#i have no explanation for mammon and adam because i just thought it would be cool for them to be a guitarduo ship
kevin-ibw · 4 months
I have two Adam ships
Salvation Hotel AU, where Luci saw Adam be created and was like; Goddamn, i want him carnally, stole his first wife, tricked his second into eating the fruit of knowledge, and made a deal with him.
In my HH rewrite where its more crackship like Adam and Mammon because I am still figuring out how they would meet.
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flower-boi16 · 3 months
the thing is with viv's fat "rep" she could've actually done something good with it if she put THOUGHT behind as to WHY these characters act that way. she has such a large audience she could've impacted them in a meaningful way but as we all always say, it's viv. so that dream goes down the drain.
as someone who is overweight *because* of eating disorder issues, someone who fits the stereotype of "eating too much" and thus being heavier, i am the punching bag for people and "jokes" and harassment because of that. i remember watching the beezlebub episode, being excited for the design, and maybe just a LITTLE representation - and then boom! It's just furry bait 2.0 with lava lamp hair and the same build like every female character in the hellaverse. you can make asmodeus horny, you can make mammon greedy, but you can't make beezlebub a glutton? she literally summons FOOD. if you're gonna represent nothing but stereotypes, why not stick to it?? same went for mimzy. only character i was excited for and she's just another asshole and hated for it, even though the main cast isn't better in any way, but that's H*H and H*B for you, hypocrisy.
maybe adam got severely depressed when lilith left, and thus, he started stress eating, or that mammon does it because he feels like he never has enough (greed). just a half-assed explanation would've sufficed.
anyways, much much love to the beezlebub redesigns out there.
All of what you said would require Viv to actually put effort into her fat rep, which she clearly doesn't care about. She'd rather make all of her fat characters one-dimensional stereotypes than have actual depth, while she tries to put effort into her skinny-ass characters and give them depth, the fat ones are all just one-dimensional assholes with little depth.
I don't hate Beezlebulb's design as much as others do but the fact that Viv made a GLUTTON look skinny af is very weird, but then again, that's probably because then Viv would be forced to make a fat character that's more than just a one-dimensional asshole, so she made her skinny instead.
Also, the fact that Adam is apparently supposed to be fat despite STILL LOOKING SKINNY AF. Like, if you want to make a character fat, do the bare fucking minimum and ACTUALLY MAKE HIM LOOK FAT!!!!! But that would take effort, now would it? And that's the thing, Viv doesn't put effort into her fat characters; she always makes them one-dimensional assholes with no depth, none of them are actual characters, they all have the same fucking personality.
Oh, and I'll also never forget the fact that Viv had a fat character, Mammon, fat shame fucking FIZZAROLLI OF ALL CHARACTERS. Fizz looks skinny as hell! Yes, fat people can be fatphobic but like wouldn't it make more sense for Mammon to fat shame an actual FAT CHARACTER? But again, doing that would take effort, and Viv clearly doesn't want to do that.
I used to think that Viv can't be fatphobic because she herself is fat - until someone in my replies pointed out that fat people can still be fatphobic so...
...ya, judging by Viv's writing, she's very fatphobic. Until Viv actually makes a fat character with actual effort put into them, my mind is not going to change. Honestly, when I become a writer when I grow older I'll look at Hellaverse as a clear lesson of what NOT TO DO when making a fat character.
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fellulahh · 4 years
‘Mammon visits MC in the human realm and Lucifer gets jealous’ Part 9/???
Read Part 8 here!
Lucifer looked up at Satan with vulnerable eyes. Fear ran through his mind as the rose tinted glasses he’d been wearing for the past month were finally removed. He’d been a puppet in Diavolo’s plans.
Reading Lucifer’s mind, Satan spoke softly. “You need to go.”
As he stood outside the familiar doors of Diavolo’s colossal palace, Lucifer took steady breaths as he held MC’s package in his hands.
It’d taken some time, but Lucifer managed to order the brothers to stay at the house while he delivered the gift to her. He silently hoped to himself that she wouldn’t turn him away at the door. Barbatos let him in, greeting him as he would do usually.
“Lucifer.” He nodded, “I hadn’t expected to see you here.”
“Good evening, Barbatos - can you lead me in the direction of MC?” Lucifer asked as he stepped into the huge entranceway.
“Of course.”
Having been led through the castle to the room which MC resided in, Lucifer’s heart quickened as he tried to hold back his anger. He’d been to Diavolo’s palace many times - he knew exactly which chamber was his. Conveniently, it was opposite MC’s.
Knocking gently, he waited for her voice to call. It’d felt like it had been forever since he heard the angelic words that fell from her lips. As he heard her speak up from the other side, he slowly opened the door.
Looking up from where she sat, MC’s eyes widened when she recognised the dark hair that first appeared, followed by a gloved hand and a red waist coat. Her heartbeat quickened as she gawped at Lucifer stood in the doorway. He met her eyes as he pushed the door shut.
MC was speechless as he looked at her sombrely. His heart melted, seeing her face for the first time in weeks. The stress of everything slowly evaporated as he entered her presence. “Lucifer?” She asked in disbelief.
“I had to see you.” He breathed abruptly.
She remained silent as she stared at him. So many emotions filled her body all at once; anger; disappointment; sadness; love. MC waited for him to explain his presence. Pulling her duvet up to her chest, she watched his every move.
He let out a deep breath as he stepped further into the room, placing the gift in his hands onto her dresser. MC’s face softened when she studied his expression. Usually he’d always seem so reserved, hiding any emotions he may have but for the first time she saw the hurt in his eyes. She’d never seen him without his shield of pride encasing him. Despite all of the anguish she held for him, her heart let her down. She wanted to throw herself across the bed and hug him.
“I owe you an explanation.” He spoke in a calm manner as he placed a hand on his chest. “Do you mind?” He asked, pointing at the empty space on the bed beside her. Shaking her head, she allowed him to perch next to her body. “I still haven’t quite accepted what we’ve done.” He admitted in a whisper. “You probably think I regret our night together.”
“That’s the only impression you’ve given me.” She spoke quietly, “Can you blame me for thinking it?”
“No.” He shook his head. “Just know that it’s not true - there hasn’t been a single day where I haven’t thought about it.”
She listened to him intently, her gaze flickering between his troubled eyes.
“Since you left us I’d struggled to make it through the day without missing you. Things were so much easier with you around - I hadn’t realised at the time but you were my beacon.” He half chuckled as she continued to remain silent. “But my work never lessened. I almost had a sense of relief when you left - I feared that if things were to develop between us they’d soon fizzle out because I was unable to find the time for you. I worried I’d hurt you.”
MC blinked as she processed every word carefully. She felt a pang of sadness, hearing Lucifer’s fears.
“When I came to see you in the human realm, I’d never felt such a sheer sense of happiness seeing your face again.” He admitted, “I began to wonder to myself, perhaps things could work - maybe I could finally find the perfect balance between my responsibilities and our relationship.”
The mention of a relationship made her breathing grow quicker.
“But when I held you in my arms and felt two souls I’d never felt so frightened.” He spoke truthfully with trouble glazing his eyes, “Suddenly all of my fears came back. If I can’t devote my time to you, how am I supposed to give it to a baby?”
“I don’t understand...” she sighed, her face saddening. “Why are you telling me all of this now?”
“Because I have a new fear.” He spoke quietly.
“Being?” She asked impatiently.
“I take too long to figure it all out.” He answered, “And then when I do, it’s too late.” He spoke, referring to the image of Diavolo and MC in his head.
“I don’t understand what you’re trying to say to me...” MC stated. She hadn’t seen Lucifer in weeks and now he’d just shown up and opened his heart up to her. He’d mentioned so many things that she didn’t know what to focus on first. “What does all of this mean?” She asked as she heard the door open.
“That I—“
“Lucifer, what a surprise!” A voice called.
Diavolo’s appearance almost scared MC. Both of their heads spun round to face him. As much as she enjoyed the Prince’s company, her heart cried as he interrupted the moment she was sharing with Lucifer.
“My Lord.” The eldest brother nodded.
“I see you two are speaking.” He smiled, “I was surprised when Barbatos told me you were here - the timing couldn’t be better. Come, I have a serious matter to discuss with you.”
Lucifer wanted to refuse but he knew he couldn’t. “Of course, My Lord.”
He got off the bed, leaving MC as he walked across the room. Before he left however, he picked up the parcel that he’d previously left on MC’s dresser. “A gift from us.” He nodded as he placed it in front of her. “7 things from 7 brothers.”
Before MC could even thank him, he stepped out of the room after feeling Diavolo’s eyes burning into his skull.
Watching them both leave, MC was left overrun with emotions. What did all of Lucifer’s confession mean? Was he building it all up to admit that he’s not ready to be with her or worse: that he doesn’t want to be with her?
Trying to avoid overthinking it, her eyes fell on the package as she reached for it, carefully opening the lid to see what was inside.
A smile erupted onto her face when she scanned the contents. Her entire complexion lit up when she pulled out the bottle of specially made iced tea that Asmo had obviously put in for her - he knew it was her favourite. Of course, the Polaroid selfie of him he’d stuck to it also gave her a clue.
Digging further into the box, she pulled out a large book. She noticed a piece of paper on the inside cover. ‘Satan’ she smiled, reading his writing on the note.
Words couldn’t describe her happiness as she continued searching through the box, pulling out various items. Levi had given her his limited edition copy of TSL, Beel had supplied her with a box of his favourite cookies with a note saying ‘for you and the baby’ (although she was adamant he’d eaten half) and Belphie had bought her the softest looking blanket to remind her of him.
Seeing something else that was fabric in the box, she reached in. Her face softened completely when she pulled out a tiny baby onesie. Rotating her hand so that she could see the design on the front, her heart practically exploded as she worked out who’d provided the gift.
Embroidered onto the tiny babygrow were the words ‘I love my Uncle Mammon’.
She laughed at the present as she wanted nothing more than to give the white haired demon the biggest hug in the world.
Having seen 6/7 gifts, she searched the box for Lucifer’s. She was desperate to see what he’d given her. Reaching to the bottom, she could see a small box. As she wrapped her fingers around it, she fished it out before eagerly opening it.
“Luci...” she whispered to herself as she found her heart beating rapidly.
Unable to believe what was in front of her, she removed the contents of the tiny box. Holding up the gift, she had a mesmerised expression as she admired what she held.
Holding it close to her, she continued to gaze down at the small chocolate lizard that was still wrapped the same way as when she bought it for Lucifer all that time ago in London.
‘He kept it after all this time...’
OOFT what did we think?!
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