#i fucking love characters becoming the worst versions of themselves!!!
slotumn · 19 days
My favorite house are the Deer and my OTP are both GD, so I tend to write most of my fics in VW, but I think the scenario I actually find the most fascinating in terms of... character exploration potential? is actually Silver Snow. Because there, all three lords lose, and the only person who remains to do the hard (and ungrateful) work of rebuilding is Byleth.
(And tbh even if it's not SS specifically I just really like any kind of scenario where all three lords lose miserably. I love good whump and I really love stuff that leans into despair of "everything I did and everything I lived for all amounted to nothing," that's the good shit)
For Dimitri and Edelgard, I think it's fitting and poignant if they both die in scenarios where they don't win; for Claude, though, I really like the idea of him being alive in SS or any "all three lose" scenario, but never getting to yield political power again.
And because he survived, he doesn't even get to be heroized or romanticized like Edelgard and Dimitri. Maybe if he had good results with his schemes, he'd be a genius and the Master Tactician, but he didn't, so now he's just a lying backstabbing piece of shit, as far as public opinion is concerned, and it's extremely humiliating. Of course Claude would rather be alive and humiliated than dead and valorized, but that doesn't mean it's fun!
Plus there's the great irony of how he'd go from being unfairly hated because of his heritage, of being an outsider... to being pretty fairly hated. Like not only is he a war criminal, he is a war criminal who lost. And even before he lost he was already contentious within his own faction. His PR is not recovering.
I'm rambling here but one of my favorite aspects of Claude's character is how he holds a philosophy along the lines of "it's not the strong who survive, it's those who survive that are strong." That as long as you're breathing, there's another chance. It's a very appropriate blend of pragmatic and optimistic for someone with his background.
At the same time, that just makes me wonder how he'd react if he's killed in all ways but physical. For how laid back he acts, he's still a prince, and a politician through and through. So what's it going to be like, once he's breathing but socially and politically dead, with the blood of thousands on his hands?
What's it going to be like, once he'd outlived the two others who'd understand?
Tl;dr I love the idea of "if nothing else I'll outlive them" becoming a monkey's paw for Claude, him surviving as a pathetic cowardly loser (the exact thing he must have been accused of being since childhood) instead of a leader in a new era
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I feel Chrom fans are the worst, they often directly put down other protagonists like Lucina, Marth and Dimitri, whilst ignoring or whitewashing Chrom's canonical issues including:
Never apologizing for his father's crusade against Plegia and attempted religious genocide of the Grimleal, to the point he acts like Ylisse was the "real" victim and that neither Plegia nor the Grimleal has no right being upset at Ylisse.
Chrom makes sure to only recruit the white Plegians and never shows disapproval of prejudice against the Grimleal even when its shown by his own retainer, Frederick.
Making the already ravaged Plegia pay for everything after the war, than abandoning the country letting another tyrant take over. He even admits 2 years after Gangrel's father, he never found out what happened to Gangrel or whom succeeded him which is grotesquely negligent for a King.
When Robin kills one thousand transport ships filled "stem to stern" with Walhart's troops, Chrom is ecstatic rather than showing any respect to this huge loss of human life. Necessary or not, human life should be respected. Its made worse as its clarified THe valm empire forces citizens to become soldiers, including Virion's Rosseane and Say'ri's Chonsin.
In the Japanese version, Chrom canonically hangs around a homophobe (Old Hubba) and kills an effeminate gay man/possible transwoman (Excellus), indicating homophobic and transphobic views.
The fact that he's always remorseful when he faces women also indicates that he has has sexist beliefs too. It doesn't help that every woman Chrom fights is shown as brainwashed by a wicked man (Aversa) or just trapped by love (Pheros), because no women could oppose the towering paragon of Machismo that is Chrom.
Chrom ultimately allies with unrepentant Walhart whom shared his father's desire to invade Plegia and commit religious genocide, further showcasing he learnt positively nothing from his father's actions.
Chrom tells Aversa "One person's life means nothing in the shadow of millions" when she tries to avenge Validar due to being brainwashed, as no woman could ever willingly care about men, our hero Chrom hates, only for Chrom hypocritically try to prevent Robin from sacrificing themselves to kill Grima, willing to sacrifice the world for Robin.
Yet despite all this, Chrom is lauded as a great king and lovable Himbo, all whilst characters like:
Marth get called a crybaby or "generic Disney Prince" that is only popular because he's from the first game and nostalgic losers from Japan can't get enough of him.
Lucina is said to be to be popular only because she's a a waifu that people "want to fuck".
Dimitri is treated as "White Man" or a "Fascist" whom "murders women", when he showed more concern and humanity towards Duscur than Chrom ever did to Plegia as well as treating both sexes equally and not hanging around heteronormative crusaders (Hubba again).
And yes, this is character hate towards Chrom, he's massively overrated by the fandom and gets passes for what other characters would be crucified for.
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inamindfarfaraway · 3 months
Stumbled across your post on Carmilla and Cain from one of my favorite artist and just wanted to say that I loved that post incredibly!!
I loved the way you articulated the ability for free will to shatter heavens expectations! It had me thinking about free will in general so thank you for sharing that goodness!
Thank you! This analysis just came to me as a fun little observation, I wasn’t expecting it to gain so much traction. Free will is very thematically important to Hazbin Hotel, isn’t it? Lucifer believed in the good it could do, but accidentally created evil by giving it to humanity and fell for it. Since then he’s seen all the pain free will can cause and become embittered. Charlie, however, believes like he used to and fought for human souls passionately and selflessly enough to bring him back around. The Elder Angels who ordered the Exterminations and the Exorcists who carry them out seem to alternately hate and fear free will’s power, and by their indiscriminate condemnation of sinners as inherently irredeemable, not want to acknowledge it at all.
If the theory that Adam could live on as a sinner in Hell turns out to be true, I’d love to see his character and thoughts on his mortal family and free will explored, because he must have SO much baggage, which could explain (though not excuse) him being The Worst. An interesting detail in the backstory Charlie reads is that he’s never actually stated to eat the forbidden fruit. We see Eve take it, but not him. Maybe the reason that he’s in Heaven, but we never see or hear of Eve or their children in either afterlife, is that in this canon’s version of Genesis, he’s obedient and didn’t commit the original sin, only to be cast out anyway. Regardless of what exactly happens in Eden, he and Eve are forced to fend for themselves in the wilderness. Suddenly they need survival instincts. They can bleed and starve and get sick and loads of animals want to eat them. They have existential dread. Not to mention the marital tension. Why? Because the same angel who stole his first wife messed with his second one! As a result, people can sin. They can hurt each other. This allows Cain to invent murder on his brother. He’s then cursed to wander the Earth, eternally living with his guilt and grief. Oh, and where can dead souls live on now? Where might Abel be trapped forever? Hell, a dimension made of evil, everything bad about the new and degraded human experience taken to the ultimate extreme. You’ll never guess why it exists (Lucifer. It’s Lucifer again). So Adam loses two kids with one stone that was indirectly thrown by one fucking bird guy. Can you imagine how you would feel, having lived that life?
You would have issues. A lot of issues.
No wonder he scorns redemption so much. In his eyes, free will is synonymous with sin - with suffering. But thinking damned souls to be evil incarnate at least lets him take vengeance. It lets him feel the wrathful satisfaction of physically stabbing and hacking his way through representatives of the force that cost him paradise. Broke his family. Killed his child. Maybe he was a genuinely good person when he died. For the most part. Maybe stewing in all that unprocessed trauma while watching the horrors of human history unfold and being venerated and indulged in the perfect afterlife without any of his family changed him for the worse. If you can have a redemption arc in Hell, you can have a corruption arc in Heaven.
After all, Lucifer lost faith in humanity over time. But he has Charlie. Adam’s ‘daughters’ in Heaven are the Exorcists (he calls them “[his] girls” and names them, so he probably creates them), of which I bet Lute was the first. That’s a really twisted dynamic. Like, “From now on, my kids are killing people on MY terms”. Lute having parallels with Charlie makes her being the new main villain even better!
This got out of hand. What I mean to say is, the first human family and how they relate to the theme of free will have huge potential for exploration and development. And if Adam is reborn as a sinner, it would be precisely the Hazbin Hotel blend of heartbreaking and hilarious to have him reunite with Eve, Abel, Seth, etc. in Hell and they’re all like “What. The FUCK?” and his whole horrible personality just collapses in on itself.
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One of my favorite things in media is characters who are two different people. Ed is NOT Blackbeard. Blackbeard is the world's most terrifying pirate. Blackbeard is a myth. He's a legend. He's a ghost. He was created as a way for Ed to survive at sea, first on Hornigold's ship and then on his own. Ed is a middle-aged man who just wants to be loved. He wants friends and fine silk and lavender soap. He's soft and caring and he wants people to like him for who he is.
I think that's why he went completely off the rails when Stede left. He was actually coping in a semi-healthy way at first. He wrote a song. He was encouraging the crew to express themselves the way he did if they wanted to. He wanted everyone to call him Ed. Then Izzy told him that he served Blackbeard, not Edward and that Edward better watch his step. Ed fell back into the person he created to survive. Blackbeard was reborn, but underneath Ed was still grieving and he didn't have an outlet for it anymore. He did increasingly fucked up shit to the crew hoping they would kill him because he thought death was the only way to stop the pain, but he couldn't do it himself.
I'm absolutely not absolving him of his responsibility. He needs to have a conversation with everyone the way he did with Fang and give sincere apologies to all of them. I also don't think that Izzy deserved anything that happened to him and I'm living for this character growth, but I do think that what happened was partially his fault. He should've let Ed cope the way he was instead of threatening him into becoming the worst version of himself.
Anyway, just my thoughts on season 2 so far. Feel free to disagree and if anyone wants to talk more about this don't hesitate to message me. My best friend just starting watching the show so I can't scream about this with her just yet.
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sofoulandfairaday · 10 months
What do you think about Bella’s relationship with Narcissa/how it changed after her return from Azkaban?
I am so sorry, anon, I completely forgot about this post. I had started answering, then saved it in my drafts and only found it today (months later) when I opened them. Forgive me.
Great question!
I used to love Narcissa as a character but lately, I've started disliking her a little. I think most of the fandom sees her (wrongly) as a victim, even of Bellatrix, when actually the most Bella does to her is be a little rude to her husband and son. The worst Narcissa does to Bellatrix is indirectly causing her death. One of my worst pet peeves is when people write her as cruel to Narcissa in fanfictions when, in canon, it's almost always the opposite.
In the series they only have two interactions: in the first one, she goes behind Voldemort's back (!!!), accompanying her to Spinner's End to protect her (from herself, possibly Voldemort and even Snape), and Narcissa physically attacks her. In the second, she thinks that the Cup has been stolen (which will promptly cause Voldemort to kill all of them if he comes) which makes for a snappy exchange. And still, she doesn't curse Lucius' head off when he puts his hands on her.
Based on these interactions and the fact that they are respectively the eldest and the youngest sibling, I think Bella was always very protective of Narcissa. I always headcanon Bella as closest to Andromeda growing up (thirty years later, she still calls her sister) but Bellatrix's defining trait, contrary to popular belief, is - just like Cissy - her loyalty to her family. It's as much a part of her character as her love/obsession with Voldemort. It's tragic that Narcissa doesn't extend the same devotion to her. Draco and Lucius are very much her priorities while Bella loves her above everyone else but Voldemort. Andy's betrayal probably brought them close together.
I can see them being close during the First War, or at least trying to be, while everything pulls them apart - most of all, themselves and their personal aspirations: Cissy marries Lucius and gives him a son, Bella becomes a terrorist (and while my hc is that she likes Rodolphus and has a good relationship with him, nothing supports that in the text; maybe they fucking hate each other, or are indifferent to each other and Bella outright refuses to give him a child; after a certain while, the sisters had little in common). One can come up with a hundred different headcanons for this period, but I have noticed that a tendency with new mothers is to surround themselves with other new mothers. Bella probably didn't fit in with this crowd, maybe was even hurt and jealous that she was now quite far down her sister's priority list.
After Azkaban? Narcissa doesn't look very happy to have her traumatized sister, fresh from a horror-filled, decade-and-a-half-long reclusion in her home. (Bella was probably hurt by this.) Bellatrix, on the other hand, is very contemptuous of Lucius and doesn't respect his authority at all, especially after the DoM fiasco. From the way Narcissa admonishes her in Spinner's end (“Don’t you dare — don’t you dare blame my husband!” said Narcissa, in a low and deadly voice, looking up at her sister.) we can infer that this was probably a common disagreement between the two.
I don't think Narcissa liked Bellatrix at all, after Azkaban. If I want to believe the best of her, I think she felt guilty for wishing she had stayed locked up. After fifteen years, I think Narcissa had already mourned her, she was as good as dead to her. Seeing this new, unstable version of Bella probably made her feel things she didn't want to feel: guilt, shame, love, and everything in between. The peculiar mix of profound love but also dislike you can only feel for a sibling.
As I have said before, the Black Sisters likely loved each other, viscerally, but didn't really understand each other, or each other's life choices. And both Narcissa and Andromeda strike me as very selfish people.
Not to continuously quote Succession, but when Shiv tells Kendall: I love you, but I cannot fucking stomach you? Yeah. That.
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annabelle--cane · 10 months
sorry actually can i ask 4 another 3 & 25 for bmc i love hearing ur bmc takes ahdjwhfjshd
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
oh my god, the person I saw vehemently arguing that michael's voice in the broadway cast recording was stereotypical and homophobic. that is just what real life gay man george salazar sounded like in the year of our lord 2019, he'd clearly been training his voice up in the time between productions, shut uppppppppppp.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
alright, I haven't seen this one around for a while, but the idea that christine shouldn't have accepted jeremy's invite to lunch/bowling alley performance art at the end. I see where this comes from, jeremy made a lot of mistakes and lied a whole bunch in trying to pursue her, but be more chill fundamentally isn't a show about culpability and living with the consequences of your actions, it's about authenticity and trusting that you can still be happy while being your fundamental self, it has to end in reconciliation between all the main characters to demonstrate that none of them need to suppress themselves to be cared about, otherwise the message becomes "be your authentic self and it'll all be okay! unless you think you did something really bad, then you're pretty much fucked." and in that last scene, christine is coming right off a very direct demonstration of what the squips are like and better understands why jeremy did what he did, and she also knows that jeremy was prepared to sacrifice literally everything to not force a fake version of herself into a relationship with him, it's not like she's making the choice to take him up on his offer based on nothing.
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fumblingmusings · 3 months
This is not anti usuk but I would love to see their more toxic relationship traits explored in the sense that everything that Alfred does is not enough to Arthur, it's a mistake or just wrong and everything Alfred does is seen by Arthur as just being childish, not pondered or reckless and simply foolish. I would love to see it wear them down until they simply destroy each other because they're unwilling to break it down as people try to help them. Do you think there's more traits that clash like this on them? How do you think it would turn out? There's redemption there?
I hear you I hear you I hear you because I too love couples which are just plain awful for each other. Absolute garbage. They loathe being emotionally vulnerable and don't trust each other they have made up versions of the other person in their head, like one who is worthy of the title top dog or the other made up of semi false memories of unconditional support and affection meanwhile the reality is just not gelling one bit. Arthur's inferiority complex creates that awful negative feedback loop which Alfred cannot break him from and it becomes a soul sucking externalised black hole of joy meanwhile Alfred starts to truly become agitated with how Arthur just cannot match up to him anymore (if he ever could) and the literal/metaphorical weight around his ankle so the only joy becomes the two just belittling each other in any attempt at short lived feeling better about themselves. If you're making me miserable why the fuck shouldn't you be miserable too sort of thing.
I mean it ain't at all what their dynamic is in canon I mean we are talking about an America who England canonically spoils rotten and is probably on the wrong side of overindulgent with every whimsy that comes flying into Alfred's head and we are talking about an America who holds on to everything England gives him from clothes to toys to that bloomin unicorn and one who genuinely finds Arthur's snark actually funny (probably because it isn't actually said with venom) and actively seeks out ways to spend time with him. Like the scaring competitions, the halloween dress up, the holidays and movie nights, the new year's eves and the ability the two have to pick up the politics and set them to the side to have productive conversations...
But on the other hand... love me some characters who are just... the worst. To themselves and to others.
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curiousity-cell · 2 months
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in book 1 they’re obviously meant to be playing cardboard cut out bad sisters. sjm clearly fucked herself over when she realised she can concoct stories out of them and is trying to backtrack & retcon the severity of the cabin. nobody really likes book 1 elain (or nesta) like there’s some bits that show her personality and feyre’s love for her but both elain & nesta are evidently there to play the role of emphasising how hellish feyre’s past is compared to where she is in the spring court/the end of book 1.
if we were to analyse the early parts of the cabin though, i’d argue that elain was less the meek one who quietly observed but more played mediator to keep nesta happy (who she would’ve realised was the nastier one).
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this tracks throughout all the acotar books apart from obviously ACOFAS/ACOSF where the relationship is breaking down due to trauma over losing their father/nesta isolating/etc etc.
i think it’s also worth noting that it’s said through the early chapters of book 1 that they all bicker & argue. as sisters do.
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they’re all a worst version of themselves. elain is whiny & meek. nesta is obviously cruel & haughty. feyre is bitter & angry (understandably but mostly with her mother tbh.)
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[“honed her words into a sharpness that had become too common in recent weeks”] - safe to say hunger probably makes you more irritable and especially when you’re in tight spaces and can’t escape each other when you have screaming matches.
now this is not a dismissal on how feyre feels. this is more of a “i don’t think you can point fingers at anybody in that cabin as they were all playing a different narrative role & only feyre was a whole fleshed out character at this point in terms of sjm’s writing which she is clearly trying to backtrack & slightly undo the severity of because she figured she wanted to write stories of the sisters by book 2” type of analysis.
feyre was evidently taking centre stage as the sympathetic main character, nesta & elain as the useless big sisters who refused to help to add more pressure onto main character feyre, same as papa archeron (though slightly more sympathetic as he’s literally got a disability and physically can’t help but shows empathy towards feyre because he can’t help)
i could go on to chat about how different ACOTAR!sisters vs ACOMAF!sisters are but that’s another post. hope this makes sense
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tiny012 · 6 months
I don't buy the claim Usagi acts more like a "real girl" in the '90s anime. Honestly, it just strikes me as just a (annoyingly) lame attempt to shoehorn praise for the '90s anime iteration even when it's not justified. SuperS had Usagi acting a damn toddler, not a "real girl". A 60 act manga was successfully able to develop the titular character than the 200 episode '90s anime and there's something wrong with that. This is an instance where you really CANNOT claim it's....
a matter of preference. You can compare the difference between Sailor Moon in the Dark Kingdom arc and Sailor Stars in the manga and see a major change in the character. In the '90s anime, she ends the way she started off in the first episode. It should be noted they took Usagi's faults in the manga and took it up a notch and made it running gag of her stupidity, clumsiness, and laziness. And that's the version people get most defensive about?
A real girl would not sit here and act like a woman who is old enough to be her grandma is trying to take her man.
But Oh
MangaUsagi is not becasue she got jealous of a child which she called herself out on it being jealous and got over her feelings of jealousy which she develop a deep bond with the child.
She actually get a jealous of Mic who she thinks is more mature than she is and tells Mamo about her feeling that way and he tells her that he felt jealous when she was around Har. They talked it out and it made them stronger.
Dark Kingdom and Stars Arc Mirrors each other in the manga.
Usagi is pretty much put in the same situation she was the DK arc but it's so much worst.
That person goes on and on about Manga Usagi' suicide in the manga about Mamo but doesn't say a peek when Usagi pretty much loses everyone into to cauldron and instead of doing the same thing she did in DK arc, she goes inside the cauldron to save everyone. Yes she does lose hope and want to not fight for a min but that's so understandable. She also just saw her future daughter fade meaning the future is changing. Everything that she somewhat knew may not be there.
She lost everything and instead of killing herself yet again or runs, she keeps going.
If that's not character development...
In the 90's anime , after 200 episodes she still doesn't want to fight.
Some of these villains does some shit to her and friends and the narrative goes out it's way for her to redeemed them instead of how she is in the Manga.
Fuck Around and Find Out when it comes to her friends.
Sometimes the 90's anime becomes more about the villain or a side character than actually her.
Oh We don't care about YOUR feelings Usagi.
This person kidnapped you and tried to kiss you twice but they are just misunderstood villain. You can't be angry at them because they scaficed themselves to protect you becasue the " love" you.
This person almost destroy the earth trying to make perfect beings with alien tech along with almost killing his daughter, but you can't kill him. No! He just a doting father all long with something inside of him that making him do that instead of trying to be Victor Frankstein. You must give up the only thing that could save the world and destroy the to his daugther who body is being used by an alien host.
This person tried to kill your child, your lover, and friends twice but she had such a sad story so you can't be angry at her. You have to redeem her to be a child again!
Oh this person doesn't know what I have a boyfriend means but they care about you when they say " Am I not good enough." Shame on you for crying about missing your boyfriend. You should care about that person feelings that being invading your space for the whole season.
Oh this person killed your boyfriend, four friends in front of you, told you she killed your boyfriend on a plane, and your other friends but you can't fight her or be angry at her. No! She was such a noble Senshi that sealed Chaos in her body so now you have take this sword and save her. She is the most brightest star in the Universe not you.
It's not about you Usagi.
It's about them.
You may have be the Main Character Usagi but you are sidelined.
Naoko said fuck that shit and people can't stand it which they throw up every little shit to discredit it.
The Title of the Manga is Sailor Moon and damn it the Main Character IS Sailor Moon aka Usagi Tsukino.
She gets the most character development becasue the story is her damn journey from a teenager who is only responsibility to try to get to school on time and do her school work to finding out she a Sailor Senshi who also happens to be a reincarnated princess, to most sough after senshi in the universe who has the whole damn weight of the universe on her shoulders.
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hulloitsdani · 10 months
Gather round children it’s time for a Ted Talk about FEH and how I go about drawing these characters.
When making art for this game, I have found immense satisfaction in attempting to meet FEH on its level and remain fairly loyal to the Intelligence System’s approved content we have. This is remarkably challenging. For me, at least. I find this game’s design sensibilities run very counter to my own. That’s not a critique of any in game art of the characters (although I do think they improve greatly over time) as they fulfill their purpose really well. They are meant to be drawn 4 times max which means they can go pretty crazy on the details. But hahahaha I’m not doing that. Clearly. I’m drawing these guys by hand at different angles and posses fairly consistently, which is just not what they were built for. Don’t think when someone designed Kiran they thought of the person who’d be drawing them chilling ontop of a fridge with a bottle of mustard in their hand, you know?
So naturally I got to do some translating! And that’s the really fun part >:]
There are many things I had to find creative answers for, like Kiran’s face and Alfonse’s stupid haircut. But the one rotating rapidly in my brain atm is the Askr quartet in combat. I wanted lean hard into the fact that these four are, well, very human in comparison to every other combatant that enters Askr. They aren’t exactly helpless nor unskilled. If any of the trio raised their blade at Kiran, they’d start digging their own grave themselves. But the group are regular soldiers fighting against straight up warriors of legend. As individuals, Anna, Sharena, Alfonse, and Kiran are not that strong in comparison. No merges for these bitches they gotta work with what they got. However, they all know that. So they make up for their weaknesses through terrifyingly effective teamwork. Through the power of trauma bonding- I MEAN FRIENDSHIP they become a fucking terrifying force of nature. It’s like pissing off an ant hill or a wasps nest. A lancer goes for Alfonse and suddenly theres a swarm of five level 1 heroes making such a distraction that they don’t see Anna’s axe sweep through their Achilles heels or Sharena’s follow up shield bash.
So this means I get to convey their team composition through their body shapes and give them clear strengths and weakness for the others to cover. Which is just so god damn FUN. Like we all know Kiran is the squishiest of the squishy, so it’s really fun to show just HOW squishy they are through the immediate comparison Alfonse and Sharena. I gave those two sturdier square shapes, and thus making them shorter yet stocky. This makes it look like they could fucking launch Kiran’s bony ass to the moon and back. However, that’s on the condition that either of them could catch Kiran, as their tall slim build implies the lightweight speed they move with. Which is so!!!! Fun!!!! Aughhh big love. Kiran could literal use Sharena as cover to snipe enemies from. Meanwhile Anna and Alfonse are a bit ahead using reposition to let Anna provide swift dps without getting too beat up herself. And by reposition, I mean Alfonse using his shield as a jump pad to launch Anna at the enemy with. You know. Just bro things. Anna’s triangle shapes make her both just hearty and lean enough to pull it off, might as well go for it. Just make sure she’s properly supported and safe by the time the enemy phase rolls around you know?
And I swear, the combos just write themselves too. Like between Sharena and Alfonse, a poor soul gets caught in the worst version of ping pong as Alfonse captain America’s his shield between the two of them. Kiran could then use that same shield like Link does and surf out of enemy range, shooting at the enemy the whole way. It’s fun! These guys have the potential to really sync up during combat and be emblematic of their bonds with one another.
Example, Alfonse. Alfonse could TECHNICALLY be a stronger solo fighter if he ditched the shield. He has the constitution and skill to not actually need the extra protection, and if he decided to two hand his weapon (haha there’s a joke there) the damage he could do would be devastating. However, the shield isn’t for his protection, but to be better help to his closest friends. The shield isn’t taking as many hits for him as it is for Kiran and Anna, who can’t afford to carry shields without compromising their own effectiveness. Plus through creative (and probably not intentional) uses it helps better position them on the battlefield. It’s for THEM. The only time he’s going to stop using the shield is when they aren’t there fighting along side him.
Enter Líf.
He hasn’t had a shield for a long time now.
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lollytea · 2 years
(I loved your ask so much I promise I'll get to it soon so please have this in return)
Darius approves of Willow because she reminds him of himself when he was that age, meanwhile Hunter is so offended on Willow's behalf that Darius thinks that because he's only ever known Darius as a rude adult
Like Darius hears some Willow story and thinks about how he used to be similar as a 15-16yo, and in that embarrassing dad supportive way says something like "That means she's a catch, don't fuck it up kid"
To which Hunter is like "excuse you, WILLOW doesn't skip meetings or sass everything everyone suggests, and she likes my fashion style!"
No but I've been thinking SO HARD about the potential ways that Darius could see his younger self in Willow. Obviously they're both very ✨️❗️💪👑 but I wonder if all that is coming from a similar place.
Like Willow has all this radiant self confidence and bravado, which we know is something that she built for herself rather than something she was born with. What if Darius went through a few similar sequences in his youth that made him into the person that he is today.
What if he was a shy insecure kid at one point? What if there were others who made him feel small? He's known to have been friends with the likes of Odalia, who can't have been the most uplifting presence.
There's also the possibility that Willow's bond with Luz has a link to Darius and the friendship he apparently struck up with the likes of Eda, Raine, Perry and Lilith after the events of TTBK. With both being the driving force of their character development. They've always been very strong powerhouse witches but here are friendships that are a turning point. Luz and Eda & co. are the people who made Willow and Darius truly start to believe in themselves.
And then of course, there's both of their respective bonds with a Golden Guard, which I WILL opt to claim as a parallel. Because, at the point they met their GGs, Darius and Willow were already thriving. They were strong, tough, flashy, they were doing GREAT. But then Some Guy came along and still managed to change everything for the better. And though both of the dynamics were extremely different, (Willow's being romantic and Darius's being a mentor and mentee/possibly on the familial side) they both led these kids in the same general direction. They were doing good but these nerdy blondies helped them become the best possible version of themselves.
That's the version of them I think we're seeing in the Dana art. They're both at similar points in their lives. They have their friends, they have their grimwalker, they've got all this new stuff started and they're excited to see where it all goes. They have everything they could possibly want.
The irony here is that at this point, the worst is behind Willow. But for Darius, the worst is on the horizon.
Also, though the timelines don't perfectly parallel as Willow was only little and Darius was likely in his late teens, they both severed a tie with a Blight kid that stuck with them for years afterwards.
Though Darius's circumstances were probably WAY different than Willow's, (Darius had no problem expressing his resentment to Alador's face, while Willow didn't have the guts to say the same things to Amity) I can't help but wonder if that might have something to do with Dana's parallel. Maybe, like the Willow and Amity situation, the split between himself and Alador impacted how Darius developed.
(Although, Willow and Amity were a duo and when they broke up, it was just between the two of them. But when it came to the other situation, it's implied in Reaching Out that Alador did not just abandon Darius. He abandoned all of his friends. But Darius obviously took it the most personally.)
But as an interesting contrast, the split made Willow, who was already insecure, more vulnerable and shaky than ever. Her character development hadn't really started at this point. Meanwhile Darius had already built himself up to the level of confidence Willow possessed in ASIAS. He had grown a lot at this point. But after the falling out with Alador, he just got colder and far less tolerant for dealing with other people.
And let's not even get INTO how the death of his mentor probably turned his already hard exterior into something impenetrable.
Anyway it's interesting. Willow and Darius are both SO confident but the difference between the confidence is obvious. Willow's is so full of exuberance and warmth and encouragement and it inspires others to feel good about themselves. She's been hurt before and now she wants to make sure nobody ever feels like that again.
Meanwhile Darius's confidence has a completely different vibe. He's distant, he's dismissive, he acts superior to everyone around him. Darius is an absolute fortress. He's been hurt before and now he wants to make sure nobody can ever hurt him again.
But in spite of these differences, they're both so good, y'know? Why are these two involved in the Day of Unity in the first place? Obviously I'm not calling other characters selfish (They're absolutely not.) But their motivations definitely have an effect on why they're involved. Luz has to stop the Day of Unity because she believes its her fault. Everything Raine does has led to this because they want to protect Eda, which is a direct result of Eda and the Emperor being linked.
Willow is just a teenage girl who loves her friends. Darius is just a man who wants to keep everyone alive. They have no direct ties to what is going down but they've planted themselves into prominent roles because they believe it's what's right.
There's definitely other characters involved who do this for a similar reason. I'm just mentioning it in regards to these two cuz Darius and Willow's inherent goodness have always stood out as some of their most defining characteristics.
But God yeah it's so funny to think that Darius could clock the similarities between himself and Willow almost immediately. But no matter what angle he looks at it from, it's something Hunter would never possibly be able to understand. And it's like. Look man you just had to be there.
Like Darius recognizes it in Willow's demeanour. The way she holds herself. How she tips her head up so high so she never looks small. These defensive mannerisms that Darius could spot a mile away.
He does learn her story eventually but even before anyone told him, he saw her. Without hearing a word about how Willow got to the point, he knew she had been hurt before.
"Be kind to that girl, Hunter." He'd say after Willow kissed her boyfriend goodbye and departed. Because he knew her feelings to be just as fragile as Hunter's own.
And Hunter, having no fucking idea where THIS was coming from, is like "bitch YOU be kind to her." Because Darius called Willow a menace to society like five minutes ago.
I like to think about their silly antagonistic little relationship and how Darius seems like he's being so insensitive to Willow's feelings but it's like. He knows exactly how to cleverly quip back-and-forth without ever broaching a topic that would actually hurt her. Willow prides herself on being an annoying little shit so Darius assures her that she is just that. It makes her swell with pride. It makes her giggle delightedly. Darius plays along.
But he's been in her shoes. He knows the kind of comments that would actually make her feel small and he expertly tailors their relationship in a way that she knows she's never in danger of being seriously patronized. Not with Darius. I think he's become a lot more mindful of that kind of thing once he realizes just how shitty he used to make Hunter feel. Like he's still a bitch but a more self aware bitch. And he probably still hurts people's feelings every day of his life (some people's feelings simply do not matter. Its fine.) But never Willow's. Willow's feelings are something he understands very well.
But lmao Hunter gets SO MAD about it. Darius will be like "I hope you intend to hold on to that girl."
"I'm trying."
"Wonderul. I know exactly the kind of girl she is. One of the finest witches this Isles will ever know. Trust me on this, she's just like me when I was young."
And Hunter "That's not the Captain" Lastname is like "Don't even joke about that."
"Who's joking?"
"She is NOTHING like you and you can' just go around SAYING she is. She's sweet and cool and pretty--"
"Are you saying I'm not sweet and cool and pretty?"
"You'll never be as pretty as Willow, Darius. Let's be serious."
"I'll have you know I was the bell of Hexside when I was her age."
"You're trying to convince me you were the Willow Park of your day?"
"Hardly. Willow Park is the Me of her day."
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starlight-vixen-emiko · 10 months
Are there any ships you hate more than the Love Square?
Oh dearest anon..... No actually!
Long post ahead!
The funniest thing in the world is...I honestly don't hate that many ships. It usually narrows down to otps, ships I like/support, ships I can get behind, and ships I am not fond of.
There are a few ships I dislike but just a few.
The loaf square however...Oh my gosh! No other ship makes me see so much red!
Like I hate the LS so much it actually made me hate other ships less...
I used to hate the Sora and Kairi ship from Kingdom Hearts but now I don't mind it...I even think it's cute at times and I reblog some of the fanart...Well ok, I wouldn't want to sit through the Sora/Kairi fanservice in Kingdom Hearts 3 and how in Chain of Memories it was constantly drilled in our heads that Kairi is the most important person to Sora (when I am being shown that the most important person to Sora is Riku)
But still...Not as bad as that one ship that shall not be named!
I used to hate the Sonic and Amy relationship in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, but I don't mind it anymore...I still ship Sonic and Amy with other characters, but I don't mind the ship and can read some fanfiction and look at fan art sometimes. And the Sonic and Amy ship actually got better with the writers fixing old problems and I am ok with it.
Well ok...If you guys seen my Tumblr you know I don't like Zvtara...But I am at least more chill about that ship because it's not canon like the L/S...I still think Zvtara is incredibly overrated, and I am sick of seeing it everywhere, but I can at least tolerate it (...For the most part ugh...).
But honestly...I have every right to hate the square. Especially considering the fact that now, Adrien is an emotional unstable white boy who is actually a sentimonster and Marinette must be the submissive Asian wife and baby him or else we will get another apocalypse similar to the one in Chat Blanc.
It's forced as all hell, the constant chorus of "theyaremadeforeachothertheyaremadeforeachother!", and I am not sure why people use the "I would choose you in a million timelines!" for them. Adrien and Marinette didn't choose each other! The world of Miraculous is stupid and thought these two looked cute together and shoved them together.
I won't even say I Iike one side more than the other. I hate all of them and that includes M*riCh*t. Why would I? I was not phased by those scenes especially since the Miraculous bible confirmed Marinette only forced herself to like Chat. It was fucking Stockholm syndrome and Astruc just made that as fanservice to keep the fandom around. I started writing Vipernette and I blorboed so hard over that ship, so much better than M////C.
Even now with that shitty finale I still say Lukanette and Adrigami would've made much better endgame ships, I miss them...But I am happy neither ship was ruined by the canon because every canon Miraculous ship sucks! But still, Luka and Kagami brought out the best in Marinette and Adrien and yet I got to see Marinette and Adrien become the worst versions of themselves.
And the biggest part is...What really clinches the LS as my most hated ship, ever! Is that I really don't care anymore that there are plenty of better written fanon versions of the ship. I. Just. Do. Not. Care! In the slightest!
This ship pisses me off so much that if I could never see this ship again, I would die happy.
It doesn't matter to me that people can write this ship better because at its very core, this ship is a misogynistic Asian fetishization ship and that gets me at a very personal level because I have dealt with Asian fetishization, and I am half Asian and half White like Marinette and the so-called representation in Miraculous was such a massive let down for someone like me.
At its very core...This is Astruc and Zag's gross romantic fantasy and no amount of fanon versions can change that to me.
Like it does not matter. The LS was always a bad ship, even in season 1. Every version and every side, it does not phase me at all, and as far as I am concerned season 5 only made the LS worse!
The day I become phased by any loaf square crap is the day Hell freezes over.
Thanks for asking. ^-^
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charmixpower · 1 year
Issue Thirteen: Moonlight
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Who gave Sky alcohol??
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The kiss was real in this version!
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This is so weird and fucked up and I hate it
This is the worst thing the comics have done
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I take it back
THIS is the worst thing the comics has done
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Hey wait a fucking second–
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Tecna being boy crazy is SO weird
But they are so cute
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Would magic count as girlie business because most magic users are women??? That's really interesting about how magic would be viewed
Feminine things included: giant magic beams
Aside from that later in the comic Riven's feelings are brought to the forefront of his mind by the moonlight, so it's implied the reason he is unhappy to be going on this mission is because he dislikes the effect that the moonlight will have on him
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Flora no, stop, please
Like yes, men do have harder times expressing themselves on mass, but that isn't a reason to just excuse his actions
Musa tell him to fuck off if he's being annoying
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Tecna is reading a comic about herself
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This guy knows going to the mountains during a full moon is dangerous, but instead of warning anyone he runs away
Amazing kindness from the locals
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I love how Sky catches on to the fact this guy knows something he isn't telling everyone
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The lettering got fucked up but look at how proud he is of his fire
"And the fire started too! We are going to be warm and comfy!" Is what it says
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Btw what they are doing here is a bad idea
1) thermo cracks, this could make the cave fall on them
2) the cave has a limited amount of air, they could suffocate
3) the cave is an enclosed space with no chimney, they could suffocate smoke edition
Don't make fires in caves kids
There is obviously a safe way, but it requires a big ass cave, and this is not cutting it. A small fire wouldn't be the best idea in this tiny cave, nonetheless that big ass one
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Riven is so serious around Musa nfnsnd and later in this comic it's practically confirmed that Riven has feelings for Musa at this point
It is also confirmed that Riven can't communicate to save his life and he and Musa easily misinterpret each other
It is my opinion, as some guy on the internet, that Musa saying that she liked the fire made Riven go "ahaha!! I know how I can make her happy!! Keep the fire going!!"
That or he didn't want to accidentally make her upset again because he's bad at expressing himself and, again, Musa misinterpreting him. So he took his introverted self outside before he made an ass of himself
Both interpretations feel viable
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Tecna being the less ridged of them is so fucking weird
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Cooking moonlight, fnjsjfjskd, amazing
Also moon fairy cooking moonlight
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Riven wants to tell Musa how he feels sooo bad but he can't
Riven attachment issues and socialization into repressing his emotions SO real
Not even magic can make him do it
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Imagine the cute girl you saved literally brings in berserk juice into your house
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She is trying to save him!! So sweet
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I hope he becomes a recurring character
Wanna see how you cure werewolf
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esteemedproblem · 10 months
Vriska & Terezi
[Plain Text: Vriska & Terezi]
When I first got into homestuck at 15 I was filled with so much hatred towards Vriska and this ship. People genuinely saying Vriska was without flaw and this relationship was healthy goals just infuriated us for some reason. Like we love flawed characters and awful fictional relationships because they are interesting to read! However, just at least back then, I could never find people who actually portrayed them with their flaws. They always just sanded them off.
However, now adays, it's just mildy annoying, and I can enjoy this fuckery. Both of these characters are flawed, and their relationship actively harms both of them, and that's interesting! It's tragic, it's fun, it's awful and beautiful! These girls ruin their own lives, each other's lives, and the lives of those around them in a horrid dance.
Terezi is entirely codependent on Vriska, even after her friends are hurt and killed and she is blinded by Vriska she hesitates at stopping her from causing more harm. Terezi is alone in a forest without a real lusus and I'd bet money Vriska was her first friend and first person to show interest in her so the idea of losing her is devastating. Even after all the things she does in game playing a part in the end of everything because Vriska wanted to be the hero and still spending the rest of her life looking for her. She seems incapable of getting as close with others as she is with Vriska. Mild friendships with bullying and games but never talking deeper and getting into a different toxic relationship with Gamzee.
Vriska. Where do you start. She was raised by one of the worst lusus, if not the worst. (Feferi's sucks but seemed to not give a shit as long as she was fed) Vriska, I'm sure since she exited grub form, he was forced to kill other children to feed her lusus. Befriended someone who idolized her, some asshole fish, some cute boy she was convinced was going to die without her help. She both thinks she is the most important person in the world and the worst if she is not constantly proving how cool she is. Kids with good self-esteem don't create a villain to kill to become the hero. She knows all her friends hate her or are angry with her, and this was a chance to change that. Even then, when she did become better, it was in a gross relationship with Meenah and then abandoned when she wasn't fun anymore.
These two kids are so incredibly fucked from start til finish. They never really get better or have an end to their story. Vriska is never seen again and never gets her starlight and praise that she worked so hard to get, and Terezi keeps looking for her when she might not even be out there anymore unintentionally ignoring all of her friends that are back on earth. They don't get their happy ending.
I would love for them to, though. My favorite ship flavor is probably moirails for them. For them to have each others back and work towards happiness and healing together and getting their chaos out in constructive ways that doesn't get them or the people they care about hurt. Feelings jams where they don't feel the need to impress each other anymore. No more trying to seem perfect and cool just talking about how fucked up everything was and how they're hurt each other without the fear the other would call them a loser anymore. They have such potential for hurt/comfort and a moirail slowburn just imagine it with me for just a moment.
I want them to have fun and I don't want them to change completely I just want them to heal and learn how to be a version of themselves that they can be happy with and doesn't get them justly killed. Is that too much to ask for?
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notthestarwar · 9 months
#for loving jango#for relating in some ways#love is neutral i totally agree with that#u can love someone but still see the 'right' and choose the right ober the one u love#that doesn’t mean you didn’t love them enough#it means u loved them enough to not let yourself get lost/changed#i think healthy love is pretty rare?
This is it! Healthy love is 100% rare, its not the easy option no matter how much we wish it was. A lot of depictions of love leave us romanticising unhealthy love. Romanticising obsession really. I think the appeal of Jango is like. Every person has the ability to do what he did and jump totally off the deep end. Destroy yourself for a twisted version of what was once love but now doesnt even resemble it.
his story is totally relatable as soon as you ask yourself 'why is he like this'. like he's fully lost himself and i think theres something about that thats so intriguing. he's turned himself in to something terrible. something that he could never love, he is the kind of person that he would hate. he's so very human about it though. when you try to understand what made him in to that, you can totally see it! but at the same time you are like. but i dont understand. i wouldnt do what he did. he COULD have done better but he didnt. his life made him in to someone that never would have done the right thing, that always would have been his own worst enemy.
its an uncomfortable thought to think about the things a person could do, the things they could rationalise, if they lost themselves. if their life made them lose themselves. and i think the idea of that kind of pulls you in. especially because. with jango you look at him and you see a man whose really become his worst self and yet, there are still parts of him that ARE worth the trouble. like he was so bad for Boba but also. Boba spent those first years SO loved. the importance of that cant be downplayed.
theres something almost cathartic to me in exploring jango cause its like. even if you were your worst self, you are still worth knowing. and like at every corner with jango i see all these ways in which he could have done better but didnt and in each one of those its like 'no matter how badly you fuck up, you can always do the work and be better going forward'. the only thing that stops anyone from becoming a better person, is this apathy, this self hatred, that tells you you've done something you cant come back from. you cant change the past but you can not keep willfully making mistakes going forward. this is such a theme in star wars. its what we see in any jedi's fall. you CAN choose to be better.
so like i dont think its strange to relate to jango at all. he is relatable! he's relatable to anyone that isnt lying to themselves and insisiting the world is split in to good and bad people. there is the potential to be someone like jango in each of us, but as long as we remember that we CAN do better, and that there is no mistake that you cant come back from, you just have to TRY to be better and not forget that you can. jango did the worst so many times and still right until the end there was always a point where he could have chosen to do better, and his life would have been better for it. he's a cautionary tale pretty much. but yeah, of course theres something in him thats still lovable, even after everything he did. theres always something in a person that can be loved. you cant lose that any more than you can lose the ability to love. its always there even if its buried and forgotten about.
i think that everyone needs to be a fan of at least one 'bad' character. not everyone does get redeemed, thats life. not every mistake is forgivable. but theres something very character building in seeing a fictional character who is undeniably a 'bad person' and finding something in them you love anyway. the world isnt split in to good and bad people and sometimes you need to relate to a ficitional 'bad guy' to remind you of that. cause if you live your life convinced that you are a 'good person' and could never do any of the things that makes someone a 'bad' one? you're more likely to build on a mistake with another one, and hurt people in doing so.
people dont like to admit it. but sometimes it is harder to do the right thing. and loving people well is absolutely one of those things. thats what star wars is all about! anakin destroys himself in trying to 'save' padme, she never would have asked him to do that. and she dies for his love. the people that jango loved never would have asked him to destroy himself, a few million children, and the galaxy at large; for revenge. but he told himself they wanted that. because feeling hopeless is horrible. when faced with something awful human nature dictates that WE DO SOMETHING. but not everything can be fixed. loss and pain are an intrinsic part of life. you need to be ready to let go (and this is probably the greatest challenge in life for us all. we're not good at it! it goes against everything that we are. but you have to)
because not doing so, is a betrayal of the love you feel for them. an act of cruelty is still cruelty even if you're doing it for love. love isnt a good reason and if you let yourself believe that it is, you have the capacity to do unforgivable things. part of loving well is fighting against the (very human) desire, to betray yourself, the person you love, and the love itself in one fail swoop. love isnt innately good or bad. which means that cruelty in the name of love, can very easily taint it. love has the potential to be a force of good, but it can also fuel hate.
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ravenkinnie · 10 months
No matter where Jinx (personal) storyline goes in s2 I want them to keep the message of her being both a victim and a culprit of the violence the current system stands for. It’s so interesting to me how Jinx existence symbolizes this while Jinx herself doesn’t operate on ideology or morality at all. She acts fully on emotions.
Of course all the characters are products of the world they live in but they all have some sort of Ideals and an idea of what the world around them is. Jinx doesn’t really. Or at least that’s not what matters to her or her actions.
Im not saying they can’t or shouldn’t explore Jinx becoming more aware of her own worldview but I quite enjoy seeing a character so fully motivated on her inner world and her desires.
Jinx doesn’t fit in anywhere in her current world because she is both a victim and a culprit for all sides of the conflict.
For anyone to completely accept Jinx they have to reject not only the rules of the world but also their own ideals.
Silco was about to do that and that is what he tells Jinx just before dying.
Whether that is good or bad is a whole other question.
I literally love the theme of a character being both the victim and the victimiser and jinx is such a great version of it because she's not even a good victim. like for example, yes, her relationship with silco is toxic and she's not at fault for it because she was a child in a care of an adult so she had inherently less power than he would in this dynamic but still, she grew into it, she leaned into it, she related to it and it's not a tie she would want to sever. she did work for him and she enjoyed that work, she enjoyed the violence, its not something he ever inflicted on her but silcos influence and his power over her and the fact that he is the root of her trauma in the first place are undeniable
her trauma turned her into the worst version of herself and while arcane treats her mental state with compassion and nuance, it's still obvious she is just not a good person at her core, she isn't a caring or sympathetic victim. I looove the theme of how this violence is further perpetuated by undercity on undercity and I don't like when the fandom fully forgets about it (it mostly happens with silco because jinx would have to do good instead of pure evil for that to apply to her but yk)
I think her inner world and impulsive selfish desires will always take precedent but there's definitely a room for her to grow her own goals that aren't necessarily tied to her relationships - and that goal can be just fucking bitches up, I'm not saying it has to be an overarching ideal that she operates on from this point forward but it's interesting to think of jinx on her own since she's been so codependent with vi and silco up to this point
also people who love jinx have to reject not only their ideals, really they have to reject themselves because to love unconditionally like that and be someone's entire support system does mean to forego a part of yourself (like a lot of parents, especially moms, discover lmao*) and jinx doesn't love people in a way that allows them to be their own people. she cares, in a way, but in a selfish self absorbed way and I love her for how destructive and difficult and poisonous her love is
*silco is milf coded agenda when. he's also dilf coded because he's insane like all dads are tho. he's a woman who can have it all
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