. Finally, in a test of Sebastian’s meaning, he says, “Your concern is unwarranted. As you can see, I am not injured.”
And it is true - Ciel is healthy as can be; he hasn’t suffered so much as a papercut in over a month. And it has been, by all accounts, a quiet, peaceful evening.
And yet Sebastian has not felt at ease ever since he heard his master scream.
“Indeed,” he says thoughtfully, brows knitted, “but it is not an injury that had you calling my name.”
Ciel’s eyes widen as he looks up at Sebastian, stunned. “I’m fine now,” he insists after a moment, suddenly impatient.
“‘Fine’ has variable definitions,” Sebastian points out and Ciel rolls his eyes, “None of which I would use to describe your current - “
“So what?” the young master demands, incensed, the very foundations of the manor Sebastian built him quaking at the sound of his voice. Sebastian closes his mouth. “I’m alive. That is all that has ever mattered to me.” Ciel’s thin fingers press tighter around his cup of milk as if he’s trying to crush the delicate, flowery design painted on its exterior into oblivion.
What outstanding hypocrisy. Sebastian has had enough.
“You,” he begins in a rough sigh before dropping into a crouch in front of his master, unimpressed, “are quite the nuisance.”
Ciel gapes, immediately raising one hand high. Sebastian’s arm snaps forward before the young lord’s palm can make contact with the side of his face and squeezes his brittle wrist tight.
Ciel flinches, fear striking his features like lightning, and Sebastian is surprised when he doesn’t feel satisfaction at the sight. When did that change? He loosens his grip, but does not let go.
“How dare you ,” Ciel spits, outraged. Tears blur and distort the smoldering mark of their covenant. Still, he swallows a hiccup and growls, “You are trying my patience, Sebastian.”
“What a coincidence,” Sebastian remarks, feigning enthusiasm. “You are trying mine.”
The dam breaks. “You insolent - ” Ciel begins in an angry sob, face twisted in agony, but cannot seem to struggle to the end. His gem-like eyes overflow, his princely nose leaks, his heart-shaped face is blotchy and red. In this moment, he is no Earl.
Why, then, should Sebastian masquerade as his butler?
“It is your stubborn refusal to confront your emotions that results in these puerile night terrors of yours and my subsequent subjection to your misdirected, hysterical outbursts,” Sebastian informs him strictly, red eyes cold. Ciel, through slime and salt water, manages a powerful glare and a snarl. Sebastian is undeterred. “Therefore, if there is so much as a ghost of a chance that you airing your grievances now will result in even a single night more uninterrupted by this nonsense, I believe it is in our best interest to take it, wouldn’t you agree?”
Ciel begins to wrench his wrist out of Sebastian’s grasp and Sebastian allows it, even though he anticipates the sharp slap to his cheek that follows. He sighs loudly in annoyance and looks at the floor, listening to the boy in front of him sniffle and hiccup pathetically. He takes a moment to compose himself; to let the flicker of anger in his chest to go out, eyes falling shut.
He does not anticipate Ciel’s arms hooking around his neck in a distraught embrace.
Sebastian tries to remember the last time he was held.
It was probably by Mey-Rin; she trips over her skirt or her shoelaces or other people’s shoelaces or the floor at least twice a day, and it is often Sebastian who catches her before she falls and breaks her nose - or worse, the dishes she carries. And though the encounter did not leave much of an impression on him, he did sleep with Beast to find information about her benefactor.
This, however, is obviously, markedly different. This is his young master. This is a child desperate for emotional reprieve. This is a little boy in need who would rather die than admitting so.
Carefully, Sebastian places his hand on Ciel’s head, cautious and curious as to how it feels to comfort someone he’s actually invested in. He smooths over Ciel’s tousled dark hair; feels tears seep into the collar of his shirt; thinks vaguely about all the laundry that’s piled up this week. Ciel shivers against him pathetically, muffled whimpers spilling from his lips into Sebastian’s shoulder, and Sebastian keeps stroking his head the same way he’d stroke a cat’s - sans the enamored cooing.
“I hate this,” Ciel grits out spitefully, yet holds Sebastian tighter. Sebastian chuckles softly, amused by the contradiction. Ciel always has been a walking, crawling, squirming juxtaposition.
“If I may be so bold, my lord,” Sebastian offers quietly, “You need this.”
Ciel responds with a pitiful hiccup. Sebastian lifts the hand not occupied with Ciel’s hair and runs it down his back in slow motions that he can only guess are soothing.
“I have no one,” Ciel whispers, shaking. “I have no one.”
Sebastian almost asks, I thought you had no need for emotional attachments? , but manages to restrain himself. Now is not the time for banter, and he’s already been slapped once tonight.
“You have me, my lord, until I bring you victory,” Sebastian assures him softly.
Ciel lets out a short, frost-bitten laugh. “Until you claim my soul,” he corrects.
Sebastian was not expecting that. They do not discuss that part of their deal often, despite both knowing its inevitability. Strangely, the pang of hunger he feels in his core at the reminder is accompanied by something else - different, but equally as painful. While hunger leaves him hollow, this seems to fill him past capacity. He is being torn apart.
“Victory first,” he vows after a quiet moment, suffocating his feelings like he would a kitchen fire. “You have my word, sir.”
Ciel’s fingers dig into Sebastian’s back as he buries his leaking nose deeper into the crook of his neck.
“How cruel,” he whispers bitterly, “that the same hand protecting me is the one by which I will die.”
Sebastian’s hand stills mid-stroke of Ciel’s ducked head. He had never thought about it like that. Ironic, yes. Poetic, yes. But never ‘cruel.’ When he thinks about it, he finds the word fits just as well.
“You chose this, my lord,” he reminds the boy and himself, but still does not feel absolved.
“Indeed,” Ciel agrees and holds Sebastian tighter. He is never this clingy unless his life is in danger. Sebastian supposes that, in a sense, it is.
“Now, now, sir,” he chuckles, slowly leaning out of Ciel’s embrace. It is late, they have a busy day ahead of them, and one of them has to be the first to stop playing house. “I have kept you awake for far too long already.”
Ciel’s arms loosen around Sebastian’s neck as he pulls away, though his hands remain clasped at its base. His eyes are swollen red, his cheeks flushed and glittering with moisture to match. Sebastian tuts lightly and shakes his head as Ciel sniffles, reaching into his pocket and producing a handkerchief. He rubs the boy’s cheeks and nose clean, suddenly rocked by the memory of the last time he had to do this - just under three years ago. Ciel was ten and still readjusting to life outside of cages and cult rituals. It took a while before he started bothering to wipe his mouth after a glass of milk or his nose after a sneeze, and it was Sebastian who would remind him by example.
Once again he is filled with that emotion he cannot place. Confusion wrinkles his brow and parts his lips. Ciel seems to notice and gives him a curious look, but before he gets the chance to investigate, Sebastian is pulling his handkerchief away, slipping it into his pocket, and rising to his full height. Ciel’s mouth, which had fallen open when he meant to begin his interrogation, shuts silently. Sebastian cannot decide if it is a relief or not; that Ciel isn’t prying.
(He wonders - long after tonight - what Ciel does not say.)
When Ciel finally does speak, it is to interrupt Sebastian’s movement to extinguish the candle bathing the room in soft orange light with a firm, “Wait.”
Sebastian tilts his head questioningly, retracting his hand. “Master?”
“The light,” Ciel says quietly, tired eyes drooping as he looks up at his butler; his confidant; his murderer. “I like it. Don’t put it out until after I’ve fallen asleep.”
Sebastian smiles, deciding it is safe to tease once again. “The esteemed Earl Phantomhive, unable to sleep without a nightlight. How sweet,” he cooes, a hand over his heart. Ciel narrows his eyes at him. “Shall I tell you a bedtime story while I’m at it, my lord?”
“I dare you,” Ciel challenges him irritably. Sebastian knows better than to accept. He grins and watches Ciel’s eyes fall shut.
“Then I take it I am not yet permitted to retire for the evening?” he asks with a put-upon sigh.
“Do you even sleep?” Ciel wonders flippantly in a yawn that he does not bother to cover with his hand. He rolls onto his back and pulls the covers up to his chin.
Sebastian is surprised, but not put-off, by his master’s interest. “No, sir,” he says, “however, like you, I do require rest.” He pauses, chuckling. “Though obviously not as much as humans do.”
Ciel snorts. “Obviously.”
“Well then, master,” Sebastian begins pleasantly, standing with his back to the wall adjacent to Ciel’s bed, “I will remain by your side until you fall asleep.” And until the day where you do not wake up again.
Ciel hums in acknowledgement, rolling onto his side away from Sebastian and curling into a crescent shape against the mattress. Sebastian, although - or perhaps because - his master can’t see him, allows himself a genuine smile. There will be no more nightmares tonight and, hopefully, for the foreseeable future.
“Sebastian,” he hears the young lord say suddenly and glances up to the back of his head, dark against the soft white of his downy pillows.
“My lord?” Sebastian prompts softly, standing at attention.
There is a long pause before Ciel speaks again - so long that Sebastian wonders if the boy has finally succumbed to sleep - but just when it seems like the conversation is over, Ciel breaks the silence once again with a firm, albeit sleepy, “You did well today.”
Sebastian blinks. He has lived a long time; has seen many things and met many people. He is not easily stunned.
Hearing those words from his master, however, will shake him every time.
I invoked your ire to the point where you slapped me, part of him - the same part that got him slapped, incidentally - wants to remind the boy, but he keeps his quip to himself. They have gone back and forth enough for one night. Surely there is no harm in accepting the gift of his master’s acclaim.
“My lord, I am most honored by your praise,” he tells him, smiling in gratitude and pride. “If I may offer my own - “
“Oh, spare me. All I did was ruin your shirt with my stress-induced optic and nasal secretions.”
Sebastian grimaces at Ciel’s wording. “Now, my lord, surely there is a more graceful way to - “
“Just accept the compliment without patronizing me, Sebastian,” Ciel huffs, frustrated, and rolls over to meet his butler’s eyes. He points at him decisively. “That’s an order.”
Sebastian, still smiling, sighs and raises his hands in surrender. “As you wish, young master,” he concedes.
With a final nod and fluff of his pillow, Ciel settles under his covers. When his eyes shut this time, Sebastian knows they will not open again until morning. He shakes his head, leaning back against the wall with crossed arms as he watches the young lord’s thick covers rise and fall with each of his steady breaths. When Sebastian is sure Ciel is asleep, he extinguishes the light. The room plunges into the comforting darkness of night, softened by milky rays of moonlight filtering in through the window.
Sebastian collects the tray and dishes he brought, being sure not to make a sound when he lifts them up from Ciel’s nightstand. He glances down at the boy over his shoulder before making his way out of the room, remembering his words - You did well today, Sebastian.
A bittersweet smile forms on his lips as he pushes Ciel’s door open. With one last look back at his master’s sleeping form, Sebastian whispers, “As did you, my lord,” and slips out of the room.
134 notes · View notes
sadrien · 7 years
wanna chat? pt.19
on ao3 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19
so this is like...twice as long as a normal chapter. anyway i was in les mis the other week and i sent something and someone thought it was a les mis chapter of wanna chat. and @reyxa​ encouraged it so Here We Are
this chapter continues right off of the last one because i found a note with sick quotes on it. i kept the les mis as light and understandable as possible but just like..let me know if it makes 0 sense. i had to get this out of my system because ive been in a writing funk
(mari = cough cough, nino = space bro, alya = alys, adrien = glen coco)
3:12 in boo you whore
cough cough: gmoring i cant brethe out of mynose rn Im not goin g ot be in school today :( Bu ti cant sleep anymore because I cnat breath e iim gonna go watch youtube videos
space bro: my dude i hope youre feeling better when you wake up
glen coco: If you’re not turn on the shower really hot and sit in the bathroom with the steam
alys: or drown urself in cold medicine
glen coco: Don’t do that
space bro: never listen to alya
alys: dont listen to these traitors
PM between glen coco and cough cough
glen coco: I bet the akuma attack last night really didn’t help Don’t worry about anything today I can handle it unless it’s another akuma Just get some rest <3
10:03 in boo you whore
cough cough: Self care is chugging five cups of tea and astral projecting behind a mcdonalds to punch hawkmoth in the face
glen coco: Mari no
alys: mari yes
space bro: mari wtf
cough cough: Im dyin g
alys: tag urself im punching hm in the face
space bro: im astral projection
glen coco: Five c ups of tea
cough cough: Does that make me the mcdonalds
space bro: congrats mari
glen coco: I can’t believe Mari is the golden arches
alys has changed their name to punching hawkmoth in the face
punching hawkmoth in the face: im finally my True Self gang follwo suit
cough cough: Why shoul d I LISten to you
punching hawkmoth in the face: bc u love me and want me 2 b happy and also bc i still have ur jacket in my bedroom
cough cough: Fuck
cough cough has changed their name to mcdonalds
space bros: al youre ridic
punching hawkmoth in the face: just do it babe
space bros has changed their name to astral projection
astral projection: there ya go
glen coco: Rip Glen Coco
punching hawkmoth in the face: truly a her o of his generation :’(
mcdonalds: RIp
glen coco has changed their name to five cups of tea
five cups of tea: Rebirth
mcdonalds: I hate you all img oing ot bed
punching hawkmoth in the face: goodnight my darlign <3
astral projection: nap well bro hopefully you feel better when you wake up
punching hawkmoth in the face: remind me to throw my bag in the seine i dont wanna do hw :(
astral projection: i feel you
punching hawkmoth in the face: wanna get togheter and do hw
astral projection: do homework or “do homework”
punching hawkmoth in the face: have u ever met me “””””””do homework”””””””
astral projection: i need to figure out physics my dude
punching hawkmoth in the face: D’:
five cups of tea: I can help you when I get home tonight
punching hawkmoth in the face: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
astral projection: the real mvp i love you
five cups of tea: I love you too Have fun Use protection
astral projection: alya please kick him out of the chat
punching hawkmoth in the face: no i like him
astral projection: fuck
 18:57 mcdonalds: Screens hurt my head irhgt now Im gonna watch reruns and keep sleepng
punching hawkmoth in the face: feel better babe <3
five cups of tea: Ok so the other day instead of doing homework I started reading les mis ANd now instead of doing homework I’m reading les mis again I can’t believe this is how I’m procrastinating
astral projection: what
punching hawkmoth in the face: the musical????
five cups of tea: No the book Which the musical is based off of
astral projection: what a nerd
punching hawkmoth in the face: lmao how is it
five cups of tea: Old Long
punching hawkmoth in the face: how long?
five cups of tea: Uhhh 655,000 words
mcdonalds: jesus
astral projection: what the actual fuck
punching hawkmoth in the face: holllllly fuck
astral projection: you my dude are unreal
punching hawkmoth in the face: for fun???? r u sure this is for fun???????
five cups of tea: I think so? It’s kind of boring sometimes and hard to get through but other parts are really good Also if I’m reading I don’t have to practice chinese
punching hawkmoth in the face: touche
astral projection: have fun reading bro you are unbelievable
PM between five cups of tea and mcdonalds
five cups of tea: Hey why are you up? I thought you were heading off to bed a while ago?
mcdonalds: I didnt take nyquil tonight because I felt a little better and didnt want to pass the fuck out again but now Im awake and cant sleep because my head feels like its gonna explode And I regret So much
five cups of tea: Aw no poor bug
mcdonalds: Ugh
five cups of tea: Do you want anything?
mcdonalds: You dont have to
five cups of tea: Do you want anything? If you want soup I can get you some
mcdonalds: Its like???? Really late?????
five cups of tea: Mar its only 20:30
mcdonalds: Oh It feels like 1 But its still late
five cups of tea: Ok well Late night food is not a new thing Trust me
mcdonalds: … If you brought me soup Id love you forever
five cups of tea: I thought you already did
mcdonalds: Id love you even more
five cups of tea: I’ll be on my way soon
mcdonalds: I love you so much <3
23:35 in boo you whore
punching hawkmoth in the face: what if you took tea in shots like shot glasses
five cups of tea: Like with hot tea?
astral projection: i feel like thats a good way to burn your entire mouth
five cups of tea: *entire life
astral projection: ^^^
punching hawkmoth in the face: hmmm
five cups of tea: Alya no
astral projection: yeah bad idea
punching hawkmoth in the face: f i n e
mcdonalds: sos Im dying I constantly feel like Im about to sneeze If I dont feel that way its cause Im sneezing
astral projection: rip my dude guessing you cnat sleep while sneezing
mcdonalds: Nope :’( End my suffering please
astral projection: no can do i can offer virtual hugs
mcdonalds: I guess thatll work for now
astral projection: <3
PM between five cups of tea and mcdonalds
five cups of tea: Hey Hey Marinette Hey I have something to show you
mcdonalds: Adrien its 2 in the morning
five cups of tea: So? You’re up too
mcdonalds: I slept all day
mcdonalds: Yeah but you’re awake right now
mcdonalds: … Fine Hit me
five cups of tea: “When they had finished, when they had told each other everything, she laid her head on his shoulder and asked him: ‘What is your name?’” Us
mcdonalds: Oh my go d This is les mis right??? What youw ere talking about before??
five cups of tea: Yup
mcdonalds: Omg Why are you like this
five cups of tea: Ok but am I wrong????
mcdonalds: I cant say you are tbh
five cups of tea: Man I feel like Marius am I like Marius??
mcdonalds: Whats he like?
five cups of tea: Kind of oblivious, pretty romantic but sort of in a weird way, awkward, usually confused but can be scary if he needs to, handsome as hell and love of my life that I would honestly leave all three of you for
mcdonalds: Wow Are you sure you havent already
five cups of tea: :P Actually….
mcdonalds: Are you suddenly realizing youve left us for a fictional character
five cups of tea: No I was oging to say I might be more like Bossuet
mcdonalds: Youre just saying words I dont know who that is
five cups of tea: He always has bad luck Like always Ummmm hold on
mcdonalds: K Who would I be???
five cups of tea: “He was the constant victim of mischance, hence his merriment. He said, ‘I spend my life walking under ladders.’”
mcdonalds: Ok you mgiht be this Bossuet you bad luck magnet
five cups of tea: For you Hmmmm Enjolras?
mcdonalds: Not cosette??  Shes the love interest right
five cups of tea: As much as I love you Enjolras is the leader in red And I just can’t help myself
mcdonalds: Nerd Are you goind to do alya and nino too?
five cups of tea: D u h
mcdonalds: Adrien?? You ok? Youve been quiet for a while Or did you fall asleep on your computer again
five cups of tea: No I’m here I’m just Stuck This is haarrrrrdddddddddd Alya and Nino are just so deep and complex and awesome and I dont’ know how to place them???
mcdonalds: True But wow Slightly offended
five cups of tea: Hey yours is based on a pun I can pun easy
mcdonalds: G o to sleep kitten You can sort them in the mornign Later this morning
five cups of tea: Fine I hope you’re feeling better
mcdonalds: A little bit!! The soup definitely helped Night <3
five cups of tea: Night <3
10:25 in boo you whore
astral projection: saturdays are chill but my mom wants us to clean the entire apartment today and im not about that life
mcdonalds has changed their name to enjolras
enjolras: I have no idea who thi s is but I hope it makes Adrien happy
punching hawkmoth in the face: ???? wahts ahppenign
enjolras: Adrien said I was this charactera t like 2
astral projection: why the fuck do none of you people value sleep
punching hawkmoth in the face: how theh ell did that even come up in conversation
enjolras: He was saying he thinks hes like Marius
astral projection: huh
five cups of tea: I’m not sure yet
astral projection: bro!!!
five cups of tea: I'm thinking either Marius or bossuet for myself
punching hawkmoth in the face: r we supposed 2 know the second one
enjolras: Hes got bad luck Thats what I got from our convo when no one else was awake
punching hawkmoth in the face: change ur name i want u2b the hopeless romantic
astral projection: isnt he already??
punching hawkmoth in the face: lmao
five cups of tea has changed their name to marius
punching hawkmoth in the face: awesome were u gonna do nino and i??
marius: Yeah I’m just having some trouble
astral projection: yeah were just too unique to be put into little boxes
marius: Exactly
astral projection: that was sarcasm but i love you so much
marius: <3
punching hawkmoth in the face: hey question not that im doubting maris badassary but why enjolras
marius: Enjolras is incredibly passionate and would do anything for his friends and the people of Paris Reminds me of how Marinette is as class president
PM between marius and enjolras
enjolras: Nice save
marius: Thanks
in boo you whore
astral projection: I see it
marius: Alya could be eponine?
punching hawkmoth in the face: shes the one who cries about marius right
marius: Well I was actually thinking her cause Ponine she knows her way around And all that stuff But yes she cries about Marius she does have a song about that
PM between punching hawkmoth in the face and astral projection
punching hawkmoth in the face: lmao did he just give me the character hopelessly in love with marius
astral projection: rip
punching hawkmoth in the face: end my life
in boo you whore
punching hawkmoth in the face: i cna work with that
punching hawkmoth in the face has changed their nickname to eponine
astral projection: and then tehre was one
marius: I’m struggling
enjolras: Arent we all
eponine: Id help but I know literally nothing other than some of the lyrics RED THE BLOOD OF BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD
astral projection: theres no way that isnt right im 100% sure those are the actual words
enjolras: Period mood
eponine: general mood
enjolras: Ok same
eponine: mood: red and black but the only words are blood
enjolras renamed this conversation to “red the blood of blood blood blood”
eponine: yes exactly
astral projection: sometimes i wonder why im friends with you
eponine: because u love us and would be sad without us
astral projection: ok yes but also why
marius: I mean maybe Grantaire? He’s a jack of all trades? Nino you are…really hard to place But R might be the best bet
enjolras: Wait a minute R?
marius: Yes
enjolras: Get out of this chat
marius: </3
astral projection: that is amazing
astral projection has changed their nickname to grantaire
grantaire: in it for the puns
marius: So is Hugo
enjolras: Who
marius: The writer of les mis
eponine: tag yourself im les miserables all of them
grantaire: you cant be all the miserables
eponine: watch me try
marius: Sorry you must have no idea what’s going on
grantaire: not really we have nothing to contribute but keep going dude!!! i love to hear you ramble
eponine: oh oh i have something to contribute
enjolras: You do?
eponine: 24601? more like 246 so done with your shit
enjolras: Im leaving the country
grantaire: whos shit?
eponine: uh oh fuck whos the antagonist again
marius: Society
grantaire: deep
enjolras: Stop being fake deep
eponine: feep anyway no u butt the police dude
marius: The only evil in les mis IS society And the Thenardiers OH JAVERT
eponine: YES THANK YOU
marius: Javert: do not forget my name Alya: forgets his name
eponine: fuck you also 246 so done with your shit javert
grantaire: thank you for clarifying
eponine: no prob
enjolras: Ok so Im googling stuff to try and figure out whats happening And wow This is depressing ¾ of us die
marius has changed their nickname to bossuet
bossuet: Now all of us die
eponine: nope change back 2 lover boy ur not dying too
grantaire: um no one is dying my dudes
bossuet: We’re always dying But fine
bossuet has changed their nickname to marius
enjolras: Im pretty sure Im dying righ tnow I almost coughed up a lung
enjolras: You arent my mom!!!!!!!!!
enjolras: AHHHHH
eponine: AHHHHHH
grantaire: Ahhhhh?
marius: Ahhhhh
83 notes · View notes
haeroniel-doliet · 6 years
dwhos here for another raaaaaant (vent)? topic is friendships but lets see where thisll go! waheyy let us insert the read more. 
kayokay okay welcome youre gonna regret this; if you havent read through my shitty vents before prepare for ilegibility and thought trains going all over the place and references to things and people youll never know okay great you got off this train? cool gives me more power to crash it see ya. 
okay where do we even begin, oh lets go wild and push out a couple topics first. one is; how shit has improved being uni and how everything seems awful brighter now; why it hasnt actually improved and im lonely as ever; how lonely have i always been; but am i really lonely or just think i should have more bc expectations; why im like this and cannot form relationships
lets start with a bit of a history dive eh eh this is what youre here for, me oversharing my life to nobody thatll read it but come on anyway bc one of the reasons i even fucking do these is because; ironically enough; i have no friends to vent this to!! nobody who actually gives a shit!! and even if they did i have a lot more words and confused thoughts to write out here that would just be really mean to inflict on someone else. 
ok so, classically as a kid ive almost grown as an only child, obviously have a big bro of 7 yrs older that i never formed more of a bond to than the one we share by sharing a family. aka we barely talk. but like i know he doesnt hate me i guess? ok im not gonna go there. its a weird mess. but. all childhood was mostly me playin by myself bc our family friends had kids his age not mine, and we moved around a bunch too and people came in and out, i guess i made ‘best friends’ pretty easily, but none stuck around longer than a year maybe 2-3. bc thats how life was and as a child i guess it wasnt a bother bc hey, let me be friends with everyone! oh but protective parents also mean mostly on my own. thats cool. im totally mature to be sitting at the adults table (there was no kids table) well early at 6-7. mhmmm 
lemme return to finland and start being an early awkward preteen! oh ill be friends with everyone! oh. everyone already has their best friend or best friend group? oh i get left on the playground alone ‘playing the dog at home while they go shopping okay playground games were lame but whaddyou do’ aight cool im okay with this theyre all my friends and im gona draw you all to make friends and nobody like actually bullies me or thinks im weird i guess, anyway school work. oh okay ill make best friends w my neighbour bc were only 7 days apart in age and thats crazy!! i guess we also make friends with lil girls next door bc were 10- 12 and thats what u do. sure. i feel rather criticised by my so called bff bc. we are not on the same wavelength, i feel dumb, im never as funny even if they are hilarious to me, i do gross things w out thinking (imagine having to be told by your friend that you need to buy deodorant when you never thought abt it) and like a bunch of other stuff like not picking up on social cues they dont wanna hang out with me or they dont think looking at funny pictures on the phone is fun... oh okay i mean i guess theyre way better than me but were still friends right? uh yeah. 
okay lets take a gap and go to uk, oh wow, SHIT people actually miss me at home?? im making friends with all these kids in my neighbourhood! oh i can be like the movies where they go down the street and hang out and have movienights awesome! who this is the best! fucking halloween w other 13 yr olds?? having hobbies w them? walking to the bus together and home together?? mad. wild. friends. lets ignore the school consisting of pricks and the only time in my school career ive gotten bullied. like classic bullying. pens thrown at me, butt touched, skirt lifted, name called, teasing my ‘naivety’ (do you work at the dildo factory? haahah. are you frigid? would you have sex with me if i bought you a burger?) oh 13-14 yr olds....  ok no its a wild really good and really shit year combined into an okay year. let me just return home and promise to keep in touch and really very barely keep in touch with any of them. thanks instagram for enabling minimal contact and keeping up w each other. 
(also back then made my first post cryin to tumblr oh why cant i have tumblr besties like everyone else seems to, please someone be my internet buddy! lucky enough actually talked to Amelia a lot, though...... 14 yr old and abt 20 smth. but we played minecraft together and made two shit youtube videos of our competition participation like. you were a good friend to me. never pushed it too far and i really liked having a mature friend. such a shame you seem to have disappeared off the internet (anywehre i know how to reach you) bc hell, i would not have been opposed to meeting you finally irl at fuckin mcm like i always kinda wanted to bc i saw ppl online do, anyway i hope ur life is good and thanks) 
kay so, finally back home weve all moved past the best friend cliques okay okay my class is actually fuckin rad like whaddu you know i dont have to aggressively swear and avoid hugs anymore (self defence from that shitty year) but actually have all these wholesome friends, ofc there were stronger relationships between some people but! i was included. i felt good. it was good. i figured out this being everyones friend thing. im a proper teen now eh. oh but i still had my best friend (briefly moirail) maxx! talking everyday at least for least half an hour if not more, skype calls... watching movies together... sending shit to canada and that one mail i got from you and planning so hard a visit there, even if it felt unrealistic. maybe even spending too much time on you and not making as many connections to my class friends as i could have, u know. stuck on my phone to always be available to you. making you more important. dunno how often id talk thru a crisis in class or however late at night bc, i wanted to be there for you! i loved being needed and being an important piece in moving thru tough times. sure detrimental maybe irl but i was being too much online anyway which i still do but were not there yet. besides, that relationship has had a bit of a roller coaster in the past nearly4 yrs (is it more?) shit that started from an rp and then slowly talking more to being moirails to being the tightest best friends “momma” and all, to your irl friends breaking it up slowly, then a boyfriend really took oyur time and we didnt talk daily lt alone ever get to call bc... shit. okay but i was friends with your boyfriend and though i saw it wouldnt last i was okay with it, like right cool thats teh boyfriend and im the bestfriend. im still involved. yeah man. oh you broke up and now talk more to me! fuck yeah. ill take your side in this regardless. lets get close again even if its not quite the same. i try join your cosplay groups though i cant help feeling me joining killed them, and i followed some you were passionate on! drew all those rad characters of you and your friends to feel adequate and appreciated. then you ad your drama, hated this kid and i wasnt even rly involved. all of a sudden, tight friends, oh i get to be in a chat w you both and a rad other person i had a mild crush on! rad. hell yeah. ive never been in a groupchat like this! this is great i love it. and the vikings came up. and your new friend left bc i was a cis girl and he has problems and could not deal with me not agreeing with his shit argument. (about my countrys history!!)  anyway. they make their groupchat, groupchats die. oh. great i ruined it. okay. i no longer know whats in your life.... oh youre best friends now? i kind of have to bug you to even get added to your ‘friends page’ as dumb as it is. i get knocked right aside as hes the bff and the greatest sweetest person ever even though he still seems like a major dick and even your cool older friend agrees with me..... a load of bullshit and weve drawn apart to barely talking once a week and ive still sent you many gifts bc i think its great! until.  yeah i wasnt gonna send anymore till you promised to set me up with cosplay pieces for christmas and i freak out to send you smth in return (never got more than measurements from me, and due to shit timing i didnt even get to be there for you opening the presents which fuckin ruined it) but whats this? a year on im fucking coming to america and conviced my parents to also go to canada???? fucking insane. still we dont talk much, the plans werent like i expected but i met you and the cool older friend! amazing! it happened! youre real! i brought you more gifts and i got pictures with you and its, it doesnt feel real still. i keep the fucking bus ticket i took from toronto to guelph to remind me. sure i didnt like get much from you back and thats kay different monetary situations and all and yeah. wild. oh but we still barely talk after? no its ok i get it youre not that good with texting people anymore (even if you kept texting you bff while i was there.... like. maybe he was having a crisis i can understand but... please you barely talk to me anymore and now amazingly im there and. you still talk to him a lot. okay...)  ‘ew were not dating were just best friends!” a month later becomes ‘this is my boyfriend and bff i love him more than anything else in the world” ‘oh but hes absolutely a huge mean prick who is super self centered and manipulative,’ and i guess you needed to feel needed like i did and dedicated everything to this shitstorm of a human but. okay... weve drifted apart further, till i demanded thru to your discord (not even active anywhere else) and try damn hard to still talk to you. but its just not genuine. i wanna talk abt important shit to me and worries about myself, but life is difficult on you and i dont feel like you do the same to me so i cant. is it no longer part of our relationship? i guess) 
anyway chapter; who the fuck cares; why i feel i can open up to internet friends more than irl ones;;coming up, the other irl exploits after 9th grade. 
internet friends are based on talking over text and emotions that come up in the moment and contacting them whenever. with irl people, ive always set a sort of boundary that like. our quota of talking is irl. i might message you online but its strictly related to irl things or smth we discussed irl, u feel? even then i mostly never message anyone (thank the two friends in uni ive talked to more than anyone else) but still. theyre people i will unload burdens to IRL when im sitting with them for hours talking about our fucked up relationships with things and life and thats beautiful. but its not consistent through life? like rn all this shit. i cant just go and vent tto you (i guess i could but who knows if youre mad busy and needa be up early tomorrow or are already sleeping or have other shit on your mind, let alone would be offednede by me being so explicit abt me feelings w friendship u being my friend.) anyway, internet friends have broken that and sometimes i talk abt dumb shit ive seen that remind me of them or i wanna get a reaction from someone about and sometimes this bullshit. but more recently, (my discord has fuckin 3 ppl) i cant. i mean. idk if ever could and now theyre just being better w themselves but i cant? Ana tries being a friend and a good online friend but. i cant take it any deeper than like, look how cool this is! yeah that is cool bc theyre exhausted and dont wanna deal w others bullshit and dont want me to deal with theirs bc theyre online to avoid it. all of which i understand but. its kind of hard to deal with. like. youre currently only passionate about your gays in southpark. two things i dont care bout jack shit (actually hate south park idec) and then your response to me just like contemplating quizzes or the way i felt in the mirror at ballet or like smth that comes up to me when im talking abt normal shit, i get an ok, i dk how to respond or, i dont really care. and wildly i love the honesty, and glad to have lines drawn for me when i dont see them, but it always feels like a smack in the face regardless. having stepped out of line and not having realised and stopped before they had to tell me to stop. like it was w that old neighbour bff. i could never tell when she wanted me to leave her alone or smth bc i was having fun! but shed be tired of it and it just. always hurt realising i was too wrapped up in emotion and myself to realise i was annoying or overstepping boundaries and im still terribly self concious about it bc i feel terrible being a bad person like that! i wanna be the perfect friend.ugh. 
the other people on my discord are maxx and the cool older canadian dan, who still is rly cool and admirable. and i feel bad. bc when i first got the dumb thing i talked to him like adults! yea! talked abt maxx and a bit of college and a bit of life and like. it was good! he said good night friend <3 which is like!!! the most wild and exciting thing it fuckin exhilirates me to be called friend in converstion like please fuck validate me being your friend!!!! (god isnt that sad and basically gonna sum up this whole thing) anyway recently im sure things have been sad or busy or hes just that kinda person but my last 4? attempts for convo have gotten no response, even when hes online (supposedly when its ok to message him) and i no longer want to say anything unless its smth im sure id get a response to. bc then im just buggering and annoying the poor guy and become annoying. (even if hes said he doesnt mind and thinks im a great person. i hope) and maxx u know. i can message, and i do, and now more than in a rly long time i- oh my god i get responses!! still they cut short. theres no, hey sorry i dont care or, hey i gotta go, or hey i dont wanna talk abt this, just. no more responses. and i guess my conversational skills are rusty and i havent written anything thatd get an easy response from them! (but stilll, should talking to friends rly require you to formulate conversation starters and talk in a way that doesnt provoke too much but is just easy enough for them to respond briefly and with no investment to make talking to me easy as possible? idk even iguess? maybe im shit at having friends and thats why i have none. shush.)
okay lets head back to irl. high school was shitty weird thing, around 10 ppl in class and i only made friends w 3? got bullied for a good couple days on a trip by 1 and another class person. terrible trying to make friends and keep friendly with everyone in a tiny school but i managed and alls good, and even still, just made friends with the most compatible people, not sure if id have been friends with otherwise. one a nervous wreck of a boy that the teacher tried to like ‘ship us together with’ but while he had a girlfriend and we managed to keep conversation joking and chill (as it should be and i made good sure of it) it was fine, he still like i a very girlfriend oriented person and i guess doesnt chat much online w other girls? im cool with it, a couple snap updates on life here an there its whatever. youre an anxious person anyway and we dont always like. work as friends. another was from japan, who id decieded to make a friend if only to have a friend in japan to visit and to teach me a bit (and teach us to make food! okay im so glad we were friends) and at school it was great enough. helped her get confident in speaking english and correcting work and sitting together at lunch and hanging out outside of school on the rare occasion schedules lined up was fab! i actually am gonna miss her. even if we werent close. and i feel bad bc idk if she wants to keep in contact, and i really suppose i should just aim to write her like a text once a month or so to keep in touch thatd be good, cover that. keep up english and so on. maybe (ps old friends from childhood pop up every now and then on social media and have the rare chat which is quite nice actually! even if im not active or keep them updated, some realtionships i like to leave lukewarm and not hateful but smth thats easy to catch up with if opportunity comes up. i actually can do that quite a lot, make good conversation and feel friendly and make acquaintances. i just. have no idea how to push them to proper active friendships (it just happens sometimes by accident) and no absolute clue how to make htat into a very close “bff we share everything i can message you whenever” kinda relationship classic media like facebook portrays idk. do i need it? i guess not but i kinda wanna know what thats like bc relationships are not a thing for me. lets make that its own paragraph) oh but also on old school friends my frustration of a few days, just. a friend that is the easiest to keep in touch with bc they intitiate and have time and want to do things, but god its annoying and i dont like them. our humours dont align and i feel judged and criticised and like. idk. dont feel great w them. theres moments of like genuine “im glad i met you bc i would have switched schools otherwise” from her and a jar of reminders why were friends and some good memories, but its just. she drains me. and i dont wanna talk deep w her. and though to some other friend it seems like we are heckin dating in secret bc of how comfortable we are and how much we end up communicating to organise things, uhm were not. i wouldnt date her ever im sorry. struggling to stay friends and have it fade to the background amicably before i do or say smth wrong and fuck it up. anyway its just bugging me and i hate it bc i feel bad for her and bad for myself and its just a mess that i dont wanna deal with that mucheven if i talked my parents ear off about it.
ok intermission to parents. in a way no. no fuck they are not my friends. my mom will never be my best friend and i dont think they want that either,being classic parents and allbut i guess, sometimes when i get past the ugh youll never understand youre so god damn annoying!! teenage phase my brain still has, i do talk to them about a lot of things that upset me, bc unlike friends, they cant decide not to care about me or stop talking to me u know. i have vented about shit practices that have really tested my self worth and lack of emotions (remind sobbing like a bitch with a mud covered ass walking home from a terrible skating practice and falling in the rain) and mom comforting thru it. mind telling them all the pent up feelings abt flatmates and analysing them to her like”well shes rly nice and we talk abt this and this but i cant help but feel she doesnt really wanna talk to me and also they didnt wanna hang out and they keep leaving their dishes and told me to clean mine but they did this and that and....” i never talk about internet friends or a lot abt other things bc. not relevant and i dont think id hear what i wanna hear. but im kinda glad i still can do that and vent to them abt like real life things and things that upset me even if its not exhaustive and i cant do everything and they dont fill the gap of this “true best friend” i have emulated. but thats a point of why im not rly lonely. bc i have outlets to a lot of these needs that im not missing it all . just dont have it all in one person or even a small group of ppl.
wht next. oh remind me to come back to group things online. anyway lets give uni a try. so weve talked abt my two impressive friends irl who take the same course as me and kind of have dragged me thru and have gone to hobbies w me and hung out w me for hours and actually come to visist me in london an been cool? yeah theyre pretty rad people and very smart and im glad theyre in my life. even if w al the ranting im not comfortable messaging them all hours of the night to talk abt all my insecuritites and thoughts and problems u know. and one is dating and both have flatmate drama and other groups of friends and tho theyre friends between each other we dont like. make the ultimate trio which is why were not moving in together ( also reminder to being called the 3 musketeers w my high school two gals bc we were seein kinda doing everything together (in school) by me sticking us all together with my “i need to feel validated with friends” glue. that was quite nice.) 
but like in uni, ive said it to a lot of people. its amazing. ive never been happier knowing this many people. i dont make drama, i almost never get included in any drama so all i get are friends!!! and having flatmates, and flatmates friends, and class mates, and people ive just met , and hobby friends i just knew so many people thatd be friendly to me and even smile at me in passing it feels great man. having multiple group hobbies and socials to go to (even if i dont drink much and its not like were partying) it feels good man. i want more of this next term now that i have no”i dont know anyone there” excuses. god i love it. i love waving to people i know, i love getting a ride from someone to go hang out t another friends place and people knowing me by name and caring about my presence! (though not too much, like nobody would miss me i guess, but i still have more of a place to carve and i cant say for sure that they did not notice me missing) anyway archery has been terrbily wholesome and one of the best things ive invested time into and im sad some of the happy faces there are leaving this summer....... and sure none of these friends have gone even to proper hugging levels, let alone talking together without a group of people or god, messaging privately if not strictly club stuff (ok theres like, a couple, one that im delighted about and cant wait to hang w in finland even tho theyre cooler than me)  but u know, same problem w. hm were friends within this hobby group. were not like. actually friends outside of this and wouldnt hang outside of it. uh. yeah. dont rly have that many that kinda friends..... just 2 in fact. ill work on that.... 
side note, i try joining in online groups like mxrp discords, and an odd skype chat for homestuck cosplayers. but its kinda the worst. i dont mind observing and reading in and commenting in my head and rarely actually participating tho nobody knows who i am, but like. nobody knows who i am or cares if im there at all. and its kind of a not great feeling. im not needed or wanted here. they just dont mind me being there u know. idk wht to do with those feelings. i dont really wanna make myself obnoxiously present and make people remember and want to talk to me and actually become immersed in it, bc these dont seem like that great people idk. i guess im too  ‘mature’ to just go omg i love you an all that. 
anyway lets dive into hmmmmmm  why am i still lonely? funny question eh. its because i have no consistent close relationships with anyone. have i ever? maxx was closest but i guess nawh here we are. i can get close to u in a night of just talking for hours but. if it doesnt carry through consistently does it count? i have a couple people to message when im delighted abt smth (heck even post to snapchat to get those lukewarm friendships to be reminded of me) and i have my parents to be sad to about a certain category of things that i share w them (like hobby frustrations and friends theyve met frustrations, and some body upset) i have this hunk of friends in uni i can hang out and chill with and will continue making better friends with gladly. im not an isolated herrmit (all the time) nor do i think im socially despicable. im just. normal. online ive felt more and more as much as i spend my entire day online w all these things im not an internet person??im not always posting on social media, im not always talking to 10 ppl at once, im not writing or creating media, im not consuming other than youtube actually, (like i dont watch shows u knw) , all i do is rp when i muster the strength and hang out lukewarm on tumblr posting rants and reblogging pretty and fun things, not getting involved much. not a fan of anything, not obsessed w anything, not overtly gay ( i dont even know what i am but girls are pretty and sex and relationships get gross as soon as you add me into the picture) and not an exciting personality. hell. i currently fuckin like ballet and archery and like. thats about it. (also hahahhahh catch me going down the abc list of hobbies, aikido, archery, badminton (w archery ppl) ballet. what next. cricket? crochet... cooking? dance (ballet) fencing gaming (hah no), hockey? ice skating ( im already doing it) like look at me anyway shh) im not trans and i dont feel gay enough to fit in (what a rant that is, but im just ignoring it for now) im so boring. too reational, too uninvolved, too unopinionated/have an opinion but prefer to keep quiet and at peace. i guess this is what normal people are like off the internet. and ill just deal with it. but how normal people fill the gap are these ridiculously idealistic bff groups that i clearly dunno how to achieve, and uh. relationships.
so i can foresee a future where an imaginative foggy figure will care about me so much and want to hear all these rants and talk about all my wild thoughts with me and love me and remind me of it and be happy around me and think im funny and make me feel good and loved and better than i am and be someone i love being aorund constantly and wont have to feel self concious with or like i need to be putting on the front that is not gross and is a lovely sociable person. like i doubt they even exist. the kind im specifically thinking off thatll make life a sunset gold and unbelievably happy and good. ill save that sunset gold feeling to my dream future, one in which im happy with my body and personality and have that shadowy figure that makes me all whole and better than im alone and all these pets and animals that i love and love me and plants and color and art and whimsical decorations and yknow. i see it in my head. it feels real good. i kinda wanna see if itll actually happen. it just. it feels so fuzzy and warm and i would love for that actually be real and look back on this and be like. i have it. everythings complete. we can dream. i might get it when im grey and old and all alone but found smth that makes it that good. anyway im not discounting that there might be ‘the one’ in that future, the perfect one. but. i still doubt in the present when or if ill ever meet them let alone if i do htat anything would happen. ive never ever dated anyone or even come close to it. i dont understand how people just, end up in relationships or almost always have one, and i guess im not trying to bc idk if i want it-  idk if im ready for it, but its a weird one ill tell u. i feel with this perfect imaginary figures all these bad feelings would go away and i could talk about them and someone help me fix them and become more and better than my thoughts. but i dont wanna look for one. i dont wanna experiment in relationships so that im ready and wont fuck it up when the one comes bc, its horrendous and stressful and im gross! im not dating material. nah. and obviously nobodys tried to date me so were all on the same page. honestly once i sort out the other things wrong w me, i might just get to therapy for this shit. like. why are relationships such a shit concept to me and like why and how do i deal with it without just saying fuck it relationshipss are not for me. i have no doubt ill keep making connections and friends throughout my life in all different random places, but im actually... kinda afraid none will stick around. if i cant form consistent strong friendships theyre al gonna fade away and ill have nobody when i need someone. having that one solid person would really help bc theyre there thick and thin i guess aparently. i have myself, but considering what a mess i am idk if thats enough at all. i think i should change myself an awful lot though before a relationship could happen. like. nobody wants a barely showering fat chubby in an awkwardway terrible skinned messy sad blabbery person. like. just a gross one. i gotta become so much better before i can even consider letting someone past to get this close i guess. i guess. these feelings are really not settling here and i feel off the rocker. like unsettled and uneasy. also i need to pee which is rly not helping feel less gross. that and my hair is nasty greasy bc rather than take a shower at a reasonable time i did.... nothing. and then i started writing this an hour, two hours ago? more? idk. 
kay then, we have reflected briefly while i was away on how fat and ugly i am and how hopeless considering ive been trying to finish a knitting project for my baby cousin and start drawing again or even just playing my old pokemon game (yknow summer vacay) things in the past few days. nawh. havent. even more productively i should have done actual exercise to build my stamina and make faster improvements in ballet and actually try and tackle the fat and ugly feeling in 8 weeks (but that like... requires diet control... which is hard?) and like o u know. finishing my fucking university course ive lied to everyone abt? ok lets be real i have passed the year and can move into the next w the credits i have and passed all the mandatory classes. but. i want/ need to pass this class. and i already forked out 30 pounds hopefully correctly to apply for a resubmission (more like first submission) of all these projects and its hard. considering in my hirearchy of shit that needs to be done (easiest most necessary first)  i havent even reached the first ladder of like washing my nasty hair. the ladder includes all the above projects and at the end of it is like completing that course (needs to be done by the end of the month u kno bitchh. u dont know how long its gonna take you cannot leave it to the last few days. and this other bulshit course idk if ill even get credit for completing late and dont know if i care but i guess i gotta do it anyway 
basically i just wanna d ie. thatd be nice. id not have to feel fat and stupid and worthless and discomfrot in my own skin and just. nasty and numb but bad all over. okay im really not feeling great bout now. but thanks to all the above weve realised i have nobody to talk to whod talk me out of these feelings and comfort me (let alone if im capable as a person to accept that considering theyd have to be very convicing to get past me going “mhmmm but youre wrong” ) 
anyway this has been terribland i havent achieved anything but feelin kinda bad. we have covered that ive never had proper friendships and that might be detrimental to me ever forming the kind of close companionship i seem to be missing, however at least i can make easy friends briefly and as such know im not a terrible person thru and thru that people hate. i just dont know how to cross that nd not be horribly annoying or how to find those kind of people bc shit and bullshit. do i need it? no i guess ill be fine. would it make my life better and more worth it? probably. id hope so. i mean it seems pretty important in human existence for there to be so damn many songs and movies and aboslutely everything focused around it. 
anyway. i know nobodys gonna finish reading this and i kinda hope i dont read back on this either. my cringey diary moments hidden under a readmore on tumblr. whats sadder.... tsk who wants to figure out how many words this all is? 
mhmmmm mmm 7 pages on word and 6059 words. damn gurl. no FUCKIN WONDer nobody wants to talk to me about my thoughts and feelings when they just erupt. bc even by erupt i mean a mild discomfort that im trying to pin down to a cause and an actual feeling so and so unsuccessfully. 
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sadrien · 7 years
wanna chat? pt. 14
on ao3 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
i got my harry potter nerd on for this chapter, mostly because i wanted to write and didn't know what to write about
also, i'm glad you all liked the previous chapter <3
dipshit = adrien fergie = alya no = nino dancing queen = mari
fergie: its 2 quiet in here time for the #discourse
no: no
fergie: shit im blanking i need a topiC @the babs: someone pls
no: i refuse to support this
dipshit: Anything?
fergie: yes
dipshit: Ok give me a second
no: fuck dude i just wanted a day of chill
fergie: babe with friends like us thats just not possible
dancing queen: What are we doing??
dipshit: Hogwarts house discourse Go
no: i cant believe i have to break up with you
fergie renamed this conversation to “hogwarts house discourse”.
dancing queen: Oh no
fergie: alright alright alright adrien = puff mari = puff nino = puff
dipshit: How do you figure
no: uhhh
dancing queen: Sorry al that seems wrong
dancing queen: oh it is it definitely is but ur all sweet enough for hufflepuff and loyal and we all eat too much food hmmm realistic one… adrien = puff mari = snake nino = raven mayb
dipshit: Make Mari Gryffindor and I’ll agree with you
fergie: whaaaaaat our girl is ambitious aF theres no way
dipshit: But she’s also a really strong leader and incredibly brave
dancing queen: If were arguing over anyone Id say adrien should be a gryffindor Oh wait maybe ravneclaw???? Hes super smart Shit this is really hard? He could be in three???
no: the fuck i was thinking slytherin actually
fergie: ???
dancing queen: ???????
no: listen my dudes the hat takes what you want into consideration right? it does it for harry anyway
fergie: what does this have to do with marshmallow being a snake which is just not accurate
no: im getting there
dipshit: Are we going by stereotypes or nah
dancing queen: Nah The stereotypes suck
no: im just saying theres no fucking way if we were wizards teh agrestes wouldnt be pure bloods and gabriel would be classic fucking slytherin
dancing queen: Ok Ill agree with that
fergie: mhmmmm
dipshit: I wouldn’t say that
no: bro even if you arent going off stereotypes your old man is probably the mos t ambitious perosn ive ever met like scary mari is almost as scary
dancing queen: Hey!!!!!!
fergie: so sorting hat
no has changed their name to sorting hat.
sorting hat: sup
fergie: are u saying adrien would ASK 2 b slytherin
sorting hat: well yeah yeah i am 
fergie: …………… i did not consider
sorting hat: i know you didnt
dancing queen: First of all since we cant decide and Im getting mixed answers from online quizzes
dancing queen has changed their name to lion snake.
lion snake: Second of all doesnt the hat also base it off of what you value the most??
dipshit: Lion snake? Like a chimera?
fergie: nerd
dipshit: Actually the chimera also has a goat ignore me
sorting hat: what the fuck
dipshit: Greek mythology
fergie: u kno what i dont wanna kno
dipshit: Anyway back to this
sorting hat: oh yeah anywa yeah the hat does but adrien wanting to please his dad might overrule that idk my dude jk didnt exactly lay ou t the rules of this super great
fergie: jk needs to c h i l l and ye each of the golden trio couldve ended up in at least one other house
dipshit: That would’ve been cool Also I don’t think I try to please my dad that much
fergie: oh sweetheart
sorting hat: dude
lion snake: Adrien you really really do
dipshit: Really?
fergie has changed their name to adriens legal guardian.
adriens legal guardian: someone needs to take care of you
dipshit: I promise I’m fine I’ve got Nathalie
sorting hat: does nathalie give you hugs
dipshit: No? Why is that relevant?
adriens legal guardian has changed their name to i love adrien.
i love adrien: turn on ur location agreste
dipshit: Please know that’s actually kind of creepy I’m at home you don’t have to worry about location
i love adrien: hella
sorting hat: alya chill out with the name chagnes also now im gonna be confuse d
i love adrien: i love him too but truuuuu
dipshit: ????
i love adrien: can i change it
sorting hat: last time for today??
i love adrien: ilysm
i love adrien has changed their name to cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub
dipshit: I have a fanclub? Wait that wasn’t the smartest thing to say
lion snake: Its a good thing youre cute
dipshit: I try to ignore them
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: have u ever been on the official insta of the fanclub bc its hilarious and beautiful
dipshit: …. Alya why
sorting hat: oh we totally googled you
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: mhm
lion snake: ^^^^
dipshit: That’s…..nice of you?
lion snake: Sorry if that makes you uncomfortable omg
dipshit: It’s just? Kinda weird?? I don’t mind and I probably should’ve expected it I just forget sometimes that that’s a thing people can/will do
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: adri if it makes u feel any better i google everyone ive googled everyone in this chat in our class their parents ymself random strangers if im able to
sorting hat: that is not surprising at all
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: ur not special i mean u r ur v special to me and ilysm but not here everyone gets googled and twitter stalked also tell whoevers running ur official accounts to be less lame idc about salad u eat
dipshit: What????
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: ur social media is B O R I N G i kno u dont run it but i still expected more memes
dipshit: Honestly I don’t look at it
sorting hat: its like the person we thought you were when we first met you except more boring
lion snake: Ok no thats not true Because I thought he was an asshole
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: oh shit tru
dipshit: Ahhhh yeah sorry about that
lion snake: Its fine I promise!!! Weve talked about this Its like Super perfect adn model-y and professional andnot  at all a teenage loser who stayed up until 2 watching sailor moon and eating doritos
sorting hat: fucking relatable
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: weebs
sorting hat: yo youre the one who decided to date some
lion snake: Hey Ive never asked Adrien do you have unofficial personal social media???
dipshit: ……………………. Shhhhhh
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: WHAAAAAAAT LINKS LINK S LINKS LINSK
dipshit: I have a tumblr but that’s it
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: oh my go d this weekend  we get 2gether adn make adrien all the social media and we revamp his tumblr bc ur theme sucks
dipshit: ???? You’ve never even seen it???
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: i know it does marsh !!!!!!!! can u imagine if lb and cn had social media!!!!! id c r y
PM between dipshit and lion snake
dipshit: P l e a s e
lion snake: Oh my og d
dipshit: Please please please please please please please plEASE
lion snake: HOld on!!! Im discussing with tikki
dipshit: Plagg says he doesn’t care what we do
lion snake: Yeah we arent trusting him
lion snake: No Just because of that No
dipshit: Pleaaaaaseeeeeeeee My lady it’ll be great I swear
lion snake: U gh Well talk on it on patrol tonight k??
dipshit: YES!!!!
19:05 in hogwarts house discourse
sorting hat: i know weve moved on but man. fuck snape
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: do u think if i track down lb and cn and ask them for their hogwarts houses theyll tell me
sorting hat: worth a shot?
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: update: chat says ladybg is a gryffindor and lb says shes iether that or slytherin so like mari and they cant agree on cn
sorting hat: damn you adrien i cant stop thinking about this what is mari?? what is adrien??? what am i?? al youre either gryffindor or ravenclaw ive decided
lion snake: Youre the sorting hat shouldnt you know all???
sorting hat: bruh we need the actual sorting hat for this
lion snake: Fair enough
sorting hat: lets say adrien is a hatstall and move on
PM between dipshit and lion snake
dipshit: Rise and shine bugaboo Akuma at 3 o’clock Literally 3 o’clock the time not the like If you’re using 12, 3, 6, and 9 as directions It’s not You know what My tracker on my baton is turned on so use that to find me
dipshit: Mari Mari Alright plan b I’m gonna call  you and if you don’t pick up I’m going to show up on your balcony Which sounds creepy but also this akuma is now stacking cars and I don’t really know what to do? They aren’t even trying to do anything else right now Am I missing something??? I’m confused
lion snake has changed their name to ahHHH
ahHHH: IM SO SORRY Tikki woke me up my phone was muted She says Waitw e dont hav etime for this Ive gotta transform so Ill talk to you when I get there??
dipshit: It’s fine just watching an akuma build a tower out of cars Remind me to show you how to sync Skype up to your yoyo
ahHHH: Youre on skype on your baton??
dipshit: Yeah it makes things easier
ahHHH: Huh Al and nino didnt wake up?
dipshit: I think the akumas too far away for them to hear, but also it’s not exactly being distructive When we actually start fighting people might start waking up but for now it’s being pretty quiet even with the car stacking
ahHHH: Well thats good they need their sleep Wait if the akuma was quiet how did you know??
dipshit: People started posting to the Ladyblog forums and I had that open in another tab
ahHHH: ???/ Why were you up????
dipshit: Bad night I couldn’t sleep so I put on Howl’s Moving Castle
ahHHH: Feeling any better?
dipshit: I’m sure I’ll feel better when I see you :3
ahHHH: Oh myg do Itst oo early for this Ill see you in fa few just stop that cat face
dipshit: ;3
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